Biochemical analysis Alt. Causes of elevated alt and ast

To make a diagnosis, sometimes it is not necessary to carry out a complete examination of the patient's body. Quite often, it is enough to pass one or more tests. To diagnose a patient, it is sometimes recommended to conduct only a biochemical blood test, which determines the amount and nature of hepatic cytolysis enzymes. A biochemical blood test AST makes it possible to identify a number of serious diseases that can greatly complicate a person's life.

AST is an enzyme contained in cells, the function of which is to catalyze the process of converting oxaloacetate to aspartame. AST is a compound found in heart, liver, and kidney tissue. In addition, the content of this substance was found in the cells of the striated skeletal muscles and in the cells of the nervous tissue.

The AST enzyme is an aspartate aminotransferase, which is an active participant in the metabolism of amino acids in the body. The compound enters the blood only in cases of damage or destruction of cells during the development of any disease or injury to organ tissues.

In addition to AST, in the process of conducting a biochemical analysis of the content of enzymes in the bloodstream, the content of such a compound as ALT is determined.

The abbreviation ALT denotes the presence of an enzymatic liver protein - alanine aminotransferase, which is a protein catalyst in processes directly related to the metabolism of amino acids in the body. The compound in question has the maximum activity in the cellular structures of the liver and kidney tissue. In the tissues of the heart and striated muscles, this enzyme is present in small quantities.

Due to the fact that ALT is an exclusively cell-based enzyme, its amount in the bloodstream is quite small.

What does the analysis of ALT and AST show?

Most often, to determine the causes of the disease and make the correct diagnosis, it is sufficient to conduct an analysis exclusively on AST or ALT. Deciphering the biochemical analysis in the case when the norm of the content of enzymes is exceeded indicates the presence in the body of processes associated with damage to certain parts of the liver. Liver damage in this case can be quite diverse. These can be the following processes:

  • damage to liver cells as a result of alcohol or drug poisoning;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver damage as a result of exposure to the organ of pathogens of viral hepatitis.

In addition to the above factors, increased rate AST and ALT are observed as a result of exposure to excessive physical activity, mechanical or ischemic injury to body tissues, in the presence of severe burns.

Determination of the content of enzymes is carried out by biochemical research methods. In order for the data for decoding to be as reliable as possible, blood should be taken during a biochemical analysis in the morning. Until the time of blood sampling for analysis, it is forbidden to eat food, since blood must be taken exclusively on an empty stomach. The sampling of material for laboratory biochemical research is carried out from the cubital vein of the patient.

Biochemical blood test: decoding, norm and deviation from it

In order to obtain accurate results of biochemical analysis for the content of enzymes, decoding should be carried out exclusively by an experienced highly qualified specialist. The norm of the amount of each of the enzymes contained in the blood corresponds to its specific concentration. The content of ALT in the blood ranges from 31 units/l to 41 units/l, depending on the gender of the patient. The norm for women corresponds to the content of ALT in an amount lower than that of men. To obtain accurate results, the ratio of the degree of activity of each of the enzymes is determined. An increase in the coefficient may indicate the emergence and development of prerequisites for myocardial infarction in the patient's body, and with a decrease in this indicator, the development of infectious hepatitis in the body.

Since aminotransferases have different tissue specializations (each of these enzymes is concentrated in a certain type of tissue), a deviation from the norm of the content of one or another enzyme almost instantly signals the presence of diseases associated with certain organs in which the maximum localization of ALT and AST is observed. The interpretation of the analysis can be used as a factor in diagnosing the condition of the heart muscle (myocardium) and abnormalities in the functioning of the liver tissue. In cases where the rate of the enzyme content is increased, there is a suspicion of the presence in the body of any problems in the functioning of certain organs.

In the process of death and destruction of tissue cells that make up the body, enzymes are released into the bloodstream. The concentration of substances increases, which determines the blood test and the subsequent interpretation of the results. Exceeded by 2 or more times the norm of the AST enzyme can be guaranteed to confirm the presence in the patient's body of prerequisites for the occurrence of an attack of myocardial infarction.

In cases where ALT in the blood is elevated, the body, as a rule, develops infectious hepatitis during its incubation period.

If the norm of indicators for AST and ALT is reduced, it can be stated that there is a lack of vitamin B group (giridoxin). However, it is worth remembering that the lack of giridoxin can be caused not only pathological changes in the body, but also the process of bearing a child by a woman.

What is the reason for the deviation from the norm of ALT and AST?

The activity of ALT in the blood is directly dependent on the degree and severity of viral hepatitis. The more difficult the situation in the body with the development of the disease, the more elevated the level of ALT activity in the blood. In the event of particularly severe cases, a blood test may show ALT activity that is 5 times or more higher than normal. The use of a biochemical blood test will help identify the disease on the very initial stage development in the patient's body, i.e. at the moment when the course of the disease passes without clearly expressed symptoms. The AST and ALT blood test allows you to determine with great accuracy the patient's condition and the complexity of the course of a particular disease.

Elevated levels of ALT and AST in the blood during the analysis may be in the case of the occurrence of such diseases in the body as:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver cancer;
  • various forms of hepatitis
  • damage to the liver tissue as a result of toxic and drug poisoning.

In addition, deviations from the norm can cause diseases such as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • heart failure or myocardial infarction;
  • getting burns on large areas of the body;
  • necrosis of skeletal tissues;
  • shock states of various nature.

A decrease in ALT below normal is observed with a deficiency in the patient's body of vitamin B6, as well as with damage to the liver tissue as a result of extensive necrosis. As a rule, a decrease in ALT is observed due to the death and destruction of cells that make up the liver tissue and produce ALT.

AST is one of the most important diagnostic indicators of the state of the body. The deviation of its content in the bloodstream from the norm indicates the development of organ damage in the body as a result of the development of certain diseases. Normalization of the content of AST in the blood occurs automatically after the influence of the pathological process on the affected organ is eliminated.

With timely medical intervention and adequate therapeutic measures, the AST indicator returns to normal within 30-40 days after the end of the course of treatment. Ensuring timely treatment of the disease reveals a simultaneous positive trend in the content of AST in the blood. If there is a rapid drop in the content of the enzyme in the blood stream with the simultaneous progression of hyperbilirubinemia, the prognosis for the development of the disease is negative and requires a corresponding change in the treatment method. A blood test demonstrates a decrease in the level of AST in the blood stream due to severe illness, liver rupture, or vitamin B6 deficiency.

An increase in AST occurs with injury to the striated skeletal muscles, heat stroke, and also in cases of cardiac surgery in the body.

To ensure that the AST and ALT levels remain within the normal range, the patient needs to avoid long-term use of various drugs that can cause destruction of liver tissues or disruption in the functioning of liver cells. If this cannot be done due to the presence of a disease of a chronic nature in the body, then a blood test for AST and ALT should be carried out as regularly as possible. This must be done to prevent the development in the body of more serious disorders associated with drug poisoning of the liver.

A blood test is an important diagnostic criterion; according to its results, a doctor can tell a lot not only about general condition patient, but also about the health of specific organs. In particular, biochemical analysis can tell about the liver if you carefully consider its AST and ALT parameters. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)

The substance is an enzyme that facilitates the transport of amino acids within the human body. AST (synonyms AST, AST) is present in the cells of the whole organism, but most of all it is observed in the liver and heart, slightly less in muscle tissue, kidneys, spleen and pancreas. The function of the enzyme also includes participation in the processes of bile production, production of the necessary protein structures, transformation nutrients, splitting toxic compounds. The norm of the state of the blood provides for a minimum amount of the enzyme in the bloodstream, with a change in the level, it can be assumed that there is a serious pathology. Changes in the value of AST are noted earlier than the specific symptoms of diseases.

Increasing the indicator

An elevated AST level is observed in a person if the following phenomena are present:

  • Liver pathologies (from hepatitis to cirrhosis and cancer);
  • Disorders in the work of the heart (heart attack, failure of the heart rhythm);
  • Thrombosis of large vessels;
  • The appearance of areas of necrotization (gangrene);
  • Injuries (mechanical damage to muscles), burns.

The reasons for the low increase in AST may indicate a significant physical activity or recent injection or oral use of a drug, vaccine, or vitamin.

Decrease in indicator

Diagnostic value is not only an increased level of AST, but also its decrease. Liver ruptures are called the most common cause of the condition, but the value may fluctuate downward during pregnancy or a lack of vitamin B6, which is involved in the transport of aspartate.

Normal value

The norm of the AST level differs depending on the research methodology. The results obtained with different methods of determination cannot be compared with each other. Please note that the test system is indicated by the laboratory in the analysis form. This also means that each laboratory has its own reference values, which may differ from the norms adopted in other laboratories.

Result AU 680

For children under the age of one month, the AST norm is 25–75 units per liter. In older patients (up to 14 years of age), the average range is 15–60.

In adult men and women, the norm is different:
For men - 0-50.
For women - 0-45.

Result Cobas 8000

The AST indicator is also recalculated per liter of blood and is measured in arbitrary units:

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

ALT (synonyms ALT, ALT), like AST, is an enzyme, but alanine aminotransferase is responsible for moving the amino acid alanine from one cell to another. Thanks to the enzyme, the central nervous system receives energy for its work, immunity is strengthened, metabolic processes are normalized. The substance is involved in the formation of lymphocytes. Normally, ALT is present in the blood in small amounts. The highest concentration of the enzyme is observed in the tissues of the liver and heart, a little less - in the kidneys, muscles, spleen, lungs and pancreas. A change in the content of ALT in the blood is observed in serious diseases, but can also be a variant of the normal state.

Increasing the indicator

In a biochemical blood test, ALT can be elevated as a result of the following pathologies:

  • Damage to the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer, obstruction);
  • Intoxication (alcoholic, chemical);
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (ischemia, heart attack, myocarditis);
  • Blood diseases;
  • Trauma and burns.

The ALT value may increase after taking medications, eating fatty foods or fast food, intramuscular injections.

Decrease in indicator

AT biochemical analysis blood, a decrease in the ALT index can be observed, this indicates a lack of vitamin B6, which is involved in the transport of alanine, or severe liver pathologies: cirrhosis, necrosis, and others.

Normal value

Like AST, ALT in the blood is determined by several methods, the laboratory indicates it in the test result form. Studies performed using different methods cannot be compared with each other.

Result AU 680

In children under one month of age, the ALT norm is 13–45 units per liter of blood.

In children older than one month and adults, normal ALT values ​​vary by gender:

  • Men - from 0 to 50 units;
  • Women - from 0 to 35 units.

Result Cobas 8000

According to this test system, the value of the norm of the indicator depends on the age of the person and his gender:

All values ​​are indicated in units per 1 liter of blood.

When is a study ordered?

The doctor may order a biochemical analysis to study the level of AST and ALT enzymes if there are signs of liver damage or some factors that can affect its work.

Common symptoms of liver disease:

  • loss of appetite;
  • cases of vomiting;
  • The presence of a feeling of nausea;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Light color of feces;
  • Dark color of urine;
  • Yellowish hue of the whites of the eyes or skin;
  • The presence of itching;
  • General weakness;
  • Increased fatigue.

Risk factors for liver damage:

  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Hepatitis or previous jaundice;
  • The presence of liver pathology in close relatives;
  • Taking potentially toxic drugs (anabolic steroids; anti-inflammatory, anti-tuberculosis, antifungal drugs; antibiotics and others);
  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity.

An analysis of AST and ALT enzymes can be performed to assess the effectiveness of treatment (if the elevated level gradually decreases, a positive effect of drug therapy is diagnosed).

Features of diagnostics

For diagnostic purposes, not only the fact of changes in the blood parameters of AST and ALT is important, but also the degree of their increase or decrease, as well as the ratio of the number of enzymes to each other. For example:

An increase in both indicators (AST and ALT) in the analysis by 1.5–5 times indicates myocardial infarction.

If the ratio of AST / ALT is in the range of 0.55–0.65, it can be assumed that viral hepatitis is in the acute phase; an excess of 0.83 indicates a severe course of the disease.

If the AST level is much higher than the ALT level (the AST/ALT ratio is much greater than 1), then alcoholic hepatitis, muscle damage, or cirrhosis may be the cause of such changes.

To exclude errors, the doctor must also evaluate other blood parameters (in the case of liver pathology, this is bilirubin aminotransferase dissociation). If there is an increased level of bilirubin against the background of a decrease in the level of the enzymes in question, then it is assumed acute form liver failure or subhepatic jaundice.

Rules for the delivery of a biochemical blood test

Failure to follow the rules for preparing for analysis can lead to knowingly false results, which will necessitate an additional examination and a long procedure for clarifying the diagnosis. Preparation includes several main points:

  1. Delivery of the material is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning;
  2. Exclude fatty, spicy foods, alcohol and fast food the day before donating blood;
  3. Do not smoke half an hour before the procedure;
  4. Eliminate physical and emotional stress the night before and in the morning before blood sampling;
  5. You should not take the material immediately after radiography, fluorography, physiotherapy, ultrasound or rectal examination;
  6. Tell your doctor about all you are taking medicines, vitamins, dietary supplements and vaccinations before the appointment of a biochemical study.

Diagnosis of diseases based on the results of a blood test is a complex process that requires appropriate knowledge, so the interpretation of the results must be entrusted to qualified doctors.

The abbreviation ALT is deciphered as an indicator of the blood enzymes of alanine aminotransferase, AST - asparagine aminotransferase. Indicators of AST and ALT are included in the study of biochemical blood analysis.

They were discovered in medicine relatively recently. A blood test for AST and ALT is carried out jointly and, accordingly, their norm should be the same, and fully dependent on each other.

Such an indicator of analyzes as an increase in ALT and AST in the blood by 2 or more times should make you think about the occurrence of certain diseases. First you need to understand what ALT and AST are. What is the norm of these compounds in the blood and what should be done if at least one indicator is elevated?

What does an increase in ALT and AST above normal mean?

In adults, the content of ALT and AST in different organs is not the same, so an increase in one of these enzymes may indicate a disease in a particular organ.

  • ALT (ALAT, alanine aminotransferase)- an enzyme that is found mainly in the cells of the liver, kidneys, muscles, heart (myocardium - heart muscle) and pancreas. When they are damaged, a large amount of ALT is released from the destroyed cells, which leads to an increase in its level in the blood.
  • AST (ASaT, aspartate aminotransferase)- an enzyme that is also found in the cells of the heart (in the myocardium), liver, muscles, nerve tissues, and to a lesser extent in the lungs, kidneys, pancreas. Damage to the above organs leads to an increase in the level of AST in the blood.

Basically, the rate of ALT and AST in the blood depends entirely on the work of the most important parenchymal organ - the liver, which performs such functions as:

  1. Protein synthesis.
  2. Production of biochemical substances necessary for the body.
  3. Detoxification is the removal of toxic substances and poisons from the body.
  4. Storage of glycogen - a polysaccharide, which is necessary for the full functioning of the body.
  5. Regulation of biochemical reactions of synthesis and decay of most microparticles.

Depending on the equipment used for the study, it is possible to vary the norms and reference values ​​of the level of enzymes. An increase in the rate of enzyme renewal, cell damage leads to an increase in the level of transaminases in the blood.

Reasons for increasing ALT and AST

Why are ALT and AST elevated in adults, what does this mean? Most probable cause elevated levels of liver enzymes in the blood are:

  1. and other liver diseases (, fatty hepatosis - replacement of liver cells with fat cells, liver cancer, etc.).
  2. Increased ALT and AST as a result of diseases of other organs ( autoimmune thyroiditis, ).
  3. - this is necrosis (death) of a section of the heart muscle, as a result of which ALT and AST are released into the blood.
  4. Diffuse liver damage, which may be caused by alcohol, drugs and/or exposure to a virus.
  5. Extensive injuries with muscle damage, as well as burns, cause an increase in ALT in the blood.
  6. Sharp and.
  7. Metastases or neoplasms in the liver.
  8. Reaction to drugs.
  9. Taking anabolic steroids.

AST and ALT are important indicators of the state of various organs. An increase in these enzymes indicates damage to organs such as the liver, heart, muscles, pancreas, etc. Thus, a decrease in their level in the blood occurs independently when the underlying disease is eliminated.


In order to ensure that the norm of indicators does not exceed the permissible limits, it is recommended to avoid long-term receptions medicines.

If this is not possible due to a chronic disease, then it is better to regularly take an analysis for AsAT so that it is not elevated or a serious increase can be prevented in time. Periodically, you need to visit a gastroenterologist and a hepatologist who can identify a possible disease and prescribe treatment.

What to do if ALT and AST are elevated

In order to quickly and objectively understand the true reason for the increase in the levels of activity of ALT and AST enzymes, it is necessary to additionally pass biochemical tests.

First of all, it is advisable to determine alkaline phosphatase and GGTP (gamma-glutamyl transferase) and assess the degree of preservation of the main functions of the liver. To exclude the viral nature of liver damage (acute viral hepatitis), which is also accompanied by an increase in ALT and AST in the blood, you will need to donate blood for specific antigens of viral hepatitis and specific antibodies to these antigens.

In some cases, a PCR test of blood serum for the presence of HBV DNA and HCV RNA is indicated.

Before donating blood fluid to the level of transaminases, it is important to properly prepare for the analysis and familiarize yourself with the ALT norm in men and women. After all, alanine aminotransferase is a very important element that helps to determine the existing pathologies.

ALT is a marker enzyme for the liver, which belongs to the class of enzymes. Its amount is measured in units per liter of blood fluid. Transferase is responsible for the exchange of aminocarboxylic acids and serves as a catalyst for chemical reactions.

The protein structure is found in the tissues of the following organs:

  • lungs;
  • spleen;
  • excretory organs;
  • myocardium.

The ALT enzyme is of endogenous origin and is essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Its role is quite large:

  • increases the speed of the metabolic process;
  • strengthens the defenses;
  • provides the body with strength and energy;
  • promotes the production of lymphocytes.

Detection of the concentration of Alat is a common diagnostic method that helps to identify diseases of the liver and blood vessels. Mandatory analysis of biochemistry for people suffering from obesity and diabetes. It also allows you to control the course of the therapeutic course, showing the success of the drugs used.

How the study is done

The blood fluid of the venous system is taken for study before lunch. A person should not eat anything before the diagnosis. More than eight hours must have elapsed since the last meal. The day before the procedure, you can not drink alcohol, eat fatty and fried foods. It is recommended to reduce active loads.

Also, you should not take a biochemical analysis after the following procedures:

  • x-ray;
  • colonoscopy;
  • physiotherapy.

For 10-14 days, you should stop taking medications. If this is unacceptable, the study makes a note about the treatment and dosage of drugs.

When deciphering biochemistry, the level of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is also taken into account. There is a Ritis scale, which determines the proportions of two structures: alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase.

Normally, their ratio is 1.33. The error is no more than 0.42.

If, when dividing AST by ALT, a number less than 1.33 is obtained, this is a sign of a painful deviation in the external secretion gland, if higher, it is a symptom of a cardiac disease. So the de Ritis coefficient helps to make a more accurate conclusion regarding a particular patient.

ALT norm in women and men

In the stronger sex, the concentration of transaminases is higher due to better endurance and greater muscle mass. However, men are more likely to suffer from bad habits, eat poorly, face stress and nervous strain.

Therefore, the stronger sex is more prone to internal pathologies that give themselves out as an excess of ALT. In women, the process involving a specific substance does not proceed so quickly.

Thus, the following figures are considered acceptable indicators:

  • the minimum rate of ALT in the blood of women is thirty-one units per thousand milliliters of blood, the maximum is thirty-five;
  • the lowest threshold for men is forty-one units, the maximum is forty-five.

The slightest deviations from the norm by a couple of units are allowed. After fifty years, alanine aminotransferase is increased due to the deterioration of the metabolic process.

In women who are carrying a fetus, the norm is from thirty to thirty-two units. The concentration of the substance varies depending on the trimester. The reason for this reaction is hormonal changes in the body.

Especially rises transaminases in the first and last three months of embryo development. Then its performance increases by two to three times. If the figure is exceeded ten times, this indicates the presence of an ailment. The norm of the catalyst in the blood in young children and adolescents differs from the permissible limits in adults.

The accuracy of the result depends on the following parameters:

  • equipment manufacturer;
  • diagnostic method;
  • laboratory materials.

The final value should be judged by a specialist. It is impossible to self-diagnose an ailment on the basis of a laboratory analysis.

Alanine aminotransferase increased - what does it mean

An increased number of ALT in liquid tissue means a violation of the normal functioning of the body. This usually indicates liver problems. Moreover, the higher the concentration of transaminases, the more neglected the disease.

Indications for the diagnosis of ALT are some signs:

  • pain with right side chest;
  • general malaise;
  • lack of desire to eat;
  • dark urine;
  • light feces;
  • yellowing of the skin and eyeballs.

Timely detection of an increase in the concentration of an element will make it possible to eliminate alarming signs and correctly diagnose in order to prescribe high-quality therapy.

Causes of an increase in the enzyme in the blood

An increase in the level of the catalyst may be associated with certain pathological processes:

  1. Hepatitis. It is a hepatic inflammation that causes a modest excess of the level of the substance.
  2. Steatosis. A pronounced growth of the protein structure is observed in steatohepatitis.
  3. Pancreatitis. A strong deviation from the norm indicates an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas.
  4. Myocarditis. Along with an increase in the protein structure, shortness of breath and severe fatigue are present.
  5. Clinical form of ischemia. The disease manifests itself as a result of impaired blood flow and causes tissue necrosis.
  6. Oncological disease. Often the result of hepatitis.
  7. Cirrhosis. The disease usually does not have a bright clinical picture.
  8. Muscle degeneration. With it, the indicators of the substance can increase by 7-8 times.

Analysis of biological fluid shows an increase in ALT immediately after ingestion of ethanol-containing drinks and during alcohol addiction. There are other reasons for the increase in ALT, which are provoked by external factors.

These include:

  • taking estrogens, anabolics, contraceptive pills;
  • too heavy loads;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • taking niacin;
  • drug addiction;
  • chemical therapy;
  • trauma;
  • poor nutrition (drinking soda, fast food).

These factors provoke a modest increase in the marker enzyme in cells.

What to do when ALT in the blood is elevated

In case of deviation from the ideal designation, it is necessary to carefully examine the body using MRI, CT, ultrasound. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the better the prognosis will be.

The following medications are usually taken to reduce the catalyst in liquid tissue:

  • Tykveol;
  • Progepar;
  • Hepatosan;
  • Karsil.

These drugs protect the liver from destruction and regenerate damaged tissues. In addition to taking medication, it is recommended to adhere to a special diet, excluding spicy, fried and fatty foods from the diet. It is forbidden to get involved in pickles, pickled foods, smoked meats and sausages. It is important to remove strong tea and coffee from the diet, it is worth excluding alcohol and other bad habits.

As additional measures, it is permissible to use decoctions and infusions from the following plants:

  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • milk thistle;
  • immortelle;
  • dandelion;
  • corn silk;
  • chamomile.

It is important to talk to your doctor before starting self-medication. In order not to miss the development of serious pathologies, a biochemical blood test from a vein should be taken 1-2 times a year.

The liver is the most big gland in the human body. It performs the functions of, takes part in the digestive process, participates in metabolism, the accumulation of vitamins and trace elements and the production of red blood cells. Most liver diseases develop asymptomatically. A blood test for biochemistry helps to determine the disease in time. The main indicators of the normal functioning of the liver are the norm of ALT and AST. We learned about the indicators of AST and ALT in the analysis not so long ago. What to do if an increase in AST and ALT was detected in a blood test?

Not all cities in Russia have the opportunity to conduct such studies. Abbreviation AsAT - coefficient of aspartic aminotransferase in the blood, ALT - alanine aminotransferase. on AST and ALT is carried out together and their indicators should be the same. In our country, examination for AST and ALT is carried out only in well-equipped laboratories with special equipment, since it is impossible to accurately determine the rate manually.

It is important to carry out such a biochemical analysis with accuracy, otherwise an erroneous increase in AST and ALT in the blood test is possible.


The concentration of the enzyme AST and ALT in the blood is calculated in arbitrary units. It is almost impossible to calculate their number with mathematical accuracy even with the most modern equipment. Conclusions are made on the activity of enzymes in the blood. They perform the function of transporting groups of atoms between amino acids in the cells of the human body. These amino acids are called transaminases.

In medicine, the two terms aminotransferase and transaminase are used. They are found in all cells of the human body, and each performs its own functions. Individual amino acids are transported by different groups of transaminases. , ALT - alanine. Each amino acid is carried by a transaminase compound, similar in name to it. Molecules of the amino acid alanine are carried by alanine aminotransferases, and aspartic acid by aspartate aminotransferase. ALT and AST are proteins. Molecules of aminotransferases enter the bloodstream when an organ is diseased. An increase in AST and ALT in a blood test is used to identify a focus of inflammation in the body.

The unconditional norm of AST and ALT in a biochemical blood test is important. An increase in the rate of AST or ALT in the analysis indicates that there has been an increase in the rate of production. It is impossible to ignore the deviation from the norm even twice, since the reasons for the increase in AST and ALT in the blood test may be the destruction of the cells of one or another organ.


Indicators of the norm of AST and ALT in an adult and a child will be different. For questions about deciphering the tests, it is better to contact your doctor, due to the fact that each laboratory uses its own scale of AST and ALT norms and the results of tests for enzymatic activity are calculated differently, the level of transaminases can be exceeded several times.

Table of AST and ALT norms

Often, in the case of a high increase in AST and ALT in a blood test, doctors do not undertake to prescribe treatment, since deviations from the norm indicate a strong destruction of the organ.


Basically, the cause of the increase in the enzyme AST and ALT in the blood test is a serious illness.

It can be:

  • pancreatitis;
  • various viruses;
  • alcohol overdose;
  • cirrhosis;
  • tumor formations;
  • jaundice;
  • bone fractures and muscle ruptures.

The cause of the increase may not be clearly expressed, due to the asymptomatic course of the disease. Due to the intake of potent drugs that put a heavy burden on the liver, which causes a malfunction in its normal functioning. Due to the use of statins, from, an excess of the ALT enzyme is possible.

An increase in performance is possible due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, an increase in AST and ALT in the blood test is a consequence of malnutrition and diseases of the liver and heart. With liver diseases, cell destruction begins - cytolysis. Signs of cytolysis include bitterness in the mouth, yellowish skin, nausea and vomiting, weakness, pain in the right hypochondrium.

It is possible to prevent the excess of AST and ALT norms. To do this, it is important to abandon long-term medication, and when chronic diseases timely check the blood for the level of AST and ALT in order to notice changes in the indicators in time. In particular, attention should be paid to this for the elderly, when the lifestyle becomes slower and the use of various medications is frequent.

It is important to organize, cleansing the body. To do this, you need to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits, herbal and green tea. Infusions of milk thistle, dandelion, burdock will help cleanse the liver, remove toxins. It helps to increase the intake of vitamin "C", playing sports, exercising, contrast showers.

Diet foods for the liver

This will not harm even a healthy person as a preventive measure and will help maintain health and keep performance normal. People with chronic diseases such as it is important to cleanse the body in order to avoid deterioration of health.

To bring the indicators of AST and ALT back to normal, it is necessary to remove the foci of inflammation in the body. The attending physician must understand that with a weakened liver, potent drugs should not be taken to treat it.

The best are considered medicines vegetable based. Such hepatoprotectors are able not only to stop the destruction of liver cells, but also to restore the affected ones, while not affecting the work of other organs of the body. They perform part of the work of the liver, cleansing the body of toxins, participating in metabolism and metabolic processes.