Comprehensive treatment of chronic thrush. How to treat candidiasis in women - diagnosis, drugs and alternative preparations Scheme for the treatment of candidiasis in women

Thrush strikes suddenly, and when you do not expect it at all. This disease is not only serious, but also dangerous. Many women ignore the symptoms and try to ignore them and go on with their lives as if nothing is happening. But the manifestations of this insidious disease deliver constant discomfort And sad consequences for the body. The correct treatment regimen for thrush is very important so that the disease is not only cured once, but also guaranteed not to return again.

What will the article tell you?

candidiasis is serious

Even if you somehow learn to ignore curdled vaginal discharge and swollen genitals, constant itching and pain, inability to have sex, problems with urination can ruin anyone's life. And later, if the disease passes into the chronic stage, dysbiosis will occur in parallel not only in the vagina, on the genitals, but also in the intestinal section, in the stomach, and the urinary system.

The body becomes more vulnerable to diseases, which is exacerbated by stress and the very rhythm of the existence of a modern woman. And once having hit a person, candidiasis may never recede, returning with relapses or moving into a chronic phase. And then the treatment regimen for candidiasis becomes much more complicated, and the recovery process takes much longer.

A disturbed flora, in which there will be no live beneficial bacteria at all, will create conditions for the emergence and rapid spread of a wide variety of infections, many of which will bring deterioration in health, sometimes difficult to fix.

If you were still healthy yesterday, and today you feel strange symptoms, urgently seek medical attention. medical care. The yeast-like fungus Candida, which is the cause of thrush (hence the name of the disease is candidiasis, and it is called thrush because the discharge is similar to dairy products), became more active and began its “work” to destroy your microflora.

When thrush occurs, the treatment regimen involves active actions to restore the flora of the body. Candidiasis is a violation of the microflora. Fungi dormant in the body begin to multiply furiously with any stress or drop in the level of protection that may arise for various reasons.

Causes of candidiasis

There is no single cause, but there are many factors that generate the cause, increasing the risk of developing the disease.

  • Infection sexual or sexual contact with someone who is infected (including HIV).
  • Taking certain medications, which include antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids and others.
  • stressful conditions.
  • Aggression of environmental factors.
  • Regular constipation, problems with the work of the intestinal sphere.
  • Colds, endocrine disorders, a drop in immunity.
  • Hormonal changes, including during pregnancy.
  • Vaginal or intestinal dysbiosis (physiological lack of live bacteria).

Symptoms of candidiasis

  1. From the vagina, there is a discharge of the consistency of a milk product, which has a sour smell. They can be tightly attached to the walls, or they can stand out profusely. They can be like yogurt or sour cream - in bloom, or they can be a curd-like mass.
  2. Itching begins on the labia outside and inside. Itching is also felt in the vagina. It is episodic or permanent. May be aggravated at night, in a hot bath. It can also be felt when urinating.
  3. During sexual intercourse, if you want to have sex at all, the sensations of penetration will not just be unpleasant. The same itching, dryness, burning of the vaginal walls. It can pull and hurt the entire lower abdomen.
  4. Visually, when examined by a doctor, the vagina looks edematous, reddened, on the mucous membrane there are small erosions.

The scheme of treatment of candidiasis in womencan be prescribed only after a medical appointment and diagnosis. There can be no talk of any self-treatment, baths, home lotions. Even if you manage to remove the symptoms, you need to understand that the fungus remains to live in the body, and can begin to multiply again. Therefore, it is necessary to treat both thrush and its cause (causes), and after getting rid of harmful bacteria, make sure that beneficial bacteria take their place.


In order to diagnose the disease and correctly determine its stage, you will have to visit a gynecologist. Diagnostics is performed in one of two ways.

  1. Bacterioscopy(a regular smear taken from the vagina).
  2. Bakposev(cultural method). It is used when signs (itching and pain, discharge visible to the naked eye) are present, but the fungus is not detected in the smear. Then the secretions are sown in a medium specially designed for the rapid development of the fungus.

Effective complex treatment

In the treatment of candidiasis in women, drugs, the treatment regimen is prescribed in such a way as not only to remove external manifestations, but also to obtain a healthy flora that guarantees against relapses. Therapy of chronic thrush can take up to six months. In the appointment of tablets and suppositories or other pathogen-killing antifungal drugs, intervals are made during which the disease can return again. And during this period it is very important to simultaneously restore the flora, giving the body protective forces. So, treatment should be complex and consist of several stages.

The first stage is antifungal

The treatment regimen for thrush in women includes drugs such as antifungal agents that affect the suppression of the vital activity of the Candida fungus. To improve efficiency and speed up the process, they should ingest(systemically, through the gastrointestinal tract) and parallel locally(vaginal method). A group of antifungal agents with active ingredients is prescribed: clotrimazole, miconazole, fluconazole, econazole, itraconazole, butoconazole. The consistency can be dry, creamy or liquid.

According to the form of release, the first intended for oral administration include powder mixtures, conventional tablets and capsules containing powder inside, as well as various suspensions, concentrates, emulsions. The second, applied locally, include preparations in the form of creams, ointments, gels, suppositories and vaginal tablets.

The treatment regimen for thrush in women with medications is only initial stage , basic therapy. After the sanitation of the flora and the destruction of pathogenic fungi, it's time to move on to the second stage of treatment.

The second stage is the restoration of the flora

After antibacterial sanitation, if the sterile vagina is not urgently filled with beneficial microorganisms, a recurrent inflammatory process will not take long. Therefore, at the second stage, a group of lactobacilli agents is prescribed. They become necessary when pathogens are defeated and destroyed, but the niches they occupied have remained free. To occupy them, lacto- or bifidobacteria are required. Their intake necessarily includes a treatment regimen for chronic thrush in women.

Preparations based on bifidobacteria contain at least one hundred positive bacterial organisms. As soon as they get on the mucous membrane, their active reproduction begins in the proposed environment. Bacteria begin to populate the vagina, cleaning its walls from the remnants of harmful bacteria and forming a "human shield" for pathogenic fungi. They create conditions for harmful bacteria that are impossible for reproduction and vigorous activity.

Strains consisting of lactic acid bacteria produce and secrete lactic acid into the vaginal environment. It creates a favorable living background for other living bacteria. The rate of lactic acid should be at least seven percent of the entire microflora.

Probiotic or bifido drugs include the following:

  • Acylact- multicomponent, consisting of a number of acidophilic lactobacilli, raising the microflora. Release - in the form of suppositories, staging intravaginally twice a day during the duration of the course.
  • Acipol- is a symbiotic, which is taken in the form of capsules, three times a day.
  • Trilact- includes three types of bacteria. It is considered very effective for thrush. Reception twice a day.
  • cypacid- a symbiotic in which lactobacilli act together with immunoglibulin.
  • Bifidumbacterin- a powder that is brought to a state of suspension with any food liquid (kefir, sour milk) or water, and is taken with food up to four double servings per day.
  • Probifor- powder, diluted with sour milk.
  • Biovestin- an emulsion that should be taken as an active dietary supplement not with food, but half an hour before or an hour later. The drug is diluted (or washed down) with warm milk.

The third stage - folk remedies

The treatment regimen for thrush in women is enriched with the use of folk remedies. You can take decoctions as maintenance therapy:

  • echinacea;
  • chaga;
  • peppermint;
  • hypericum;
  • chamomile pharmacy.

Herbs are taken both internally and externally, as compresses, lotions and baths. From these plants, you can prepare decoctions / infusions and take them individually or in any combination, in parallel with the main treatment. In this case, the main therapy will act much more effectively.

The direction of alternative medicine, which is called apitherapy, recommends using the properties of bee honey, which contains an incredible amount of useful elements, in the treatment of thrush.

The product has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, tonic effect.

With honey, you can make applications, put candles and tampons soaked in honey solution, irrigate the vagina with water and honey. Useful baths with a decoction of herbs, in which honey is dissolved.

Parallel sweet product taken internally. Just don't take it with hot tea. high temperatures the action of honey is reduced.

Stage four - diet

Yes, as in the treatment of many diseases, dietary correction of the diet is indispensable here. It is especially important to observe dietary restrictions when a treatment regimen for recurrent thrush is used.

Candida fungus multiplies actively in a sweet environment. Therefore, sugar and sugar-containing products, this is what he especially "loves". The second favorable factor is gluten. It contains white flour and everything from it. Accordingly, there is no place for sweet foods, as well as products made from flour or even with a small presence of it, in a diet that supports therapy.

The first important in adjusting nutrition - removal of harmful products. The treatment regimen for chronic thrush involves exclusion from the diet:

  • alcohol, even with a low alcohol content;
  • muffins, confectionery;
  • ice cream, sweets;
  • spicy foods and foods with excess salt.

In parallel, it is necessary to ensure the intake of foods containing live bacteria in the diet. These include all fermented milk products (only if they do not contain sugar), cottage cheese and cheeses.

Nuts, since they contain essential oils that raise the tone and bring immunity to a higher level, you must consume at least 80 g per day.

Legumes, which, as a result of fermentation, help to release live bacteria, are also indicated in the treatment of candidiasis.

Contains many live probiotics sauerkraut and chinese cabbage kim-chi.

The menu must also include:

  • chicken, beef, veal meat;
  • low-fat fish;
  • vegetables and greens (especially carrots, leafy salads);
  • garlic and onions;
  • spices (bay leaf, cloves, turmeric, cinnamon);
  • cereals and legumes;
  • from fruits - lemons, cranberries.

Getting rid of thrush forever is possible. Don't let disease take over your body. Get healthy!

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Today there are a large number medicines for the treatment of thrush. Therefore, it is not surprising that, going to the pharmacy, it is difficult to choose the necessary medicine. For those who want to better understand this abundance and carefully choose the right remedy, the following information will be useful.

The main question is, in what cases is it better to take pills, and in which cases to use creams and suppositories? How are these methods of application different?

Medicines for the treatment of thrush, depending on the method of application, are divided into 2 groups - local and systemic:

  1. Local - vaginal cream, tablets or suppositories.
    Advantages: safer, do not form resistance to them in fungi, create a high concentration of the substance with its minimal systemic action, avoid unwanted side effects. Many of them can be used during pregnancy.
    disadvantages: if the focus of the fungal infection is located, for example, in the intestines, local funds will be ineffective.
    Topical preparations (cream, tablets or suppositories) are injected deep into the vagina 1-2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. Treatment is carried out until recovery, on average 5-7 days, but with chronic thrush, a longer time may be needed. Intravaginal forms of drugs are not used during menstruation.
    Local treatment is most often quite sufficient for the first time thrush and its mild course.
  2. Systemic - taken orally tablets or capsules that are absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream and penetrate into all organs, tissues and cells of the body.
    Advantages: allow you to act on other foci of infection (for example, the intestines), as well as fungi that live in the thickness of the walls of the vagina, and not just on its surface.
    disadvantages: have a large number of side effects and toxicity, including hepatotoxicity. Therefore, their use during pregnancy is contraindicated. The exception is the non-toxic, but ineffective pimafucin.
    Systemic drugs are used in case of failure of adequate local treatment or with frequent recurrences of thrush (more often than 4 times a year).

According to the mechanism of action on fungi, antifungal agents are:

  1. Preparations with fungicidal action- those that directly damage the fungi and cause their death. More often these are topical agents, because. when used, a very high concentration of the drug is created, sufficient to ensure direct damage and death of the fungus.
  2. Preparations with fungistatic action- those that inhibit the reproduction of fungi, disrupting the synthesis of individual components necessary to build the membrane of its cell. At the same time, new mushrooms cannot form, but existing ones do not die. After removal of the fungistatic agent, growth resumes again. This mechanism of action is typical for systemic drugs.

However, the most appropriate is the use of drugs that have both fungistatic and fungicidal effects.

Local antifungal agents for the treatment of thrush (5 groups).
(First given international titles, and in brackets - commercial).

1. The largest and most commonly used group of antifungal drugs is the "azoles".
They block the synthesis of ergosterol, the main component of the cell wall of fungi. Without ergosterol, the integrity of the cell membrane is violated, the intracellular components of the fungus enter the extracellular space, and the fungi die. Fortunately, ergosterol is not a component of the human cell membrane and "azoles" do not harm them.

  • Clotrimazole (Amiclone, Candide B6 Antifungol, Candibene, Kanesten, Canison, Clotrimazole).
  • Ketoconazole (Livarol, Loceryl).
  • Fenticonazole (Lomexin).
  • Isoconazole (Gyno-travogen Ovulum).
  • Miconazole (Ginezol 7, Gyno-dactarin).
  • Butoconazole (Ginofort)

All these drugs have the same mechanism of action and have approximately the same efficiency, which depends on the sensitivity of the fungal flora to a particular drug.

2. Polyene antibiotics. They are used much less often, because. less efficient.

  • Natamycin (Pimafucin, Primafungin)

3. Povidone-Iodine (Betadine, Yodoxide, Vokadin) - iodine compounds, contraindicated in case of impaired function thyroid gland and during pregnancy, because. can disrupt the formation of the thyroid gland in the fetus.

4. Combined drugs, including antibiotics and hormones.

  • Klion-D 100 (miconazole + metronidazole)
  • Polygynax (Neomycin + Polymyxin B sulfate + Nystatin)
  • Terzhinan (neomycin + nystatin + prednisolone)

The use of combined drugs, including broad-spectrum antibiotics and hormones, is not advisable for thrush, as they suppress the normal microflora of the vagina.

5. 5-10% solution of borax in glycerin. Currently, it is practically not used, because. This is an ineffective treatment for thrush.

Antifungal drugs for systemic use in thrush (3 groups).

1. A group of "azoles" of systemic action.

  • Fluconazole (Diflucan, Diflazon, Ciscan, Flucostat, Medoflucon, Forkan, Mikosist, Fluconazole).
    With a fresh episode of thrush, it is enough to take fluconazole at a dose of 150 mg twice with an interval of 3 days. With often exacerbated thrush after such a double dose, 150 mg is prescribed once a week for 6 months. There is also a treatment regimen in which fluconazole is taken at 150 mg for 2 weeks every three days. Fluconazole has high bioavailability and efficacy, it penetrates into all tissues of the body, has low toxicity and side effects. The disadvantage is that, over time, C. albicans may develop resistance to fluconazole. If treatment with fluconazole does not work, you should think about candidiasis caused by naturally resistant candida species. In such cases, antifungal therapy with the effective but potentially toxic amphotericin B is recommended.
  • Ketoconazole (Nizoral). The average dose is 200 mg 2 times a day or 400 mg 1 time per day with meals. The average course of treatment is 7 days. Ketoconazole in the form of tablets has a predominantly fungistatic effect, but when applied topically in the form of creams and suppositories, its high concentration (1-2%) is created, which is sufficient for the development of a fungicidal effect.
  • Itraconazole. With thrush, take 0.2 g 2 times a day for 1 day or 0.2 g 1 time per day for 3 days. In chronic recurrent fungal vulvovaginitis - 0.2 g 2 times a day for 7 days, and then for 3-6 menstrual cycles 0.2 g on the first day of the cycle.

2. Polyene antibiotics

  • Natamycin (Pimafucin, Primafungin). Efficiency is low.
  • Nystatin. Currently not applicable, because is ineffective.
  • Amphotericin B. Effective drug, however, it is used only for serious systemic fungal infections, because. is extremely toxic. It is not intended to treat fungal infections such as thrush. The only exceptions are cases of persistent, refractory to treatment by other means, including fluconazole, severe candidiasis. But in these cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Important! In all cases, when systemic agents of these 2 groups cannot be dispensed with, it is necessary to take hepatoprotectors, drugs that protect the liver from toxic effects.

3. Caprylic acid (Candida Clear). It is a fatty acid found in coconut and palm oils. Caprylic acid inhibits the growth of yeast fungi, and, above all, the Candida genus, and also maintains a normal balance of microorganisms in the intestine. This tool does not have a toxic effect and therefore can be used without hepatoprotectors.

The general scheme of treatment of thrush in women, depending on the course of the disease.

I. First-time thrush and mild course.
Most often, with the first appearance of thrush and mild course, it is enough to use drugs for topical use. These can be suppositories, creams or tablets with clotrimazole, ketoconazole, fenticonazole or others. For example:
- Lomexin (600 mg capsules) - one capsule intravaginally, repeat after 3 days.
- Or Livarol ( vaginal suppositories 400 mg) - 1 suppository per day for 5 days.
- Or Pimafucin - 1 vaginal suppository for 5-6 days.
During menstruation local treatment do not apply.
In addition, with a mild course of thrush, instead of topical preparations, a single dose of fluconazole at a dosage of 150 mg orally is possible. Occasionally there is a need to repeat the reception after 3 days. However, one must be aware of the toxicity of fluconazole.

II. Chronic or recurrent thrush (more than 4 exacerbations per year). In these cases, combined therapy of systemic and local antimycotic agents is required.
Local remedies (suppositories, creams or tablets) with clotrimazole, ketoconazole, fenticonazole or others are prescribed 2 times a day for at least 2 weeks, followed by maintenance therapy.
Simultaneously with local agents, systemic preparations Fluconazole are used - 150 mg orally on days 1, 4, 7, or for 10 days, then 1 capsule per week for 6 months.
For example:
Livarol (vaginal suppositories 400 mg) are prescribed 1 suppository (400 mg) 2 times a day for 10 days and then 1 suppository per day for 5 days before each menstruation for 6 months. At the same time, Fluconazole (150 mg) is prescribed according to the above scheme.

Treatment of candidiasis (thrush) in men

As in women, in the treatment of candidiasis in men, it is important not only to get rid of the fungus, but also to eliminate factors predisposing to it, for example, an abundance of sweets in food.
With candidal balanoposthitis (damage to the glans penis and foreskin), topical treatment is sufficient. Apply a cream with clotrimazole, ketoconazole or fenticonazole. It is applied in a thin layer on the glans penis and foreskin 2 times a day for 8-10 days.
A single dose of fluconazole 150 mg is also possible.

Treatment of thrush in sexual partners

According to modern concepts, the treatment of a sexual partner in the absence of symptoms of the disease is optional, but desirable.
However, if a woman has a chronic relapsing process, it is necessary to examine the partner. If fungi are found, treatment should be carried out regardless of the clinical condition.

When treating a couple, the following treatment regimen is usually prescribed:
For both partners Fluconazole (150 mg): a single dose is enough for a man, for a woman - repeat the dose after 3 days.
It is also imperative to simultaneously apply local funds. Candles with Ketoconazole - a woman. For a man - a cream with Ketoconazole on the head of the penis. The duration of treatment depends on the form of the disease - acute or chronic.
During treatment, it is better to abstain from sexual activity.

What should be considered before starting treatment.

Before starting the treatment of thrush with antifungal drugs, it should be borne in mind that many of them, especially systemic ones, have a number of side effects and are extremely toxic to the liver and kidneys. Moreover, the use of systemic antifungals is sometimes contraindicated or unreasonable, so it is necessary to compare the risk from thrush and the risk from taking these drugs.

In any case, before immediately resorting to taking systemic antifungal drugs, it is advisable:

  1. Consider if you have taken antibiotics in the near future, hormonal preparations, including contraceptives, or immunosuppressants, which could disrupt the composition of the normal microflora of the vagina or lead to a decrease in immunity.
  2. Pay attention to your diet. Is there too much carbohydrate in it - sugar, buns and cakes, which create a favorable environment for the growth of mushrooms?
  3. Do you often douche? After all, this removes beneficial microflora.
  4. Take a blood test for sugar, because. thrush can often be the first sign of incipient diabetes, and dietary changes can be beneficial.
    All of the above factors can provoke the development of the disease, and if they are not eliminated, the use of even the most powerful means may be ineffective.

All drugs should be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account individual indications, contraindications, allergies, liver and kidney conditions, etc.

To cure thrush, it is not enough to get rid of its symptoms, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the root cause of the disease. The effect can be achieved by destroying its causative agent, the fungus Candida, from which the name of the disease itself is candidiasis. Naturally, you need to see a doctor and pass a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor's prescription will be effective if you follow complex treatment thrush.
It involves taking antifungal drugs. It must be observance of diet and hygiene, as well as the use vitamin complexes and immune stimulants to raise immunity, since often the development of thrush occurs when it is weakened.

Scientists have not yet been able to identify a single cause of thrush in women. But note the most important factors that increase the risk of developing this disease:

Often in women with thrush, inflammatory processes occur in the vagina (vaginitis and vulvovaginitis). Less commonly, the urethra, cervix, and bladder may be affected.

The most pronounced symptoms of this disease:

  • itching in the vagina and on the labia;
  • curdled and copious discharge from the vagina white with a sour smell;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • burning and discomfort when urinating;
  • on examination, the gynecologist reveals redness of the walls of the vagina.

At the initial appointment, the gynecologist first of all takes a smear from the patient and sends it for analysis. The doctor chooses the necessary treatment tactics depending on the type of disease (bacterial vaginosis, isolated candidiasis, candidal balanitis and other types). If several types of fungus are detected, the course of treatment should consist of the combined use of various antifungal drugs with the mandatory inclusion, as mentioned earlier, of immunostimulants and physiotherapy.

Accurate laboratory analysis allows you to determine the body's response to the presence of Candida fungi and the sensitivity of the pathogen to drugs. This makes it possible to accurately select the antifungal drug without difficulty and avoid allergic reaction organism.

Comprehensive treatment of this disease must necessarily take place under the supervision of a physician. In order to prevent any complications and the transition of candidiasis into a chronic form, you should not resort to self-medication, hoping for a quick and positive effect. It is risky and difficult to independently identify the symptoms of the disease in oneself and, moreover, to choose an effective drug.

Treatment of thrush in women

The minimum complex course of treatment lasts up to ten days, and with complex and advanced forms, it can take several months. Now there are a huge number of medicines and treatments. The main treatment for thrush in women is the use of antifungal drugs that negatively affect the vital activity of this fungus. They are divided into local and systemic.

The first of them should include special ointments, creams, suppositories and vaginal tablets that kill the fungus directly on the mucosa. They do not penetrate into the blood and do not have a negative effect on the pathogen located, for example, in the intestines or oral cavity.
The second includes tablets or capsules that you need to drink according to a special scheme. They are perfectly absorbed from the intestines into the blood, so they inhibit the growth and reproduction of the fungus not only in the vagina, but also in the intestines, mouth, skin and nails.

With a mild course of thrush, it is enough to use only topical preparations. The advantage of using them is quick deliverance from unpleasant symptoms and the absence of side effects. But most local preparations relieve symptoms, but do not cure. If the patient has a chronic form of the disease, then the use of local drugs for her will not play any role, more precisely, it will be useless. The goal of systemic treatment of thrush is an aggressive attack on the fungus, so this method is effective for a protracted, difficult-to-treat infection.

Doctors divide drugs from thrush into three groups:

Polyene antibiotics

These include Levorin, Amphotericin-B. Nystatin, Pimafucin, Natamycin are considered popular. This group of drugs acts negatively on the fungal cell membrane, which leads to its destruction and, consequently, to death.


Representatives of this group are Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Diflucan, Mikomax, Mikosist, Irunin, Flukostattsiskan. These drugs block the work of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and make it impossible for new cells to reproduce, that is, they prevent their division. Thus, the fungus stops multiplying and dies.


This group includes Terconazole, Clotrimazole, Livarol, Butoconazole, Econazole, Ketonazole, Miconazole, Candide and a number of other drugs. These drugs have the properties of the first and second groups and fight the fungus more effectively. Although there are several opposing opinions on this matter.

With a mild course of thrush, the doctor usually prescribes a single application of 150 mg of fluconazole. It is desirable to support the intake of this drug with immunostimulants and vitamin therapy to maintain and strengthen the protective functions of the body as a whole.
Itraconazole is prescribed to the patient for acute attacks of the chronic course of the disease. Also often with relapses of thrush, the antifungal drug Ketoconazole is used. Patients with recurrence may be prescribed prophylactic medications, usually fluconazole or clotrimazole.

Fungicidal (antifungal) drugs are the main, but not the only remedy for candidiasis. For effective treatment it is best to use complex treatment, which, along with therapeutic actions, also implies prevention.

The complex therapy of this disease includes a number of important measures:

  • the most relevant measure is the restoration of a healthy vaginal microflora, but only after antifungal therapy;
  • the next measure is strengthening immune system with the help of vitamins, which include a set of all the necessary components (Duovit, Centrum, Vitrum);
  • also an important measure is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene, with which every woman is familiar from early childhood.

In the future, in order to prevent thrush during antibiotic treatment, antifungal agents should also be taken for 7-10 days.

Similar interesting articles.

Thrush (candidiasis, genital fungus) is an inflammatory disease of infectious origin, which manifests itself in the form of vulvovaginitis, sometimes the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis) is also involved in the process. The disease is caused by pathogenic yeast-like fungi Candida, mainly albicans. In structure inflammatory diseases vaginal candidiasis occupies 30-45%. The main group of women suffering from it is in reproductive age.

Pathology tends to be chronic, causing significant inconvenience both in everyday life and in the intimate life of a woman. The abundance of drugs against vulvovaginal candidiasis on the pharmacological market does not eliminate the difficulties in therapy. They are associated with the characteristics of the course of the disease: a tendency to frequent repetitions, the development of resistance to drugs, the presence of many predisposing factors.

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    Clinical Features

    Candida fungi are present in small quantities on the vaginal mucosa in healthy women, but do not cause the development of thrush in them. Only under the influence of predisposing factors does the clinical manifestation of the disease occur. These conditions include immunosuppression (immune suppression) and impaired microbiocenosis:

    • taking medications (antibiotics, cytostatics, glucocorticoids, estrogen-gestagenic drugs);
    • comorbidities (HIV, infections, diabetes mellitus);
    • vaginal dysbiosis (presence of nonspecific vaginitis, STIs, bacterial vaginosis);
    • physiological immunosuppression during pregnancy.

    The acute form of thrush is diagnosed when a case of the disease is first detected or when it occurs sporadic (less than four times a year). Manifested by itching, burning sensation in the vagina, aggravated after water procedures; redness of the external genitalia, discomfort during urination and during intercourse.

    Chronic candidiasis is characterized by a long course with remissions and relapses - more often than four cases of manifestation in 12 months.

    There are also complicated and uncomplicated types of flow. The second option has the following features: first-time occurrence or less than four times a year, the causative agent is Candida albicans, moderate manifestations, women with risk factors (prostitution, change of sexual partner, non-use of condoms, STIs).

    Treatment of candidiasis depending on the clinic

    The course of genital fungus is acute and chronic, depending on the frequency of occurrence.

    acute form

    For an uncomplicated course, in most cases, local therapy will be sufficient - vaginally.

    Possible oral medications:

    • 150 mg of fluconazole (Diflucan, Flucostat) once, clinical manifestations will pass during the first three days after taking the pill;
    • 200 mg of itraconazole twice a day for three days.

    Monitoring the result of treatment is carried out after seven days (smear on the flora).

    Chronic form

    The complicated course requires active tactics. It consists in a longer local, systemic treatment, in the use of combined drugs, in a complex form of therapy (drugs inside and locally), in the correction of local immunity.

    It will be optimal before starting treatment to correct provoking factors: the abolition of estrogen-progestin drugs, glucocorticoids, antibiotics, correction of carbohydrate metabolism.

    Fluconazole intake is longer than in acute course: 150 mg (one tablet) on the first day, the second - after three days, the third - at the same interval. Intraconazole: 200 mg morning and evening for a week.

    As for local treatment, when using Sertazol and Zalain, one suppository is placed at night, repeated use after seven days. Rumizol, Neo-Penotran, Ginocaps forte are used in the morning and in the evening, one candle each from one to two weeks. These are combined preparations containing in their composition, in addition to an antimycotic (miconazole), an antibacterial substance (metronidazole). In some cases, they are a salvation for women with recurrent thrush on the background of vaginal dysbiosis.

    Lomexin is a new generation drug that has maximum activity compared to other antimycotics. The first capsule - vaginally at night, the second - after three days. After 10 days, the course can be repeated. There is another form of this remedy in the form of a 2% cream - daily inside the vagina with an applicator attached to the package, 7-10 days once a day. This remedy is indicated for inefficiency and resistance to basic antifungal drugs, in addition, it also has an antibacterial effect (staphylococci, streptococci). Candida can exist both separately and form biofilm substances; against the latter, many antimycotics are ineffective - this explains the chronization of the process. The anti-relapse effect of Lomexin is built on the latter: it is able to destroy both biofilm and planktonic cells of Candida albicans.

    Lomexin vaginal capsule

    With severe complicated, often occurring candidiasis, the following treatment regimen for thrush can be used: a combination of systemic therapy with local therapy. Against the background of taking fluconazole, itraconazole, lay candles Rumizol, Neo-Penotran, Ginocaps forte, Sertazol, Zalain.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment is performed within three menstrual cycles immediately after the end of menstruation. With a tendency to recurring episodes of thrush, it is necessary to carry out the therapy options indicated above, and the appointment of maintenance local treatment for six months - a course once a month.


    Increase the duration of remission in recurrent thrush substances of plant origin, they can replace maintenance treatment. It is desirable to use them after the main course of antimycotics.

    Gynocomfort - restoring gel, active ingredients which are tea tree oil extract, chamomile extract, panthenol, lactic acid, bisabolol. It is administered by means of an applicator vaginally 1 to 2 times a day. It is recommended for the normalization of microflora after infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina, after and during systemic antibiotic treatment.

    Malavit - concentrate, cream-gel. It contains lactic acid, copper ions, gum, cedar resin, mummy. Monotherapy is represented by three stages:

    1. 1. Treatment of the genital organs with Malavit solution 1:10 (5 ml of water or 10 ml per 100 ml).
    2. 2. Douching 1:10.
    3. 3. A loose gauze swab is inserted into the vagina, abundantly moistened with a solution or cream-gel, and left for 2-5 hours. The course of application - 10 procedures.

    Vitaon - oil extract of medicinal plants (mint, chamomile, wormwood, St. John's wort, wild rose, thyme, celandine, yarrow, calendula, cumin, fennel, pine bud, essential oil, orange, fennel, camphor). It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, immunomodulating, bactericidal action. Reception: soak tampons with Vitaon and lay.


    Positive feedback has a comprehensive method of therapy for chronic recurrent thrush, which consists in the use, along with the main treatment of candidiasis or after it, agents that activate the body's defenses. This may be necessary because the protracted course of thrush is most often associated with a decrease in immune processes in the body and in the vagina specifically.

    Polyoxidonium 12 mg has an antioxidant effect, immunomodulator, detoxifier. Its use allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment, lengthen the period of remission. The drug is available in suppositories that can be applied rectally and vaginally. in a package of 10 suppositories: the first three are administered one at a time in 24 hours for three days in a row, then every other day. This course of treatment can be repeated every 3-4 months to prevent the recurrence of thrush.

    Genferon in the form of suppositories, which can be administered vaginally, rectally. Dosage of 250,000 and 500,000 IU - twice a day, 1,000,000 IU - once a day; with a total duration of 10 days. Simultaneously with fungicides, take: in the morning 500,000 vaginally, at night 1,000,000 in the rectum. The drug is used in pregnant women from the 13th week of gestation at a dose of 250,000 IU twice a day vaginally / rectally for 10 days.

    Therapy during pregnancy

    The period of pregnancy is in itself a provoking factor for thrush due to the development of physiological immunosuppression. During the 1st-2nd trimester, many fungicidal preparations are prohibited, as they can harm the fetus. Still, there are medicines that can be used during this period:

    • Natacin, Pimafucin (based on natamycin) - three suppositories per pack, one per day for three days in a row.
    • Betadine, Ruvidone (povidone-iodine) - 14 suppositories, one twice a day for seven days.

    Starting from the 25th week, the list of medicines is expanding: it can be Sertazol, Rumizol, Ginocaps - all medicines local action, since during pregnancy it is better to abandon systemic antimycotics.

    Joint Therapy

    Optimal joint treatment - mutually with the woman's sexual partner. Very often, the cause of recurrence of thrush is a man who is not cured of candida, who, after another sexual contact, sows pathogens in the woman's vagina. This is also possible in the absence clinical manifestations he, after all, there is also an asymptomatic carriage.

    Used systemic therapy and local in the form of a cream. This can be fluconazole (the scheme is the same as for the patient) or Lomexin cream (2%) - daily on the skin of the head and foreskin of the penis once a day for 5-10 days.

is a disease of the mucous membranes and skin. This disease is caused by overgrowth of fungi. genus Candida. This fungus is constantly present in our body. If for any reason the balance of microorganisms is disturbed (this may be decreased immunity, reception antibiotics or STD), then this leads to the rapid reproduction of candida, that is, to the occurrence of thrush. Thrush in women: causes, treatment.

Treatment of candidiasis in women: drugs

For the effective treatment of thrush in women, use various drugs, among them: tablets, creams, ointments, candles, .

Thrush in women: treatment with pills

The main active ingredients that treat candidiasis are: nystatin, miconazole And ketonazole. The most popular tablet preparations for treatment and women are the following drugs.

Fluconazole: treatment of thrush in women

It is most often used to treat thrush (candidiasis) in women. It is also the most inexpensive drug, which must be used 1 time. Active substance inhibits fungal growth even in cases where the disease is running and has spread throughout the body.


This remedy is widely used in the treatment of thrush in women with drugs. It is effective in the treatment of candidiasis of the vagina, penis, and internal organs. Nystatin is also great prophylactic, which will prevent the appearance of thrush when long-term use antibiotics. Treatment with these tablets lasts from 10 to 14 days. This tool prescribed even to children.


These tablets contain active active substance is an fluconazole. During treatment mild illness I am satisfied with a single dose. In severe forms, the reception is repeated after 3 days.


The active substance of this drug is fluconazole. They need to be accepted once.


Contains the same name active substance. This remedy is prescribed against acute or chronic form candidiasis. The course of treatment is 5 days, during which 1 tablet is taken. This drug is also prescribed children from 2 years old.

Candles for the treatment of thrush in women

In the treatment of thrush in women, suppositories are used to treat local vaginal candidiasis in women.


These candles contain benzothiophene And imidazole. You need to apply them for a week at night. A candle is inserted into the vagina. The drug is quite effective, its only drawback is the high price.


A contraindication to the use of suppositories is first trimester of pregnancy And hypersensitivity. Apply it 1 suppository for 3-5 days. The advantage is the fast effect and no allergic reactions.


This drug is used from one to two weeks, 1 suppository at night. This remedy is used to effectively treat thrush in women. with relapses And resistance to other antifungal drugs.

Contraindication is the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation.

The scheme of treatment of thrush in women with drugs

In the treatment of newly emerged thrush or with a mild stage of the disease, the following treatment regimen is prescribed:

  1. light topical preparations - suppositories, creams, tablets with clotrimazole, ketonazole and fenticonazole
  2. a single dose of fluconazole orally at a dosage of 50 mg is possible

During menstruation, local treatment is not used.

How to treat thrush folk remedies

Treatment of chronic thrush in women: drugs

Unfortunately, the treatment regimen for chronic thrush in women may be ineffective, and thrush can recur, and then become chronic. Most often this happens in patients with a weak immune system.

Treatment of chronic candidiasis in women requires a serious approach. Before eliminating the consequences cure the root cause occurrence of the disease. After that, the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor is applied. The most common of them: 1-2 times a week treatment vaginal suppositories, 1-2 times a week taking antifungal drugs by mouth. Treatment may take several months.

Thrush in women during pregnancy: treatment

Pregnancy is a predisposing factor to the occurrence of candidiasis. Approximately half of pregnant women suffer from this disease. Most often it appears in the first and third trimester.

Treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women is a serious problem for gynecologists. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary not only to get rid of the disease, but also not to harm the fetus. The main treatment at this time are candles And outdoor creams. The duration of treatment at this time is up to 10 days.

Thrush in a nursing woman causes and treatment

During lactation, the Candida fungus often affects not only the genitals, but also the nipples. However, the location of the disease does not affect the treatment. When breastfeeding, you can not treat yourself need to be checked by a specialist.

Most physicians are against oral medication and recommend the use of local preparations. Most often prescribed ointments based on antibiotics. Of course, the treatment of thrush in a nursing woman with drugs that contain antibiotics is not very useful, but they help quickly stop the development of the disease and prevent it from spreading to the baby.