How small uterine fibroids are diagnosed and treated. Dimensions of uterine fibroids Fibroids 3.4.5 cm what to do

Myoma is a benign tumor, but if it is large, then the complications are very serious. The abdomen increases, as during pregnancy, the shape of the uterus is disturbed, the volume of the cavity is reduced. It is possible to block the cervical canal. Violated physiological processes occurring in the reproductive system. getting worse general state woman's health. When choosing a method of treatment, various factors are taken into account, the most reliable and sparing method is selected. An assessment of the size of the fibroid is important, since there must be good reasons for the operation.


Types of fibroids

The neoplasm originates in the muscle tissue of the uterus, gradually increases in size due to abnormal cell division. Unlike a malignant tumor, fibroids do not spread to other organs, they grow much more slowly. Initially, cells develop abnormally only in muscle tissue, and then the tumor goes beyond it. Depending on the direction in which it grows, the following types of fibroids are distinguished:

  1. Submucosal - it is formed in the depth of the muscle layer (myometrium), grows towards the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, therefore it is called "submucous".
  2. Subserous (subperitoneal) originates in the outer muscle layer, grows towards the serous membrane that separates the uterus from the abdominal cavity. Knots can have a wide base or a thin stem.
  3. Interstitial (intramuscular) - develops in the middle of the muscle layer, without going beyond it.

When assessing the degree of danger of a tumor and choosing a method of treatment, specialists take into account its location. In most cases, myomatous nodes are located in the body of the uterus (corporal view), but sometimes they are also in the cervix (cervical fibroids).

The tumor is single or multiple, in the form of several nodes. For a specialist choosing a method of treatment, the size of uterine fibroids is of great importance.

How dimensions are determined

The growing tumor stretches the uterus, which leads to a gradual increase in the abdomen (similar to its growth during pregnancy). According to which week of pregnancy the size of the abdomen corresponds, the size of the fibroids is estimated.

The exact size of the tumor in centimeters can be determined using ultrasound. In this way, even fibroids smaller than 1 cm are detected. Ultrasound is performed either through the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity or through the vagina. This allows you to identify and measure fibroids of any localization and size.

In difficult cases, when a small tumor is located, for example, between the ligaments, the hysterography method is used (X-ray of the cavity with the introduction of a contrast fluid). To study fibroids and assess its size, hysteroscopy (examination with an endoscope inserted into the uterine cavity through the vagina), diagnostic laparoscopy (an optical device is inserted into the uterine cavity through a puncture on the anterior wall of the peritoneum) and MRI are also used.

All myomatous nodes, depending on their size, are divided into three categories:

Sometimes uterine fibroids reach a size at which the stomach is, as at 37 weeks of gestation.

In addition to size, the rate of tumor growth is also taken into account. A tumor is considered to grow rapidly if its size increases by 2-2.5 cm (or 5-6 weeks) per year. Thus, the growth of small and medium-sized fibroids is assessed. If they are small and grow slowly, then conservative treatment is possible. At sizes greater than 8 cm (or 15 weeks), the nodes are removed.

In addition to the size of the tumor and the rate of development, when prescribing treatment, the severity of the symptoms, the age of the woman, and her intention to have children are taken into account.

The danger of large fibroids

There are uncomplicated and complicated forms of the disease. Possible complications are:

  • necrosis of the myomatous node - an acute painful condition in which there is a torsion of the legs, a violation of the blood supply to the fibroids;
  • the formation of cystic cavities (the threat of purulent inflammatory processes);
  • compression of blood vessels and nearby organs;
  • malignant degeneration (into sarcoma).

Fibroids can reach a diameter of 25 cm. A large tumor located outside, on the front wall of the uterus, compresses the bladder, which leads to difficulty urinating or, conversely, can cause urinary incontinence. In addition, fistulas may appear connecting the uterine cavity and Bladder.

If a large fibroid is located on the back of the uterus, then emptying the intestines is difficult, constipation occurs.

Knot big size can compress the inferior vena cava, making it difficult for blood to move from the lower body to the heart. In this case, the woman has shortness of breath and palpitations even at rest. In the presence of many medium and large nodes (myomatosis), there are constant uterine bleeding that is not associated with menstruation. This leads to anemia.

Video: Complications with large nodes. When and how is surgical removal performed?

When is surgical treatment used?

Surgery for uterine fibroids is mandatory in cases where there is a rapid growth - up to 2 cm (4 weeks) in diameter during the year, and also if the tumor has a stalk and there is a risk of its twisting.

An unconditional indication for surgical removal of fibroids is the appearance of uterine bleeding and severe anemia in a woman. This is possible due to a violation of muscle elasticity during the development of large myomatous nodes in it, deterioration of contractility.

Myoma must be removed surgically if it is the cause of infertility or miscarriage. The operation is also prescribed if a woman has severe pain in the abdomen, rectum, bladder, as they are squeezed, blood circulation is disturbed.

Video: Treatment of fibroids with hysterectomy and uterine artery embolization

What types of operations exist

When choosing a method for the operation, the size of the uterine fibroids and its localization are of primary importance. In each case, the doctor decides on the method of removing the tumor, the possibility of preserving organs and menstrual function.


This is an operation in which only the tumor is removed, the uterus is preserved. Most often, this method is used to treat women under 40 who would like to maintain the ability to give birth to a child.

Removal of the tumor is carried out in this case in various ways.

Laparotomy- this is the removal of fibroids located deep in the muscle tissue or under the outer shell of the uterus by cutting the abdomen above the pubis. The tumor is excised. The risk of infection and complications is minimal. This method is especially effective when there are many nodes, there is an increased likelihood of damage to large vessels. Prevent bleeding during surgery open way much easier. In addition, the removal of fibroids can be done quickly.

Laparoscopy– removal of fibroids through 3 small openings in the abdomen using optical instruments. Carbon dioxide is first introduced into the uterus to create conditions for more free manipulation of instruments and avoid cuts. The image is displayed on the screen, which allows you to control the process.

The advantage of the method is that the wound heals quickly, the operation is less traumatic, and there is no suture left after it. It is carried out under general anesthesia. The disadvantage is that there is still a minimal chance of internal cuts, so the woman is under the supervision of doctors for 3-4 days. Sometimes, if the myomatous node is located on the posterior or lateral outer surface of the uterus, it is removed through a puncture in the posterior wall of the vagina.

Addition: If necessary, this method can remove large myoma nodes in pregnant women. In this case, the fetus is not injured, the pregnancy proceeds normally.

Hysteroscopic myomectomy. A method that is used to remove fibroids in the cavity itself. It is carried out using an optical instrument (resectoscope) through the vagina. The method is not used if a woman has inflammatory diseases genital or cervical defects.


Removal of the uterus completely or with preservation of the cervix. Such an operation is performed in the most severe cases, when there are many large nodes, the fibroids occupy the entire cavity, there is severe bleeding. At the same time, the level of hemoglobin is critically low, the probability of tumor degeneration into sarcoma is high. Most often, such operations are performed on women after 45 years.

Removal of the uterus is performed in several ways: through an incision in the lower abdomen, through punctures in the abdominal wall (laparoscopic method), through the vagina. After the operation, a woman cannot have a period. But if the ovaries are not removed, then the rest of the symptoms of menopause may be absent. The possibility of sexual activity after the operation is preserved.

Video: Methods for removing fibroids while preserving the uterus

Minimally invasive methods for treating fibroids

When treating fibroids with these methods, no incisions or punctures are required.

Embolization of the uterine arteries. The method consists in the fact that through the inguinal artery with the help of a catheter, "plugs" made of plastic or gelatin are brought to the vessels of the fibroids, which block the flow of blood. Due to lack of nutrition, the tumor gradually decreases. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

FUS ablation(focused ultrasound). Removal of fibroid nodes is carried out using a directed ultrasonic flow, which causes heating and evaporation of the nodes located in the muscle. The process is controlled using a magnetic resonance tomograph. In this case, anesthesia is not required, the functions of the uterus are fully preserved. The method is effective even in the presence of large nodes.

Video: Evaporation of fibroids by FUS ablation

The possibility of pregnancy with myoma

Large fibroids (greater than 15 weeks) are the cause of infertility if they block the tubes or cervix, creating obstacles to the movement of sperm. In the presence of nodes no larger than 3 cm in diameter (that is, less than 8 weeks), pregnancy is possible. If the nodes do not increase, then their existence does not affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. Complications arise when the tumor grows in the uterine cavity, fills it, making it difficult for the fetus to develop. Often this ends in a miscarriage.

Sometimes, if the fetus is already large enough and begins to lack nutrition due to the pressure of the fibroids on the vessels, a caesarean section is performed and the subsequent removal of the uterus. C-section you have to do it even if the fibroid occurs in the neck or overlaps it.

This question is often asked to a gynecologist by a patient diagnosed with uterine myoma, a tumor that is an accumulation of bundles of muscle and connective tissue growing inside or outside the organ. The reasons for its occurrence are not fully understood, but there is no doubt that the growth of this benign tumor pushes the hormone estrogen. Hormonal imbalance, disorders in the system of cellular immunity, as well as hereditary predisposition are also important.

Since myoma occurs in the thickness of the muscular wall of the uterus, at the beginning of its development it is always intermuscular. Later, if the growth of the myomatous node occurs outward towards the serous membrane of the uterus, the node turns into a subperitoneal one on a wide base or on a narrow stalk. With the subperitoneal (subserous) variant, the fibroid node can sometimes be located far from the uterus, in its ligaments (intraligamentary). In rare cases, such fibroids can separate from the uterus and be free in the abdominal cavity. If the growth of the fibroid node occurs in the direction of the uterine cavity, the node turns into a submucosal (submucosal). The myomatous node can be solitary with sizes ranging from a few millimeters to 8-10 cm, rarely more.

Multiple uterine fibroids consist of two or more myomatous nodes, the relative position of which can give the uterus an irregular shape. Numerous symptoms of uterine fibroids, depending on the location, size, state of blood circulation in the node, can be reduced to 3 groups: menstrual dysfunction, pain, reproductive dysfunction.

In what cases it is possible to observe myoma and not to operate?

There is no universal answer. When resolving this issue, we take into account the desire of the woman herself, the presence and severity of complaints, the woman's age and reproductive plans (the desire to have children in the future), a decrease in the quality of life, the size, location of myomatous nodes, etc. The decision is made jointly with the woman on the basis of a thorough discussion and consideration of possible alternatives. You can resort to conservative methods of treatment. True, today they are not effective enough. Hormonal drugs new generation allow you to stop the growth of fibroids, if the tumor consists mainly of muscle fibers and when there are receptors in the muscle layer of the uterus that allow you to "catch" these hormones and give a response. Some people will benefit from this therapy, some won't. Treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs somewhat reduces pain and bleeding.

With the onset of menopause, fibroids usually shrink. And if a woman with this disease, who is approaching menopause, comes to the specialists of the Department of Gynecology and Oncogynecology of EMC, we usually suggest not to rush into the operation. She should be monitored and checked every six months to make sure that the fibroids are not growing rapidly.

Uterine fibroids: indications for surgery

Absolute indications for surgical treatment of uterine fibroids, regardless of the age of the patient, are:

    the size of the fibroids, exceeding the size of the uterus during pregnancy 12-14 weeks;

    rapid growth of uterine fibroids (per year by an amount corresponding to 4-5 weeks of gestation);

    uterine bleeding with a decrease in hemoglobin due to profuse blood loss;

    pronounced pain syndrome;

    secondary changes in the node (necrosis, infection);

    the presence of submucosal or subserous nodes of any size on long legs, with a high probability of twisting;

    cervical, interligamentous, "born" node;

    infertility, miscarriage, incl. as preparation for the IVF program;

    pronounced violations of the functions of neighboring organs (frequent urination, prolonged constipation). Due to pressure on the back wall of the bladder, reflux occurs (reflux of urine into the ureter), the risk of inflammatory diseases (for example, exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis), expansion of the ureters and renal pelvis, up to secondary hydronephrosis, increases.

Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids

The choice of volume and access of surgical intervention depends on the size and localization of the myomatous node, the age of the patient, her desire to preserve the reproductive and menstrual functions. In any case, in the treatment of young women, we are guided by the principle: "Remove myoma - save the uterus!". However, we must not forget that myomectomy, being a conservative, organ-preserving, reconstructive plastic surgery, has a certain percentage of fibroid recurrence, which in some cases requires a second operation.

The EMC Clinic of Gynecology and Oncogynecology performs laparoscopic myomectomy, which has practically no restrictions on the size of uterine fibroids, hysteroresectoscopic removal of submucosal uterine myomas, combined laparoscopic-hysteroscopic myomectomy. The issue of hormonal preoperative preparation of patients is decided individually. With multiple myomatous nodes, the wall of the uterus is incised above the surface of each of them, the nodes are fixed with special tools and removed. The vessels in the node bed are coagulated (turn into clots), after which a complete layer-by-layer reconstruction of the uterine wall is performed by suturing using modern absorbable suture material. Adequate layer-by-layer restoration of the integrity of the uterine wall is the key to the success of laparoscopic myomectomy. Patients who have undergone myomectomy will be able to start preparing for pregnancy 6-12 months after the operation (the issue is decided individually). Most of these interventions can be performed laparoscopically, with the exception of very large nodes that occupy the entire abdominal cavity.

In some cases, the method of choice may be embolization (blockage) of the vessel supplying myoma, as a result of which the growth of the node stops, and it “shrinks”. It is also possible to target the node with focused high-energy ultrasound. Women in pre- and postmenopause are shown uterine artery embolization, extirpation (complete removal) of the uterus with or without appendages. If the fibroid does not grow and does not cause discomfort, in this case, treatment is not recommended.

Uterine fibroids are detected in every fifth woman. It is a benign muscle neoplasm that grows in size and can affect women's health, as well as the ability to have children. Usually, fibroids require only regular visits to the gynecologist in order to monitor the development of the tumor and take prescribed medications. Sometimes surgery is required. One of the indications for removal of uterine fibroids is the size of the neoplasm.


The size of the tumor is determined using ultrasound in centimeters or weeks. The growth of education provokes an increase in the uterus as during pregnancy. If its size corresponds to a certain gestational age, for example, 10 weeks, then they say that the woman has 10 weeks of fibroids. Myoma in size is:

Small- up to 2cm (20mm). Corresponds to the period of 4-5 weeks of pregnancy;

Medium- from 2cm (20mm) to 6cm (60mm), which is compared to the interval from 4-5 weeks to 10-11 weeks;

Big- more than 6cm (60mm) or 12 or more weeks.

Often the tumor does not affect the well-being and may not make itself felt even at large sizes. However, some patients report prolonged and heavy menstruation from severe pain which cannot be controlled by analgesics. Large neoplasms are characterized by an increase in the abdomen while maintaining the total body weight. Small fibroids may show up if they grow on stalks that can twist.

If the fibroid is so large that the size of the uterus corresponds to a period of 20 or more weeks, then the tumor may affect the functioning of neighboring organs. There is a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen. This tumor puts pressure on the organs, disrupts their work. From pressure on the bladder, as during the bearing of a child, there are frequent urges to urinate.

Indications for surgery

Uterine fibroids require removal in the following cases:

  • There is a risk of its transformation into a malignant tumor - sarcoma;
  • Pregnancy is planned;
  • Severe pain syndrome;
  • A syndrome of compression of adjacent organs has developed;
  • The presence of anemia in pathological bleeding;
  • The tumor has a stalk;
  • The process of urination is disturbed.

A fibroid nodule larger than 6 cm (corresponding to a period of 12 weeks) requires surgical intervention.

Fibroids stop growing at menopause. In this case, an observational strategy is acceptable. Even if it is large, it is not necessary to remove it if it does not interfere. An alternative is a drastic measure - removal of the uterus, since the reproductive period is already over.

Why is myoma dangerous?

If you refuse to remove the fibroids, then the following consequences are possible:

  • With the onset of the inflammatory process, there is a high probability of inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), parametritis, and peritonitis;
  • Transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant one;
  • Continued growth of fibroids and strong squeezing of organs;
  • Anemia;
  • Infertility.

If uterine fibroids are detected, it is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist, undergo regular examinations and take prescribed medications. All problems associated with fibroids can be successfully and timely eliminated by modern methods of treatment, including the use of organ-preserving technologies.

Video: 3-D modeling of operations for uterine myoma. Variants of organ-preserving operations are shown, in which only nodes are removed, as well as options for operations to remove the uterus.

Uterine fibroids is a benign formation that occurs in the muscular tissue of the uterus due to hormonal pathologies.

Patients aged 35-50 suffer the most from it, although such a deviation can occur much earlier.

This can seriously complicate the lives of young women who dream of a child and those who are already carrying one. For doing, where its size and number of neoplasms are determined, after that it begins.

What it is?

It is important to note that myoma is a benign neoplasm that is quite treatable.. But it is very dangerous for the health and even the life of a woman, if there are a lot of them. On ultrasound, sizes are determined, which, due to the similarity of the growth process of the uterus with the same during pregnancy, are usually compared with.

On this basis, fibroids are divided into 3 categories:

  • - it is no more than 20 mm in size and corresponds to 4 obstetric weeks.
  • Neoplasm of medium size - 20-60 mm or 10-11 weeks.
  • Large fibroids - over 60 mm or 12-16 weeks.
  1. Abundant and prolonged periods with pain, which can not be removed by painkillers. Often, due to significant blood loss, they are accompanied by anemia.
  2. Possible uterine bleeding in the middle menstrual cycle.
  3. Due to the increase in the cervix is ​​noticeable.
  4. If the neoplasm has a leg and it is twisted, then the pain in the abdomen becomes unbearable. Due to circulatory disorders in the tissues of the tumor and uterus, this is fraught with peritonitis.
  5. Large nodes compress neighboring organs, this causes violations of defecation and urination. Pain in the lower back, heart, headaches, hot flashes, dizziness and weakness are also connected, and as a result of compression of the nerve roots in the rectum, the legs become numb.
  6. With large sizes of subserous fibroids, ultrasound shows adhesions of uterine tissues with adjacent organs.
  7. Pain during intercourse.
  8. Watery-mucous leucorrhoea of ​​dark color with an unpleasant smell.


The main culprit in the appearance and development of uterine fibroids is hormonal disbalance estrogen metabolism. Splitting by liver enzymes, these female hormones can be transformed into high-quality, low-quality or even dangerous substances. Poor-quality estrogen metabolites contribute to the appearance of benign tumors. Dangerous, deforming cellular DNA, can cause them.

If the mass of such pathological changes becomes critical, then several myoma nodes appear. Dysfunction plays a significant role in their appearance. immune system(especially if there are chronic infectious foci) and hereditary predisposition.

Other risk factors:

  • Prolonged stress, hard physical labor.
  • Lack of regular sexual intercourse.
  • Abortions, childbirth, complicated by trauma.
  • Obesity, arterial hypertension, diabetes.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Absence of childbirth by the age of 30.
  • Prolonged sunbathing.

Is treatment possible without surgery?

How to treat and cure large uterine fibroids without surgery should be known to those who are faced with this problem. In many cases, fibroids are treated without surgery.

This applies, first of all, to short terms, single tumors or a small number of them. And the choice of the method of treatment of large benign neoplasms is associated with the patient's well-being, her age, the place of relief of nodes and the presence of complications from other organs that aggravate the course of the disease.

The widespread introduction of new treatment methods, which will be described below, will significantly reduce the proportion in favor of conservative methods. But so far, surgical gynecology of uterine fibroids is leading among other diseases.

Due to the diagnosis of myomatous nodes, almost 80% of gynecological operations are performed, in which in most cases. And this is the trouble of a third of women after 55 years.

Popular Treatments

Is there a cure for uterine fibroids? The answer is yes, they are treated conservatively and surgically. Conservative treatment is carried out for fibroids up to 10-11 weeks. This, and physiotherapy. A set of measures stops tumor growth, such treatment is especially effective in reproductive age, in periods of menopause and postmenopause.

Conservative treatment lasts up to six months in combination with the prevention of endometrial hyperplasia. With menopause, hormonal drugs are prescribed for years.

With the ineffectiveness of conservative methods, uterine fibroids are removed, and in severe cases, together with the organ.

Surgery is indicated in such cases.:

  1. The size of the neoplasm is at least 12 weeks.
  2. She is developing rapidly.
  3. Planning for pregnancy.
  4. At the risk of developing a benign form into a malignant one.
  5. Severe pain, in which painkillers are powerless.
  6. Compression of the rectum, bladder and nerve roots.
  7. Severe bleeding with the development of anemia.
  8. Risk of peritonitis due to torsion of the tumor stem.
  9. Violation of urination with stagnation of urine.
  10. General intoxication and bloating.
  11. Infertility or not carrying a pregnancy.

Conservative treatment of fibroids includes a number of methods, more on that.

Embolization of the uterine arteries

- blockage of the blood vessels that feed the organ, preventing its blood supply. To understand the principle of uterine artery embolization (UAE), it is necessary to understand the uterine blood supply. It is fed by 4 arteries: the left and right uterine, and the same ovarian. The main load lies on the uterine arteries.

If you block them, then the power of the body will be disturbed. First of all, this will affect myomas, the protective properties of which, due to their pathological nature, are not perfect. But well-adapted healthy tissues will survive even in such extreme conditions. The ovarian arteries and other small blood vessels will help them in this.

A special bonus of UAE is the extremely rare recurrence of the disease, and all myomatous nodes are exposed to it. Reception medicines not needed here. The mini-operation is carried out with local anesthesia . First, a puncture is taken from the right femoral artery, and then, under the control of an X-ray machine, micro-balloons are alternately introduced into the veins, blocking uterine arteries. The procedure lasts a maximum of 40 minutes, the patient does not feel pain.

Usually, after 3 months, fibroids are halved, and in a year - by 2/3. The cessation of pain and bleeding during menstruation with the normalization of their duration in most patients is observed already a couple of months after UAE.

FUS ablation

is a method of treatment without surgery, which is reduced to the removal of fibroids by focused ultrasound under MRI control. And tomography helps to reveal the degree of its decay.

Advantages of this technique:

  • Bloodlessness, absence side effects, pain, intoxication.
  • There is no need for anesthesia.
  • Guaranteed preservation of the organ and its functionality.
  • Efficiency with large nodes, their rapid reduction by a factor of three.
  • Elimination of the symptoms of the disease, the absence of relapses.
  • Possibility of outpatient treatment, fast rehabilitation after the procedure.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • Significant cost of equipment and high cost of the procedure.
  • One-time exposure is possible for a maximum of 2 knots.
  • Limited use in obesity and cicatricial tissue changes.
  • The duration of the treatment session and the patient's uncomfortable posture during it.

hormone therapy

Hormonal treatment helps to restore reproduction, while the following drug groups are used:

  1. Androgens(Gestrinon, Danazol) - their purpose is to reduce the effects of estrogens that promote the growth of neoplasms. Treatment lasts 7-8 months.
  2. Gestagens(Utrozhestan, Norkolut) - used for small fibroids to normalize the endometrium.
  3. Installation of hormonal which normalizes hormonal balance. This is achieved through a daily portion of the hormone, which is able to delay the growth of the tumor. It works for 5 years and still has a contraceptive effect.
  4. Combined drugs(, Regulon, Yarina) - they are effective for small tumors and are prescribed for a period of more than 3 months.

Folk remedies

List all effective not possible, this is only a small part of them:

  1. Broccoli seed sprouts. The indole-3-carbinol contained in them destroys tumor cells without affecting healthy ones. Sprouts grown from seeds to a height of 4 cm in a box of sand are ground with the addition of vodka. For a week, you need a glass of the drug, which is drunk in a spoon three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is up to 12 weeks.
  2. Tincture of the fruits of Vitex-Sacred. Soak half a glass of ground raw materials in 0.5 liters of alcohol diluted by half in the dark for 3 weeks, shaking daily. Add 10 parts of vodka to the filtered product, shake well. It is dissolved in the mouth for a couple of minutes, 25 drops per spoon of water twice a day - after waking up and before going to bed. The treatment course is at least 2 months.
  3. Golden mustache tincture. Keep about 30 joints in half a liter of vodka for 2 weeks in the dark. In the morning, on an empty stomach, dissolve with 2 tablespoons of water, starting with a dozen drops, also in the evening 40 minutes before dinner. Every day, increase the dose by a drop at a time, bringing it to 35. Then, drop by drop, to the original amount. After the third course, introduce an additional one more dose. There are 5 of them in total, but after the first two, take a week break, and then a ten-day break.

For medicinal purposes, alcohol tincture of partitions is also used. walnut- three times 20 drops for 2 months, water tincture of burdock root - half a glass 4 times a day for several months with 10-day breaks, a decoction of flaxseed - half a glass three times a day for at least a month. Infusions on other medicinal herbs are also used.


Treatment with medical leeches can normalize blood circulation in the pelvis, eliminate congestion. The salivary enzymes of the worms have an antitumor effect and can even out hormonal imbalances.

The duration of the procedure is half an hour, 10 sessions are practiced with a 2-3-month break. Small bite wounds heal in a couple of weeks.


This method of treatment helps to normalize the hormonal background, the menstrual cycle and functions. nervous system, interferes with the nutrition of the tumor.

Such types are effective:

  • Radon and iodine-bromine baths. They act through the skin and nerve receptors, increasing immunity, reducing estrogen production, improving metabolism, helping to relieve inflammation and normalizing ovarian function.
  • electrophoresis practice with fibroids less than 12 weeks and their slow growth from 5-7 days of the menstrual cycle. At 15-20 procedures (except for the days of menstruation), potassium or sodium iodide is used.
  • Magnetotherapy- with the help of a special apparatus placed on the abdomen where the tumors are localized. The procedure lasts 10 or more minutes, and the course consists of a dozen sessions.

Read also about uterine fibroids.


This is an insertion into the vagina medicines using a rubber pear or Esmarch's mug.

Multiple Recipes:

  1. Soda: 2 tablespoons per 2 liters of warm water - daily for up to six months.
  2. : infused decoction of 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves in a liter of boiling water (cook for a quarter of an hour).
  3. Pharmacy chamomile or calendula: 3-hour infusion of a spoonful of dry raw materials in a glass of boiling water.
  4. Celandine: simmer a chopped spoonful of leaves for a quarter of an hour in a glass of boiling water, use daily for up to six months. Soak the dried celandine root in a glass of boiling water with the addition of a spoonful of honey for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
  5. Golden mustache tincture: before going to bed every day, ten drops per liter of warm water for 3 weeks with a week break.

Method contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • after an abortion or any gynecological surgery.

Uterine fibroids is a benign neoplasm that is localized in the muscle layer of the organ and consists of muscle fibers. This tumor is quite common, every 4th woman is diagnosed with it.

Cervical fibroids are fibroids in the cervix, and as they grow, they move into the vagina. Such a neoplasm is rare.

Many of our readers TREATMENT OF uterine fibroids actively use a new method based on natural ingredients, which was discovered by Natalya Shukshina. It contains only natural ingredients, herbs and extracts - no hormones or chemicals. To get rid of uterine fibroids, you need every morning on an empty stomach ...

Fibroma is benign tumor, which is formed from smooth muscle tissue and has a pronounced connecting component.

All these neoplasms have recently appeared in young women, now they are increasingly being diagnosed in patients from 20 to 40 years old. Of all gynecological diseases, the diagnosis of fibroids is 30%.

Fibromyoma and other types of nodes are hormone-dependent, since the main reason for their appearance and active growth is hormonal imbalance. Also, any gynecological interventions are considered an important aspect of the appearance of tumors at a young age.

For the treatment of uterine fibroids, Natalya Shukshina recommends a new method based on NATURAL components - Father George's Monastery collection. It contains 8 useful medicinal plants that are extremely effective in the treatment of uterine fibroids. In this case, only natural ingredients are used, no chemicals and hormones!

For example, these are abortion, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, biopsy, coagulation of the cervix. And also of great importance in the development of such neoplasms are sexually transmitted infections.

Many young people begin to live sexually quite early and without barrier protection. This often becomes a prerequisite for the development of fibroids.

How big can these formations be?

The size of the fibroid is one of the main parameters due to which effective treatment. They can be calculated in millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), as well as weeks of pregnancy.

The size of the fibroid is its diameter (cm, mm). But also one of the criteria is the size of the uterus, which is calculated in weeks of pregnancy. That is, the size of the body at the same time correspond to its size at different stages of pregnancy.

According to these criteria, the doctor can determine the approximate size of the formation already during a gynecological examination. This is due to the fact that with the growth of the node, the uterus also increases in size. Despite the fact that there are many modern diagnostic methods, doctors still use this method today.

We can say that the tumor enlarges the uterine cavity, just like the embryo growing in it. The gestational age fully corresponds to the size of the organ in centimeters, that is, the height of its bottom.

How big is the uterus? At 8-9 weeks, the uterus reaches 8-9 cm, 10-13 weeks - 10-11 cm, 14-15 - 12-13 cm, 16-17 - 14-19 cm, etc.

The diameter can only be determined using ultrasound, although this method also does not give exact numbers.

More accurate results are determined by MRI and CT.

Such modern methods can diagnose myomatous nodes, the diameter of which is only 5 mm.

Depending on the size, these types of fibroids are divided:

  • small;
  • average;
  • big.

Small tumor

A small fibromyoma is a tumor that is treated conservatively. In this case, the uterus can correspond to the size up to 6 weeks of pregnancy, but no more. Small fibroids have such sizes - from 15 mm to 25 mm.

The operation is performed only if the fibromyoma is of the submucosal type, if there is a twisting of the leg in the myoma of the subserous type, or if there is a high probability of this.

Also, small nodes can be removed in the case when the patient was diagnosed with infertility or anemia developed due to heavy bleeding.

Small formations of the interstitial type do not appear in any way.

Such a myoma or fibromyoma often decreases significantly or disappears altogether with the onset of menopause.

But there may be situations when an operation during this period is necessary.

Feedback from our reader Svetlana Afanasyeva

I recently read an article that tells about Father George's Monastic collection for the treatment and prevention of fibroids. With the help of this collection, you can FOREVER get rid of fibroids and female problems at home.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a bag. I noticed the changes literally in a week: the constant pains in the lower abdomen that tormented me before receded, and after 3 weeks they disappeared completely. The uterine bleeding has stopped. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

Medium myoma and fibromyoma

The average myomatous node is diagnosed if the uterus is enlarged up to 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. The diameter of such fibroids can reach from 40 mm to 60 mm.

At the same time, a conservative method is indicated only if there are no symptoms of the disease, and also if there are no signs of active growth. In other cases, an operation is performed.

With formations of medium size, which are localized on the outer side of the uterine wall, the functioning of nearby organs may already be disrupted. Such nodes can provoke infertility, and spontaneous abortions often occur. This happens especially often if there is damage to the cervix.

big knots

If there is a large knot, then the uterus already reaches a size comparable to 12-15 weeks of pregnancy, while the diameter of the myoma or fibromyoma can be 60 mm or more. At this stage of development, the myomatous node is removed during a surgical operation. In this case, the location and type of tumor are unimportant.

Treatment of a large node may involve the use of a complex drug treatment and then the operation is scheduled. Medicines are needed in order to stop the rapid growth of the tumor.

When performing an operation to remove a large node, there is a risk of bleeding, and as a result, the doctor will be forced to remove the entire organ.

Since the removal operation is a rather large stress for the reproductive organs, after it, drugs are prescribed to normalize the condition and structure of the uterus, as well as to prevent relapse.

To do this, you need to normalize the hormonal background.

How fast can a tumor grow?

In diagnosis and treatment, it is very important how fast the node grows. Rapid growth is noted if the uterus has increased by 5 weeks of pregnancy or more in a year. Such a rapid increase in the tumor entails hyperplastic processes in the endometrium and anemia.

Uterine fibroids can grow to very large sizes. Sometimes it reaches 3-5 kg, and the diameter can be up to 40 cm. That is, it can grow to the size of a full-term pregnancy.

The reason for the rapid growth of myomatous nodes is a hormonal failure in the body. But it should also be noted that fibroids and fibroids are growing rapidly if the following factors take place:

If a woman does not undergo proper treatment, then the node may begin to die, which is very dangerous, since all the symptoms of an “acute abdomen” appear, and the woman needs to be hospitalized and operated on immediately.

Does it affect childbearing?

Pregnancy with small and medium fibroids usually proceeds normally. But when the fibroid is large, from 60 mm, then the woman cannot bear the fetus. And also often even the process of fertilization does not occur, since the node blocks the fallopian tube.

If a pregnant woman was diagnosed with a large node, then during childbirth such serious consequences as bleeding, violations of labor and the danger of infectious and inflammatory processes can occur.

Particularly dangerous are the myomas of the cervix, which grow in the vagina. Such formations can cause a woman's infertility, and in most cases, miscarriages occur. If pregnancy occurs with cervical myoma, then the patient most of the time is under the supervision of doctors in the hospital to prevent miscarriage.

Pregnancy with cervical myoma may be accompanied by complications such as intrauterine fetal death and uterine bleeding.

If the formation on the cervix rapidly increases and poses a threat to the life of a pregnant woman, then the pregnancy is terminated.

According to statistics, during pregnancy in 50% of women the myomatous node does not grow, in 10-20% it decreases, and in 20-30% the tumor begins to grow actively.

Indications for surgery

Doctors prescribe the operation to the patient in such cases:

Women who have gone through menopause also often undergo surgery. If the patient has pain, sometimes at this age a woman is recommended to remove the entire organ.

Are you still sure that it is impossible to GET RID OF uterine fibroids forever WITHOUT OPERATION?

Have you ever tried to get rid of uterine fibroids? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • constant pain in the side, heaviness in the abdomen ...
  • profuse menstrual flow, uterine bleeding...
  • anemia...
  • loss of energy, depression, apathy...
  • weight change...
  • constipation and urinary problems...

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can UTERINE MYOMA be tolerated? And how much money and time have you already "leaked" for ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later it will grow to a size when only an OPERATION can help! Why take yourself to the extreme! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive technique from Elena Malysheva, in which she revealed the secret of getting rid of uterine fibroids.