Planning in the municipality. Development of a plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality System of plans for the socio-economic development of the municipality

The strategy for the development of a territorial entity is the most important element of management. All actions and officials must be subordinated to the development strategy. The strategy is formed collectively by the bodies of general and special competence for a certain period. It can be adopted for 10 years, and maybe for a longer period. In practice, the development strategy is approved for one year, as social and economic development plans and budgets are drawn up for the same period. Although strategy is a concept associated with the prospective development of a territory.

The strategy identifies the main developers. This, as a rule, is a department or department of economic development, investment and pricing policy, planning departments of the administration of the municipality, scientific institutions.

The strategy also determines the performers. As executors, for example, in cities, local government bodies of special competence act: financial authority; departments (management) of construction and prospective development; healthcare, education, culture, physical culture and sports, urban economy, protection of the population, etc., depending on the infrastructure of the city.

The strategy provides for the main goal. The goal must comply with the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 131-FZ, the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation and the charter of the municipality. This goal is the same throughout the country and it is called "ensuring the proper level and conditions of people's lives." All activities should be subordinated to the achievement of this goal. In addition, the goal should be to designate the development of institutions of direct democracy, a local referendum, a law-making initiative, etc.

Next, it is important to determine the tasks to achieve the goal. The main tasks can be: development of the real sector of the economy; reducing unemployment; strengthening the financial base; attraction of investments; housing construction; renovation of housing stock; construction and repair of schools, preschool institutions; hospitals, polyclinics, roads, engineering infrastructure, sports and recreation complexes; ensuring social protection of low-income strata of the population; increasing the level of social services for residents of the municipality; trade development; increase in wages in all spheres of public life; provision of budgetary institutions with modern equipment; improving the quality of education in schools, colleges, universities; strengthening the material basis of cultural institutions and increasing their role in the implementation of the educational function among young people, etc.

The development strategy should become the basis for the development of a socio-economic development plan, local budget and organizational plan for the next year or three years.

In order to involve residents in management, it is advisable to include in the development strategy such forms of its implementation as a local referendum, public hearings, meetings, conferences on plans, programs, budget, etc.

Based on the foregoing, the development strategy of a municipality can be understood as a set of activities of a material, spiritual, socio-cultural, organizational nature that have a long-term perspective, carried out by bodies and officials with the participation of the population, aimed at improving people's lives and developing the infrastructure of the territory.

Here there are subjects, and the object of management, and goals, and ways to achieve them. In other words, we can say this: there is a basis and there is a superstructure. And management just consists of a group of basic and superstructural relations, which was mentioned in the first chapter of this work.

The strategy differs from the plans for socio-economic development in that it forms an idea of ​​the development of the municipality for a longer period. It acts as a system that includes planning as an element of this system. Sometimes, in practice, a development strategy merges with a plan or program, which is its continuation and specifies the main components of the strategy.

Nevertheless, a more correct approach to management is observed in those municipalities where a long-term development strategy is implemented in annual plans and budgets. In this regard, a long-term strategy should be formed and approved separately from the usual plans.

Planning, its types and significance in the management of the municipality

The concept of planning, its features and types

The following characteristics can be attributed to the universal common ones:

  1. all types of planning are elements of a unified management system;
  2. planning is carried out consciously by groups of professionals;
  3. this is a responsible activity of officials and local governments, which has a permanent, continuous character;
  4. activities are carried out within the boundaries of the municipality on the basis of the law, the charter of the municipality;
  5. activities are aimed at solving problems of local importance and the implementation of certain state functions;
  6. activity involves summing up;
  7. all types of planning are conditioned by taking into account the opinion of the population;
  8. plans are approved by the representative body of local self-government.

The following features can be attributed to the special, for each type of plan:

  1. each type of planning has its own definition of the concept;
  2. projects of all three types of plans are formed on the basis of various regulations adopted by state bodies and local governments;
  3. draft plans are formed by different groups of specialists with the necessary competence;
  4. plans for socio-economic development are a material part of the activities of local governments;
  5. financial plans are plans for the financial support of the material part;
  6. organizational plans - these are plans that ensure the organization of management activities for the timely implementation of plans for socio-economic development and the correct development of financial resources allocated for these purposes.

Planning principles

In drawing up a plan for socio-economic development, the participation of those specialists who conducted pre-planning studies is desirable, since they are more in possession of the results obtained and, moreover, have deeper scientific and theoretical knowledge in the field of planning. They can assist municipal officials in preparing a draft socio-economic development plan, taking into account the actual state of affairs.

The structure of the plan for the socio-economic development of the region (city) may be as follows. First, the characteristics of the municipality are outlined:

  • area of ​​the occupied territory (ha);
  • the number of residents, including able-bodied and disabled;
  • the number of employed residents;
  • the number of unemployed;
  • the number of housing stock buildings of various forms of ownership;
  • total area of ​​housing stock (municipal, cooperative, private);
  • total area of ​​non-residential premises;
  • number of medical institutions (polyclinics for children and adults, dentistry, hospitals);
  • institutions social services(orphanage, social residential building);
  • educational institutions (schools, preschool institutions, universities, secondary specialized educational institutions);
  • cinemas;
  • sport complexes;
  • trade enterprises;
  • catering establishments;
  • industrial enterprises (state, municipal, private), etc.

This list is nothing more than a socio-economic passport of the municipality, which characterizes its condition and allows you to monitor the dynamics of infrastructure, population, its growth due to births and migration, employment of various age categories of residents, the ratio of employed citizens in the municipal, state and private manufacturing and service sectors.

Data can be displayed in the form of tables of the following content:

  • Comprehensive schools
  • Consumer service enterprises
  • Trade enterprises

Similar tables can be drawn up for institutions of health care, culture, physical culture and sports, social educational and leisure work with residents, industrial enterprises of all forms of ownership.

In a separate section, social categories of residents of the municipality should be singled out. These include:

  • pensioners, including those who work;
  • disabled people;
  • participants in the Second World War;
  • WWII veterans;
  • single pensioners;
  • large families ;
  • children;
  • children registered by the Commission on Juvenile Affairs;
  • dysfunctional parents, etc.

This approach allows you to identify trends in the development of the territory, focus on problematic issues, take the necessary measures to ensure the elimination of existing shortcomings. In problematic areas, it is possible to develop comprehensive programs in which it is important to provide for specific actions, funding, responsible executors, and a form of control by municipal authorities.

For example, it is more expedient to form a task in the plan for the construction of schools, kindergartens, sports and recreation centers according to the following scheme: the name of the object, the address of its location, the date of commissioning, the cost in rubles, responsibility for construction. This approach ensures the rational use of funds and increases the responsibility of specific individuals for solving the problem. In the event that the plan, for example, provides for the construction of schools without specifying their number, without an address, without a breakdown by object, and also without linking a sum of money to each object, it can be assumed that this is a vague form of the plan, in which theft of money can occur. funds or use them for other purposes.

At present, municipal budgets are still insignificant, therefore, enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, as well as state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, can take part in financing the construction of facilities. In this regard, during the construction of residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, roads, water conduits, water pipes and other facilities, it is possible to determine the share of financial investments in each facility from the municipality, from the region (territory), republic, from Russian Federation, from enterprises.

The responsible head is appointed from the administration of the municipality. He must organize a competition among organizations that can take part in the construction, conclude a building contract with the winner of the competition and monitor the progress of construction with the help of the control body and apparatus under his subordination. As a rule, such functions are carried out either by the head of administration or his deputy in charge of construction. During construction, it is important to distribute financial resources evenly, for example, quarterly, so that the construction of facilities goes according to plan. To do this, the terms of the introduction of the zero cycle and their financing, the remaining parts of the building and their financing must be indicated in the contract, in the design and estimate documentation, and the construction schedule.

The contractor should be oriented towards a phased, uniform execution of work. This allows to ensure the timely construction of the object and the corresponding quality. If, however, the construction period is postponed to the last year or quarter of the year, then, as a rule, the so-called "work in hand" can lead to a negative result.

Here you need to adhere to the following condition: you did the work efficiently - you will receive full funding. When conducting a tender, this condition must be indicated so that contractors know what to expect. This approach disciplines the contractor and puts the customer in an advantageous position, and also eliminates unjust enrichment of the contractor. In practice, when concluding construction contracts, one should study the economic condition of the contractor, the availability of his capacities to perform work, and labor resources. In this case, it is inappropriate to carry out advance payment for outstanding work. Payment must be made only upon completion of the scope of work stipulated by the contract and the schedule, after the delivery and acceptance of the object or part of the object and the signing of the acceptance certificate for construction work. This approach is caused by the fact that many so-called construction firms, which do not have enough capacity and money, conclude a large number of contracts with customers, receive prepayments, but are not able to complete the amount of work.

Some of them get out of the situation due to compensation, while others simply disappear along with the funds received from customers or investors. Such cases took place in Moscow, the Moscow region and other subjects of the Russian Federation. For the most part, this applies to housing construction.

In the event that a construction company does not have the capacity and funds to conduct construction, it cannot be considered as a proper participant during the tender.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to make an addition regarding legal entities involved in capital construction, which would prohibit such activities without sufficient special capacities and funds for the construction of facilities. It would be possible to carry out checks of such organizations and to reveal their viability. And those who do not have the capacity and funds to perform construction and installation work, it is advisable to deprive them of their licenses. In addition, licenses for construction and installation work should not be issued to those newly formed legal entities that do not meet certain criteria for the availability of capacities, labor resources (specialists), and the necessary capital.

It is important for municipal bodies and their officials to study the existence of such criteria, and then make a decision on concluding construction contracts. In general, it would be useful to discuss such agreements at meetings of representative and executive-administrative bodies. This will put a barrier to corruption, bribery, kickbacks for deals made with insolvent contractors. Control and accounting bodies, independent experts should be involved in this work to conduct an examination of draft construction contracts.

Draft agreements can and should be discussed in the standing committees of the representative body for construction, planning, budgeting, taxes, and, if necessary, submitted to the session of the representative body. Such an approach will allow initial stage implementation of the socio-economic development plan to ensure the rational use of budgetary funds, as well as the timely construction of the necessary territory of objects.

It is also not necessary to allow the participation of intermediaries in construction, as this leads to an increase in the cost of objects due to the profit of intermediaries.

Budget planning as an element of municipality management

Budget management is one of the ways to manage a municipality

A good example is the city of Rostov-on-Don, where all budget expenditures are associated with the performance of specific work, the provision of services, etc.

In the literature, an opinion is expressed about the introduction of long-term multi-year planning; annual and prospective (integrated); annual.

Budget planning system - a set of organization, methods and procedures for the budget formation project.

There are three options for budget planning:

  • annual planning;
  • annual planning and long-term financial planning (two stages of budgeting with single aggregates for the next financial year);
  • long-term (multi-annual) planning, in which annual planning is fully integrated (one format, unified procedures).

Budget planning can be divided into two relatively independent blocks:

  • development of a long-term (medium-term) financial plan for the medium-term period;
  • developing a budget for the next financial year.

The result of annual budget planning is the drafting of the budget of the municipality for the next financial year, the basis of which is a long-term financial plan for the medium-term (three-year) period, the drafting of which, in turn, is the result of medium-term financial planning.

At the same time, in accordance with Art. 174 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, medium-term financial planning is based on the results of medium-term and long-term socio-economic planning, as well as the main priorities of the socio-economic development of the municipality.

The process of developing the annual budget is ensured by the implementation of certain elements of the long-term financial plan related to the next budget year. At the same time, the annual budget should be considered only as a more detailed and integral part of the long-term financial plan.

A long-term financial plan is not normatively approved and is developed in order to form a representation of the representative bodies of local self-government and the proposed directions of socio-economic development, identify opportunities in the future for the implementation of measures in the field of financial policy, track long-term target programs and timely control measures in certain situations. The plan is developed for three years and is annually adjusted with a shift of one year ahead, taking into account socio-economic development.

The plan consists of separate sections, in these sections the ways of solving the tasks facing the municipality in the field of economy in the planning period are substantiated, the main indicators are determined by sectors and sectors of the economy. Separate indicators should be substantiated, and the plan should provide for anti-inflationary measures and pay special attention to sections on the social sphere.

Long-term budget planning allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • ensuring a medium-term balance of income and expenses;
  • determination of priorities for the development of the territory and their reflection in the long-term financial plan, and through it in the budgets, taking into account income restrictions;
  • formation of reasonable programs for the implementation of the priorities of the development of the territory;
  • monitoring and analysis of the degree of achievement of the set goals and the quality of forecasts;
  • increasing the validity of strategic decisions;
  • improving the efficiency of the use of budgetary resources.

The process of annual budget planning of a particular municipality consists in detailing the directions, mechanisms and deadlines for fulfilling spending obligations, clarifying the schedule and features of accounting for income receipts, managing current liquidity, short-term borrowings, assessing and solving problems arising from the formation of temporary cash gaps, establishing clear requirements for the financial aspects of the activities of the main managers of budgetary funds.

The development of the annual budget is ensured by the implementation and detailing of individual elements of the long-term financial plan. The adoption of the budget for the next financial year only does not provide an opportunity to develop and implement the necessary steps towards the desired predicted changes and, if necessary, to make adjustments. The following shortcomings of annual planning can be noted:

  • lack of coordination of current, medium-term and strategic planning;
  • lack of continuity in budget policy;
  • the annual budget is inconsistent with the long-term goals of the municipality with deficit and debt targets for a multi-year perspective;
  • there is no program approach in planning;
  • the problem of planning in the implementation of investment programs;
  • an obstacle in the conclusion of long-term contracts.

The annual budget should only be considered as a more detailed and integral part of the long-term financial plan. At the same time, due to the possibility of the emergence of objective factors that cause differences in the annual volume of financial resources of the budget of the municipality, and also taking into account the need to obtain an accurate plan for the receipt of income during the year, some differences have the right to exist. However, these exceptions are valid only for the revenue part of the budget.

Budget planning procedures are inextricably linked with almost all areas of activity of financial authorities. So, for the budget planning process, information from the main structural divisions of financial authorities is the necessary initial data (for example, registers of expenditure obligations, an assessment of possible borrowing volumes). Conversely, the results of budget planning are the initial data for subsequent work in other areas of activity of financial authorities (for example, specific borrowing needs can be identified to ensure a balance in the financial plan or draft budget) .

A significant part of the functions related to budget planning can be directly assigned to sectoral structural units directly involved, for example, in the management of income and expenses. At the same time, structural subdivisions are necessarily allocated as part of the financial body, which is directly involved in the development of a draft budget and a long-term financial plan in the process of budget planning.

Stages of budget planning

That is why representative, executive and administrative, control bodies of local self-government should form plans for organizational measures as management decisions. Any activity for the implementation of functions and the implementation of competence requires purposefulness, rationality and productivity.

In organizational terms, it is important to determine the goal, the tasks for achieving it, the forms and methods for their solution, the deadlines for execution, those responsible for implementation, types of control, information support, publicity, communication with the population and methods for its implementation. Here are the main, in our opinion, components that are typical for such plans.

The system and procedure for the formation of plans for organizational measures. The system of plans can include a general plan of organizational measures adopted by the representative body; plan of organizational measures of the most representative body; plan of organizational measures of the executive and administrative body; plan of organizational measures of committees, commissions of the representative body; a plan of functional and sectoral departments of the executive and administrative body (departments, departments, services, education, healthcare, housing and communal services, roads and landscaping).

In municipalities, the plan of organizational measures is formed on the basis of the socio-economic development plan and the budget. The head of the municipality issues a resolution on the preparation of such a plan. The resolution sets out an instruction to all officials on the development and submission of proposals to the general plan of organizational measures in their areas of activity, as well as the deadlines for submitting such proposals.

The permanent committees of the representative body, the apparatus of the representative body, the administration (deputy heads of administration), its apparatus, sectoral and functional departments (departments, administrations) take part in the preparation of proposals for the general plan of organizational measures; commissions created under the administration (administrative, supervisory, housing issues, juvenile affairs); control body; election commission of a district, city, urban district.

The general plan is classified, adjusted to the sections of the socio-economic and cultural development plan with an unconditional link to the financial plan of the municipality.

In general plans, it is advisable to provide for the following sections:

I. Realization of forms of direct democracy.

This includes forms such as:

As for elections, such events are planned in the year of elections to representative bodies and heads of municipalities.

This is the structure of the first section of the plan. In our opinion, it can be expanded through activities aimed at the development of such forms as: meetings, gatherings of citizens; conferences, which are provided for by federal, regional legislation, as well as charters of municipalities.

II. Sessions of the representative body.

In this section, it is planned to hold plenary meetings of the representative body. Here questions of the agenda of session, date of carrying out and persons responsible for preparation are formulated.

As a rule, the topics of session meetings are of a strategic nature and are aimed at the implementation of the socio-economic development plan, budget, individual targeted programs, i.e., the development of the municipality.

It also includes reports of heads of municipal services in various areas of activity.

Reports of heads of administrations following the results of half a year, a year are practiced. For example, in these sections of the plan, reports of the heads of administrations “On the implementation of work and the development of budgetary funds for housing and communal services and road construction” are provided.

At the sessions systematically, once a year, reports of the supervisory body on the state of budget implementation and the correct development of financial resources are heard.

At the sessions, the report of any permanent commission, committee on the work done by them in terms of socio-economic development and budget can also be heard.

III. Organization of the activities of standing commissions, committees.

In this section, the work of permanent commissions and committees is planned. It comes down to this:

a) preparation of issues for consideration at sessions of the representative body;
b) preparation and holding of own meetings;
c) joint work with other commissions;
d) joint work with the control body;
e) listening to reports on the work done by the deputy heads of administration, heads of departments, departments of functional and sectoral services of the municipal sector;
f) listening to the report of the head of the department of culture of the district “On the work on organizing leisure and patriotic education of youth in the district center and rural settlements”. Each commission formulates its questions in the areas of activity.

IV. Organization of activities of the executive and administrative body (administration).

In this section, questions of socio-economic development are formulated in blocks; preparation of draft budgets and their execution; implementation of plans and programs; reports of services in the direction of activity, etc.

In municipal districts, plans should include questions about the preparation of agricultural enterprises for sowing, as well as for harvesting. The plans of the administration are more extensive than those of other local governments. They are divided into areas of activity that fall within the competence of local self-government bodies, with the exception of issues related to the exclusive competence of the representative body, as well as control.

V. Organization of the work of the control body.

The control body also organizes its work on the basis of a general plan of measures with certain specifics.

This section includes issues related to the execution of the local budget, the correct and timely development of budgetary funds. He plans inspections of budgetary organizations and municipal enterprises in terms of the correctness of spending funds, the accuracy of financial statements, etc.

Based on the results of inspections, audit reports are drawn up and sent to the representative and executive body for consideration.

At its meetings, the control body hears the heads of the inspected institutions, organizations, issues instructions to eliminate violations of financial discipline.

In 2008, control bodies carried out about 3,000 control measures. The volume of checked funds amounted to more than 200.0 billion rubles, financial violations were revealed in the amount of 8.8 billion rubles. 1,223.0 million rubles were reimbursed to the budgets of different levels. As can be seen, the control bodies take part in management by monitoring the spending of funds, take measures to improve the management of financial resources. However, in general, the mechanism for the return of squandered budget funds does not work well. Only an eighth of them is returned to the budgets.

Of course, law enforcement agencies should work more effectively in this direction.

The general plan of organizational work is discussed and adopted by the representative body at the plenary session. It is approved and formalized by the decision of the representative body.

Based on the foregoing, we can formulate the following definition of the concept of an organizational action plan. The organizational action plan of the municipality is a management decision based on laws and by-laws, plans for socio-economic development and the budget, containing an interconnected set of organizational measures of local governments, the management apparatus, aimed at ensuring the territorial development of the municipality.

In other words, organizational planning is a way to carry out professional activity the subject of local self-government, ensuring the implementation of the plan for socio-economic development, budget and programs of the municipality.

Based on the general organizational plan, each local government, as well as their departments, draw up more detailed plans. The plans of departments (departments) are the basis for the preparation of organizational plans for each municipal employee and other specialists.

Such an approach, in our opinion, makes it possible to ensure the transparency of the activities of each manager and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the work, as well as the progress in the implementation of socio-economic development plans, budget and target programs in the reports of employees. Ultimately, summing up the results of municipal employees and other specialists allows us to formulate the result of the activities of a department, department, department. The totality of the results of these departments as a whole gives an idea of ​​the work of the administration.

The administration (executive-administrative body) constantly studies the situation, discusses various issues at operational meetings on a weekly basis and makes appropriate decisions.

The administration forms weekly plans for events held in the city, district, village. As a rule, they are formed by organizational departments.

In the organizational department, this activity is carried out by one of the specialists. His duty is to collect information from all structural divisions of the administration about the activities carried out in the coming week.

Planning in practice is built vertically, according to the principle of subordination of bodies and officials. Organizational plans are published in the newspapers of districts, cities, urban districts. This experience is available in Veliky Novgorod.

All this allows the population to find out what local self-government bodies will be doing next year, what tasks they will have to solve.

Thus, the organizational planning of the municipal government reflects the strategy of managing the municipality and the tactics of its implementation.

This approach to the organization of work allows you to control the situation on the scale of the municipality, disciplines the participants in the management process. The head of the administration, his deputies, employees of the administration apparatus can always check the fulfillment of the measures outlined in the plan by their personal participation in them. Here you need to be guided by the principle of "trust, but verify."

The content of technologies and planning procedures is specified depending on its strategic and tactical nature. In general, the municipal development strategy includes: global, long-term and local goals that determine the activities of the municipality in general and local governments in particular. The strategic (global) goal determines the future qualitative state of the system in the long term, which society strives to achieve. Tactical (local) goals determine the future state of individual subsystems, have a qualitative dimension, but the time to achieve them is limited to the current period, usually up to one year;

Technologies that help achieve strategic goals;

Resources that will be used to achieve strategic goals;

A management system that ensures the achievement of strategic goals, including the local Community as the main component of the management system.

Strategic planning is a systematic process by which local communities form a picture of their future and determine the stages to achieve it based on local resources. Strategic planning of socio-economic development underlies the purposeful activities of municipal authorities. It is a means of combining efforts to achieve goals and solve problems, as well as to increase the effectiveness of strategic decisions.

In strategic planning, in particular, the following tasks are solved:

Formation (adjustment) of the mission of the municipality;

Introduction of planning into the economic activity of the municipality;

Ensuring competitiveness in the future based on the implementation of long-term programs;

Definition of realistic goals and objectives;

Formation of programs and action plans;

Maintaining correspondence between the goals and capabilities of the territory;

Regulation of the development of the municipality;

Determination of priorities for economic and social development;

Adaptation of the municipality, municipal economy to the external environment;

The principles of strategic planning at the municipal level include:

The principle of system. It is expressed in the creation of positive economic activity at the level of the municipality as a whole (in this case, separate plans can be developed for specific sectors of the economy or individual industries, but this topic is outside the scope of the guide);

The principle of social orientation. Strategies need to be in the interest of a wide range of public within the municipality; strategies should be more bottom-up than top-down; strategies should be oriented towards the approval and assistance of a wide range of actors in their implementation.

The subjects of the strategic planning process, the implementation of strategic development programs for municipalities are, first of all, local governments, the population and its groups, including representatives of business, state enterprises, public organizations, as well as territorial public self-government bodies, etc.

In the strategic planning of the socio-economic development of the municipality, the following characteristics should be taken into account: geographical and climatic conditions; Natural resources; financial and economic base, condition and results of activities of economic entities operating in the given territory; social organization of the life of the population; the political situation, the effectiveness of local authorities, etc. A strong economy is the basis of a stable, sustainable and viable community, whose members can lead a lifestyle that contributes to the public good and the comprehensive development of each individual. Each municipality achieves this in its own way, based on the specific, sometimes unique, possibilities of the territory and the interests of the local community. Therefore, the strategic plan for economic development is a tool for building a strong economy.

The strategic development plan is a kind of contract of public consent, according to which municipal authorities, enterprises and public organizations assume certain obligations. The plan is a document that, in the form of tasks and indicators, reflects the main goals of the planned transformations for the development of the municipality, taking into account the introduction of new technologies and the rational use of resources. It is developed and implemented by all participants influencing the development of the region, city, taking into account the interests and with the participation of the population. The plan is addressed to the entire local community, sets guidelines for everyone, shows prospects for businesses, authorities, residents, and potential external investors. "When forming a strategic development plan, it is necessary to take into account the principle of adaptability. Strategic plans must be flexible and adaptable to a changing external environment.

The strategic plan (program) of development, as a rule, is adopted for a period of 5 years or more.

Stages of strategic planning of socio-economic development of the municipality


Targeting. An important step in strategic planning is the definition of the mission and goals, directions and ways of long-term development of the municipality. They serve as a guide for subsequent planning steps.

Collection, processing of information and development of proposals for adjusting goals. An important component of this stage is the analysis of the external and internal environment. The development of the municipality is determined by both external and internal factors. Strategic decisions made on the basis of taking into account only internal or; external factors will not be systemic enough, which will ultimately lead to erroneous decisions.

Development of the concept of development. This is the period of developing strategic guidelines and development criteria. Based on the obtained objective data, final conclusions are made about the goals of the municipality.

Development of a program (plan) for the socio-economic development of the municipality. As already noted, during the development of the Program, the interests of various subjects are coordinated.

Adoption of a program (plan) for strategic development. After the development of the concept, plan, development program, coordination of all issues between the entities involved in the preparation and implementation of these documents, the representative body of local self-government approves them at its meeting.

Development of a plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality

Analysis of initial information:

Socio-demographic (population size, its social and professional structure, ethnic composition; the structure of employment of the population, the unemployment rate, as well as data characterizing the quality of life of the population: incomes of the population, provision with social infrastructure facilities, etc.);

On the state and extent of the use of natural resource potential, as well as on the environmental situation that has developed within the municipality;

Technical and economic, giving an idea of ​​both the technical condition of enterprises and organizations located within the municipality, and their financial condition;

On the state of local finances, including information on intergovernmental financial flows.

Determination of the development goals of the municipality:

1) definition of goals, their ranking;

2) allocation of strategic goals;

3) identification of possible ways to achieve them;

4) harmonization of the goals of the socio-economic development of a particular municipality with the goals of the subject of the Federation.

Sections of the plan (program) of socio-economic development:

Planning for the rational use of natural resource potential, protection and reproduction of the environment; planning for the rational use of demographic potential; in municipalities with a compact population of small nationalities, it is advisable to allocate a special program that ensures conservation; and development of small ethnic groups;

Planning the standard of living of the population of the municipality;

Planning the development of the economy, with the obligatory allocation of a "separate line" of a system of measures to support small businesses (including peasant and farm enterprises) and the development of competition in local markets for goods and services;

Planning of social development, including the development of a system of measures for the development of housing and communal services, public education, health care, etc.; financial planning, which should cover not only the budget process, but also the regulation of financial flows generated within the municipality; socio-economic planning of individual settlements located within the boundaries of the municipality.

Current planning in the municipality is carried out for the next year, broken down by quarters and, as a rule, with a forecast for the next two years. This approach allows planning and implementation; program activities, the implementation period of which exceeds one year. Based on the forecast of the socio-economic development of the territory and the budget projections arising from the bliss, the administration develops a comprehensive annual plan for the socio-economic development of the territory. It establishes specific tasks and indicators for all areas of municipal activity: housing and communal services, transport, communications, public order, healthcare, social support for certain segments of the population, education, culture, sports, youth policy, etc.

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Development of a social plan- economic developmentmunicipality


Local self-government, municipality, issues of local importance, stages of plan development, public authorities, principles of local self-government, swot-analysis, socio-economic development.

The object of the study is the activity of the administration of the municipality Beloglinsky district in developing a plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality.

The purpose of the course work is to study the theoretical and practical foundations of territorial planning in order to develop recommendations for improving this mechanism.

As a result of writing a term paper, the activities of the administration of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district were studied, the main problems in this area were studied, and violations were identified in the implementation of the plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district. Collected material for analysis and improvement of existing problems.


1. Theoretical aspects of the development of a strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality

1.1 Tasks and principles of strategic planning in municipalities

1.2 Steps in developing a strategic plan

1.2.1 Planning during the analysis and goal setting phase

1.2.2 Stage of formation of directions and selection of priorities

2. The need to analyze the socio-economic development of the municipality

2.1 Problems and competitive advantages of the socio-economic development of the municipality

2.2 The mechanism for implementing the program of socio-economic development of the Beloglinsky district for 2011-2022

3. The essence of the modernization of the planning system for socio-economic development of the Beloglinsky district

3.1 Comparative analysis of the current state of planning in the municipality of Beloglinsky district

3.2 The role and place of planning in the process of managing the socio-economic management of the Beloglinsky district


List of sources used


The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the transition to a market system of socio-economic development of the country is accompanied by an increase in the role and importance of territorial regulation. This is manifested in the provision of sufficiently broad rights and opportunities for independent development to the regions, in increasing the responsibility of the territories for solving their own problems and issues. But further advancement of reforms and the final transition to a basic market model in the country is impossible without the active involvement of local factors and resources in this process, without the development of territorial self-government and self-financing.

A more complete account of the territorial factors of economic management is extremely important for our country, which has a vast territory, which is characterized by deep regional and local differences. They are manifested in the natural-climatic and national-historical features, in the achieved level of socio-economic development, in the profile and specialization of the territory. Without a scientifically substantiated account of these differences, without the formation of scientific and methodological foundations of territorial self-government, without an active regional and local socio-economic policy, significant progress in promoting reforms and creating an effective economic system is impossible.

Therefore, the creation of a legal and socio-economic basis for sustainable functioning and dynamic development of the territory is of particular importance at the present time. A notable milestone in solving this problem is the initiation of the process of revival of local self-government.

In order to form the economic basis of self-government and conduct an active local policy, it is necessary to form an effective system of planned regulation of the development of the territory, the basis of which is municipal planning. Municipal plans define the most important goals, objectives and guidelines for the development of the territory, as well as mechanisms for their achievement and implementation.

As the experience of most developed countries in Europe, America, Asia shows, their achievements in the development of the economy and the solution of social problems are largely due to the success of the development of municipalities, which are achieved on the basis of traditions and customs and local self-government.

The purpose of this work is to modernize the strategic planning system at the level of the municipality on the example of the Beloglinsky district.

To achieve the goal of improving the strategic planning system, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

The study of the theoretical foundations of municipal planning.

The object of the study is strategic planning in the municipality of Beloglinsky district.

In the process of work, the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the municipality of the Beloglinsky district were used.

This work consists of three main sections.

The first stage will consider the development of a strategic plan.

The second one is devoted to the issues of strategic planning on the example of the development of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district.

At the third stage, the main directions for improving the planning process in municipalities were studied.

1. Theoretical aspects of the development of a strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality

1.1 Tasks and principles of strategic planning in municipalities

Before starting to get acquainted with this topic, it is worth studying the basic concepts.

A plan is a document containing a system of indicators and a set of various measures to solve socio-economic problems. It reflects the goals, priorities, resources, sources of support, the procedure and deadlines for their implementation. According to the content and period, plans can be:

Strategic (from 5 or more);

Tactical (up to 5 years);

Operational (1 year).

There is a classification of plans into problematic, complex, local.

The general requirements for the plan are as follows:

1) Accounting for market needs;

2) Scientific justification;

3) Consideration of several options and selection of the optimal one;

4) Focus on high end results;

Strategic planning is a dynamic process of defining the mission and goals of the organization, finding specific strategies for selecting and acquiring the necessary economic resources, allocating and using them in order to ensure the effective operation of the organization in the foreseeable future.

The relevance of introducing a strategic planning system in the municipalities of the Russian Federation is due to the following reasons:

Strategic planning is an element recognized in world practice in the system of municipal management and regulation, it allows you to create conditions for long-term development, helps to make current decisions taking into account strategic goals;

Under the conditions of fundamental socio-economic transformations, involving the adaptation of the municipality to the requirements of a market economy and an open competitive market, strategic planning is the most adequate tool that can consolidate the efforts of the administration and society in solving the problems of transforming employment, technology and urban space;

The following principles are observed in the process of strategic planning:

The Strategic Plan is a short document aimed at increasing the city's competitiveness. The strategic plan contains ideas that provide guidance for businesses, potential investors, authorities and the city's population in making operational decisions, taking into account the vision of the future. The strategic plan does not cancel or replace other types of plans; it defines development only in the most important, priority areas for the city;

The strategic plan is developed and implemented publicly, on the basis of public-private partnership. The strategic plan is a set of actions agreed upon by stakeholders, it is an agreement on specific measures of strategic importance for the city that must be taken in the interests of the economy and the population;

The strategic plan combines a long-term vision with the specificity of immediate action. It is long-term in terms of the depth of the forecast and the duration of the consequences of the planned actions, but medium-term in terms of the nature of the measures included in it;

Strategic planning is a continuous process: the stages of developing and implementing a strategic plan are combined in a continuous cycle through a monitoring and adjustment system based on a strategic partnership mechanism.

Members of the strategic partnership

City authorities, the largest and most influential organizations, associations, the public and the population are involved in the development and implementation of the strategic plan.

Organizations involved in the process of developing and implementing a strategic plan get the opportunity to argue the priority of the areas they represent and, accordingly, count on joint actions with the Administration of the municipality. The development of a plan for the social and economic development of the municipality for enterprises also becomes a means of dialogue with their closest business partners and competitors operating in the region.

The administration of the municipality, through the plan, receives a mechanism for regular open interaction with business and the public, which allows orienting the actions of the authorities in the interests of publicly recognized goals and directions.

Residents of the municipality get the opportunity to directly participate in the development of a strategic plan within the framework of a system of professional and public discussion, which allows them both to influence the choice of development priorities and directions, and to realize their creative and civic potential.

1.2 Steps in developing a strategic plan

In accordance with the procedure, in the year of the development of the plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality, the following approximate work schedule is valid:

January-February - analytical stage,

March-April - the stage of choosing goals and strategic directions for development;

April - citywide conference on socio-economic planning to approve the results of the analysis, the formulation of the main goal.

May-July - planning stage,

July - meeting of the Executive Committee to consider the first version of the plan and decide on the start of public discussion of the plan as a whole,

August-November - publication of the first edition of the plan.

December - the layout of the second version of the plan, its distribution for consideration by the members of the Council; adoption of a plan for socio-economic development of the municipality at a meeting of the Council.

1.2.1 Planning during the analysis and goal setting phase

In the process of developing a plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality, the following substantive stages are carried out: municipal Beloglinsky planning

Analysis (diagnosis of the state of the municipality, the study of external and internal factors that determine development, SWOT analysis),

Goal setting (determination and approval of the main goal, main strategic directions, goals),

Planning (formation of private strategies for achieving goals in each area).

Strategic analysis becomes the basis for the subsequent selection of a small number of priority areas and projects, so it is very important. The basis for strategic analysis are: traditional statistical analysis, comparative analysis, expert surveys, sociological surveys. These methods are used at the preliminary stage for the accumulation and systematization of primary information.

The essence of strategic analysis is the analysis of the competitiveness of the municipality in terms of individual factors in comparison with analogues, neighbors.

The necessary elements of the analysis are:

analysis of the external environment in which the development of the municipality takes place

analysis of the economic and geographical position,

analysis of interbudgetary relations and opportunities to influence their change,

analysis of resources, including organizational,

analysis of social potential, psychological readiness for change,

analysis of the interests of the main actors - industry groupings, individual groups of the population, elites; it is necessary to understand who specifically is able to support the strategic plan, whose interests may be affected by the implementation of certain areas and projects of the plan.

The tool of strategic analysis is SWOT-analysis. It can be seen as a means of presenting, aggregating the results of detailed surveys and justifications that result in clear judgments about a city's comparative advantages or disadvantages. The ideology of SWOT-analysis allows not to lose sight of the ultimate goal of all calculations and justifications - to answer questions about promising areas of development that make it possible to activate natural advantages, eliminate disadvantages, use all emerging opportunities and avoid potential dangers.

As part of the analysis, special attention should be paid to the assessment of the economic climate, since the policy of creating a favorable economic climate is an indispensable part of the economic strategy. Each municipality has its own set of factors that favor or hinder certain industries. The full set of these factors that determine the attractiveness of the municipality as a place for doing business is quite large and can be detailed and grouped in various ways (tax legislation and its application; registration and licensing rules; environmental restrictions on production; development and quality of general services for business (banks , information); availability of financial resources, including benefits and subsidies from the authorities; availability of business support programs.

As part of the analysis phase, it is useful to use a scenario approach.

Two types of scenarios are possible:

Scenarios for the development of external conditions. They are built on the basis of hypotheses about the polar development of a number of external factors that are beyond the control of the municipality. These scripts allow you to:

It is more productive to form an idea of ​​the field of opportunities and threats for the development of the municipality;

Check in the future put forward projects and priorities for sustainability, and riskiness when various options development of external conditions.

Scenarios for the development of the municipality with the predominance of a particular function or industry. Such scenarios allow a better understanding of the socio-economic consequences of the implementation of projects aimed at the development of certain types of activities.

For each scenario, advantages, disadvantages, risks should be indicated.

The end result of the analysis stage:

formulation of hypotheses regarding possible directions for the development of the municipality, allowing maximum use of the strengths, determination of the desired future of the municipality;

identification of the most acute problems hindering development;

putting forward several formulations of the strategic development goal for the near future.

The choice of the goal of the strategic plan of the municipality should be based on the results of the analysis. Thus, the main goal or perspective appears.

The main goal should include the following four elements:

Promotion of a brand made in the city

original offer

- "Driving forces";

flagship projects.

A vision is a clear overall goal or vision of a desired future that is understood, supported, controlled, and implemented by the entire community of a particular municipality.

1.2.2 Stage of formation of directions and selection of priorities

The choice of development priorities is based on the results of the analysis, taking into account the maximum impact on the achievement of the formulated main goal at minimal cost. As a rule, strategic directions should contribute to the realization of the competitive advantages of the city. The recommended number of directions is 3-7, goals - 11-15, projects - 30-40. The following directions are usually formed:

Infrastructure Development

Improvement of general conditions for business,

Development of certain groups of industries and industries,

Reforming the public services of the municipality (social sphere).

The current changes in the system of economic relations predetermine the need to adjust priorities in the development of the urban economy. The existing trends demonstrate the urgent need to develop practical recommendations in the field of systemic regulation of the socio-economic development of cities and municipalities.

The main methods for generating sustainable development scenarios for a large municipality suggest the following distinctive features:

Effective support for small businesses to expand the base of economic growth;

Achieving an optimal balance of powers of the federal government, regional authorities and local governments;

Availability of the necessary financial opportunities for the implementation of the right of the municipality to determine the targets for socio-economic development.

The more specific the strategic directions for a given municipality, the better. The strategic plan should be tied to the place and time as much as possible. A short and specific strategic plan, including a small number of directions and projects that really give a strong impetus to the development of the municipality, is better than a long plan.

When developing a strategic plan, it is advisable to move from directions to projects, but if you cannot quickly decide on the identification and approval of directions, you can focus on initiating and selecting projects, which are then grouped by directions.

Evaluation and subsequent selection of investment projects for financing from the budget of the municipality and borrowed funds are made on the basis of three groups of indicators that reflect:

Social efficiency of spending;

Budgetary efficiency of expenditure of funds;

Efficiency of using the resources of the municipality and attracting private investment in the process of project implementation.

One of the tools for discussion and selection of final decisions can be a conference, during which the participants are given the opportunity to discuss, vote, fill in the evaluation sheets. The organization of such a conference allows the participants, divided into small groups, to get acquainted with the proposed projects in detail and rank them, which provides objective grounds for the experts to form the final texts.

2. The need to analyze the socio-economic development of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district

2.1 Problems and competitive advantages of the socio-economic development of the Beloglinsky district

The assessment of the initial socio-economic situation includes:

1) Historical reference

2) An assessment of the standard of living - this is demographics and employment

3) Assessment of the social sphere of the municipality: education, health care, culture, physical culture and sports, ecology, economics of the municipality, industry, construction, transport, communications, housing and housing and communal services, consumer market, small business, investment activity.

1) Analysis of foreign economic activity

2) Finance of the municipality.

3) Municipal property and land resources.

4) Municipal enterprises.

5) Enterprises of housing and communal services.

6) Retailers, pharmacy chains.

7) Analysis of the management structure of the municipality Beloglinsky district.

8) Analysis of the internal environment for the development of the municipality Beloglinsky district.

When analyzing the internal environment of the municipality Beloglinsky district, the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the municipality are assessed, taking into account the trends in the development of the external environment until 2022.

Analysis of the combination of external and internal factors

An analysis of the combination of external and internal factors in the development of the municipality Beloglinsky district allows us to make the following forecast:

1) The diversified structure of the economy, combined with the high pace of institutional and structural reforms in Russia, create prerequisites for the successful development of competitive industries.

2) The growth of investments in the economy and infrastructure of the municipality, the successful protection of property rights make it possible to modernize fixed assets.

3) The border position of the municipality of Beloglinsky district, that is, its proximity to the Stavropol Territory and the Rostov Region, combined with the growth of trade in the country, will contribute to the development of the municipality as the most important transport and trade hub. The presence of historical and cultural monuments, recreation areas and a water park should be used to increase the attendance of the municipality by tourists and the development of tourism infrastructure in the area.

In general, the external and internal environment of the city contains a significant potential for successful development. Therefore, the activities of the entire community of the municipality and, especially, the authorities should be purposefully focused on using the existing advantages and favorable opportunities at the same time as correcting the identified shortcomings and preventing potential threats.

An assessment of the current state of the economy and social sphere of the municipality allows us to identify a number of competitive advantages of the Beloglinsky district, which create conditions for its socio-economic development:

the status of the regional center;

proximity to dynamically developing markets - favorable economic and geographical location for establishing economic ties with the Stavropol Territory and the Rostov Region;

advantageous geographical location at the intersection of the most important communications (railway, road)

availability of recreational resources.

Availability of free production areas with engineering support;

a high level of development of telecommunications, including a high level of penetration of mobile communications;

availability of infrastructure to support small businesses;

developed transport system of the municipality;

a significant complex of special educational institutions;

availability of a developed financial and credit system;

the presence of traditions in the field of culture, art, sports and the preservation of spiritual values;

tourist attractiveness of the environment of the municipality, its history.

Despite the existing positive trends, there are problems and limitations in the development of the economy and social sphere of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district, which must be overcome in the future and transformed into positive development factors.

The main factors hindering the social and economic development of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district include:

remote location relative to important urban centers

unfavorable medical and demographic dynamics;

insufficiency of budget funds for the implementation of budget investments in the development of the economy of the municipality;

insufficient level of material and technical base and provision with qualified personnel of budgetary institutions of the municipality;

­ high degree depreciation of a significant part of the housing stock and structures, improvement facilities;

non-competitiveness of individual branches of production, both in the foreign and domestic markets;

low investment activity in the municipal sector of the economy;

insufficiently effective mechanisms for the introduction of advanced competitive technologies that set new "points of growth" and ensure the processes of economic, social and cultural development of the municipality;

deformed employment structure - lack of highly skilled workers in a number of industries against the backdrop of the revitalization of industry and business.

poor use of tourism potential;

tense environmental situation.

To determine the prospects further development of the municipal formation of the Beloglinsky district, “points of growth” have been identified that can significantly affect the economic potential of the district in the next 10 years:

food industry;

consumer market of goods and services;

construction industry and housing construction;

communication and informatization;

educational complex;

tourism development.

2.2 Mechanism for the implementation of the program of socio-economic development of the municipality of Beloglinsky district for 2011-2022

The executors for the main activities of the comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the municipality for 2011-2022 are the governing bodies of the administration of the municipality, institutions and organizations.

The Committee for Economics of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of Beloglinsky District acts as the coordinator of the implementation of the Program activities. The functions of the coordinator include:

monitoring the implementation of the Program;

preparation of reports on the implementation of the Program;

formation of an annual plan for socio-economic development for the next financial year on the basis of budget requests submitted by the governing bodies of the administration of the municipal formation of Beloglinsky district, responsible for the implementation of the main directions of the program;

coordination of work on the preparation of changes and additions to the Program.

The implementation of long-term and medium-term plans for the socio-economic development of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district involves the implementation of measures aimed at achieving the goals and objectives set in them, through the implementation of the annual plan.

The annual plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district is formed by the coordinator on the basis of budget requests submitted for each direction of the socio-economic development of the district by the executors of the Program responsible for the implementation of its main directions. The deadlines for submission and the form of budget applications are approved by the district administration. The annual plan for the socio-economic development of the municipal formation of the Beloglinsky district is considered at a meeting of the Collegium of the Administration of the municipal formation of the Beloglinsky district and is approved simultaneously with the budget for the next financial year.

Financing of medium-term plan activities from the budget of the municipal formation of Beloglinsky district is carried out through its responsible executors, who are budget recipients.

The activities and indicators of the program can be adjusted annually, taking into account the results of achieving the goals and objectives set and the funds allocated for its implementation. During the period of implementation of the program, changes and additions can be made to it, a decision is made to terminate the implementation ahead of schedule.

General control over the implementation of the program is carried out by the Administration of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district, the Chamber of Control and Accounts in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district and the region.

Current control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by its coordinator.

Financial control over the targeted use of funds during the implementation of the Program is carried out by the financial department of the administration of the municipality of Beloglinsky district.

The report on the implementation of the Program is developed and submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory in the manner prescribed by the Regulation "On the Comprehensive Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Municipal Formation of the Beloglinsky District".

3. The essence of the modernization of the planning system for the socio-economic development of the municipality of the Beloglinsky district

3.1 Comparative analysis of the current state of planning in the municipality of Beloglinsky district

The topic of this study is of particular relevance in the context of the global crisis and a likely recession, when the strategic plans of many steadily developing regions and municipalities will be tested for strength. The relevance of this analysis is also determined by the main goal - to ensure the stable development of the municipality in accordance with the imperatives of today: balanced socio-economic development that does not destroy the natural environment and contributes to the progress of society.

If carried out comparative analysis state of planning in the municipality of the Beloglinsky district and the city of Krasnodar, then for a start we can single out general methods that contribute to the formation of sustainable development of the regions:

1) inclusion of information on the necessary environmental measures in the system for the development and adoption of economic decisions;

2) effective support for small businesses to expand the base of economic growth;

3) achieving an optimal balance of powers of the federal government, regional authorities and local self-government;

4) the availability of the necessary financial opportunities for the implementation of the right of the municipality to determine the targets for socio-economic development.

Thus, there are several definitions of the concept of "sustainable development" applicable to large cities and municipalities. In my opinion, the following can be considered one of the most accurate: sustainable development is a stable socio-economic balanced development that does not destroy the natural environment and ensures the continuous progress of society.

The advantage of the city of Krasnodar is the presence of educational facilities (universities, academies, colleges), healthcare and culture, which creates an attractive living space for the population. The economy of the regional center creates a large number of jobs with high wages, which supports a significant internal market in the city.

However, in addition to the advantages, there are negative features in Krasnodar. One of the most significant is environmental pollution and the increase in funds needed to maintain its performance within normal limits.

In the context of a shortage of all types of resources, in order to ensure sustainable development, it is necessary that the strategy of each municipality takes into account its specifics. To ensure sustainable development at the level of the municipality, it is necessary to implement a marketing approach when developing a development strategy.

In my opinion, the analysis for the municipality should be carried out in the following areas:

Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and dangers of the municipality (SWOT analysis);

Analysis of existing competitors of the municipality;

Comparative analysis of the competitive advantages of municipalities;

Analysis of economic entities operating in the city by industry;

Analysis of existing infrastructures;

Analysis of legislation, financial and political situation;

Analysis of target groups of investors and identification of their needs;

Stakeholder analysis.

To identify the pros and cons in the strategy of socio-economic development of Krasnodar, an analysis was carried out in the above areas. Based on the results of the analysis, it is proposed to add a new direction to the existing strategy for the development of the industrial sector: the placement of industry to serve the developing resort and recreational complex of the region.

To ensure comparability of indicators, the comparison should be carried out per resident of a city or municipality. It was revealed that Krasnodar during the study period is the leader among many cities in a number of indicators: the maximum level of investment in fixed assets, the highest level of wages, and the minimum unemployment rate are provided.

However, the calculation made makes it possible to assess the socio-economic development of the municipality at a particular point in time. In order to conclude that there is a trend of sustainable development of the city, it is proposed to analyze the growth rates by key indicators of socio-economic development. The analysis of the growth rates of indicators of socio-economic development for 2012-2013. identified the following trends in Krasnodar:

The maximum growth rate for the commissioning of residential buildings (188.2%);

The maximum decrease in unemployment (by 66.7%);

High growth rates of retail trade turnover (173.2%), average monthly wages (170.1%), budget execution in terms of revenue (224.1%) and investments in fixed assets (332.7%).

A slight decrease in the population in the city of Krasnodar (by 0.5%);

The lowest growth rate in the volume of shipped goods of own production, performed works and services (138.7%).

The maximum growth rate for the commissioning of residential buildings (12%);

Maximum reduction in unemployment (by 16%)

High growth rates of retail trade turnover (19.2%), average monthly wages (17.1%), budget execution in terms of revenue (41.1%) and investments in fixed assets (39%).

A slight decrease in the population in the Beloglinsky district (by 0.5%);

The lowest growth rate in the volume of shipped goods of own production, performed works and services (23.5%).

Based on the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that Krasnodar has a high level of socio-economic development in comparison with the municipalities of the region and is characterized by high growth rates. However, there are a number of factors that may have a negative impact on the sustainability of Krasnodar's development. Consider these factors and ways to neutralize them.

First, there is a trend towards an increase in the share of gratuitous receipts from other budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation in Krasnodar's budget revenues. If in 2005 it was 35.2%, then in 2007 and 2008 it was 42.8% and 43.2%, respectively, which jeopardizes the sustainability of development.

Under these conditions, the main task of the socio-economic development of the municipality of the city of Krasnodar is to strengthen the financial potential of the city. To further improve the efficiency of budget policy as a tool for sustainable development of the municipality, it is proposed to divide local budget revenues into three groups:

1. income related to the economic activity of organizations and citizens, received by the city budget in the form of taxes;

2. income from the use of municipal property, received in the form of rent and fees;

3. income from entrepreneurial activity of the municipality.

This method of analysis makes it possible to find additional opportunities to increase the revenue side of the municipal budget at the expense of the third group of income, which is currently not used enough in Krasnodar. .

Secondly, the environmental situation in Krasnodar is alarming.

Air quality assessment is carried out taking into account the standards adopted by the Ministry of Health: maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) and the air pollution index (API). The higher the API, the worse the air quality and the higher the likelihood of morbidity in the population. The air pollution index in Krasnodar, according to the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, was 9 in 2005, 10 in 2006 and 9 in 2007, which is assessed as unfavorable for health.

The high level of air pollution in the city of Krasnodar is due to the high anthropogenic pressure on the atmosphere associated with the operation of vehicles, power generation facilities, oil refineries, food industry enterprises, the construction industry, as well as climatic conditions characterized by a reduced scattering power of the atmosphere.

The severity of this problem in Krasnodar is helped to reduce green areas, which, however, cannot fully resist pollution. In the urban area of ​​Krasnodar, green spaces occupy an area of ​​about 7 km2, which is approximately 10 m2 per inhabitant, or 55% of the established norm (18.2 m2) of greenery for general use.

With the growth of production volumes in the city, even greater air pollution may occur, so now it is necessary to strengthen the control of environmental activities, develop and implement a city target program to create green areas within the city in the volumes provided for by the regulations.

Thirdly, there is already an energy shortage in Krasnodar, which in the future threatens to become a serious obstacle to the sustainable development of the city. To neutralize this factor, it is necessary to develop and implement a city target program aimed at energy conservation and energy efficiency. First of all, it is necessary to carry out work to increase the utilization factor of the installed capacity of the Krasnodar CHPP.

It is necessary to solve the problem of reducing electricity consumption during cold snaps based on a systematic approach: eliminating heat leaks through walls and panel seams, ensuring the supply of heat carriers of the required parameters and maintaining the heating main in good condition with proper thermal insulation of pipes. It is also advisable to provide for the creation of enterprises for the production and sale of energy from alternative (renewable) sources.

According to the author, a systematic reference to the guidelines of "sustainable development", defined in accordance with the mission of the regional center, should be the most important method of forming the Strategic Plan. At the same time, the necessary condition for compliance with the concept of "sustainable development" is the following: meeting the needs of today's generation of people should not create a threat to future generations.

The transition to sustainable development of the economy of both the municipality of the Beloglinsky district and the city of Krasnodar should provide a long-term balance between solving the problems of the socio-economic development of the city or municipality and maintaining a favorable environment.

To ensure the sustainable development of the Beloglinsky district, well-organized monitoring of the implementation of the strategic plan is important, which makes it possible to compare the real situation with the planned one and timely adjust the development strategy of the municipality.

Monitoring of the implementation of development programs of the municipality is carried out using a system of indicators called indicators. The choice of indicators for monitoring the implementation of the plan is a complex process, which determines the objectivity of the assessment and the final conclusions about the effectiveness of the reforms implemented in accordance with the plan. Through the use of indicators, it is possible to assess whether the goals set in accordance with the plan have been achieved and whether opportunities have been created for their implementation.

The conducted study of the concept of "sustainable development" makes it possible to form a list of goals, the achievement of which is necessary for this, and this list is similar to the city of Krasnodar and the municipality of Beloglinsky district. In my opinion, it would be appropriate to use the following model for the formation of strategic development goals and key indicators of the plan.

The formulated strategic goals at the stage of developing plans are transformed into specific tasks for the development of the city, which can be divided into long-term, medium-term and short-term. The implementation of these goals is monitored by evaluating indicators.

As a result of this study, important trends in the functioning of the city have been identified. Taking them into account and relying on modern scientific theories, promising directions for improving strategic planning and managing the socio-economic development of the city, practical recommendations are proposed that should contribute to the growth of investment attractiveness of both the city of Krasnodar and the municipalities of the region, and increase the efficiency of using its resource potential.

3.2 The role and place of planning in the management processsociallyeconomic developmentBeloglinsky district

Adopted on October 6, 2003, Federal Law No. 131-FZ “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation” not only outlined the general principles of the territorial organization of local self-government, but also determined its economic basis.

The law clearly spelled out the issues within the competence of self-government bodies of municipalities - this is the possession, use and disposal of property owned by municipalities, the organization of the functioning of almost the entire infrastructure of the district, city (with the exception of financial) and communications of regional and federal significance. The competence of local self-government also includes the organization of the functioning of the social sector of municipalities. Defined the law and the means for the implementation of "issues of local importance" - their own material and financial resources, with the exception of subventions and grants provided from the federal budget and the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation (Article 15, Part 1 of the Federal Law).

With regard to the Beloglinsky district, all this implies not only exclusively targeted, efficient spending of budget funds, but also the presence in the municipality of regulatory documents that determine the “rules of the game” common for the population, business and government in the field of industrial, fiscal, economic and social policy over a long period of time.

As such documents, coordinating the joint actions of authorities, the population and business entities for the effective development of a municipal district, an urban district, there are currently a variety of documents: concepts, strategies, comprehensive programs and plans for the socio-economic development of the municipality of Beloglinsky district, investment programs.

The developers of the existing planning and forecast documents of municipalities miss one of the main aspects of planning, which determines its subsequent effectiveness. Namely: the form, type, structure, methodology and methodology for the formation of planning and forecast documents must comply with the general algorithm for the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions at the level of authorities of the relevant administrative-territorial units.

The main function of territorial planning at the level of the municipality of Beloglinsky district, in my opinion, should be the formation of conditions for achieving the accuracy of focusing management decisions of the authorities both at the current moment and in the long term.

There is an obvious need to speed up the process of developing planning and forecast documents that correspond in structure and content to qualitatively new management tasks, such work in the municipality of Beloglinsky district is carried out extremely slowly.

The main tasks of municipal government lie mainly in the plane of life support for the population living on its territory, i.e. in the area of ​​social development of the territory.

However, the social development of the municipality Beloglinsky district involves a qualitative change in the main characteristics of the population's life activity not only during leisure, but also during its economic and economic economic activity. This inevitably leads to the emergence and reproduction of a whole complex of processes, interrelations and relations between local governments, business entities and the population.

On the one hand, the successful development of economic entities is the basis for ensuring the normal life of the population, the growth of its purchasing power, and the improvement of well-being and living standards. On the other hand, excessive production and economic activities of economic entities can lead to negative consequences for the environment and, ultimately, a decrease in the quality of life of the population.

Thus, in order to perform its functions, local self-government must have an effective tool for regulating reproduction processes on the territory of the municipality in the interests of the entire local community and a clear municipal social and economic policy for a sufficiently long period of time.


The recent reforms carried out in Russia are yielding positive results. An integral part of the administrative reforms being carried out in many countries are measures to improve the efficiency of the state apparatus and its individual structures. An effective state apparatus means that each ministry, department or agency uses its power and resources to achieve goals and standards in the most economical way. This is achieved through the implementation of activities for the use of strategic planning management. This work considered the issue of implementing strategic planning in the municipality.

The first section of the work was devoted to the consideration of the theory on this issue. It was found that the starting point of strategic planning is the definition of a goal. Another main aspect of the strategy process is the environmental (external) environment and the internal environment. The next phase of decision-making in the process of strategic planning is the analysis of alternatives and the choice of strategy. This phase is the "heart" of the strategic planning process, where mainly different methodologies are used to identify potential opportunities and threats. The next step in the strategic planning process is to evaluate strategy options.

The second section defined the mechanism of strategic planning on the example of the municipality of Beloglinsky district. Strategic planning plays a major role in the municipality. As follows from the definition of strategic planning, and, consequently, the strategic management of the economy arising from it, it is aimed at finding new opportunities in a difficult economic situation, tracking and adapting to the economy in the region and solving problems for the development of the municipality. In addition, strategic planning is aimed at the dynamic balance of municipal authorities. The main tasks of the municipality are: strategic analysis, planning and forecasting, taking into account the trends in the economic development of the Russian Federation, the world economy. As a result, we can draw the following conclusion that the administration of the municipal formation of the Beloglinsky district has the necessary potential for the implementation of the tasks set.

The strategic planning system of the administration includes: a system of plans, a planning process, a planning management subsystem, a subsystem of organizational survey, information support and decision making. When considering this issue, the mechanism of its functioning in the implementation of the strategic planning process is determined.

The final section of the course work identified the shortcomings that arise in strategic planning and directions for their elimination and improvement.

Thus, I considered the issue of strategic planning of the municipality on the example of the Beloglinsky district, where the answers to the tasks were found in achieving the main goal - improving the strategic planning system at the level of the municipality, namely:

the need to study the theoretical foundations of strategic planning, taking into account the sustainable traditions of regional and local self-government;

the process of strategic planning is an important stage in goal-setting or mission in administrative economics;

the development of a strategic plan should be carried out on the basis of the existing analysis of the socio-economic situation in the municipality, aimed at identifying the most important characteristics of the municipality, the main conditions for its development, competitive advantages and disadvantages.

The strategy should be more systematic, take into account, if possible, all the accumulated knowledge, and be innovative.

Ensuring the information process in strategic planning in the implementation of the developed strategy.

Make wider use of experts from other industries, providing a broader and more integrated way of thinking.

Improving the efficiency of spending budget funds.

Attracting investments, stimulating the investment attractiveness of facilities and opening new highly efficient industries in the municipality.

Improving the efficiency of municipal management:

formation of a competitive environment in the municipal economy.

promotion of energy conservation.

Creation of favorable conditions for expanding domestic demand, which primarily requires reducing the level of poverty and strengthening the targeting of social support for the population.

Improvement of the favorable environment for the development of entrepreneurship and elimination of administrative barriers.

Development of new projects to improve the efficiency of the use of municipal land resources.

Thus, he considered in detail the use of this direction, suggested ways to improve the quality of strategic planning.

List of sources used

1. Federal Law of January 22, 1998 No. 2 “On the fundamentals of the municipal service of the Russian Federation”.

2. Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”.

3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 11, 1997 No. 568 (with amendments and additions of November 24, 2002) "On the main directions of the reform of local self-government in the Russian Federation."

4. Boguslavsky A. Problems of strategic planning of socio-economic development of Russian cities // Market of the Central Bank-2003. - 90 s.

5. Gaponenko A.L., Melkov S.B., Nikolaev V.A. Municipal management: socio-economic development of the city - M.: 2002. - 148 p.

6. Gusev Yu.V. Strategic management. Novosibirsk, NGAEiU, 2005 - 130 p.

7. Problems of modern public administration in Russia. Materials of the scientific seminar / Ed. IN AND. Yakunin; Center for Problem Analysis and State Management Design. Issue No. 3. - M.: Scientific expert, 2006. - 112 p.

8. Management in Russia and abroad. Journal. No. 2/11. Publishing house "Finpress". - 80 s.

9. Comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the municipality Beloglinsky district for 2011-2022, 2011

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Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the programs of socio-economic development of municipalities

1 The concept of socio-economic development of the municipality

2 The concept and classification of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities

Chapter 2. Practical aspects of the development and implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities

1 Activities of local governments in the field of socio-economic development

2 The main problems of implementing programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities


List of used sources and literature


Relevance: the socio-economic development of municipalities plays a special role in the system of municipal government. That is why the relevance of the integrated and sustainable socio-economic development of municipalities has recently increased significantly. This was facilitated by a number of circumstances, of which the most significant include:

entry into force on January 1, 2009 in full scope of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, which gave local self-government bodies the authority to adopt and organize the implementation of plans and programs for the integrated socio-economic development of municipalities;

preparation by the federal executive authorities of the conceptual framework of the regional policy of the Russian Federation as a component of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

speech by V.V. Putin at the expanded meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on February 8, 2008 "On the development strategy of Russia until 2020", which gave impetus to the transition at all levels of government to strategic planning and became the basis for the formation of a new ideology of strategic planning at all levels of government.

An important milestone in the transition to long-term planning of the socio-economic development of municipalities was the publication of Decree of the President of Russia dated April 28, 2008 No. 607 "On assessing the effectiveness of local governments in urban districts and municipal districts", in accordance with which local communities of these categories of municipalities received a list of indicators that will help determine the priorities of the socio-economic development of municipalities. At the same time, the Decree of the President of Russia defines the mechanisms of control over local governments by residents of municipalities.

All this indicates that in the near future the development of municipalities should acquire a planned and directed character.

The purpose of the course work is a comprehensive study of the features of the programs of socio-economic development of municipalities.

The purpose of the work determined the formulation of the following tasks:

determine the components of the socio-economic development of municipalities;

get a general understanding of the programs of socio-economic development of the municipality;

identify the main problems in the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities;

The object of research is the program of socio-economic development of the municipality.

The subject of the study is the consideration of the regulatory framework, domestic educational and monographic literature, as well as dissertation research on the chosen topic.

Theoretical and methodological basis: the legal basis of the study is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Federal Law of October 6, 2003. No. 131-FZ "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation". The work uses logical research models, analogy methods, evaluation methods.

Analysis of the sources and literature studied: in the work, theoretical studies in the field of this topic by such authors as Volgin N.A., Volkov Yu.G., Zotov V.B., Voronin A.G., Kuznetsova O.V., Martynov M.Yu. etc. Also, practical developments were analyzed to solve the main problems of the socio-economic development of the territory of the following authors: Idilova R.Kh., Lapin V.A., Mokry V.N., Popov V.V. etc.

The practical significance lies in the generalization of the material and the acquisition of knowledge, in order to increase the level of education and use in professional activities.

The course project consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and references.


1 The concept of socio-economic development of municipalities.

Socio-economic development of a municipality is a complex concept. Activities to ensure the integrated socio-economic development of the municipality include many areas of life and various forms of interaction between many subjects of this development. Complexity - completeness, consistency and interconnectedness of analysis, planning and management. From an economic point of view, the integrated development of a territory is an interconnected proportional development of industrial infrastructure facilities in a given territory.

The concept of socio-economic development combines economic and social development. Thus, economic development is the restructuring of the economy in accordance with the needs and priorities of social development. The main indicators of the economic development of the country's territory are: an increase in gross domestic product or gross national product per capita.

Social development is a set of economic, social, political, spiritual processes taking place in society, where society is seen as a complex self-organizing system; the leading role is played by adaptive processes aimed at solving problems that arise during the interaction of system elements.

Thus, the content of activities for the socio-economic development of a particular territory is largely determined by the real state of its economy and social sphere, achieved by the time decisions on development are made; tasks recognized by society and the state as relevant for the upcoming period of development; the volume of allocated resources, the state of business activity of subjects of territorial development, as well as the quality of management decisions taken by the relevant public authorities to solve these problems. The urgent tasks of the upcoming period of territorial development arise from the need to take into account the peculiarities of the social and economic situation of the territories of modern Russia, the priorities of state policy, as well as from the need to form new national traditions for managing territorial development, based on the new state structure of Russia.

Among several fundamental principles of economic policy, one can single out the principle of priority, i.e. concentration of efforts of the municipality in key areas of local development through financial, tax and legal mechanisms. A regional-priority approach to economic and social development, being one of the main tasks of municipal policy, should be based on an appropriate basis. The methodological basis for determining regional priorities is the scientifically substantiated identification of regions and areas of the economy that require priority development and claim large-scale, effective and multifaceted support.

State forecasting is based on the Federal Law of July 20, 1995 No. No. 115-FZ "On State Forecasting and Programs for the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation" . This law does not address the issue of developing a comprehensive forecast and concept of economic and social development by economic regions. Meanwhile, in the literature it is noted that "the development of economic regions is extremely necessary, and they should be prepared according to a single methodology" .

It seems to me that in order to solve this problem, it is necessary to determine the socio-economic capabilities of the municipality. In the strategic plan, the region should build its socio-economic policy mainly with its own forces and means.

The essence of the socio-economic potential lies in ensuring the development of productive forces, production relations and is comprehensively considered using a systematic approach as an integral part of the national economic complex. One cannot but agree with the opinion that “when characterizing the socio-economic potential of the region as a whole, and of a specific municipality in particular, one must take into account: the complexity of environmental, economic and social development; commonality of nature management and environmental protection tasks; territorial community of production; the relative stability of the population and the unity of the system of settlements; unity of the system of social infrastructure” . The socio-economic potential of the municipality consists of many components, which can also be called relevant potentials, and their number will depend on the degree of detail, the characteristics of local development. The functioning of the socio-economic potential provides for the interaction of all elements of local reproduction.

A reference point for socio-economic policy is a system of meters or indicators: lower, threshold values, the transition beyond which leads to social tension, and subsequently to a threat to economic and public security, and upper ones, including minimum ones with a phased exit to rational social standards of the level and quality of life of citizens. These social indicators include the amount of income (including wages, pensions, scholarships, allowances, living wage), consumer price index, wage arrears, unemployment rate, the ratio of incomes of the most and least wealthy population, etc.

The threshold value, fixing the possibility of the emergence of social conflicts, is, as world experience shows, the dissatisfaction of 30% of the population with their standard of living (this includes approximately 10% of those who have an income below the subsistence level, and 20% of those whose income exceeds the living wage by 40 - 50% minimum; together they form a group of social discontent).

Along with this, the UN proposed to evaluate the ranking of countries on the aggregate index of human development. It takes into account life expectancy at birth, adult literacy rates, average school enrollment rates, GDP per capita income.

The standard of living of the population is the most important generalizing social indicator that gives an idea of ​​the well-being of society as a whole, the main socio-demographic groups of the population or individual citizens and their families, which makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the socio-economic policy of the state. The standard of living characterizes the state and development of the needs of citizens in material, spiritual and social benefits and the degree of satisfaction of these needs.

Quality of life - a set of indicators that reflect not so much the level of consumption of goods and services as the social results of the economic development of the state, such as fertility and mortality, average life expectancy, the incidence rate of the population, conditions and labor protection, ensuring human rights, the degree of social protection of the population , its differentiation by income level.

The quality of education is one of the main characteristics of education, showing the degree of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. One of the tasks of the welfare state is to ensure that all citizens of Russia receive a quality education, update knowledge for the purpose of their effective application in scientific and practical activities.

The quality of social services for the population is the degree of realization of the constitutional rights of citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation to meet their basic life needs. Whether these rights can be exercised depends on:

Compliance with the actual level of social services established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts, state standards for the list of services provided, the volume of services, the regularity of their provision and compliance with the rules for the provision of services;

Compliance of the list and level of services provided with the requirements of the normal life of those in need, corresponding to the achieved level of consumption in society.

As for the social sphere, it is based on the system of social relations between people and their associations that form various social systems together with the infrastructure of social life necessary for their functioning. The social sphere is the object of interaction between the welfare state and the social policy pursued by it, the main meaning of which is its optimization: giving a more harmonious, based on solidarity and cooperation, nature of national ties and relations in society between different social communities and their constituent citizens, between them and power, etc. Such an optimization of social relations involves the creation of the most favorable conditions for the life of representatives of all social communities, the entire population, which in turn implies the development of social infrastructure and the improvement of the activities of its constituent institutions - scientific, educational, medical, cultural and educational, etc., providing social assistance and citizen services.

For the effective management of the social sphere of the municipality, it is necessary to scientifically substantiate the goals, indicators of the timing, pace and proportions of the development of social processes, i.e. carry out regional social planning.

The objects of regional social planning are both each of the spheres of public life in the region and the ongoing processes in various sectors of the social sphere.

The development of the social sphere is the most important direction of the internal policy of the state, ensuring the well-being and comprehensive development of citizens. Signs of a welfare state are not so much the declared rights to work, rest, social security, housing, health care, education, etc., but their implementation, the real availability of social benefits to the absolute majority of the population. It is often noted in the literature that a general indicator of the development of the social sphere is an increase in the standard of living, an increase in the monetary income of the population while reducing the gap in income between the rich and the poor, which contributes to the expansion of domestic demand, the production of domestic enterprises.

The current state of the social sphere cannot be called satisfactory. Market economy has caused her tangible damage in all directions and industries. Social support enterprises created during the Soviet period (sanatoriums, rest homes, children's camps) with the transition to the market were considered non-core and burdensome to maintain. For more than 10 years, the social facilities transferred to the balance of municipal enterprises were not provided with funds even for current repairs and created problems primarily for regional and municipal authorities. Social development has narrowed down to mitigating the negative consequences of reforms and supporting the poor, which does not allow the labor, intellectual, and creative potential of the country to be fully involved in the economy.

The social sphere, like no other, is based on the normative method of planning and financing, the system of social standards. Building a system of state social standards is the most important direction for improving the management of social processes, overcoming negative phenomena in the social sphere.

2 The concept and classification of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities

January 2009 ended the transitional period associated with the entry into force in full of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation." The most important outcome of this period is the creation in the Russian Federation of about 12 thousand new municipalities (in particular, 446 municipalities are registered in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), of which 34 are municipal districts, 2 urban districts, the rest are urban and rural settlements), whose inhabitants at the end of the transitional stage, they become full-fledged subjects of territorial development.

In accordance with the current legislative right to develop, adopt and organize the implementation of plans and programs for the socio-economic development of a municipality, local governments of all categories of municipalities are vested.

The program of socio-economic development - the content and plan of activities outlining the main goals and objectives of solving problems dictated by the needs of the municipality, the nature of activities, specifying the terms of use and determining the participants in the processes and their role functions for the production of works, services, production and receipt of income to the budget .

Scientists note that the programs of social development of municipalities set the task of scientifically substantiating the goals, indicators of the timing, pace and proportions of the development of municipal social processes. In them, for each of the branches of the social sphere, goals, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics are determined in a given time frame. The objects of such programs are the economic, legal, cultural, demographic, national-ethnic and other aspects of the development of the social sphere of the respective municipality. In the formation and implementation of social development programs, the priority is the implementation of the following functions of social policy:

Increasing the income of the population;

Counteracting the trend of deterioration of the demographic situation, acute manifestations of population depopulation in a number of regions;

Prevention of mass poverty of the population, especially in underdeveloped and depressed regions, curbing the process of property stratification into the poorest and richest;

Minimization of the negative consequences of mass unemployment, especially in industrial areas;

Targeted assistance to the population in crisis;

Taking additional measures in relation to the population in distress.

To implement the planned programs, it is necessary to additionally develop and implement economic, organizational and technical measures, classified according to sectoral and territorial characteristics. In addition, the literature also notes that in addition to the expansion and development of social sectors, the goal of the programs of socio-economic development of municipalities includes improving the efficiency of the functioning of existing social systems. Because an effectively functioning social system provides a solution to the issues of social protection of the population, an increase in the standard of living, a decrease in differentiation in the incomes of the population, and the maintenance of social standards.

Programs for the socio-economic development of the territory should be developed taking into account the scientific feasibility of the possibilities of their practical implementation. In order to fulfill these conditions, developed projects must be evaluated before they become legally effective, through a project analysis.

To carry out project analyzes of socio-economic development programs, a number of analytical methods and methods have been developed. When determining the value of a program project, a possible situation in the socio-economic sphere is compared without the implementation of the proposed program and during its implementation at various stages. The task of the project analysis is to determine the ratio of the costs incurred and the positive consequences of the project, i.e. the effectiveness of the program of socio-economic development of the municipality at various stages of its implementation.

Project analysis is based on predictive estimates of future events. In some cases, many external effects from the implementation of programs cannot be quantified in the course of project analysis; in this case, it is necessary to make an expert assessment of their qualitative state. In the alternative projects proposed for consideration, many of the benefits and costs cannot be determined with the required accuracy. Often it is not possible to unify programs or their sections. In these cases, one has to use traditional analysis, and in the decision-making process, the use of intuition and the manifestation of subjectivism are not excluded.

The opinion is expressed that the main role in the development and implementation of municipal programs for the development of the social sphere is assigned to the state executive authorities of the region. The basis for decision-making is the comparison of indicators of the development of social infrastructure with normative ones or the determination of an actual indicator adopted to characterize a particular branch of the social sphere. The dependence of the social sphere on the system of production and consumption requires that the decisions made be adjusted based on the existing production and financial possibilities. Therefore, the program for the development of the social sphere of the municipality should combine macroeconomic management with the regulation of prices and incomes, targeted use of budgetary funds and loans, and the introduction of antimonopoly regulation. When developing social plans designed for specific periods, it becomes possible to apply social standards to determine the relationship between the production and non-production spheres, the structures of capital investments and employment, etc.

Depending on the territorial management system of socio-economic development:



Subfederal (interregional).

In this connection, the potential subjects of the integrated social and economic development of the territory in the conditions of a democratic state system are:

The local community (population) of the settlement as a whole, as well as individual social groups represented by public associations (youth associations, sports clubs, women's organizations, veterans' associations, chambers of commerce and industry, etc.);

Local self-government bodies of the settlement;

Local self-government bodies of neighboring municipalities interested in the development and implementation of inter-municipal cooperation programs;

Local self-government bodies of the municipal district, which includes the territory of this settlement;

State authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory this settlement is located (are especially interested in participating in the development of this settlement if there are objects of state property of regional significance on its territory);

State authorities of the Russian Federation (if there are objects of federal property on the territory of this settlement);

Economic entities that have infrastructure facilities on the territory of this settlement, as well as those interested in the development of economic activity on the territory of this settlement.

In other words, social and economic development programs in Russia are developed at the federal, regional and local levels. They set goals for the development of health systems, education, employment and decent working conditions. “All three levels are in continuous interaction, interdependent and constitute an inseparable unity. Therefore, social policy, which already at the stage of formation is a tripartite process of developing mutually agreed principles for solving social problems, is usually called a triune social policy. The implementation of such a policy through the development and implementation of social development programs also takes place at all three levels, which constitute an integral system.

Depending on the object of municipal socio-economic planning:

Territorial, when a specific territory is the object of planning (both for the subject of the Russian Federation as a whole, and in a specific district, city, village);

Functional, when the object of planning is a specific area of ​​public life, specific social processes in the field of culture, education, healthcare, consumer services;

Complex, incorporating objects of planning of territorial and functional sections.

Depending on the prospects for the implementation of socio-economic development programs:

Short-term projects are developed for a development period of up to 1 year;

Medium-term are developed for a development period of 1 to 3 years;

Long-term projects are developed for a development period of 3-5 years.

This classification by terms of execution can favorably influence the effectiveness of the program implementation, designating specific and priority goals and objectives for a certain period of development.


1 Activities of local governments in the field of socio-economic development

According to Article 132 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the competence of local authorities includes the resolution of issues of local importance, for example, economic issues (management of municipal property, etc.), politics (municipal elections), the field of social relations (public works), education, culture.

The subjects of local self-government in accordance with the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" include three categories:

local issues

certain powers of state bodies that may be vested in local governments

powers transferred by other local governments (for example, a higher level) on a contractual basis.

Solving these issues and exercising their powers, the bodies and officials of municipalities have as their main task the integrated socio-economic development of the municipality, the satisfaction of legitimate interests and ensuring the rights of the population (including those temporarily located in this territory).

Issues of local importance are issues of direct support for the life of the municipality, if they are not assigned by law to the competence of the Federation or its subjects. Federal Law No. 131-FZ refers to issues of local importance:

In the economic and financial sphere;

In the field of social relations and culture;

In the field of public order protection;

In the field of legal activity.

The main purpose of the activities of local governments is to address issues of meeting the domestic, social, educational, medical and other vital needs of the population of municipalities. To do this, “financial and material resources are transferred to the disposal of municipalities, at the expense of which local public authorities organize the provision of relevant services and goods to the population on the territory of municipalities” .

Federal Law No. 131-FZ "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" introduces significant changes in the powers of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities in the field of social development. Thus, the powers of local governments include:

Organization of the provision of emergency medical care (with the exception of sanitary and aviation), primary health care in outpatient clinics and hospitals, medical care for women during pregnancy, during and after childbirth;

Organization of the provision of public and free primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education in basic general education programs, with the exception of the powers to financially support the educational process, attributed to the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; organization of additional and public free pre-school education on the territory of the municipal district, as well as organization of rest for children during vacation time;

Organization of funeral services and maintenance of burial places;

Creation of conditions for the organization of mass recreation and leisure.

In this regard, I believe that control over the use of powers transferred to municipalities should be carried out either by state bodies of the subject of the Federation, or by a specially created body of local self-government. Thus, it is possible to propose the creation of a control and audit body, possibly on a voluntary basis. Their responsibilities will include the following:

bringing to the population of the municipality information about existing and newly adopted programs;

control over the implementation of the points of the program of socio-economic development by the municipality;

reporting to the public on the progress of work and the results obtained (or not received).

It seems to me that it is necessary to determine the socio-economic opportunities of the municipality. In the strategic plan, the municipality should build its socio-economic policy mainly with its own forces and means.

It should be noted that the implementation by local governments of their powers also depends on how efficiently they will use the resources at their disposal. To this end, local governments must ensure the comprehensive development of the main sectors of the municipal economy, the private sector of production and consumption, as well as the social sphere of municipalities.

The program-targeted approach is the most optimal for the development of programs and involves the development of appropriate goals for socio-economic development in the production and social spheres, the definition of construction or reconstruction facilities, and the determination of the timing of implementation.

In the development of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities, the following phases can be distinguished.

1. Pre-investment phase, which includes:

Research of investment and market opportunities;

preparation of a preliminary feasibility study;

development of a feasibility study;

expert opinion.

Investment phase, including:

organizational work;

design and survey work;

approval and expertise;

delivery of the program for its further implementation.

Implementation phase consisting of:

monitoring, control, operational management;

identify program deficiencies;

corrections and correction of shortcomings in the program.

Separately, I would like to touch upon the process of adopting a program for the socio-economic development of municipalities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Conditionally, based on the established practice of adopting programs, as well as taking into account the existing legal framework, the following stages are distinguished:

creation of a working group to study the main problems and opportunities of a particular municipality. At this stage, the developers of the program and the supervisor of the project are determined;

preparation of a draft program for the socio-economic development of the municipality. The program of socio-economic development of the municipality should be developed in accordance with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Components programs should be: an introductory brief description of the municipality, a table of contents, a passport that lists the goals, objectives, timing of the program, a list of subprograms, volumes and sources of funding, etc., as well as a specific plan for the production of works, services, output and receipt of income to the local budget to meet the urgent needs of residents of the municipality in certain areas of socio-economic development);

coordination of the draft program with interested ministries and departments. The draft program must be agreed with eighteen members of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with conclusions without comments. If there are comments from ministries and departments, they must be taken into account in the project and (or) removed;

consideration of the draft program at the Economic Council under the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

2 The main problems of implementing programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities

social economic municipal program

To fulfill priority tasks and directions of socio-economic development of municipalities, it is necessary to form and implement relevant municipal plans and programs. On their basis, expenditures from local budgets and all economic activities of local authorities should be carried out.

At the same time, at present, local governments do not have enough financial resources for the formation and implementation of municipal plans and programs for socio-economic development, capital investments and budget investments in the development of the economy of the respective territories. Under the conditions of the municipal reform, the insufficiency of profitable sources of local budgets does not allow local governments to ensure the full and high-quality execution of their powers.

First of all, this is due to the fact that the amount of financial resources required to fulfill the expenditure obligations of municipalities was determined at a level below their real needs. One of the main reasons for the deterioration of the financial situation of municipalities was the assignment of additional issues of local importance to municipalities without transferring relevant revenue sources to local budgets.

One cannot but agree that "the socio-economic development of municipalities is provided by local governments not only at the expense of financial resources, but also material resources" . Municipal property is necessary for local governments to generate non-tax revenues for local budgets, create an enabling environment for attracting investment in the municipal sector of the economy, support medium and small businesses, and develop market mechanisms for the use of land and property.

In order to meet the needs of the population of municipalities in public services and create favorable conditions for their life, local governments interact with various commercial organizations and coordinate their activities in the areas of trade, communications, public catering and consumer services, land use, urban planning, environmental protection, etc. .P. Intersectoral interaction is the mutual influence of the state, business and civil society organizations in the process of their joint activities. Its essence is manifested in the coordination of their fundamental "corporate" interests, as well as in the ability of these diverse socio-economic forces to constructively cooperate in order to achieve the goals of the whole society. The economic and social components of society complement each other, ensuring an uninterrupted exchange of information and material resources within the municipality.

Having studied the theoretical aspects of the topic under study, some problems that arise in the process of developing and implementing municipal programs of socio-economic development are identified.

So, at present there are a number of shortcomings in the economic mechanism of federal relations. For example, uncoordinated forms of financial support for the regions. The fundamental principle of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - equality of rights in relations with the center - is being violated. As a result, federal budget expenditures are overestimated, incentives for development in subsidized regions disappear.

In addition, the socio-economic development program should be dictated by the needs of the municipality and be a specific plan for the production of works, services, production and receipt of income to the budget to meet the urgent needs of the residents of the municipality, and not just a document containing a formal set of numbers, execution which cannot be controlled.

One of the main problems of economic forecasting is the development of a general concept of socio-economic development, which, along with its qualitative content, has sufficient quantitative certainty, i.e. not only the substantiation of the hierarchical system of attitudes, but also the amount of material resources that ensure their achievement. The creation of a system of indicators that adequately reflect the most important problems of social development in the long term is hampered by the exclusive orientation, when measuring changes in the standard of living, to flows that reflect the amount of goods consumed, and the lack of satisfactory approaches to studying the movement of stocks of the entire set of available socially significant goods. Problematic at present are the issues of determining the effectiveness of the activities of institutions providing public services, their relationship and interdependence. To solve them, first of all, it is necessary to establish criteria for the effectiveness of public services, an indicator of efficiency and a methodology for calculating them.

In this regard, one can support the opinion of Idilova R.Kh., who proposed a three-level methodology for assessing the effectiveness of a socio-economic development program:

Local level of evaluation. For the economic justification of a project, methods of calculating commercial efficiency are traditionally used, which characterize the economic potential, financial stability, costs and results of production activities.

The level of the local community (local socio-economic system). The methodological basis of work at this level is program-target methods. The program is presented as a set of measures for the development of the local community, taking into account all available infrastructures and the procedure for implementing these measures.

The regional level of evaluation is carried out on the basis of the compliance of the expected results of the program with the priorities of the socio-economic development of the region.

It should also be noted that many targeted programs (both federal and regional) are designed for co-financing from local budgets. The imbalance of local budgets has led to a deterioration in the socio-economic situation of municipalities, as well as to a decrease in the level and quality of municipal services provided to the population. The balance of the budget depends not so much on the level of economic development of the region, but on the desire or unwillingness of the regional authorities to accept and execute balanced budgets. A prime example with a significant imbalance in the regional budget with relatively high budget revenues is the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This imbalance in the republican budget is explained by the high share of social spending. Thus, since 1993 education has been one of the main priorities of Yakutia's social policy. It is possible that under other economic conditions, such social spending would be fully justified, but given the current level of budget revenues in Yakutia, the volume of social spending is clearly exaggerated. Moreover, according to experts, in recent years in Yakutia there were much more pressing problems, there were more important objects for financing, including infrastructure ones.

To solve this problem, it can be recommended (as was the case in the Siberian Federal District) to develop and send to each village council guidelines on the formation of annual, medium-term and long-term programs for the socio-economic development of each municipality.

Thus, having considered the theoretical foundations for the development and implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities, we can draw the following conclusions.

The socio-economic development of the municipality should include many areas of life and various forms of interaction between many subjects of this development as an interconnected proportional development of industrial infrastructure facilities in a given territory.

The socio-economic development program should contain an activity plan outlining the main goals and objectives of solving problems dictated by the needs of the municipality, the nature of the activities, specifying the terms of use and determining the participants in the processes and their role functions for the production of works, services, output and receipt of income to the budget. To solve this problem, it is necessary to determine the socio-economic opportunities of the municipality. In the strategic plan, the region should build its socio-economic policy mainly with its own forces and means.

Depending on the territorial system of management of socio-economic development, programs can be distinguished: municipal, regional, sub-federal (inter-regional); depending on the object of municipal socio-economic planning - territorial, functional, complex; depending on the prospects for the implementation of socio-economic development programs - short-term up to 1 year, medium-term from 1 to 3 years, long-term 3-5 years.

The right of the municipality to develop programs for socio-economic development is legally enshrined.

The main problems in the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the municipality include:

the absence on the ground in most municipalities of a controlling state body for the use of delegated powers;

blurring of the system of state social standards to improve the management of social processes;

lack of criteria for the effectiveness of public services, performance indicators and methods for their calculation.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the territory, it is necessary to strengthen financial support at the federal (republican) level (development and protection of grant projects, entry into federal and republican programs), as well as to seek opportunities for additional funding to the municipalities themselves (renting objects of the municipal property, including land, the sale of unprofitable objects, which excludes the cost of their maintenance, the creation of municipal unitary enterprises, the development of social partnerships with organizations of small, medium and large businesses). For a more organized work of local authorities, it is possible to propose the creation of a control and audit body, whose duties will include: participation in the preparation of a draft program for the socio-economic development of the municipality; bringing to the population of the municipality information about existing and newly adopted programs; control over the implementation of the points of the program for the socio-economic development of the settlement; reporting to the population on the progress of work and the results obtained (or not received).

Possible composition of this supervisory body: approximately 5 people leading experts in their field (for example, 1 school principal, 1 head physician, 1 representative from the association of entrepreneurs, 1 housing and communal services specialist, etc.).

Also important is the development of methodological manuals for the development of socio-economic development programs, clear criteria for evaluating its effectiveness by public authorities.


Having considered the problems of implementing programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities, we can draw the following conclusions.

The participation of federal, regional and municipal authorities is expected in the formation and implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the territory, since the integrated socio-economic development of the municipality should include many areas of life and various forms of interaction between many subjects of this development, as an interconnected proportional development of industry infrastructure facilities on this territory.

The socio-economic development program reflects the main goals, objectives, measures to solve problems dictated by the needs of the municipality, specifying the timing and participants in the processes for the production of works, services, products, etc.

The main stages of the adoption of the program of socio-economic development of the municipality include:

organization of a working group to study the main problems and opportunities of a particular municipality;

preparation of a draft program for the socio-economic development of the municipality;

approval of the draft program by interested ministries and departments;

submission of the draft program for consideration;

implementation of the program of socio-economic development of the municipality.

Programs can be divided depending on the territorial system of management of socio-economic development into municipal, regional, sub-federal (inter-regional); depending on the object of municipal socio-economic planning - territorial, functional, complex; depending on the prospects for the implementation of socio-economic development programs - short-term up to 1 year, medium-term from 1 to 3 years, long-term - 3-5 years.

When analyzing the practical application of theoretical provisions on municipal socio-economic development, some problems in the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities were identified. So, in my opinion, the main problems include:

insufficiency of local self-government bodies of financial resources for the formation and implementation of plans and programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities, the implementation of capital investments and budget investments in the development of the economy of the respective territories;

the absence in most municipalities of a supervisory body for the use of powers delegated to municipalities;

lack of a system of clear state standards to improve the management of social processes;

the lack of criteria for the effectiveness of public services, the performance indicator and the methodology for their calculation.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the territory, it is necessary to strengthen financial support at the state level (such as, for example, the development and protection of grant projects, inclusion in federal and republican programs), as well as to seek additional funding opportunities for the municipalities themselves (leasing objects of municipal property, including land, the sale of unprofitable objects, which eliminates the cost of their maintenance, the creation of municipal unitary enterprises, the development of social partnerships with organizations of small, medium and large businesses).

For a more organized work of local authorities, it is necessary to create a local supervisory body, which should include subjectively disinterested persons. So, it is possible to propose the creation of a control and audit body, consisting, for example, of 5 people - leading specialists in their field (one each from a school, a hospital, an association of entrepreneurs, housing and communal services, a cultural institution), whose duties will include, for example:

participation in the preparation of a draft program for the socio-economic development of the municipality;

bringing to the population of the municipality information about existing and newly adopted programs;

control over the implementation of the points of the program for the socio-economic development of the settlement;

reporting to the population on the progress of work and the results obtained (or not received).

In addition, the socio-economic development program should be dictated by the needs of the municipality and be a specific plan for the production of works, services, production and receipt of income to the budget to meet the urgent needs of the residents of the municipality. However, it is often seen in practice that the program is socially -economic development - just a document containing a formal set of figures, the execution of which cannot be controlled. Most often, this is due to the fact that the project analysis of the socio-economic development program of a particular municipality was not sufficiently carried out.

Thus, on the part of the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, work should be carried out on information interaction with municipalities. In this regard, it is important to develop methodological manuals for the development of programs for socio-economic development, clear criteria for evaluating its effectiveness.

An effective social system should ensure the solution of issues of social protection of the population, raising the standard of living, reducing differentiation in the incomes of the population, and maintaining social standards.

Realization of the interests and needs of the population is directly related to the appropriate organization of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services on the territory of municipalities. Small business takes an active part in all these processes, and the employment of citizens of municipalities, the quality and standard of their life largely depend on its successful development. In this regard, of particular importance for the socio-economic development of municipalities is the interaction and cooperation of local governments with the business community, as well as the support and development of small business.


1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1992 (taking into account the amendments made by the Laws of the Russian Federation "On Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2008 No. 6-FKZ and dated December 30, 2008 No. 7-FKZ) / / Collection of Legislations of the Russian Federation. 2009. - No. 4. - Article 445.

2. Constitution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)// Collection of laws of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). - 1992. - Art. 90.

On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation / Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. No. 131-FZ, as amended on November 4, 2007 No. 253-FZ // Russian newspaper. 2005. - No. 297.

On State Forecasting and Programs for the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation / Federal Law of July 20, 1995 No. 115-FZ. Ed. July 9, 1999// Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 1995. - No. 143.

On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local self-government bodies of urban districts and municipal districts / Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2008. No. 607 // Collection of Legislations of the Russian Federation. - 2008. - Art.2003.

On the establishment of boundaries and on granting the status of urban and rural settlements to municipalities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) / Law of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of November 30, 2004 173-Z No. 353-III // Yakutia. 2004. - No. 245.

Key indicators of socio-economic development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) January - May 2010 Express information No. 99-e// Territorial body of the Federal Service state statistics according to RS (I). Yakutsk, 2011.

Key indicators of the economy of municipalities in 2008. Operational data// Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Yakutsk, 2008.

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10. Actual problems of the socio-economic development of Russia: Collection of scientific papers (issue VIII) / Ed. N.N. Pilipenko. - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2011. - 442 p.

11. Babun, R.V. Organization of local self-government: Textbook / R.V. Babun. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 192p.

12. Volgin, N.A. Social state: textbook / N.A. Volgin, N.N. Gritsenko, F.I. Sharkov. - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2004. - 416s.

Volkov, Yu.G. Sociology. - Ed. 3rd / Yu.G. Volkov. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2007. - 572s.

Denisova, I.P. Social Policy: Textbook / I.P. Denisov. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2007. - 347 p.

Zotov, V.B. Municipal government: Textbook for universities / V.B. Zotov, Z.M. Makasheva. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004. - 279p.

Kuznetsova, O.V. Economic development of regions: theoretical and practical aspects of state regulation / O.V. Kuznetsova. - M.: Publishing house LKI, 2007. - 304 p.

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from 09.11.2015 No. 94

from. emerald

In accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Izumrudnovsky Village Council, the Regulations on the Budgetary Process in the Municipal Formation Izumrudnovsky Rural Settlement of Dzhankoyskydistrict of the Republic of Crimea, in order to draw up the draft budget of the Izumrudnoskoye rural settlement for 2016,administration of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement


1. Approve the plan for the socio-economic development of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement for 2016 (attached).

      This resolution shall enter into force on the day of its official promulgation by posting on the website of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlementsite and at the information stand in the building of the administration of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement of the Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea (296116, Izumrudnoye village, Svobodnaya st., 33)

3. I reserve control over the execution of this resolution.

Chairman of the Izumrudnovsky village council -

head of the administration of the Izumrudnovsky rural

settlements: V.N. Vovk


to the decision of the administration

Izumrudnovsky rural settlement

dated 09.11.2015 No. 94

Plan for the socio-economic development of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement of the Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea for 2016

The plan for the socio-economic development of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement of the Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea is a set of measures that ensure the effective solution of problems and issues of local importance in the field of socio-economic development.

The plan for the socio-economic development of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement is drawn up for the period from 01/01/2016 to 12/31/2016, determines the main directions of development for the medium term and becomes one of the main documents of the rural settlement. An important point is that budget planning will be carried out in accordance with the main tasks defined by the long-term plan.

The main goal of the plan is to solve the socio-economic problems of the territory of the rural settlement and, on this basis, improve the standard of living of the population and develop economic potential.

The following areas have been identified as the main priorities for the socio-economic development of the settlement in the medium term:

creation of a favorable and entrepreneurial climate, formation of an infrastructure to support entrepreneurship;

creation of conditions for the development of the service sector: healthcare, education, physical culture, sports and tourism;

formation of a favorable social climate for activities and a healthy lifestyle of the population.

        Geographical position of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement

Izumrudnovskoye rural settlement is part of the Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea. The settlement is located in the central part of the Dzhankoy region of Crimea in the steppe zone of the northeastern part of the peninsula. Adjacent from the north and west to the city of Dzhankoy.

Izumrudnovsky rural settlement borders on Roshchinsky, Maslovsky, Ermakovsky, Mirnovsky and Pobednensky rural settlements. The area of ​​the settlement is 5364.42 hectares. The village of Izumrudnoe is the administrative center of a rural settlement. The territory of the villages is bordered by the railway, the highways Kharkiv-Sevastopol, Kherson-Kerch, Dzhankoy-Voinka, a branch of the Serokrymsky Canal.

The settlement includes 6 villages. Total population 6136 people:

- s.Dmitrieka - 621 people;

- the village of Izumrudnoye - 2030 people;

- the village of Kalinovka - 773 people;

- village Michurinovka - 182 people;

- Novostepnoye village - 1634 people;

- v. Vegetable - 896 people;

2. Assessment of the demographic situation, labor resources, living standards of the population

The demographic situation that has been developing in recent years on the territory of a rural settlement indicates the presence of general trends, inherent in most territories of the Republic of Crimea and is characterized by the formation of a low birth rate, a high mortality rate, and an unfavorable birth / death ratio.

Table 1

Administrative-territorial structure as of 01.01.2015

Name of the settlement, which is part of the Moscow Region (first indicate the administrative center of the Moscow Region)

Number of permanently resident population / taking into account temporary residents















table 2

Assessment of the demographic situation

The name of indicators




01.01.15 01.01.16
Total population



was born 42
Died 87
Natural increase / decrease -45

Thus, the natural decline in the population of the settlement for the period 2013-2015 is 45 people/year (or 0.7%).

Table 3

The structure of the population of a rural settlement

The name of indicators














All population






younger than working age









at working age









older than working age









The demographic burden in the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement, in recent years, is high (on average 94.1%) due to the high proportion of the population younger and older than working age, but has a stable downward trend. It should be noted that the proportion of the elderly population is decreasing and as of 01.01.2015 is 25.9%.

In addition, the low share in the age structure of the cohort of the population of working age is fraught with the threat of continuing the trend of population aging. The predominance of the middle cohort of the population in the current age structure of the population does not reflect the internal age structure of the able-bodied population, a significant part of which is close to retirement age.

Changes in the age and working-age structure of the population are informal negative variations in demographic indicators. They are associated with specific economic, social and psychological consequences. Firstly, this means an increase in taxation, as have to support a greater number of social dependents due to the "aging" of the population. Secondly, the volume of social payments, benefits, services, and other things is decreasing, because. the number of taxpayers is falling. Thirdly, with a reduction in labor resources, it is difficult to maintain economic growth or even stability in the region.

Table 4

The structure of employment of the population by types of activity % of total employment
G omanagement 3,6
Retail 8,8
Z health care 3,7
Postal services 0,5
Education 9,7
Production and distribution of water 0,4
Agriculture 28,2
K culture 1,3
Transport 2,4

The unemployed are mainly women, citizens without professional education and people of pre-retirement age. The population lacks not only attractive jobs, but also a developed recreation and entertainment industry. Capable and talented young people are trying to leave the area and move to more developed areas and regions of the country.

A large number of low-income citizens and people with disabilities who need social support live in a rural settlement.

Table 5

Socially unprotected segments of the population

Categories of the population in need of social support Number of people
Number of low-income families / children in them


Number of single-parent families / children in them


Number of families with / children with disabilities


Number of dysfunctional families / children in them
Number of guardian families / children in them


Participants in the war
War invalids, juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, members of the database
Number of pensioners


3. Assessment of economic potential


On the territory of the rural settlement, SPK Izumrudny, LLC Produkt-Agro, three individual entrepreneurs, and two individual entrepreneur-farmers carry out agricultural activities.

In a rural settlement, as well as in the whole region and the republic, the number of private households is decreasing. The main reasons for this were: the proximity of villages to the city, the adjoining of the villages of Izumrudnoe, Dmitrievka, Michurinovka to the city, low incomes of the villagers, low purchase prices for agricultural products, high prices for feed.

Table 6

Indicators of the state of personal farms

Indicators Unit.




Number of personal farmsteads things




Livestock of cattle goals
Pigs goals




Livestock of sheep and goats goals
Livestock of rabbits goals
Bird population goals




The main problems of agricultural development are:

— Insufficient amount of working capital, lack of effective lending schemes for the agro-industrial complex, high interest rates, lack of water in the North Crimean Canal;

— the continuing deterioration of the material and technical base of enterprises;

- deteriorating soil fertility due to lack of funds to purchase the proper amount of fertilizers and organics;

- shortage of qualified personnel.

Transport, communications

The transport infrastructure of a rural settlement is represented by an automobile network. The length of the roads of the rural settlement with a hard surface is 9 km, with a dirt surface - 28 km.

The state of the transport infrastructure is deteriorating every year, the road network is subject to progressive destruction, the financial resources allocated for road repairs are much less than the real need.

It is necessary to resolve the issue of the implementation of a set of works on the preparation of technical passports and the development of a project for the organization of traffic on public roads of local importance in the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement. Overhaul, repair and maintenance of the road surface. In the 2016 budget, expenditures for these purposes are planned.

On the territory of the settlement there is an automatic telephone exchange serving landline telephones in the villages of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement.

Assessment of the state of the social sphere


The sphere of education in a rural settlement is represented by educational institutions:

- Preschool educational institution MDOU Novostepnovsky kindergarten "Rainbow", pupils - 130;

- Preschool educational institution MDOU Izumrudnovsky kindergarten

"Alyonushka", pupils - 86;

- MOU "Emeraldnovskaya school" Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea, students -159;

- MOU "Novostepnovskaya school" Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea, students -285;

- MOU "Vegetable School" Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea, students - 131;

- MOU of additional education for children "Izumrudnovskaya children's music school" of the Administration of the Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea, students - 108;

— Kalinovskiy Technical School of the Ministry of Agriculture and SO, students — 252.

The establishments are on the balance sheet of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Administration of the Dzhankoy District and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Crimea. It is planned to build a kindergarten in the village of Izumrudnoye for 240 places under the federal program for 2017-2020.


On the territory of the rural settlement there are 5 feldsher-obstetric stations. The technical condition of the premises is satisfactory.

The availability of paramedical personnel is 100%.

The main problem of the healthcare industry is:

    insufficient level of logistics.

The establishments are on the balance sheet of the central district hospital of the city of Dzhankoy. but

Culture and art

The organization of meaningful leisure, the creation of conditions for a good rest, employment of children, adolescents, youth is the main task of all cultural institutions.

There are 1 CDK, 3 village clubs and 4 libraries in the rural settlement. The condition of the premises is satisfactory. Requires a major overhaul of the KFOR building with. Emerald: included in the federal program for 2017-2020. Organizations are on the balance sheet of the department of culture, interethnic relations and religions of the administration of the Dzhankoy district.

4. Estimation of the budget of the municipality

The state of the financial system of the municipality of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement is characterized by multiple problems. The main one is intergovernmental relations.

Table 7

The volume of local budget revenues (rubles)

Name of income



Total income:



Income tax individuals



Land tax



Single agricultural tax



Income received in the form of rent, as well as funds from the sale of the right to conclude lease agreements for land owned by rural settlements (with the exception of land plots of municipal budgetary and autonomous institutions)



Income from the lease of property under the operational management of the administrative bodies of rural settlements and institutions created by them (with the exception of property of municipal, budgetary and autonomous institutions)



Income from the transfer of part of the profit remaining after paying taxes and other obligatory payments of municipal unitary enterprises created by municipal settlements


Other receipts from monetary penalties (fines) and other amounts in compensation for damage credited to the budgets of municipal settlements


Payment for the use of water bodies owned by rural settlements


Other non-tax revenues of the settlement budgets


Subsidies to the budgets of rural settlements to equalize budgetary security (from the budget of the Republic of Crimea)



Subsidies to the budgets of rural settlements to equalize budgetary security (from the district budget)



Subventions to the budgets of rural settlements for the implementation of primary military registration in territories where there are no military commissariats



The main budget-forming tax is the personal income tax. A significant part of taxes in 2016 falls on funds received within the framework of interbudgetary relations. The formation of budget revenues in 2016 allows to execute to a greater extent only protected items of expenditure and interbudgetary transfers to the Dzhankoy district for the exercise of powers to resolve issues of local importance.

Table 8

Rural settlement budget expenditures (rub.)




Labor costs of the chairman of the village council - the head of the administration of the rural settlement



Labor costs of the deputy chairman of the village council



Labor costs of municipal employees of the administration



Other administrative expenses



Reserve funds



The cost of providing a military accounting table



Expenses for other general government expenses (including the maintenance of the ACS administration department)



Fire safety



Road facilities



Land management work





Transfers from the budget of a rural settlement to the district budget for the exercise of part of the powers by decision local issuesin accordance with the agreementsfor financial supportexecution of delegated powersto address issues of local importance (culture)


Total expenses



Izumrudnovskoe rural settlement has its own budget since 2015. The budget of the settlement for 2015 was approved in the amount of 6,912,966.00 rubles with a deficit of 0.00 rubles.

5. Development perspective

(Development options)

5.1. Agriculture


– cost-effective production of high-quality, competitive agricultural products by both agricultural enterprises and private farms.

For the development of agriculture in the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement, in the medium term, the following


– ensuring the availability of equipment acquisition on leasing, on credit;

— increase in the production of livestock products by increasing the productivity of livestock;

— improving the quality of products;

- increasing crop yields by improving agricultural technology, applying organic and mineral fertilizers;

- introduction of new technologies and organizational measures related to the maintenance and feeding of livestock;

— organization of state support to owners of personal subsidiary plots;

- creation of conditions for the purchase of products from owners of private farms.

The solution of problems will be carried out with the participation of state support, through the implementation of regional, republican targeted programs, participation in national projects.

The participation of residents in the implementation of regional, republican target programs, the national project will allow not only to develop existing production, but also to solve social issues.

Creating normal comfortable conditions for living in the Izumrudnovsky settlement is one of the most important tasks facing the administration of a rural settlement. This includes affordable education, medical and social assistance, and the provision of a whole range of services.

Starting potential for the development of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement

Despite the totality of problems, the Izumrudnovskoe rural settlement has a number of resources for socio-economic development. The strategic rational use of these resources will allow the rural settlement to strengthen economically, achieve an increase in the standard of living of the population, and increase investment attractiveness. An analysis of the starting conditions and an assessment of the initial socio-economic state of the municipality make it possible to single out the following advantages:

- Territory - there are reserves for the transformation of the population resettlement system in the organization of new types of industries, or the integration and expansion of existing ones.

— Natural resource potential:

- availability of land suitable for agricultural development, development of dacha-gardening cooperatives, complex housing development;

— Population and its standard of living:

— relatively low social conflict of the population.

The main goal is to create conditions for the formation of an efficient economy that can ensure a consistent increase in the standard of living of the population based on the reproduction and modernization of industrial and agricultural potentials, the development of the social sphere and the infrastructure of the municipality.

Strategic directions that ensure the achievement of the main goal:

1. Preservation and development of economic potential

The main goal of this direction will be the task of creating favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurial and investment activities in the territory of a rural settlement and, as a result, an increase in the volume of production of goods, works, services, the number of jobs, incomes of the population, own incomes of the municipality.

— assistance to the development of small businesses, the development of small forms of management;

— efficient use of vacant territories, production facilities suitable for accommodating industrial enterprises;

— increasing the efficiency of the use of municipal property (sale and lease of premises, land plots;

— development of the service sector.

2. Development of the social sphere

The main goal of this direction is the formation of a favorable social climate on the territory of a rural settlement for the activity and healthy lifestyle of the population.

The main tasks related to the achievement of this goal:

- ensuring the improvement of the quality of education through updating the forms and methods of teaching, introducing new pedagogical technologies, strengthening the material and technical base of educational institutions;

— improving the health of the population by providing quality outpatient and inpatient care medical care, strengthening the material and technical base of the health care institution;

— preservation and development of cultural and leisure institutions, improving the quality of their activities;

— preservation of the existing cultural and historical heritage;

- social formation, cultural, spiritual and physical development of youth;

– development of territorial public self-government, increasing its activity

3.Improve living environment

The main tasks related to the achievement of this goal:

- improvement of settlements;

— repair of local roads;

- improvement of the ecological situation.

Resource support

Extra-budgetary sources of financing will be attracted by agreement of the parties.

The amount of funding from budgetary funds will be adjusted annually in accordance with the capabilities of the respective budgets.

There is a direct relationship between the level of funding and the results of the implementation of the Plan, which is determined by the stability and completeness of funding.

Implementation mechanism

The plan for the socio-economic development of the Izumrudnovsky rural settlement is approved by the representative body of local self-government - the Izumrudnovsky village council on the proposal of the head of the administration of the rural settlement.

The representative body - the Izumrudnovskiy Village Council annually approves a report on the implementation of program activities.

Published on November 09, 2015 in the section Programs of integrated socio-economic development , Register of resolutions of the Administration of the settlement

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RESOLUTION dated November 09, 2015 No. 95 On the main directions of the budgetary and tax policy of the budget of the municipality Izumrudnovskoye rural settlement of the Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea for 2016 "