Almagel for children instructions for use. How to take Almagel - instructions for use

The drug, which is a carefully calibrated combination of active substances that reduce the activity of pepsin and neutralize gastric acid, is Almagel. Due to these properties, the drug reduces the activity of gastric juices, adsorbs its excess and has an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane. This helps reduce inflammation of its mucosa and prevents the formation of ulcers.

The drug is called Almagel, in the Russian version on the package you can see the inscription "Almagel", but since the Russian language is more familiar with the soft "l" in a similar design, the medicine is often called "Almagel". Found Almagel application in gastroenterology. Almagel is one of the popular antacids. The drug is available in several forms.

Official instructions for use Almagel A (suspension)

General characteristics of the drug

Regardless of the form in which the drug is produced, the drug contains the main component - algeldrate, the drug is cast with additional components. Release the medication in the form of: tablets; suspensions.

More popular means in the form of a suspension. Suspension is available in three versions:

  • Almagel since the cardboard box in which it is packed has a green color, it is often called Almagel green.
  • Almagel A or Almagel yellow;
  • Almagel Neo (red).

Almagel instructions for use green describes how the classic version of the drug. It contains only the main active components. That is, it is a "pure" antacid. This form is prescribed for pain of moderate intensity and moderate flatulence.

Almagel A instructions for use describe how a combined medication containing, in addition to an antacid and an anesthetic (benzocaine). Effectively and quickly removes this version of the drug Almagel abdominal pain, while it has all the qualities inherent in an antacid. This form should be preferred if the pain syndrome comes first in the clinic.

Almagel instructions for use Neo (Almagel red) describes as a drug that perfectly copes not only with the activity of hydrochloric acid, but also with flatulence due to the presence of a carminative component (simethicone) in the composition. Therefore, if the leading symptom is increased gas formation, it is recommended to choose this form of medication.

Almagel T is a tablet form of the drug, the active substance is magaldrate. This is a convenient compact form of the product, which allows you to deal with the consequences of dietary errors, excessive smoking, coffee and alcoholic beverages. I prescribe tablets only if the suspension is difficult for the patient to take.

Contraindications and side effects

Not all patients can be prescribed this remedy. An absolute contraindication to the use of any form of medication is an allergy to its components (component). You should not prescribe a medicine for serious kidney disease. Do not take the drug during breastfeeding.

Almagel and Almagel A are not prescribed for Alzheimer's disease. It is not recommended to prescribe medicine to children because of the possibility of developing methemoglobinemia, it is contraindicated in babies during the neonatal period (up to 1 month). Almagel A is not prescribed with sulfonamides.

Almagel Neo is not prescribed for children under 10 years of age, patients who cannot tolerate fructose and patients with hypophosphatemia. Almagel-T is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age.

In the gestational period, heartburn and epigastric pain are not uncommon. Therefore, expectant mothers often ask if Almagel is possible during pregnancy? This drug is not advisable to take during the period of bearing a baby. Since there are means, although more expensive, but allowed during this period of a woman's life.

For example, according to official instructions Almagel A is not prescribed for pregnant women. According to other sources, in case of urgent need, Almagel A is prescribed for a period of 3 days (and no more due to the presence of an anesthetic). The decision on the possibility of taking the drug in any form is made by the attending physician, assessing the benefits for the mother and the possible damage that the drug can cause to the fetus.

  • nausea; vomiting; constipation;
  • spastic stomach pains; osteomalacia;
  • edema and dementia (with renal failure in a patient).

The drug interacts with some medical means(cardiac glycosides, antibiotics and some other medicines).

With epilepsy, TBI, a tendency to abuse alcohol, severe liver disease and in childhood(from 10 to 18 years old) I take the medicine very carefully, as prescribed by the doctor and under his control.

To achieve proper effectiveness of the drug, you need to know how to take Almagel before or after meals and at what dose?

When answering the question of how to take Almagel, you need to start with the frequency of administration. Both adults and children are encouraged to drink the remedy 4 times a day (the last time before bedtime). Next actual question, it's like taking Almagel before meals or after?

Almagel A in any dosage form drink 15 minutes before meals

The drug in any dosage form should be drunk 15 minutes before a meal. the last time the medicine should be taken at bedtime, without further food intake. When asked how to give Almagel before or after meals to children, the answer will be the same 3 to 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Before drinking the drug, shake the bottle so that the suspension becomes homogeneous.

The question of how to drink Almagel also includes the need to find out the dosage of the medicine. For adults, 1-3 scoops or 1-2 tablets are recommended.

Almagel instructions for use for children recommends dosage depending on their age. Babies under 10 years of age are recommended to give no more than a third of the adult dose, for children aged 10 to 15 years, the dose can be increased to half the adult dose.

For the purpose of taking the drug Almagel indications are:

  • inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • hernia of the esophagus;
  • esophagitis;
  • dietary errors that led to epigastric pain;
  • prophylaxis in the treatment of hormonal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Almagel for pain in the stomach, the urge to vomit and nausea is better to drink starting with the Almagel A form (antacid + anesthetic), and then, when the symptoms become almost invisible, switch to taking Almagel in maintenance doses.

The cost of the drug

Patients who were arranged for Almagel by the instruction - the price will definitely be of interest. For the drug Almagel, the cost depends on the region of its purchase, pharmacy network and type. How much does Almagel cost in a pharmacy? From 162 to 250 rubles. The average price for Almagel St. Petersburg is about 207 rubles.

Answering the question of how much Almagel costs, we can say that the average price for Almagel classic is 199 rubles, Almagel A - 216 rubles and Almagel Neo -205 rubles.

Similar drugs

For Almagel, the structural analogue is - (Maalox Mini), for Almagel Neo - Simalgel-VM.

Also pharmaceutical industry offers a large list of drugs that can alleviate the condition with the same pathologies as Almagel:

  • Almag Ino, Palmagel,
  • Gestide, Mailax,
  • , Cherry Namagel,
  • Coalgel and other means.

Summary of Reviews

For the drug Almagel, instructions for use, patient reviews do not have contradictions, as this is one of the rare drugs that harmoniously combine price and effectiveness. Patients find the drug relatively inexpensive and quite effective.

Some use this tool for more than one year. Complaints are caused by the taste of the product and its consistency, but such shortcomings fade before the effectiveness of its use. Medication Almagel: instructions for use price - reviews are mostly positive, although some patients complain about the presence of side effects and that the drug is not intended for continuous or very long-term use.

Introductory information about the drug Almagel: instructions for use, reviews, price and means by which it can be replaced are provided for informational purposes. Before using the medication, be sure to consult your doctor. If you need to buy a replacement product, it is also advisable to get qualified advice.

Video: Symptoms of gastritis (Elena Malysheva)

Almagel - popular medicine for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. According to its effect, the drug belongs to antacids, at the same time, the suspension provokes a slight laxative effect and enhances the flow of bile. Thanks to this influence, it is possible to get rid of the exacerbation of most pathologies. It is required to take Almagel strictly according to the instructions, which will allow you to get an adequate therapeutic effect.

Almagel is required to be used only in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • esophagitis and hernia of the esophagus;
  • the presence of reflux disease;
  • gastritis occurring in the acute and chronic stages;
  • suspicion of poisoning with toxins;
  • increased gas formation;
  • ulcerative lesions of the mucosa of the digestive tract;
  • post-resection gastritis;
  • enteritis, duodenitis and gastroduodenitis;
  • the need to prevent the aggressive effects of drugs such as antibiotics, hormones and NSAIDs.

Attention! Also, the drug Almagel is required to be used for problems with the digestive system, provoked by an improper diet, prolonged hunger strikes and other eating disorders. The gel allows you to eliminate pain, protect the mucous membrane and improve bowel function.

How to take Almagel?

It is required to take the prescribed dose of the drug strictly 15 minutes before meals. Before use, the contents of the medication must be thoroughly shaken well each time in order to achieve a uniform distribution. active substance. As soon as the dose of Almagel is taken, it is forbidden to take any liquid for another quarter of an hour.

If you want to achieve an antacid effect from the use of the drug, which implies the elimination of symptoms of heartburn, you should drink the selected dosage of the active ingredient 45 minutes after eating and one hour before going to bed.

The maximum daily dosage of the drug is 16 scoops. In this amount, the active substance is divided into four doses, and the duration of therapy is a maximum of two weeks. Almagel can be drunk in such doses only in acute conditions, when it is necessary to quickly restore and protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

If not assigned maximum doses the main component, usually patients after 15 years of age are required to take 5-10 ml of the active substance 3 times a day, in the presence of heartburn four times a day, the last dose is taken at bedtime. With the ineffectiveness of such treatment, the dose may be increased.

Patients from 10 to 15 years old should take the drug only under the supervision of the attending physician. The dosage of Almagel should not exceed half the adult. Patients under 10 years of age are not recommended to take medicinal product, but in case of urgent need, it is possible to use the gel. But at the same time, it is strictly forbidden to exceed the dose of the active substance in 1/3 of the adult. The duration of therapy is 20 days. More long-term treatment possible only with the permission of a specialist.

Attention! If the disease is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, intestinal upset, vomiting or nausea, it is recommended to start therapy with the use of Almagel A, and then switch to the usual form of the drug.

Features of using Almagel

Patient groupImagePossible reaction
Pathologies of bone tissue and joints
Safe to use as it contains no sugar
Sorbitol can cause diarrhea and gag reflex
Urticaria, bronchospasm
May develop neurotoxicity

Attention! In addition, a drug with hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components can cause side effects such as vomiting, nausea, strong pain in the stomach, increased flatulence, the appearance of a metallic taste in the oral cavity.

Contraindications to the use of Almagel

Taking the medication is not recommended if you have hypersensitivity to the main component or auxiliary ingredients. It is also recommended to stop taking the remedy for people suffering from severe kidney disorders. Almagel is never prescribed for confirmed or suspected Alzheimer's disease and during breastfeeding.

Attention! If such recommendations are ignored, the patient develops all the side effects described above, and symptoms of severe intoxication may be noted. Treatment is symptomatic, in severe cases it is carried out in a hospital setting.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is not recommended for use at any stage of pregnancy. If there is an urgent need to use Almagel, it is advisable to take it only in minimal doses. For pregnant women, it is 0.5-2 scoops 3-4 times a day. Most often, during the period of bearing a child, a drug is prescribed to suppress heartburn. You can not take the medication at this time for more than three days.

Attention! During pregnancy, women are very sensitive to any active substances. Because of this, when using Almagel, the risk of side effects increases. If the condition worsens, the medication is completely canceled, dose reduction is not advisable.

Video - Almagel A - instruction

Almagel is a broad-spectrum drug that can eliminate peptic ulcers, gastritis, heartburn and other pathological processes. But the drug can have the necessary therapeutic effect only if it is used correctly. To do this, you should know when Almagel is taken before meals, and when after it. If the instructions are followed correctly, it will be possible to improve the patient's condition already on the first day.

Almagel or, as it is also called, Almagel is an antacid medication used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The composition includes aluminum and magnesium hydroxide, due to which the drug reduces the acidity of the stomach and protects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs from various damages. Today you will learn more about Almagel - how to drink it and for what diseases it should be used.

Almagel - how to drink

Thanks to the active components that make up the drug, when it is used, gastric acid is neutralized, which acts as a causative factor in irritating the gastric mucosa and worsening the condition of the body as a whole. It is worth noting that Almagel has a strong therapeutic effect, but it usually lasts no more than 70 minutes.. The peculiarity of the drug lies in the almost complete absence of contraindications, due to which the medicine is prescribed not only for adult patients, but also for children. Its active composition allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

On a note! Almagel still has some contraindications, so before using it, you must definitely read the instructions. It contains detailed information about the dosage and indications of the drug.

The drug is most often produced in the form of an emulsion, due to which the active components of the drug are evenly distributed over the surface of the patient's gastric mucosa. In addition, doctors note that the suspension is able to prolong the positive effect of the drug, providing an adsorbing, gastroprotective and enveloping effect on the body.

Almagel has practically no side effects, but in rare cases, a slight state of apathy, constipation or drowsiness may occur. Since this medication issued without a prescription, it is often used in self-medication, without a doctor's prescription. But we must not forget that in case of non-compliance with the dosage or improper use, unpleasant consequences may occur.

Release forms

Often the drug is prescribed for the treatment of gastritis, but it is also used for other gastroenterological diseases. The effect persists for several hours. On the pharmaceutical market, you can find 3 forms of this drug. Let's consider each of them separately.


The active substance of the drug is algeldrate (aluminum hydroxide hydrate), which relieves signs of inflammatory processes in the gastric membrane, and also protects the walls of the patient's stomach from the harmful effects of gastric juice that can destroy or damage them. It has enveloping and adsorbing properties.

Almagel A

Practically does not differ from the usual drug in its own way. chemical composition, with the exception of the enveloping substance. It is prescribed for symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach. Depending on the type of disease, the severity of its course and the characteristics of the patient's body, the duration of the therapeutic course and the dosage of the drug may vary. All this should be instructed by a medical professional. But, as a rule, the duration of the therapeutic course is no more than 3 weeks.

Another form of Almagel used in the treatment of increased gas formation, bloating, as well as different types gastritis. Due to the presence of simethicone in the composition, regular use of the drug helps prevent bloating. According to medical research, Almagel is one of the most effective, harmless and at the same time cheap drugs in its group. It is often prescribed in the treatment of gastric catarrh (inflammation) as an adjunct to other medical remedies.

Indications for use

Almagel is prescribed in the treatment of pathologies, as a concomitant symptom of which is increased acidity of the stomach. These diseases include:

  • pain in the abdomen caused by taking certain medications, excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, or a violation of the diet;
  • gastroanastomosis;
  • bloating;
  • gastritis that arose after resection of the stomach;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs);
  • food intoxication;
  • development of enteritis or duodenitis;
  • chronic or acute form gastritis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • hernia of the esophagus;
  • esophagitis (inflammation of the lining of the esophagus).

On a note! Almagel is also prescribed to protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from the negative effects of certain medications (corticosteroids, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.).

Are there any contraindications

Despite a number of positive qualities, this drug has contraindications that must be taken into account when using. These include:

  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • age factor (Almagel should not be given to children under 4 weeks old);
  • senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type (Alzheimer's disease);
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • kidney failure or other disorders of these organs.

According to numerous clinical research conducted throughout the entire period of use of the drug in medicine, adverse reactions in patients appear quite rarely. But this does not mean that you can self-medicate. If the dosage is not observed, then certain consequences may occur. The most common of these include: temporary taste disturbance, swelling of the legs and arms, prolonged constipation, bouts of nausea and vomiting, general weakness of the body, increased drowsiness and pain in the abdomen. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to take Almagel

For the correct and full-fledged action of the drug, you need to follow some recommendations. For example, you should not drink anything for 1 hour after taking it. This will improve the absorption of nutrients. In order for the drug to be quickly and evenly distributed over the gastric mucosa, it is necessary to lie down on the bed immediately after taking Almagel and roll over from one side to the other several times. In the presence of peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer doctors recommend after taking to lie on the left side for 5-7 minutes. Compliance with such recommendations will increase the effectiveness of the drug used and, accordingly, speed up the healing process.

The action of Almagel begins almost immediately after application. As noted earlier, the duration of the therapeutic course may vary depending on some factors (severity of the disease, age and condition of the patient), but it should not be more than 30 days. There is a certain dose of the drug, which is distributed over the entire course of treatment, and it should not be more than 10 vials.

During pregnancy

Some people think that during pregnancy or when breastfeeding Almagel should not be taken. But in fact, there are no restrictions in the treatment of gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in pregnant women. The drug can be taken, but only strictly in the indicated doses. In this case, one condition must be observed - this pharmaceutical product cannot be taken more often than 3 times a day.

The medicine can be used in the treatment of heartburn, abdominal pain, the effects of abuse harmful products or overeating. But before using it, you should always consult with your doctor. Otherwise, you risk harming not only yourself, but also the unborn child.

Important! When breastfeeding, doctors recommend using only one form of the drug - Almagel. If we talk about other pharmaceutical forms, then they can only be used with the permission of a doctor. This reduces the likelihood of a potential hazard to the health of the fetus.

What are the analogues

Almagel is not the only drug on the pharmaceutical market with such medicinal properties. Of course, products may differ in chemical composition or cost, so you should be careful when choosing one or another option. Below are the most common analog drugs used in medicine.

Table. Overview of drugs-analogs of Almagel.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

An effective antacid drug of combined action. It has enveloping and adsorbing properties, due to which the active components of this drug reduce the acidity of gastric juice, thereby eliminating the symptoms of many gastroenterological diseases. The drug protects the walls of the digestive system from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid.

Combined preparation, which includes magnesium hydroxide. It has choleretic, carminative, enveloping, adsorbing and, most importantly, antacid properties. It has a positive effect on the work of the intestines, neutralizes stomach acid. The duration of the drug is 50-60 minutes, after which it begins to leave the body.

An antacid medicine used in medicine in the treatment of heartburn, gastritis and other gastroenterological pathologies. Its action is to reduce the activity of gastric juice, thereby eliminating the pain caused by the negative effect of hydrochloric acid on the walls of the stomach.

Absorbent medical product with enveloping properties. Thanks to the content active components, the drug helps to normalize gastric juice, reducing its activity. This helps to reduce the negative impact of juice on the walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another antacid that reduces the acidity of hydrochloric acid. The action of the drug is due to the stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice, thereby eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies. Gastal is excellent for heartburn.

The active components of this drug are magnesium and calcium carbonate. When these substances enter the patient's body, the gastric juice is neutralized, which is associated with the gastroprotective and antacid properties of the drug.

Before using the above drugs, be sure to consult a doctor. This will avoid serious complications and consequences caused by improper intake.


Almost all medications can cause side effects when overdosed. This also applies to Almagel, the excessive use of which can lead to increased gas formation, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and constipation. If an overdose of the drug occurs systematically, more serious complications may occur in the form of hypermagnesemia, increased nervousness, rapid asthenopia, general weakness of the patient's body, drowsiness, pain in muscle tissues, constipation, etc. In rare cases, there is a decrease in mental activity or memory impairment .

The first thing to do in case of an overdose of the drug is to wash the stomach in order to remove the remnants of Almagel from the body. For this purpose, laxatives or sorbents can also be used. Try to induce vomiting if possible.

Additional Information

The peculiarity of the drug is that after entering the patient's body, it is not absorbed into the blood. Thanks to this, Almagel does not affect the work of others. internal organs. The action occurs within a few minutes after application, and the duration of the effect can be from 1 to 1.5 hours.

During the treatment period, you also need to observe the daily regimen and eat right. Compliance with a special diet will speed up the recovery process, and regular exercise, combined with a healthy and balanced diet, will prevent the development of problems with the digestive system.

Video - Instructions for use of the drug Almagel

Almagel A is a well-known and widely used drug that eliminates clinical manifestations gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenum, duodenitis.

It is also characterized by a pronounced analgesic effect, and therefore, it is prescribed to eliminate pain in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Almagel A, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Almagel A can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Almagel A is produced in the form of a white suspension with a specific lemon odor. A transparent layer of liquid may form on the surface during long-term storage.

  • 1 scoop (5 ml) of suspension contains 2.18 g of algedate, 350 mg of magnesium hydroxide paste, 109 mg of benzocaine.

Clinico-pharmacological group: antacid in combination with a local anesthetic.

Indications for use

What does the drug help? The appointment of Almagel A is advisable for:

  • acute duodenitis,
  • enteritis,
  • colitis,
  • reflux esophagitis,
  • chronic gastritis in the acute stage,
  • functional disorders of the stomach and intestines,
  • exacerbations of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • gastritis with high acidity (in acute form),
  • discomfort and painful sensations in the stomach after errors in the diet, as well as after drinking strong tea or coffee, alcohol, smoking,
  • as a prophylaxis during treatment with other drugs.

Almagel A is also prescribed for diabetes as a therapeutic adjunct.

pharmachologic effect

Almagel A reduces the activity of gastric juice in the process of digestion, which is achieved by neutralizing free hydrochloric acid in the stomach cavity.

The benzocaine included in the composition has a long-term, local, analgesic effect, which helps to stop severe pain syndromes in aggressive gastroenterological diseases.

Sorbitol is characterized by a laxative effect, the component enhances bile excretion.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, before using Almagel, the bottle should be shaken well to obtain a homogeneous composition. The suspension is taken orally half an hour before meals, and in the evening - just before going to bed, without drinking water.

  • As prescribed by the doctor, 1-3 dosing (tea) spoons, depending on the severity of the case, 3-4 times / day.
    In children, the drug is used strictly according to the doctor's prescription: children under 10 years old are prescribed 1/3 dose for adults, and children from 10 to 15 years old - 1/2 dose for adults.

In diseases accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, treatment begins with Almagel A, and after the disappearance of these symptoms, they switch to Almagel.


You can not use the drug in such cases:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • diseases of the renal system;
  • treatment with sulfonamides;
  • individual hypersensitivity;
  • age limit - until reaching the age of one month.

Side effects

In some cases, when taking the drug, there may be a change in taste sensations, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, pain in the epigastric region and constipation, which disappear after a dose reduction. At high doses, it may cause drowsiness.

Long-term use may reduce the concentration of phosphorus in the blood, leading to bone destruction (osteomalacia). In patients with kidney failure Almagel can provoke swelling of the extremities, dementia (dementia) and an increase in the concentration of magnesium in the blood.

Analogues Almagel A

Drugs with a similar effect:

  • Palmagel A;
  • Rennie;
  • Gastal.

Attention: the use of analogues must be agreed with the attending physician.


The average price of ALMAGEL A, suspension in pharmacies (Moscow) is 230 rubles.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

"NEW PHARMACY"; April; 2011; page 2.

We are desperately short of time. So, it is necessary to save it at the expense of something, most often - at the expense of food. And few people think that life on the run and dry eating lead, first of all, to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - heartburn, abdominal pain, and bloating. Just as quickly, when it becomes completely unbearable, many run into the pharmacy to buy something "from the stomach."

What can the first-timer advise such a visitor, who has only a few minutes to communicate with the next buyer, and therefore there is no opportunity to thoroughly ask him about the symptoms of the disease? Of course, he will offer Almagel - a reliable and proven remedy for years. It appeared in our pharmacies in 1973 and quite rightly became the most famous drug containing antacids.

What is good about Almagel?

Increased acidity is what most often provokes heartburn, pain and bloating. Antacids successfully cope with the task of neutralizing hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. They, in turn, are divided into non-absorbable and absorbable. The latter, unfortunately, side effect- ricochet syndrome. After the end of the action of drugs containing absorbable antacids, acidity increases sharply. This leads to another attack and the need to take more and more new drugs.

An important advantage of Almagel is the presence of non-absorbable antacids in its composition. The drug contains aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide, which neutralize the hydrochloric acid of the stomach and have an enveloping effect. For this reason, Almagel maintains the necessary acidity in the stomach longer and has a longer duration of action. It has stable buffering properties (maintains pH 3.0-3.5), actively adsorbs pepsin, bile acids, isolecithin, and does not have "acid rebound" syndrome.

The manufacturer offers three varieties of Almagel, each of which purposefully acts on the main symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. The drug is available in packages of three different colors, depending on the direction of action.

It is enough for the pervostolnik to find out the main symptoms that disturb the visitor in order to determine what kind of drug to offer him.

Orange, yellow, green

Almagel (green) contains aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. It neutralizes hydrochloric acid, has an absorbent and enveloping effect. This drug can be advised to patients complaining of heartburn. Green is useful for those who eat irregularly, often dry food, for example, students. It will also be readily bought by older people, pensioners who have known Almagel for a long time, because green is affordable.

Almagel A (yellow)- unique in its qualities. It is the only antacid that is able to provide local anesthesia. Thanks to benzocaine, Almagel A relieves not only heartburn, but also stomach pain. At a price it is also accessible to the general population.

Almagel Neo (orange)- Simethicone is added to the composition of this drug. Thanks to him, Almagel Neo acquired a carminative effect. For patients suffering from gastric and intestinal diseases, accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as flatulence, Almagel Neo is just a godsend. As a rule, a "bouquet" of these unpleasant manifestations accompanies patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle, such as office workers. A new tool will come in handy for those who are prone to frequent stress, abuse smoking and often overeat. Attracts buyers when choosing Almagel Neo and its orange flavor, which makes the treatment pleasant. Most often, this drug is bought by visitors 30-50 years old.