What to do to not smell like smoke. How to remove the smell of cigarettes from hands: the most effective ways

The smell of tobacco from the hands is the main enemy of schoolchildren who smoke secretly from their parents and do their best to hide their addiction to this bad habit. However, teenagers are not alone in their dislike of cigarette flavor. Many adults join them in the company, especially those whose work is connected with people (for example, beauticians, hairdressers or massage therapists). In addition, the obsessive tobacco aroma that literally soaked the skin is often unpleasant for both the smoker and his relatives.

At first, the smell of tobacco has time to disappear from the skin between smoke breaks, but the more often and longer you smoke, the more difficult it is to get rid of the ingrained in the skin. As a result, over time, the skin becomes coarse and loses its natural elasticity, the nail plates turn yellow, and the hands lose their youth and beauty. We emphasize once again that these negative consequences come only from the fact that you hold a cigarette in your hand, without even taking puffs.

It should not be thought that this problem is purely cosmetic. Through the skin pores, tobacco tar enters the blood vessels and, together with the blood flow, is carried throughout the body. As a result, the harm from each cigarette smoked is further exacerbated.

Now you know how dangerous the tobacco flavor is and why you need to fight it. We will tell you how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes from your hands in simple and affordable ways.

Long live scented soap!

After each smoke break, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, and lather the hand in which you hold the cigarette with particular diligence. For this procedure, use soap with strong perfume fragrances - the flavored substances contained in such products reliably interrupt the smell of tobacco.

Please note that you must wash your hands cold water. Warm and hot water keeps the effort to a minimum.

Along with your hands, don't forget to wash your face, mouth, and chin. If you have a beard or mustache, wash them as well if possible.

Wet wipes - always at hand

The way to combat tobacco smell with soap and cold water is good for everyone, except for one thing: you can’t use it in every situation. Another thing - ordinary wet wipes.

If you often smoke outdoors, in the field, at construction sites, and anywhere you can't physically wash your hands, keep wet wipes in your pocket. Based on a variety of nonwoven materials, these products are impregnated with a moisturizing composition that successfully removes tarry traces of tobacco smoke from the skin. If the impregnation contains perfume compositions, the effect will be especially pronounced.

After wiping your hands, traditionally do not forget about the skin of the face - it also has a tobacco smell. And when the napkin dries a little, at the same time wipe the clothes at least a little.

In addition to availability, wipes have another plus - unlike soap, they practically do not dry the skin. However, do not forget about the probability allergic reactions and products of unfamiliar brands, use with caution.

Antiseptics: alcohol against tobacco

Antiseptic hand liquids are another tool that will come to the rescue in any conditions. Such disinfectants are available in different forms - in the form of gels, lotions and even sprays. This variety is united by an alcohol base with a characteristic pungent smell that overpowers the smell of tobacco.

Another option - antiseptics designed specifically to eliminate tobacco odor. They work more effectively than conventional disinfectant gels, but are more expensive and rarely found on the market.

Do not get too carried away with the use of any antiseptics. Antibacterial gels dry the skin even more than soap, so it is recommended to use them only occasionally.

Citrus peels or ginger pieces - two in one

If you don't use a cigarette often, wipe your hands with freshly cut lemon, grapefruit, or orange peel after your break. Citrus peels have long been used by the people in the fight against unpleasant odors, and the smell of tobacco is no exception.

The bright peel of fruits from the citrus family contains essential oil, which has a disinfectant and antiseptic action. At the same time, unlike the classic antiseptic, lemon, grapefruit or orange juice has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves its color and helps maintain elasticity. Another bonus is that with regular use of this remedy, nails are strengthened.

Pieces of ginger root work just as well.

Coffee grounds - another flavoring

In terms of intensity and "corrosiveness" of the aroma, natural coffee boldly competes with tobacco. If, after a smoke break, you wipe your hands with fresh coffee grounds, then the smell of tobacco smoke will disappear without a trace, giving way to a light coffee fragrance.

Women will especially like this way of getting rid of the smell of cigarettes, because coffee grounds are not only an excellent odor remover, but also an excellent natural hand scrub. True, under the influence of sleeping coffee, the skin acquires a brownish tint, so after the procedure, do not forget to wash your hands with soap and water.

Vinegar: table, apple, wine

Vinegar essence is also one of the popular home remedies for bad odors. Table spirit vinegar well absorbs and neutralizes the smell of tobacco, and at the same time destroys microbes that are transferred from cigarettes to hands.

Also, only softer, natural types of vinegar, obtained from alcohol-containing products due to their processing by special acetic acid bacteria, act. In addition, rubbing your hands with apple or wine vinegar, you saturate the skin with vitamins, organic acids and antioxidants, restore its tenderness and elasticity.

Remember that any vinegar is a strong enough irritant, so be sure to rinse your hands with cool water after the procedure.

The mouthpiece is a useful tool

To reduce the smell of tobacco from your fingers, smoke only using a mouthpiece. It is not known who first invented this accessory, but before the advent of filter cigarettes, mouthpieces were in honor of every smoker.

The long tube into which the cigarette is inserted acts as an air filter. During smoking, harmful substances settle on the inner walls of the pipe, which reduces the harm from tobacco combustion products. In addition, the less direct contact with a cigarette, the weaker the smell of tobacco smoke that remains on the hands after a smoke break.

Buying a mouthpiece is not difficult - just go to any specialized store. Please note that models without a cooler will not work for you - these hollow tubes are practically useless in terms of getting rid of tobacco smell. The ideal choice is a mouthpiece with coolant, filter and resin isolation reservoir.

A very good mouthpiece is considered (chistokur).

So, now you know how to deal with the smell of tobacco from your hands. But keep in mind that the listed methods play mainly a cosmetic role and only slightly alleviate the consequences that smoking sooner or later leads to.

To achieve real results, smoke as little as possible or gather your will into a fist and finally stop smoking. Then in a few days you won’t even remember how you rubbed your hands with vinegar, lemon and antibacterial gels in search of the most effective remedy for tobacco smell. And here you can help, and other means.


Then join us for a marathon to give up cigarettes.
Not just quit smoking, not break loose.

The smell of cigarettes on the hands is a problem that is relevant not only for smoking schoolchildren who are hiding from their parents. Even an adult can experience discomfort from the fact that the hands smell of tobacco. For example, if his work is connected with people, and he does something with his hands (doctor, cosmetologist, makeup artist). The smoker himself may also be uncomfortable with the smell of cigarettes coming from his hands, and often loved ones are not happy with such an aroma.

Every time a person smokes a cigarette, the tobacco smell literally eats into his skin. And if for those who smoke a little, he manages to disappear at least for a while, then for heavy smokers who smoke a pack a day, their hands smell like tobacco all the time and it is problematic to get rid of it. Hands smell especially strongly immediately after a smoke break, and, of course, the hand with which a person holds a cigarette smells stronger.

What to do so that your hands do not smell like cigarettes

It is simply impossible for a heavy smoker to get rid of the tobacco smell that his hands exude once and for all. However, if certain measures are regularly taken, the smell of cigarettes can be removed at least temporarily, until the next trip to smoke. There are different ways to do this. Which one is more efficient and convenient - everyone decides for himself.

To ensure that the smell of cigarettes does not linger on the hands, measures to remove it must be taken every time after contact with a cigarette. If schoolchildren are saved from the smell of cigarettes on their hands by smoking with gloves or holding cigarettes with sticks, then for adults these methods are unacceptable. It remains only to find a convenient way for yourself to get rid of the tobacco smell and do not forget to use it regularly.

After a smoked cigarette, Nicotine always remains, and flavoring additives always leave their special, recognizable flair. From this article you will learn how to cigarette out of your mouth quickly, outdoors and indoors. There are many ways to do this with proven folk methods and pharmaceuticals.

Causes of bad breath after smoking a cigarette

Particles of nicotine, tar and flavors settle in the oral cavity. This is what causes the bad odor. It is easier to get rid of bad breath after smoking one cigarette than for a heavy smoker after several cigarettes smoked during the day. Carcinogenic resins literally eat into the mucous membrane of the mouth, tooth enamel and lips, exuding a cigarette "aroma". This leads not only to unpleasant communication with a smoker, but also to the formation of the following diseases:

  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis and caries;
  • purulent diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • erosions and ulcers of the larynx.

Mankind has invented many ways to get rid of tobacco smell from the mouth, on clothes and on the fingers. But all of them have only a temporary, cosmetic effect. Quitting smoking can really help.

How can you get rid of cigarette smell from your mouth?

If it is enough to wash the clothes with a flavored conditioner and the smell is gone, then it is more difficult to deal with the "flavor" from the mouth. Here are the most common ways to get rid of cigarette smell from your mouth:

  • brushing your teeth with a paste with a bright mint or citrus aroma;
  • the use of funds from the series "Antipolizey";
  • chewing a coffee bean;
  • drinking alcoholic, coffee or tart tea drinks;
  • rinsing the mouth with medicinal compositions;
  • chewing gum and lollipops with a strong menthol flavor.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons. Each of the methods describing how to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth quickly will be discussed in detail below. What exactly to choose - the smoker decides.

Cleaning teeth from unpleasant tobacco odor

The most common way. Suitable for home use only. How to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth quickly and efficiently, so that even at a close distance it would not be clear if a person smoked? For this you will need:

  • toothpaste with a strong fragrance (for example, Paradontax with fluoride);
  • Toothbrush;
  • professional gum rinse - it usually has the strongest menthol or citrus flavor.

Thoroughly clean teeth, tongue and oral cavity. Then rinse your mouth and throat. That's all - there will be no trace of the smell. If you clean it superficially and carelessly, the resin particles will remain on the enamel, and the smell from the mouth will partially remain.

Teeth brushing should be carried out in several directions. First - from top to bottom, then - from side to side. Be sure to clean the surface of the tongue, the inside of the cheeks, the palate.

Rinsing the mouth with medicinal compositions

The chemical industry today offers many rinse aids with a powerful fragrance. These are "President", "Forest Balsam" and many others. Simply rinse your mouth and throat.

How to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth quickly? At home, the easiest way to do this is by brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth with a professional medical composition. Particular attention should be paid to the larynx. After all, cigarette smoke is not only in the mouth - it touches the lungs.

Nicotine penetrates through the blood circulation to every corner of our body. Yes, and clothes are also impregnated with an unpleasant odor. A non-smoker will immediately smell nicotine in the apartment. So, you will have to thoroughly rinse your mouth, larynx, wash your hands, change clothes, ventilate the room.

Chewing gum and hard candies with a strong menthol flavor

This method is universal in that it can be used anywhere - in a student audience, at work, at home, in the office, visiting parents. You should choose a chewing gum with the most powerful menthol or fruit flavor, for example, Eclipse or Mentos.

Do not chew gum for more than five minutes - after this time, the aroma completely disappears, and further use does not make sense. Lollipops are simpler in this regard: you can bite them, and they will instantly kill the unpleasant aroma of nicotine and tar.

If we compare which method of getting rid of bad breath is better - brushing your teeth or lozenges, then we can say with confidence that thorough brushing of your teeth is much more effective. To completely freshen your breath, you have to use several lozenges in a row, and after that you can still feel tobacco notes in your breath.

Tablets and lollipops "Antipolizey"

Lollipops "Anti-police" is a professional medical mouth freshener. It was created specifically to eliminate foreign odor from the mouth, whether it be alcohol or cigarettes.

The composition of the drug includes eucalyptus oil, licorice root and gum arabic. These plant components destroy odorant molecules (smell carriers), and at the same time purify Airways and soothe the throat. You can buy a similar drug at any pharmacy. Its cost is about 300 rubles. It helps to get rid of fumes and bad breath after drinking beer and gin and tonics.

Pharmacy sprays and aerosols

How to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth on the street? If at home you can afford to thoroughly brush your teeth and gargle, then what to do on the street or in the office, where it is almost impossible to retire? It often happens with office workers that they smoke at lunchtime, and then they don’t know how to get rid of the “flavor” from their mouths.

Pharmaceutical aerosols will come to the rescue in such a situation. Sprays for a sore throat, which are used for sore throat and pharyngitis, are very good - they have a deadly effect on all pathogenic microflora in the larynx.

They aromatize and moisturize not only the oral cavity, but also the larynx, on which most of the tar and nicotine molecules settle. These are Hexoral, Cameton, Grammidin. Aerosols are much more effective than lozenges and tablets.

Citrus fruit peels

How to get rid of bad breath after cigarettes? Take a peel or slice of tangerine, orange, grapefruit. You need to slowly dissolve it in your mouth, savor it for as long as possible. This will take out the cigarette flavor a bit.

This method is weaker than the above, but if there is no rinse aid, aerosol, Anti-Policeman at hand and there is no way to brush your teeth, then the citrus zest method may well help.

Freshly squeezed citrus juice can also get rid of cigarette aroma. In general, citrus smells perfectly fight with cigarette aroma. If a smoker has a car, it is worth buying an air freshener with citrus ingredients. This will help to always keep a light veil of freshness in the cabin without notes of tobacco and nicotine.

Strong tea and coffee beans

The aroma of coffee and black tea has notes in common with cigarette aroma. If you drink a cup of espresso or Ceylon tea immediately after smoking, it will not be clear whether your breath smells like coffee or cigarettes.

A good way with coffee beans. Some heavy smokers even carry a few foil-wrapped coffee beans with them for emergencies (suddenly they have to meet with their boss or parents). It is necessary to split the grain with a tooth, and slowly dissolve the pieces, the aroma of cigarettes in the mouth will quickly change to coffee.

No wonder most coffee shops have rooms for smokers: the aroma of coffee interrupts all the others so much that nicotine and tar are simply lost. Only if the smoke is too strong - the smoke becomes visible to the naked eye. Unless, of course, the coffee shop does not use professional equipment and hoods in the smoking area.

Alcoholic drinks as a way to kill tobacco smell

This method of how to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth is the most unfortunate of all. However, many teenagers and young people, trying to hide their addiction from relatives and friends, after a cigarette try to drink more beer or gin and tonics. As a result, the smell of alcohol is mixed with tobacco, and it turns out just a terrible combination. Such fumes and cigarette notes are felt for a couple of meters.

Adults understand that the aroma of beer is not able to kill the smell of cigarettes, but teenagers often try to “disguise” their bad habits from their parents in this way. Most The best way get rid of bad breath caused by smoking tobacco - a complete rejection of your addiction.

Ginger, cloves and bay leaf

Ginger root - excellent tool remove the nicotine "aroma" from the mouth. This plant has a tart, spicy aroma. Individual notes resemble tobacco, which is why ginger is able to mask the cigarette smell very effectively. Some smokers carry dried ginger strips with them for this purpose. They can be made independently or purchased at a pharmacy. In addition to a refreshing effect on the oral cavity, they are able to reduce appetite and speed up metabolism with regular use.

Spices such as cloves, laurel

Oy leaf and nutmeg can also effectively fight bad breath after smoking a cigarette. You can use this method not only at home, but also on the street - you just need to carefully chew a piece of bay leaf or crack open a clove pea.

Tobacco or cigarette smell are particularly resilient. And even if smoking indoors has long ceased, it still hovers in smoky walls.
In this material you will find helpful tips, which will help you quickly get rid of the smell of cigarettes in the living room. First you need to arrange knocking out upholstered furniture and mattresses. This should be done with a large piece of flannel cloth dipped in clean or lightly flavored with essential oil water. After unscrewing the fabric, you need to lay it out on the sofa and gently pat it with a beater.

The cloth will pick up dust, odors, and cigarette smoke particles, so it needs to be rinsed frequently. You can also arrange airing the apartment with wet terry sheets or large towels pre-hung in a draft. They perfectly absorb unpleasant odors. You can light candles. Their flame will eliminate the cigarette smell by binding its particles.

How can I get rid of the smell of tobacco in the kitchen?
The kitchen can be cleared of a smoky aroma by boiling a little water with vinegar in an open pan, and then ventilating the room. Removes the smell of tobacco and burnt dry lemon or orange peel. You can also ventilate the room with black tea bags by placing two of them under the chandelier, above the window and in the doorway. You can add a pleasant aroma by dropping a few drops of your favorite perfume on the turned off lamp. When heated, the aroma will spread throughout the room.

How to get rid of the bad smell of cigarettes from the mouth?

You can chew gum or use a breath-freshening spray;

Eat "Antipolizei";

Chew a coffee bean;

Eat nutmeg.

How to remove the stubborn smell of tobacco from the hair?

Wash your hair daily. If you need to remove the tobacco smell from your hair quickly, you can direct a jet of hot air from a hair dryer onto your hair (for 1 minute).

How to clean clothes from cigarette smell?

Arrange a wash with the addition of fabric softener;

Vacuum clothes thoroughly;

Hang all the "smoked" clothes in the closet and light an incense stick in it;

How to clean the car from the smell of cigarettes?

Use the services of dry cleaning;

Thoroughly vacuum the interior and do a wet cleaning inside with water and vinegar;

Close the car for several hours (better than a day) with incense sticks previously lit in it.

How to remove cigarette smell from hands?

Take a piece of lemon and rub your hands with it;

Lubricate your hands with coffee grounds, then rinse without soap.

The above procedures should be repeated until the smell disappears completely. However, you also need to understand that these procedures will be effective only if smoking is not repeated. Also, do not smoke at all and do not go to places where people smoke.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 4 minutes


If there is a smoking person in the family, then, undoubtedly, this causes inconvenience to absolutely all the inhabitants of the house. When it's summer outside, and the room smells very strong of tobacco, just open the windows wide open and humidify the air in the room by any of the known methods.

What else exist folk ways get rid of the smell of tobacco?

  • Quit smoking!
    The most proven and effective way to get rid of the smell of tobacco in the apartment is to quit smoking. This method helps to 100% prevent problems associated with the smell of smoke in the apartment and you will not need to think about how to remove this disgusting "aroma".
  • natural flavors
    Sliced ​​orange peels placed in a bowl can serve as a natural air freshener and absorb the smell of smoke and tobacco. You can also use coffee beans for this purpose. These air fresheners will clear the room of bad smell within one to two days.
    Read also:
  • Aroma oils
    We buy essential oil with the aroma of your favorite plant or fruit (sold in any pharmacy). Pour ordinary sea salt into a small glass bowl and add 3-4 drops of oil to this salt. But keep in mind that this tool will help mask the smell, but will not completely remove it.
  • perfume
    If you are tired of the smell of tobacco in the apartment, there is one proven method - use your favorite perfume. But you need not just to sprinkle them into the air, but to “puff” your favorite fragrance on a light bulb in the lamp. When you turn on the light, the room will be filled with a light fresh scent. This method is somewhat reminiscent of the principle of the aroma lamp. But you should apply your favorite fragrance only on a cold light bulb - if you try to apply perfume on a hot lamp, it will immediately burst.
  • Vinegar
    Take a glass of apple cider vinegar and mix it with half a glass of water. This solution will help remove odor from the surfaces of tables, shelves, cabinets and other furniture. But after that, you should ventilate the room so that there is no strong smell of vinegar left. You can also wipe the wallpaper with this solution, but you need to squeeze the cloth very well and do not rub too hard.
  • Chemistry against smell
    In order to permanently get rid of the cigarette smell in the room, you can use a proven solution. Mix together half a cup of ammonia, a quarter cup of baking soda, a quarter cup of vinegar and dilute the mixture in 3 liters of water. With this tool, you need to thoroughly wash all floors and surfaces on which cigarette "raid" may remain. Be sure to ensure that there are no streaks left on the washable surfaces, otherwise the smell will definitely not go anywhere. As soon as the solution becomes obscenely dirty, make a new one and continue to clean the room.
  • Shampoo
    If you have a carpet or carpet in your room, then you can be sure that it smelled through and through with tobacco. To get rid of the lingering smell of smoke and cigarettes in long pile carpets, shampoo them with a little baking soda. This tool helps to clean the carpet without damaging it. Be sure to dry the carpet after cleaning.
  • Soda
    This method helps to get rid of the smell of smoke and cigarettes on the floor. Sprinkle the entire surface of the laminate, parquet, carpet or carpet with a small layer of soda and leave for a day. After that, go through the vacuum cleaner and collect the remaining soda. As practice shows, this method does not work immediately, but after 2-3 procedures.
  • Rice
    If you're fed up with the constant bad smell in your kitchen or room, you can put some rice in a bowl and put it in a smoking area. Rice, like a sponge, absorbs the unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke.
  • Bleach
    We'll have to say goodbye to all soft toys, decorative pillows and bedspreads for a while. All this must be soaked in a solution of bleach or the well-known "whiteness" to remove the smell of cigarettes. Separately, you can put a bowl of warm water and rinse all fabric products in a solution of soda - this will help to completely get rid of the unpleasant odor.
  • soap shavings
    Soap, previously grated on a fine grater and mixed with a few teaspoons of soda, helps very effectively. With this solution, you need to wipe the surfaces of the furniture, and you can also wash soft toys, pillows, blankets and even clothes. However, do not forget that some types of fabric are very susceptible to soda, and you can ruin good clothes by using this method.
  • "Grandfather" method
    Back in Soviet times, this method of getting rid of the smell of smoke from an apartment was popular. You just need to dip a few terry towels in cold water and hang them in different places in the apartment. Towels absorb all unpleasant odors and help to refresh the apartment, at the same time increasing the humidity. After the towels have dried, they can simply be thrown into the washing machine.

And what folk ways to get rid of the smell of cigarettes do you know? Share with us!