How to quickly inject with no shpa. No-shpa® solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug No-shpa. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of No-shpa in their practice are presented. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of No-shpy in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment and relief of spasmodic pain in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

No-shpa- myotropic antispasmodic, isoquinoline derivative. Renders powerful antispasmodic action on smooth muscle by inhibiting the PDE enzyme. The enzyme PDE is required for the hydrolysis of cAMP to AMP. Inhibition of PDE leads to an increase in cAMP concentration, which triggers the following cascade reaction: high concentrations of cAMP activate cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). Phosphorylation of MLCK leads to a decrease in its affinity for the Ca2+-calmodulin complex, as a result of which the inactivated form of MLCK maintains muscle relaxation. In addition, cAMP affects the cytosolic Ca2+ ion concentration by stimulating Ca2+ transport into the extracellular space and sarcoplasmic reticulum. This Ca2+ ion concentration-lowering effect of drotaverine (the active substance of No-shpa) through cAMP explains the antagonistic effect of drotaverine with respect to Ca2+.

In vitro, drotaverine inhibits the PDE4 isoenzyme without inhibiting the PDE3 and PDE5 isoenzymes. Therefore, the effectiveness of drotaverine depends on the concentration of PDE4 in tissues (the content of PDE4 in different tissues varies). PDE4 is the most important for the suppression of contractile activity smooth muscle, in connection with which selective inhibition of PDE4 may be useful for the treatment of hyperkinetic dyskinesias and various diseases accompanied by a spastic state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hydrolysis of cAMP in the myocardium and vascular smooth muscles occurs mainly with the help of the PDE3 isoenzyme, which explains the fact that, with high antispasmodic activity, No-shpa has no serious side effects on the heart and blood vessels and pronounced effects on the cardiovascular system .

Drotaverine is effective in spasms of smooth muscles of both neurogenic and muscular origin. Regardless of the type of autonomic innervation, drotaverine relaxes the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, and genitourinary system.


After oral administration, No-shpa is rapidly and completely absorbed. After first pass metabolism, 65% of the accepted dose of drotaverine enters the systemic circulation. Drotaverine is evenly distributed in tissues, penetrates into smooth muscle cells. Does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Drotaverine and / or its metabolites are able to slightly penetrate the placental barrier. Within 72 hours, drotaverine is almost completely eliminated from the body. More than 50% of drotaverine is excreted by the kidneys and about 30% through the intestines (excretion into bile). Drotaverine is mainly excreted as metabolites; unchanged drotaverine is not found in the urine.


  • spasms of smooth muscles in diseases of the biliary tract: cholecystolithiasis, cholangiolithiasis, cholecystitis, pericholecystitis, cholangitis, papillitis;
  • spasms of smooth muscles of the urinary system: nephrolithiasis, urethrolithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis, spasms Bladder.

As adjuvant therapy:

  • with spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, gastritis, spasms of the cardia and pylorus, enteritis, colitis, spastic colitis with constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with flatulence after the exclusion of diseases manifested by the "acute abdomen" syndrome (appendicitis, peritonitis, ulcer perforation, acute pancreatitis);
  • tension headaches (for oral administration);
  • algomenorrhea.

Release form

Tablets 40 mg.

Tablets No-shpa forte 80 mg.

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration (injections in ampoules for injection).

Instructions for use and dosage

Medium daily dose for intramuscular injection in adults is 40-240 mg (divided into 1-3 injections per day). In acute colic (renal or biliary), the drug is administered intravenously slowly at a dose of 40-80 mg (duration of administration is approximately 30 seconds).

Clinical studies with the use of drotaverine in children have not been conducted.

In the case of the appointment of the drug No-shpa, the maximum daily oral dose for children aged 6 to 12 years is 80 mg in 2 doses, over the age of 12 years - 160 mg in 2-4 doses.

Duration of treatment without consulting a doctor

When taking the drug without consulting a doctor, the recommended duration of taking the drug is usually 1-2 days. If during this period the pain syndrome does not decrease, the patient should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and, if necessary, change therapy. In cases where HO-shpa is used as adjuvant therapy, the duration of treatment without consulting a doctor may be longer (2-3 days).

Efficiency evaluation method

If the patient can easily self-diagnose the symptoms of his illness, because they are well known to him, the effectiveness of the treatment, namely the disappearance of pain, is also easily assessed by the patient. If within a few hours after taking the drug at the maximum single dose, there is a moderate decrease in pain or no decrease in pain, or if the pain does not significantly decrease after taking the maximum daily dose, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Side effect

  • cardiopalmus;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • rash;
  • hives;
  • angioedema;
  • reactions at the injection site.


  • severe renal failure;
  • severe liver failure;
  • severe heart failure (low cardiac output syndrome);
  • children's age up to 6 years (for tablets);
  • children's age (for parenteral administration, since no clinical studies have been conducted in children);
  • breastfeeding period (no clinical data);
  • rare hereditary galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (for tablets, due to the presence of lactose in their composition);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to sodium disulfite (for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration).

Use during pregnancy and lactation

As shown by animal reproduction studies and retrospective data on clinical use, the use of No-shpa during pregnancy did not have any teratogenic or embryotoxic effects.

During pregnancy, the drug should be used with caution and only in cases where the potential benefit of therapy for the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

Due to the lack of necessary clinical data, the drug is contraindicated during lactation (breastfeeding).

special instructions

The composition of the tablets includes 52 mg of lactose, as a result of which complaints from the digestive system are possible in patients suffering from intolerance to latoza. Therefore, the drug in the form of tablets is not prescribed to patients with lactase deficiency, galactosemia or impaired glucose / galactose absorption syndrome.

The composition of the solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration includes sodium bisulfite, which can cause allergic reactions, including anaphylactic and bronchospasm, in sensitive individuals (especially in those with bronchial asthma or a history of allergic reactions). In case of hypersensitivity to sodium metabisulphite, parenteral use of the drug should be avoided.

When iv administration of the drug to patients with low blood pressure, the patient should be in horizontal position due to the risk of collapse.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

When taken orally in therapeutic doses, drotaverine does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and perform work that requires increased concentration.

If any adverse reactions occur, the issue of driving vehicles and working with mechanisms requires individual consideration. In the event of dizziness after taking the drug, you should avoid engaging in potentially hazardous activities, such as driving vehicles and working with mechanisms.

After parenteral administration of the drug, it is recommended to refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require a high concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

drug interaction

PDE inhibitors, like papaverine, weaken the antiparkinsonian effect of levodopa. When prescribing the drug No-shpa simultaneously with levodopa, it is possible to increase rigidity and tremor.

With simultaneous use with drotaverine, there is a mutual enhancement of the antispasmodic action of papaverine, bendazole and other antispasmodics, including m-anticholinergics.

No-shpa enhances arterial hypotension caused by tricyclic antidepressants, quinidine and procainamide.

No-shpa reduces the spasmodic activity of morphine.

Phenobarbital enhances the antispasmodic effect of drotaverine.

Drotaverine is largely associated with plasma proteins, mainly albumin, beta and gamma globulins. Data on the interaction of drotaverine with drugs that significantly bind to plasma proteins are not available. However, it can be assumed that they interact with No-shpa at the level of plasma protein binding - the displacement of one of the drugs by another from the binding sites and an increase in the concentration of the free fraction in the blood of the drug with weaker protein binding. This hypothetically may increase the risk of pharmacodynamic and/or toxic side effects of this drug.

Analogues of the drug No-shpa

Structural analogues according to active substance:

  • Vero-Drotaverine;
  • Droverin;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Drotaverine forte;
  • Drotaverine hydrochloride;
  • Ple-Spa;
  • Spasmol;
  • Spazmonet;
  • Spazmonet forte;
  • Spazoverin;
  • Spakovin.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases from which the corresponding drug helps and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Spasm is one of the symptoms of the disease internal organs. Antispasmodics are used to relieve spasm. The annotation "No-shpa - instructions for use" indicates that the drug contains substances whose action is aimed at stopping attacks of spastic (non-permanent) pain, improving the supply of blood to tissues, dilating blood vessels. The analyte reduces blood pressure, and is available in the form of tablets and ampoules for injections.

No-shpa antispasmodic

The drug is the most popular antispasmodic drug, because compared with other drugs, it has few contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is often prescribed to children and pregnant women. Being a relaxing antispasmodic, No-shpa is four times more effective than Papaverine in terms of the effectiveness of influencing the cause of spasm. It has a vasodilating effect, increases blood flow to organs.

Composition and form of release

The main component of No-shpa is a synthetic substance called drotaverine hydrochloride. The active ingredient reduces the flow of calcium into smooth muscle cells, relieves tension in internal organs, blood vessels, blocks nerve impulses without affecting the nervous system itself. The direct effect of the antispasmodic No-shpa on smooth muscles allows it to be used, with great care, as an analgesic for prostate adenoma and angle-closure glaucoma. Below is the composition of the different forms of release:

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of entry and the rate of absorption into the bloodstream does not depend on the method of taking the substance drotaverine. Drotaverine is rapidly absorbed both after oral administration (tablets) and after parenteral administration (injections). The mechanism of action of No-shpa lies in the antispasmodic effect achieved through interference with the mechanism of muscle contraction. The maximum concentration of the substance in the blood serum is reached within 45-60 minutes after oral administration. The drug has a high connection with plasma proteins, metabolism occurs in the liver (excretion into bile).

What helps No-shpa

The drug is prescribed when spasmolytic pain occurs to alleviate the condition of a patient with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The use of the drug is effective even when the patient has an ulcer in the acute stage. The medication helps relieve spasm in proctitis, pancreatitis, colitis and pyelitis, urolithiasis kidneys. The tool is used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs (renal colic, biliary colic, intestinal colic, cholecystitis, dyskinesia biliary tract and gallbladder)
  • pylorospasm, gastroduodenitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • endarteritis, spasm of peripheral, cerebral, coronal arteries;
  • algodysmenorrhea, threatening miscarriage, threatening premature birth, spasm of the pharynx of the uterus during childbirth, prolonged opening of the pharynx, after labor pains;
  • spasm of cerebral vessels;
  • cholangitis;
  • during pregnancy, to relieve spasms of the cervix (decrease in tone) and weaken its contractions during childbirth;
  • to relieve spasms of smooth muscles after surgery;
  • for certain medical research.

For toothache

Medication No-shpa is ineffective for toothache. The drug may have a temporary analgesic effect, but it must be used not according to the instructions and in an unusual way. No-shpa tablets should be crushed into powder and applied to the aching tooth, which will allow the drug to penetrate the pulp cavity faster. The gum will become numb, the pain will subside, but the anesthetic effect is possible if the drug acts directly on the nerve bundle of the tooth through the carious cavity (caries area).

For migraine

No-shpa can not always eliminate a headache. Migraine - chronic illness nervous system. Migraine attacks are accompanied by severe headaches that occur as a result of the expansion of cerebral vessels, and not their spasms. The medication will not save you from migraine, because it does not eliminate vascular pain. But No-Shpa effectively fights fatigue, helps with insomnia, if it is caused by squeezing sensations in the head.

No-shpa from the stomach

Antispasmodics are mandatory drugs in the treatment of abdominal pain of mild to moderate intensity. Antispasmodic No-shpa is prescribed for drug therapy in patients with a symptom of insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes, patients with irritable bowel syndrome (mild course), gallbladder dyskinesia, with exacerbation of peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis, with stool disorders, to relieve menstrual pain.

Method of application and dosage

Depending on the purpose of use, the drug is used intravenously, intramuscularly, orally. Intravenous injections medication carried out only under the supervision of a medical worker, it is forbidden to do this at home. The annotation "No-shpa - instructions for use" indicates the following dosage: for adults up to 2 tablets per day or up to 4 ml intravenously.


Convex round yellow tablets. Engraved on one side. The maximum daily dose for adults is 6 tablets or 240 mg. As a drug therapy, patients are prescribed 2 tablets three times a day. Maximum dose per day for children is 4 tablets or 160 mg. Regarding the duration of administration, you should consult with your doctor. In normal cases, the course is 2 days.

No-shpa Forte

Myotropic antispasmodic - No-shpa Forte is available in the form of tablets and a solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Adults are prescribed 1 to 2 tablets per day 3 times or 2 to 4 ml 1-3 times. For the relief of hepatic and renal colic, the agent is administered intramuscularly in 2-4 ml. In peripheral vascular disease, the drug is administered intra-arterially.

No-shpa in ampoules

To make an injection of No-shpy, it is necessary to dial into a sterile syringe bought at a pharmacy medicine from the ampoule. No need to dilute with water. Solution for injection is intended for intramuscular injection (dosage 40-240 mg). No-shpa is injected intramuscularly slowly (30 seconds) deep into the muscle tissue. Before use, you can hold the ampoule in your hand to warm it to body temperature. No-shpa is administered intravenously in rare cases, 40-80 mg under medical supervision.

special instructions

Cautious use is indicated for prostate adenoma, glaucoma, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. In the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, the drug is used in combination with other antiulcer drugs. In tablet form, the drug is not prescribed to patients with impaired glucose absorption into the blood, with lactose deficiency. After intravenous administration, for an hour you can not do work that requires a high concentration of attention. Alcohol reduces the effect of taking, but the drug alleviates the condition with a hangover.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The main reason for prescribing No-shpa to pregnant women is the treatment of spasms of hollow organs, primarily the smooth muscles of the uterus. In most cases, a pregnant woman is prescribed 1-2 tablets three times a day. The action of the drug begins in 30-40 minutes. To speed up the effect, you can put the tablet under the tongue and dissolve.

To speed up the process of opening the cervix during childbirth and reduce the risk of injury, 40 mg of the drug is first administered. With a weak effect, you can repeat.

Application during lactation: getting into breast milk, the active substance enters the body of the baby. A single dose will not have a negative effect on the child's body. If the mother is prescribed a long course of taking No-shpa, she will have to stop breastfeeding. Some components of the drug may have an undesirable toxic effect on the baby.

No-shpa for children

In the annotation to No-shpa - in the instructions for use it is written that clinical studies on the effect of drotaverine on the children's body have not been conducted. In pediatrics, it is possible to prescribe the drug No-shpa to a child if the following conditions are met: age after one year, no contraindications to the components of the drug, strict adherence to the permissible medicinal dose established by the doctor. No-shpa is prescribed for children with the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • nephrolithiasis (kidney stones);
  • spasms of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, colitis, enteritis, constipation, flatulence;
  • headaches;
  • heat;
  • spasms of peripheral arterial vessels.

No-shpa for children under one year old

No-shpa is not prescribed for children under one year old, but with intestinal colic in a baby, a nursing mother can take one tablet of medicine. The active substance (its small amount) will enter the milk and have an antispasmodic effect on the child's body. On the forums, you can read tips on how to treat a child up to a year old with a No-shpa solution from an ampoule. But in no case should you self-medicate. Treatment and preventive recommendations are provided only by a pediatrician after a medical examination.

drug interaction

When used concomitantly with other medicines Drotaverine can both enhance their effectiveness and weaken them. According to the instructions, drotaverine, when administered intravenously, enhances the effect of other antispasmodics: atropine, papaverine, bendazole. Together with tricyclic antidepressants, it helps to lower blood pressure as soon as possible. The drug increases the ability of phenobarbital to eliminate spasms, reduces the activity of morphine. The simultaneous use of drotaverine and Levodopa increases the tremor.

Side effects

Clinical trials have shown good tolerability of drotaverine by patients. However, complications and adverse reactions may occur during drug treatment. As indicated in the instructions - this is a feeling of heat, sweating, nausea, constipation, headache, dizziness, arrhythmia, palpitations, lowering blood pressure, dermatological manifestations. With prolonged use of No-shpa, laboratory parameters of liver and kidney function do not change. With intravenous administration of the drug No-shpa, the following are possible:

  • lowering blood pressure up to the onset of clinical death;
  • manifestations of arrhythmias;
  • development of AV - blockade;
  • paralysis of the respiratory center.


There were no cases of drug overdose when taking the recommended dose. The instruction indicates that long-term treatment and exceeding the permissible dose of the drug, drotaverine inhibits the activity of the heart muscle, which can lead to cardiac arrest and respiratory paralysis. The patient should receive treatment under medical supervision. Elimination of the consequences of an overdose includes washing the area of ​​​​the gastrointestinal tract and inducing artificial vomiting.


The drug according to the instructions can not be used with increased sensitivity of the body to active substance or one of the auxiliary components. Reception of No-shpa is not prescribed for children under one year old, and also if the patient has severe forms of hepatic, renal, heart failure, arterial hypotension (lowering blood pressure), AV blockade of 2 and 3 degrees, with galactose intolerance.

Terms of sale and storage

In a pharmacy, you can buy a drug in the form of tablets - without a doctor's prescription, and an injection solution - only as directed by a doctor. According to the instructions, all dosage forms of the drug No-shpa are stored in a dark, dry place inaccessible to children, at room temperature 15-25 degrees.


Most cheap analogue analyzed antispasmodic - Drotaverine. According to the instructions, the drug is identical in mechanism of action, composition. The price of a substitute drug varies from 30 to 130 rubles. Analogues of the drug are made on the basis of papaverine or drotaverine. An unusual substitute is also on sale - the Indian drug "Spazoverin". A strong analgesic effect has a drug containing paracetamol and codeine - No-shpalgin. Other analogues:

  • Nosh-Bra;
  • Drotaverine Forte;
  • Papaverine;
  • Spazmonet;
  • Spasmol.

No-shpa price

You can buy a prescription form of an antispasmodic with instructions through an online pharmacy. To do this, order the delivery of the medicine to a convenient point of issue for you, and provide the prescription to the courier or show the parcel issuing manager. The price of an antispasmodic depends on the place of sale, the availability of discounts and the form of release. The cheapest modification of the drug is pills. Below is the cost of this antispasmodic in various online pharmacies:


A drug called no-shpa has become widespread. This drug is used, if not for the treatment of diseases, then for the removal of unpleasant and painful symptoms. Practice shows that the drug no-shpa, despite its effectiveness, has many contraindications. Before taking the medicine, you need to consult with your doctor. But first, the doctor must conduct an examination of the patient, after which, based on the diagnosis, prescribe treatment. No-shpa injections instructions for use provide for the use of the drug for severe spasms to relieve pain. Injections differ from tablets only in that they act on the pain focus much faster, eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of pain.

Features of the drug No-shpa

The main advantage of no-shpa is its effective masking of the symptoms of various diseases. The remedy is used in extreme cases with the development of such serious diseases as cancer of the kidneys, liver, stomach and other types of neoplasms.

It is unacceptable to use the drug in persons with a tendency to develop allergic reactions, which can eventually lead to anaphylactic shock. The drug is also dangerous for people who have problems with diseases such as bronchial asthma and other types of ailments associated with the respiratory system. The use of a noshpa for such patients can lead to asphyxia and obstruction of the respiratory organs with a transition to pulmonary edema.

As you can see, the drug is quite powerful, so its improper use can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Before administering the drug intramuscularly, be sure to read its instructions for use. It is important to know not only the features of the application and dosage, but also the presence of contraindications. We learn more about the no-shpa preparation from the material below.

Instructions for using No-shpa in the form of injections

The drug no-shpa is based on drotaverine hydrochloride, through which pain symptoms are relieved. The drug has an antispasmodic effect, whereby the drug in the form of injections has a wider range of applications than the tablet form. No-shpa in the form of ampoules is used for such diseases:

  1. With attacks of gallstone disease.
  2. For postoperative conditions.
  3. In the period after the abortion.
  4. With ulcerative ailments of the stomach and intestines.
  5. With urolithiasis, as well as with the passage of stones through the ureters.

The medicine but shpa solution for injection can be used for both intravenous and intramuscular use. The intravenous method of using no-shpa involves diluting the drug with saline. You can use no-shpu in the form of injections for a dropper. This option of intravenous administration of the drug allows for a prolonging effect of the drug. This type of injection is often used after operations. One unit of the drug contains 40 mg of the active ingredient drotaverine hydrochloride.

Indications for use

No-shpa helps to relieve pain spasms in those places where there are muscles. A pharmacological agent in the form of injections quite effectively copes with its purpose, eliminating pain quickly and effectively. Most people with the development of headaches prefer drugs such as Citramon or Askofen. But with severe and prolonged pain, no-shpa helps. In this case, the drug is used mainly in the form of tablets. To take off pain symptoms for cuts, open and closed injuries, no-shpu is used in the form of injections.

In addition, the medicine is so effective that even with the slightest dislocations or sprains, it is used in order to get rid of unpleasant pain symptoms. It should be noted the important advantage of the drug no-shpa over non-steroidal drugs. The advantage lies in the absence of a negative effect on the digestive tract. This suggests that the drug eliminates pain, thereby not harming the body.

Dosage and application features

The instructions for use of the no-shpa medicine indicate dosages for adults and children. The drug can be used even for children from a year old, but only as directed by the attending physician. For children from one to six years old, the dosage of no-shpa is 120 mg per day. Moreover, this dose should be divided into three times, which avoids the development of allergic manifestations of the drug.

For children from 6 years to 12 years of age, the dosage of no-shpa per day is 200 mg. This dosage is recommended to be divided into two times. For adults, the dosage of drotaverine hydrochloride is 240 mg per day. This dosage can be divided into 2-3 times according to the decision of the attending physician. In acute pain, the agent is injected directly into the focus of the development of the pain syndrome. For example, if pain develops in renal or urolithiasis, then no-shpu should be administered in an amount of 80 mg intravenously. The duration of the introduction of this dosage in time should not be faster than 30 seconds.

During labor or after an abortion, it is allowed to administer no-shpa intravenously and intramuscularly in an amount of 80 mg with a time interval of at least 2 hours. When using the drug at home without a doctor's prescription, you should carefully read the instructions.


But shpa injections instructions for use have a mandatory paragraph, which indicates the reasons for contraindications to the use of the drug. These contraindications are:

  1. The presence of an allergy to the composition of the drug.
  2. During childbearing at any stage of pregnancy.
  3. During the period of breastfeeding breast milk.
  4. In the presence of bronchial asthma.
  5. With cardiac arrhythmias.
  6. If the patient shows signs of low blood pressure.

Children often have an allergy to lactose, which is contained in no-shpe tablets. Before giving a No-shpa tablet to a child, you should make sure that he does not have an allergy.

Side effects

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it also has side effects that occur in frequent cases with an overdose. This happens when, with frequent use of painkillers, its effectiveness decreases. The patient arbitrarily increases the dose in order to get a positive result from the drug, thereby putting his life at risk.

To the main side effects no-shpy include the following manifestations:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • development of nausea and vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • rash on the body;
  • swelling at the injection site;
  • development of anaphylactic shock, which in frequent cases ends in death.

Side effects occur not only with an overdose, but also with frequent use of the drug. If the effectiveness of the anesthetic drug decreases, then it should be replaced with another medicine that has a distinctive composition.

No-shpa in the form of injections: what is the medicine for?

In ampoules, the drug is used in those exceptional cases when taking tablets is not possible. Reasons why pills may be prohibited are the body's lactose intolerance. Even if the body does not have an individual intolerance to the drug, then lactose has a negative effect on the digestive system. These are stomach pains, as well as nausea and, in rare cases, vomiting.

If a person has signs of impaired glucose absorption, then a form of application of no-shpa in the form of injections is prescribed for them. Intravenously or intramuscularly, an anesthetic is prescribed for pancreatitis. After all, this type of ailment often manifests itself in the form of the development of signs of vomiting. Tablets with such symptoms will be simply useless. Due to the fact that injections have a rapid antispasmodic effect, many tend to use the medicine in this form, especially for pain in the back, stomach, kidneys, etc.

When the medicine starts to work

Drotaverine is much more effective than Papaverine. No-shpa in the form of tablets is absorbed by the body much faster than preparations based on papaverine. Often, a decrease in pain begins to appear 10-15 minutes after taking the pill.

Intramuscular and intravenous injection allows you to achieve the desired result after 5 minutes. That is why no-shpa injections are widespread.

It is important to note that no-shpa injections can be stored for no more than three years from the release date. Store the drug should be subject to the temperature regime, which should range from 15 to 25 degrees.

It's important to know! If you make a choice, which is better and more effective, No-shpa medicine or Drotaverine. Both drugs are based on drotaverine hydrochloride, only no-shpa is a foreign analogue of Drotaverine. Accordingly, the difference lies in the cost, but since No-shpa is a foreign medicine, many patients and doctors prefer it.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the cost of No-shpa in the form of ampoules ranges from 100 to 500 rubles. It depends on the pharmacy and the number of ampoules in the preparation. The manufacturer of both tablets and No-shpa injections is the Hinoin company, located in Hungary.

The medicinal preparation no shpa is widely advertised today on television screens and on the pages of fashion magazines. This medicine is presented as a real panacea for all diseases and problems. But this is far from true. In practice, the drug but shpa has a large number of contraindications and should be taken only after consulting a doctor and a complete examination of your body. In particular, tablets but shpa instructions for use recommend using no more than once a day to relieve pain before going to the doctor. It is not permissible when shpa finds use in the form of everyday “vitamins” or nutritional supplements.

First of all, this drug is able to effectively mask various symptoms of serious diseases such as liver cancer, stomach cancer, kidney cancer and many other neoplasms. Is it worth risking your health like that?

The second point is that the drug but shpa, the use of which should be limited in persons with allergic reactions, the way to cause anaphylactic shock. The drug but shpa in injections is especially dangerous for people who suffer from bronchial asthma or other problems with the respiratory system. In them, but shpa use can cause respiratory arrest or airway obstruction with pulmonary edema and death.

Less dangerous, but no less unpleasant consequences can cause noshpa in tablets. It contains lactose, which is contraindicated for anyone who suffers from intolerance to cow's milk. In such persons, but shpa use can cause a persistent disruption of the intestinal tract, accompanied by liquid stool And severe pain in a stomach.

And this is only a small part of the consequences of the drug noshpa instructions for use about which informs the attending physicians and their patients. Therefore, blindly trusting what you are told from the TV screen is not always worth it. With regard to tablets, but shpa, this is definitely not worth doing. Next, we will understand in more detail where but shpa finds its use, how to take no shpa tablets, and in what cases you should immediately consult a doctor. We will also answer those questions that you send us in the mail about the drug no shpa.

Instructions for use

Tablets but shpa refers to antispasmodics. The active substance is drotaverine hydrochloride, it is similar. Therefore, it is a direct analogue of but shpa. After entering the gastrointestinal tract, noshpa tablets are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and act on smooth muscles, relaxing it.

Usually one tablet contains 40 or 80 mg. For quick relief of pain, you can take 1 tablet but shpa 80 mg or 2 tablets but shpa 40 mg.

Tablets but shpa instructions for use recommend using for diseases such as:

  • painful menstruation;
  • spasms of the gallbladder;
  • pain in the kidneys and bladder;
  • spasm of cerebral vessels and the resulting headache.

Tablets but shpa instructions for use do not refer to medicinal preparations. This is a symptomatic remedy that does not have a therapeutic effect. But shpa tablets can only relieve pain for a short time. After the end of the action of drotaverine, the pain will return again. Therefore, but shpa can only be used as an aid. It is necessary first of all to eliminate the cause of pain, that is, to take a specific treatment.

But shpa in ampoules instructions for use

The drug but shpa in ampoules has an antispasmodic effect similar to tablets. But this form of medicinal substance is used much more widely. In particular, noshpa in ampoules can be used in conditions such as:

  • an attack of gallstone disease;
  • urolithiasis, including when the stone moves along the ureter;
  • postoperative conditions;
  • preparation for childbirth to speed up the process of opening the cervix;
  • after abortion;
  • in the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

The drug but shpa in ampoules can be used for intravenous and intramuscular injection. For intravenous administration, it is necessary to use saline to dilute the drug. Sometimes noshpa in ampoules is made in the form of droppers to prolong the action of the drug. But shpa in ampoules contains 40 mg of drotaverine in one unit.

Indications and dosage

Pharmacological drug but shpa application is wider than described above. Wherever a person has smooth muscle, this drug can help relieve painful spasms. In particular, shpa can be used in the treatment of spastic colitis, accompanied by constipation and difficulties with bowel movements. Also, the drug but shpa helps relieve headaches and toothaches. We will not replace this drug for cuts, especially deep cuts that affect muscle fibers.

With various dislocations and sprains, but shpa effectively relieves pain.

The main advantage that but shpa has over non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is the complete absence of negative effects on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.


For tablets and injections, the price depends on the amount of active substance and the number of tablets or ampoules in the package. To date, the price of but shpu can be quite democratic. If you want to have a small supply of this drug in your first aid kit to relieve sudden pain, then buy a small package of 20 or 5 tablets. In this case, the price for the drug but shpa will be quite affordable. A full-fledged package but shpa contains 100 tablets and its cost can reach up to 200 rubles.

Contraindications during pregnancy and lactation

Instructions for use but spa during pregnancy is prohibited. its use can provoke both spontaneous miscarriage and weakness of labor activity subsequently.

When breastfeeding, taking the drug but shpa is prohibited. This can cause negative effects in baby ranging from stool disorder to respiratory arrest

Injections and pills for children

All injections and tablets but shpa for children can only be prescribed by the attending physician under the control of the blood picture and monitoring them. general condition. In children, but shpa often causes allergic reactions. If the child suffers from lactose intolerance, then pills are contraindicated for him.

The drug but shpa is contraindicated for children under one year old. At the age of 1 to 6 years noshpa is given to children according to a special scheme. After six years, but shpa can be given to children according to the recommendations of the attending physician. For more details on the dosage of noshpa for children, see the table on this page.

Contraindications for use

Absolute contraindications to the use of shpas are:

  • pregnancy;
  • the period in which breastfeeding is performed;
  • infancy;
  • lactose intolerance when using tablets but shpy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • low blood pressure.

The use of medicine in practice in questions and answers:

We have tried to give you all the necessary information so that you can decide for yourself how much you need to use which, after reading this material, it will be safer for you.

In addition, we receive a large number of letters asking us to talk about the drug noshpa, the use of which is widespread today. We will try to fulfill your requests and tell you about this modern drug in an accessible language.

In what cases is the drug used during pregnancy

The drug but shpa during pregnancy is used in obstetric obstetric care. Noshpa during pregnancy and childbirth helps to speed up the opening of the cervix and anesthetize childbirth.

Can medicine be changed while breastfeeding

Pills and injections but shpa are strictly prohibited when breastfeeding a child. In during lactation, but shpa can enter the baby with breast milk

What is the danger of the drug when breastfeeding

Medicine but shpa when breastfeeding is dangerous with various devices in the baby. The child may vomit. Also, but shpa during breastfeeding can cause respiratory spasm and respiratory arrest in an infant.

What anesthetizes more effectively: analgin, but shpa or ketanov

Analgin and noshpa preparations have a different purpose .. Their action is completely different. If analgin blocks the production of substances that irritate nerve endings and cause pain, then shpa simply relieves spasm of smooth muscles. These are different drugs. Where it is effective, but shpa analgin is useless. Just like where analgin is more effective, but shpa will not bring relief

Why is noshpa produced in ampoules

The industry produces but shpu in ampoules in order to be able to use this drug in those who are lactose intolerant. This substance is not present in ampoules. Also, spa in ampoules allows you to achieve a faster effect with the help of injections.

What diseases do injections help with?

But shpa injections help relieve spasm of smooth muscles, facilitate the process of childbirth and help a person after an operation on the abdominal or other cavity. Also, injections but shpa effectively relieve pain in urolithiasis and biliary colic.

Can noshpa injections lead to the death of the patient?

Such cases are quite rare in medical practice. Self-loading injections can lead to respiratory arrest and death of the patient from collapse or anaphylactic shock. Do not do it yourself but shpa injections.

Is it true, but shpa is drotaverine

Indeed, shpa is drotaverine hydrochloride. The main manufacturer of the drug is located abroad. This leaves an imprint on the cost, but you can replace it with more affordable domestic drotaverine.

In what cases does it help with a headache

The practical help of a medicine but shpa with a headache is achieved by eliminating the spasm of the cerebral vessels. After the blood flow is restored, the supply of the cerebral cortex and other tissues with oxygen improves, and decay products begin to be eliminated in a timely manner. The headache goes away. But shpa helps with headaches even if the pain syndrome is caused by high blood pressure.

What is the analogue

There is not one analogue but shpa. The direct analogue of but shpa is drotaverine hydrochloride. Not a direct analogue, but shpy -.

Will the drug help with menstruation

If you have painful menstruation, then shpa will help. But do not abuse this tool. No more than three tablets per menstrual cycle. Only in this case, noshpa with menstruation will help you for the tenth and hundredth time.

Registration number: P N011854/01.

Tradename: No-shpa ® .

International non-proprietary name: drotaverin.

Dosage form: solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

One ampoule (2 ml) contains:

active substance: drotaverine hydrochloride - 40 mg;
Excipients: sodium disulfite (sodium metabisulfite) - 2.0 mg, ethanol 96% - 132.0 mg, water for injection - up to 2.0 ml.

Description: clear greenish-yellow liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antispasmodic.

ATX code: A03AD02.

Pharmacological properties
Drotaverine is an isoquinoline derivative that exhibits a powerful antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase (PDE). The enzyme phosphodiesterase is required for the hydrolysis of cAMP to AMP. Inhibition of the phosphodiesterase enzyme leads to an increase in the concentration of c-AMP, which triggers the following cascade reaction: high concentrations of c-AMP activate c-AMP-dependent phosphorylation of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). Phosphorylation of MLCK leads to a decrease in its affinity for the calcium (Ca2+)-calmodulin complex, as a result of which the inactivated form of MLCK maintains muscle relaxation. cAMP, in addition, affects the cytosolic concentration of Ca2+, by stimulating the transport of Ca2+ into the extracellular space and sarcoplasmic reticulum. This Ca2+ concentration-lowering effect of drotaverine through cAMP explains the antagonistic effect of drotaverine with respect to Ca2+.

In vitro, drotaverine inhibits the PDE-4 isoenzyme without inhibition of the PDE-3 and PDE-5 isoenzymes. Therefore, the effectiveness of drotaverine depends on the concentrations of PDE-4 in tissues, the content of which in different tissues varies. PDE-4 is most important for suppressing the contractile activity of smooth muscles, and therefore, selective inhibition of PDE-4 may be useful for the treatment of hyperkinetic dyskinesias and various diseases accompanied by a spastic state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hydrolysis of cAMP in the myocardium and vascular smooth muscle occurs mainly with the help of the PDE-3 isoenzyme, which explains the fact that with high antispasmodic activity, drotaverine has no serious side effects on the heart and blood vessels and pronounced effects on the cardiovascular system .

Drotaverine is effective in spasms of smooth muscles of both neurogenic and muscular origin. Regardless of the type of autonomic innervation, drotaverine has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, and genitourinary system.

Drotaverine and / or its metabolites may slightly cross the placental barrier.

In vitro - drotaverine has a high connection with plasma proteins (95-97%), especially with albumin, y and p-globumins, as well as a-HDL (high density lipoproteins).

In humans, drotaverine is almost completely metabolized by O-deethylation. Its metabolites are rapidly conjugated with glucuronic acid. The main metabolite is 4"-deethyldrotaverine, in addition to which 6-deethyldrotaverine and 4"-deethyldrotaveraldine have been identified.

In humans, a two-chamber mathematical model was used to assess the pharmacokinetics of drotaverine. The terminal half-life of plasma radioactivity was 16 hours.

The half-life is 8-10 hours.

For 72 hours, almost completely excreted from the body, more than 50% through the kidneys (mainly in the form of metabolites) and about 30% through the intestines. Unchanged drotaverine in the urine is not detected.

Indications for use

  • Spasms of smooth muscles associated with diseases of the biliary tract: cholecystolithiasis, cholangiolithiasis, cholecystitis, pericholecystitis, cholangitis, papillitis.
  • Spasms of smooth muscles urinary tract: nephrolithiasis, urethrolithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis, bladder tenesmus.

As adjuvant therapy (when tablet form cannot be used)

  • With spasms of smooth muscles of gastrointestinal origin: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, spasms of the cardia and pylorus, enteritis, colitis.
  • In gynecological diseases: dysmenorrhea.


  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients of the drug.
  • Hypersensitivity to sodium disulfite (see section "Special Instructions").
  • Severe liver or kidney failure.
  • Severe chronic heart failure.
  • Childhood(the use of drotaverine in children in clinical research not studied).
  • breastfeeding period.

With arterial hypotension (danger of collapse, see section "Special Instructions").
In pregnant women (see section "Pregnancy and lactation").

Pregnancy and lactation period
As studies on reproductive toxicity in animals and retrospective studies of clinical data have shown, the use of drotaverine during pregnancy did not have any teratogenic or embryotoxic effects. Despite this, when prescribing drotaverine to pregnant women, care should be taken and it should be used only in cases where the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus, and injection should be avoided. dosage form drug No-shpa ® in pregnant women.
The drug should not be used during childbirth (potential risk of postpartum atonic bleeding).
Due to the lack of necessary clinical data during lactation, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug.

Dosage and administration
The daily average dose is 40-240 mg of drotaverine hydrochloride (divided into 1-3 doses per day) intramuscularly.
In acute colic (renal or gallstone) - 40-80 mg intravenously slowly (duration of administration is approximately 30 seconds).

Side effect
The following are the adverse reactions observed in clinical studies, divided by organ systems with an indication of the frequency of their occurrence in accordance with the following gradations: very common (≥10%), frequent (≥1% and<10%); нечастые (≥0,1 и <1%); редкие (≥0,01% и <0,1%) и очень редкие, включая отдельные сообщения (<0,01 %), неизвестная частота (по имеющимся данным частоту определить нельзя).

From the side of the cardiovascular system
Rare: increased heart rate, lowering blood pressure.

From the side of the nervous system
Rare: headache, dizziness, insomnia.

From the gastrointestinal tract
Rare: nausea, constipation.

From the side of the immune system
Rare: allergic reactions (angioedema, urticaria, rash, itching) (see section "Contraindications").

unknown frequency
When using the drug, the development of anaphylactic shock with a fatal and non-fatal outcome was reported.

Local reactions
Rare: reactions at the injection site.

An overdose of drotaverine has been associated with cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disturbances, including complete bundle branch block and cardiac arrest, which can be fatal.
In case of an overdose, patients should be under close medical supervision and should receive symptomatic treatment and treatment aimed at maintaining the basic functions of the body.

Interaction with other drugs
With levodopa
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors, like papaverine, weaken the antiparkinsonian effect of levodopa. When prescribing drotaverine simultaneously with levodopa, it is possible to increase rigidity and tremor.

With papaverine, bendazole and other antispasmodics (including m-anticholinergics)
Drotaverine enhances the antispasmodic effect of papaverine, bendazole and other antispasmodics, including m-anticholinergics.

With tricyclic antidepressants, quinidine and procainamide
Increases hypotension caused by tricyclic antidepressants, quinidine and procainamide.

with morphine
Reduces the spasmogenic activity of morphine.

With phenobarbital
Phenobarbital enhances the antispasmodic effect of drotaverine.

special instructions
The drug contains disulfite, which can cause allergic-type reactions, including anaphylactic symptoms and bronchospasm in sensitive individuals, especially those with a history of asthma or allergic diseases. In case of hypersensitivity to disulfite, parenteral use of the drug should be avoided (see section "Contraindications").
With intravenous administration of drotaverine in patients with low blood pressure, the patient should be in a horizontal position due to the risk of collapse.

Influence on the ability to drive a car and other mechanisms
During the period of treatment, it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form
Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 20 mg/ml.
2 ml dark glass ampoules (hydrolytic class, type I) with a break point.
5 ampoules in an uncoated plastic blister pack (pallet).
1 or 5 pallets with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions
To store in the place protected from light at a temperature of 15-25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
5 years.
Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
On prescription.

HINOIN Plant of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Products CJSC.
3510 Miskolc, Chanikveld, Hungary.

Claims of consumers should be sent to the address in Russia:
125009, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 22.