What are veneers - the pros and cons of veneers. What are dental veneers: how they are installed on the front teeth, pros and cons and service life How veneers are put on teeth

Thanks to modern technology, everyone can have a beautiful Hollywood smile. To do this, it will be enough to install veneers on the teeth. What it is? It's perfect new technology with which you can correct any lack of teeth.

Covers for a beautiful smile

Dental veneers - what is it? These are thin plates that have a maximum thickness of 0.5 mm. They are used in dentistry to cover a damaged tooth and give a bright and white smile.

Charles Pincus developed such a device specifically for Hollywood stars, who were supposed to have an irresistible appearance. The veneers made by the doctor were fixed on the tooth with a special adhesive powder and lasted only a few days. AT modern technology this method of installation is not practiced. Today, restoration with veneers implies a long service life, and the smile becomes unsurpassed and truly Hollywood.

What are veneers

The materials of such devices are very different. They can be classified as follows:

  • Porcelain veneers are considered to be the best, as they are made of medical porcelain and zirconium dioxide, have a sufficiently high strength, do not turn yellow and are no different from your own teeth. Their maximum thickness is a maximum of 0.5 mm.
  • Composite veneers. This type is already a bit outdated and is being used less and less in dentistry. Their only plus is the speed of installation, everything happens in the dentist's office.
  • Porcelain veneers (a kind of ceramics). The maximum thickness is 0.2 mm. When compared to conventional ceramic products, they are much easier to use and have a longer service life. Their installation does not require grinding of the tooth, which is a big advantage for this type of veneers.

Ceramic veneers

Such products are made either from pure porcelain or with the addition of zirconium dioxide.

1. Porcelain veneers. This type is considered the most common, since it has the main advantage - it looks beautiful on the teeth, is very durable, does not turn yellow and resembles tooth enamel in structure. Porcelain veneers received the most inspiring reviews, because the result after their installation is quite aesthetic. These overlays are produced in two ways:

2. Zirconium veneers. They are based on a frame on which zirconium dioxide and porcelain mass are applied. The workpiece is subsequently turned according to individual parameters. An impression is made of the client's tooth, its computer model is drawn, and then transferred to the machine, where the plate itself is already created. A zirconia veneer can only be compared in strength to a pressed onlay.

Composite veneers

This kind of plates can be produced directly in oral cavity patient. This procedure, in fact, is no different from the restoration of teeth. Everything happens as follows: the doctor polishes the patient's tooth, after which the filling material is applied layer by layer.

There is also another way to make a veneer - in the laboratory. An impression is first made, with the help of which specialists form a model of the tooth and only then create a veneer from filling materials.

This option is considered more reliable and of high quality. However, if we compare a porcelain or zirconium veneer with a composite one, the latter has a shorter service life and looks a little worse outwardly.

Advantages in use

Dental veneers offer the following benefits:

  • maximum protection and preservation of the tooth base, no negative impact on the surrounding soft tissues;
  • creating an additional protective layer, thanks to which your own teeth will last much longer;
  • with the help of veneers, you can remove an ugly color defect of the teeth or unnatural dark spots on the surface of the enamel;
  • this type of micro-prosthesis allows you to restore teeth with external damage - chips or cracks;
  • Veneers have the ability to completely restore teeth that have been subject to severe destruction.

Disadvantages of veneers

This excellent dental design also has its drawbacks. Among the main disadvantages are the following:

  • if a person has gum disease, then installing veneers is not recommended, you must first fix the problem;
  • a veneer is not installed if a large part of the tooth is missing or if it is very weak;
  • the plate will not make the tooth strong, in this case it is better to install a crown;
  • when mounting a porcelain veneer, the tooth will still need to be grinded down a little, and after that it will no longer be able to function normally, so you will need to constantly contact the dentist, since after a certain time such artificial linings should be replaced;
  • the cost of veneers will cost quite an impressive amount of money;
  • having installed a veneer once, it will need to be worn for a lifetime, so you need to think carefully before installing it.

Indications for installation

Dental veneers - what is it? This is probably the only high-quality way to get rid of a crooked and ugly smile once and for all. And in return, you can get really shining and even teeth.

Veneers are indicated for installation under the following circumstances:

  • severe yellowness of the teeth;
  • erosion of tooth enamel;
  • a defect in the teeth with damage to hard tissues;
  • incorrect position of the dentition, crowding of the incisors;
  • abnormal shape of teeth;
  • the presence of old fillings that differ significantly in color (in this situation, a veneer on the front tooth will be especially relevant);
  • the presence of large gaps;
  • fluorescent teeth.

Veneer installation

When conducting computer simulation, you can roughly see what kind of dentition will have. Also, the cost of veneers is influenced by such factors as the popularity of the clinic, the qualifications of the dentist, the quality of the services provided and their quantity.

There are also clinics where I offer the installation of veneers at a very low price. However, do not run there headlong, first think about why such a low price. Numerous reviews indicate that in such cases you can get poor quality services and bad materials. Such savings often lead to the fact that the subsequent restoration of the teeth results in an even greater cost.

In order to get really high-quality results, you need to contact a well-known clinic, where highly professional specialists work. And it is recommended to read the reviews of patients beforehand.

Proper oral care

  • brush your teeth twice a day, not only with a brush, but also with dental floss;
  • after eating, be sure to eliminate the remnants of food;
  • use special tooth rinses;
  • reduce the use of coloring products, such as tea, coffee or red wine, as much as possible;
  • get rid of the bad habit of biting your nails, cracking nuts, not trying to open a bottle with your teeth.

People who decided to put veneers, the reviews gave the most positive. If you follow all the recommendations, these products will last a very long time. A person will be able to forget about ugly teeth once and for all, because after the installation of veneers, the smile will become truly Hollywood, and even pop stars will be able to envy it.

A beautiful smile is the dream of every person. To make it a reality today is very simple, because many techniques have been developed. One of the safest and most popular is the installation of veneers. But this procedure has its own characteristics.

Veneers are dental micro-prostheses presented in the form of dental overlays for lining the front teeth. This is a strong plate that masks the front of the tooth and goes to its cutting edge. Using veneers, you can give a smile an aesthetic appearance, eliminate various defects.

Veneers are karmic and composite. The second option is rarely used today. This is due to the fact that composite veneers are outdated and have many disadvantages. They tend to fade quickly. It will not work to bleach them, you need to install new ones.

Dental veneers: pros and cons

Arguments for veneers:

  1. Ceramic overlays are difficult to distinguish from the enamel surface. They repeat exactly anatomical structure tooth.
  2. Ceramic plates are not affected by temperature changes. Such structures are characterized by high strength and can withstand decent loads. When using them, there are no stains and turbidity on the surface. This will allow you to consume coffee, tea and other coloring foods, drinks.
  3. Speed ​​of implementation. You can restore your teeth in 2 visits to the dentist.
  4. Veneers give teeth a natural whiteness and shine.
  5. With the help of veneers, you can correct the wrong bite, the shape of the tooth and its position relative to the rest.
  6. The ability to eliminate chips, cracks in enamel and other defects.

Arguments against:

  1. Porcelain plates do not have high strength and can collapse.
  2. If you do not follow the rules for using porcelain overlays, they may break, and the plates made of composite material will crack.
  3. Teeth to be veneered must be ground first. Because of this, they lose their original appearance. Hence, it will be necessary to wear veneers throughout life, or to restore teeth after their removal.
  4. Composite structures are less reliable than ceramic ones. After 3-5 years they need to be changed, as they fade and change color. This is their main drawback.

Important! Veneers can only mask the curvature. To combat it, wearing braces or a mouth guard is required.

The installation process for ceramic and composite veneers is the same and includes the following steps:

  1. The initial stage involves the preparation of the tooth. If there is a seal, then replace it with a new one. This will improve the quality of fastening.
  2. The dentist together with the patient selects the desired color shade. It should match the color of the teeth as much as possible.
  3. Before taking measurements, the tooth is ground. This procedure is based on the removal of a layer of enamel. These actions will allow the plate not to stand out in thickness from the rest of the teeth.
  4. Removal of molding, according to which the plate will be made.
  5. Installation of a temporary plate. It prevents excessive influence of external factors on the bare tooth.
  6. In the laboratory, plaster models are made, on the basis of which veneers are then created.
  7. At the final stage, the veneer is installed. First, they are fixed on a special paste, and then they check whether the color of the cement is suitable. After that, the structures are finally fixed.

How teeth are turned for veneers

Preparation (turning) of teeth can be carried out in several ways:

  • ultrasonic radiation;
  • laser radiation;
  • chemical substances;
  • air abrasive equipment;
  • tunnel turning;


Due to the impulse, the liquid in the tissues of the tooth heats up, and the enamel microparticles disintegrate. This method has the following advantages:

  • the procedure is as fast as possible;
  • safety and painlessness;
  • lack of tools and medicines;
  • nerve endings are preserved;
  • quiet operation of the equipment;
  • no need to treat your mouth with antiseptics - the laser itself does an excellent job of destroying bacteria.


This procedure has the following advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • does not destroy soft tissues;
  • microcracks are not formed during the attachment process;
  • no heating.

Teeth turning

chemical method

Through the use of special chemical compositions enamel and dentin become soft. The duration of the manipulation is 30 minutes. The following advantages stand out:

  • no heating;
  • anesthesia is not used;
  • chips and microcracks do not appear.

Attention! This variant of turning is used more often than others on milk teeth. Children are afraid of the sound of boron, so it is difficult for them to treat milk teeth. But the chemical procedure allows you to bypass all the difficulties and treat the tooth surface with high quality.


For turning, a turbine installation with diamond and metal tips is used. Advantages of the procedure:

  • you can control the speed of the equipment;
  • the layer of removed enamel is controlled;
  • results are programmed in advance.

Tunnel turning has disadvantages:

  • if old equipment is used, it contributes to overheating;
  • anesthesia is used;
  • inaccurate work can injure the gums.

Air abrasive

The preparation is based on the sandblasting method of formatting hard surfaces. Sodium bicarbonate, aluminum oxide are used as an abrasive. They are applied to the surface of the tooth increased speed, destroying its bone substance. The procedure has the following advantages: no pain, tissue heating, negative effects and microtraumas.

The choice of the appropriate method is carried out together with a specialist. In doing so, it takes into account general state patient, clinic equipment.

The turning process is as follows:

  1. Indentations are made on the outer part of the tooth. They are horizontal, and their depth is individual, and is controlled by the size of the bur used.
  2. Enamel is removed, the thickness of the peeled off layer does not exceed 1 mm. There are situations when the depth is performed more. This is typical for teeth affected by caries. The edge of the tooth is also processed.
  3. Surface polishing.
  4. Washing with water, degreasing and drying.
  5. Treatment of the tooth with acid, due to which maximum adhesion to the plate is achieved.

Is it possible to install without turning

You can not grind your teeth in the following situations:

  1. When the shape of the tooth is being corrected and there is no caries on it.
  2. When adding the volume of the outer surface of the teeth.
  3. For a visual reversal of a tooth that has an incorrect position.
  4. With severe abrasion of teeth.
  5. If the cutting edges of the tooth are uneven.

Service life of veneers

How long veneers will last depends on the type of material used to make them:

  • ceramic - 12-13 years;
  • composite - 3-5 years.

Installation of veneers is not carried out in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • reverse bite;
  • there is a large or medium filling on the inside of the restored tooth;
  • severe damage to the lingual surface of the tooth;
  • when using resorcinol-formalin (a special paste used for dental purposes) for tooth treatment, further installation of veneers is highly undesirable;
  • bad habits (opening beer with teeth, biting nails or other hard objects);
  • bruxism (teeth grinding);
  • extreme sports (karate, boxing);
  • the absence of one or more chewing teeth;
  • high wear of teeth (grade 2 and above).

Important! People with a habit of biting nails need to fight it or refuse veneers, otherwise the condition of composite or ceramic plates will quickly deteriorate.

What teeth can and cannot be veneer

For filled teeth

If you carefully read the contraindications, you can see that it is not recommended to install veneers on sealed teeth. The fact is that the plate cannot be fixed on the surface of the seals. In this case, the doctor suggests the patient to install a crown.

On dead teeth

A dead tooth means depulped, in which a nerve has been removed. Installing veneers on dead teeth is not recommended, it is best to use Lumineers. These designs successfully replace classical crowns.

For healthy teeth

Veneers can be placed on healthy teeth. Most often, this procedure is performed due to the yellowness of the enamel. Porcelain and ceramic veneers are used to solve this problem. They are durable and have a long service life. Due to them, the smile is natural and snow-white.

Do teeth deteriorate under veneers?

You can't get veneers and forget about them. The fact is that to install the structure, grinding of enamel is necessary. After a few years, the procedure will have to be repeated. But under the veneers themselves, the teeth do not deteriorate, and even, on the contrary, they are protected from the influence of external factors.

Attention! It is necessary to discuss all the details with the specialists in advance, since it is impossible to remove the plates on your own, and reinstallation in a hospital will disrupt the condition of the teeth, and also requires money and time.

Does it hurt to put?

A veneer is a micro prosthesis, that is, it is a kind of “additive” to the tooth. The fixation process does not affect the nerve of the tooth, does not injure the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Therefore, there should be no pain during and after installation. While wearing veneers, they do not correct the bite and do not move the teeth, unlike braces. Their main task is to mask the defect.

The only signal that the dentition has changed is a slight “thickening” effect of the anterior row. At first, it seems that something is stuck on the teeth, but after a while such sensations go away.

But there is one unpleasant moment in this whole procedure. It is associated with the processing of the tooth before fixing the veneer. This treatment consists in carefully removing a thin layer of enamel. The surface becomes rough because of this, resulting in a better bond with the dental cement.

This procedure does not cause pain, but discomfort is present. When the treated surface is covered with an overlay, all discomfort will disappear.

Consequences of using veneers

Since the tooth is sharpened to install the veneer, this leads to the formation of its increased sensitivity to hot and cold drinks. The teeth on which the plates are installed can be subject to destruction, and this can only be corrected by covering the tooth with a crown.

Restoration of teeth after removal of veneers

To restore teeth after veneers, fluoridation and remineralization are most often used.


Fluorine is a mineral that is indispensable for teeth and the normal formation of enamel. With thinning of the enamel, many clinics offer clients to carry out fluoridation of the teeth. This procedure involves the restoration of the mineral composition of tooth enamel using fluorine. Thanks to it, damage to the enamel is reduced, its expiration is prevented and cracks are eliminated. This is an excellent prevention of caries and the ability to stop the hypersensitivity of the teeth to the effects of cold and heat, sweet and sour foods.

Fluoridation of teeth should be carried out carefully, since a supersaturation of fluoride in the body is dangerous for humans. Dental fluoridation of teeth with the use of fluorine varnish is performed no more than once every 6 months.


This enamel restoration procedure also occurs when using a special varnish. In addition to fluorine, it contains a lot of other useful components. They are able to restore the mineral composition of the enamel and prevent its resolution.

Carry out remineralization every six months. The advantages of the procedure include the minimal risk of oversaturation with fluoride. This distinguishes remineralization from fluoridation. It is possible to restore enamel with varnish only after completing the full course, since this procedure has a cumulative effect.

Alternative ways to restore teeth


The use of orthodontic devices will allow you to get a beautiful smile, as well as avoid many problems (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the tissues of the cheeks or tongue). They can be worn by teenagers who have completed the process of forming the dentition, as well as adults.


These are dental caps, which are presented in the form of durable devices. They are made according to individual casts and cover the entire surface of the teeth. Such products exert slight pressure, as a result of which the teeth are aligned. In dentistry, mouthguards made from silicone and plastic are used. Regardless of the type of material, the aligners are completely transparent and invisible on the teeth after installation.


Dental prosthetics today is divided into two types:

  1. Fixed. Dentures of this type are firmly fixed on the teeth with the help of various cements. They do not require a long habituation and are fully consistent with the anatomical and functional features of missing or decayed teeth. Removable prosthetics can be performed in two ways, taking into account the type and size of the defect. From fixed structures, crowns, inlays, bridges are distinguished.
  2. Removable dentures are a design, the basis of which can be obtained from various materials. Artificial teeth made of plastic or porcelain are attached to it. The fastening of such a structure in the cavity is determined by the type of prosthetics. Most often, the suction effect, clamps, micro-locks, telescopic crowns are used.

Veneers are very much in demand in dental practice today. And this is not surprising, since such structures are distinguished by increased strength, aesthetics and safety. Only it is far from always possible to install them, so it is important to consult a dentist and discuss the features of this procedure for the restoration of teeth.

Update date: 02/11/2020

Publication date: 11/21/2011

Natural beauty is the #1 unchanging trend in dentistry, and veneers fit into it as well as possible. Only a dentist, and even he - only with a thorough examination, will be able to determine which teeth have undergone restoration. It is for this ability to make a smile not only perfect, but also natural that veneer is so highly valued by experts around the world. So what are veneers and how are they placed on teeth?

Dental veneers - what is it?

What are veneers in dentistry? These are thin overlays with a thickness of not more than 0.5 mm, designed to cover the outer tooth surface. The technology is not new, the prototypes of the current records appeared back in the 30s of the last century in the USA. They were developed by doctor Charles Pinkus specifically for Hollywood stars who could not afford to “shine” with an ugly smile in front of the camera. The veneers for the front teeth, made for the Pincus actors, were fixed on the tooth surface with the help of an adhesive powder and withstood a maximum of several shooting days, so they can be safely attributed to the category of theatrical props. Naturally, this technology has little in common with the modern one. It's only when veneers are called Hollywood veneers that we remember the history of their invention.

Who can get veneers?

Indications for the installation of veneers are limited to various aesthetic problems with enamel and the shape of the teeth. Some of the veneer can be used for light color correction. However, if there is a task to significantly change the shade, then teeth whitening with veneers will not be the most effective option. For such purposes, it is better to choose lumineers or composite restorations - they are not as transparent as ceramic restorations.

Main indications

  • Discolored teeth as a result of root canal treatment, tetracycline and fluorosis.
  • Crooked or too short teeth.
  • Wide interdental spaces.
  • The problem of a gingival smile (solved in combination with gingival plasty).
  • Weak skin tone and muscles of the lower part of the face. By installing veneers on chewing teeth, aesthetic dentists achieve a lifting effect for the cheekbones.


Veneers for Hollywood stars

Natural beauty has always been and will continue to be the #1 trend at all times. Only a dentist, and even then with a thorough examination, is able to identify the restoration with veneers. It is precisely for the ability to make a smile perfect and natural that veneering is highly valued by aesthetic dentistry specialists around the world and Hollywood stars.

Megan Fox

Photo: Featureflash / Shutterstock.com

George Clooney

Blake Lively

Nicolas Cage

Photo: andersphoto / Shutterstock.com

Alessandra Ambrosio

Tom Cruise


Therapist, orthodontist, periodontist, esthetician / Moscow

What to choose: veneers or crowns?

Veneers and crowns are fundamentally different designs in their purpose. Veneering improves the appearance of a smile. Crowns are placed as part of the treatment of caries and its complications. Veneers do not heal and do not carry any function. Crowns restore the functionality of the tooth and protect it from the recurrence of carious processes. What is better to put veneers or crowns on the front teeth should be decided by the doctor, depending on the indications and contraindications. If you have a lot of fillings or caries in your smile area, crowns should be recommended instead of ceramic onlays.

Contraindications for veneers

    In addition to extensive caries and multiple fillings, until recently, pulpless teeth were also on the list of contraindications for veneer. However, today many orthopedic doctors do not consider this an obstacle to the installation of veneers.

    Bruxism, as well as bite problems, must be corrected before the procedure.

    People who do not follow the basic rules of oral hygiene should not think about getting veneers.

    Is it possible to put veneers if the bite is wrong? Most likely not, but the final decision should be made by the doctor. If there are problems with the bite, incorrect prosthetics can lead to structural failure and disruption of the lower temporomandibular joint.


Depending on the method of manufacture and material of dental veneers, they are divided into two varieties: therapeutic from the composite and orthopedic from ceramics. The first are made literally in the patient's mouth. In this case, composite materials are used, similar to those from which seals are made. The installation technology is simple: the tooth is ground to the desired thickness from about 0.3 to 0.7 millimeters, and then a veneer is formed on the tooth surface in layers, grinding and polishing completes the procedure. Otherwise, this technique is called restoration.

Putting ceramic onlays is more difficult - it will take several visits to the orthopedic dentist. First, the tooth is prepared for veneer, then an impression is taken, according to which plates are made of ceramics in the dental laboratory or in the clinic using special equipment and polished. Then the finished structure is fixed on the tooth surface. While the veneer is being made, the patient wears a temporary structure.

Veneer materials

Today, in the arsenal of a dentist-esthetician there are several types of veneers from various materials:

  • Composite
  • Ceramic
  • Zirconia

Each variety has its pros and cons in terms of reliability, appearance and cost. Zirconium overlays are recommended by most experts only in exceptional cases. Zirconium plates require significant preparation of dental tissues before installation. Moreover, this material for veneers has poor adhesion, which means that microprostheses will not hold well.

Which veneers are best?

According to most experts, ceramic orthopedic overlays are the best. They perfectly convey the natural color and texture of natural teeth. Since ceramic veneers are made in a laboratory, they have a high precision of fit to the tooth surface, which cannot be achieved with composite restorations. Orthopedic veneer is more reliable and minimizes the risk of caries at the junction between artificial and natural tissues. The best veneers are almost impossible to calculate in the dentition. If you need to correct the aesthetics of only one tooth, then this method will be ideal.

With a certain skill of the orthopedist, with the help of composite veneers, good aesthetic results can be achieved in simple cases, for example, with a chip. The advantage of composite restorations is in a simple procedure for correcting micro-prostheses. However, the natural effect of enamel transparency increasing from the neck to the body of the tooth cannot be achieved with the help of the composite.

Dental veneers - fact or fiction?

Preparation of teeth for veneers raises many questions among patients, and marketers have a lot of opportunities to attract clients to the clinic through loud slogans like "Veneers without turning!". What's the catch? The fact is that in almost 95% of cases it is necessary to apply turning. It is logical that patients who require veneer do not have perfect teeth, and in order to correct their shape and size with the help of microprostheses, preparation is required. Turning is not needed if the teeth small size and there are gaps between them. Crowding, medium or large teeth are indications for turning. Otherwise, you will not get a Hollywood smile, but its pathetic likeness, created from Orbit pillows.


Therapist, orthodontist, periodontist, esthetician / Moscow

What happens to teeth under veneers?

The condition of the teeth under the veneers should not change in any way if the structures are installed correctly. The joint between natural tissues and the microprosthesis should be as smooth and airtight as possible. Otherwise, the installed veneer contributes to the occurrence of caries due to the accumulation of plaque on the borders of the tooth with the lining. High-quality restoration and regular visits to the hygienist help to prevent an unpleasant problem.

Important! You can’t just remove the veneers, the structures are only replaced.

Veneer colors - A1 to B1

The selection of the color of veneers is carried out using a special Vita scale. According to the fixture, the whitest veneers are shade A1, corresponding to the lightest dentition of natural teeth. B1 color veneers are slightly darker. They do not look very aesthetically pleasing, but are more natural than A1 restorations. In principle, the color of microprostheses can be any, which is useful when installing veneers on 1 tooth or 2 teeth.

AT modern society such a thing as an impeccable, radiant smile has become a kind of “trademark” of a truly self-confident and successful person. It is unlikely that anyone does not want to have perfect, even and healthy teeth. Fortunately, cosmetic deficiencies in the oral cavity are easily eliminated with the help of the latest developments in the field of dentistry. If your “perfect smile”, unfortunately, is not without defects, this is not a reason to despair - dental veneers will quickly and painlessly help you solve this problem.

What are dental veneers?

Veneers are ceramic coating in the form of thin plates (3-5 mm), which are applied to the front of the tooth. This procedure is the most fast way their restoration. When installing veneers, there is no need for significant grinding of the teeth, only the top layer of enamel is grinded, then an impression is made, according to which the necessary blank will be created. Next, linings on the teeth - veneers - are attached to them using a special composite adhesive, which hardens under light and chemical exposure. Using this method of fastening contributes to a longer service life. Veneers are installed not only on can be done and on depulped ones. Actually, they are more of an aesthetic nature, since they are used to eliminate defects, for example, bite. In addition, with them, the smile looks natural and beautiful. Veneers are also used to change the position of a tooth in a row, restore or correct its shape. Now that we already know what dental veneers are, we can decide in which cases they should be installed. Indications for the installation of veneers can serve as large gaps, chips, cracks, irregularities on the surface of the teeth and stains on them, the wrong position in a row, fillings that differ in color, and so on.

What are dental veneers

Veneers are made of ceramic, composite material, porcelain. First, let's look at the popular ceramic veneers - they are made using high quality materials. So, such records are produced only in the laboratory. Before installing them, patients must be diagnosed by an orthodontist, and only after his permission, you can choose the shape and color of future teeth. After that, the dentist grinds off the top layer of enamel by 0.5 mm and makes an impression. While the main prosthesis is being made, the client wears a temporary composite veneer. The methods of their production are different: the classic one, for example, is that powder is layered on the cast; in the casting method, press ceramics are used; if there are blank blocks, they are milled, and then the resulting veneer is painted to match the color of the patient's teeth. The final step is polishing the installed veneers. Materials such as aluminum oxide or zirconium are used to create porcelain veneers. Both are very durable. However, it looks more aesthetic because it can cover the darkened areas of the tooth.

Features of ceramic veneers

Despite the fact that the thickness of the resulting ceramics is minimal, according to its characteristics, it is ideal for aligning teeth with veneers. The material has great strength, is practically not erased, and is immune to coloring drinks. In addition, it does not cause allergies at all. Ceramic veneer fits snugly to the tooth, which will not allow caries to develop. Due to the fact that this material has certain optical properties and transmits light, there is a whole palette of shades of veneers. It is almost impossible to distinguish a tooth with ceramic veneer from the “native”. However, such plates have some disadvantages, among them there is a mechanical effect on the enamel, the inability to change the position of the veneer after its fixation. The service life is 10 years. Due to the high complexity of manufacturing veneers for teeth, the price of which varies from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles, is quite an expensive pleasure. However, next we will consider more affordable options. Fortunately, medicine and technology do not stand still - now you can pick up a pad of almost any cost.

What are composite veneers?

To create these veneers, a composite reflective material is used. Depending on the manufacturing method, direct and indirect veneers are distinguished. These onlays are very popular because they require much less time to manufacture than ceramic veneers. Another difference is that minimal grinding of enamel is required. They can be installed in one visit to the doctor. But the complexity of this method of restoration lies in the fact that the dentist must have great skill: it is necessary to accurately repeat the color and shape, as well as the individual characteristics of the tooth right in the patient's oral cavity. The disadvantages of the species include their susceptibility to food dyes; under prolonged exposure to a toothbrush, their luster is lost. But if you take care of them properly, they will last about five years. Composite veneer crowns are the most affordable for most people, since they can be installed in the range of 2500-15000 rubles. However, if we are talking about the restoration of three or more teeth, then it would be wiser to install ceramic veneers.

What are porcelain veneers?

Also, high-quality porcelain is used for the manufacture of veneers, in this case, the thickness of the lining is 0.2-0.3 mm. Such veneers are called Hollywood veneers, they are divided into lumineers and ultraneers. What are porcelain dental veneers? Their main difference is that lumineers are patented in the USA and they are produced in only one place - in the "Cerinate" laboratory. Ultraneers are made in Europe. The main advantage of Hollywood veneers is that when they are installed, there is absolutely no need to grind down the enamel. Before applying such veneers, the surface of the tooth is cleaned, then it is treated with a special solution for the best adhesion. The veneers are then placed on the tooth using a special cement mortar. The service life of Hollywood veneers is from 15 to 20 years. If necessary, the overlay can be replaced without problems or removed altogether, since the enamel is completely untouched, which is impossible with other types of veneers. The main disadvantages of lumineers are their dullness and snow-whiteness, which distinguishes them from the more natural-looking ceramic veneers. This makes it impossible to correct only one or two teeth, it will be necessary to install overlays on the entire smile area. Due to the fact that Hollywood veneers are made only abroad, they can be installed in two visits to the dentist with an interval of 3-4 weeks. This is also the main reason for their high cost - from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles per piece.

Which veneer to prefer, contraindications to their installation

To decide what material to make a veneer from, it is worth understanding what it is for at all. If you only need to correct the whiteness of your smile, then Lumineers are inserted. If you decide on veneers and you still need to change their shape, a composite or ceramic overlay is installed. However, please note that there are contraindications to their installation. These include thinned enamel or its serious violations, protrusion, tooth mobility, exacerbated diseases of the teeth and gums. Regardless of which veneers are installed, it is imperative to monitor oral hygiene, as pieces of food can get stuck in the gaps between the veneer and the tooth, which will contribute to the development of caries, plaque formation and inflammation of the gums. If you take care of the oral cavity incorrectly, then staining of the adhesive material is possible. Veneers do not tolerate both sudden changes in temperature and strong blows. You can not chew nuts with your teeth or use it as an opener, otherwise the veneer may break off. In this case, it will need to be reinstalled. And with poor bonding with the tooth, the veneer can peel off, but everything is simpler here - just make an appointment with the doctor so that he re-glues it in place.

What to expect after installing veneers, reviews

If you intend to get a “perfect smile” by any available means, but still doubt whether it is worth making your choice in favor of veneers, the experience of those who have already managed to improve their lives in this way can be useful for you. Here is what people who have already had a similar experience say:

  • it's really The best way correction of teeth, the ability to make a smile "Hollywood";
  • a way out for those who need to remove the “chip” between their teeth;
  • patients, as a rule, do not experience discomfort during their installation, everything is painless;
  • this helps many to solve psychological complexes, because people, due to the imperfection of their teeth, are embarrassed to laugh and smile;
  • due to the fact that today there is a wide selection of veneers, each patient can choose the right one together with the doctor - both according to the situation and affordable.

Like these ones positive reviews received veneers, they helped a lot of people to correct significant flaws in appearance - uneven teeth, malocclusion and many others.

Negative reviews about veneers, their disadvantages

Of course, not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. Installing a veneer or several, of course, is the way out for those who wish to aesthetically improve the appearance of their teeth, especially in the smile line. However, you should not hope that with their help you can solve serious problems with your teeth or gums. Also, when deciding which veneers to do, you need to understand that they are installed for a long time, so you should not save on them. Also remember that not all veneers can be installed immediately - usually a temporary cap is placed on the teeth sharpened under them, which some wear for up to two weeks. You will have to make several visits to the dentist to install them - up to 3-4. But each procedure has minor flaws, and in this case, in order to have beautiful teeth, you still have to put up with them and endure a little.

Conclusions and conclusion

In our article, we looked at what dental veneers are and how they can correct bite and appearance imperfections. Many people praise this method and, in fact, the veneers themselves. Moreover, the choice today is rich - together with the dentist, you can decide what you need. And also choose the procedure at the best price for you. The only thing to remember is that it is best to install veneers in a clinic with a proven reputation and with an experienced doctor, since this manipulation requires certain skills and experience. Other than that, veneers are a great way to give your smile a “Hollywood” look and make your mouth look perfect. Look at the photos in our article - veneers “before” and “after”, you will see how successfully all the defects of the teeth can be corrected with the help of these small overlays.

For the restoration of damaged teeth, veneers are widely used in dentistry, the wearing period of which depends on the material. They are plates - composite, porcelain, replacing damaged surfaces. They are also placed as a protective barrier against contact, for example, with the mouthpiece when playing the trumpet.

To understand what veneers look like, it is necessary to analyze their classification list. There are three key types based on the material used to make them.

  1. Porcelain veneers with a thickness of 0.3 ÷ 0.5 mm are considered reliable due to their strength. They are made in the laboratory using zirconium dioxide, as well as medical porcelain. They completely match in shade with natural teeth for a long time.
  2. Composite plates give way to more modern and durable counterparts. They are quickly installed, but they are not aesthetically pleasing and wear out quickly.
  3. Porcelain lumineers with a thickness of ≥ 0.2 mm, which came from California, do not require preliminary grinding of teeth, are quickly installed and have a long service life.

What are veneers?

Techniques for making veneers

For many, the term remains incomprehensible: veneers for teeth, what is it - a universal remedy for getting rid of problems or a serious medical intervention. These are simple dental structures with an excellent effect of restoring the former beauty of a smile.

There are several ways to make ceramic devices:

  • the classical technique is the application of ceramic powders in layers, which are then fired;
  • press - ceramics or casting of durable micro prostheses under pressure;
  • milling the desired plates from blocks.

Creating a plate from a block of zirconia begins with tooth preparation and taking an impression. Then, using a computer, a veneer model is created, which is automatically machined on a milling machine. It is fixed on the cement composition.

Teeth with veneers

It should be understood, when studying composite dental veneers, that these are micro-prostheses that have passed a fairly long period of use.

They are traditionally made using two technologies:

  • therapeutic method implemented directly in the dental chair. Having removed the enamel layer, the doctor applies thin layers of a special composite material from a series of light-polymer compositions, restoring the tooth surface to its previous healthy state;
  • a technique for making a veneer by a dental technician based on a cast of a pre-turned tooth by a dentist.

Installation Motivation

The question of what veneers are for teeth often arises in an emergency when it is necessary to carry out a gentle restoration of tooth surfaces that have lost their former beauty. There are many such reasons:

  • enamel erosion;
  • noticeable unaesthetic yellowness of the anterior planes;
  • defects with significant damage to dental tissues;
  • darkening after depulpation;
  • significant interdental spaces;
  • ugly shape;
  • chips;
  • fluorescent spots;
  • excessive crowding of the incisors;
  • unsuccessful restoration procedures;
  • incorrect rotation of the tooth;
  • the presence of other color fillings.

Veneers - photos before and after treatment

Single teeth are to be restored, but the result is more effective when the plate is applied to several adjacent surfaces. Increasingly, this technique is resorted to in order to gain a “Hollywood smile”.


Before placing veneers, you need to understand that the restoration of teeth with the use of micro prostheses, like any medical technique, has certain contraindications, which an experienced dentist will certainly inform about:

  • malocclusion;
  • destruction of enamel from the wrong side;
  • pathological, progressive tendency to wear teeth;
  • significant absence (more than six) of chewing teeth;
  • pronounced involuntary grinding of teeth;
  • activities (for example, boxing) that lead to jaw injuries;
  • habits that negatively affect enamel: open bottles, gnaw seeds, crack nuts, bite nails;
  • the presence of a large filling.

Potential buyers of a dazzling smile will certainly be interested in the pros and cons of veneers in order to assess the degree of risk.


Excellent in terms of the effect achieved, the technique for acquiring ideal evenness of teeth has many advantages:

  • manufacturing speed;
  • durability of ceramics;
  • great external aesthetics;
  • proximity to the natural shades of tooth enamel.


When deciding on a trip to the dentist, it is advisable to comprehensively study veneers, the pros and cons of their installation. In addition to the undoubted advantages, a modern erudite person will certainly pay attention to some shortcomings:

  • insufficient strength of composite materials;
  • the inability to completely mask significant defects;
  • high cost of ceramic plates;
  • with each subsequent fixation of the structures, it will be necessary to grind the enamel.

Installation process

The algorithm for working with ceramic veneers involves a number of sequential operations.

  1. The shade of the future plate is being selected.
  2. Depending on the degree of damage to the tooth, before the veneers are placed, the tooth surface is treated.
  3. Using a special plastic mass, an impression is taken, which is sent to the technicians in the laboratory.
  4. A temporary plastic overlay is fixed on the worn teeth.
  5. According to the cast, the master first casts a plaster model, which serves as a prototype for the manufacture of the plate itself.

It clearly demonstrates how veneers are installed on teeth, photos before and after restoration. In the dental office, they are fixed with a special glue, followed by bite control and surface cleaning from excess adhesive.

A more gentle technique without grinding came to dentistry with innovative dental structures - lumineers. Outwardly, they resemble thin petals that are easily attached to the restored surface with dental glue. How this installation of veneers on the teeth looks like, the photo allows you to see in all the details.

Standardized lumineers are selected according to certain parameters from ready-made sets. Individual plates are specially made for a particular patient in the laboratory.

Lumineers for teeth

Recovery period

How much the appearance is transformed, the veneers make a person younger, before and after photos make it possible to fully appreciate this.

To save the installed veneer, you need to follow the recommendations of the doctor. Usually, a follow-up examination is scheduled after half a month, which allows you to determine the degree of reliability of the design and evaluate the reaction of the surrounding tissues and gums to the appearance of the plate.

Patients sometimes note an increase in sensitivity to drinks, both excessively cold and hot. In cases where the processes of destruction of the restored tooth are detected, a decision is made to protect it with a crown.

Choice of option

When deciding which veneers are best to put, you should pay attention to several factors.

Ceramic structures are made longer than composite ones, but their service life is much longer.

If we analyze the financial benefits, then composite veneers will cost less to install. Considering that in about five years they will have to be changed again, the savings are rather doubtful.

Veneers - before and after photos

How strong and excellent ceramic veneers ennoble the teeth, the photo demonstrates clearly and impartially. Such plates practically do not lose their original whiteness, and composite materials tend to change color. But when installing more modern veneers, the teeth are subjected to more grinding.

The decision is made jointly with the doctor, since only a specialist can give an exhaustive consultation.