What type of cancer causes fever. subfebrile temperature

Subfebrile body temperature accompanies a number of diseases, sometimes being, in fact, their only symptom, fixed at the initial stage of development. In addition to fever, this condition may not manifest itself in any other signs, which poses a potential threat to health.

So the key signs of subfebrile temperature are a periodic or permanent (constant), short-term or long-term increase in temperature to + 37-38 ° C.

Subfebrile temperature as a symptom

Subfebrile temperature is a sign of a particular pathology. subfebrile temperature and cough, subfebrile temperature and headache, as well as weakness and subfebrile temperature are typical symptoms of not only SARS or influenza, but also focal pneumonia, and pulmonary tuberculosis. In particular, with focal or infiltrative tuberculosis, subfebrile temperature is observed in the evenings, which rises for 3-4 hours to + 37.3-37.5 ° C.

Often, subfebrile temperature after SARS is the result of incomplete recovery, weakened immunity or action medicines.

In most cases, subfebrile temperature with bronchitis will not rise above +37.7 ° C; subfebrile temperature after pneumonia is kept in approximately the same range. Often doctors cannot determine the exact cause of this phenomenon and call it post-infectious subfebrile condition.

The characteristic subfebrile temperature in tonsillitis is 37-37.5 ° C, and the subfebrile temperature after a sore throat can remain at the same level for one to two weeks. A longer subfebrile condition should be alarming, because, as you know, tonsillitis quickly becomes chronic decompensated, and streptococcal infection with frequent tonsillitis has a pathological effect by intoxicating heart tissues, causing infective endocarditis, and affecting the kidneys, leading to glomerulonephritis.

Subfebrile temperature with cystitis, along with other symptoms of this disease, disappears after appropriate drug therapy. However, when subfebrile temperature is kept up to 37.5-37.8 ° C after the end of treatment, then there are good reasons to assume that inflammation from Bladder went to the kidneys and threatens with pyelonephritis.

Subfebrile temperature after tooth extraction, as well as subfebrile temperature after an operation performed on any tissues and organs, may have a separate list of reasons, among which in the first place is the body's reaction to a damaging factor and infection (for example, infectious blood poisoning - pyemia). The drugs taken both before and after surgery also contribute.

Subfebrile temperature in oncology is most often observed with myelo- and lymphocytic leukemia, lymphomas, lymphosarcomas and cancerous lesions of the kidneys. As oncologists note, prolonged subfebrile temperature - for six months or even more - is one of the symptoms of the early stages of these diseases. Also, for oncological patients after radiation and chemotherapy, neutropenic subfebrile condition is characteristic, associated with a weakening of the immune system.

Nausea and subfebrile temperature of the gastroenterologist will suggest intestinal dysbacteriosis. But subfebrile temperature at night usually drops to a physiologically normal level or slightly lower, although it can hold, for example, with hidden herpes viral infection, inflammation bile ducts or hepatitis C.

It should be borne in mind that a constant subfebrile temperature, which remains above normal throughout the day and fluctuates during the day by more than one degree, is a symptom of infective endocarditis. Prolonged subfebrile temperature, which manifests itself every 24-48 hours, is a typical manifestation of malarial plasmodium.

The human immunodeficiency virus acts slowly, so subfebrile temperature with HIV, in the absence of other signs in carriers of this infection, is an indicator of a total decrease in defenses. The next stage may be the defeat of the body by any infection with the development of many immune-mediated diseases.

Subfebrile temperature with VVD

Thermoregulation of the body - as an activity of all internal organs, secretory glands and blood vessels - are coordinated by the autonomic nervous system, which ensures the stability of the internal environment and adaptive reactions of the body. Therefore, disturbances in its work can manifest itself as subfebrile temperature with VVD, that is, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In addition to a spontaneous daytime temperature increase to 37-37.3 ° C, there may be such neurocirculatory disorders as a change blood pressure and pulse rate, decreased muscle tone, and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Depending on the cause of VDS in clinical medicine, vascular dystonias are genetic, infectious-allergic, traumatic and psychogenic.

Until recently, an increase in temperature in such conditions, that is, without an obvious reason, was defined as a subfebrile temperature of unclear etiology. Now it is already known that here there is a violation of the process of thermoregulation due to diencephalic syndrome - a congenital or acquired dysfunction of the hypothalamus (our main "thermostat").

TO congenital causes This pathology includes functional somatic disorders such as VVD, and among the acquired ones there are circulatory disorders of the brain in the area of ​​the hypothalamus, craniocerebral trauma, encephalitis, intoxication, etc.

Anemia and subfebrile temperature

Anemia and subfebrile temperature are quite closely related to each other at the biochemical level. Iron deficiency anemia leads to impaired production of hemoglobin and a decrease in its content in red blood cells that carry oxygen to the cells. And with a lack of oxygen in all cells of the body and, first of all, the brain, the metabolic process is disrupted. Therefore - in addition to all other signs of iron deficiency in the body - quite often there is a slight increase in body temperature. Children and adolescents during puberty are most prone to iron deficiency anemia. In addition to low-grade fever, they often have colds, appetite and body weight may decrease.

In addition, poor absorption of iron is associated with a lack of vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), which regulate hemoglobin synthesis in the bone marrow. And this anemia is called pernicious.

Precision anemia and subfebrile temperature - if you do not pay attention to them - can lead to the development of inflammation and atrophy of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Subfebrile temperature in women

Subfebrile temperature before menstruation in women refers to physiological periodic changes in thermoregulation (within 0.5 degrees) and is associated with an increased intake of estrogen and estradiol and their metabolic products into the blood: hydroxyestrons, etiocholanolone, methoxyestradiol, etc.

Subfebrile temperature during pregnancy (up to + 37.5 ° C) can be observed in the early stages, in the first 12 weeks - due to an increase in the level of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries and its effect on the hypothalamus. Temperatures will return to normal later.

However, a slight but constant subfebrile temperature in pregnant women is quite possible when, against the background of a natural decrease in immunity, blurred symptoms of the so-called TORCH infections: toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B, varicella-zoster virus, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus. Since all these infections can cause congenital abnormalities of the fetus, it is important to be vigilant at subfebrile temperature during the time and take a blood test for TORCH infection.

And, finally, subfebrile temperature in women very often occurs during menopause, and this is again due to changes in their hormonal background.

Subfebrile temperature in a child

Identified in childhood violations of thermoregulation in at least 2% of cases are congenital diencephalic syndrome, that is, problems with the hypothalamus, which was discussed above.

Subfebrile temperature in a child often accompanies infections of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx and ears. So, subfebrile temperature and cough can be with SARS, chronic tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. The temperature is given by teething and vaccinations. Subfebrile condition can be provoked by physical activity, strong excitement, overheating when wearing heavy clothes, anemia, etc.

Subfebrile temperature in a teenager is associated with a period of sexual development, but one cannot ignore and possible pathologies. In addition to those given above (see the Causes of subfebrile temperature section), pediatricians pay special attention to childhood and adolescent thermoneurosis, which is caused by diencephalic syndrome, malignant diseases blood, pathology thyroid gland as well as autoimmune diseases. For example, children under 16 years of age may develop Still's disease or systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, which is characterized by weakness and low-grade fever.

It can also be a side effect long-term use certain drugs, such as atropine, diuretics, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and antibacterials. So, subfebrile temperature with antibiotics occurs due to the fact that their use erases the signs of certain diseases, and then only one symptom remains - an increase in the readings of the thermometer.

Treatment of subfebrile temperature

How to bring down subfebrile temperature? For your information, in this situation, only an incompetent medical worker will immediately - without examination - prescribe antipyretic drugs. And you don’t need to drink aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen tablets on your own, especially in cases where a subfebrile temperature is noted for 2 months or a subfebrile temperature lasts for more than a year, or even longer.

What to do with subfebrile temperature? Apply for medical care to smart doctors. If there are no other symptoms and there are no complaints of a deterioration in well-being, then treatment of subfebrile temperature is not required. The therapy of these conditions is extremely difficult, especially when doctors diagnose subfebrile temperature of unclear etiology.

A hundred years ago, an old name was used for subfebrile conditions - “general malaise”, in which it was recommended to eat better, walk more in the fresh air and not be nervous. And what do you think, it did help a lot of people ...

Today it is necessary to carry out etiological treatment of subfebrile temperature, and what it will be depends on the pathogenesis of the disease.

If low-grade fever appears frequently or is constant, if it causes you concern (especially when "nothing hurts anywhere"), consult a doctor.

If you have a subfebrile temperature for a long time, your immune system is weakened, or you have chronic diseases- see a doctor without delay.

An increase in temperature is nothing more than the activation of the body's defenses in response to bacteria and viruses. If you no longer have the strength to endure the temperature, then there are several ways to reduce it without the use of pills and potions.

- an insidious disease and death at the last stage is almost inevitable. The temperature in lung cancer is a concomitant symptom, although it is commonly believed that it rises only against the background of a cold or taking certain medications.

There are three stages of temperature rise, when it jumps, constantly keeps at a high level or goes down to normal after taking antibiotics, but after their cancellation, the temperature begins to rise again.

This causes some difficulties for doctors when conducting differential due to the similarity of temperature curves for lung cancer and other infectious diseases. An important feature of the oncoprocess occurring in the lungs is an indicator of temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bof 38 g for 2-3 weeks.

In addition, elevated temperature indicates the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes or other organs and systems in the body.

Temperature increase in oncology

Lung cancer at stages 1-2 proceeds with virtually no symptoms, which increases the risk of mortality with progression. Temperature in lung cancer is the primary symptom, sometimes underestimated by patients. They begin to turn to doctors only with a feverish state or the appearance of a persistent cough with sputum discharge.

The temperature can vary from 37 to 41 degrees, while it does not fall for a long time, it stays within subfebrile marks, it jumps, it occurs periodically from time to time, or it remains stable for a long time.

Why is the temperature rising

A malignant tumor in the lungs adversely affects the immune system and the respiratory tract when the air is inhaled. The development of inflammation is inevitable, especially in small cell carcinoma.

It has been proven that this type of cancer begins its development when air is inhaled above 34 degrees Celsius, which often allows doctors to establish an accurate diagnosis. In addition, the process of releasing interleukin from tumor cells, which appears on the background of taking chemicals and antibiotics administered to patients for medical purposes.

In addition to a febrile state, patients develop:

  • skin rash;
  • signs of hemophilia;
  • intoxication of the body under the influence of biological preparations taken by the patient (interferon, rituxim, azathioprine, hydroxyurea);
  • thrombosis in the veins, which indicates the development of cancer called Trousseau's syndrome.

What measures should be taken when the temperature rises

First of all, it is necessary to identify in which particular translation the temperature rises in lung cancer: day or night, and how many days in a row the indicators of 38 g are stable. Perhaps the chemotherapy drugs prescribed by the doctor during treatment affect.

If the temperature jumps to 41-42 degrees, then this is already clear evidence that the body is highly infected, weakened and no longer resists the course of the inflammatory process. An increase in temperature to critical levels is a clear sign that you need to visit a doctor. When there is a high probability sudden death, and it is the temperature that can cause it.

If the temperature is stable and an infectious process takes place in the body, then the doctor must take urgent measures to avoid possible complications and assign:

  • antibiotics for a bacterial infection;
  • antiviral agents during the course of a viral infection;
  • pills to relieve inflammation and reduce fever (acetaminophen, ibuprofen).
  • the appearance of obvious signs of thrombosis on the legs;
  • thickening of blood in the veins;
  • Lysis syndrome against the background of the rapid multiplication of cancer cells, leading to metabolic disorders and a decrease in the concentration of electrolytes in the blood.

An increase in temperature, together with the symptoms described, can be fatal and require immediate medical attention for emergency measures.

Patients with lung cancer need to know that the temperature usually jumps, i.e. increased or decreased (below 34g) with the progression of the tumor. If such an imbalance has been observed for more than 2 weeks, then patients should urgently contact the diagnostic center for diagnostic behavior.

Informative video

A feverish condition in cancer can mean infection of the body with bacterial microorganisms or viruses. Also, often temperature in cancer observed at 3-4 stages of the oncological process.

Under normal physiological conditions, the hypothalamus maintains a temperature of about 37ºС, which can vary depending on the time of day. The lowest rates are observed in the early morning hours, and the body temperature reaches its maximum in the middle of the day. By evening, the thermal state of the body is 36.5 - 37 ºС.

Heat in cancer includes a rise in body temperature above 38ºС, which implies the presence of an internal pathological process. This condition is considered a fairly common symptom for many types of cancer.

Temperature in cancer - symptoms, causes

Infectious fever in cancer, as a rule, is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Hyperthermia over 38 ºС.
  2. On palpation, patients often have hot skin.
  3. Feeling of coldness and trembling all over the body.
  4. Pain in the upper and lower limbs.
  5. Chronic fatigue.
  6. Burning pain during urination.
  7. Disorders of the digestive system in the form of diarrhea.
  8. Throbbing headache.
  9. Frequent bouts of dizziness.
  10. Pain in the nasopharynx and oral cavity.
  11. Acute, wet cough.
  12. The appearance of localized pain in one part of the body.

Is there a temperature in cancer? In oncological diseases, hyperthermia indicators are mainly observed to rise to subfebrile indicators (37 ºС - 38 ºС). Such temperature indicators indicate the so-called "low-grade fever". This condition of the body in some cases does not require special treatment, especially if subfebrile indicators are retained for a short time.

Cancer causes fever also during the period of specific anticancer therapy.

What should be the temperature for cancer?

What should be the temperature for cancer? The febrile state in oncology goes through three phases in succession:

  1. Raise body temperature. In response to the penetration of a bacterial and viral infection or the formation of a pathological process, the human body produces increased amount leukocytes, the mass of which gradually increases in the blood and lymphatic systems. A large number of white blood cells affect the hypothalamus, which provokes hyperthermia. In the early stages of fever, the patient very often feels cold and shivering. This is the reaction of the surface layers of the skin and muscles to an increase in body temperature. The essence of this phenomenon is the narrowing of the epidermal blood vessels, which contributes to the maximum preservation of the internal thermia. Also, the response is considered to be periodic muscle contraction as a result of stenosis of the vascular system.
  2. In the second phase of hyperthermia, heat transfer processes are balanced, which is clinically manifested by the stabilization of the hyperthermic state. For example, temperature in lung cancer can be within 37 ºС - 37.5 ºС for months, without delivering particularly uncomfortable sensations to the cancer patient.
  3. Cooling the body. In the terminal phase of hyperthermia, the opening of superficial blood vessels occurs, which causes profuse sweating and, as a result, a decrease in body temperature. Such a process is usually stimulated with the help of pharmaceuticals, although in some clinical cases self-thermoregulation is observed.

The use of hyperthermia in cancer therapy

What is the temperature for cancer in malignant lesions is necessary to achieve maximum therapeutic results? In some clinical cases, body thermoregulation indicators of 37.5 ºС - 38.0 ºС contribute to an increase in the sensitivity of pathological cells to the effects of highly active X-ray radiation. The hyperthermic state of the body in combination with radiation therapy gives faster anti-cancer effects in the form of the destruction of a large number of mutated tissues.

Methods of therapeutic hyperthermia

To date, some methods of artificially raising body temperature are under development.

Local hyperthermia

This technique involves a local thermal effect on a part of the body where cancer diseases. Depending on the localization of the tumor, the following types of local hyperthermia exist:

  1. An external approach in which thermal energy is applied either to the surface of the skin or to the subdermal layer. These activities are mainly of an application nature.
  2. Intracavitary or intraluminal approaches. These methods are used for cancerous lesions of the esophagus and for the diagnosis of ““. The technique is carried out using a special heated probe, which is inserted into the corresponding organ.
  3. Intermediate techniques are indicated for oncological diseases of deeply localized organs, such as, for example, the brain and spinal cord. Dedicated RF sensor local anesthesia is brought to the primary focus of pathology, causing hyperthermic changes in it.

Regional hyperthermia

It consists in heating large areas of the body or limbs.

Whole body hyperthermia

This technique is used for multiple metastatic lesions. The systemic rise in body temperature is usually achieved in special thermal chambers.

Subfebrile temperature in oncology (from 37 to 38 degrees) is a frequent phenomenon. As a rule, this condition does not require any specific treatment, especially if the elevated body temperature does not persist for a long time.

In some cases, subfebrile temperature in cancer appears long before the main symptoms of the disease and for up to six to seven months is the only symptom of oncology. If we do not lose sight of this symptom in a person, in not yet diagnosed with cancer, then we can assume, and with a more detailed examination, and diagnose an oncological disease at one of the early stages.

On the initial stages oncological disease, subfebrile body temperature is kept, as a rule, stable. This situation occurs before the onset of the advanced stages of cancer, when abrupt changes in temperature begin, which can be unpredictable.

Symptoms that may accompany hyperthermia in oncology

Particular attention should be paid to situations where the patient may have two or more symptoms from this list at the same time. Even in the absence of reliable data confirming cancer, this may be one of the signs early stage cancer.

  1. Dryness of the skin on palpation.
  2. Trembling, chills.
  3. Subjectively, the patient feels cold.
  4. Sore muscles and joints.
  5. Increased feeling of tiredness.
  6. Pain during urination.
  7. Dyspeptic symptoms, mainly diarrhea.
  8. Headache, often throbbing.
  9. Dizziness - paroxysmal or constant.
  10. General malaise.
  11. Pain in the nasopharynx.
  12. Paroxysmal wet cough.
  13. There may be attacks of acute pain in one of the parts of the body.
  14. Soreness of the tumor.
  15. An increased number of leukocytes in the blood.
  16. Pronounced weight loss - weight loss in cancer can be up to five to seven kilograms per week for no apparent reason.
  17. Changes in the skin: a change in the nature of hair growth, the appearance of jaundice, hyperpigmentation, there may be allergic manifestations on the skin.
  18. Causeless physical weakness in cancer can be of varying severity; in the later stages of the disease, it is more pronounced.
  19. With multiple tumor lesions - pain in various parts of the body; with multiple foci, this symptom of cancer may be one of the earliest; in no case should it be left unattended.

Phases of hyperthermia in cancer

The use of hyperthermia in the treatment of cancer

Can an increase in temperature in cancer be beneficial to the patient, or is it always a sign of a deterioration in his condition?

Clinical experience in managing patients with oncological pathology suggests that in some cases, temperature values ​​ranging from 37.5 to 38 degrees contribute to an increase in the sensitivity of atypical (malignant, tumor) cells to the influence of X-ray radiation. Thus, anticancer radiation therapy is significantly more effective against the background of elevated body temperature of the patient. This combination results in the destruction of more tumor cells per procedure.

Methods of therapeutic hyperthermia

To date, the combination of hyperthermia with radiation therapy is considered very effective. In this regard, developing medical techniques associated with artificial hyperthermia.

Local hyperthermia

The technique consists in a thermal effect on the area of ​​the body affected by the tumor process.

  1. External influence. The heat source in this case is in contact with the patient's skin (thermal applications).
  2. Intracavitary influence. The technique is used for oncological lesions of the esophagus or rectum and is carried out using a special probe with an adjustable degree of heating.
  3. Techniques indicated in the case of cancer of organs to which there is no external access. A radiofrequency sensor is brought to the focus of pathology under local anesthesia, which causes a reaction of hyperthermia. This technique is applicable, for example, in cancer of the brain or spinal cord.

Regional hyperthermia

An increase in body temperature, or hyperthermia, is one of the typical symptoms in oncology along with other signs: the appearance of shortness of breath, coughing, weight loss, lack of appetite, etc., depending on the type of pathology. According to the temperature indicator, it is even possible to make predictions about a favorable or unfavorable outcome for a cancer patient.

Immediately make a reservation that it is correct to call oncology a branch of medicine that studies benign and malignant tumors. However, in colloquial speech, this term is often used as a synonym for cancer and its varieties. For this reason, hereinafter the word "oncology" will also appear in a philistine meaning, and not in a medical one.

A prolonged increase in the thermometer can be present at any stage of cancer. At the same time, hot flashes, temperature fluctuations in oncology above 38-39 degrees are rare. As a rule, the indicators are kept within subfebrile marks - 37-38 degrees - for several weeks or months. In the early stages of the disease, this symptom indicates the growth of the tumor, in the later stages - the worsening of the course of the oncological disease, the spread of metastases throughout the body.

But elevated values ​​​​of the thermometer do not always indicate a deterioration in the patient's condition. Sometimes it is, on the contrary, a sign that the body is fighting a tumor. In this case, hyperthermia is a sign of an active immune response.

In addition, elevated body temperature in oncology is not necessarily caused by a malignant tumor. It may indicate concurrent infectious diseases. It is especially important to pay attention to the risk of infection with viruses or pathogenic bacteria during surgery or hospital treatment. Incorrectly processed materials during the introduction of injections and droppers are a potential threat of infection for a patient weakened by cancer.

It is also possible that the cause of the fever was the development of bacteria or fungi that have been sitting in the body for a long time and have waited for the moment of reducing immunity.

Temperature indicators for cancer

There is no clear rule for what exactly the body temperature should be in cancer. Often a deviation from the norm of 36.6 is only the first sign of the disease and a harbinger of other typical symptoms.

There are several types of hyperthermia:

  • local: a separate fragment of the skin is heated, a small area on the arm, leg, torso above or near the site of the tumor;
  • regional: the heating of a single area or organ is very different from body temperature (for example, an arm or leg “burns”). Appears with a significant size of the tumor;
  • of the whole body: general malaise without limitation of motor abilities. Heating occurs throughout the body evenly, without highlighting specific areas.

Given this classification, it should be understood that the overall body temperature may not coincide with a separate local area where heating is more pronounced. This unevenness occurs because with the development of pathology, protective blood cells - leukocytes - are activated. And it is in the area of ​​their activity that heat production is stronger.

In this case, it is necessary to find out whether the temperature is elevated above the area where the malignant tumor is located, and only then draw conclusions about the nature of the disease.

General hyperthermia is not as common a symptom as local. Uniform heating of the body indicates systemic pathological processes, and not local damage to organs.

Also, for certain cancers, fever is more characteristic than for others. For example, it is very typical for lung cancer, rectal cancer, brain cancer, leukemia, lymphoma. In the presence of another type of cancer, the cause of fever may be the development of concomitant infectious diseases, and not the growth of the tumor.


Subfebrile temperature in oncology is relatively low, within 37-38 degrees. But it can persist for a long time - for several weeks or months. In this case, it is called subfebrile condition. It is perceived by patients in different ways: some feel slight discomfort, others do not feel any changes at all and live the same life.

Subfebrile condition - a reason to beware

Subfebrile condition in oncology is much more common than febrile values ​​​​of 38-39 degrees. In the early stages of the disease, it may not manifest itself. But in the third and fourth stages of cancer, subfebrile condition can turn into persistent symptom which is difficult to correct with medication.


High fever in cancer is rare. As a rule, the highest temperature of the thermometer does not exceed 38 degrees. If the thermometer goes higher, this means that the deterioration of the patient's condition is caused by the development of third-party infectious or immune diseases.

It is also possible that the sudden temperature jump is associated with the rapid growth of the tumor. In this case, an urgent consultation with a doctor and emergency drug therapy is necessary, which will help to smoothly bring down the fever.

An increase in temperature in cancer has its own errors: with a single manifestation, it is not worth sounding the alarm. A high temperature in oncology should alert when it lasts for a long time and interferes with the usual way of life.


It is less common than elevated.

There are several phases in the development of low body temperature in oncological diseases. It usually goes like this:

  1. Subfebrile body temperature appears (37-38 degrees) and keeps at the same level for some time.
  2. The temperature indicator levels off to the norm of 36.6, periodically rising above this value. Heat exchange processes improve, the patient ceases to feel discomfort (if he had experienced it before).
  3. The temperature indicator drops below normal.

Chills in oncology appear spontaneously as a result of self-regulation of the body. It can be considered a sign of reduced activity of blood vessels.

In some cases, low temperature in cancer is regarded as the result of successful pharmacological treatment. It won't last long and will go away on its own. When the patient's temperature returns to normal, it is understood that the cancer patient, although temporarily, is on the mend. And at the initial stages of oncological diseases, an improvement in the body's thermoregulation gives hope for recovery.

However, in the later stages of cancer, low body temperature is a sign that the immune system is weakened and has ceased to fight the disease. In this case, the prognosis is poor.

Temperature increase in cancer treatment

The sudden onset of fever during cancer treatment can be caused by various factors. Let's look at the main ones below:

  • side effects of drugs prescribed by a doctor;
  • ineffective treatment in the last stages, when the patient's condition is already hopeless.

In the treatment of cancer, fever acts as an alarming symptom. If ignored, it is possible to aggravate the disease and rapidly worsen the patient's condition. The symptom must be recorded in the medical history.

Temperature during chemotherapy

Depending on the initial condition of the patient, a prognosis is given, what kind of complications should be expected from chemotherapy. During rehabilitation, the reaction of the body may be as follows:

  1. There were no significant changes in the patient's condition before and after; chemotherapy had little effect on the test results.
  2. Minor changes in the patient's condition are observed, but active abilities remain at the same level.
  3. Significant changes in the patient's condition are noticeable. Its activity is severely or completely reduced. According to the results of the analyzes, it is necessary to prescribe a new complex treatment.

Heat after chemotherapy is typical for the last two options. However, patients who easily endured the procedure are also potentially susceptible to the development of infectious diseases and allergic reactions - basically, it is these factors that cause hyperthermia after chemotherapy.

Is it necessary to bring down the fever with cancer?

It is forbidden to lower the temperature of a cancer patient without the recommendation of the attending physician. Firstly, self-medication treatment may be ineffective. Hyperthermia in a patient with cancer is most often caused not by a simple malaise, but by serious pathological processes in the body. For this reason, the drugs used by amateurs will not eliminate the cause of the fever.

Secondly, self-selected medications may not be suitable for a particular person due to the characteristics of the body ( allergic reactions, age, weight, type of cancer, etc.). Especially self-medication will be dangerous when an accurate diagnosis has not yet been established.

How to bring down the temperature in cancer, only the attending physician will tell you. Call ambulance also undesirable. Since local paramedics are not aware of the patient's illness, they will provide the same medicines as most ordinary people.

When cancer develops without fever

Most often, in the early stages, cancer is asymptomatic. Small temperature deviations are not perceived by patients as a sign of oncology, they attribute their condition to colds, general malaise, weakened immunity, etc. Their inattention to their own health can be dangerous, since it is the temperature that sometimes makes itself felt before other symptoms.

Development cancerous tumor without an increase in temperature, it is possible with damage to a specific organ that does not give such a symptom (for example, with cancer duodenum at an early stage). Also, as mentioned above, not all types of cancer cause hyperthermia of the whole body.

Individual characteristics of the body can also affect the symptoms. For example, with weak immunity, there will not be a bright response of the body to the development of a tumor, so the patient's temperature will remain at a normal level for a long time.