What foods contain more iron. What foods are high in iron? Reduces iron absorption

Foods with the highest iron content are meat, cereals and legumes, but iron is different. This mineral can be of several types: in food of plant origin - non-heme, in animal - heme. The second type is absorbed twice as easily.

In addition, the amount of assimilation is affected by the valence of iron - two or three. Trivalent iron is converted to ferrous, and only after that it participates in the work of the body. Therefore, it is better to use iron-containing products with a divalent value or in combination with ascorbic acid - it accelerates the conversion of valency.

Daily allowances for adults and children

Where is iron found and in what foods? Daily rate iron varies depending on gender, age, energy requirements and other factors. So, vegetarians need to increase the dose by 1.8-2 times, since vegetables and fruits contain non-heme iron.

Blood donors, women, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding, need large doses of iron, since a significant part leaves with the blood, as well as during the development of the fetus and then - the nutrition of the baby.

For children, adolescents and adult men experiencing moderate physical and mental stress, the norm is up to 15 mg per day. The table indicates the approximate level of iron requirements for different groups of people.

Table - Average daily intake of iron for children and adults

With the following factors, the need for iron increases:

  • smoking;
  • drinking coffee, tea, cola, alcohol;
  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • vitamin B deficiency;
  • vegetarian diet;
  • donation;
  • diseases associated with bleeding;
  • postoperative periods.

In combination with some elements that weaken the mechanisms of ferrum absorption, it is necessary to emphasize foods rich in iron in the menu. This is primarily calcium (dairy products) and manganese (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, coconut, beets, carrots, onions).

But these substances, on the contrary, help the body absorb iron faster:

  • B vitamins- cereals, legumes, leafy vegetables;
  • vitamin C - citrus fruits, sweet peppers, rose hips, black currants;
  • lemon acid- cherries, mountain ash, gooseberries, peaches, plums, tomatoes, black currants;
  • rutin - citrus fruits, buckwheat, plums, grapes, apricots, garlic;
  • succinic acid- aged wines, black bread.

"Revision" menu: choose products containing iron

What foods contain iron is no secret. Foods containing iron include all types of meat, some types of poultry, fish and seafood, certain vegetables and fruits, legumes and cereals. Moreover, if we are talking about animal food, then in different parts of the same product, the indicators of the mineral content differ.

Meat, liver and offal

Meat contains heme iron, which is absorbed by 20%. Thus, in order to get 15 mg of iron from meat, you need to eat a serving containing 75 mg of the mineral. Preferably chilled rather than frozen meat, since at lower temperatures the beneficial substances break down, there is less iron left for the body to absorb. Muscle tissue is not the most iron-rich "site". What kind of meat is better for people with a deficiency of ferrum, can be seen from the table.

Table - Iron content in different varieties meat

High-quality sausages also contain iron, but they cannot be considered as a source of the mineral. The concentration is too low due to the abundance of flavors and preservatives. The more fat content of meat, the less iron. Interestingly, the liver of animals, birds and fish contains much more iron than the pulp, as can be seen from the table.

Table - Iron content in various types of liver

Pork liver, although at the top of the list of foods high in iron, is poorly digested. The reason is the high fat content. If we talk about offal, then there is iron in beef kidneys, heart, tongue, brains. Please note that the liver and offal can cause allergies. Therefore, it is better to limit their consumption to one serving per week, and eat meat pulp or plant products on other days.


Poultry meat is included in the list of foods containing iron, but white meat (chicken, some parts of turkey) contains it in a smaller amount, which is reflected in the table.

Table - Iron content in poultry

Obviously, if you look for products containing iron and increasing hemoglobin among birds, it is more profitable to stop at the goose. But keep in mind that due to the high fat content, this bird cannot be classified as a dietary product, which means that the portion should be limited.

Fish and seafood

Fish products contain little fat, so iron from them is absorbed faster. In addition to fish, the mineral is found in kelp, shellfish and other seafood. What to focus on, the table will tell. When calculating a portion, keep in mind: seaweed contains iron in non-heme form, that is, it needs twice as much.

Table - Iron content in fish and seafood


  • spinach - 13.51 mg per 100 g;
  • cauliflower - 1.4 mg per 100 g;
  • carrots - 0.7 mg per 100 g;
  • eggplant - 0.4 mg per 100 g.

Although vegetables are not suitable as a source of ferrum, many of them contain vitamins and acids that contribute to its absorption. Use them as a garnish.

Fruits, dried fruits, berries

Dried fruits and berries are much healthier for iron than fresh ones. But in addition to the mineral, the content of sugars in dried fruits is increased, so do not abuse it. What fruits to pay attention to, the table will tell.

Table - Berries, fruits, drying with high iron content

The table shows that a fresh apple, contrary to popular belief, is not so rich in iron. But it has acids that help it to be better absorbed - citric, succinic, ascorbic.


Legumes are one of the richest plant sources of iron, as the following table confirms. But it's non-heme iron. In addition, these cultures contain large amounts of magnesium, which interferes with iron absorption. To regulate this moment, legumes should be eaten with fresh vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Table - Which legumes have the most iron

Cocoa powder also boasts a high content of ferrum - 100 g of cocoa beans contain 22 mg of the trace element. But a chocolate bar or drink is a poor source of the mineral because it contains sugar. And milk is also added to the drink, which interferes with absorption due to calcium.

Cereals, cereals and cereals

Cereals are a sure source of the mineral, as the following table confirms. Traditionally, to increase hemoglobin, they use bran, oatmeal, buckwheat. Due to the content of B vitamins, iron is absorbed faster, but to fully satisfy the body's need, eat cereals as side dishes for meat dishes. Iron from rice is absorbed more slowly, so choose other types of cereals instead.

Table - Which cereals have the most iron

Nuts and seeds

Walnut kernels contain non-heme iron. A serving should not exceed one handful per day, since, in addition to a valuable mineral, the products contain hydrocyanic acid and other substances that can lead to poisoning. As can be seen from the following table, it is more profitable to eat hazel from nuts and seeds for the sake of iron. But this product is seasonal, and you can’t get it everywhere.

Table - Ferrum content in seeds and nuts


Mushrooms are rich in iron regardless of the variety (chanterelles, whites, volushki), but in a non-heme form. The values ​​are:

  • dried - 4.1 mg per 100 g;
  • fresh - 0.5-1.3 mg per 100 g.

In some cases, the use of mushrooms should be limited or excluded. Among the contraindications:

  • age up to three years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • unknown origin of mushrooms.


Fresh milk and its derivatives also contain iron, and in heme form. But the number is small. For example, in 100 g of hard cheese 0.82 mg per 100 g, and in milk - 0.07 mg per 100 g. At the same time, due to the calcium content, the absorption of the mineral slows down.

Other products

Of the other foods rich in iron, halva, chicory and yeast (non-heme iron). But due to additional components (sugar, phytoestrogen), it is better to limit portions so as not to gain excess weight. Below is a table with other products that contain this mineral.

Table - Other foods high in iron

Ferrum: natural or in tablets

Nutritionists today argue about whether it is possible to compensate for the lack of iron only by correcting nutrition. After all, the quality of modern products leaves much to be desired. And it is difficult to estimate how many nutrients remain in a particular food after pre-sale processing.

Nevertheless, gastroenterologists assure that natural substances are still more valuable than similar elements in the composition. medicines. It is from food that the mineral is best absorbed by the body. Therefore, with a decrease in hemoglobin and signs of a ferrum deficiency, first of all, review your diet.

For the full assimilation of the mineral, it is necessary to correctly combine meat and plant foods. Simply put, "snack" steaks with bell peppers, tomatoes and drink citrus or blackcurrant juice. The vitamins C and P (rutin) contained in these vegetables and fruits convert the trivalent form to the divalent form and accelerate the absorption of iron in foods.

The question often arises, which meat has more iron? To answer it, you should figure out: why this element is needed, how much of it a person should consume per day in order to avoid its shortage in the body. The main amount of iron is found in food. Therefore, each person should know how to make a menu with a sufficient supply of the element.

macronutrient function

Thanks to iron, hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to all organs and cells. It then removes carbon dioxide from the body.

There are two types of iron:

  1. Heme.
  2. Non-heme (bivalent and trivalent).

The first type of macronutrient is found in animal products: meat, liver, kidneys, black pudding. It is completely absorbed by the body.

Non-heme iron is found in plant foods and iron-containing medicines. It can be contained in the form of ferric or ferrous iron. To transfer it from one species to another, a sufficient supply of ascorbic acid is necessary. Therefore, along with these drugs, vitamin C is prescribed.

Daily intake of 1.5 mg of iron from food is required. However, the body can absorb only 10% of the element, therefore, in order to avoid its deficiency, it is necessary to increase the intake to 15 mg. Pregnant women are allowed to consume the mineral contained in food up to 30 mg per day.

Thus, in food of animal origin, most of the heme iron is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. A small amount of the element comes from plant products and is absorbed if vitamin C is present. In its absence, iron is excreted from the body.

Macronutrient Deficiency Symptoms

Usually, iron deficiency can be noticed by some signs. A person develops weakness, malaise and reduced performance. At the same time, white streaks appear on the nails, dizziness and fainting. As a rule, hemoglobin decreases, and the tissues stop receiving oxygen, resulting in an anemic condition.

Iron deficiency occurs with a low-calorie diet, heavy menstruation and any bleeding. Vegetarians usually suffer from this disease, as they do not consume animal products.

A decrease in hemoglobin may not be recognized immediately if there are no problems with the lungs and heart. They are able to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Some cite fatigue due to an active lifestyle or work day.

You should pay attention to the following signs:

  • flashing flies before the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • apathy;
  • desire to eat chalk, clay;
  • insomnia;
  • constant fatigue.

If you feel unwell, it is recommended to consult a doctor and take general analysis blood to check hemoglobin. With a low rate, it is necessary to include animal products in the diet and take iron supplements.

Meat products rich in macronutrient

Despite the fact that there is more iron in plant foods, it is not absorbed by the body in full - only 6%. The content of iron in meat is less, but despite this, about 20% is supplied. Therefore, daily in the diet should be meat, fish or offal.

Table of iron content in meat products:

Products The amount of iron in 100 mg
1. pork liver 29,7
2. beef liver 9,0
3. kidneys 7,0
4. A heart 6,3
5. Language 5,0
6. Rabbit meat 4,5
7. Turkey 4,0
8. Mutton 3,1
9. Veal 2,9
10. Beef 2,8
11. Chicken 2,5
12. Sausage 1,7
13. Pork 1,6
14. Sea fish 1,2

For example, if in 100 grams beef liver contains 9.0 mg, then the body will absorb only 20% - 1.8 mg.

It is also necessary to remember that some foods reduce the absorption of iron, so they should not be consumed immediately, but after a certain period.

These include:

  • dairy products;
  • rice, pasta, potatoes;
  • egg white;
  • Tea coffee.

Iron-rich foods should be consumed in moderation, because an overdose of this element can have a toxic effect on the brain and liver. Alcohol abuse causes the accumulation of iron in the body and adversely affects general state patient, resulting in pathological processes.

Hello dear readers. Iron is one of the most abundant metals in the earth's crust. It was used by man to make various materials even in ancient Egyptian times. But, iron is necessary not only for the manufacture of weapons and household items, but also for the health of our body. The article answers the questions: “Why does our body need iron?” and “How to make up for the lack of iron?”. After all, with its deficiency, the work of the body can change significantly. And it usually happens for the worse. Iron is a biologically important element in a living organism, the role of which is extremely difficult to overestimate.

On my blog, I have an article, or rather my story, about how I managed with food, without the use of drugs.

What is iron and its role in the body

Iron is involved in a number of important processes in our body, which are global in understanding a closed biological system (which is our body).

1. A necessary element for the formation of hemoglobin. It is iron that reacts with oxygen, and thus supplies it to the cells of our body. And hemoglobin is also responsible for the removal of carbon dioxide. This particular chemical element gives our blood its red color.

2. Responsible for the formation of myoglobin, which enables our body to store oxygen. Therefore, we can hold our breath for a while.

3. Responsible for the neutralization of toxic substances in the liver.

4. Responsible for immunity. This chemical element provides the activity of interferon, which is released if our cells are affected by a virus.

5. Thyroid synthesizes hormones, and this process requires iron.

6. Without iron, vitamins of group B will not be absorbed. And the health of our body, including the beauty of the skin, hairline, and nail plates, depends on the abundance of vitamins of this group.

7. Fe is also simply necessary for children, as it normalizes growth.

8. Without iron, protein metabolism is impossible, and the element is also involved in DNA synthesis.

Thus, one chemical element is involved in a lot of the most important biochemical processes of the body.

Therefore, iron deficiency is considered a disease that should be treated. And also it is the lack of oxygen that is considered the cause of the formation of cancer.

Therefore, for good health, an important condition is the normal content of iron. It is important for everyone to know the symptoms of a deficiency of this substance.

The main symptoms of iron deficiency

Anemia is a condition when the concentration of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood is below normal. In medical terms, the disease is called Anemia. And one of the reasons this disease is a lack of iron.

Deficiency can occur for several reasons:

Wrong diet.

Intensive body growth.

The period of pregnancy and lactation.

Extensive blood loss.

Therefore, in order to understand whether you have an iron deficiency, you need to know the main signs of such a condition. After all, it is very dangerous.

Of course, only a physician can make an accurate diagnosis based on tests, and not all symptoms may appear.

However, their presence is a wake-up call that should prompt you to think about your health.

Iron deficiency symptoms

1. Change in the color of the skin. The skin becomes pale.

2. Increased fatigue.

3. The appearance of atypical for you shortness of breath during a period of moderate physical activity.

4. Rapid heartbeat without an objective reason.

5. Decreased temperature of the feet and hands.

6. Brittle nails.

7. Frequent bouts of headache.

8. Formation of plaque on the tongue.

9. Fainting and hypotension.

10. Strange taste preferences are likely, for example, raw spaghetti and meat have become very appetizing to you.

Symptoms may not be immediately apparent once the body is deficient. But, if this condition lasts, then the symptoms will gradually appear.

How much iron is needed per day for the body

To calculate the norm, we will assume that our body absorbs only 10% of the products.

Daily Value for Adult Men - 10 milligrams.

Norm for a teenage guy - 11 milligrams.

For adult women - 18 milligrams.

During pregnancy and lactation - from 20 to 30 milligrams.

teen girl - about 14 milligrams.

Ladies over 50 - about 12 milligrams.

Children up to the age of 3 years - about 6-7 milligrams.

Children from 3 to 11 years old - 10 milligrams.

Children under 14 - 12 milligrams.

Keep in mind that the need is individual, and depends on the level of physical activity. If you follow a diet that excludes the consumption of meat, fish and poultry, then the rate increases by an average of 1.8. This is due to the lower absorption of non-animal iron.

You, for certain, met a set of tables in which the content of iron is painted. But when calculating the diet, an adjustment should be made for the fact that not all iron is absorbed.

Therefore, an approximate diet for a normal daily intake of iron will be given under the following heading.

Iron in food - main list and table

When choosing food products, it is important not only the content of iron in them, but also the degree of its digestibility.

Iron is absorbed to a greater extent from foods of animal origin, meat and fish, often red in color. This type of iron is called heme iron.

There is also a second type of iron - non-heme. It is safer for our body, but it is worse absorbed. It is found in other foods, vegetables and fruits, legumes.

Detailed information on the iron content is presented in the table below. I also want to provide a list of the best iron rich foods.

Rating of foods that are rich in iron

1. Shellfish.

2. White beans.

3. Beef liver.

4. Beef.

5. Other types of meat.

6. Fish. Tuna is in the lead.

8. Products of vegetable origin. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, dried fruits. All types of nuts, especially pistachios and walnuts.

9. Bitter chocolate.

10. Seeds. You can treat yourself to a healthy delicacy - halvah. Give preference to sesame halva.

11. Dried mushrooms.

An example of calculating the intake of 2.5 milligrams of iron that will be absorbed is about 100 grams of boiled beef. And if you don't eat meat, then to consume 4.1 milligrams of non-heme iron, you need to eat about 140 grams of tofu.

fruits containing iron

Among the berries and fruits, the well-known pomegranate is in the lead, the juice of which is often brought to pregnant women to increase hemoglobin. Also on this list were persimmons, dogwoods, apples, plums, mulberries, chokeberries, rose hips.

vegetables rich in iron

The most iron-rich green vegetables are spinach, lettuce, greens, cabbage, beans, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, and beets. All of them are rich in folic acid, and the structure of chlorophyll is similar to the chemical structure of hemoglobin. Vegetables are recommended to be consumed raw or slightly undercooked.

Red meat as a source of iron to increase hemoglobin

Red meat is the number one food for boosting iron levels. First, it is better absorbed.

Secondly, the most affordable product. And of course, it has a high iron content. But there are a number of nuances here.

Preference should be given to certain types of meat, namely beef, rabbit, veal. And if possible, the liver and tongue. Try to buy the freshest product, ideally fresh meat.

The method of preparation is also important. Roasting should be medium, and preferably light. You should not stew meat, because due to the long cooking, all the iron will go into the water.

Grains that contain iron

It is recommended to use buckwheat, oatmeal, barley groats, rye, wheat bran, bulgur, rice. It is best if you use unpolished cereals. They contain the most useful substances. This is especially true for rice.

I also want to focus on what hinders and promotes the absorption of an important element from products.

What promotes and hinders the absorption of iron

Remember that the cause of iron deficiency may not be in the diet at all, and the deficiency itself may be a symptom of another disease.

Reduces the absorption of iron:

  • High slagging of the intestine, iron is absorbed by the upper intestine.
  • A diet that is dominated by fatty foods and dairy products, since calcium reduces the absorption of iron and vice versa, therefore, these products should not be combined.
  • Tannin found in tea and coffee.
  • Prolonged heat treatment of food.
  • Fitins, which are part of ordinary bread, as opposed to wholemeal bread.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Iron in foods is well absorbed by our body when combined with such vitamins, micronutrients and foods.

Increases the absorption of iron:

  • Vitamin C.
  • B group vitamins.
  • Cooking in cast iron cookware.
  • Molybdenum, which is found in rice, tomatoes, parsley.
  • Copper, which is rich in nuts and avocados.
  • Cobalt is found in chicory and spinach.
  • Zinc, so eat seafood, seeds, buckwheat and rye bread.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Thyme.
  • Mint.
  • Anise.
  • Moderate consumption of pickles and sauerkraut along with iron-rich foods.
  • The use of onions and garlic along with cereals, they contain sulfur, which increases absorption.

Do not blindly chase for a high iron content. Everything needs a balance, so any diet should be thought out.

Excess iron leads to poor absorption of Ca, Mg, Zn, which is also bad for the body. The diet should include both heme and non-heme iron.

Choose healthy and wholesome foods, lean meats, seafood, vegetables and fruits, and healthy grains.

Remember, in large doses over 200 milligrams per day, iron is toxic, and the lethal dose is from 7 grams.

With an excess of iron, the body gives us signals in the form of symptoms:

Headache attacks.


The appearance of pigmentation on the skin.

Chair disorders.


Excessive iron intake can lead to impaired liver function. It also increases the likelihood of a whole range of serious diseases, such as diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Normal operation is disrupted immune system and increases the risk of various types of tumors.

Do not take iron-boosting medications unless directed by your doctor.

If after changing your diet, your condition does not improve, then you should seek medical help.

And anemia is not a harmless disease at all, and can lead to a lot of consequences. Therefore, it is better to diagnose the problem at an early stage, and begin treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Also, treatment should include the correct selection of physical activity and the rejection of addictions.

If you begin to notice that the condition of your nails has deteriorated significantly, you are worried about frequent mood swings, lack of strength and dizziness, it's time to ask yourself the question - what foods contain iron, because a lack of this element can lead to the above symptoms. In most cases, the problem manifests itself with prolonged passage of low-calorie diets, heavy menstrual cycles, bleeding ulcers and hemorrhoids.

Foods high in iron

It is no secret that the main component of blood is plasma, where blood cells float. There are three types of these cells:

  1. Erythrocytes are red blood cells.
  2. Leukocytes are white blood cells.
  3. Platelets are platelets.

The task of the first cells is to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body, and then return carbon dioxide to the lungs. . RBCs are made up of an iron-containing protein- hemoglobin.

After eating a meal rich in iron, the body begins to convert them into a heme or chelate form. The source of heme iron is animal protein. Most often it is present in meat.

The non-heme type is concentrated in plant protein, sugar, greens or salt. With a balanced diet, consisting of such products, an increase in the concentration of chelated iron is noted.

Products with a lot of iron, after diligent processing by the digestive system, begin to be absorbed through the epithelial cell of the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall, and then enter the blood vessel.

iron deficiency

The first sign of a lack of such an important element in the body is dry skin. Hair breakage, loss of natural shine and baldness are also noticed. The deterioration of the condition of the teeth is not ruled out. With reduced metabolic processes, which are associated with the absence of iron, the body begins to produce a fatty layer.

The attractiveness of the skin is also in question, because the skin becomes pale, and pain, fainting and dizziness appear very often. During the day, the patient suffers from drowsiness, and at night - from insomnia. Intellectual activity and memory also deteriorate.

Some young women report significant changes in their taste preferences, claiming to crave raw potatoes, clay, or chalk. Weakness not ruled out smooth muscle which leads to leakage of urine. Swallowing dry food becomes difficult, so many people begin to develop bad habit of drinking water all at once.

With a decrease in hemoglobin levels characteristic symptoms they do not make themselves felt for a long time, because a healthy heart and lungs compensate for the lack of oxygen in the tissues. However, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and spend a lot of energy, the breakdown will begin several times faster than with low activity.

The lower norm of hemoglobin for men is 132 g/l, for women it is below 117 g/l. For future mothers carrying a child, this figure drops to a critical value of 110 g / l.

In order to prevent the development of iron deficiency, it is necessary to study the question - what foods contain iron for hemoglobin.

The problem of iron deficiency anemia occurs in 10-12% of women of childbearing age, while in pregnant women the rate reaches over 80%.

Among the key reasons that cause iron deficiency anemia:

  1. Intense menstrual cycle.
  2. Blood loss from the digestive system due to chronic hemorrhoids, peptic ulcer stomach and other troubles.
  3. Impaired absorption of iron from food, which causes the development of diseases of the small intestine.
  4. Lack of iron-containing products, which manifests itself at the stage of active growth, as well as during lactation or pregnancy.

Daily allowance for an adult

The normal functioning of the body of a man is possible with a daily intake of 20 mg of iron. For women, this figure is up to 30 mg of the element.

Representatives of the beautiful half of society suffer from iron deficiency anemia during the passage of exhausting low-calorie diets. If the calorie content of the daily diet does not exceed 1000 kcal, then about 8 μg of iron enters the body with food, which is very small compared to with recommended rate. In addition, in dairy products, for example, in cottage cheese or yogurt, such a useful element is practically absent. However, food cooked in cast-iron containers has a very high iron content.

During the day, the body gets rid of 1 mg of iron. In most cases, such losses are associated with desquamation of the epithelium, sweating, menstrual cycle and hidden bleeding in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. During pregnancy, iron stores go to the formation of the placenta, fetal red blood cells and a number of other needs of the woman's body.

Recognizing anemia in smokers is very difficult. This is due to the fact that the combination of carbon monoxide with hemoglobin leads to the formation of a special form of hemoglobin, which is not able to transport oxygen particles to the tissues. As a result, the concentration of “good” hemoglobin increases in the body, so its overall level is normal. Therefore, in order to correctly determine the situation, you need to inform the doctor in advance about the bad habit and the approximate number of cigarettes smoked.

Iron-deficiency anemia

It is no secret that a small percentage of iron comes out with sweat, urine, and also with blood loss, mainly menstrual.

If the optimum level this element is lowered, oxygen starvation of cells begins in the body, work internal organs worsens, and anemia progresses very quickly. It is not difficult to determine anemia - it is confirmed by the following symptoms:

What promotes and hinders the absorption of iron in the body

You must understand that a decrease in the iron content in the body can be explained not only by an improperly selected diet, but also by the development of various diseases. Among the key factors causing a decrease in the absorption of iron:

  1. Tannin, which is present in coffee and tea.
  2. Intensive and prolonged heat treatment of food.
  3. Fitins that are present in ordinary bread.
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases.

For the normal absorption of iron in the body, it is necessary to take care of the combination of such vitamins, trace elements and food:

However, after studying the table of products where a lot of iron can be, do not rush to eat them in unlimited quantities. It's important to strike the right balance and think over the diet with all the subtleties.

With an excess of iron, the absorption of Ca, Mg, Zn begins, which is also undesirable for the body. Both types of iron should be present in the diet.

Choose only healthy and wholesome foods, lean meats, seafood, vegetables and fruits, and a range of healthy grains. Do not forget that if the dosage is not observed over 200 milligrams per day, iron turns into a dangerous and toxic element. Lethal dose is from 7 grams.

Oversupply Symptoms

If you do not comply with the permissible dosage, then the following symptoms may begin to develop in the body:

  1. Headache attacks.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. The appearance of pigment spots on the skin.
  4. Chair disorder.
  5. Vomiting reflex.

With excessive use of iron, a violation of the working capacity of the liver is not excluded. It also increases the risk of developing many diseases, including atherosclerosis and diabetes. The immune system begins to malfunction, as a result of which there is a possibility of the appearance of tumors.

Do not take drugs that can increase iron levels without first consulting a doctor. If you have changed your diet and this only aggravated the condition, contact the clinic for medical help.

It is important to understand the full responsibility of a disease such as anemia. Very often, it leads to a lot of consequences, so it is necessary to diagnose the problem at an early stage.

In this case, the therapeutic course should include the correct selection physical activity, treatment with useful herbs and proper nutrition, as well as a complete rejection of addictions.

There are many reasons for iron loss, including starvation, strict diets, vegetarianism, blood loss due to heavy periods, etc. As a result, the problem of anemia or iron deficiency anemia progresses.

The scientific explanation for anemia is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is due to a decrease in the number of red blood cells. Depending on the form (mild, moderate and severe), treatment should be balanced.

According to statistics, 800 million-1 billion people on our planet have such problems. In the zone of increased risk, young women, as well as adolescents, in whom the active development of the body begins. It is impossible to determine the problem at home, so for this you need to contact a trusted clinic for the help of a specialist.

Nevertheless, if you know a number of preliminary symptoms, then you can clarify the decrease or excess of the limits of the permissible norm.

When the level drops below 100 g / l, the situation cannot be called critical, but due attention should be paid to replenishing the iron balance by eating iron-containing foods. If the level falls below 90 g / l, an average and severe degree of anemia develops.

Prevention of iron deficiency

To prevent iron deficiency anemia, regularly eat foods high in this element. It is important that meat is present in the daily diet or it should be replaced with plant products.

It is necessary to pay attention to the compatibility of products, because the timely use of dairy products with others is poorly absorbed by the body. Once a year, it is desirable to take a vitamin complex, which consists of iron. Pregnant women are prescribed once a year vitamin complexes, because they have the maximum likelihood of anemia. Therefore, in addition to the usual prevention in the form of proper nutrition, you need to take vitamin complexes. The minimum course is one trimester.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle and give the body a normal physical activity.

To maintain health, it is necessary to monitor the amount of iron that is ingested. But more than the norm can not be used.

Most often, people begin to worry about iron-containing foods when anemia develops. However, iron deficiency can be manifested not only by a decrease in hemoglobin. With a lack of iron in your diet, you may experience unpleasant symptoms such as increased fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, and headaches. Adding iron-rich foods to your diet can improve your well-being. Below we have placed a table of foods high in iron.

However, it is necessary to understand that the iron that comes to us with food can be of two types:

Plant iron /non-heme/ is found in plant foods, vegetables, fruits, cereals;

Iron of animal origin /heme/ - as the name implies, iron from blood hemoglobin - is most found in red meat, fish, and poultry.

Heme iron is best absorbed by the body. So iron from meat is absorbed by 20-22%; iron from fish by 10-11%; from plant products by only 1-6%. Therefore, if you are a vegetarian or follow a plant-based diet, the amount of plant foods with a high iron content should be significantly larger, since such iron is less absorbed by the body.

Signs of iron deficiency in the body:

- palpitations with minor
- difficulty breathing;
- pallor and dryness of the skin;
- deformation and fragility of nails;
- migrating pains and pains in the heart;
- headache and dizziness;
- emotional lability;
- perversions in nutrition especially
children /chalk, soil, sand/;
- obesity.

Norms of iron intake depending on gender and age:

Children: 1-3 years - 6.9 mg per day

3-11 years - 19 mg

11-14 mg - 12 mg

14-18 years - 15 mg

19-50 years old 18 mg

Over 50 years old - 8 mg

Pregnant - 30 mg per day

14-18 years - 11 mg

over 19 years old - 8 mg.

Foods High in Animal Iron

The product's name
pork liver 20,2
chicken liver 17,5
beef liver 6,9
beef heart 4,8
pork heart 4,1
beef meat 3,6
lamb meat 3,1
pork meat 1,8
chicken's meat 1,6
turkey meat 1,4
oysters 9,2
mussels 6,7
sardines 2,9
black caviar 2,4
chicken yolk 6,7
quail yolk 3,2
beef tongue 4,1
pork tongue 3,2
tuna (canned) 1,4
sardines (canned) 2,9

Plant foods high in iron

The product's name Iron content in mg per 100 g
wheat bran 11,1
buckwheat 6,7
oatmeal 3,9
Rye bread 3,9
soy 9,7
lentils 11,8
spinach 2,7
corn 2,7
peas 1,5
beet 1,7
peanut 4,6
pistachios 3,9
almond 3,7
Walnut 2,9
dogwood 4,1
persimmon 2,5
dried apricots 3,2
dried prunes 3
pomegranate 1
apples 0,1

The opinion that the most iron is found in grants and apples is not true. 100 grams of these fruits contain no more than 1 and 2 milligrams of iron. In addition, this iron is of plant origin, and it is absorbed worse.

Table of foods high in iron per 100 grams

Iron (mg)

Iron (mg)


Nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts)



Parsley (root)

egg white

Pork liver

White bread

Calf's liver



Beef kidneys


Wheat flour


sea ​​fish

Mushrooms fresh

dried mushrooms

Breast milk


dried pear


Caviar caviar

Black currant

turkey meat


sea ​​cabbage




Pumpkin seeds


Rye bread


wheat bread





Rose hip


cow's milk

Egg yolk

beef tongue


Dried apples

Beef brains

Chicken egg

What threatens the lack of iron in the body

Constant feeling of tiredness, weakness and headaches may indicate anemia. Most often, along with a calcium deficiency in the body, there is a lack of iron. Since most of it is in red blood cells, which only live for 120 days, iron stores need to be replenished all the time. This is especially important for women who lose twice as much of this element within a month as men.

The body absorbs only 8% of the iron contained in food or tablets. IRON may be low if: you drink a lot of coffee or tea; - you take aspirin, polopyrine for a long time; - the body lacks vitamin C, copper, manganese, cobalt, which facilitate its absorption from the digestive tract.

Of the 716 girls selected for research, 112 showed iron deficiency in the body. He has not yet reached the level where you can talk about anemia. A series of trials at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore
showed that those girls who were given 260 mg of iron per day (in tablets) improved their results in concentration and memorization of words. The choice of girls for research is explained by the fact that they
suffer from iron deficiency during puberty.

Iron supplements should not be taken in unlimited quantities. This can cause damage to the digestive tract or even poisoning the body. Do not give iron to children or take it during pregnancy without consulting a doctor. But a diet enriched with iron is absolutely safe. Never causes signs of poisoning in adults and healthy children. The richest in iron are liver, kidneys, meat, cereals, beans, oatmeal, egg yolks, dried apricots, nuts, spinach, nettle leaves.