Signs of moderately severe diffuse fibrous mastopathy. How to identify and how to treat diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands? Prevention and possible complications

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland, which manifests itself in the form of proliferation of connective, glandular and adipose tissue. Along with this, specific seals called cysts form in the chest.

In medical practice, there are several types this disease. One of them is diffuse fibrous mastopathy. It is a pathological process, manifested by the growth of breast tissue with a predominance of the fibrous component.

Such pathological processes pose a serious threat to the health and life of the patient. Therefore, do not delay going to the doctor, but start treatment in a timely manner. Otherwise, tissue growth can lead to the formation of cancer cells in the breast.

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The exact one can be established only after a thorough examination of the patient. But most experts agree that the impetus for the development of pathological processes is a violation of the hormonal background.

Our body throughout life produces certain hormones that contribute to the proper functioning of certain elements. Thanks to this, the natural process of human life is supported.

As a result of the impact of certain negative factors, the coordinated work of our body is disrupted. The same is true of the mammary glands. They produce hormones that contribute to the proper functioning of the mammary glands.

Thus, a violation of the hormonal background provokes the occurrence of pathological processes. But what can serve as an impetus for changing the work of a woman's hormonal system? The main reasons for such violations can be:

  • menopause;
  • frequent abortions;
  • late pregnancy;
  • miscarriages;
  • irregular sex life;
  • past diseases of the reproductive system;
  • frequent stress;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • bad habits.

In addition, hereditary factors can serve as a cause for development. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the mammary glands, systematically conducting an examination in a hospital.

Regular visits to the doctor prevent the development of serious forms of the disease, and also help to quickly eliminate existing problems. During the consultation, especially with a genetic predisposition, the specialist may advise some methods for the prevention of mastopathy.

Good to know: discomfort in the chest, regardless of menstrual cycle, puffiness, as well as the formation of specific seals should be a signal for immediate contact with a specialist. Otherwise, the development of mastopathy can provoke the appearance of cancer cells, which will not only aggravate the situation during treatment, but can also lead to death.

Most often, problems with the mammary glands occur in women after 40 years. This is due to natural changes in the body. But don't overlook the other factors mentioned above.

Clinical picture

As mentioned earlier, diffuse fibrous mastopathy is an overgrowth connective tissue with a predominance of the fibrous element. In the first stages of her development, a woman has a feeling of heaviness in her chest and a mild pain syndrome, especially when touched.

Subsequently, the female breast increases, swelling of the tissues appears, which causes great discomfort. Initially, such sensations appear depending on the menstrual cycle. But in the future, the signs of the disease only intensify.

The pain becomes quite strong, small seals appear in the chest, which, when touched, are also accompanied by pain, and specific discharge from the nipples appears. If in the first stages of the development of the disease a woman does not pay due attention to the signs of the disease, attributing everything to the phases of the menstrual cycle, then over time such symptoms force her to consult a doctor for help.

The main feature of glandular-fibrous mastopathy is the formation of seals, which have a lobed structure, located inside the glandular ducts. Moreover, benign formations can appear both in one breast, and in both at once.

Diagnosis and treatment

For determining effective means to eliminate all the symptoms of mastopathy, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient. For this, methods such as:

  1. Palpation of the mammary glands helps to establish the presence of seals, determine the soreness of the formations, and also make a preliminary diagnosis.
  2. Ultrasound is performed to more thoroughly determine the changes that have occurred in the structure of the mammary glands.
  3. Laboratory studies of urine and blood are carried out to establish the general performance of the body. In addition, it is possible, according to the results of the analysis, to determine the presence of other problems that could cause the development of mastopathy.
  4. A tissue biopsy allows you to determine the presence of cancer cells in the formed seals in the breast.
  5. Mammography is a procedure for examining the structure of the breast from different angles. Thanks to this, it is possible to accurately determine the size, shape and number of seals that have appeared.

It's important to know: Mammograms should not be performed on women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Therefore, report such facts to your doctor at the first examination.

Such procedures make it possible to establish the type of mastopathy, the degree of its development, the presence of seals, as well as other important indicators in the body. After completing the diagnostic process, the doctor determines the methods of treating the patient.

Most often, conservative methods are used for this. They consist in the use of general and local therapy. Depending on the results obtained and associated complications, the need for the use of potent drugs based on hormones is established.

Hormonal remedies, of course, help to quickly eliminate inflammation, reduce swelling and save a woman from other unpleasant sensations, but there is still a huge risk of side effects. Therefore, with milder degrees of damage to the mammary gland, experts tend to use non-hormonal drugs based on herbal ingredients.

General therapy consists in taking pills or other means for the general strengthening of the woman's body. In addition, the doctor may prescribe certain drugs to eliminate the main cause of mastopathy.

After all, getting rid of pain and swelling does not mean the elimination of the disease itself. It is also very important to adhere to a strict diet during the treatment process. In such cases, proper nutrition contributes to the restoration of metabolic processes, work immune system, as well as the functioning of other vital organs.

Along with the means of official therapy, many patients also use drugs. The main advantage of such drugs is the natural composition. Medicinal plants that have healing properties, also quickly eliminate inflammatory processes, relieve severe pain and reduce tightness in the chest.

But it is important to know that before using any folk remedies, you should consult your doctor. Thus, it is possible not only to prevent serious complications, but also to speed up the healing process.

See the following video for an explanation of a mammologist about fibrous mastopathy:

The disease is a pathology of the mammary glands caused by dyshormonal processes.As a result, normal cells (mammary alveolocytes) are replaced by connective tissue, which is fraught with adverse consequences for a woman.

Differences from other types of mastopathy

Diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component is characterized by the highest prevalence among women of the age category of 35 years and older. Fibroadenomatosis is a benign pathology, but under the influence of a variety of factors, it can degenerate into a malignant form.

Subsequently, the formation of metastases (distant foci arising from the introduction of cells from the primary tumor form) and their spread to various organs is not excluded. For this reason, this type of mastopathy must be treated.

Important! Oncological danger is represented by those forms of diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component, in which there are signs of atypia. This can only be established with certainty by histological examination. To obtain material for it, a breast biopsy is performed at the site of the greatest objective changes.

The foci formed in the tissue are scattered throughout the mammary gland and do not have a clearly defined outline. Diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component demonstrates the dynamism of signs throughout the menstrual cycle. This can lead to some diagnostic errors, and give the woman the false impression that "everything is fine."

In the second phase (luteal), progesterone begins to be actively produced in order to prepare the mammary glands for breastfeeding. As a result, the glandular tissue swells and increases in volume, and when a new menstrual cycle begins, estrogens, which take over, return the mammary glands to their previous state. Over time, due to hormonal failure in the tissue, connective tissue gradually grows, forming strands and nodes that interfere with the functioning of the glands. There comes a moment when the cells stop returning to their previous volumes, a persistent diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component . In this situation, the glands already become unable to perform their normal functions.

Clinical symptoms

1) The occurrence of periodic discomfort, and then constant pain of a stabbing or aching nature in the mammary glands throughout the entire menstruation and in the second half of the cycle. With the progression of the disease, the pain syndrome begins to be determined (radiate) in other parts of the body (scapula, shoulder or axillary region).
This is due to the fact that diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component leads to a gradual increase in the growth of connective tissue between the lobules of the gland, which leads to their compression.

For each woman, the threshold of pain sensitivity is determined individually, and it depends on the level of endorphins (pleasure hormones) in the nervous tissue. Edema elements in the mammary glands compress the nerve endings, which determines the severity of pain in a woman. Gradually, they become not only permanent, but are also accompanied by an increase in pathological sensitivity (hyperesthesia), when it becomes impossible to touch the patient's glands during the examination.

2) Feeling of pouring in the mammary glands, their increase in volume, the appearance of a feeling of heaviness, which is associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle. In the luteal phase, the release of progesterone increases, which has a direct effect on fibrous tissue, which causes an increase in the volume of the mammary glands. And against the background of mastopathy, this process is greatly enhanced.

3) There is a discharge from the nipples of a liquid resembling colostrum. This is due to a hormonal imbalance, when a woman's prolactin level rises above normal. This hormone is normally responsible for preparing the female breast for breastfeeding and milk production. As a result, due to its hyperproduction, when pressing on the peripapillary zone (areola), a liquid appears, which most often has a yellowish tint. If the level of this hormone is much higher than normal, then the discharge is white (colostrum). In the advanced stage of the disease, this secret acquires a brown tint.

4) Often in a woman, diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of a fibrous component is manifested by engorgement of the mammary glands. This is due to increased edema, which compresses the vessels with which the tissue is richly supplied. As a result, the outflow of blood through the veins is hindered, which is expressed by the corresponding symptoms. Because of this, women notice a pronounced venous pattern on the skin of the mammary glands.

5) During self-examination, the patient notes the presence in mammary glands ah seals, which usually disappear after menstruation (in initial stage) or are already observed constantly (with a long-term existence of the disease). Not infrequently, the shape and symmetry change due to the formation of seals scattered throughout the gland and not having clear boundaries.

6) A woman notes a strong severity of premenstrual syndrome, which was not previously observed, which is characteristic of mastopathy. The main complaints are:

strong headache, not rarely migraine-like;

Nausea and possible single vomiting at the peak of the headache;

The appearance of swelling of the face and limbs;


· irritability;

Tearfulness or aggressiveness.

Treatment of diffuse mastopathy with gestagens >>>

7) Change in skin tone on the chest (especially in the nipple area), which is associated with impaired blood supply to the tissue due to swelling that compresses the blood vessels. As a result, the surface of the mammary glands becomes pale, and the nipple area may acquire a darker shade compared to the one that the woman had previously observed.

8) There is a change appearance nipples, which acquire cracks, and in advanced stages, if left untreated, it becomes retracted. In such a situation, it is imperative differential diagnosis with cancer processes.

9) The menstrual cycle is disturbed. This is a symptom associated with hormonal imbalance. The stronger the violation, the more noticeable the symptoms of mastopathy.

Sometimes a woman's attention can be attracted by enlarged The lymph nodes in the armpit. This occurs due to the development of an inflammatory process in the mammary glands, or it may be a sign of the transition of diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component to a malignant form. The primary involvement of the axillary lymph nodes is explained by the fact that they are the first in the path of outflow of lymph from the chest.

An increase in lymph nodes is an uncharacteristic sign of mastopathy. Requires exclusion of complications or other pathologies.


The appearance of the above symptoms is an occasion for immediate medical attention. To clarify the diagnosis, certain manipulations should be performed to identify diffuse mastopathy already in the early stages.

1) Self-examination is an integral component for the diagnosis of mastopathy, which is performed monthly. The best day is considered the 7th from the onset of menstruation, when the breast is the least sensitive to touch and becomes soft, easily accessible for palpation.

2) Mammologist's consultation. The doctor assumes a diagnosis based on the collected history, clinical picture and palpation of the mammary glands. The information necessary for diagnosis is previous abortions, miscarriage, pathology of the endocrine organs, uterine bleeding, concomitant gynecological diseases.

On palpation of the glands in women with mastopathy, there are multiple seals in the tissue, without definite boundaries, having a different shape.

3) General analysis blood, in which, in the presence of inflammatory changes, leukocytes increase (above 10x10 * 9 / l) and ESR increases (over 15 mm / h).

4) Mammography (direct and lateral projections) - an X-ray method that allows you to see formations in the mammary glands small size. The examination should be carried out in the interval between 6-12 days of the menstrual cycle. In the presence of discharge from the nipples, mammography with a contrast agent (sergosin) is used.

5) Ultrasound of the mammary glands allows you to consider the contours, localization and size of pathological formations. The technique is appropriate when they exceed 1 cm. It is able to show the structure of the formed tissue, as well as dynamically assess changes in the mammary glands. With its help, material is taken for a biopsy under the control of equipment. It is most advisable to perform ultrasound before and after menstruation (5-10 days) in order to follow the dynamics of formations in the chest.

6) Biopsy with subsequent histological examination of seals to establish the true nature of the disease (benign or malignant course of the process).

7) Ductography is performed to determine the patency of the ducts in the patient's mammary glands. It is advisable to prescribe it in the presence of discharge from the nipples.

8) If necessary, an MRI is performed to diagnose changes in the glands or in the regional lymph nodes.

9) Cytological examination of discharge from the chest.

10) Consultation of an endocrinologist (diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component is a manifestation of a dyshormonal state).

11) Consultation with a gynecologist (disruptions of the menstrual cycle at the onset of the disease may be a manifestation of other pathological conditions).

12) Study of the level of progesterone, estrogens, prolactin, and, if necessary, hormones thyroid gland, adrenal.

If you suspect the transition of mastopathy with a fibrous component to a malignant form, a blood test for tumor markers is mandatory.


The tactics of managing patients with diffuse mastopathy depends on the stage of the course of the disease, the functional activity of the ovaries. conservative therapy carried out in patients who do not have atypical tissue changes in the pathological formations of the mammary glands. Preference is given to hormonal medications, given the endocrine nature of the disease.

The transition to a malignant form or the formation of cysts at the site of fibrous tissue is a direct indication for the use of surgical tactics in a particular patient. Remote formations are subject to mandatory histological examination.

All women with diffuse mastopathy need to follow a specific diet with limited fatty foods and simple carbohydrates. With this pathology, vegetable fats and omega-3 acids are the best choice. Women should stop drinking chocolate, cocoa, tea and coffee, which contain methylxanthines, which promote the growth of connective tissue.

An important part of the diet is the use of vitamins A, B, C, E and minerals. For a few days, you need to limit salt intake or eliminate it altogether. It is able to retain fluid in the body, which aggravates the course of mastopathy.

If necessary, in the treatment of pathology, the patient is sent for a consultation with a psychotherapist to eliminate certain fears and psychological discomfort in connection with the current situation. You should carefully approach the choice of a bra, because improperly selected underwear will exacerbate the already disturbed blood circulation in the mammary glands.

The doctor often prescribes massage and physiotherapy, which relieve congestion in the tissues, prevent inflammation and the progression of diffuse mastopathy.

Hormonal changes can cause a woman to develop diffuse changes in the mammary glands. As a result, the normal ratio of epithelial and connective tissue elements is disturbed. The disease causes soreness of the mammary glands, the appearance of discharge from the nipples, resembling colostrum (the secret of the mammary glands). These symptoms cause a woman considerable discomfort, so it is worthwhile to figure out what diffuse mastopathy is, what are its manifestations and methods of therapy.

Doctors distinguish 2 degrees of pathology:

  1. Diffuse fibrous mastopathy. The disease leads to the replacement of epithelial structures with connective tissue. The pathological process can be one- and two-sided. Pathology provokes the development of dysplasia, cicatricial changes, the appearance of elastic seals of a round or oval shape. The disease is easily amenable to drug therapy, so a complete cure is possible.
  2. diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy(dfcm). The disease often develops against the background of menstrual irregularities, lack of ovulation. What is diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy? Pathology leads to the growth of glandular lobules with the formation of seals with clear boundaries. Neoplasms are mobile on palpation, gradually increase in size.

According to modern classification, diffuse fibrous mastopathy is of the following types:

  • fibroadenosis (diffuse fibrosis). This type is characterized by the predominance of fibrotic changes;
  • fibrocystosis. This is cystic mastopathy with a predominance of cavities filled with fluid;
  • adenosis (glandular mastopathy) - mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component;
  • sclerosing adenosis;
  • a mixed form of the disease, combining the signs of several types of mastopathy.

Depending on the localization of pathological formations, there is unilateral and bilateral diffuse mastopathy.

Clinical picture

The following signs of diffuse mastopathy are distinguished:

  1. The development of pain syndrome. The appearance of moderate pain during palpation is characteristic. The pain may be aching, arching, tingling, or radiating to the neck. Soreness in the breast is noted before the appearance of menstrual flow.
  2. . Diffuse-fibrous changes in the mammary gland provoke the appearance of seals of a round or oval shape, which disappear by the end of menstruation. At the beginning of a new cycle, formations arise again. With diffuse fibrosis cystic mastopathy mammary glands appear mobile formations filled with fluid.
  3. Swelling and enlargement of the breast.
  4. Severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: constipation, increased gas formation, migraine-like headache, irritability, the appearance of fear and anxiety.
  5. The appearance of discharge from the nipples of a white, yellowish or pink hue. If the discharge is greenish, then an infection may be suspected.

There are also less common symptoms of diffuse mastopathy: weight gain, prolonged menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea ( copious discharge or menorrhagia, amenorrhea, irregular cycle), dry skin, decreased performance.

You are using folk remedies treatment?


Features of therapy for diffuse mastopathy

Many patients are interested in how to treat diffuse mastopathy. Therapy of the disease involves the use of conservative methods of treatment (hormonal and non-hormonal drugs), recipes traditional medicine, as well as for the treatment of diffuse cystic mastopathy, surgery may be prescribed.

Non-hormonal therapy

Diffuse mastopathy of the mammary glands involves the following treatment tactics:

The use of hormonal drugs

When fibrous mastopathy is detected, normalization of the hormonal background is required. For this purpose, the following drugs are widely used:

  1. Gestagens (Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Norkolut, Primolut, Norethisterone). Drugs are prescribed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Prolactin synthesis inhibitors (Parlodel). Assign with severe hyperprolactinemia. The drug is taken from the 10th to the 25th day of the cycle.

With diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy in women under 35 years of age, estrogen-progestin contraceptives are used (Zhanina, Marvelona). The drugs will normalize the luteal phase, resume ovulation. If there are echo signs of diffuse fibrous mastopathy in patients older than 45 years, then androgens (Methyltestosterone) or antiestrogen (Tamoxifen, Fareston) are used.
If therapy for diffuse nodular mastopathy is carried out against the background of endometriosis, then Danazol is indicated. The use of the drug leads to inhibition of the synthesis of pituitary hormones.

It is important to remember that before prescribing hormonal drugs, it is necessary to examine the hormonal status of the patient.

When is surgery indicated?

With inefficiency drug treatment diffuse cystic mastopathy for 6 months resort to surgical removal of seals. The following indications for the operation are distinguished:

  • development of intraductal adenoma;
  • appearance;
  • if it is actively developing and growing;
  • nodal form of the disease;
  • accumulation of calcifications in the gland.

During surgery, the following techniques can be used:

  1. Sclerosis. The method involves the introduction of a sclerosing agent, which leads to the overgrowth of defects in the mammary gland.
  2. Resection. The operation involves excision of the affected area. The resulting fabrics are sent to histological examination to rule out breast cancer.


Diffuse mastopathy has a positive prognosis - the pathology is easily amenable to drug treatment. However, in advanced cases, it is possible to degenerate benign formations into cancerous tumors. Therefore, it is important to start therapy in a timely manner with a qualified mammologist, if any form has appeared.


Preventive measures include the passage of an annual examination by a mammologist. It is important to treat any gynecological and extragenital pathologies in a timely manner in order to reduce the risk of developing hormonal disorders. Experts strongly recommend avoiding abortions, which are a serious stress for the body and increase the risk of developing mastopathy.

An important step in prevention is a monthly breast self-examination, which allows timely detection of minor seals in the structure of the mammary gland. It is also necessary to minimize the risk of developing injuries and bruises of the chest, to give preference to comfortable bras.

Diffuse mastopathy provokes a change in the structure and functionality of the mammary gland. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to contact a mammologist or gynecologist. This will allow timely detection of pathology and start therapy.

Diffuse cystic mastopathy, or Reclus disease (in the medical reference book is marked No. 60.1.) is a process of compaction and violation of the histological structure of the mammary gland due to the growth of fibrous tissue, the displacement of the glandular component. During this process, benign tumors form in the mammary gland - cystic formations sizes from 0.01 mm to 6-8 cm and all possible densities. Due to the abundance of cysts, cavities are formed in which fluid accumulates and stagnates - a secret, subsequently the cysts begin to expand. Small cysts may coalesce to form multi-chambered cysts. According to medical statistics, 60% of women are affected by the disease.


  • Cystic - the development of cysts in the mammary gland.
  • Fibrosis of the mammary glands - an increase in connective tissue.
  • Diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component - mixed - an increase in connective tissue and mammary gland with the presence of seals.
  • Nodular mastopathy - Reclus disease.

Fibrofatty mastopathy is distinguished when the glandular tissue is replaced by fatty and connective. A disease that develops in both breasts is called bilateral diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. The risk of getting it is 40% higher in the fair sex under 35 years of age. A woman over 40 is prone to the development of a nodular type of unilateral mastopathy.

The disease belongs to the ICD-10 classification (International Classification of Diseases), adopted in January 2007.

Reclus disease is not fully understood, its causes are unclear. But more often the diagnosis is made by women suffering from long-term hormonal disorders with an excess of estrogen.

Factors associated with the development of mastopathy:

  • venereal diseases;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • many abortions, miscarriages;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in intimate activity, its absence;
  • infertility;
  • childbirth in women over 45;
  • hereditary factor;
  • insolation of the breasts (direct exposure to sunlight);
  • liver disease;
  • improper use of contraceptives.

According to observations, the most significant factor in the occurrence of fibrosis is considered to be a deficiency of the hormone progesterone with a simultaneously large amount of estrogens. Reinforced production prolactin is also a possible beginning of the development of mastopathy.

Sometimes the cure for diffuse mastopathy is pregnancy. Having become pregnant, it is possible to stabilize the hormonal status and health. Women with many children in isolated cases are exposed to the described disease.


One of the most common symptoms is the detection of seals in the mammary gland. And the first wake-up call may be chest discomfort during PMS. Gradually pain extend to armpits and shoulder blades. Additionally, there are similar symptoms:

  • Heaviness, pain and other discomfort in the breasts.
  • Puffiness, disproportionate change in breast size.
  • Growth of lymph nodes in the armpits.
  • Fluid secreted from the nipples (as mucus, bloody fluid, lactose).

Almost all the symptoms of mastopathy directly interact with PMS, aggravate on the eve of menstruation. 13% of women do not feel pain and discomfort from the disease at all.

In addition, they call the symptoms that indicate the occurrence of cancer - this is a change in the condition of the skin in the area of ​​​​the gland node in the form of a "lemon peel" and an excessive increase in the lymph nodes in the armpits.

Possible Complications

The only serious complication that occurs as a consequence of mastopathy is breast cancer: the transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant one. This is what happens when the disease is ignored.

There are two types of breast cancer - invasive and non-invasive.

Non-invasive type - the first stage of oncological diseases, characterized by the complete absence of atypical cells in the mammary gland and nearby. At this stage, the goal of the pathology is to affect tissues locally, more often in the duct of the mammary gland. Almost always successfully removed by the surgeon without other complications and relapses.

Invasive form - a case when cancer affects nearby tissues and manifests itself as the most dangerous oncological pathology. Kinds:

  • Ductal, or ductal - the development of cancer in the walls of the milk streams themselves. Over time, it moves to nearby tissues.
  • Inflammatory - develops similar to mastitis. It is extremely rare. Manifested in painful redness on the chest and fever.
  • Paget's disease oncological disease associated with the appearance of ulcers and changes in the shape of the areola and nipples.

The most common solution to the problem of breast cancer is surgery, which involves two options: lumpectomy - removal of specific areas of the breast, and mastectomy - removal of the entire breasts.

Mastectomy is performed if:

  • the patient has a small breast size;
  • the tumor has spread to the chest wall;
  • the tumor is too large.

When the tumors are removed and the chance of their appearance is small, doctors continue to operate to restore the shape and volume of the breast. If this is not possible, the patient is offered a range of options to improve the appearance of the breast based on personal preference.

Breast reconstruction is divided into two options:

  • one-stage - performed at the same time as the operation to remove the tumor;
  • delayed - is carried out if it is not possible to qualitatively restore the breast or there is a possibility of complications. Performed after the entire healing process.

Reconstructive surgeries differ in the type of tissue that the breast is reconstructed. For this, autotissue (taken from one's own body) or allottissue (implants) is suitable.

Chemotherapy may be given before, instead of, or after surgery. In the first case, this is a reduction in the primary tumor in order to make it possible to have a lumpectomy, in the third case, to resolve metastases and reduce the chance of their possible occurrence in the future.

Radiation therapy is prescribed as a prevention of recurrence, removal of tumors that cannot be manually removed, and treatment of symptoms.


The initial examination begins with the collection of information about the disease. Recognition of the root causes of the appearance of mastopathy depends on the nature of the course of PMS; the number of removals of the fetus childbirth, miscarriages; hereditary disposition and other risk factors that only the patient knows about. After specifying specific complaints, the moment of their occurrence, frequency, relationship with PMS. There are two types of palpation.

The assessment of the condition of the breast consists of:

  • Ultrasound (to find out if there are echo signs of mastopathy);
  • electrical impedance and biocontrast mammography;
  • pneumocystographic study;
  • blood test;
  • blood test for thyroxine, prolactin and thyroid-stimulating hormone;
  • palpation;
  • MRI of the breast;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • general inspection.

If signs of nodular formations are found, a biopsy of the gland is performed (a tissue sample is removed from the breasts with a needle).

An essential and obligatory part of the examination is the study of the woman's personal hormonal background, especially the level of estrogen and prolactin. With mastopathy, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor at all times.

The difficulty of diagnosis is understandable. Clinical, radiological, sonographic and sometimes cytological examinations give information that nodular mastopathy is both benign and malignant. And this calls into question what course of treatment should be applied.

It is impossible to spread fibrosis, it is a non-contagious disease. The chance of its occurrence depends on the personal factors of the woman.

Treatment of mastopathy

The most affordable and simple cure is to correct the hormonal background of the whole organism. When choosing a way to treat fibrosis, you need to consult with other doctors. For a complete hormonal treatment the conclusions of three specialists are needed - a mammologist, a gynecologist, an endocrinologist. Hormonal drugs rarely prescribed with the confirmation of only one doctor.

With severe estrogen, the main goal is to reduce the level of estrogen influence on the breast. To correct this, tamoxifen and toremifene citrate are prescribed. To correct and normalize PMS use birth control pills, which are selected according to the hormonal position. When the reason is the functionality of the thyroid gland, drugs are used that regulate the production of thyroid hormones.

It is difficult to completely cure benign fibrosis - there is always a percentage of the likelihood of a relapse. But many women live with this disease without even noticing the discomfort. With mastopathy, you can live for 50 and 5 years, this is pure lottery with the risk of developing cancer.

Alternative treatment

The main folk remedies for the treatment of cystic mastopathy are St. John's wort and valerian, tea based on them.


  • crushed dry valerian root (1 tsp);
  • cumin seeds (1.5 tsp);
  • fennel seeds (1.5 tsp);
  • St. John's wort (3 tsp);
  • table soda (0.5 tsp).

Process of preparation and use:

  1. Mix the ingredients dry and store in an airtight container.
  2. To prepare tea, mix with hot water in a ratio of 1 to 6 and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. It is important to cover with a lid during tincture.
  3. Take 3 times before meals.

Such remedies act like homeopathy, it is dangerous to use them as the main treatment!


Mastopathy is a common disease. The chances of avoiding it are close to the chances of getting sick. However, these chances can be improved.

It is worth paying increased attention to diseases associated with the mammary gland and hormonal levels, and these specifically include:

  • ovarian diseases;
  • pathology of the uterus;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • liver failure;
  • venereal problems.

Also, do not neglect mechanical injuries of the breasts (cuts, bruises, injections).

Attention should be paid to the bra, and specifically - the size. Too small a bra size leads to a sprain of the ligaments of the chest or deformation. Long-term exposure to sunlight on the chest is highly discouraged.

The main principle of prevention of mastopathy and other diseases is a healthy lifestyle.

Mastopathy is a dishormonal disease, which is characterized by pathological benign growth of breast tissue. It is of two types: nodular and diffuse. The first is diagnosed when a single seal (node) is formed in the mammary gland, and with the second, multiple nodes with a predominance of a fibrous or cystic component. In this article, we will talk specifically about the diffuse type of pathology.

Causes of the disease

Diffuse mastopathy of the mammary glands occurs as a result of a hormonal failure, in which there is an increased production of estrogens and a lack of progesterone in the female body. In order for the fair sex to be reproductively and physically healthy, hormonal balance must be maintained. Violations occur due to many factors, the main of which are:

  • pathology of the reproductive system (inflammation of the genital organs, especially infectious etiology);
  • artificial termination of pregnancy (after conception, the glandular tissues of the mammary glands begin to prepare for feeding the child, and if this process is forcibly interrupted, then cystic or fibrous mastopathy will most likely develop);
  • any endocrine pathologies (obesity, thyroid problems, diabetes mellitus);
  • disorders of menstrual function, when the amount of hormones does not correspond to a certain phase of the cycle;
  • forced cessation of breastfeeding;
  • repetitive stress;
  • drinking and smoking;
  • sun tanning and tanning in a solarium, especially topless;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Fibrous nature of the pathology

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy is an ailment in which fibrosis of the epithelial tissues of the mammary glands occurs and the formation of multiple intracanal tumors. In some cases, with this nature of the development of mastopathy, dysplasia and growth of the lobular structure of the mammary glands are possible, as well as the phenomena of fibrosis of the connective tissue, when cicatricial changes occur and seals form.

Fibrous mastopathy when probing the glands is characterized by severe pain. By palpation, seals can be detected in the form of small round or oblong formations of an elastic consistency. Signs of diffuse fibrous mastopathy, as a rule, appear with the onset of menstruation, and at its end they practically disappear. Possible presence constant discomfort regardless of the phase of the cycle, as well as a feeling of fullness of the mammary glands, detection of uniform oblong seals when feeling the chest.

Fibrocystic nature of the pathology

Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy is characterized by the growth of tissues of the glandular lobules and the formation of seals with clear boundaries within them. This form of the disease is most often found in women in one, or simultaneously in both mammary glands. Signs of fibrocystic mastopathy, as a rule, become noticeable after a hormonal disorder, as a result of which the frequency of changes in the physiology of mammary gland tissues is disturbed. The disease can occur against the background of failures in the processes of menstruation and ovulation.

Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy is manifested by the formation of tumors of various sizes in the glandular tissues (from 0.2 to 2-3 centimeters in diameter), which can be located locally or at a distance from each other. These seals are not soldered to the surrounding tissues, they are somewhat mobile on palpation. At the end of menstruation, cystic formations, as a rule, do not disappear, tumors increase in size from time to time and bring more and more discomfort.

Common symptoms of diffuse mastopathy

The main manifestations of the pathology are discharge from the nipples, pain in the mammary glands, the presence of seals in them and their increase in size. Painful sensations are usually aching or dull, can be given to the arm or under the shoulder blade. The nature of the pain can be constant or intermittent. In the premenstrual period, as a rule, the discomfort increases. In some women, pain may be absent, but when palpating the mammary glands, all the same signs are observed as in women who experience pain. In general, discomfort is caused by compression of diffuse formations and the involvement of nerve endings in the process of tissue sclerosis.

A woman may suspect that she has diffuse mastopathy during self-examination, when during palpation of the mammary glands, areas of seals with clear or fuzzy contours are felt. It is possible to increase the lymph nodes in the armpits and increase their sensitivity to pressure, but this symptom is not found in all women suffering from mastopathy.

Often, in the presence of a disease, the mammary glands increase in volume, which is caused by swelling of the connective tissue. At the same time, the increase can be very significant: by fifteen or more percent. This symptom is often accompanied by mastodynia and mastalgia.

Diffuse mastopathy can also be manifested by other signs, namely discomfort in the abdomen (flatulence, constipation, feeling of fullness), migraine-like headaches, fear, nervous irritability, anxiety. The complex of such changes is called premenstrual syndrome. As a rule, with the onset of menstruation, these symptoms disappear.

Another sign of mastopathy is scanty or copious discharge from the nipples that appears when pressed. Their color can be whitish, greenish, brown. There are clear discharges. It is most dangerous if blood is mixed with them - this indicates that diffuse fibrous mastopathy has been developing for a long time and is in an advanced stage.


First, the doctor visually examines and palpation examines the mammary glands. Such an examination is best done in the first phase of the cycle, when menstrual flow stops, since the second phase is aggravated by premenstrual syndrome, and at this time false symptoms may occur. During an external examination, the specialist evaluates the symmetry of the mammary glands and the uniformity of the skin integument. Visual examination is carried out in a standing and lying state from different angles. The doctor should pay special attention to the peripheral lymph nodes.

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands can be detected by ultrasound or mammography. With the cystic nature of the pathology, such diagnostic methods can also be useful. Ultrasound procedure allows you to evaluate the tissue structure of the mammary glands and determine the type of formations, their location and size. Also, by means of ultrasound, nearby lymph nodes can be simultaneously examined.

Mammography involves taking x-rays of the mammary glands from different angles. This is enough effective method diagnosis, however, patients may have contraindications to it, for example, breast-feeding, pregnancy, young age of the subject. This procedure is not recommended to be performed more than once every two years.

Only after a comprehensive examination can a woman be diagnosed.

Diffuse mastopathy: how to treat?

Fibrous mastopathy, as well as fibrocystic, is treated with conservative methods. Doctors resort to surgical intervention only in the most advanced cases. Therapy begins with dietary and lifestyle changes. Various medications are also prescribed.

Non-hormonal treatment

To cure a disease such as diffuse mastopathy, use:

  • Iodine-containing products, such as "Iodine-active", "Iodomarin", "Klamin". They reduce the proliferative activity of tissues and regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. However, before using such drugs, you should always consult with an endocrinologist for contraindications (autoimmune thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism).
  • Vitamin therapy. All patients, and especially those diagnosed with diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, are shown to use vitamins of groups A, B, C, E for a long time.
  • Calming agents, if the illness was caused by psychological problems. These include tinctures of motherwort, valerian and other plants.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Diclofenac. They allow you to quickly eliminate the pain symptom, if any.
  • Homeopathic remedies such as Mastodinon, Remens, Cyclodinon. When they are used in the blood, the level of prolactin decreases, due to which pathological processes in the mammary glands are eliminated. As a rule, such drugs are used for a long time.

hormone therapy

If diffuse-fibrous mastopathy is detected, treatment should be aimed at regulating changes in the cyclic nature in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries system. By acting on the tissues of the mammary glands, it is possible to normalize the hormonal background. For these purposes, the following means are assigned:

  • Gestagens. These include drugs "Utrozhestan", "Dufaston", "Norethisterone" and others. Such medicines should be taken in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. You can also use the external agent "Progestogel" for rubbing the chest.
  • When hyperprolactinemia is detected, inhibitors of prolactin secretion are used, for example, Parlodel. They should be taken from the 10th to the 25th day of the cycle.

Women under 35 years of age with a fibrocystic nature of the pathology in violation of the luteal phase and the absence of ovulation can be prescribed oral estrogen-gestagenic contraceptives such as Marvelon, Zhanina (they must be taken according to the contraceptive scheme).

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy in women over 45 can be cured with the help of androgens, for example, the drug "Methyltestosterone", as well as antiestrogens, such as "Fareston", "Tamoxifen" (used for a three-month course in continuous mode). We must not forget that hormone therapy can only be started after a study of the hormonal status. Women after 40 years of age (and they are most often diagnosed with diffuse fibrous mastopathy) may be contraindicated in taking hormonal drugs.


Surgical intervention in the fibrous nature of the pathology is almost never used. In some cases, it has to be resorted to with fibrocystic mastopathy. There can be two treatment options: sectoral resection, when the tumor is removed along with the sector mammary gland, and enucleation, in other words - husking, when only the cysts themselves are removed.


In addition to taking hormones, homeopathic remedies and vitamins, for recovery, women suffering from mastopathy should change their usual lifestyle.

  • Give up bad habits such as drinking and smoking.
  • Limit consumption of tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa. These products contain methylxaptins, which increase soreness and provoke the progression of the disease.
  • Avoid stress, move more, sleep at least eight hours a day;
  • include boiled meat, fish, vegetable products in the diet;
  • Choose bras that are the right shape and size. Otherwise, chronic deformation of the mammary glands is possible.
  • Refuse to visit the sauna, bath, solarium, long-term use sunbathing.

Diffuse mastopathy: treatment with folk remedies

For cupping pain symptom all kinds of traditional medicine in the form of compresses can be used. So, applying fresh cabbage leaves, grated red beets, burdock leaves to the chest will be effective. Such procedures help to ensure that the formations dissolve faster.

Severe pain that diffuse fibrotic mastopathy provokes can be reduced by lubricating the mammary glands burdock oil. The recipe is simple: you should take one part of the ground burdock root, combine it with three parts of olive oil, leave the mixture for ten days in a warm place, and then strain and use. The product can be stored in the refrigerator.

Many women say that drinking hemlock tea helps them get rid of the manifestations of mastopathy. Another proven remedy is an infusion of dill seeds, valerian root, chamomile flowers and peppermint. All ingredients are combined in equal parts (ten grams each) and poured with a glass of boiling water. Take this decoction three times a day for half a glass.

Remember that all of the above folk remedies for combating mastopathy produce only a temporary analgesic effect. To eliminate the very cause of the development of the disease, you should undergo a course of drug treatment under the supervision of a specialist.


The main method of preventing pathology is self-examination of the mammary glands. If you regularly palpate in the supine and standing positions, you will be able to detect changes in early stage, contact a specialist in a timely manner and not start the disease. Self-examination is recommended to be performed approximately on the fifth or seventh day of the menstrual cycle. You need to start palpation from the axillary areas towards the nipples. Then examine the mammary glands from top to bottom (vertically). Carry out the palpation with soft movements. If during such manipulations you find any suspicious seals, immediately consult a doctor. Remember: the sooner treatment of mastopathy is started, the less significant its negative consequences will be.