AIDS analysis. Lymphocytes with HIV are increased or decreased Whether HIV is detected in a general blood test

Leukocytes in HIV significantly change their level - this is due to the fact that the cells and proteins responsible for fighting diseases are the first to be affected. It is thanks to these changes that it becomes possible to calculate the immunodeficiency virus at the very beginning of its development, without waiting for the appearance of characteristic signs.

This is extremely important: only if the disease was diagnosed at an early stage, it is possible to fight it and make the patient's future life longer and more comfortable. A general blood test can help with this.

Complete blood count parameters

A complete blood count is a routine test that is taken from a finger and looks at the following parameters:

  1. The level of leukocytes.
  2. The level of erythrocytes and ESR.
  3. Hemoglobin level.

Leukocytes are white blood cells that protect the body from diseases, tumors, and other similar problems. They are responsible for the level of immunity.

As a rule, people with HIV infection have the following features:

Protein/cell type Changes
Leukocytes Lymphocytes elevated in the early stages of the disease. This is a normal reaction to the penetration of the virus into the body, lymphocytes are trying to fight it. This condition is called lymphocytosis.

The second stage of the development of the disease is lymphopenia, or a decrease in the level of lymphocytes. The natural resistance of the organism is overcome by the virus.

Neutrophils Downgraded. This type of blood cell is produced in the bone marrow and is indicative of severe viral damage. This condition is called neutropenia.
platelets Downgraded. They are responsible for the level of blood clotting, and with a decrease in their number, the risk of bleeding increases. This problem is called thrombocytopenia.
Hemoglobin Short. This is caused by a deterioration in the work of red blood cells and a decrease in their number. Contributes to the development of the virus, since the resistance of organs that do not receive enough oxygen is reduced. This condition is called anemia.

HIV carriers should do a complete blood count every 3 months - this allows you to track the course of the disease and take therapeutic actions in time if it begins to develop faster than usual.

Changes in the level of leukocytes - an ambiguous sign of HIV infection

Fluctuations in the level of leukocytes can occur for various reasons. The reasons causing such changes are divided into pathological and physiological.

Pathological processes that cause an increase in leukocytes:

  1. Inflammatory diseases, during which there are purulent processes.
  2. Diseases that cause tissue necrosis: heart attacks, strokes, burns.
  3. Intoxication.
  4. Hypoxemic diseases.
  5. The development of malignant tumors.
  6. development of leukemia.
  7. Diseases that cause immune responses.

Physiological processes that cause an increase in leukocytes:

  1. Acceptance of protein foods in large quantities.
  2. Severe physical stress.
  3. Strong emotional stress.
  4. Overheating or hypothermia of the body.

Pathological processes that cause a decrease in leukocytes:

  1. Viral infections.
  2. Bacterial and protozoal infections.
  3. generalized infections.
  4. Autoimmune diseases.
  5. aleukemic leukemia.
  6. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. hypersplenism syndrome.

By itself, changes in the leukocyte level do not yet indicate any specific disease. That is why, as a rule, additional tests are required.

Analysis for CD4 level. Viral load analysis

In HIV, leukocytes are the first to suffer, since the immunodeficiency virus infects cells containing a protein receptor such as CD4 - and the main number of such cells belongs to lymphocytes.

Analysis for CD4

CD4 is a rather difficult indicator to analyze. Nevertheless, the determination of its level is considered an integral part of the diagnosis of HIV.

When analyzing CD4, it is important to consider the following features:

  • the presence of physical and emotional stress in the patient;
  • his food;
  • time of blood sampling.

CD4 levels look like this:

It is the indicator, ranging from 0 to 3.5, in combination with a decrease in the level of leukocytes, that becomes an unambiguous indicator of the need for antiretroviral therapy.

During the diagnosis, in order to exclude the possibility of distorting the analysis for the CD4 level with the help of certain factors, another parameter is used. This is the ratio of the number of cells with CD4 to the number of cells with CD8. CD8 is a different type of receptor that is not affected by the HIV virus, and their ratio in a healthy body should be greater than 1.

Viral load analysis

An analysis of the viral load, as a rule, makes it possible to definitively diagnose the presence of HIV in the body.

During this analysis, the amount of HIV RNA fragments in the blood is examined. In a healthy person, such a result will be undetectable.

This analysis is also needed to control the development of the disease by monitoring the increase in the number of RNA fragments.

Often, HIV tests are given solely as a precaution. They are important for pregnant women, as well as those who suspect the possibility of infection through sexual contact or contact with non-sterile surgical instruments and needles.

HIV is not transmitted through household items, and it is quite difficult to get infected with it in everyday life.

The sooner HIV is diagnosed, the more successful the treatment of this disease will be. Currently, doctors can significantly extend the life of a patient infected with the virus at the initial stage of the disease. The results of a general blood test are also one of the methods for diagnosing this terrible disease. They show changes already in the first period of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus.

About the benefits of a CBC

By blood parameters, one can judge whether a person is sick or healthy, find the cause of the disease, study the causative agent of the disease and what state the immune system is in.

When conducting all studies, any disease is detected, but it takes a lot of biological material, extra time and effort is wasted. So doctors do things differently. All studies begin with the delivery of a general blood test, thanks to which it can be concluded that a person is healthy, diagnose a disease or continue further examination, in addition, it has several advantages: it is done quickly, is inexpensive and indicative. But can a general blood test show HIV?

About changes in outcomes with HIV infection

A frequently asked question is: Do key blood counts change in people infected with the virus?

It should be noted right away that the pathogen itself cannot be determined in this study. But if a person is HIV-infected, then characteristic changes can be detected in the results.

What does a complete blood count for HIV show? The main indicators of UAC change as follows:

  1. At initial stage the development of the disease, the number of lymphocytes is increased. The human body is not yet weakened by the disease and is struggling with it. The patient develops lymphocytosis.
  2. Further, the immune system gradually weakens, which affects the number of lymphocytes, they will decrease. The patient develops lymphopenia. The main sign of retrovirus activation is a decrease in the value of T-lymphocytes. Lymphocytes in the adult population normally range from 20 to 40 percent, in children 30-60 percent.
  3. Granular leukocytes or neutrophils, when infected with a pathogen, begin to fight first. This triggers the mechanism of phagocytosis, which is expressed in a decrease in the number of neutrophils. According to the results of the study, neutropenia is diagnosed.
  4. Mononuclear cells (atypical cells) increase. Their main task is to destroy bacteria and microbes. If a person is healthy, a blood test does not reveal atypical cells.
  5. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) increases.
  6. In the presence of the disease, the result of blood sampling will show a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, which indicates the development of anemia or leukemia in the patient. Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein that can interact with carbon dioxide and oxygen.
  7. In the presence of an infection, a decrease in the level of platelets is observed. The role of platelets is to ensure the process of blood clotting. As a result of this, prolonged internal and external bleeding in people infected with the pathogen.

In HIV-infected people, a general analysis study makes it possible to suspect the presence of an infection, but HIV cannot be detected, since changes in the main indicators of a general analysis are also characteristic of other diseases. But the doctor, in case of poor results, will write out a referral for a special analysis.

In addition, if a person is sick with this disease, the doctor, using the results of the analysis, monitors the patient's condition and prescribes appropriate treatment in case of changes in the blood.

What is characteristic of HIV-infected people in the general blood test

Doctors know what a general blood test shows with AIDS or with HIV. If there is even the slightest doubt whether the patient is sick with this dangerous disease or not, he is immediately sent for additional research. What a specialist can see from his results:

  1. The doctor immediately sees violations in the leukocyte formula, occurring under conditions of changes in blood coagulation.
  2. Of particular concern should be an increase in the ESR value, if there are no obvious symptoms of any infection in the patient.

When are blood tests ordered?

The pathogen, once in the human body, often does not detect itself for more than ten years. And only chance helps to detect the disease.

  1. It is customary to refer people to the procedure before the operation in order to reduce the likelihood of complications due to deviations from the norm, including platelets.
  2. When a pregnant woman is infected with HIV, the virus is transmitted to the baby through mother's milk and blood, which will cause the rapid development of secondary diseases. Pregnancy is a reason to schedule a blood test for a woman.
  3. During sexual contact without the use of protective measures with an unverified partner.
  4. If there is a desire to be examined after the piercing and remove the suspicion of infection with the virus.
  5. Donors and medical workers often have moments of contact with infected blood, so there is a need for an early examination.

When examined in a conventional laboratory, capillary blood is taken from a finger, but at present, modernly equipped clinics take biological material from a vein. Depending on the result of the study, the doctor decides whether to prescribe additional examinations to the patient in order to make sure whether or not HIV infection is present in the human body.

About the basic rules of procedure in HIV-infected people

  1. If people are infected with the virus, then you need to know that a complete blood count should be done periodically once a quarter. This is necessary so that the doctor knows what the dynamics of the development of the disease is and corrects the treatment process, if necessary.
  2. At the same time, many people have a question: if a patient has HIV and a general blood test needs to be taken with several more tests, can biological material be taken from a vein for everyone at once? The composition of capillary and venous blood have slight differences, but both can be used for general purposes. Therefore, when taking blood from a vein, you can simultaneously use it for general analysis. But then you need to decide and always take blood from a finger or from a vein.
  3. To obtain more correct data, the same conditions under which blood sampling takes place are of great importance. Therefore, for more accurate results, this procedure is done in the same laboratory facility.
  4. With HIV infection, several tests are taken at once, as a rule, a sampling is also made from a vein. Therefore, the surest option is to abstain from food before the procedure.
  5. In the early morning, people have an increase in the number of red blood cells, so it is advisable to take blood at the same hours.
  6. If a person nevertheless decided to donate capillary blood from a finger, then it is best to use a lancet. It differs from the scarifier by the presence of a sharp and thin needle. Usually the procedure is done with a scarifier, which causes slight pain due to the fact that there are a large number of nerve endings at the end of the finger and the spike is not thin enough. In this regard, the puncture using a lancet is painless. True, it costs more.

The spread of HIV infection in the world is becoming an epidemic. Therefore, the need for early diagnosis of the human immunodeficiency virus comes to the fore. Consider what test methods exist and do the indicators of the general blood test change with HIV?

Complete blood count for HIV

It is impossible to determine HIV infection by a general (clinical) blood test. But, as with many other diseases, if a person has HIV, blood counts change.

In the stage of primary manifestations of the disease in the general blood test, the following changes in indicators are usually observed:

  • lymphocytosis- increased level of lymphocytes in the blood; lymphocytes are called white blood cells that are involved in the immune defense of the body;
  • lymphopenia- decrease in the content of lymphocytes in the blood;
  • appearance of atypical mononuclear cells(virocytes) - specific lymphocytes that have some morphological features of monocytes (large cells that destroy microbes and bacteria);
  • increase in ESR- erythrocyte sedimentation rate (red blood cells);
  • decrease in hemoglobin level- a constituent element of erythrocytes, which carries oxygen from the lungs to the organs and tissues of the body and carbon dioxide back;
  • the appearance of thrombocytopenia- a condition characterized by a significant decrease in the level of platelets (blood cells responsible for blood clotting); thrombocytopenia is accompanied by increased bleeding and bleeding that is difficult to stop;
  • neutropenia- a decrease in the number of neutrophils (blood cells that form in the bone marrow) in the blood.

All of the above changes in indicators can confirm not only the development of HIV infection in the human body, but also be symptoms of other less serious diseases. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will send the patient for additional examinations and tests.

Blood test for HIV infection

There are certain indications in which the doctor refers the patient to a blood test for HIV infection:

  • planning or having a pregnancy;
  • preparation for surgery or hospitalization;
  • the presence of the herpes virus, tuberculosis, pneumonia;
  • rapid weight loss for no particular reason;
  • chronic fatigue, malaise;
  • frequent colds;
  • prolonged causeless diarrhea;
  • night sweats for a long time;
  • frequent attacks of neuralgia;
  • casual sex;
  • use of non-sterile injection needles;
  • carrying out in the past an emergency surgical intervention, transfusion of donor blood.

Two main analysis methods are used:

  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA),
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)

ELISA is the most common method for diagnosing HIV infection. It is the most informative: the presence of the disease is confirmed 1.5-3 months after infection. The sensitivity of this method is over 99%. Most often, it is the ELISA method that is used in hospitals and clinics for diagnosing HIV.

The principle of operation of the ELISA method is based on the detection of antibodies to HIV in human blood. The amount of antibodies sufficient to be determined by this method accumulates in the patient's body 1.5-3 months after infection. But in some cases, this can happen even after a long period. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the analysis after six months.

The result of an ELISA blood test for HIV can be negative or positive. According to the interpretation of the analysis, a negative result indicates that there are no antibodies to HIV in the patient's blood, which means the absence of the virus itself. In some cases, a false negative result may be obtained. This is usually associated with conducting a study in the so-called "window period" - the time when antibodies to the virus have not yet had time to develop in the amount necessary for diagnosis.

A positive result of this test indicates that the patient's blood contains antibodies to HIV, and hence the virus itself. According to statistics, in 1% of cases, the results of the analysis are false positive. This is due to the fact that antibodies of other viruses are taken for antibodies to HIV infection. Most often this happens when examining the blood of patients who have chronic infectious, autoimmune, oncological diseases, some other pathologies during pregnancy in women. Therefore, each positive result is additionally checked using a special test - immunoblot (IB), which detects specific antibodies to the virus. The transcript of the analysis may indicate a positive, negative or indeterminate (doubtful) result.

  • With a positive result, the probability of having HIV infection is 99.9%.
  • An indeterminate result most often occurs at the initial stage of the disease and means that the human body has not yet developed all the antibodies to the virus. But sometimes (very rarely) such a result occurs when there are antigens for other diseases in the patient's blood.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method is used to determine the DNA or RNA (hereditary material) of the human immunodeficiency virus. This research method is based on the ability of RNA and DNA to self-reproduce (multiply). With this method of blood testing for HIV, the presence of the virus can be determined 2-3 weeks after infection. It is important that the virus is determined even with a very small amount in the blood. Therefore, this research method is used in the "window period".

The PCR method for determining HIV is of great importance in the diagnosis this disease in children of the first year of life.

PCR diagnostics are used to monitor the effectiveness of therapy, since this method indicates the concentration of RNA in the blood plasma.

The sensitivity of the PCR analysis is 98%, which is slightly lower than the ELISA method. Therefore, PCR diagnostics is not used as a confirmatory test. In addition, this study is very sensitive, requiring well-equipped laboratory conditions and high professionalism of laboratory assistants. This is due to the fact that when using the PCR method, there are often false positive results.

The decoding of the analysis by this method indicates a negative (no virus) or positive (virus detected) result.

You can take a blood test for HIV in the laboratories of any hospital, clinic, diagnostic centers and clinics. In AIDS centers, this analysis can be done anonymously.

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Is it possible to find out about the presence of HIV infection in the body by a blood test? As part of an early diagnosis, a general blood test in the presence of HIV makes it possible to detect the virus in the patient's blood even before the period when the first symptoms of infection appear, that is, until the moment when HIV significantly affects the patient's immunity.

How the result of the study affects the further outcome of events, as well as other issues within the framework of the topic, will be covered in this review.

A blood test is the main test in recognizing a blood infection such as HIV.

What does a complete blood count show when diagnosing HIV? Blood indicators in this case allow us to conclude: does a person have HIV, what exactly caused the disease (if any). In addition, with this type of study, it is possible to study the source of infection (cause) well, determine the viral load, and also assess the patient's immunity.

In other words, a complete blood count and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have a direct relationship, the specific manifestations of which can show the true clinical picture and help make an accurate diagnosis.

Among the clear advantages of such a diagnostic measure:

  • low cost of analysis;
  • efficiency of the research result;
  • indicative of changes in biological material (the picture is clearly changing - changes indicate the presence of the disease);
  • the possibility of determining not only the fact of infection, but also the source of infection, which may have been pointed out earlier;
  • the study is carried out easily, does not cause additional inconvenience.

It is due to these advantages that this type of research is the first measure that is resorted to in diagnosing an ailment. Does a complete blood test for HIV detect viral particles with a high degree accuracy? According to a general blood test, it is possible to determine with almost 100% accuracy whether a person is sick or healthy, that's just what exactly - the analysis will definitely not tell us about this.

The doctor decides to continue the research in the presence of deviations from the norm in the blood test

Thus, we are talking about one of the first and better ways AIDS diagnostics (HIV), which can be equally successfully used in the case of young people, middle-aged people, elderly patients, pregnant women.

General rules of procedure

Very often, a complete blood count is prescribed as a precautionary measure. Given the likelihood of a prolonged asymptomatic course of the disease at its various stages, specialists very often play it safe. Early diagnosis of HIV will not only confirm or disprove the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus in the blood (show whether the individual is sick), but also prevent the progression of symptoms.

If the first test showed you have HIV infection, do a second test to rule out false options

Regarding the general blood test in the diagnosis of pathology, doctors have a number of tips.

  1. If a person knows about his illness, in this case, you need to donate blood regularly - once a quarter. Such a measure is resorted to so that the specialist can control the course of the course of the disease: if something changes, correct the therapeutic course.
  2. The urgent question of the infected: if the patient is sick and a general blood test for HIV must be taken in combination with other studies, can biological material be taken from a vein in all cases? Capillary and venous blood are different in composition, however, in the case of a general analysis, the evaluation of both materials is possible. Therefore, blood from a vein can also be used for general research.
  3. To avoid any inaccuracies or unreliable deviations in the results of the analysis, the sampling of material and the study of blood in different periods must be carried out under the same conditions (in the same medical institution).
  4. In the case of a general analysis, both venous and capillary blood can be checked, so the procedure should be carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.
  5. Early morning is the time when the main indicators change dramatically in the human body: the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes, etc. Therefore, it is better to resort to the procedure at the same time.
  6. If a man or woman prefers to donate blood from a finger for examination, it is recommended to purchase a lancet.

Attention! A complete blood count gives a dynamic picture of the parameters of biological material. It does not allow you to unambiguously identify the virus in the blood. However, deviations in the indicators may indicate the development in the patient's body of any diseases that have nothing to do with HIV. So leukocyte insufficiency in itself does not indicate the presence of the virus in the blood. Therefore, the appointment of antiretroviral therapy is resorted to only after additional studies.

Features of the appointment of a blood test for HIV

UAC the average person rents quite often. However, the appointment of a procedure to detect HIV is carried out only with certain provoking factors, which will be discussed below.

Since a general blood test for HIV can detect viral particles before the first signs of the disease appear, it is worth resorting to such a measure in the presence of specific circumstances. We are talking about factors that, in certain circumstances, are likely to cause infection (unprotected intercourse, contact with the patient's biomaterial during bleeding, etc.).

Below we will talk about what is the reason for surrender biochemical analysis blood test is really weighty and in which cases a clinical blood test is mandatory.

When are blood tests ordered?

With the entry of the human immunodeficiency virus into the patient's blood, the development of HIV infection may not show itself in any way for 10 years. And only under the following circumstances can infected people be identified by characteristic changes in the blood.

  1. It is necessary to take a general blood test and determine the HIV status of a person before the upcoming surgical intervention. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of complications due to possible deviations from the normative indicators, including platelets.
  2. A pregnant woman must be tested for HIV infection, including KLA. Such a measure is resorted to because of the possibility of transmitting the virus to the child in a vertical way: in the womb, during childbirth, during breastfeeding.
  3. After unprotected sexual contact with a casual sexual partner, you should also donate blood for analysis. This must be done even if the potential patient does not observe signs of HIV in a certain period of time and the disease does not manifest itself in any way.
  4. It is quite understandable that a person who has recently got a tattoo or pierced the navel wants to be tested for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus in the blood.
  5. Donors and employees of medical institutions who regularly come into contact with biomaterial are also at risk. In this case, it is necessary to donate blood to identify acquired immunodeficiency syndrome much more often.

In a conventional laboratory, blood for research is taken from a finger. Is it possible to detect a virus in a general analysis of venous blood? This question was indirectly answered earlier: yes, both types of biological materials can be used for such purposes.

After determining the results of the study, the doctor decides whether the patient needs a series of additional examinations, during which not only the presence of HIV is determined, but also the degree of viral load, the cause of the disease (if any).

HIV testing methods

In all the cases described above, regardless of the results of the general analysis, doctors recommend a couple of specific studies for HIV infection: ELISA or immunoblot.

ELISA (enzymatic immunoassay) is an immunological reaction. The essence of the method is to add a specific antibody to the biological material (most often to venous blood taken from a vein). Then the level of formed complexes (reactions) antigen-antibody is determined. Based on the concentration of such complexes in the patient's blood, conclusions are drawn regarding the activity of a certain type of compounds in the material.

This diagnostic method allows not only to determine the content of viral particles in the human body, but also to assess the state of the latter's immune system.

If the ELISA result turned out to be positive twice, the patient needs to donate blood for an immunoblot - a more reliable method of examination.

Immunoblotting is a combination of enzyme immunoassay and electrophoresis. Using this method, antibodies to certain antigens are detected by ELISA on nitrocellulose membranes. On the latter, in the form of strips, specific proteins are placed with gel electrophoresis. If an antibody to a specific antigen is detected, a dark band appears.

In addition to the general blood test, there are specific tests specifically for HIV infection.

Can a complete blood count show the picture of HIV characteristic of specific studies? Obviously not. HIV developing in the human body is a consequence of the gradual destruction of immune cells body and all organ systems. How much time it will take to clearly identify the signs of the disease and the patient's concern for his state of health is unknown.

One pattern is still present: after the end incubation period(when antibodies begin to be produced in the body), the amount of certain enzymes in the blood changes (some can be increased, others can be reduced). Similar "jumps" (decrease and increase) of leukocytes, erythrocytes and other components can be observed when taking a general blood test.

Below in the table we give a breakdown of the key indicators that become the basis for further research and therapy.

Deciphering the HIV test

Usually, a general blood test is not resorted to directly to identify the pathogen, the study is carried out to diagnose the general picture of the disease, to which the infected organism has already managed to react in its own way.


Below we will display the "first symptoms" in the clinical analysis of the patient's blood or give a decoding of the results of the general blood test of the infected.

Type of cells Explanation
Lymphocytes At the initial stage of the disease, the level of lymphocytes in the blood rises slightly - the human body is actively fighting the "enemy". With the progression of the disease and the complete defeat of the immunity of the infected person, the level of these cells in the blood decreases sharply and reaches an almost minimum level. This phenomenon is called lymphopenia and in HIV infection it mainly affects the T-lymphocyte fraction.
Neutrophils We are talking about white blood cells. Their activity increases sharply at the time the virus enters the human body. This process is accompanied by phagocytosis, which eventually leads to a reduction in the number of bodies. However, a decrease in the concentration of neutrophils in the blood cannot be called specific for HIV, since this can also be observed with various types other inflammatory diseases
mononuclear cells Atypical cells belong to the type of leukocytes. In their structure, they are similar to lymphocytes, only they have one nucleus. These cells appear in the patient's biomaterial when a virus or bacteria enters the body. The patient's tests will be normal if there are no mononuclear cells in the blood at all
platelets These elements are responsible for blood clotting. In the case of infection, the number of platelets in the patient's blood is significantly reduced. This is usually manifested by bleeding (internal and external), a rash on the skin, hemorrhages on the mucous membrane
red blood cells The assessment of the content of this indicator in human blood is not so specific in relation to HIV. With the development of the disease in question, the concentration of red blood cells usually decreases. The reason for this is the effect of viral particles on the bone marrow, which is responsible for the process of blood formation.

If a blood test shows increased amount erythrocytes, it comes to immunodeficiency. There is a similar clinical picture in the case of lung diseases that provoke the development of HIV. These diseases include: pneumonia, tuberculosis

Hemoglobin Usually, an infected person has a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin, which indicates the development of anemia. Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein found on the surface of red blood cells. It is responsible for carrying oxygen to all organs. With a deficiency of cells in the blood, tissues and organ systems suffer from a lack of oxygen. Anemia is manifested by dizziness, pallor of the skin, increased fatigue

ESR and HIV infection

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate depends on many factors and various diseases, not only with HIV, the settling rate increases

ESR refers to the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. If the disease began to develop in the patient's body, this indicator increases significantly, i.e., with the onset of the development of the infectious process, the erythrocytes settle faster. The ESR indicator is specific for AIDS, provided there are no other symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases. The value of the speed increases due to the increase in the viscosity of the biological material and the increased content of adherent erythrocytes in the blood.

As you can see, a general blood test is not able to reliably identify the provocateur of the disease and determine the stage of development of the infection. However, the described diagnostic method is a real helper for physicians during the initial detection of viral particles in the patient's blood.

What values ​​are considered normal

There are certain normative indicators for each type of cell. For clarity, we present them in the table below.

Indicators for HIV may be normal during a certain period of the disease

Changes in the parameters of blood or other cells in the patient's biological material during a general blood test (as well as in biochemistry) may indicate other ongoing processes in human organ systems. For example, when taking a sample from pregnant women, the norm of cell content may shift in one direction or another due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. There may be other reasons for such shifts. We are talking about such developing pathologies as pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.

Where can I take a blood test for HIV

You can take a blood test for HIV at a medical facility or at an AIDS center. For citizens of the country, this procedure is free and confidential. It is also possible to submit the material anonymously. In this case, the patient receives an individual number and does not provide any information about himself.

If, for any reason, a person cannot go to the appropriate institution to take a general blood test, he will have to find out where he can buy a rapid test for self-detection of the virus in the blood.

The procedure in HIV-infected or healthy patients in this case takes no more than half an hour. In addition, an HIV test is done at home and does not require special training.

Such a test can be bought at any pharmacy in the city or ordered on the Internet - it will be sent by mail or delivered to your home. In addition to the obvious advantages of this diagnostic method (anonymity, speed, cost savings), it is worth mentioning the accuracy of the result - 99.6%. This is a pretty good indicator for home diagnostics.


In the case of HIV infection, early diagnosis of the disease is extremely important. A general blood test is one of the ways to carry it out. Among the obvious advantages of the method: low cost, ease of implementation, reliability of the results. KLA will not detect an HIV provocateur in the blood (unlike specialized studies), but with a high degree of probability it will determine that an infectious-inflammatory process is developing in the patient's body. In the case of HIV, such a measure plays a key role in determining the correct tactics of therapy. If the analysis does not show any deviations, the study will help the patient to control the current state of health, protecting himself from unpleasant consequences.

Children are the most difficult patients, they have not yet formed immunity, and HIV has already begun to destroy it. When examining children, extended diagnostics are required at different periods of the life of a small patient

UAC - very simple and commonly used procedure. It passes almost painlessly and helps an experienced specialist to recognize many diseases and pathologies on early stage. The general blood test of an HIV-infected person will be very different from that of a healthy person. That is why KLA is the most common initial method for its diagnosis.

HIV manifests itself only some time after infection Therefore, it is so important to identify it and start treatment in time, which will allow the patient to live and function fully for many years.

A general blood test for HIV is given, like any other, in the morning on an empty stomach. Beforehand, it is necessary to coordinate with the doctor a break in taking medications, if any, as well as a diet that will help the result be the most accurate.

The definition is carried out in the case:

  • Preparations for the operation (for the prevention of bleeding and establishing the risk of infection of personnel, if any);
  • Pregnant women (because the infection crosses the placental barrier and breast milk, the child is instantly infected, and this threatens the development of pathologies in development);
  • Donors;
  • Health workers;
  • People who are at risk (possibly already with symptoms);
  • Anyone who wants to.

You can contact any state clinic about this issue.

Paid or not optional.

Testing anonymity is also guaranteed.

Reliability of the study

Does a complete blood count show a 100% result for HIV? No. This test is done as First stage diagnostics, and further, if necessary, additional studies will be carried out. Which ones, we will analyze below.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

HIV infection very dangerous the fact that for a long time it may not manifest itself in any way. And this period sometimes lasts for decades. They learn about the infection, often by accident. Just some kind of biomaterial test alerted the attentive doctor, and he took timely measures to confirm the diagnosis.

On the KLA, the virus is presumably detected by an atypical amount of some formed elements.