From what infections is the Pentaxim vaccine: what do they do. Pentaxim vaccination: instructions for use, reviews, price Possible reactions to Pentaxim vaccination

Pentaxim: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Pentaxim

ATX Code: J07CA06

Active substance: diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, pertussis toxoid, filamentous hemagglutinin, poliomyelitis viruses (1, 2, 3 types) inactivated

Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur S.A. (Sanofi Pasteur, S.A.) (France)

Description and photo update: 04.07.2018

Pentaxim is a drug used for complex vaccination to prevent diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, as well as diseases caused by hemophilic infection (Haemophilus influenzae) type b.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Pentaxim is a kit that includes a lyophilizate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular (IM) administration and a suspension for intramuscular administration:

  • lyophilisate: homogeneous in composition, white; the vaccine recovered from the lyophilizate is an opaque whitish liquid, which separates during settling into a white precipitate and a colorless liquid, easily resuspendable when shaken;
  • suspension for i / m administration: cloudy suspension of a whitish color.

In a carton box 1 closed cell pack with 1 dose of lyophilizate in a glass vial and 1 dose of suspension (0.5 ml) in a 1 ml glass syringe, with or without a fixed needle; in packages with a syringe without a fixed needle, 2 separate sterile needles are inserted.

  • tetanus toxoid - ≥ 40 International units (IU);
  • diphtheria toxoid - ≥ 30 IU;
  • hemagglutinin filamentous - 25 mcg;
  • pertussis toxoid - 25 mcg;
  • inactivated poliomyelitis virus type 1 - 40 units of D-antigen;
  • inactivated poliomyelitis virus type 2 - 8 units of D-antigen;
  • inactivated poliomyelitis virus type 3 - 32 units of D-antigen.

Auxiliary components of the suspension: aluminum hydroxide - 0.3 mg; formaldehyde - 12.5 mcg; Hank's medium 199 (not containing phenol red) - 0.05 ml; phenoxyethanol - 2.5 µl; acetic acid / sodium hydroxide - up to pH 6.8-7.3; water for injection - up to 0.5 ml.

The composition of the lyophilisate (Hlb) for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular injection, per 1 dose:

  • active ingredient: Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide conjugated with tetanus toxoid - 10 mcg;
  • auxiliary components: sucrose - 42.5 mg; trometamol - 0.6 mg.

Antibiotics (neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B) are required during the production of the vaccine, but are not present in detectable amounts in the final product.

The production conditions of Pentaxim comply with the requirements of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).

Pharmacological properties

Pentaxim is an adsorbed vaccine for diphtheria and tetanus, acellular pertussis, inactivated poliomyelitis, infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugated. It belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group MIBP - medical immunobiological preparations, and is intended to create immunity to the listed diseases.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Pentaxim is recommended for primary immunization and revaccination of children from 3 months of age against poliomyelitis, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, an invasive infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (meningitis, septicemia, etc.).


Absolute contraindications:

  • progressive encephalopathy (with or without seizures);
  • encephalopathy developed within 7 days of any vaccination using Bordetella pertussis antigens;
  • a strong response (within 48 hours) to a previous vaccination with a pertussis component: prolonged unusual crying syndrome, hyperthermia with body temperature up to 40 ° C and above, febrile / afebrile convulsions, hypotonic-hyporeactive episode;
  • an allergic reaction caused by a previous vaccination to prevent poliomyelitis, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b;
  • diseases accompanied by fever, exacerbation of infectious or chronic diseases (vaccination must be postponed until recovery);
  • a confirmed systemic allergic reaction to any component of Pentaxim, as well as polymyxin B, neomycin, glutaraldehyde, streptomycin.

With caution, vaccination should be carried out if there is a history of febrile seizures that are not associated with previous vaccination. In such patients, it is required to control body temperature for 48 hours after vaccination, and if it rises, antipyretic drugs should be used regularly.

Instructions for use Pentaksim: method and dosage

The Pentaxim vaccine is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 0.5 ml; children aged six months to two years - in the region of the middle third of the anterolateral surface of the thigh, children over two years old - in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. It is forbidden to administer the drug intravenously or intradermally. Before introducing the suspension, make sure that the needle does not enter the blood vessel, for which it is necessary to slightly pull the plunger back after inserting the needle and check the syringe for the presence of blood.

For the packaging option with 2 needles inserted separately, before starting the preparation of the vaccine, it is required to firmly fix the needle by turning it 1 / 4 of a turn relative to the syringe. It is necessary to choose a needle in accordance with the thickness of the subcutaneous fat in the child at the injection site.

Vaccine preparation:

  1. Remove the colored plastic cap from the lyophilizate vial.
  2. Inject a pre-shaken IM suspension (polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus vaccine) from a syringe through a needle into a lyophilisate vial [Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hlb) vaccine].
  3. Shake the bottle without removing the syringe from it, wait until the lyophilisate is completely dissolved (no longer than 3 minutes).
  4. Visually evaluate the resulting suspension: it should be cloudy, but free of foreign particles, and have a whitish tint (otherwise the suspension is unusable).
  5. The finished suspension should be completely absorbed into the same syringe.

Once prepared, the vaccine must be administered immediately.

Vaccination course Pentaxim: three injections of 1 dose (0.5 ml) with an interval of 1-2 months, starting from 3 months of age. Revaccination is carried out at the age of 18 months with the introduction of 1 dose of Pentaxim. What complies with the requirements of the National Immunization Schedule Russian Federation: the vaccination course for the prevention of poliomyelitis, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus consists of 3 injections of the drug with an interval of 1.5 months (at 3; 4.5 and 6 months); revaccination is carried out once every 18 months.

In case of violation of the vaccination schedule, subsequent intervals between successive doses of the vaccine remain unchanged, including a break before the booster dose of 12 months.

When the first dose of Pentaxim is administered between 6 and 12 months of age, the second, routinely prepared dose is administered 1.5 months after the first, and the 3rd dose, administered 1.5 months after the second, requires the use of a polio vaccine , whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, initially presented in a syringe, without dilution of the lyophilisate (Hlb) in a vial. As the 4th (revaccinating) dose, the standard dose of Pentaxim with the dilution of the lyophilisate (Hlb) is used.

With the introduction of the first dose of Pentaxim over the age of 1 year, for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th (revaccinating) doses, it is required to use a vaccine for the prevention of poliomyelitis, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, initially presented in a syringe, without diluting the lyophilisate (Hlb) in a vial.

Side effects

Adverse reactions that were observed when using the Pentaxim vaccine for immunization:

  • local, developing within 48 hours after vaccination: soreness in the injection area, usually expressed by short crying at rest or with slight pressure; compaction and redness at the injection site of the suspension (in 0.1-1% of cases with a diameter of more than 5 cm);
  • general: increase in body temperature: more than 38 ° C - with a frequency of 1-10%; more than 39 ° С - with a frequency of 0.1–1%; more than 40 ° C - with a frequency of 0.01–0.1% (rectal temperature indicators are used, which, as a rule, are 0.6–1.1 ° C higher than the axillary temperature; sleep disturbances, drowsiness, irritability, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea; less often - prolonged crying; in very rare cases (< 0.01%) – крапивница, сыпь, фебрильные/афебрильные судороги, гипотония, гипотонический-гипореактивный синдром, анафилактические реакции (отек лица, отек Квинке, анафилактический шок).

The consequence of the introduction of vaccines containing the Hlb component, in rare cases, may be swelling of one / both lower extremities(puffiness predominates on the side of administration of the vaccine), which is mainly observed after primary vaccination during the first few hours, and is sometimes accompanied by prolonged crying, fever, soreness, cyanosis / discoloration of the skin. Less often, redness, petechiae, or transient purpura with fever and rash are observed. Reactions pass independently within 24 hours, without residual effects, including from the respiratory system and the heart.

After vaccination with the acellular pertussis component, in very rare cases, there was a pronounced reaction at the injection site, with a diameter of more than 5 cm (including edema spreading over one or both joints), appearing 24-72 hours after the administration of the drug and accompanied in some cases by redness , increased skin temperature, increased sensitivity / soreness at the injection site. For 3-5 days, these symptoms disappear on their own without additional therapy. Presumably, the risk of developing such reactions increases in proportion to the number of injections of the acellular pertussis component, after the fourth and fifth vaccination this probability is greater.

There is evidence that Guillain-Barré syndrome and neuritis of the brachial nerve were observed as a result of the introduction of other vaccines containing tetanus toxoid.

special instructions

Vaccination with Pentaxim does not provide immunity against infections caused by other serotypes of Haemophilus influenzae, as well as meningitis of other etiologies.

It is required to inform the doctor about all episodes of adverse reactions, including instructions for the drug that are not included in the list. In order to prevent probable allergic, as well as other possible reactions, before each vaccination, the doctor is obliged to clarify the child's state of health and the history of immunization, the anamnesis of him and his immediate family (in particular, allergic), side effects on previous vaccinations. During the procedure, medical personnel should have medicines and tools that may be required for the development of a hypersensitivity reaction.

The state of immunodeficiency or immunosuppressive therapy may cause a weak immune response to the administration of the drug. In this case, vaccination is recommended to be postponed until the end of the course of therapy or until the disease is in remission. But in chronic immunodeficiency, such as HIV-infected children, vaccination is recommended even with a weakened immune response.

Thrombocytopenia and other bleeding disorders increase the risk of bleeding with intramuscular injection, in such patients the vaccine should be administered with caution.

A history of development of neuritis of the brachial nerve or Guillain-Barré syndrome in response to any tetanus toxoid vaccine indicates the need for careful justification of the decision to vaccinate with Pentaxim. In such cases, it is usually justified to terminate the primary immunization when less than three doses have been given.

Application in childhood

In pediatric practice, vaccination with Pentaxim is carried out according to the recommended method of administration and dosage.

drug interaction

There is no reliable data on the mutual influence of Pentaxim and others. medicines(including other vaccines), excluding immunosuppressive substances/drugs.

It is necessary to inform the doctor about the introduction to the child of any other medicines(including OTC) recent or concurrent with vaccination.


An analogue of Pentaxim is Infanrix Quinta.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at 2-8°C (refrigerate). Keep away from children. Do not freeze.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Prejudices about the quality and, therefore, the safety of domestic and Indian vaccines force many parents to look for an alternative. Doctors go to a meeting and offer excited mothers to buy comprehensive vaccination"Pentax". This is a French vaccine (manufactured by SANOFI PASTEUR, S.A.), which has been successfully used to vaccinate children in the US and EU countries for many years. In Russia, vaccination with Pentaxim has been practiced since 2008.

1. What diseases are vaccinated against with Pentaxim?

The Pentaxim vaccine is a polyvalent vaccine that allows you to immunize a child at once against five serious diseases at once:

  1. whooping cough;
  2. diphtheria;
  3. tetanus;
  4. poliomyelitis;
  5. hemophilic infection (this group includes diseases caused by a special type of bacteria - Haemophilus influenzae, type B: pneumonia, meningitis, septicemia, etc.).

This means that one injection of Pentaxim allows you to immediately replace 3 other vaccinations:

  • DTP - Adsorbed Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus Vaccine;
  • from poliomyelitis;
  • from Haemophilus influenzae.

It turns out that, taking into account all subsequent revaccinations, the child will need to visit the manipulation room and inject only 5 times instead of 12.

2. How safe is the composition of the vaccine?

Pediatricians admit that the biggest fears of parents are caused by vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. It must be said that these fears are not so unfounded. DTP is a whole-cell vaccine, which means that with it, weakened, but still living bacteria enter the child's body. The immune system immediately reacts to an aggressive attack and comes into conflict with the bacteria entering the injection, which is externally manifested by symptoms such as fever and / or rashes.

There are no live bacteria in the composition of Pentaxim - only their dead parts. This makes the French injection safer and less painful, and reduces stress on the child's immune system. The likelihood of post-immunization fever, which has become almost the norm after the introduction of whole cell vaccines, is significantly reduced.

The same can be said about the polio virus. In the oral vaccines that children are forced to swallow, the bacteria are still alive. If the child's immune system is severely weakened, then there is a risk of vaccine-associated poliomyelitis. That is, a vaccine that should protect can, on the contrary, provoke an outbreak of the disease. Vaccination with Pentaxim excludes such a risk - the polio virus, which is part of it, is already dead.

As for the additional components found in low-quality vaccines, there is no mercury or phenyl red in Pentaxim.

3. At what age is this vaccine given?

It is optimal if Pentaxim is vaccinated within the generally accepted vaccination schedule, but one nuance should be taken into account here. The fact is that the Hib component of the vaccine (that is, the one that produces immunity against hemophilic infections) is contained in a separate vial. It turns out that when you open the package, you will see a syringe with a ready-made suspension inside and a separate bottle with dry lyopholisate - this is the very Hib component of the vaccine.

If, according to the schedule, the child needs to be vaccinated against all 5 diseases, the suspension is first mixed with lyopholisate and only then an injection is given. If a vaccination against hemophilic infection is not needed, the vial is not touched and only the contents of the syringe are injected into the muscle.

The scheme of vaccination and revaccination is as follows:

Child's age at which the first vaccination may fall (always with the Hib component)First revaccination

(1.5 - 2 months after vaccination)

Second revaccination (1.5 - 2 months after the first revaccination)Third revaccination (12 months after the second revaccination)
Under 6 monthsWith HIB componentWith HIB componentWith HIB component
6 to 12 monthsWith HIB componentWithout HIB componentWithout HIB component
Over 1 year oldWithout HIB componentWithout HIB componentWithout HIB component

It is optimal if the first vaccination is given to the baby at three months, the second at 4 and a half, the third at six months and the fourth at one and a half. This is exactly how, according to the schedule of the national vaccination calendar, the full course of Pentaxim vaccinations looks like, from what then will the child be protected? Thus, he will form stable immunity against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and hemophilic infections for the next 5 years of life.

Alas, meeting these deadlines is not always possible. Most often, “falling out” of the schedule is due to the lack of the necessary vaccine or due to the health of the baby. Be that as it may, if it was not possible to start vaccination on time and the child received the first vaccination after he was 6 months old, then a bottle with the Hib component will not be needed for subsequent revaccinations. In this case, it makes no sense to buy Pentaxim and overpay for an extra component. It is better to take an analogue of Pentaxim - the Tetraxim vaccine. These are identical preparations made by the same manufacturer, with only one exception - Tetraxim does not contain a vial with a Hib component.

"Note! When the child turns 6-7 years old, he will have another revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis, but it is no longer possible to make it with Pentaxim - it contains a significantly larger amount of antigens than is necessary at this age. Most often, the ADS-M vaccine is used for this revaccination.

One more important point: Pentaxim is fully compatible with any other vaccinations. Therefore, the instruction allows the use of this vaccine for revaccination if the vaccination was carried out by vaccination with DPT, Imovax Polio, Hiberix, live polio, etc.

4. What is the likelihood of complications after vaccination?

Negative reactions are extremely rare. Speaking in the language of dry statistics, the studies that were conducted in France showed: side effects Pentaxima, requiring a visit to a pediatrician, occurs in 0.6% of vaccinated children.

Parents should be aware that some manifestations of the response immune system are within the normal range and should not cause concern. Among them:

  1. Increase in body temperature. In 10 out of 100 children, the temperature rose to 38 degrees, and only in 0.1% of the vaccinated - up to 39 degrees.
  2. Local reactions - redness and slight induration of the skin in the place where the injection was made. There may be pain on pressure. In about one child in a hundred (less than 1%), the diameter of the redness reached 5 cm in diameter - this is also a variant of the norm. As a rule, local reactions appear 1-3 days after vaccination, and after another 3-5 days they disappear on their own.
  3. Common reactions - drowsiness or, on the contrary, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, irritability.

The probability of more serious complications is 0.01%. This means that one vaccinated child out of a hundred had an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, as well as various systemic reactions (skin rash, urticaria). Even less common are side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, decreased blood pressure and anaphylactic shock.

5. In what cases is it impossible to vaccinate with Pentaxim?

Pediatricians admit: Pentaxim is a gentle vaccine, which is often the only way to avoid the side effects of vaccination in children with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases. Dysbacteriosis, anemia, atopic dermatitis, allergic and neurological diseases, and even HIV - it is with these diagnoses that Pentaxim is recommended in the first place.

Vaccination is not done if:

  • the child suffers from encephalopathy;
  • he has an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the child has an elevated body temperature;
  • he had already been injected with Pentaxim, after which side effects were observed - high temperature (above 40 ° C), allergies, convulsions, hypotonic-hyporeactive syndrome;
  • known about the individual intolerance of the components that make up the vaccine;
  • are allergic to neomycin, streptomycin, glutaraldehyde and polymyxin B.

Very carefully vaccinate with Pentaxim to children who have previously had febrile attacks (that is, caused by high temperature) seizures unrelated to vaccinations. In this case, the first two days after the injection, it is necessary to regularly measure body temperature so as not to miss the moment when the child needs an antipyretic.

So, French Pentaxim is a safe alternative to three vaccinations at once. More and more parents, concerned about the side effects of aggressive DTP, are opting for just such a “dead” vaccine, which does not contain live bacteria. It allows you to develop stable immunity, but at the same time does not burden the child's immune system, which means that the likelihood of negative reactions is reduced to almost zero.

The imported vaccine "Pentaxim" is produced by the famous French concern "SANOFI PASTEUR, S. A." and is shipped to many European countries and the USA. In Russia, the drug has been registered since July 2008 and has been successfully used to prevent five childhood diseases.

What is included in the "Pentaxim" vaccination, and what advantages does the vaccine have compared to the usual means of immunoprophylaxis in children? Let's take a closer look at the composition of the drug, its biological characteristics, instructions for use and side effects.

What diseases are vaccinated against "Pentaxim"

What does the Pentaxim vaccine protect against? It is used to develop immunity to five diseases:

  • polio;
  • diphtheria;
  • tetanus;
  • whooping cough;
  • infections caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type b - HIB (meningitis, pneumonia, septicemia, etc.).

The composition of the Pentaxim vaccine includes three toxoids (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), filamentous hemagglutinin, inactivated (killed) polio virus of three types. Separately, there is a hemophilic component, combined with tetanus toxoid. Among the accompanying substances there is no mercury, phenol red, but there is aluminum hydroxide and formaldehyde.

The vaccine is for intramuscular injection and is available in double packaging. Components for four diseases are packaged in glass syringes with a capacity of 1 ml and represent 0.5 ml of a whitish cloudy suspension. Hemophilic antigen comes separately in vials in the form of a lyophilized mass (dried powder) of white color. It is diluted according to the instructions for the Pentaxim vaccine with the first suspension immediately before use. One syringe and vial contains one dose of the vaccine.

Analogues of "Pentax" are:

  • DTP vaccine - it has three components: whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus;
  • "Infanrix";
  • "Imovax Polio";
  • "Hiberix";
  • "Infanrix Hexa";
  • Infanrix Penta.

What is the difference between the Pentaxim vaccine and similar means of immunoprophylaxis in children?

Features of the Pentaxim vaccine

Compared with other drugs, Pentaxim has several advantages.

  1. Until recently, it was the only vaccine in Russia that allows vaccination against five diseases at the same time (later, Infanrix Hexa and Infanrix Penta appeared). "Pentaksim" allows you to vaccinate a child in just four visits to the doctor - in contrast to twelve visits with the separate use of DPT, polio and Hib vaccines.
  2. The pertussis component of the vaccine is cellular, that is, acellular, in contrast to the whole-cell component in DTP. This significantly reduces the negative reaction to the Pentaxim vaccine, and also reduces the risk of developing vaccine pertussis in debilitated children to zero.
  3. The polio antigen is inactivated, that is, it contains a killed virus, while vaccines given orally (by mouth) include live attenuated strains. This completely eliminates the risk of developing vaccine-associated poliomyelitis, which is by far one of the most formidable complications after vaccination with live vaccines.
  4. Due to its good tolerability, the Pentaxim vaccine is recommended for use in children with an acute reaction to DTP or those who are exempted from DPT vaccination, with perinatal encephalopathy, HIV-infected, suffering from allergic and neurological diseases, dysbacteriosis, other diseases; prone to febrile seizures.
  5. Children vaccinated with Pentaxim have a high level of antibodies against three types of polioviruses, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria, and Hib infection.

Preparing a child for the Pentaxim vaccine

Preparation for the Pentaxim vaccination is carried out in the same way as for other vaccinations.

Within two to three days after vaccination, monitor the body temperature of the baby. If it rises, then it is removed with drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. Do not be afraid to bring down the temperature - it does not play any positive role and this will not affect the development of immunity in any way. If antipyretics do not have the desired effect, then consult a doctor.

At what age is the Pentaxim vaccine given?

According to the National Immunization Schedule, Pentaxim is used in children from the age of three months. The course of these vaccinations consists of three injections:

Terms of revaccination "Pentaksim" - once at the age of 18 months.

If the first vaccination was postponed for some reason, then the Pentaxim vaccination scheme is applied as follows.

  1. The intervals between doses are maintained and are 1.5–1.5 months. And 12 months for revaccination.
  2. If the first dose is administered within 6–12 months, then the Hib component is not used in the third vaccination.
  3. After a year of life, the first dose is administered completely, and the second, third and fourth (revaccinating) - without the Hib component.
  4. The Pentaxim vaccine without the Hib component can be used up to the age of six.

In the case when there is no need to use the Hib component, revaccination can be carried out with the Tetraxim vaccine. This is a biological product of the same manufacturer, similar to Pentaxim, but without an unnecessary hemophilic component.

Such a course forms in children immunity to five diseases for a period of five years. After this period, at the age of 6-7 years, a second vaccination against polio, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria is carried out. In this case, another vaccine is used - for example, ADS-M.

Compatibility with other vaccines

All vaccines used in our country are interchangeable. Therefore, instead of Pentaxim, you can continue another vaccine, for example, DTP, or revaccinate after Infanrix.

It must be remembered that the polio component in Pentaxim is inactivated, unlike most other biological products. Therefore, if polio vaccines by mouth were previously used, then the polio vaccination will have to be continued with live vaccines (drops). Or consider Pentaxim as the first dose of polio, and in the future use intramuscular injections (Imovax Polio) for revaccination.

Contraindications for vaccination

Do not vaccinate "Pentax" in the following cases:

  • encephalopathy;
  • diseases accompanied by febrile conditions - fever;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • in the event that a pronounced reaction to previous injections of the vaccine was previously noted - an increase in body temperature above 40 ° C, allergic manifestations, convulsions, hypotonic-hyporeactive syndrome;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the vaccine;
  • allergy to neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B, glutaraldehyde.

Pentaxim is used with caution if the baby has previously had febrile convulsions that are not associated with vaccinations. In this case, body temperature is monitored for 48 hours, if necessary, using antipyretics.

Side effects

Complications after the Pentaxim vaccination are rare, but they do happen. Such manifestations are considered normal adverse reactions to the vaccine.

In less than 0.01% of cases, body temperature rises above 40 °C. Systemic reactions are possible - skin rash, urticaria, febrile (caused by temperature) and afebrile convulsions, anaphylactic shock, drop in blood pressure and hypotonic-hyporeactive syndrome.

Studies conducted in France indicate that side effects of the Pentaxim vaccine, requiring a visit to a doctor, were observed in 0.6% of vaccinated children.

Summing up, we can say that the imported Pentaxim vaccine has a number of advantages over domestic counterparts. The drug allows you to vaccinate a child against five diseases in four trips to the vaccination room. Possessing a better degree of purification and not having live viruses in its composition, this vaccine is more easily tolerated by children, and a small number of antigens significantly reduces the load on the body's immune system.


To vaccinate a child or not is a rather controversial issue in our time.

I am not encouraging anyone to do anything with my review. I'm just sharing my experience and opinion. In the end, each parent decides what is best for their child on their own.

Even before the birth of the baby, I knew that we would vaccinate (of course, if there was no honey tap). I read literature on the Internet, in various sources. And by the time the child needed to be vaccinated against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, I already knew about the existence of Pentaxim. But it's pretty vague, to be honest. At the pediatrician's appointment, the doctor told us about the need for vaccinations and mentioned in passing "next week, after all the tests, we will put DTP." I started asking questions - is it possible to put Pentaxim (that it is paid, I already knew). The doctor rolled her eyes and somehow uncertainly said "you can ... of course." It turns out that many mothers, on the contrary, do not like it when doctors offer paid vaccinations for the reasons that it is beneficial for the doctor to shove the same vaccine, but for a fabulous amount.

I hope that stones will not be thrown at me, but nevertheless I will say my opinion - I am against the domestic DTP. I've read the reviews. Yes, I have met many who tolerated this vaccine normally. Someone had a slight fever. But I don't want to risk my child. Naturally, I am based not only on reviews, but elementary - Pentaxim is a purified vaccine, after inoculation with it, the risk of accompanying symptoms is minimal.

So, with the reasons, it seems like they figured it out. Eventually - why Pentax? DTP or PENTAXIM - which is better

As part of Pentakim, whooping cough is split, the shell is removed from it, which is much better. Usually it is the shell that gives a negative effect, leading to many contraindications.
When using Pentaxim, the number of vaccinations that can (and should) be given to a baby is noticeably reduced. If, with the separate use of DTP / Infanrix and IPV + HIB, a total of 12 injections must be made so that the baby does not have health problems, then Pentaxim allows you to reduce this number to four without reducing efficiency. It is convenient, profitable and better tolerated by the baby.

What is pentax.

It is a vaccine similar to DTP. But more extended. Pentaxim immunizes against the following diseases:

  1. whooping cough;
  2. diphtheria;
  3. tetanus;
  4. poliomyelitis;
  5. hemophilic infection (this group includes diseases caused by a special type of bacteria - Haemophilus influenzae, type B: pneumonia, meningitis, septicemia, etc.).

Place of purchase: Polyclinic. In our city, they tried to catch the last, third vaccine in pharmacies, but it was nowhere to be found. You can also vaccinate your child in a private clinic.

Price: for three vaccinations, the cost was unchanged (2017-2018) 1620 rubles. (state polyclinic)

Manufacturer: France.

The package contains all the necessary information:

Grafting experience.

How to prepare your child for vaccination:

I consulted with the pediatrician - how to prepare the baby for vaccination. To which I was told that, in principle, Pentaxim is easily tolerated, nothing special needs to be done, there is no preparation as such. Well, if you want, you can give an antihistamine. I decided not to give anything - to look at the body's reaction to the first vaccination.

The first vaccine Pentaxim.

Before the first vaccination, everything was as it should be - an examination by doctors (just coincided with the medical commission per month), a blood test. On the day of vaccination, the pediatrician examined - listened, looked at the throat. He gave the go-ahead for the vaccination. Went with the child to treatment room. There, in front of me, they took out the package from the refrigerator, opened it, I looked at the expiration date.

I held the child in my arms. An injection was placed in the thigh. The main thing is to hold the child tightly, so as not to escape from unexpected manipulations.

Needless to say, the baby cried. But he did not cry for long, he quickly calmed down.

We sat outside the office for another 15-20 minutes and drove home.

After the vaccination, nothing has changed in the behavior of the child. he didn't fuss. The dream was the same as usual. The appetite is the same. There was no temperature. But just in case, at home, of course, there are always antipyretics.

Only a small red dot at the injection site reminded me of the vaccination.

On the day of vaccination, we did not walk or bathe the baby.

The next day, the nurse called to inquire about the child's well-being. Everything was the same as usual. There were no lumps at the injection site. In general, the child tolerated the vaccine well.

The second vaccine is Pentaxim.

Since we were told in advance that there might not be a vaccine for the next vaccination, we reserved a dose of Pentaxim for the second procedure. Therefore, they put it on schedule - 45 days after the first vaccination.

This time we were not prescribed a blood test - the pediatrician said "not allowed." The child had not been sick before. The doctor also, like the first time, examined and listened to the child.

The manipulations were carried out in the same way as the first time.

Actually, the reaction of the child was exactly the same. And to put it correctly, there was no reaction as such. That is, there were no whims, no temperature and allergies.

The third vaccine is Pentaxim.

45 days later (in January 2018) after the second vaccine, the last vaccine should have been given. But at that moment she disappeared. It was not available in pharmacies or private hospitals. But we were assured that it would. Well, they began to wait. Waited a month, two. And after all, we don’t give other vaccinations, we all hope for the appearance of Pentaxim.

I called pharmacies almost daily - there was no vaccine and that's it. I almost agreed to our DPT. When I suddenly find out that there is this vaccine in a private clinic in the city. I have even taken the card from the clinic to visit a private trader. But to admit, somehow I don’t have confidence in private clinics, which is why I dragged this decision for so long. But suddenly it turned out that Pentaxim appeared in our state clinic (May 2018). Therefore, the third vaccine was again put on our site.

The manipulations were the same. The reaction of the child is similar to the previous two.

What happens if you vaccinate later than expected?

Vaccination is an important element in ensuring the health of the population, since vaccinations contribute to the performance of the body's immune system and increase the body's resistance to disease. Before the procedure for the introduction of Pentaxim, it is necessary to study what the vaccine is given against, what is included in the vaccine and possible complications.

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Vaccine administration

Pentaxim is a vaccine related to cell-free injections.
Such vaccines are safer, since in most cases they do not cause a reaction.

Each injection provokes the body's immune response to infections (depending

Pentaxim protects the body from:

  • diphtheria,
  • tetanus,
  • whooping cough
  • poliomyelitis,
  • Haemophilus influenzae type B.

Attention! Pentaxim in children is used when there are contraindications to cellular vaccines (eg, DTP). It is recommended to vaccinate from 3 months.


Main components:

  • diphtheria toxoid;
  • tetanus toxoid;
  • filamentous hemagglutinin;
  • poliomyelitis non-activated 1, 2, 3 types;
  • lyophilizate (dose for suspension preparation);
  • polysaccharide.

The manufacturer is Sanofi Pasteur, located in France, Lyon.

Side effects

Side effects may appear as:

  • pain at the injection site (especially when touched, the child begins to cry a lot);
  • redness at the injection site (up to 5 mm in diameter);
  • thickening of the skin at the injection site;
  • prolonged crying, tantrums;
  • up to 40 degrees;
  • febrile and afebrile seizures;
  • sleep disorders;
  • irritability;
  • rarely in the form of urticaria and rash, severe compaction, the appearance of a bump at the injection site, an increase in redness over 5 mm;
  • hypotension.

In rare cases, swelling of the limbs (both or only the one where the injection was given) may occur. Occurs immediately, within a few hours. It is often accompanied by a change in the color of the skin.

In most cases, side effects disappear on their own within 48 hours, they are not associated with disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Much less often in children, there is redness of more than 5 mm and severe swelling. These symptoms also disappear on their own after 3-5 days.


Important! The Pentaxim vaccination schedule implies preventive vaccinations with an interval of 45 days. The first vaccination is carried out at 3 months, then at 4.5 and 6 months. If the timing is shifted, it is necessary to maintain an interval between injections of at least 45 days.

The vaccination schedule is observed according to the following table:

The volume of the vaccine is 0.5 ml. Subject to the schedule, the subsequent revaccination is carried out at the age of 18 months. If the terms have been violated, revaccination with Pentaxim is carried out with an interval of 1 year. When administering a vaccine, the doctor should be guided by the National Immunization Schedule.

  • the drug should be administered at a dosage of 0.5 ml;
  • do not inject intravenously or subcutaneously;
  • injection site - the middle part of the anterior surface of the thigh;
  • during the injection, the needle should not touch the blood vessels;
  • before inoculation, the needle should be carefully fixed by rotating it relative to the syringe;
  • after removing the cap from the vial with the suspension (for the prevention of whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus), using a syringe, it is necessary to introduce it into the container with the lyophilizate;
  • shake the vial to completely dissolve the lyophilizate, it will take several minutes;
  • the resulting mixture should be cloudy light shade;
  • the vaccine should be administered immediately, not reused after a period of storage;
  • cannot be used in the presence of foreign particles;
  • the doctor conducting the vaccination must be informed about the patient's health status;
  • it is necessary to have all the tools and medicines to eliminate a possible immediate reaction;
  • in the case of a weakened immune system, vaccination should be postponed (with the exception of HIV-infected patients, despite a weak immune response);
  • with intramuscular infection, special attention is required for children with bleeding disorders due to the risk of bleeding;
  • immunization should be carried out in a timely manner and is not considered contraindicated. Since such children are born with an imperfect respiratory system, breathing should be closely monitored for 72 hours after vaccination.

Possible reaction in a child

After vaccination, the child may experience a reaction to Pentaxim from various organs and systems.

The above reaction to pentaxim is rare and may not occur. In case of complications, the child should be observed for 48 hours.


Preparation for vaccination takes place in several stages.

Before injection:

  1. It is necessary to clarify whether the child has had acute infectious diseases and notify the local doctor about this.
  2. If the child has allergic reactions on drugs, for several days should be taken antihistamines to avoid complications after vaccination.
  3. It is recommended to pass general analyzes(blood, urine) and, based on the result, obtain permission for vaccination.
  4. It is necessary to purchase antipyretic drugs in advance.
  5. Prior to the start of vaccination, complementary foods (or new foods) should not be introduced, sleep and walks should not change in a week.
  6. It is forbidden to take other medicines.

note! The above tips will help reduce the risk of complications after vaccination, as well as identify conditions that prevent the procedure.

On the day of the injection, preparation for Pentaxim includes:

  • before visiting the doctor, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the child;
  • on the day of the injection, observe the previous one, do not introduce new products;
  • before leaving, be sure to take a reference book about the vaccinations carried out;
  • It is recommended to take your baby's favorite toy to make it easier to transfer the vaccination.

During a visit to the pediatrician:

  • you should check with your doctor about which infections pentaxim is given for, how many times to vaccinate afterwards and at what interval;
  • once again check the absence of elevated temperature;
  • sign the consent to the vaccination and enter the data into the certificate.

Pentaxim, after which complications sometimes occur, is a fairly strong vaccine. After vaccinating, you must follow simple recommendations:

  • after the injection, you should not immediately leave the medical facility, you must wait 20-30 minutes and monitor the reaction of the child, as well as calm him down;
  • talk with the doctor, clarify all the nuances and possible reactions, in which cases emergency medical care is required;
  • on the first day after the injection, an increase in body temperature may occur. This is an absolutely normal reaction, the body produces antibodies. If the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, it should be in the recommended dosage (you can also wipe the child with warm water);
  • if the temperature does not rise, you can observe the previous mode of walking and bathing;
  • do not introduce new complementary foods within a week after the injection.

Indications and contraindications

Pentaxim vaccination in children is used to develop immunity to infections such as:

  • diphtheria,
  • tetanus,
  • whooping cough,
  • polio.

After the introduction of the drug Pentaxim, complications can occur in a different way, therefore, the presence of contraindications should be taken into account:

  • hypersensitivity to individual components;
  • reaction to another pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, or polio vaccine;
  • encephalopathy after any cellular or acellular vaccine (may be accompanied by convulsions);
  • a previous vaccination with a pertussis element, from which the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, followed by the appearance of convulsions;
  • febrile convulsions;
  • the presence of chronic diseases, as well as their exacerbation;
  • prolonged SARS or other viral disease, accompanied by fever. After an illness, you can put the vaccine after a month. In mild forms, Pentaxim is carried out after normalization of body temperature.

Useful video

The main purpose of the vaccine is to preserve the health of the patient. For successful vaccination, you should thoroughly prepare, study possible side effects and actions when they occur. For the effectiveness of vaccinations, it is important to follow the schedule and recommendations of the pediatrician for caring for the child after injections.

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