Topics for conversations in the antenatal clinic. about the project

Svetlana Khramova
Conversation "Happiness of motherhood"

Occupation « The happiness of motherhood»

Target: awareness of purpose motherhood.

Course progress.

1. Parable about motherhood.

Feelings quarreled somehow. Who is stronger?

I am stronger, said Hatred. - I can make a person do anything, thanks to me Betrayal and Wrath appeared.

No, I'm stronger, said Jealousy. - Thanks to me, although no feelings appeared, but I can push a person to a crime, even to murder.

What are you! Loneliness was outraged. - What is murder! Here I can bring to suicide, so I'm stronger.

No! Kindness exclaimed. - Why do you talk about such terrible things? I am stronger, I can help create, give, share.

Ha! And where is the strength? interrupted her hatred! - This is bullshit! Think about creating! If everyone starts to hate each other, then who needs it, your creation?

Don't argue! There is no one stronger than me, - exclaimed Love. - I can good man make it bad and vice versa. I can take away. I can overcome any obstacles.

But in our time, no one appreciates Love, - muttered Treason.

Yes, Love gave up its positions a long time ago, - Doubt grinned.

It turns out that they are all the same, - drawled Disappointment.

But no! Wisdom said. - There is a feeling that does not scream about its strength, but it is much more powerful than any of you. It overcomes Betrayal and Anger.

It is not afraid of Hatred, it is not at all familiar with Treason, it carries Love in itself, and can create, give.

It is stronger than each of you individually, and even all together, because it does not know fear and its own strength.

Can not be! - they all shouted in unison, - This does not happen! There is no such feeling, and if there is, where is it?

He has no time to participate in your disputes. It still protects, instructs and protects, and does not waste time in vain. It is always on guard. Happiness and Peace.

Because it - Motherhood.

2. Discussion of the issue "What happiness of motherhood.

Motherhood- this is generally a function of every woman, regardless of whether she has children now or not. The girl is ready from birth motherhood, the only question is that over time she begins to think about it. Often motherhood sublimated into other energies. Previously, when people lived in communities, it was easier to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth. The girl saw how women nurture children, breastfeed them, take care of babies. Subsequently, she did all this at ease.

Now this is sad. It is good if we come to the idea of ​​a child with at least zero information. Then we choose information about motherhood according to your inner feelings. Every woman finds something that is in tune with her inner tuning fork, that she is ready to accept. It is much worse when there is a strong image of mother, then inside everything is on strike against the new, there is only one thought that it is necessary to do only this way, and not otherwise.

When a girl doesn't play daughter mothers, which means that she is in an information vacuum, with zero understanding motherhood. By the age of 14, ideally, a girl should know how pregnant women behave, how to care for a child, how to raise a girl, and how to be a wife as a boy ... Now, having become pregnant, a woman rushes to the Internet, and there, as you know, you can find a lot but not always natural. Therefore, you need to take a break in all the cases that are, except motherhood. We were born women, so by definition we are ready to be mothers. The most common fear is that I will be a bad mother. We cannot become a bad mother, because if a child has chosen us, it means that he needs it so much, he needs this particular experience. Fear arises when we lack information. So you need to go and look for information about what you think may prevent you from being a good mother.

If you want to have happy life, marry a beloved man and be loved, give birth to healthy, cheerful children.

When a child in a family grows up healthy, parents are boundlessly happy. But their grief is immeasurable if they have a sick, weak child. To cure her, her parents are capable of any sacrifice, agree to any operation, giving her their kidney and other organs for transplantation. However, many of them do not think about the fact that diseases could be prevented if they knew about the causes that cause or provoke its occurrence. The cause of most diseases is the consumption of alcoholic beverages and "friendship" with tobacco.

It must be remembered that the female egg is affected by alcohol and tobacco more often and more strongly than the spermatozoon.

Not only the systemic use of alcohol, but also a single use of alcoholic beverages can negatively affect the sex cell of a woman. The harmful effects of alcohol on offspring have been known for a long time. The most severe consequences were observed in the case when a woman consumed alcohol during pregnancy. A mother deliberately poisons her unborn child. And the consequences of this are very serious. The fetal brain is most sensitive to the effects of alcohol and tobacco, mainly those structures responsible for future intellectual activity.

In women who smoke and drink alcohol, pregnancy ends twice as often in stillbirth, premature birth, and spontaneous miscarriage. In children born to smokers mothers and drink alcohol, a common pathology is mental retardation, congenital heart failure, abnormally small head (microcephaly, underdeveloped limbs, incomplete number of fingers on the limbs, severe strabismus, spina bifida, cleft lip, anomalies of the kidneys and external genital organs.

In early childhood, these children do not gain weight well, often get sick, are restless, irritable, whiny. They study poorly at school, are undisciplined, and tend to drink alcohol early.

Smoking and alcohol consumption cause irreparable harm to the pregnant woman herself. woman: this is a difficult course of pregnancy, and a large loss of blood during childbirth, and moral suffering, a sense of guilt if a child is born with defects.

If a woman continues to drink alcohol or smoke after giving birth, she continues to endanger her baby as the toxic substances are converted into breast milk. They continue to infect the body, especially nervous system. Children are whiny, their sleep is disturbed, convulsions and even epileptic seizures often develop. Of course, it is very insulting in the future, because the mother is always an example for children and her passion for tobacco or alcoholic beverages lays in them this unhealthy train.

The use of alcohol causes great harm your health, negatively affects your children, present and future, destroys family happiness.

So think about it and choose forever the way mothers Take care of your health and the health of your children. Show wisdom and willpower.

Expensive mothers!

May health, beauty and joy always be your companions in life. Our the conversation is over. Thank you for participating.

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Conversation "Health problems in early pregnancy"

The form: round table

Target: to promote the formation in adolescents of a valuable attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, well-being and happiness in the family.


To acquaint students with the physiological, psychological and social problems of early pregnancy.

To form the ability to independently analyze problem situations,

that occur during adolescence.

Identify and discuss the causes of early pregnancy.

 Prevention of early sexual intercourse and pregnancy

PROGRESS of the conversation


Psychologist. Today we will talk about the great destiny of a woman - motherhood and the problems that are associated with this destiny. Each of us knows that a girl born on planet Earth is called in the future to become a mother, a successor to the human race. So it was, is and will be. And I would like to start our conversation with the words of Pierre Beaumarchais, addressed to our dear girls, “Nature said to a woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must be prudent by all means.”

There is a simple and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked for centuries.
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a baby in her arms!
May the sun applaud her forever,
So she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a baby in her arms!

Social teacher: Indeed, a woman is a beautiful creation of nature, she personifies the beginning of life, love, happiness on Earth. Can you imagine a mother who wants to harm her

to kid? Probably not, because the norm for us mothers has become disinterested self-sacrifice in the name of our child. However, cases have become more frequent when very young women at the age of 13-14 become mothers, who fit to play with dolls, and not raise a child; cases of abortion by young mothers have become more frequent, and how many abandoned children are in orphanages, garbage dumps, garbage cans!

"Mom, I'm pregnant ..." - rubbing snot and swallowing tears, a schoolgirl says in a trembling voice. She was playing with dolls yesterday, and today adult life has played a cruel joke on her. Even in nightmare mothers would not like to see their daughters in such a situation. But this happens all the time.

Why it happens? How to protect yourself from such a problem as early pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out.

As you know, everything is good that happens on time.


early pregnancy (it is also called teenage) is considered to be the state of pregnancy in teenage girls 13-18 years old. It is at this age that the girl undergoes hormonal changes in the body,

when she is “no longer a girl, but not yet a woman”, Of course, in some countries of Africa or Asia, an early pregnancy, by our standards, can be perceived by society as quite normal, but who in these countries gives

the significance of the shocking rates of infant mortality, including during childbirth? In the end, in our European latitudes, there is no urgent need to give birth early to many helper children in agricultural work, for example, to cultivate rice plantations, as was the case in ancient China. And the early pregnancy of a teenage girl will not be considered a blessing from heaven, as is the case in

some African villages.

In developed countries, most teenage pregnancies are unplanned and, as a result, 70% of cases end in abortions, and in the later stages, 15% in miscarriages, and only 15% occur in childbirth. Why now, in our information age, there is a problem of early pregnancy?The main reason is the lack or insufficient sexual education of adolescents. Few people seriously considerconsequences pregnancies of an immature organism, and there are many of them.

Psychologist: It is generally accepted that the tragedy of teenage pregnancy is that the whole world (and especially parents and society) turns away from a young pregnant woman. But in fact this "world" turns its back on the girl

much earlier, and if you like, pregnancy is often the result of this, and not the cause. Here are some of the most typical situations:

"RISKY" BEHAVIOR. Often girls who "get in touch with bad company" get pregnant. But a teenager gets into such companies again because, having become lonely and rejected in the family and society,

begins, firstly, to seek "understanding" wherever possible, and secondly, unconsciously choose the most risky (or as they say - ) type of behavior. And a girl who spends time in such companies seems to be not up to saving her health and her life. Therefore, she is not particularly

worries about the consequences of such communication ...

PREGNANCY "PLANNED". As a rule, the girl seeks to solve her own psychological problems in this way. In particular, to affirm one’s own value (no one loves me, well, I’ll give birth to a baby for myself, he will love me) or to protest against unbridled overprotection

parents who have their daughter, again, (Mom, how else can I prove to you that I’m already an adult and that it’s enough to educate me?) It’s clear that a dialogue using such methods is not constructive, besides, the fact that such a girl is pregnant is proof not of “adulthood”, but rather of infantilism (she is not yet matured enough to think about the consequences of their actions and responsibility for them ...).

RAPE. It should be noted that most of these rapes are committed not by maniacs, but by friends and acquaintances (sometimes mother's). But even if a teenage girl was the victim of an attack by a stranger, then again, why did she find herself, for example, alone on the street at a late hour? Was she kicked out of the house or did she run away from her "home comfort"? Or are parents initially indifferent to the fate of their daughter, and they did not teach her the basics of safe behavior? In addition, after the fact of violence, the necessary preventive measures were not taken -

largely because the girl somehow could not tell her parents about what happened to her ...

IGNORANT PREGNANCY. Often, even in our enlightened age, girls do not really know what they are doing. They often count on a "more experienced" partner, especially if she is 14, and he is already 16 ... And being left to herself in this matter, the girl will be unable to pick up effective means contraception, will not associate menstruation failures with past intimacy, and consider an increase in the waist as a sign of the need to go on a diet ...

Therefore, "missed" teenage pregnancies are the result of a lack of high-quality, thoughtful sexual education, including the possibility on this topic in the family.

This conclusion is confirmed by our survey, which showed that the main source of information on issues of intimate relationships are

friends and the Internet and other media. Only 20% of the parents of our girls were able to competently and intelligibly convey information to their children.

Having entered into an intimate relationship, not everyone thinks about the consequences of these relationships. And so it happened, early pregnancy, and with it problems.

Why is early pregnancy dangerous?

deterioration in health

unhealthy child



career breaks down

psychological trauma


possible death of mother and child

possible abortion and subsequent infertility

a young mother may throw away her child

These are health, psychological and social problems. Let's take a look at each of them.


Health problems in early pregnancy.

The main problem is that the body of a young woman is not ready to physically bear a child at such a young age.
The teenager is confused, does not know whether to terminate the pregnancy or continue. If a girl decides to have an abortion, she must understand that as a result, gynecological problems may arise, up to infertility. If she decides to give birth, she will subject herself to a serious test, because in the fragile body of a young woman, numerous complex changes will begin to occur that contribute to the intrauterine development of the fetus, prepare the body for childbirth and breastfeeding.

The body of a pregnant woman begins to accumulate building material for a growing body: nitrogen (for protein synthesis), fats (for the formation of fetal tissues), iron (for the formation of blood), potassium (for the work of the heart muscle), magnesium, cobalt, copper. And all this is an additional burden on the body of the expectant mother. Also, during pregnancy, the work of the cardiovascular system is significantly enhanced, which, in turn, makes the liver and kidneys work in an enhanced mode.

An unprepared body simply may not be able to cope with such a difficult task as carrying and giving birth to a healthy child. Underweight babies or babies with birth defects are a common sad outcome of teen pregnancy.

Risk for a pregnant teenager:

anemia (decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood);

hypertension(high blood pressure);


preeclampsia(late toxicosis),

insufficient weight gain during pregnancy (due tobad

nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle );

placenta previa (due toinadequate hormone levels );

miscarriage ;

premature birth;

complications during childbirth – fetal obstruction, resolution by caesarean section(due to clinically narrow pelvis ).

prematurity (the earlier the baby is born, the higher the risk of developing problems with vision, digestion, respiratory system, the general development of the organism);

low birth weight(2.5-1.5 kg);

intrauterinehypoxia fetus;

genericinjury ;

Great chanceartificial feeding (due to

insufficient motivation -teenagers);

predisposition tobacklog in mental and physical development.

Psychologist. Psychological problem of early pregnancy

No less important is the psychological problem of early pregnancy. Upon learning of their situation, young girls are shocked and in a panic. Psychologists say that the usual reaction is guilt, anger and unwillingness to admit what happened. This leads to dangerous consequences, because the girl can

be left without the necessary and timely medical care.

This is not surprising, because there is a sharp transition from childhood to adulthood, the girl is faced with the first major decision in her life. Moreover, she needs to make an important decision herself, young fathers, as a rule, immediately cease to be “tough guys” and prefer to step aside.

The social problem of early pregnancy

Even in the most progressive society, pregnant teenagers often face stigma at the very least. The girl is often left alone with her problem, she is afraid to admit even to her parents. In addition, more often early pregnancy occurs in children from dysfunctional families, when there is no normal relationship between parents and children, not to mention some kind of upbringing. In addition, becoming pregnant, the girl is forced to leave school or combine motherhood with education, which in most cases is unrealistic.

The lack of education "puts an end" to the further self-realization of the girl, she has practically no chance of getting a good job, making a career. If there is no good job, then there is not enough money, which, in turn, pushes the young mother to crime. Helplessness often leads to domestic violence, hopelessness pushes to alcoholism and drug use. Such women often become pregnant again before reaching 20 years of age. And their children, in turn, turn out to be useless and replenish the baby's houses.

Deputy director of VR: The girl, having learned about her condition, sometimes in fear of her parents, by any means tries to get rid of the pregnancy, to exclude such undesirable consequences. And this can lead to death. And sometimes, it also happens that, having carried a child, negligent mothers try to get rid of him by all means. So most often "unnecessary" children are left in the maternity hospital or thrown into the orphanage. Woe

repentant mothers can be seen in fiction and documentaries.
Medical abortion never guarantees complete safety, which subsequently leads to big problems in the family, endangering the girl's personal happiness. Remorse, moral decline, emotional hopelessness and, in the end, lonely old age - all this becomes a consequence

unwanted pregnancies at an early age.
Nurse: Parents should also think about how to prevent early pregnancy of their children, providing them with detailed information on pregnancy and contraception in time, explaining the seriousness possible consequences. It is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences later. No wonder the brave scouts said: "Forewarned is forearmed." Teenagers and their parents need to strive to maintain a trusting relationship. Talk with your child on an equal footing, do not bypass "forbidden" topics. And this applies to parents of both girls and boys. Boys need communication from their father, so if the family is incomplete, make sure that the child communicates with men on such topics. This could be a grandfather, uncle, older brother or other relative. You can give your child the necessary literature to read. This option is good for parents who feel that they are not ready for such a conversation with their son or daughter. A good option is to toss children with "parental headache pills" - condoms. Only you need to combine these actions with sex education and

stories about methods of contraception from unwanted pregnancies. Of course, this is not about rape, from which no one is immune, unfortunately. And children should also be aware of this danger. The best thing parents can do is to convey to the consciousness of their child that in adulthood they will have to make decisions on a different level, and every action taken must be answered.


Dear girls, it is a great happiness and a great responsibility to be a mother! The health of your children is in your hands. I know that not all of you like to listen to the advice of doctors, teachers, parents. Of course, to live “with your own mind”, but in fact, without any reasoning, to fly from flower to flower is like

a butterfly rushing to meet its desires is much more pleasant. But it seems to me that frivolity is inappropriate and even criminal here. After all, for some time now you begin to control not only your own destiny and your health, but also the destiny and health of another person… The one who has not yet been born. The one who

in a few years he will become the master of the country ...

I would like to end our conversation with the words of Aurora Dupin“We cannot tear a single page out of our lives, but we can throw an entire book into the fire.”

During pregnancy, women have many exciting new topics to talk about. Those who are not expecting a baby are reluctant to join discussions, but future mothers themselves are always happy to chat with each other. At the same time, they have several favorite topics that they are ready to talk about for hours - with their girlfriends, friends, and simply with unfamiliar interlocutors on various Internet forums. So what interests pregnant women the most?

1. Feeling good

Perhaps every woman during pregnancy has a malaise. Expectant mothers complain about weakness, headache and dizziness, swelling throughout the body, pain in the abdomen, back, heaviness in the legs. It happens that he will sharply stab in one side, shoot in the other, and sometimes everything will suddenly start all at once.

Women are not limited to sharing their symptoms with each other. Pregnant women can stay up late on the Internet in search of information about their ailments, and the rest of the night cry over severe and incurable pathologies that they themselves have identified. In the morning, the expectant mother will tell other pregnant women about her troubles, who will certainly find the same symptoms in themselves.

Of course, it is also not complete without discussion of doctors and their opinions. If some pregnant women tend to trust doctors, then others question any of their recommendations, someone was lucky with a doctor, and someone not so much. Every expectant mother is also sure that she knows the best doctor or even a clinic, which she recommends to everyone else.

2. Stages of child development

3. Lifestyle

During pregnancy, women have many questions about nutrition, physical activity, hobby. Should I give up coffee and tea, because they contain caffeine? Is it possible to ski, but swim in the sea, go in for sports, pump the press - all this is not dangerous for a pregnant woman? What about driving a car? What about flying in an airplane? Can I wear heels? What happens if a cat lies on its stomach?

Expectant mothers are looking for scientific answers to such questions, but it is no less interesting to find out what more experienced friends can say about all this.

4. Changes in weight and figure

These questions future mothers ask each other endlessly: “How much have you recovered already? What is your clothing size now? Do you follow a diet, do not eat anything in the evening? Do you often arrange fasting days? Most pregnant women are very worried about their weight and fear that after childbirth it will not be possible to return a slender and toned figure. Still, almost everyone is sure that they are recovering too fast, and the stomach is growing by leaps and bounds. The positive point is that the breasts of the expectant mother also increase. This, of course, cannot but rejoice. But this consolation is short-term, because soon the stomach becomes larger than the enlarged chest. And the most exciting and exciting pastime is to compare your changed forms with the figures of pregnant women at the same time.

5. Choosing a name for the baby

There are parents who consider it bad luck to choose a name for a child before it is born. Nevertheless, most couples come up with it in advance or select a couple of options. A special pleasure for the expectant mother is to discuss the name for the baby with other pregnant women, learn about the statistics of registry offices, inquire about the meanings of names and their influence on fate, evaluate how the name sounds in combination with a patronymic, surname.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

6. Signs

What just doesn't come to mind expectant mother while she is anxiously waiting for the baby. Sometimes pregnant women begin to share with each other the signs that they have learned. Especially popular are those related to the gender of the child. While it is not visible on the ultrasound, a boy or a girl is expected, you can try to determine this yourself. It will help to analyze what shape your stomach has, with what frequency the fetal heart beats, in what position you sleep, what you love from food. Of course, all this just needs to be discussed with friends.

7. Childbirth

The culmination of the conversation of pregnant women is the discussion of the upcoming birth. They are worried about how to choose a maternity hospital, how to understand that childbirth is starting, whether it is necessary to go to the hospital in advance or it is better to sit at home in comfort. At what time are the first, second and subsequent children, boys and girls, usually born? Should I agree to epidural anesthesia? What is an episiotomy and who is at risk of it? What is the indication for caesarean section? How many hours does childbirth last and what happens at this time? Should I take my husband with me? Most often, expectant mothers tend to tell each other a variety of horror stories about childbirth, but there is also ground for pleasant conversations.

8. Shopping

All women love shopping, so shopping is a pleasant and positive topic for pregnant women to talk about. You can talk about clothes for expectant mothers, about orthopedic pillows and mattresses, gadgets and accessories that you simply cannot do without before or after the birth of a baby. Of particular awe is the discussion of the dowry for the baby, because often it is prepared before the baby is born. Future mothers can have endless conversations about discharge suits, clothes in sizes 50-56, bottles, pacifiers, cribs and cradles, changing tables, deck chairs, rattles, musical mobiles - it's hard to think of another topic that will cause so many sighs of tenderness and tender smiles. Discussing these things will cheer up any pregnant woman.

Pregnant mode Physical activity should be moderate.

Constipation is common during pregnancy. A woman can avoid them by drinking plenty of fluids, exercise, light laxatives and products with a high content of coarse vegetable fiber.

Smoking: Cigarettes contain polonium 210 emitting X-particles. 1 pack - radiation dose 18 rad (permissible 5 rad). In the blood of a smoking mother, the content of carbon monoxide increases, it does not combine with the Hb of the fetus - carboxyhemoglobin, is unable to combine with oxygen - hypoxia, asphyxia, malnutrition, miscarriage. 30 minutes after smoking the first cigarette, fetal respiratory movements are suppressed. Their absence disrupts the normal maturation of the lungs. The liver of the fetus is not able to destroy the products of combustion of nicotine and they accumulate in his body. In smoking women, children weighing 2500, with convulsive readiness, seizures, are 2 times more likely to have congenital malformations, especially faces. Dangerous and second hand smoke. perinatal mortality is increased. Women are advised to quit smoking completely during pregnancy.

Alcohol When it is used, chromosomal cells are damaged. The first brief intoxication can cause mental illness child. 12 minutes after the introduction of women, alcohol is detected in the fetus. The specificity of fetal damage in alcoholics is called fetal or newborn alcohol syndrome. Alcohol disrupts the growth of the fetus, leads to the development of anomalies of the brain and skeleton, congenital heart defects. Women who suffer from chronic alcoholism can give birth to a child with a complex of congenital malformations, known as fetal alcohol syndrome, with cleft lip, joint abnormalities, congenital heart disease. symptoms are smoothed out: brain shrinkage, IUGR, microphthalmia, strabismus, low forehead, short upturned nose, low ears, flattened nape. The most severe manifestation of the alcohol syndrome is mental retardation (which may be without physical defects). delay mental development, defects in vision, hearing, speech, neuroses, learning disabilities, aggressiveness, convulsions, sudden death syndrome.

Drugs - just as dangerous. Handicapped children are born with congenital malformations. Children born from drug addicts are already drug addicts. And in the very first days, they develop an abstinence syndrome that requires the introduction of narcotic drugs up to death.

Most drugs taken during pregnancy cross the placenta and reach the fetus; if drug therapy is needed, the benefits should outweigh the risks of treatment. In the first trimester of pregnancy medicines used only for health reasons after consulting a doctor.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman. It is not advisable to recommend a low-calorie diet during pregnancy. The allowable weight gain during pregnancy is 9-13.6 kg. Insufficient weight gain can be alarming; if body weight has increased by less than 4.5 kg by 20 weeks, then the diet should be reviewed.

The energy value food for a pregnant woman with an average body weight is about 2400 kcal / day.

Squirrels. During pregnancy, there is an accumulation of protein (up to 350 g) in preparation for losses during childbirth. The need for proteins in an adult woman is 1.3 g / (kg day), in a young woman - 1.5 g / (kg day). Proteins of animal origin contain a sufficient amount of amino acids for the synthesis of new proteins. Recommend meat, milk, eggs, cheese, poultry and fish

Carbohydrates. The need is 350-400 g / day. The diet must include a sufficient amount of fruits, berries, fresh vegetable juices, compotes.

Fats. The need is 85-100 g / day, they come in the form of butter, sour cream and vegetable oil. Vegetable oil contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E.

Minerals. Iron. In many women, iron stores are reduced due to blood loss during menstruation (in Russia, about 20% of women suffer from iron deficiency anemia of the 1st degree). During pregnancy, iron stores can be depleted even further. Additional iron is necessary for both the fetus and the increased blood volume of the pregnant woman. For the formation of Hb, the fetus uses the resources of the pregnant woman's body - iron, protein, vitamins, salts, microelements. In the III trimester of pregnancy, up to 200-400 mg of iron is converted into ferritin in the placenta, enters the fetus and accumulates in this form in its liver. You need 30-60 mg of iron daily. Iron is found in liver, red meat, apples, black currants, dried fruits. Calcium. The recommended calcium intake is 1200 mg/day. To get this amount of calcium, it is enough to drink 1.14 liters of milk (preferably skimmed) every day. Other sources are cottage cheese and dairy products, including cheese and yogurt. Calf cramps (often occurring at night) are a classic symptom of calcium deficiency in a pregnant woman. Sodium. Limiting sodium intake is not advised, since progesterone promotes its excretion from the body. The use of diuretics during pregnancy is also not justified.

Vitamins. Folic acid. The daily requirement is 800 mcg. 1 mg of folic acid should be added to food daily. Folate deficiency in a woman can lead to various complications, including placental abruption, arterial hypertension during pregnancy, fetal abnormalities (eg, neural tube defects). Vitamin B12 is found in its natural form only in products of animal origin (meat, fish). Vegetarians may have low levels of vitamin B12, and pregnant vegetarian women should take supplements (in tablets). Vitamin C. Daily dose 80 mg. Large doses (1 g or more) of vitamin C taken to prevent colds can harm the fetus.

Reception of pregnant women in the antenatal clinic.

It is necessary to persistently explain to pregnant women the great importance of observing the rules of hygiene and, in particular, the diet. These conversations should be carried out during visits to pregnant women at home and especially during their reception at the antenatal clinic. The consultation should be a real health-educational institution for women, a school for future mothers and for women who have already become mothers. The midwife should ensure that pregnant women and women who have given birth willingly and often attend consultations. Affectionate reception, friendly attention and participation, attentive questioning, kind, sensible advice and useful, interesting conversation - that's what will always attract women to counseling.

It is necessary to ensure that pregnant women attend a consultation at least once a month, from the first weeks of pregnancy, but in the last months of pregnancy- twice a month. In the first 2 months after childbirth, women in childbirth should visit a consultation 3-4 times. If the midwife manages to achieve such attendance at her consultation, her work will be easier and she will achieve good results. By frequently observing, supervising and teaching pregnant women, the midwife will notice deviations in time from the normal course of pregnancy and prevent potential complications.

Recommended topics for conversations with pregnant women and mothers
1. Pregnancy is a physiological process.
2. Hygiene of pregnancy.
3. Harm and danger of abortion.
4. Why a woman should attend a consultation.
5. Why a woman should give birth in a maternity hospital.
6. How a woman should spend her maternity leave before and after childbirth.
7. How to care for a newborn baby.
8. Causes and signs of female diseases.

About pregnancy hygiene.

Pregnancy is a physiological process. However, the stress and expenditure of reserve forces of a woman’s body during pregnancy and childbirth are so significant that if hygiene rules and a certain regimen are not observed, various, sometimes severe deviations from the normal state of the pregnant woman’s body can occur, pregnancy complications can occur.

Mode of work and rest of a pregnant woman. In the first half of pregnancy, a woman performs the usual, daily work to which she is accustomed. However, overwork, heavy physical labor, lifting and carrying heavy loads, work in hot shops at factories, work associated with strong shaking of the body should not be allowed. After the usual day's work, rest and sleep for an hour should be recommended. Night sleep should last at least 7-8 hours.

The room where the pregnant woman lives must be very well ventilated. Daily walks in the fresh air are required for at least two hours a day (it is possible with breaks). Lack of fresh air can impair metabolism, somewhat altered during pregnancy. Lack of oxygen can affect the functioning of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and skin. Movement in the fresh air improves the condition of all these organs.