Miramistin solution for what. Miramistin (solution) - the agent has an antiseptic effect

Miramistin in gynecology is used as a solution with a concentration of 0.01%, completely ready for use. It has an effective effect on different kinds microorganisms. Sometimes you can find this drug as an ointment, but its use is not so popular and is used more often in dermatology. Miramistin in solution is offered in packaging of 100 ml, 200 ml and 500 ml, and ointment - 15 g each.

Miramistin in gynecology is used in the following cases:

  • inflammation in the vaginal cavity;
  • fungal pathologies such as thrush;
  • inflammation occurring in the mucous layer of the uterus;
  • injured birth canal with suppuration of lesions, in the period after childbirth;
  • treatment of sexual venereal diseases, treatment of postpartum infections.

The use of miramistin is allowed for pregnant women and is not contraindicated during breastfeeding.

The action of the drug

Miramistin has a unique feature of local action on the affected areas and without penetrating into the deeper layers of the tissue, it has a local antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Another feature of Miramistin solutions is the ability to reduce the resistance of resistant viruses to antibiotic exposure by penetrating inside pathogenic microorganisms and thereby breaking their intercellular partitions. The drug is able to make any type of staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli more vulnerable. Miramistin is successfully used as a means for complex treatment HIV and herpes.

Application in gynecology

There are different ways to use Miramistin, and the success of the entire treatment process will directly depend on the appropriateness of the method. The following are the most popular:

Should Miramistin be used during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman undergoes significant hormonal changes. As a result, it is possible that various diseases caused by hormonal imbalance. The best remedy for the treatment of such disorders in pregnant women, without causing harm to any expectant mother nor her child, is Miramistin. The biological substances that make up its composition are not capable of harming the developing fetus throughout pregnancy. Nevertheless, women, especially pregnant women, should not self-administer Miramistin treatment, as it is not able to be absorbed into the tissues and active substance, accumulating on the treated area, can lead to an overdose of the drug. Despite the fact that this remedy is completely harmless, it is better to avoid such situations so as not to cause the development of an allergic reaction in the newborn. Use in the treatment of Miramistin during pregnancy, preferably in the form of napkins soaked in the substance. Douching during this period of time is undesirable, since deep irrigation of the vagina can provoke the penetration of the drug into the uterine cavity, and this should not be allowed during pregnancy.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that the active component of the drug has an exclusively local effect on the affected area and does not affect neighboring organs of the body, nevertheless Miramistin is a therapeutic agent and must be used correctly. When applying, you must adhere to the following:

  • do not exceed the dosage;
  • if an allergy to the drug occurs, it is necessary to stop using it and replace it with a similar one;
  • if unpleasant sensations appear in the form of a burning sensation, do not stop processing, and soon such deviations will disappear.

Use of this medical device in medical practice for more than 40 years has not shown a single case of adverse deviations in the state of the body in pregnant women or during periods of breastfeeding. This, together with the high efficiency of Miramistin, has led to the high popularity of the remedy.

Miramistin - pharmacological drug based on benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride.

This substance was developed by scientists from the Soviet Union and was originally planned to be used for surface disinfection of spacecraft and satellites.

But since the 90s, it has been actively used in medicine as an antiseptic with a wide spectrum of action (destroys both bacteria and fungi).

And how is Miramistin used in dentistry?

Pros and cons of the drug

The key advantage of Miramistin is that it is active against most gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, including those resistant to antibiotics, as well as against ascomycetes, yeasts, and dermatophytes.

Characteristic of the drug is an antiviral effect (including against those that cause venereal diseases).

And at the same time, Miramistin accelerates wound healing, enhances the reaction of local immunity (by stimulating phagocytosis).

The active substance is insoluble, therefore, medicines based on it are produced in the form of aqueous, alcoholic solutions, ointments, gels, and even powder for the preparation of a saturated concentrate (not currently sold).

Miramistin solution

It does not penetrate the mucous membrane or the upper layer of the epithelium, so it can be used even during pregnancy - this substance is not absorbed in the blood.

Among the shortcomings, only an aggressive effect on the microflora can be distinguished, which is why it should not be used in dentistry for more than 5-7 days. Otherwise, the concentration of beneficial bacteria on the oral mucosa will decrease significantly, which increases the risk of development.

Release form

Miramistin is now available in the following forms:

  • solution for external use 0.01%;
  • ointment 0.5% with the addition of disodium salt of edetic acid.

The solution is produced in plastic tubes with a capacity of 50, 100, 150, 200, 500 milliliters with a screw-on applicator (for use as a spray). Directly in dentistry, it is recommended to use a solution for the preparation of an antiseptic rinse.


According to official instructions, indications for the use of Miramistin in dentistry are:

Miramistin can also be used to treat inflammatory diseases, including laryngitis, tonsillitis.

Application rules

Miramistin is used in dentistry.

Prepare it at the rate of 10-15 milliliters medicinal product for 25-40 milliliters of boiled cooled water.

With this composition 3-4 times a day.

After treating the gums and mucous membranes with Miramistin, you should refrain from drinking, eating and smoking for at least 60-90 minutes (optimally - 2 hours). The permissible course of therapy is up to 7 days, then only with the direct appointment of the attending physician.

Also, the drug is applied with a swab to the foci of inflammation in the gum area. They also make bandage compresses for treating wounds after tooth extraction - this will speed up the healing process. Such tampons are applied only after the "hardening" of the blood clot.

Miramistin can also be used by a doctor to treat the junction of the denture and gums. To do this, a thread soaked in a medicinal solution is placed in the subgingival pocket.

Features of use

Miramistin after treatment of the oral cavity must be spit out, but in case of accidental ingestion, do not worry.

People who have been diagnosed with a catarrhal form of gastritis, provoked precisely by an imbalance in the positive microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, should use the solution more carefully.

During dental treatment of teeth, gums or oral mucosa, a burning sensation may occur - this is a normal reaction. One has only to remember that the drug should be used only for local treatment. Accordingly, if it is necessary to act exclusively on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gum, then it is better to use a swab, and not rinse completely. oral cavity.

When carrying out retraction (laying the thread into the pocket of the gums), only cotton material is used. After removing it, do not rinse your mouth with water.

For children

According to the official instructions, Miramistin can be used from 3 years.

Another option is to use a silicone toothbrush wetted in Miramistin (based on 15 milliliters of water and the 0.01% solution itself).

In pharmacies, you can buy a special finger brush. Up to 3 years, Miramistin is used only as directed by a doctor and under his control.

During pregnancy

There are no restrictions during pregnancy in terms of the use of Miramistin. But to prevent an allergic reaction, a hypersensitivity test is carried out before its use. To do this, a few drops of the solution are applied to the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist (where you can measure the pulse) and rubbed thoroughly.

If within 10-15 minutes no allergic reaction has occurred (inflammation, redness, blistering, rashes), then Miramistin can be used according to the instructions for use.

During lactation, the use of Miramistin is also allowed.

The manufacturer of the medicinal product conducted clinical trials, as a result of which it was found that the drug does not cause embryotoxic and teratogenic effects.


According to the instructions from the instructions, contraindications for the use of Miramistin in dental practice are:

  • hypersensitivity to benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride;
  • age up to 3 years.

Use the drug with caution if antibiotics are taken with it.

When interacting with Miramistin, the therapeutic effect of the latter is enhanced, so the dosage should be adjusted taking into account the patient's age and body weight.

And the manufacturer does not indicate any information about cases of overdose (detailed studies on this subject have not been conducted, the probability is very low due to the absence of absorption of Miramistin).

In total, Miramistin in dentistry is used to treat the oral mucosa and treat gums, wounds after dental procedures.

The drug not only accelerates healing, but also enhances local immunity, thereby further reducing the likelihood of bacterial complications. But long-term use of Miramistin is not recommended, as this may adversely affect the microflora of the oral cavity, which, after stopping the course, will increase the likelihood of developing stomatitis.

First information about Miramistin belong to the 70s of the last century. It was then that this drug was first created in the Soviet Union. Its development was timed to coincide with the Space Biotechnologies program, as part of it it was planned to use it for disinfection of spacecraft. For unknown reasons, colonies of fungi and bacteria began to grow actively on board, and not a single remedy was able to cope with them. It was the drug Miramistin that became the solution to this problem..

Today, this drug is one of the most popular. Especially often it is prescribed to sick children who are prone to colds. They are advised to give the drug before going outside for prevention. Regular intake of Miramistin, the composition of which is safe for children, can help prevent the development of unwanted colds and increase the child's immunity.

Miramistin indications for use

According to the instructions for use and reviews, the drug in question can be prescribed to small patients under the age of 1 year and older as part of the fight against colds and in order to prevent acute respiratory viral infections. This medication, although it may cause side effects, has a unique spectrum of action and antiseptic properties.

The main active ingredient in the composition of the drug is Miramistin, which actively fights all pathogenic microbes found in the body. It does not have a selective effect, and this versatility allows it to effectively deal with any kind of harmful microorganisms.

The substance included in its composition can effectively destroy any kind of bacteria, viruses and fungi, including streptococci, gonococci, salmonella, E. coli, etc. In combination with other medicines prescribed by the attending physician, this drug enhances the effectiveness of the course of treatment.

The drug can be used for the following purposes:

Instructions for use

Miramistin is commercially available spray and vial. It is prescribed for inhalation, rinsing during the surgical treatment of diseases and for their prevention.

From the instructions for use and patient reviews, it follows, that this medicine is effective in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • tonsillitis;
  • purulent sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis.

It is used in the form:

  • irrigation;
  • rinses;
  • throat inhalation.

The choice of rinse scheme depends on the type of disease.

For one procedure, 10-15 ml of the drug is enough. It can also be used for inhalation. For these procedures, use 3-4 ml of a solution or undiluted preparation.

A popular procedure in the treatment of diseases is the irrigation of the throat, which is usually prescribed for children from the age of one year.

In the treatment of adenoids, sick children are prescribed inhalations or instillation of drops into the nose. This treatment helps speed up recovery. Another drug can be used in the treatment of angina in the form of rinses and inhalations. These procedures are most effective if they are carried out 4-5 times. It is also allowed to carry out inhalation of the throat using a nebulizer, but only as directed by a doctor. Throat inhalations using a nebulizer are very effective, since in this case a point spray of the medicine is provided. However, it is necessary to be careful here, since in some patients this method of treatment may cause an allergic reaction.

With extreme caution, Miramistin should be prescribed in the form of a spray or drops to patients in the treatment of a cold and other diseases arising from the development of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Also, for the treatment of a runny nose, the patient may be prescribed an injection of medicine. You can use drops from a cold only as directed by your doctor.


The expediency of instillation into the nose of Miramistin with a cold is determined by the doctor, assessing the nature of the course of the disease. When prescribing a medicine for the treatment of a runny nose, one must not forget that the solution has an irritating effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. With extreme caution, it is necessary to prescribe the drug to patients in the treatment of a cold, remembering the properties of the active ingredient Miramistin.


With the development of a cold a fairly effective procedure is washing. The drug shows the best results only if it is correct application. For washing, you must use a medical solution and a syringe without a needle. When carrying out washings of the nasopharynx in children, it is recommended to first dilute the drug.

The medicinal mixture is prepared as follows: you need to take one part of the medicine and add two parts of boiled water to it. With regular procedures, you can achieve a stable, positive result in a short time.


For the treatment of stomatitis and other dental diseases it is useful to rinse the mouth 3-4 times a day. When choosing a mouthwash scheme, the doctor takes into account the severity of the disease. Miramistin can also be used for the treatment of wounds and burns, the healing of which can be accelerated with the help of tampons moistened with a therapeutic solution.

Chickenpox is often accompanied by damage to large areas of the skin. Such patients are prescribed spraying with Miramistin for the throat, applying tampons and gauze bandages. With the defeat of the oropharynx, excellent results are obtained by spraying, which must be carried out up to 3 times a day.

Miramistin can also be used in the treatment of thrush in children up to a year and older. Such patients are prescribed a spray for spraying into the oropharynx and a solution, which is previously applied to gauze and the areas affected by the fungus are treated.

Experts know that conjunctivitis occurs as a result of infection entering the organs of vision. As part of his treatment, children are prescribed the drug 1-3 drops in each eye with a mandatory massage. Treatment consists in wiping the affected eye with cotton swabs, which are pre-moistened in Miramistin solution, 3-4 times a day. Washing is necessary from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. When a solution of 0.01% Miramistin is combined with the main drugs, a positive effect can be quickly achieved in the treatment of eye diseases.

Patients suffering from otitis externa, the drug is prescribed in the form of lavages of the ear canal, 2 ml each. This procedure avoids the development of otitis media. For treatment, a swab is used, which is soaked in a solution, and then placed in the external auditory canal. Such procedures are recommended to be carried out at least three to four times a day. Very effective in the complex treatment of otitis media.

Miramistin contraindications and side effects

In order for the drug Miramistin to quickly help the patient defeat the disease, it is necessary to use it in compliance with the dosage. This medication has no strict contraindications. The only group of patients who should not be prescribed this drug are people with hypersensitivity to the main active components drug. The drug rarely causes side effects. Usually they appear as a slight burning sensation that lasts no more than 30 seconds. In the event of such reactions, interrupting treatment with the drug is not recommended.


Of the analogues presented in pharmacies, it is quite popular drug Dekasan. During its administration, there are no side effects in the form of burning or irritation of the mucous membrane. It is often prescribed as part of the treatment of ENT diseases. The drug is very effective in the treatment of burns and wounds. Dekasan is available as a solution. Most often, the doctor prescribes it for the treatment of complications, exacerbations of chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

Another effective substitute for Miramistin, which has a similar effect as the original drug -. Combine it with the original drug similar therapeutic properties. It is also prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs. During the reception, it often causes a burning sensation and leaves irritation after the procedures. It has a bitter taste. Octenisept is much more expensive than the original drug. Although the latter is capable of causing allergies in patients, it has a milder effect, has no taste and smell, and resembles water in consistency.

When taking Miramistin, irritation and burning sensation occurs very weakly and manifests itself in isolated cases. This medication is of low toxicity, does not accumulate in the blood.

The drug should not be prescribed to patients who are already taking iodine-containing antiseptics.

As a worthy analogue of Miramistin, Tantum Verde should be noted, which can be used not only by adults, but also by children. It is more expensive than Miramistin. Of the advantages of the drug, a sweet taste should be distinguished, therefore this remedy is one of the favorites among children.

It can also be used as part of the treatment of thrush, gingivitis, stomatitis and other diseases. It is necessary to take the drug with caution, exactly observing the overdose selected by the attending physician. Otherwise, adverse reactions may occur, which most often manifest themselves in the form of a feeling of numbness, dry mouth, burning, allergic reactions on the skin, and drowsiness.


Miramistin can be bought by anyone without a prescription at a pharmacy. However, before starting treatment, you must carefully read the instructions for the drug. In the retail network, Miramistin is offered in the form of a spray and solution. It is a more affordable drug than many of its counterparts. For children, Miramistin spray can be bought at a price of about 350 rubles. for a 150 ml bottle. The drug is supplied with a spray nozzle. More affordable is a solution of the drug, which costs from 200 r.

Miramistin for the throat is an effective domestic antiseptic that is used to combat bacterial and viral infectious diseases. This drug has found application in various fields of medical activity, but most often it is used in otorhinolaryngology.

The composition of Miramistin and its release form

As active substance this drug is benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate, and an additional component is purified water.

Not everything that is expensive is effective, and Miramistin is a vivid confirmation of this, because. it copes with infectious and bacterial diseases in the same way as foreign counterparts, but at a more affordable price

This drug is available in the form of a solution with a concentration of 0.01%, which is in a vial. The drug is presented in completely different forms of release:

  • Bottle with spray nozzle. This spray is used to irrigate the oral cavity.
  • A bottle with special nozzles for use in urological and gynecological practice.
  • Solution for external use in surgical practice.
  • Rinse solution.
  • Special drops for the nose, ears or eyes. Used in ophthalmic and otolaryngological practices.

Pharmacological action and indications

The drug acts on a wide range of various microorganisms. The main active substance penetrates the microorganism through the lipid membrane and destroys it from the inside. Miramistin does not affect healthy cells of the human body. In addition, it is not absorbed through the mucous membranes and skin, and also does not penetrate the hematopoietic system, internal organs. It has the following spectrum of activity:

  • Fights the inflammatory process.
  • Works as an absorbent of various pathogenic secretions.
  • Forms a dry scab on the surface of the affected skin.
  • Accelerates the epithelialization of the wound surface.
  • Does not have irritant activity.
  • Prevents recurring inflammatory reactions
  • Reduces the resistance of microorganisms to antibiotic therapy
  • Reduces the likelihood of complications of infectious diseases
Miramistin should be used not only upon the fact of the disease, but also as a prophylaxis when even slight hints of the onset of the disease appear.

This drug has a fairly wide application:

  • A variety of inflammatory processes with localization in the oral cavity. It can be used in the event of periodontitis, periodontal disease, glossitis, ulcerative processes.
  • Sinusitis. It is used as the drug of choice for washing the paranasal sinuses, especially in the presence of purulent processes in them.
  • SARS. It can be used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Miramistin throat spray disinfects the oral cavity and blocks the spread of bacterial microflora with exhaled air.

Features of the use of the drug for adults

Before using Miramistin, you should first prepare it. After unpacking the nebulizing system, it must be filled into the drug vial (insert the tube into the vial and screw the nebulizer clockwise). Then you can spray the medicine by gently pressing on the nozzle.

Thanks to the spray nozzle, even a child can apply the medicine without much effort.

To achieve the expected medicinal effect, during the use of the drug, you need to follow some simple instructions.

  1. Drink about half a glass of warm boiled water.
  2. Direct the nozzle of the sprayer into the area of ​​​​one tonsil and spray Miramistin. Do the same with the amygdala on the opposite side. Adult patients can use no more than 4 mucosal irrigations at a time.
  3. After using the drug for 30 minutes, it is advisable to refrain from eating and drinking, because the resulting film will be washed off and therapeutic effect will not.

Important! It is effective to use Miramistin gargle for adults. For this, the drug is available in vials without a sprayer. For this procedure, dilution of the drug with water is not required.

You also need to be able to gargle correctly. To begin with, you should throw back your head and gargle your throat with a drawling sound “y”. Such a manipulation will allow you to rinse the tonsils from all, even hard-to-reach sides. After rinsing, as well as after applying the spray, you should not eat or drink for some time. In order for the effect of rinsing to be sufficiently pronounced, it should be carried out at least 3 times a day. In addition, the treatment of any disease should be comprehensive. Therefore, do not forget about the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, as well as observing the daily regimen and nutrition.

How Miramistin is prescribed for children's throat

The use of this drug in children should be carefully supervised by adults. Miramistin spray is used for children in the same way as for adults, it differs only in dosage. For children under the age of 6 years, a single irrigation of the oral cavity is used, up to 14 years - twice, and older ones - three times. If the child has not yet learned to hold his breath, it is not necessary to spray the agent on the tonsils, Miramistin can be sprayed on the inner surface of the cheek, the mucous membrane of the tongue. The drug has no taste and smell, so the child will tolerate irrigation calmly. The procedure should be carried out no more than 3-4 times a day, so as not to cause addiction in the child's body, which can reduce the effect of Miramistin.

The annotation to the drug says that its use is indicated from the age of three. But there are no contraindications to its use at a younger age. Simply using Miramistin for children under one year old is quite difficult, since they are not aware of the very mechanism of this procedure, especially since if it is puffed onto the delicate mucous membrane of the baby's throat, you can cause reflex spasm and suffocation. In order for the medicine to begin to act in the body of a child, it must get on the oral mucosa. Anyway, it will mix with saliva and end up on the mucous membrane of the throat, where it will produce its therapeutic effect.

The simplest and easy way use of the drug - using a nipple, irrigate it with medicine and give it to the child. Also, the baby may be interested in a spray tube, which he will definitely pull into his mouth. As soon as it is in the oral cavity, you need to direct it to the inner surface of the cheek and press the sprayer. An experienced pediatrician can prescribe instillation of the drug into the child's oral cavity, as well as lubrication with a mucous cotton swab dipped in a solution. Be sure to pre-clean your mouth with warm, boiled water. This manipulation should be carried out very carefully, as the baby can be very scared. The dosage in this case is prescribed only by a doctor. Thus, you can easily use Miramistin for babies.

It is unacceptable to give medicine into the hands of small children, because. the dosage and correctness of spraying must be supervised by parents

Many people wonder how to gargle with Miramistin, is it possible to carry out this procedure for a child and how to dilute the drug? Such rinsing is indicated only for children over 2 years old, because the younger ones can choke on the solution or simply swallow it. Also, the drug is not allowed to be used in the initial concentration. Diluting it with water by half, for one application, 10-15 mi of the finished solution is usually used. It is advisable to gargle after eating and do not swallow the medicine, because this can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, there is an instruction for use in the Miramistin pack, in which the dosages for each age group are listed. You can combine rinsing with Miramistin with rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs, which are also used to combat inflammation in the throat. It must be remembered that after rinsing, drinking and eating is prohibited for some time.


Miramistin is very effective for sore throat in the form of inhalation. For this, it is very convenient to use a nebulizer, which increases the therapeutic effect of the drug. Of course, the price of this device is quite high, but the reviews after its use are always positive. The fact is that with the help of an ultrasonic nebulizer, the drug is split into the smallest particles, which penetrate well through the mucous membrane and act faster. Moreover, when inhaling a moist, heated component, the child feels much lighter. Such inhalations are excellent for bronchitis and sinusitis. The duration of one procedure, depending on the age of the child, ranges from 5 to 15 minutes. However, it is worth remembering that you can not use the nebulizer for children under 2 years old.

Miramistin during pregnancy in the throat

Many expectant mothers are wondering if Miramistin can be used during pregnancy? There are no direct contraindications for the use of this drug for pregnant women. But still, before using Miramistin, you should consult a doctor. In the first three months of pregnancy, this drug can be used externally, applied to the skin or mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. To do this, you can use turundas moistened with the drug or cotton balls, which are abundantly rubbed with mucous membranes. At later dates, it is used as an aerosol that is applied to the tonsils, as well as in the form of rinses. Of course, a small part of it will be swallowed with saliva, but there is no evidence that the medicine settles in the digestive organs. How many times a day to use the drug should be decided by the doctor. Also, this tool can be used during lactation and breastfeeding. Since it is not absorbed into the peripheral bloodstream, and therefore does not enter the milk of a nursing mother. Therefore, we can say for sure that Miramistin for sore throat can be used at any stage of pregnancy and after it, but with strict adherence to the dosage and frequency of administration.

Any medication during pregnancy should be agreed with your doctor, because. even despite the absence of special instructions in the instructions for the drug, the reaction to the drug can be extremely ambiguous

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

A contraindication to the use of this drug is intolerance to the main active substance. There are no other absolute prohibitions on the use of the drug.

Like any other medicines Miramistin has its own unwanted effects, but it is worth noting that their minimum number. These include:

  • Redness and fever of the skin.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the form of minimal itching or burning at the site of application.
  • Allergic reactions with intolerance to the components of the agent.

If such reactions occur, then you should definitely seek advice from a doctor to stop the drug, adjust its use or replace it with other drugs. Analogues of Miramistin with a similar medicinal effect:

  • Cameton;
  • Lugol;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Ingalipt;
  • Furacilin.

However, each of these drugs has a more complex composition, unlike Miramistin. In addition, almost all of the above drugs, judging by consumer reviews, have unpleasant organoleptic properties. Also, most of them have a rather high cost, which does not always justify itself and a large number side effects. The only drug that is significantly cheaper than Miramistin throat spray is chlorhexidine. But this tool now has a much lower efficiency.

Miramistin is a long-known antiseptic, I use it as a disinfectantmeans. The main active ingredient Miramistin with a long name "benzyldemityl ammonium chloride monohydrate" quickly and effectively fights various bacteria, fungi and viruses that cause inflammation.

It can also be used for small children. Often mothers are interested in whether Miramistin can be swallowed, whether it will harm the child. However, its packaging avoids swallowing the drug. The bottle has a special nozzle with a sprayer, which allows you to inject the drug in small doses.

Initially, this drug was intended for the treatment of the skin and equipment of astronauts. In a closed space, viruses and microbes multiply faster. In order to protect astronauts from exposure to various pathogenic microbes, an effective antiseptic Miramistin was developed in the 70s of the 20th century.

The undoubted advantages of the drug include high bactericidal activity. It also helps with the herpes virus, the so-called cold on the lip. Easy to use, especially for small children who cannot rinse their mouth and spit out the liquid. You can use the drug only for a certain time. If you use it for a long time, not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria contained on the mucous membranes will suffer.

Miramistin is considered a safe drug because it is not absorbed and does not enter the bloodstream through the mucous membranes and skin.

Does not contain any dyes and fragrances, which reduces the likelihood of allergies.The drug not only destroys microbes and viruses, but also increases local immunity. It activates the work immune cells body, allowing you to quickly cope with inflammation, and also stops the release of pus.

Miramistin does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Burning sensation and redness after use do not occur.Miramistin does not have a pronounced taste or smell. When sprayed on the membranes of the oral cavity, there is no gag reflex or discomfort.


Miramistin is intended for disinfection of any surfaces, mucous membranes and skin. The list of indications for use is quite large. The drug is used for the treatment of wounds, in dentistry, surgery, gynecology, urology, otolaryngology.

The main purpose of Miramistin is to provide antiseptic action and enhance local immunity.

It can be used in several cases:

  • Stomatitis and periodontitis. With stomatitis, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity becomes inflamed, redness and sores appear on it, while it can increase. Periodontitis is characterized by inflammation and redness of the gums, pain and itching in the gum area, and bleeding. Miramistin is used both for the treatment and prevention of dental diseases.
  • Purulent wounds. In surgery, the drug is often used to treat festering wounds. Miramistin stops the release of pus and accelerates wound healing.
  • . Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is often accompanied by pain in the forehead and nose, purulent discharge from the nose,. In this case, special rinsing of the sinuses is prescribed, but it is also recommended to treat the nasal mucosa with Miramistin.
  • . Ear inflammation requires individual approach to treatment. Usually prescribed various alcohol, drops, in some cases. Miramistin is used to relieve inflammation and eliminate infection.
  • SARS and. With influenza, Miramistin also treats the nose to destroy the infection and speed up the healing process. The same can be done for if there is a sick person at home.
  • Burns. Burns of varying severity are treated with Miramistin to avoid suppuration and inflammation, and also as a preparatory procedure before skin grafting.
  • Venereal diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.). Miramistin is used for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. As a prophylactic, the drug is used no later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse.
  • Vulvovaginitis. The inflammatory process of the vagina is more common in young girls and older women. It is accompanied by itching and burning, aggravated during a visit to the toilet. Possible copious discharge from the vagina with impurities of blood or pus. It is necessary to treat the disease immediately, until it becomes chronic.

Dosage, is it possible to swallow Miramistin

For the use of Miramistin in gynecology and urology, a special thinner nozzle is needed. For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, the drug is injected into the urethra for men, into the vagina and urethra for women. In addition, you need to treat the genitals, the skin around the vagina, the thighs. Men are advised to inject about 3 g of the drug with a nozzle, clamp the urethra for a short time and let the liquid flow out on its own. This procedure does not allow the infection to penetrate deeper into the urinary tract.

More information about Miramistin can be found in the video.

Why prescribe the drug Cetirizine, instructions for use

With thrush, Miramistin is used to moisten tampons or irrigations. A swab with the drug is inserted into the vagina and left for a while.When sinusitis is not enough injection of the drug, you need to thoroughly rinse the sinuses.

During dental diseases, the oral cavity must be rinsed several times a day with Miramistin solution. This will require 15 ml of the drug. For best results rinse at least 3 times a day.It is very important not to exceed the dosage when treating a child. To irrigate the throat, 1 press on the sprayer is enough. This is the optimal dosage for disinfection, which will not be dangerous if the drug is swallowed.

Information about cases of Miramistin overdose is not contained in the instructions. However, it is not recommended to extend the course of treatment on your own without a doctor's recommendation, so as not to cause a bacterial imbalance in the composition of the mucous membranes. It is especially important not to overdo it with the dosage of young children and pregnant women. The drug should not be ingested in large quantities.

Among only allergic reactions. If the drug is applied to an open wound, burn, ulcer, a burning sensation is possible, which disappears after 10-15 seconds. However, if the burning sensation continues or intensifies, swelling, rash, itching appear, you should stop taking the drug and, if necessary, take an antihistamine.

Miramistin does not penetrate the vessels through the skin and mucous membranes, so pregnancy is not a contraindication.

If the drug is applied to the skin or genitals, there is no danger, however, when irrigating the throat, it is undesirable to swallow the drug. It is better to use a children's dosage (1 spray at a time). When used simultaneously with Miramistin enhances their action.

Drug analogues

There are no absolute analogues of Miramistin yet. If the drug for one reason or another did not fit, it can be replaced with Chlorhexidine. It costs less and is no less effective as an antiseptic.

It is believed that its ability to destroy microbes, bacteria and viruses is even higher than that of Miramistin, but the herpes virus is insensitive to this drug. Chlorhexidine does not have a special irrigation nozzle, and it has a bitter taste, which makes it difficult to use in children.

Chlorhexidine is more commonly used as a skin antiseptic, but