Soe 83 in adults. What does an increased ESR in the blood mean: causes and methods of treatment

is a method for diagnosing the state of the body, which can “tell” about many diseases and “show” clinical picture the patient as a whole. If the results reveal a deviation of some indicators, then the doctor establishes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

The danger of an increase in ESR lies in its cause, which can be different: from an innocent cold to tuberculosis or a tumor

The sooner the pathology is detected and the doctor prescribes treatment, the faster and easier it is to be treated than with advanced stages. That is why it is recommended to take tests at least 1-2 times a year for preventive purposes, without waiting for the appearance of obvious symptoms.

What to do and how to normalize the indicator?

To normalize the indicator, it is necessary, first of all, to determine what is the reason for the deviation from the norm. That is, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause. If it is anemia, then when the level of iron in the body is restored, it will automatically return to normal. If SARS, then when the virus is eliminated, this indicator immediately normalizes.

If a blood test indicates that the level of erythrocyte sedimentation is increased, then it is necessary to conduct additional diagnostics to determine the nature of the violation. These can be analyzes, examinations or studies on special equipment - and so on.

To bring ESR back to normal, the doctor prescribes a number of drugs, depending on the state of health.In addition, you can help yourself at home with the help of traditional medicine. These can be compresses, decoctions of herbs, rinses and other procedures aimed at eliminating the problem that caused the increase in ESR. Before using the methods of folk herbalists, it is recommended to make sure that there are no contraindications so as not to harm your health.

Using the level of ESR, you can determine the presence of inflammation in the body, infections or tumors. The analysis carried out with an increase in the level of sedimentation rate indicates deviations in the body that need to be diagnosed and treated. You should not self-medicate, but it is necessary to carry out the necessary therapy in a timely manner. Such deviations may indicate the presence allergic reaction, tuberculosis, anemia, cancer, gastritis, hepatitis and other serious pathologies.

What is a normal indicator? The erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood is assessed by the height of the plasma layer in millimeters in 60 minutes.

For women, the normal range is from 3 to 15 mm / h. In this case, the level of the component may vary depending on age or during pregnancy.

In men, the level of this component is lower and the normal value is from 2 to 10 mm per hour.

In children, the level of ESR may vary depending on age.

What analysis is determined and what can affect the result?

The level of this component in the blood is diagnosed on the basis of blood sampling from a finger.

The biological substance is poured into a tall test tube and placed in horizontal position.

RBCs are heavier than plasma and begin to sink. Blood taken for analysis is divided into two layers: erythrocytes and plasma. The rate at which erythrocytes settle will be the level of ESR.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

If the patient is absolutely healthy, then the ESR level is low, and if there is inflammation in the body, its level rises, because globulins promote erythrocyte gluing and they settle to the bottom of the tube faster.

The increase in ESR is already coming two days after the onset of the disease.

As the patient recovers, their blood levels return to normal.

Watch a video about ESR

What factors can influence analysis bias?

Preparation before blood sampling is important. The patient should not eat for 8 hours, and blood is taken only on an empty stomach.

You should not smoke 60 minutes before the laboratory test.

Looking at the results general analysis blood, any experienced doctor will be able to preliminarily assess the patient's condition. ESR is an abbreviation meaning "erythrocyte sedimentation rate". This result is included in the complete blood count, and may indicate the onset or progress inflammatory disease in body. Let's figure it out if the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased, what does this mean?

How do doctors determine ESR?

ESR is determined in the laboratory. The following measurement technique is common: fresh blood entering the analysis is mixed with an anticoagulant, left for an hour, and after the elapsed time, the laboratory assistant measures how many mm the blood has stratified: red blood cells - erythrocytes settle down, and the remaining components rise up.

This technique is named after the scientist who invented it - Vintroba.

In some medical institutions, special automatic devices are installed that immediately issue ready-made ESR result, without the action of a laboratory assistant.

The sedimentation rate depends on the viscosity of the blood, and hence on the temperature. Moreover, ESR depends on both body temperature and ambient temperature. Two provisions follow from this: 1) the temperature in the room in which the blood test is performed must be strictly established. 2) even temporary overheating or cooling of the body affects the ESR.

ESR norm

  • neonates: 0-2.8 mm/h;
  • 1 month-six months: 2-6 mm/h;
  • six months to a year: 3-9 mm/h;
  • year-5 years: 4-11mm/h;
  • 6-14 years old: 5-12mm/h;
  • over 14 years: 2-14 mm/h for girls, 1-11 mm/h for boys;
  • up to 30 years: 8-16 mm / h;
  • 30 to 59 years old: 8-25 mm/h;
  • over 60 years: 10-50 mm/h.
  • up to 60 years: 6-12 mm/h;
  • over 60 years: 15-20 mm/h.

Elevated ESR in the blood: what does it mean?

Erythrocytes are also called red blood cells, they are responsible for the transfer of oxygen to all organs and tissues. Erythrocytes of a healthy person have a standard shape, size and sedimentation rate. If any of these indicators changes, especially significantly, the doctor will refer you for further examination in order to find out what malfunctions in the body caused such a defect.

The rate of sedimentation of red blood cells increases in acute diseases caused by bacteria and infections. However, a high ESR in the blood can be influenced by many other factors, including both the stressful state of the body and inaccurate laboratory conditions. If the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is slightly increased, you may need to do the analysis again, the second time the indicator may already be normal. ESR can be affected by:

  • gender: women have more ESR than men;
  • age: ESR varies with age, and there is no direct relationship between them;
  • pregnancy: pregnancy can cause an increase in soy in the blood in women;
  • taking contraceptives also increases the ESR;
  • anemia;
  • time for the analysis: in the morning, the ESR is slightly higher than in the evening. This fact works for all people, therefore, for the accuracy of the result, it is recommended to take a general blood test earlier in the day.
  • increased blood viscosity slows down the rate of sedimentation;
  • changes in the shape and size of erythrocytes also affect the ESR.

If ESR is elevated in the blood test, girls and women should consider the possibility of pregnancy, men should consider some diseases that cause elevated ESR, which will be discussed later.

Reasons why high ESR

The most common diseases that cause an increase in soy can be divided into several categories:

  • diseases of the gallbladder and liver (stones);
  • inflammation;
  • purulent processes
  • strokes, heart attacks;
  • anisocytosis - a change in the size of red blood cells or platelets;
  • sickle anemia;
  • hemoglobinopathy;
  • obesity;
  • stress;
  • postoperative period;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diarrhea;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • prostatitis;
  • lymphoma;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fractures, injuries;
  • malignant tumors
  • myeloma.

Especially often, an inflammatory process becomes the cause of increased ESR in a blood test, however, if the deviation from the norm is significant (for example, by 40-50 units), oncology is suspected.

Since ESR is an analysis for red blood cells, it may not be influenced by leukocytes. High ss in the blood with normal leukocytes can become a characteristic of a viral illness, when the level of white blood cells is already normal, and the rate of deposition of red cells has not yet returned to normal.

In the case of pregnancy, elevated ESR in the blood of women is not uncommon. In this interesting position, the ESR can reach 45 units, and there are no suspicions of pathology in this case.

If you saw an increased ESR in yourself or a loved one in the analysis, do not rush to get upset and engage in self-hypnosis. I must say that in many developed countries, the analysis of ESR is not considered among the general ones, since there are many factors that change it both in one direction and in the other. Instead, physicians in these countries examine the PSA score. So, knowing only how much elevated soy in the blood of an adult, one cannot draw any unambiguous conclusions.

Increased ESR and ROE in the general analysis mean the same thing. As we already know, ESR is responsible for the sedimentation rate, and ROE literally means "erythrocyte sedimentation reaction."
Stay healthy and donate blood regularly!

Diagnosis of the patient begins with laboratory examinations, and a complete blood count (CBC) is mandatory on the list. It allows you to determine the number of red blood cells and their main characteristics.

ESR (this indicator stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is a basic parameter, it allows you to diagnose the presence or absence of an inflammatory process, and after a course of therapy to check how effective it turned out to be.

Along with it, the term ROE is used in medicine - the reaction of erythrocyte sedimentation. These concepts are identical. Gravity acts on the blood, which, after being taken from a patient, is placed in a test tube or a high capillary.

Under this influence, it is divided into several layers. Heavy and large red blood cells settle to the very bottom. If this happens quickly, inflammation occurs in the body. It changes in millimeters per hour (mm/h).

Important: Constantly elevated rates are a consequence chronic inflammation. But sometimes when acute inflammation no increase is observed.

Determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a mandatory parameter of the general blood test. Although the ESR will not help determine the exact diagnosis, it will give some hints - especially when combined with the results of other studies.

What value of ESR is considered normal?

A chronic disease can also influence the deviation of the result from the conditional norm, but is not pathological.

The ESR norm has differences in people of different sex, age and even physique.

For women, due to the characteristics of the body, this rate is higher than for men - it is associated with more frequent blood renewal, as well as a number of hormonal changes that the female body regularly undergoes.

Normal and not requiring additional diagnostics is an increase in ESR in pregnant women from a 4-month period.

This table illustrates the normal amount ESR blood adult person.

The definition of indicators and their interpretation should also be carried out taking into account the age of the patient.

In pregnant women, there is a dependence of the acceleration of red blood cells on the physique.

In thin people in the first half of pregnancy, the ROE reaches 21-62 mm / h, in the second - 40-65 mm / h.

For full ones - 18-48 mm / h and 30-70 mm / h, respectively. The norm is any indicator in the specified range.

Important: In women taking oral hormonal contraceptives, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is always higher.

ESR in children during the period of infectious diseases (intestinal infections, respiratory diseases) increases on the 2nd-3rd day of the disease and reaches 28-30 mm / h.

In infants, the change in this indicator depends on teething, the mother's diet (with breastfeeding), the presence of helminths, beriberi, as well as when taking certain medications.

Below are the average rates of erythrocyte sedimentation rate for children.

If the ESR level is increased by 2-3 units, this is a variant of the norm. An additional examination is required if the indicator exceeds the norm by 10 or more units.

Important: In the morning, the ESR is always higher - this is important to consider when interpreting the results of the analysis.

When does the ESR increase?

With inflammation, the level of proteins in the blood increases, so red blood cells settle faster. If all indicators are normal, except for the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction, then there is no serious cause for concern. After a few days, you can retake blood, and compare the results.

Most probable causes ESR growth:

  • Inflammation of the respiratory organs genitourinary system(including venereal diseases), fungal infections - almost 40% of cases;
  • Oncological processes - about 23%;
  • Rheumatic and autoimmune diseases, including allergies - 17%;
  • Endocrine and gastroenterological diseases - 8%;
  • Kidney disease - 3%.

Inflammation of the genitourinary system

Important: An increase in ESR to 38-40 mm / h in children and up to 100 mm / h in adults is critical. This value of ESR indicates serious inflammation, kidney problems, and the occurrence of oncology. Such a patient needs an additional examination - special tests of urine, blood, ultrasound or MRI, consultations of several specialized specialists.

Diseases in which ESR increases

A temporary increase is observed after acute conditions, accompanied by a large loss of fluid and an increase in blood viscosity (diarrhea, vomiting, severe blood loss).

For a longer time, the value of ROE grows in some diseases:

  • Pathologies of the endocrine system - diabetes, cystic fibrosis, obesity;
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract, including hepatitis, cholecystitis;
  • Diseases that are accompanied by tissue destruction;
  • With a heart attack and stroke (increases a few days after the onset of the disease);
  • blood diseases;
  • Infectious of any etiology.


Important: Bacterial infections cause an increase in ESR by 2-10 times. With viral increases slightly - by several units. In a 31-year-old man, an increase of up to 17-20 mm/h indicates the viral nature of the disease, and up to 58-60 - a bacterial one.

When the reasons for the increase are not established

In this case, the patient needs a more thorough examination. More detailed blood tests are prescribed, during which the average volume of erythrocytes, the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes, and the leukocyte formula are determined.

It is also worth taking a blood test for tumor markers, a urine test.

During these examinations, it is important to consider the initial state of the body:

  • Previously diagnosed infections;
  • The presence of chronic diseases.

What does a low ESR mean?

The decrease is typical for such conditions:

  • exhaustion;
  • blood viscosity;
  • Muscular atrophy;
  • Epilepsy and some nervous diseases;
  • Erythrocytosis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Long-term use of drugs based on calcium, mercury;
  • With some types of anemia.

It is important to consider how low the ESR is. A value of 4 mm / h is the norm for a small child, but for a woman over the age of 20, this is an alarming symptom.

Important: Low speed is the norm for those who adhere to a vegetarian (no meat) and vegan (no animal products) diet.

False positive ESR tests

A false-positive is a temporary increase that does not depend on pathological processes in the body, provoked by certain drugs, age-related or metabolic features.

When the result is false positive:

  • In elderly patients;
  • In the presence of excess body weight;
  • After vaccination against hepatitis B;
  • With anemia;
  • If the patient has disorders in the work of the kidneys, diseases of the urinary system;
  • Against the background of taking vitamin A;
  • In case of violation of the algorithm of blood sampling and analysis, as well as in case of violation of the purity of the used capillary.

If a false positive result is suspected, it is worth retaking the analysis again in 7-10 days.

In cases where the result of the analysis is false positive, the patient does not require additional examination and treatment.

Methods for determining ESR in the blood

Finger blood test

There are several techniques for conducting research, the results of which differ by 1-3 units. The most common is the analysis by the Panchenkov method. Westergren method - the technique is the same as the previous method, only a higher capillary is used. This method is more accurate.

Wintrobe analysis is used with anticoagulants. A portion of blood is mixed with an anticoagulant and placed in a special tube.

This technique is effective for readings below 60-66 mm/h.

At a higher speed, it clogs and gives an unreliable result.

Features of preparation for analysis

For maximum reliability of the result, blood sampling must be carried out correctly:

  1. The patient should not eat at least 4 hours before the procedure - after a rich and fatty breakfast, the ESR will be falsely elevated.
  2. It is necessary to make a deep puncture (when taking blood from a finger) so that you do not have to squeeze out the blood - when pressed, a significant part of the red blood cells is destroyed.
  3. Make sure that no air bubbles get into the blood.

How to lower ESR in the blood?

You should not take drugs to lower this indicator on your own. If necessary, they will be prescribed by the attending physician. It is important to remember that simply reducing the indicator does not eliminate the root cause of its increase.

Since often such test results are associated with a low level of hemoglobin, a weakened state, the patient is prescribed iron supplements, B vitamins, folic acid.

In the presence of rheumatic disease, corticosteroids are prescribed.

The patient can use folk methods to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the blood of the waste products of pathogens. This will improve general state, support the body and improve blood composition.

For this purpose, the following are used:

  • Beetroot juice (100-150 ml on an empty stomach before breakfast);
  • Tea with lemon;
  • Honey (1-2 teaspoons per day, diluted in a glass of warm tea or water);
  • Infusions of chamomile and linden (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, drink this volume during the day in several doses).

In a routine blood test, many indicators are revealed. One of them is SOE. This term is used to refer to speed. Some patients who do not understand medical concepts may hear the word "soy" instead of "ESR". There are times when "soy" in the blood is increased or decreased.

What can cause such changes? Let's try to understand this issue.

How is the analysis carried out?

An anticoagulant is added to the blood in the test tube. In this state, the material for research is left in a dark place for one hour. Under the influence of gravity, red blood cells gradually settle to the very bottom. An hour later, the laboratory assistant measures the height of the formed column of plasma in the upper part of this tube. The following indicators are considered normal: 1-10 mm / hour in men and 2-15 mm / hour in women. This analysis plays an important role in the diagnosis of a number of pathologies.

Increased rate

So, why there are a lot of reasons causing this change. First of all, these are inflammatory processes, especially for infectious or purulent diseases. The next reason is ailments associated with improper metabolism, as well as tumors, syphilis, rheumatism, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, thrombosis and cirrhosis of the liver. "soy" in the blood is also observed in anemia. With the severity of the course of the disease, as a rule, this indicator only increases. Therefore, it is very important to observe the growth (or decrease) of ESR in dynamics.

The only exception is pregnancy. In young women during the period of bearing a baby, as a rule, "soy" in the blood is increased several times. And this is the norm. An increase in this indicator can also be caused by non-inflammatory diseases, such as anemia, various pathologies of the kidneys and liver, as well as malignant tumors, heart attack or stroke, frequent or even vaccine therapy. Fractures and injuries of bones, intoxication, post-shock condition, collagenosis, hyperfibrinogenemia can also cause changes in this laboratory indicator.

Decreased ESR

A slowdown in the rate of sedimentation usually occurs with certain liver diseases, stomach pathologies. Also, this symptom may indicate a condition such as erythrocytosis. With this disease, there is an increased content of red cells in the blood, which leads to its excessive viscosity.


If in babies "soy" in the blood is increased by 20-30 units, this indicates the severity of the course of inflammatory processes.

In this case, it is imperative to conduct a thorough examination of the child. In babies up to two years old, the norm is 5-7 mm / h, after 2 years - 8 mm / h. In older children, this figure is 12-15 mm / h. After the disease, the level of ESR does not return to normal immediately.

As a rule, it may take a month and a half to restore red blood cells. Therefore, after thirty days, a second analysis should be taken. Thanks to this, more accurate conclusions can be drawn regarding the degree of development of the disease. Various non-infectious factors can also cause a child to have a condition in which "soy" in the blood will be increased. These include helminthiasis, beriberi, teething, taking drugs based on paracetamol, etc.