Shoulder costal syndrome symptoms and treatment. Muscular tonic syndrome: what is it? Muscular tonic syndrome: treatment

What is Tonic Musculoskeletal Syndrome (MTS)? The condition is a muscle spasm that accompanies various degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column and leads to irritation of the nerve roots.

Such a process is a reflex and in the early stages of the development of the underlying pathology occurs reflexively, as a specific protective reaction to external influences towards the affected bone apparatus.

Muscle tonic syndrome is a muscle spasm

Prolonged muscle spasm takes the form of pathology and is characterized by changes in the structure of muscle tissue: its significant swelling, thickening or shortening.

Most often, a muscular-tonic syndrome develops when the pathological process provokes the impossibility of the support organ to fully perform its function during static loads. At this time, muscle structures are constantly in a state of tension, which contributes to impaired venous outflow, as well as normal lymph circulation, and leads to the appearance of soft tissue edema.

Along with this, in the zone of swelling, compression of nerve fibers and blood vessels occurs. There is a pronounced and persistent pain syndrome.

Tissue edema in musculo-tonic syndrome causes pain

Reflex muscular-tonic syndrome due to pain causes an even greater muscle spasm. This is the reason for the aggravation of the situation and dysfunction of the skeletal muscles, which shorten, thicken and lose the ability to perform the range of motion assigned to them.

Types of pathological spasm and its clinical manifestations

The classification of the muscular-tonic syndrome is based on the principle of determining the zoning of the pathological process.
Depending on the location of the affected muscle, it is customary to distinguish:

  • spasm of the muscles of the anterior chest;
  • dysfunction of the inferior oblique head muscle and anterior scalene muscle;
  • piriformis minor and pectoralis minor syndrome;
  • iliac-lumbar and scapular-costal syndrome;
  • convulsive spasms of the back and calf region;
  • increasing the tone of the muscles that stretch the wide fascia of the thigh;
  • vertebrogenic cervicalgia with severe musculo-tonic syndrome;
  • vertebrogenic lumbalgia with muscular-tonic syndrome.

Each of the listed types of violation in practice is manifested by its own characteristics, but in most cases the syndrome is accompanied by aching pains that spread over fairly large areas.

The widespread pain muscular-tonic syndrome is difficult to tolerate by patients who complain of the following changes:

  • the appearance of a feeling of stiffness, especially in the morning;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • feeling of constant fatigue;
  • cervicalgia;
  • inability to perform the necessary range of motion in the back;
  • development of depression.

Muscle tonic syndrome causes chronic fatigue

Symptoms of the muscular-tonic syndrome of the cervical region

Symptoms of the muscular-tonic syndrome of the cervical spine are inextricably linked with cervicalgia of vertebrogenic origin. They are accompanied by muscle stiffness, a sharp limitation of mobility in the neck, periodic dizziness and problems with the visual analyzer.

Often, such manifestations of pathology can be regarded as the consequences of several pathologies, which significantly complicates the diagnosis and does not contribute to the appointment of adequate therapy.

A great rarity is cervical muscular-tonic syndrome in children. This type of disease is not typical for babies due to the structural features of their spinal column. Muscular-tonic myofascial syndrome of the cervical level most often occurs as a result of trauma, organic damage to the skeleton, as well as degenerative-dystrophic degeneration of cartilage tissue.

Symptoms of muscular-tonic syndrome of the lumbar

Symptoms of the muscular-tonic syndrome of the lumbar spine are expressed in the appearance of subacute pain in the zone of the same name, which occurs when the intervertebral nerve roots are compressed and leads to limited back mobility. The disease can be unilateral or bilateral. Most often pain tend to intensify when turning and tilting the torso. Muscular-tonic syndrome of the lumbosacral spine can cause dysfunction of the pelvic organs, and advanced forms of the disease lead to urinary incontinence, impotence, and the like.

Muscular-tonic syndrome in the lumbar region can cause problems with the urinary-genital system

Another typical sign of pathology is the presence of muscular nodules, which are the most painful areas of the back, known to medical science as trigger points. Prolonged spasm leads to disruption of the blood supply to the affected areas and the deposition of calcium salts in the muscle fibers.

Features of diagnostics

Diagnosis of muscular-tonic syndrome consists in determining the main pathological process that caused the development of spastic pain, the affected area and the depth of disorders.

To implement this, doctors use various diagnostic manual techniques, as well as a laboratory and diagnostic set of measures.

The presence of pathological muscle spasm is confirmed by ultrasound, radiography and computed tomography.

Treatment of muscular-tonic syndrome

The choice of tactics for the treatment of muscular-tonic syndrome depends entirely on the results of the diagnosis. Pathological spasm can only be eliminated by eliminating the underlying disorder of the spinal column. In most clinical cases, patients are offered drug treatment and physiotherapy procedures to eliminate muscle spasm.

In order to eliminate the pain syndrome, a sick person is recommended to take drugs from the following groups:

  • , which help to relax tense muscles and reduce swelling of soft tissues;
  • analgesics for the relief of pain;
  • to eliminate manifestations of local inflammation and pain;
  • glucocorticoids, which allow you to start the mechanism of blocking the generation of impulses at trigger points.

Massage and manual therapy sessions can normalize muscle tone and reduce pain.

What kind of massage will help with muscular-tonic syndrome - see the video:

A beneficial effect on spasmodic muscles and impaired blood supply to tissues is exerted by various ones, including electrophoresis, phonophoresis, and magnetotherapy.

With advanced forms of pathology, orthopedic devices, corsets, and the like are used to reduce the load on the spinal column. Good results in the treatment of MTS can be achieved by using, which allows you to normalize the flow of nerve impulses through the fibers and stop the pain manifestations of the disease.

In some cases, when the musculo-tonic syndrome is provoked by complex pathologies of the spine, in particular, herniated discs, the patient is offered a surgical correction of disorders, which today is implemented by laser disc plasty.

Muscle-tonic syndrome is always easier to prevent than to get rid of it later. To do this, the patient should be attentive to the state of his health, treat problems with the spine in time and not delay the visit to the specialists. Preventive massage sessions, relaxing muscles, increased physical activity, weight correction and diet will not interfere with a person.

Muscle-tonic syndrome is a prolonged muscle tension, resulting in seals with severe pain. Provokes this syndrome, most often, osteochondrosis. The pear-shaped and anterior scalene muscle tissues are most susceptible to it, as well as near the vertebrae.

Symptoms of tonic muscle syndrome are usually aching pain that affects both the neck and both parts of the back. Usually the pain spreads over large areas, not localized in one place. The disease is accompanied by sleep disturbances.

Pain varies depending on the location of the problem.

Expert opinion

Pain and crunching in the back and joints over time can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movement in the joint and spine, up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky to cure joints ... Read more»

For example, you were diagnosed with a muscular-tonic syndrome of the cervical region, while the symptoms may be as follows:
  1. In the neck-occipital zone there are aching or bursting pains. They get stronger when loaded. There may also be a feeling of numbness in the back of the head.
  2. Pain and a feeling of numbness that gets worse at night. There is also a coldness of the extremities, a change in skin color, swelling, weakness of the hands.
  3. Numbness of the hands, feeling of coldness, swelling of the hand, weakness of the pulse, weakening of the muscles of the hand. With a load on the hands, all symptoms begin to intensify.
The muscular-tonic syndrome has different symptoms, since it can be localized in different places:
  1. Anterior scalene muscle. Aggravate when turning and extending the neck.
  2. Inferior oblique muscle of the head. It is localized in the back of the head and intensifies when the neck is turned.
  3. Anterior chest wall. Pain similar to angina pectoris. Pain is relieved by movement.
  4. Small pectoral muscle. There is numbness, weakness of the limbs.
  5. Shoulder-rib syndrome. With mobility, a characteristic crunch occurs.
  6. Piriformis muscle. May cause numbness. Pain is similar to pain in sciatica.
  7. Wide fascia of the thigh. Loss of sensation, numbness. Exacerbates with a thrown leg.
  8. Iliopsoas muscle. Unpleasant sensations occur in the area of ​​​​the femoral head, the knee joint.
  9. Calf muscle. With sharp bending of the leg. It can last for a moment, or it can last for a couple of minutes.
  10. Back extensors. Spasms in the back, lasting for a couple of minutes.
  11. Cervicalgia with muscular-tonic syndrome. It is characterized by pain in the cervical spine, in which there is limited mobility of the neck, pain, spasms of the neck. Sometimes it can be accompanied by dizziness, vision problems. Vertebrogenic cervicalgia with a pronounced muscular tonic syndrome usually occurs in adults.

There are many symptoms of this disease. But there are also common points: soreness, spasms, general weakness, numbness in the limbs. According to the symptoms, the doctor will be able to determine which muscle was affected.

The reasons

Most often, muscular-tonic syndrome occurs in response to osteochondrosis. With this disease, pain receptors are irritated in the region of the intervertebral disc, ligaments of the spinal column. Pain leads to muscle spasm, including muscle tissue located far from the spine. Spasm provokes oxygen starvation, which increases the painful sensation.

With a long stay in a state of spasm, dystrophic processes begin. Because of them, muscle fibers gradually die off, being replaced by connective tissues. Such a disease most often affects the pear-shaped, paravertebral and anterior scalene muscle tissues.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you ... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working remedy, as they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and understandable. Read more»


The disease is diagnosed as follows:
  1. A referral to a neurologist is issued.
  2. Examination of the affected area using special tools.

In treatment, the main emphasis is on getting rid of the disease that caused the spasm. Treatment of the syndrome is aimed at easing the symptoms.

It could be:

  1. Wearing a corset to ease the load on sore spots.
If you have tonic musculoskeletal syndrome, your doctor may prescribe:
  1. Shants collar in order to relieve the load on the cervical spine.
  2. Rest on a flat pillow.
  3. Ointments (Voltaren-gel and so on).
  4. Muscle relaxants that help relieve muscle spasm: Baclofen, Mydocalm.
  5. Vitamins B necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in nerve tissues.
  6. Massage procedures, manual therapy, improving muscle tone, which reduces pain.
  7. Acupuncture, removing pain syndrome.
  8. Exercise therapy, which allows to improve muscle tone and contribute to the formation of a muscle corset. Physiotherapy selected individually, depending on the group of affected muscles.

If you have the above symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be to get rid of pain, improve muscle tone. It is worth remembering that this disease progresses, there is vicious circle, where the pain impulse from the receptors leads to muscle spasm, and the spasm provokes pain. In this case, the damage to muscle tissue increases. Seeing a doctor early will help you quickly get rid of such a problem.

How to forget about pain in the back and joints?

We all know what pain and discomfort are. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and back pain seriously spoil life, limiting normal activities - it is impossible to raise a hand, step on a foot, get out of bed.

(scapulocostal syndrome)- there is a reflex structure of the muscle that raises the scapula. There is pain in the neck, in the shoulder blade, in the shoulder, there is a crunch under the shoulder blade, movements in the upper shoulder girdle suffer, which occur with combined movement in the shoulder joint, in the collarbone and in the shoulder blade.

Functional disorders of biomechanics at the level of the cervical spine can lead to the development of compression radicular syndromes, which is associated with a change in the location of the root, local edema. Root compressions are manifested by symptoms of loss in the motor, sensory, reflex areas, the development of muscle hypotrophy. Compressions of the roots C I, C II, C III are extremely rare and their pathogenesis does not involve violations of the biomechanics of the cervical spine of a functional nature. Functional biomechanical disorders are involved in the mechanisms of development of compression of the underlying roots.

Spine Compression C IV- occurs infrequently. There are pains in the shoulder girdle and collarbone. There is weakness, decreased tone and hypotrophy in the dorsal group of neck muscles (in the muscle that lifts the scapula, in the trapezius, belt muscle of the head, belt muscle of the neck) and in the prevertebral muscles of the ventral surface of the neck (in the long muscle of the neck and head). There is hypoesthesia in the shoulder girdle. Due to the presence of phrenic nerve fibers in this root, respiratory disorders occur, a decrease in the tone of the diaphragm, which leads to pain in the heart and liver. There may be dysphonia and hiccups.

Spine compression C V- rarely noted. Clinical symptoms associated with a violation of the innervation of the deltoid muscle: pain in the shoulder girdle and on the outer surface of the shoulder, sensory disturbances on the outer surface of the shoulder, weakness of shoulder abduction, hypotrophy.

Spine Compression C VI- occurs most often.

The pains spread from the neck to the shoulder girdle, shoulder blade, along the outer surface of the shoulder, along the radial side of the forearm to the thumb. The hypoesthesia zone captures mainly the anterior-lateral surface thumb, in which paresthesias are also noted. Weakness of the biceps muscle of the shoulder develops, which is manifested by weakness of flexion of the forearm in the elbow joint. Hypotrophy of the biceps muscle of the shoulder, a decrease or loss of the reflex from this muscle is noted.

Spine compression C VII- occurs slightly less frequently than the previous lesion. It is clinically manifested by pain radiating from the neck to the shoulder blade, along the posterior outer surface of the shoulder and along the posterior surface of the forearm to the second and third fingers of the hand. The hypoesthesia zone is observed in the form of a thin strip above the triceps muscle of the shoulder, in the middle of the back surface of the forearm, on the middle finger of the hand. Paresthesias are noted in the second and third fingers of the hand. Hypotrophy and weakness of the triceps muscle of the shoulder develops, which is manifested by weakness in the extension of the forearm in the elbow joint. The reflex from the triceps muscle of the shoulder decreases and disappears.

Spine compression C VIII- rarely seen. AT clinical picture there are mild pains radiating from the neck to the ulnar edge of the forearm and to the little finger. The zone of hypesthesia develops along the ulnar edge of the forearm and little finger. There are also paresthesias in the little finger. The stylo-radial and supinator reflexes decrease and disappear.

Muscle pain can have different characteristics.

Sometimes there are sharp pains that quickly pass, and in other cases there are long aching pains, in which it is impossible to turn around.

The most common muscle pain that occurs in the back is musculo-tonic. The nature of such pain is spasmodic.

In this case, the muscles are in a constant state of tension, causing acute prolonged pain.

The person experiencing muscle tonic spasms, suffers not only physically, but also psychologically: he is not able to freely turn, bend, move. Such pain can overtake at any time: with the wrong turn of the head, when tilting or any other movement.

What it is

This is one of the pronounced symptoms of osteochondrosis. This symptom characterized by smooth muscle spasm. The spasm itself occurs at the level of reflexes, its activation is facilitated by dysfunction of the spinal column.

There is irritation of the nerve that supplies the tissues of the outer shell of the capsule of the intervertebral nerve. As a result prolonged pain in the spine that impede the mobility of the affected area. Spasmodic muscles are characterized by impaired microcirculation and oxidative metabolism.


Muscular tonic syndrome can be recognized depending on its localization.

According to the location of the affected muscle, this syndrome is divided into zones that are covered by it.:

  • anterior wall of the sternum. Symptoms are similar to angina pectoris, however, movement can relieve pain;
  • inferior head oblique muscle. It is characterized by painful spasms in the back of the head, when the head is turned, the pain becomes unbearable;
  • scalene anterior muscle. The pain occurs between the first rib and the muscle itself;
  • pectoralis minor. The syndrome occurs when the shoulder joint is displaced towards the ribs or during prolonged immobility of the shoulder joint;
  • small piriformis muscle. The pain resembles radiculitis and is localized in the region of the sciatic nerve;
  • scapular-rib syndrome, characterized by pain in the upper part of the scapula;
  • lumbar-iliac spasm occurs during destructive processes in lumbar region;
  • spasm of the calf region. It is characterized by short-term spasms;
  • spasm of the wide fascia of the thigh occurs due to deformation of the muscle fibers in the lumbar region.
  • spondylarthrosis.

Other causes of musculoskeletal syndrome may be:

  • back or spine injury. Often, a spasm occurs as a result of a sharp rise in weight or with a quick awkward movement;
  • long stay in one position. The muscles are in a position of prolonged tension, which contributes to their getting used to this state and the occurrence of spasm during movement;
  • stressful situations. An increase in muscle tone as a result of stress is normal. If circumstances arise in which a return to normal does not occur, then the stress becomes chronic, leading to painful muscle spasms.

Important! Muscle-tonic spasm is a condition in which relaxation is required. If this does not happen, then blood circulation in the affected muscle is disturbed, the affected area blocks movement, which negatively affects the physical and psychological state.

In some cases, the cause of muscular-tonic syndromes may be congenital asymmetry of the body (different length of the limbs, flat feet of a severe stage, twisted pelvic bone).

Video: "Illness or musculo-tonic syndrome?"


Muscular syndrome has the ability to progress and flow into the chronic stage, in which the pain impulse provokes muscle spasm, and spasmodic tissues lead to pain. A vicious circle is formed.

At the same time, the blood supply to the muscles is gradually disrupted, and their functions are impaired. Destroyed muscle cells, which receive insufficient oxygen during spasm, die off, being replaced connective tissue. As a result, the muscles partially atrophy.


A pronounced symptom of musculo-tonic spasm is prolonged aching pain, which can occur in one muscle, or spread to nearby organs and muscles, inability to fully move. Depending on the area in which the spasm occurs, the symptoms of the pathology can manifest themselves in different ways.

In the cervical region

The symptomatology of the muscular-tonic syndrome in the cervical region is manifested in the stiffness of the muscles in the back of the head and neck. There are systematic headaches, dizziness, sometimes impaired visual perception. Sharp pain can occur when tilting or turning the head. Often, spasm contributes to the non-standard location of the head.

In the chest

Muscular-tonic syndrome in thoracic region occurs not only against the background of diseases of the spine, but also as a result of mechanical injuries, sprains, bruises. The main symptom of spasm in the thoracic region is the inability to fully expand the chest during exhalation and inhalation. Lack of oxygen can provoke oxygen starvation and cause dizziness, headache, drowsiness.

In the lumbar

And did you know that…

Next fact

  • limitation of mobility of the lumbosacral region;
  • sharp pain in the lower back, its intensification when turning the body or tilting;
  • leg numbness;
  • pain on pressure on the lower back.

Important! Any pain is a sign of a pathological course, so you should consult a doctor to diagnose the disease. Self-diagnosis based on common symptoms is incorrect: many diseases of the spine have similar symptoms.


The main goal of diagnostic measures for muscle spasms is to identify the pathology that causes spasm. The affected area is revealed, as well as the depth of the lesion of muscle fibers.

On the initial stage Recognizing the disease, the doctor asks the patient about the symptoms of pain, lifestyle, profession, the presence of chronic diseases.

Then, based on the results of the examination, palpation appoints a hardware study:

Hardware diagnostics helps to identify the condition of soft tissues, the presence of destructive parts of the spine, which can cause pinched nerve endings, the condition of the vascular plexuses.

Video: "Trigger points and muscle tone"


Muscular tonic syndrome is a consequence of diseases in the spine therefore, when a disease (most often osteochondrosis) is detected, a complex, as a rule, long-term treatment is prescribed.


Drugs for spasms are prescribed when prolonged muscle-tonic syndromes occur. Muscle relaxants and antispasmodics can eliminate the course of spasm and eliminate pain.

In the case when muscle cells have lost their functionality, replaced by connective ones, drugs are prescribed that improve microcirculation in tissues.

Injections with anesthetic drugs interrupt the impulse of trigger zones(points of painful irritations).

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effectively eliminate inflammation in tissues.


Surgery for muscle spasms can be performed, if spasms and pain occur as a result of squeezing of blood vessels by an intervertebral hernia. In this case, the hernia is removed surgically, and the blood supply to the tissues is restored by complex treatment methods.

Exercise therapy and massage

Therapeutic exercise and massage are the most productive methods of treatment. Manual therapy helps to relax muscles, improve blood circulation, and eliminate pain. Massage can be performed when the acute stage has passed, and there are no inflammatory processes.

Physiotherapy exercises can be performed at the final stage of treatment, as well as carried out continuously after treatment in order to strengthen muscles and prevent pain syndromes.

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a positive effect on the muscles and blood supply processes. These methods of treatment include phonophoresis, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy.

Treatment at home

Muscle recovery at home is possible if spasms occur as an independent source of pain. In this case, it is useful to provide peace to the muscles for a while. It is recommended to perform muscle stretching exercises, use cold and warm compresses, and perform massage on your own.

Treatment at home is possible strictly after diagnosis in a medical institution and with the permission of a doctor. The specialist himself will give recommendations for treatment at home.


To avoid muscle-tonic spasms, you should take care of yourself:

  • do not lift excessive weights;
  • try not to stay in one position for a long time;
  • exercise regularly;
  • do not overstrain physically, avoid stress.

A good prevention of muscle spasms is to change your lifestyle to an active one..

It is useful to enroll in the section for systematic training.

recovery prognosis

With the right approach to painful spasms, the prognosis is favorable. If the cause of the spasms was a disease of the spine, then when it is eliminated, the spasms will go away by themselves. We must try to move more: this improves blood circulation in the muscles, tone and elasticity.


In this way, muscular-tonic syndrome- this is soreness in the muscles that occurs suddenly, is the cause of spasms smooth muscle. Spasms occur as an independent process, or as a symptom of the disease.

The main cause of muscle spasms is osteochondrosis.. Pain can occur in any part of the spine, and can spread throughout the back, limiting the patient's range of motion.

Treatment of muscle-tonic spasms is based on the elimination of the cause of their occurrence.. With the right approach, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

Muscle pain is a common occurrence that most of the inhabitants of our planet regularly encounter. Sometimes such a pathology is considered the norm, and is associated with excessive stress on the muscles, but in other cases, pain indicates a serious disease that needs to be treated.

Muscular tonic syndrome occurs often, it is associated with disorders in the spine. Such a pathology causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient, but in addition, it indicates the presence of disorders in the functioning of the spine. In any case, it is not enough to relieve muscle spasm, you need to undergo an examination and a full course of treatment so that the pain does not reappear.

Muscle tonic syndrome is a reflex muscle spasm associated with diseases of the spine, usually osteochondrosis. If curvature and degenerative changes appear in the region of the spine, nerve endings can be pinched, which causes unconscious muscle contraction, they become tense and painful.

Reflex-tonic syndrome can occur not only with problems with the spine, but also with large overloads. For example, if a person works out in the gym without regard to their training, and heavily overloads the muscles, the same thing can happen when carrying weights for a long time. In this case, there is a violation of blood circulation due to constant muscle tension and edema appears, which only worsens the condition.

It is worth noting that the muscles always contract, sometimes, under loads, this condition can be temporary, soon everything goes away and does not reappear. But if a muscle spasm appears again and again, the situation turns into a serious pathology, because the tissues are constantly lacking nutrition, they atrophy.


Depending on the location, the muscular-tonic syndrome is divided into the following types

  • Spasm of the anterior wall of the chest. In this case, the pain is localized in the region of the heart, reminiscent of heart disease, but with pain in the muscles, the results of the electrocardiogram are without signs of pathology.
  • Spasm of the scalene muscle. The scalene muscle is located in the neck, so the muscular-tonic syndrome in this case is manifested by pain in the neck, a person cannot turn his head to the sides, most often the pain occurs on one side.
  • Spasm of the pectoralis minor. In this case, the chest area hurts, the shoulder moves closer to the ribs, the arm cannot be raised.
  • Spasm of the inferior oblique muscle of the head. In this case, the pain appears in the back of the head.
  • Cervical spasm. In this case, there are pains in the neck, it is impossible to move it, vision problems may occur.
  • Spasm of the iliopsoas muscle. This pathology is characterized by back pain, while there are violations of a degenerative nature in the spine.
  • Spasm and cramps of the calf muscle. This pathology occurs most often at night, while the person is disturbed by convulsions for several seconds, which are accompanied by severe pain.
  • Spasm of the extensors of the back. In this case, the middle of the back is disturbing.
  • Piriformis Syndrome. In this case, the sciatic nerve is compressed, the lower back hurts, discomfort can radiate to the leg.
  • Shoulder-rib syndrome. In this case, the area of ​​​​the scapula hurts, it crunches when moving.
  • Spasm of the fascia of the thigh. In this case, pain appears in the thigh with degenerative changes in the hip joint.
  • Lubmalgia. In this case, the lower back hurts due to damage to the spinal cord.

The reasons

Usually the cause of the muscular-tonic syndrome is the compression of the nerve endings, as a result of which muscle spasticity occurs. This condition usually appears with osteochondrosis and other disorders in the spine.

The cause of the syndrome is the wrong posture

If the patient sits in the wrong position, leads an inactive lifestyle, performs monotonous actions, unevenly loading the back muscles, they are constantly in a contracted state, thus squeezing the vessels and disrupting blood circulation in the tissues.

Due to lack of nutrition, tissues begin to swell, degenerative processes progress in them, bones and joints are destroyed, and muscles spasm reflexively. It would not be a mistake to say that excessive muscle tone, which occurs reflexively, provokes the same hypertonicity that a person created artificially by overloading his spine.

It is worth noting that musculo-tonic syndrome is not a disease that needs to be treated separately. This state is created by the body specifically to protect the collapsing elements of the musculoskeletal system, a rigid frame of spasmodic muscles does not allow bones to collapse.

To get rid of muscle pain, it is necessary to treat the spine, otherwise the muscles will begin to collapse, and behind them the spine itself. This can lead to serious malfunctions. internal organs as well as disability.


With the appearance of a muscular-tonic syndrome, the patient is concerned about pain and impaired motor activity in the affected area. Pain can be localized in a specific place, for example: in the neck, shoulder blades, lower back, or the entire back.

On the initial stages diseases of pain are not very pronounced, they disturb for several days, after which they pass on their own. If osteochondrosis is not treated, then over time the situation worsens. The pain becomes very strong, can persist for weeks, sometimes subsides for a while, and then intensifies again.

During an attack, the muscles stiffen, become painful and stiff to the touch, a person cannot normally move his limbs, bend or turn his head, it all depends on the location of the spasmodic muscle. It aggravates the situation and the psychological state of the patient.

With muscular-tonic syndrome, the patient cannot sleep, eat, work normally. As a result, a depressive state occurs, the patient suffers greatly, and does not know where to put himself. In order to prevent such pain, it is necessary to treat osteochondrosis in the initial stages, when it has just begun to manifest itself, and be sure to follow preventive measures.


Many people who suffer from muscular tonic syndrome are interested in how to relieve pain and alleviate the condition. I would like to note right away that in this case it will only help symptomatic treatment but this cannot be limited. If, after pain relief, you do not begin to actively treat problems, discomfort will arise again soon.

It is best to relieve muscle spasm by physiotherapeutic methods, it is recommended to drink tablets only in extreme cases, when the pain is really unbearable. It should be understood that muscle relaxants have side effects, and they are not so safe, most often you can do without them.

Massage, relaxing water treatments, physiotherapy, warming compresses will help alleviate the patient's condition. As soon as the pain begins to pass, it is recommended to exercise, but only with small loads.

It is very important to understand that Mydocalm should not be taken without a doctor's prescription, even if he helped well in the past, or helped the patient's acquaintances. Many people complain about varicose veins, heart palpitations and other unpleasant side effects that seriously undermine health. It is much safer to get rid of the problem with the help of physiotherapy.

In order to prevent the occurrence of muscular-tonic syndrome again, you must definitely contact a therapist who will prescribe an x-ray. In the picture, the specialist will see the current state of the spine, whether there is a hernia or serious degenerative disorders, depending on the patient's condition, treatment will be prescribed.


To relieve pain, you can use folk remedies, for example, compresses with cabbage leaves, light massage with honey, as well as compresses with herbal decoctions, such as chamomile. Many patients praise paraffin lotions, as well as relaxing warm baths with chamomile or sea salt.

Whatever tool is chosen, it should be used only in complex treatment after visiting a doctor. It is always worth remembering that folk remedies are often ineffective, the pain goes away, but the disease does not, the destruction of the spine still continues. It is for this reason that you should immediately go to the doctor with your pain, without postponing the appointment for later.


To prevent the occurrence of muscular-tonic syndrome again, you will most likely have to completely reconsider your lifestyle. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

Do sport. It is necessary to do exercises every day, and it is also recommended to sign up for a gym, and under the supervision of a trainer, having warned him about the disease, work out the muscles of the back. This will help improve blood circulation in the tissues, make the muscles strong and elastic, and provide the spine with a reliable frame, preventing its destruction.

Follow your posture. This is the second very important condition that will help to avoid pain. If the spine is in the wrong position, then the muscles work unevenly, some of them overstrain and muscle-tonic syndrome occurs. If you can’t keep your back straight on your own, a special orthopedic posture corrector will help. But it should be borne in mind that one cannot do with a corset, you still need to do physical education, otherwise there will be no sense in the treatment.

Massage and manual therapy. An excellent method that relieves stress is manual therapy. It is very important to seek treatment from experienced doctors, be sure to make sure you have a diploma, it is best to look for such specialists that are only talked about positive reviews. An illiterate manualist will do more harm than good, it is worth remembering this. A course of massage will help stretch the muscles, improve blood circulation in them, and normalize tone, so even healthy people are advised to take a course of relaxing massage a couple of times a year.

Massage (video)