Line mushrooms: useful and medicinal properties. Medicinal properties of the lines Preparation of a medicinal tincture from the lines


Stitch mushrooms are more of a medicinal than a culinary mushroom. Some types of stitches are conditionally edible mushrooms and are edible if processed properly.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers very often confuse the lines with edible morel mushrooms (Morchella spp.). However, it should be remembered that the raw stitches of some varieties are deadly poisonous mushrooms, causing severe poisoning, so it is very important to know what these poisonous mushrooms look like and familiarize yourself with their description.

Common stitch (Gyromitra esculenta)

Family: Discinaceae.

Synonyms: edible line, junkie, moss, veal giblets.

Description of the mushroom line

Fruiting body up to 14 cm in diameter. The cap is irregularly rounded or angular, hollow inside, deeply wrinkled (brain-shaped), light brown to dark or chocolate brown, lightening somewhat with age. The flesh is white, waxy, thin, very brittle, with a peculiar smell, without much taste. Leg 3–6 × 1.5–6 cm, whitish or grayish (sometimes with a pinkish tinge), hollow, narrowed towards the base, smooth or folded.

A soil fungus that inhabits deciduous and coniferous forests, grows on sandy soil at the edges of forests, in clearings, burnt areas, along roads, in young pine plantations. It occurs throughout the forest zone of Russia, except for the Far North, singly or in small groups, not often. Fruiting from late March to early June.

The line is characterized by the formation of geographical races, one of the main differences of which is a different level of toxicity. Studies by French biochemists have shown that mushrooms harvested in warmer regions accumulate significantly higher levels of toxins.

Similar species

It differs from the giant line (Discina gigas) by a much darker hat and significantly smaller sizes, from the Carolina discina (it is also a bunch or brown line) (Discina carolinensis = Gyromitra fastigiata = G. brunnea) differs by a darker and more “brain-shaped” hat with not edges so frankly unattached to the leg.

Mushroom row properties

The toxic properties of the line have been known for over 100 years. However, due to the variety of manifestations of poisoning, many experts attributed them to individual allergic reactions or in general an erroneous diagnosis (poisoning by other mushrooms or products). Moreover, there are cases when some people who ate approximately the same amount of mushrooms from one dish “earned” poisoning, while their table neighbors did not. It is also well known that some mushroom pickers have been collecting and preparing lines for many years without any negative effect. However, according to the latest biochemical studies, the common line is recognized as a poisonous and even deadly poisonous mushroom.

Certain geographic races of G. esculenta have been confirmed to contain high levels of a toxin known as gyromitrin. Gyromitrin poisoning is extremely rare in North America, Western Europe.

Data for Siberia are unknown, but cases of poisoning are very common in Eastern Europe (to the border with Russia) and Scandinavia. In 1971, Polish researchers found that in Poland, 23% of the total number of mushroom poisonings falls on the lines. The number of reported fatal poisonings has been declining since the middle of the last century, in Sweden, for example, where string poisoning is very common, not a single fatal case is known since 1952. The total number of poisonings has also decreased, apparently due to the widespread practice of proper culinary processing of these mushrooms, however, the average European death rate from string poisoning is still around 25%.

Lethal dose gyromitrin is 10–30 mg/kg for children and 20–50 mg/kg for adults. This roughly corresponds to (for gyromitrin-rich geographic races) 0.2–0.6 kg and 0.4–1 kg of fresh mushrooms. However, the individual resistance of individual individuals can greatly influence the activity of gyromitrin, up to an almost complete lack of response to these doses.

Research on string toxins began in 1968 when gyromitrin was first identified as acetaldehyde (N-methyl-N-formylhydrazone). In the body, gyromitrin is hydrolyzed to monomethylhydrazine.

The toxin reacts with pyridoxal-5-phosphate (the activated form of pyridoxine) and forms the substance hydrazone. Hydrazone reduces the production of neurotransmitters through inhibition of glutamic acid decarboxylase, which leads to the appearance of characteristic neurological symptoms intoxication. In addition, monomethylhydrazine causes methemoglobinemia and promotes the formation of methyl radicals, which leads to liver necrosis. Histaminase inhibition increases histamine levels, leading to headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

The main symptoms of line poisoning are divided into gastrointestinal and neurological. They are found 6-12 hours after eating, although there are cases when intoxication manifested itself after 2 hours. Initially manifested by redness of the face, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain.

Further, trembling, convulsions, lethargy, ataxia, dizziness and severe headaches are possible, as well as fever (the latter is not typical for any mushroom poisoning and occurs only as a symptom of line poisoning). In most cases, after such manifestations, a gradual recovery occurs after 2-6 days.

In especially severe cases, destruction of the kidneys and liver and neurological dysfunction, up to and including falling into a coma, are possible. With such a serious lesion, death can occur 5-7 days after the use of the lines.

In addition to toxicity, monomethylhydrazine has been shown to be carcinogenic (studies in laboratory animals). And although it has not been confirmed for humans, some researchers believe that the toxin may have a cumulative effect, and sooner or later even a small regular number of lines eaten can lead to the formation of a tumor.

Mushrooms lines in folk medicine

IN folk medicine vodka tincture line is used as an analgesic and is used to relieve pain, primarily for various kinds of joint diseases, arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, foot spurs, overgrown bones, neuralgia, as well as for the treatment of pancreatitis and pancreas, with oncology in the later stages, when anesthesia is needed.

Tincture of lines

The tincture is made from crushed dry mushrooms. To do this, 10 g of powder is poured into 150 ml of vodka and, having stirred, tightly closed and insisted in the refrigerator for two weeks. Rub the tincture into the skin of sore spots and cover with a warm woolen "prickly" scarf.

It is also known that earlier the eyes were washed with a water decoction of the lines for conjunctivitis.

Rules for collection and procurement for medicinal purposes

Young and mature fruiting bodies are harvested for boiling or drying.

Despite proven toxicity, the lines are widely collected in many countries in North America and Europe. So, for example, stitches are still considered a delicacy and are actively collected in Bulgaria, Spain and Finland.

With proper culinary preparation, most of the gyromitrin can be removed. The recommended methods include drying followed by boiling or boiling fresh mushrooms with the obligatory draining of the broth.

It has been shown that with repeated boiling, the level of gyromitrin decreases by an order of magnitude each time, while the amount of water should be three times the number of lines, boiling lasts at least 5 minutes, and boiled mushrooms should be washed after each cycle. cold water. When dried in the open air on the tenth day, the concentration of gyromitrin is reduced by 90%.

The sale of the common stitch is prohibited in the markets in Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and Italy. In the conditions of Russia, the mushroom should be considered edible after preliminary boiling with decoction drain or prolonged drying. Used for cooking first and second courses, appetizers and fillings.

Based on the book by M. Vishnevsky “Medicinal mushrooms. Big Encyclopedia.

Lines (lat. Gyromitra) - a genus of marsupial mushrooms that appear in early spring and in August-September. Their appearance is original: it resembles a crumpled sheet of brown paper or half walnut. This does not contribute to the popularity of eating lines in food, as well as the content of the poison. Toxins disappear during the cooking or drying process, therefore, representatives of the genus Gyromitra are defined by scientists as conditionally edible. There is also information about the use of lines in traditional medicine.

Lines - a genus of marsupial mushrooms that appear in early spring and in August-September

The fruit body of the line looks unattractive: it is chaotically dotted with deep wrinkles and clumsy folds. The whole mushroom, together with the stem, is often asymmetrical. The surface of the cap is velvety in appearance. Its color can be varied: yellow-brown, brown and red-chestnut. The hue depends on the type and age of the fungus, growing conditions and climate.

Lines inhabit the territory of Eurasia and North America, located in the Northern Hemisphere. The most "southern" specimens are registered in Mexico. Mushrooms prefer to grow in pine forests, where there are rotten stumps - a source of organic matter from decaying wood.

Experience proves that specimens growing in Western Europe are more dangerous than "natives" from Eastern Europe. In Italy, due to the risk of severe poisoning, the sale of lines has been declared illegal.

How to distinguish a poisonous line (video)

Stitch types

Biologists described 3 types of lines. They are similar to each other, but differ in size, color, place and time of growth. Knowing this information, it is possible to determine which species was collected.

Traditionally chooses pine forests (rarely coniferous and mixed with a large number of pines). Often prefers sandy and sandy soils, as well as burnt areas. The time for collecting a line of ordinary falls on April-May. In different regions, the beginning of fruiting differs depending on climatic conditions: in warm spring, mushrooms appear immediately after the snow melts.

The diameter of the wrinkled brown cap is from 2 to 10 cm, and its edges are fused with the stem, forming a bizarre "bag", hollow inside. The leg itself is also dotted with folds and furrows, asymmetrical, often completely or partially submerged in the ground. It thickens closer to the ground, has a length of only 3 cm and is painted in light colors, sometimes with a pink tone.

Common (Gyromitra esculenta)

Giant (Gyromitra gigas)

The giant line is similar to the ordinary one, but, as you might guess, it differs from it in large sizes. So, the hat of some specimens grows up to 30 cm in diameter, although usually this figure is much smaller: 15–25 cm. The color of the mushroom also differs: in the “giant” it is lighter, often yellow-brown. Also, a giant line, although it gravitates towards coniferous forests, feels great next to birches.

Giant (Gyromitra gigas)

Autumn (Gyromitra infula)

The autumn view differs from its counterparts primarily in the time of fruiting. It starts in July, August and September. It grows predominantly in coniferous forests on the ground or rotting tree remains. The cap is 2-10 cm in diameter and has a saddle shape, often in the form of “horns” fused together. Coloring can be various shades of brown: from red chestnut to dark. The stem is higher than that of other lines: from 2 to 6 cm, although you can also find "overgrowths" with a stem of 10 cm.

Gyromitra unfula is not very popular with mushroom pickers: it is generally accepted that in the autumn variety there is a high concentration of toxic gyromitrins, which are difficult to destroy after prolonged processing. But there are also daredevils who use these lines for food. It is important not to forget: if you eat a mushroom raw, there is a big risk of getting into intensive care and dying.

Autumn (Gyromitra infula)

Medicinal and beneficial properties of lines

The main reason why the lines are used for medicinal purposes for the preparation of traditional medicine is the presence of valuable CT-4 polysaccharide in the composition of mushrooms. According to its properties, this natural substance is similar in effect to chondroitin, which is an aminopolysaccharide.

The role of the latter in the human body is very important: it is a building material, a source of regeneration and nutrition for bone, connective and cartilage tissue. It is chondroitin that directly affects the elasticity of cartilage, because it regulates their ability to be saturated with moisture. Also lines normalize local blood circulation, which is also useful for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Folk healers claim that the mushroom helps with lung diseases and inflammation in the pancreas.

On the taste and edibility of line mushrooms

There has been a debate for a long time: is the line poisonous or edible. It is an indisputable fact that the composition contains gyromitrins - toxic substances that produce a hemolytic effect (destroying red blood cells) and depress the work of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver. Therefore, raw lines are deadly. The question of what percentage of toxic substances volatilize during processing remains open. Despite this, in some countries, including the former USSR, mushrooms are eaten because the lines are pleasant in taste and smell.

Features of collecting stitches (video)

Scope of lines

Lines are used in cooking and folk medicine. They are dried, canned and fried after boiling. For treatment, mainly mushroom tincture on alcohol is used. It is used both internally and externally.

How to prepare stitches

There are 2 ways to prepare stitches for consumption and make them safer for humans:

  1. Digestion. After cleaning, the mushrooms are boiled for at least 20 minutes. Toxic gyromitrins are released into the water, so the decoction becomes poisonous. It must be poured out, and the lines are thoroughly washed in running tap water. Many mushroom pickers repeat the procedure twice for reliability. Then they can be fried and preserved, like other mushrooms.
  2. Drying. In its process, gyromitrins evaporate from the fruiting bodies. True, in order for the poisons to completely disappear from the fungus, it will take either 6 months, or a catalytic effect of high temperatures.

Scientists say that none of the methods makes stitches as safe as edible mushrooms. It is very important to properly prepare them and eat them in moderation, making sure there are no contraindications. If you feel worse, you need to call an ambulance and tell the doctor about the meal.

Mushrooms lines in medicine

Lines are applied topically for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. We are talking about common arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc. The polysaccharide helps to relieve inflammation and regenerate tissues.

For bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs, tincture is used as a rubbing liquid. chest sick. The liquid can also be taken orally for diseases of the pancreas, a few drops a day (the dosage is prescribed by the attending specialist).

How to distinguish lines from morels

At first glance, stitches and morels are very similar, having a rumpled and baggy appearance. But the shape of the morels is ovoid or conical, while the stitches are irregularly shaped, similar to a walnut. The pattern on the cap of the morel often resembles a honeycomb, while in Gyromitra it is chaotic, with numerous and deep convolutions.

How to cook a casserole from the lines (video)

Contraindications and harm lines

  • minors;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons with individual intolerance;
  • patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

It is better to start “tasting” the lines with a minimum portion in order to evaluate their effect on well-being. In 99% of cases, with improper preparation, symptoms of severe poisoning appear: epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, fainting.

Lines - spring and autumn - are not the simplest mushrooms. They require attention and a special approach. You can eat them only at your own peril and risk, which stops many mushroom pickers.

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For self-preparation of vodka tinctures for external use and internal pain relief;

  • capsules for the correction of all types of joint diseases.
  • Composition

    Shredded dry lines.


    These amazing mushrooms "primroses" can be seen in the forest as early as April. One has only to bloom lungwort - right away you need to look for and Stitches. The lines are amazingly healing.

    The medical literature indicates that line contains an antirheumatic substance similar in action to cortisone. Stitches perfectly treat joint diseases - any arthrosis: radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, foot spikes, overgrown bones.

    In addition, the tincture prepared from the powder is successfully used for rubbing with persistent bronchitis, pneumonia, with any neuralgia, myalgia, this tincture helps with postoperative adhesions, heals trophic ulcers and bedsores. Stitches correct pancreatitis and diseases of the pancreas.

    Mushroom "Inoltra"

    Lines - help for sore joints

    This is an amazing medicinal mushroom. A familiar forester once said that for a long time he wondered why elks often go to forest “burnt areas” in spring, and then he realized that these conflagrations are favorite places for lines, and elk come just for them - but not to feed and “take vitamins”, namely to heal. By the way, what is surprising, moose, says this forester, are great connoisseurs of herbs and mushrooms: in May they eat lines, in July - chanterelles, and in September - fly agaric, but in winter moose try to gnaw ... chaga. That's their mushroom preference.

    During the winter, the joints of moose "get tired" - they wear out, and in the lines of biochemists they found a substance - gyromitrin, which is akin to modern analgesics - gyromitrin anesthetizes. And the last discovery of American scientists in lines and morels is the polysaccharide CT-4, similar to the substance chondroitin, obtained from the joints of ungulates. That is, in addition to anesthesia, the lines are also ... restore cartilage tissue of the joint!

    In the villages, they used to know this feature of the lines and made tinctures from them specifically for the treatment of joint diseases. Indeed, the line was well known to healers and sorcerers of Ancient Russia. There is an old recipe that came down on wooden tablets found during excavations in Staraya Ladoga (one of the oldest cities in Ancient Russia). There it was recommended to collect "... lips (mushrooms) are wrinkled, which grow immediately after snow and all the herbs bloom, which grow near - dry them and make drugs against aching bones ...".

    They collect an ordinary line - exactly the line that perfectly helps with joint diseases - any arthrosis: radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, lupus erythematosus (by the way, also a kind of arthrosis).

    A mushroom preparation has been developed for the correction of arthrosis Stitches in capsules.

    Source of information - materials of the company Irina Filippova Fungotherapy Center

    In Russia there are spring mushrooms, the so-called "primroses". These are lines (not to be confused with morels). There is still no consensus about their edibility and toxicity. It is believed that the poison gyrometrin contained in them does not disappear completely during cooking. But the same poison is a medicine for diseases of the joints.

    Gyrometrin has a strong analgesic effect (at the beginning of the 20th century it was used orally instead of anesthesia) and works as an analogue that “provokes” the growth of cartilage tissue. The maximum content of gyrometrin occurs in large, overgrown mushrooms grown in dry, warm weather.


    Also in the lines there is a natural analogue of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol has an anti-inflammatory effect, this hormone (or its synthetic derivatives - prednisone, prednisone) is widely used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases characterized by an intense inflammatory process.

    In addition, it is used for allergies, bronchial asthma and autoimmune diseases.

    It has been confirmed by time that the alcohol tincture of lines, for external use, perfectly treats joint diseases - any arthrosis, sciatica, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis.

    And the tincture of the lines is successfully used for rubbing with persistent bronchitis, with pneumonia, with any neuralgia .

    For the manufacture of tinctures, it is best to take fresh large mushrooms collected in dry sunny weather.

    Dried mushrooms are not suitable for this medicine. When dried, gyrometrin, like a poison, decomposes, being oxidized by oxygen.

    When storing dry mushrooms for 6 months, gyrometry disappears completely. Therefore, tincture from such raw materials will be simply useless.

    We take 200 grams of fresh mushroom, chop it with our hands and put it in a half-liter bottle, pour 70% alcohol in an amount of 300 grams or vodka. We insist 3 weeks in a dark place. It is not necessary to filter.

    The resulting tincture is rubbed on sore and problem areas or put compresses on them for the night. Usually spend two courses for 12-14 days with a break of a week between them.

    From natural observations

    Experienced hunters know that moose are pretty good at mushrooms, thanks to a strong natural instinct.

    In summer, these animals "eat" chanterelles, in autumn - fly agaric, in winter they gnaw on chaga (tinder fungus), in spring they eat lines. The latter is quite explainable by the strong wear and tear of the joints of animals after the winter.

    Medicinal properties of a line of ordinary

    In recent years, the poisonous substance gyromitrin has been found in the lines, which is not removed from mushrooms when boiled. This is an anesthetic. However, its content in the lines varies depending on the places where mushrooms grow.

    Thus, gyromitrin was found in large quantities in the common (spring) line growing in Germany. This fungus in some years caused poisoning in people there. Experts suggest that among the line of ordinary (spring) there is a variety in which gyromitrin accumulates especially intensively.

    Much is explained by the latest discovery of American scientists in lines and morels, a polysaccharide CE-4, similar to chondroitin, obtained from the joints of ungulates, was found.

    A lot of medicinal properties in the line. It has an analgesic effect, that is, relieves pain. Therefore, tinctures from the lines are used for various kinds of joint diseases, arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, foot spurs, overgrown bones.
    An ordinary line - what does it look like? The hat line of an ordinary one resembles the inside of a walnut or a picture from a biology textbook "brain". But if the given examples show a regular rounded shape, clearly divided into two hemispheres, the “head” line is rather irregular, divided into many parts. The hat in diameter can be from 2 to 10 cm. It gradually develops into a small, short (2-3 cm), “wrinkled”, grooved leg, hollow inside. The color of the line varies from yellowish to red-brown, the color of the legs is white, grayish, less often with a purple tint. This mushroom is most often found in coniferous forests, it loves elevated places warmed by the sun's rays, and it is also a frequent "guest" of fires and clearings. Sometimes grows near forest roads, paths, edges of ditches. The life period of these mushrooms is quite short - from early May to mid-June, depending on weather conditions. Some believe that the lines can be eaten, but this should be done with extreme caution. The fact is that the fruits contain strong toxins - gyromitrins. When ingested, they paralyze the central nervous system, destroy the liver and gastrointestinal tract, sometimes deaths occur. Unlike its counterpart, the giant line is an edible mushroom. It has a light color, the diameter of its cap usually reaches 20-30 cm. Such a miracle mushroom grows mainly in deciduous forests. Ways to use the healing properties of a line of ordinary There are two ways to use these amazing mushrooms - internal and external. It is advisable to take the mushroom extract inside after consultation with a specialist, a medical examination and the appointment of an individual dosage, depending on the severity and form of the disease. It is better to buy ready-made medicine in a pharmacy. If you are going to treat "bone ache" with external methods, you can prepare the tincture yourself. Another "sphere of influence" of the substances contained in the ordinary line is pulmonary diseases, in particular, prolonged bronchitis and pneumonia. In such diseases, tincture of mushrooms is used externally for rubbing the chest and compresses. Contraindications to the use of the line for medicinal purposes are: pregnancy;

    lactation period;

    age up to 12 years;

    individual intolerance.

    In no case should even pre-prepared, several times boiled or dried mushrooms be consumed by children, people with weakened immune systems or chronic diseases especially cardiovascular or gastrointestinal. There is an unconfirmed opinion that long application drugs containing lines can lead to malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, especially in people with its disorders.

    Line ordinary - cooking method According to recent studies, the common line has been recognized as inedible and even classified as poisonous. If you still decide to eat these mushrooms, take precautions. Before frying, boiling or any other cooking, mushrooms must be boiled for 30 minutes. The water is drained, they are thoroughly washed in cold water, and then boiled again. The broth is drained again and only after that they cook at their discretion. Another common way to avoid poisoning is to pre-dry the fruits in the sun or in a well-ventilated room directly above a heat source at a temperature of about 55-60 ° C. Dangerous toxins will evaporate. Tincture of lines - medicinal properties From these mushrooms, you can prepare a medicinal tincture. Before starting a course of treatment, be sure to consult your doctor and undergo a thorough medical examination! Thoroughly clean 100 g of fresh young mushrooms from debris and sand, rinse them in cold water, chop. Pour the mass of 150 g of vodka and put in a cold place for 1-2 weeks. Grind 10 g of dry mushrooms into powder, pour 100 g of vodka into it and insist in a cold place for 1-2 weeks. Lines treat pancreatitis and diseases of the pancreas. To do this, the tincture is taken in drops according to the scheme: 1 day - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk with 1 drop of tincture; 2 day - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, 2 drops of tincture; Day 3 - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, 3 drops of tincture and half a teaspoon of honey; Day 4 - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, 4 drops of tincture and half a teaspoon of honey; Day 5 - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, sunflower or olive oil, 5 drops of tincture; Day 6 - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, sunflower or olive oil, 6 drops of tincture; Day 7 - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk and butter, 7 drops of tincture, half a teaspoon of honey. In the next seven days, they do the same, but in descending order, i.e., starting from the seventh day and ending with the first. Thus, treatment is carried out by alternating 2 weeks of medication with 2 weeks of rest. You can use a tincture or ointment from the lines for postoperative adhesions, trophic ulcers and bedsores. In these cases, they are used not in the form of compresses, but as lotions. The lines have analgesic properties for various internal diseases and external injuries. Copied from website:

    Tincture of stitches for grinding

    Tincture is made from crushed dry mushrooms (about 10 grams). They are poured with 150 grams of vodka, then, after stirring, tightly closed and insisted in the refrigerator for two weeks. They rub it into the skin of sore spots and cover it with a warm woolen "prickly" scarf. Attention! This recipe is for external use only.

    The lines are classified as poisonous mushrooms, and this should be taken into account in therapeutic use. The poison and toxic substances of this fungus, if ingested, can cause serious poisoning. In its properties, it is similar to the toxin of the pale toadstool. Therefore, the line is generally considered a poisonous mushroom. One feature should be noted: in different climatic conditions, the content of toxins varies, and significantly, from zero to lethal concentrations. The most poisonous lines are in regions with a humid climate.

    Mushrooms retain their benefits and become safe only after pre-treatment - long-term drying. In this regard, for internal use it is recommended to use only pharmaceutical preparations. Stitch mushrooms are usually sold in "mushroom pharmacies" in two different forms: an extract and a natural powder. According to fungotherapists, the powder form of intake allows the body to most fully absorb the beneficial substances contained in mushrooms.