After postinor there is no pregnancy and menstruation cycle. When do periods come after using postinor

As a rule, women themselves plan their pregnancy, using contraceptives for this. But no method of preventing unwanted conception gives a 100% guarantee of protection. Therefore, if such a “misfire” occurs, women, on the advice of a gynecologist, take hormonal preparations, contributing to the appearance of menstruation - this reduces the risk of unwanted pregnancy. begins earlier than usual - such a failure of the menstrual cycle will be triggered by an increased dose of the hormone progesterone contained in the drug.

Under the influence of the drug, the following processes are formed:

  • obstruction of the release of the egg from the ovary;
  • violation of ovulation;
  • deterioration of conditions for the promotion of spermatozoa.

This drug comes in the form of white flat tablets, each containing levonorgestrel 0.75 mg. Its action is aimed at suppressing estrogen - this prevents the fertilization and fixation of the egg in the uterus, as it causes a violation of ovulation, a change in the endometrium. The epithelial layer thickens and its rejection occurs, which stimulates bloody issues.

If you take a pill immediately after intimacy, then the mucous environment in the vagina and cervix becomes viscous - this creates an obstacle to the further advancement of spermatozoa and reduces the likelihood of conception.

Indications for use

Postinor is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy as an emergency contraceptive. It is impossible to constantly use it as a contraceptive, because it disrupts the menstrual cycle. They can go several times a month, which causes inflammation of the endometrium, bleeding. For the same reason, you can not use the drug immediately after menstruation. If a woman after taking postinor after menstruation again, accompanied by sharp cramping pains in the lower abdomen, then this indicates a pronounced change in the hormonal background.

Many women are concerned about how many pills to take. It is very important that menstruation after taking postinor can begin if a woman drank the medicine on the first day after intimacy without contraception. After the first dose, you need to take a second tablet 12 hours later. In the case when the first dose is delayed, the drug loses its effectiveness, it will be difficult to induce menstruation - the fertilized egg will be firmly fixed in the endometrium of the uterus.

If a woman takes the medicine after three days, menstruation does not begin, there is a high probability of pregnancy.

No less relevant is the question of how many times you can use the drug. Gynecologists recommend using it no more than once a month. In addition, you can not resort to postinor as a means of emergency contraception in each menstrual cycle. In order to avoid complications, the use of postinor is recommended no more than three times in 12 months. Instead of a postinor, you can take its analogue of the escapel, which has a similar effect.

Complications after taking the drug

If a woman who has an early pregnancy takes postinor, a miscarriage may occur and severe bleeding may occur. In this case, urgent hospitalization is indicated. If the discharge is not too abundant, but continues for a long period, anemia may develop - this leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the woman. If symptoms of an overdose appear, you should definitely come to the gynecologist for further treatment and selection of contraceptives.

Another negative result, which can lead to taking the drug, is infertility. It develops after a loading dose of levonorgestrel, which changes the functioning of the ovaries, pituitary gland and thus disrupts ovulation.

Postinor has contraindications for use:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • the presence of blood clots;
  • lactation;
  • benign neoplasms of the reproductive system (myomas, fibromas).

All this must be taken into account when prescribing the drug. You need to take the drug in the recommended doses and within the specified time, then the result will be positive. If menstruation came within 3 days, then pregnancy can be excluded. It also happens that a woman has taken the drug, and there are no periods for several days. There is no reason to worry - normally, menstruation comes in a week. If after this period there is no menstruation, then you need to contact a gynecologist, perhaps pregnancy has occurred.

The nature of menstruation

When menstruation begins after taking the drug, they may differ slightly from the usual bleeding. Its beginning does not always coincide with the expected date of the next menstruation. More often, after taking postinor, menstruation appears outside the cycle, by the nature of the discharge, they are smeared, scanty, disappear within 2 days, but are repeated several times during the cycle. This means that the drug worked correctly and pregnancy did not occur. If there is any doubt that this is not the case, you need to do a pregnancy test, and for the accuracy of the result, do a blood test for hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). If you take the drug in accordance with the instructions, then the pathology of the cycle disappears over time.

There are cases when menstruation does not appear after taking the medicine, but there is no pregnancy. Then there is reason to believe that the woman has hormonal disorders. In this case, postinor can aggravate disruptions of the menstrual cycle, provoke delays.

Another effect of postinor is also known - it can cause profuse spotting, accompanied by severe paroxysmal pain. The period of menstruation increases by several days, and bleeding may occur between periods. Due to such complications, adolescents and women with an unstable menstrual cycle should not take the drug.

If the patient does not have hormonal disorders, then postinor can be used as an emergency contraceptive drug, but not more than 2 times a year. In such cases, the effect of the drug does not violate the childbearing functions of the woman. In the following time, if she wants to become pregnant, there will be no complications due to taking the medicine.


Postinor does not cause serious violations if it is used according to the instructions and only as a means for emergency contraception. If you want to terminate the pregnancy in the early stages, postinor is ineffective, but it can cause severe bleeding, which will lead to urgent hospitalization. If, after taking the drug, a woman develops complications (violated menstrual cycle or the nature of the discharge has changed and does not return to normal in 2–3 months), this is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

To figure out when to wait for menstruation after taking Postinor, you should delve into the principle of the drug. The contraceptive effect is achieved by increasing the concentration of levonorgestrel, which causes the following reactions of the reproductive system:

  • delayed ovulation - the hormone inhibits the maturation of the egg, its exit from the ovary;
  • spermatozoa that enter the female reproductive system lose their activity and ability to fertilize;
  • the endometrium provoked by a hormonal surge begins to be rejected.

It is the release of exfoliated mucous membranes that explains the meager spotting on the 4-5th day after taking Postinor - their appearance is considered a sign of the success of the measures. But it is better to make sure that there is no pregnancy with the help of a test.

The protection provided by Postinor is very effective, but not one hundred percent. In addition, the desired action occurs only if the main points of the instructions are observed:

  1. After intercourse, a woman has 24 hours to take a pill, then its effectiveness decreases markedly;
  2. A double dose of the drug is required, the second dose is drunk 12 hours after the first.

Neglect of these rules is fraught with the disappearance of menstruation for a long 9 months.

Doctors warn: after Postinor, side effects may occur. Often girls complain of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The latter entails a decrease in the digestibility of the active substance, a lower effectiveness of the contraceptive. The action of the hormone often causes headaches, increased drowsiness, lethargy, apathy. Cases of side effects in the form of rashes on the skin have been recorded. Postinor is incompatible with many drugs, which must be considered before taking.

When to expect your period

In women who do not have serious health problems, the failure of the cycle after Postinor is usually insignificant, in many respects the date of menstruation will depend on the phase in which the pill is taken. Menstruation may begin as early as a week after taking, or may not come even after a month in case of a strong hormonal imbalance.

Considering that Postinor delays ovulation, a slight delay is natural, but not a single doctor will say how many days it will be. The absence of menstruation for more than 5 days from the expected date of its onset should be considered a cause for concern. To exclude negative consequences, you need to do a home pregnancy test and go to women's consultation. When establishing an "interesting position", in no case should you re-take a contraceptive.

Sometimes women claim that taking the drug caused menstruation prematurely. Such a statement contradicts the principle of action of the active substance, spotting is explained by the release of the endometrium or by bleeding (if there is a lot of blood). In the latter case, you should immediately seek help from the hospital, it is almost impossible to stop the bleeding on your own.

Reasons for the delay

The delay in menstruation after Postinor is observed in the vast majority of cases. Levonorgestrel has a strong, sometimes unpredictable effect on the female body. There are several reasons for the fact that periodic bleeding does not come at the time when it should, significantly lingering:

  • Violation of the terms of taking the drug prescribed in the annotation. There could be pregnancy;
  • An increase in the rate of blood clotting. Menstruation does not begin, because the vessels do not release blood to the outside;
  • Drinking alcohol while using Postinor;
  • The parallel use of other drugs can neutralize the contraceptive effect, which is fraught with fertilization of the egg;
  • Hormonal failure, in such a situation is normal for a week. A failure can cause menstruation ahead of time, there is nothing wrong with that;
  • Severe hormonal disorders. Often observed with abuse of emergency contraception. It will take more than one month to restore the normal functioning of the reproductive system;
  • The delay in menstruation after taking Postinor happens due to contraindications to it;
  • Gynecological diseases, endocrine abnormalities.

Even if all of the above reasons are excluded, and there are no periods, a visit to the gynecologist should not be postponed: there is a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, which is difficult to recognize on your own.

A separate issue is the reception of Postinor by adolescent girls. Often, young ladies do not take care of protection in advance, and after unprotected intercourse, they use emergency measures, being confident in their safety. This behavior is erroneous: the hormonal background, which has not yet reached balance, changes significantly. The first reaction of an immature organism is a general malaise, later pathologies of the menstrual cycle are observed.

Features of menstruation

When menstruation began after Postinor, their nature and course can surprise and even frighten a woman. To avoid unnecessary stress, it is better to familiarize yourself with the possible deviations in advance:

  • A large amount of levonorgestrel can cause monthly brown tint, very meager in terms of discharge. The situation is normal for the first cycle after taking the drug: the blood thickens, leaves the vessels more slowly, and its oxidation begins. If everything repeats through the cycle, you need to consult a doctor;
  • A significant increase in the duration of menstruation up to 8-9 days. You may need hemostatic agents. The longer the menses go, the greater the likelihood of an open pathology;
  • Volume change up or down. It is usually observed against the background of a deterioration in well-being. To endure to the limit is not worth it, it is better to consult with a specialist. The need to change the pad more often than every 3 hours indicates bleeding;

There are 3 reasons that can cause menstruation with similar deviations:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • previously observed hormonal changes;
  • the cycle was not stable initially.

Any questions that arise are best discussed with your doctor.

Complete absence of menstruation

Sometimes the hormonal imbalance caused by Postinor provokes severe cycle disorders and even the cessation of menstruation. In their absence, you will have to go to the doctor to prescribe the necessary examination.

The most common factors identified are:

  • Violation of the proper functioning of the ovaries, usually restored by the body within 3 months;
  • More severe ovarian dysfunction, unable to cope with constantly incoming doses of levonorgestrel. The situation is fraught with infertility;
  • Failures in the secretion of hormones that do not allow the egg to mature. In principle, a woman can go on her period, but she will not be able to conceive.

In addition to these, there are many more possible risks - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The decision on how to restore the cycle after Postinor should be made exclusively by a specialist, self-treatment threatens with serious complications.

Among the general recommendations are proper nutrition, taking multivitamin complexes, homostatic drugs. Postinor is a safe emergency contraceptive in the complete absence of contraindications and health problems. But there are no absolutely healthy people, and therefore, before taking the drug, you should think about whether it is possible to do without it.


Consult a gynecologist for advice. You will be assigned a set of tests, they will conduct an external examination on a gynecological chair, they will be interested in information about your life, the age at which the first menstruation began, abortions, miscarriages, etc. You need to answer the questions of the specialist in as much detail as possible.

The specialist will draw conclusions about the state of your health based on the results of the tests. He can diagnose a failure in the hormonal system, prescribe special drugs that regulate reproductive function. In case you have bleeding between ovulatory cycles, a specialist will prescribe antibiotic treatment, possibly in a hospital.

Tell your gynecologist if your period does not come at all or occurs irregularly. In this case, the specialist will prescribe an examination to establish. If its presence is confirmed, you will have to go to the hospital for preservation. What matters here is the time that has passed since the last pill was taken and the amount of the drug taken. With a single application, the risk for is minimal.

You will be prescribed a course of hormonal contraceptives, the action of which is aimed at restoring the functioning of the reproductive system. The regimen is selected in accordance with the instructions only after consulting a doctor. Tablets should be taken regularly, visit a gynecologist once a month and purchase vitamin complexes.

Visit an endocrinologist who will write a referral for hormones thyroid gland. Such analyzes are carried out in a special laboratory, they can be taken free of charge, on a first-come, first-served basis and for a fee. According to the results, treatment is prescribed.

You can plan on getting pregnant 6 months after taking the last pill. An earlier conception entails the risk of complications, may provoke a miscarriage or other irreversible changes.

You may be diagnosed with inflammation in the pelvic organs. It is also provoked by improper drug intake. In this case, additional studies and specialist consultations may be prescribed.

The specialist doctor will prescribe suppositories or tablets local application to restore the microflora of the vagina and vitamin complexes, in addition, you will be advised to limit the use of alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, etc. for the duration of treatment.

Do not take this medicine if you have had liver disease, have not given birth, or are breastfeeding. Specialists will be able to choose an individual contraceptive that will protect against the onset of unwanted pregnancy.

"Postinor" is mistakenly perceived by some women as a natural means of contraception. However, this drug should only be taken after unprotected intercourse. Two tablets contain a huge dose of progesterone, and in 12 hours the body receives a dose of the hormone greater than in a month of daily use of the latest generation of contraceptives.


The instructions for "Postinor" give a strict recommendation - re-taking the drug is desirable only after a doctor's examination and not earlier than 6 months after the previous use. After all, a blow to the hormonal system female body comparable in strength to a severe concussion.

"Postinor" can only be taken as a means really in situations where the offensive is unacceptable - for example, when a woman is raped or really casual sexual contact in the offensive in the monthly menstrual period. This drug can only be used in women with an established cycle, in the absence of serious liver pathology, malignant neoplasms, vascular diseases (thrombosis).

To exclude the negative impact of "Postinor" after taking the drug before the expected date of the next menstruation, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist to assess possible side effects, and in the absence of bleeding on time, a doctor's consultation becomes mandatory - this is the only way to find out if pregnancy has occurred or the drug has led to severe menstrual disorder.

Before the next menstruation, you must first find out from the doctor whether you should take drugs to improve blood clotting and increase uterine contractions, which ones and in what dosages. This is especially often required for women who already have a large monthly blood loss or who previously had hormonal disorders that required hormonal correction.

It is undesirable to use "Postinor" for nulliparous women - even after a single dose of the drug, there is a risk of irreversible hormonal disorders (although very insignificant, according to statistics, infertility occurs only in one woman out of 1000).

With a regular sexual life, it is preferable to choose the most suitable method of contraception on the advice of a doctor - a condom, oral contraceptives in tablets, intrauterine devices, long-acting drugs, and not hope that taking Postinor will not have a negative effect on the woman's body.


  • postinor infertility

Advice 3: Can postinor cause bleeding in a girl

Danger of uterine bleeding

The role of the hormone progesterone during the menstrual cycle is to maintain the cavity that has grown in the first half of the cycle. Also, under its action, a secret is released that will help maintain the body. The end of progesterone release is a signal to the body that it has not come, and after that the uterine lining begins to be shed, causing menstrual bleeding.

The action is based on the intake of levonorgestrel (a synthetic analogue of progesterone) into the body in an amount that exceeds the required many times over.

Contraceptives taken daily contain two types of hormones, and postinor, in contrast, contains only levonorgestrel, but in a very large single dosage.
The abrupt interruption of its intake following this in some cases really causes severe bleeding in and even at the beginning of the cycle. Many of these cases require the patient to receive emergency medical care.

This is another reason not to take postinor often and regularly. Frequent uterine bleeding and hormonal shocks can cause severe iron deficiency anemia. Such bleeding is dangerous because it often intensifies and then requires long months of treatment.

Other side effects

Postinor is used on any day of the menstrual cycle - both before the onset of menstruation and after. If it is applied when the inner shell is not yet ripe, the risk of bleeding is minimal, but it still knocks the body out of rhythm.

Another argument against the use of postinor on an ongoing basis, in addition to the risk of bleeding, is the risk of dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, and as a result, infertility.

Postinor is intended only for emergency cases and in no case should it be used as a permanent contraceptive, since even its one-time use has many consequences.

This is a very high-quality drug, but it should be used only in really emergency cases. Applying it without a doctor's prescription and often is very dangerous even for an adult woman. In adolescence, it is better to avoid its use by all means, since this drug has a serious effect on the immature functions of the ovary. Under 16 years of age, its use is contraindicated. Since each organism is individual, it can be harmful to use it at the age of 18.

In case of menstrual irregularities, the use of postinor is also not recommended. With inferior ovarian function, one dose of hormones is sometimes enough for an acute menstrual cycle failure and infertility. Therefore, even the use in emergency cases should be discussed with the doctor.

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Postinor is a drug of emergency contraception and helps protect against unwanted conception after unprotected intercourse. This drug can not be used as a regular contraceptive, because. its high content of the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel can lead to adverse side effects.

Postinor is an emergency remedy for the unplanned, so it should be familiar with the instructions in advance. It is strongly not recommended to use this remedy repeatedly during one menstrual cycle. By following the rules of use, you can avoid adverse side effects on the hormonal background of the female body.

Side effects when taking Postinor can be classified according to various criteria. Also, the severity of side effects may increase due to an overdose of this drug.

Allergic reactions that occur while taking Postinor

Possible allergic reactions include the manifestation of such skin diseases as itching, urticaria, rash and swelling of the face. Data side effects are likely to be due to the fact that Postinor has some stimulating effect on the production of male sex hormones androgens in, and androgens stimulate the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. However, at correct application Postinor, the occurrence of allergic reactions is unlikely.

Bloody discharge while taking Postinor

As a rule, acyclic spotting may occur 5-6 days after taking Postinor. The duration of such discharges can be from 3 to 5 days. When such secretions appear, you should not worry, as this is the action of the drug according to the instructions.

Other side effects when taking Postinor

The action of the drug often causes such side effects as fatigue, nausea and pain in the lower abdomen.

More rare effects include:
- dizziness;
- diarrhea;
- vomit;
- soreness of the mammary glands;
- small discharge from the mammary glands;
- headache.

Also, after taking Postinor, hormonal disbalance, due to which there will be a delay in menstruation by no more than 5-7 days. However, if there is a delay for a longer period, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and exclude pregnancy.

Uncontrolled intake of Postinor is very dangerous and with it there is a high risk of more complex side effects, such as:
- the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels;
- metabolic disease;
- the appearance of male pattern hair;
- ectopic pregnancy;
- infertility, etc.

Postinor is an emergency contraceptive that helps prevent unwanted pregnancy. When used correctly, the effectiveness of this drug is over 90%. Like other hormonal contraceptives, Postinor should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

How Postinor works

The active substance of this drug is levonorgestrel, a synthetic progesterone - the hormone of the corpus luteum. Levonorgestrel is also part of the preparations for planned contraception, but in Postinor its content is much higher. A "shock" dose of levonorgestrel is necessary to create a hormonal background unfavorable for pregnancy in a woman's body.

Doctors recommend taking "Postinor" no more than twice a year. With a regular intimate life, you need to choose another contraceptive.

Depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, Postinor was taken, it acts differently:
- prevents the release of the egg by reducing the patency of the fallopian tubes;
- changes the structure of the endothelium (inner layer) of the uterus and thereby prevents fertilization or the introduction of a fertilized egg.

"Postinor" does not affect the already fertilized and implanted egg. It is useless to take it to terminate the onset of pregnancy, since this drug does not have an abortive effect. On the other hand, Postinor will not affect the fetus if a decision is made to continue the pregnancy.

Features of the reception "Postinor"

The standard package of Postinor contains two tablets to be taken one after the other with an interval of 12 hours. The first tablet should be drunk as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse - best of all in the first 12-24 hours, then the effect of the drug will be as effective as possible. The maximum period during which it makes sense to use the drug is 72 hours. It is important to remember that Postinor will not work if, after taking it, the woman again had unprotected intimate contact. Also, the drug can not prevent infection with diseases that are sexually transmitted.

It is best to take the tablet immediately after a meal. Thus, you can reduce the risk of side effects - vomiting and nausea, which are often observed after taking Postinor. Sometimes the drug causes dizziness, weakness, headache, swelling of the mammary glands. It is also not uncommon for meager short intermenstrual bleeding.

If vomiting begins within two hours after taking Postinor, the drug will not have time to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you need to take another pill.

After using Postinor, the next menstruation begins in a woman at the usual time or a few days ahead of schedule. In case of a delay in menstruation for a week or more, you need to consult a doctor, because even after taking the drug, pregnancy is still possible.

There are a number of contraindications to taking Postinor. This remedy should not be used by women with diseases of the liver and gallbladder, varicose veins and other venous circulation disorders.

Anastasia Chuleida

Postinor is a drug used as an ambulance to prevent pregnancy. Its main active ingredient is the hormone levonorgestrel. It stops the action of female hormones responsible for conception and the introduction of an egg into the wall of the uterus - progesterone and estrogen.

Unfortunately, pregnancy after using Postinor can occur in 15 out of 100 cases.

A pregnancy test after taking Postinor may turn out to be positive, although the instructions say that the synthetic analogue of levonorgestrel has a pronounced contraceptive effect.

If you take the drug immediately after unprotected intercourse or if other contraceptive methods fail - or within 72 hours - the exit of the finished follicle and its progress through the fallopian tube will be interrupted. If the woman was in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and a healthy follicle met with a spermatozoon and is preparing to infiltrate the uterine wall, the active substance blocks endometrial changes, and pregnancy will not occur.

However, the more time has passed since intercourse, the less power the medicine has. If in the first hours it works in 95 cases out of a hundred, then after 2 days - only in 70.

If a woman's menstrual cycle is unstable, then before using the medicine, she needs to do a pregnancy test. It may be that there is already a pregnancy, and taking Postinor will not be able to affect it, but it will cause a malfunction of the hormonal system and side effects.

Side effects when using a contraceptive

Even if the drug did not work, after Postinor, there will be no consequences for pregnancy. But the body of a woman with individual intolerance can respond to taking the drug - even if it was used on time and justified its indicated properties - with an allergic reaction.

You may experience the following side effects when using birth control:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • menstrual disorder;
  • very often there is bleeding;
  • when taken in the second phase of the cycle, an ectopic pregnancy is possible.

This does not mean that the drug is bad or "old". Any of the most modern hormonal means by which pregnancy planning is carried out can cause similar consequences.

Despite the relatively high level of development modern medicine, it is definitely impossible to establish which hormones in what quantity a woman’s body produces at a certain moment - the test indicators are quite subjective. Therefore, a change in the hormonal balance in one direction or another can adversely affect the general condition.

If you roughly “interfere” in the work of the body, the consequences cannot be predicted.

The possibility of pregnancy after "Postinor" can be explained by the individual reaction of the body to the additional input of hormones or a special phase of the cycle.

The nuances of using the drug

Approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the mature egg "hatched" from the follicle and moves into the uterus through the fallopian tube, waiting for a meeting with the sperm.

At this time, it is no longer affected by any hormones - including those introduced from the outside.

If the meeting with the sperm occurred at an early stage, the medicine was drunk 2 times - as it should be according to the instructions - then it will not reach the egg. Those few days, while the egg descends into the uterus, it is in an autonomous state. When it reaches the target, the effect of the medicine will end.

Even bleeding after Postinor does not exclude the onset of pregnancy, since in 20% normal pregnancies in the first trimester, menstruation comes regularly - although by nature they are meager.

Therefore, with a delay of up to 5-7 days, even if spotting then appears, you need to buy a pregnancy test and check to be sure that the danger has passed.

There is a risk of an ectopic pregnancy after Postinor, when the pill was taken precisely in the most dangerous period - during planned ovulation. The action of levonorgestrel did not allow the fertilized egg to leave the fallopian tube, but since fertilization has already occurred, it is impossible to stop the process. In this case, the embryo will begin to develop in the fallopian tube.

If the test showed an unwanted pregnancy, then you should immediately see a gynecologist. The condition after taking a contraceptive drug should be assessed by a doctor. There is a danger of ectopic pregnancy, therefore, the sooner therapeutic measures begin, the more likely it is to maintain the integrity of the tube.

The drug was ineffective

If the drug was ineffective, and conception occurred, then women often decide to keep it. It is morally difficult to decide on an abortion in such a situation - the future baby has already earned the right to life even before the embryonic stage.

Now the woman is worried - did the reception of Postinor harm the unborn baby, did adverse changes occur in the mother's body that would affect the development of the fetus?

The body is completely cleared of the components of Postinor within 26 hours, during which time the egg only has time to descend into the uterine cavity. The laying of the embryonic systems begins at the next stage, and the medicine will not have any effect on the fetus.

Caution - life threatening!

You can not use Postinor to prevent unwanted pregnancy:

  • if there is a history of diseases, one of the symptoms of which is kidney or liver failure;
  • in violation of liver function of any form;
  • with hypersensitivity to any component of the remedy;
  • in diseases associated with lactose deficiency or its complete intolerance, with glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in adolescence - disorders with an unstable menstrual cycle can be so serious that it will take a very long time to treat.

Since the hormonal balance has not yet been established in adolescents, even a single use - a blow to the body of a huge dose of levonorgestrel - can knock down the menstrual cycle for a long time and even deprive the girl of experiencing the happiness of motherhood.

Postinor is a synthetic contraceptive drug designed to prevent unwanted pregnancy. This medicine belongs to the group of hormonal emergency contraceptives and is used after unprotected intercourse (within 72 hours). Postinor tablets can prevent pregnancy in 85% of cases.

The drug is not intended for use on an ongoing basis, its use requires prior consultation with a gynecologist, since the contraceptive can cause serious adverse reactions. Let us consider in more detail how Postinor works, what are the consequences of taking it, what effect it has on a woman's body and how to use it correctly.

Tablets Postinor - the effect of the drug

Postinor is a postcoital contraceptive intended for oral administration. The basis of the drug is the artificial hormone levonorgestrel, which has a pronounced antiestrogenic and gestogenic effect. The mechanism of this action consists of three components:

  1. The active substance of the drug delays and blocks ovulation, preventing the mature egg from leaving the ovary into the fallopian tube, which prevents its fertilization.
  2. Taking Postinor contributes to a change in the composition of cervical mucus, it becomes thicker, preventing spermatozoa from entering the uterus and fertilizing the egg.
  3. If ovulation did occur, the drug prevents the penetration of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity, that is, in fact, it has an abortive effect.

In the case when the implantation of a fertilized egg has already occurred, the drug is ineffective.

Contraceptive Postinor is recommended to be taken as soon as possible after intercourse, since the more time passes between contact and taking a contraceptive, the lower the effectiveness of the drug will be. Answering the question whether it is possible to get pregnant after Postinor, doctors cite the following facts: if a contraceptive is used on the first day after intercourse, then unwanted pregnancy can be avoided in 95% of cases.

If the drug is taken within 48 hours - its effectiveness is 85%, when used within 72 hours - successful prevention of pregnancy is noted in 58% of cases.

When taken orally, the drug is completely and rapidly absorbed, the maximum concentration of the active substance in plasma is reached after 1.6 hours. Then the concentration of levonorgestrel begins to gradually decrease, the half-life of the drug is about 26 hours.

The bioavailability of the drug is absolute, that is, almost 100% of the dose taken enters the bloodstream. The active substance is biotransformed in the liver, excreted from the body in the form of metabolites equally through the kidneys and intestines.

Release form and analogues

Postinor is produced in the form of tablets for oral administration. White disc-shaped tablets are chamfered and engraved with "INOR" on one side. 1 tablet of Postinor contains 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel + excipients.

Such a high dose of an artificial hormone determines the effectiveness of Postinor. For comparison, in low-dose oral contraceptives, this amount of levonorgestrel is contained in 20 tablets. The drug is stored in a dry place, out of the reach of children, at temperatures up to 25°C. Shelf life - 5 years.

The package with the drug contains 2 Postinor tablets, they are taken at intervals of 12 hours during the first three days after unprotected sexual contact.

Postinor has several active ingredient analogues that prevent unwanted pregnancy no less effectively. The most popular of them are:

  • Escapelle
  • Eskinor-F
  • Norplant
  • Ginepriston
  • Microlute

What means to give preference should be decided together with the gynecologist. All these drugs are effective, but have quite serious side effects. Only a specialist can choose the most optimal option for a woman, taking into account possible contraindications and the general health of a woman. In order to avoid possible complications, it is not recommended to use Postinor or its analogues on their own.

How much does Postinor cost?

In pharmacies, the average price for a package of Postinor containing 2 tablets is 320 rubles. The cost of the drug is quite acceptable, given the fact that the contraceptive is not intended for systematic use, but is used only in urgent cases.


Postinor is recommended for use by women as a method of emergency contraception after unprotected intercourse or the unreliability of other protective measures against unwanted pregnancy.

Oral contraceptives are used only in extreme cases, it should not be used systematically, this can lead to the development of unwanted complications. Women should remember that the drug is not always able to prevent pregnancy, since its action is most effective during the first day after contact.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use Postinor prescribes to take two tablets during the first 72 hours after unprotected contact. First, take one tablet, then, after 12 hours, drink the second. In order to achieve the desired effect, the drug must be taken as soon as possible after sexual intercourse.

If vomiting occurs within three hours after taking the first or second pill, you need to drink another pill of contraception. The drug can be taken on any day of menstruation, it is desirable that the woman had a regular menstrual cycle. Repeated use of the drug during one cycle is not recommended, since spotting is noted after Postinor, moreover, with frequent use of the drug, uterine bleeding may open.

After using emergency contraception and until the next menstruation, a woman should be protected by local contraceptives (cervical cap, condom).

A woman needs to remember that postinor contraceptives often cannot be taken, uncontrolled intake can later cause serious complications and even lead to an ectopic pregnancy. The drug contains a "lethal" dose of the hormone levonorgestrel, which can provoke profuse uterine bleeding.

A frequent occurrence when taking Postinor is a delay in menstruation and failure of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, to the question of women: “How many periods after Postinor? It can be difficult for specialists to give an exact answer. In some cases, a delay may indicate contraceptive abuse or be the result of an unplanned pregnancy.

Late use of Postinor does not guarantee the prevention of fertilization, therefore, for any delay in menstruation, you should consult a specialist to exclude pregnancy.

Young girls often face the problem of an irregular menstrual cycle and ask gynecologists if it is possible to take Postinor with a delay in menstruation. The hormonal component of the drug can help in such a situation, and the girls note that after Postinor, menstruation began and the cycle stabilized. But you can use a contraceptive for these purposes only after consulting a specialist, in no case should you take the drug systematically.


Postinor is contraindicated for use in the following conditions:

The drug is prescribed with extreme caution to patients with diseases of the biliary tract and liver. A doctor should not prescribe a contraceptive for severe jaundice or Crohn's disease.

If pregnancy still occurs when using an emergency method of contraception, then studies confirm that taking the drug does not adversely affect the development and formation of the fetus.

During lactation, you should refrain from taking postinor contraceptives, since the active substance is able to penetrate into mother's milk. In the event of an unforeseen situation and the need for urgent use of Postinor, doctors recommend doing the following.

Before taking the drug, the young mother is offered to feed the baby, then express breast milk and take 2 contraceptive pills at once. It is not recommended to breastfeed the baby for the next 24 hours; you can use expressed milk or baby food for feeding. A day later, you can return to breastfeeding.

Side effects

When taking Postinor, in some cases there are transient adverse reactions that do not require drug therapy. Women note the following manifestations:

  • Headache, dizziness
  • Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea
  • Soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands
  • Delayed menstruation (up to 7 days)

If the arrival of menstruation is delayed for a longer period, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist in order to exclude pregnancy.

In addition to these side effects, patients often note that in response to taking the drug, lethargy, a feeling of fatigue occur, pain in the lower abdomen may appear. The most threatening consequence of taking Postinor may be the development of bleeding. This is due to the action of the active hormone, which increases the level of gestogen, which is responsible for the state of the endometrium of the uterus.

Bleeding can also develop as a result of improper administration of Postinor, when a high dose of the drug is taken for a short time. An overdose can cause uterine bleeding. In such cases, emergency medical attention will be needed.

Frequent use of the drug is highly undesirable, experts warn that the systematic use of Postinor increases the risk of developing ovarian dysfunction and, ultimately, can lead to infertility. It is advisable to use emergency contraception no more than once every three months.

drug interaction

Simultaneous use with certain drugs can significantly reduce the effectiveness of Postinor. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it together with antibacterial and antifungal agents, preparations containing St.

Women taking anticoagulants and hypoglycemic drugs should be aware that Postinor reduces the therapeutic effect of these drugs.

special instructions

In order to avoid unwanted side effects and complications, postinor contraceptives can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The drug is recommended for use in women with a regular monthly cycle. In most cases, Postinor does not affect the nature of the cycle, but sometimes its use can delay menstruation for several days or cause bleeding that is not associated with the menstrual cycle.

When used repeatedly during one menstrual cycle, the medication can cause various disorders (delayed menstruation, uterine bleeding). Appearance fainting or severe pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. This condition requires hospitalization and surgery.

It is forbidden to use Postinor as a means of continuous contraception. The drug contains an artificial hormone in high doses, so regular use can lead to the development of severe adverse reactions and complications, up to infertility.

Postinor does not replace regular contraception, it is used only in cases where other methods of contraception fail (violation of the integrity of the condom, a pass in taking a regular oral contraceptive).

In case of development of uterine bleeding caused by taking the drug, it is mandatory to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. The contraceptive is not able to terminate a developing pregnancy. If conception occurs while taking the drug, then you should not panic, since there is no risk of a negative effect on the developing fetus from Postinor. It should be remembered that the use of emergency contraception is not able to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Instructions for use of the drug warns that the effectiveness of Postinor can be significantly reduced in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With pathologies of the liver, biliary tract, the drug is prescribed with caution, while the doctor should monitor the general condition of the patient.

After using the drug, you should visit a gynecologist, undergo an examination and decide on subsequent methods of regular protection. The doctor will help you choose the best option, taking into account possible contraindications and related diseases.

Postinor does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or perform work that requires concentration and high reaction speed. Women's reviews of the drug are mostly positive, but some of them indicate that the use of an "emergency" contraceptive can provoke hormonal failure and adversely affect reproductive function.

How do menstruation change after Postinor and in what cases is its use justified? What is the purpose of this remedy and what is its effectiveness? Such questions often arise among those who have encountered problems with delayed menstruation after Postinor. To answer these questions, you need to figure out what this drug is.

The drug Postinor is used as a means for emergency contraception. With it, you can prevent unwanted pregnancy, which is possible after unprotected intercourse. The action of the drug after its use in the first half of the cycle makes ovulation and, therefore, further conception impossible. Taking Postinor after ovulation has occurred can change the endometrium in the uterus in such a way that it cannot hold a fertilized egg on itself.

Postinor is not used as a means for performing an abortion, since its main purpose is to prevent pregnancy. Its use at the onset of conception is ineffective.

How effective the reception of Postinor will be depends on the time interval between the completed sexual intercourse and the time of admission. On the first day, the effect of its use reaches a positive result in 95% of cases. For the second day, its effectiveness is reduced to 85%. In the case when Postinor was used on the third day after an unprotected act, conception can be avoided only in 58% of cases. After 72 hours, as with an accomplished pregnancy, Postinor is not used at all.

When does menstruation begin after Postinor

After Postinor, menstruation is able to go with more abundance than always. As a rule, this condition soon normalizes and the cycle stabilizes. If heavy discharge continues for more than a week, it is better to consult a gynecologist. If serious problems were not observed before, and after taking the drug, the woman did not feel any disturbances, then menstruation should begin on time.

The time of its arrival largely depends on the phase of the cycle in which Postinor was taken. The onset of menstruation a day or two earlier or later is not considered a deviation from the cycle, but in cases where the delay in menstruation after taking Postinor exceeds 5 days, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist to exclude the possibility of conception.

After taking it, menstruation began, which means that she is not pregnant.

Even when menstruation began on time, Postinor can cause some problematic situations. They can manifest themselves in the case when a stable and regular cycle has not been established at the moment, as well as in the case of an existing hormonal disorder. Severe prolonged bleeding may occur, which occurs due to changes in hormonal levels.

It happens that, having begun menstruation, they immediately end and pass poorly, with slight discharge. In this situation, the use of a pharmacy test as a pregnancy control does not always show true results.

Therefore, in order to finally make sure that there is no possible fertilization, it is better to conduct an analysis for the presence of hCG. This can show more accurate results and confirm a negative result or pregnancy. The action of the drug Postinor is based on the suppression of ovulation, which virtually eliminates the possibility of conception and implantation. But still there is, albeit small, but still the likelihood that the use of the drug did not have the expected effect and the egg managed to gain a foothold in the uterus.

Scanty menstruation after Postinor

The problem of scanty periods as a result of taking the drug Postinor is not common. This condition - oligomenorrhea, is due to increased hormonal action and over time everything should return to the appropriate norm. At the same time, when a woman had unprotected intercourse, and after using Postinor, scanty periods began, pregnancy must be excluded.

But most often, the appearance of pain of a pulling nature in the lower abdomen and a small amount of discharge are side effects of the drug. If these symptoms do not disappear for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist.

A week later, a brown daub began

A week after using Postinor, dark spotting may appear, which can last from 1 to 7 days. This is considered a normal reaction and does not require treatment. The manifestation of such signs is evidence of a complete cleansing of the genital organs. Often, such spotting passes into a full menstruation, then their duration increases to two weeks. It is impossible to ignore such symptoms only in those cases when they do not end and continue for two weeks or more, and at the same time are accompanied by soreness and malaise.

Brown discharge as a result of using the Postinor drug can appear if it is used incorrectly or in case of an overdose. Do not re-take the drug in one cycle, as this can cause heavy bleeding, which can most often be stopped only by curettage.

What threatens abundant discharge after using the drug Postinor

After taking Postinor, other cycle disorders occur, for example:

Painful periods after Postinor

Painful periods - dysmenorrhea, are evidence that the woman has minor disturbances in the functions of the ovaries, which previously disturbed her a little. With repeated use of the drug, ovarian function may continue to be impaired, and painful manifestations will occur during menstruation more and more often. All this is fraught with serious consequences, which do not exclude persistent changes in hormonal levels and even possible infertility. Also, the appearance of dysmenorrhea may be the result of a side effect of the drug.

Delayed menstruation after Postinor

If menstruation still has not come, do not immediately panic. A delay is considered to be the absence of menstruation for a long time, but in any case, it is better to use a test that helps to establish pregnancy. Menstruation may not start for some time, because after the use of Postinor, failures occur in the hormonal system. Only a specialist is able to find out the exact cause of the deviation that has arisen. A delay in menstruation can occur in the following cases:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction, which should recover after using the drug after 2-3 cycles.
  2. Reduced ability of the ovaries to perform their actions due to repeated use of the drug.
  3. Violation of the production of hormones necessary for the formation, maturation and fertilization of the egg.

The reasons for the fault of which there was a delay in menstruation may be of a different nature. The main and main one is the development of pregnancy, the more rare one is a hormonal disorder with malfunctions in the menstrual cycle. This is the result of various infections and an allergic reaction to one of the components of Postinor.

What to do if menstruation has not come

What to do in cases where Postinor was used, but menstruation did not start? Concerns are caused by the period of time between sexual contact without methods of protection and the use of Postinor.

When this period was longer than three days, it is quite possible that the medicine did not work. Of course, it is possible to induce menstruation with Postinor, but only if conception has not occurred. If, nevertheless, after fertilization, the egg managed to penetrate the uterus and gain a foothold there, then the use of this drug is prohibited.

In order not to be tormented by doubts, it is necessary to check the possibility of pregnancy by using a test for this, or by analyzing hCG. As a rule, such a study is mistaken and a reliable result can be obtained already 10–15 days after the expected ovulation. With a negative result, you can calm down and wait, since the restoration of the menstrual cycle for everyone occurs at different times. For some, menstruation occurs strictly on schedule, and for some it may begin a little earlier or later.

If, after using Postinor, menstruation did not begin, and the result was pregnancy, a decision must be made on further actions. If the immediate plans did not include the birth of a child, consult with your doctor about ways to terminate the pregnancy. In the early stages, it is quite possible to avoid surgery and resort to the help of medications.

Studies have confirmed that when, after using Postinor, menstruation did not begin and pregnancy occurred, the fetus does not suffer from the effects of this drug and develops normally. The action of Postinor is aimed only at the development of the egg and the condition of the uterine mucosa. In the event that the embryo managed to bypass all these obstacles and implant in the uterus, then its further development will take place according to all the rules and the child will be born completely healthy. Therefore, if a woman decides to keep the pregnancy, then fear for the outcome of the pregnancy from the initial stage She doesn't deserve a post.

A remedy for preventing unwanted pregnancy - Postinor, is known to many women firsthand. This is an emergency contraceptive drug that provokes hormonal failure. Therefore, a delay after Postinor or, conversely, unscheduled menstruation is a common thing.

The drug is based on a large dose of a synthetic hormone called levonorgestrel. . Therefore, even one tablet causes not only a violation of the cycle, but also changes in the entire body of a woman.

Characteristic features of the drug

To understand how long the next regular discharge will come after taking Postinor, why there is no menstruation or it came too early, it is necessary to study the essence of the action of the remedy.


The action of the drug is aimed at suppressing ovulation. This makes it impossible for the cell to be fertilized when sexual intercourse has taken place. However, after Postinor, there is a strong shake-up and a cycle failure. No one can predict when the period will come. Maybe it will happen in a week, and sometimes it happens much later. Sometimes a pregnancy test shows a negative answer, but regular discharge does not all come.

The effectiveness of a pharmaceutical agent is only guaranteed if the first tablet is taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected intimate intercourse.

In this case, Postinor will lead to the desired outcome in 80% of cases. If the woman took the medicine (the first pill) after two days, then her probability of not getting pregnant is 50%. After 72 hours, taking the drug will be useless.

The first tablet is drunk as soon as possible after intimate contact. The second should be drunk exactly 12 hours after the first.

The action of the drug

If there are no periods after Postinor for more than 2 weeks, you should consult a doctor, and after 5 days of delay, take a pregnancy test.

A negative result indicates that the drug has fulfilled its purpose, but serious complications could occur. The action of the tool is carried out in several directions:

  1. Causes a delay in ovulation, due to which the female sex cell remains in the ovary. She cannot be fertilized.
  2. After applying Postinor, the structure of the endometrium changes. The influence is directed to the functionality of the uterus. Its ability to reject and build up the inner layer changes. When there is no menstruation and there is a slight delay, it should be regarded as a normal occurrence in this case.

Thanks to these directions of action of the drug, a greater likelihood of avoiding pregnancy is achieved. A test performed at home will confirm this.

Effect on the body

When the girl drank the required dose of Postinor, which the manufacturer indicated in the instructions, side effects may occur. The action of the drug causes diarrhea, headache, nausea. by the most bright consequences become a failure of the cycle, hormonal disorders.

If there are no periods 5 days after their expected start, you must take a pregnancy test. However, if the critical days did not come 2 weeks after the use of the pharmaceutical, you need to pay attention to the endometrial layer. After Postinor, various deviations in its development are possible.

Sometimes there is no period for quite a long time. Even after a month, the normalization of the cycle sometimes does not occur. Therefore, it is necessary to take this remedy only as a last resort. If menstruation does not start, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Not every woman is allowed to use Postinor. There is a group of people for whom taking the drug is contraindicated:

  • It is forbidden to prevent unwanted pregnancy with the help of the presented remedy for women whose menstrual cycle is irregular. The consequences of hormonal failure are extremely serious.
  • If there were facts of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, the use of the drug should be abandoned. The remedy has a particularly strong negative effect on the liver.
  • Teenagers in whom puberty occurs, the use of Postinor is categorically contraindicated. The consequences are fatal. To the point of being unable to have children.

This is a very strong remedy, after which it is sometimes necessary to carry out treatment. If menstruation does not begin within the first five days after taking Postinor, then the drug has given complications of a greater or lesser severity to the reproductive system. Therefore, you can use it only as a last resort, no more than once every six months. It's better to never resort to such means at all.

Menstruation after drug use

Critical days after taking an emergency remedy should go to their usual time. However, no doctor will answer how long to wait for this event. Due to the individual nature of the impact on the body, menstruation after the use of Postinor sometimes begins even after a few days.

This is normal, in case of a small amount of spotting. This phenomenon is called intermenstrual bleeding. It is caused by changes in the inner layer of the uterus.

If the menstruation did not go, they are all gone, although the test gave a negative result, then there was a hormonal failure and the restoration of the cycle sometimes takes quite a long time.

Prolonged absence of menstruation

After taking Postinor, sometimes there is no menstruation for a very long time. If regular allocations did not go in due time for them, this is due to a number of reasons. The main factors are the following:

  1. Disorders in the female reproductive system. There is a serious hormonal failure.
  2. The action of the pharmaceutical agent violates the functionality and structure of the uterus.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Endocrine or gynecological diseases.

If menstruation after Postinor did not go even 14 days after their usual period, you should consult a doctor. Even using the test, it is sometimes impossible to recognize an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, a blood test will show an accurate result.

Abundant menstruation

If a woman drank the medicine (two tablets of the drug), then spotting can come almost immediately, depending on the day of the cycle when taking the remedy. How long to wait for menstruation - not a single specialist will say for sure. Everything is purely individual. Small discharge, which began no later than five days from the expected date of menstruation, is considered the norm.

In case of unusually heavy discharge, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps there was an overdose or the drug adversely affected the endometrium of the uterus.

Effect on the fetus

If, after taking Postinor, pregnancy nevertheless occurred, then a series of examinations should be carried out. If the fetus is fixed on the wall of the uterus, survived the strongest hormonal shake-up of its mother's body, then it is likely that it develops normally.

A number of studies have confirmed that the pharmacological agent does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

The drug changes the structure of the endometrium and affects the degree of functionality of the egg, sperm. The child is born completely healthy. Therefore, if a woman has decided to endure and give birth to her baby, she may not worry about the correctness of his development after she takes Postinor.

The presented emergency means of emergency contraception is quite unsafe for women's health. They should be used only in the most extreme case, without contraindications for use.

Sometimes the events of personal life are unpredictable. This forces the use of such an emergency contraceptive drug as Postinor. It contains a high dose of the hormone, which greatly affects the cycle. On this, in fact, the action is based. But what to do if menstruation does not go after the postinor? Does this mean the drug is not working or is there a more serious reason?

It makes sense to drink the drug when there is reason to fear an unwanted pregnancy, that is, after unprotected intercourse. In order for the taken tablet to give the desired result, Postinor is taken in the following mode:

  • Not later than 24 hours after full sex. Then the effect is found in 95% of cases.
  • In a period of time from 24 to 48 hours, counting from the "dangerous" sexual intercourse. In women who have used the drug precisely according to this scheme, pregnancy does not occur in 85% of cases.
  • 49 - 72 hours after intercourse. Then the contraceptive effect is reduced to 58%.

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, you need 2 tablets of the drug. One is drunk at the already indicated dates (the first option listed is preferable). 12 hours after it, a woman should take the second Postinor tablet.

If the terms of protection against pregnancy with its help are missed, the use of the drug may be meaningless.

Before using a contraceptive, you should carefully study the instructions for it, in particular, the section on contraindications and adverse reactions. The failure of menstruation after a postinor, sometimes observed by the girls who used it, causing many fears and questions, can be provoked by both.

How does the reproductive system react to the reception of "Postinor"

Emergency contraception works by the presence of a high dose of hormones. In Postinor, this is levonoregstrel, which affects the reproductive system in this way:

  • slows down, preventing the egg from maturing and descending into the fallopian tube;
  • reduces the speed and ability to fertilize spermatozoa in the female genital tract;
  • stimulates the endometrium to rapid development and rejection.

These properties give contraceptive effect. A few days after taking the woman, she observes spotting in herself. They go 4 - 5 days with different intensity. This is the torn layer of the uterine mucosa, as well as evidence that the danger of an unwanted pregnancy has passed. However, the latter cannot be considered a 100% sign, you need to make sure that the effect is achieved using a test.

Possible reasons for the delay

After postinor - also a fairly common occurrence. Nevertheless, the hormone contained in the preparation has a strong influence on the functions of different parts of the reproductive system. Therefore, it is allowed to use the remedy no more than 2 times a year and provided that the woman has a regular one. But compliance with all the rules of admission is not a guarantee that the reproductive system will not go on strike in the future. If menstruation did not go after the postinor, there may be several explanations for this:

Cause Why was there a delay
Increased blood clotting When the indicator is initially high, it can increase even more from taking postinor. The vessels, which make up a significant part of the uterine mucosa, will not release the biological fluid out so easily. Hence, not only a delay is likely, but also such a phenomenon as meager periods after a postinor, when critical days finally come.
Violation in the use of the drug First of all, this is a change in the timing of admission. Alcohol also affects the effectiveness of postinor, from which, while the effect is expected, it is better to abstain altogether.
Use of other drugs concurrently with a contraceptive Some pharmaceuticals, taken on an ongoing basis or drunk at the same time as postinor, can neutralize its effect. If a woman has used drugs for HIV infection (Niverapine), gastric ulcers (Lansoprazole), or barbiturates, a delay in menstruation may be caused by combining them with a contraceptive. The same undesirable effect gives the simultaneous use of drugs based on St. John's wort, drugs for tuberculosis and epilepsy ("Oxcarbazepine"), as well as strong antibiotics.
Minor hormonal imbalance The presence of an atypical amount of levonorgestrel in the blood can disrupt the reproductive system even in a woman who is healthy in terms of gynecology. In this case, the delay will be up to 7 days. Another extreme that postinor can cause is that menstruation came earlier. This is not scary, as it has a natural explanation. The drug contains a hormone that controls the second phase of the cycle. That is, levonogestrel accelerates all its processes, hence the faster arrival of critical days. A similar manifestation is more likely if the drug was taken in the luteal phase, in which the natural concentration of gestagens is high.
Severe hormonal imbalance This is possible under any condition, but is more likely with frequent postinor use or existing hormonal problems. Levonorgestrel can disrupt the function of the ovaries and even the pituitary gland. And months after using the contraceptive, the maturation of the germ cell may encounter difficulties, remain inhibited. The presence of levonorgesterl suppresses estrogens, which are responsible for its release and readiness to exit.
Ignoring contraindications to the use of the drug Postinor is prohibited for use by women who have problems with the liver, gallbladder, who have had hepatitis. The reaction of the body in this case is not only a long absence of critical days, but also a deterioration in the general condition.
The use of "Postinor" in adolescence The menstrual cycle, like the hormonal composition, has not yet reached the necessary balance. Intervention in the process of their formation of a strong dose of levonorgestrel can cause not only a prolonged absence of menstruation, but also breakthrough bleeding, deterioration in well-being.
Pregnancy Its possibility has already been mentioned, it is not completely excluded and with the absolutely correct use of the contraceptive by a woman whose cycle was clear and unproblematic. When there is no menstruation for a month after the postinor, there is reason to suspect that the embryo is still fixed in the uterus. This condition requires verification, but does not allow the reuse of a contraceptive to get rid of a diagnosed conception. There is a risk of bleeding here.
Adverse reactions of the body to "Postinor" An increased concentration of levonorgestrel in it can be detected not only by drowsiness, headache and skin rashes. It can also cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. And in this case, some part of the substance may not be absorbed, respectively, and the effect of the drug on the endometrium will decrease. Its development and rejection can, due to a change in the balance of hormones, slow down.

What is a woman to do

In most cases, the correct use of the Postinora drug does not threaten danger and failures. But even in the absence of violations by a woman of the instructions for the drug, anything is possible. Therefore, it is worth considering not only delays, but also other difficulties, as well as options for action when they occur:

  • After postinor, menstruation goes in a smaller volume than always. This is a common occurrence caused by the presence of levonorgestrel in the body. It thickens the blood, as a result of which it coagulates and leaves the vessels of the uterine mucosa more slowly. The discharge becomes brown because this is how the oxidized biological fluid should be. Questions may arise if this is observed in subsequent cycles. Then you need to go to the gynecologist to be examined.
  • Delay of menstruation by more than 7 days. When, after taking postinor, menstruation begins during this period, it does not matter. They can go both on the first and on the seventh day. Both options are the norm. But if and then, you should conduct a home pregnancy test. An analysis of hCG made in the clinic will be even more informative, since a self-check tool can give false information about its absence. If "Postinor" did not have the expected effect, you will have to get rid of the pregnancy in another way or decide on the issue of conservation. But here an appeal to a gynecologist is inevitable.
  • Prolonged discharge. How long menstruation goes after postinor depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. Given the strong hormonal effect of the drug, they can be observed up to 7-8 days. Anything longer is considered an unwanted side effect, although it is not uncommon. You can cope with tincture of water pepper, nettle decoction. But it is better to go to the doctor and take recommendations for stopping them from him.
  • Changes in the volume of menstruation. What menstruation after postinor is also determined not only by the influence of the drug, but also by the individual characteristics of the reproductive system. Allocations may be than usual, or, on the contrary, be accompanied by unusual sensations. It is important that this does not go beyond the limits of the norm, when the state of health worsens sharply and unbearably. That's when you really need a doctor. If menstruation after postinor is plentiful, the need for his help is also determined by the amount of discharge. Filling each pad in less than 3 hours will certainly require professional methods and means to stop bleeding.

Any features of menstruation after using this drug may also be due to the segment of the cycle in which it was taken. Afraid of getting pregnant on critical days (which is less likely, but sometimes possible), girls would like to know if it is possible to drink postinor during menstruation. There is no categorical ban on its use with them. But taking postinor at this stage of the cycle can cause a stop to menstruation, and then. Functional disorders in this case are more likely than when using a contraceptive on other days of the period.

The drug "Postinor" is a tool that has passed all the necessary tests, officially approved. It can get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, but it can also bring problems, especially with uncontrolled, unreasonably frequent use. And if it was not possible to do without emergency contraception, an extra visit to the doctor, even in the absence of problems with menstruation, will not hurt. Moreover, a visit to a specialist is necessary when they arise.

No type of contraception, be it a condom, a pill, etc., provides 100% protection against pregnancy, not to mention unprotected sex. Condoms tend to break during intercourse, and not taking a pregnancy pill at the right time leads to the birth of a baby.

If there is a possibility that the girl could become pregnant, you can drink Postinor in the first three days - this drug is designed to ensure that menstruation still goes.

After taking Postinor, an emergency contraceptive medication, the onset of menstruation indicates that the girl did not become pregnant. But when should they start in order to be sure that in 9 months you will not end up in a maternity hospital?

Postinor is not one of those oral contraceptives that you need to drink every day. This is a medication in which a high concentration of a hormone such as levonorgestrel, which can correct the error of other contraceptives. For example, if a condom burst during intimacy at the most inopportune moment.

In order for menstruation to start, it is necessary to take the drug a maximum of 72 hours after unprotected or unexpected intercourse. In this case, menstruation will come or not (that is, whether fertilization will occur) directly depends on when the pills were drunk.

So, for example, if they are taken within 24 hours, then the probability of not getting pregnant is 95%, from 24 to 48 hours - 85%, but if after 48 hours, then Postinor helps only in 58% of cases.

It should be borne in mind that girls from 16 years of age and older can drink this drug. Also, the instructions indicate that it is undesirable for those who have a strong hormonal failure.

The effect of Postinor is that after taking the first pill, a lot of progestogen enters the body, which can slow down ovulation and changes in the endometrium of the uterus, and also prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

If there are no serious health problems in the reproductive system, then menstruation after Postinor comes on time. However, if they came a couple of days earlier or later, there is nothing to worry about. But if they are absent for 5 or more days, you should contact a gynecologist to exclude pregnancy or do a test.
The time of the onset of menstruation also depends on the phase of the cycle in which the pill was taken.

In most cases, after taking Postinor, women's periods came on time, but there were situations when there were slight delays.
According to the instructions, the consequence of taking the drug is a cycle failure. Menstruation may start earlier or later by a couple of days. At the same time, the next one is also shifted by a couple of days.

The consequence of taking the medication is also mild spotting, reminiscent of menstruation. They do not last long, 1-2 days. True, they can be repeated a couple of times per cycle.

There is a delay due to the fact that the body has received more than necessary hormone levonorgestel. So the body produces it in an amount of 0.35 mg, while in one tablet its content is 0.75 mg, that is, almost 2 times more. And you need to take them 2 pieces within 12 hours.

Do not take more pills at a time than you should. The result does not depend on this, but you can easily get poisoned and end up in the hospital. Yes, and drink more than once a month is not worth it.

The reasons why menstruation did not go on time may be different. The main one is pregnancy, less often - hormonal problems, disruptions in menstruation (there is no permanent schedule), problems or infections of the organs of the reproductive system. In addition, a woman may be allergic to any component of Postinor.

The absence of menstruation after Postinor for more than 5 days (especially if they are absent for a month or more) may indicate pregnancy.

Menstruation came - possible deviations

After Postinor, when menstruation began, sometimes problems arise.

They appear if:

  • before the cycle was unstable and irregular;
  • the girl is very young and does not yet have stable periods;
  • there is a hormonal imbalance.

So, when menstruation has begun, a woman may experience the following:

  • went copious discharge from the uterus (hemorrhage). It occurs mainly due to the fact that such a dose of gestagens has entered the body. As a result, the secretion of progesterone and pituitary hormones is suppressed. When these hormones are excreted, the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity is shed, which causes such heavy bleeding. At the same time, there is no way to stop it at home;
  • menstruation lasts longer than usual and more profuse. This is mostly experienced by women who have hormonal imbalance.
    In fact, Postinor is not recommended for those who have problems with hormones, since the consequences after it are severe. But, unfortunately, not everyone takes it seriously.
  • severe uterine bleeding, which leads to iron deficiency anemia;
  • went scanty or painful periods. This is not often faced by women;
  • violation of the cycle due to improper functioning of the ovaries and / or pituitary gland;
  • a few days of brown discharge is, in principle, a normal reaction to this medication.

If menstruation still does not come

If there are no critical days for a week or more, then pregnancy is suspected first of all. But this is not always the case.

Only a gynecologist can find out the reason why menstruation after taking Postinor did not go on time. At home, a girl can only do a pregnancy test.

If there is no menstruation, then this may be due to:

  • any not very severe ovarian dysfunction. True, everything is restored within 2-3 cycles. If the 4th and 5th also did not go on time or are completely absent, then consultation with a specialist is necessary;
  • the fact that the ovaries do not cope with their duties after frequent use of the drug. If you do not fight this, then you can remain barren;
  • violations of the secretion of ovarian and / or pituitary hormones. This threatens that the egg will not mature normally, and as a result, fertilization will not occur.

Postinor is a good and, in principle, safe contraceptive, but only in cases where the instructions are followed and not abused.
Treatment depends on the reasons why menstruation did not go on time or is completely absent. It is appointed only after a full examination.