Diffuse fibrous mastopathy: causes and clinical picture. Diffuse mastopathy - diagnosis and treatment of breast pathology How to treat diffuse fibrous mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland, which is characterized by fibrous proliferation of connective tissues and the formation of cysts. According to statistics, most cases of this disease are observed in patients who have reached the age of 30–45. But young girls are also at risk. Mastopathy is recognized as the most common disease of the breast.

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy - what is it?

This disease develops due to hormonal imbalance. The diffuse fibrous form of the disease is more common than others. It leads to the growth of connective tissues in the breast, which contributes to the formation of nodes and damage to the lobules of the breast.

There are three types of diffuse fibrous mastopathy:

  1. Indistinctly expressed. The percentage of adipose tissue in the breast is higher than the content of the parenchyma (consists of ducts and lobules).
  2. Medium severity. The components of the mammary gland are in equal proportions.
  3. pronounced degree. content of glandular and connective tissue more than fat.

Methods of examination and subsequent treatment depend on the stage of the disease.

Why does mastopathy develop?

The main reason for the appearance of mastopathy is the increased production of estrogen while reducing the level of progesterone. Such a deviation can provoke a number of factors, which include:

Women who have not given birth before the age of 30 also fall into the risk group.

Symptoms of the disease

The manifestations of the disease depend on the stage and general condition woman's body. For diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • before menstruation, there is a painful sensation in the chest;
  • nipples secrete a white, greenish or clear liquid;
  • you can feel a suspicious seal on palpation of the mammary gland;
  • breast size increases;
  • there is aching pain that spreads to the shoulder blades and arms;
  • lymph nodes enlarge and become painful.

Some women pain symptom does not appear, but other signs appear. Before menstruation, mastopathy is accompanied by headache, nausea, constipation, problems with the digestive tract. When the disease enters an advanced stage, discharge from the nipples may contain blood impurities.

If you suspect the development of mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component, go for a consultation with a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe an effective treatment.

How is the examination carried out?

Diagnostics gives the most accurate results in the first phase menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that in the second phase, premenstrual syndrome can complement the picture of the disease with false symptoms.

The examination begins with a general examination. First of all, the doctor checks the symmetry of the mammary glands and the condition of the skin. Finds out if there is discharge from the nipples.

Then the mammologist performs palpation of the breast, thyroid gland. Feels the lymph nodes in the armpits, under the collarbones and above them.

For a more accurate diagnosis, mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands are prescribed. Additionally, it is recommended to do hormonal blood tests, to conduct an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. If development is suspected oncological diseases perform a biopsy.

Mammography allows you to learn more about the disease than ultrasound diagnostics. However, it can be carried out no more than twice a year, and it has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • young age.

A comprehensive examination helps to accurately diagnose, determine whether the patient has accompanying mastopathy diseases, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

How is mastopathy treated with drugs

Treatment is selected based on the stage and causes of the development of fibrocystic disease. The therapeutic course is individual for each patient. An important part of treatment is changing an unsuitable lifestyle.

Therapy consists of taking hormonal and hormonal drugs. Surgical intervention is rarely resorted to.

What non-hormonal drugs are prescribed?

For the treatment of mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component, the following non-hormonal agents are used:

The dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, based on the results of the examination.

What hormonal drugs are prescribed?

One of the main tasks of the treatment of diffuse fibrous mastopathy is the normalization of the hormonal background of a woman. To help achieve this goal:

  • Steroid hormonal preparations (gestagens). They normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. Treatment with such means is recommended to begin in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
  • Medications that lower prolactin levels.
  • Estrogen-gestagenic means of oral contraception. They are prescribed to women under the age of 35 if they have no ovulation.

In exceptional cases, it is recommended to take drugs (antiestrogen) that inhibit the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Patients over 45 are prescribed medications containing androgens (male sex hormones).

Such therapy is prescribed only after carrying out tests that reveal the hormonal background of a woman.

Surgical treatment

With diffuse fibrous mastopathy, surgical intervention is extremely rarely required. Surgery may be required if a breast examination reveals a benign tumor larger than 2 cm.

There are two surgical method, which are used in the treatment of mastopathy:

The operation takes 30-40 minutes. A day later, the patient is allowed to leave the hospital. After 10 days, the doctor removes the stitches.

Lifestyle and nutrition

For successful treatment of fibrocystic disease, in addition to undergoing a therapeutic course, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not drink coffee and cocoa, refrain from eating products containing them. Methylxanthines, which are part of them, contribute to the acceleration of the development of mastopathy, cause pain.
  • Give up alcohol and tobacco. Move more, exercise.
  • Choose your bra size. Too tight underwear can lead to a change in the shape of the breast or microtrauma.
  • Refuse to tan under the sun or in a solarium. Do not visit baths, saunas. Any thermal procedures are contraindicated in mastopathy.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, seafood.

Preventive measures

The basis of preventive measures is regular breast examination by a specialist. To reduce the risk of developing diffuse fibrous mastopathy will also help:

  • regular sex life;
  • the birth of the first child under 30;
  • lactation;
  • taking drugs aimed at normalizing the iodine content;
  • proper diet and moderate exercise;
  • refusal to use alcohol, tobacco products, fast food.

Regular self-examination of the mammary glands will help to notice the disease in time. The examination should be carried out one week after the start of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Lying or standing, feel the breast in the direction from the armpit to the nipple.
  2. Gently palpate from top to bottom.
  3. If you notice suspicious seals, contact a specialist immediately.

Early detection of signs of diffuse fibrous mastopathy is the key to successful therapy. The symptoms described in this article will help you notice the disease in time, and preventive measures will help you stay healthy.

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland, which manifests itself in the form of proliferation of connective, glandular and adipose tissue. Along with this, specific seals called cysts form in the chest.

In medical practice, there are several types this disease. One of them is diffuse fibrous mastopathy. It is a pathological process, manifested by the growth of breast tissue with a predominance of the fibrous component.

Such pathological processes pose a serious threat to the health and life of the patient. Therefore, do not delay going to the doctor, but start treatment in a timely manner. Otherwise, tissue growth can lead to the formation of cancer cells in the breast.

In contact with


The exact one can be established only after a thorough examination of the patient. But most experts agree that the impetus for the development of pathological processes is a violation of the hormonal background.

Our body throughout life produces certain hormones that contribute to the proper functioning of certain elements. Thanks to this, the natural process of human life is supported.

As a result of the impact of certain negative factors, the coordinated work of our body is disrupted. The same is true of the mammary glands. They produce hormones that contribute to the proper functioning of the mammary glands.

Thus, a violation of the hormonal background provokes the occurrence of pathological processes. But what can serve as an impetus for changing the work of a woman's hormonal system? The main reasons for such violations can be:

  • menopause;
  • frequent abortions;
  • late pregnancy;
  • miscarriages;
  • irregular sex life;
  • past diseases of the reproductive system;
  • frequent stress;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • bad habits.

In addition, hereditary factors can serve as a cause for development. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the mammary glands, systematically conducting an examination in a hospital.

Regular visits to the doctor prevent the development of serious forms of the disease, and also help to quickly eliminate existing problems. During the consultation, especially with a genetic predisposition, the specialist may advise some methods for the prevention of mastopathy.

Good to know: discomfort in the chest, regardless of the menstrual cycle, swelling, as well as the formation of specific seals should be a signal to immediately contact a specialist. Otherwise, the development of mastopathy can provoke the appearance of cancer cells, which will not only aggravate the situation during treatment, but can also lead to death.

Most often, problems with the mammary glands occur in women after 40 years. This is due to natural changes in the body. But don't overlook the other factors mentioned above.

Clinical picture

As mentioned earlier, diffuse fibrous mastopathy is an overgrowth of connective tissue with a predominance of the fibrous element. In the first stages of her development, a woman has a feeling of heaviness in her chest and a mild pain syndrome, especially when touched.

Subsequently, the female breast increases, swelling of the tissues appears, which causes great discomfort. Initially, such sensations appear depending on the menstrual cycle. But in the future, the signs of the disease only intensify.

The pain becomes quite strong, small seals appear in the chest, which, when touched, are also accompanied by pain, and specific discharge from the nipples appears. If in the first stages of the development of the disease a woman does not pay due attention to the signs of the disease, attributing everything to the phases of the menstrual cycle, then over time such symptoms force her to consult a doctor for help.

The main feature of glandular-fibrous mastopathy is the formation of seals, which have a lobed structure, located inside the glandular ducts. Moreover, benign formations can appear both in one breast, and in both at once.

Diagnosis and treatment

For determining effective means to eliminate all the symptoms of mastopathy, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient. For this, methods such as:

  1. Palpation of the mammary glands helps to establish the presence of seals, determine the soreness of the formations, and also make a preliminary diagnosis.
  2. Ultrasound is performed to more thoroughly determine the changes that have occurred in the structure of the mammary glands.
  3. Laboratory studies of urine and blood are carried out to establish the general performance of the body. In addition, it is possible, according to the results of the analysis, to determine the presence of other problems that could cause the development of mastopathy.
  4. A tissue biopsy allows you to determine the presence of cancer cells in the formed seals in the breast.
  5. Mammography is a procedure for examining the structure of the breast from different angles. Thanks to this, it is possible to accurately determine the size, shape and number of seals that have appeared.

It's important to know: Mammograms should not be performed on women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Therefore, report such facts to your doctor at the first examination.

Such procedures make it possible to establish the type of mastopathy, the degree of its development, the presence of seals, as well as other important indicators in the body. After completing the diagnostic process, the doctor determines the methods of treating the patient.

Most often, conservative methods are used for this. They consist in the use of general and local therapy. Depending on the results obtained and associated complications, the need for the use of potent drugs based on hormones is established.

Hormonal remedies, of course, help to quickly eliminate inflammation, reduce swelling and save a woman from other unpleasant sensations, but there is still a huge risk of side effects. Therefore, with milder degrees of damage to the mammary gland, experts tend to use non-hormonal drugs based on herbal ingredients.

General therapy consists in taking pills or other means for the general strengthening of the woman's body. In addition, the doctor may prescribe certain drugs to eliminate the main cause of mastopathy.

After all, getting rid of pain and swelling does not mean the elimination of the disease itself. It is also very important to adhere to a strict diet during the treatment process. In such cases, proper nutrition contributes to the restoration of metabolic processes, work immune system, as well as the functioning of other vital organs.

Along with the means of official therapy, many patients also use drugs. The main advantage of such drugs is the natural composition. Medicinal plants that have healing properties, also quickly eliminate inflammatory processes, relieve severe pain and reduce lumps in the breast.

But it is important to know that before using any folk remedies you should consult your doctor. Thus, it is possible not only to prevent serious complications, but also to speed up the healing process.

See the following video for an explanation of a mammologist about fibrous mastopathy:

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is a disease that occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance. An excess of estrogens and an insufficient amount of progesterone in a woman's body lead to pathological division of the connective tissue and the growth of the chest frame. Changes affect the inner epithelial layer of the thoracic ducts - active cell division leads to the fact that the lumen narrows, and later completely overlaps. Fibrosis of superficial tissues is formed. With further growth and dysplasia of the thoracic lobules, seals (scars) form - connective fibrosis develops. Along with this, there are single or numerous cystic neoplasms - cavities filled with liquid contents.

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy can develop in one breast or in both glands at once. In the latter case, we are talking about bilateral localization of fibrous mastopathy.

Despite the fact that the concept of diffuse fibrous mastopathy means benign formations, breast diseases should be identified and investigated as early as possible. Observation by a mammologist and adequate treatment will help prevent the degeneration of pathologically altered tissues into malignant ones.

Reasons for the development of fibrous mastopathy

According to experts, the cause of the loss of hormonal balance in the female body may be the presence of at least one of the following factors:

  • Pathological processes of reproductive function. The first place belongs to inflammation of the genital organs, which are of infectious origin, etc.

  • Abortion. The body of a pregnant woman, in particular the mammary glands, is gradually rebuilt, preparing to feed the baby. An artificially interrupted pregnancy disrupts the natural course of events and often causes the development of fibrous or cystic mastopathy.
  • Pathology of the endocrine system. Among the most common are overweight, thyroid disease, diabetes, etc.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle. In this case, there is a hormonal imbalance at different periods of the cycle.
  • Improper use of hormone-containing drugs, such as contraceptives.
  • Dissatisfaction with intimate life.
  • Abrupt cessation or complete refusal of breastfeeding.
  • Repetitive stressful situations.
  • Bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse. These include excessive doses of ultraviolet radiation on the beach under the scorching sun or in the solarium. Topless fire is especially dangerous.
  • injury mammary gland.
  • An inherited tendency. The risk of getting sick with mastopathy is many times higher if the closest relatives had similar problems.

Forms of diffuse mastopathy

Given the characteristics of the predominant morphological changes in the structure of breast tissues, which are confirmed by mammograms, there are five forms of diffuse mastopathy:

  1. Adenosis, or adenoma (diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component). This is a process of cell division that proceeds abnormally. It occurs in young women 20-30 years old, but most often remains unidentified until 40. During this period, glandular tissues are gradually replaced by fatty and fibrous ones.
  2. Sclerosing adenosis. This form of the disease is characterized by the growth of lobules, but the outer and inner tissues remain intact. Mostly, the pathology develops in women 30-40 years old, but it can be both after 50 and in very young women. Sclerosing benign formations are small seals that are sensitive and painful to palpation.
  3. Diffuse mastopathy(with a predominance of the cystic component). Probing reveals tissue compaction, small nodules and small cysts of oval and rounded shapes. Palpation causes pain. After the end of menstruation, the changes decrease or disappear.
  4. Fibroadenomatosis (diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component). The neoplasm has clear boundaries, elastic consistency, no capsule. benign tumors can reach a diameter of 50 mm. Increased attention is caused by fibroadenomas from 10 mm in size. Fibroadenomatosis is a more characteristic disease of older women.
  5. Fibrocystic form. It occurs due to excessive growth of tissues, seals are formed with clear boundaries, limited by the boundaries of the glandular lobule. This form of the disease is most common in middle-aged women. Often occurs with a violation of the reproductive function and cycle - ovulation, menstruation. Formations can be detected by palpation, they do not disappear with the end of menstruation. Seals with a diameter of 0.2-2 cm are located separately from one another, not soldered, retain little mobility.

Diffuse mastopathy of each form can be differentiated by the degree of development. It is customary to single out minor, moderate and pronounced mastopathy changes in the tissues of the mammary gland.

Symptoms in the presence of diffuse fibrous formations

Fibrous mastopathy is diagnosed in almost 50% of the female population. The earlier the pathology is detected and treatment is started, the more effective it will be. At the onset of the disease, signs of diffuse mastopathy are not pronounced and may go unnoticed. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to your health and highlight the symptoms characteristic of pathological changes. Among the very first:

  • Manifestation of breast tenderness during the luteal phase. That is, immediately after ovulation before the onset of bleeding. The duration of the period is 13-14 days.
  • Breast enlargement, heaviness.
  • Pressure, discomfort of mammary glands.
  • Bright premenstrual syndrome (PMS) indicates hormonal problems.

If the pathological process is not identified, it progresses. The severity of all signs is gradually aggravated, new ones are added:

  • The soreness of the mammary glands increases if there are neoplasms in both. In this case, the pain continues after the end of menstruation.
  • Painful tight places in the chest are formed. When palpated, the discomfort increases. The larger the formations reach, the more discomfort they cause.
  • Liquid serous discharge from the nipple appears.

Having found even one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately contact a mammologist or gynecologist.

The disease can progress slowly or become more noticeable due to hormonal disorders. Then the violation of ovulation and menstruation will join the signs.

Diagnosis of diffuse mastopathy

Proper, complete and timely examination is the key to success in the fight against any disease. Such a diagnosis of diffuse mastopathy with a predominant fibrous component may include a number of actions, the presence and sequence of which is almost always recommended by a mammologist.


Starting from the age of 20, every woman should independently examine the mammary glands every month. The inspection must be done on the same day. For example, 2 or 3 after the end of menstruation. During pregnancy and lactation, you should treat your health with no less attention.

Slowly, in the supine position, feel both breasts in turn with your thumb, index and middle fingers. Then, standing in front of a mirror, check if the symmetry of the glands, the shape of the nipple, the skin tone have changed, and if there are any discharges when you press on the chest and on the inside of the bra cup. If you notice a deviation from the norm, consult a doctor.

Consult with a specialist

Schedule a visit to the mammologist for the period from the 7th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle. This will avoid misdiagnosis. First, the doctor will interview the patient about the presence of complaints. Then he will conduct a detailed examination of the mammary glands. Assess the symmetry of their contours, the condition of the skin, palpate glands and lymph nodes that are closely located. If palpation reveals signs of tissue compaction or homogeneous neoplasms, additional tests and studies are prescribed.

Mammography is an x-ray of the breast. Research should be carried out from the 5th to the 12th day of the cycle. They allow in almost 95% of cases to determine whether there are morphological changes in the tissues of the mammary gland, their localization and the size of the formations. This is the most informative type of diagnostics, which detects even small pathological areas. Dense tissues appear on an x-ray as an irregularly shaped shadow with fuzzy edges.

Mammographic studies are performed with compression of the mammary gland. Pictures are taken in two projections - direct / oblique or direct / lateral. It is recommended to have a mammogram every two years. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid this procedure.

Ultrasound procedure

Ultrasound is a completely safe study, which is indicated for women of any age, pregnant and breastfeeding. It allows you to analyze the structure lymph nodes, mammary gland tissues, establish the nature of the formations, their size (more than 1 cm) and location.

Biopsy, cytological studies

To exclude the presence of oncological formations, a biopsy (puncture) of compacted tissues is used. It involves the introduction of a needle into the area under study, with the help of which a small amount of tissue is taken. During sampling, the doctor monitors the procedure on an ultrasound monitor. The usual procedure is considered to be painless, so anesthetic drugs are not used. If the material to be studied is deep, a thicker needle and local anesthesia are used. The resulting sample is sent to a laboratory for cytological examination under a microscope.

If during the examination, discharge from the nipple was noticed, they are collected for a sample. The greatest alertness is caused by a liquid with streaks of blood. A cytological examination of the selected material is carried out in the laboratory.

It is important to make sure that the pathological changes are not malignant. In the presence of oncology, there is a need for surgical intervention.

Other studies

In the presence of pathological changes and discharge from the nipple, ductography is recommended. The study helps to study the state of the ducts of the gland.

A blood test is taken to determine the general condition of the body and establish the hormonal background of the patient. If the doctor considers it necessary, he will refer you for consultations to a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist. After the conclusion of specialists, receiving the results of the tests, the mammologist will develop and offer the patient an individual plan for carrying out therapeutic measures and treatment.

Treatment of diffuse mastopathy is a set of conservative measures that include medications, elimination of provoking factors, adherence to the principles of a healthy diet. When choosing specific methods, the hormonal background of the woman's body, her age, concomitant health problems, and the degree of development of the disease are necessarily taken into account. The recommended complex is aimed at:

  1. Normalization of hormonal background. The specific drug, dosage and method of its use should be determined by the doctor. Self-treatment with hormones can lead to even greater problems. To stabilize the ratio of hormones, progesterone analogues are prescribed (Urozhestan, Duphaston). The antiestrogen drug Tamoxifen will help fight fibrotic pathologies. Hormone replacement Levial ​​is intended for patients in menopausal age.
  2. Strengthening defensive resources female body with immunostimulatory drugs.
  3. Normalization of work nervous system. Since one of the main reasons for the development and progression of the disease is stress, sedatives will help relieve nervous tension. It is useful to use natural recipes - tinctures, teas with valerian, motherwort, hops, etc.
  4. Stabilization of liver functions. An important role in hormonal metabolism belongs to the normal functioning of this organ. You can support it by using hepatoprotective drugs. For example, Essentiale, Hofitol, Legalon, Heptral, etc.
  5. Reduction or withdrawal pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed by a doctor.
  6. Replenishment of missing vitamins and minerals. A balanced amount of vitamins A, C, E, group B in the female body contributes to a stable metabolism in the liver and mammary glands. The complex preparation Triovit, in addition to the listed elements, contains selenium.
  7. Restoration of hormonal balance with the help of phytopreparations. Klamin, Mastodinon, Fitolon combine bioactive components and microelements (iodine, potassium, silver, calcium, etc.), they are able to normalize the menstrual cycle.
  8. Removal of swelling of the mammary glands. To remove excess fluid from the body, drugs with a diuretic (diuretic) effect are prescribed.

Facilities traditional medicine are helpful, but effective methods fight against diffuse mastopathy. Teas, infusions, decoctions can be used as diuretics, immunomodulatory, tonic, anti-inflammatory. With the help of cold and warm (not hot!) applications, compresses, you can reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and activate internal metabolic processes.

The use of physiotherapy procedures helps to treat pathologically altered glands more productively. Among the most commonly used: magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, laser therapy, balneotherapy and others.

Women with diagnosed diffuse fibrous mastopathy should follow a special diet. It is necessary to give up coffee, chocolate, spicy foods, cola. Scientific research data suggests that the listed products contain methylxanthines, which provoke the growth of fibrous tissues. It is worth limiting fatty foods of animal origin, fried, smoked foods, margarine, alcohol. The diet should be dominated by fiber-rich and dairy products, a sufficient amount of liquid (herbal teas, pure or still mineral water, etc.).

Treatment should be regular and carried out under the supervision of a mammologist, combined with a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, and a visit to a psychotherapist. Otherwise, the running process can degenerate into a malignant disease.

diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy- what it is? This question threatens to become one of the most frequently asked among the female audience. This is due to the fact that this disease remains the most common pathology that affects the glands that secrete milk in women aged 30 to 50 years. Although mastopathy can be in children of both sexes, both in men and in women in the postmenopausal period.

Sometimes patients search for information about diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands. This definition is redundant. The word "mastopathy" already suggests that the pathological process will affect the glands that secrete milk. The disease itself, by definition, is called either diffuse mastopathy or fibrocystic disease.

General characteristics of the disease

DFCM (diffuse mastopathy) is diagnosed in more than 35% of women of childbearing age. Every year the number of women diagnosed with mastopathy increases. This disease is associated with hormonal imbalance (deficiency of progesterone, excess of estrogen). With this disease, the level of prolactin also changes upward.

It is characterized by:

  • abnormal growth of breast tissue;
  • discomfort up to pain;
  • in some cases - pathological secretion and edema.

The pathological process may be accompanied by tissue proliferation. Altered or overgrown tissue, which belongs to benign formations, can degenerate into cancer (about 2.5-3% of cases).

According to ICD-10, this disease is coded No. 60. Fibrocystic disease in clinical signs It is customary to divide into diffuse and nodular. In the first case, the examination reveals a large number of small formations, without a clear predominance of any type. In the second case, the site is clearly defined during the examination.

With diffuse mastopathy, one of the three types of tissue may predominate, or the changes may be mixed, in connection with this, several subtypes of the disease are classified:

  • glandular form (JM or adenosis);
  • mastopathy with a predominance of the cystic element (DKM or cystosis);
  • a disease with a predominance of fibrous elements (DFM or fibroadenomatosis);
  • a mixed form may be observed.

Diffuse cystic mastopathy can be unilateral (affecting only one gland), but bilateral mastopathy is much more common. According to the principle of formation of pathologically altered tissue, a proliferative form of the course of the disease and a non-proliferative form are distinguished. In the first case, the tissues involved in the process, namely the connective (interstitial) and epithelium, grow by cell division. In the second, cysts form in the tissues. They can be small or quite large. On the initial stage the so-called bunch of grapes is formed - a set of small cysts that can be compared with a branch of grapes in shape and structure.

Over time, if the disease is not treated, the connective tissue thickens around the pathological formation, and the process of its growth begins. As a result of the described pathological process, the lobules of the mammary gland are stretched due to the cysts forming in them.

Both forms can become malignant, but the proliferative form is more prone to magnification. Malignancy is the ability of cells of normal tissue or a benign formation to acquire the characteristics of cancer. With a non-proliferative form of the disease, this ability is minimal and does not even reach 1% of all cases of mastopathy. The disease can be bilateral or affect only one gland.

The danger of mastopathy

Do oncologists consider diffuse FCM dangerous? Despite the fact that the disease is not malignant, experts do not recommend ignoring it and classify it as potentially dangerous. Despite the low risk of magnlinization, such a danger still exists.

If treatment is inadequate and insufficient, mastopathy can lead to breast cancer.

With the destruction of the cyst, hypothermia, injuries in the tissues of the mammary gland, an inflammatory process can begin. Cysts can fester, and this is fraught with sepsis.

With pathological tissue growth, the breast can be deformed (its shape and size change). This is not only aesthetically unattractive, while the woman experiences not only moral, but also physical discomfort. Periodic, and over time, constant pain interferes with proper rest, affects the functioning of the nervous system, and reduces performance.

Main types

Mastopathy is classified as a hyperplastic disease that occurs with the growth of a particular tissue. Thanks to some morphological features, it was possible to isolate individual forms of the disease. If the hyperplasia of the glandular tissue is of a highly differentiated nature, the focus of growth is not encysted, then they speak of fibrocystic mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component or adenosis.

Clinically, adenosis is manifested by the appearance of dense formations in the segments of the gland or diffuse swelling of the entire breast from the side of the lesion. Swelling increases before the onset of menstruation. This form of pathology is more common in young girls.

When multiple cysts are detected, which are formed during the expansion of the ducts of the gland, in the process of atrophy of its lobules and when the connective tissue changes, they speak of fibrocystic mastopathy with a predominance of the cystic component. In this type of pathological process, the epithelial cells that form the lining of the cyst tend to proliferate.

With DKM, small cysts of the order of 0.3 cm and rather large ones up to 6 cm are formed. The contents of cysts with diffuse cystic mastopathy have a different color. It depends on the stage of the process, in the last stage the contents are brown-green, it can ooze from the nipple when pressed on it. The chest with this form of the pathological process is painful.

The pain syndrome intensifies by the beginning of menstruation. In a quarter of patients with diffuse cystic mastopathy cysts are calcified. This is considered one of the first signs of malignancy of the tumor formation, as well as the admixture of blood in the contents of the cysts.

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is characterized by a change in the tissue that makes up the stroma of the lobules of the mammary gland (connective tissue). With this pathology, the cells lining the ducts of the gland are prone to proliferation, due to which the lumen of the ducts is narrowed or completely blocked (this is called obliteration). When probing the chest in the affected area, strands and seals are formed. This form of the disease, like the other two, is accompanied by pain.

Diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component is typical for women in the premenopausal period.

In the form of a clearly differentiated form, any of the above forms of diffuse-cystic-fibrous changes in mammary glands ah in the practice of clinicians is rare. Morphological features of each of the forms are usually diagnosed.


Considering that this disease has been studied for only some hundred years, it was not possible to unequivocally establish the cause of the development of the described changes in the tissues of the mammary gland.

Hormonal imbalance plays the "first violin" in a set of factors that provoked the development of the pathological process.

The development of the mammary glands is stimulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary system, ovaries and adrenal glands. Violation of their content leads to changes in the glandular tissue of the breast. Thyroid diseases also stimulate the development of pathology.

Additional factors that may affect diffuse-nodular changes are:

  • a large number of abortions;
  • spontaneous abortion or premature birth;
  • the onset of the premenopausal period;
  • refusal to breastfeed the child after childbirth;
  • hormone therapy;
  • chest injuries, abscesses, etc.

It is believed that diseases internal organs may lead to the development of this disease. Quite often, the cause of mastopathy remains a mystery. This disease is considered a borderline pathology, because it can be stimulated by a large number of various factors, which are sometimes impossible to influence. Therefore, when choosing a therapy strategy, an integrated approach should be chosen.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis is made on the basis of a physical examination of the patient and a chest examination. Depending on the age of the subject, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound or mammography. The gold standard for diagnosing diffuse nodular benign lesions in women is the ultrasonic methods and mammography. Mammography is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers and is not recommended for patients under 35 years of age.

An auxiliary method is blood sampling for hormone levels. A biopsy is performed to diagnose malignant neoplasms. The resulting material is sent for cytological examination.

Therapy of diffuse fibrous changes in the mammary gland, in contrast to the nodular form, can be carried out by one of 2 methods - conservative or operative. The nodular form is treated only promptly. Conservative treatment begins with the normalization of hormonal levels. Phytochemicals are a great success. The therapeutic strategy depends on the results of the examination, including the level of hormones.

Treatment of mastopathy requires the use of different groups of drugs. For this purpose, hormonal agents are used to maintain the balance of hormones in the body, adaptogens and vitamin complexes to increase the immune forces of the body, anti-inflammatory and analgesic to combat pain, diuretics help relieve swelling, if necessary, sedatives, antidepressants can be prescribed. The drugs used can be prescribed in the form of drops or tablets and in the form local funds(gels or ointments).

Diet therapy is not the last place in the treatment of this disease. The diet helps to maintain the patient's normal weight and thus reduce the level of estrogen. If the cystic form of the disease prevails, the patient may be recommended a puncture-aspiration method of treatment. It consists in the suction of fluid from the cysts. This treatment is applicable only for cysts that have not begun to become malignant.

If a cancerous degeneration of the gland tissue is suspected, or if a large number of cysts are formed or the interstitial tissue is excessively enlarged, resection of the affected organ may be used. With a benign course of the process, the treatment of this disease requires a systematic approach, the therapeutic course must be repeated. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a mammologist and an oncologist.

The highest frequency of mastopathy is observed in single, smoking women who abuse alcohol. From this it follows that the best prevention of this disease is warm family relationships, the birth and upbringing of a child.


How to recognize mastopathy and cure it? Find out in the next video.

It plunges many women into horror, however, such a pathology, especially when found on early stages well amenable to therapy.

There are several varieties of this disease, one of which is a mixed diffuse cystic-fibrous form.

In general, the course of the mastopathy process is determined by the individual characteristics of the female body, in accordance with which the necessary therapy is prescribed.

What is diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy?

Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands involves pathological tissue growth with the formation of not only fibrous tissues, but also cystic seals, which may require prompt assistance to eliminate.

Such a mastopathy variety refers to benign oncological processes occurring in 35-68% of women of reproductive age.

This form of the disease often acts as a background against which pathological processes of a malignant nature develop. The probability of malignancy of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy is determined by the severity of tissue growth processes.

If the growth is pronounced, then the probability of developing breast cancer is almost 32%. With minor tissue growths, the risk of malignant oncology does not exceed 1%.


However, it is known for certain that such a disease is inextricably linked with an imbalance of hormonal levels, because breast development depends on the level of ovarian, adrenal, pituitary and hypothalamic hormones.

For breast pathology of a similar form, the presence of an estrogen deficiency is typical, as well as a deficiency of the progesterone hormone. But prolactin in fibrocystic diffuse mastopathy, on the contrary, increases.

Many factors influence the hormonal background:

  1. abortion;
  2. Too early onset of puberty;
  3. No history of pregnancies with natural childbirth;
  4. Age after 35;
  5. Late onset of menopause (age over 55);
  6. Short lactation or a woman completely abandoned breastfeeding;
  7. The presence of bad habits;
  8. The presence of blood relatives with pathologies of mammary gland tissues, in other words, a hereditary predisposition;
  9. Endocrine pathologies against the background of deep stress;
  10. Inflammation in the tissues of the breast;
  11. Iodine deficiency state;
  12. Chest injuries, uncomfortable or tight underwear, squeezing and causing discomfort;
  13. Gynecological pathologies of a hormone-dependent nature such as infertility, endometriosis, cycle failures or fibroids, anovulation, etc .;
  14. Thyroid and liver pathologies;
  15. Pituitary or hypothalamus tumor formations;
  16. Obesity;
  17. Abuse of hormonal contraceptives and other steroid drugs;
  18. Lack of regularity in sexual life, lack of orgasms, dissatisfaction with sexual life - all this provokes pelvic congestion, which leads to malfunction of the ovaries and hormonal imbalance.


Fibrocystic diffuse mastopathy in terms of prognosis is classified into non-proliferative and proliferative.

The first type of diffuse mastopathy is characterized by a favorable prognosis, because the malignancy of the pathology in this case occurs no more than in 1% of cases. In the proliferative form, a pronounced proliferation of tissues is observed, therefore, the prognosis is less favorable and a third of the patients have mastopathy.

In addition, diffuse mastopathy is divided into types in accordance with the morphology of the formations:

  • The interstitial component predominates;
  • Predominantly glandular tissues;
  • With a predominance of cystic components.


Until recently, the mastopathy cystic-fibrous diffuse form was considered an absolutely benign pathological process that does not cause malignancy, however, recent studies have shown that such a mastopathy form should be considered as a precancerous lesion of mammary gland tissues.

In other words, fibrocystic diffuse, under the influence of certain circumstances, can transform into a malignant tumor.

If a woman, along with a fibrocystic mastopathy, has adenosis, multiple cystic formations, hyperplastic changes, and extensive growths of mammary gland tissues, then the probability of malignancy of the mastopathy increases fourfold.

In general, such a mastopathy form refers to pathological conditions benign nature, and it acts as a provocateur of cancer only in certain clinical cases. That is why even after the treatment of such a pathology with a preventive purpose, a woman needs to be systematically observed by a mammologist.

The main signs of fibrocystic diffuse mastopathy are:

  • Painful symptoms. They may appear unexpectedly or on palpation. Pain can manifest itself in the form of minor discomfort or a sharp pain syndrome. Often, painful symptoms are accompanied by a feeling of tightness, puffiness or heaviness in the chest and may radiate to the armpit or shoulder area;
  • From the nipple against the background of the mastopathy process, secretion may begin, similar to colostrum or having a greenish-yellowish tint. Sometimes the secret acquires a brown tint, similar to blood - this is a dangerous manifestation that requires immediate intervention;
  • Palpable examination of the mammary glands reveals distinct seals.

Breast diagnostics

It is possible to identify the presence of such a disease during self-examination, probing the mammary gland.

In addition, ultrasound diagnostics is used, which usually confirms the presence of pathology.

It also has a high information content, which is based on an x-ray study.

To clarify the form of mastopathy, they may additionally prescribe an MRI, from the extracted biomaterial. A laboratory study of blood for hormonal composition is also carried out.

Principles of treatment

The basis is the elimination of hormonal imbalance. The choice of prescribed drugs depends on the characteristics of the hormonal background. In accordance with the results of analyzes on the level of estradiol, progesterone, estrogen, prolactin, the doctor makes a conclusion about the choice of specific drugs that correct the hormonal background.

Cystic formations in mammary tissues are often treated with a puncture method. First, the contents are pumped out of them, then sclerosing solutions are injected into them, however, such therapy is appropriate only for mastopathy that does not have signs of malignancy.

In especially severe cases, surgical intervention is necessary to carry out sectoral removal of formations. In the future, the removed tissue must be sent for histology. Cysts (husking) may also be performed.

Drug treatment involves taking several groups of medicines:

  • Hormonal preparations;
  • estrogen inhibitors;
  • Oral contraceptives.

If a woman is worried about intense pain, then drugs are additionally prescribed that relieve pain symptoms.


The timely appeal to specialists at the slightest suspicion of the development of mastopathy significantly increases the favorableness of forecasts.

With the neglect of the pathological process, there is a high probability of malignancy fibrocystic formations in the chest. On the initial stages Mastopathic pathology, treatment may be limited to a slight correction of life, diet and the appointment of certain drugs.

Therefore, it is better to regularly conduct preventive self-examination and, if suspicious seals are found, visit a specialist, rather than start mastopathy and bring it to breast cancer.


As a preventive technique, experts recommend regularly conducting a self-examination procedure. It is better to do this in the days after the end of menstruation.

Considering that the absence of pregnancy and childbirth provokes pathology, the conclusion suggests itself - such conditions will help to avoid the development of mastopathy. And after childbirth, it is recommended to breastfeed the baby for up to one and a half years.

It is extremely important to give up bad habits, abortions, wrong food and a sedentary life. Do not limit sexual relations, sexual life should be regular.

Only when a woman is satisfied with her life, relationships and social aspects, then she will be able to avoid many health problems, including mastopathy.

Video about self-examination of the mammary glands: