How to understand uterine prolapse. How to treat cervical prolapse at home


Prolapse of the uterus is a common pathology in modern gynecology. This problem of an intimate nature occurs in women of all age groups, especially in older women. In another way, the omission is called prolapse.

Prolapse or prolapse of the uterus is its downward displacement relative to the normal physiological position. Pathology is dangerous because, without adequate treatment, partial or complete prolapse of the muscular organ from the genital slit can occur. In addition, when the uterus is displaced, hernias are formed, diagnosed in the walls of the vagina and intense pain.

Prolapse of the uterus occurs due to weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, who become unable to hold the organs in the places provided for anatomical structure. As a result, the internal organs are displaced downward, which can cause them to prolapse.


In the development of pathology, the following degrees can be distinguished.

  • The vaginal walls are slightly lowered. As symptoms, one can single out pain of a pulling nature, which is localized in the lower abdomen and back. Perhaps the appearance of signs of pain during intercourse and menstruation.
  • There is a sinking down of the walls of such internal organs like the vagina, bladder and rectum. Symptoms of various disorders of the excretory function are diagnosed: constipation, frequent urination, cystitis, urinary incontinence, false urge to defecate and pain.
  • The lowering of the cervical part of the uterus to the vaginal inlet is diagnosed. There is such a symptom as the feeling of a foreign body in the vagina.
  • There is incomplete prolapse of the body of the uterus. Its edge is localized in the area of ​​the genital gap in women, which can cause damage and infection while walking. Intimate life with such a degree of progression of the pathology is impossible.
  • The walls of the vagina turn inside out, the muscular organ falls out. The everted walls of the vagina form a kind of bag, where the anterior wall of the rectum, intestinal loops, and the bladder descend.

With uterine prolapse, there are also signs downward displacement of the vagina and pain.

Uterine prolapse can cause serious complications:

  • infringement of the muscular organ and intestinal loops;
  • bedsores of the walls in the vagina;
  • complete and incomplete prolapse of the body of the uterus.

According to scientific studies, prolapse is more likely to develop in older women who lift weights, have a history of pelvic trauma, are overweight, and have chronic constipation.

Symptoms and signs

As with other diseases, signs and symptoms of downward displacement of the uterus increase with the progression of the pathology. Many women are interested in what signs may indicate uterine prolapse.

Signs depend on the stage of the disease and include.

  • Pain of varying intensity. A symptom of uterine prolapse is pain concentrated in the lower abdomen, vagina, lumbosacral spine. With a long sitting position, women may be disturbed by aching pains.

Prolapse of the uterus and pain are most dangerous during pregnancy, since in this case there is a threat to the life and health of the mother and child.

  • Feeling of a foreign object in the vagina. This sign causes tangible discomfort in women while walking and indicates swelling of the uterus.
  • Urological disorders. There are symptoms of urinary incontinence, constant fullness Bladder. This symptom appears when the anterior and posterior uterine walls are displaced downward.
  • Chronic constipation and other proctological disorders. These symptoms are associated with high blood pressure on the internal organs, which creates a lowered body of the uterus.
  • Leucorrhea and discharge mixed with blood from the genital tract. Such symptoms may indicate an infection.
  • Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Pain as a sign most often occurs in the second and subsequent stages of the disease.
  • Eversion of the vagina. The pathological phenomenon is associated with signs of subsidence of the vaginal walls.
  • Joining the infection genitourinary system. This sign is manifested by cystitis, pyelonephritis and is associated with chronic stagnation.
  • Violation of menstrual function. As symptoms, one can note a change in the duration of the cycle, the presence of copious bleeding on critical days.
  • Downward displacement of internal organs localized in the small pelvis. Over time, prolapse of the uterus also causes displacement of the bladder and intestines.
  • Part of the uterine body protruding from the genital slit. The presence of such a symptom is characteristic of the last stages of the disease. During walking, the prolapsed uterus is constantly exposed to trauma, which causes inflammation, bleeding and bedsores.
  • Circulatory disorders. This symptom leads to congestion in the pelvis, tissue edema and varicose veins.

Symptoms and signs of the disease are individual and manifest themselves in different ways. If the pathology is not treated in a timely manner, the omission will progress.


Often, the pathology manifests itself in the reproductive age. Her symptoms and signs are sometimes perceived by a woman as manifestations of other diseases of the genital area. If adequate treatment is not carried out in the future, omission and displacement will progress over time.

Reasons that cause pathological condition can be divided into three large groups:

  • chronic diseases;
  • traumatization of the pelvic floor;
  • disturbances in the production of hormones.

Scientists identify the following causes of uterine prolapse.

  • hereditary factor. It has been established that the pathology develops more often in women with a burdened gynecological history, if the closest relatives had a displacement of the pelvic organs. Accordingly, in such cases, it is worth thinking about the prevention of the disease.
  • Age features. In old age and after menopause, hormonal changes occur and a natural weakening of the muscles, in particular, the uterus and pelvic floor.
  • Birth trauma. The muscular organ often falls as a result of difficult childbirth. This is facilitated by ruptures diagnosed in the perineum and damage to the muscles of the pelvic floor.
  • Physical stress. It is known that excessive physical activity and heavy lifting can cause displacement of organs in the small pelvis.
  • Consequences of surgical interventions. Often, uterine prolapse and pain appear after surgery.
  • Pathology connective tissue. This phenomenon causes the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.
  • Diseases of the pelvic region. Sometimes the displacement is caused by diseases that are congenital in nature.
  • Gynecological pathologies and other chronic diseases. For example, large fibroids, prolonged coughing and constipation can lead to uterine prolapse.
  • Increased pressure inside the peritoneum, as well as excessive innervation of the muscles located in the pelvic area.

Often, several factors and causes simultaneously lead to the occurrence of prolapse.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is carried out by a gynecologist as part of a general examination on a chair. In order to determine the stage of prolapse, a woman needs to push. The doctor assesses the degree of deviation of the uterus from the normal physiological location, and also studies and analyzes the anamnesis, symptoms and manifestations of uterine prolapse. If a prolapse or the so-called prolapse of the uterus is found in women, it is necessary to perform certain diagnostic procedures, including:

  • colposcopy;

  • Analysis of urine;
  • urography.

When planning a surgical method of treatment, the following types of research are recommended to the patient:

  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • hormonal diagnosis;
  • smears from the vagina, urethra and cervix;
  • separate diagnostic curettage;
  • hysteroscopy.

Treatment of prolapse depends on its stage, signs and symptoms, as well as the severity of the pain.

Uterine prolapse can be treated:

  • conservatively.
  • surgically.

Conservative treatment is advisable for mild pain and other symptoms of downward displacement of the uterus.

As methods of therapy, doctors use:

  • appointment of gynecological massage;
  • performing exercises according to the Kegel method;
  • limitation of physical activity;
  • installation of a special pessary on the cervical part of the uterus.

Kegel exercises can be conditionally divided into three stages. Each exercise is recommended to be performed five times a day, repeating them 10 times. At the first stage, the woman voluntarily strains her muscles, as if stopping the process of urination for 3-20 seconds. The second stage consists of rapid tension and subsequent relaxation of the same muscles. During the third stage, the woman pushes moderately, simulating labor pains.

plastic pessary has the shape of a ring, which is installed in the vagina as a supporting structure. This method is used when it is impossible to carry out surgical intervention.

After installing the pessary, it becomes necessary to sanitize it..

Operative methods are used at advanced stages of the disease, when intense pain and prolapse of internal organs located in the peritoneum are observed.

Methods of surgical treatment.

  • Strengthening the body's own tissues. Subsequently, one can expect quite high risk recurrence, and therefore this method is used relatively rarely.
  • Correction with synthetic implants. These structures are able to perform a supporting function, as well as help strengthen the pelvic floor.

If a complete prolapse of the uterus is diagnosed, doctors reconstruct the entire pelvic floor with implants and fix the muscular organ with ligaments. Recovery after surgery takes about two months.

In the postoperative period, a woman leads a sparing lifestyle, avoiding sexual intercourse, physical activity, bathing, and the use of tampons.

Prolapse of the uterus is a rather complex pathology that not only causes pain and other unpleasant signs and symptoms, but also significantly worsens the quality of life in women.

Omission (prolapse) of the uterus is a pathological condition that is characterized by a downward displacement of the organ relative to the normal anatomical position. In the most severe cases, the uterus may prolapse outward.

Prolapse of the uterus is the most common anomaly in the position of the organs of the female reproductive system in clinical practice. Pathology is one of the special cases of pelvic organ prolapse. It can be detected at almost any age, but over the years, the likelihood of developing omission increases.

More than half of the diagnosed cases are in patients over the age of 50. The uterus is held in the pelvis in the correct position due to the muscles, fascia and ligaments. The tone of the muscles of the walls of the organ itself, i.e., the myometrium, also has a certain value. The cause of the pathology is the failure of muscle fibers and ligaments. For prolapse of the uterus, such clinical manifestations like a feeling of pressure and pain in the lower abdomen. Patients often present with dysmenorrhea, bloody issues, as well as dysuria and proctological complications.

Weakness of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the uterus can be caused by a number of factors.

Causes of uterine prolapse include:

  • congenital malformations in the pelvic area;
  • family (genetically determined) predisposition;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • surgical interventions on the organs of the reproductive system;
  • age-related muscle weakness;
  • hormonal imbalance during menopause;
  • violations of the innervation of the muscles of the pelvic floor;
  • substantial and regular physical exercise(weight lifting);
  • pathology of the connective tissue of the ligaments;
  • neoplasms (cysts, fibromyomas).

During childbirth, significant perineal tears (in particular, with the breech presentation of the fetus) in some cases lead to serious muscle damage. Injuries can also be obtained by a woman in labor when obstetricians use a vacuum extractor and obstetric forceps.

Benign neoplasms increase the load on the ligaments of the pelvic region, which may well provoke uterine prolapse.

One of the predisposing factors may be a strong chronic cough, in which the muscles of the diaphragm are constantly tensed.

Important:one of the reasons for the displacement of the uterus is high intra-abdominal pressure against the background of and (or) chronic and flatulence.

Usually in the development of the disease there is a combination of two or more factors.

Degrees of uterine prolapse

It is customary to distinguish 4 degrees of development of pathology:

  1. 1 degree- it is characterized by a very slight displacement of the organ or neck relative to the anatomical border. The cervix may be at the level of the vestibule of the vagina, but when tension is not visible from the outside. The walls are lowered slightly, but there is a gaping of the genital slit;
  2. 2nd degree of uterine prolapse- with it, partial prolapse is detected; during straining, the neck comes out;
  3. 3 degree This is an incomplete drop. Not only the neck protrudes from the genital tract, but also part of the body of the organ;
  4. 4 degree of omission- it is characterized by complete prolapse of the uterus.

There are many clinical manifestations, so it is difficult for a sick woman not to notice them, and the diagnosis of the disease is usually not difficult.

To the number characteristic symptoms uterine prolapses include:

Important:on the most early stages the development of the pathological process of pronounced symptoms may not be. They increase as the disease progresses.

With 2-4 degrees of prolapse, the patient herself can determine that the uterus partially protrudes outward.

Note:The volume of blood loss during menstruation in some cases is so significant that it causes anemia.

Dysuria with difficulty passing urine when the uterus prolapses can provoke infectious complications. In this case, the urinary organs suffer; in patients with uterine prolapse, symptoms of inflammation of the urethra, bladder or renal pelvis are often diagnosed, due to pathogenic or opportunistic microflora. Frequent proctological complications; , constipation or incontinence of intestinal gases and feces are noted in every third case. The protruding part of the body of the organ is covered with cracks. When walking, the uterus is additionally injured as a result of friction, while bleeding ulcers and bedsores appear, and the likelihood of infection increases.

Prolapse of the uterus is accompanied by the appearance of cyanosis (cyanosis) and swelling of the surrounding tissues. As a result of microcirculation disorders, blood stasis develops.

In list possible complications- infringement of the uterus with complete or partial prolapse and varicose veins of the regional veins. Infringement of a fragment of the intestine is also possible.

Medical tactics depend on the degree of prolapse, the presence of concomitant pathologies and the need to preserve reproductive function.

Note:all patients, of course, are concerned about the question “is it possible to treat uterine prolapse without surgery?”. Unfortunately, with 3-4 degrees, it is definitely impossible to do without the help of a surgeon. Massage and gymnastic exercises are indicated to strengthen the diaphragm and muscles of the pelvic region, but these techniques are effective for prevention, not for treatment.

Conservative methods give a positive effect if the cervix or body of the uterus has slightly shifted beyond the anatomical boundaries. Medical treatment omission involves the use of funds based on female sex hormones - estrogens. Locally (intravaginally) ointments with estrogens, components to improve microcirculation and metabolism are prescribed.

In the early stages, a conservative technique is used, such as gynecological massage. Treatment involves regular sessions for several months (with interruptions). Massage is performed only by a qualified specialist on a gynecological chair or a special table. The duration of each procedure is 10-15 minutes. If during the massage the patient feels intense pain, this is an indication to stop the manipulation.

There are a number of options for surgical intervention for uterine prolapse, and highlight the most effective method treatment is quite difficult. To return the organ to its normal position, the round ligaments are often shortened and stitched together with each other and the uterine wall. Often they also resort to fixing the uterus to the sacrum, pubic bone or pelvic ligaments, which are the walls of the pelvic floor. After surgery, there is always a certain risk of recurrence of the condition, which is due to the extensibility of the ligaments.

Note:Currently, surgeons are increasingly resorting to operations using synthetic implants with a mesh structure, since these materials significantly reduce the risk of prolapse recurrence. Biologically inert reinforcing devices are installed during laparotomy, i.e. through small incisions on the abdominal wall.

Operations are performed through the anterior abdominal wall or vagina. As a rule, in parallel with the strengthening of the ligaments, plastic (surgical correction) of the patient's vagina is performed.

The presence of serious concomitant pathologies of the organ may be an indication for hysterectomy. But, since the removal of the uterus can provoke prolapse of other pelvic organs, if possible, the organ should be preserved.

note: 15% of gynecological operations are performed precisely in connection with the prolapse of the uterus.

After surgical treatment for uterine prolapse, physical activity is contraindicated for patients, especially those associated with weight lifting. To prevent re-omission, therapeutic exercises are prescribed. Of great importance for the prevention of relapse is the prevention of constipation.

Elderly women with incomplete prolapse are often shown to have hollow rubber pessaries placed in the vagina. These devices are needed as a support for the displaced uterus. For a long time, pessaries cannot be installed, since the risk of developing local inflammation and bedsores is high. The installation of rings requires daily douching with anti-inflammatory drugs (chamomile infusion) and antiseptics (potassium permanganate and furacilin solutions).

With timely and adequate treatment of uterine prolapse, as well as strict adherence by the patient to the recommendations of the attending physician, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Prevention of uterine prolapse

Only 10% of cases of the disease are diagnosed in women under 30 years old, but it is recommended to start the prevention of uterine prolapse as early as adolescence. Girls need to be taught to do physical exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and abdominals. It is important for all women to avoid heavy physical work.

Note:according to special instructions on labor protection, enshrined in legislation, the work of a woman should not be associated with lifting objects weighing more than 10 kg!

As a prophylaxis for prolapse of the uterus, it is necessary to take measures to prevent constipation (a special diet and laxatives may be indicated).

An important role in the prevention of pathology is played by qualified pregnancy management and proper obstetric care. Expectant mothers should undergo scheduled check-ups at the recommended times. antenatal clinic, and give birth only in specialized hospitals - maternity hospitals or perinatal centers.

In the postpartum period, it is important to exclude physical activity and regularly do gymnastics to maintain the tone of the muscles of the pelvis and the anterior abdominal wall. The intensity of the load, the frequency of exercise and the timing of the start of training should be determined by the attending physician based on an objective assessment of the patient's physical condition.

Women during menopause are also shown preventive exercise, since the risk of uterine prolapse at this time increases significantly. In addition to exercise therapy, the attending physician may prescribe medications that improve blood circulation and increase the tone of the organ itself and its ligamentous apparatus. Often, patients are prescribed replacement therapy with the use of hormonal agents.

Qualified management plays an important role in the prevention of pathology.

Exercises to prevent uterine prolapse

Gymnastics for the prevention of uterine prolapse involves the following simple exercises:

At the first stages, it is enough to perform the exercises 5-7 times, and then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20.

Note:To strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region also helps the usual rise on the stairs.

The total duration of daily workouts should be 30-40 minutes. By giving your health half an hour every day, you will greatly reduce the likelihood of uterine prolapse and the development of other diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems and the lower digestive tract.

You will receive more detailed information about uterine prolapse, methods of treating pathology and its prevention by watching this video review:

Yulia Viktorova, obstetrician-gynecologist

During pregnancy, an increase in the size and severity of the fetus leads to stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus in the abdominal cavity. Physical stress during childbirth, weight lifting, age-related aging of tissues cause weakening and stretching of muscles. This leads to displacement of the uterus, its prolapse. This is especially common in older women. Sometimes the consequences are so severe that you have to resort to surgery. If the patient's condition allows, then other, more gentle methods of treatment are used.


displacement of the uterus. How does it go down and out

In addition to the uterus, the abdominal cavity contains the bladder (located in front of it) and the intestines (the rectum is located behind it). Organs are held in place by ligaments that connect them to the walls. They are also fixed by the muscles of the pelvic floor. Due to the strength of these muscles, normal intra-abdominal pressure is maintained, and during childbirth, their contraction helps push the fetus out.

The sprain and the violation of the elasticity of the muscles leads to the fact that the organs gradually descend closer to the opening of the vagina, and then the uterus may prolapse into the vagina. Prolapse of this organ occurs, as a rule, in women who live sexually, especially those who have given birth repeatedly.

There are the following options for the development of pathology:

  • partial movement of the cervix into the vagina;
  • prolapse - complete prolapse, in which the organ comes out;
  • simultaneous displacement of the uterus into the vagina and prolapse of the bladder, due to the fact that it pulls it along (cystocele);
  • prolapse of the uterus itself, as well as the rectum, which is in contact with it by the anterior wall (rectocele).

Stages of displacement and prolapse of organs

The fallout develops gradually.

1 stage. There is a weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor and the vagina, the walls of which begin to sag, but the genital gap is open.

2 stage. The walls of the vagina descend and pull the uterus, bladder and rectum along with them.

3 stage. The uterus descends so that the cervix reaches the genital slit.

4 stage. Part of the organ comes out.

5 stage. The uterus falls out completely.

Causes of loss

The main reasons are an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, damage and wear of the muscles and ligaments that hold the organs, features of the physique and development of the genital organs, and a genetic predisposition to prolapse of the genitals.

An increase in intra-abdominal pressure is facilitated by:

  1. Difficult childbirth, during which a woman has to push hard. If a woman has given birth several times, then the sprain gradually increases, and the uterus is stretched. This contributes to its fall. Often, during difficult childbirth, tears occur in the perineal region, which also weaken the strength of the tissues.
  2. Severe cough associated with asthma and other respiratory diseases (causes tension in the abdominal muscles).
  3. Constant constipation (tension of the abdominal muscles contributes to the prolapse of the rectum and uterus).
  4. Participation in sports such as weightlifting, cycling.

Weakening of muscles and ligaments may be the result of a decrease in the production of female sex hormones involved in the formation of tissues, metabolic disorders (avitaminosis). Such conditions especially often occur during menopause.

Note: After 50 years, half of the women face uterine prolapse of varying degrees. This is due to the appearance of a number of prerequisites: aging, lack of hormones and vitamins, the accumulation of complications after various diseases, childbirth and abortion.

The reason for the decrease in the strength and elasticity of the ligaments and muscles are inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs, surgery, the use of gynecological instruments in the diagnosis, during abortion, childbirth, as well as the removal of the child if it is incorrectly located in the uterus.

Genital prolapse is possible in overweight or underdeveloped women.

Symptoms of prolapse

Symptoms increase as prolapse and prolapse of the uterus develop. Since it is displaced along with other organs, the woman has constant pulling pains in the perineum, vagina, and also in the lower back. The pain gets worse if you have to sit for a long time. Changing the position of the body allows you to temporarily ease the pain.

The woman feels the presence of a foreign body in the vagina, discomfort when walking. Constipation appears. It becomes difficult to urinate, there are frequent false urges, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. The prolapse of the walls of the vagina leads to damage to its surface. Through the cracks easily penetrates the infection. Therefore, a woman develops diseases of the pelvic organs, such as inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), which are accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Since the displaced uterus compresses the blood vessels, blood circulation is disturbed, varicose veins in the legs occur. With incomplete loss in a woman of reproductive age, menstrual disorders appear. Menses become profuse, long and painful. Often there is infertility.

There may be bleeding after sexual contact. With uterine prolapse, sexual intercourse generally becomes impossible.

Usually, uterine prolapse is a gradual and lengthy process. If a woman does not periodically undergo gynecological examinations, then the disease is detected when the disease progresses and already develops to stage 3-4.

Possible Complications

If you do not start treatment of pathology on initial stage, then damage to the mucous membranes, the formation of bedsores can occur. Blood stasis occurs in the uterus, which leads to the appearance of inflammation and edema, impaired growth of the endometrium, and infertility.

As a result of prolapse, there is a risk of infringement of the organ, circulatory disorders. Tissue necrosis, blood poisoning and poisoning of the body with toxins can occur if the destroyed shell particles enter the abdominal cavity.

Video: Symptoms and treatment of genital prolapse


It is usually possible to diagnose uterine prolapse already in the early stages with a routine gynecological examination. Various methods are used to examine the internal surfaces of organs.

Transvaginal ultrasound allows you to study the state of the pelvic organs. Such a study provides more information than an abdominal (external) ultrasound, since the sensor is brought directly to the organs.

Cystoscopy. This is a method of examining the inside of the bladder using an endoscope.

Colposcopy. A detailed examination of the vagina and cervix is ​​carried out, which allows you to determine the stage of prolapse and prolapse of the uterus.

Rectoscopy. An endoscopy of the rectum is performed to determine the degree of its displacement and prolapse.

Vaginal swab and the cervix is ​​taken to establish the microflora and detect infection.


Treatment for organ prolapse is carried out both conservatively and surgical methods. When choosing a specific method, the doctor assesses the general well-being of the woman and the degree of prolapse of organs (not only the uterus, but also neighboring ones). The age of the patient is taken into account, her desire to maintain the ability to bear children is necessarily taken into account. After the examination, it becomes clear which concomitant diseases of the genital organs could provoke a displacement of the uterus.

Conservative treatments

Such treatment is used in the initial stages of uterine prolapse, when neighboring organs are not affected.

Hormonal treatment. Hormonal estrogen-containing drugs are used to regulate hormonal levels, eliminate menstrual disorders, improve the condition of muscle and connective tissue, enhance metabolism.

Preparations are used to strengthen the vaginal wall local action- ointment with estradiol.

Gynecological massage performed to reset the protruding uterus.

The use of pessaries. Elderly women are recommended to use a special orthopedic device to hold the uterus in the abdominal cavity. A pessary is a vaginal rubber ring that is attached to the cervix.

Particularly careful care of the genitals is required when using this remedy, since bedsores may occur if it is in contact with the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix for a long time. In addition, it is possible to introduce an infection, which will lead to the occurrence of vulvovaginitis and other inflammatory diseases urinary system.

Pessaries are used during the day, and removed and disinfected at night. It is necessary to do douching with soda solution, furatsilin or chamomile decoction every time.

A warning: The orthopedic method and massage will not help to cure and completely eliminate uterine prolapse. They are intended only to relieve symptoms, are used as auxiliary methods of treatment.


For patients with the initial stage of such a pathology, doctors recommend performing exercise, which will help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, vagina and abdominals.

Useful exercises are:

  • alternation of movements in which a woman either pushes or pulls in her stomach;
  • performing the exercise "bike" in the prone position;
  • crawling on the stomach in a plastunsky way;
  • walking up the stairs.

Movements are performed smoothly and without tension, so as not to provoke a worsening of the situation.

It is necessary to remember: If there is a prolapse of the uterus, a woman should not perform exercises that require pulling up, sharp bends, or lifting weights.

A bandage helps women to keep their organs in a normal position, which is put on during the day and removed at night to give the body a rest.

Video: Treatment of pelvic organ prolapse


It is used for uterine prolapse, if conservative treatment does not help, the disease progresses. There are many ways to carry out the operation. The most commonly used methods are:

  1. Attaching a special mesh to the vagina to support the uterus and neighboring organs.
  2. Shortening of the stretched ligaments of the uterus, fixing their ends on the cervix and into the vagina.
  3. Pulling the walls of the vagina, as well as the uterus itself, to the sacrum protruding into the abdominal cavity and attaching them with a PVC device.
  4. Narrowing of the lumen of the vagina by suturing the muscles.

Instruments are inserted either through an incision in the wall of the vagina or through incisions in the abdominal cavity by laparoscopy using robotics.

With complete prolapse of the uterus, it is removed entirely. For older women whose pathology is rapidly aggravated, the uterus is also recommended to be completely removed. If there are any contraindications, then the use of a pessary (uterine ring) is prescribed.

About a week after such operations, a woman can return to normal life. To avoid complications, she is prescribed antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. It is recommended to consume soft liquid food to avoid constipation. Within 0.5-1 month she can't sit, walk a lot. You can go in for sports and have an intimate relationship no earlier than after 1.5 months.

Prevention of uterine prolapse

In order to prevent organ prolapse, which can then cause uterine prolapse, women are advised to engage in special gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic muscles. The most famous is the Kegel technique (alternate relaxation and muscle tension in the perineum, bladder and anus).

Video: Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor in women

Prolapse of the uterus is one of the most common pathological abnormalities in a woman's condition. Up to 30% of the fair sex suffer from this disease. Omission often leads to surgical intervention by specialists.

Causes and risk factors for prolapse or prolapse of the uterus

The disease mainly develops after a woman reaches reproductive age. Medical sources refer pathology to varieties of pelvic organ prolapse. The basis of the violations leading to omission is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, they are always combined with insufficient development and work of the pelvic muscles.

The following groups of causes of pathology are distinguished:

The last group takes place against the background of changes in microcirculation, increased intra-abdominal pressure, and constipation.

Risk factors include the following reasons:

  • Elderly age;
  • The regularity of the increased load of the body (physical);
  • Medical diseases (tumors) of the abdominal organs;
  • Pathologies, accompanied by a strong cough, requiring tension of the internal life support systems of the body.

Stages and symptoms of pathology

Patients with prolapse are more likely to have mature or elderly age. Young patients believe that the disease will bypass them and do not start treatment in the early stages of the manifestation of the disease.

Medical statistics confirm the fact of stopping prolapse with the early intervention of specialists, the beginning of preventive measures. Success from therapeutic measures is noticeable and tangible much brighter, there are more chances for success.

At the initial stage of the manifestation of omission, the appearance of a feeling of neoplasm in the pelvis, perineum or vagina is noted. The patient begins to notice the repetition of pain in the lower abdomen, which cannot be explained by the load on the body or the nutrition system.

The pains go to the lower back, begin to interfere with the usual way of life. The woman gets tired, begins to get annoyed.

At the next stage, a palpable hernia appears in the perineum. The hernia is exposed to injuries and infections that worsen the patient's condition.

The period of menstrual cycles worsens, they pass painfully and for a long time.

Prolapse of the uterus at the stage of launch and absence necessary treatment leads to the pathology of organs adjacent to the vagina.

Pathology is characterized by changes in the location of the pelvic organs. They move into or below the vagina. He pathological location depends on the classification of the deviation. Experts distinguish 4 degrees of prolapse of the uterus.

Many practical gynecologists prefer to adhere to Malinovsky's classification, which offers a division into 3 degrees of prolapse:

The symptomatology of pathology is difficult for independent and timely diagnosis of the disease. Omission may not disturb the patient for a long time, not cause unpleasant painful sensations. This leads to negative consequences and difficulties in treatment.

The most striking signs of the disease are:

  1. Feeling of a foreign body in the perineum;
  2. Heaviness in the vagina in the pelvic area;
  3. Slightly noticeable and barely perceptible soreness in the lower abdomen;
  4. Pain during intimate relationships;
  5. Difficulties in sexual intercourse;
  6. Difficulties with containing the release of gases;
  7. The appearance of constipation;
  8. Not urinary retention.

Cervical prolapse: diagnostic methods

Diagnosis is carried out by various methods and methods. The primary study involves a visit to a specialist - a gynecologist. He will carry out simple manipulations: he will ask you to pull yourself up and bring the internal organs into tension. The doctor will check the compliance of the norm in the location and volume of the uterus.

The doctor conducts the study using the technique of two-handed examination. Then a rectal examination is possible. It is aimed at studying the condition of the pelvic floor muscles.

Rectal examination will allow you to separate the symptoms of uterine prolapse from bowel prolapse. The specialist will check the hinges small intestine, their content and content.

In addition to these methods, specialists can carry out additional diagnostic procedures. They are required at complex stages of the development of pathology, the need for special drugs.

These methods include: ultrasound technology, urodynamic checks, electromyography, magnetic resonance imaging.

When diagnosing urinary incontinence, urologists perform combined urodynamic complexes. They are not considered mandatory, they do not always give true results, the distortion of data is obtained when the uterus and adjacent organs are lowered.

Endoscopy includes the following diagnostics:

  • Inspection of the uterus (hysteroscopy);
  • Examination of the bladder (cytoscopy);
  • Examination of the internal tissue of the rectum (sigmoidoscopy).

Description of traditional treatment methods

At the stage of initial detection of the disease, the patient is offered several methods of treatment. They are conservative, but can also become an accompanying set of measures after surgery.

The main and leading method of treatment is surgery. It is carried out only with the consent of the patient. The operation is prescribed if the doctor detects violations in other organs of the small pelvis, there are pathologies in the anatomy of the organs of the vagina and pelvis of the woman.

Surgery performs several tasks that cannot be solved by other methods of treatment:

  1. Restoration of the integrity and normal state of the pelvic organs;
  2. Removal of identified defects;
  3. The return of the uterus to the normal position of a healthy body;
  4. Preservation of the mobility of the uterus and the reproductive and pelvic systems adjacent to it;
  5. Formation of a healthy size of the vagina: length, quality of tissue elasticity;
  6. Strengthening the uterus.

Conservative methods consist of a set of understandable actions. It assumes that the woman is leading a normal life, doing exercises to train and strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, especially the pelvic floor.

Pessaries are used for the vagina, hormone replacement therapy is used (more often this is prescribed for patients during menopause).

Treatment methods:

  • Strengthening the muscles of the pelvis;
  • Normalization and reduction of physical activity;
  • Elimination of constipation;
  • Getting rid of actions that increase pressure inside the abdominal cavity.

Exercises to strengthen the uterus

Medical sources offer several sets of exercises in the treatment of uterine prolapse. The best results are achieved by women who alternate different complexes. therapeutic gymnastics. Exercises are aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor.

The position is constantly changing: part is performed standing upright, others, standing on all fours. All exercises gradually increase the load on the body. Strengthening the walls of the vagina takes place with constant exercise. Single complexes do not give the expected result.

Kegel exercises are the most popular. Its benefits are noted during pregnancy and after childbirth. Gymnastics does not consist of ordinary physical exercises. A woman tenses and relaxes intimate muscles for a certain time.

Simple actions can be performed anywhere at any time without anyone noticing. In the process, they improve blood circulation, the tone of intimate surfaces.

Treatment at home with safe folk remedies

Treatment of uterine prolapse begins with a change in the nutrition system. A diet is chosen that saturates the body with plant fiber. The content of fats and their products is reduced.

Treatment with folk remedies consists of preparing decoctions, rubbing mixtures, compositions for taking baths:

  • To prepare an effective decoction in the treatment of the uterus, mint, St. John's wort and yarrow are taken. A mixture of herbs will help restore health;
  • Another composition is nettle, centaury flowers, lemon balm. They normalize the hormonal background, restore menstrual cycles;
  • It is recommended to make teas from lemon balm;
  • Another plant that helps to avoid uterine prolapse is the cuff. It corrects blood circulation in the reproductive system and in the tissues of the uterus. The plant has no contraindications, so it is advised to take it after childbirth.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures are simple and understandable for any woman, regardless of her age and stage of development of the disease.

  1. Consider replacing a birth that could lead to injury with a caesarean section.
  2. Contact the experts promptly. Any consultation will not be superfluous for a woman.
  3. If the integrity of the perineum is violated, try to recover completely, and not just the outer covers.
  4. Use hormone replacement therapy for menopause or estrogen deficiency.
  5. Perform special sets of exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

One of the most common gynecological diseases in women, especially in adulthood, is uterine prolapse. This is a process in which there is a displacement of the genital organs below what is permissible, up to their loss from the perineum. Pelvic organ prolapse - this is the name of this disease all over the world. Its occurrence is possible at any age. About 30% of the beautiful half of the population suffer from this disease. About 50% are ladies of Balzac age, 40% are from 30 to 45 years old, and only 10% of cases are diagnosed with prolapse in women at a younger age.

Causes of uterine prolapse

  • Heavy physical activity on a regular basis.
  • Complicated or multiple natural births.
  • Injuries of the genital organs and operations on them.
  • Weak perineal muscles are usually a physiological feature associated with age.
  • Defects in the development of the pelvic organs.
  • High intra-abdominal pressure, the causes for which can be chronic constipation, obesity, swelling of internal organs, severe bronchitis.

Stages of the disease

There are cases of sudden diagnosis of uterine prolapse. As a rule, this happens due to an injury, but in general, the problem develops gradually, not occurring in one day. As the disease progresses, 4 degrees of its development are determined.

In the first stage, the uterus is lowered to the level of the vagina, but it does not extend beyond the perineum.

The second level is characterized by partial prolapse of the uterus. If the muscles are tense, it can peek out of the genital gap. Already at this stage, the disease is diagnosed without problems by the woman herself.

In the third degree, incomplete prolapse of the penis is diagnosed. Without tension, the cervix and part of the uterus are visible.

And the last, most difficult form of pelvic organ prolapse is the fourth. At this stage, the entire body of the uterus comes out of the perineum.

Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse

Signs of uterine prolapse are quite noticeable, and it is impossible not to pay attention to them.

  • Feeling of heaviness in the vagina.
  • Frequent, difficult urination and defecation.
  • Pain for both partners during intercourse.
  • Uncharacteristic discharge from the vagina, often with an admixture of blood.
  • Menstrual irregularities with profuse bleeding.

Starting from the second degree of the disease, a woman can easily identify a prolapse of the genital organs herself. During the progression of the disease, the signs of uterine prolapse become even more noticeable, they are aggravated. Urinary incontinence is manifested, a woman is prone to urological infectious diseases, such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first stage, a woman cannot independently recognize this problem. Regular monitoring by a gynecologist is important. Having examined the woman, the doctor immediately diagnoses the prolapse of the uterus. If for some reason he has doubts, he will send you for an ultrasound examination, based on the results of which a decision will be made. Early diagnosis will prevent a painful syndrome and enable treatment without surgical intervention. To exclude all types of infections that could become concomitant factors with prolapse, it is necessary to visit a urologist and proctologist.

There are two types of pelvic organ prolapse. Cystocele is a prolapse of the anterior wall of the uterus, it is characterized by symptoms from the urinary system. Urinary stasis or incontinence develops, chronic cystitis is often observed. The second type of prolapse is a rectocele, a prolapse of the posterior wall of the uterus. In this case, women experience intestinal dysfunction, chronic constipation, foreign body sensations in the vagina. Pyelonephritis with prolapse of the posterior wall also becomes a frequent occurrence.

Childbirth and prolapse: how to avoid the disease?

The prolapse of the walls of the uterus is not uncommon during pregnancy or after childbirth. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Under their action, the uterus softens, preparing for childbirth, its muscles weaken. During pregnancy, a woman needs to be more prudent and follow some rules to prevent genital prolapse, especially if she has encountered this problem before.

  • Do sport. You need to do various exercises. When the uterus is lowered, not even to a large extent, they will not allow further development diseases.
  • Protect yourself from heavy lifting. Including, if you have a small child, try to shift the mission of carrying the baby to other relatives.
  • Wear a bandage daily when the uterus is prolapsed or to prevent the development of the disease.
  • Stick to a balanced diet.
  • For one urination, squeeze the jet several times, thus performing gymnastics for the genitals.
  • While walkingtighten and relax your vaginal muscles thereby tightening the vulva.

The doctor should take delivery in a conservative way, minimizing the traumatism of the woman's organs.

Treatment of uterine prolapse at home

Pregnant women are wondering how to treat uterine prolapse, having learned this diagnosis at a gynecologist's appointment. If the disease is at the initial stage, and it does not harm the child, in addition to preventive actions, no additional measures are required. If desired, some folk methods will not harm.

For example, you can brew two tablespoons of lemon balm in a glass of boiling water and leave overnight in a thermos to infuse. Take a third of a glass half an hour before meals. This decoction will be useful in diseases of the genital organs and for nervous system pregnant.

The second option: mix equal proportions of coltsfoot with lemon balm and oregano, pour boiling water. Allow the infusion to brew and consume 2/3 cup before meals.

Also, a bandage when lowering the uterus will become an indispensable assistant. In general, this item should be in the everyday life of every woman expecting a baby, and even more so for those who are faced with the problem of genital prolapse.

Yet folk remedy in the fight against this disease - a bath with cypress broth. Boil a glass of nuts in two liters of water, add this infusion to a warm bath, but not hot, stay in it for 15 minutes a day.

It is not uncommon for uterine prolapse after childbirth. Photos are sometimes horrifying with what a neglected form can lead to. Therefore, if this problem has affected you after the birth of the baby, do not postpone its solution for later, go to the doctor! Only a gynecologist can prescribe high-quality treatment and prevent the disease from developing to the fourth degree.

What to do with uterine prolapse?

If there is a prolapse of the walls of the vagina of the initial stage, it is possible conservative therapy. Treatment includes a whole range of procedures. If the therapy proposed by the doctor does not work, and surgical intervention is contraindicated for some reason, the patient is given pessaries - these are special uterine rings. Their purpose is to maintain the genitals. In the third or fourth stage, after examination by specialized specialists, as a rule, surgical intervention is necessary. Colpoplasty is recommended, the essence of the method is to suture the walls of the vagina to their previous size.

There are two types of this procedure:

Colporrhaphy - excision of excess tissue in the vagina.

Colpoperineorrhaphy - suturing the back wall and tightening the muscles of the vulva.

Uterine prolapse exercises

Gymnastics, aimed at restoring the work of the muscles of the vagina, is very important in the fight against this problem. It can also be used to prevent disease.

  • Standing on all fours, while inhaling, you must simultaneously raise your left leg and right hand. After doing five times, swap them and repeat the exercise.
  • The posture is the same. As you inhale, lower your head down, while strongly squeezing and retracting the muscles of the small pelvis and perineum. As you exhale, relax, head up, back straight. Repeat at least 10 times.

Effective are exercises for lowering the uterus, which are performed lying on your back.

  • Hands along the waist, legs slowly tear off the floor and wind up behind the head, trying to touch the rug with toes. We repeat 10 times.
  • Raise your legs at a 90 degree angle. For each leg 8-10 times.
  • Bending the legs at the knees, raise the pelvis, pulling in the muscles of the anus, and as you exhale slowly return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions.

Kegel method

A successful gynecologist of the mid-20th century, Arnold Kegel, developed exercises for prolapse of the uterus, which are successfully practiced today and were named after him.

  • Squeeze and relax the muscles of the pelvis and vagina for 30 seconds. Do 3-4 approaches. With muscle strengthening, you can increase the procedure time to several minutes or more.
  • During urination, hold the stream for 10-15 seconds. In this case, the legs are widely spaced, and the retention occurs exclusively with the muscles of the vagina.

Summing up, it should be noted that for any changes or discomfort on the part of the female organs, immediately go to a specialist. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat uterine prolapse and prescribe an individual and necessary therapy for you. Do not self-medicate and take care of your health!