Is the blockade harmful to the joints. Blockades (punctures) of the joints

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It is used for disorders of the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Also, the injection can be administered into nearby soft tissues.

This method is quite young in comparison with the surgical, medical, effect on the affected joints using, and other methods.

Such an injection can completely eliminate the pain syndrome.

In cases where there is a running process, this method is part of complex treatment diseases.

When are therapeutic blockades effective?

Therapeutic blockade of the joints is used for many pathologies. In particular, these are:

What is the therapeutic blockade?

After the introduction of drugs into the joint, pain is significantly reduced.

There is also a decrease in muscle spasm, swelling, signs of inflammation disappear. In addition, metabolic processes in the joint are normalized, their mobility increases.

This effect of manipulation is due to several factors:

  • the maximum concentration of the drug at the site of the lesion;
  • Influence at nervous system at the reflex level;
  • action of anesthetics and drugs.

Mechanism of influence

The anesthetic penetrates to the nerve fibers and settles on their surface.

This happens due to the relationship of the drug with phosphoproteins and phospholipids. As a result, a "struggle" develops between the anesthetic molecules and calcium ions, which slows down the exchange of sodium and potassium.

The strength of the influence of the anesthetic drug on the nervous structures is due to the type of conductor, as well as its pharmacological characteristics.

After an injection into the joint, a blockade of non-myelinated fibers occurs - autonomic and pain conductors responsible for the slow conduction of nerve impulses.

Then there is an effect on myelin fibers that provide epicritical pain. And only in the last place are the motor fibers exposed.

The effectiveness of the manipulation depends on the following factors:

  1. Correct selection of the concentration of the anesthetic drug to provide blockade of certain nerve fibers.
  2. Accuracy of anesthetic injection next to the receptor or conductor. The closer the injection is made, the less likely it is to develop complications.

What joints are injected?

Drug blockade can be used to treat pain in any joint.

The blockade of the knee, hip, elbow, shoulder joint, intervertebral joints is most often performed.

Also, manipulation can be used to block nerve endings or muscles.

Impact points

The injection can be carried out at one point where pain is most pronounced, but in some cases, drugs are injected into several sites. Which method of administration should be done in a particular case is decided by the doctor, depending on the patient's condition.

Depending on the injection sites, blockade of the joint can be:

  1. Paravertebral- an injection is carried out near the vertebrae.
  2. Periarticular- drugs are injected into the tissues located near the joint: tendons, ligaments, muscles.
  3. intra-articular(joint puncture) - medications are injected directly into the joint cavity.
  4. Intraosseous- the injection is carried out into the bone tissue.
  5. epidural- an injection is made into the epidural cavity. This type of therapeutic blockade is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting.

Also, medications can be used for injection into trigger zones, places of hypertonicity of muscle tissue, zones of pinched nerve plexuses.

What medicines are used?

Be sure to use when carrying out this manipulation:

Knee blockade: features

Medical blockade knee joint performed for injuries accompanied by pain syndromes.

As a rule, drugs are administered periarticularly or directly into the joint cavity. Depending on the severity of the pathological process, treatment is carried out from the inside and outside.

After manipulation, there is a significant decrease pain or their absence at all.

Their mobility also increases due to the formation of a protective film on the cartilage. After the procedure, the joint is not subjected to friction and overload.

Often, pain in the shoulder joint is due to muscle rupture. This symptom worries not only during exercise, but also in a state of complete rest.

When trying to move, the discomfort increases. In such situations, the doctor recommends the introduction hormonal drugs. Often, a hormonal drug such as Diprospan is used to block the shoulder joint.

Due to pharmacological features, it begins to act within a few hours after administration and this effect lasts up to 21 days.

Also, the advantage of the remedy is that it is absolutely painless, therefore it does not require the use of local anesthetics. In addition, Diprospan does not give complications after the manipulation.

Injections into the hip joint

Medical blockade of the hip joint should be carried out by an experienced specialist and always under ultrasound control, since it is necessary to ensure that the needle enters the cavity accurately.

In addition, manipulation requires special equipment. This procedure is effective for

Possible Complications

The likelihood of complications during therapeutic blockade is very small, less than 0.5% of all cases. The risk of unpleasant consequences depends on the condition of the patient, the quality of the procedure and its type.

Possible development of such complications:

Medical blockade - effective method, helping to get rid of many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, it gives a minimum of complications. Therefore, it can be widely used in medical practice.

The joint is punctured with a needle of sufficient length and diameter. The skin at the point of needle insertion is displaced to the side (see Fig. 1). Perform anesthesia of the skin, subcutaneous tissue; the advancement of the needle into the tissue must be preceded by an anesthetic solution. When the needle passes through the joint capsule, the surgeon's hand experiences resistance, after which the needle freely penetrates into the cavity. The reverse stroke of the piston can produce synovial fluid, blood, pus, exudate. Medicines can be injected into the joint. When the needle is removed, the skin shifted at the beginning of the manipulation is released, and the needle passage channel is closed. After treatment with iodine solution, an aseptic dressing is applied to the puncture site.

INDICATIONS: evacuation of pathological contents, administration of anesthetics and medicines.


The blockade is performed in front, behind and from the lateral side (Fig. 43).

During puncture from the front, the patient is laid on his back, the arm is bent at the elbow joint, adducted and rotated outwards so that the elbow joint is in the frontal plane. At the same time, on the anterior surface of the shoulder joint, the small tubercle of the humerus and the coracoid process of the scapula are easily determined, between which a place is chosen for puncture of the shoulder joint. The needle is directed exactly from front to back. For puncture from behind, the patient is laid on the stomach, the posterior edge of the apex of the acromial process and the edge of the deltoid muscle lying under it are groped. Here, a shallow fossa is defined, bounded by the edge of the mentioned muscle and the supraspinatus muscle running almost horizontally. The needle is inserted into the bottom of the fossa, advancing in the direction of the coracoid process. Puncture of the shoulder joint from the lateral side is performed in the position of the patient sitting or lying on a healthy side. The arm is placed along the body. The needle is inserted midway between the end of the acromial process and the greater tubercle of the humerus.

The definition of therapeutic blockade of the joint means the introduction of one or more drugs into the cavity of the joint capsule in order to relieve pain and inflammatory changes.

It is used for disorders of the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Also, the injection can be administered into nearby soft tissues.

This method is quite young in comparison with the surgical, medical, impact on the affected joints with the help of acupuncture, traction, massage and other methods.

Such an injection can completely eliminate the pain syndrome.

In cases where there is a running process, this method is a component of the complex treatment of the disease.

When are therapeutic blockades effective?

Therapeutic blockade of the joints is used for many pathologies. In particular, these are:

What is the therapeutic blockade?

After the introduction of drugs into the joint, pain is significantly reduced.

There is also a decrease in muscle spasm, swelling, signs of inflammation disappear. In addition, metabolic processes in the joint are normalized, their mobility increases.

This effect of manipulation is due to several factors:

  • the maximum concentration of the drug at the site of the lesion;
  • influence on the nervous system at the reflex level;
  • action of anesthetics and drugs.

Mechanism of influence

The anesthetic penetrates to the nerve fibers and settles on their surface.

This happens due to the relationship of the drug with phosphoproteins and phospholipids. As a result, a "struggle" develops between the anesthetic molecules and calcium ions, which slows down the exchange of sodium and potassium.

The strength of the influence of the anesthetic drug on the nervous structures is due to the type of conductor, as well as its pharmacological characteristics.

After an injection into the joint, a blockade of non-myelinated fibers occurs - autonomic and pain conductors responsible for the slow conduction of nerve impulses.

Then there is an effect on myelin fibers that provide epicritical pain. And only in the last place are the motor fibers exposed.

The effectiveness of the manipulation depends on the following factors:

  1. The correct selection of the concentration of the anesthetic drug to ensure the blockade of certain nerve fibers.
  2. The accuracy of injecting the anesthetic near the receptor or guidewire. The closer the injection is made, the less likely it is to develop complications.

What joints are injected?

Drug blockade can be used to treat pain in any joint.

The blockade of the knee, hip, elbow, shoulder joint, intervertebral joints is most often performed.

Also, manipulation can be used to block nerve endings or muscles.

Impact points

The injection can be carried out at one point where pain is most pronounced, but in some cases, drugs are injected into several sites. Which method of administration should be done in a particular case is decided by the doctor, depending on the patient's condition.

Depending on the injection sites, blockade of the joint can be:

  1. Paravertebral - an injection is carried out near the vertebrae.
  2. Periarticular - drugs are injected into the tissues located near the joint: tendons, ligaments, muscles.
  3. Intra-articular (joint puncture) - medications are injected directly into the joint cavity.
  4. Intraosseous - the injection is carried out into the bone tissue.
  5. Epidural - an injection is made into the epidural cavity. This type of therapeutic blockade is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting.

What medicines are used?

Be sure to use when carrying out this manipulation:

Knee blockade: features

Medical blockade of the knee joint is performed for injuries accompanied by pain syndromes.

As a rule, drugs are administered periarticularly or directly into the joint cavity. Depending on the severity of the pathological process, treatment is carried out from the inside and outside.

After manipulation, there is a significant decrease in pain or no pain at all.

Their mobility also increases due to the formation of a protective film on the cartilage. After the procedure, the joint is not subjected to friction and overload.

Often, pain in the shoulder joint is due to muscle rupture. This symptom worries not only during exercise, but also in a state of complete rest.

When trying to move, the discomfort increases. In such situations, the doctor recommends the introduction of hormonal drugs. Often, a hormonal drug such as Diprospan is used to block the shoulder joint.

Due to pharmacological features, it begins to act within a few hours after administration and this effect lasts up to 21 days.

Also, the advantage of the remedy is that it is absolutely painless, therefore it does not require the use of local anesthetics. In addition, Diprospan does not give complications after the manipulation.

Injections into the hip joint

Medical blockade of the hip joint should be carried out by an experienced specialist and always under ultrasound control, since it is necessary to ensure that the needle enters the cavity accurately.

In addition, manipulation requires special equipment. This procedure is effective for coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Possible Complications

The likelihood of complications during therapeutic blockade is very small, less than 0.5% of all cases. The risk of unpleasant consequences depends on the condition of the patient, the quality of the procedure and its type.

Possible development of such complications:

Therapeutic blockade is an effective method that helps to get rid of many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, it gives a minimum of complications. Therefore, it can be widely used in medical practice.

Today, in the treatment of various rheumatological diseases (arthritis, arthritis, reactive synovitis, etc.), a procedure such as blockade of the joints is quite often used. Despite the popularity of the procedure, many people do not understand well what it is joint blockade. This is one of the ways to administer drugs (Novocain, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone) directly into the joint cavity or surrounding periarticular tissues in order to eliminate pain, relieve inflammation and improve mobility.

The blockade of the shoulder, hip and knee joints in case of arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases is carried out exclusively by a specialist doctor under conditions of maximum sterility.

Blockade by Diprospan

Diprospan is currently widely used as medicinal product when carrying out blockade of the shoulder, knee or any other large joint. This drug containing betamethasone belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids.

At the present stage, Diprospan is considered one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. Such drugs are resorted to only when other anti-inflammatory drugs are ineffective. In addition, Diprospan has a number of advantages, including:

  • Contains two forms active substance, which are able to realize the therapeutic effect both quickly and slowly. In other words, after the introduction, it begins to act within a few hours and can remain active for 2-4 months.
  • It is equally effective when injected into the joint cavity and surrounding periarticular tissues.
  • One injection is enough to cope with a small inflammatory process.
  • May be reintroduced if necessary medicinal product.
  • The drug is quite cheap and has a long therapeutic effect, which makes it quite acceptable for most patients with chronic forms arthritis and arthrosis.

Since Diprospan is injected into the joint cavity, it does not enter the bloodstream and practically does not cause adverse reactions.

Indications for holding

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the pathological condition or disease under which this treatment method is used. Without the presence of an active inflammatory process inside the joint, in the synovial membrane or periarticular tissues, the administration of Diprospan loses all meaning. What diseases are indicated for this procedure:

  • Rheumatoid, psoriatic, non-infectious arthritis.
  • Arthritis that occurs after an injury or surgery.
  • Inflammatory process in the periarticular surrounding tissues (periarthritis, tendovaginitis, bursitis, etc.).
  • Arthrosis, but if present characteristic symptoms inflammation of the joint or synovial membrane.

It is possible to use the procedure with unexpressed signs of inflammation, but only in cases where it is not possible to use other methods of treatment (for example, use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract). Even if there are clear indications, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • The cause of the inflammatory process should not be an infection. Otherwise, for example, blockade of the knee joint with Diprospan in case of arthrosis can only aggravate the current situation and significantly complicate the course of the disease.
  • Simultaneous injection of the drug into several affected large joints at once is undesirable.
  • First of all, the procedure is carried out for those joints that play the most vital role for the patient.

Only a specialist doctor knows when and how to properly blockade the shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joints.


As with most medical methods, there are absolute and relative contraindications. At what pathological conditions or diseases, intra-articular administration of Diprospan is categorically not recommended due to the high likelihood of complications:

  • Presence of local or general infection.
  • Pathological bleeding provoked by various diseases or medications (for example, the use of anticoagulants).
  • Lack of stability in the joint, which may be associated with weakness of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus.
  • Severe forms of arthrosis, in which there are pronounced violations of the form and function of the joint.
  • Significant periarticular osteoporosis.
  • Necrotic changes in the articular part of the bone (presence of areas of necrosis).

With relative contraindications healing effect often absent. The restrictions for the intra-articular use of Diprospan include:

  • A general serious condition caused by a non-infectious process.
  • Serious chronic disorders of the kidneys or liver.

Ineffectiveness from at least two previous injections (shots) is considered a relative contraindication.

If the possible benefits of using Diprospan significantly outweigh the expected risks, then the attending physician may neglect some restrictions on the use of the drug.


Before performing the procedure, the doctor must determine the dosage of the administered medication. The optimal dose is selected individually for each patient. For example, for blockade of the knee joint with arthritis or arthrosis, it can be 5–7 ml. As a rule, the drug is diluted with either lidocaine or novocaine, depending on the sensitivity of the patient.

In some cases, local anesthesia may be used to numb the area of ​​the puncture (puncture). In addition, the injection area is lubricated with iodine solution. A puncture is performed in the intended periarticular area, where the medicine is then injected. The entire procedure should be done exclusively by a specialist doctor (as a rule, this is either a surgeon or an orthopedist).

It is worth noting that Diprospan begins to act almost immediately. Significantly reduced pain, and improved mobility. The swelling gradually decreases, and the redness of the surrounding soft tissues disappears. The duration of its action can persist for several days.

Shoulder block

How is shoulder blockade done today? Most often, the procedure is performed in connection with inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues. The patient takes a comfortable position. Usually it is lying down or sitting. The puncture site is treated with alcohol and iodine solution. Then the doctor determines the puncture site.

The puncture can be done from three different sides: front, back or side. If the entry point is chosen from the front, then the patient is placed on his back, the upper limb is bent at the elbow, brought to the body and turned outward so that the elbow is in the frontal plane. The needle is inserted from front to back between the lesser tubercle of the humerus and the coracoid process of the scapula.

To carry out the blockade of the shoulder joint from the side, the patient sits or lies down on the healthy side. At this moment, the hand is along the body. The needle should be inserted into the gap between the acromial process and the greater tubercle of the humerus. Before the introduction of the drug, the accumulated fluid (exudate, pus, blood) is removed from the joint cavity.

Hip block

What is the technique for performing a hip blockade? Currently, many modern clinics, in order to get inside the hip joint, do the procedure under the control of an image intensifier tube (electronic-optical converter). Clinical practice has proven that it is rather difficult to carry out intra-articular administration of the drug without an image intensifier tube.

For example, an experienced surgeon without additional diagnostic equipment successfully performs the procedure in only 50% of cases. While using the apparatus for ultrasound(ultrasound) his chances are increased by 80%.

Under the control of the image intensifier, the puncture of the hip joint is successful in 100% of cases.

Blockade of the knee joints

How is a knee block performed? Clinical experience shows that this procedure is performed most frequently compared to other similar treatment methods. The patient lies down on the couch. A regular roller is placed under the knee so that the leg is in a slightly bent and relaxed state. They often resort to local anesthesia. The place of the planned injection (shot) is cut off with novocaine.

The puncture area is pre-lubricated with alcohol and iodine solution. There are several points for injecting a drug into the knee joint. Typically, the needle is inserted into the region of the outer edge of the patella in its upper part. Before the introduction of the drug, excess fluid is removed from the joint cavity, which may be exudate, pus or blood. The volume of the drug administered for blockade of the knee joint can reach 10 ml.

After the blockade

Upon completion of the procedure, the patient is recommended to stay in the department for several hours to monitor the state of health and the effectiveness of the drug. Peace should be created for the upper or lower limb an average of 3-4 hours. Special orthopedic means for immobilization (immobilization) can be omitted. It is enough just to lie quietly without sudden movements.

After carrying out the blockade of the shoulder, hip or knee joint with Diprospan on the same day, you should refrain from attending physical therapy classes, massage and physiotherapy procedures. So next day the schedule of the therapeutic course is resumed according to the previous scheme.

Despite the possible improvement in the condition, it is not necessary to sharply increase physical exercise or, on the contrary, try to protect the affected joint too much.

It should be noted that quite often, many patients, due to the lack of the desired effect, turn to doctors with a request to increase the dosage or frequency of taking glucocorticoid drugs such as Diprospan. Not everything is so simple, there are specific restrictions on the use of this kind of drugs for intra-articular administration:

  • At the same time, glucocorticosteroids are not injected into two or more large joints.
  • Glucocorticosteroids are not injected into large joints more than three times in 12 months.
  • The break between procedures should be sufficiently long (preferably at least 12-14 weeks).


Recently, due to the growth of professionalism of medical workers and the level of equipment with modern technology, the number of complications after blockades of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and other joints has sharply decreased. It is extremely rare, but the following types of complications after such procedures are possible:

  • Infection of the joint or periarticular soft tissues (infection).
  • Increased pain and inflammation due to incorrect administration of the drug.
  • Violation general condition(nausea, vomiting, blood pressure surges, etc.).
  • Incorrect dosage or frequency of use of the drug can lead to a sharp progression of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the affected joint.


According to clinical statistics, every third patient with various forms rheumatoid arthritis carry out blockade of the joints with Diprospan. And almost every one of these patients feels the positive effect of this procedure. In addition, it has been found that local blockades help to significantly reduce the duration of treatment with inflammatory diseases joints and periarticular soft tissues (periarthritis, bursitis, synovitis, tendovaginitis, etc.).

But do not forget that the expediency of prescribing a therapeutic blockade is determined only by the attending physician, and does not depend on your desire, but on the nature and severity of rheumatological pathology.

Often drug treatment humeroscapular periarthritis becomes a necessity for people in such professions as a plasterer, painter, carpenter, that is, for those whose work is associated with a load on the shoulders.

Periarthritis of the shoulder joint in this case can be called an occupational disease. But other people who have nothing to do with these types of professional activities can also face it.

This pathology complicates the natural movements of the hands. In this regard, the disease of the shoulder joint, the treatment of which requires drug therapy, should be started as early as possible.

What to do if periarthritis of the shoulder develops?

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is an inflammatory disease that develops in the region of the scapula and shoulder joint. At the same time, the articular capsule, muscles, ligaments and tendons are affected.

The main signs that periarthritis of the shoulder joint possesses include the following:

  • painful sensations of a different nature in the shoulder and shoulder blades;
  • the impossibility of full-fledged movements in the shoulder joint;
  • temperature rise;
  • numbness in the hands;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased fatigue;
  • deterioration in general well-being.

If such signs appear, or at least if you feel discomfort, if you need to move your hand, a person should immediately consult a doctor.

Periarthritis, which is managed by surgeons and neurologists, often requires combination therapy. In its process, not only medicines are used, but also ointments, massage, as well as physiotherapy and physiotherapy. Do not neglect folk remedies.

The main task of medical measures in the case of a diagnosis of periarthritis of the shoulder joint is the relief of pain. With acute development, shoulder periarthritis requires increased accuracy from the patient. During this period, it is strictly forbidden to make any sudden movements with your hands. In addition, it is almost impossible due to unbearable pain in the affected area.

When prescribing therapy in case periarthritis of the shoulder joint has developed, doctors, as a rule, focus on drugs, while not forgetting to reinforce their action with all sorts of additional components of the therapeutic effect. It is this treatment that is recognized worldwide as the most effective. In some particularly difficult cases, only drugs are not able to help correct the situation, so the intervention of a chiropractor or even a surgeon may be necessary.

What medications are prescribed?

As noted earlier, humeroscapular periarthritis must be treated primarily with medication. But the very first measure of therapeutic effect is still the immobilization of the damaged joint. First you need to reduce the load on the shoulder. In medicine, for this, a special orthosis is used, which has a rigid fixation, or the imposition of a plaster splint. Only after that, various drugs are used.

In the treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis the best way reduction of the inflammatory process is a combination therapy. It involves the use of various drug forms of drugs. Experts among the most commonly used types of drugs note:

  • preparations in the form of tablets;
  • injections and injections (intramuscular or intraarticular);
  • gels, ointments, medicated creams.

With timely access to a specialist, improvement in the patient's condition can be achieved based on therapy with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If there is an acute inflammatory process or severe unbearable pain, then joint blockade based on hormonal drugs, as well as using novocaine or lidocaine, will help save the situation.

When correct established diagnosis with the study of the patient's medical history, as well as the results of diagnostic examinations, the doctor selects medicines.

It is important not to make a mistake in the choice and approach each case of pathology individually. After all, what is suitable for the treatment of one patient may be completely useless in another case. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the dosage and regimen of the drug.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

A good way to reduce pain that occurs in the humeroscapular segment is the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, this group of drugs helps to minimize the inflammatory process in the joints.

But we should not forget that, despite the high demand and proven effectiveness of NSAIDs, they have a number of contraindications and side effects. For example, groups of people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should refuse to take such medicines. First of all it is:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • colitis and other pathologies.

This is due to the fact that drugs from the group of nonsteroidal drugs have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. That is why the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the elimination of humeroscapular periarthritis passes or should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor in small courses of no more than two weeks.

Among the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of non-steroidal drugs include the following drugs:

  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Aspirin;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Indomethacin.

Today there are more effective drugs, which are called the means of the second generation. These include:

  • Celecoxib;
  • Movalis;
  • Nimesulide.

Preparations from this group "know how" to have a selective effect, practically without showing any side effects. But even with all of them positive impact it is not recommended to use these medications on their own without a doctor's prescription, since the wrong dosage or inappropriate combination with other substances can do more harm than good in the treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis.

Use of corticosteroids

As well as nonsteroidal drugs in some cases, therapy with the inclusion of corticosteroid drugs may be necessary. This group of drugs includes hormonal substances. Assign them, as a rule, in cases where the desired effect is achieved from non-steroidal medications failed.

Taking drugs from this group on your own is unreasonable, and not very convenient at home.

It should be borne in mind that although corticosteroids are most often produced in the form of tablets, they should not be taken orally. The introduction of corticosteroids in the treatment of periarthritis of the shoulder joint is usually made in the form of intra-articular injections. That is why treatment with the use of corticosteroids is carried out within the walls of a medical institution and only by a professional in their field.

In eight out of ten cases of diseases of the shoulder joint, the introduction of hormonal preparations from the group of corticosteroids into the cavity of the joint capsule almost completely eliminates the unpleasant symptomatic picture of the development of the pathology and allows you to stop the inflammatory process.

Experts say that in order to completely get rid of humeroscapular periarthritis, a minimum course of treatment is required, which usually includes no more than 3 injections, which are administered at short intervals. Usually, drugs such as Diprospan or Flosteron are used.

Setting up a blockade

Another method of treatment is the blockade with humeroscapular periarthritis. Its classical formulation is an algorithm of special actions. The method of setting up a blockade in the development of humeroscapular periarthritis in a person consists in injecting an anesthetic drug into the joint cavity. Most often, novocaine plays this role.

First of all, the specialist must conduct the so-called three-point blockade. When the syringe needle is inserted into the site of the lesion, the doctor placing the blockade should feel a "failure" when the end of the needle enters the cavity of the articular bag. In the event that the patient, in addition to the underlying disease, also develops bursitis, then in the syringe he can detect the appearance of liquid with flakes. Here it may be necessary to carry out the lavage of the bag, that is, its drainage and washing.

The next injection is given into the biciptal groove. Additional points for the introduction of novocaine are the suprascapular nerve and the site of compaction of the supraspinatus muscle.

The setting by a specialist of several such blockades using novocaine or lidocaine in most cases allows you to forget about the pathology or to ensure a partial recovery of the patient.

Painful sensations usually decrease over the next 5-10 days after setting up the blockade with novocaine. But, as experts note, after the second day, the patient must independently begin to perform feasible exercise, since it is the simultaneous use of the blockade and exercise therapy that most often is the key to successful treatment. Such therapy not only relieves inflammation, but also restores sensitivity to the muscles.

One of the reasons for the appearance of the disease is a person getting an injury to the shoulder joint. A joint injury does not mean getting a normal dislocation, but putting it on the shoulder heavy load.

The joint receives such a load as a result of sharp blows or falls from a height on outstretched arms. It is worth noting that the syndrome of humeroscapular periarthritis can not manifest itself immediately after a person has received an injury in the shoulder joint.

After an injury, symptoms appear after a few days.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis: symptoms, massage, blockade

Causes of the disease

Bursitis of the shoulder joint - the effectiveness has been proven! Muscles, one of them accounts for a large Therapeutic blockades include Achieving a good, fast pain reliever It is possible to treat a folk zone in the area, then this simple human body is equal to the tissues of the shoulder and with development, it is easily treatable. It complicates the syndrome of periarthritis; there are also no changes, but also in the selection of a specialist. Accuracy of anesthetic administration

tendon ganglion;

Symptoms treatment Bursitis Drug therapeutic blockade of which is a group part of the load. Blockades to the category of the most effect, due to means, for example, various joints, a form of periarthritis. If from 10 to the appearance of pain, the body of one or the other Pain in the shoulder joint of the shoulder joint and in the respiratory state of complete rest takes into account the strength and next to the heel spur receptor; shoulder joint Synovial

Approaches to the treatment of pain in the shoulder

Joint pain treatment consists of several components:

  • etiotropic therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the cause of pain;
  • pathogenetic treatment that violates the mechanism of development of pathological symptoms;
  • symptomatic measures that eliminate the main signs of the disease (pain, swelling, etc.);
  • rehabilitation therapy, which is used to restore all impaired functions of the shoulder and the amplitude of its movements, as well as to prevent recurrence of the disease.

It is necessary to treat pain in the shoulder joint only taking into account the 4 above principles. In this case, all pain sensations quickly pass and no longer bother the person.

All methods that are used for this can be divided into 2 large groups: conservative and surgical. In most cases, you can get rid of the pain syndrome with the help of conservative methods, medicinal and non-drug, but sometimes only surgery will help to correct the situation.

If humeroscapular periarthritis is detected, treatment of the disease should begin as early as possible. The treatment of this disease is quite simple and consists in taking anti-inflammatory medications such as diclofenac, voltaren and some others.

In addition to these drugs, medical specialists, according to the results of the examination, can prescribe the use of special anesthetic gels and ointments. There are cases when the prescribed treatment does not have the proper effect on the course of the disease, and the disease continues to progress.

With such a development of the disease, medical specialists recommend the patient complete rest of the joint and the complete exclusion of the influence of traumatic factors on the joint.

And so ... joints: what are they organs. Such medical Post-traumatic and post-operative serous spasms, improve the local thoracic and lumbar liver. Sore shoulder gradually

Often, it becomes and a serious load is special. When feeling the coracoid process, the development of the disease spreads

And rendering on is carried out with the help of coxarthrosis of the hip in the form of intra-articular drugs near the vertebrae. Under the definition of therapeutic blockade

There are also from the blockade called segmental.

Therapeutic blockade: drug, novocaine. Blockade of the knee joint, shoulder

Almost without exception, patients with shoulder pain are prescribed drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics. In most cases, they allow you to quickly and effectively defeat the pain syndrome.

These medicines immediately have 2 points of application: symptomatic (eliminate pain, swelling, redness) and pathogenetic, as they reduce inflammation (the main mechanism for the development of pain).

IN modern medicine There are a large number of representatives from this group of drugs:

  • diclofenac,
  • ibuprofen,
  • indomethacin,
  • meloxicam,
  • xefocam,
  • aceclofenac,
  • nimesulide,
  • ketoprofen etc.

All these drugs differ in the strength of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, as well as the risk of side effects. The most effective drugs are from the first generation (diclofenac, indomethacin, ibuprofen), but they also have more side effects.

Next-generation drugs (selective and highly selective COX-2 inhibitors), which include nimesulide, meloxicam, xefocam, have less anti-inflammatory efficacy, but their administration is much safer for the patient.

Diclofenac is a potent NSAID that allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of joint pain.

First-generation drugs are used mainly for acute pain syndrome, when it is necessary to quickly relieve a person of suffering, and the duration of their use should not exceed 14 days.

Second and third generation drugs are suitable for long-term use when the pain is chronic and the patient needs almost daily pain relief.

NSAIDs exist in all dosage forms: solutions for intramuscular and intravenous injections, capsules and tablets for oral administration, ointment, gel, cream, patch for external use.

Thus, the pathological focus can be affected simultaneously from several sides, which only increases the effectiveness of the analgesic effect.

Important! Despite the fact that drugs from the NSAID group belong to over-the-counter drugs, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe them and select doses on your own, because they have serious contraindications and side effects. These medications should only be used on the advice of a doctor.

In cases where symptoms cannot be overcome with NSAIDs, they resort to the use of glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory drugs. Such medications are usually not prescribed systemically for joint pain, if it is not caused by a rheumatological disease, but is used locally as injections into the joint area or into its cavity.

Since these medicines have a very powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, 1 injection is enough. In severe cases, 2-3 injections may be needed.

After that, in 80-90% of patients, the pain syndrome quickly disappears. The most commonly used drugs, which are based on such active ingredient like betamethasone:.

In especially severe cases, the use of GCS is combined with local anesthetics. Such joint blockades relieve even high-intensity pain. As an anesthetic, novocaine or lidocaine is most often used.

Blockade of the shoulder joint allows you to quickly relieve a person of pain

Blockades with local anesthetics can prevent the development of such complications as pain contracture, when the patient limits the range of motion in the shoulder joint due to pain.

This eventually leads to atrophy of certain muscle groups, which, even after the elimination of pain, does not allow movement. upper limb in full.

The effect of the blockade lasts up to 1 month, after which the procedure can be repeated. At this time, other methods of treatment are used, which are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

In some cases, locally irritating drugs based on capsaicin (red pepper extract), bee or snake venom, which are applied to the diseased joint in the form of ointments, will help relieve pain.

Such drugs can be used only if the pain is not caused by inflammation, but by a degenerative-dystrophic process. Such medicinal formulations cause vasodilation in the area of ​​application and improve the nutrition of joint structures and periarticular tissues, which leads to a decrease in pain.

Complications as a result of therapeutic blockades

Periarthritis can last from several months to several years. After this time, the disease is able to disappear on its own.

There are cases when, after the first stage of the development of humeroscapular periarthritis, the disease passes to the next stage, which is called ankylosing periarthritis.

This stage in the development of the disease is also called the “frozen shoulder”. The transition of the disease to this stage is the most undesirable outcome of the development of the disease.

The result of this development of the disease is the compaction of the tissues of the shoulder and the appearance of pain comparable to toothache. Sometimes pain is absent due to a complete blockage of motor activity in the shoulder.

Statistical studies have shown that as a result of the use of therapeutic blockades and local anesthesia, various complications occur in less than 0.5% of cases and depend on the type of blockade, the quality of its implementation and the general condition of the patient.

Classification of complications

1. Toxic, associated with: the use of a large dose or high concentration of anesthetic; accidental injection of anesthetic into a vessel2.

Allergic: delayed type immediate type3. Vegetative-vascular: according to the sympathetic type according to the parasympathetic type in case of accidental blockade of the upper cervical sympathetic node4.

Puncture of cavities: pleural abdominal spinal space5. Traumatic complications: damage to the vessel damage to the nerve6.

inflammatory reactions. 7

local reactions.

Complications are also usually distinguished according to their severity: mild, moderate, severe

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the consequence, and not with the cause ... Nifiga does not help!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. Such are the things

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) Well, I'll duplicate it, it's not difficult for me, catch - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a divorce? Why the Internet sell ah?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. Yes, and now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars.

Editorial response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not sold through the pharmacy network in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order Official site. Be healthy!

  • Medical blockade of the shoulder joint.

    Blockade of the shoulder joint - local injection of a drug to eliminate and (or) strong. The result of a short medical procedure is a persistent analgesic effect, sometimes lasting for several weeks. For therapeutic blockades, solutions of drugs of various clinical and pharmacological groups are used -,. Means of the first choice - Diprospan, Novocaine, Lidocaine, which have an analgesic effect almost immediately after their introduction.

    Despite the high therapeutic efficacy of drug blockades, doctors do not always use them to improve the well-being of patients. The procedure and the drugs used for its implementation have a wide list of contraindications. There is also the possibility of developing local or systemic adverse reactions. The decision to introduce solutions into the area of ​​the shoulder joint, the doctor takes only the examination of the patient, taking into account other pathologies in the anamnesis.

    How is a shoulder block performed?

    Basic principles of the treatment procedure

    The basis of the drug procedure is the blockade of the muscles located near the joint. This allows you to prevent the destruction of shoulder tissues, stop inflammation, and eliminate even the most acute pain. The drug solution is injected into a pathological inflammatory or destructive-degenerative focus. Direct administration of the drug increases its clinical efficacy, contributes to the development of a better and much faster pharmacodynamic response.

    An important advantage of blockade of the shoulder joint with Diprospan or anesthetics is the versatility of the therapeutic effect of therapeutic manipulation:

    • the inflammatory process and the associated pain syndrome are quickly stopped;
    • skeletal muscles relax, painful muscle spasms and swelling are eliminated;
    • metabolism is normalized, the restoration of tissues damaged by pathology or injury is accelerated;
    • increases the functional activity of the shoulder joint, including its mobility;
    • improves trophism and innervation in the shoulder area.

    When carrying out a therapeutic blockade, the active ingredient of the drug is localized directly in the focus of the pathology, and penetrates into the systemic circulation in a minimal amount. The pharmacological load on the patient's body is reduced, the probability of side effects, the period of remission is prolonged.

    The introduction of anesthetics, analgesics into the affected joint.

    What are shoulder blocks?

    Medical blockades of the shoulder joint are classified depending on the level of interruption in the transmission of nerve impulses. The doctor makes a choice in favor of one of the methods, taking into account clinical condition patient and/or stage of the diagnosed disease. What are shoulder blocks?

    • periarticular. The drug solution is injected into the periarticular areas - the structures of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus, muscle tissues. This is the most painless and safe way to block skeletal muscles, which is also distinguished by a more prolonged analgesic effect;
    • paraarticular. This is the name of the subcutaneous or intradermal injection of an injection solution into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe affected joint. The main advantages of the method include a rapid analgesic effect and a low likelihood of adverse reactions. Therefore, para-articular blocks are often used in long-term treatment;
    • intra-articular. The drug solution is injected directly into the cavity of the shoulder joint. This method of minimally invasive surgery is used to relieve the symptoms of facet syndrome and eliminate pain during.

    Shoulder blockades are not only therapeutic. Diagnostic manipulation is used to identify the causes and mechanisms of pathology development. Symptomatic blocking injections are used to prevent the occurrence of complications of the disease.

    How is medical blockade of the shoulder performed?

    The technique of blockade of the shoulder joint is determined by the attending physician. An anesthetic or hormonal solution is injected into the joint from behind, anteriorly, or from the lateral side. When choosing a method for implementing a medical blockade of the shoulder, the doctor takes into account the degree of damage to the joint, the type of injury or pathology. The procedure is carried out in compliance with all the rules of antiseptics in a small operating room, dressing room or treatment room. When providing urgent medical care(fractures,) it is allowed to perform a technically simple blockade outside the walls of a hospital.

    The doctor processes the hands immediately before the procedure antiseptic solutions, and first 5% alcohol solution of iodine is applied to the patient's skin, and then 70% ethanol. Sometimes chlorhexidine bigluconate is used for processing in the form of a 0.5% aqueous-alcoholic solution. Sterile linen or dressing is applied to the blockade area.

    Before the introduction of the needle, the skin is once again wiped with a sterile swab dipped in ethyl alcohol, and then slightly displaced to prevent the formation of a straight injection channel. To reduce the severity of pain, a thin needle is used to infiltrate the skin with a solution of any anesthetic (Novocaine, Lidocaine). A so-called "lemon peel" is formed, through which a longer and thicker needle is inserted into the shoulder joint. Each of its progress is accompanied by an aspiration test - a manipulation necessary to make sure that there is no tip inside the blood vessel.

    At the end of the introduction of the solution, the needle is removed, and a sterile napkin is applied to the skin, which is fixed with an aseptic bandage or a bactericidal adhesive plaster. In some cases, the imposition of a plaster splint or use is required.

    Shoulder blockade method Technique
    Front The patient is placed on his back with his arm bent at the elbow. This joint should be in the frontal plane, so it shifts slightly outward. With the correct position of the patient, the small tubercle of the shoulder bone is well visualized. Between it and the coracoid process of the scapula, a place is chosen for inserting the needle from front to back
    Behind The patient is placed on the stomach, and the doctor feels the back surface of the upper part of the acromial process, as well as the deltoid muscle located under it. It is here that a shallow fossa is located, bounded by the edges of the deltoid and periosteal muscles. A needle is inserted into the bottom of the fossa in such a way that it moves towards the coracoid process
    From the lateral side The patient sits down on a couch or lays down on a healthy side with an arm extended along the body. The needle is inserted between the acromial process and the greater tubercle of the shoulder bone

    Use of Diprospan for blockade of the shoulder

    Diprospan is often the drug of first choice for drug blockades. The active ingredient of the drug is betamethasone, a glucocorticosteroid, a synthetic analogue of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. It inhibits the release of interleukins and gamma-interferons from macrophages and lymphocytes. The drug is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, anti-shock, analgesic, antitoxic and immunosuppressive effect.

    Blockade by Diprospan of the shoulder joint is carried out periarticularly or intraarticularly at a dose of 4-8 mg. The therapeutic effect occurs after 10-15 minutes and lasts for 3 days. An injection into the joint cavity is usually carried out to stop a strong aseptic inflammatory process. Before administration, the suspension is diluted with an anesthetic solution - Lidocaine or Novocaine. In combination, a glucocorticosteroid and an anesthetic enhance and prolong each other's action.

    Blockades with Diprospan are not prescribed to patients with hematopoietic disorders, periarticular infections, severe, arthrosis without signs, aseptic necrosis.

    Indications and contraindications

    Drug blockades are used to quickly relieve pain and prevent shock in case of shoulder injuries - fractures, dislocations, ruptures of muscles, tendons. With such injuries, the anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effects of the drugs used are important. Indications for the treatment procedure are the following inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic pathologies:

    The procedure cannot be prescribed to a patient if he has been diagnosed with an individual intolerance to the drug used. Shoulder blockade is not performed for patients under 12 years of age, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.