Ointment for balanoposthitis in boys. Balanoposthitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Balanoposthitis in children does not occur as often as in adults, but it is quite difficult. The disease requires careful diagnosis and urgent treatment. The sooner it is detected, the less likely there are dangerous consequences. Therefore, it is not recommended to make independent attempts to eliminate it.

What is balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the glans penis and affects the foreskin. The disease can occur at different ages, even in newborns. Infant balanoposthitis is provoked by wearing diapers, which create a greenhouse effect, and pathogenic microflora is able to actively multiply under such conditions.

The disease, which occurs at six months and 9 months, is associated with wearing tight sliders. Diapers that do not fit properly can also cause damage and cause inflammation. At the age of 2.3 and 4 years, balanoposthitis develops against the background of phimosis - a pathological narrowing of the foreskin. Teenagers often suffer from this disease.

Balanoposthitis in a child is accompanied by redness of the head of the penis

There are two main forms of balanoposthitis: acute and chronic. The first occurs suddenly and proceeds quite hard, bringing a lot of discomfort. However, if the disease is detected in an acute form and treatment is started, then it quickly recedes. Chronic balanoposthitis can proceed for a long time, while having erased symptoms. Relapses often alternate with periods of remission.

There is also a purulent form of pathology. At the same time, there are characteristic discharges with an unpleasant odor. Pus often accumulates under the foreskin.

The causative agents of infection that provoke balanoposthitis: fungi, E. coli and staphylococcus aureus.

Causes of the disease

Causes of inflammation of the glans penis in children:

  • lack of regular hygiene of the genital organs;
  • anomalies in the development of the foreskin;
  • tight underwear;
  • the use of soaps with fragrances for washing babies;
  • washing baby clothes with aggressive means;
  • avitaminosis.

Provoke the development of balanoposthitis in childhood may be an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of pathology

Signs of balanoposthitis in children:

  • pain in the head of the penis, aggravated even with a slight touch;
  • discomfort during urination;
  • redness of the skin in the groin area;
  • serous-purulent discharge from the urethra;
  • swelling of the penis;
  • itching and burning in the head of the penis;
  • increase in body temperature.

Newborn children suffering from this disease become restless and refuse to eat. They do not sleep well and often cry, and no means help to calm the baby.

Diagnostic methods

Inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin can be detected by a pediatrician after examination, since there are signs characteristic of this particular disease. Additionally, the doctor prescribes:

  1. Blood test. This method allows you to determine the state of the child's body. If the disease occurs in chronic form, then the blood test corresponds to the norm. However, balanoposthitis in the acute stage provokes an increase in the level of leukocytes and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).
  2. Analysis of urine. Urine may contain bacteria, a small amount of pus. An increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine occurs almost always in the presence of an inflammatory process of the foreskin.
  3. Examination of secretions to detect the causative agent of infection. In this case, the doctor takes a small amount of pus. After examining the smear under a microscope, it becomes clear which pathogenic flora has become a provocateur of inflammation.

It is important to differentiate balanoposthitis from balanitis, which occurs with a similar clinical picture. In the second case, the pathological process captures only the head of the penis, and in the first case, the foreskin.

Treatment of the disease in children

Therapy of balanoposthitis in children is complex. Medical treatment plays a decisive role. Mostly used by local antiseptics. In addition, it is important to adjust the diet of the child. As for folk methods, they are of secondary importance. Physiotherapy allows you to recover faster and they are often combined with drug therapy. Surgical intervention is used when the drugs do not work.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in children should be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Medical therapy

For the treatment of children, the following groups of medicines are used:

  1. Antibiotics: Bactroban, Tetracycline and Synthomycin ointments, etc. This line of products is aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microflora. As a result, the intensity of inflammation decreases and the pain syndrome disappears. Ointments are effective in detecting staphylococcus or E. coli.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs: Levomekol, Miramistin, etc. They are used to eliminate bacterial and fungal flora. Levomekol is applied to the head of the penis and the area of ​​the foreskin, and Miramistin is used to treat the penis with a cotton pad.
  3. Antiseptic solutions based on potassium permanganate and furacilin. Enhance the effect of antibiotics, relieve inflammation, relieve acute symptoms.

Local antiseptics often dry out the delicate skin of a baby, so Depantol or a baby cream with a moisturizing effect is additionally prescribed.

Preparations for the treatment of balanoposthitis in children - photo gallery

Tetracycline ointment - an antibiotic for local application Levomekol - antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent for external use Miramistin destroys not only bacteria, but fungi Furacilin renders antiseptic action

Folk remedies

From the number folk recipes to eliminate the inflammatory process in children, only those intended for external use can be used. Safe means:

  1. Chamomile decoction. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Need 2 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool, filter and use for sitz baths. You should mix 1 liter of decoction with 2 liters of warm water and put the child there. The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes. After that, dry the genitals thoroughly with a towel. Repeat daily at bedtime for 10 days.
  2. Sage tea. This medicinal raw material prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, providing an antiseptic effect. It will take 1 tbsp. l. dry grass, which must be poured with 500 ml of boiling water and infused for an hour. Then filter and use to wipe the head of the penis and foreskin 3 times a day. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure with a cotton pad. The course of treatment should be at least two weeks.
  3. A decoction of a series. Reduces the intensity of inflammation, accelerates regeneration processes. You will need 3 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, which you need to pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes. Then cool, profile and add to the bath. Bathe your child for at least 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily for a week.

Olive oil has an excellent regenerating effect. It can be used after bathing to treat the genitals.

Ingredients for traditional medicine recipes - photo gallery

Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect Sage prevents the growth of bacteria The sequence speeds up the regeneration processes


For the treatment of children, the following types of physiotherapy are used:

  1. Laser therapy. This procedure accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration, eliminates swelling and reduces the intensity of pain. The laser is directed to the affected area using a special device that delivers waves of a certain length.
  2. UHF. The electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency has a beneficial effect on inflamed tissues: it helps to reduce the intensity of edema, accelerates the healing of affected areas, and increases blood circulation. UHF is carried out using a special device.
  3. Magnetotherapy. This method is effective in the presence of purulent processes. The alternating magnetic field has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Physiotherapy methods are more often used to treat children older than 7 years.


The operation is used only in the case when the disease appears due to phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin. Surgical intervention is carried out from 2 months of age. In this case, a circular incision is made in the foreskin up to the area of ​​the frenulum. The remaining shreds of tissue are sewn together with a thread, which subsequently dissolves on its own. Recovery takes place in the shortest possible time. This type of operation will protect the child from the recurrence of the disease.

Surgical intervention in most cases occurs without complications. The site of the operation heals quickly.

Diet food

Diet in infants with balanoposthitis is not provided. At an older age, four meals a day are shown with the inclusion of:

  • croup;
  • fishes;
  • first courses;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • pasta;
  • dairy products;
  • freshly squeezed juices.

It is necessary that the diet consists only of healthy, low-fat foods. Therefore, it should be excluded:

  • soda;
  • sweets;
  • fast food;
  • dry food;
  • fatty and fried foods.

There should not be long breaks between meals. The child needs to drink up to 1.5 liters of clean water. It is important to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.

Products to be included in the menu - photo gallery

Grains help improve digestion Steamed fish is best. The first dishes must be present in the diet of the child Fruits and vegetables help boost the immune system Dairy products improve bowel function Freshly squeezed juices contain a large amount of vitamins Pasta is best served with vegetable sauce.

Tips for treating balanoposthitis at home - video

Complications and prognosis

With timely treatment of balanoposthitis, the prognosis is favorable. However, if the disease is started, the following complications may occur:

  • introduction of infection into bladder from further development cystitis;
  • the appearance of erosion on the surface of the head of the penis;
  • cicatricial changes in the foreskin;
  • receptor atrophy, which will subsequently affect erection.

The neglected form of balanoposthitis is dangerous by the occurrence of necrotic tissue damage.


Prevention rules that will help prevent the appearance of balanoposthitis:

  1. Regularly perform genital hygiene. It is necessary to expose the head of the penis once a day and wash it with warm water without soap.
  2. Newborns need to change diapers more often and be sure to select them according to size.
  3. Several times a day, you should lay the baby on his back without diapers so that the skin can breathe.
  4. For older children, cotton underwear without coarse seams should be selected.

Hygiene rules for boys from Dr. Komarovsky - video

Mothers of boys often face such an ailment as balanoposthitis. Pathology causes In children, this problem is much more common than in adults. You can cope with unpleasant symptoms and relieve the child of discomfort at home. Let's take a closer look at the causes, symptoms, and safest treatments. pathological condition.

Causes of inflammation

The condition of the penis in boys raises many questions for newly-made parents. Anatomical features in infants and older boys differ. Therefore, you should know what is the norm and what indicates the development of the disease. Almost every boy has inflammation of the foreskin.

In children, pathology is most often provoked by physiological phimosis - the fusion of the head of the penis and the foreskin. This is only a temporary condition that goes away on its own by about 2 years. The head begins to open gradually. Between it and the flesh, cavities are formed in which the epithelium accumulates and where urine enters.

If hygiene procedures are not carried out, and the “pockets” are not cleaned, then inflammation of the foreskin of the penis occurs. This is the most common reason. Provoking factors also include endocrine disorders, hypothermia, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, mechanical damage (constant friction against fabric or a diaper). The etiology must be established by a specialist.

Inflammation of the foreskin in children: symptoms

The picture of the pathological condition is visible to the naked eye. The first thing you should pay attention to is the swelling of the penis. The foreskin becomes inflamed and reddens. In a baby, the disease causes extremely unpleasant sensations: itching, burning, pain. If the treatment is not started in a timely manner, urination is disturbed (the process becomes very painful).

Enuresis is a serious consequence that can provoke inflammation of the foreskin in a child. Treatment will depend on the symptoms of the disease. In the first days of the development of the pathology, the lymph nodes in the groin area may increase. Often the body temperature rises. Having found such signs in the baby, it is necessary to seek help from a surgeon or pediatrician.

Balanoposthitis in a child: treatment

First of all, parents should not panic. The disease occurs in many children. To a greater extent, children who are in dirty diapers for a long time suffer. Treatment of the inflammatory process will depend on the type of balanoposthitis. In boys under 3 years of age, an adhesive type of pathology is more often diagnosed. Drug therapy of systemic action in this case is used extremely rarely.

Usually, the problem can be dealt with with the help of antiseptics, for example, potassium permanganate. A solution of furacilin also has a similar effect. Potassium permanganate is used to prepare a weak solution in which it is necessary to bathe the baby. Additionally, it can be used to treat the foreskin during the day.

If a purulent inflammation of the foreskin is found in a child, treatment should be started immediately. The form of the disease is quite severe. The cause of inflammation are fungi, staphylococci and streptococcal bacteria. It is impossible to cope with them without the use of antibiotics and antimycotics. The doctor selects the treatment regimen and the necessary drugs. With this course of the disease, ointments and creams can be used to treat the inflamed area.


Inflammation of the foreskin in children is quite easy to prevent. To do this, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Wash your child regularly with soap.
  2. Do not neglect baby cream and use it after hygiene procedures
  3. Use underwear or diapers of the appropriate size.
  4. Give the baby air baths after bathing.

Some parents try to speed up the process of opening the head and try to push the foreskin back on their own. Doing this is prohibited! Such manipulations can not only be painful for the baby, but also cause inflammation of the head and foreskin.

In a child, the process of opening the head of the penis occurs naturally at a certain time. If the development of balanoposthitis could not be avoided, you should consult a doctor and follow all recommendations regarding therapy.

Balanoposthitis is a polyetiological disease associated with inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis. Pathology occurs mainly in uncircumcised boys.

Balanitis is an inflammation of the head of the penis, which is manifested by its redness, swelling, soreness, exudate can be separated from the surface of the head in the form of serous discharge or pus. The child may be disturbed by itching, burning, increased urination, in young children this is manifested by crying and anxiety.

Postitis is an inflammation of the skin sheet of the foreskin, which is manifested by its redness, swelling, itching, burning and soreness / difficulty in abduction, urination.

Since the glans penis in a boy is normally covered by the foreskin, the inflammatory process, as a rule, covers both. Isolated inflammation is less common.

Acute balanoposthitis in childhood is most often diagnosed among boys in the age group from two to five years.

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    1. The main causes of inflammation

    • Often the cause of acute balanoposthitis in children is the infection of smegma, which normally forms in the preputium (foreskin) pocket under the skin flap.

    Unlike adults, infection in children is caused by nonspecific conditionally pathogenic flora. According to some sources, the main infectious agents are streptococci, as well as Candida spp., Pseudomonas spp., Serratia spp., E. coli. .

    In other observations, in 47% of children with balanoposthitis, the leading infectious agent was not established, in 22% of patients mixed flora was sown, in 16% - staphylococcus, in other cases - Proteus, morganella and other bacteria.

    One way or another, this issue still needs to be clarified, although it is already clear that the main role in the occurrence of balanoposthitis in children belongs to the nonspecific bacterial flora.

    • Inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis in a child may be associated with their trauma, for example, during masturbation, fastening the width of trousers and jeans, sand on the beach, etc.
    • Balanoposthitis can be allergic.

    Symptoms in this case occur upon direct contact with the allergen (for example, an allergic reaction to the chemical constituents of the washing powder, which are stored on baby clothes, shampoos, soaps, shower gels, underwear).

    Food intolerance is also important (systemic manifestations of allergies in the form of a rash, swelling, redness of the skin). An allergic reaction to certain medications (salicylates, anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, etc.) can lead to the development of characteristic symptoms balanitis, fasting.

    • Inflammatory dermatoses are less common in children.
    • A combination of several factors.

    2. Trigger factors of the disease

    2.1. hygiene care

    Non-compliance with the rules of hygienic care for the inguinal region and genitals is one of the leading risk factors for balanoposthitis in boys.

    When taking a shower / bath, the child must be taught to remove the foreskin each time (in the absence of phimosis, narrowing of the skin ring of the foreskin), wash the surface of the head with a solution of warm water, dry the skin and return it to its original place. It is important to avoid retraction of the foreskin with an effort that leads to discomfort and pain.

    With a long absence of treatment of the pocket between the foreskin and the head, smegma accumulates in it, which is a detached, old epithelium.

    Over time, smegma can become infected with bacteria and fungi, leading to the development of balanoposthitis.

    Do not use concentrated detergents, soaps for hygienic body care, which irritate the skin and contribute to infection.

    Late diaper changes, crawling on the floor without underwear, swimming in dirty water can contribute to infection of the foreskin and glans penis.

    2.2. Presence of phimosis

    Nine out of ten boys have problems with retraction of the skin from the head of the penis from birth. In most cases, phimosis in a child proceeds without signs of inflammation.

    Often, problems with the retraction of the skin flap are associated with adhesion of the epithelial sheets of the head of the penis and prepuce, congenital narrowing of the foreskin ring and a short frenulum. In this case, the doctor diagnoses the child with physiological phimosis.

    Violation of skin retraction contributes to the accumulation of smegma under the prepuce, increasing the risk of infection.

    Often the cause of inflammation is the parents' attempts to expose and wash the head of the child. With excessive retraction of the foreskin, microcracks form on its inner surface, which can serve as a gateway for infection.

    2.3. Immunodeficiency states

    Chronic immunodeficiency, chronic metabolic disorders ( diabetes, HIV, taking systemic corticosteroids) are factors contributing to the development of systemic infections involving the skin, including the skin of the genital organs.

    3. Symptoms of balanoposthitis

    If a child has symptoms of balanoposthitis, parents turn to a pediatrician or surgeon, less often to a urologist.

    Leading complaints in a child:

    Additional complaints:

    1. 1 Itching and burning in the head area. The child can scratch intimate parts, cry for no reason, fidget on the spot.
    2. 2 Pain during urination is associated with irritation of the inner layer of the foreskin, the head and the external opening of the urethra with urine. The child cries during and after going to the toilet, says that he "stings, burns, bites."

    4. Baby First Aid

    • If inflammation of the foreskin and head is suspected, it is necessary to seek advice from a local pediatrician who, if necessary, will refer the child for a consultation with a urologist. If possible, it is better to visit a doctor on the same day. Before the examination, it is not necessary to make a toilet of the genital organs.
    • What if there is no such possibility? In this case, it is possible to start treatment at home before the examination. However, you should not postpone the reception and consultation.
    • Do not try to cure the child on your own, resort to folk methods treatment. Delay, improper treatment can lead to the progression of inflammation, the development of complications.

    First aid at home for a child with acute balanoposthitis includes:

    1. 1 Preparation of slightly warm baths (37 degrees) with a decoction of chamomile, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. In order to properly prepare a solution of potassium permanganate, it is necessary to dissolve the grains in a ladle, and only then add the resulting solution to a bath of clean water. Newborns and infants can use boiled water.
    2. 2 Washing the pocket between the glans penis and the foreskin with a syringe without a needle (5-10 ml) with a light warm solution of furacillin, sterile warm saline. After washing, smegma (white lumps in large quantities) may be released from the hole in the foreskin. The child usually wants to urinate after the procedure.
    3. 3 After the performed procedures, apply an antibacterial ointment to the foreskin and glans penis (for example, Baneocin ointment, Tetracycline eye ointment, Triderm, Akriderm GK and Genta).
    4. 4 Once again, we remind you that these manipulations can be performed only on the condition that the doctor cannot be available earlier than after 2 days.
    5. 5 Usually these manipulations are enough to prevent complications in time.

    5. Diagnostics

    1. 1 Diagnosis of acute balanoposthitis in a child of the prepubertal period (before puberty) is somewhat different from adult patients, since the likelihood of STIs is practically excluded.
    2. 2 To make a diagnosis, an examination by a urologist is necessary. The doctor pays attention to changes in the skin, the presence of discharge from the surface of the head, the severity of edema, problems with the removal of the foreskin.
    3. 3 Before starting local treatment a smear is taken from the preputial pocket for microscopy and bakposev in order to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.
    4. 4 If you suspect the allergic nature of balanoposthitis, the doctor may prescribe a consultation with an allergist.

    6. Medical treatment

    For balanoposthitis in children, topical therapy is more often used, which includes regular toileting of the head of the penis and prepuce in combination with antibacterial / antifungal ointments, creams and gels.

    Prior to the results of bacterial culture, a local empirical antibiotic therapy. The decision to appoint one or the other medicinal product depends on the clinic, manifestations of inflammation.

    Commonly used topical preparations include:

    1. 1 Antifungal drugs - local ointments and creams based on clotrimazole (ointments and creams Candide, Clotrimazole, Canison, Kanesten, etc.)
    2. 2 To influence the bacterial flora, it is possible to prescribe an ointment based on bacitracin (Baneocin), antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Furacillin).
    3. 3 Combined ointments and creams (Triderm containing betamethasone, clotrimazole and gentamicin, Akriderm Genta and GK (betamethasone + gentamicin + clotrimazole), Pimafucort (hydrocortisone + natamycin + neomycin)). The combination of antibiotic + antifungal drug + corticosteroid allows you to quickly stop the inflammatory process and affects all the main causes of balanoposthitis.

    The combination of phimosis with recurrent inflammation of the head and foreskin is an indication for surgical treatment - circumcision surgery (circumcision of the foreskin).

    With the proven allergic nature of the symptoms, the basis of therapy is the exclusion of contact with the allergen. Local therapy is prescribed using ointments containing corticosteroids (Hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan, Akriderm, Elokom, Lokoid, etc.).

    Ointments and creams based on corticosteroids quickly stop swelling and other manifestations of an allergic reaction. However, their use may increase irritation (redness, burning and discomfort) - this is the main side effect topical corticosteroids.

    In the absence of the effect of the therapy, negative bacpose, it is necessary to exclude dermatoses, STIs, the child may need to consult a dermatologist, a biopsy.

    7. How to carry out hygienic treatment of the penis?

    1. 1 If the boy has no problems with exposing the head of the penis, signs of phimosis, there were no episodes of paraphimosis, then it is necessary to teach him to retract the foreskin with each bath and wash it with a solution of warm water. Bathing should be daily.
    2. 2 There is no need to use aggressive detergents, shower gels, soaps, as they can dry, irritate the scalp and prepuce, increasing the likelihood of infection and inflammation. For hygienic treatment, you can use atopic products (Emolium, Mustela, Avene series), no more than 1-2 times a week.
    3. 3 If the child has problems opening the head of the penis, then do not try to take the foreskin with effort. It must be understood that in nine out of ten boys, phimosis is caused by physiological causes and resolves over time.
    4. 4 Excessive effort can lead to microcracks in the skin, its inflammation and scarring, the development of pathological phimosis.
    5. 5 In this case, the child must be taught to retract the foreskin to a distance at which there are no unpleasant / painful sensations, gradually increasing the distance of retraction of the skin flap with each bathing, urination.
    6. 6 After bathing, the foreskin and the head of the penis are dried with a towel (the skin is blotted with a dry towel), the foreskin returns to its original place.

    8. Possible complications of balanoposthitis

    1. 1 Urethritis and cystitis (ascending infection);
    2. 2 Necrosis of the head of the penis;
    3. 3 Sepsis;
    4. 4 Development of cicatricial pathological phimosis;
    5. 5 Paraphimosis with excessive attempts to open and flush the glans penis.

    The information is provided for information only and should not be used for self-treatment!

Good afternoon. A comically disturbing description of our problem will now follow. Well, I'll explain as best I can. Our son is 11 months old. Three days ago, we discovered that a penis (not associated with this age - as in a joke), more precisely foreskin And testicular region, our kid in places blushed. Of course, we were warned that we must constantly wash the garbage accumulating under it (smegma, sperm, no idea), which we do all the time. So that day in the diaper in the morning some white formations were found in the area where the penis was placed (well, pathos - I'm complex, sorry). pushing back foreskin, found the same substance under it, I would say, in sufficient quantities (never noticed before). Washed. Redness written off for a long stay of the skin in the urine - the diaper was thoroughly filled overnight. They let him run around without a diaper (we also do it regularly). The next day redness did not disappear, but no formations were found either. The only moment worthy of attention from the point of view of a dark parent is that sometimes he began to write very little. Well, today he pees once a minute without stopping, literally milligrams ... We are, of course, worried. It does not give him any trouble, he does not feel any discomfort when touched. In Germany, where we now live, children's doctors did not inspire confidence or sympathy (all the more, at the time of writing this letter, they had already finished their appointment, and they are resting on weekends). A big request for advice.

Purulent balanoposthitis in a child

Purulent balanoposthitis in a child develops due to an inflammatory lesion of the head and foreskin of the penis. The peculiarity of purulent balanoposthitis in comparison with other forms of inflammation is that the disease affects the inner layer of the foreskin and can be a complication of phimosis. Complete constriction of the foreskin causes stagnation of urine and smegma, which become infected and suppurate.

The first symptom of purulent balanoposthitis is itching, burning, swelling and redness of the head of the penis. The child feels pain when trying to urinate, purulent discharge with a very unpleasant odor appears. The main causes of the disease are staphylococcal and streptococcal microorganisms, yeast fungi. The type of treatment depends on the type of pathogen. Therefore, the urologist conducts diagnostics to obtain complete information about the causes and pathogens of purulent balanoposthitis.

Purulent inflammation can provoke various kinds allergic reactions, narrowness of the foreskin, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The main method of treating purulent balanoposthitis in a child is circular excision of the foreskin, that is, circumcision. In especially severe cases, the child undergoes skin plastic surgery, which is aimed at expanding the ring of the foreskin.

Balanoposthitis in a newborn

Balanoposthitis in a newborn occurs very often. The inflammatory process causes swelling of the head of the penis, causes restless behavior and pain in the baby. The appearance of the disease is associated with harmful microorganisms that are in the intestines or on the skin of a newborn (Proteus, E. coli, staphylococci, Candida yeast).

The foreskin of a newborn is very different from that of an adult male. This is due to the fact that after birth for some time, the head and foreskin of the child is a single system, that is, the head cannot be opened, since it is completely attached to the penis. As the baby grows, this fold of skin falls away. All this suggests that newborns are born with phimosis. Therefore, the first cause of balanoposthitis in a baby is the parents' attempts to open the head on their own. This leads to skin tears and infection. Balanoposthitis may appear due to a rare change of diapers and bathing the baby in baths with foam and other irritants.

The main symptom of inflammation is swelling and redness, and in some cases, blue glans. Sometimes a child develops rashes. The kid from calm turns into capricious and fussy. Also, parents may notice that when changing a diaper, diaper rash appears in the folds of the baby's skin, which do not disappear after using special creams and powders. Another symptom of balanoposthitis in a newborn is damage to the oral mucosa. It seems as if there were small clots of milk left in the mouth. Stomatitis can also cause inflammation of the genitals in a newborn.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in a newborn is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician with strict adherence to all rules and requirements. As a rule, the therapy is conservative, the baby is washed with herbal infusions, decoctions and disinfectants. It is mandatory to maintain hygiene of the genital organs in order to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Balanoposthitis in the chest

Balanoposthitis in infants is not uncommon, since boys under five years of age are prone to infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Balanoposthitis may occur due to phimosis, poor hygiene of the preputial sac and other infectious lesions. The disease causes redness of the foreskin and head of the penis, small sores and erosion of the epithelium.

A short frenulum of the penis in combination with phimosis can also provoke the appearance of balanoposthitis. Due to the impossibility of completely exposing the head of the penis, inflammatory diseases and even tumors develop. As the child grows, the short frenulum will create discomfort, and in adulthood - problems during intercourse and with an erection. Such deviations in the baby cause balanoposthitis, therefore, they require not only medical therapy to eliminate inflammation, but also surgical intervention.

Balanoposthitis in boys

Balanoposthitis in boys is a disease of the genital organs that occurs due to the action of yeast fungi, streptococcal and staphylococcal microorganisms. In medical practice, there are two forms of balanoposthitis: primary and secondary. Primary occurs due to infection, and secondary, as one of the symptoms chronic diseases. Inflammation requires immediate treatment, because without appropriate therapy, the disease causes complications and negative consequences, and can also go into a recurrent or chronic form.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in boys are accompanied by swelling and hyperemia of the head and foreskin of the penis, causing severe itching and burning in the groin. The child becomes restless, experiences pain when urinating and trying to open the head of the penis, sometimes the body temperature rises. If time does not begin to treat balanoposthitis, the disease will lead to cicatricial phimosis and infection genitourinary system, which will have a very negative impact on the functioning of the reproductive system of the future man.

Acute balanoposthitis in children

Acute balanoposthitis in children, as a rule, begins suddenly, that is, for no apparent reason at first glance. A previously healthy child experiences pain in the penis and when trying to urinate. Puffiness and hyperemia appear on the foreskin. The child develops purulent discharge of yellow or white color. Acute balanoposthitis in children causes fever, anxiety and general weakness.

Despite such a bright symptomatology, treatment acute form balanoposthitis is not difficult. The duration of the relief of the inflammatory process takes 2-3 days. As a rule, the child is prescribed baths with a decoction of chamomile or furatsilin. In the treatment, ointments with a drying and bactericidal effect are used. It is important to observe the rules of hygiene in order to prevent the occurrence of the disease in the future.