Veselka useful properties. The use of Veselka mushroom and methods for preparing medicines from a witch's egg

This mushroom loves rather all the same coniferous forests, although it can be found anywhere.

What is surprising is the capriciousness and unpredictability of this mushroom. Veselka mushroom never grows where it grew last year.

Mushroom pickers note that usually the veselka is not very large, rarely when it grows to the size of a goose egg. At first, the mushroom is very similar to an ordinary raincoat, but not so strong, but has a kind of gelatinous pulp. In its structure, it resembles an overripe plum or a lump of unspread jelly. Growing to a certain size for a fairly long time for an ordinary mushroom - about a week, then the mushroom begins to show miracles. A small bud hatches from it, which quickly transforms into a fruit stem, and this stem begins to indomitably strive upwards, like a living being. The leg with the hat grows out of the egg very quickly, sometimes in 15 minutes. This mushroom is the fastest growing mushroom among mushrooms. The results are amazing: 5 mm per minute!

This mushroom is also known in Russia, or rather, it was known earlier, now it is very difficult to find it - the environment is getting worse. They called him "ordinary merry" or "shameless". At first, the veselka mushroom looks like an egg (this is the reason for one of its popular names - “witch's egg”). Then, as it matures, the shell bursts, and an unusual-looking fruiting body is pulled out of it, resembling a male genital organ in shape. "Witch's Egg" initial stage growth of fungus common veselka. It was considered the best way to evoke a feeling of love - increasing attraction and improving potency.

Other names are phallus mushroom, stink morel and gouty morel. Grows from mid-July to late October. As a habitat, it prefers deciduous or mixed forests with a predominance of oaks, as well as rare thickets of shrubs and dense grass. Grows in parks or gardens under aspens or hazel. The fungus is not mycorrhizal, but is found near trees.

Common Vesyolka (Phallus impudicus) is a relative. The mushroom is not poisonous, it is edible in the egg stage.

The fruiting body of the common oyster mushroom is a vertical, hollow stem tapering upwards up to 20 cm long, 5-7 cm thick. The young mushroom looks very similar to an egg lying on the ground with its wide part.

Its off-white or yellowish "shell" hides the fruit body ripening in a jelly-like mass - a porous dark green hat and a lighter leg. At the right time, the "shell" bursts and breaks into 2-3 blades. Once free, the fruiting body begins to grow almost before our eyes. Rapid growth continues until the mushroom reaches 20 cm in height, its hat acquires a diameter of 5–6 cm, and the stem increases to 4 cm.

As can be seen in the photo, in a mature common oar, the hat takes on a bell-shaped shape with a flat top and a hole in the middle, its surface is covered with a thin mucous skin:

The leg is rounded, hollow. The surface of the leg is white or yellow fine-meshed. The upper part of the leg supports a conical or hemispherical or greenish-black color, abundantly covered with thick, spore-bearing mucus with an unpleasant odor. To the touch, the flesh of the cap is elastic, and the legs are loose. The fruiting body grows from an egg measuring 5x7cm. The lower part of the egg is attached to a white rhizomatous cord of mycelium.

Young veselka is completely odorless, but, when ripe, it acquires an unpleasant smell of carrion.

Vesyolka occurs from July to September.

According to the description, the veselka mushroom is similar to Ravinel's mutinus (Mutinus ravinelii). The smell of veselka is much more unpleasant than the smell of Ravinel's mutinus, which smells like carrion.

In some places in Western Europe, the egg is even considered tasty.

Look at the photo of the veselka mushroom, the description of which is given above:

The use and healing properties of Veselka ordinary (with video)

In Russia, it is not customary to eat veselka, but in some countries of Western Europe it is fried, collecting for this only young mushrooms that are in the “egg” stage. Before proceeding with the preparation of a particular dish, the mushrooms are freed from the peel and cleaned of the jelly-like mass. Veselka has excellent healing properties and has long been used to treat gout and rheumatism. At present, it is widely used as the main raw material for the creation of various medicines.

Veselka is also growing in Western Europe, and since interest in medicinal mushrooms is now incredibly high abroad (fungal therapy - the science of medicinal mushrooms - is considered the era of new discoveries), Veselka also hit the laboratory table. And it became a sensation!

In the last century, the use of Veselka mushroom was practiced only by healers. They were treated with any stages of cancer, non-healing ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the kidneys and liver, and were used for joint diseases. At the end of the 9th - beginning of the 20th century, the veselka was sent to England to the doctors of the royal court, where they prepared a drug for gout for royal people from it. The famous writer Balzac is one of those who checked medicinal properties Veselki ordinary on himself - he cured a stomach ulcer with the tincture of Phallus impudicus, which was prepared for him in St. Petersburg.

In the 20th century, veselka became a sensation, hitting the laboratory table of biochemists and standing on a par with the famous Japanese shiitake mushroom in terms of healing qualities. It turned out that its ability to release volatile antibiotics - dust-like substances (the so-called mushroom phytoncides) - is even higher than that of the Japanese medicinal shiitake mushroom. Vesselka phytoncides kill herpes, influenza, and hepatitis viruses.

At present, this is the only mushroom in the world that has shown a truly colossal antitumor activity - already on the 10th day, veselka substances stop the growth and reproduction of cancer cells!

It turned out that healing properties fungus veselka are extremely high. Its ability to remove cholesterol and lower blood pressure is 2 times higher than that of shiitake! But that's not all. Fungal phytoncides Veselka also turned out to be more active - they kill herpes, influenza, hepatitis and even AIDS viruses.

It treats veselka and malignant tumors (and any), resolves benign ones, lowers blood pressure, treats gastrointestinal ulcers, heals the kidneys. Veselka external vodka tincture heals trophic ulcers, bedsores, bites, wounds, skin cancer.

The Veselka Mushroom video shows how it grows in its natural habitat:

Do you know about the unique properties of the fungus mushroom? In an article about what diseases it treats and how to use it.

Veselka mushroom is an amazing and mysterious living organism. He is a Guinness record holder because of the extremely fast (5 mm per minute!) Leg growth. Popular names attract his attention - "witch's egg" and "shameless". In addition, the mushroom has a wide range of medicinal properties. It is said to cure cancer at any stage.

Where does Veselka mushroom grow in Russia and when should it be harvested?

The basidiomycete fungus vulgaris belongs to the phallus order. Indeed, in its mature form, due to the long stem and round cap, it very much resembles the male sexual organ in a state of arousal. Because of this specific "appearance", the people call the fungus "shameless".

It is enough to look at the veselka mushroom to understand why it is called the "shameless"

"Sramotnik" grows in temperate latitudes, in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests.

  1. Veselka reproduces by spores of round, oval, elliptical shape.
  2. The mushroom cap develops in the ground. It has a round shape and a size of approximately 6 cm by 5 cm. At first it is light gray, it darkens as the mushroom matures.
  3. The paddle leg can “shoot” 10-30 cm out of the ground
  4. Lives "samotnik" only two days. At the very beginning, it is a grayish gelatinous egg with a mycelial strand at the base. During the ripening period, a dark olive hat rises on a dense light leg with spongy walls. By the end of the second day of life, the veselka exudes a fetid odor, and on the third day it disappears without a trace.

Very often, the "witch's egg" forms a symbiosis with beech, oak and shrubs, you need to look for it under them.

Phases of the "life" of the fungus veselka.

In Russia, it can be collected:

  • in the Caucasus
  • in the Black Sea area
  • in Siberia

IMPORTANT: The gathering season for oarfish is quite large: the mushroom can be found from May to October

Medicinal properties of the medicinal mushroom Veselka: what does it treat?

People have known about the healing properties of Veselka for a long time. Here are some interesting facts:

  1. Back in the 19th century, blue-blooded persons were treated with this mushroom in France, Germany and England.
  2. A.S. Veselka helped Pushkin with thrombophlebitis, and Balzac is supposed to have cured it peptic ulcer stomach
  3. Veselka was also treated by the Russian royal family

So what does this wonderful mushroom help with?

  1. First, cancer. Moreover, at any stage of this terrible disease. Polysaccharides in the composition of the fungus stimulate the production of perforin in the human body, which causes the destruction of cancer cells. It is believed that infusions of the "witch's egg" stop the growth of malignant tumors of all internal organs, and also treat skin folds, leukemia, papillomas, fibromas, fibroids, cysts and other benign neoplasms
  2. Secondly, from many internal diseases, for example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and reproductive systems
  3. Thirdly, Veselka preparations are externally used for non-healing and infected wounds, trophic ulcers, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin diseases.
  4. Fourth, the mushroom helps boost immunity and also acts as a powerful antiviral and antibacterial agent with many infectious diseases, ranging from acute respiratory viral infections and purulent tonsillitis, ending with viral hepatitis B and C

VIDEO: The mushroom - which cures Cancer and Oncology and AIDS - is the Veselka mushroom or the witch's egg, damn egg

Veselka mushroom in official medicine

It would be surprising if official medicine did not become interested in people talking about the miraculous properties of the "witch's egg", did not try to confirm or refute them.
In the 20th century, scientific studies of this fungus were periodically conducted in various countries of the world, during which its antitumor and many other properties were confirmed. beneficial features.

IMPORTANT: At the junction of traditional and alternative medicine, there is a special method of treatment with mushrooms - fungotherapy. Within the framework of this method, the veselka is used in one form or another.

How to prepare a tincture of Veselka mushroom on vodka? "Witch's egg" on Cahors and water

For treatment and prevention various diseases fun use:

  • in pure raw form
  • thermally processed in the composition of dishes
  • in the form of tincture on vodka, Cahors and water
  • in the form of a decoction

RECIPE:"Witch's egg" on alcohol

Needed: young veselka mushroom in the form of an egg - 100 g fresh (or 20 g dry), vodka - 400 ml

  • mushrooms are washed and cut crosswise to expose the core
  • put mushrooms in a glass jar
  • pour vodka over water
  • infuse the mushroom for 2 weeks, at which time the jar should be in a dark place

IMPORTANT: They say that the healing properties of the veselka will increase if, before making each cut on the mushrooms, dip the knife in Epiphany water. You can also replace vodka with cahors consecrated in the church

RECIPE: Veselka mushroom oil preparation

"Witch's egg" can be insisted on oil.

Needed: fresh mushroom Veselka - 50 g, olive oil - 200 ml

  • mushrooms finely chopped or grated
  • oil is heated to 38-40 degrees
  • the mushroom is placed in a glass and poured with warm oil
  • the drug is placed in the refrigerator for 5 days
  • after filter and apply

RECIPE: Decoction of the "witch's egg"

Needed: mushroom dry - 10 g, water - 400 ml

  • water is brought to a boil
  • prepare a water bath at the same time
  • the mushroom is poured with boiling water, the container with it is placed in a water bath
  • simmer the broth for 15 minutes
  • cool and insist for an hour
  • filter and apply

IMPORTANT: For the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases, it is necessary to take from 1 liter to 3 liters of tincture or decoction of the “samotnik” for the course, so the proportions according to recipes can be increased

VIDEO: How Vesyolki mushrooms are harvested. Recipe for preparing a medicine

The use of Veselka mushroom in folk medicine

  1. "Sramotnik" treats various endocrine diseases, including diabetes of the first and second types and diseases thyroid gland. To do this, the tincture of the fungus must be taken for 3 months according to the following scheme: 3 weeks of admission - 1 week of break
  2. The fungus is used for complex treatment severe viral diseases, such as hepresviruses, cytomegaloviruses, papillomavirus, hepatitis viruses. To raise the body's defenses to resist infection, you need to gradually drink 3 liters of tincture or decoction (1 dessert spoon 3 times a day)
  3. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels bring severe discomfort and slowly kill the body. This is where the magic mushroom can help. It has the ability to remove cholesterol from the body, “cleanse” the blood from its plaques. Veselka tincture, taken for a month twice a day before meals, normalizes arterial pressure. With varicose veins, the tincture can be applied externally in the form of lotions. They should be applied once a day to areas with a "mesh" for 15-20 minutes. But! It is impossible to warm compresses on the veins!
  4. If a person has gastritis or an ulcer, it is recommended to take an oil tincture of veselka. Firstly, the fungus itself has bactericidal and wound-healing properties, and secondly, the oil envelops the organ covered with erosion. With hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, you can insert candles with a veil, the recipe for their preparation is given below
  5. With the help of the drug "witch's egg" you can cure cystitis, pyelonephritis, get rid of polyps in bladder. The mushroom has a beneficial effect on the male and female reproductive systems. He is a strong aphrodisiac, helps men regain sexual power. Veselka candles are used to treat prostatitis in men, inflammatory diseases genital organs in women (then they are used rectally or vaginally). With mastopathy, lactostasis, a cake made of clay, water and alcohol tincture of veselka is applied to the chest. If you take a tincture of Veselka in oil inside, you can increase the amount breast milk with a young mother. But! During pregnancy, fungal preparations should not be used, as it has abortive properties.
  6. People in the second half of life are recommended to use preparations of the "witch's egg" for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, coxarthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout. With plaques in the joints, the tincture diluted with water is rubbed into problem areas. They do the same with sciatica, after rubbing they wrap themselves up and fall asleep
  7. During the epidemic of SARS and influenza, veselka tincture is used as an immunostimulant: they drink 1 teaspoon of the drug after breakfast, lunch and dinner
  8. Veselka lotions are very effective in treating skin allergies, prickly heat, ulcers and fungus. If you wipe the insect bite with tincture, it will not become inflamed and will not itch. The infusion can be used for burns and frostbite 1 and 2 degrees

RECIPE: Candles with veselka mushroom (10 pcs)

Needed: cocoa butter - 25 g (food), propolis tincture - 2 ml, veselka tincture - 5 ml

  • from foil and a cap for the pen prepare molds for candles
  • cocoa butter is heated in a water bath and mixed with propolis and veselka tinctures
  • keep in a water bath for another 5 minutes to evaporate the alcohol
  • pouring warm oil into molds
  • they send the cuts to freeze in the refrigerator, and keep them there all the time of treatment

Prostatitis mushroom treatment

Prostatitis is a scourge of men after 50. They are looking for any ways to cure this disease, to overcome the physical and psychological discomfort associated with it. Sad consequences prostatitis are adenoma and prostate cancer. You can save yourself from this disease:

  • candles with witch's egg tincture
  • microclysters with this drug

RECIPE: Microclyster from prostatitis with tincture of Veselka

Needed: Veselka tincture - 3 tbsp. spoons, cooled boiled water - 100 ml, syringe

  • tincture of "shame" is diluted in water
  • collect the solution in a syringe
  • make a microclyster
  • the procedure is recommended to be carried out every day in a course of 2 weeks, with a break in a week 3 courses of enemas

Veselka mushroom tincture: instructions for use in oncology

  • course of treatment - 12 months
  • take tincture for 30 days in a row, then take a break for 10 days
  • the number of receptions per day - 2-3
  • drink tincture should be before meals, about half an hour
  • a single dose of 1 dessert to 1 tablespoon of tincture, depending on the stage of the disease

After the first course of treatment with tincture, it is necessary to undergo a second examination. As a rule, their results are pleasing. If the patient's condition does not improve, he may need to switch to another medicine.

IMPORTANT: Cancer patients do not need to consider Veselka a panacea. The fungus is by no means an alternative to the treatment provided by the official protocol! Also, there is no need to wait for instant healing: cancer is a very serious disease, it takes months and years to fight it.

Is it possible and how to grow veselka mushroom at home? Mushroom mycelium Veselka

Healing fungus Veselku can be grown at home. To do this, you need to buy seedlings.

IMPORTANT: Veselka seedlings are called mycelium. It is sold in packs of 100 g. The average price of a pack is $10.

  1. This package is enough for planting a mushroom on 2 square meters (under a tree or a bush)
  2. Mycelium is ordered in winter, then it survives the shipment better.
  3. Before planting, it is stored in the refrigerator.
  4. For planting, it is necessary to go deep into the ground to a depth of 30 cm and organize a nutrient medium for the fungus in three layers (10 cm each)
  5. The bottom layer is formed from leaves, grass and tree bark.
  6. The middle layer is forest humus. Mycelium is poured into it (evenly)
  7. The top layer repeats the bottom and is formed from the remains of plants
  8. From above, the landing site of the veselka is covered with garden soil

The first crop of "witch mushrooms" can be harvested 1.5 - 2 months after planting, then new ones will grow twice a month. The mushroom picker will live for about 5 years.


Is it possible to buy Veselka mushroom in capsules at a pharmacy?

Pharmacies sell a bioadditive - Veselka mushroom in capsules. It is taken 1-2 capsules twice a day for a course of 1-2 months.

VIDEO: Secrets of longevity. Elixir of youth mushroom "Veselka"

Mushroom treatment (fungotherapy) is becoming one of the most popular areas of traditional medicine. Truly miraculous mushrooms grow in our forests, which have long been successfully used by our ancestors for various pathologies. And, undoubtedly, the first miracle worker on this list is the amazing fungus mushroom, the healing properties of which cannot be underestimated.

Vesyolka mushroom: useful properties

One of the most amazing creatures of nature is the fungus mushroom. He is unique in every way, from appearance and ending with an amazing healing effect on the human body.

Vesyolka is not the only name of this miracle mushroom. Its official name is already impressive. In Latin, it sounds beautiful - Phallus impudicus, but is translated quite unexpectedly - the shameless phallus. To match the Latin name and the local nicknames of the merry - samotnik, upstart, witch mushroom, damn eggs, earthen oil.

The appearance of the fun shocked stiff British women. They say that the daughter of the famous Charles Darwin, the champion of gender equality Henrietta Emma undertook to defend the chastity of fellow citizens. She went at dawn to the surrounding forests for a merciless mushroom hunt. She personally trampled down or smashed each merry girl she met with a stick - so that the indecent mushroom would not embarrass the ladies, who would go for a morning walk a little later.

"Damn's eggs" - this is only the first stage of development of a strange fungus. White balls, very similar to banal raincoats, grow out of mushroom spores and for some time lie completely harmlessly under the trees of a deciduous or mixed forest, or even just under some kind of fence.

In fact, inside such a ball ripens in jelly useful mushroom. Then there comes a moment when the leathery film of the egg bursts, and a hollow mushroom arrow literally breaks free from it, spreading around a breathtaking, incomparable smell.

A samotnik is born covered with mucus and grows incredibly fast - up to 30 centimeters per hour. On this occasion, the mushroom is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

What does witch mushroom smell like, how to find and save it

It is by the "aroma" that experienced mushroom pickers find their treasure. They talk in completely different ways about what the fun smells like: someone talks about an unbearable stench that resembles carrion or rotten meat, and someone talks about a sweet and delicate floral aroma.

By the way, the English call the fun "stinkhorn", which translates as "stink".

In addition, the specific aroma of veselka attracts not only mushroom pickers, but also hordes of insects. Beetles and flies greedily eat mushroom mucus saturated with spores, and if you are a little late, then only a wet place will remain from the miracle mushroom in the literal sense of the word. Insects spread the spores of the fungus over long distances, which explains the appearance of new mushroom "clutches" in completely unexpected places.

For medicinal purposes, either "eggs" or young oars are collected. The older the mushroom, the less useful it remains. However, these mushrooms usually do not live to a ripe old age, insects eat them earlier. Therefore, connoisseurs usually go in search of fun even after dark, in the morning.

Interestingly, the peak of the season for these mushrooms surprisingly coincides with the pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala. Herbalists compare it to a mystical fern flower and go out in search either on the magical night itself, or a few days later or earlier. However, these are more myths than truth: in fact, fun is found throughout the summer, from May to September.

Sometimes the collected mushrooms are grown at home - they simply dig an egg along with a small root and plant it in an ordinary flower pot filled with earth from the forest. However, even without land, a plucked egg will continue to develop for a day or two. The veselka grows quite large - up to thirty centimeters.

It is dried or preserved with vodka, which allows it to retain its medicinal properties for up to two years. Mushroom decoctions are stored for a very short time. It is not worth freezing the fun for the future - it will lose a significant part of its healing qualities.

How fun mushrooms are harvested - video

Useful properties and composition: what the fun can treat

Such a direction of traditional medicine as fungotherapy came to us from the mysterious East. In Japanese, the word "fungo" means "mushroom". Exotic Japanese, Chinese and Korean shiitake, maitake, cordyceps and lingzhi mushrooms are now at the height of fashion and price. But treatment with medicinal mushrooms has long been practiced by Slavic healers, and their fun was beyond any competition.

Herbalists added fun to various drugs or brewed a potion from it without any impurities - the witch fungus alone has enough strength to cure very serious diseases:

  • cancerous tumors and even AIDS;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • viral hepatitis, herpes and influenza;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints, rheumatism and gout;
  • ulcers, bedsores and other difficult-to-heal wounds, psoriasis;
  • allergy and its symptoms;
  • diabetes;
  • blood and lymph diseases;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • female pathologies: inflammation, mastopathy, myoma, infertility;
  • male impotence.

Such an impressive list is reinforced by the fact that the veselka is incredibly rich in active and often unique biological substances, and this forms its powerful healing properties. Chemical composition mushroom is represented by:

  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • phytoncides;
  • phytosteroids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals.

Phytoncides play a special role in this list - most of the healing qualities of a bizarre creation of nature are based on them.

Cancer treatment

Mushroom polysaccharides stimulate the body to produce special cytotoxic proteins - perforins, the so-called cancer killers. Their task is to destroy damaged cells, primarily cancer cells. Perforins make pores, tiny holes in their membranes, the cancer cell loses its ability to grow and divide, and eventually dies.

Veselka preparations are effectively used to treat both benign and malignant tumors that are localized in the throat, lungs, uterus, mammary glands and on the skin. There are examples of successful healing from neoplasms of other localizations. The intake of mushroom preparations should be combined with a diet depleted in proteins - either completely abandon meat, or minimize its consumption. During this period, it is worth adding to your diet as many vegetables, fruits as possible, and especially green salads seasoned with high-quality vegetable oil.

The treatment of oncology with the help of biologically active substances of the fungus fungus can be regarded solely as an auxiliary. Only a doctor can prescribe a basic medical plan. And self-medication is extremely dangerous - you can irretrievably lose precious time or direct therapy in an unpredictable direction.

Unfortunately, the fungus is a rather rare mushroom, its composition and properties have not yet been fully studied. Scientists who will study it, no doubt, have to make many more bright discoveries.

Traditional medicine recipes

Fungus fungus for healing and weight loss is eaten raw and preparations are made from it: natural fermented juice, tinctures and decoctions. Dried mushroom powder is added to medicinal ointments and cosmetic creams.

Features of use for medicinal purposes

It must be remembered: heat treatment weakens the power of the witch fungus. Never heat preparations with fresh or dried oars above forty degrees.

For the same reason, veselki are dried only in the “grandmother's” way - strung on a thread, away from sunlight. Freezing also deprives the mushroom of its healing power. Fresh mushrooms are not washed before use - they are only brushed from the ground and forest debris and wiped with a sponge or cloth.

How to make powder


  1. Cut the damn eggs into thin plates and dry thoroughly - naturally, and not in the oven or electric dryer.
  2. Grind dried mushrooms to a powder state in a coffee grinder.
  3. The drug is hygroscopic, so it should be stored in a tightly closed glass jar.


  1. For bronchitis, tonsillitis and pneumonia, make an infusion of the powder in hot milk:
    • pour a teaspoon of ground mushrooms into a glass of boiling milk;
    • insist and drink warm, along with mushroom suspension;
    • are treated for a week, taking a glass of funds in the morning and evening.
  2. In diseases of the lungs, liver and digestive organs, as well as for the prevention viral infections and oncology, a mixture of mushroom powder with honey helps a lot:
    • in a glass of candied honey stir a teaspoon of powder;
    • keep warm for three hours, then continue to insist in the refrigerator;
    • the portion is designed for a three-month intake - a coffee spoon on an empty stomach every morning.

Universal tincture of fresh mushrooms


  1. Pour three liters of vodka, 40-degree moonshine or natural red wine into 750 grams of mushrooms - this is about twenty "eggs".
  2. To prepare the tincture, use glass, porcelain or ceramic dishes that are tightly closed.
  3. The folk remedy must be infused in the dark for at least three weeks, the optimal infusion time is two to three months.
  4. At the end of the infusion, the mushrooms are not thrown away, but are also gradually used for medicinal purposes: they make a balm with them, applications, or simply eat them.


  1. This tincture is universal and suitable for healing from many diseases.
  2. The regimen is also universal, but it can be adjusted depending on the severity of the pathology and the recommendations of the doctor.
  3. Usually they drink a teaspoon of tincture twice a day for a month and a half, taking four-day breaks every two weeks.

Balm for diseases of the digestive system, varicose veins


  1. Mushrooms left after infusion are used to make a balm.
  2. Vesyolki grind or grind with a blender.
  3. For 0.5 kilograms of chopped mushrooms, add 3 tablespoons of honey and a liter of finished tincture, mix.
  4. Store in the dark and cold.


  1. The balm is used orally for the treatment of chronic diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Drink a folk remedy should be half an hour before each meal, a tablespoon.
  3. The course of treatment is two months. Every two weeks you need to take a five-day break.
  4. With varicose veins and joint pains, it is useful to lubricate problem areas with balm every evening.

Mushroom powder tincture


  1. Pour five tablespoons of mushroom powder with three liters of vodka.
  2. Infuse at room temperature for a month and a half, shaking occasionally.


  1. The recommended scheme for taking this drug: a liter of tincture should be consumed within a month, a teaspoon three times a day. You need to drink the medicine half an hour before eating.
  2. After a monthly course, you should take a break for a week, during which you should drink decoctions of herbs indicated for your illness.
  3. For preventive purposes, the dose of tincture is reduced by a factor of three - they drink one teaspoon on an empty stomach.

Tincture for external use in rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases


  1. Cut a large young mushroom into several parts and pour a glass of vodka or moonshine.
  2. Close the jar of tincture tightly and put it in a cool place for at least three weeks.
  3. You don't need to filter.


  1. It is used to treat varicose veins, joint inflammation and wound healing.
  2. Wounds are rubbed with tincture three to five times a day until complete healing.
  3. Varicose veins are treated with lotions (not compresses!), Applying them twice a day for 20-30 minutes.
  4. With rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases of the joints, therapeutic bandages are made at night for two to three weeks.

Oil tincture


  1. Pour a teaspoon of mushroom powder into 0.5 liters of warm olive oil or flax seeds.
  2. Stir and insist - a day at room temperature and another week in the refrigerator, do not strain.
  3. The bottle of veselka oil should be shaken vigorously before use to mix the ingredients.


  1. Vesyolka oil, when applied externally, quickly heals burns, bedsores and trophic ulcers - wounds need to be lubricated two to three times a day.
  2. It is recommended to use the drug inside for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines and inflammation of the kidneys - a folk remedy is taken in a teaspoon before meals three times a day. Treatment lasts for a month with breaks for seven days.

It is undesirable to use oil tincture for liver problems.

Infusion for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the prostate


  1. Boil water and cool it down a bit.
  2. In the evening, pour a glass of warm water into a thermos and stir a teaspoon of mushroom powder in it.


  1. In the morning, the infusion will be ready - it will need to be drunk three times before meals.
  2. This mild and effective remedy helps well in the treatment of problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. With regular and prolonged use (at least three months), even old ulcers in the stomach and intestines are scarred.
  4. After each month of taking the infusion, you should take a break for a week.
  5. According to the same scheme, the infusion is used to strengthen men's health: the treatment of prostatitis, adenoma and improve potency.

Healing candles for women's health


  1. Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath.
  2. Add the powder when the oil temperature does not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. Thoroughly mix the ingredients until the mass thickens.
  4. Cut the food foil into rectangles the size of candy wrappers.
  5. Form candles from the hardening mixture and wrap them in foil.
  6. Store prepared candles in the refrigerator.


  1. Candles are used to treat hemorrhoids, inflammation, benign and malignant tumors, genital infections, female diseases.
  2. Depending on the location of the pathology, the suppository is inserted into the anus or vagina.
  3. Treatment is carried out once a day, before going to bed.
  4. The treatment cycle is ten days. The full course consists of three to four cycles with weekly breaks.

Fermented juice for the treatment of liver, diabetes, blood purification


  1. Fill a three-liter bottle with mushroom "eggs", cut into large pieces.
  2. Close the bottle and leave for fermentation in a dark place for ten weeks at room temperature.
  3. Squeeze out the released juice through several layers of gauze and pour it into an opaque bottle.


  1. For the treatment of the liver and diabetes juice is taken in a teaspoon three times a day for a month.
  2. In the same dosage, a folk remedy helps to cleanse the blood and lymph, normalize high blood pressure, strengthens immune system and has a strong preventive effect against colds and viral infections.

Application in oncology

Fresh mushrooms are most useful for the prevention and treatment of oncology. They are collected throughout the season, from May to September, in the phase of a ripened egg and eaten raw, one or two per week. To make the product tastier and better absorbed, small portions of salad are made from it: they are cut into thin plates, sprinkled with herbs and seasoned with sour cream.

Universal vodka vodka tincture with oncological diseases are taken as follows:

  • from the 1st to the 10th and from the 15th to the 24th day they drink a teaspoon before meals three times a day and wash down each dose with a raw egg (preferably a quail);
  • from the 11th to the 13th day they take a break;
  • on the 14th and 29th days - the same as the first 10 days, but the single dose is increased from a teaspoon to a tablespoon;
  • from the 25th day - a break for two weeks;
  • two weeks of admission according to the scheme of the first ten days.

The fermented veselka juice is lightly rubbed several times a day into the skin area above the site of the tumor.

Important: all reception schemes folk remedy should be coordinated with the attending oncologist!

For beauty: application in cosmetology

Mushroom jelly, which is contained in the "egg" of the fun, has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the skin. It is enough to apply this unique natural product on the face, neck and décolleté for 15 minutes so that wrinkles disappear and the complexion improves significantly. Masks are made every other day or two, if possible, throughout the mushroom season.

Perfectly refreshes and tones the skin lotion, which wipe the face in the morning and evening. To make such a cosmetic product is very simple: you need to pour two tablespoons of alcohol tincture of Vesyolka into a glass of mineral water.

Add a teaspoon of this tincture to your favorite shampoo, and to the usual face and body creams - a few drops of veselka-based oil - the result will surprise and delight you.

For weight loss

Actively stimulating metabolic processes in the body and normalizing the work of all digestive organs, the wonderful fungus fungus also contributes to the burning of fats.

For the period of weight loss, Veselka should be combined with any diet that suits you and physical activity. It is enough to replace dinner three times a week with half a mushroom "egg" and a cup of unsweetened green tea in order to be guaranteed to lose from seven to ten kilograms in a month. At the same time, the skin will retain its freshness and elasticity.

Alternatively, you can take effective weight loss infusion of mushroom powder on mineral water. In this case, the glass of the product, prepared the night before, must be divided into two equal parts. Drink the first on an empty stomach, and the second - one and a half to two hours before bedtime. The course of admission is three weeks.


When treating a fungus, it is very important not to exceed the dosage of mushroom preparations. First of all, this concerns the most active agent based on the witch fungus - alcohol tincture, the abuse of which can cause digestive disorders and nervous system. It is better to refuse its use in case of exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the heart, liver and kidneys, as well as in case of atrophy of the pancreas. Vesyolka infusions on milk and honey have a milder effect on the body, but even when they are taken, proven treatment regimens should not be violated.

The presence of autoimmune diseases is a contraindication for the treatment of fungus, since biologically active substances fungi increase immunity, and this can provoke an exacerbation of diseases of this kind.

Witch fungus preparations should not be taken by children under the age of ten, as well as by women during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding him. There are also individual contraindications, expressed in intolerance to the folk remedy.

Vesyolka mushroom treatment - video

Veselka mushroom does not look attractive, one might say not beautiful. Not a single description calls him a stinker and a damn egg. But its medicinal properties treat many ailments, even a disease such as cancer. This common species grows in deciduous forests. It is easy to grow even at home.

Veselka mushroom - medicinal properties

Contraindications to the use of Veselka mushroom

The healing properties of the devil's egg have practically no contraindications. Nevertheless, its use is prohibited for children, pregnant and lactating women. The tool can be taken simultaneously with other natural medicines.

Veselka mushroom - use in traditional medicine

IN folk medicine stink is used to treat such diseases:
benign and malignant tumors;
diseases of the kidneys and liver;
ulcers and tuberculosis;
varicose veins and gout;
diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Preparation of tincture from veselka mushroom - recipe for tincture from veselka

You can prepare a healing infusion in several ways. However, the most useful is vodka tincture. If you do not know how to make veselka mushroom tincture, write down the recipe. 5 grams of powder or 50 gr. fresh raw materials pour 200 ml of vodka. Insist 14 days in the refrigerator and take unstrained. The longer the tincture is infused, the stronger its healing properties will be.
External application requires a different infusion. Grind 100 g of fresh veselka and pour over a glass of vodka. Insist at least 10 days in the cool. Treatment is carried out in the form of lotions.

How to take Veselka mushroom for oncology?

Oncology has been using the fungus Veselka extensively since the Second World War. Patriotic War. How domestic doctors learned about this recipe is unknown. It is necessary to take a folk infusion in a teaspoon in the morning and before bedtime. You need to drink the remedy with a raw egg or eat 1 tsp. honey. With skin cancer, external treatment is also necessary. Then make three-time compresses from the tincture. Remember that such therapy is carried out in a complex manner. The time of therapy lasts 30 days, after a break of 2 weeks.

The reviews of people who have used the damn egg to fight cancer are mostly positive. The main thing is that in this case there is no contraindication, and it is impossible to cause harm.

For the treatment of the stomach mushroom Veselka

Other diseases of the stomach are cured by decoction. In folk medicine, an old recipe is used:

1 tsp powder or finely chopped mushroom pour only boiled milk (1 cup). Wait for the milk to cool to room temperature, stir and drink in one gulp. Pieces of raw materials also need to be eaten. You need to take such a decoction 2 r. per day for a week.

For the prevention of various diseases in folk medicine, a water decoction is taken. Description of the recipe: dilute an incomplete teaspoon of powder in a cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and drink. In this case, the medicinal properties will not only prevent viruses, but also cleanse both the blood and the body.

Reviews about the use of fungus Veselka

People's opinions are very different. There are bad ones among them. Since the fungus is able to have wound-healing qualities, they were perfectly treated festering wounds, burns and allergies. In some cases, only compresses were enough, which were done for 5 days.

Lots of reviews on cancer treatment. A really young mushroom stopped the recurrence, and the cancer did not progress. There was a moment when Veselka made oncology completely disappear, but chemotherapy and medications also influenced here.

A water remedy in folk medicine was often used during the flowering of plants that brought allergies. So chronic allergy sufferers drank this remedy for a month and added fresh mushroom to the baths. The result is amazing - the allergy did not manifest itself.

There are also negative reviews, where the use of alcohol tincture caused vomiting, diarrhea and loss of consciousness. However, it is impossible to say exactly why this happened. Usually this is how an overdose occurs. Therefore, in order not to cause harm, do not increase the dosage even by a few grams.

How to dry and when is the veselka mushroom going?

A detailed description and its unusual appearance will help to recognize this rarest species. It grows like an egg at 5 mm per minute and lives for a maximum of 3 days. Herbalists recommend collecting raw materials when the mushroom has not yet opened. At this point, its healing properties are most active. The most valuable is his leg. You can collect stink after the first heavy rains. In early September. It usually grows until the first frosts, but now growth stops already in mid-October.

You need to dry in the shade, but in the heat. The sun's rays destroy the healing properties. It is useless to collect too young raw materials, since the active substances are not very concentrated. After drying, immediately grind the veselka into a powder and store in a glass.

Veselka ordinary is a mushroom that reaches a height of 30 cm and is found everywhere, in deciduous forests in particular. This mushroom is edible, it can even be eaten, although this applies only to young oars that are in the “egg” stage.

Mushroom has been considered since ancient times effective tool to enhance the potency of men. Scientific studies have shown that this is actually the case, the mushroom is the strongest aphrodisiac, because it contains phytosteroids, similar in their action to male sex hormones. In addition, it is possible to treat ordinary and other diseases, since it contains many other beneficial substances.

Why does the merry mushroom heal?

Medicine only in the 20th century recognized veselka as a medicinal mushroom for various diseases, which indicates the stability of the studies, as well as the huge baggage of supporting facts that have accumulated over the years of people using this fungus.

Medicinal properties

Today it is already known for sure that many diseases are possible. Studies on the study of the constituent biochemical components and the medicinal properties of the fungus gave interesting results:

Treatment of Veselka vulgaris

It should be noted that there are almost no contraindications for the use of veselka. The main thing in this case is the correct dosage and arrangement with substances that are aimed at the same goal. For example, treatment of hypertension with veselka mushroom involves taking a course of tincture of 2 mushrooms - shiitake and veselka. The first one is very popular in Asia, and is little used in Russia, while the veselka against hypertension is not as effective without it.

The mushroom in various forms is used to treat diseases such as:

Mushroom in folk medicine

Most often, oncology is treated with a fungus Veselka. It is unexpected malignancies and benign tumors inspire an incredible sense of insecurity and fear in the rigid approaches of today's medicine. The treatment of this disease brings a lot of harm to the human body and never goes away without consequences.

cancer remedy

  1. Mushroom fun must be collected together with the egg. Do not wash, but dry thoroughly.
  2. Put in a jar (3 l balloon - 6 pcs.) And pour strong home-made vodka.
  3. It should be insisted for 10 days in a dark, ventilated place.

It should be taken daily in a tablespoon three times a day. And immediately after taking it, drink it with a raw egg.

Use of the common oar

The mushroom will help to cope with various diseases and is considered effective in various forms that will not harm the body. Next, we will find out how Veselka fungus is treated for throat cancer and other oncological diseases, as well as in what forms and types it is used:

  • decoction of mushrooms;
  • water tincture, which helps to lower blood pressure and remove cholesterol;
  • fresh, crushed with sour cream - they are effective in the prevention against cancerous tumors;
  • alcohol tincture, which is effective against kidney diseases and pain in the stomach, is used for gout and for washing festering wounds;
  • dry.

Dry mushroom tincture

20 g of dry mushroom must be poured with a liter of vodka or Cahors. Insist 2 months. Such an infusion is taken without filtering. Also, dry veselka can be insisted on plain water. The mushroom is ground with a coffee grinder, then 0.5 g of the resulting powder must be poured with a glass of water. Insist during the day. During the day you need to drink everything with sediment together.

Veselka mushroom treatment with regular application of compresses from it to painful places will help get rid of various diseases, including bedsores, trophic ulcers, melanoma, and erysipelas. With its help, pressure is normalized, intestinal dysbacteriosis, ulcers and gastritis are treated.

Veselka mushroom: treatment, photo

Veselka is also used as an external remedy. With regular rubbing with a tincture of the fungus of diseased joints, pain decreases. When lubricating jelly created from a fresh mushroom, problem areas disappear in just three days, any allergic rashes, while the skin becomes smooth and clean.

Mushroom egg tincture

To cook it, you need to cut 3 fresh veselka eggs into 4 parts, then pour them with a bottle of vodka. This mixture is infused for 2 months. Tincture must be taken depending on the disease - basically the dose reaches a tablespoon three times a day.

With the help of a tincture prepared from a fresh mushroom, it is possible to cure the throat, trachea, in addition, cancers of the esophagus, stomach and oral cavity. To do this, you need to drink a spoonful of the drink, then put a small piece of mushroom on your cheek, after removing it from the tincture. It is so important to go through the whole day without pulling the mushroom out of your mouth - its juice will be through oral cavity constantly flow to damaged organs, which as a result will lead to a cure for the disease. The healing process generally takes about 2 months.

Recipe for psoriasis and ulcers

You need to take 100 g of finely chopped fresh mushrooms or 10 g of dry ones, add a glass of alcohol and leave to infuse for at least two weeks, but the longer the better.

Unfiltered infusion is used as a lotion, applied to ulcers or affected skin twice a day.

Gathered in the forest, the veska itself is a completely harmless and recommended prophylactic and therapeutic agent for use. Drinking two spoons a day of this tincture can strengthen the immune system, as well as support the body in the treatment of any disease. An excellent general tonic is also considered to be the use of half a dried oar during viral seasonal influenza epidemics.

Although the danger of this fungus lies precisely in its inaccessibility and rarity. Substitutes in the form of tablets are a natural, at the same time, a pharmacy drug that is no longer so harmless and has many restrictions on use. For example, it is undesirable to take them to children under 5 years of age and pregnant women.

Other important point it is believed that veselka is the strongest aphrodisiac, therefore, it requires appropriate measures in use. From an overdose of such a tincture in men, hair follicles may begin to die, and this manifests itself in the future in the form of baldness.

This mushroom has undeniable medicinal properties, while the effect will not keep you waiting long, which means you need to try to cope with diseases with the help of fun. If the fly agaric is recognized as the king of medicinal mushrooms, then the veselka rightfully deserves to be called the queen.


At the present moment, no serious contraindications have been identified in the treatment of Veselka. As mentioned above, it is not necessary to prescribe it to lactating and pregnant women, children under 5 years old, since studies on the effect of the fungus on the human body during these periods, which are characterized by high vulnerability, have not been conducted. Since Veselka improves immunity, its use is not recommended for people who suffer from autoimmune diseases, including psoriasis, rheumatism, scleroderma, etc., as this can provoke an exacerbation.