Removal of papillomas by cryodestruction reviews of the consequences. Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen: consequences and reviews

Cryodestruction is a technology for removing a neoplasm by exposing the organic tissue to ultra-low temperatures, in this case, liquid nitrogen.

Cryodestruction is a fairly young branch of medicine, and the technique of its impact is quite simple. Under the local influence of low temperatures, the intracellular fluid freezes, crystallizes, causing the destruction of this cell. Thus, liquid nitrogen is applied to the papilloma to be removed, as a result of which it turns white, hardens and loses its viability.

Nearby tissues also brighten and die, spasms of blood vessels occur in them, preventing bleeding. Over time, such a neoplasm is removed naturally.

The very procedure for removing papilloma with liquid nitrogen lasts several minutes, and the resulting hyperemia lasts from one to three hours, causing collateral edema and severe pain. Before the cryodestruction procedure, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and clarify how relevant it is to remove papilloma with liquid nitrogen in your case.

Remember: Cryodestruction, like, is just a minimally invasive operation that does not get rid of the human papillomavirus, so relapses are possible in any part of the body.

Below are all the pros and cons of papilloma removal with liquid nitrogen.

Advantages of cryodestruction

  • simplicity and minimum time of the procedure
  • good cosmetic effect
  • no bleeding
  • stability
  • analgesic effect, allowing you to do without anesthesia (in rare cases)

However, the main advantage of papilloma removal with liquid nitrogen is the fact that non-viable tissue is not immediately rejected, but remains in place for some time, providing natural biological protection to damaged tissues. Healing is fast and painless. After the natural removal of the crust, healthy tender tissue remains.

Disadvantages of papilloma removal with liquid nitrogen

The main disadvantage of removing a neoplasm with liquid nitrogen is the inability to control the depth of exposure, which can lead to damage to surrounding tissues.

Another disadvantage of cryodestruction is the inability to remove papilloma big size, or numerous clusters of neoplasms, as this is fraught with significant damage tissues that cause severe pain and duration of healing.

Possible consequences of cryodestruction

inflammation. There may be minor inflammation around the growth, in the event that healthy tissues are affected.

Isolation of the ichor. Perhaps with mechanical or chemical action and rupture of the bladder.

wound infection. Perhaps in the event of a rupture of the bladder, infection and non-use of antiseptics.

The appearance of a scar. Perhaps with prolonged treatment with liquid nitrogen of deep skin tissues.

The appearance of a scab. It is possible with cryodestruction of papilloma (although it is considered normal), it will come down after complete healing of the wound.

papilloma recurrence. It is possible with an inaccurate determination by a specialist of the depth and time of exposure to liquid nitrogen on the neoplasm. Which is fraught with the appearance of papilloma in the same place or nearby. The reason for a relapse may be a decrease in immunity, in which case the growth will occur on another part of the body.

Indications and contraindications for cryodestruction

An indication for cryodestruction is the absence of a suspicion of oncological formation. Not in vain, to determine the nature of the neoplasm, it is recommended to undergo a thorough examination for a biopsy of the blood and tissues of the neoplasm.

You can remove papillomas with liquid nitrogen on all parts of the body: on the face (lip, eyelids), neck, arms, legs, torso and even in skin folds.


As such, there are no contraindications to papilloma removal with liquid nitrogen, cryodestruction can be used even for pregnant women and young children. The only contraindication that can be observed is individual intolerance to liquid nitrogen, which is extremely rare.

How is papilloma removal with liquid nitrogen

The preparation time for the papilloma removal procedure with liquid nitrogen is minimal. After identifying the absence of oncological formation, the location of the neoplasm is specified.

During the session, the patient takes horizontal position and warms up.

The procedure for removing papilloma with liquid nitrogen is carried out using special equipment - a cryodestructor with a nozzle. In some cases, an applicator is used - an ordinary cotton swab, which is periodically dipped into liquid nitrogen.

A cryodestruction session lasts only a few minutes. Processing occurs in two or three stages of 20-30 seconds with an interval of one to two minutes.

In this case, not only the growth is affected, but also the surrounding healthy skin space of 1.5-2 mm. The treated area immediately brightens, hardens and loses sensitivity.

Removal of papilloma with liquid nitrogen is accompanied by severe pain, tingling and burning. Therefore, in most cases, anesthesia in the form of LIDOCAINE or similar drugs is used. At the same time, the pain is felt for several more hours. But judging by the numerous reviews, even tangible pain cannot be compared with the delight that you experience from getting rid of an unpleasant neoplasm.

However, it happens (in rare cases) that the neoplasm was not removed the first time, in such cases one or even two procedures are prescribed with an interval of two to three weeks. During this time, the formed scab has not yet been removed, so the sensation of pain is minimal.

rehabilitation period

Immediately at the site of removal of the papilloma, a bubble appears with serous fluid, which increases in size, changing the usual body color to cyanotic.

Education should never:

  • moisturize for two to three days
  • influence mechanically and chemical reagents
  • apply decorative cosmetics.

Over time, such a bubble can pierce on its own and an ichor will come out of it. In no case should you touch the resulting crust, as it is a natural defense against different kind infections.

After 4-6 weeks there will be a complete rejection of dead cells, in their place there will be young tender skin, which also needs to be treated with care.

Try at this time as little as possible to be in direct sunlight, not to mention visiting the solarium. Wear a high protection sunscreen when you go out and use it until your skin tone evens out. Moreover, the complete restoration of the skin structure takes six months.

Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen on the eyelids and soles of the feet

Quite often, questions are asked how papilloma is removed on a particular part of the body, for example: on the eyelid or soles of the feet.

Removal of papillomas on the eyelids. Papilloma, formed on the eyelid, causes some discomfort, moreover, it is not always aesthetically pleasing. Removal of papilloma on the eyelid is similar to the removal of neoplasms in other parts of the body. It is necessary to confirm the absence of oncological diseases and consult an ophthalmologist.

Removal of plantar papillomas. One of the features of plantar papilloma is the penetration of metastases into deep tissues, and the appearance of numerous neoplasms, which are accompanied by psychological discomfort and pain when walking.

The principle of removing plantar papilloma is also similar to other methods of removal, with the exception of the force of pressure and the duration of exposure.

Due to deep penetration and impact, such a procedure is quite painful, if we take into account the fact that for the complete removal of such a neoplasm, it is necessary to go through up to 3-5 sessions with an interval of 4-5 days. This is at best, in some cases, depending on the statute of limitations - up to six months.

Plantar papilloma (the causative agent of Human Papillomavirus, HPV) is often confused with a fungus of the foot (fungi of the genus Trichophyton and Candida), which also affect the balls of the fingers and the heel.

However, there are differences, although the principle of metastasis germination is similar. Papilloma is a continuous growth, while the fungus is distinguished by a whitening hole in the center. In the event that you do not understand, contact a specialist.

The cost of the papilloma removal procedure with liquid nitrogen

At its core, cryodestruction is a blind procedure, the depth and time of exposure to liquid nitrogen is determined intuitively, therefore the qualifications and experience of a specialist are very important, especially if the neoplasm is located in the most prominent place.

The cost of the procedure is determined by the qualification of the specialist, the level of service of the medical center, its location and the Region of your residence.

Therefore, you should not save when it comes to your appearance. Yes, I don't want to pay. So choose your clinic carefully.

The price of papilloma removal with liquid nitrogen also depends on the size of the papilloma itself, the statute of limitations and the number of neoplasms. So the removal of papillomas up to 5 mm in size can cost up to 200 rubles, more than 5 mm - from 300 rubles and more.

Removal of papilloma by alternative methods

Electrocoagulation. Removal of neoplasms through exposure to high-frequency electrical impulses, which leads to an increase in temperature in the tissues and the death of papilloma. Electrocoagulation is a bloodless procedure, after such treatment of papilloma, a crust is formed, which is removed after a week.

Radioknife. Removal of papillomas by exposure to high-frequency radio waves is a fairly effective method, but due to high risk the appearance of scars and scars is rarely used.

Cantharidin. Removal of growths by exposure to the chemical compound salicylic acid. For complete removal, several such impacts are enough.

Freezing to get rid of skin growths has been used since the past centuries. Reverence for the cold, as a great healer, has increased thanks to the methods of cryotherapy. Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen, dimethyl ether, dry ice and chloroethyl is widely used. Which of these substances is better suited for cryosurgery? There are many selection criteria, but the main ones are a steady decrease in the temperature of papilloma tissues, safety for humans and availability of the substance.

How is cryosurgery performed?

The variety of unstable, sometimes harmful cooling agents in the last century was replaced by the dominance of liquid nitrogen. Modern cryosurgery also uses other cooling agents, cryogens. When exposed to the surface of the skin, they reduce the temperature, cause the destruction of proteins.

Nitrogen liquefies at a temperature of -196 ° C, under normal conditions it makes up 78% of air. It is an inert gas that has become the basis of dermatological cryosurgery due to its healing properties. For cryodestruction of papillomas, temperatures below -20 °C are required. This value is achieved when applying liquid nitrogen, as well as when exposed to dry ice, nitrogen monoxide and dimethyl ether.

Temperatures down to -50 °C are considered a mild freezing mode with modern cryosurgery. More aggressive conditions are possible with a malignant nature of the tumor. When removed with cryogens, in addition to papilloma, an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnormal skin is frozen within a radius of about 1 mm.

A doctor applying cryo removal of papillomas must be convinced of the benign nature of the neoplasm.

After the gentle removal of small papillomas using the cryomethod, there are practically no scars left. The advantage of using low temperatures is the ability to do without anesthesia. The advantage of liquid nitrogen over other cryogens is its availability and safety. This gas is obtained from the air, separating it in liquid form from oxygen and other components.

Video on how to remove papillomas with liquid nitrogen

Side effects and complications during cryodestruction of papillomas

When freezing and further thawing of a skin area, a person experiences pain. If the area of ​​damage is deep and reaches a diameter of 2 cm or more, then local anesthesia (application of an anesthetic cream) will be required. After removal by cryodestruction of papillomas located in the area of ​​​​the eyelids and lips, edema often develops. For its treatment, a cream containing steroids is used.

All side effects and complications when removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen should be discussed with the patient before the procedure.

The first cryoprocedure should be the shortest, no more than 5 seconds. But even with such a short freezing, blisters can form on sensitive skin. The resulting bubble is often filled with bloody contents. The doctor pierces it with a sterile needle and applies a bandage. In this case, recovery occurs in 7-14 days.

Unpleasant consequences of cryotherapy are hyper- and hypopigmentation. When using aggressive freezing modes, hair follicles often die. Patients knowing about side effects may consider alternative treatments.

How is papillomas removed with cryogens?

The first visible effect of freezing is achieved by simply treating the skin growth with a swab soaked in liquid nitrogen, or by applying an applicator of the Cryopharm preparation. In this case, an ice halo appears around the papilloma. The same effect occurs when applying a liquid nitrogen spray with a probe.

Cryosurgeons try to accurately calculate the area and time of exposure to skin formations, using special guides. The so-called "cryogun" with various tips allows you to create an ice field on the skin of the desired size, to carry out low-temperature exposure at an angle. The time of exposure to education is a very important indicator for cryosurgery. Usually the spray is sprayed from 5 to 30 seconds with the tip located at a distance of about 1 cm above the papilloma.

Particular precision and accuracy is required when treating neoplasms caused by the human papillomavirus in the lip area. It is easier for a qualified person than for a novice in cryosurgery to determine the necessary spray time, which is ultimately reflected in the depth and freeze-thaw area.

Cryodestruction is not a panacea for papillomas

When removing formations on the skin and mucous membranes by any method, there is a risk of the appearance of new tumors in the same places (relapses of HPV). Freezing does not threaten the death of viruses in the human body, they can remain in an inactive state. The listed arguments are shortcomings not only of cryodestruction, but also of other methods.

Who hopes to cure HPV with the help of freezing, should think about whether it is worth removing papillomas? The destruction of neoplasm tissues leads to their death, removal of growth from the surface of the skin, that is, to a cosmetic effect.

To prevent relapse and treat human papillomavirus infection, take immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs.

Low temperature causes necrosis of damaged cells, thrombosis of capillaries. Nervous tissue, blood vessels, fibroblasts and collagen are less susceptible to this factor than other skin cells. It turns out that when removed by cryosurgery, nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue are less damaged.

More damaged cells die with instant cooling and very low temperatures, slow thawing of the treated area. It is important to remember this for those who are interested in whether it is possible to remove papillomas with Cryopharm at home. Regardless of the type of cryogen, the equipment used, the first result of exposure should be the appearance white spot on the skin or mucous membrane.

Liquid nitrogen and other low-temperature substances destroy papilloma tissues. Some researchers claim that cryosurgery can stimulate an immune response. This conclusion enhances the role of the method in the treatment of papillomatosis. Indeed, as a result of cryotherapy, the activity of the virus decreases, the body's resistance to HPV infection increases.

This material is posted for educational and informational purposes, is not professional medical advice or scientific material and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

In contact with

The appearance of papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes is not just a cosmetic problem. It signals a weakened immune system and potential infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction will help solve the aesthetic issue and prevent the degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a carcinogenic one. This is one of the most acceptable methods, it is carried out quickly, has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

The principle of action of liquid nitrogen on papillomas

Nitrogen passes into a liquid state at a temperature of -195.8 degrees Celsius, and it is in this form that it is used in the medical field to eliminate papillomas.

The cryodestruction method removes not only papillomas caused by a virus, but also warts, condylomas and even acne.

The low temperature, which is characteristic of liquid nitrogen, causes frostbite of the area where the papilloma is located. Neoplasm cells are instantly cooled to ultra-low temperatures, intracellular and intercellular tissue fluid freezes, forming ice crystals.

The blood in the blood vessels also freezes, blocking the access of oxygen and nutrients to the growth tissues. As a result, all cellular organelles and papilloma formations stop functioning and die.

"Pen" for cryodestruction CryoPen

The principle of “thawing-freezing” helps to protect healthy tissues around the site of cryotherapy, which makes it possible to maintain a balance of low and normal temperatures. For this purpose, special equipment is used with a nozzle that allows you to control the temperature and depth of freezing.

The effectiveness of the removal procedure is primarily affected by the speed of freezing: accelerated freezing penetrates the tissues to a greater depth and causes rapid destruction of pathological cells.

Advantages and disadvantages of cryodestruction

The procedure has been used more and more in recent years.

It has several advantages over the removal of papillomas by conventional surgical methods:

Important! Prices for cryodestruction are more affordable compared to laser removal of papillomas.

The technique also has disadvantages:

The qualification of the doctor largely affects the favorable outcome of the manipulation. It is important to choose the right clinic and entrust the manipulation to an experienced specialist.

Video about cryodestruction

Who shows cryodestruction of papillomas

Before you make a decision on the need for the procedure, you need to visit a doctor - a dermatologist or oncologist. The doctor will write out a referral for an examination, assess the type of neoplasm and build a treatment strategy.

The danger of HPV lies in the fact that the neoplasms that the virus causes are often carcinogenic in nature, causing cancers of the skin and mucous membranes. For most patients, it will not be enough just to remove the growth on the body - you will need complex treatment HPV, including taking pharmaceuticals.

List of indications for removal of neoplasms by cryomethod:

If the patient has noticed a large number of papillomas on his skin, the number of which is increasing every day, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to remove the growth on your own - this can provoke an even greater growth of neoplasms and lead to unpredictable consequences.

To whom is the procedure contraindicated?

Liquid nitrogen from papillomas is contraindicated in the following cases:

With caution, the procedure is carried out for pregnant women and patients with angiospasms.

How is cauterization of papillomas with liquid nitrogen

Before the procedure, the patient will need to undergo additional studies, exclude contraindications and infectious diseases.

modern medicine offers two options for cauterization with nitrogen:

  • Hardware - the use of special equipment with a nozzle that allows you to accurately dose the substance and control the depth of freezing;

Hardware cryodestruction of papillomas

  • Manual - the use of a special applicator impregnated with a nitrogen solution.

If the papilloma is to be removed in an area with increased sensitivity (genital organs) or the formations are too large and deep, anesthesia may be required.

Simple local anesthetics- Novocaine, Lidocaine.

After 10-15 minutes, the anesthetic will work, and you can begin to manipulate.

Stages of cryoprocessing:

The duration of the procedure varies according to the extent of the neoplasm, the complexity of its structure and the extent of the lesion. With special care, papillomas are removed on the face and eyelids, so the procedure takes longer.

Important! During the procedure, the doctor must remove not only the tumor, but also the entire area of ​​skin near it, roots and outgrowths, so that it does not “sprout” again.

Video: cryodestruction process

What happens during the recovery period

The next day after cauterization, a bubble appears at the site of the removed outgrowth, filled with a reddish or colorless liquid. The skin becomes edematous and hyperemic, discomfort may appear. These are normal reactions of the body, so the patient should not worry.

You can’t burst the bubble on your own, because there is a chance of infection and leaving a scar after the procedure. After a while, the bubble will disappear on its own, and a scab will appear in its place - a dry crust, which indicates the healing of the wound. Subsequently, the scab will fall off, and the wound will remain almost invisible - with renewed and healthy skin.

The characteristics of the body and the severity of a single case will affect the length of the recovery period. It can take from several weeks to one month.

In some cases, the use of local preparations based on hydrocortisone is indicated to accelerate healing and eliminate an extensive inflammatory process.

Important! You can avoid the formation of age spots at the site of cauterization with the help of sunscreens.

Side effects and consequences

Cryodestruction is a safe and painless procedure, practically does not cause complications. Unpredictable effects can occur on drugs that are used for anesthesia, and on liquid nitrogen itself.

To prevent an allergic reaction, it is first necessary to test for allergen substances.

Prolonged exposure to the sun often leads to the formation of hyperpigmentation of the skin - staining the area in a darker color than the rest of the skin surface. The exclusion of ultraviolet radiation will help prevent such an adverse reaction.

Cauterization of a neoplasm on the scalp is accompanied by removal hair follicles leading to localized baldness.

If the bladder began to fill with bloody contents, it is necessary to notify the attending physician - he will open the swelling and apply a sterile bandage.

How likely are complications?

The main negative consequence is associated with the inflammatory process, which inevitably accompanies all cosmetic and medical procedures. Most often, such a reaction is observed when hygiene standards and doctor's instructions are not observed.

What are the complications associated with:

Cryotherapy is generally well tolerated by patients, it is prescribed even to small children.

What determines the price of cryodestruction?

Cryotherapy does not have a fixed cost, the price list may vary in different clinics and centers aesthetic medicine.

Factors that shape the price:

For many people, the appearance of papillomas is a very serious problem, due to the formation of a cosmetic defect or permanent injury to the formed growths in the process. professional activity. There are many ways to get rid of these growths: cauterization with chemicals, treatment using antiviral drugs, surgical excision, various folk methods for treatment at home, and even entire rituals and rituals designed to reduce the resulting education. However, for many years, the removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen has remained the most effective, quick and painless method.

Features of removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen

Many methods have a number of qualities that reduce their effectiveness. For example, when using keratolytics, a course of treatment is required for 10-14 days, chemical burns of healthy skin around the papilloma are often formed. The use of a surgical method is not justified for multiple small formations due to the risk of scar formation.

Majority folk methods exposes papillomas to rather rough influences, after which neoplasms may not come off, they will acquire scars, which will only aggravate the condition.

Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen is devoid of all these negative aspects. Firstly, the freezing process is performed once, within a few seconds. Secondly, healthy skin remains completely unaffected, so that after cauterization with liquid nitrogen, there is no scarring.

Features of the use of liquid nitrogen is that it works with extremely low temperatures (about -200 ° C). This allows you to clearly, precisely remove the smallest formations. For complete "freezing" of medium-sized papillomas, several seconds of contact with the liquid are enough, while small growths freeze after single touches.

Liquid nitrogen is contained in special thermoses that keep the temperature low for a long time. This substance is obtained by periodically changing the atmospheric pressure in vessels with air.

Advantages and contraindications to the removal procedure

It is no coincidence that cryodestruction of papillomas is considered the main method of treatment for HPV. It has a lot of positive qualities, but along with this and contraindications, like any other method. Benefits include:

  1. The speed of the procedure. It takes just a few seconds to freeze the papilloma. In the absence of extremely small, imperceptible growths, one session is enough to get rid of all the growths at a time.
  2. No toxicity. Nitrogen is the main component of the inhaled air, which in no way reacts with organs and tissues. human body. Unlike many other methods, cauterization of papillomas with liquid nitrogen is not able to cause allergic reactions, chemical burns.
  3. Possibility of mass removal of papillomas. If you have more than three growths, especially if they are located on remote areas of the skin, you may need several treatments using a laser or high temperatures. Cryo removal of papillomas allows you to "exterminate" up to 15 - 20 growths of small and medium size.
  4. Availability. Unlike expensive laser removal or long courses antiviral treatment, freezing of papillomas is available to absolutely everyone due to its simplicity and low cost.

There are not so many contraindications for the removal of papillomas by cryodestruction, but they exist and can play an important role in choosing a method of treatment:

  1. Large papilloma. If it has reached a value exceeding 10 mm, then effective treatment using liquid nitrogen may not be effective. This is due to the inability to freeze the deep layers of the neoplasm.
  2. Skin diseases. If in the area close to the papilloma there are all kinds of inflammatory processes, foci of psoriasis in the acute stage, then the treatment will have to be postponed. After the patient understands the specific pathology, cryo removal of growths becomes possible.

How does cryosurgery happen?

The procedure for removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen, although extremely simple, requires little preparatory moments. First, on the day for which treatment is scheduled, you should thoroughly wash the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the growth is located. For this, ordinary personal hygiene products that you use daily are suitable. Secondly, if the skin around the papilloma contains a large amount of hair, then they should be shaved off. At the same time, try not to damage the growth.

To apply liquid nitrogen to the build-up, an ordinary wooden, plastic one is most often used, less often a metal stick with cotton wool or a bandage wound around the end. Its length slightly exceeds the length of the nitrogen vessel, which allows the cotton or gauze end to be dipped into the liquid. After the cotton wool is abundantly saturated with nitrogen, it is applied to the formation. Contact with a single wart or papilloma occurs within 1 - 5 seconds, after which the procedure is considered completed.

After freezing the papillomas with nitrogen, do not wet them for the next 2-3 days, avoid their contamination and possible injuries. Already in the first day, the growth will turn black, and after a few more - it will disappear. Sometimes a small wound remains in its place, which should be treated with iodine for several days.

Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen at home

There are no special contraindications for removing papillomas at home using cryodestruction technology. However, in such a case, the question arises of transporting nitrogen to the dwelling, since in small volumes even special thermoses are not able to maintain the required temperature for a long time. Obtaining this substance independently, although theoretically possible, in practice requires special equipment and certain material costs.

If you were able to get liquid nitrogen and are going to treat at home, then follow certain rules:

  • The person performing the removal of papillomas by cryodestruction must have special skills in order to avoid damage to healthy tissues, or, conversely, incomplete and poor-quality freezing of the required skin area.
  • To remove and freeze papillomas, sterile material should be used, including the use of sterile gloves, cotton wool or bandage, preliminary skin disinfection using substances that are incapable of chemical reactions with nitrogen.
  • When working at low temperatures, avoid getting liquid on exposed skin to avoid severe frostbite.

What are the consequences of freezing papillomas

In the vast majority of cases, cauterization with liquid nitrogen does not entail any consequences. However, there are a number of possible complications:

  1. Frostbite of healthy areas of the skin. This happens with the ill-conceived use of low temperatures. The lesion does not reach a large size, but a small scar may appear in its place.
  2. Infection. This occurs in cases where non-sterile equipment was used to remove papillomas, there was no process of thorough skin preparation, or pathogenic microflora entered after the procedure.
  3. Scar formation. It is observed in exceptional cases after freezing of large flat or ordinary papillomas. On the early stages(pink scar) it is possible to use ointments with local glucocorticosteroids in order to reduce its size.

Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen is effective method treatment of pathology, which allows preventing further growth of education and possible malignancy. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is present in every person. According to WHO experts, 80-85% of the population has this highly oncogenic virus.

The process of removing formations with liquid nitrogen is called cryodestruction (from Greek olod), literally “destruction by cold”. In order for nitrogen to turn into a liquid state, the gas is cooled to a temperature of -200 degrees. When applied, instant cooling and freezing is observed. Nitrogen penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. Water in the intercellular space and cells freezes, destroying skin cells. There is a rejection of damaged tissues from healthy ones, the papilloma dies. Under the influence of cold, cauterization of blood vessels and nerve fibers of the papilloma occurs. A scab is formed, under it the regeneration of new cells is actively underway. At extremely low temperatures, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, the risk of inflammatory complications of the procedure is reduced.

Advantages of cryotherapy:

  • minimally invasive, efficient and fast operation (the whole process takes a few seconds);
  • painlessness (the patient practically does not hurt, the procedure is carried out without anesthesia);
  • less traumatic and safe (nitrogen vapor is safe for the doctor and the patient, healthy skin areas are not damaged during the operation, suturing is not required);
  • low probability of infection of the wound surface;
  • minimal risk of scar formation;
  • the ability to delete up to twenty elements in one session;
  • rapid healing of the wound surface;
  • low cost of the operation (compared to laser removal, radio wave method).

The disadvantage of cryotherapy is the impossibility of applying the procedure to large areas.

How is cryodestruction of papillomas performed?

Cryodestruction is used to eliminate warts, papillomas, condylomas. Destruction by cold is carried out by specially trained cosmetologists or dermatologists. Unsightly neoplasms can be removed from any part of the body (head, arms, legs, back, abdomen, intimate parts). Special preparation before removal is not required. A hygienic bath is recommended, hair removal may be required. Pre-medication is not required.

Cauterization of papillomas with nitrogen consists of the following steps:

  1. For special groups of patients (persons with increased susceptibility to any kind of intervention), the process begins with pain relief. Local anesthetics (novocaine) are used. About availability allergic reactions on local anesthetics, it is necessary to inform the doctor before the procedure.
  2. The neoplasm is cauterized with liquid nitrogen on average within a second (from 10 sec to 120 sec). The duration depends on the size of the growth and is determined by a dermatologist. Liquid nitrogen is applied either with the help of an applicator (a special stick with a cotton tip) or an apparatus. Modern centers are equipped with cryodestructors, devices with a small tip, with which liquid nitrogen is applied pointwise to the desired object.
  3. At the end of the destruction, the cosmetologist treats the damaged area of ​​the skin with disinfectants to prevent inflammatory consequences.

During the procedure, you may experience tingling sensations and slight pain. The pain is usually short-term, which allows the use of this technique in childhood. If you want to remove several papillomas, the duration of the procedure increases. There are time and quantity restrictions. More than 20 neoplasms are not removed in one session. Do not carry out simultaneous cryotherapy of multiple papillomas. After the crust falls off, the doctor examines the wound surface for the presence of papilloma remnants. If present, they must be removed again. The timing is not earlier than one month after the first procedure.

In what cases is it contraindicated

It is unacceptable to eliminate papillomas on your own at home. Before the procedure, an examination by a dermatologist is required, which determines the nature of the formation and decides on the removal. In what cases cryodestruction of papillomas is contraindicated:

  • suspicion of the malignant nature of the neoplasm (may lead to activation of malignancy and deterioration);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • any sharp inflammatory diseases, including SARS;
  • the period of rehabilitation, healing;
  • allergic reactions to low temperatures, cold intolerance.

Children's age is not a contraindication to the removal of formations with nitrogen. This method is especially popular for the treatment of papillomatosis of the sole of the foot in a child. The procedure must be carried out under anesthesia. Removal of papillomas in pregnant women with liquid nitrogen is allowed if the growth causes severe discomfort in a woman or is injured by clothing.

The period of rehabilitation and healing

The process and time of healing of the wound surface is individual and depends on the regenerative properties of the skin, the size and number of papillomas, and the age of the patient. On average, this interval is 3-5 days. With age, this period increases.

The repair process begins with the formation of a scab and ends with the formation of a scar. Normally, the size of the scar does not exceed the boundaries of the remote formation. It is possible to form atrophic (with tissue thinning) and hypertrophic scars (connective tissue rises above the level of the skin, but within the remote area). The first option often occurs with deep burning of papillomas or in individuals with genetic characteristics. connective tissue and skin. The second option occurs if papillomas are located in places of frequent contact with clothing. The listed variants of scars are the norm and do not require further therapy.

In some cases, rough keloid scars occur. They go beyond the wound surface. The color is cyanotic, burgundy, dense to the touch, the shape is irregular. Often such scars occur in patients with a burdened heredity for keloid or with systemic connective tissue.

To prevent bacterial infection, it is recommended to treat wounds in the morning and evening with antiseptic solutions (potassium permanganate, Fukortsin, salicylic alcohol), followed by the use of Baneotsin antibacterial powder. These drugs can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. It is possible to use creams that accelerate tissue regeneration (Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Methyluracil). It is necessary to process until the peeling of the skin begins. After complete healing of the wound surface, it is recommended to completely replace personal hygiene products in order to get rid of papillomavirus and avoid re-infection.

Side effects and possible complications

After cauterization, local edema may appear on the skin. This is how the skin reacts to exposure to low temperatures. The swelling subsides on its own in 2-3 days. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor. Swelling of soft tissues, especially in the face area, often causes discomfort associated with a pronounced cosmetic defect. The specialist prescribes treatment to help improve the situation.

Perhaps the appearance of vesicles with serous (transparent) or hemorrhagic (mixed with blood) contents around the frozen crust, passing on their own after 5-7 days. It is forbidden to open the bubbles on your own, this can lead to infection of the wound surface. This can lead to improper regeneration and the formation of a rough scar. The imposition of a sterile dressing is allowed. It is recommended not to wet the wound surface, this will speed up the regeneration process and reduce the risk of infection. Do not use cosmetics to mask the wound defect. When the scab falls off, a patch of renewed skin remains on the skin. Restoration of normal even pigmentation occurs within a few weeks, subject to the use of sunscreen.

Where is the session held and how much does it cost?

Freezing papillomas with liquid nitrogen is used in many clinics. It is recommended to contact trusted medical institutions, to qualified specialists. The quality of the procedure, the absence of postoperative scars and scars depends on the experience and qualifications of the doctor. If there are contraindications to this technique, the specialist will choose alternative methods pathology treatment.

The cost of the operation depends on the equipment used. The use of high-tech cryodestructors increases the cost of the operation. The cost of a consultation with a dermatologist must also be included in the price of treatment. The price of the initial appointment with a specialist ranges from 900 to 3000 rubles, it is influenced by the qualifications of the doctor, his degree and the level of the medical center. The initial price of removing papillomas by cryodestruction ranges from 360 rubles to 5900 rubles, the larger the size of the formation, the higher the cost. Before contacting the chosen medical center, experienced patients are advised to study reviews about it on the Internet.