Ultrasound for lactation. Lactostasis: treatment with physical factors

Lactostasis is called stagnation breast milk in the ducts of the mammary gland of a nursing mother. This condition can occur at any stage of breastfeeding - both immediately after the birth of the baby, and a year later; may occur once, and may periodically recur at least every month. Lactostasis not only causes significant discomfort to a woman, but can also pose a threat to breastfeeding, and, aggravated, to the health of a young mother. Part complex treatment lactostasis includes physiotherapy techniques. About why there is a stagnation of milk in the breast, what are clinical manifestations this condition, as well as methods of its treatment, including physiotherapy, and will be discussed in our article.

Why lactostasis occurs, the mechanisms of its development

There are a number of reasons why this condition occurs.

First of all, this is the wrong attachment of the child to the breast. Normally, the baby is facing the mother's mammary gland, his head and torso are located in the same plane, his mouth covers most of the areola, the lower lip is turned inside out. Mom during proper attachment does not feel pain (except for the first stages of feeding) and notices how the baby swallows milk rhythmically. With improper attachment, the breast is not completely emptied, but only partially - some parts are better, and some are worse or not emptied at all. Milk in the ducts of these lobes stagnates - lactostasis is formed.

The second reason for stagnation of milk is feeding the child by the hour, and not on demand, long breaks between feedings, especially at the stage of lactation. Again, milk arrives, but the child does not suckle it, the breast does not empty, and new milk arrives - lactostasis.

Other causes of this condition are:

  • hyperlactation ( increased amount milk) due to frequent irrational pumping;
  • chest injury (the tissue in the area of ​​the injury site swells, the duct contracts, milk does not come out, but new milk arrives);
  • infectious diseases respiratory tract mothers (just like in the previous case, the breast tissue swells, well, and further in order ...);
  • anatomical features of the mammary gland (narrow, excessively tortuous ducts);
  • wearing the wrong underwear (squeezing the chest with a bone or seams of a bra, swelling of its tissues, spasm of the duct with all the consequences);
  • sagging breasts;
  • sleeping on the stomach or on the side with squeezing the chest;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • physical stress.

Milk stagnant in the duct causes an increase in pressure in it and in the entire lobule, the breast tissue swells, resulting in a seal and pain. Having no outflow path, milk is partially absorbed into the blood, which leads to an increase in the woman's body temperature. Due to prolonged hypertension (increased pressure) in the lobules, their milk production decreases until the complete cessation of lactation (with total lactostasis).

What are the symptoms of lactostasis

It is easy to recognize this condition. At one “wonderful” moment, a woman pays attention to pain in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland, a feeling of fullness, heaviness in it. When probing the affected area, a very painful seal is found. Some women have an increase in body temperature to subfebrile (37-38 ° C) and febrile (38-39 ° C) values, accompanied by chills or without it. Sometimes a young mother first notices weakness, weakness, then she discovers an elevated temperature, and only then, trying to find its cause, she examines herself and still palpates that very painful seal in the depths of the mammary gland.

It is worth noting that not every mother finds this seal herself - sometimes it is discovered by a doctor who was called home to a nursing mother complaining of a high temperature.

In some women, by the way, the body temperature in this condition does not rise.

Feeding with lactostasis is often accompanied by intense pain. The seal becomes larger over time, the skin over it may turn red. If a woman is not helped at this stage, an infection penetrates into stagnant milk and mastitis develops, which, if left untreated, will lead to accumulation of pus in the mammary gland, necrosis of the affected tissues and sepsis.

How to treat lactostasis

To eliminate lactostasis, milk must be expressed, for this a breast pump can be used.

First of all, it should be said that in most cases of milk stagnation, especially on early stage process, a woman may well cope with it on her own, or rather, with the help of a child. The main method in the treatment of milk stasis is frequent (at the slightest opportunity, at least every 10 minutes) applying the child to the affected breast. Attachments must be correct, and they will be more effective if the baby is positioned so as to direct his chin towards the seal (then, during sucking, an additional massage of the seal with the baby’s chin will be carried out). If stagnation occurs in one of the upper segments, the child should be applied “upside down” (the child lies, and the mother hangs over him) - that is, the mother and the baby will have to turn around well, but the result will not be long in coming.

Before feeding, the mother needs to take a warm (but not hot!) Shower, directing the jets of the shower head to the seal area and to the interscapular region. Warm jets carry out a massage, as a result of which spasmodic muscles and ducts relax. Instead of a shower, you can use a warm compress, which is applied to the affected area 15-20 minutes before feeding.

Some experts recommend the use of compresses with camphor alcohol. Mom should know that this drug helps to reduce lactation in the area of ​​​​its application, which can subsequently be quite difficult to restore. This method is justified and should be used only in the case when lactostasis has arisen due to hyperlactation - camphor will reduce the amount of milk secreted by the gland, the process of its secretion is normalized.

Also, before feeding, and after it (and sometimes in the process), the mother should have a gentle breast massage. I want to focus on the word “softly” ... Previously, it was believed that with lactostasis, milk stagnation should be “broken”. They did it quite rudely, causing excruciating pain to my mother and leaving a lot of bruises after such a “massage”. By no means should this be done! Rough mechanical influences, even if they help to restore the flow of milk today, tomorrow will cause swelling of the delicate glandular tissue, which will provoke a whole series of new lactostasis. Yes, massage is necessary and very important in the fight against congestion, but the massaging movements should be soft, not traumatic for the breast tissue, and they should be carried out in the direction from the periphery to the center. It is worth noting that a specially trained midwife will make such a massage more correctly and teach it to a young mother.

Simultaneously with the massage, milk should be expressed. But it is important not to express it “to the last drop”, but to stimulate the segment with stagnation as much as possible in order to release it. The mother should learn pumping techniques while still in the hospital, and if this did not happen, you can also contact a midwife or use an effective breast pump.

It happens that after feeding, standing in the bathroom under a warm shower, massaging the area of ​​induration and decanting, a woman practically does not observe milk, but suddenly the stream intensifies sharply, and the milk has a rich white-yellowish color, it is relatively thick and quite warm. This just means that my mother's actions were crowned with success and lactostasis is defeated.

Often, after the flow of milk has been restored, a woman immediately notices an improvement in her condition, even if it happens in the process of feeding a baby, even during a breast massage. The feeling of pressure, fullness in the affected area decreases, the pain becomes less intense, in many people the body temperature returns to normal very quickly. Residual effects of lactostasis can disturb a young mother for several more days - until the edema passes.

To reduce swelling, you can treat the skin over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdensification with Traumeel ointment or use folk remedies such as, for example, cabbage leaf. It should first be scalded with boiling water, then beaten a little with a kitchen hammer (so that the juice stands out) and applied to the chest, covered with a cloth or polyethylene. Keep until you get bored, because side effects from this tool, as you probably guessed, no.

You have probably heard about such a method of treating lactostasis, when instead of a child, mom puts dad on her chest to dissolve the stagnation. This is unreasonable, ineffective, and sometimes harmful for both mother and baby. Firstly, the child sucks the breast according to his unique method - he does not suck, but, as it were, squeezes milk out of the gaps located under the areola. An adult person cannot do this physiologically.
Secondly, in oral cavity Pope contains a lot of microorganisms, even opportunistic pathogens. If there are at least microcracks on the mother's nipple, the infection can easily penetrate from the father's mouth through them into the duct area, infecting the milk. This can lead to mastitis in the mother and infectious diseases of the crumbs.

If the temperature is high, a breastfeeding woman can take a paracetamol tablet or, if the baby is over 6 months old, ibuprofen.

Even if the mother goes to the doctor on the first day of illness, but he assesses her condition as not serious, she may be recommended to deal with lactostasis on her own within 2-3 days. If during this time the woman’s condition does not normalize, the doctor will prescribe her an antibiotic (there is a high risk of infection at this stage), compatible with breastfeeding (there are actually quite a few of them, so you should not worry that you will have to temporarily stop breastfeeding - you won’t have to ), straining and physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. Sometimes, based on the condition of the woman, an antibiotic, decongestion and physiotherapy may be prescribed earlier - this is decided by the doctor (usually a gynecologist) in each case.

Physiotherapy for lactostasis

This section will focus specifically on hardware techniques, since breast massage also refers to physiotherapeutic methods, but we have already talked about it earlier.

So, with lactostasis, several physiotherapy methods can be used that improve blood and lymph flow in the area of ​​stagnation, have analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. During the procedures, the woman feels comfortable and does not feel pain at all.

  1. Ultrasound on the affected mammary gland. This is the most effective, and therefore the most popular and common method of treating this pathology. Penetrating deeply, ultrasound gently massages the delicate glandular tissue and raises the local temperature, thus providing all of the above positive effects. The intensity of ultrasound should be 0.2-0.4 W per cm 2, and it is carried out in a continuous mode. The duration of the procedure is from 3 to 5 minutes daily. A course of treatment up to 8-10 procedures is recommended, but many women feel much better after the 2-3rd session.
  2. High intensity pulse. The devices "AMIT-01" and "AIMT2 AGS" are used. The inductors are placed in contact above the affected area on both sides of the mammary gland, bypassing the areola area. Induction is at the beginning of treatment from 300 to 600 mT, and by the end of the course it is increased to 1000 mT. The interval between pulses is 20 ms. The procedure is carried out for 5-7 minutes once a day for 5-10 days.
  3. and therapy. The emitters of the respective devices are placed in contact above the affected area. The radiation power is 8-10 watts. The procedure lasts from 6 to 10 minutes, is carried out daily for 8-10 days.

Contraindications to physiotherapy for lactostasis are:

  • acute mastitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands;
  • malignant tumors;
  • organic diseases of the central nervous system.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such a problem as lactostasis can significantly reduce the quality of life of a nursing mother, especially if she is breastfeeding for the first time, and even impressionable. With each subsequent lactostasis, if any, a woman feels more confident and copes with them faster and faster. In any case, if you have the above symptoms, still consult a doctor who will examine you and give adequate recommendations for treatment, among which, most likely, there will be physiotherapy.

I encountered lactostasis twice in my life - for the first time, when my daughter's need for milk was less than the volume in which it was produced (the first days of the arrival of milk - my breasts swelled from 1 to 3 sizes), and the second time happened the other day .. .

It so happened that for beautiful photos and to increase my self-esteem, I wanted to put on a pushup - the uneven distribution of foam rubber in the cup caused chest compression, milk curdled in one of the ducts and this provoked its blockage. In this case, the child coped with lactostasis. But a week later I was blown away and there was a relapse.

It’s 2 am on the clock, I wake up from hellish pain and don’t know what to do - I can’t express myself (the chest doesn’t allow me to touch myself), the child is sleeping well, I can’t wake my husband up - get up in a couple of hours ... The Internet gave some advice:

  • bring down the temperature, if any - children's nurofen;
  • cabbage leaf;
  • pumping and feeding a child with a sick breast;
  • a visit to the doctor if t is more than 37 or stagnation for more than 2 days.

I was afraid of the latter like fire, because I remembered the family home and midwives who were deciphering the old fashioned way .. But the prospect of treating mastitis (a consequence of lactostasis) with antibiotics scared me even more, so in the morning it was still decided to go to the gynecologist who led my pregnancy. True, in the morning I made another attempt to disengage on my own - in a warm bath - it did not work.

The gynecologist, having heard my problem, immediately sent an "ultrasound" to the physiotherapy, saying that I need to buy plain Vaseline and wet wipes. In addition, she prescribed 2 tablets of noshpa as needed - to relieve spasm.

Ultrasound with lactostasis improves the outflow of milk, and also normalizes blood circulation by increasing the temperature in the mammary glands. Such results are achieved through the use of a massage effect.

The doctor prescribed a course of 10 procedures for both breasts, but I only left 4, because all the seals had already disappeared by that time, and the doctor herself (went to her after each therapy session) said that you can not go.

Everything happened in an ordinary student clinic in the physiotherapy room. The device is inherited from the Soviet past, but it works no worse than modern analogues:

On the return block, power and time are set, the procedure itself takes place with the help of a “nozzle”, which is treated with alcohol before and after each patient:

In case of lactostasis, the breast is abundantly lubricated with petroleum jelly over the seal and in the surrounding areas, after which the sensor is moved in a circular motion, slowly capturing the entire surface of the breast, except for the nipple and areola. In private clinics, this procedure is performed by a doctor, in state institutions - they explain how they say "write it down, call me."

None no discomfort! One feels only warmth and, if held in place, the heaviness of the handle. The Internet explains how it works like this:

Ultrasonic waves penetrate the clogged ducts, breaking the seals that have arisen. In this case, soft tissues are not damaged.
For treatment, ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of up to 3000 Hz are used. They have a mechanical and thermal effect on milk stagnant in the streams. Such an effect accelerates metabolism, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and eliminates swelling and soreness in the chest.

How I told before, incomplete course of procedures helped me almost immediately. Already after the first procedure, my temperature subsided, after the second I did not drink noshpu, the third and fourth procedures I visited at the insistence of the doctor, because. the seals were gone after the second "massage with ultrasound".

I also note that you need to take any cloth with you - a "leak" may occur and milk will gush during the procedure.

You can feed after the procedures! And even necessary! The milk is not irradiated, but only becomes more liquid due to the mixing of the "front" and "back" milk (stagnation usually forms from the back).

Contraindication to the procedure is purulent mastitis, several diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

That's actually all I wanted to tell you about my experience. Ultrasound is also used to affect the joints, glands (thyroid), bruises, and is used for better penetration of medicinal ointments. But we are interested in something else

Breastfeeding is certainly an important process for both the child and the mother. At the same time, lactation is not always problem-free. Often problems arise in women who have become mothers for the first time - due to lack of experience, complications arise: stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands (aka lactostasis) or inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis). At the moment, there are ways to solve these problems with the help of such types of physiotherapy as ultrasound, darsonval and others.

Ultrasound for lactostasis

The use of ultrasound is one of the most common treatments for milk stasis. This procedure is carried out by a specialist - a physiotherapist using a special device. The chest, in which stagnation has occurred, is lubricated with some kind of agent (most often with vaseline oil) and massaged with the apparatus for about 10 minutes. In this case, the movements should be smooth, circular, in no case pressing. Only the breast area around the nipple and areola is massaged.

After applying ultrasound, the stagnant breast must be completely decanted, and it is forbidden to feed the baby with this milk.

The number of procedures depends on the degree of stagnation, but more than seven sessions are prohibited, and less than three is not effective. The optimal number of physiotherapy procedures is five sessions. Most often, ultrasound treatment is carried out in a hospital in the direction of antenatal clinic, and only residents of megacities can undergo a set of procedures in private clinics. The price varies from 950 to three and a half thousand rubles.

This technique is very popular, effective and painless. However, there are a number of contraindications here as well. In addition, you can not use this procedure for mastopathy, fibroadenomatosis, malignant neoplasms, as well as various lesions. nervous system. Ultrasound is not used in advanced forms of lactostasis that have developed into mastitis. To exclude the possibility of mastitis, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting ultrasound sessions.

The author of these lines encountered lactostasis three times during the period of lactation. And every time she underwent ultrasound treatment. This is a really good remedy to help eliminate milk stasis. The relapse was either due to the fact that there were not enough procedures, or the author forgot to pump and again received stagnation.

Vitafon treatment

For the treatment of lactostasis, micromassage is successfully used with the help of the Vitafon medical device, invented in the early 90s of the last century by Russian biophysicist Vyacheslav Fedorov. This procedure can be applied independently at home with the device. The price of these devices varies from four and a half to fifteen thousand.
Vitafon devices are used to increase immunity, activate regenerative processes in the body, enhance capillary blood and lymph flow, as well as restore metabolism.

The Vitafon is placed on the kidney area and on the chest, 4 cm above the nipple. Use the device for 5 minutes, 4 times a day. The number of procedures is not strictly limited. It is necessary to continue using the device until the signs of stagnation disappear and two days after. The directed action of microvibrations improves the conductivity of the ducts and canals of the mammary glands, thereby facilitating the task of decanting congestion in the chest.

Contraindications are: malignant neoplasms, severe atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, acute infectious diseases and heat body. In addition, the device must not be used during pregnancy, i. with prenatal mastitis. Mastitis is successfully treated with Vitafon if there is no purulent inflammation, i.e. with a serous form. In this case, the exposure time is increased according to the instructions.

If someone's milk stagnates, Vitafon helps very well. I couldn’t drain after lactostasis, and the child couldn’t dissolve, the milk was very tight. I remembered the Vitafon - an ultrasonic device for home use. I held it for 5 minutes only 1 time on a sore chest and began to express - milk poured out.




With lactostasis, the method of magnetotherapy is also used - a direction of physiotherapy based on treatment with a magnetic field. These procedures are carried out both in the physiotherapy room and at home with the help of special devices such as: Almag, AMNP-01, Magniter AMT-02, Mag-30. The price of these devices starts from two and a half thousand rubles.
The use of Almag in milk stagnation causes a whole range of positive changes that prevent the development of mastitis and restore the normal flow of breast milk.

The number of procedures and the time of exposure to the chest depends on the device. For example, Almag is used from 7-8 to 20 minutes, gradually increasing the time, 1 time in 5-6 days. The course can be repeated after a three-day break.

One of the advantages of using magnetotherapy is that exposure to a magnetic field does not change the characteristics of milk. Therefore, after using the device, you can safely feed the baby with the breast on which the impact was directed.

The use of magnetic therapy is a fairly effective solution to the problem of lactostasis, since a pulsed magnetic field activates regenerative and anti-inflammatory processes.

Contraindications for this therapy are hypotension, blood clotting disorders, acute infectious diseases. As with the Vitafon, mastitis can only be treated with magnetotherapy if it has not progressed to sharp shape- there are no suppurations.

Used for lactostasis folk remedies and diamond applied. He helped the most



Phonophoresis method

Phonophoresis is a method of a combined method of physiotherapy treatment, which combines ultrasound and drug exposure. It lies in the fact that when using ultrasound, a therapeutic substance is applied instead of a gel. Most often, hydrocortisone, lioton-gel are used. Thus, the number of procedures, their timing and contraindications remain the same as for conventional ultrasound procedures described above.

The effectiveness of this method remains controversial. Thus, a study conducted in 1996 showed the ineffectiveness of ultrasound for delivering hydrocortisone deep into tissues.


Another useful medical device that helps eliminate milk stagnation is darsonval. It operates on the basis of a pulsed alternating current of low strength, but high frequency and power.
The use of darsonval helps to break the seals in the breast and thereby release the outflow of breast milk.

Darsonval is used for lactostasis by contact, using a mushroom nozzle. First, it is necessary to apply 2 layers of gauze to the nipple and areola for protection. Electrode contact time - 10 minutes at minimum or medium power. The course of therapy - from ten to fifteen procedures.

Physiotherapy with darsonval is a great way to deal with lactostasis. The resorption of stagnant foci in the chest occurs due to the influence of several factors: mechanical, thermal and physical. The price of darsonval starts from two and a half thousand rubles.

As in the case of other types of physiotherapy, darsonval cannot be used for acute, purulent form of mastitis, breast fibroadenoma, mastopathy, malignant tumors of the breast, diseases of the central nervous system.

I have a darsonval device at home. Constant lactostasis - I only save myself from them. Helps to dissolve blockages



Lactostasis and mastitis - is there a difference?

In general, we can say that the same procedures are used for the treatment of mastitis as for lactostasis, but only if it is lactational, uninfected and has not turned into an acute form. At an advanced stage of lactational mastitis, it is risky to use physiotherapy, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Physiotherapy for lactostasis and serous mastitis is very effective with timely treatment. Therapeutic techniques of this kind provide a quick and painless elimination of congestion in the chest, moreover, they are completely harmless to the nursing mother and baby. Physiotherapy has analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. During their conduct, the woman feels comfortable and does not feel pain at all.

Breastfeeding is a very intimate process between mother and child. However, it does not always bring pleasure and joy. Often this process can be overshadowed by lactostasis, which is accompanied by soreness and the formation of seals in the mammary gland. Quantity medicines allowed during breastfeeding is quite limited, but somehow it is necessary to deal with the problem and terrible pain. In this situation, hardware treatment and exercise therapy come to the aid of young mothers.

Laktostasis: symptoms and causes

Lactostasis is the stagnation of milk in the mammary ducts of the gland. Usually, lactostasis develops during breastfeeding, but sometimes it also occurs in late pregnancy, when a woman begins to produce milk early.

Symptoms of lactostasis:

Reasons for the development of lactostasis during breastfeeding:

  • tight underwear that pulls the milk ducts;
  • improper attachment of the child to the breast;
  • increased viscosity of milk, due to the diet of a young mother;
  • pinching the milk ducts with your fingers during breastfeeding;
  • constant pumping of milk when the baby does not empty the breast completely;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • bruises and damage to the chest;
  • hypothermia of the mammary glands;
  • sleep on the stomach.

Lactostasis is popularly called a chest cold. This is due to the fact that during hypothermia of the mammary glands, vasoconstriction occurs, which leads to stagnation of milk.

Once, while breastfeeding my baby, I grabbed the nipple like scissors with my index and middle fingers. Seeing this, my grandmother said that the people use the breast lock in this way to prematurely stop lactation: scissors, as it were, "cut" the flow of milk. Later, I learned from scientific sources that it is really impossible to help a child suckle in this way, since you can pinch the milk ducts and earn lactostasis.

Video: why lactostasis occurs and when to see a doctor

Treatment methods for lactostasis

Treatment of lactostasis should begin immediately after the first symptoms of inflammation are detected.

Usually, for the treatment of this disease, doctors prescribe physiotherapy that helps:

  • remove the seal in the mammary gland;
  • expand the milk ducts;
  • activate the movement of blood and lymph;
  • have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

In the conditions of inpatient and outpatient treatment, the following methods of combating lactostasis are most popular:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • treatment with the Darsonval device;

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy is a treatment technique using ultrasound.

When using the ultrasound technique, the milk ducts expand due to the warming effect of the apparatus. The effectiveness of ultrasonic exposure is achieved at 0.2–0.4 W. Relief in the mammary gland is observed after two ultrasound sessions, which last an average of about 15 minutes. The course of treatment usually includes 8-10 sessions and is carried out by a qualified specialist.

The ultrasonic device is completely painless and does not cause discomfort to a nursing mother.

After the ultrasound therapy procedure, it is necessary to express milk on your own, but it is strictly forbidden to feed the child with it.


Magnetotherapy is a treatment method that uses the effect of a magnetic field on the human body. The magnetotherapy procedure can be carried out independently at home using the AMT-01 apparatus. But before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

You can carry out magnetotherapy procedures right at home using a special device.

The magnetic field indicator is placed over the site of compaction, without affecting the areola area. In the first session, the magnetic field induction should be 300–600 mT, and then, with a gradual increase, it should reach 1000 mT. For a complete cure of lactostasis, you may need from 5 to 10 procedures, each of which is performed 1 time per day and lasts for 5 minutes.

In my family, the AMT-01 magnetotherapy apparatus is often used. Mom uses it for high blood pressure, headache and back pain, and also used extensively for dislocation of the shoulder joint. I used this apparatus to disperse the accumulated liquid in knee joint, which was formed as a result of the impact. This treatment was recommended to me by a surgeon.

Treatment with Darsonval apparatus

The method of treatment with the Darsonval apparatus is based on the dosed supply of electric current to the foci of compaction, the resorption of which occurs due to mechanical, physical and thermal effects. This method helps to cope even with advanced stages of lactostasis.

Treatment with the Darsonval apparatus is possible only after a thorough examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound scan, which will help to exclude tumor processes and mastopathy.

For the treatment of lactostasis using the Darsonval apparatus, a mushroom nozzle is used.

In the treatment of lactostasis, a special mushroom-shaped nozzle for the Darsonval apparatus is used.

One treatment session with Darsonval at minimum or medium power is 10 minutes. To achieve the maximum result, 10-15 procedures are required. There is no need to stop lactation for the period of treatment with the device.

Before the darsonvalization procedure, it is necessary to protect the area of ​​the nipples and areolas from the effects of electric current impulses. To do this, it is necessary to fold a piece of gauze 15 × 15 cm in size four times and attach it to the most sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland. You can also use a cotton pad for this purpose.

exercise therapy

Therapeutic physical culture (LFK) is a medical method in which physical exercise used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

A lactating woman needs exercise therapy for both prevention and treatment of lactostasis. The main condition for performing exercises is the absence of pain and discomfort. You need to perform exercises 1-2 times a day before feeding.

Exercise for the prevention of lactostasis

To prevent the appearance of seals in the chest, it is necessary to regularly perform an exercise aimed at maintaining the muscles of the mammary gland in good shape.

Technique for performing exercises for the prevention of lactostasis:

  1. Perform springy movements towards the jamb, while tensing the pectoral muscles as much as possible.

Perform the exercise 1-2 times a day before breastfeeding your baby. The intensity and strength of movements, as well as the angle of bend and the height of the position of the hand relative to the joint must be constantly changed.

Exercises for the treatment of lactostasis

Technique for performing exercise No. 1 for the treatment of lactostasis:

  1. Raise your arm up and bend at the elbow. In this case, the forearm should be placed parallel to the floor.
  2. Rest the base of your forearm on the door frame.
  3. Slightly bend the leg of the same hand at the knee joint and place it as close as possible to the door jamb.
  4. Grab the lump in the breast with the fingers of the opposite hand.
  5. Perform springy movements towards the jamb, while tensing the pectoral muscles as much as possible and pulling down the place of compaction.
  6. If your fingers slip off the seal, grasp it again.

It is necessary to perform the exercise 3-4 times a day. The intensity and strength of movements, as well as the angle of bend and the height of the position of the hand relative to the joint must be constantly changed.

Technique for performing exercise No. 2 for the treatment of lactostasis:

  1. Clench both hands into a fist and place them at your shoulders.
  2. Spread your elbows out to the sides.
  3. Lean your elbows on the doorposts, put your feet shoulder-width apart.
  4. With springy movements, press your hands on the joint for 5 seconds.
  5. Sag in the doorway, stretching the muscles that run from the chest to the elbows.

Repeat the exercise 3-4 times, then move your elbows first higher and then lower along the jamb and repeat the exercise.

As a result of the exercises described above, the seal in the mammary glands should become much softer and decrease in size.

If no improvement is observed within two days after performing exercise therapy exercises, you should seek help from a gynecologist, mammologist or osteopath. The latter, as a rule, helps to cope with the disease in one session.

Contraindications to hardware procedures and exercise therapy for lactostasis

Carrying out physiotherapy with lactostasis should be monitored by a specialist in order to prevent the development of complications. There are also contraindications to hardware massage and exercise therapy:

  • violation of the central nervous system;
  • mastitis;
  • malignant neoplasms in the mammary gland;
  • breast fibroadenoma - cyst formation.

Hardware treatment is contraindicated in fibroadenoma and malignant neoplasms, since exposure to ultrasound, electric current and magnetic field on the affected areas of the mammary gland can accelerate their growth and worsen the lactation process.

Ultrasound in lactostasis refers to effective physiotherapeutic methods for eliminating milk stagnation in case of breastfeeding child.

It helps nursing mothers get rid of problems in the mammary gland, without waiting for the situation to worsen.

Sometimes one or two sessions of such therapy are enough for a woman to feel relief.

Lactostasis is an abnormal phenomenon when a woman feels pain and discomfort in the mammary gland during lactation, i.e..

This condition is caused by the accumulation and stagnation of excess milk, which occurs as a result of its excessive production or outflow disturbance.

The anomaly is fraught with the development of edema and inflammatory reactions, which can lead to such a serious pathology as mastitis.

The etiological mechanism of the appearance of lactostasis is associated with such factors:

  1. Anatomical defects in the structure of the mammary gland - sagging, insufficiently elastic breasts; flattened nipples; excessively narrow milk ducts. Breast shape often becomes a difficult factor for expressing milk.
  2. Incomplete emptying of the mammary gland as a result of improper attachment of the baby. This is most typical for young, inexperienced mothers.
  3. Irregular feeding of the child, long intervals between feedings, skipping planned feedings.
  4. The position of a woman on her stomach during a night's sleep.
  5. Mechanical damage to the nipples, cracks in them.
  6. Tight and uncomfortable bra.
  7. Satiety of the child with additional artificial feeding, which causes the refusal of breastfeeding.
  8. Dehydration female body.
  9. Mechanical injuries (bruises and other impacts) in the chest area.
  10. Nervous overload and stress.
  11. Physical overload, lack of sleep, physical exhaustion.

Lactostasis is manifested by pain and discomfort. If there are problems with, the child refuses to feed, the woman's temperature rises above 37 ºС, you should consult a doctor.

Laktostasis requires timely and effective treatment, since after 3-4 days there is a high probability of its transformation into mastitis.

Influencing biological tissues, ultrasound has a mechanical, thermal and physico-chemical effect on them.

With the passage of a wave of ultrasonic frequency, a local increase in temperature and micromassage occur.

As a result of this effect, milk is liquefied, blood and lymphatic flow increases.

The physico-chemical influence contributes to the appearance of bactericidal and antioxidant abilities, which is very important to exclude infection. The result is real anti-inflammatory properties.

No less important is the reflex mechanism of exposure to ultrasonic radiation. The response of the female body to it is divided into several stages:

  1. Immediate impact. During the procedure, cellular alteration occurs at the microscopic level with the appearance of a thixotropic effect. At this stage, moderate mechanical, chemical and thermal reactions are noted. Local heating of breast tissue causes immediate reactions.
  2. Stress-inducing stage. It develops within 3.5-4.5 hours after the completion of the procedure. At this stage, amines, cortisol, prostaglandins and other hormones and enzymes are released into the blood. As a result of this effect, leukocyte protection is enhanced, which ensures the bactericidal ability of ultrasound.
  3. stress-limiting stage. Within 11-13 hours after the cessation of the action of ultrasound in the blood, the content of cortisol decreases and the level of prostaglandin rises, which causes the active work of the antioxidant system. This effect is expressed in the enhancement of metabolic cellular processes.
  4. compensatory stage. A further reaction of the female body leads to an improvement in carbohydrate metabolism, oxygen saturation of tissues, and increased blood and lymphatic circulation.

Features of the ultrasound procedure

Ultrasound therapy (UT) is carried out in specialized medical offices using special equipment.

The source of ultrasound allows you to provide radiation with a frequency in the range of 850-3000 kHz.

Using higher frequencies can cause negative effects.

Modern devices allow you to accurately adjust the duration, intensity and mode of radiation. Wave generation can be carried out in continuous or pulsed mode.

The direct procedure is carried out by a specialist by treating the entire surface of the mammary gland with the exception of the nipples. The electrode is moved slowly and smoothly in a circular motion around the nipples. A special environment is created between the skin surface and the vibrator, eliminating the air gap. To do this, a special composition is applied to the skin, similar to the lubricant during ultrasound.

The course of ultrasound is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the real condition of the woman and the individual characteristics of the body. In total, from 3 to 8 procedures can be prescribed daily. The duration of one procedure is 12-16 minutes. Immediately after the end of the ultrasound exposure, milk is manually expressed. During this period, it is quite liquefied, which facilitates the process. Small pains may be felt, but they cannot be compared with the pain syndrome that manifests itself without ultrasound.

It is impossible to feed a baby with milk expressed immediately after ultrasonic exposure.

An ultrasound session is completely painless. The woman feels a slight warmth and signs of a vibrational breast massage. Already after 1-2 procedures, significant relief is found, the disappearance of frightening lumps and bumps. However, to exclude relapse, it is necessary to complete the entire prescribed course. At the same time, manual pumping of milk is mandatory only after the first session.

Diagnosis of lactostasis

To determine the degree of damage to the mammary gland, determine the mode of ultrasound and the effectiveness of treatment, ultrasound diagnostics is performed.

The scan allows you to identify the localization of stagnant zones, the state of the ducts and sinuses.

It is important to differentiate the form of lactostasis, which can develop in a compensated or decompensated variant.

Such studies are carried out using a pharmacosonographic test.

With the development of a compensated variety of the disease, UST gives high efficiency, and studies make it possible to reveal the dynamics of improvement in the condition of the mammary gland. With a neglected, decompensated form, you will have to resort to drug therapy.


Despite the safety of ultrasound, there are contraindications to the use of ultrasound radiation. Procedures cannot be performed in the following circumstances:

  • serious neurological abnormalities;
  • malignant tumors of various localization;
  • mastitis during its exacerbation;
  • a sharp hormonal imbalance (mastopathy);
  • the presence of fibroadenomatosis of the breast.

Prevention of lactostasis

Lactostasis, as a rule, is caused by reasons that depend on the behavior of a nursing woman.

In order to prevent this phenomenon, you should adhere to:

  1. A breastfeeding woman should sleep on her back or side.
  2. You need to choose the right bra. It should not tighten the chest. It is best to use underwear specifically designed for breastfeeding mothers.
  3. When feeding a baby, you should not press on the chest with your fingers, because in this case the ducts are clamped.
  4. The child must be placed in the optimal position so that he can release the mammary gland as much as possible. Active artificial feeding with sufficient production of own milk is not recommended.
  5. Feeding the child should be carried out regularly.
  6. Hypothermia and injury to the chest should not be allowed. It is very dangerous to be with an open chest in a draft.

What will help eliminate the risk of disease

If the first signs of lactostasis appear, then you should consult a doctor and start ultrasound treatment. At the same time, you should take your own measures to eliminate the disease:

  1. Carefully monitor the feeding process and how much milk the baby is able to suck. Remaining milk must be expressed immediately.
  2. Supplementary bottle feeding is not recommended. This produces an incorrect grip on the nipple of the breast during feeding.
  3. The baby is often applied to the affected breast, but a healthy breast should not be launched, so as not to cause a similar phenomenon in it.
  4. Taking a warm shower before feeding makes it easier for the milk to drain.
  5. A woman's body should not be allowed to become dehydrated. It is necessary to drink at the first sensation of thirst, without artificial restraint.

Lactostasis in a nursing woman can cause serious consequences. It needs to be detected and treated at an early stage. Ultrasound therapy is one of the effective forms of combating this phenomenon. This procedure is recognized as absolutely safe, and a positive effect is achieved after 3-4 sessions.