"Novomin": a dietary supplement with a special action against free radicals. Review: Novomin Siberian health instructions for use Novomin antioxidant complex

Siberian Health is the largest company producing various drugs that can significantly improve health. She has proven herself in the pharmacy market. But one of the most significant developments of this company is Novomin. He is truly unique, as one of the few able to deal with oncological diseases. But not everyone knows what diseases Novomin Siberian Health can influence. How to take this drug so that it has a targeted effect on a specific problem of a person. After all, someone wants to get rid of a stomach ulcer, and someone is trying to cure tuberculosis. Treatment regimens will vary.

What is the uniqueness of Novomin?

We can distinguish the following properties of this drug, which make it unique, different from others. Namely:

What is included?

The composition of Novomin is uncomplicated, but well-chosen:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Auxiliary substances (fructose, pectin).

It seems, why buy Novomin, if you can buy any of these vitamins at a pharmacy at a more affordable price. And it's much easier to just eat more fruits and vegetables that contain these vitamins. But not everything is so simple. It is possible to fight cancer and other serious diseases only with a certain verified ratio of these vitamins in the correct dose. It is in this way that the above vitamins are combined in Novomin.

Appointment of the drug Novomin

There are 4 main purposes of this drug:

What diseases can be treated by Siberian Health?

With this drug, you can fight the following diseases:

  1. Oncological diseases of a different nature;
  2. Ulcer;
  3. Diffuse mastopathy;
  4. Tuberculosis;
  5. Chronical bronchitis;
  6. Influenza prevention;
  7. Dysplasia of the cervix;
  8. Diseases thyroid gland;
  9. (persistent colds);
  10. The first stages of cirrhosis of the liver.

How to take the drug

The drug should be taken with food along with a large amount of milk, kefir or other milk drink. This is explained by the fact that vitamins A, E are perfectly absorbed along with fatty acids.

Now let's try to analyze the main schemes for taking this drug, in order to effective treatment. It should be clarified that taking 1, 2, 3 capsules per day does not have a full effect, due to the low concentration active substances. The main purpose of Novomin is additional remedy for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Therefore, we first consider the rules for taking Novomin for the treatment and prevention of cancer:

  1. After surgery, to prevent the occurrence of complications after surgery, it is recommended for a cancer patient to drink 10 capsules about a week before the day of surgery;
  2. When undergoing a course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, you should drink 10 capsules, starting the day before the start of treatment and the entire course of therapy;
  3. To improve the quality of life of terminally ill patients, it is recommended to take 10 capsules every day;
  4. At the end of treatment, you should adhere to the following scheme for 30 days, drink 10 capsules every day, then take a three-month break, then repeat the 30-day course, then again 3 months - rest. And follow this pattern for 2 years.

Or you can choose a different scheme. Drink 10 capsules twice a week, for example, on Monday and Thursday for about 2 years.

All these schemes are conditional, the final course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, based on specific conditions.

Now let's move on to other diseases:

  • To relieve pain in diffuse mastopathy it is recommended to take from 7-10 days of menstruation a week;
  • With an exacerbation of an ulcer, drink 10 capsules for about 10 days. To prevent exacerbation for 10-15 days, drink 10 capsules every day;
  • To avoid flu 30 days before the epidemic, take 4 capsules daily;
  • When diagnosing an immunosuppressive state, you should drink 10 capsules for 30 days;
  • For the prevention of persistent colds, you can drink 4 capsules for about a year;
  • In diseases of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to take 10 capsules once every 3 days;
  • Novomin has proven itself as an additional remedy in the treatment of various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In such cases, take 10 capsules during the week, and then 4 capsules during the year.

Novomin has proven not only as a means of combating diseases, but also as a means that can increase the body's ability to tolerate lack of oxygen. This is widely used by athletes before important competitions. To do this, a week before the competition, you need to take 10 capsules every day.

Children are allowed to take Novomin only in two options:

  • With oncology;
  • In case of permanent stay in areas contaminated with radiation.

Taking the drug to children who are under 2 years old is prohibited. Children aged 2-5 years take 5 capsules for treatment, 1-2 for prevention. As for pregnant women, taking into account the negative effects of a large amount of vitamin C on the fetus, it is not recommended to take it 3 months before, as well as during the first two trimesters. However, there is a practice of using this drug at the risk of miscarriage, 10 capsules once every 3 days. But this is only after a doctor's prescription. There are no contraindications for nursing mothers. If there are rashes on the body, or other allergic reactions you need to stop taking the drug. One of the effective means in the fight against cancer is Novomin "Siberian Health". How to take it should consult a doctor, based on the patient's history.

Video about the drug

In this video you will learn about the benefits of dietary supplements Novomin:

- should be used wisely and not believe in fairy tales

Pros: in review

Cons: in review

Novomin is another noodle that is hung up on consumers. It's amazing how much our perception of the same thing changes depending on how we present it. Exactly the same situation with the drug Novomin.

What is Novomin

Novomin is produced by a company called Siberian Health. This is a well-known manufacturer that is famous for its supplements from natural ingredients. Not so long ago, a drug appeared in her arsenal that cures, wait a minute!, cancerous tumors. The manufacturer does not position the supplement in this way. The site honestly states that this is an antioxidant vitamin complex that is effective against flu and colds. However, the network is full of completely different information. If you look at all the indications for admission listed on the sites, it becomes clear that the capsules are a real panacea for existing diseases. The network has stories about treatment with the remedy:



    Diffuse mastopathy.

    Thyroid pathologies.

    Chronic bronchitis.

    Decreased immunity.

In more honest articles, they say that the drug is not a method of treatment, but only an addition to the main course of drugs. The main properties of tablets:

    Accelerate and enhance the effect of drugs.

    Reduce the toxic effects of tablets.

    Reduce the harm from chemotherapy.

    Protect against the development of cancer.

    Protect a person during an increased epidemiological situation for influenza and colds.

They also promise specific effects from the use of bioadditives.

    A significant reduction in problems after surgery to remove the tumor - up to 1% from twenty.

    The negative reaction to radiation therapy is reduced by 5-10 times.

    Already after a week of admission, the activity of pathological cells decreases by half. Therefore, the remedy is important to stop the spread of metastases.

    A week after radiation and chemotherapy, the composition of the blood returns to normal.

The effect is promised even at the fourth stage in the form of life extension. Usually patients do not last even three years, only 10% of the lucky ones reach this milestone. But if you take Novomin, people with the last stage get a 25% chance to live the specified period.

If you look at dietary supplements from this point of view, it seems that we have a real treasure in our hands. What is this raging fantasy of marketers or the truth?


Every thinking person immediately dispels illusions when studying the composition. Inside each capsule are:

    180 milligrams of vitamin C.

    6 thousand mega units of vitamin A.

Advertising articles indicate that the number of compounds is selected in a special way to be useful for the treatment of diseases. For each disease, a special scheme is selected with an increase in the amount of intake up to 10 capsules per day.

Vitamin A

The letter itself indicates that the substance is the first of the open compounds. The world learned about him in 1920. The source of retinol (the active form of the vitamin) is carotene, a pigment in red and orange vegetables. The uniqueness of the substance is that it is preserved even after heat treatment of food. All forms of the compound are important for health: retinol, retinal, retinoic acid.

    Affects vision - is part of the retinal pigment rhodopsin. Responsible for twilight vision.

    Stimulates growth and development: regulates protein synthesis and growth of new cells.

    Responsible for the functioning, strength of cell membranes.

    It is an antioxidant that protects against free radicals, reduces the likelihood of cancerous changes, and stops aging.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid must be constantly ingested, as humans do not produce or "hold" the compound in the body. After intake with tablets or food, the substance affects up to 8 hours.

    First of all, the compound reduces the likelihood of disease. The substance stimulates our immunity.

    Ascorbic acid retains calcium in the body, affecting the condition of bones and teeth.

    Accelerates wound healing, stimulates collagen synthesis.

    Affects blood circulation, helping in the absorption of iron, necessary for hemoglobin.

    Strengthens blood vessels, especially capillaries.

    Good antioxidant.

    Participates in fat metabolism, accelerating weight loss.

    Improves growth, formation and development of cells.

Vitamin E

The word tocopherol (the official name for vitamin E) means "bringing life." The characteristic indicates the effect of the compound on the reproduction process. Deficiency causes infertility. The name refers to seven substances that affect the body in different ways.

    Of the vitamins, it has the strongest antioxidant effect. Protects cell membranes from damage.

    Strengthens nerve fibers.

    Reduces the chance of anemia. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Protects vascular walls.

    Slows down the growth of cancerous tumors.

    Regulates blood pressure.

The vitamins indicated in the complex can be bought at any pharmacy at a meager price. The same AEVIT or Undevit will provide you with this and more enriched composition, in which there are even more A, C, E compounds than in Novomin capsules. but vitamin preparations no one sells as a super cure for all diseases. It never occurs to anyone to drink AEVIT for cancer. Why do people go to Novomin?

I think it's a matter of presentation. After all, the Internet says that the tool helps. A person sees that the composition is garbage, but believes that in some magical way the drug still cures cancer. The illusion is supported by the thought of the shock amount of useful substances.

No one thinks that taking 10 capsules daily is dangerous for the body. In medicine, there are two concepts:



Each of them has painful consequences. The maximum daily requirement of vitamin A per day is 3000 IU. If you take more than it should develop:

    Inflammation of the eyes.

    Enlargement of the liver.


    Nausea and loss of appetite.

We need tocopherol in the amount of 30-35 mg per day. With an overabundance

    Bleeding gums.

Cancer is a failure in the program of cell division and differentiation. They abnormally divide, but do not turn into structural units of tissues. The main causes of failure are considered to be mutational processes caused by radiation exposure, the intake of toxic substances into the body, the so-called carcinogens with food. Hormonal disruptions, abnormal metabolic processes, and the growth of free radicals that damage cells also have an effect.

Therefore, speaking about Novomin, one should be honest. Each of the compounds of the composition is really important for the body. These vitamins affect the important processes of growth and development of young cells, regeneration processes, provide antioxidant protection.

Therefore, their presence in the body in sufficient quantities can serve as a prevention of cancerous processes. But not 100% protection or cure. Some diseases are indeed easier with increased doses of vitamins, such as SARS with an excess of vitamin C or measles with vitamin A filling the body. However, people who take vitamins still get sick. And if vitamins do not fully protect even from colds, then they are unlikely to be strong against oncology.

Recent studies have shown that vitamin C reduces the likelihood of several types of cancer by 75%, and vitamin E slows down tumor growth and its spread throughout the body. Therefore, Novomin is useful for:

    Health promotion.

    Prevention of cancer and colds.

The supplement can indeed be taken along with the main drugs for the treatment of oncology, but you should not hope for a miraculous effect. This opinion is also confirmed by the opinions of oncologists.

“Of course, we recommend that patients take vitamins. They are good for health. But they are never considered as a cancer treatment. You can prescribe vitamin C for colds, or vitamin A to improve vision. Here their effect is visible and scientifically proven. However, oncology is too serious a process to expect significant changes when taking Novomin and any other vitamin complexes”, - oncologist Yuri Vasiliev.
"Some recent research shows positive impact on tumors of high doses of vitamins C and E. However, this is still experimental data. And of course we are not talking about curing the disease only with capsules. You still need to have surgery and chemo. Well, in parallel, if it calms you down, drink Novomin, ”oncologist Oleg Zavgorodniy.

Antioxidant Complex Novomin- a drug of a new generation, which is used for the prevention of oncological diseases and the prevention of malignant neoplasms, reducing damage to the body in the treatment of malignant neoplasms with radio- and chemotherapy. Novomin completely destroys already affected and modified cells.
Antioxidant complex Novomin exhibits pronounced antioxidant (protective) properties only in normal body tissues; in malignant tumors, on the contrary, it has a pro-oxidant (tumor-damaging) effect. Novomin is the first and so far the only drug in world practice that has a so-called multidirectional effect. On the one hand, the antioxidant complex normalizes metabolic processes in normal tissues of the body, on the other hand, it has a selective effect that damages only malignant cells, including at the DNA level.
Novomin has a pronounced radioprotective effect in the body, preventing the development of free radical oxidation processes caused by the action of radiation; protects bone marrow cells from radiation damage and immune system. The duration of the radioprotective action of one dose of the antioxidant complex is at least 72 hours (for all known radioprotectors - 15-30 minutes).

Indications for use

A drug Novomin used for malignant neoplasms:
To prevent the development of postoperative complications, 1 therapeutic dose for 5-7 days before surgery
For selective protection of the body from ionizing radiation, 1 therapeutic dose a day before the start and then daily (1 time per day) until the end of radiation therapy
To reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy, 1 therapeutic dose a day before the start and then daily (1 time per day) throughout the course of chemotherapy
To reduce the risk of developing distant metastases in patients who have undergone radical surgical or combined treatment. After the treatment, AK "Novomin" is used according to two schemes:
Patients take Novomin daily 1 time per day, 1 therapeutic dose for a month. Then a break of 3 months. Then again a monthly course. Then another break. And so for at least 2 years.
One therapeutic dose 1 time per day every two to three days (2 times a week) continuously for at least 2 years. Breaks are unacceptable as malignant cells will retain the ability to repopulate
With symptomatic therapy daily, 1 therapeutic dose 1 time per day for 1-1.5 weeks
With diffuse mastopathy, daily 1 therapeutic dose 1 time per day for 7-10 days starting from 7-10 days menstrual cycle. For a significant improvement, 2-3 such courses are enough.
With peptic ulcer (ulcer) of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer:
For scarring of stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers - daily, 1 therapeutic dose 1 time per day (after meals) for 7-10 days
For the prevention of seasonal exacerbations - one therapeutic dose every other day, 1-1.5 weeks before the expected exacerbation
Prevention of the damaging effect of ionizing radiation on the body of people living or working in the zone of its increased level: one prophylactic dose 3-4 times a week during the entire period of being in the zone of increased radiation

Mode of application

After treatment, take Novomin daily 1 time per day for 1 therapeutic dose for 1 month. Then a break is made for 3 months and a monthly course of treatment is carried out again. Such courses are held for at least 2 years.
After the treatment, Novomin is taken in 1 therapeutic dose 1 time in 2-3 days (2 times a week) constantly for at least 2 years.
These modes are equivalent in their effectiveness and can be selected individually depending on the conditions of life, work, etc. It should be borne in mind that interruptions in treatment are not allowed, since malignant cells scattered in the body will retain the ability to recover, despite the removal of the primary tumor.
The therapeutic dose of Novomin is 10-12 capsules. 1 time per day in the morning after meals. To avoid heartburn, Novomin should be taken with food or a large amount of a milky drink. This is also necessary because fat-soluble vitamins are better absorbed with fats.
Prophylactic dose - 4 capsules per day. The use of Novomin 1-2 capsules is meaningless.
Children: Admission Novomin is justified in 2 cases: 1) living in radiation-contaminated areas and 2) the presence of an oncological process.
The therapeutic dose for children from 2 to 5 years is 5 capsules, after 5 years an adult dose can be given.
Prophylactic dose for children from 2 to 5 years old - 1-2 capsules.

Side effects

Application of the drug Novomin may lead to the development of side effects as allergic reactions to the components of the drug.


With individual intolerance to the components of the drug Novomin its use is contraindicated.


Pregnant and lactating women: Given the adverse effects of high doses of retinol on fetal development, Novomin It is not recommended to take 3 months before the expected pregnancy and during the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy. There is experience in the use of Novomin with the threat of abortion - 10 capsules 1 time in 3 days. Breastfeeding women can take Novomin in the required dosage.

Storage conditions

Novomin store in a dry place, at room temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Release form

A drug Novomin is issued in the form of capsules; 1 capsule - 530 mg; bottle - 120 capsules.


Patented Antioxidant Complex Novomin(natural ascorbate, retinol palmitate, alpha-tocopherol), activated low molecular weight pectin, fructose.

main parameters


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

General information

The only antioxidant product of its kind that completely destroys already affected and modified cells.
The antioxidant drug Novomin is a unique development aimed at preventing malignant neoplasms, reducing damage to the body in the treatment of malignant neoplasms with radio- and chemotherapy, as well as increasing the effectiveness of this treatment.

Among the components of Novomin are the following substances:

  • Several antioxidants of natural origin, which protect cells from free radicals and other aggressive agents, regulate metabolism in intact cells,
  • Several pro-oxidants that select pathologically altered tissues and destroy them.
In world practice, there is not a single drug that has similar actions at the same time: protecting healthy tissues from destruction and suppressing already modified or affected cells.


Adult patients take one capsule at breakfast. The duration of treatment is 4 weeks. It is desirable to conduct up to three courses per year.

Active ingredients

  • Antioxidant complex Novomin - development of specialists Siberian Health: tocopherol acetate, retinol acetate, vitamin C,
  • Lactose,
  • Fructose,
  • Citrus pectins Herbacell.

Clinical researches

Research Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology in Minsk.
Determination of the action of dietary supplement Novomin ( vitamins C, A, E) on the body of patients with gastric cancer after surgery or other special types of therapy.

The experiment involved seven hundred and twenty-one patients, dietary supplements were taken throughout the week. An increase in the level of enzymes that are antioxidants was found, as well as the activation of fat cells, which indicates an antioxidant effect. In patients, the state of erythrocytes stabilizes with an increase in osmotic pressure; this indicator can be used to judge the strengthening of cell membranes. The use of dietary supplement Novomin to alleviate the harmful effects of a chemotherapy drug ( 5-fluorouracil) also had a positive effect: the production of glutathione, an antioxidant produced in the body, increased.

When using Novomin dietary supplement in the rehabilitation of patients with gastric cancer after irradiation, not a single episode of late complication was recorded. The follow-up period was ten years. The patients did not suffer from the skin disorder that is characteristic of radiotherapy. Laboratory studies of the state of the blood showed that the adrenal glands and pancreas were not affected by irradiation.

Academy of Nutrition of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Determination of the effect of dietary supplement Novomin on the condition of patients with fibrocystic form of mastopathy.

The experiment involved ten patients aged from eighteen to thirty-two years. During the intake of dietary supplements, women noted relief of the condition, a decrease in the intensity of pain in mammary glands, as well as a decrease in the intensity of the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome. Menstruation began to pass less painfully. The amount of discharge normalized, the period of bleeding decreased. According to the indications of ultrasound, 12 weeks after treatment, nine patients showed positive changes: the cysts resolved partially or completely, the lumen of the milk ducts increased, and the foci of altered tissues decreased.

Siberian Health is the largest company producing various drugs that can significantly improve the state of health. She has proven herself in the pharmacy market. But one of the most significant developments of this company is Novomin. It is truly unique, as one of the few able to fight cancer. But not everyone knows what diseases Novomin Siberian Health can influence. How to take this drug so that it has a targeted effect on a specific problem of a person. After all, someone wants to get rid of a stomach ulcer, and someone is trying to cure tuberculosis. Treatment regimens will vary.

What is the uniqueness of Novomin?

We can distinguish the following properties of this drug, which make it unique, different from others. Namely:

What is included?

The composition of Novomin is uncomplicated, but well-chosen:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Auxiliary substances (fructose, pectin).

It seems, why buy Novomin, if you can buy any of these vitamins at a pharmacy at a more affordable price. And it's much easier to just eat more fruits and vegetables that contain these vitamins. But not everything is so simple. It is possible to fight cancer and other serious diseases only with a certain verified ratio of these vitamins in the correct dose. It is in this way that the above vitamins are combined in Novomin.

Appointment of the drug Novomin

There are 4 main purposes of this drug:

What diseases can be treated by Siberian Health?

With this drug, you can fight the following diseases:

  1. Oncological diseases of a different nature;
  2. Ulcer;
  3. Diffuse mastopathy;
  4. Tuberculosis;
  5. Chronical bronchitis;
  6. Influenza prevention;
  7. Dysplasia of the cervix;
  8. Thyroid diseases;
  9. Immunosuppressive conditions (persistent colds);
  10. The first stages of cirrhosis of the liver.

How to take the drug

The drug should be taken with food along with a large amount of milk, kefir or other milk drink. This is explained by the fact that vitamins A, E are perfectly absorbed along with fatty acids.

Now let's try to analyze the main schemes for taking this drug, with the aim of effective treatment. It should be clarified that taking 1, 2, 3 capsules per day does not have a full effect, due to the low concentration of active substances. The main purpose of Novomin is an additional tool for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Therefore, we first consider the rules for taking Novomin for the treatment and prevention of cancer:

  1. After surgery, to prevent the occurrence of complications after surgery, it is recommended for a cancer patient to drink 10 capsules about a week before the day of surgery;
  2. When undergoing a course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, you should drink 10 capsules, starting the day before the start of treatment and the entire course of therapy;
  3. To improve the quality of life of terminally ill patients, it is recommended to take 10 capsules every day;
  4. At the end of treatment, you should adhere to the following scheme for 30 days, drink 10 capsules every day, then take a three-month break, then repeat the 30-day course, then again 3 months - rest. And follow this pattern for 2 years.

Or you can choose a different scheme. Drink 10 capsules twice a week, for example, on Monday and Thursday for about 2 years.

All these schemes are conditional, the final course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, based on specific conditions.

Now let's move on to other diseases:

  • To relieve pain in diffuse mastopathy, it is recommended to take a week from the 7-10th day of menstruation;
  • With an exacerbation of an ulcer, drink 10 capsules for about 10 days. To prevent exacerbation for 10-15 days, drink 10 capsules every day;
  • To avoid flu 30 days before the epidemic, take 4 capsules daily;
  • When diagnosing an immunosuppressive state, you should drink 10 capsules for 30 days;
  • For the prevention of persistent colds, you can drink 4 capsules for about a year;
  • In diseases of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to take 10 capsules once every 3 days;
  • Novomin has proven itself as an additional remedy in the treatment of various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In such cases, take 10 capsules during the week, and then 4 capsules during the year.

Novomin has proven not only as a means of combating diseases, but also as a means that can increase the body's ability to tolerate lack of oxygen. This is widely used by athletes before important competitions. To do this, a week before the competition, you need to take 10 capsules every day.

Children are allowed to take Novomin only in two options:

  • With oncology;
  • In case of permanent stay in areas contaminated with radiation.

Taking the drug to children who are under 2 years old is prohibited. Children aged 2-5 years take 5 capsules for treatment, 1-2 for prevention. As for pregnant women, taking into account the negative effects of a large amount of vitamin C on the fetus, it is not recommended to take it 3 months before pregnancy, but also during the first two trimesters. However, there is a practice of using this drug at the risk of miscarriage, 10 capsules once every 3 days. But this is only after a doctor's prescription. There are no contraindications for nursing mothers. If there are rashes on the body, or other allergic reactions, you need to stop taking the drug. One of the effective means in the fight against cancer is Novomin "Siberian Health". How to take it should consult a doctor, based on the patient's history.

Video about the drug

In this video you will learn about the benefits of dietary supplements Novomin: