How bad is protein intake? Elena Malysheva about clinical nutrition for cancer patients The harm and benefits of protein supplements.

The paramount importance of protein in our life is described by the phrase of F. Engels: "Life is a way of existence of protein bodies." Protein is the building block for the entire body. It consists of muscles, bone tissue, hormones, enzymes.

If we compare human body with a construction site that constantly creates new floors, eliminates debris, and moves components, then proteins can be represented as bricks. It is easy to imagine what will happen if building material is not delivered on time or in insufficient quantities. The workflow will begin to slow down or stop altogether, over time, already built walls will begin to collapse.

So for the normal functioning of the body, a daily intake of protein is simply necessary. The norm of its consumption is 2 g per 1 kg of body weight per day. You can get protein from plant and animal foods. And you can use industrially produced protein. Men (whether this product is harmful or not, we will consider in the article) who supplement their diet a lot. You can buy it at a pharmacy or sports nutrition stores.

What is protein made from?

Milk is the most common starting material for the manufacture of protein dietary supplements. Casein protein is made from milk curdled with special enzymes.

Whey protein is a concentrated protein that is isolated from whey. In order to obtain a finished powdered product, milk is curdled, pasteurized, filtered. The resulting protein is then concentrated and dried.

In addition to these types, soy and egg protein are also isolated. They are used less often because they are more expensive. Is it suitable for men? Is this product harmful or not? Scientists have not been able to fully understand this issue, because this type of protein is not fully absorbed by the body.

Egg white is useful, because it contains sulfur, which positively affects the functioning of the whole organism. Mixed protein products have also been developed. They combine the best qualities of each type of protein.

Protein Benefits

To obtain the required dose of protein, an athlete must drink 6 liters of milk per day, or eat 15 chicken eggs, or get the same substance from a considerable amount of meat. Such food is expensive, not everyone has the strength and desire to cook. Sometimes it is difficult to get the optimal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. That is why athletes often prefer canned protein.

What does protein mean for men's health, is it harmful or not? Athletes test this on their own experience. After all, the use of pharmacy proteins is cheaper, and such a product is also very convenient to store and transport. A significant advantage is the balanced composition of amino acids in the composition of the supplement. Manufacturers, in addition to pure natural protein, often add a variety of vitamins to the powder that cannot be obtained from ordinary food. This saves the athlete time and money.

Protein Indications

Protein is simply necessary for people who are actively involved in sports. Its use stops catabolic processes in the muscles, helps the body recover faster after a workout. A balanced composition of amino acids increases the protective functions of the body, improves the functioning of the endocrine system. The ideal nutritional supplement would be protein for men. The reviews confirm the fact that with protein products, muscle mass grows much faster, and the level of fatigue decreases. The enzymes contained in the product have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Before starting a diet and taking any drug, it is better to consult a doctor. It is a nutritionist who will help find answers to questions about whether protein is harmful to men's health, whether it is worth using it in a particular case. Manufacturers do not recommend the use of such products:

  • persons under the age of 18;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • people with individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • sick with kidney failure and liver problems
  • people with a very large amount of subcutaneous fat. The composition of the product most often includes fast protein. If you pay insufficient attention to physical activity, then you can easily gain even more extra pounds.

When taking a protein dietary supplement, you need to carefully monitor the dosage. A large amount of protein can cause constipation, bloating, colic. In excess of protein intake puts an extra burden on the kidneys and liver. The products left in the intestines can become an excellent breeding ground. pathogenic microorganisms. Is protein good or bad for men's health? The answer is simple: it all depends on the dosage and adherence to the training regimen.

Protein and potency

There is a myth among the people about the detrimental effects of protein on men's health. "Is protein bad for men's health?" - the most frequently asked question on sports forums. People who are far from sports and healthy eating often confuse protein dietary supplements with products containing steroids.

Anabolic steroids are really dangerous for men's health. They affect the hormonal background of the athlete and can cause irreparable harm to health. Long-term use These drugs inhibit the body's production of the male hormone testosterone. Over time, after refusing to take steroids, a man may have problems with potency, sometimes even the restructuring of the body according to the female type begins.

Proteins, on the contrary, have a positive effect on potency. Many athletes after taking protein supplements noted an increase in sexual desire, an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse. This is not surprising, because the essential and nonessential amino acids included in the product improve the functioning of all organs and systems. The question of whether protein is bad for men's health falls away on its own.

The effect of protein on the functioning of internal organs

Canadian scientists tested the effect of protein on human health. They examined the kidneys, liver, genitals, digestive system of people taking protein. According to their findings, protein in a normal dosage is absolutely not harmful to internal organs. They also concluded that excessive intake of animal protein increases the risk of stomach and esophageal cancer. But this risk is much less than in the case of eating fast food or carbonated drinks.

Is it necessary to exercise while taking protein?

Protein, especially whey, is absorbed very quickly. Therefore, if you do not expose your body to regular physical activity, the fat layer will begin to grow. Casein protein is ideal for a person who wants to lose extra pounds. Having used it in the evening, the athlete will protect himself from nightly overeating. In combination with physical activity, the use of protein will positively affect the figure.

October 20 and November 5, 2017 on the air of the programs “Live is great!” and “Health” on Channel One, presenter Elena Malysheva told the audience about how important nutrition is when oncological diseases. It is no secret that most cancer patients face multiple nutritional problems during treatment: changes in taste sensations, loss of appetite and constant nausea during chemotherapy lead to the fact that the patient begins to lose weight rapidly. In such a situation, a weakened body needs additional support. That support is Nutridrink Compact Protein. A small volume contains 18 grams of protein and 300 kcal. Just one bottle can replace one meal. Due to the liquid form, the product is easily absorbed and fills the patient with the energy necessary to fight the disease.

On October 20, 2017, the program “Live is great!” With Elena Malysheva talking about the nutrition of people diagnosed with Cancer. Nutrition gives a person energy - energy to fight infection, energy to resist cancer. Protein is a building material for body cells, including immune complexes. “Protein is the first thing a cancer patient needs,” according to the author of the program. In addition, you need vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates in sufficient quantities. Meanwhile, the nutrition of a cancer patient is difficult. Nutridrink Protein in a 125 ml bottle is easy to swallow and drink, contains a high amount of protein in a small volume, as well as 14 vitamins and 15 minerals necessary to maintain vitality.

On November 5, the Health program went on the air on Channel 1. Why are resuscitators so concerned about the nutrition of patients? According to Alexander Savushkin, head of the intensive care unit at the Research Institute of Coloproctology, “patients with colorectal cancer are characterized by a high incidence of malnutrition.” Cancer patients have a perverted taste, because of nausea they refuse to eat, chemotherapy suppresses appetite. At the same time, it is essential that they have proper nutrition. As a resuscitator, Alexander measures the amount of protein consumed by patients. Cachexia (protein loss) is one of the leading problems in patients with colorectal cancer. The daily protein requirement of such a patient is at least 18 g per 100 g of food consumed (this amount of protein is found in the following products - three eggs, 100 g of meat and 2 glasses of milk). Therapeutic nutrition Nutridrink Compact Protein has the highest protein content per unit volume. One 125 ml bottle contains 18 g of highly digestible protein. Nutridrink Compact Protein is recommended both in the postoperative period and in the period of preparation for surgery, as well as during the entire course of antitumor therapy.

Sports nutrition has become an integral part of modern sports, and in some of its types it has received the status of a cornerstone. For example, this happened in bodybuilding, where most athletes have the opinion that without sports nutrition you can’t get a good result.

I am not the first year in iron sports, I have experience not only in training, but also in preparing for performances, so I have the right to express my opinion about sports supplements and, in particular, about protein.

So, let's talk about protein - why is it needed or not needed, is it worth using, or can you easily do without it, let's talk - protein is harmful, or is it good. I want to focus on the basic facts about this sports supplement - the whole truth about protein.

Fact #1: Protein is the most popular in the world.
Historically, this type of sports nutrition has become the most popular supplement. Representatives various kinds sports on a regular basis use this sports nutrition - soy, whey, etc.

Fact #2: Protein is protein!
It is now the end of 2014 on the street, but at the same time, about 20% of the inhabitants do not know that protein and protein are one and the same. Also, many do not think about whether there can be harm or benefit from the use of protein, and also why it should be taken additionally.

Fact #3: Protein shakes have different absorption rates.
Every fan of protein shakes should be aware that they have different absorption rates and varying lengths of time during which they provide the athlete with amino acids. Before drinking a cocktail, think about when it should be done and why, at what time of the day, how much before, or how long after a workout. Casein is the slowest-digesting protein, it will provide the athlete with amino acids for a longer period of time, in which its benefits are simply undeniable.

If you take a protein concentrate and drink it in the form of shakes, it will work faster, but it will not provide us with amino acids for a long time.

Do not forget that there are not only dairy, but also other proteins, namely: vegetable, meat, egg. They also have their own duration of action, their speed of response, and hence their pros and cons.

The fastest protein in existence is whey protein or "isolate". For these reasons, before or immediately after a workout, it makes sense to take exactly this variety sports nutrition, for example, in the form of cocktails. If you want to maintain a high level of amino acids in the body throughout the day, then consume soy and egg proteins. If you need to use protein at night - give preference to the longest-acting sports nutrition, based on casein, this will not harm the athlete's body.

Fact #4: After the age of 20, many people experience reduced production of the enzyme lactase.
Milk, as well as some dairy products, contain milk sugar called lactose, and our body produces an enzyme called lactase. Thanks to this enzyme, we are able to metabolize lactose, but after the age of 20, most people produce less lactase or it is practically not produced. If such a person drinks milk that contains lactose, he will feel bad. He is likely to develop flatulence, diarrhea, and digestive disorders. What had never happened to them before, since his body produced lactase in sufficient quantities. In fact, milk and dairy products for such people cause great harm health.

Casein protein does not contain lactose, so it can turn into a sticky astringent in the stomach, which very often causes constipation.

Fact #5: Enzymes are added to protein concentrate, this is called hydrolysis.
Protein concentrates and isolates often contain enzymes of some kind during production, this is called hydrolysis. You may be wondering why they do it! For example, the hydrolysis of whey produces a protein that can be used by those who cannot drink milk. You can also find low-lactose milk on sale, or use enzymes, thanks to which you can consume milk and dairy products without any problems.

Very important point- enzymes should be selected by a gastroenterologist, otherwise you risk harming your body.

Fact #6: Milk and many protein shakes contain the saccharide lactose can cause flatulence and diarrhea.
If you're mixing protein with whole milk, hoping it will do the trick, you're making a mistake. Since from such a cocktail a double portion of lactose enters the body, which should not be allowed. For in this case, you risk getting into trouble in the digestive system.

Fact #7: There are no analogues of whey protein in nature.
Indeed, in the natural environment there are no analogues of whey protein isolate, that is, a product in which there is practically no fat and carbohydrates. After lengthy research, scientists have come to the conclusion that although whey isolate should and can be used by athletes in nutrition, especially bodybuilders, it is best to consume it after training, because that's when the body needs amino acids the most.

Fact #8: Protein quality cannot be tested.
Protein as a sports nutrition has its pros as well as its cons, such as the quality of the protein powder you consume, you can't check. And laboratory tests give only the percentage of protein and carbohydrates, especially since these are quite expensive to carry out. That is, you bought soy protein, as it was written on the package, but you cannot confirm this fact, you will not be able to reliably find out how sports supplements from different manufacturers differ.

Therefore, if you buy chicken meat, fish, eggs, which you then eat, then you also get the protein that the body needs. Yes, it is not as high-tech, but at the same time you are 100% sure of its quality.

Fact #9: Natural foods are the main source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for bodybuilders.
It is natural sources of protein that are the basis of the diet of all famous athletes, including bodybuilders. Athletes do not dispute the fact that protein in the form of sports supplements is needed - yes, it is needed, but synthetic sources of protein and amino acids can only be an addition to a good diet of simple products. That is, drinking a protein shake is not prohibited, but it is better to combine it with a full meal.

Fact #10: The human body is not capable of accumulating proteins.
The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot accumulate protein reserves. It is for this reason that we need to include more protein products in the menu, replenishing the supply of protein daily from the outside.

Fact #11: Signs of a lack of protein.
Signs of a lack of protein in the body are weight loss, constant fatigue. Lack of protein for a person, and even more so for an athlete, can cause great harm.

Fact #12: The consumption of soy protein affects the hormonal background of women.
Separate conversation - soy protein. This type of protein contains substances such as isoflavones or phytoestrogens. Until now, there are heated debates about how these substances affect the body of men and women, whether they are harmful or not, what to expect from their regular use, etc. To date, it is assumed that soy protein, due to the presence of phytoestrogens in it, can disrupt the hormonal state in a woman's body. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether this type of protein is needed in your diet or not.

Fact #13: 10-35% of your daily calories should come from protein.
From 10 to 35% of the substances that enter your body should come from protein, so keep an eye on the level of proteins in your diet.

Protein is designed to enrich the muscles with protein. There are many questions about the correct intake of protein and how dangerous it is. We will try to answer all these questions in the article.


is a dietary supplement containing high concentrations of protein in its composition with an almost complete absence of carbohydrates and fats. As a rule, protein is used to increase muscle mass and to maintain it during increased loads.
Protein is the most popular sports supplement among bodybuilders.

Protein complexes are a food supplement with a high protein content, the concentration of which reaches 70-95%.

Today, whey protein is the most popular protein supplement for. Whey protein supplies the body with essential amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are involved in muscle protein synthesis after heavy physical activity. Whey protein, the main component of this type of protein, is one of the most valuable proteins and has pronounced immune properties.
According to the production technology and protein concentration, whey protein can be divided into two types: whey protein concentrate and protein isolate. These types of protein supplements differ in protein concentration and, accordingly, in their cost. In the concentrate, the protein content reaches 80%, and in the isolate, up to 90-95%.
Also exists:
Casein is made from milk and cheese products. The main difference between casein is its slow absorption (several hours). In the stomach, it takes the form of a gel, which causes a feeling of "fullness" and satiety.
Soy Protein - Obtained from soybeans. It contains both most of the 20 essential amino acids and isoflavones (phytoestrogens), the structure of which is similar to female sex hormones. Estrogens have metabolic properties that have a positive effect on the skin.
egg protein. Made from egg whites, lactose free.
Hemp protein. Made from hemp seeds; contains highly digestible proteins, hemp oil and essential fatty acids.

Previous articles have dealt with the following in more detail:

First and most important– drink a protein shake (preferably with carbohydrates) immediately after training: this is the very moment when your protein synthesis mechanism is ready to switch to high gear, in addition, the reserves of important amino acids have already been exhausted by this moment, this reduces the body's ability to recover and grow.
Further, try drinking a protein shake in the morning, immediately after getting up - this will stop the catabolic processes that begin during the second half of a night's sleep. “Sleep” means “not eating,” and “not eating” means that the body depletes its protein stores and slows down the production of insulin (which delivers amino acids to muscle tissues) by about the middle of the night, so that by this time you stop building new muscle tissue for recovery and growth.
The sooner you take your protein dose in the morning, the better, especially if your goal is muscle strength and volume.

One of the benefits of protein shakes over whole foods is increased speed assimilation. Amino acids enter the metabolic system much faster than if you ate egg whites.

Another good time to take a serving of protein is late in the evening.

It is the protein that protects the human body. from many infectious diseases, that is, it plays an important role in human immunity.
Besides, protein helps the body adapt to changes in the environment and carry out vital metabolic processes in all human tissues and organs.
Another protein is responsible for all the main functions of the body, namely, reproductive, motor, nutritional functions and many others.
Protein leads to a violation of protein metabolism in the body, since the body uses ready-made proteins, the body ceases to transform them into suitable ones
There are many other ways to increase the amount of protein in the body (For example: chicken, white meat fish, veal and legumes)

Protein is a normal natural protein! It is produced by processing either milk or eggs or soy or cheese! Hence the names on the packages Milk protein, Soy protein, Egg protein or whey protein (it is produced when cheese is smelted)!

Read it anywhere if you don't believe me! You drink “house in the village” milk and eat cottage cheese in packs from the store and don’t read on these packs that these products are also not natural and are not made from ordinary milk, but from powdered milk !!! This is the same as protein, only the protein is a little more concentrated than milk powder and skimmed! Some mistakenly believe that protein is a medicine or chemistry, I want to dispel your doubts - this is an ordinary food that does not contain fat and is easy to eat.

The athlete's body needs approximately 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Some athletes drink up to 4 g per kg of body weight. There is no reason to believe that this gives any greater effect, but it is known for certain that taking more than 2-3 g of protein per kg of body weight can lead to the fact that the protein will be used for energy needs, competing with carbohydrates, t .e. just burn. The products of this combustion process are nitrogenous compounds that overload the work of the kidneys and liver. Therefore, in order to avoid such an effect of protein, try not to exceed the notorious 2 g per 1 kg of weight.
With the help of protein, you can achieve the perfect figure, but only if you play sports. Differences between female body and male, in this case, there is none. For women, aerobics or shaping will ideally complement the use of protein.
In specialized stores for athletes, you can find a variety of protein mixtures with various additives. For example, with the addition of carbohydrates, which increase the energy production needed for complex and long workouts.
By choosing a protein blend for your needs, you will help your body get closer to your goal of an ideal figure and beautiful forms.

Sports nutrition, including proteins, can be bought in the following online stores in Minsk:

  • shop "SportTime" (;
  • online store of sports nutrition "BISON". The same products can be purchased in stores at the following addresses: Minsk, metro station "Oktyabrskaya", shopping center "Kupalovsky", pavilion No. 31, ave. gas. Zvyazda, 16, Moscow market, trading place 13/15;
  • sports nutrition store;
  • ProfiSport, LLC, st. Gorky 71, Grodno;
  • sports nutrition store Rings of Glory: Minsk, st. Very Khoruzhey 1a, shopping center "Silhouette", 1st floor, 4th row, place 15.

Thank you for the article - like it. A simple click, and the author is very pleased.


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Protein bars are the most common sports supplement. This popular product allows you not only to enjoy sweets well, but also to have a snack after active workouts in the gym.


What it is?

To develop solid muscles, you need to train hard and eat right. If an athlete neglects the required amount of nutrients and calories, he will not progress. Protein (protein) is the main component for the growth of muscle mass.

1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight - daily rate athlete. Most of this dose should consist of natural amino acids, which are found in meat products, cottage cheese, cheese. It's no secret that one of the best sources of this building material is found in egg whites.

Also, the athlete should not neglect and - to a much lesser extent - fats. A proper nutritional regimen of meats, protein, and a small dose of fat is guaranteed to help any athlete achieve high performance.

To get the most out of a supplement, remember the golden rule: "Supplements should not be taken in place of a normal meal, but in addition to a rich diet."

We use sports nutrition for our purposes

Building muscle mass

Athletes who train to build solid muscle mass and develop phenomenal physical strength should consume higher doses of protein. If an ordinary person needs 1-1.5 grams of protein per day to maintain efficiency and health, then an athlete needs at least 2-2.5 grams. Moreover, 2/3 of this dose should not consist of protein powder, but of natural food.

A day after a hard workout, you need to increase daily dose one and a half times and stick to it for two days. In order for the processes of muscle building to go smoothly and without interference, you need to take a portion of carbohydrate food immediately after training. And in the next day, the athlete should consume twice as many carbohydrates. ¾ of these carbohydrates should be complex.

During the "drying"

During this period, it is worth closing after a workout with protein mixtures, and not. Also, with "pumping" training, such a cocktail can be drunk immediately after the end of the workout. It is also recommended to drink protein during the “drying” period and before training (pay attention to drying for men and girls).

Use during weight loss

Protein shake for weight loss ... The inhabitants, hearing something like this, are surprised.

Indeed, how can you lose weight by consuming protein, due to which a person, on the contrary, gains muscle mass. It turns out you can.

The main thing is to adhere to the right lifestyle, diet and consume quality products.

Not only protein should be of high quality, but to a greater extent all products consumed by a person.

Doses of carbohydrates and fats need to be reduced, but the dose of proteins does not need to be reduced. One and a half grams of protein per kilogram of your weight is the daily norm for all cases.

¾ of the carbohydrates present in the athlete’s diet should come from the “right” food - durum wheat pasta, black bread, cereals, etc. Sweets and flour products should be consumed to a minimum and, preferably, in the first half of the day.

In fact, a person does not gain weight from protein shakes if the body does not need to build new muscles, so when losing weight, do not be afraid that you will gain a couple of pounds. On the contrary, you will unload the stomach from heavy food, and it will be able to quickly extract the necessary substances from the rest of the food.


Let's highlight the main points of the article:

  1. Protein and protein are the same thing, just in different languages. This substance is a certain set of amino acids that are necessary for building muscles and some metabolic processes inside our body.
  2. Science cannot confirm the harm of such a sports supplement for humans. The only exceptions are people who have individual intolerance to the product or deviations in the functioning of internal organs.
  3. Mixtures can contain a different set of proteins that will be absorbed by the body at different rates.
  4. You can get acquainted with the protein rating at.

Personal trainer, pharmacologist, nutritionist

Compiles and conducts personal training programs for physique correction. Specializes in sports traumatology, physiotherapy. Engaged in sessions of classical medical and sports massage.Other authors