How to use nicotinic acid (B3) for hair, methods of application. Nicotinic acid for hair growth: in what cases to apply and the effect of the application How many courses of nicotinic acid for hair

To grow hair, girls use different means, from the simplest (mustard, onions, etc.) to expensive salon products. Nicotinic acid for hair growth is one of the cheap and simple remedies that is available at any pharmacy.

It is also known as vitamin PP, nicotinamide or niacinamide and is one of the components of the B-complex of vitamins. The benefits of nicotinic acid for hair have been known for a long time, so it is widely used to treat and restore hair.

For home procedures, nicotinic acid ampoules are usually taken, which are sold in packs of 10 pieces. The price of one package is about 50-60 rubles.

Nicotinic acid is also produced. It has nothing to do with nicotine and cigarettes, despite its name. On the contrary, this vitamin is of great benefit to the hair - it moisturizes, strengthens and helps against hair loss, accelerates growth, improves blood circulation in the scalp and fights dandruff.


In medicine, niacinamide is used in complex therapy diabetes and with its complications, it is of particular benefit when there is a lack of vitamin PP in the body (hypovitaminosis).

For cosmetic purposes, external use of nicotinic acid for hair is practiced. If your goal is to accelerate hair growth, then the drug is applied to the scalp in pure or slightly diluted form. It is also possible to create a hair mask with nicotinic acid and other natural ingredients.

Hair treatment with nicotinic acid should be long - one full course is 30 days, so you will need to purchase at least 30 ampoules.


Recruiting nicotinic acid from the ampoule into a regular syringe and pour into a cup. The substance quickly breaks down in the open air, so there is no point in storing it in the open.

Apply nicotinic acid to clean, slightly damp hair. The solution is distributed over the scalp evenly with fingers or a syringe without a needle.

If one ampoule was not enough, you can open the second. It is not recommended to use more than two in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

After applying the vitamin to the skin, redness of the skin, burning sensations, warmth and goosebumps may occur - these are normal phenomena, indicating that the effect of nicotinic acid has begun.

The result of the application: photos "before" and "after" the course of therapy

It is not required to wash off the substance, it does not leave traces and dirt. Repetition frequency - 1 time every day for a month. Then take a break for 20-30 days and you can repeat the course.

Nicotinic acid therapy is useful for strengthening hair and stimulating its rapid growth. Many women noted that as a result of treatment, their hair grew up to 3-4 cm per month.

mask recipe

If needed effective remedy against hair loss, you can mix nicotinic acid with aloe juice in equal proportions. This mixture is also great for thick hair.

For hair growth:

  • Take 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid.
  • Add 1 tsp. extract .
  • Mix with 4-5 drops.
  • The composition is applied only to the roots, rubbed into the skin and washed off with water after 1-2 hours.
  • Make a mask every other day, a total of 10 procedures are required.

The use of nicotinic acid for hair growth is a popular and cheap method that cannot harm your health (except for allergies).

Properties and contraindications

Some girls in their reviews of the use of nicotinic acid on their hair complain that it has a sharp unpleasant odor. It depends on the manufacturer - the drug of some companies does not smell at all.

Contraindications for using nicotinic acid on hair:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Vegetative-vascular disorders.
  • High intraocular or intracranial pressure.
  • Migraine, headaches.
  • Children can't.

With caution, nicotinamide is used for: pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood, glaucoma and hemorrhage, arterial hypotension.

If there is itching, a rash on the body, a headache, then you should thoroughly wash your hair and no longer use the drug. All these are signs of individual intolerance and allergy to vitamin PP.

Owners of sensitive skin during the use of nicotinic acid for hair growth may experience dry scalp or dandruff. In such cases, it is recommended to dilute the product with water in equal proportions.


However, expensive cosmetics and trendy salon procedures often do not live up to expectations. Many women would live easier if they knew that there is nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules. This drug costs a penny, but the effect of it is excellent. It is very useful and simple to use this substance, as customer reviews say.

The composition and properties of nicotinic acid

In medicine, nicotinic acid is used to treat many diseases. These are hepatitis, colitis, pellagra, hypovitaminosis, problems with blood pressure, and so on. In cosmetology, this drug helps to cope with dandruff, strengthen curls and enhance their growth. This is due to the fact that nicotinic acid ampoules stimulate blood circulation on the head very well.

What hair vitamins are in this preparation? By itself, "nicotine" is niacin, nicotinamide. Simply put, it is vitamin PP or B3. When the body lacks this substance, lipid metabolism is disturbed and the structure of tissues, including hair, deteriorates. This vitamin is partly synthesized by the cells of the body, but most of it comes from food and drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to take nicotinic acid orally in the form of tablets. The dosage can only be advised by the attending physician. Also, vitamin VZ can be rubbed into the scalp for greater effectiveness.

The benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

As already mentioned, niacin in liquid form, when rubbed into the scalp, increases blood circulation. Due to this, the capillaries are saturated with oxygen, which, in turn, makes their walls more elastic. This action has a positive effect on the hair. Nicotinic acid is good because it nourishes all the follicles. Therefore, premature baldness is prevented, and the strands increase in density. Curls stop splitting, become strong and shiny. In addition, the appearance of gray hair is prevented, since the coloring pigment begins to be produced naturally.


Vitamin V3 is a drug. Before you start using it, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to it. For the drug in ampoules, they are as follows:

  • Intolerance to B vitamins. It is the main cause side effects. It manifests itself in the form of redness, rash or itching.
  • Skin diseases. If there are wounds, inflammations or rashes on the scalp, then increased blood circulation can only complicate the problem.
  • Decreased or elevated arterial pressure. The substance perfectly dilates blood vessels, and this can become a source of headaches and other ailments.
  • Liver diseases. Nicotinic acid in hair ampoules is very useful. However, its excessive amount in the blood increases the load on the liver.
  • Ulcer disease. Niacin is extremely irritating to the mucous membranes, which can aggravate the condition.
  • Pregnancy. Doctors prescribe "nicotine" to many expectant mothers, as it has a positive effect on the development of the fetus. However, uncontrolled use of the drug can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.
  • Breast-feeding. With it, you should also refrain from procedures with nicotinic acid. The substance can pass through the blood into milk and harm the baby.

In any case, before using a vitamin for hair growth, you should consult a specialist.

Expected results

As the reviews show, nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair growth becomes a real find! With its help, you can not only increase the length of the curls, but also treat them. What kind of results will vitamin B3 help achieve?

By increasing blood circulation, hair loss stops. Damaged bulbs are strengthened, and new ones are activated. The cells of the head are updated, so the skin is significantly improved. Pigment is produced, the strands begin to shine and acquire a deeper shade. This allows you to delay the appearance of gray hair. With regular use, the oiliness of the hair decreases. Curls stay fresh longer, so there is no need to wash your hair every day.

It is worth noting that one should not expect a breathtaking and instant effect immediately after the first application. Explicit visible results will be noticeable after the first course. But a healthy shine and basal volume will appear after a few sessions.

Course duration

The duration of the use of nicotinic acid in hair ampoules directly depends on their condition. You can rub the vitamin into the scalp for ten, twenty or thirty days. It is recommended to use no more than three ampoules per day. And it is important to do this every day and not skip the procedure. After a full monthly course, you need to take a break for about fifty days. Only then can nicotinic acid be used again.

Allergy test

Even if you do not have any diseases and you are physically healthy, you need to try the remedy for tolerance. This will help eliminate the occurrence of an allergic reaction when using nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules.

Usually it is recommended to apply a little substance on the skin of the wrist or on the area behind the ear and wait about fifteen minutes. If after this time rashes or itching do not appear on these tender areas, then “nicotine” can be safely applied. However, for starters, you should limit yourself to only half the ampoule. If the procedure is successful, then the next time it can be used in its entirety.

The use of niacin as an independent agent

Nicotinic acid should only be applied to a clean head. Even slight sebaceous secretions can interfere with the penetration of beneficial substances. Therefore, it is better to wash your hair first and dry it with a towel. Shampoo should be chosen as natural as possible, since silicones form a film on the skin, which makes it difficult for the product to penetrate. When the curls are dried, you can proceed to the process itself. How to use nicotinic acid ampoules for hair? Everything is very simple.

Open one ampoule and extract the entire contents. Shaking the liquid into a separate container is inconvenient. In addition, there is a high probability of cutting yourself with sharp edges. Therefore, girls recommend drawing out the remedy from the ampoule with a syringe. After that, the needle must be removed. Now you can squeeze out the required amount of vitamin directly on the scalp or first on the fingers. So the procedure will be safer and more comfortable.

If the scalp is dry, first dilute the injection solution with water in a ratio of one to one. This will allow you to easily and evenly distribute the substance over the entire area. Apply nicotinic acid to the skin, lightly rubbing it with the pads of your fingers. Try to apply quite a bit of the product so that it is enough for the entire head. The second ampoule should not be opened, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

Dry your hair naturally, without using a hair dryer. Otherwise high temperatures neutralize the effect of the vitamin. If you can’t do without a hair dryer, then use only the cold air mode.

Nicotinic acid in shampoo

For some women, it is most convenient to use nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules, mixing it with shampoo. To do this, immediately before washing your hair, the detergent must be combined with one ampoule in a separate container. It is better to take a plastic cup. Shampoo, again, should be as natural as possible. Otherwise, the chemical components will negate the entire effect of the vitamin.

Spread the shampoo with nicotinic acid over the head and lather well. Leave the composition on your hair for three to five minutes and rinse thoroughly with water. After four weeks of such procedures, you can significantly improve the condition of the curls.

Hair growth masks

For a comprehensive restoration and treatment of damaged strands, it is recommended to combine nicotinic acid in ampoules with other nutritional products. It will be very useful for hair.

Just do not need to apply various masks to curls every day. On the contrary, from an excess nutrients this can lead to the opposite result. It is better to make masks periodically. Two or three times a week will be enough. It is not difficult to prepare healthy compositions at home. Use the following recipes.

Vitamin mask

Take an ampoule of nicotinic acid, half a teaspoon of liquid vitamins A and E, a tablespoon of linseed oil and an egg yolk. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients in a glass to get a fairly thick mass. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots. If something remains, then distribute along the entire length of the curls. This can be done by hand, but the most convenient way is with a comb with teeth. After an hour and a half, wash off the mask with warm water. As a result of the use of nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules with other vitamins, you will get a smooth and silky hair, shining with a healthy shine.

Mask with aloe and propolis

To prepare this composition, you will need an ampoule of nicotinic acid, twenty milliliters of propolis tincture and fifteen milliliters of aloe juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a separate bowl. Apply the mask evenly on a clean and moisturized scalp, and then spread over all hair with a comb with teeth. After an hour, you can wash off the composition with herbal decoction, but you can do this with ordinary warm water.

Multi-component mask

This recipe with nicotinic acid is very good. But it is also effective for other problems due to the many components in the composition. You will need an ampoule of "nicotine", egg yolk, honey the size of a pea, ten milliliters of liquid vitamin E, the same amount of olive oil and fifteen milliliters of jojoba oil. Place honey in a small bowl. If it is sugared, then melt it in a steam bath. After that, alternately add the remaining components to it, stirring constantly.

Before applying the mask, it is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo, but do not dry it. Rub the composition into the roots and generously grease all the curls with it. Leave the nourishing mask on for about forty to fifty minutes. In the meantime, prepare warm water with a little lemon juice. If the first time it is not possible to wash off the composition, then rinse the hair again with the addition of shampoo.

Vitamin PP in scrub

Be sure to try the scrub with the addition of nicotinic acid in ampoules. For hair, this will be a real salvation if they suffer from dandruff or high fat content. It is prepared from one ampoule of "nicotine", a couple of drops of any citrus essential oil and a tablespoon of fine salt. Mix all ingredients and apply to damp scalp. Massage gently for three to five minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly with cool water afterwards.

nicotine spray

It is very convenient to use nicotinic acid in the form of a spray. To do this, prepare a bottle with a sprayer of about one hundred milliliters. Pour a third of a glass of non-carbonated mineral or purified water into it. Add the contents of the ampoule and, if desired, a drop of essential oils of pine, rosemary, thyme and sage. Use the spray after every hair wash, spraying it on the roots with an ox. You can store such a tool for three days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

hair vitamin cost

The price of an ampoule of nicotinic acid depends on the region. On average, it is eight rubles. Nicotinic acid is sold in packs of ten ampoules. The cost varies from fifty to one hundred rubles. You can buy a vitamin in absolutely any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

In the article we discuss how nicotinic acid helps with hair growth and hair loss. You will learn how to use nicotinic acid, how often it can be used and what masks can be prepared based on it. Using our recommendations, you will be able to competently carry out hair restoration procedures on your own at home.

Nicotinic acid (niacin) is a vitamin preparation, also known as vitamin PP (or B3). It is indispensable in the metabolic processes of cells of living organisms - it regulates oxygen metabolism inside cells, participates in the synthesis of proteins, fats and amino acids. In addition, it has detoxifying and anti-pellagric properties.

Niacin is often added to medical and cosmetic hair products. The drug, penetrating into the hair roots, expands the small vessels of the hair follicles, increases blood circulation and metabolism in the hair follicle. Due to this, the rate of development of the hair root, which is in the active growth phase, increases. As a result, hair grows noticeably faster.

In addition, niacin:

  • rejuvenates, nourishes and activates dormant hair follicles;
  • reduces hair loss and helps with baldness;
  • strengthens the blood vessels of the scalp;
  • regulates the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • helps to fight the early appearance of gray hair.

How to use in ampoules and tablets

Niacin is sold in tablets and in ampoules as a 1% solution. The cost of a vitamin remedy depends on the form of release and the manufacturer - from 30 to 180 rubles.

Hair Loss Treatment

It is better to treat hair loss in a complex - apply a solution of nicotinic acid to the scalp or add it to masks and take nicotinic acid inside. However, when taking a vitamin preparation orally, you need to remember the following rules:

  • Do not take nicotinic acid in the absence of obvious signs of its deficiency in the body - peeling and irritation of the skin, active hair loss.
  • Nicotinic acid in tablets is first of all medicine. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • With a balanced diet and the use of foods containing vitamin PP, there is no need to take a vitamin preparation.
  • Hypervitaminosis must be avoided. If there are signs of intoxication - allergic reactions and gastrointestinal upset, stop taking the tablets immediately.
  • Carefully study the contraindications and the list of side effects before using nicotinic acid inside.
  • If the purpose of admission vitamin preparation is exclusively the acceleration of hair growth without obvious signs of baldness, it is better to use only external treatment for these purposes using masks with nicotinic acid.

Hair Growth Stimulation

To accelerate hair growth, nicotinic acid is rubbed into the scalp. If the causes of thinning hair and reduced hair growth are stress or hormonal disbalance in the body, then one effect of niacin on them will not be enough or even useless.

Features of the use of nicotinic acid:

  • Niacin oxidizes and breaks down in air, so do not store nicotinic acid in an open ampoule.
  • There is no need to dissolve nicotinic acid in water, because. already contained in the ampoules water solution vitamin A.
  • Before rubbing the drug into the skin, wash your hair well with shampoo or do a light peeling. So nicotinic acid will go to the hair roots faster.
  • When using nicotinic acid, a slight burning sensation, a feeling of warmth and slight redness of the scalp may appear. This is a natural reaction to the drug.

How often can you apply

Usually, the course of treatment with nicotinic acid in the form of rubbing into the scalp is from 20 to 30 days with daily use of the drug. A second course should be taken no earlier than in 1-1.5 months.

The course of taking nicotinic acid inside 1-2 tablets per day for 15-30 days. However, competent and safe treatment nicotinic acid and the frequency of its intake can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindications for oral administration are hypervitaminosis of vitamin PP, individual intolerance to the drug. It should be taken with caution when:

  • hypertension;
  • ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hemorrhages (high permeability and fragility of blood vessels);
  • diabetes
  • liver diseases.

During pregnancy and lactation - only under the supervision of a doctor and as a prophylaxis for a lack of vitamin PP in the body.

Do not use externally in the form of rubbing and masks for:

  • the risk of skin allergies;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • skin diseases;
  • history of stroke.

Mask Recipes

You can use a solution of nicotinic acid in ampoules at home in its pure form or add various nourishing and strengthening hair products to it.

Classic mask with nicotinic acid

Ingredients: Nicotinic acid (1% solution in ampoules) - 1-2 pcs.

How to cook: Carefully open the ampoule and draw the solution into a clean syringe without a needle.

How to use: Evenly distribute the contents of the ampoule over the wet scalp with a syringe, while rubbing the niacin with your free hand into the hair roots. First, apply niacin on the frontal and temporal regions of the head, gradually moving towards the top of the head. The occipital part is processed last. Do not wash off the mask.

The course of applying the mask is 30 days. Carry out the procedure daily.

Result: Increasing the rate of hair growth by 3-5 cm per course, reducing hair loss.

Mask with aloe and nicotinic acid


  1. Aloe juice - 20 ml;
  2. Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule per 30 cm of hair length.

How to cook:

How to use: Apply the mask to damp hair and skin. Massage the scalp so that the composition penetrates the roots. Then comb through with a fine-toothed comb to distribute the mask through your hair. Wash off the mask after 40 minutes with warm water. The course of applying the mask is 2 times a week for a month.

Result: The combination of drugs moisturizes the hair, reduces greasiness of the scalp, reduces dandruff and accelerates hair growth.

Mask with propolis and nicotinic acid


  1. Propolis tincture - 20 ml;

How to cook: Mix the ingredients in a non-metal bowl.

How to use: Apply the mask on the scalp and gently massage it to be absorbed into the hair roots. After 1 hour, wash off the mask with running water. The course of applying the mask is 10 procedures: 1 procedure every two to three days.

Result: The combination of drugs strengthens hair follicles and activates the growth of new healthy hair. In addition, propolis helps fight dandruff and has an antibacterial effect.

Mask with burdock oil and nicotinic acid


  1. Burdock oil - 15 ml;
  2. Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients in a non-metal bowl.

How to use: Apply evenly and massage the mask into the scalp with massaging movements. After 2 hours, wash off the mask with warm running water. In order to remove excess fat after burdock oil, wash your hair using a mixture of rye flour and water in a 1: 1 ratio. The course of applying the mask is 1 time per week for 2-3 months.

Result: Reduces hair loss, moisturizes and strengthens damaged hair.

Mask with vitamins and nicotinic acid


  1. Vitamins E and A in capsules - 3 pcs.;
  2. Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.

How to cook: Mix the contents of the niacin capsules in a non-metallic bowl.

How to use: Apply the composition to the hair roots and gently massage it into the skin. Wash off the mask with warm water after 20 minutes. The course of applying a vitamin mask is 4-5 procedures: 1 procedure every three days.

Result: Vitamins rejuvenate and strengthen hair follicles.

Growing long and beautiful hair is not an easy task. Hairdressers offer lamination, Botox and procedures to improve the quality of hair, but they do not start to grow faster, and hair loss does not stop. The girls turn to folk recipes, but the mustard bakes strongly, and after onion masks you can not get in the rain - the aroma literally knocks you down. But the girls discovered a simpler way - to use nicotinic acid for hair growth, reviews of which were not left only by the lazy. Does nicotine really help?

The benefits of the drug

Fans of a healthy lifestyle need not worry. Contrary to logical expectations, nicotinic acid is not related to cigarettes or tobacco. Other names for the substance are niacin or vitamin B3 (aka PP).

Normally, the body produces some niacin on its own, while getting the rest from food or supplements. Once in the body, vitamin B3 affects the processes of oxidation and reduction in cells, controls metabolism, normalizes cholesterol levels, and improves blood circulation.

Niacin is available in the form of capsules or ampouled solutions. But cosmetologists often also use niacin because of its beneficial effect on the skin: eliminating inflammation and slowing down aging. You can use nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair growth.

Getting on the skin, nicotine causes a rush of blood, so the follicles receive more nutrients. This helps to strengthen old hairs and the appearance of new ones. In girls, after a course of treatment with nicotinic acid, a new “undercoat” climbed, even if earlier the hair did not differ in density.

Nicotine affects the production of color pigments. Girls with natural hair color note that the shade has become brighter and richer. The strands began to shine more, look well-groomed.

Application methods

Pharmaceutical factories produce niacin in the form of tablets, powder or ampoules. For hair, it is better to use ampouled nicotinic acid. It can be used in many ways, depending on the desired result or the doctor's indications.


This is the easiest and most popular way to use nicotinic acid for hair growth. Additional tools are not required, but for convenience, you can draw liquid into a syringe without a needle to apply the product to partings. But most girls do without it.

It is important to consider the nuances:

  1. Be sure to do an allergy test. Many skip this stage, believing that nothing bad will happen from the vitamin. But those who are not lucky enough to enter a small percentage of allergy sufferers are terribly surprised, waking up in the morning with a swollen and itchy face, as if bitten by bees. This is not a sign of buying a bad solution of nicotinic acid for hair, but simply an individual reaction of the body.
  2. Before applying liquid nicotinic acid, you need to wash your hair and let it dry so that water does not flow from the strands. They should just be wet. If there is dirt or sebum on the surface of the scalp, niacin will work worse.
  3. You can not apply nicotine to the entire length, only to the roots. Nicotinic acid for hair is needed to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp.
  1. The ampoule is opened immediately before use. Vitamin B3 is a rather unstable chemical compound, so it quickly loses beneficial features under the influence of air.
  2. There are two ways to use nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair growth: draw it into a syringe without a needle or pour it into a small saucer to dip your fingers into it. Some people find it convenient to simply shake a little liquid directly onto their fingertips and rub in immediately.
  3. If the scalp is overdried with an improperly selected shampoo, it is worth diluting nicotinic acid with water (1: 1) before rubbing.
  4. Nicotine ampoules are usually small, so there may not be enough liquid for the entire head. It's not scary, vasodilation will go down the chain and capture those areas that niacin has not hit.
  5. Immediately after using nicotinic acid in hair ampoules, a slight burning sensation occurs. This is normal, but if there is severe pain or discomfort, you should immediately wash off the composition and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
  6. After applying nicotinic acid to the hair roots, you do not need to wash your hair, just dry it naturally.

There is nothing complicated in this method of treating hair with nicotinic acid, the main thing is to wash your hair and rub the solution well.

In the shampoo

If you do not like rubbing nicotine, you can choose another way. You just need to mix nicotinic acid and hair shampoo, but for maximum effect, it is important to follow a few recommendations:

  1. Do not add nicotine to a shampoo bottle. There is no harm, but there will be no benefit to the hair from the exhaled nicotinic acid. It is necessary to mix immediately before use in a separate container or directly in the palm of your hand.
  2. It is advisable to choose a shampoo made from natural ingredients, ideally if it does not contain sulfates and parabens. It is worth giving up silicone products for a while. Silicones envelop the hair and create a film that prevents vitamins from getting inside.

The essence of using nicotinic acid for hair growth along with shampoo is simply lathering the head with a vitamin mixture. Then you need to hold the foam for several minutes and rinse thoroughly. It is advisable to dry your head naturally.

With herbal decoction

In addition, the usual herbal decoction will help nourish the strands, with which the head is rinsed immediately after washing. Nicotinic acid for strengthening hair is ideally combined with nettle or burdock infusions. A good option is to make a ginger or chamomile decoction, they are great for blondes.

You can add nicotine after the broth has cooled. For each liter you will need 1 ampoule. After mixing, you should immediately go to wash your hair and rinse your hair with herbal decoction. You can repeat the procedure for 30 days, then it is recommended to take a break.


Many girls undeservedly neglect head scrubs. But this is wrong! To grow back long hair, you need to provide enhanced nutrition of the follicles. But nicotinic acid will not penetrate the scalp if there is a layer of dirt and sebum on its surface. The scrub helps to literally cleanse the epidermis to a squeak and improve the penetration of nutrients.

This is another simple way to use nicotinic acid for hair, combining business with pleasure. You need to wash your hair, and then mix coarse salt or sugar, niacin regular shampoo. For additional therapeutic effect you can add a little natural oil. The mixture is applied to the roots, after which a massage is done. At the end, the scrub is simply washed off with water.


For this use of nicotinic acid, you need to spend a little time, but the reviews are wonderful. Literally any natural mask can be enriched with nicotine, the main thing is to make it from high-quality ingredients. Best Recipes masks at home

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons of linseed oil and a spoonful of eleutherococcal tincture. Add a spoonful of vitamin E (sold in pharmacies);
  2. Mix one raw yolk thoroughly with a tablespoon of honey, add the same amount of olive oil and vitamin E to the mixture;
  3. Squeeze a spoonful of juice from fresh aloe and add the same amount of infused propolis;
  4. Grind a small piece of ginger root with a fine grater, add two tablespoons of olive oil and the contents of one capsule of AEvit with retinol and tocopherol.

To enhance the effect of a hair mask with nicotinic acid, you need to apply it to clean hair, put on a shower cap and wrap a towel on top. It is important to know how long to leave the applied composition. If the mask is oily, it is recommended to keep it on the hair for at least an hour.


This is a great way to treat not only hair, but also skin. You need to take, of course, you need not liquid from ampoules, but tablets. Some girls believe that it is better to drink a capsule a couple of times a day than to suffer with masks or apply nicotinic acid to their hair every day.

The course lasts about a month, after which you definitely need to take a break. If there are contraindications, you should definitely consult a doctor before using nicotine tablets.


Treating hair with nicotinic acid is several times easier if you make a spray. To do this, you need to take clean water, the ideal option is high-quality mineral water. Any herbal decoction and an ampoule of nicotine should be added to it. Then the scheme is simple: you need to wash your hair and spray the spray on the skin along the partings.

After use, the product must be refrigerated. This will slow down the breakdown of the niacin chemical and keep its beneficial properties for a couple of days.


The Darsonval apparatus will help improve the action of niacin. He creates electrical impulses and stimulates active cell division. If you use Darsonval during the course of using nicotinic acid for hair, you may be surprised by unexpected results. Niacin stimulates rapid hair growth and renewal, and Darsonval accelerates it even more! But it is important to use both the device and nicotinic acid according to the instructions, otherwise a good result cannot be achieved.

Other reasons to use nicotine

Niacin can be used not only to grow long and thick curls. The drug will also help to solve other unpleasant problems at home.

From dandruff

Some girls noticed that when using nicotinic acid for hair, the skin becomes dry and itchy. This problem only occurs when used incorrectly. If you combine nicotinic acid with moisturizing masks and oils, dandruff will not appear and will disappear if it was before. Sometimes trichologists themselves recommend rubbing niacinamide into the skin to stimulate cell regeneration. But this method is suitable only if there are no contraindications to rubbing nicotinic acid for hair growth.

From falling out

Nicotine primarily acts on the hair follicles. When they receive enhanced nutrition, the cells begin to divide faster, the strands grow back. But niacinamil is no less effective in combating alopecia. The follicles become stronger and better adhere to the skin, preventing the hairs from falling out. Instructions for using nicotinic acid for hair in this case are the same: rub into the head after washing, while the strands are still wet.

From gray hair

Another interesting property of nicotine is the stimulation of melanin production. It is this pigment that gives color to the hair. Niacin is able to keep the shade of graying curls longer, which is especially important for older women. They can both rub the product into the roots, and make masks or sprays.

The best drugs with nicotinic acid

Large pharmaceutical factories produce both special nicotinic acid for hair, enriched with vitamins, and conventional ampoules or tablets. Which nicotinic acid is best for hair?


This is the cheapest option that is available to every girl. You can not be fooled by the inscription "For hair" on the pack and overpay 100-200 rubles. The simplest nicotine in glass ampoules will do.


Designed specifically for hair, so it is available in plastic pipette ampoules with a thin nose. The volume of each of them is 5 ml, this is quite enough to distribute over the entire head. But, judging by the reviews, the use of this nicotinic acid for dry hair is not the best idea.

Nicotinic acid is one of the remedies that can help grow hair.

Girls tend to constantly change their preferences in hairstyles. I want to cut long hair, but after a while, the short length gets boring, and we again begin to look for ways to quickly grow curls. How to use nicotinic acid, how to use it in ampoules, how to properly apply to hair and effective masks with nicotine will be discussed in the article.

Nicotine is a vitamin PP and has nothing to do with nicotine, its use is safe and gives noticeable results. This vitamin is completely natural. In pharmacies, you can buy nicotinic acid in the form of ampoules, which makes its use a simple and time-consuming procedure.

The benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

  1. This tool quickly supplies the hair and their roots with vitamins. They are strengthened and restored, become healthier, stronger and softer.
  2. It dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. More oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the hair follicles.
  3. Helps moisturize the scalp.
  4. The main property of nyctatin, as it is commonly called, is the stimulation of hair growth. The growth rate of curls can reach up to 4 cm per month, depending on their initial condition.
  5. After two or three applications, hair loss stops in most cases.
  6. Gradual drying oily hair. After completing the course of procedures, they will stay clean longer.

Nicotinic acid has a dual effect: it improves the supply of the scalp with the necessary microelements due to its warming property, and nourishes them with vitamin PP (niacin). This is an excellent remedy for solving hair loss or stunted hair growth problems.

Before you start using it, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances, recommendations and contraindications.

Trichologist about nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or B3):

Nicotinic acid for hair: methods of application

You can use nicotine in ampoules for the growth of curls only externally. There are 2 ways to use nicotinic acid for hair: rubbing into the scalp in its pure form and as part of home or store masks.

You can combine them to achieve the best result, but it is undesirable not to use both on the same day in order to avoid oversaturation of the scalp and the appearance of side effects. The course of rubbing lasts 1 month, then a break is made for at least 2 weeks. After that, it is permissible to conduct a second course.

There is also a way to use nicotine for eyebrows - it will make them thicker and more voluminous. Natural, non-thinned by plucking eyebrows are now becoming more and more relevant. The fashion for natural beauty is gradually returning - long, silky hair, well-groomed and thick eyebrows emphasizing the eyes favorably.

After opening the ampoule, the beneficial properties of nicotinic acid disappear in 10-15 minutes, so you cannot store it open. It makes sense after using for the hair to apply the remnants of nicotine on the eyebrows.

How to apply niacin on hair

1 way: nicotine is used in its pure form

In this case, it is applied to the hair roots and carefully rubbed.

This is done correctly as follows:

  1. Rubbing is carried out daily for 30 days. You should take this recommendation seriously and do not skip the procedures, otherwise desired effect will not.
  2. Apply to freshly washed, dried natural way hair. It is better not to use a hair dryer, so as not to overdry the skin.
  3. During the entire course, do not use the balm at all or apply it only to the tips. Roots must remain clean.
  4. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed.
  5. The product is applied with fingertips. You can wear medical gloves.
  6. The curls are divided into partings. The distance between the partings is no more than 4 cm, so that nicotinic acid is distributed throughout the scalp. For parting, it is convenient to use a flat thin comb.
  7. First, rub the nicotine into the crown and temples, and lastly into the occipital region.
  8. It is not necessary to distribute the vitamin along the length.
  9. Massage your head for 5 minutes to warm up and increase blood circulation even more.
  10. Comb your hair. Rinse off is not required.

This method is convenient because it does not require rinsing. It is enough just to apply the vitamin to the hair roots - then you can go about your business. The procedure takes very little time, it will suit even very busy girls and women.

Method 2: nicotinic acid is used as part of masks

  1. Choose a mask according to your hair type, whether it's a store product or a homemade recipe.
  2. In this case, the mixture is applied not only to the roots, but also to the entire length of the curls.
  3. Nicotinic acid for hair as part of masks works best if the head is wrapped in cellophane and then insulated with something like a towel.
  4. The holding time depends on the additional components, but usually it should not be less than 20 minutes.
  5. Since masks usually contain a lot of nutrients or oil, they should be applied before shampooing.
  6. When trying a new recipe, first check to see if it causes allergies. Apply the mixture to the crook of the elbow and rub in, wash off the residue after 15 minutes. There should be no itching, runny nose and nasal congestion. But slight redness is a normal reaction because nicotinic acid stimulates blood circulation.
  7. Wash off the masks with shampoo. If necessary, use a balm, but only on the ends of the hair.
  8. It is advisable to replace the balm with herbal infusion - chamomile, calendula, nettle, hibiscus, mint or lemon balm. Fresh or dried herbs from a pharmacy will do. You can also add a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice or 6% apple cider vinegar to this rinse.

Nicotine for hair: what result can be expected

The result always depends on the individual characteristics of the body, nutrition, emotional state and hormonal balance. If the problem of hair loss or slow growth is caused by insufficient care, then in most cases, nicotinic acid for hair growth in ampoules will have a noticeable positive impact subject to correct application.

Even before the end of the course, you can notice:

  • The appearance of the so-called "undercoat" - short new hairs that have grown from dormant hair follicles before. The nicotine wakes them up.
  • Stopping the fall. Some girls notice that the curls began to fall out less after several times using masks or rubbing the vitamin into the roots.
  • If the hair follicles receive enough microelements and vitamins from food, then nicotinic acid accelerates their growth by 1-3 cm per month. The curls that previously grew only 1 cm in 30 days can grow at a speed of up to 4 cm.

But in the presence of health problems, even such a strong remedy as nicotine will not help. Loss can be caused by hormonal disorders and vitamin deficiencies, as often happens when you restrict yourself in nutrition, during times of stress, as well as after the birth of a child and during feeding. Analyze what the problem is, if necessary, contacting a doctor.


Nicotinic acid is medicinal product and has contraindications. Be sure to consider this before deciding to use it.

It is forbidden to use nicotine in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy at any time and the entire period of feeding.
  • For cuts, very dry and sensitive scalp, otherwise nicotinic acid will cause dandruff, itching or peeling.
  • with glaucoma, high blood pressure and migraines.
  • Atherosclerosis also makes it impossible to use this remedy.

Apply no more than 1 ampoule at a time

Often girls strive to accelerate hair growth even more and rub several ampoules of medicine into their hair at once. Such an overdose can cause headache, weakness, severe itching. But even if only 1 ampoule is applied, and negative consequences appear, you should immediately wash off the product with shampoo with plenty of water. This will speak of individual intolerance - choose another remedy for the growth of curls.

Hair masks with nicotinic acid

Try homemade masks with nicotinic acid for hair growth. They stimulate the roots and nourish the length of the curls. Below are recipes for different hair types. With short hair, the total volume of the mask should be reduced, and with very long hair, it should be increased.

Nicotine with essential oils and argan

Essential oils will allow nicotinic acid and argan oil to penetrate as deeply as possible, bringing the greatest benefit.


  • Argan oil - 15 ml.
  • Em. cinnamon - 3 drops.
  • Em. jasmine - 2 drops.


  1. Combine nicotine with oils, mix.
  2. Apply 1 hour before shampooing. Rub into the roots, spread the rest to the tips.
  3. Wrap with cellophane and insulate.
  4. Wash off 1-2 times with a mild shampoo, do not forget about rinsing.

Warming mustard mask for oily hair

Mustard powder will additionally dry the scalp and improve blood circulation. Please note that you can keep it on your head for no more than 5 minutes.


  • Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons.
  • Nettle infusion - 20 grams.
  • Burdock oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Nicotine - 1 ampoule.


  1. Prepare in advance an infusion of nettle. Do it better in a thermos. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry grass with a glass of boiling water, close the thermos and leave for 2 hours. Then strain.
  2. Dilute mustard powder with infusion, add burdock oil and nicotinic acid. Mix.
  3. Apply to unwashed hair, rubbing into the roots. You don't need to wrap your head in a towel.
  4. Wash off with cool water and shampoo after 5 minutes. Rinse with water with the remnants of nettle infusion.

Moisturizing and stimulating hair growth for dry hair

Aloe is a versatile moisturizer. Glycerin will complement its properties and create a protective film on the curls.


  • Aloe gel - 1 tablespoon.
  • Glycerin - 10 ml.
  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.


  1. Cut an aloe leaf, scrape off the pulp and mash it. If homemade aloe is not available, store-bought gel will do.
  2. Mix aloe, nicotine and glycerin.
  3. Apply for 45 minutes before washing curls. Wrap with polyethylene.
  4. Rinse with organic shampoo, rinse the hair with water acidified with any vegetable vinegar.

Mask with onion juice and nicotine from hair loss for normal hair

Onion juice has a pungent odor, but it's still worth trying this recipe because of the onion's powerful shedding ability. Cinnamon will reduce the unpleasant odor. With prolonged exposure, such a mask can slightly lighten the curls.


  1. Onion juice - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Nicotine - 1 ampoule.
  3. Ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon.


  1. Squeeze out the onion juice. If there are no tools for this, use a blender and make onion puree.
  2. Combine nicotinic acid, onion and cinnamon. Stir.
  3. Immediately rub into the roots, distribute the rest through the hair. Wrap them in foil.
  4. Wash off with shampoo after 30 minutes. Rinse with herbs.

Mask with nicotine and clay to strengthen weak hair

Clay is rich in a wide range of valuable trace elements that thicken curls and make them more voluminous and thick. Apply to washed, damp hair.


  • White, green or blue clay - 30 grams.
  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Mineral water - 20 ml.


  1. Pour clay with mineral water, mix.
  2. Add medicine.
  3. Apply to the roots and length, be sure to wrap with a film.
  4. Hold for at least an hour.
  5. Rinse without detergents, rinse with water with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Mask with nicotinic acid, linseed oil and dandruff egg

The egg and oil will keep the nicotine from drying out your scalp. Hair will grow faster, while remaining hydrated and shiny.


  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Linseed oil - 30 ml.


  1. Beat the egg with a blender or mixer.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients, beat again.
  3. Apply to curls under a cap for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash off with SLS-free shampoo. Instead of rinsing, you can simply lubricate the tips with a drop of linseed oil.

Shampoo mask with nicotine, colorless henna and vinegar

Simultaneously accelerates hair growth, washes, nourishes and conditions them.


  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Colorless henna - 50 grams.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 5 ml.
  • Filtered water - 30 ml.


  1. Boil water, pour henna into it, cover with a saucer or lid.
  2. After 20 minutes, add vinegar and nicotine, mix.
  3. Apply to unwashed hair without missing a strand.
  4. Wash off with warm running water after 30-40 minutes. You can not rinse, curls and so will be soft and smooth.

How much does nicotinic acid cost

The price depends on the manufacturer and the purpose of the drug. Today, some companies make nicotinic acid ampoules specifically for cosmetic purposes, adding other useful ingredients there. For example, it can be vitamins or oils. Such products are more expensive than standard nicotine ampoules. The buyer decides for himself whether to buy this vitamin without additives, or in the form of a finished cosmetic product.

Nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules in its pure form can cost from 30 rubles to several hundred rubles for a pack of 10 ampoules. For one course you need 3 such packages. Drugs from different manufacturers are sold in different pharmacies, and a more expensive product may be sold somewhere. It is convenient to order it via the Internet and pick it up at the nearest pharmacy - then you can be sure of an affordable price in advance.


When using nicotinic acid for hair growth, remember to take precautions, do not exceed the allowable amount and take breaks. In addition to rubbing nicotine into the roots, take care of the curls comprehensively, try different homemade recipes and ready-made cosmetics. Regular hair care will definitely give excellent results!

Nicotinic acid for hair growth: reviews

I study and work, there is very little time left for self-care. But you want to be well-groomed, to have long hair! With my constant being in a state of stress, the hair almost stopped growing. The doctor advised me to take vitamins, and at the same time I decided to take a course of nicotine use. With such an integrated approach, the situation quickly changed, the hair began to grow faster and generally look healthier!

Used a course of 30 ampoules (2-3 months). First you need to wash your hair, then rub it into the hair roots and massage your head. 1 ampoule is enough for 1 session. Personally, I used this remedy not for hair growth, but against hair loss. autumn-winter period. The result pleased. More details in the video:

Immediately after termination breastfeeding started using nicotinic acid. After pregnancy and the birth of a child, the hair thinned out very much, but it was necessary to wait until the end of the feeding period so as not to accidentally harm the baby. And a miracle! After a couple of weeks, many new hairs appeared, the volume returned. I'll take the course, take a break and repeat it again!

Certain changes took place in my life, after which I suddenly wanted to change appearance. She cut her hair, and after a month she regretted it. I can no longer do the usual hairstyles, there is not enough length. I began to look for ways to grow hair - I found a nikotnka. No wonder so much about her good reviews! I have already completed 2 courses, my hair has grown by 9 cm in 3 months (including a month break)! For me, this is a lot!

I was afraid to use nicotinic acid for hair because of its name, I had the wrong associations) It turns out that this is just a vitamin, and of natural origin. As soon as I found out about it, I immediately purchased it and began to test it. Hair growth broke all records - 4 cm per month. I have color-treated hair, so the changes are very noticeable. Let my hair rest and after a couple of weeks I will continue.


See my experience of growing hair with vitamin PP in the video:

Recently I changed my style to a more feminine one, I wear dresses and skirts. AND short hair they don't look very harmonious. I read about nicotine, rub it into the roots and make different masks 2 times a week. It seems that you can do no more than 2 courses in six months, but I don’t need more. During the use of nicotinic acid, the hair began to grow faster, and to my surprise, it kept this speed for another 1 month after. Now the length is almost optimal)