How does stomach flu start in children? Intestinal flu symptoms and treatment in children

Intestinal flu in children is a common disease, often resembling autumn-winter period. The severity may depend on the age of the child. The younger, the more severe the disease. The child's body is not formed, does not resist the invasion of a viral infection. Viruses cause flu-like symptoms in children. The article discusses in detail the intestinal flu and its symptoms.

Gastric or intestinal flu is an acute viral pathology that affects the gastrointestinal tract. The disease has become widespread. The frequency increases during the cold seasons of the year. Young children in the first years of life are often affected. Rarely occurs intestinal flu in adolescents, young people.

The symptoms and causes of stomach flu are often caused by an invading viral infection. Professors have described a large number of strains of viruses. The causative agents of intestinal flu are known, often the causes are:

  • Rotaviruses.
  • Astroviruses.
  • Noroviruses.
  • Caliciviruses.
  • Adenoviruses.

Viral strains cause an acute inflammatory process in the digestive tract. There are clinical symptoms of intestinal infection, symptoms of acute respiratory infection, similar in symptoms to the flu.

Similar symptoms of Escherichia coli in children.

Ways of infection

Infection occurs when the microorganism penetrates into the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The severity of clinical symptoms depends on the number of pathogens in the body, the state of the child's immune system. Symptoms and treatment differ depending on the nature of the pathogen.

Ways of infection are determined based on the nature of the disease:

  1. Alimentary infection. Pathogens enter the child's body with unwashed fruits and vegetables. You can get infected with poor-quality expired dairy and meat products.
  2. can be transmitted through unwashed hands.
  3. Stomach flu in children can be transmitted through water contaminated with the appropriate strain of the virus, bacteria.
  4. An airborne route of infection with viral stomach flu is possible. The causative agent is transmitted from a person when talking, sneezing.
  5. Signs of intestinal flu are observed during the contact-household route of infection of a child. It is enough for the kid to hold in his hands the toy that the sick child played the day before, to hold on to the door handle in kindergarten, school.

Virus persistence in the environment

Rotavirus influenza is resistant and viable. A variety of infectious pathogen is able to withstand heating to a temperature of 60 degrees, freezing.

Not all detergents destroy the virus in the environment. Prevention of spread in the environment is carried out with chlorine-containing antiseptic solutions high concentration.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Parents should understand what the symptoms of intestinal flu mean in a baby, how to treat intestinal flu. The first clinical manifestations of intestinal flu are signs similar to respiratory infections. The child is worried about a sore throat, cough. There is mucous discharge from the nasal passages.

Clinical signs resolve on their own. There are symptoms of an intestinal disorder. The sequence distinguishes the intestinal flu from another infection that affects the child's digestive tract. The latter begin with manifestations of dyspepsia.

Typical clinical symptoms

Company viral infection, stomach flu proceeds according to a characteristic pattern:

  1. The appearance of pain, congestion of the throat and nose. On examination, the throat in young children is hyperemic.
  2. Catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract- cough and runny nose, sneezing, hoarseness.
  3. Diarrhea develops on day 2-3. In mild stages of the disease, diarrhea is recorded up to 10 times a day. Stool grayish color, pungent odor. In severe forms of the disease, the number of urges to defecate reaches 50 times a day.
  4. The child complains of pain in the abdomen. Periodically, the baby feels a seething in the tummy, bloating. The child is in excruciating pain. He screams, thumps his feet.
  5. The temperature in newborns is subfebrile, reaches febrile figures.
  6. Nausea and vomiting, frequent diarrhea lead to the development of dehydration in the child.
  7. Signs of intoxication - the child is lethargic, does not sleep well or is excessively sleepy. Skin color is pale. Facial features are sharpened.

Clinical forms of intestinal flu

To deal with intestinal flu, symptoms, you need to know the distinguished forms of severity of the disease.

Classification of the disease according to signs:

  1. According to the severity of the condition, the disease is mild, moderate, severe.
  2. Clinical manifestations distinguish - typical and atypical forms of the disease. The first form proceeds according to the scheme described above. The second form may not have clinical symptoms, it may be erased. A typical form also occurs in the monthly, one year old baby. Atypical form is typical for adolescents. In adults, the disease may not have clinical symptoms.

Treatment of intestinal flu in children at home is allowed if the disease is mild. Other forms of the disease require inpatient treatment.

Possible Complications

Rotavirus is an infection that rarely causes serious complications. This happens when the timely treatment is started.

The lack of adequate care for children under one year old leads to the development of unpleasant complications from the intestinal flu. It happens if a child has a significant decrease in the body's immune defenses.

A complication is severe dehydration, which can lead to the development of hemodynamic disorders. Intoxication of the expressed stage can lead to the development of acute renal failure.

Perhaps the accession of a secondary bacterial infection. This is Escherichia or other types of pathogenic sticks. For the treatment of children, antibiotics with a wide therapeutic spectrum are prescribed.

With careful supervision of the child, adequate treatment, avoid the development of these conditions. The attending physician will examine the child, determine what to do, whether it is possible to take antibacterial drugs.

Diagnosis of intestinal flu

An experienced pediatrician or infectious disease specialist can determine the diagnosis by the first clinical manifestations. Often, viral and bacterial infections show significant external similarities. Under the guise of influenza, salmonellosis, dysentery can be hidden. Possible development of food poisoning. To differentiate between intestinal infections, bacteriological studies are prescribed.

Virus particles are too small to be seen under a microscope. Bacterial infections are detected. The causative agent is distinguished by the characteristic color of the cell nucleus.

Useful and reliable diagnostic information is obtained during research:

  1. Polymerase chain reactions.
  2. Methods of immunofluorescent analysis.
  3. ELISA research.

These tests will detect rotavirus. Research is expensive and rarely used.

With intestinal flu, a standard list of diagnostic procedures is prescribed:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Analysis of feces for a coprogram, bacteriological culture.

Analyzes reveal signs of an inflammatory process in the body, check for a possible bacterial infection.

Principles of treatment

No specific drug has been developed to treat the cause of the disease. Therapeutic activities differ in directions:

  1. Detoxification therapy.
  2. Measures to eliminate signs of dehydration.
  3. Restoration of the functions of the urinary system.
  4. Restoration of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Symptomatic therapy.
  6. Preventive measures aimed at preventing secondary bacterial infection.

Drink medications possible with the permission of the attending physician. Do not expose the life and health of the baby to danger, being carried away by self-medication. If you find signs of an intestinal disease in a child under one year old, call a pediatrician at home. The doctor will give a referral to the hospital if necessary. With a mild form of the disease, children are on sick leave on an outpatient basis. The moderate or severe form requires the treatment of patients with intestinal pathology in an infectious diseases hospital.

Until the doctor arrives, give the child first aid.

First aid at home

If you find signs of a respiratory infection in a child in combination with symptoms of an intestinal disorder, let's drink more.

If vomiting does not stop, the drink is given in a teaspoon at regular intervals. An abundant amount of water is not retained in the baby's stomach, provokes a new attack of vomiting. Pour boiled water, tea. Saline solutions such as Regidron have an effect. Brew medicinal herbs from folk recipes. You should drink a lot, but fractionally.

Supervise the position of the child in bed so that he does not choke on vomit. Turn the baby's head on its side, do not leave unattended. Choose the right pose! Harmful posture lying on the back for babies.

Check your child's body temperature. If it rises from 38 degrees, do not tolerate it, take antipyretic drugs based on Paracetamol. Such medicines are given to a child who is one month old.

The healing condition is a sparing lactose-free diet. Do not force your child to force feed if he has no appetite. Offer to drink regularly. Dishes should be cooked in a steam, boiled form. The nutrition of patients with intestinal infection is sparing, fractional.

Medical treatment

A full course of drug therapy is carried out for 10 days. Anti-epidemiological agents help to raise the body's immune defenses, prevent the spread of the disease. Pathogenetic treatment is selected individually for the child based on his condition.

To eliminate signs of dehydration, saline solutions are used orally, parenterally. If, after treatment with drinking solutions, vomiting does not stop, dehydration increases, switch to intravenous infusions. They are carried out in the conditions of the infectious diseases department of the hospital in acute life-threatening conditions. Inside, use Enterodez, Regidron. You can make your own drinking mixture at home.

To remove pathogenic particles from the body, drugs from the group of sorbents are used. Medicines - Polyphepan, Laktofiltrum or Enterosgel. The appointment helps to quickly cleanse the body of viral particles, bacterial toxins.

To restore non-pathogenic intestinal flora faster, give your child probiotics. They will help to quickly restore epithelial cells affected by intestinal infection, normalize bowel activity. Acipol, Lineks are effective. The preparations contain lyophilized live cultures of beneficial intestinal bacteria, quickly restore the normal microflora in the intestine.

If the child has a fever, fever, chills, give antipyretic drugs. Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Nurofen - medicines for children are available in the form of rectal suppositories, mixtures, syrups for oral administration.

Enzymes are prescribed to the child to normalize the digestive processes. With rotavirus infection, there is a decrease in the normal enzymatic function of the intestine - it must be maintained so that the child's body can adequately assimilate the incoming nutrients. The enzymatic preparations Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin proved the effectiveness.

Diet food

The diet for gastric flu is considered sparing. The child is fed with slimy, boiled soups, semi-liquid porridges on the water. Serve meat dishes in a pureed boiled, steamed form.

Strong meat broths in the acute period of the disease are categorically contraindicated. Boil soup in vegetable broth. Fish, fish dishes are recommended to be given to the child in a boiled form. Prepare fish soufflé, steamed lean fish cutlets.

It is better to give yesterday's bread, slightly stale. Cookies or crackers - low-fat, not rich. Give the baby biscuits for tea, compote. During the illness, it is strictly forbidden to give the child whole fresh milk, dairy products. Fresh vegetables, fruits, pickles, marinades are excluded from the diet. Smoked, fatty foods are prohibited. Serve vegetables, fruits in a baked, boiled form. Prepare mashed potatoes with a pinch of salt, sugar.

You need to return to your normal diet gradually. The whole process takes a month.

Disease prevention

Intestinal influenza caused by rotavirus infection is distinguished by specific prevention through vaccination. No specific prophylaxis has been identified for other viruses. It remains to comply general rules preventing infectious diseases of the digestive tract.

To avoid infection with intestinal flu, follow general hygiene rules:

  1. Avoid contact with patients with intestinal infections. During the epidemiological peak, it is better to limit contacts. You can get infected both from a sick child, and from a healthy carrier.
  2. If there is a patient with an intestinal infection in the house, he uses separate utensils and household items. The room and household utensils are disinfected.
  3. Wash hands when coming from the street or from public places, as well as after contact with a sick or carrier of viral intestinal flu. Also, do this procedure after going to the toilet and before eating.

Indigestion in a child is not such a rarity. However, such a phenomenon as intestinal flu in children should by no means be ignored. This can lead to a number of complications, which can be dealt with only by timely treatment. The causes, symptoms and other features of the intestinal flu will be discussed later.

IN childhood The disease is characterized by an acute onset. After a short incubation period (no more than two or three days), temperature indicators increase, symptoms of a febrile syndrome appear, vomiting and diarrhea begin. Bloody streaks may appear in the feces, such an acute period of intestinal flu in a child usually lasts about seven days.

Subsequently, the clinical picture is supplemented:

  1. Painful sensations in the abdomen. A child with intestinal flu usually experiences cramping pains in the abdomen. Most often they have a different degree of intensity.
  2. Runny nose, sore throat and sneezing. A pattern has been noticed in connection with which intestinal flu forms immediately before an outbreak of the usual form this disease. In this case, the symptoms of a gastrointestinal problem will be supplemented by signs of infection.
  3. Loss of appetite and weakness. For seven or more days of illness, the human body, especially for children, can be seriously depleted. At the same time, facial features are sharpened, blood pressure indicators may decrease.

Just as often, intestinal flu in childhood is associated with a mild degree of anemia. Speaking of this, experts pay attention to a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, slight dizziness and pallor of the skin. In order to cope with the disease much faster, it is important to determine not only the causes, but also the main ways of infection.

Causes and ways of infecting a child with stomach flu

The method of infection with intestinal flu is most often fecal-oral, which is facilitated by dirty hands and unwashed food.

Also note the dependence on time when. As noted earlier, in childhood, intestinal flu most often occurs in winter, when the child's body and immunity are aggravated.

Once in the child's body, the virus, which boasts a strong protein shell, easily passes through the stomach and even becomes fixed in the area small intestine. As a result, this provokes a severe violation of fermentation, as well as the absorption capacity of the intestine. Given the more than unpleasant symptoms and the likelihood of aggravation of the child's condition, it is recommended to start therapy for intestinal flu as early as possible.

Treatment of intestinal flu in children

For successful therapy in this case, it is important to restore the water-salt balance. The most common drug used in this case is Regidron. Pay attention to the fact that:

  • in its absence or inaccessibility at home, it will be possible to prepare a solution that includes one tsp. salt and a liter of boiled water;
  • every 60 minutes it is necessary to use 50 ml of such a solution, in the remaining time it is strongly recommended to use ordinary, but boiled water;
  • you can not drink a significant amount of water at once, because in the vast majority of cases this is associated with the development of emetic reactions.

Further, it is imperative to ensure the neutralization of the heat, which is necessary when the temperature reaches 38 degrees. However, the choice of a particular dosage form not so simple. It depends largely on what kind of symptoms prevail: vomiting or diarrhea.

In the first case, the optimal means will be rectal suppositories, in the second - syrup or tablet form. If it is known in advance that the child tolerates fat very poorly and is difficult, in no case should you wait for the temperature to rise - the medicine can be taken immediately after the onset of intestinal flu. It must also be remembered that:

  • if the drug does not have time to be absorbed due to vomiting or diarrhea, measures such as rubbing water at a comfortable temperature with vinegar will be effective;
  • the restoration of the intestinal microflora is necessarily ensured;
  • for the presented purpose, drugs such as Linex, Bifiform and others are used, because they contain beneficial bifidobacteria in their composition.

As part of the basic recovery course of a child with intestinal flu, special attention is paid to diet. Yes, on initial stage the best and healthiest food will be either low-fat chicken broth or rice boiled in water.

Under 100% ban are various juices, as well as milk, any fatty or just heavy food. Then, on about the third day, you can eat porridge on the water, cottage cheese and lean meat. Talking about nutrition as part of the treatment, pay attention to other features:

  1. In a child under one year old, fermented milk mixtures should be the main food for the duration of the disease. To improve the taste and increase nutritional value, they are diluted with either rice water or water.
  2. It is strongly recommended to switch to the normal diet of the baby gradually. It is best to do this only after the disappearance of all clinical manifestations indicating indigestion.
  3. Regardless of the age category of the child, the diet for intestinal flu implies fairly frequent feeding in small portions. Failure to comply with the presented rule is fraught with complications. The fact is that this leads to an additional burden on the digestive system, and relapses of vomiting or diarrhea are not excluded.

The final requirement in terms of treatment and diet should be the restriction of carbohydrates, especially sweets. If we talk about the baby's diet after suffering an intestinal flu, then it implies the usual calorie content of dishes and, at the same time, ease in terms of digestion. Fried, smoked and spicy foods are unacceptable for consumption. Also, in no case should you eat foods that contain a lot of seasonings or store-bought sauces.

How to give first aid

Given the acute symptoms of intestinal flu and the characteristics of the child's body, parents should know everything about how to provide first aid. First of all, the child will need to be provided with a warm and, if possible, fortified drink. We are talking about compotes, teas or just boiled water. Equally important will be:

As a specialized prevention against intestinal flu in childhood, vaccination is provided. However, there are also non-specific measures, which, first of all, consist in strict observance of elementary standards of personal hygiene. It is strongly recommended to use exclusively purified or treated water, which is most important at the time when outbreaks of respiratory viral infections are recorded.

Also, parents should teach the child to wash their hands without fail after visiting public places, to use only clean, thoroughly washed vegetables and fruits. When swimming in ponds or public pools, it is highly recommended to avoid swallowing water.

Vitaminization and strengthening of the body in childhood are also extremely important. It is about the use of vitamins and mineral complexes, the use of exceptionally healthy and fresh food. It is no less important to accustom the child to moderate physical activity and, if this is perceived by the baby as normal, to hardening. In this case, a strong body, if it encounters an intestinal flu, will survive it with minimal losses.

Indigestion in a child is not such a rarity. However, such a phenomenon as intestinal flu in children should by no means be ignored. This can lead to a number of complications, which can be dealt with only by timely treatment. The causes, symptoms and other features of the intestinal flu will be discussed later.

In childhood, the disease is characterized by an acute onset. After a short incubation period (no more than two or three days), temperature indicators increase, symptoms of a febrile syndrome appear, vomiting and diarrhea begin. Bloody streaks may appear in the feces, such an acute period of intestinal flu in a child usually lasts about seven days.

Subsequently, the clinical picture is supplemented:

  1. Painful sensations in the abdomen. A child with intestinal flu usually experiences cramping pains in the abdomen. Most often they have a different degree of intensity.
  2. Runny nose, sore throat and sneezing. A pattern has been noted in connection with which intestinal influenza is formed immediately before the outbreak of the usual form of this disease. In this case, the symptoms of a gastrointestinal problem will be supplemented by signs of infection.
  3. Loss of appetite and weakness. For seven or more days of illness, the human body, especially for children, can be seriously depleted. At the same time, facial features are sharpened, blood pressure indicators may decrease.

Just as often, intestinal flu in childhood is associated with a mild degree of anemia. Speaking of this, experts pay attention to a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, slight dizziness and pallor of the skin. In order to cope with the disease much faster, it is important to determine not only the causes, but also the main ways of infection.

Causes and ways of infecting a child with stomach flu

The method of infection with intestinal flu is most often fecal-oral, which is facilitated by dirty hands and unwashed food.

Also note the dependence on time when. As noted earlier, in childhood, intestinal flu most often occurs in winter, when the child's body and immunity are aggravated.

Once in a child's body, the virus, which boasts a strong protein shell, easily passes through the stomach and even becomes fixed in the small intestine. As a result, this provokes a severe violation of fermentation, as well as the absorption capacity of the intestine. Given the more than unpleasant symptoms and the likelihood of aggravation of the child's condition, it is recommended to start therapy for intestinal flu as early as possible.

Treatment of intestinal flu in children

For successful therapy in this case, it is important to restore the water-salt balance. The most common drug used in this case is Regidron. Pay attention to the fact that:

  • in its absence or inaccessibility at home, it will be possible to prepare a solution that includes one tsp. salt and a liter of boiled water;
  • every 60 minutes it is necessary to use 50 ml of such a solution, in the remaining time it is strongly recommended to use ordinary, but boiled water;
  • you can not drink a significant amount of water at once, because in the vast majority of cases this is associated with the development of emetic reactions.

Further, it is imperative to ensure the neutralization of the heat, which is necessary when the temperature reaches 38 degrees. At the same time, the choice of a specific dosage form is not so simple. It depends largely on what kind of symptoms prevail: vomiting or diarrhea.

In the first case, rectal suppositories will be the best remedy, in the second - syrup or tablet form. If it is known in advance that the child tolerates fat very poorly and is difficult, in no case should you wait for the temperature to rise - the medicine can be taken immediately after the onset of intestinal flu. It must also be remembered that:

  • if the drug does not have time to be absorbed due to vomiting or diarrhea, measures such as rubbing water at a comfortable temperature with vinegar will be effective;
  • the restoration of the intestinal microflora is necessarily ensured;
  • for the presented purpose, drugs such as Linex, Bifiform and others are used, because they contain beneficial bifidobacteria in their composition.

As part of the basic recovery course of a child with intestinal flu, special attention is paid to diet. So, at the initial stage, the best and healthiest food will be either low-fat chicken broth or rice boiled in water.

Under 100% ban are various juices, as well as milk, any fatty or just heavy food. Then, on about the third day, you can eat porridge on the water, cottage cheese and lean meat. Talking about nutrition as part of the treatment, pay attention to other features:

  1. In a child under one year old, fermented milk mixtures should be the main food for the duration of the disease. To improve the taste and increase nutritional value, they are diluted with either rice water or water.
  2. It is strongly recommended to switch to the normal diet of the baby gradually. It is best to do this only after the disappearance of all clinical manifestations indicating indigestion.
  3. Regardless of the age category of the child, the diet for intestinal flu implies fairly frequent feeding in small portions. Failure to comply with the presented rule is fraught with complications. The fact is that this leads to an additional burden on the digestive system, and relapses of vomiting or diarrhea are not excluded.

The final requirement in terms of treatment and diet should be the restriction of carbohydrates, especially sweets. If we talk about the baby's diet after suffering an intestinal flu, then it implies the usual calorie content of dishes and, at the same time, ease in terms of digestion. Fried, smoked and spicy foods are unacceptable for consumption. Also, in no case should you eat foods that contain a lot of seasonings or store-bought sauces.

How to give first aid

Given the acute symptoms of intestinal flu and the characteristics of the child's body, parents should know everything about how to provide first aid. First of all, the child will need to be provided with a warm and, if possible, fortified drink. We are talking about compotes, teas or just boiled water. Equally important will be:

As a specialized prevention against intestinal flu in childhood, vaccination is provided. However, there are also non-specific measures, which, first of all, consist in strict observance of elementary standards of personal hygiene. It is strongly recommended to use exclusively purified or treated water, which is most important at the time when outbreaks of respiratory viral infections are recorded.

Also, parents should teach the child to wash their hands without fail after visiting public places, to use only clean, thoroughly washed vegetables and fruits. When swimming in ponds or public pools, it is highly recommended to avoid swallowing water.

Vitaminization and strengthening of the body in childhood are also extremely important. We are talking about the use of vitamin and mineral complexes, the use of exceptionally healthy and fresh food. It is no less important to accustom the child to moderate physical activity and, if this is perceived by the baby as normal, to hardening. In this case, a strong body, if it encounters an intestinal flu, will survive it with minimal losses.

From childhood, parents teach their kids to be clean. And it is right. After all, elementary non-compliance can cause many diseases. In this article I would like to talk about what is intestinal and the treatment of the disease, we will consider in detail.

About the disease

So, at the very beginning, you need to define the concepts and figure out what this disease is. Intestinal flu - it can be attributed to diseases caused by the so-called "dirty hands". Also, the infection enters the human body along with water or food.

It is worth saying that most often this virus affects children aged 6 months to 3 years. After this period, the child's body already develops a strong immunity to the disease. Among children of primary school and adolescence, this infection practically does not occur (an exception may be children with weakened immune systems). The illness itself lasts about a week. Mortality in this disease is very low and is approximately 2.4-3.6%.

About the virus

An insidious disease - intestinal flu. Symptoms and treatment in children is what interests many of us. It should be noted that rotavirus has a very high degree of resistance to various factors.

  1. In the feces of a child, he can retain his viral nature for 6-7 months.
  2. In household items and indoor air, the virus remains active for 5-8 days.

Doctors say that about 40% of the total adult population of the planet are carriers of this virus. And while the person does not have absolutely no symptoms. Therefore, if there is a small child in the house, adults should be extremely careful. Indeed, in this case, the likelihood of infection of the baby is very high.


Studying the topic "Intestinal flu: symptoms and treatment in children", it is also necessary to talk about what are the causes of this disease in babies. This virus infects the mucous tissues of the intestines of the baby. The mechanism of its distribution is fecal-oral. And this happens, as mentioned above, through contaminated food or water.

If it is food, it is enough to touch it to an infected person to transmit the infection. If the baby takes contaminated food from the hands of an adult, he definitely cannot avoid rotavirus infection. The same applies to water. It is important to remember that young children should only be given boiled water (in this case, infection with rotavirus infection is minimized).


What else is important to say when considering the topic "Intestinal flu: symptoms and treatment in children"? About the symptoms that accompany this disease. However, first of all, it is necessary to clarify that all the signs of the disease will appear only a day after infection with the crumb virus.

  1. The very first and most important symptom is an increase in temperature in a child up to 38-39 ° C.
  2. The child has a very frequent liquid stool(up to 15 times a day).
  3. The feces of the child are most often light in color, watery. Mucus may also be present.
  4. The baby will have a stomach ache.
  5. Along the way small intestine the child may rumble in the tummy (right side).

Symptoms of complications

Studying the topic "Intestinal flu: symptoms and treatment in children", it is also worth saying that it is very important to start timely and correct treatment. Otherwise, severe complications may arise, which are not so easy to cope with. So, it can be dehydration of the crumbs. In this case, the following symptoms may be observed:

  1. Dryness of mucous membranes.
  2. Lethargy.
  3. The appearance of bluish spots on the skin.
  4. Eyes may sink into the eye sockets.
  5. The child may not urinate for 8 hours.
  6. In infants, when dehydrated, the fontanel sinks.

Another complication that can occur when proper treatment or its absence - intoxication of the body. Symptoms:

  1. Chills.
  2. Lethargy.
  3. Apathy.

Intestinal flu: treatment

In children, only a doctor can accurately diagnose this infection. So when the first symptoms appear, you should definitely go to the doctor. Only in this case, you can get competent and timely treatment. What is important to consider for determining rotavirus?

  1. Baby's age.
  2. Feces: color, character.
  3. Time: the infection most often occurs during the cold season - from November to March.
  4. The nature of the onset of the disease.

How to accurately determine that a child has an intestinal infection? To do this, it is enough to conduct a bacterial study of the baby's feces. Important: for prevention purposes, the doctor may advise all family members to undergo the same study. You should not refuse this, since by identifying the carrier of the virus, you can avoid re-infection.

About treatment

Is there a single cure for stomach flu? No. If the baby is sick, all the doctor's actions will be aimed at preventing intoxication of the body and dehydration. For this, the drug "Regidron" is often impregnated. You also need to ensure that the baby does not overheat (reducing hyperthermia). This will help drugs "Nurofen", "Panadol-baby". And, of course, it is necessary to increase the resistance (ie resistance) of the body. In this case, you can prescribe a drug such as "Aflubin" (helps improve immunity).


If a baby is diagnosed with intestinal it, the doctor should tell. After all, self-treatment in this case can be a very dangerous action. In addition to the use of various kinds of medicines, the parents of the child should also remember that certain rules of the daily routine must be observed:

  1. The baby needs bed rest.
  2. The child should be given as much to drink as possible.
  3. If necessary, the crumbs can be given antispasmodics (half a No-shpa tablet, ground into powder).
  4. Vitamin therapy is very important.
  5. And, of course, you need a sparing diet.


Diet is very important for intestinal flu. What foods can a baby, and what is still better to completely avoid? First of all, I want to talk about the smallest. If the child is about 6 months old and is still on breastfeeding, if possible, it should be breastfed as often as possible, while excluding other products. If the baby is completely on an adult diet, in this case, you need to give up spicy, fried foods. The following foods are also not recommended:

  1. Legumes.
  2. Meat.
  3. Cabbage.
  4. Spices.
  5. Carbonated drinks.
  6. Sweets.

What should be the diet for intestinal flu? It is useful for the baby to give mucous porridges, mashed boiled vegetables, crackers, jelly, biscuits. It must be remembered that fresh and fruit juices should be excluded for the duration of diarrhea (although they are a source of vitamins). It is also important to give your child plenty to drink. Well, if it is mineral water (without gas), vegetable broths,

If the crumbs are surrounded by a bad epidemic situation, as a preventive measure, you need to pre-process food. Before giving the baby fruits, they need to be soaked for 10 minutes in a 3% solution of acetic acid.


What else is important to say when considering the topic "Intestinal flu: symptoms and treatment"? It is important to pay attention to preventive measures. After all, thanks to certain actions, you can protect your baby from infection. The only and very important rule is the observance of hygiene rules by all family members. You also need to monitor the purity and quality of the food and water that the baby consumes. To avoid infection, it is important to keep the house clean. Clothes and all things crumbs should not only be washed, but also ironed on both sides.


No medicine for stomach flu will work instantly. But in any case, it will help to fight the symptoms of the disease. However, if parents do not want to resort to the use of medicines, they can turn to traditional medicine.

  1. St. John's wort. It is necessary to prepare a decoction from this plant. So, you can pour 2.5 tablespoons of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water and simmer all this in a water bath for about 20 minutes. The medicine is cooled and taken in a third of a glass three times a day before meals. If the child is small, the dose can be reduced. The product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.
  2. Intestinal flu in children will also help cure this herb. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour a tablespoon of the dried plant with a glass of boiling water, leave for several hours. After that, strain. Take the drug should be 100 ml before meals three times a day.
  3. And as a prophylactic, a child can be given compote from bird cherry. It helps the body resist viral infection.

That's all you need to know about the stomach flu. Treatment of this disease in children is not difficult and will not make you wait long for positive changes if the diagnosis is made in a timely manner. If you notice something wrong with your baby's health - do not hesitate, immediately consult a doctor. And be healthy!

Symptoms, the treatment of which will be described below, are called "rotavirus infection" in medical language. The disease is caused, as the name implies, by rotavirus. It is transmitted from a sick person to others with saliva, feces and even urine, that is, you can get infected through unwashed hands, when drinking unboiled water or dairy products, when using shared toys or dishes with a sick child, by airborne droplets. Contagious is someone who is clearly carrying rotavirus infection (usually children), as well as someone who has had subtle symptoms of an intestinal infection caused by this microbe (usually adults). The infectivity of the patient with a latent or overt form of rotavirus persists up to 10-14 days.

Intestinal flu: symptoms

Explicit clinical symptoms usually occur in children. Children under 7 years of age are most susceptible to the disease. Adults usually have a mild illness - within a couple of days they have loose stools and a reddened throat (and they are contagious). Intestinal flu, the symptoms, the treatment of which is necessary for parents of young children, begins acutely, with the appearance of vomiting and loose stools, fever. The temperature gets off badly, often while the child's limbs become marble. Against this background, babies may experience convulsions with respiratory failure. Vomiting during the day is repeated, the child does not drink well, he is sick of eating and drinking. Very quickly, many develop an acetonemic state. Diarrhea: stools are frequent, thin, may be brown or yellow, frothy in nature, with a fetid odor. So the child can lose a lot of fluid, so it is important to properly and actively drink it. Minor catarrhal phenomena are noted - a reddened throat, perspiration, discharge of light mucus from the nose.

How is the stomach flu diagnosed? Are the symptoms, treatment the same as with another intestinal infection?

If a child has symptoms that are very similar to those described above, do not be lazy, go to the pharmacy to buy a Rota test. After spending it with the child's feces as written in the instructions, in a few minutes you will find out if it is an intestinal flu, or a bacterial disease. Treatment depends on this: if antibiotics are not indicated for a rotavirus infection, then a bacterial intestinal infection cannot be cured without them (rotavirus does not cause sepsis, it does not enter the bloodstream, but the bacterium, if it is not killed in time, can be deadly by itself). yourself). In addition, you will need to buy Acetone Test strips to determine the level of acetone in your urine.

Intestinal flu: treatment

1. The main thing in treatment is to provide the baby with a sufficient amount of liquid. You need to give him in the form of water, tea, compote not only his norm (for example, for a child weighing 11 kg it is a liter per day), but also the liquid that he loses with diarrhea and vomiting. It is necessary to drink in small doses, 5-10 ml (tea-dessert spoon), cool liquid (with severe nausea) or at room temperature. The best option is to drink the child with solutions of Regidron, Oralit, Humana. You can prepare a solution yourself: dilute 6 tsp for 1 liter of water. sugar and 1 tsp. table salt.

2. Sorbents: "Smecta", "White Coal", "Enterosgel" in the age dosage, little by little during the day. For example, at 2 years old, 1-1.5 sachets of Smecta are prescribed per day, we give it a little, 5-10 ml every half hour, we take a break from taking the sorbent when you need to drink the medicine.

3. There is a proven practice of using Viferon suppositories in an age dosage as an antiviral agent.

4. Antipyretic drugs in the age dosage. Do not forget about such methods of cooling as undressing and rubbing with cool water, and also that it is impossible to wrap a child at a temperature in any case, otherwise it is not far from convulsions. If you can't cope with the fever, call an ambulance.

Intestinal flu: symptoms, treatment of complications

    Renal failure. Occurs due to insufficient intake of fluid in the body with large losses. It looks like a deterioration in the condition, a decrease in the amount of urine, which becomes darker. Treatment here should be done as soon as possible, until the kidneys have died, it consists in intravenous fluid (dropper).

    acetone condition. That it can be the culprit of persistent vomiting, because of which the child cannot drink. Symptoms: abdominal pain, vomiting, smell of acetone, Acetone test strips show that the indicator is more than one plus (normally it should not be at all). Treatment: in the hospital. This is a drip of liquid, and drinking the child "Borjomi" without gas, semi-sweet teas, rehydrating solutions. In the treatment of this condition, "Citrarginin" helps well, the ampoule of which must be dissolved in a glass of water and given during the day (you can add a spoonful of sugar there).

    High temperature that does not go astray. Treatment - in the infectious diseases hospital, call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

    Convulsions against the background of high temperature with respiratory failure. While one person calls an ambulance, the second must take the child out into the fresh air, push his lower jaw forward so that the tongue does not interfere with breathing. If at the same time there is also a very high temperature, the child should be simultaneously wiped with a half-alcohol solution (water:alcohol = 1:1). If the child has stopped breathing, give mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration (usually this is rarely required).

To avoid all these terrible complications, it is best to try to treat this type of infection in a hospital. It will become easier for the baby - go home.

Rotavirus infection (intestinal or stomach flu)- an infectious disease caused by rotaviruses, characterized by a combination of intestinal and respiratory syndromes.


Pathogens are the cause of the disease rotaviruses- viruses of the Reoviridae family, similar to each other in antigenic structure. Under an electron microscope, they look like wheels with a wide hub, short spokes and a clearly defined rim, they have two protein shells. The systematic study of these viruses began in 1973, when they were found in a biopsy specimen from the mucous membrane of the small intestine of children with gastroenteritis.

rotaviruses under the microscope

Source of infection

The source of infection is a sick person. At a young age, the source of infection of a child is a mother infected with rotavirus, at an older age and in adults - children from the team where the child or adults are. Infection can also occur from carriers of the virus, who themselves do not get sick, but infect others. The most dangerous in terms of transmission of the virus is the sick person in the first 3-5 days from the onset of clinically pronounced symptoms of the disease, at which time the concentration of viruses in the excreted feces is the highest. Methods of transmission from animals have not been identified.

Transfer mechanism

The main transmission mechanism of the virus is fecal-oral or as it is also called “disease of unwashed hands”. The virus can be transmitted massively through food and water (including holy water, in which the virus feels great), isolated cases are noted through the contact-household spread - through viruses located on objects. The spread of the virus through dairy products is especially often observed, which is associated with the peculiarities of milk processing and the cycle of the virus itself.

The virus feels great in a cold environment, in the same refrigerator, where it can persist for a long time and cause disease in humans.

Propagation time

The virus has a characteristic time of its spread - autumn-winter period, approximately from November to April inclusive. The rest of the time, isolated cases of the disease can be observed. Since the spread and characteristic symptoms of rotavirus infection usually precede an influenza epidemic, the combination of factors has given the disease the capacious name of intestinal flu.


Once in the human body, the virus penetrates the cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the small intestine, which leads to the destruction of mainly the intestinal villi. And the intestinal villi are involved in the synthesis of digestive enzymes that break down incoming food. Since food cannot be digested normally, plus disaccharides accumulate in the intestinal lumen, this leads to the entry of a large amount of water and electrolytes (saline solutions) into the intestinal lumen, and characteristic symptoms are formed in the form of severe diarrhea (diarrhea) and dehydration of the body.


The intestinal flu has cyclic flow. That is, the disease goes through the gradual stages of its development stage by stage. First stage incubation period- lasting 1-2 days, the second - an acute period (from 3 to 7 days, with a severe course of the disease it can take more than 7 days), the third period - recovery (from 4 to 5 days)

The disease usually begins acutely, but a prodromal period (lasting up to 2 days) can also be observed during this period: malaise, general weakness, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, discomfort and rumbling in the stomach. There may also be moderate manifestations of the disease from the upper respiratory tract: nasal congestion, sore throat, mild cough.

In the clinical picture of the disease, a combination of gastroenteritis syndrome, intoxication and damage to the upper respiratory tract is noted, secondary lactase deficiency (intolerance to milk and dairy products) may be noted.

Gastroenteritis syndrome is characterized by loud rumbling in the abdomen, pains that are localized at the top of the abdomen, but may also be diffuse (over the entire surface of the abdomen), nausea, and vomiting. The main symptom that determines, among other things, the severity of the development of the disease is diarrhea. Stool with rotavirus infection is watery, frothy, yellow or greenish-yellow in color, with a mild form of the disease it can be mushy. The intensity of diarrhea (the number of “effective” trips to the toilet is considered) determines the degree of dehydration and intoxication of the body.

Intoxication of the body is manifested by increased fatigue, weakness, headache. In severe cases of the disease, dizziness, fainting may occur.

An increase in temperature with intestinal flu, especially in adults, is not always observed. Sometimes there is chills without fever. At the same time, at the height of the disease, the temperature can rise significantly to 38-39 degrees, both in children and adults.

Of the symptoms of damage to the upper respiratory tract, it is worth noting a runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough. There may be hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall, palatine arches and uvula.

Complications and lethality

In a severe form of the disease, cardiovascular insufficiency can develop, up to a fatal outcome. According to statistics, mortality from rotavirus is 2.5-3% of cases, especially for people with poor health. In other cases, recovery occurs without health consequences. After a disease, relative immunity is developed, so adults who have had this disease in childhood get sick less often or in a mild form, sometimes they don’t even notice their illness. Over time, immunity can weaken and repeated cases of the disease can be observed, that is, it is produced more than once for a lifetime, and therefore relative.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection, especially isolated cases, is difficult, since symptoms, especially in a blurred form, can also be characteristic of a number of other intestinal infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Currently, in connection with the development of diagnostic systems and laboratory tests for the detection of rotavirus, there is an increase in statistically registered cases of rotavirus infection, but this is nothing more than an improvement in the quality of diagnosis and detection of this infection, and not some kind of epidemic, as the media like to escalate the situation.

A reliable diagnosis of rotavirus infection can only be made if rotaviruses are detected in humans, and this can now be done using a large number of laboratory diagnostic methods, such as polymerase chain reaction, passive hemagglutination reaction, complement fixation reaction, immunofluorescence and many other laboratory methods. It is worth noting their high cost even at this stage in the development of medicine, so you should not run these tests with every disorder.

Of the available diagnostic tools available in the arsenal, a general blood test can be noted, in which, during the acute phase of the development of the disease, leukocytosis (an increase in the number of leukocytes) with a neutrophilic shift to the left, and an increase in ESR are detected. During the recovery period, the blood picture is normalized. In the general analysis of urine, changes can also be noted in the form of: protein-, leukocyte- and erythrocyturia; the presence of hyaline casts in a small amount is rarely noted. Changes in the urine also disappear with recovery.

Treatment of intestinal flu in adults and children

Currently, there are no specific anti-rotavirus drugs to combat rotavirus. Therefore, all treatment is aimed at combating the symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

The disease manifests itself most clearly in children, so we will analyze the treatment using the example of therapy in a child.

First of all, it is necessary to isolate the child from healthy peers in order to prevent the spread of the disease in the team.

The second thing to deal with is dehydration. This dangerous symptom, which can lead to death. Since with diarrhea a lot of water and salts (electrolytes) are lost. It should be noted that drinking a child with a solution of salts in this disease has a number of features:

  1. do not give the child a large amount of liquid to drink - this can lead to vomiting and the effect of such treatment will be negative
  2. for drinking it is better to use a special solution of salts, for example, rehydron is sold in a pharmacy, a powder in sachets, contains all the necessary salts (potassium, sodium, etc.), which the body loses with severe diarrhea. Dissolves according to the instructions (1 sachet per 1 liter of cold boiled water) and drink in small doses of 50 ml every half an hour until the water runs out
  3. If there is no rehydron, you can use saline (a solution of water with the addition of salt). At home, it is prepared by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water (but this is not a solution for injection, but for drinking the patient). It is drunk according to the rehydron scheme (50 ml every half an hour)
The fight against temperature should also be justified, as with. If the temperature of the child is 38 and below, then bring it down chemicals not worth it. Rotavirus dies at high body temperature, plus the production of interferons is activated, which also remove the virus from the body. It is possible to shoot down at a temperature above 38.5, it is possible below if its poor tolerance is noted. To reduce the temperature, you can use both physical methods to reduce the temperature (rubbing the body with vodka) and chemical ones (taking paracetamol and other specific drugs, it is preferable to use candles in children).

In the acute period, it is necessary to prescribe enzyme preparations (festal, mezim), since their own enzymes for digesting food in the body are not enough due to the death of intestinal villi that produce enzymes.

It is also necessary to take adsorbing and astringent agents (activated carbon, polysorb, smecta).

For pain in the abdomen, it is forbidden to take painkillers, in this case, call an ambulance that will provide the necessary assistance.

It is also necessary to monitor the child and with a progressive deterioration in the condition, prolonged diarrhea, the appearance of new symptoms, it is necessary to call a doctor to refer the sick person to the hospital.

Adults do not need treatment for stomach flu. In the case of the development of symptoms of the disease, treatment is similar to that in children.

Features of nutrition (diet) in the intestinal form of influenza

The first thing you need to give up in nutrition when symptoms of intestinal flu appear is milk and dairy products, including fermented milk. In addition to increasing diarrhea due to secondary lactase deficiency, which I have already mentioned, milk is also an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so do not aggravate

If a person can eat, you can feed him thin chicken broth or rice porridge boiled in water without adding oil. But you need to feed in small portions with interruptions, so as not to cause an attack of vomiting.

It is also worth limiting the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates.

Intestinal flu during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should refrain from visiting places and contact with people with intestinal flu, even if they are her own children. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

It is worth noting the difficulty of diagnosing rotavirus infection in pregnant women due to the possible masking of symptoms under toxicosis of pregnant women and other conditions.

In general, therapy does not differ from the standard above. More liquid inside to compensate for excreted from the body (it is necessary to monitor edema), consultation of an intelligent therapist for pregnant women in order to exclude a possible severe pathology that will be hidden under the guise of intestinal flu, dietary restrictions, intake of adsorbent and lactose-containing drugs.

Some doctors and seen on forums advise drinking Enterofuril, but it only helps against bacteria that can also cause vomiting and diarrhea, it is useless against rotavirus.


There are currently two vaccines for specific prophylaxis of rotavirus infection, but they are used only in Europe and the USA. In our country they are not used.

For prevention, a standard set of sanitary procedures is used to prevent infection from entering the body (isolation of the sick, washing hands regularly throughout the day and especially before meals, eating proven and high-quality products, especially dairy products that have not expired, using high-quality drinking water , better boiled, thorough washing of vegetables and fruits used for food, it is even possible to soak in a 3% solution of acetic acid for 10 minutes, followed by rinsing in running water if the epidemiological situation for rotavirus in the region is unfavorable). Sanitary control by regulatory authorities over the state of catering points and products in stores and markets is a matter of course.

Here is a detailed study of the intestinal flu, I conducted in this article. If you missed something or have questions, you can always consult by leaving a comment below.

Intestinal flu in children is a rotavirus infection that enters the gastrointestinal tract through food or contaminated water. This disease belongs to the group of "diseases of dirty hands". Therefore, the main precaution is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

The peak incidence occurs in the winter. It is diagnosed mainly in children aged 6 months to 3 years. By the age of 4, more than 90% of children have stable immunity to the rotavirus group. Among schoolchildren and adolescents, intestinal flu does not spread and occurs only in children with weakened immune systems.

Rotavirus has a high degree resistance to adverse environmental factors. In the feces of a sick person or carrier, it can maintain its virulence for 6-7 months. In the air and on household items, pathogenic forms remain viable for 5-8 days. It is reliably known that approximately 40% of the adult population of the Earth are permanent or temporary carriers of rotaviruses of various strains. They have no symptoms of the disease. Therefore, the probability of infection of infants and toddlers in case of non-compliance with hygienic household rules is very high.

The first signs of the intestinal flu

Symptoms of intestinal flu in children appear a day after infection. Parents should pay attention to the following characteristic symptoms:

  • the baby's body temperature rises to 38-39 ° C;
  • appears (up to 15 times a day);
  • fecal masses of light color, watery with impurities of mucus;
  • diffuse abdominal pain, tenesmus;
  • rumbling in the right side of the abdomen along the course of the small intestine.

In the future, symptoms of intoxication and dehydration of the child's body join. The incubation period is 24 - 48 hours. With a favorable course, the disease recedes for 5-7 days, and the child is on the mend.

Clinical symptoms of intestinal flu

In the diagnosis of intestinal flu, for differentiation with other forms of intestinal infection, it is important for the doctor clinical symptoms. The determining factor is the isolation of rotavirus in the feces during a bacterial study.

The following clinical symptoms of intestinal flu are important for diagnosis:

  • compliance with the seasonality of the spread of infection (the period from November to March);
  • the age of the child is up to 3 years;
  • characteristic consistency and color of feces;
  • abrupt onset of the disease;
  • bacterial research.

For preventive purposes, all family members are examined. To rule out more severe forms of infection, differential diagnosis c, shigellosis, cholera.

Treatment of intestinal flu and its complications

Specific treatment for intestinal flu modern medicine not known. Does not exist pharmacological preparation, which has a pathogenic effect on rotavirus. Therefore, therapies for rotavirus infection are as follows:

  • prevention of development of dehydration;
  • reduction of hyperthermia in children;
  • increase the level of resistance of the baby's body.

In practice, the treatment of intestinal flu is as follows:

  • the child is placed on bed rest;
  • increased drinking regimen;
  • for symptomatic purposes, antispasmodics, means to lower body temperature are used;
  • an appropriate sparing diet is prescribed;
  • vitamin therapy is provided to replenish the costs that are necessary for the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa.

During the treatment of intestinal flu, spicy, fried, irritating foods should be excluded from the child's diet. You should completely abandon products that increase gas formation. These are legumes, carbonated drinks, spices, sweets, meat, cabbage. The child can be given mashed boiled vegetables, mucous porridges, kissels, crackers, unsweetened cookies. Fruit juices and fresh fruits are excluded until the complete cessation of diarrhea. Mineral waters, decoctions of vegetables, compotes from bird cherry are used for drinking.

Complications of intestinal flu can be various erosions, intestinal ulcers, hypovolemia, chronic colitis. With the right approach to the treatment of intestinal flu in children, complications develop extremely rarely.

Prevention of intestinal flu in children

Specific methods for the prevention of intestinal influenza have not been developed. There is no vaccine for this disease. Therefore, the main prevention of intestinal flu comes down to observing the rules of personal hygiene. When caring for a baby, you need to keep your hands clean. When preparing food for a child, it is not recommended to use common household items. All diapers, baby clothes should be carefully ironed on both sides. For bathing, only boiled water should be used.

When parents notice signs of abdominal pain, loose stools, nausea, vomiting in young children, they take these symptoms for food poisoning. But these may be indicators of rotavirus or stomach flu, a dangerous contagious disease. Toddlers are especially susceptible to this disease, they are hard to tolerate, so parents should know how the intestinal flu proceeds, the symptoms and treatment in children.

The infection develops rapidly, spreading from infected children and adults. The causative agent is rotavirus, which is easily transmitted from an infected person to a healthy one. Therefore, the patient must be isolated for several days. People of all ages acquire the disease. Infants get sick much less often, as they receive powerful temporary protection of the immune system from the mother. The risk of infection increases with the transition to the mixture, when the baby begins to accustom to the food that adults eat.

The infection gets to a person due to a violation of personal hygiene, the virus often causes epidemics in schools, preschool institutions, lives in crowded places, toilets. Educational institutions during outbreaks of the disease are quarantined, the building is disinfected. The main time of year for the spread of stomach flu is the off-season: the transition from autumn to winter, from winter to spring.

Rotavirus infection is very viable, withstands low temperatures - up to 60C. Household chemicals can not always destroy the virus, so the treatment is carried out with highly concentrated products with a high chlorine content.

The infection affects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupts the absorption of food, the result is the appearance of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The most susceptible to the disease are the elderly and children, this is justified by the weakness of the immune system. Children are extremely difficult to tolerate intestinal infections. You can get infected from an outwardly healthy person, since adults have stronger immunity, the symptoms of the disease do not always appear, they can be confused with respiratory infections.

Ways of infection

There are several main ways to get the intestinal flu:

  • airborne (through coughing, sneezing, during a dialogue);
  • through biological fluids (saliva);
  • violation of hygiene rules (through dirty hands);
  • the use of running water;
  • contact with a carrier of the virus.

The main causative agents of this gastrointestinal disorder are:

  • rotavirus;
  • astrovirus;
  • norovirus;
  • calicivirus;
  • adenovirus.

Children's immunity is much weaker than that of an adult, so it may be necessary long-term treatment. The rate of spread of infection, the severity of the disease depend on the strength of the immune system, the level of development of the pathogen.

Strains of these microorganisms provoke acute inflammation esophagus, symptoms are very similar to those of the flu, respiratory diseases, indigestion, Escherichia coli.

Intestinal flu in children, symptoms

The initial stages of the disease proceed similarly to a cold: the child becomes weak, naughty, coughs, his throat hurts, and a runny nose appears. An intestinal infection begins to manifest itself 12 hours after it enters the body. The most dangerous, acute period lasts from several days to 1 week, the period of decline and recovery - up to five days.

Having noticed the first symptoms, it is necessary to isolate the patient in order to avoid the spread of infection, call a doctor at home. Once in the body, rotavirus quickly reaches the intestines and penetrates into its cells, which disrupts the functions of the digestive tract.

Pediatricians distinguish the following scheme for the development of viral gastroenteritis in children:

  • the patient develops a sore throat, stuffy nose, coughing, sneezing, voice becomes hoarse;
  • on the second day, diarrhea appears, urges occur more than 10 times a day. Stool grayish or green. The smell is sharp, unpleasant. With complications, children go to the toilet more than 20 times.
  • the stomach hurts, bloating is observed, babies constantly cry.
  • the temperature rises, the baby begins to sweat, feels hot, sometimes chills occur.
  • nausea, vomiting, dehydration develops.

Symptoms of intestinal flu in children are usually the following:

  • loose stools (up to 10 times a day);
  • high temperature (39 ° C) for several days in a row;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constant urge to vomit;
  • bloating;
  • constant thirst due to dehydration;
  • pain in the stomach.

Babies may faint. When diagnosing, the doctor may notice enlarged lymph nodes, redness of the throat. Diarrhea is one of the main signs of infection in the intestines. The stools are liquid, have an unpleasant pungent odor, the color is greenish, cloudy.

Blood discharge in the stool is usually absent, if present, visit a doctor to identify concomitant diseases. An important symptom is vomiting, which leads to dehydration, can provoke kidney failure. Usually occurs with diarrhea, lasts 5 days, frequent urges.

Dehydration leads to a decrease in urine output, stimulates the excretion of protein from the body. Usually, with a bright manifestation of symptoms, fast recovery. With proper treatment, recovery occurs in a week, if the case is severe, more time is required.

The causative agent of intestinal flu survives in most weather conditions and has serious consequences for the health of children. Even after cleaning with household chemicals, dangerous bacteria remain on the surfaces.

The main problem with rotavirus infection is dehydration. Mineral substances necessary for the body are washed out, the water-salt balance is disturbed.
For recovery, it is recommended to use a lot of liquids: chamomile decoctions, water, tea.

Symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu in children should be determined by a doctor, but due to the risks of affecting children, a physician is called to the house without a visit to the hospital.

First aid at home

The following actions can help the child before the arrival of the doctor:

  • constant abundant fluid intake: it is important to remember that dehydration is especially dangerous for infants, as well as babies under 3 years old;
  • babies are provided with a safe stay in bed so that the baby does not choke on vomiting - they turn their heads to one side, constantly monitor the condition of the baby;
  • to reduce the temperature, use tablets or suspension with paracetamol (for children from 1 month old);
  • to feed young children during illness should be steamed or boiled food. They also eat cereals, vegetable soups without meat.

We confirm the diagnosis

Diagnosis begins with examining the patient, describing the symptoms, collecting tests in order to exclude dysentery or salmonellosis, gastroenteritis, dysbacteriosis and other diseases similar in symptoms.

Laboratory methods are used to detect rotaviruses:

  • PCR analysis - accurate, sensitive detection of pathogens;
  • indirect hemagglutination reaction test;
  • complement fixation reaction;
  • immunofluorescence to detect antibodies in tissue samples.

Such diagnostics are quite expensive, so more often they do general analyzes blood, urine, coprogram, bacteriological culture. With an intestinal infection in the blood, the indicators of leukocytes and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increase. In the urine, the content of protein, leukocytes increases.


Intestinal infection occurs in mild, moderate, severe. With a mild form of the disease, the patient stays at home for treatment, other forms involve hospitalization, being on a hospital examination.

The main stages of therapy:

  • eliminate the infectious agent;
  • eliminate dehydration of the body, normalize the water-salt balance;
  • reduce body temperature;
  • increase immunity.

With a lack of fluid, solutions are prepared based on Regidron, Gastrolit and other drugs. One sachet is mixed in a liter of water, consumed every half an hour.
To quickly remove toxins, sorbents are taken, such as Smetka, activated carbon, Enterosgel. The dosage is calculated by the doctor, taking into account the age, condition of the patient.

To normalize digestion, stop diarrhea, use Pancreatin, to reduce the temperature - nurofen, panadol. It is recommended to take drugs containing lactobacilli, such as Linex and Hilak Forte. It is more convenient to give suspension medicines to children. The course of admission, the dosage of drugs is prescribed by the doctor, self-medication is fraught with complications.

Taking antibiotics does not help with viral diseases, there are no cures for them at all. The immune system a person herself struggles with such pathologies. Therefore, you can not prescribe treatment yourself, this can lead to complications, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Be sure to comply with bed rest, wet cleaning the premises several times a day, frequent ventilation. Children eat and drink from separate dishes, sleep on personal bed linen. All these measures are aimed at speeding up recovery.

Of the traditional methods of treating gastrointestinal infections, they use:

  • honey - three to four times a day they drink a glass of water, adding a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon. It is permissible to simply eat half a teaspoon daily;
    - pine buds - 10 gr. pour a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for half an hour. Take after meals 100 gr.;
  • St. John's wort - a tablespoon of the plant is added to a glass of boiling water, insist on a couple. The mixture is filtered, drunk half an hour before meals, 1/3 cup 3 times / day;
    - blueberries - cook compote from dry berries. You can add dried apricots, other dried fruits;
  • to replenish the water balance, carrots are prepared: clean, washed carrots are crushed, boiled for thirty minutes in lightly salted water. The broth is allowed to cool, decanted, stored in the refrigerator. They give the patient a little to drink, the shelf life of the drink is one day. Such a decoction is suitable for children older than a year;
  • for babies up to 6 months old, chamomile or herbal infusions are prepared. To do this, mix equal portions of chamomile flowers, cumin, dry blueberries, strawberries. Pour one teaspoon of the mixture with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes to half an hour, then decant. They drink such herbal tea often, in a tablespoon, without adding sweeteners.

During illness, there is a decrease in appetite, you should not try to feed the patient against his will. The main thing is to drink more liquids, except for soda, juices, milk. From drinks recommend decoctions of rice, infusions of raisins, green tea, water. With the active manifestation of pathology, babies are given liquid chicken broths, rice porridge on the water. Fatty foods, raw vegetables, salty foods, hot spices, legumes are removed from the diet. Foods with a high content of carbohydrates provoke fermentation processes.

The diet of infants is not changed, new products are not introduced. If the baby eats artificial mixtures, continue to feed them.

When the disease becomes less active, bread, fruit puree, lean meat are added after five or six days. They prefer chicken, boiling it without skin. Products are boiled or steamed, fried foods are prohibited. After a week, the introduction of kefir, cottage cheese is acceptable, milk should be diluted with water. Be sure to bake fruits and vegetables.
They return to their usual diet slowly, usually the process takes about a month.

Disease prevention

The main preventive measure is hygiene to prevent bacteria from entering the body. Wash your hands regularly, especially after going to the toilet. The products used must be clean, of high quality and not expired. It is worth buying food and eating only where establishments have passed the control of sanitary authorities.

Dr. Komarovsky advises feeding children only pasteurized milk, high-quality meat after heat treatment, instilling self-hygiene skills in children, teaching them to keep their hands clean before sitting down to the table.

Rotavirus remains viable even when in water for a long time, so you should control the quality of the liquid for cooking, as well as the water with which the baby is washed. If an increase in the disease or an epidemic is established in the region, then any liquid that is used for the baby is boiled. Even an adult body can suffer from intestinal flu, immunity is not developed over time.

Why is the stomach flu dangerous?

Dehydration causes severe harm to health, important trace elements are released with the liquid: potassium, sodium, calcium. To avoid this, they drink plenty of green tea, decoctions of herbs, solutions of rehydron. Severe dehydration can lead to coma and fainting.

The risk is elevated temperature, fraught with the occurrence of fever. It is necessary to knock it down with drugs with paracetamol or by cooling the body. If it is not possible to lower the temperature below 38 degrees, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Some facts about the stomach flu

  1. Does the flu shot help with stomach flu?
    These are completely different diseases that provoke different infections, despite the presence of some similar signs - intoxication, weakness, fever. The flu does not cause intestinal upset. The vaccine against the rotavirus form of the disorder is put in Europe, the USA, the Russian medical community has not yet introduced it.
  2. The stomach flu is highly contagious. Most often, epidemics of intestinal infections occur in the summer.
    Viral gastroenteritis can enter the stomach by the fecal-oral route, for example, when a healthy person touches dirty surfaces. This is prevented by thorough hand washing before eating. Often antibacterial wipes and sprays offered by stores do not protect against germs, they are better used as an addition to basic hygiene procedures.
  3. The causative agents of the disease survive in almost any external environment; you can become infected on vacation, swimming, eating dirty foods or food prepared by the carrier of the virus.
  4. Even after cleaning, the infection remains on surfaces, while babies can become infected from a small amount. It is recommended to use products with chlorine for cleaning the children's room, to ventilate the room thoroughly.
  5. Symptoms of the disease - stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting - appear a day after the penetration of the virus, since the infection takes time to get to the intestines and settle there. More serious pathogens - salmonella, begin to act after a couple of hours.
  6. The greatest danger to patients is dehydration. Since the disease is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, the body is deprived of many important minerals. Chamomile decoctions, mineral water, tea are used to replenish the water balance. Exclude milk, bread, products containing sugar. To normalize and maintain potassium levels, it is worth eating bananas, rice.
  7. You can not treat intestinal flu with antibiotics, such drugs will not help with a viral disease. Symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu in children, the doctor determines in accordance with these data.

Alexandra is a constant expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles on pregnancy, parenting and training, child care and child health.

Articles written

Intestinal influenza or gastroenteritis is an acute infectious disease that mainly affects the small intestine. The infection is accompanied by severe clinical manifestations and requires mandatory medical care. This disease refers to a contagious infection, that is, a disease that can affect a significant number of people and spread rapidly.

Most often, this viral infection occurs at an early age. Children attending children's groups (kindergartens, schools) are especially susceptible to it. The symptoms of intestinal flu, as well as its treatment in children, differ from the course of the disease and ways to get rid of it in the adult contingent, which suffers from this type of flu much less frequently. The source of infection is a sick person or an unknowing carrier of the virus who has no symptoms of the disease, but the causative virus is present in the body.

Ways of transmission of intestinal flu

Gastroenteritis is another "dirty hand disease" because the intestinal flu virus enters the body mainly through the mouth. Infection with intestinal flu can occur both from a patient and from an outwardly healthy, but having a virus in his body, adult or child. Infection is transmitted in various ways.

  • Through food - unwashed fruits, vegetables, unboiled water.
  • Through dirty hands, children's toys, household items.
  • Air - drop by drop (contact of a healthy person with a sick person during a kiss, when coughing or sneezing).

The disease affects adults with various chronic diseases, the elderly, children, people with reduced body immunity. The virus is resistant in the external environment, as well as to the effects of low and high temperatures, remains alive when objects or hands are treated with soapy water.

The virus dies only when exposed to disinfectants containing active chlorine.

The most frequent outbreaks of infection are recorded in autumn and winter in children's educational institutions as a result of non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in food preparation.

Mechanism of influence

Having penetrated into the human body, the intestinal influenza virus, belonging to the group of nora- and rotaviruses, infects the mucous membrane of the small intestine. As a result of the toxic effect of the pathogen, the mechanism for the production of certain enzymes necessary for the breakdown of sugars is disrupted. The developing pathological process disrupts the absorption of food by the villi of the mucous membrane of the small intestine and the regulation of fluid metabolism.

Due to the development of this pathology, severe diarrhea and dehydration of the body occur, requiring immediate assistance. Isolation of the virus from the body with feces in the feces is possible already on the first day after infection.

Symptoms of the disease

The onset of the disease does not differ in the characteristic features for this pathology, therefore, in the early stages of the development of the infection, the diagnosis can be difficult. With the aggravation of the patient's condition and an increase in the symptoms of the disease in the form of loose stools and fever, the diagnosis becomes clearer. Intestinal influenza in its development goes through several stages.

  1. Incubation period
    The latent or latent period of the disease can range from several hours to three to five days. At this stage of the disease, symptoms characteristic of respiratory infections are noted. There is a slight increase in temperature to subfebrile numbers (37.2 - 37.5 degrees), redness of the throat, hyperemia of the sclera of the eyes, general malaise.
  2. Acute stage
    In the further course of intestinal influenza, a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition occurs. The symptoms of the disease are increasing. Against the background of elevated temperature (up to 38 degrees), nausea, vomiting of undigested food, abdominal pain, diarrhea appear. Fecal masses are frothy in nature. There is general weakness, lack of appetite. Liquid stools are protracted. This is a typical clinical picture of the disease.

Intestinal flu can be atypical. Of the clinical manifestations, it is possible to develop a slight pain syndrome, malaise, increased intestinal motility, manifested by rumbling in the abdomen and a decrease in appetite. The infection can also occur without diarrhea. But in 90% of cases, intestinal flu is accompanied by diarrhea. At atypical form diseases, the development of virus carriers is also possible.

Intestinal flu in adults symptoms and treatment may vary, depending on clinical picture, the severity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient.

Due to damage to the intestinal mucosa, the fluid introduced into the body is not absorbed, which leads to dehydration. Vomiting and diarrhea further aggravate the dangerous process, manifested by thirst, dry skin, small amounts of urine and low skin turgor. With prolonged diarrhea, the development of dysbacteriosis is possible, which leads to a change in the normal intestinal microflora. With untimely provision of medical care, progression of dehydration is possible.

Diagnosis of the disease

The symptoms of intestinal flu are not specific. In addition to the clinical manifestations of the disease, the diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory diagnostics, which includes the following blood and urine tests:

  • complete blood count (in case of intestinal flu, leukocytosis, elevated ESR are detected);
  • urinalysis - (protein appears, sometimes hyaline cylinders);
  • PCR study;
  • RPG research;
  • stool culture for the presence of the virus.

Intestinal flu in adults

Intestinal flu symptoms and treatment in adults have their own characteristics. In adults, infection occurs mainly by airborne droplets or by drinking unboiled water. With an atypical course of the disease, the symptoms are mild, so intestinal flu is often mistaken for indigestion. The pathological process in this case is localized mainly in the stomach and intestines. Uncharacteristic of intestinal flu are catarrhal phenomena in the form of an itchy throat, stuffy nose, headache.

The process goes according to the type of general intoxication with manifestations of gastroenterocolitis. Patients are concerned about general weakness, pain in the muscles, in the abdomen, the presence subfebrile temperature(37.2 - 37.3 degrees), loose stools more than three times a day. As a rule, the disease lasts no more than three days. The intestinal flu does not give consequences and complications with timely and proper treatment.

In rare cases, it is possible to develop a protracted course of the disease with the development of symptoms of dehydration, especially in the elderly and patients with chronic diseases of the internal organs.

In elderly patients, intestinal flu can be complicated by dehydration. In order to prevent further progression of body fluid loss, solutions are administered intravenously.

Intestinal flu in children

Intestinal flu in children has its own symptoms and treatment. In pediatrics, children with intestinal flu are always under the special supervision of a doctor, since the symptoms of this infection are accompanied by a pronounced intoxication syndrome.

Within a few hours after the virus enters the body, the child becomes a distributor of the infection. It is the high contagiousness of the virus and the short incubation period that explain the outbreaks of intestinal flu that occur from time to time in children's institutions.The clinical manifestations of this infectious disease are much more severe than in adults.

For children, intestinal flu poses a great danger due to the rapid increase in symptoms of intoxication.

Severe enterocolitis develops with symptoms of nausea, vomiting of undigested food, diarrhea up to 20 times a day. Against the background of dehydration, the stool becomes light in color with an unpleasant odor, and the urine becomes darker and more concentrated.

Since the children's contingent is a risk group for the disease of gastroenterocolitis various etiologies, there is a need to differentiate intestinal flu with infections such as salmonellosis, cholera, food poisoning. The similarity of the clinical symptoms of the disease in the form of vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, allows you to distinguish one infection from another and make the correct diagnosis using laboratory tests. In this case, a bacterial culture of feces for these infections is prescribed.

Treatment of the intestinal flu

Influenza treatment is carried out in a hospital with an average severity of the disease and is prescribed taking into account the clinical manifestations of the disease, individual characteristics, and the presence of complications in the form of dehydration. The treatment strategy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and preventing dehydration ( symptomatic treatment). In this case, apply:

  • antipyretic drugs;
  • detoxification therapy;
  • enzyme preparations.

With intestinal disorders, it is possible to use astringents, adsorbents, such as activated charcoal, Smecta. For pain, pain relievers.

Due to the viral nature of intestinal flu, the use of antibiotics is not required. Antibiotics are indicated only in case of infection (ARI, SARS).

First of all, with severe symptoms of the disease and to relieve dehydration, it is prescribed intravenous administration saline solutions. With milder symptoms of the course of the disease, a solution of Regidron inside is indicated.
In order to reduce the temperature, Paracetamol is indicated. Of the enzyme preparations that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - Mezim, Festal. In order to restore the intestinal microflora - Lactobacterin, Linex. It is also possible to apply antiviral drugs- Anaferon, Interferon.
Children under three years of age are subject to mandatory hospitalization, as danger signs dehydration can build up very quickly.

Treatment of intestinal flu in adults with a mild course of the disease can also occur at home. necessary therapy and medicines appoints the attending physician, he also conducts subsequent dynamic monitoring. In addition to taking medications, a necessary condition for the restoration of bowel function is a drinking regimen.
In the treatment of the disease, an important condition for recovery and restoration of bowel function is diet. Food must be subjected to certain processing, that is, cooking food only by steaming or stewing. The following foods are to be excluded from the diet:

  • fatty meats;
  • canned foods;
  • smoked meat and fish products;
  • whole milk;
  • cheeses;
  • alcoholic and tonic drinks;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • confectionery.

The diet necessarily includes cereals on the water, dietary meat of chicken, rabbit, turkey, soups in vegetable broth.

A good addition to medications will be the treatment of influenza with folk remedies.

  • The use of mineral water without gas gives a good effect in restoring salt metabolism.
  • An infusion of alder cones helps fight diarrhea.
  • leaf infusion walnut stops diarrhea and is a good anti-inflammatory agent.
  • A spoonful of honey dissolved in water, with the addition of lemon juice, has a beneficial effect on the intestines in the recovery period of the disease.

Prevention of intestinal flu

Disease prevention is important point in the prevention of this infectious disease. Since intestinal flu is a “disease of unwashed hands”, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. Thorough washing of hands, vegetables, fruits, will help prevent disease. In addition, wearing a protective mask in crowded places during the autumn-winter epidemics significantly reduces the risk of disease.