Ultrasound will help prevent the sad consequences of uterine cancer. How is uterine cancer diagnosed by ultrasound? Can ultrasound show uterine cancer

Every year, the number of patients diagnosed with a deadly cancer is only growing. One of the most common oncological pathologies is cervical cancer. However, cancer can occur on various organs and tissues, depending on the impact of negative factors. It is possible to cure the pathology only in case of its timely diagnosis. Cancer is determined by ultrasound, so we will pay attention to this method of diagnostic research oncological diseases.

Ultrasound: is it possible to see cervical cancer

The question of whether cervical cancer is visible on a study such as ultrasound is asked by patients to oncologists. Whether it is possible to see a tumor on the cervix with an ultrasound depends on its size. Despite the fact that the ultrasound research technique is one of the most accurate procedures, it is impossible to make a final diagnosis without additional tests.

Ultrasound procedure allows you to get an accurate description of all changes occurring in the cervix. With the help of ultrasound, the slightest changes can be identified, but the doctor has to deal with the decoding of these changes. it is impossible to determine with an accuracy of 100% on ultrasound, therefore, if suspicious neoplasms are found, additional studies will be required. With the help of such a diagnostic method as ultrasound, it is possible to identify:

  • condition of the uterus
  • determine the unevenness of the contours;
  • type of education growth;
  • the degree of germination of the tumor;
  • the degree of change in the lymph nodes;
  • spread of cancer to other organs bladder and intestines;
  • the presence of metastases.

cervical cancer on early stages has no symptoms of manifestation, so the main way to detect it are various methods. Over time, tumor growth leads to asymptomatic bleeding, impaired menstrual cycle, as well as the occurrence of leucorrhoea.

It's important to know! With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to identify inflammatory processes that occur in the reproductive organs of a woman. This type of study is very popular among women, as it is possible to identify various pathologies and deviations in a timely manner.

Features of the ultrasound

To determine cervical cancer on ultrasound, you must first resort to preparatory procedures. Such procedures include:

  1. Conducting an intestinal cleansing enema through the rectum. This method of cleaning the intestines is carried out no later than 6 hours before the ultrasound examination.
  2. It is also important before undergoing an ultrasound that a woman adheres to a protein-free diet for some time. One hour before the examination, it is necessary to drink a certain amount of liquid, which will allow you to get more detailed information about the state of the organ.
  3. After that, a special ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina or a conventional device is driven along the lower abdomen. The sensor is pre-lubricated with Vaseline or a special liquid.

In the course of the study, the specialist determines all important points. Any defects in the cervix can cause a tumor.

When the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination

Before conducting a diagnostic study, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient, and also collects an anamnesis. For an ultrasound procedure, the following indications must be present:

  • Weakness of the body, as well as fatigue after rest.
  • Anemia.
  • Body temperature, which keeps for a long time at a subfebrile level.
  • Soreness of the pelvic region, as well as neighboring organs.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Intestinal disorders, manifested in the form of constipation or diarrhea.

In the presence of the above symptoms, the doctor will definitely refer the patient to undergo an ultrasound examination, which will allow timely identification of signs of oncology.

Ultrasound techniques

To determine the signs of cervical cancer, an ultrasound technique of one of two methods can be used:

  1. Transabdominal. The examination involves filling the bladder, which is possible due to the patient drinking a certain amount of water (about 1 liter). Filling the bladder allows for a thorough examination of the cervix. A special gel is applied to the woman's stomach, by means of which the patency of the device through the body increases. By means of a device that is carried along the woman's stomach, the indicators are displayed on a computer monitor. The specialist simultaneously moves his hand with a sensor over the abdomen, and determines the state of the organ. The nurse writes down the information that the specialist tells her.
  2. Transvaginal. This method does not require filling the bladder, but it uses a special vaginal probe. This sensor is inserted into the vagina, after which the information is displayed on the monitor screen. This method is highly effective, as it has more advantages in detecting tumor cells. Recently, transvaginal examinations have often been resorted to to detect cancer.

It's important to know! Despite the effectiveness of ultrasound procedures, it is not recommended to resort to this method in the early stages of pathology. The procedure will not help to detect pathology, so it is better to use a method such as colposcopy.

How to detect cervical cancer on ultrasound

The main symptoms of cancer do not occur immediately, but only after the appearance of tumors on the organ, the size of which reaches 3 mm or more. It takes several years for a tumor to grow to that size. If during this period a woman does not visit a gynecologist, then the probability of detecting a tumor in the later stages is quite high.

Based on ultrasound studies, it is possible to determine cervical cancer, as well as the following neoplasms:

  • uneven contours;
  • changes in the lymph nodes;
  • vascular disorders;
  • cancer of other organs;
  • the occurrence of metastases;
  • dysplasia.

To detect a tumor, only modern ultrasound equipment is required. With its help, it is possible to determine tumors, the size of which is from 3 mm. Usually, ultrasound is carried out in a complex way, which allows you to determine not only the structure and thickness of the walls of the cervix, but also to examine all the organs of the small pelvis.

It's important to know! Ultrasound does not reveal erosion of the cervix, and it is precisely such a pathology that, at an advanced stage, leads to the formation of malignant tumors. To identify endometriosis, you need to visit a gynecologist regularly.

If we compare ultrasound and other diagnostic methods, then the first option has no contraindications for conducting, in comparison with the rest. At the initial stage of the onset of a tumor, it is very difficult to determine the nature of the pathology. The tumor can be both benign and malignant, so a biopsy will be required to clarify. Very often, specialists are faced with the fact that uterine fibroids can develop into carcinoma, so even in cases with benign formations, cardinal decisions must be made.

Comprehensive methods for determining cervical cancer

To determine the pathologies of the cervix, there are several effective ways. Despite the effectiveness of ultrasound, the possibility of detecting pathology also depends on factors such as the quality of the apparatus, as well as the experience of the diagnostician. If there is the slightest suspicion of cervical cancer, and the ultrasound diagnosis gave negative results, then additional examinations should be performed.

To obtain a 100% result of the study for the presence of cervical cancer, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination:

  1. Carrying out the screening procedure. The advantage of the method is the ability to detect pathology in the early stages, as well as the ability to distinguish the disease from precancerous pathologies.
  2. Colposcopy. Allows you to determine erosion and pseudo-erosion, as well as start timely treatment.
  3. Biopsy and ultrasound. The essence of the ultrasound method is clear, and a biopsy is a procedure for taking tumor tissue for further detailed study.

In addition, the main signs of manifestations of cervical cancer are: the absence of clear contours of the cervical canal, violation of echogenicity values, changes in the structure of the uterus, the presence of fluid in the uterine cavity, the appearance of heterogeneous structures in the uterus.

Is it possible to see developing cervical cancer on ultrasound? Malignant education today is a fairly common condition among women. The disease occupies one of the first places in female oncology, therefore, it requires the use of timely diagnosis. If the disease is detected at an early stage, it can be cured in most cases.

Practice shows that cervical cancer can develop several years before it becomes visible. Over time, the disease turns into a dangerous form, and only then the patients begin to sound the alarm. Before the appearance of education, certain cell transformations occur. Dysplasia is the initial link in the formation of cervical cancer.

If treatment is ignored or self-treatment is used, dysplasia progresses and develops into a complex form, which leads to the emergence of dangerous neoplasms.

How to define a complex disease?

For timely detection of precancerous conditions, there are screening studies.

smear results

  • Normal (means that the cytogram is without features);
  • High (an inflammatory process occurs in the body, which does not exclude the presence of dysplasia, fungal and viral infections);
  • Dysplasia (different degrees of complexity are distinguished);
  • precancerous condition.

Cancer and its diagnosis

As a rule, in the early stages of the disease, the clinic is asymptomatic. Visual changes are noticeable. As the tumor develops, certain changes begin in the woman's body, which include: asymptomatic bleeding, the presence of leucorrhoea, menstrual irregularities.

Ultrasound examination provides for certain diagnostic manipulations, which easily detect the appearance of neoplasms.

In addition, ultrasound helps to identify many inflammatory diseases affecting the reproductive functions of women. The study is very popular among patients.

Ultrasound technique

For detection it is necessary to carry out the following preparatory procedures.

  1. Pass an intestinal cleansing enema through the rectum. This manipulation should be carried out at least 6 hours before the procedure.
  2. The patient must adhere to a protein-free diet for a certain time, and one hour before the examination, drink the amount of liquid indicated by the doctor.
  3. Insertion of a sensor into the vagina by the attending physician. No special preparation is required at this stage.

Deciphering indicators

It is carried out by a specialist trained in this technique. All information is visible on the computer monitor. It shows all the positives and negatives. The doctor carefully examines the consistency and contour of the walls of the organ, its length, the axis of location and the patency of the canal.

Can ultrasound detect cancer?

With the help of ultrasound examination, you can determine:

  • Barrel-shaped condition of the uterus;
  • The degree of change in the lymph nodes;
  • uneven contours;
  • Violation of blood vessels;
  • Type of neoplasm growth;
  • The degree of germination of cancer in the cervical wall;
  • Moving the cancer process to other organs: the bladder and intestines;
  • The presence of metastases.

Endophytic tumor

The definition of a tumor on ultrasound depends on the degree of modernity of the equipment. Can be seen with germination from 3 mm.

The main signs of cancer

At the first stage, the neoplasm has an oval shape, clear contours and reduced echogenicity. With growth, there is a sharp change in shapes and contours, blood flow begins, an increase in the number of vessels occurs, the cervix becomes barrel-shaped.

The contours of the borders become bumpy and indented.

When the tumor spreads to neighboring organs, the ureters are affected. Therefore, in parallel with the ultrasound of the genital organs, women are advised to undergo ultrasound examination kidneys.

As mentioned earlier, the onset of the disease can be asymptomatic. The first manifestations are visible only in the second stage.

It is this period that ultrasound can see. If this happens, do not despair too much, because when proper treatment positive results can be achieved.

Under what conditions can a doctor prescribe an examination?

Before the diagnosis, the doctor collects an anamnesis.
Indications for examination are:

  • Constant weakness and fatigue, development of anemia;
  • The presence of vaginal discharge that is yellowish or bloody;
  • Subfebrile temperature;
  • Pain in the pelvic area and neighboring organs;
  • Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Intestinal disorders associated with weakness of the rectum or constipation.

Ultrasound methods

There are two types of ultrasound.


This method involves a full bladder, which allows you to clearly see the cervix.

The patient's abdomen is treated with a special gel, after which the doctor runs a sensor over it, and certain indicators are reflected on the computer monitor, by which the specialist determines the state of the organ, and changes in the structure can also be seen.


The opposite method, since the bladder must be completely empty. In this case, a vaginal probe is used, which is inserted into the vagina. Distinguished by its effectiveness, and has become quite popular in gynecology, cancer can be identified very quickly.

Carrying out an ultrasound examination in the early stages is ineffective. In this case, it is better to resort to the use of colposcopy.

Normal condition of the cervix

There are parameters that correspond to the norm.

  • The shape is cylindrical, with an oval cross section. Contours - equal, without features.
  • It must correspond to the following dimensions: from 29x26x29 to 37x30x34 mm. The dimensions in relation to the length of the body of the uterus to the length of its neck are 3:1.
  • The muscle layer should have a homogeneous structure.
  • During menstruation, the picture of the cervix should not change.

Whatever your results, you must constantly take care of your health and remember about preventive methods for preventing the disease, which include:

  1. Vaccination.
  2. Regular visits to the gynecologist and colposcopy.
  3. Prevention of promiscuity.
  4. Rejection of bad habits.
  5. Minimal intake of hormonal drugs.
  6. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene.
  7. Timely prevention of inflammatory and oncological diseases.

From the foregoing, it should be concluded that the best method of timely detection of the disease is annual preventive examinations and an ultrasound examination, which will detect cancer, if any.

We get the maximum result

A 100% result is given by a comprehensive examination, which may include:

  1. Conducting a screening examination - allows you to determine the form of the disease in the early stages and identify its difference from precancerous pathologies.
  2. Colposcopy - contributes to the timely detection of true erosion and pseudo-erosion, which allows you to start timely treatment.
  3. Ultrasound and biopsy are methods that require the confidence of patients, as they allow an accurate diagnosis. A biopsy allows you to examine a suspicious area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe epithelium for cancer and confirm the stage, and ultrasound detects the presence of metastases and lymph nodes in the pelvis and other neighboring organs.

In addition, the main manifestations of cervical cancer that can be detected by ultrasound are: the absence of a clear contour of the cervical canal, impaired echogenicity, changes in the uterus in its structure and thickness, the presence of fluid in the uterine cavity or in the cervical canal and the appearance heterogeneous structure in the uterus associated with many hyperechoic inclusions.

The most affordable and safest way to study the reproductive organs of a woman is the ultrasound method for diagnosing the pelvic organs. The reliability of the results will depend on which day of the menstrual cycle the study is carried out. Ultrasound can be done both transvaginally and transabdominally.

Ultrasound of the uterus and other reproductive organs of a woman can be done both transvaginally (by inserting an internal sensor) and transabdominally - through the peritoneum

What pathologies does ultrasound of the uterus reveal?

Polyposis of the endometrium is a benign tumor. The polyp has a narrow base (pedicle), with which it is attached to the tissues. According to the histological structure, this is an overgrown endometrium. Often, polyposis occurs without specific symptoms, but bleeding and pain may occur. Subsequently, the tumor can lead to infertility. Ultrasound examination should be done in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Also, for better visualization, the organ cavity is contrasted. The study shows polyps in the form of hyperechoic formations.

Intrauterine adhesions- these are threads consisting of fibrin, which limit the cavity of the organ. They occur when the endometrium is injured. Symptoms of adhesions: dysmenorrhea (violation) or amenorrhea (absence) of menstrual flow. Better visualization can be achieved during menstruation, when endometrial detachment occurs. It envelops adhesions and serves as a contrast to reveal them. On the ultrasound picture, you can see hyperechoic strands between the walls of the uterus.

endometriosis- This is a pathology in which sections of the endometrium extend beyond the uterus. Also, the endometrium grows into the muscular layer of the uterine wall. The first signs of pathology: pain, violation of the cycle and a large amount of discharge during menstruation. A characteristic ultrasound sign of endometriosis: an increase in the volume of the uterus. The muscular layer of the organ wall has a variegated appearance with hypoechoic areas, there are foci of hemorrhages. The wall becomes thinned, with the presence of large cysts in the cavity.

Endometriosis is characterized by inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) and its partial exit from the organ.

endometrial hyperplasia- this is a pathological proliferation of cells of the mucous layer. It occurs due to excessive release of estrogen. Also, the endometrium increases in thickness.

Malignant tumor of the endometrium Endometrial cancer is a cancer that occurs in menopause. In cancer, on the ultrasound picture, the tumor has a hyperechoic structure, the endometrium is thickened. You can also see fluid in the uterine cavity and a violation of the integrity of the mucous layer.

Cervical cancer- the tumor is manifested by an increase in the size of the neck and its deformation. Cancer may not show itself for a long time. In advanced stages, distant metastases of cancer can be determined.

Cancer of the body of the uterus on the ultrasound picture is detected as a hyperechoic formation in the wall of the organ.

What form of cancer (benign or malignant) it belongs to can only be said when a histological examination is performed.

Prolapse of the uterus accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • soreness, feeling of a foreign body in the vagina;
  • violation of urination occurs when the uterine walls are lowered;
  • constipation, due to the fact that the omission puts pressure on the intestines;
  • copious discharge during omission;
  • painful menstruation with omission;
  • decrease in the quality of sexual life during prolapse.

Leiomyoma is a benign tumor that occurs in women of reproductive age. Leiomyoma is a pathological proliferation of smooth muscle cells. The tumor grows into the cavity or into the wall of the organ. Ultrasound indicators:

  • increased organ size;
  • contour change;
  • hyperechoic nodules in the myometrium.

Anomalies in the structure and shape of the body and cervix characterized by the appearance of additional cavities, partitions and erosion. In rare cases, there may be an absence of an organ, or its underdevelopment. This pathology does not cause difficulties in diagnosing.

Erosion and dysplasia of the cervix not visible on ultrasound. The diagnosis of "cervical erosion" is made only during a gynecological examination. If you do a colposcopy, you can determine the cytological changes in the cells of cervical erosion. Signs of cervical erosion are pain and bloody issues.

Another common ailment - cervical erosion - cannot be detected by ultrasound. It is diagnosed only after a gynecological examination and examination

Adenomyosis- a disease in which the endometrium grows into other layers of the body. characteristic symptoms no adenomyosis. Ultrasound signs of adenomyosis:

  • an increase in the size of the organ;
  • change in wall thickness;
  • the occurrence of adenomyosis cysts before menstrual bleeding.

When to do ultrasound for various diseases?

When should a myoma test be done? Diagnosis for this disease should be done in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the day after the end of menstruation. This is due to the fact that in the first half of the cycle, the fibroid nodes are smaller in volume. In the second half of the cycle, they may swell due to the influence of progesterone. The true size of fibroids is considered to be those that were obtained in the first half of the menstrual cycle. On the ultrasound picture, the following indicators of fibroids are determined:

  • the number of foci;
  • sizes of formations;
  • position in the body cavity.

With endometriosis, the study is carried out in the second half of the cycle - after 14 days from the onset of menstruation. At this time, there is swelling of the foci and their "swelling". Thus, they are perfectly visualized on the ultrasound picture.

If inflammation of the fallopian tubes occurs, the organ is examined on any day of the menstrual cycle. With the expansion of the lumen of the fallopian tubes, ultrasound should be done at the end of menstrual bleeding. Such a tactic is necessary to search for pathological reflux of menstrual blood into the fallopian tubes. With inflammation of the mucous layer, an ultrasound assessment of the structure of the endometrium is performed in both phases of the cycle.

Diagnosis of adenomyosis is carried out in the second half of the cycle - on the 23-25th day, because. at this time, the endometrium reaches its maximum size, and adenomyosis is diagnosed without difficulty.

Define pathological change Only a qualified specialist can perform an ultrasound. But it is also important for the patient to comply with the recommended timing of the diagnosis. Timely detection of the disease will prevent its complications.

The basis for the detection of any malignant neoplasm is timely diagnosis. Modern women are extremely susceptible to malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system. And in the early stages of development, they have such unexpressed symptoms that many accept new changes in the body as a variant of the norm. That is why women should undergo regular medical examinations. If something seems suspicious to the doctor, he will definitely prescribe an additional examination in addition to the smear. Diagnosis plays a crucial role in the detection and treatment of neoplasms.

Ultrasound examination of pathologies of the female reproductive system

Currently, ultrasound research is a publicly available and highly informative research method. In addition, a big plus is that it can be used repeatedly for one patient, since the examination does not create a negative effect on the body. Ultrasound examination occupies one of the leading places in the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the body and cervix. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the device creates high-frequency waves and, according to the principle of echolocation, captures neoplasms or inflammatory processes in the uterus, and the computer converts them into an image. Another plus of the method is that the doctor sees the pathology in “real time”.

Cervical cancer on ultrasound differs from the normal echographic picture: since the tissues affected by the tumor differ in structure from healthy ones. The blood flow also changes, which will be shown by dopplerography (ultrasound examination mode in which the doctor can see and identify pathologically altered vessels, determine blood flow in suspicious areas, characteristic of a malignant tumor). Of course, the most correct is the morphological study of tissues, the sampling of which is carried out during a biopsy or curettage. But sometimes it is difficult to conduct it, and then echography becomes the main method for determining the initial stage of uterine cancer.

Ultrasound equipment is constantly being technically improved and now it can be used to carry out transabdominal, transvaginal and transrectal diagnostics. There are special sensors for this.

To improve the accuracy of the results of vaginal ultrasound, Doppler (blood flow assessment) and triplex scanning are simultaneously performed. Hyperplasia (growth of the uterine mucosa) can also be diagnosed on ultrasound. This condition is considered precancerous because hyperplasia sometimes transforms into cancer. Dopplerometry allows you to determine whether a malignant or benign tumor, since the nature of the blood flow in these cases is different.

Options for pelvic ultrasound

Each method has a percentage of error, moreover, the establishment of an accurate diagnosis depends on the equipment, the qualifications of the specialist conducting it, and on the correct preparation for the process. A general review study (transabdominal) is carried out according to classical scheme(with a full bladder), through the anterior abdominal wall and allows you to see the entire pelvis, compare its size with the size of the tumor. But an overfilled bladder creates discomfort for a woman, and the organ under study is not very clearly visible, you can miss important details.

In a vaginal examination, the field of view is too small and you can also miss something that will not enter the field of view.

Therefore, a complex ultrasound examination is often prescribed.

First, transabdominal diagnostics is carried out for an approximate assessment of the relative position of the pelvic organs. Sometimes the characteristics of the body make this type of study difficult - the pelvic bones through which the waves do not pass, intestinal loops that "superpose" on the uterus and ovaries, feces and a large amount of gases distort the true picture. Therefore, preliminary preparation is needed, about which there will be information a little later.

The second and most significant stage of ultrasound in uterine cancer is transvaginal diagnosis. The study is carried out lying on the back, with an empty bladder, a probe is inserted into the vagina. At this stage, the spread of the tumor is specified, the structure of the uterus is studied, including the size of the organ, the location of the tumor and its volume, acoustic properties, contours and the degree of invasion (germination) of the tumor.

Doctor ultrasound diagnostics uses a special gel to eliminate the air gap between the skin and the sensor in order to improve the quality of imaging.

In cases where a transvaginal examination is not possible, a transrectal scan is performed.

Reasons preventing examination through the vagina:

  • The patient did not have sexual intercourse;
  • Uterine bleeding with a decaying tumor;
  • Anomalies in the development of the external genital organs or stenosis (narrowing) of the vagina after surgery;
  • adhesions in the pelvis and overweight (obesity IV degree).

The study is carried out with an empty bladder. The patient is placed on the left side with knees pulled up to the chest, the sensor is inserted into the rectum.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the reproductive system

Various research methods involve the following ways preparation:

  1. Ultrasound examination through the anterior abdominal wall. To reduce the amount of free gases in the intestines, 2-3 days before the study, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that can create excessive gas formation (legumes, cabbage, sour-milk products), carbonated drinks and adhere to a protein-free diet. Before the procedure, you must drink 1 liter of plain water 1 hour before the procedure.
  2. The transvaginal method involves the same preparation steps, but before visiting a doctor, you need to completely empty your bladder.
  3. transrectal method. The main preparation is the cleansing of the intestines from feces by standard enemas, microclysters, laxatives or rectal suppositories. Cleansing is carried out at least 6 hours before the procedure.

The main task of the patient is competent preparation before the examination, because. the credibility of the conclusion depends on this.

The possibilities of ultrasound in uterine cancer

Uterine cancer on ultrasound - the most characteristic echographic picture

This pathology is of two types: endophytic and exophytic. With endophytic (when the tumor grows inside the organ) form of cancer, the anteroposterior size of the cervix increases, and its shape becomes barrel-shaped. Exophytic (with an infiltrating growth pattern: when the tumor grows into the walls of the organ) form is characterized by deformation of the outer contour of the cervix. In case if cancer tumor the entire wall of the organ will grow; during examination, the contour of the uterus is visualized as uneven and fuzzy. The median structure is heterogeneous, with low echogenicity, with multiple inclusions. To improve the accuracy of the results of the study, dopplerometry is carried out at the same time - an assessment of blood flow. With cancer, new vessels develop (angioneogenesis) that feed the tumor, blood circulation increases, and vascular tone decreases. The direction of blood flow also changes. All these criteria are extremely important in the diagnosis. Dopplerography reveals an abnormal vascular network, areas of increased vascularization (areas in which a huge number of small newly formed vessels - capillaries) are concentrated.

Ultrasound picture of cancer of the body of the uterus with the effect of Dopplerography (multiple pathological vessels are determined)

For a doctor, modern equipment provides ample opportunities in the diagnosis of endometrial cancer by ultrasound: the size of the uterus is determined, its general form, localization of the tumor and its size, the depth of penetration of the formation into the myometrium (the muscular layer of the body of the uterus) is calculated, the spread of the tumor to the cervix and ovaries is determined, the regional lymph nodes are assessed and distant metastases are detected. Also, the method allows, due to its safety, to observe the development of the process in dynamics.

Increasing in size, the tumor can block the lumen of the cervical canal. In this case, fluid may accumulate in the uterine cavity. On ultrasound, you can see the expansion of the cavity and the presence of a liquid component in it. Sometimes this symptom is the only criterion that indicates uterine cancer. According to ultrasound, it is possible to differentiate the different nature of the fluid in the uterine cavity (blood or transudate (inflammatory fluid)).

Modern ultrasonic devices have a tumor detection resolution of at least 3 mm, therefore, at the very beginning of tumor development, it is difficult to determine it.

Ultrasound for cervical cancer

The early stages of the disease are asymptomatic, but as the tumor develops, certain changes appear in the woman's body:

  • discharge in the form of whites;
  • causeless bleeding;
  • the menstrual cycle is interrupted;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

Cervical cancer is very important for the detection of pathology in the period when there is every opportunity to cope with a formidable disease.

In cervical cancer, ultrasound is of secondary importance. Of course, the main method of early diagnosis of this pathology is colposcopy and biopsy, followed by a morphological study of the biopsy. Ultrasonic method is able to determine the deformation of the contours of the vaginal part of the cervix, the walls of the cervical canal, changes in the lymph nodes, the restructuring of blood vessels, the appearance of metastases and visualize the spread of the tumor to the body of the uterus and surrounding tissues. But to determine the nature of the neoplasm on initial stages Ultrasound cannot, i.e. whether it is malignant or not can only be known by performing a morphological study of a tissue sample taken during a biopsy or curettage of the cervical canal.

In the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system, ultrasound is of paramount importance in endometrial cancer and auxiliary in cervical cancer. The method allows in the early stages absolutely safe for the patient to identify indirect signs characteristic of a malignant tumor. Therefore, this method is always used in a comprehensive examination for suspected pathology of the pelvic organs.

In terms of the frequency of oncological diseases in women, malignant tumors of the cervix are in the first place. Basically, a cancerous tumor occurs in the vagina, located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe external pharynx or covering the cervical canal. Such a tumor is usually visible, it can be localized by examination with mirrors, during colposcopy, and it is palpable on palpation. In this way, cervical cancer ultrasound can confirm the survey data and influence the further complex of therapeutic measures.

When should an ultrasound of the female genital organs be done?

An ultrasound examination is carried out as planned during pregnancy, and you should definitely consult a gynecologist and undergo a study in the following cases:

bleeding that occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, especially if they occur as a result of sexual intercourse;
after heavy menstruation;
with very abundant vaginal discharge mixed with blood;
with an irregular cycle, if it lasts for a year;
with pain in the lower abdomen;
with violations of urination and severe swelling of the legs;
with infertility.

Methods for diagnosing cervical cancer

To determine cervical cancer, ultrasound can be done in several ways:

Transvaginally. With this type of examination, the examination is conducted through the vagina and is used to detect cervical cancer or other gynecological pathologies. So you can examine women who are sexually active and pregnant for up to 12 weeks and after 37 weeks to determine the degree of maturity of the cervix before childbirth.

Transabdominally. Such a study is carried out through the wall of the abdomen in pregnant women in the 2nd-3rd trimester, in virgins and in the case when the malformations of the vagina in a woman do not allow ultrasound to be performed using the intracavitary method.

Transrectal. A study through the rectum is performed in virgins if it was necessary to more carefully assess the structure of the cervix and the localization of the tumor.

Through the skin of the perineum. So you can examine girls if there is a suspicion of a cancerous tumor in the cervix. You can also examine virgins and women who have vaginal atresia in this way.

Survey results

Ultrasound examination of the cervix allows diagnosing pathologies of this important organ of the female reproductive system with great accuracy. Modern equipment makes it possible to detect cervical cancer at the earliest stages, and inflammatory processes and precancerous conditions can be seen. On ultrasound, a cancerous tumor may look different, but the signs, the presence of which allow it to be suspected, remain unchanged. The diagnostician draws attention to the unevenness of the contour of the neck wall.

In addition, the cervix takes on a barrel-shaped shape and enlarged The lymph nodes and pathological vessels - tortuous, with blind pockets. You can also determine how much the tumor has grown into the wall of the cervix, and the degree of its transition to the body of the uterus, as well as the presence of metastases and their localization, because the tumor can cover the bladder and rectum.