Veterinary certificate for transporting animals on an airplane. How to transport animals on an airplane: detailed instructions

The car is convenient and available for the delivery of various goods. Motor transport is also used for the transportation of livestock - sheep, birds, pigs and other representatives of the fauna.

Basic Rules

Road transport is used to move animals over short distances - up to 500 km. To do this, most often they take cattle trucks with semi-trailers of a wooden-metal structure. The internal space, if necessary, is divided into compartments by partitions. Climatic conditions are taken into account. In the warm season, the body is protected from the sun, in the cold - from low temperatures. There should be no gaps in the floor, it is made whole.

If transportation is carried out on permanent routes, then there may be a need to equip permanent places for livestock watering and storage of waste products along the route.

According to the veterinary and sanitary rules, before transporting animals by road on the day of departure, they examine and measure their temperature, carry out the necessary procedures, including those aimed at relieving stress.

It is forbidden to transport livestock in dump trucks and flatbed vehicles after poisonous products have been transported in them.

During domestic transportation, veterinary control is carried out - during loading and unloading, along the route at rest points, which are coordinated with local authorities.

Vehicle Requirements

Onboard vehicles for transporting animals are equipped with special devices and structures. These can be wooden shields or metal gratings, devices to which cattle are tied. The length of the stall is at least 2.2 m, the width is from 1.8 m, the side transverse partitions should be 1.2 m in height. At the bottom of the body, lay a bed of straw and sawdust.

If transportation is carried out in a covered vehicle, it is necessary that ventilation hatches be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. Ventilation holes must also be provided in the lower half, which allows the removal of gaseous waste products that can be poisonous.

Duties of the parties

The carrier is not responsible if the case began to fall during delivery. The same when the customer of the service incorrectly placed or fixed the cages, the animals themselves in the body or did not inform about the required temperature regime.

The sender appoints a forwarding veterinarian, one for each vehicle. On the road, this specialist is assigned the task of watering, feeding livestock, as well as their protection. Upon arrival at the destination, he delivers the live cargo to the recipient. If transportation is carried out in a column, then it is allowed to allocate one forwarder for 2-3 cars.

It often happens that during long-term transportation, animals get sick or begin to die. The functions of the forwarder include the search for and provision of veterinary care to the wards. In order to find out where the nearest veterinary clinic is located, you can contact the nearest traffic police post.

In some cases, the functions of a freight forwarder are taken over by a driver with the skills of a veterinarian. Then this item is prescribed in the contract for transportation.

When the duration of the trip exceeds six hours, the sender provides the required amount of feed for the livestock.

After unloading, the recipient cleans the body of the car, disinfects it in accordance with sanitary requirements. Usually use a solution of formaldehyde at a concentration of 2%.

Loading and unloading

Before transportation, the hairline of livestock is brushed. Hooves are treated with a solution of copper sulfate (10%) or formaldehyde (5%).

For loading, ladders, ramps, gangways or other similar devices are used. Their surface should not be slippery, which reduces the likelihood of injury. Additional railings are installed on the sides. It is forbidden to beat animals during the corral, grab them by any part of the head, legs, mane, tail. To simplify and speed up loading, crackers and baits are used. For adult cattle and pigs, electric prods are also used, but they only affect the back of the body.

Before loading the animals are grouped, based on such criteria:

  • age;
  • fatness;
  • live weight.

Only same-sex individuals of the same species are loaded into the car. Otherwise, partitions are installed in the body.

The person responsible for loading (usually a livestock specialist or veterinarian) inspects and prepares the loading area, the car body. According to the rules for the transportation of animals, road transport can only be used if it is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and sharp, piercing and cutting parts do not protrude from the structural elements that can cause injury to live cargo.

Large animals, livestock are placed head first and tied. Horses are transported loose. It is allowed to transport young sheep and other livestock by road without a leash. However, then it is necessary to provide enough space for a lying position. In order to avoid excessive crowding, due, for example, to braking, partitions are installed.

The documents

The carrier is given a veterinary certificate in his hands, and, when necessary, a decision of the quarantine service. Documents are drawn up in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 422.

Required for transportation standard set of papers:

  • waybill;
  • consignment note;
  • veterinary certificate for feed indicating the results of the study on the quality of the products.

If there is an international shipment of endangered animals, the shipper must also take care of the CITES permit.

When sending cattle for slaughter, the following documents are drawn up:

  • inventory, which indicates the number of the tag (brand);
  • consignment note, 2 copies are given to the carrier;
  • veterinary certificate when sent outside the region, signed by the chief veterinarian of the district (valid for three days);
  • acts on culled individuals.

Veterinary certificate should contain the following information:

  • number of heads;
  • where the goods are sent;
  • assessment of the well-being of the area regarding diseases among animals;
  • vaccination data, allergic reactions and special treatments, indicating the date of the event.

Features of export-import transportation

For this type of transportation, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation. The document is drawn up upon request from the territorial authority of veterinary medicine, under the control of Rosselkhoznadzor. To obtain permission to import animals, the document calls the point of full customs clearance, route, stops (indicate the need for unloading).

When carrying out international transit through the territory of the Russian Federation, the Rosselkhoznadzor is provided with the consent of the relevant territorial department of this body, as well as the veterinary department. Among the data, the obligatory item is the route.

Customs clearance is completed after veterinary control at the border crossing points, and during transit - along the entire route.

Features of transportation

Transportation of some animals has features and regulations that must be observed.


For the transportation of horses, a special type of truck is usually used - batmans. Such trailers are convenient because even the imperfect quality of the road surface does not cause much discomfort due to reinforced shock absorbers. When using a conventional truck with wooden shields, the sides of the trailer are extended to 2.5 m. Near the front wall, a beam is attached in the transverse direction - the "sternum" - a temporary stall.

Transportation of horses is carried out over short distances. If it lasts more than a day, then every 6-8 hours on the road you need to unload for grazing. It is especially important to make such stops if the individual is preparing to participate in the race.

In transport, the air temperature should be at the level of 15-20 ° C, and humidity - from 60 to 75%. In winter, blankets protect the body from the cold.

It is not allowed to transport sick animals, because the road is stressful for them, which only aggravates their condition.

The horse's legs are fixed with padded jackets and bandages, but the bandages should not be tight. If female and male individuals are transported in the same car, then stallions are placed in front, and mares are placed behind the partition. At the same time, for the first, they take a shorter bridle.

Cows, calves

For the transportation of cows, calves, vehicles with a waterproof floor are used. Before sending, they lay straw or other bedding that prevents legs and hooves from slipping. One calf weighing about 50 kg has an area of ​​0.4-0.75 square meters. m.


This type of farm animal does not tolerate the road well. Therefore, transportation should not last more than 5 hours, after which the likelihood of illness increases.

For the transportation of pigs, the sides of vehicles should not be lower than a meter. To remove manure and urine, sometimes a mesh up to 20 cm high is placed in the body, through which waste products expire.

In the cold season, the air temperature in the body is maintained at a level not lower than 15 ° C. Pigs do not tolerate heat, therefore, according to the rules of transportation in road transport, it is important to cover the body with an awning on the road.


Chickens are placed in cages, which should be light enough, but at the same time strong, with slatted top and side walls. In order for the birds not to experience stress, they are recommended to be loaded with minimal lighting when they have poor vision.

There must be enough space inside, as crowding leads to death. Such norms per 1 sq. m:

  • chickens of medium weight - 20 individuals;
  • chickens - 30 individuals.

Veterinarians do not recommend transporting this species of birds over distances exceeding 100 km, the longest stay in cages is five hours. If the transport time exceeds 6 hours, then the probable loss of livestock reaches 3.5%.


Bees are transported in hives or plywood bags at a temperature of about 8 °C. Transportation is allowed in summer or during the transitional period. Hives are set in tiers so that the vents remain open for air flow. The distance between the rows is made in such a way that a person can pass between them.

Violation of the rules for transporting animals in a car is fraught with penalties. In addition, if the supervisory authorities prove the guilt of the legal entity, they may require suspension of activities for up to three months.

24.03.2019 , 15:29 47291

Often travelers want to take their pet with them on a trip, or it happens that they need to transport the animal as a gift to a loved one. So is it possible to transport animals on an airplane, and are there any rules for transporting animals on an airplane?

What animals can be carried on the plane

The following animals can be transported on the aircraft:
  • domestic animals (cats, dogs);
  • rodents (rats, guinea pigs, squirrels, chinchillas, chipmunks, marmots, ground squirrels, jerboas, etc.);
  • birds,
  • reptiles (snakes, turtles, iguanas, chameleons, frogs, lizards, etc.);
  • exotic animals,
  • wild animals,
  • guide dogs,
  • canine service dogs.
Transportation of an animal or birds is possible only for a passenger who is over 18 years old.

Do I need to buy a ticket for an animal

You do not need to buy an air ticket for an animal, but you just need to order a special service, but no later than 1.5-3 days before departure.
If you buy a ticket for Ticket Aero, then after purchasing the ticket,a request to order a pet transportation service can be done through our Support Service.
When ordering a special service for transporting an animal on an airplane, you must provide information about the type, weight and size of the container along with your pet.

Be sure to get confirmation of the possibility of transporting the animal from the airline. Because the airline has the right to refuse to transport your animal. This happens if several people have already ordered the service of transporting animals on this flight.

2. Veterinary certificate (form No. 1)

After checking these documents and the condition of the transported animal, a special boarding pass is issued (it must be presented at check-in for the flight), and the veterinary certificate is stamped.

For traveling with a pet on international flights

For international transportation, in addition to the above list, additional documents will be required:
  • Veterinary certificate. It is issued in the presence of a veterinary certificate and is registered at the border control point in the veterinary service for a period of 1 month.
  • Certificate of breeding value or its absence for the transported animal.
  • If it is necessary to transport certain types of animals, a special permit is required. It is issued by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection.
Please note that each country may impose additional requirements and restrictions. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings at the airport and at the border, before importing an animal into the territory of another state, it is better to clarify the relevant information at its embassy.

For example, countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Spain and Italy prohibit the import of dogs belonging to the fighting breed into the territory of their states. And animals taken on trips to Britain and Iceland must spend six months in quarantine.

  • In order for your pet not to be returned home, no later than 3 hours before departure, you need to be at the airport to undergo veterinary control and register your pet for the flight;
  • Don't forget to get a veterinary check upon arrival.
  • In the air, dehydration occurs much faster, so bring drinking water for the animal;
  • Feed the animal a light meal a couple of hours before departure;
  • Take your pet for a walk before leaving.

When traveling with a pet, owners should take into account the peculiarities of travel with them. Different types transport has its limitations. When there are rules. With regard to air travel, there are also many barriers to consider and comply with.

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This applies not only to documents, but also to the animal itself, since not every company can agree to transport it and not every country will let it into its territory.

Which of them are prohibited for carriage as hand luggage and baggage

When planning a flight, you should be aware of the restrictions on the transport of certain animals. Not accepted:

  1. Dogs. The following breeds are prohibited:
    • bulldog;
    • pug;
    • griffin;
    • Japanese Chin;
    • Dogue de Bordeaux;
    • Boston Terrier;
    • shih tzu;
    • Pekingese.
  2. Rodents.
  3. Reptiles.
  4. Arthropods.
  5. Fish and other aquatic animals requiring transportation in water (including fish seed).
  6. Animals and birds, if they are not indoor (not tamed by man).
  7. Animals that have been tested are sick.
  8. Individuals weighing more than 50 kg are large (dogs).
  9. Pregnant or infants (this also applies to small dogs).

Important! You should find out about the restrictions of a particular company or host country in advance, as well as what you need.

Rules for transporting animals on an airplane

The need to deliver the animal by air saves time, effort, but requires preparation and consideration of the rules of this type of transportation. For animals, more stringent rules and requirements are established, which must be observed by their owners.

Special rules govern:

  • airlines;
  • customs;
  • veterinary service;
  • agreements between countries.

Large-sized animals used for zoos and circuses are transported in a special aeronautical vessel. Such a transfer is offered by the S7 company, which specializes in the delivery of animals.

Passenger vehicles are limited to 150 kg. Business class, first class is also a limitation. Consider the features of the flight Russian Federation and beyond.

In Russia

Depending on the place of transportation, there are 2 possible ways:

    In doing so, you need to ensure:

    • weight of a pet with a container up to 8 kg;
    • type of animal - dog or cat;
    • the number in the cabin - a maximum of 5;
    • the container must be spacious, the animal must be able to stand up, turn around (height, width and length in total should be no more than 115 - 125 cm). For a carrying bag, the size limit is 135 cm. This will allow you to place them under the seat in front. The material is also important, which must be waterproof and the bottom absorbent;
    • a first aid kit, as the animal may become ill in flight, discomfort will arise. What to put in it, it is better to consult a veterinarian;
    • for birds, an opaque cape is being prepared for a cage with a window for air. It is important to make a good lock that will prevent opening;
    • it is important to ensure the cleanliness of the pet, cage, accustom to moving in cramped conditions from a young age;
    • it is forbidden to place passengers with pets near the emergency exits of the Economy class behind a rigid partition, next to children, unless it is booked in advance and one family is traveling;
    • guide dogs must be muzzled and be near the owner during the flight.

    Important! It is not allowed to feed the animal and take it out of the container during the flight.

  1. This part of the aircraft is given priority, because if there is a person with an allergy to animal hair in the cabin, for him the flight can aggravate his health. It is also important that only pets are allowed to be transported. Representatives from the non-domestic category have the right not to be allowed on board. General requirements such:

    • weight from 8 kg (suitable for transportation big dogs in Russia);
    • the presence of a container or cage with a size of 1.55 m in the sum of width, length, height. There should be enough space for the pet to turn around, stand up;
    • the material is selected durable, dense, moisture-proof, absorbent. A reliable lock is provided outside;
    • one container is used for one animal.

    Registration of a four-legged passenger takes place in a special window. You should be careful about filling out the papers, check the compliance of all characters.

    A sticker with a barcode is glued to the container to automatically determine the place of luggage. To make the trip less stressful, the animal is housed in a dedicated compartment with a fixed base.

    Important! At the airport, the animal must undergo veterinary control before boarding, which takes time (up to 1 hour). For this reason, carriers may recommend that you go through it the day before departure in order to eliminate possible force majeure.


    When flying internationally, there are many requirements that depend on the laws of the host countries. The requirements are more advanced than for domestic flights. This also applies to documents.

    Let's consider the most popular questions, recalling that in each case, before the trip, you should clarify the information at the consulate.

    Restrictions and requirements for traveling with a pet abroad:

    1. Weight up to 32 kg (requirements up to what weight are different for carriers).
    2. The presence of an international veterinary passport. It is issued in exchange for a Russian certificate confirming the pet's health.
    3. Chipping. It prevents loss, is produced by implanting a capsule with a microchip under the skin, which has an individual number for reading by a scanner.
    4. When transporting a rare breed of dog abroad or a pedigree breed, permission from the cynological service of Russia may be required.
    5. Blood test for rabies after vaccination. Time interval: one month after vaccination, 60 days before the end of the vaccination period, 90 days before leaving the country.
    6. Rabies vaccination is given.

    It should be borne in mind that some countries do not allow entry into their territory without being in quarantine. The holding time can be from 1 week to 6 months. This is necessary for determining the state of the beast, the absence of negative manifestations.


    For independent travel of a pet, you should contact the airline in advance, draw up the necessary documents for their meeting and acceptance by representatives of the company.

    The owner must write an application for the transport of live cargo unaccompanied or call, indicating:

    • the mass of one or all, if the number of heads is several;
    • place of delivery;
    • cell parameters;
    • content marks.

    Live cargo is delivered to the airport independently and transferred to the manager together with the documents. After that, it is placed in the cargo or passenger compartment.

    Movement without an owner takes place under the control of a responsible person determined by the company. The cost of a ticket for an independent trip is more expensive than usual, but cheaper than paying for two tickets, including the host's travel.

    What documents are needed

    The regulations for the transport of animals refer to general rules transportation of passengers and their cargo. They are approved (item 25, 143)

    Directly at the time of check-in for the flight, the owner of the pet must present the following documents for him:

    1. Veterinary passport.
    2. F-1 veterinary certificate of vaccination and health status, confirming the possibility of transporting a healthy animal. Inspection should have a date no more than 5 days before departure. Such a certificate at the airport is changed to another one - form No. 5 a and is valid for a day when leaving Russia and 3 months when leaving for Russia. When transporting a puppy, a small cat across Russia, it is required to do luminescent diagnostics, treatment for fleas, helminths.
    3. If the dog is a guide dog, the owner is required to present his certificate of disability and that the dog is trained.
    4. For service dogs, a document confirming the training of a service dog is required, and for an accompanying person, a certificate of an employee of the canine service of the executive power of the Russian Federation.
    5. Document on chipping. For international flights, this is a mandatory requirement.
    6. Certificate of the Customs Union when sending to countries that are part of the union. It is valid for 5 days from the date of issue and until arrival at the destination.

    Different countries have their own specifics regarding the transportation of animals. Before the flight, it is recommended to contact the representative of the embassy to clarify the details regarding a particular animal.

    Important! Full responsibility for the animal during the flight is borne only by its owner.

    The airline is not responsible for damage, illness, loss, or other incidents that occur with an animal during a flight, including transportation through the territory of other countries.


    For the transportation of animals, the calculation of the baggage of a non-standard type is used. Guide dogs are allowed to ride without payment, accompanied by their owners, which is confirmed by documents.

    In determining how much transportation costs, the direction of travel, weight, and space occupied on board are taken into account. Consider some offers from different airlines.

    Table 1. The cost of flying an animal on an airplane.

    The name of the company Factors affecting cost Fare type or seat Price (dollars, euros, rubles)
    Companies operating under standard conditions time changing 5-14 $
    distance fixed 150 – 300 $
    Airlines Russia in the luggage compartment 2,000 - 6,000 rubles
    Europe 50 – 150 EUR
    from Thailand 2 400 - 14 400 TNV
    Far East 660 – 3690 CNY
    Air France France Weight of 1 animal up to 6 kg, transportation in the cabin or luggage compartment 20 EUR
    Europe, North Africa, Israel 75 EUR
    Other countries 200 EUR
    Ural Airlines across Russia up to 8 kg, box size up to 115 cm in total parameters 2 500 rub.
    far abroad 35 EUR
    CIS 60 EUR
    Rusline across Russia 2 000 rub.
    Victory 1999 rub.
    Nordwind Airlines across Russia 2 000 rub.
    far abroad 35 EUR
    CIS 50 EUR
    Far East 100 EUR
    Red Wings across Russia 2 500 rub.
    Turkish Airlines to Turkey from 15 EUR per kg
    s7 direct transportation 2 500 rub.
    transfer transportation 5 000 rub.

    Table 2. The cost of flying an animal on an Aeroflot aircraft.

    What to do and where to apply in case of refusal

    The airline has the right to refuse transportation of animals.

    These reasons include:

    • not agreed transportation, not confirmed;
    • the breed does not match the one specified in the request;
    • No necessary documents, references;
    • payment for transportation has not been made;
    • the animal behaves restlessly, which can threaten others, control of the aircraft;
    • the container does not meet the conditions of the company.

    Pets often accompany owners on trips. In order to transport your pet, you need to order not a separate ticket for him, but a special service called transporting an animal in the cabin or in the luggage compartment of the aircraft. Aircraft have every opportunity for this, provided that the animals are in a special container or cage.

    The possibility of transporting a pet on an airplane depends on the weight of the pet, the rules of the airline and the rules for importing animals into the country of destination (for international flights).
    In all cases, the service for transporting animals in the cabin or in the luggage compartment is paid, usually payment according to the excess baggage allowance is made at the airport.

    There are a number of pre-flight formalities and requirements related to border, customs, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, quarantine and phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which the passenger must complete at the transfer airport for further transportation along the route, as well as the requirements of state authorities at transfer points during international transportation. You can familiarize yourself with these requirements on the websites of official departments, as well as on the official website of the carrier airline.

    How to fly with animals

    Transportation of animals on the plane is allowed by the rules of most airlines, but the requirements for transportation may vary. In addition, a limited number of animals can be transported on the plane. Therefore, try to contact the airline you are flying with as early as possible in order to find out its conditions and book your seat in time.

    Find out in advance at the veterinary service of the airport of departure what documents are needed for the transportation of animals and birds.

    It is allowed to carry a dog, cat or feathered friend on the plane. A dog or a cat on the plane must be in a container designed for this, the transportation of birds is possible in a special cage. Other animals cannot travel with their owners or in luggage, but they can be transported on a cargo plane.

    For the transportation of an animal, the passenger is obliged to provide a container, a cage of sufficient size with air access. Without a cage/container - transportation is strictly prohibited. The bottom of the container (cage) must be waterproof and covered with absorbent material. The animal must be able to stand up "to its full height" and turn around its axis. The lock must be secure.

    The cost of transporting an animal depends on its weight. As a rule, pets travel in the luggage compartment of an aircraft. It is allowed to transport animals in the cabin of the aircraft, the weight of which together with the container (cage) does not exceed 5-8 kg, the dimensions in the sum of three dimensions are not more than 115 centimeters. Animals are accepted for carriage only when accompanied by adult passengers with the prior consent of the airline.

    Transportation of large dogs

    Transportation of large dogs (heavier than 5-8 kilograms) is carried out in the luggage compartment of the aircraft according to the same rules, but in this case the cage for the animal should be more reliable and strong.

    Please note that some airlines do not allow large dogs.

    Traveling in Russia and the CIS

    For traveling with animals within Russia, a veterinary certificate (Form No. 1) is usually sufficient, which is issued 3 days before the trip and is valid during these days. The certificate contains the name of the owner and the itinerary of the trip, information about the animal, its vaccinations and tests.

    To obtain a certificate, contact any state veterinary service with your animal and its veterinary passport.

    Before check-in for a flight, animals undergo mandatory control at the airport. To do this, you need a veterinary passport and a certificate (form No. 1). After checking the documents, a seal is affixed to the certificate, allowing the journey, which the passenger shows when checking in for the flight at the counter. An airport employee weighs the animal and directs the passenger to pay for carriage at the cash desk. Only after passing through all these procedures, the passenger is issued a boarding pass.

    How to transport a dog on an airplane - find out more on the website of the airline you are flying with or at support service. To apply for this service, please leave a request more than 72 hours before departure, which must indicate the total weight of the animal with the cage, cage size length * width * height, animal breed:

    By phone 8-495-587-43-05 (be ready to give the booking number, order number or phone number specified when placing the order);

    Sending an email [email protected] or indicating the booking number, order or phone number provided when ordering.

    The airline will need 24 hours to respond. We will definitely inform you about the confirmation or refusal of this service.

    You need to find out if the airline allows you to transport animals before buying a ticket.

    Traveling abroad

    To transport a dog, cat or bird abroad by plane, you need to prepare in advance and collect a huge amount of documents. The animal will have to undergo research and examination, pass tests and be vaccinated.

    In addition, many countries establish special rules for the importation of animals. For example, in some European countries, the import of fighting dogs is prohibited. Island states often completely prohibit the importation of animals (Malta, Great Britain) or place them in quarantine. To avoid trouble, find out in advance about the laws of the country you are going to.

    Preparing your pet for a flight

    Stock up on drinking water - dehydration occurs faster in an airplane than on the ground.

    ▪ Feed your pet a light meal two hours before departure.

    ▪ Don't forget to walk your pet before departure.

    ▪ Make sure that your pet does not suffer from lack of air in his container or cage.

    ▪ Do not try to calm the animal with medication.

    Transportation of guide dogs

    Transportation of a guide dog (guide dog) also requires special confirmation from the airline. A dog with a special training certificate can accompany the owner free of charge. During the flight, the dog in the aircraft must be muzzled and tied to the owner's seat at his feet.

    In order to slowly go through all the formalities, arrive at the airport a few hours before departure.

    Transporting dogs on an airplane is an expensive, troublesome and labor-intensive business.

    If you are going to travel with a dog by plane, you must take into account that the rules for transporting animals are somewhat different in different airlines. Therefore, exact information should be clarified with a specific carrier.

    But there are general conditions for all. Some of them are established by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 82, others are dictated by security measures:

    • no more than 5 animals are allowed on the plane at the same time;
    • the transport of a dog is reported at least 36 hours before departure;
    • for transportation receive the appropriate permission from the airline;
    • the dog must be accompanied by a capable person over 18 years of age;
    • when booking a ticket, indicate the breed, height, weight (with and without a container), dimensions of the cage;
    • the animal passes the final examination at the veterinarian at the airport;
    • the individual is chipped and vaccinated against rabies, the vaccination period is not less than 3 weeks before the flight and not more than a year.

    For the comfort of other people on board, the dog must be clean and without a strong odor. She is trained in boxing in advance. Aggression, anxiety is not desirable.

    Who cannot be transported

    Not allowed to fly:

    If the dog weighs over 50 kg, the owner should contact S7 Airlines. She specializes in transporting large animals, as well as animals living in a zoo and a circus.

    It should be borne in mind that they may not let pregnant bitches, puppies under 3 months old, pets over 10 years old and with severe chronic diseases, especially with pathologies of the heart, respiration, brain. The rest of the dogs can be transported on the plane without any problems.

    Why might they not let

    The airline has the right to refuse to transport a dog if:

    • the owner did not inform the airline employees about the animal in advance;
    • the breed does not match the declared;
    • there are no required documents;
    • the travel of the animal is not paid;
    • because of the pet, there are potential problems for company employees and passengers;
    • the container for the dog does not comply with the rules;

    Another point is the suitability of the ship for transporting animals. If the company does not have aircraft that meet the requirements or it is impossible to provide proper ventilation and thermoregulation in the luggage compartment, it will not work to take a dog with you.

    Differences between carrying dogs in the cabin and in the luggage compartment

    Flying with a dog on board and in the luggage compartment are different. The differences relate, first of all, to the size of the animal and its placement.


    In the cabin, you can transport several small dogs at the same time: 2 adults or 3 puppies. They must be in the same cell. It is important that the total weight with the container is up to 8 kg.

    Passengers with animals are not boarded:

    Usually the owner with the dog is seated in remote places. The container must be placed under the seat in front. They do not allow the box to stand in the aisle or the dog to leave it.

    In the cargo hold

    large dogs with a weight of more than 8 kg is determined in the luggage department. Potentially dangerous dogs are also placed here - aggressive, guard or fighting breeds. The main rule: one dog - one container. Each of them is paid separately.

    A cage with a pet is checked in as non-standard baggage in a separate window. A special sticker with a barcode, data about the dog and the owner is glued to the container. After the box is fixed in the compartment with special pallets.

    container requirements

    All boxes, regardless of size, must be:

    Boxing for transportation in the cabin should be no more than 115 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions. The minimum cage size for the luggage compartment is 155 cm.

    Some carriers allow small dogs (up to 3 kg) to be carried as hand luggage. They are allowed to be placed in wicker baskets or bags for carrying dogs up to 135 cm in size.

    The bottom of the carrier is covered with a bedding, and on top - a moisture-absorbing diaper. The collar is put on the dog, and the leash is placed at the bottom of the cage.

    Required documents

    When transporting a dog in Russia and the CIS countries, 2 documents will be required: a veterinary passport and a state certificate.

    State veterinary certificate No. 1 is issued on the basis of a veterinary passport. Issued at the state veterinary station with the obligatory presence of an animal.

    Contains the same information as the previous document, additionally enters data on the route and the results of the control inspection. The form is valid up to 5 days.

    Additionally, they may request a certificate of chipping.

    Features of flights abroad

    Transferring a dog to other countries is more problematic than transporting it across the territory of the Russian Federation. Each state has its own rules for import and export - information should be clarified at the embassy.
    For example, fighting breeds and young animals cannot be imported into a number of countries, and additional vaccinations against diseases common there will be required to move to some countries. In all countries, there is a quarantine - lasting from 2 weeks to six months. Moreover, the maintenance of the dog during this period is paid by the owner.

    There are also general rules for flying dogs abroad:

    • an international veterinary certificate is required;
    • the animal should not be of breeding value or belong to rare breeds - in order to take out such a dog, you will need permission from the cynological service of Russia;
    • the dog must be microchipped;
    • a sticker with the data on the luggage cage is placed on English language;
    • in addition to the rabies vaccination, one month after vaccination and 12 weeks before departure, a blood test for the virus is carried out.

    Special Case – Guide Dogs and Service Animals

    A separate category includes service dogs - guide dogs and those in the canine service in law enforcement agencies. These are the only dogs that, regardless of size, can accompany the owner on the plane and not be in the box.
    Guide dogs are beneficiaries. They fly for free if the owner provides a certificate of disability and a document confirming that the dog belongs to the service category. Dogs may travel unaccompanied by adults. It is enough that they are with a child over 12 years old.

    For pets employed in the cynological service, you also need a document confirming their special training. The owner is obliged to present a certificate that he is an employee of the executive authorities.

    The rules for placing both categories of dogs are special. They are:

    • carried on board before the start of boarding of passengers;
    • must be muzzled and tied with a leash to the chair on which the owner is sitting;
    • are not in the aisles, near emergency exits, in the places of other travelers;
    • should not create dangerous situations, damage property, relieve natural needs.

    Alone on a plane

    When it is not possible to accompany the dog, it can be transported without the owner. Not all airlines provide such a service, so you need to check with each carrier separately.
    The owner must inform about the situation in advance and draw up the necessary documents. They also include a power of attorney for a special employee, whom the company will provide as an accompanying person.

    The owner takes the dog to the airport on his own. After that, he hands it over to the manager and writes a statement indicating the size and weight of the dog (or several pets), the address of arrival, and the dimensions of the carrier.

    The cost of transporting dogs in various airlines

    Transportation of dogs is paid as non-standard baggage - you do not need to buy a plane ticket for a dog. Prices are high and differ significantly in different companies, as well as depending on the direction of flight, the size of the animal, and where it is located - in the cabin or in the luggage compartment.

    The table shows the cost of transporting dogs in popular Russian airlines. Prices are current for 2018. Check with the carrier for the exact amount.

    Fare type What is the price
    Aeroflot International flight in the cabin 5440
    Domestic flight in the hold 3750
    S7 In Russia 2500
    To other countries 5000
    Ural Airlines On the territory of the Russian Federation 2500
    For the CIS 2600
    International flights 4300
    Rusline In the cabin up to 8 kg 2000
    In the luggage compartment weighing up to:
    - 8 kg;
    - 31 kg; 5000
    - 50 kg. 10000

    How to prepare your dog for a flight and what to bring

    Traveling is stressful for a dog. Therefore, it must be prepared.

    First of all, the pet is taught to carry, if he is not yet familiar with it. It will be a plus if he has already traveled by car or by train - the next trip will not be a big "surprise". It is advisable to simply visit the airport with the dog several times and walk around the building so that he gets used to the environment.

    Veterinary control before departure can be delayed for 30 - 40 minutes. Plus, it will take a significant amount of time to check documents, fill out forms, transfer the animal to the luggage department or take it to the cabin. Therefore, you need to arrive at the airport 2-3 hours before departure.

    For the flight to go smoothly, you must:

    • do not feed or water your pet 4 hours before boarding the plane;
    • walk the dog so that he goes to the toilet;
    • do not give food and water to the animal on the plane - if the flight lasts more than 5 hours, you can drink it;
    • take a veterinary first aid kit with you - o necessary medicines consult with a doctor;
    • stock up on absorbent diapers and wet wipes.

    Dogs should not be given sedatives or sleeping pills. Of course, I want her to sleep on the plane, but sedatives reduce arterial pressure. Coupled with jumps in atmospheric pressure, a flight for a pet can end in death.

    To transport a dog on an airplane, you will have to pay a significant amount, suffer, collecting documents and choosing a suitable carrier, and then “bring to life” yourself and your pet.

    But if you need to move, and leaving a friend is unthinkable, all the difficulties will seem insignificant.