Laryngitis: treatment and symptoms in children. Symptoms and treatment of acute laryngitis in children Forms of inflammation of the larynx

Inflammation of the mucous membrane in a child often leads to the development of laryngitis. This is due to the fact that the nasopharynx of children is narrower compared to adults. Parents should know the measures to prevent this disease, the main signs of the disease and ways effective treatment laryngitis in children at home.

Characteristics of laryngitis

Laryngitis in children is an inflammation of the vocal cords and mucous membranes of the larynx. The disease manifests itself as a reaction to viral diseases of the child's body, vulnerable and not strong enough to fight them. SARS and flu often lead to inflammation of the ligaments and larynx.

Forms of children's laryngitis:

  • acute form, with pronounced symptoms;
  • chronic appearance, with severe itching and scratchy, hoarseness and the need to cough.

At an early age, laryngitis is dangerous for children. The disease is the more difficult the smaller the baby. In addition, up to the age of 3 years, the crumbs are likely to have a narrowing of the lumen in the larynx, which is a threat to the life of the child and requires emergency care doctors.

In crumbs younger than six months of age, false croup is not observed.

Parents are concerned about the question, is it possible to treat laryngitis at home? Pediatricians advise that you should know the first signs of the disease in order to seek help from a doctor who will conduct a competent examination of your child and decide whether it is possible to carry out treatment at home. In addition, there are symptoms that indicate a danger to the life of the baby, which every mom and dad should know.

Causes of laryngitis

There are many causes of laryngitis, often it is a whole combination of factors, individual for children:

  • reaction to the smell of allergen substances: varnishes, paints, household chemicals, dust, new furniture, animal hair, in this case, an allergic rhinitis is observed;
  • colds;
  • hypothermia, even a small draft;
  • overexertion of the larynx after a loud conversation or singing, a long cry;
  • individually too narrow larynx and nasopharynx, provoking swelling after an inflammatory process in the respiratory system;
  • air condition: hot air, dry, dusty, exhaust gases, a room where there is a lot of smoking;
  • foreign body;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The risk of laryngitis is higher in babies with allergies.

The peak of outbreaks of laryngitis is the off-season, spring and autumn.

Signs that can identify laryngitis

One of the signs of laryngitis can be a runny nose.

Symptoms of the disease appear quite quickly and suddenly. The first sign of the disease is hoarseness of voice, accompanied by a decrease in appetite due to painful swallowing, dry cough. At night and in the morning, the strength of the cough increases, there is a risk of an asthma attack.

The main signs of laryngitis:

  • swollen, red throat;
  • discharge with blood in the area of ​​​​inflammation;
  • difficulty breathing with swelling of the larynx;
  • hoarseness or loss of voice;
  • dryness and tickling in the mouth;
  • low temperature;
  • barking cough, dry at first, later with phlegm;
  • pain in the head.

It is necessary to know the symptoms of laryngitis in newborns who cannot yet express in words or show that they have pain:

  • increased moodiness;
  • anxiety;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • coughing;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • blue at the nasolabial triangle;
  • noise and whistling in the chest.

Complications and emergency care

Emergency help

Frequent laryngitis in babies can provoke the onset of a chronic form.

The complications of the disease include:

  • suffocation in severe form of the disease;
  • stenosis of the larynx, requiring the immediate help of a specialist;
  • sepsis, mediastinitis, lung abscess, neck phlegmon with purulent laryngitis.

Parents should clearly understand when and for what symptoms to immediately call ambulance:

  • Severe narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. Typical for crumbs up to. Dangerous occurrence of difficulty breathing and the risk of its complete stop.
  • Disturbance of the rhythm of normal breathing, which may become intermittent, with shortness of breath. In this case, often the baby does not show outward anxiety and behaves normally. But in this case, the likelihood of asphyxia or cardiovascular insufficiency is high.
  • Fright of the child when coughing, a feeling of lack of air, as well as a high temperature, which does not go astray for more than a day.
  • The presence of an allergy in a child or diseases of the nervous system that provoke a deterioration in the condition of your child.

Stenosis can occur suddenly, very often it happens in the middle of the night. The child begins to choke, there is a barking cough, noisy breathing, the attack develops in a maximum of 2-3 hours. With a significant narrowing of the larynx, parents may notice how the depression at the bottom of the neck sinks when the baby inhales air, and the skin between the ribs may also sink when breathing. An alarming sign is the blueness of the nasolabial triangle of the child.

Remember! The first thing you should do is urgently call an ambulance!

Until the ambulance arrives, you need to do the following:

  • Prepare a foot bath for the baby, then wrap the legs in a warm blanket and give the liquid to the baby.
  • The baby should be given small frequent portions of Borjomi or a prepared solution - 1 tsp. soda in 1 liter of boiled water.
  • Give the child an antiallergic agent in accordance with the dosage - Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil, Zirtek. Effective and drugs for relieving spasms - No-shpa, Papaverine.
  • Humidify the air by placing a container of water in the room, hanging wet towels or diapers, or taking the baby to the bathroom to breathe in hot vapors.

Important! During an attack, you can not give the child juices, compote, coffee!

Treatment of laryngitis

Treatment of laryngitis is selected by a pediatrician or ENT specialist after diagnosing the disease, which includes the following procedures:

  • identification of complaints;
  • examination of the baby;
  • laryngoscopy - examination with an endoscope or laryngeal mirror;
  • blood test;
  • mucosal smear.

For a speedy recovery, it is not enough medications prescribed by a doctor. Parents should create conditions for a comprehensive fight against the disease.

General rules

Bed rest
  • bed rest;
  • moistening the air with a spray gun, airing (without the baby being in the room) or hanging wet sheets;
  • reducing the load on the voice apparatus;
  • plentiful drink, including: (milk, herbal preparations, fruit drinks, Borjomi)
  • walks in the fresh air for 15 minutes, if the weather is not too hot and not very cold;
  • daily wet cleaning of all surfaces, including floors;
  • proper vitamin diet, excluding foods: (spicy food, carbonated drinks, too cold or hot)

Allergic potential of products


It is completely impossible to do without medications. To alleviate the condition of the crumbs and help to get better soon will help:

  • antihistamines that relieve puffiness and soothe the baby;
  • absorbable tablets (Grammidin, Strepsils, Hexoral tabs, Faringosept) and aerosols (Lugol, Hexoral, Miramistin);
  • expectorants for coughs;
  • antipyretics at high temperature (Panadol, Paracetamol, Cefekon);
  • antibiotics, in case of inflammation of the bacterial form in combination with intoxication (Ecoclave, Amoxiclav, Ecomed, Sumamed).

The main goal of treatment is to eliminate swelling that poses a danger to the life of the child.

Inhalation for laryngitis

  • Inhalation is one of the prerequisites for successful treatment. For this, a special device is ideal - a nebulizer, which can be easily found in a pharmacy. The main advantages of the device are convenience and the possibility of use at any age.
  • In the treatment of the disease, solutions for inhalation should be used:
  • soda solution;
  • mineral water (Borjomi or Essentuki);
  • medications(Lazolvan, Rotokan, Sinupret, Tolzingon);
  • herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, mint).

Inhalations are carried out up to 3 times a day, mainly a couple of hours before bedtime and 30 minutes after eating, and in the evening, always until 19.00. An hour after the procedure, it is recommended to give the child cough syrup.

Inhalations are contraindicated:

  • at high temperature
  • respiratory and cardiovascular problems
  • tendencies to nosebleeds

Recipes for home treatment

Home treatment recipes are no less effective than medications, so it is easier to defeat the disease with a comprehensive fight against laryngitis.

These include:

  • foot baths with the addition of mustard;
  • warming compresses in the neck;
  • mustard plasters are placed on the back;
  • steam inhalation over potatoes for 10 minutes (unpeeled vegetables are boiled, laid out on a leaf of eucalyptus, mint or chamomile);
  • gargling with medicinal plants with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties (3 times a day with boiled beet juice or infusion of a glass of boiling water boiled for a minute with 1 tsp of honey).

It is useful for laryngitis to water the baby with an infusion of herbs with honey. Suitable for herbs:

  • plantain;
  • coltsfoot sheet;
  • tricolor violet.

To prepare the solution, 1 tsp is taken. each herb, everything is poured with a glass of boiling water. Let the liquid cool down and strain. Drink the baby for 1 tsp. 4 times a day (for the age of 2-3 years), 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day (for babies over 3 years). The course of treatment is 3 days.

The following recipe will help in the treatment: 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and boiled for 2 minutes, covered with a lid and infused for 1 hour. The child should be given to drink 1 tablespoon per day up to 6 times or gargle up to 3 times a day.

Carrot juice with honey in a ratio of 1:1 will have a beneficial effect on laryngitis. The healing agent is used by the child 4 times a day, 1 tsp.

The onion compress will perfectly relieve the condition. To prepare it, you need to finely chop 1 onion, put it in a cloth bag and place it over water in a saucepan at a boil. After heating the bag, apply it to the child's neck. Make sure that it is not too hot so as not to burn the baby.

Prevention of laryngitis

To prevent the occurrence of the disease, you should follow simple recommendations to protect your child:

  • exclusion of contact with infection;
  • getting rid of a chronic infectious focus;
  • exclusion of overvoltage of the vocal cords;
  • protecting the baby from passive smoking;
  • exclusion of trauma to the larynx.

The cause of the swelling may be the situation in the house, overflowing with dust. To reduce the risk of illness, you should make changes at home:

  • remove things that often cause dust - heavy carpets, curtains;
  • clothes and books, cleaning products and powders are transferred to closed cabinets;
  • in places where moisture accumulates (kitchen, bathroom), it is better to replace linoleum with tiles;
  • it is undesirable for parents to spray deodorants and toilet water in the presence of the baby;
  • make sure there are no damp spots on the ceiling and walls;
  • it is recommended to varnish the parquet floor;
  • reduce the number of fur toys.

If the disease has already occurred, it is important to observe measures of secondary prevention of the transition of the disease to the chronic stage or the development of complications. Risk reduction measures include compliance with all doctor's recommendations and comprehensive treatment of the child.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Protect your child from negative factors that provoke the development of laryngitis in children. If the disease has already occurred, remember the alarming symptoms when the disease threatens the life of the crumbs, and seek medical help in a timely manner.

Laryngitis is one of the most common diseases of the respiratory tract in children. Its severity depends on the cause, the age of the child and the presence of concomitant pathology. Not in all cases it is possible to accurately determine the cause of the disease, therefore, diagnosis should be carried out only by a doctor, which will allow you to prescribe the most effective drugs. Treatment of laryngitis in children is not an easy task, so parents should not choose their own medicines and tempt fate.

The cause of laryngitis can be an infection and a non-infectious factor. Among pathogenic microorganisms often found:

  • viral infection(measles, influenza, chickenpox, adenovirus);
  • bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci);
  • fungi (candida, molds).

Infection occurs against the background of reduced immunity. Infection predisposes to poor nutrition, polluted air, frequent hypothermia, severe infections, diabetes, hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, a tendency to allergies and communication with sick people.

Especially often hoarseness in children appears after a loud, prolonged cry or tantrum. Passive smoking also increases the risk of inflammation in the oropharynx and larynx.

Depending on the strength of the provoking factor and the strength of the immune defense, laryngitis manifests itself in varying degrees of severity. A dangerous condition is croup, which predisposes:

  • narrower lumen of the larynx;
  • loose fiber;
  • more sensitive nerve endings;
  • peculiarities lymphatic system, tendency to allergies, diathesis;
  • frequent colds.

Clinical symptoms and diagnosis

To suspect laryngitis in a child, it is enough to pay attention to his behavior. Initially, capriciousness, tearfulness, drowsiness appear, increased sweating and reduced appetite. Then there is perspiration in the oropharynx, hoarseness, shortness of breath and "barking" cough. In addition, rhinitis and nasal congestion may join, making nasal breathing difficult.

If treatment is started on initial stage, cough quickly turns into a productive form, sputum removal is facilitated and shortness of breath decreases. The temperature in this case may remain normal.

The progression of the pathology leads to aphonia, silent cough, febrile fever, increased shortness of breath and the appearance of coughing fits (more often at night).

In the absence of therapy, laryngospasm may begin. It is caused by increasing swelling of tissues and narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. As the croup progresses, breathing becomes difficult, noisy, the skin turns blue and the work of the heart is disrupted.

Insufficient oxygen supply leads to the development of cerebral hypoxia, which is manifested by dizziness and confusion.


How to treat incipient laryngitis in children? If you identify the cause of laryngitis in time, you can prevent its progression and avoid complications. Therapeutic measures are aimed at:

  • prevention of the spread of inflammation, which allows you to limit the pathological focus;
  • reduction of swelling and hyperemia of the mucosa;
  • decreased irritation of receptors;
  • easier breathing;
  • reduction of cough;
  • prevention of laryngospasm.
  • bed rest. It is forbidden to run, walk on the street, which can aggravate the course of the disease;
  • limiting the load on the vocal cords. Of course, it is almost impossible to make a child silent, but controlling the volume of the conversation and its duration is the task of the parents;
  • maintaining optimal temperature and humidity in the children's room;
  • regular cleaning in the room allows you to humidify the air, make breathing easier and reduce the number of allergens;
  • plentiful warm drink. Alkaline liquids are recommended (milk with soda or non-carbonated Borjomi mineral water 1: 1), warm compotes, fruit drinks or tea. Sweet drinks are not recommended. Sufficient drinking regime makes it possible to accelerate the elimination of toxins and reduce the severity of intoxication;
  • food should be vitamin. Hot, cold food, spicy, salty and fatty foods are prohibited;

Medical therapy

To cure laryngitis, you must strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions, especially the dosage and duration of administration. medicines. If you stop taking the drugs yourself, there is a risk of the return of symptoms with greater intensity, or the chronicity of the inflammatory process.

The attending physician may prescribe antihistamines, which reduce swelling of the mucosa, and also have a slight sedative effect:

  1. Fenistil in the form of a solution, dosed in drops;
  2. Zyrtec - from six months;
  3. Zodak in the form of a solution is used from the age of one, tablets are allowed from the age of six;
  4. Tsetrin - from a year (syrup), from the age of six - tablets;
  5. Claritin - from two years.

Antitussive or expectorant medicines are given to make breathing easier, reduce respiratory distress, and help the child sleep peacefully. For this purpose, Gerbion (plantain), Sinekod, Libeksin, Bronholitin, Stoptusin, Tusuprex or Codelac can be used.

If you suffer from a wet cough with sputum difficult to separate, it is advisable to use Erespal, Pertussin, Prospan, Gedelix, Alteyka, Gerbion (primrose), Ambroxol or Acetylcysteine.

For local treatment the following medicines are used:

  1. Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt, Givalex or Tantum Verde to rinse the oropharynx;

Rinsing is prohibited until the age of 4 due to the risk of developing bronchospasm.

  1. irrigation of the throat mucosa with Bioparox, Orasept or Tantum Verde. The procedure is prohibited for young children, as there is a risk of laryngospasm;
  2. resorption of lollipops - Strepsils, Decatilene, Faringosept, Falimint or Lisobakt. If the child does not know how to dissolve the tablet, you can grind it into powder and gradually pour it onto the mucous membrane of the cheeks.

Rinsing should be carried out in compliance with the rules:

  • the solution should be warm to avoid irritation and burns of the mucous membrane;
  • the procedure is carried out an hour after eating;
  • after rinsing, you should not drink or eat for half an hour;
  • during the day it is necessary to alternate medicinal solutions;
  • herbal solutions are used cautiously if the child has an increased tendency to allergies.

To combat fever, antipyretic drugs without acetylsalicylic acid should be used. Doctors advise using Panadol, Efferalgan, Cefecon or Paracetamol syrup. All these medicines consist of paracetamol, therefore they are allowed for children. You can also prescribe Ibufen, which belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs.

Antibacterial and antiviral drugs used only when confirmed infectious nature diseases.

Physiotherapy procedures

How to treat laryngitis in children with inhalation? They have a good effect and can be used even by babies. To facilitate the procedure, you can use a nebulizer. It has many advantages:

  1. temperature control, because hot steam can burn the mucous membrane and slow down the healing process;
  2. accurate dosing of drugs, which is especially important in the treatment of children;
  3. ease of inhalation;
  4. no need to synchronize breathing with the operation of the apparatus.

The procedure has some features:

  • it is carried out an hour after eating;
  • after inhalation, you should not go out into the cold, eat or drink for half an hour;
  • it is not carried out with a fever above 37.5 degrees;
  • in the process of inhalation it is forbidden to talk, it is necessary to breathe calmly;
  • with the help of a nebulizer, oil and herbal solutions cannot be inhaled;
  • after the procedure, the device should be thoroughly washed to prevent its contamination;
  • for the device it is allowed to use only saline solution, which should be diluted with the medicine to obtain a certain concentration.

The medicine for inhalation is selected taking into account the allergic predisposition and the severity of the disease.

With the help of a nebulizer, inhalation can be carried out with Interferon (an antiviral agent), Borjomi non-carbonated mineral water, saline, Lazolvan, Rotokan, Sinupret and Tonsilgon. Inhalation allows you to moisturize the mucosa, reduce its irritation, facilitate expectoration of sputum due to the dissolution of sputum, and also reduce the severity of inflammation and swelling of the mucosa.

If several types of inhalations are prescribed, the order in which the drugs are used should be observed depending on their action:

  • the first inhaled bronchodilator drug, such as Ventolin or Berodual. It allows you to eliminate bronchospasm and facilitate the excretion of sputum;
  • then an expectorant is used, for example, Lazolvan or Fluimucil;
  • the latter can be used anti-inflammatory (Rotokan, Sinupret) or antiseptics(Fluimucil-antibiotic, Dekasan).

Inhalations in the usual way (over a saucepan) can be carried out with a decoction of calendula, coltsfoot, pine buds, chamomile and sage. You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil (tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar). Alkaline inhalation can be prepared by adding 5 g of soda to boiled potatoes.

Inhalation with Pulmicort is carried out with the threat of laryngospasm, as well as with its development. This hormonal medicine allows you to quickly reduce tissue swelling and make breathing easier.

In the absence of fever, warm foot baths can be performed to circulate blood to the legs and reduce swelling of the vocal cords and laryngeal mucosa. Rubbing chest animal fat or Dr. Mom's medicine. The procedure is performed for bronchitis, which develops as a complication of laryngitis. At the risk of croup, rubbing is prohibited.

Having overcome the disease, you should do the strengthening of the immune system. To do this, you can use homeopathic medicines, vitamins Multitabs, Supradin and non-drug remedies. For children, water procedures, proper nutrition and climate change are especially useful.

The child's body is constantly subjected to various tests. The immune system is not yet able to withstand the onslaught of pathogenic microorganisms. Most often, the respiratory system suffers in children, which is associated not only with insufficient protection, but also with an incompletely formed nasopharynx. Therefore, inflammation of the mucosa often provokes the development of laryngitis, the treatment of which should be timely and competent.

What is laryngitis in childhood

Laryngitis is a disease of the respiratory system, which is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx. It develops against the background of SARS, adenovirus infection, influenza, measles. Even a small draft or hypothermia can cause illness.

Laryngitis is manifested by swelling of the larynx, a strong cough

Children under 3 years of age, including infants, suffer the most from the disease. It is at this age that pathology can lead to a sharp narrowing of the larynx - false croup syndrome.

Viral, acute, catarrhal and other types of pathology

Laryngitis in its course is classified into:

  1. Spicy. Pathology is characterized by an abrupt onset of the disease. The symptoms are pronounced.
  2. Chronic. A sluggish process, accompanied by a temporary lull and outbreaks of illness.

Acute laryngitis

Acute pathology is divided into the following forms:

  1. Catarrhal. It is diagnosed most often in children. Pathology is manifested by characteristic symptoms: swelling of the larynx, vocal cords, coarsening of the voice, cough.
  2. Edema-infiltrative. Inflammation is localized exclusively in the larynx, but it spreads to the deep layers of the mucosa. There is a high temperature, a strong cough with purulent-mucous sputum. Sometimes increase The lymph nodes. Touching them causes pain.
  3. Lining. This shape is known as false croup. The disease is typical for children preschool age. During the day, the disease is manifested by tickling, coughing, a slight increase in temperature. The condition of the baby can be considered satisfactory. But at night there are bouts of barking cough, which flow into suffocation.
  4. Phlegmous. This is a purulent look. Most often, the disease occurs against the background of advanced infiltrative laryngitis.

Chronic laryngitis

If adequate therapy is not used for any type of acute laryngitis, then the pathology passes into the chronic stage. In this case, she will constantly make itself felt.

In medicine, there are several forms:

  1. Catarrhal chronic laryngitis. Pathologies are prone to children who constantly experience voice loads or live in dusty, chemically polluted areas. Young patients often complain of a feeling of "lump" in the throat. They periodically develop hoarseness. The throat is almost always slightly swollen and red.
  2. Hyperplastic. The mucosa is hypertrophied, there may be protrusions on the ligaments. During an exacerbation, symptoms of a catarrhal form appear. The main complaint is hoarseness of voice. Sometimes it disappears completely.
  3. atrophic. It is often a complication of diphtheria or scarlet fever. Pathology is characterized by the appearance of dark crusts on the mucosa. Children are tormented wet cough, the mucus contains streaks of blood.

Depending on the causes of development, laryngitis happens:

  1. Allergic. The appearance of this form is provoked by a variety of allergens.
  2. Bacterial. Causes a bacterial infection. It is possible to determine the nature of the pathology only after examining the child.
  3. Viral. Common form. Her appearance is dictated by the transferred colds.

How to treat a dangerous pathology

Otolaryngologists prescribe therapy that is easily done at home. The disease is almost always treated on an outpatient basis.

The exception is:

  1. Babies under 3 years old, because such crumbs have a high risk of complications.
  2. Small patients in whom the pathology is especially severe and is accompanied by high temperature.
  3. Children with chronic diseases nervous system, allergies.

The child needs a comprehensive treatment of laryngitis, including the following activities:

  • behavior correction;
  • diet food;
  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • folk methods.

General recommendations to help alleviate the condition of the child at home

To speed up the healing process, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions for the child:

  1. Bed rest. It is important to observe it at the beginning of the disease, especially if the crumbs have a fever.
  2. Air condition. The patient needs fresh, humidified air. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room.

    To moisturize, you can hang wet sheets, put a basin of water in the room.

  3. Conversation restriction. The child is strictly forbidden to strain the vocal cords. The kid should be silent or talk in a whisper.
  4. Walks. Going out into the street is unacceptable during the acute course of the disease, during cold or extreme heat. You can not walk in places where dust accumulates. All these moments can lead to an exacerbation of the pathology.

Diet food for baby

In case of illness, it is necessary to exclude from the patient's diet all food that can provoke irritation of the laryngeal mucosa. Do not feed your baby excessively hot or cold food, salty, spicy dishes. Carbonated drinks and chocolate are prohibited.

To reduce the viscosity of sputum, to provide the necessary hydration of the larynx, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids.

Preference is given to:

  • mineral waters such as Borjomi, Essentuki;
  • medicinal herbal teas: drinks from lemon balm, thyme;
  • berry seas.

Medical therapy

All drugs should be prescribed to the child by a doctor, the dosage is determined by a specialist. Self-medication can lead to extremely negative consequences.

Drug therapy for laryngitis includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines. They perfectly eliminate the swelling of the mucous membrane and help to calm the child. Recommended:
    • Suprastin;
    • Claritin;
    • Claricens;
    • Zyrtec;
    • Cetrin;
    • Zodak.
  2. Cough medicines.
    1. With a dry paroxysmal cough, the baby may be recommended antitussive drugs:
      • Herbion;
      • Erespal;
      • Bluecode;
      • Libeksin;
      • Mukaltin.
    2. When sputum appears, expectorant medicines are advised:
      • Ambrobene;
      • Bronchosan;
      • Ascoril;
      • Fluimucil;
      • Alteyka;
      • Lazolvan;
      • Solvin.
  3. Sprays, throat tablets. Such medicines may have contraindications.
    1. Aerosols will benefit:
      • Hexoral;
      • Miramistin;
      • Lugol.
    2. Effective lozenges are drugs:
      • Grammidin;
      • Pharyngosept;
      • Tonsilgon;
      • Lizobakt;
      • Strepsils;
      • Stopangin;
      • Geksoral tabs.
  4. Throat rinses. For the procedure use:
    • Furacilin;
    • Chlorophyllipt;
    • Rotokan.
  5. Nasal drops. Vasoconstrictor drugs can reduce inflammation in the nasopharynx and reduce swelling of the larynx. Effective drugs:
    • Naphthyzin;
    • Vibrocil.
  6. Antipyretic drugs. To bring down the temperature to normal values ​​​​help:
    • Efferalgan;
    • Panadol;
    • Paracetamol.
  7. Antibiotics. They are prescribed only in the presence of bacterial inflammation in the body. Children may be shown:
    • Ecoclave;
  8. Amoxiclav;
  9. Suprax;
  10. Zetamax retard;
  11. Flemoxin Solutab;
  12. Augmentin;
  13. Hemomycin;
  14. Azitrox;
  15. Claritomycin;
  16. Ecomed;
  17. Macrofoam.
  18. The decongestant drugs Eufillin or Clenbuterol are used in extreme situations. The steroid drug Prednisolone will help to quickly remove the swelling of the larynx. But it can be used only in especially severe cases and only as directed by a doctor.

Medicines, including throat spray, lozenges, antibiotics, injection solutions, lozenges, ointments, cough syrups - gallery

Pharyngosept softens the throat
Lizobakt for resorption eliminates pain Sinekod perfectly helps to cope with coughing fits
Zodak reduces swelling of the larynx Paracetamol lowers fever Sumamed is used for bacterial laryngitis

Physiotherapy and inhalation treatment with a nebulizer

In the chronic course of the disease, physiotherapy is useful, which helps to reduceinflammation,improve blood circulation, increaselocal immunity. For this purpose, apply:

  • UHF on the larynx;
  • laryngeal electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy.
  1. Babies under 3 years old do not do inhalation. They have a high risk of getting mucosal burns.
  2. The procedure is performed only at rest. After physical exertion, the event is prohibited.
  3. For half an hour after inhalation, the child should not talk, eat or drink.
  4. The procedure involves inhaling air through the mouth and exhaling through the nose.

Solutions for inhalation are:

  • waters: Borjomi, Essentuki;
  • medicines: Lazolvan, Sinupret, Chlorophyllipt, Ambroxol, Derinat, Tolzingon;
  • herbal decoctions of chamomile, sage.

In the acute course of the disease for inhalation can be used hormonal preparations: Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, Adrenaline. They allow you to quickly eliminate painful symptoms. But you can use medicines only on the recommendation of a doctor who, given the age of the patient, will tell you how to properly dilute the medicines with saline.

Effective folk remedies: rinses, healthy drinks based on ginger, honey, herbs

Therapy often includes recipes that have been tested for centuries:

  1. Rinsing:
    • in warm water (1 tbsp.), add honey (1 tsp);
    • boil the components for 1 minute;
    • after cooling, you can gargle with the remedy;
    • the procedure is recommended to be repeated 2-3 times a day.
  2. For steam inhalation, you can use herbal infusion:
    • combine linden and elderflower in equal proportions;
    • crushed collection (20 g) pour boiling water (200 ml);
    • insist 40 minutes;
    • for inhalation, infusion (50–100 ml) should be diluted with water.
  3. Healing drink:
    • add garlic (1-2 cloves) to milk (1 tbsp.);
    • boil;
    • drink warm, in small sips. It is advisable to stretch the use of this drink for 30-40 minutes;
    • the event should be repeated 2-3 times a day.
  4. Ginger drink:
    • chop the peeled ginger root;
    • gruel (2 tablespoons) mixed with honey (250 g);
    • boil the product for 5 minutes;
    • the resulting mixture must be dissolved in a warm drink and drunk in small sips;
    • repeat for 3-4 days.

Additional methods of therapy - mustard plasters, compresses

Can be used at home the following ways laryngitis treatment:

However, do not forget that such procedures are contraindicated at elevated body temperature, skin diseases.


The main advantages of homeopathic therapy:

  • naturalness;
  • absence of side symptoms;
  • the ability to use drugs even for the youngest patients.

However, the disadvantages of therapy should also be taken into account:

  • homeopathy is incompatible with physiotherapy (and the latter is simply necessary for laryngitis);
  • treatment is ineffective in severe forms of the disease.

The following homeopathic remedies can be prescribed by a doctor:

  • Tonsipret;
  • Homeovox;
  • Aesculus.

Surgical intervention

In particularly severe cases, surgical treatment is necessary, which consists in inserting a tube into the trachea (tracheal intubation), which ensures the patency of the airways. Sometimes a tracheostomy is used - opening the trachea through the neck, followed by the introduction of a breathing device into the hole.

In chronic hypertrophic laryngitis, when drug therapy does not have the desired effect, swollen tissues are removed with a scalpel or laser under videoscope control.

The operation is necessary for the phlegmonous form of the disease with the formation of an abscess. It is opened, dead tissue is removed.

First aid for a child during an attack of false croup

Painful stenosing laryngitis appears at night. His appearance is always sudden. How to help the baby in such a situation, protect him from negative consequences and avoid complications?

You need to call an ambulance as soon as possible. While the medical team is traveling, it is really possible to alleviate the baby's condition using the following methods:

  1. Alkaline warm drink. Borjomi water is the best. It is allowed to give soda water (for 1 tbsp of boiled water you will need 1 tsp of soda).
  2. Undress the baby completely and wash his face with cool water.
  3. Warm foot bath. After the event, the limbs of the crumbs are well wrapped up.
  4. Air humidification. This will make it easier for the baby to breathe.
  5. Antihistamine. The child can be given such medicines: Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil, Zirtek.
  6. Spasm medication. No-shpa, Drotaverine or Papaverine will help stop the attack.

Dr. Komarovsky about stenosing and other types of laryngitis - video

Laryngitis is a common pathology in children, which, if not adequately treated, can lead to serious complications. But if the treatment tactics are chosen correctly, then the disease recedes very quickly, leaving no consequences behind.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


In children the immune system not fully formed, so they often develop infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Usually the problem is faced by kids who just went to preschool. In the article, we will consider how and how to treat laryngitis in children at home.

Regular viral diseases weaken local protection, resulting in recurrent or chronic pathologies. For example, during one cold season, laryngitis in children may appear several times.

How to help a baby with laryngitis, because at such a young age this disease is fraught with complications? Let's talk about the causes, symptoms, treatment and ways to prevent laryngitis - an unpleasant infectious disease. Let's start with a definition.

Laryngitis is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. The muscular and submucosal layers are also affected by the infection.

It is rare in children under 3 years of age, but recently the disease is sometimes diagnosed even in infants. This is due to the emergence of new strains of viruses and an increase in the frequency of allergic reactions.

The first symptoms of laryngitis in children

The infectious disease referred to in the article manifests itself in children with a number of non-specific and specific symptoms. The following information will help at the right time to identify the disease and begin treatment.

  • Hoarseness. With laryngitis, the lumen of the larynx narrows, and the vocal cords do not completely close. This leads to a change in the timbre of the child's voice.
  • Cough. Children's laryngitis at the initial stage is accompanied by a dry, paroxysmal cough, which intensifies in the evening and at night and interferes with sleep. Proper Treatment in a few days, it starts the process of sputum separation, which indicates the beginning of recovery.
  • Sore throat . Laryngitis in children is accompanied by a sore throat, the intensity of which is different in each individual case. One child simply has a tickle in the throat, and the second suffers from an unbearable burning sensation. The pain syndrome increases when food is swallowed.
  • Heat . In most cases it is about subfebrile temperature. But in the case of virus-induced inflammation of the larynx, the temperature often rises to 40 degrees.
  • Dyspnea. When the disease narrows the larynx, resulting in respiratory failure.
  • Feeling worse . The child is naughty, eats poorly, becomes lethargic and inactive.

I think by now you have an idea of ​​the first symptoms of the disease. As you can see, the picture is ugly. I wonder why the disease appears.

Causes of laryngitis in a child

Medical practice shows that the development of childhood laryngitis is caused by constitutional, allergic, infectious and other factors. Consider the causes of this infectious disease in children.

  1. Allergy contributes to the appearance of laryngitis in a child. The list of allergens is represented by animal hair, food, smells of paints and varnishes.
  2. Laryngitis appears and due to getting into Airways bacterial or viral infection. In this case, the baby is contagious.
  3. Laryngitis appears after the use of medicines for the nose or throat in the form of a spray. The impact of the jet leads to a spasm. It is not surprising, because in children the tissues of the pharynx are loose and are characterized by an instant reaction.
  4. Often a spasm of the pharynx is the result of an emotional shock. This is due to the poor development of the child's nervous system.
  5. The list of causes of the onset of the disease also includes the individual characteristics of the body, including the presence of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis.

Among the frequent causes of laryngitis are high dust content in the room, overexertion of the vocal cords, drinking hot drinks, second hand smoke.

Features of the treatment of acute laryngitis

Treatment of the disease in children is aimed at eliminating the inflammation of the throat. The patient is not recommended to talk a lot. Since it is difficult for young children to explain that talking worsens the situation, the game of silence helps out.

home treatment laryngitis is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor. Self-treatment is unacceptable. The use of medicines or folk remedies without the approval of a doctor will harm the emerging children's body.

With laryngitis, cold or hot dishes, spicy and salty treats are excluded from the diet. Such products irritate the sore throat, which is fraught with complications.

In addition to drugs, auxiliary procedures are carried out that help relieve swelling of the throat. We are talking about hot foot baths and alcohol compresses for the throat. Let's talk about this in more detail below.

First aid for an attack of laryngitis in a child

If the child has a seizure, call an ambulance. A child who is having difficulty breathing has nothing to do at home. And before the doctors arrive, give the baby first aid. This will ease the pain.

  • Don't panic and don't let your child get nervous. Crying, supplemented by emotional shock, will narrow the larynx and contribute to increased spasm.
  • A warm alkaline drink will help relieve puffiness. Borjomi will do. If there is no alkaline water, make a solution yourself by dissolving a spoonful of soda in a liter of boiled water. Give the baby a spoon every 15 minutes. Milk, coffee, juice or compote are not advised. There are many allergens in these drinks.
  • Take a steam bath. Take him to the bath, close the drain and turn on the hot water. The room will quickly fill with steam. After 10 minutes in the “steam room”, the cough will be moistened.
  • Foot baths will also help in this situation. After the procedure, wrap the legs and give warm water.
  • If the room is dry, humidify. To do this, wash the floors, hang wet towels around the room, put a container with liquid.
  • Use antihistamines to prevent an allergic reaction. Loratadine or Suprastin will do. And No-shpa will help relieve spasm. When calculating the dosage, take into account the age of the child.
  • With a strong dry cough, a nebulizer with saline will help out. Give an antipyretic if the temperature is high.

This is enough to ease the child's suffering before the doctors arrive. They know what to do in such a situation and will definitely help. Be patient.

How does Dr. Komarovsky treat laryngitis in children

Komarovsky is the most famous of the doctors with a great work experience. In the treatment of childhood laryngitis, he advises taking common sense as a basis. Parents should know what symptoms the disease has, how to treat it, and what inaction leads to. The doctor recommends that treatment be oriented not to eliminate the cause of the disease, but to create comfortable conditions that will contribute to the recovery of the child.

Almost all children experience laryngitis. A viral infection causes the disease. As for complications, they are deadly. But if parents know how to help the baby, this reduces the likelihood of serious violations.

In most cases, the symptoms of laryngitis appear during the daytime, and at night the baby's condition worsens. To prevent false croup, Komarovsky recommends taking a set of measures.

  1. For treatment, antipyretics are used, including Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.
  2. To alleviate the condition, the patient is given sweet tea, rosehip broth or compote.
  3. The room creates optimal conditions for recovery. In the summer, the windows in the house are opened to humidify the air. Humidity in the room is adjusted to 60%.
  4. To divert the attention of the child from the disease, they read a book to him, entice him to play, turn on an animated film, or give him a drawing kit.

These four points are the key to recovery, Komarovsky believes. According to the doctor, the symptoms of the disease are well studied, and the cause of complications is improper care. The doctor advises to build treatment on common sense and, if signs of difficulty in breathing appear, immediately go to the hospital.

Video information

Komarovsky is against the use of antiallergic drugs and antibiotics in the treatment of laryngitis, since in most cases the problem is caused by a viral infection. The doctor does not advise giving expectorants and steam inhalations, since such measures are fraught with a deterioration in the condition and subsequent hospitalization.

How to treat laryngitis in children under 3 years old and older than three

At the moment, there are no drugs that help instantly eliminate the disease. In order for recovery to occur, a comprehensive treatment is carried out, involving the use of medications and traditional medicine. And to increase the effect, accompanying procedures are performed.

Folk remedies

Doctors do not deny the effectiveness of folk remedies. Homemade medicines made from natural ingredients, used as a supplement, speed up the healing process.

But before using any such remedy, consultation with an otolaryngologist is required.

And even if the doctor encouraged the folk remedy, it is recommended to carefully monitor the child, and at the slightest deterioration in the condition, call an ambulance. Now consider the popular folk recipes used for laryngitis in children.

  1. pumpkin cake . A piece of pumpkin is peeled and passed through a coarse grater. Rye flour and milk are added to the pumpkin mass, a thick dough is kneaded. Two cakes are made from the resulting composition, placed on a double-folded fabric and applied to the chest and neck. Warm and hold for 2 hours.
  2. Sea buckthorn broth . A tablespoon of sea buckthorn berries is poured with two glasses of boiling water, boiled for 2 minutes and insisted for an hour under the lid. Give the remedy to the child on a spoon 5 times a day or use it to gargle three times a day.
  3. onion compress . The average onion is finely cut, laid out in a gauze bag and hung over boiling water in a saucepan. After heating, a bag of onions is applied to the child's neck. It is important that the compress warms, not burns.
  4. Carrot juice and milk . Fresh carrot juice is mixed in equal amounts with warm milk and given at least 5 times a day. The dosage for children under two years old is equal to a teaspoon, and older children are given a tablespoon.
  5. Cranberries and honey . Cranberries are doused with hot water, spread in gauze and squeezed out the juice. Half a glass of juice is mixed with the same amount of honey and given a small spoon every half an hour throughout the day.
  6. Gargle. With children's laryngitis, an infusion of violet, chamomile or lime blossom is used for rinsing. A spoonful of raw materials is poured with two glasses of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. Warm infusion is recommended to gargle up to 6 times a day. At the end of the procedure, the child should not drink for at least half an hour.
  7. Inhalations. Steam inhalation softens the mucous membrane and makes breathing free. As a solution, mineral water without gas is used, a solution consisting of water and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Carry out the procedure 3 times a day for 15 minutes.
  8. Foot baths . The procedure is most effective at the initial stage of the disease. The legs of the child are lowered into a basin with water heated to 40 degrees for 20 minutes. After the procedure, warm socks are put on the child and placed in the crib.
  9. peace. If the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves, it is recommended not to talk, because during a conversation the larynx, along with the vocal cords, tense up. In the treatment of an ailment, rest is required.

Using folk remedies to deal with laryngitis at home, be careful. Means, including milk, honey, lemon, sage and St. John's wort, can cause allergies, which is fraught with the appearance of a dangerous swelling of the throat mucosa. The listed products should not be used in the treatment of an illness in a child under three years of age. Older children are given in small doses.

Pharmacy funds

For the treatment of childhood laryngitis, medications prescribed by a doctor are used. The use of pharmaceutical products at will is unacceptable. Medicines prescribed by doctors are divided into six types.

  • Antihistamines . Medicines well soothe and relieve swelling. Among such drugs are Zodak, Cetrin, Parlazin and others.
  • Expectorants . Pharmacies offer expectorants in an assortment, but only a doctor can choose the best option. The drugs soothe the larynx, eliminate the attack of coughing and help to fall asleep. Before going to bed, the child is given Libexin or Sinekod. In the case of a wet cough, Bronchosan or Alteyka is prescribed.
  • absorbable . List most effective means, helping to eliminate swelling of the throat, is represented by Strepsils, Faringosept and Stopangin.
  • rinses. Among the medications used for gargling, Evkar and Ingafitol are most often used.
  • Antipyretic . They come to the rescue when the temperature rises above 38 degrees. In this case, the doctor prescribes Paracetamol, Efferalgan or Panadol. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibufen have also been used.
  • Physiotherapy . It is used in a severe case after the baby is admitted to the hospital. The doctor usually prescribes Microwave therapy, UVR or laryngeal electrophoresis.

As for antibiotics, their use in the disease is not always justified. Such drugs are used if the disease is caused by a bacterial infection or intoxication of the body is observed. Antibiotics are often used as a measure to help prevent complications.

Bacteria rarely cause laryngitis. The most common causative agent is an infection. Therefore, antibiotic treatment is ineffective. But if their use is justified, the doctor prescribes Augmentin, Suprax, Fartum or Azitrox.

How not to get laryngitis

Remember, laryngitis is a disease that must be cured completely. Otherwise, the disease will go into chronic form. As a result, all related factors will lead to inflammation of the larynx.

Fortunately, there are several general rules preventive measures to keep children safe from illness.

  1. Do not let the baby communicate with children with laryngitis or often appear in crowded places.
  2. Make sure your children's clothing is appropriate for the season. Hypothermia is fraught not only with laryngitis, but also with other diseases.
  3. Maintain a healthy indoor climate. In the children's room, the air should be humidified and clean.
  4. Harden the child. Go for a walk with your child more often and make friends with the baby with the contrast shower technique.
  5. Try to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your baby's diet. They will help to improve the body and strengthen the immune system.

laryngitis in childhood- a frequent occurrence. In one case, serious treatment is indispensable, and in the second, the problem is solved through distraction therapy, supplemented by inhalations. Only a doctor can choose a medicine.

Monitor your child to avoid general diagnosis and over-treatment. If the condition worsens, consult a doctor. In the case of a baby or a one-year-old baby, it is better to call an ambulance.

In childhood, the disease is incredibly dangerous. Complications include stenosis of the larynx. Without treatment, this emergency condition will lead to death. Do not treat yourself, listen to the recommendations of doctors, get vaccinated, because only right action parents provide children with good health.

One of the diseases characteristic of childhood and carrying a great danger to health is acute laryngitis: the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords become inflamed in a child.

Deterioration of well-being begins with the usual hypothermia and is manifested by a runny nose, a slight increase in temperature, reddening of the throat and its swelling with the presence spotting in the inflamed area.

Causes of the disease

The following factors contribute to the occurrence of acute laryngitis in a child:

  • colds (SARS, measles, influenza, adenoviruses);
  • allergens (varnishes, paints, dust, animal hair);
  • the anatomically narrow larynx and nasopharynx, which swell during the inflammatory process, which provokes their even greater narrowing, respectively, significantly hinders the flow of air into the body;
  • in which the contents of the stomach enter the larynx, which significantly irritates this organ;
  • ingestion of a foreign body;
  • mechanical damage;
  • hot dry air, smoky room, dustiness, exhaust gases;
  • singing, talking in loud tones, prolonged crying - actions that cause overstrain of the vocal cords;
  • weakened immunity, not always able to protect the body of the crumbs even from an ordinary draft.

Acute laryngitis: symptoms and treatment in children

The described disease is a response of a young fragile organism to the viral nature of the disease; Of particular danger is acute laryngitis in children under one year old, who, due to their young age, are still unable to explain to their parents what worries them.

Often, symptoms indicating the presence of acute laryngitis occur suddenly and are accompanied by:

  • change in voice timbre, its hoarseness and possible loss of voice,
  • decreased appetite due to pain during swallowing,
  • dry barking cough, the intensity of which increases during the night and especially in the morning,
  • rapid or severely difficult breathing,
  • bouts of suffocation.

Vivid symptoms that characterize acute laryngitis in a child are: severe moodiness of the baby, restlessness, lethargy, barking cough, discharge from the nose, a cry accompanied by wheezing. In the pulmonary region, noise and whistling are heard. The blueness of the nasolabial triangle indicates the progression of such a dangerous disease as acute laryngitis. Symptoms and treatment in children are especially alarming during an attack of false croup - a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, leading to difficulty breathing. This symptomatology is a good reason to call an emergency, because the current condition is mortal.

When diagnosing laryngitis, most likely, the treatment of the child will be carried out in a hospital, where doctors can objectively assess the condition of the baby and the threat to his health. Therefore, parents should never refuse hospitalization.

Acute laryngitis in children: emergency care

Paroxysmal false croup in young children occurs suddenly (often at night) and develops very rapidly, literally in a couple of hours. The child begins to choke, his breathing becomes noisy, his cough becomes barking, his voice becomes hoarse.
With a significant narrowing of the larynx, it is clearly visible how, in the process of inhalation, a cavity called the "jugular fossa" sinks in the lower part of the neck. There may also be a sinking of the skin surface between the ribs. Usually, acute obstructive laryngitis in children is accompanied by a high temperature, but during an attack of false croup, this indicator may not exceed 37.2 ° C. At this moment, the sick baby is extremely frightened, so it is very important that his parents remain calm and self-controlled.

First aid for a child

What actions should parents take when a child has an attack of false croup?

  1. Call for emergency help immediately.
  2. Before the arrival of the doctors, constantly give the crumbs to drink (in small portions, but often) with a warm alkaline liquid: Borjomi water or a solution of 1 liter of boiled water with soda diluted in it (1 teaspoon). You can not give compotes and juices.
  3. Immerse the child's arms (up to the elbows) and legs (up to the knees) in hot water. This action will somewhat alleviate the serious condition and allow the baby to breathe more freely.
  4. Humidify the air in the room: hang wet sheets or place containers with water in the room.
  5. Give the baby an antiallergic agent: Suprastin, Zirtek, Fenistil or Tavegil.
  6. The use of drugs that relieve spasm is effective: Drotaverin, Papaverin, No-shpa.

Complications of acute laryngitis

Acute in children with untimely or incomplete treatment can result in complications such as:

  • phlegmon of the neck - inflammation of the soft tissues of this organ without clear boundaries, which has a purulent character,
  • sepsis - the spread of infection throughout the child's body through the blood vessels,
  • mediastinitis - inflammation of the middle region of the sternum,
  • lung abscess - with localization of pus in this organ,
  • damage to the cartilage of the larynx.

Diagnosis of the disease

With timely access to professional medical care, the prognosis for the outcome of the disease is quite favorable.
When prescribing a course of therapy, the doctor will conduct an examination, including:

  • anamnesis - information about the medical history, previous diseases, living conditions of a small patient, etc.;
  • analysis of complaints: the time of their appearance and the factors that contributed to the onset of the disease: voice loads, hypothermia, communication with sick people;
  • general examination by feeling the larynx to determine the degree of its soreness and lymph nodes for their enlargement;
  • laryngoscopy: examination of the larynx with an endoscope and a special mirror;
  • a blood test to determine the etiology of the disease (viral or bacterial);
  • a smear from the mucosa, which allows you to identify the pathogen if the infection is bacterial in nature.

Information for parents

Acute laryngitis of children of the year, which is treated with medication, also requires the organization of special conditions for a small patient, which is especially important for home therapy. What do parents need to know?

Helping a child with acute laryngitis is to carry out activities such as:

  1. Ensuring bed rest.
  2. Monitoring the state of the air, its regular humidification and ventilation of the room.
  3. Plentiful warm and unsweetened drink (milk, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal decoctions). It is recommended to drink alkaline water ("Polyana Kvasova" or "Borjomi"), which allows to reduce the degree of poisoning of the body and relieve dry cough. Carbonated drinks are not allowed.
  4. Proper nutrition with dietary food adjusted for vitamin composition. Food should not be too hot or very cold. To increase the baby's appetite, parents are advised to decorate cooked dishes in an original way.
  5. Limiting the load on the voice apparatus. The child should be silent a lot, talk a little. This recommendation is of particular importance, since in childhood the formation of the vocal cords only occurs, and excessive efforts during a conversation can provoke irreversible voice defects.
  6. Stay in the fresh air, provided that the child's condition has improved. It is undesirable to walk in cold and slushy weather, as well as on hot days, when a large accumulation of dust is likely. The first time the duration of walks should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Then the time spent in the open air can be gradually increased.

Drugs for the treatment of acute laryngitis

If diagnosed in children, it is complex and is aimed at combating the bacterial environment, increasing immunity, as well as eliminating the factors that cause coughing fits.
Recommended drugs, the action of which is aimed at the complete and high-quality recovery of the baby, are:

  • Antihistamines. They help in removing the swelling of the mucosa and have a calming effect on the baby. Usually the doctor prescribes "Claricens" (for babies, "Zirtek" (from 6 months), "Clarotadine" (from 2 years), "Cetrin" (in syrup from 1 year), "Parlazin" (from 6 years).
  • Antitussives and expectorants. From a large number of medicines on the pharmaceutical market, the doctor chooses the most optimal ones that can help the baby at the current stage of the disease. With a paroxysmal cough, the attending physician may prescribe "Gerbion" (from 2 years old), "Sinekod", "Libeksin", "Erespal". When the cough passes into the wet stage, expectorants such as Bronchosan, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, ACC, Fluimucil help well.
  • Antipyretics ("Panadol", "Paracetomol", "Ibuprofen"). They are prescribed at a high (more than 38 ° C) temperature.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Ibufen.

Acute laryngitis in a child is not recommended to be treated with aerosols and lozenges: against the background of a dry cough, the baby can choke on tablets, and sprays can cause laryngospasm - allergic reaction that could worsen the condition of the child.

Antibiotics for acute laryngitis

Antibacterial therapy is rarely prescribed - in the case of the bacterial nature of the disease and increased intoxication of the body. Of the penicillin preparations in the treatment of acute laryngitis, the following are used: Augmentin, Flemoclav Solutab, Amoxiclav, Ecoclave suspension. Of the cephalosporins, Cefix, Suprax, Cefadox syrups, as well as injections of Fortum and Ceftriaxone, are effective. In severe cases of the disease, Ecomed, Sumamed, Azitrox, Macropen, Claritomycin are prescribed. In parallel, in the process of antibiotic treatment and upon its completion, the child should take probiotics that contribute to the normalization of microflora: Linex, Laktovit, Bifiform, Bifidobacterin.

Inhalation for acute laryngitis

Mandatory part complex treatment laryngitis are inhalations, which are effective with a nebulizer. The advantages of this treatment method are safety due to low temperature, ease of use, high efficiency of increased dispersion (scattering) of inhaled particles. Mineral water ("Borjomi", "Esentuki"), soda solution, herbal decoctions (from mint, chamomile, sage, thyme), essential oils(eucalyptus, menthol), drugs ("Rotokan", "Sinupret", "Lazolvan", "Tolzingon"). For the treatment of infants (over 6 months of age), a suspension for the Pulmicort nebulizer can be used.

Acute laryngitis in children, the symptoms of which indicate the need for professional medical care, in a hospital, it is treated with physiotherapeutic measures: UVI, UHF, electrophoresis on the larynx. With persistent voice disorders, classes with a speech therapist are necessary.

Traditional medicine for acute laryngitis

In the treatment of laryngitis, one should not abandon the methods of alternative therapy, an effective component of which are warming compresses. They need to be applied to the neck area. In the absence of temperature on the back area, it is recommended to apply mustard plasters.

Mustard foot baths show a high effect. Potato steam inhalations help well. To prepare a medicinal solution, it is required to boil unpeeled potato tubers, drain the water, and put the potatoes on a leaf of chamomile, mint or eucalyptus. It is recommended that the baby breathe over the resulting steam for 10 minutes. It should be borne in mind that such steam inhalations should be carried out with extreme caution for too young children due to existing risk mucosal burns. The number of procedures during the day - two, between meals. During the inhalation and at the end of it for at least 30 minutes, the child should not talk, drink, or eat.

Gargling in the treatment of colds is one of the effective measures to help in a speedy recovery. One of the effective home remedies is boiled beet juice, which is recommended to carry out procedures 3 times a day. As an effective analogue, you can use honey decoction, for the preparation of which you need 1 teaspoon of honey, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 1 minute. Rinsing should be done during the day 3-4 times.

Folk remedies for acute laryngitis in children are decoctions for rinsing a sore throat from chamomile and sage. In the treatment of laryngitis, the use of dill seeds is effective, which should be poured with boiling water and insisted for 40 minutes. The decoction is recommended to drink every day in small portions.

You can treat acute laryngitis in a child with fresh carrot (or cranberry) juice, to which you want to add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Preventive actions

Prevention of acute laryngitis in children should be aimed at strengthening immunity with age-appropriate vitamins physical activity, contrasting water procedures, as well as full and timely treatment of all infectious diseases.

To strengthen immunity ethnoscience recommends eating a composition of softened cranberries mixed with ground kernels walnut, finely chopped green apples and sugar (optional). These components should be boiled over low heat, bringing to a boil. It is recommended to drink healing medicine with herbal tea based on lemon balm, mint and chestnut flowers.

Significantly increase the immunity of walnut kernels, dried apricots and prunes, crushed in a blender.

The prognosis for children who have had laryngitis is favorable. Children outgrow the disease. As soon as the nervous system is fully formed, the friability of the submucosal layer disappears, the child ceases to suffer from laryngitis.

prognosis of laryngitis

With acute laryngitis, almost all babies go through And only skillful and timely actions of parents can prevent serious complications and cure a dangerous disease.

The prognosis for a child who has had laryngitis has a favorable ground. With the final formation nervous system and the disappearance of the loose submucosal layer, the baby ceases to suffer from laryngitis, "outgrowing" it.