Spondylarthrosis code for ICD 10 in adults. PRP Therapy

Spondylarthrosis until relatively recently was considered an exclusively ailment of the elderly. However, today this pathology of the spine is much younger. Many who suffer from back pain and do not suspect what spondylarthrosis is. According to statistical studies, more than 90% of cases associated with discomfort in the spine fall on this disease.

Back pain was previously mistaken for symptoms of sciatica or the consequences of poor posture. However, spondylarthrosis is by far one of the most common diseases associated with degeneration of the spinal column.

It is quite natural that with age, all organs and the musculoskeletal system gradually fail. The vertebrae are erased, and the movement of the joints is limited.

Recently, doctors have noted that many ailments are “getting younger” and even such manifestations as pain in the spine excite young people and middle-aged patients.

The occurrence of spondylarthrosis can be associated not only with the natural aging of the body, but also with such factors:

  • past injuries;
  • advanced stage of scoliosis;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • congenital pathology of the vertebrae;
  • obesity 3 and 4 degrees;
  • the presence of autoimmune diseases;
  • flat feet;
  • constant pressure on the back.

Signs of spondylarthrosis:

  1. Violation of the mobility of the spine (the symptom is especially noticeable in the morning after sleep).
  2. Pain in one of the departments, which increases with changing weather conditions.
  3. Rapid fatigue and discomfort in the back with a long stay in one position.
  4. Unpleasant sensations disappear if the patient takes a comfortable horizontal position and bend your knees.

Classification according to ICD 10

Each pathology has its own diagnosis code. Spondylarthrosis is no exception. During the tenth revision of the international classification of diseases ICD 10, the disease was assigned the code M45-M49 (spondylopathy). On the initial stage the disease does not show obvious signs. The symptoms are blurred, and the pathology is difficult to detect even with an x-ray.

The next stages of changes in the spine are manifested by distinct symptoms.

Depending on the location of the destructive process, the disease was divided into types:

View Characteristic
Cervical (cervicoarthrosis) Pain is localized in the neck, can spread to the shoulders, to the area between the shoulder blades, to the back of the head and arms. Pathology is accompanied by a narrowing of the lumen of the canal in the spine and the development of osteophytes. In parallel with this, pressure on the artery can be observed, which leads to the development of migraine and dizziness. With cervicoarthrosis, hearing problems are also observed: laying and tinnitus.
Thoracic (dorsarthrosis) It manifests itself less often than other types of the disease and is characterized by difficult diagnosis due to the concealment of the area behind the ribs. Symptoms of spondylarthrosis of the thoracic region are a decrease in mobility in the chest area, aching back pain, numbness of the upper extremities.
Lumbar (lumboarthrosis) Lumbarthrosis is a fairly common occurrence due to the mobility of the site. This type is marked by the presence of pulling pains in the lower back. Sometimes there is a spread of symptoms to the thighs and buttocks.
Lesions in the lumbosacral region The pain is localized in the lumbosacral region and can radiate to the hips, buttocks and legs to the knees.

In addition to the listed types, spondylarthrosis is divided into 4 degrees, which are determined by the stage of the destructive process:

  1. The elasticity of discs, membranes and ligaments is lost, as well as the movement of the intervertebral joints is limited and the mobility of the vertebra is reduced.
  2. The load on the cartilaginous lining between the bodies of the discs increases. Fibrous rings cease to perform their function.
  3. It becomes possible to diagnose the disease. Pathological changes can be seen on the x-ray. Ligament degeneration develops.
  4. Osteophytes reach large sizes. The spine becomes inactive. There is pressure of bone growths on the vessels and nerves.

Also in medicine, spondylarthrosis is divided into varieties that determine the course of the disease and the phase of development:

Definition Description
Degenerative Degeneration of joints and fibrous rings of discs.
Uncovertebral Chronic disease of the facet joints with signs of deformity and limited movement.
Destruction of facet joints Degeneration of only the facet and vertebral costal joints is a rare occurrence. As a rule, the disease also affects the facet joints.
ankylosing This type of spondylarthrosis has a second name - Bechterew's disease, which affects mainly men aged 20 to 30 years. In addition to the intervertebral joints, the joints of the extremities also suffer.
Polysegmental spondylarthrosis With this type of pathology, several sections of the spine are subjected to destructive changes simultaneously.
dysplastic The definition means a violation of the structure of mobile bone joints, a change in their shape and size.
Deforming The term can be applied to all types of spondylarthrosis of the joints and discs, leading to their deformation.

Types of treatment

Which doctor should be consulted with such a problem as cartilage tissue degeneration and spinal deformity? A few years ago, with similar manifestations, they went to a neurologist. Now many patients, faced with back pain, do not know which doctor treats spondyloarthrosis.

This disease is diagnosed by a specialist in abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system and spine - a vertebrologist. Patients with spondyloarthrosis should be aware that this is a disease that requires regular follow-up of doctor's prescriptions and prolonged therapy with the use of medications that stop pain and relieve inflammation.

Patients whose disease is in the stage of weakening of manifestations, in addition to medications, are prescribed massage and certain exercises. It helps to improve blood and lymph circulation, and also relieves discomfort and back pain.

Acupuncture provides relief from muscle spasm and improves blood flow in the affected area.

Elderly people are concerned about the question of how to treat spinal spondyloarthrosis if exercise is contraindicated for them. The fact is that this active method of treatment is not used in the treatment of patients of respectable age and in younger patients with certain types of disease. If it is not possible to carry out exercise therapy for spondylarthrosis, then in such cases physiotherapy courses are prescribed (magnetic therapy, phonophoresis, ionogalvanization, sinusoidally modulated currents).

Currently, the treatment of spondyloarthrosis cannot be completed without the use of chondroprotectors (Chondroxide), which are indispensable in the restoration of damaged cartilage.

Treatment folk remedies ineffective for spondylarthrosis. The only way the patient can help himself to ease the pain is warming up the muscles (warm bath, compresses with tinctures, warming with a dog hair belt).

Special exercises for spondylarthrosis are performed during a prolonged subsidence of the disease. Their efficiency is not less drug treatment, but on the contrary, with exercises, they successfully achieve muscle strengthening, reduce pain, resume mobility of the spinal column, and prevent further progression. Wearing an orthopedic corset will unload problem areas.

Treatment includes the use of structure-modifying drugs. For this, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are prescribed. The effect of these medical devices aimed at stopping the destruction of cartilage.

The condition for such a method of therapy as gymnastics for spondylarthrosis is the regularity of performing the necessary exercises.

Surgery is indicated only for patients with serious disorders. In other cases, minimally invasive operations are prescribed to alleviate the patient's condition (radiofrequency or chemical denervation, transpedicular fixation, microsurgery to remove the vertebral arch, insertion of stabilizing implants).

Possible Complications

Spondylarthrosis can be accompanied by such complications:

  • restriction of movement of the spine;
  • spinal stenosis;
  • violations of coordination;
  • problems in the work of the nervous system;
  • numbness of the limbs, lameness;
  • improper functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • the occurrence of seizures;
  • muscle dystrophy.


Spondylarthrosis can be prevented by avoiding factors that provoke degenerative changes in the spine. Preventive measures are:

  • exclusion of excessive loads on the back;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • posture tracking;
  • sleeping on a hard bed;
  • moderate exercise.

The disease in the absence of necessary therapy tends to progress. Treatment of spondyloarthrosis is a set of measures that give the best result when initial stages illness. Therefore, the first symptoms described above should not be ignored and treated with disdain.

Cervical spondylarthrosis. Degenerative - dystrophic process in the small joints of the cervical spine. It usually affects people aged 50-55 and older. After injuries, with some diseases and pathological conditions signs of spondylarthrosis can be detected in young and middle-aged people.

The disease is manifested by night pains, pain during movement and after a static load, morning stiffness and limitation of movement. When the nerve roots are compressed, neurological disorders occur. The diagnosis is clarified with the help of radiography, MRI, radioisotope scanning, ultrasound of the vessels and other studies. Treatment is conservative.

Lumbar spondylosis. Involutional dystrophic process in the region of the lumbar vertebrae. It is accompanied by degeneration of the fibrous rings of the intervertebral discs, as well as gradual ossification of the anterior longitudinal ligament and the appearance of bone growths along the lateral and anterior surfaces of the spine. Usually develops as a result of natural aging, less often occurs in young people with severe posture disorders.

Spondylosis is a degenerative change in the lumbar vertebrae with the formation of bone outgrowths, the so-called osteophytes. Being under the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine, they irritate it. They can reach considerable sizes, sometimes causing fusion of the bodies of adjacent vertebrae. Osteophytes narrow the spinal canal and put pressure on the nerve roots.

Additional facts

Lumbar spondylosis is a degenerative-dystrophic process in the lumbar spine. The process is based on dystrophy of the lateral or anterior sections of the fibrous rings of the intervertebral discs and the formation of bone growths along the lateral and anterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies. Manifested by stiffness, pain or discomfort.

In 27-37% of patients, it is not accompanied clinical symptoms. It is observed in both men and women. The incidence rate increases sharply with age. Currently, experts consider spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis and osteochondrosis as equal manifestations of spinal aging processes.

Cervical spondylarthrosis is a type of arthrosis, a disease that affects the small joints of the cervical spine. It usually occurs at the age of 50 years and older, however, with traumatic lesions, developmental anomalies, and some other conditions, it can develop in young patients. Sometimes it even occurs in children.

It rarely happens isolated, as a rule, it is combined with other diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis and spondylosis. Pathological changes caused by a combination of these diseases can provoke a number of different symptoms, including neurological disorders, signs of deterioration in the blood supply to the brain. Therefore, each case of cervical spondylarthrosis must be considered in combination, taking into account other spinal lesions. Treatment of cervical spondylarthrosis is carried out by specialists in the field of traumatology and orthopedics, vertebrologists and neurology.

Anatomy and pathology

The cervical region consists of 7 vertebrae, while the two upper vertebrae have a non-standard shape and differ from all the others. I cervical vertebra (atlas) resembles a ring, which on the one hand is connected to the occipital bone, and on the other hand, it is “mounted” on the odontoid process of the II cervical vertebra. Such a connection allows for free rotational movements (the atlas, together with the head, “spins” around the tooth).

In addition, I and II cervical vertebrae are interconnected by several small joints located on the lateral surfaces of the vertebrae. There is no intervertebral disc between I and II vertebrae. The remaining vertebrae of the cervical region have typical structure. They have a body, upper and lower articular processes.

The lower articular processes of the overlying vertebra are connected to the superior articular processes of the underlying vertebra through facet joints. Between the vertebral bodies are intervertebral discs - elastic formations that act as shock absorbers. The spine is strengthened by ligaments and deep tonic muscles, which are not subject to conscious control and work reflexively, ensuring that the balance and correct position of the spine are maintained during movements and static load.

The reasons

A disease occurs due to a metabolic disorder leading to excessive deposition of lime salts in the body. Basically, spondylosis develops in old age due to many years of heavy stress on the spine and age-related metabolic disorders; men get sick more often than women. In young people, the cause of spondylosis can be curvature of the spine, i.e. they lead to an incorrect, uneven distribution of the load on the vertebrae. There may be other reasons for the development of the disease.

Modern specialists in the field of orthopedics and traumatology tend to consider lumbar spondylosis as a pathology that occurs under the influence of many factors, the main of which are natural age-related changes in the intervertebral discs, bones and ligaments of the spine. Along with this, a sedentary lifestyle of a modern person plays a certain role.

The lumbar spine and surrounding muscles, deprived of normal physiological loads, gradually weaken. Against this background, one-time physical exercise episodic attempts to "lead a healthy lifestyle" often cause microtrauma of the ligaments of the spine and provoke increased replacement of damaged ligaments with bone tissue.

Factors that provoke the development of spondylosis are also metabolic disorders and overload of the spine, including overweight (obesity), heavy physical labor, poor nutrition and the presence of chronic diseases: atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus Some authors note a constitutional predisposition.

In addition, lumbar spondylosis can occur at various times after injuries and infectious diseases, or become the result of gross postural disorders - kyphosis, scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis. The height of the discs in lumbar spondylosis remains unchanged for a long time, the ratio of the various elements of the spine is not disturbed, therefore, in the absence of spondyloarthrosis (arthrosis of small intervertebral joints) and osteochondrosis, the disease is often asymptomatic.


Changes occur in the facet joints: the amount of joint fluid decreases, the cartilage becomes thinner, becomes less smooth. Often, the articular surfaces are excessively displaced relative to each other, which is due to both changes in the properties of the articular capsule and excessive or non-physiological load on the articular processes.

The load may increase due to developmental anomalies (violations of the normal relationships between the various structures of the spine), posture disorders (load redistribution) or a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs (increased vertical load). Due to the displacement of the articular surfaces, the capsule of the facet joint is stretched.

Nerve receptors located in the thickness of the capsule send a signal to the brain about excessive stretching. The surrounding muscles, which have received a “command” to eliminate the violation that has arisen, become unnecessarily tense and spasm. At the same time, since the normal ratios between the elements of the spine are disturbed, the joints are fixed in a vicious position, which further aggravates cervical spondylarthrosis and leads to further progression of degenerative-dystrophic changes.

The range of motion in the joints decreases, and ankylosis may develop over time. Complex pathological changes with simultaneous damage to the facet joints and discs, it leads to infringement of the nerve roots. Neurological disorders occur. Direct compression of blood vessels and pain, causing spasm of the vertebral arteries, negatively affect the blood supply to the brain, which is manifested by dizziness, headaches and flies before the eyes.


To confirm the diagnosis, an X-ray of the spine, MRI and CT are prescribed. X-ray of the cervical spine is informative in the presence of pronounced changes in the facet joints. CT scan of the spine is more sensitive and allows diagnosing spondyloarthrosis even at the initial stages. MRI of the spine shows concomitant soft tissue changes.

Degenerative changes in the spine consist of three main options. These are osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis. Various pathological variants can be combined with each other. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine by old age are observed in almost all people.

Osteocondritis of the spine

ICD-10 code: M42 - Osteochondrosis of the spine.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc as a result of dystrophic processes without inflammatory phenomena. As a result, segmental instability develops (excessive degree of flexion and extension, sliding of the vertebrae forward during flexion or backward during extension), and the physiological curvature of the spine changes. The convergence of the vertebrae, and hence the articular processes, their excessive friction will inevitably lead to local spondylarthrosis in the future.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is an x-ray, but not a clinical diagnosis. In fact, osteochondrosis of the spine simply states the fact of the aging of the body. Calling back pain osteochondrosis is illiterate.


ICD-10 code: M47 - Spondylosis.

Spondylosis is characterized by the appearance of marginal bone growths (along the upper and lower edges of the vertebrae), which on x-rays look like vertical spikes (osteophytes).

Clinically, spondylosis is insignificant. It is believed that spondylosis is an adaptive process: marginal growths (osteophytes), disc fibrosis, ankylosis of the facet joints, thickening of the ligaments - all this leads to immobilization of the problematic spinal motion segment, expansion of the supporting surface of the vertebral bodies.


ICD-10 code. M47 - Spondylosis Inclusions: arthrosis or osteoarthritis of the spine, degeneration of the facet joints

Spondylarthrosis is an arthrosis of the intervertebral joints. It has been proven that the processes of degeneration in the intervertebral and peripheral joints do not fundamentally differ. That is, in fact, spondylarthrosis is a type of osteoarthritis (therefore, chondroprotective drugs will be appropriate in the treatment).

Spondylarthrosis is the most common cause of back pain in the elderly. In contrast to discogenic pain in spondylarthrosis, the pain is bilateral and localized paravertebral; increases with prolonged standing and extension, decreases with walking and sitting.

3. Protrusion and herniation of the disc

ICD-10 code: M50 - Damage to the intervertebral discs of the cervical region; M51 - Damage to the intervertebral discs of other departments.

Protrusion and herniation of the disc are not a sign of osteochondrosis. Moreover, the less pronounced degenerative changes in the spine, the more the disk is "active" (that is, the more likely the occurrence of a hernia). That is why disc herniations are more common in young people (and even children) than in older people.

A sign of osteochondrosis is often considered Schmorl's hernia, which does not have clinical significance(no back pain). Schmorl's hernia is a displacement of disc fragments into the spongy substance of the vertebral body (intracorporeal hernia) as a result of a violation of the formation of the vertebral bodies during growth (that is, in fact, Schmorl's hernia is dysplasia).

The intervertebral disc consists of the outer part - this is the fibrous ring (up to 90 layers of collagen fibers); and the inner part is the gelatinous nucleus pulposus. In young people, the nucleus pulposus is 90% water; in the elderly, the nucleus pulposus loses water and elasticity, fragmentation is possible. Protrusion and herniation of the disc occur both as a result of dystrophic changes in the disc, and as a result of repeated increased loads on the spine (excessive or frequent flexion and extension of the spine, vibration, trauma).

As a result of the transformation of vertical forces into radial forces, the nucleus pulposus (or its fragmented parts) shifts to the side, bending the fibrous ring outward - disc protrusion develops (from Latin Protrusum - push, push). The protrusion disappears as soon as the vertical load stops.

Spontaneous recovery is possible if fibrotization processes extend to the nucleus pulposus. Fibrous degeneration occurs and protrusion becomes impossible. If this does not happen, then as the protrusions become more frequent and repeated, the fibrous ring becomes more and more entangled and, finally, ruptures - this is a disc herniation.

A disc herniation can develop acutely or slowly (when fragments of the nucleus pulposus come out in small portions into the rupture of the fibrous ring). Posterior and posterolateral disc herniations can cause compression of the spinal root (radiculopathy), the spinal cord (myelopathy), or their vessels.

Most often, disc herniation occurs in the lumbar spine (75%), followed by cervical (20%) and thoracic region spine (5%).

  • The cervical region is the most mobile. The frequency of hernias in the cervical spine is 50 cases per 100,000 population. The most common disc herniation occurs in the C5-C6 or C6-C7 segment.
  • The lumbar region carries the greatest load holding the whole body. The frequency of hernias in the lumbar spine is 300 cases per 100,000 population. Most often, disc herniation occurs in the L4-L5 segment (40% of all herniations in the lumbar spine) and in the L5-S1 segment (52%).

Disc herniation should be clinically confirmed, asymptomatic disc herniations, according to CT and MRI, occur in 30-40% of cases and do not require any treatment. It should be remembered that the detection of a herniated disc (especially small sizes) on CT or MRI does not exclude another cause of back pain and cannot be the basis of a clinical diagnosis.

Spondylarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, which is accompanied by the destruction of the intervertebral joints. The disease affects small facet joints, so spondylarthrosis has a different name - facet arthropathy.

The last stages of the pathology are accompanied by the growth of osteophytes, which leads to an inflammatory process in the entire joint, to serious mobility disorders. The lumbar region suffers more often than other areas of the spine, against the background of a constant load on this area, the influence of a mass of negative factors.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The spine consists of vertebrae, between which there are arcs, other processes. Between the arches there are small facet joints (flat, covered with a thin layer of hyaline cartilage on top, limited by the articular bag). Between these bodies are intervertebral discs, they are designed for cushioning. The proper functioning of the vertebrae directly depends on the small joints between them.

Various negative factors lead to the destruction of the cartilaginous layer of the facet joints, the narrowing of the gap, and the increase in the pressure of the upper vertebra on the underlying one. The pathological process leads to inflammation of the articular cavity, nearby tissues (ligaments, blood vessels, nerves). Spondylarthrosis develops (ICD code 10 - M45-M49).

The advanced stages of the disease lead to the formation of osteophytes, bone growths contribute to pinching of nerve endings, and a decrease in motor activity. About 70% of patients with spondylarthrosis of the lumbar spine are elderly. Pathology develops against the background of age-related changes in the body.

In persons after twenty years, spondyloarthrosis develops against the background of various pathological processes:

  • traumatic back injury;
  • flat feet;
  • postural disorders (current,);
  • lifting weights, other hard physical labor;
  • lack of regular physical activity;
  • professional sports;
  • endocrine diseases ( diabetes, obesity);
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the spine;
  • the presence of dorsopathies (pathologies associated with the destruction of bones and cartilage).

Often, spondylarthrosis is formed against the background of a course (destruction of intervertebral discs, growth of osteophytes). The favorite area of ​​localization of the disease is the lumbar area, so the disease is often diagnosed in this area.

On the page, read about how to correct the curvature of the lumbar spine with therapeutic exercises.


Surgical therapy is used infrequently. This is due to the excellent results that conservative treatment methods provide.

The indications for the operation are:

  • disorders of the intestines, urinary system;
  • neurological disorders, numbness of the lower extremities;
  • spinal instability.

The surgical solution of the problem in the lumbar zone is carried out in different ways (facectomy, laminectomy, laminotomy, foraminotomy). After the removal of damaged tissues, the risk of recurrence of neurological disorders increases, so the spine is fused (using bone grafts).

After the operation, soft tissue healing lasts several weeks, but the entire rehabilitation period lasts two months. Surgical intervention is used infrequently against the background of complications (infections, traumatic nerve damage, pain in the legs).

Preventive measures are divided into two groups: recommendations to prevent the formation of the disease and helpful tips preventing recurrence and progression of spinal spondylarthrosis.

The first group of preventive measures include:

  • lead a mobile lifestyle, do yoga, swimming, fitness, give up excessive physical exertion;
  • watch your body weight, avoid obesity;
  • timely treat diseases accompanied by;
  • Strengthen your back muscles to prevent slouching and bad posture.
  • give up lifting weights, wear a special one, especially in cases where you need to overcome a long distance (vibration negatively affects the course of spondylarthrosis in any part of the spine);
  • Hiking, swimming, yoga, walking help prevent exacerbation of the disease, improve the patient's condition.

Video about the treatment of spondylarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine with the help of exercise therapy and gymnastics:

A pathology in which deformation of the vertebrae occurs, leading to a narrowing of the spinal canal, is called spondylosis. The shape of the vertebrae changes as a result of the formation of bone growths that have protrusions and spikes. In some cases, the altered vertebrae grow together, and sometimes pinch the endings of the nerves.

Spondylosis is the body's reaction to the destruction of the discs between the vertebrae. The formed growths limit the mobility of the spine, and if the nerve endings are pinched, the patient may experience a dull pain at the pinched site.

Most often, this disease is diagnosed in older people, and the cervical region is considered the most common area of ​​spondylosis. As a rule, spondylosis is observed in people who are in motionless positions for a long time, for example, in those who work at the computer for a long time. ICD-10 code - M 47.


Pathology is classified into three types, which differ depending on the localization of dystrophic changes:

  1. cervical region;
  2. chest;
  3. lumbosacral.


Each type of spondylosis has its own characteristic manifestations. Cervical spondylosis is accompanied by:

  • pain in the occipital region, which become stronger with head movements;
  • pain can fall on the shoulders, shoulder blades and give into the hands;
  • limited movement of the neck;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • decreased hearing and vision;
  • the presence of ringing in the ears;
  • sleep disturbance.

REFERENCE! Spondylosis that develops in the cervical region can provoke humeroscapular periarthritis, which is accompanied by a significant limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint, as well as the presence of intense pain.


Thoracic spondylosis is not so common, it is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain on one side of the middle and lower spine, which can often cover the chest;
  • increased pain during lateral bending;
  • problems with the functioning of internal organs.


In lumbar spondylosis, in most cases, the 4th and 5th vertebrae are affected, this is accompanied by the following:

  • the appearance of radicular syndrome;
  • clinical picture of inflammatory processes in the sacrum and lower back;
  • weakening of the lower extremities;
  • pain in the legs;
  • decreased sensation in the legs and a feeling of numbness;
  • the pain becomes less intense when bending forward, because in this case the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe affected disk increases.

If lumbar spondylosis is combined with osteochondrosis, radiculitis may occur, which develops as a result of pinched nerve roots.


As for the degrees of development of pathology, they are as follows:

  1. First degree. Symptoms of the disease appear infrequently and dimly, most often patients associate them with overwork. Diagnosis of this stage is difficult, since it is difficult to notice violations during a hardware examination.
  2. Second degree- the symptomatology becomes more pronounced, and the changed structures of the disc are visible on the x-ray.
  3. Third degree characterized by degenerative signs of the pathological process. The patient's physical abilities are limited, analgesics do not give an effect, or it is short-lived.


This form of the disease is typical for young people, in old age it occurs extremely rarely. In this case, the joints of the spine are affected, and most often the pathological process is localized in the region of the iliac-sacral joint.

This is a chronic inflammatory disease of a non-infectious nature, which results in damage to the intervertebral joints. In this case, the functionality of other organs - kidneys, heart, eyes - can be disturbed. In another way, this type of spondylosis is called Bechterew's disease, adolescents and young people under 30 are susceptible to the disease.

REFERENCE! The earlier the development of the disease, the greater the likelihood of various complications and disability.

The disease is incurable, reduce the intensity clinical picture and drug therapy will slow down the progress of the disease.

Signs and symptoms

Pathology can be suspected by the presence of pain:

  • at an early stage of the disease, the pain is unstable, and mainly occurs during movement, an increase in pain during the day is characteristic;
  • pain intensity can change with bad weather changes;
  • palpation of the spine in the affected part pain symptoms intensify.

With the progression of the disease, the mobility of the spine in the affected part begins to be gradually limited.


The main diagnostic measure for suspected spondylosis is an x-ray of the spine. Osteophytes (growths) on radiographs are very visible. For a more detailed picture of the disease, an MRI or CT scan of the affected area may be prescribed.

How to treat diseases of the spine?

Treatment of spondylosis is more effective on early stages development of pathology, when there are no large osteophytes yet. Usually assigned conservative therapy aimed at:

  • relief of pain;
  • reduced inflammation;
  • improvement of blood flow in the intervertebral discs;
  • restoration of spine flexibility;
  • posture correction.

Therapeutic approaches used are medications, massage, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, diet food and folk remedies.

Medical treatment

Since one of the most striking manifestations of spondylosis is pain, it is this symptom that prompts people to seek medical attention. medical care. To relieve pain, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • Diclofenac.
  • Indomethacin.
  • Ketonal.
  • Nimesulide.
  • Movalis.

With pinched nerve fibers, appoint the following means:

  • Baralgin, Ketoral.
  • Kenalog, Hydrocartisone.
  • Novocain-lidocaine blockade.

To normalize metabolic processes in the spinal column are used:

  • Chondroxide, Aflutop, Gialgan.
  • Karipain.
  • vitamin complexes.

Very often spondylosis provokes increased muscle tone, to weaken it are assigned:

  • Mydocalm.
  • Flexeril.
  • Zanaflex.

Gymnastics exercise therapy and exercises for the back

After removing the acute process, patients are recommended physiotherapy. It is necessary to normalize the flexibility of the spine, improve blood circulation in the affected part, and also to strengthen the muscles of the back.

Exercises that are prescribed for spondylosis are simple, however, to achieve a lasting positive effect, they must be done regularly. In addition, yoga, swimming, Pilates are recommended.

Treatment with gelatin

Treatment with gelatin is widely used in spondylosis. Gelatin helps to restore the cartilaginous base of the intervertebral disc, which means that the condition of the spine will improve significantly.


  • limit the consumption of vegetable and animal fats;
  • to monitor the sufficient intake of protein in the body;
  • exclude the use of stone-forming products - salt, smoked meats, spicy dishes;
  • give up strong tea and coffee, which can provoke narrowing of blood vessels.

It is important to understand that a diet for spondylosis is not just an additional method of therapy, but a significant component of the main treatment, since only with proper nutrition can the progression of the disease be prevented.


With spondylosis, massage is aimed at influencing the gluteal and paravertebral muscles, since it is they that hold the body in an anatomically correct position.

It starts with rubbing, stroking and kneading, after which the specialist proceeds to segmental procedures in the area where spasmodic muscle contraction has occurred. The duration of one session is on average 20 minutes. A total of 15-20 sessions are scheduled.

IMPORTANT! A traumatic effect - chopping, tapping, etc., is excluded with spondylosis.

The benefits of massage for spondylosis are invaluable - this is the only way to eliminate pain without the use of medications. In addition, massage is very effective in restoring blood flow, especially after exercise therapy, manual therapy, and so on.


Operations for spondylosis are performed in very rare cases, as a rule, they become appropriate with the development of complications or with the complete absence of the effect of conservative treatment methods. The essence of the surgical intervention is cutting off bone growths with special tools. Also, in some cases, it is practiced to replace the affected vertebrae with implants.


Physiotherapy activities are as follows:

  • impulse therapy;
  • interference therapy;
  • ultraviolet;
  • mud treatment;
  • baths;
  • wearing special .

Folk remedies

Collection to speed up metabolic processes- wild rose, currant leaves, lingonberries, raspberries, mountaineer, nettle, horsetail, yarrow. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, mixed. A tablespoon of the collection will require 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Half an hour before meals in the morning and evening, take a glass of funds.

pain reliever. Mix equal amounts of lemon balm, mint, plantain seeds, burdock, St. John's wort and fireweed. Brew and drink like regular tea.

Of the external agents for spondylosis, they are actively used essential oils oregano, fireweed, fir, lavender, cedar, thyme. A couple of drops of these oils are added to olive oil and rubbed into the affected area. In some cases, it is allowed to use tincture of capsicum.

What doctor treats?

If you suspect spinal spondylosis, you need to seek advice from, and if it is not in the clinic, you can make an appointment with a neurologist. If present in combination with spondylosis, it is recommended to consult a trauma surgeon.

What is the difference between spondylosis and osteochondrosis?

The term spondylosis refers to bony vertebral structures. In this case, there is a growth and change in the shape of the vertebrae, which are in close contact with the intervertebral discs.

When the discs are destroyed, the vertebrae begin to experience high blood pressure, which makes them defend themselves - form. This is necessary to increase the area and reduce pressure.

In addition, in spondylosis, a large role is played by the anterior longitudinal ligament, which, stretching when osteophytes occur, provokes back pain. Doctors consider spondylosis a secondary phenomenon, as a response to long-term osteochondrosis.

But - this is the pathology that destroys the intervertebral discs. This destruction occurs as a result of disk overload or power failure. When destroyed, protrusion occurs - the exit of the gelatinous body beyond the disk. So there is a hernia of the spine, which can put pressure on the adjacent vertebra and provoke the development of osteophytes.

Possible Complications

Spondylosis of the spine can lead to the following complications:

  • Herniation. Such a complication does not occur in all cases, sometimes a hernial protrusion precedes spondylosis, but if the osteophytes are closely adjacent to the intervertebral disc, a hernia can form as a result of spondylosis.
  • Vascular compression leading to myelitis. Such a complication most often occurs with a long and neglected course of pathology. In this case, the blood supply to the brain may deteriorate. When there is a negative effect on the spinal artery, spinal Preobrazhensky syndrome or spinal cord infarction may develop.

Are spondylosis and spondylarthrosis the same thing?

It is impossible to say that these two pathologies are one and the same - rather, they are two varieties of the same disease. Spondylosis is a bone growth that can provoke the fusion of bone vertebrae, and spondyloarthrosis is the destruction or fusion of the facet joints.