Israel or Russia: where is it better to treat cancer? “Oncology can be treated in Russia Russian Cancer Research Center. n.blokhina ramn

Modern world is a civilization in which there is little that seems terrible to a person. However, at the word "cancer" many tense up and become nervous. Unfortunately, cancer today is still one of the most unpleasant and intractable diseases. However, you should not despair, on the contrary - you need to pull yourself together and quickly go for treatment.

An important question that arises when choosing a treatment is where to get it. Russian clinics, alas, did not receive the best marks in the practice of oncology. The reputation of cancer treatment in Russia is greatly hampered by the frequent lack of necessary components, long queues, waiting for quotas and rampant corruption: only through bribery can one get decent attention to one's problem and an adequate attitude of doctors. And it seems that neither doctors nor patients are to blame for this state of affairs, but I don’t want to get involved in this. In Europe, the USA and oncology, cancer treatment in Israel is on a different level. Of course, it will also remain far from free, but the money (and in the treatment of cancer this amount is quite large, wherever it takes place) will not be thrown away.

Although the quality of cancer treatment in Europe is at the highest level, we will rather consider Israeli oncology clinics, since they have a number of indisputable advantages for Russian citizens.

First, it's the price. Although treatment in Israel is clearly more expensive than at home, the cost of treatment will still be much lower than, say, in Germany. For example, the treatment of breast cancer with an equal number and type of procedures in Germany will amount to more than 2 million rubles, and in Israel - from 900 thousand. On average, Israeli prices are one third lower than European ones.

Meanwhile, the quality of the work of Israeli doctors is confirmed by time and many reviews. The statistics also give encouraging figures: now the probability of curing cancer in adults in Israeli medical centers is 60%. In children, the figure is even higher - all 80%.

It is especially important to note that Israel is rapidly developing in oncology, because the state pays great attention to this area (as well as medicine in general), making sure that the citizens of their country are healthy. In particular, clinics are equipped with the latest technology, and doctors undergo detailed training in its operation. What is called "high-tech treatment" in Russia is the norm in Israel.

In addition, Israeli employees receive their patients with enviable hospitality and generally treat them more delicately. The patient is met from the plane, they take care of the paperwork, carefully monitor the treatment process and even organize excursions around the country. In addition, what is especially important and what, according to the assurances of many patients of our clinics, Russia lacks - in Israel they are attentive to the patient not only as a body, an organism, but also as a person. Doctors and nurses are friendly and attentive, and patients can always seek psychological help and support from the center's staff.

Treating oncology in Israel or Russia, being treated at home or receiving medical care abroad is a purely individual decision. However, the choice is sometimes confusing.

Below are some facts that will tell the truth about oncology treatment abroad and in Russia, this will help save valuable time.

According to statistics, every minute one resident of Russia is diagnosed with cancer. If the situation does not change, in 10-15 years the number of cancer patients will increase by 20-25%. Oncology in Israel for all types of disease and stages reaches a high level of overall survival.

Oncology of Israel and Russia in numbers

Parameters: Oncology in Israel: Oncology in Russia:
Annual death from cancer 121 people per 100 thousand 204 people per 100 thousand
Five-year survival for all disease types and stages 64% 40%
Five-year survival rate for breast tumors at all stages 87% 50%
Five-year survival rate for lung cancer 25% no more than 6-7%
Survival in prostate cancer therapy over 90% no more than 50%
Survival in pancreatic cancer over 25% no more than 2%
New cases of cancer are diagnosed each year 280 thousand 500 thousand
The effectiveness of the healthcare system according to the international rating 4th place 130 place
Average cost of cancer treatment 20-50 thousand dollars 30000$

There are 48 general hospitals in Israel, almost all of them have specialized oncology clinics or oncology departments. Israeli clinics serve 200,000 cancer patients.

There are 26 oncological dispensaries in Moscow, 6 in St. Petersburg, 1-2 in regional and regional centers. In total, there are approximately 120 hospitals in Russia for 3 million cancer patients.

Israel is in 4th place in the international ranking of the effectiveness of health systems. Efficiency was assessed by life expectancy, absolute spending on medicine, and the share of spending on medicine in the country's GDP. Russia ranks 130th in this ranking.

Israel is among the top 10 countries with the highest level of spending in the field of medicine (in terms of per capita). Financing of medicine in Russia per person is 3.3 euros (according to calculations in the EU countries, each citizen needs an average of 10 euros).

Diagnostics of oncology in Israeli and Russian clinics

The main problem of the healthcare system in Russia is the diagnosis. In most cases, doctors detect a malignant tumor only at stage 3-4, when a person has little chance of recovery.

Also, for some patients with cancer (more than 20% of all cases), doctors make an inaccurate diagnosis.

Oncology treatment in Israel involves the use of modern equipment for diagnosis. Equipping Israeli hospitals with modern equipment eliminates the possibility of error and allows for the most effective treatment.

Also in Israel, the professionalism of medical personnel is very high. These factors contribute to the fact that today the survival rate of cancer patients in Israel is more than 80%. This is the percentage of patients who overcome the 5-year survival after treatment. In many cases, the disease is cured completely, especially for the early detection of oncology.

Correct diagnosis is the basis proper treatment. This principle is followed in the oncology departments of Israeli clinics. Often, patients are recommended to undergo an examination in Israel, after making an accurate diagnosis, they can return to their homeland and continue treatment at home.

Israeli and Russian oncology

In Russia, 500,000 cases of cancer are registered every year. And yet, in 2015, the national cancer program was closed, under which necessary medicines and equipment and medicines.

Israel is one of the world's leading countries with highly developed medicine. The success rate of oncology treatment is one of the highest. This is due to the large number clinical research, modern equipment for diagnostics, creation and implementation of innovations.

The state takes care of the healthcare sector, investing significant financial resources in the development of medical developments in the field of cancer treatment.

There are many world-class oncologists in Israel. It is important to understand that the treatment of oncology is not the work of one doctor, but of a whole team of specialists from different fields of medicine.

The cost of oncology treatment in Israel and Russia

In Israeli clinics, the pricing policy is formed on the basis of tariffs recommended by the Ministry of Health, while the prices of Russian hospitals are characterized by a wide range. This is due to fluctuations in Russian price lists depending on the specific clinic and city.

Hospitalization in the Russian state oncological hospital will cost on average from 30 to several hundred thousand rubles. The cost of hospitalization in an Israeli clinic for oncology treatment is from $600. An operation to remove a tumor in Russia costs from 40 thousand rubles. A surgical operation in Israel (depending on the location of the neoplasm, the type of tumor and the complexity of the operation) will cost from $ 8,000.

To the cost of cancer treatment in Russia, one should also add the purchase of medicines and 3-5 thousand "gratitude" to the medical staff. And in private clinics in the country, the cost of treatment sometimes exceeds the cost of treatment in foreign oncology departments. On the early stages oncology, a course of chemotherapy in a private clinic will cost 250-300 thousand rubles. At II and III stages of cancer, annual treatment can cost millions of rubles.

The success of treatment directly depends on when the patient went to the doctor for help. With timely detection of a tumor at an early stage and surgery to remove it, the cost of oncology treatment in Israel will be much less. The cost of a surgical operation to remove a tumor in Israel will cost 10-25 thousand dollars.

Why is oncology treatment in Israel preferred among patients from Russia and CIS countries?

  • Optimal ratio of quality and price medical services. The cost of oncology treatment in Israel with the high quality of medicine is relatively low: approximately 35-45% lower than in the US and 25-35% lower than in many European countries.
  • Russian-speaking environment. About a third of the Israeli population speaks Russian. In any clinic, there are always Russian-speaking nurses and nurses, and there are many Russian-speaking doctors among the leading Israeli doctors. A person will not have language problems outside the hospital walls either: most supermarkets and cafes have Russian-speaking staff.
  • Visa-free regime. Citizens from Russia and Ukraine do not require a visa to come to Israel for treatment.
  • Convenient transport links and location. The flight by plane takes only a few hours.
  • Mild climate promotes rapid recovery after surgery. An important part of the treatment of oncology in Israel is the opportunity to spend a lot of time outdoors and breathe in the healing sea air.
  • Unique properties of the Dead Sea- natural health resort. Stay and treatment here is indicated for many diseases, including skin diseases, diseases of the joints, nervous system, respiratory organs, etc.

So which country to choose?

Based on the data presented, it can be concluded that more efficient and. This is facilitated by the high standards of medicine in the country, modern equipment, developments, and the experience of doctors.

These data are supported by high survival after cancer treatment. Also, Israeli clinics adhere to official prices for treatment, they do not hide anything from the patient, they warn about everything in advance.

The medical center "Izmedic" will help in organizing the diagnosis and treatment of oncology in Israeli clinics. We will fully take care of all organizational issues - from finding doctors and clinics to ordering air tickets, booking accommodation and support. We will make sure that your trip is pleasant and the treatment is as effective as possible.

Cancer is a serious disease, but not a death sentence, especially if you are in the hands of real specialists!

When it comes to oncology, the Ministry of Health cheerfully juggles numbers: here we have defeated another type of cancer, and a cure for this is already on the way. We are constantly told that cancer is no longer a death sentence. But people keep dying. And not the last people.

Only in the last month due to oncological diseases satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov, TV presenter Boris Notkin, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, actor Nikolai Godovikov passed away. Couldn't they have been helped? And if cancer is incurable, why give people false hope?

Three months ago I lost my mother. The diagnosis is invasive ductal breast cancer. Irina Borisovna Veretennikova was a talented journalist who devoted her whole life to her beloved profession. She created the school-studio "Verb", where she taught children and teenagers to write, raised more than one generation of journalists, many of whom have now become real stars. I often hear words of gratitude addressed to my mother. I think that with the writing of this article, she, with her vast experience, would have done much better than me. Unfortunately, she is no longer alive. Perhaps her tragic story will help those who are now fighting this monstrous disease.

"Live as long as you want"

It all started a year and a half ago. My mother's hand began to swell and hurt. At first, she was driven from clinic to clinic, each time appointing the next analysis or examination in a month. So she did three mammograms and two ultrasounds, but questions remained. Finally, she got an appointment with an oncologist, who began his speech with unflattering epithets addressed to the head of the Ministry of Health, Veronika Skvortsova. On what light is he cursed medical reform, as a result of which doctors do not have enough medicines and advanced technology. “Maybe there is some kind of government task, the purpose of which is to reduce the population?” Mom joked. “Note, I didn’t say that,” the oncologist said gloomily.

At the same time, this doctor, by the way, a former surgeon, reassured me as best he could. According to him, breast cancer is now the most curable type of cancer, almost a runny nose. “Live as long as you want,” he encouraged.

We went to a paid clinic to do a biopsy, because the free one kicked us back for a month. When we brought the results to our clinic, my mother’s oncologist applauded: “This is your happiness, your star, now we can start treatment as soon as possible!”

Mom asked for an operation, but the doctor dissuaded her: now there are cocktails that target the tumor, so the operation is not needed. “You have no idea what leaps and bounds our medicine has taken forward!” - the doctor encouraged, not forgetting, however, to curse the Ministry of Health.

Meanwhile, friends from charitable foundations urged: we must insist on the operation. Otherwise, the system is set up so that cancer patients are simply sent home to die. We didn't know who to believe. We again went to a paid clinic, where we were also told about an incredible breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. This is how time passed. In December, at the free polyclinic, we were given an appointment for mid-January. Upon arrival, it turned out that one blood test was missing. A new appointment was scheduled for mid-February, like a mantra while repeating "just don't delay it."

"Almost Israelis"

In February, my mother started going to chemotherapy. She was told that four sessions a week would suffice. The first two had no effect, the hand continued to hurt, my mother began to live on Nurofen. On the third time, the doctors themselves said that she needed to change the cocktail and put a stronger drip. She knocked her mom out for two weeks. And then for the first time she said that she would no longer go to be treated. We persuaded the whole family - they say, everyone suffers the same way. But these were only words: she suffered, not we.

A family friend advised me to contact the European Medical Center (EMC). According to him, the equipment there is no worse than in Israel. Of course, treatment is not cheap, but what kind of money can we talk about in such a situation?

In the EMC, after undergoing a tomography, my mother was told that she had the 4th terminal stage. A course of radiology at the cost of 1.5 million rubles can help.

For her passage, my mother was asked to take chemotherapy protocols from the clinic where she had been treated before. Taking the papers, she casually told the cheerful doctor that she had computed tomography. "What for?" he was surprised. “Well, now, for example, I know that I have a brain metastasis,” my mother replied.

After that, the oncologist again began to go bankrupt, what a terrible minister - Skvortsova, which is why the queue for CT today reaches hundreds of people. “Why didn’t you offer me to do research for money?” Mom asked. The answer was: "It's not allowed." It is not supposed to be known that our medicine is not the most advanced in the world and needs something.

Once in the polyclinic, my mother was prescribed tramadol, which did not help. She suspected that there was no opium in it. “I know how opium affects me,” my mother was indignant, recalling the case of how, back in Soviet times, she became ill and the drug was found in a simple station first-aid post. Then she instantly felt better. No effect from hospital tramadol. “I wish I could write an investigation,” my mother said.

What happened next? Having paid the required amount, my mother completed that expensive course at the European Medical Center. Doctors - "almost Israelis" - said that if nothing was done, she would live a maximum of eight months. And if you do - then from three years or more. We have done. Signed up for this 1.5 million radiology course. But, in my opinion, it definitely didn’t help her, if it didn’t get worse. Carcinomatosis got out on the skin, the brain was damaged - this was just what she feared most of all. Therefore, she agreed to cauterize the focus in the brain.

When we brought her for examination, she could no longer walk on her own. Doctors just shrugged and advised us to treat mom with care, love and prayer.

They gave her three months. Mom lived for a month.


What is Russia missing in terms of anti-cancer developments? Today, personal genomics is gaining popularity in the world, which predicts the risk of cancer. After all, each cell of our body contains invaluable biological information - a set of hereditary material that determines the construction and functioning of the body. That is, oncologists treat not just cancer, but a specific person, taking into account all the features of his body.

“The same approach to treating all cases of breast cancer or lung cancer is inherently ineffective because the tumors have significant genetic differences,” says Michael Roizen, chief physician at the Institute of Valueology at the Cleveland Clinic. – This means that some treatments will be more or less effective. Genome analysis will help patients avoid unnecessary, highly toxic drugs.”

On this topic

Actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, who, according to media reports, was diagnosed with brain cancer, did not want to use an experimental American vaccine in treatment, which was treated for Zhanna Friske, who died of cancer in 2015.

Another popular technology is cancer immunotherapy. Its meaning is to place specific antigens on the surface of tumor cells. Thus, oncologists turn immunity into an effective weapon against many types of cancer. “By studying the genetic profile of tumors, we can understand how they bypass our immune system”, explains Dr. Roizen.

A real breakthrough in cancer immunotherapy occurred in 2011, when ipilimumab, an immune checkpoint inhibitor, was developed. This drug is used to treat malignant melanoma.

They say that in 2015, former US President Jimmy Carter got rid of inoperable melanoma with the help of a similar drug - pembrolizumab.

Now scientists are developing the so-called targeted delivery of chemotherapy drugs. The fact is that most drugs of this kind today are low molecular weight organic compounds, often do not overcome biological barriers on the way to a tumor and are distributed throughout the body. "Targeted" delivery is more efficient and less toxic to the body. For this role, scientists have adapted nanoparticles - polymer particles, lipids, metal molecules, silicon. They carry drugs directly into the tumor.

There is also such a thing as "training of cancer cells." Each of us has enough oncogenes in the body, and some researchers are working on the problem of their reprogramming. In 2015, the Mayo Clinic staff introduced the Cancer Shutdown Program. Theoretically, this could stop carcinogenesis and restore normal cell function.

Other treatments include phototherapy and cryotherapy. The first allows destroying malignant tumor cells under the influence of a light flux of a certain wavelength (photohem, photoditazine, radachlorin, photosens, alasens, photolon, etc.). The second is a technique for using the deep cold obtained through liquid nitrogen or argon to destroy abnormal tissue. It is believed that frozen cells can no longer receive nutrients.

A thousand people a day

The death rate from cancer in the country is not decreasing

According to Veronika Skvortsova, in terms of cancer treatment, the Russian Ministry of Health is also not sitting still. According to the minister, “a lot of interesting things are being produced” for the treatment of cancer. Where is all this?

According to Skvortsova, domestic scientists have made significant progress in the development of anticancer drugs. “This is the study of carcinogenesis, the study of the mechanisms of metastasis and, of course, the formation of a new personalized pharmacology, and first of all, this is targeted immunotherapy, and we already have 26 drugs at various stages of testing,” Veronika Skvortsova specified. At the same time, she noted that each of the 26 drugs is designed to increase the duration and quality of life of people with cancer, including at an advanced stage. But will the Russians see these drugs? Or is it all just empty words? No wonder the program to help cancer patients in the budget for this year was cut from 909 to 801 million rubles. That is, medicine has stepped forward by leaps and bounds, but it seems that it did not take citizens with it. According to statistics, about a thousand people die of cancer every day in Russia.

"We're treading water"

In the meantime, it became known that the chief oncologist of the famous Blokhin Kashirka Center, an extra-class surgeon, Professor Mikhail Davydov, was resigning. On his account - 18 thousand complex operations. Reportedly, the doctor quits voluntarily because of his age - according to the new law, after 70 years it is no longer possible to be the head physician. However, according to rumors, the reason is completely different. They say that Mikhail Ivanovich used to tell the truth to health officials, which they did not like much. Davydov severely criticized the system of organizing care for cancer patients, in particular, he fundamentally disagreed with the existing quota procedure. “Why does one person have the right to life, while another is denied a quota?” the surgeon asked. And he cited data: the gap in the level of financing of healthcare in the Russian Federation and, for example, Germany or France is no less than 14 times.

The professor was outraged by the fact that the center on Kashirka is funded by the state for only a third of its real needs. “We are marking time,” Davydov said. “Today, de jure, we have adopted the state model of health care. But de facto, it has been largely mutilated, primarily by the alien introduction of insurance medicine. Even in the old Soviet times, with all the poverty and lack of everything in the world, we had a clear model of preventive, diagnostic, curative and restorative medicine. It was harmonious system that has been copied all over the world."

Mikhail Davydov gained great public support. Many artists and doctors, including Leonid Roshal, President of the Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology, opposed his dismissal. So, probably, Davydov will stay.

Quota trading

By the way, last year, law enforcement agencies really opened a criminal case on the fact of trading in quotas for the treatment of cancer patients - only not in the cancer center, but at the Herzen Moscow Research Oncological Institute (MNIOI). “A criminal case has been initiated under an article on large-scale fraud committed as part of an organized group against unidentified persons from among the heads of the MNIOI and employees of the Asko-Med private clinic,” the source said. According to him, "medics deceived cancer patients who applied for help, forcing them to pay for treatment." However, no one has been charged.

But empirically, we managed to find out that oncologists keep empty places in the first half of the queue for surgery. No, not for "thieves". For those who complain and "shake" rights.

It is worth noting that cancer patients are becoming more and more "harmful" and "scandalous". In 2012, a protest rally was held in Kaliningrad "in connection with the disruption of drug provision for diabetic and cancer patients." Then in 2014. People protested because, according to statistics in Russia, only 4% of cancer patients receive the necessary painkillers. The whole country then discussed a terrible example of the cruelty of the system - the voluntary departure from the life of Rear Admiral Vyacheslav Apanasenko, who did not receive painkillers. Doctors explained this by too tight control and too harsh punishment for an unjustifiably written prescription. After all, painkillers are drugs. It even comes to the point that unused medicines relatives are obliged to return to the doctor. But today the drug control authorities have softened the rules somewhat. It took such a high price.

However, the rallies of cancer patients continued this year. Meanwhile Insurance companies are lobbying for the transfer of oncology from compulsory health insurance to voluntary. The idea is extremely dangerous. And if cancer patients go to the Kremlin? They have nothing to lose...


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that during the 10-year period from 2005 to 2015, about 84 million people died from cancer worldwide. Oncological diseases represent a serious medical and social problem for modern society. According to WHO forecasts, in 20 years, the incidence and mortality from malignant neoplasms will increase by almost 2 times worldwide. While many countries are reporting slower rates of morbidity and mortality from certain types of cancer, overall the prognosis is rather poor.

About 80% of foreign patients of Israeli clinics come to Israel for the treatment of oncological diseases, since cancer treatment in Israel is one of the most effective in the world. This is an irrefutable fact, despite the fact that Israel is also one of the world leaders in terms of cancer incidence. The high incidence of oncology in the Israeli state is explained by the long life expectancy of the population - it is known that age is the main risk factor for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Over the past 30 years, oncology in Israel has made a quantum leap in cancer treatment. Overall survival in cancer treatment in Israel has increased from 30% to 64% - one of the highest rates in the world. In, prostate, kidney, and some other types of cancer, the highest possible results have been achieved today. In some cases, cancer treatment in Israel is statistically more effective than in Germany and the United States.

Where is the best cancer treatment?

Despite the fact that cancer treatment protocols around the world differ little, for various reasons, the effectiveness of cancer treatment in all countries is different. Three countries are recognized leaders in oncology - Israel, Germany, USA. In recent years, oncologists in Spain, the Czech Republic, and Cuba have achieved some success. The countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS, apart from the third world countries, have the worst results in the treatment of oncological diseases, and even the use of modern treatment protocols in these countries cannot outweigh systemic factors.

The effectiveness of Israeli oncology is provided by several factors

  • Early detection - any type of cancer, even the most aggressive, can be cured with early diagnosis and timely treatment. In the CIS countries, the period from the first visit to a doctor to a surgical operation in oncology is 4-6 months. Oncology treatment in Israel begins immediately after diagnosis. This can be seen by foreign patients who come to Israel for cancer treatment.
  • Accurate diagnosis. Modern cancer diagnostics includes not only the detection of neoplasms. Today, oncology in Israel attaches particular importance to the individual genetic and cytological features of the tumor. Taking them into account, the approach to cancer treatment, Israel and it became clear why some patients respond to the standard treatment regimen, while others do not.
  • A sufficiently radical and professionally performed operation largely determines the success of treatment in oncology. Surgery is still the main method of cancer treatment in Israel, despite the huge progress in chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The development of oncological surgery is in the direction of reducing the invasiveness of operations and the accuracy of their implementation with immediate control of radicality. The treatment of oncological diseases in Israel in the future is still conceived mainly by therapeutic methods.
  • The human factor is something that can negate even the most advanced treatment methods. In Israel, the influence of the human factor is minimized due to strict adherence to treatment protocols. In oncology, combination schemes matter more than in other disciplines. medicines, the duration of their intake, the timing of the break between them, the dosage. If the interval between chemotherapy courses is, for example, not two weeks, but four, this will affect the results of treatment.

Cancer treatment in Israel and Russia - figures and facts for comparison

Russian medical officials sharply criticize the growth in demand for, convincing fellow citizens that it makes no sense to pay big enough money to foreign clinics for what is being done no worse in Russia. Let's try to check whether this is so, based on statistical data on the effectiveness of cancer treatment in Russia and Israel - the most popular destination for medical tourism among Russians. By comparing these data, you yourself will decide where it is better to undergo oncology treatment: in Israel or Russia.

Cancer statistics in Russia

The end of the oncology program in Russia
While in Russia 500,000 people fall ill with cancer every year, the Russian authorities decided in 2015 to close the national oncology program, which purchased the necessary equipment and medicines for cancer patients. And this is against the backdrop of a shortage of professional oncologists, a terrible shortage of painkillers and modern cancer centers in the regions.
The Russian Cancer Program came into operation in 2009. It was designed to reduce the gap between Russia and highly developed countries in the field of oncology and improve cancer survival rates. The gap was and remains catastrophic. For example, in the Moscow region, only 10-11% of those who need it receive radiation therapy.

Over the five years of the oncology program, cancer mortality has decreased by 1%.

  1. During the first year after diagnosis in Russia, 27.4% of patients die.
  2. Russia is in second place in the world in terms of cancer incidence - about 500,000 new cancer patients annually.
  3. The number of oncology dispensaries in Moscow is 26, another 6 in St. Petersburg, 1-2 each in regional and regional centers. In total - about 120 per 3,000,000 patients.
  4. There are an average of 439 patients per oncologist in Russia.
  5. For sufficient financing of oncology, an average of 10 euros is required for each citizen, including a healthy one. This is the calculation made in the EU countries. In Russia, financing of medicine per person is 3.3 euros.
  6. Dear high-tech assistance with cancer in Russia, only one out of 20 patients receives.
  7. The five-year survival rate for all types of cancer in Russia is about 40%.
  8. The five-year survival rate for breast cancer at all stages is 50%.
  9. The survival rate for lung cancer is no more than 5-7%.
  10. With pancreatic cancer, no more than 2% of patients survive.
  11. On average, cancer treatment in Russia costs 30 thousand dollars. This is not much less than the amount that cancer treatment in Israel costs.
  12. The annual death rate from cancer in Russia is 204 per 100,000 (2010 data).
  13. Child mortality from oncology is 3.9 per 100,000 population.
  14. 1000 people die of cancer every day in Russia.
  15. In the ranking of the effectiveness of health care systems, Russia ranks 130th!

For sufficient financing of oncology, an average of 10 euros is required for each citizen, including a healthy one. This is the calculation made in the EU countries. In Russia, financing of medicine per person is 3.3 euros.

Oncology treatment in Israel

  1. The annual death rate from cancer in Israel is 121 per 100,000.
  2. Cancer treatment in Israel achieves an overall survival rate of 64% for all diseases and stages.
  3. Oncology in Israel completely cures 60% of men, 66% of women.
  4. The five-year survival rate for breast cancer at all stages in Israel is 87%, when detected in the early stages - 95-98%.
  5. Average - from 20 to 50 thousand dollars.
  6. In total, in Israel, not counting visitors, there are about 200,000 cancer patients.
  7. Every year, 28,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in Israel.
  8. There are 48 general hospitals in Israel, almost all have oncology departments or specialized oncology clinics. These hospitals serve 200,000 cancer patients.
  9. The five-year survival rate for lung cancer in Israel is 25%.
  10. The survival rate in the treatment of prostate cancer in Israel is over 90%.
  11. Israel is among the top ten countries with the highest level of spending on medicine, in terms of per capita.
  12. In the international ranking of the effectiveness of health systems, Israel ranks 4th in the world. (Bloomberg data for 2013). The assessment was carried out according to three indicators: life expectancy, the share of spending on medicine in the country's GDP, and absolute spending on medicine.
  13. Oncology in Israel uses treatment protocols adopted in the United States.

Not all indicators have data for comparison between countries, but the overall statistical picture allows us to conclude in which country oncology is more effective. Also a very informative source for such a comparison are reviews of cancer treatment in Israel.

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New in cancer treatment in Israeli oncology

  • Various ablation methods cancerous tumors which are not considered surgical. These methods include chemoembolization and radiofrequency ablation, as well as the latest novelty - nano-knife. The destruction of the tumor occurs due to local action. As a rule, for the procedure it is not necessary to make even incisions on the patient's body. Modern treatment Oncology in Israel today is unthinkable without the use of these methods.
  • In the treatment of leukemia, a revolutionary medicine, while experimental, with the help of which immature leukocytes can be converted into more mature ones, as close as possible to healthy ones. This inhibits the division of malignant cells and leads to their death. Oncology in Israel has high hopes for this method of treatment.
  • Novalis is a modern device for focused and concentrated irradiation for the treatment of various kinds cancer. The impact accuracy is 1 mm.
  • Infrared diagnostics of breast cancer, unlike mammography, is absolutely safe for a woman's body, moreover, it is a non-contact method and does not cause any inconvenience to a woman. Diagnostic accuracy - 90%.
  • Accurate determination of the edges of the tumor in the mammary gland using the MarginProbe device allows you to perform the operation of the required volume and thereby prevent metastases.
  • Prognostic diagnostic methods Oncotype, Mammaprint and others, which allow you to assess the likelihood of recurrence in certain types of cancer. Oncology in Israel without prognostic tests is unthinkable today.
  • The use of individual oncolytic vaccines based on the patient's own cancer cells is a promising direction that will put oncology treatment in Israel to a new level.

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03/03/2018 at 13:55 · Johnny · 45 050

10 best oncology clinics in Russia

A cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence. Russian federal oncology centers have a large staff of qualified specialists and a sufficient level of equipment to help the patient at any stage of pathology development.

In Russia, cancer treatment gives a positive prognosis of survival over 5 years in 80% of cases. This is due to the modern equipment of specialized clinics, an interdisciplinary approach to treatment and innovative developments in early diagnosis. The rating of the best oncological clinics in Russia will help you choose a medical center.

Treatment and diagnosis of oncology in Russia

In the rating of oncological clinics in Russia, there are many large medical institutions located not only in the capital or St. Petersburg. Regardless of the center, after a comprehensive examination, the patient is assigned a treatment program. It takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Treatment methods include conventional and laser surgery, hormonal therapy, radiosurgery, etc.

This list of the top 10 oncology clinics in Russia allows you to choose the most suitable institution for treatment.

10. Medical Diagnostic Center (MDC) PATERO CLINICS

The clinic is a multidisciplinary center founded in 2011. Here, an early comprehensive diagnosis is carried out with subsequent treatment that prevents relapses. The clinic's specialists adopt the experience of foreign colleagues from the USA, Asia and Western Europe.

In the center, patients undergo a complete "check-up" examination. It allows you to identify dangerous pathologies that go unnoticed. The clinic provides inpatient and outpatient treatment. The center is equipped with the latest computer and beam equipment. Included in the list of the best oncological clinics in Russia.

9. Clinical hospital on the Yauza

The institution is a multidisciplinary center with a large clinic and hospital. The daily flow of patients is 400 people. The activity of the clinic is based on the close connection of local medical care with innovative scientific methods.

The staff of the institution consists of 200 people. The medical complex is equipped with a laboratory and operating rooms with advanced surgical equipment.

8. FGBU Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (Volynskaya)

The clinic is a universal medical and preventive center. The institution includes large hospitals and a multidisciplinary clinic. The Volyn Clinic is located in Moscow, in an environmentally friendly area. Among Moscow patients, she ranks second in popularity.

Treatment methods include:

  • radiosurgery - using gamma and cyber knife;
  • radiation therapy;
  • surgical operations.

The staff of the medical center has many professors, candidates and doctors of sciences, laureates of awards and honorary awards. The clinic has a detoxification center equipped with modern equipment from Germany, the USA, Sweden and Russia. Patients receive a full cycle of medical procedures.

7. K+31

The clinic is a multidisciplinary premium facility. There is a hospital, an outpatient clinic and a rehabilitation center. Since 2008, the clinic has been ISO licensed, which confirms its compliance with the highest international standards of medical care.

Since 2016, a department of cooperation with European and American specialists has been working here. The staff of the clinic includes corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. 92% of patients are satisfied with the level of service and work of the staff.

The clinic has innovative radioisotope, beam and laser equipment. Pharmaceutical products are supplied from abroad.

6. Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (LRC)

The government agency opened in 2006. In 2013, the clinic's in-patient facility ranked first in the index of treatment and service quality in the ranking of medical and preventive institutions.

Emergency patients receive care at any time of the day. The Center has a large cardio- and neuro-reanimation. Each patient is offered a complete treatment program. The rehabilitation department of the clinic is equipped with modern equipment. The instrumentation includes laser, radio wave and microsurgical devices.

5. Oncological center of the LDC MIBS in St. Petersburg

Included in the list of leading cancer centers in Russia. Advanced technologies ensure the efficient work of oncologists. Medical care meets international standards of service.

In addition to traditional methods of fighting cancer, radiotherapy radiosurgical methods are used in the clinic. The center performs the largest number of operations using the gamma knife apparatus.

The clinic is equipped with the following tools:

  • the CyberKnife radiosurgical system, received from specialists from the USA;
  • the Clinac 2100 CD accelerator, which allows for conformal radiation therapy;
  • linear accelerator Varian TrueBeam STx.

Modern equipment provides reliable diagnostics and effective treatment of oncological diseases.

4. Clinical Hospital No. 85 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia

The institution has been operating since 1948. The multidisciplinary center has many highly specialized departments and branches. Reception is carried out by experienced Russian specialists. The staff of the clinic includes 46 candidates and 13 doctors of sciences.

The clinic's specialists successfully treat orthopedic, surgical and neurological diseases. For treatment, endoscopic and radio wave methods are used.

3. City Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin

The hospital is the largest multidisciplinary medical institution in the capital. The hospital has a hospital for specialized care.

Treatment is carried out by traditional methods, as well as endoscopic and minimally invasive. Used for surgical procedures modern methods coagulation and tissue dissection. These include:

  • ultrasonic scissors;
  • LigaSure is an equipment for electrosurgery, with the help of which a specialist welds blood vessels.

One of the most popular hospitals in Moscow is one of the top three in the ranking of the best cancer centers, institutes and clinics in Russia.

2. Russian Cancer Research Center. N.N. Blokhin RAMS

The activity of the federal budgetary institution is aimed at providing qualified assistance to cancer patients. The clinic is the largest institution in Europe and occupies a leading position in the ranking of the best cancer centers in Russia, and is also included in the list of the largest medical centers in the world.

The structure of the institution includes 2 experimental and 2 clinical institutes. Activities in the scientific center are carried out in the following areas:

  • researching;
  • experimental development of surgical methods for removing malignant neoplasms;
  • development of diagnostic and therapeutic methods;
  • training of medical personnel.

Oncological clinic. N.N. Blokhin is one of the leading medical institutions in Russia.

1. Research Institute of Neurosurgery. Academician N.N. Burdenko RAMS

Heads the ranking of the best cancer centers in Russia Research Institute of Neurosurgery. Academician N.N. Burdenko. The Institute began its history in 1932. The state autonomous institution is equipped with the latest equipment. Specialists perform surgical treatment of tumors of the spinal cord and brain:

  • metastases;
  • malignant gliomas;
  • meningomas;
  • pituitary adenoma;
  • paragangliomas;
  • lymphomas.

Among the methods of treatment, radiation therapy, surgery, operations using gamma and cyber knives are distinguished.

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