Behind the ear lymph nodes size. Why did the lymph node behind the ear increase

An increase in the lymph nodes behind the ear is a protective reaction of the body that occurs in response to oncological and infectious processes in the body, namely in the ear area, oral cavity and nasopharynx. not only increase, but also become painful. The skin is hyperemic and severe swelling appears. In this case, we can talk about behind-the-ear lymphadenitis or a local form of lymphadenopathy.

Features of the lymphatic system

The human body is one that is designed for the circulation of lymph (interstitial fluid). The protective function is due to the production of antibodies and lymphocytes. Normally, the nodes are no more than 0.5-5.0 cm in size. They are washed by the intercellular fluid that comes from internal organs and structures nearby.

Behind the ear lymph nodes along temporal bone, in the region of the ear vein. In the absence of pathological processes in the body, they are not palpable and are not visually determined. A person in this area has 4 protective capsules. If there is an increase in their size, then we are talking about an inflammatory process in regional organs or tissues. The parotid lymph nodes, including the preauricular lymph node, purify the intercellular fluid from the region of the temporal and parietal parts of the head. They have a direct connection with the structures of the neck and the salivary glands.

Scheme of the lymph glands in the ear area: 1) preauricular; 2) behind the ear; 3) parotid

Lymphatic structures are a kind of filter, which is designed to destroy and remove foreign bodies and microorganisms from the body. If there is a circulation of foreign agents in the blood, then in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nodes there is an active production of lymphocytes. This leads to the fact that they are in size and become quite painful.

May occur at any age. Please note that only for children preschool age there is a predisposition to lymphadenitis. This is due to the fact that they have an immature immune system. The internal capsules are practically not sealed and do not have partitions, which leads to the fact that even a small amount of pathogenic or foreign microorganisms or structures leads to their increase.

Reasons for the increase

If the lymph node behind the ear is enlarged, then we are talking about the presence of any pathological disorders. In this case, the first thing to do is to establish the cause of the changes occurring in the body and eliminate it. Only then should it be taken for symptoms. Otherwise, it will be possible to get rid of the manifestations only for a short time.

Why are the lymph nodes behind the ears enlarged? We are talking about the course of acute or hidden pathological processes in the ear, crown, occiput, mastoid process or salivary glands. With the flow of lymph, toxins and microorganisms penetrate into the area of ​​​​the capsules, which are the causative agents of various diseases.

With an increase in the lymph nodes behind the ear, the causes may be associated with the following factors:

  • Decreased protective functions of the body.
  • Pathologies of the hearing organs, such as furuncle, otitis media, eustachitis, etc.
  • Inflammation in the nasopharynx (rhinitis, sinusitis, nasopharyngitis).
  • Infections of the mouth and throat - stomatitis, caries, pharyngitis, diseases of the salivary glands.
  • SARS and colds, in which there is a severe runny nose.
  • Specific diseases infectious nature rubella, toxoplasmosis, mumps, etc.

Please note that the preauricular lymph nodes under the ear can also increase with neurological abnormalities, in which blood supply to the brain area increases. Lymphadenopathy can develop against the background of a fungal infection, an allergic reaction, and a malignant process in the neck or head.

Lymphatic structures can most often increase in people suffering from autoimmune disorders such as HIV and AIDS. More prone to the development of lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy are those people who have a genetic predisposition, and also suffer from systemic endocrine disorders in the form of rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus.

Adults are much easier to diagnose than children. This is due to the fact that the nodes in the ears can increase in patients even against the background of such minor factors as the common cold. In this case, the symptoms disappear on their own within 1-2 weeks and do not require additional medical correction.

Disease classification

The enlargement of the ear lymph node can occur in different ways. Specialists distinguish the following types of pathological process:

  • catarrhal. In this case, suppuration is absent, appears strong pain, n external changes from the skin are not observed.
  • Purulent. It is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, sharp pain, symptoms of intoxication of the body, hyperemia and edema. The lymph node in this case greatly increases in size.
  • Hemorrhagic. The node cavity is saturated with blood content, which is associated with capillary dysfunction. This form diseases are characteristic mainly for such serious cases as anthrax and plague.

A chronic inflammatory process occurs only when lymphadenopathy occurs for 1-2 months, and the patient does not receive necessary treatment. If the contents of the lymph node penetrate into the soft tissues that are located next to it, then we are talking about adenophlegmon. In this case, it is impossible to determine the clear boundaries of the infiltrate. The lymph node quickly reaches a huge size, and general manifestations of intoxication of the body appear.

Clinical manifestations

Lymphadenitis is an inflammatory reaction that develops against the background of the destruction of the lymph nodes. If a similar reaction occurs behind the ear, then the following symptoms occur:

  • Puffiness. Behind the ears, the skin is thin and taut, as there are hard structures such as the bones of the skull and tendons. Edema is limited from almost all sides, so the capsule itself stretches and increases in size quite strongly.
  • Hyperemia. In the area of ​​the inflammatory process, the expansion of blood vessels occurs, which is fraught with stagnation of arterial blood. Externally, this process is expressed by reddening of the skin.
  • An increase in local temperature. Excessive blood flow caused by active cellular processes leads to the fact that a feeling of heat appears in the area of ​​​​inflammation.
  • Pain syndrome. When squeezing the nerve endings in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tendons and the skin, a pain syndrome appears. In this case, there is an active release of biologically active substances released by decaying cellular structures. In this case, the pain has a bursting and pulsating character. After the acute period passes, the pain syndrome is clearly visible only during palpation.

Due to dysfunction of the parotid lymph nodes, lymph is retained in the area of ​​the soft tissues of the head. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the form of edema and puffiness.

Establishing diagnosis

In order to cure behind-the-ear lymphadenitis, you first need to establish the causes of its development. To obtain extended information about the state of the patient's body, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive diagnosis. In rare cases, in order to understand the reasons, it is enough to conduct an external examination of the patient. Without fail, the specialist palpates enlarged lymph nodes and examines the tonsils, thyroid gland and lacrimal glands.

If we consider uncomplicated forms of the disease, then the lymphatic structures recover on their own after some time. If, after antibacterial treatment, no improvement is observed, but on the contrary, complications appear, then the following studies need to be carried out:

  • General blood test - the level of leukocytes and the ESR index.
  • CT scan.
  • Ultrasound procedure.
  • Radiography.
  • Biopsy.

Comprehensive diagnostics allows you to determine the type, stage of progression of the disease and the presence of malignant tumors in the body. Only after receiving the results of the studies, drug treatment is prescribed. If the enlargement of the lymph node occurs very quickly or medications do not give the expected result, then a surgical operation is performed.

Medical therapy

On the one hand, it is a consequence of infectious diseases. To begin with, the doctor takes measures in order to eliminate the underlying cause of lymphadenitis or lymphadenopathy. For this, it is assigned antibiotic therapy, which is carried out through broad-spectrum drugs: sulfonamides or cephalosporins.

As additional funds, relieving symptoms and normalizing the immune response, are prescribed:

  • Antihistamines. Designed to relieve inflammation and eliminate chronic inflammation. The drugs reduce swelling, relieving pain, and reduce the severity of hyperemia.
  • Vitamin complexes. Necessary to restore the protective functions of the body. It is imperative to normalize the level of vitamin C.
  • Immunomodulators. Means, the effectiveness of which is aimed at normalizing the body's immune response. It can only be used after a doctor's prescription.

After the causes are eliminated or during the main treatment, a physiotherapeutic effect is carried out in order to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and exclude the likelihood of complications. Among the most effective procedures, electrophoresis and helium-neon laser irradiation should be singled out.


If the lymph nodes in the ear area are enlarged and a purulent process develops, then surgical intervention is indispensable. In the process of surgical treatment, the capsule is opened and pus is removed from the damaged tissues. Next is washing antiseptic solutions and, if necessary, installing a drain to drain the internal fluid. In difficult cases, surgical removal of the affected lymph nodes is performed.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear is a pathological process that occurs in response to tissue damage or the penetration of a foreign microorganism. Lymph node behind ear lymphatic system, which is involved in the body's immune defense against infectious pathogens. Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears can be caused by both oncological and infectious diseases. With a sharp increase in lymph nodes, you need to seek medical care. In the article we will analyze why the lymph nodes behind the ears become inflamed.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear is a manifestation of the inflammatory process in the ears

There are about 700 lymph nodes in the human body: each varies in size from 2 mm to 2 cm. Lymph nodes are found in groups, individually or along the lymphatic vessels. Lymph flows through the vessels to the lymph nodes.

Anatomy and Physiology

Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structures, hundreds of which are located along the lymphatic vessels; parotid lymph nodes are located along the ear vein. The lymph nodes contain a fibrous network in which lymphocytes and macrophages filter out foreign microorganisms and waste. They also play an important role in protecting the body. The lymph nodes produce white blood cells (lymphocytes).

Normal and pathological sizes

In a healthy state, the lymph nodes behind the ear are poorly palpable, have a soft texture and easily move under mechanical pressure. If the lymph nodes are difficult to move, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

An increase in the behind-the-ear lymph nodes by more than 2 cm may indicate both an acute and a chronic inflammatory process. The inflammatory process inside the nodes usually leads to an increase in their size. There are 2 forms of inflammation of the lymph nodes under or near the ear - acute nonspecific and chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis. In the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10), acute is designated by the code L04.0, and chronic - I88.1.

After severe illnesses, fibrous changes may occur in the lymph nodes.

If the lymph node becomes inflamed on only one side, this may be a sign of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. A malignant lymph node, as a rule, does not hurt, has a hard consistency and does not move well. Pain in malignant neoplasms appears in the later stages of development, when irreversible processes occur.

Reason for visiting the doctor

If the lymph node is inflamed and the temperature rises, you need to visit a doctor

A sharp inflammation of the lymph nodes near or under the ear, with a rise in body temperature, chills or weakness, is a reason to seek advice from your doctor.

Swollen lymph nodes: the main causes

Swollen lymph nodes behind the ear can have many different causes.

If there is sudden pain or inflammation in the lymph nodes, this is most likely an inflammatory and benign process. If the pressure-sensitive lymph node moves well and has a soft texture, this most likely indicates a benign neoplasm.

If there is a painful enlargement of the lymph nodes without signs of inflammation or injury, you should consult a doctor. An enlarged and swollen lymph node under the ear can be a sign of the development of a malignant disease. If it hurts only on one side (right or left), this may also indicate a malignant disease.

A blood test will help identify the inflammatory process in the body

First, the doctor conducts a physical examination of the patient and collects an anamnesis. When examining the lymph nodes in the area of ​​​​inflammation (under, above, or behind the ear), one should pay attention to redness and the possible formation of a fistula. During a physical examination, the doctor uses his fingers to evaluate the properties of the lymph nodes. The doctor assesses the size, mobility, consistency, and soreness of the lymph node.

After a physical examination, a blood test is prescribed, which helps to identify signs of inflammation: an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the concentration of C-reactive protein.

Then appoint ultrasound procedure enlarged lymph nodes.

Additional studies to help confirm the diagnosis:

  • radiography;
  • scintigraphy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan.

To confirm the diagnosis, surgical removal of enlarged lymph node tissue is performed, which is sent to histological examination pathologist.

What to do if the lymph node behind the ear is inflamed?

Treatment depends on the cause of the swollen lymph nodes. In some cases - indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphomas - no treatment is required during an asymptomatic period of time.

If the cause of swollen lymph nodes is a cold, prescribe symptomatic treatment- antipyretics, painkillers and decongestants. The attending physician will help to cure the inflamed lymph nodes.

Slightly enlarged behind-the-ear lymph nodes caused by colds do not require treatment.

If malignant disease- Hodgkin's disease - is the cause of enlarged lymph nodes, prescribe chemoradiotherapy.

Advice! If the lymph node under the earlobe is very sore, it is recommended to visit a therapist, an ENT doctor or. How to treat inflamed lymph nodes behind the ears, the doctor will determine. The treatment regimen depends on the location of the lymph nodes and the reason for their increase.

The lymph nodes They are a kind of biological filters. They are located in different parts of the body. The function of these peripheral organs of the immune system is to delay bacteria and viruses circulating in the lymph flow, analyze them and signal the need to develop a specific immune response. However, in some cases, this mechanism does not work quite accurately; bacteria begin to multiply right in the nodes. Then the inflamed node increases.

Strictly speaking, certain groups of lymph nodes are responsible for the inflammatory process in certain areas of the body. In particular, inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears usually indicates an infectious process localized in the head and neck. Therefore, if the nodes behind the ear have increased, the following should be done.

1. Examine the scalp. You may find large pimples - which could provoke an increase in lymph nodes. In this case, boils should be treated with special ointments, if they have not yet opened, and after opening. rear ear The lymph nodes increase with inflammation of the outer, middle or inner ear. Perhaps you should visit an ENT doctor.

2. Sometimes inflammatory diseases throat, such as sore throats, pharyngitis and laryngitis, can lead to an increase behind the ears, or behind one ear. If there is no pain in the throat, examine it. Enlarged tonsils and redness indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. In this case, you also need to make an appointment with the ENT. You can gargle at home with a solution of soda, diluted calendula tincture, special antiseptic solutions, irrigate the throat with special medicines. This also includes herpes. Yes, it also sometimes causes the development of lymphadenopathy.

Numbers 1,2,3,4 indicate groups of ear lymph nodes

3. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses- sinusitis can sometimes also be the cause of an increase in the lymph nodes behind the ears. Here, a consultation with an ENT and specific therapy is shown.

4. Oral diseases can cause swollen lymph nodes behind the ears. Eliminate inflammation of the gums - gingivitis, stomatitis of various nature, caries.

5. Allergic diseases may also be associated with lymphadenopathy.

If you discovered if you have any of these infectious diseases, most likely, the lymph nodes have increased because of them. In this case, treat the disease-causes of the increase, normally, the nodes themselves will decrease over time. However, if the signs of the disease have disappeared, the lymph nodes may remain enlarged for some time. If they are abnormal in size for more than two weeks, after curing the underlying disease, they began to hurt more, grow even more, be sure to consult a doctor.

Also need examine and the posterior auricular lymph nodes themselves. Normally, when they are filled with pus as a result of an infectious process, the lymph nodes are painful, but mobile, that is, they are not soldered to the surrounding tissues. During the infectious process, they usually increase to 3-5 cm, there are no excessively protruding areas, there are no roughness on the nodes. Redness or a rash may occur on the skin above the node, which usually also indicates an infection that has settled inside. It is good if the lymph node is soft and elastic.

Absence soreness and stone hardness is not always a good sign. Sometimes the lymph nodes increase with a far advanced oncological process. Metastases that enter the lymph flow are delayed by nodes, begin to grow there, which leads to an increase, but is usually not accompanied by pain. Then you should not hesitate to go to the hospital, as well as with ulceration of the skin over the node, the release of pus from it. There is no need to make any lotions on the enlarged lymph nodes themselves, as this can aggravate the course of inflammatory processes. The main tactic includes 3 points:

1) Treatment of the underlying disease. If this is caries, then you need to treat your teeth. If a furuncle of the scalp or, use Vishnevsky's liniment or ichthyol ointment, they contribute to the discharge of pus, the "breakthrough" of the abscess. Then apply dressings with methyluracil ointment or levomekol ointment containing an antibiotic. By the way, there are also more severe purulent diseases of the subcutaneous tissue of the head and neck - phlegmon and carbuncles. They also provoke an increase in the lymph nodes behind the ears. Only they need to be treated by a surgeon, but not at home. Be sure to treat tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and otitis media. Ideally, if the treatment is still prescribed by a doctor. Also minimize allergic reactions Take your doctor's prescribed allergy medications.

2) Monitor enlarged lymph nodes. As they recover from the underlying disease, they should also decrease in size. In the absence of pain and infectious disease, consult an oncologist or a simple therapist. He examines the enlarged node, if necessary, takes from it for analysis the contents - punctate, and determines whether there are bacteria or metastases in the node. An ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes and taking a piece of tissue for a biopsy is also performed. If availability oncological disease is confirmed, the doctor decides on further research in order to establish the depth of the development of the process and determine the method of treatment.

3) Strengthen your overall immunity. To do this, you can drink immunostimulants: tincture of echinacea or eleutherococcus, ginseng.

Often people find themselves with behind-the-ear inflammation and are in no hurry to consult a doctor, attributing the ailment to the cold wind, thinking that the tumors will pass. However, such inflammations can serve as symptoms of the spread of infections within the body, sometimes even dangerous ones. This article will discuss what to do if the lymph node behind the ear is inflamed, about possible reasons why the node is swollen, symptoms and what to do if it has increased.

The lymphatic system is a biological network of lymph nodes and blood vessels, through which a colorless and odorless liquid flows - lymph. It is she who performs a protective function in the body, produces special cells that suppress pathogens.

In a healthy, not inflamed state, the lymph nodes are not palpable, not felt by a person. Them standard size reaches from two millimeters to five centimeters, depending on the location and number of nodes in the group. The lymph nodes become inflamed when it is important to increase the production of antibodies to suppress the infection and when they themselves are affected. Both cases require a diagnosis by a doctor, because they signal a malfunction in the body.

Lymph nodes are located throughout the body in groups. The main nodes are considered to be on the head: on the neck, under the jaw, chin and behind the ears. They protect the brain.

Behind-the-ear nodes can become inflamed due to diseases of the ear, oral cavity, infection and other ailments:

  • Otitis media and upper ear.
  • Rubella.
  • Mumps.
  • STD.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Mastoiditis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Diseases of the scalp.
  • Lymphoma.
  • Measles.
  • Inflammation of the ear canal.
  • Acne in the ear.
  • Runny nose.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs against the background of infectious, viral, fungal, bacterial pathogenic substances, where nervous diseases and allergies are a possible factor in inflammation.

Risk group

Swelling of the lymph nodes affects people regardless of age. However, among them there are groups with an increased risk of earning this problem:

  • Patients with immune problems.
  • Patients with a weak thyroid gland.
  • HIV-infected.
  • Chronically ill with lupus and arthritis.

Parotid lymph nodes often become inflamed in a preschool child and in an infant. Their organisms react sharply to any infections with inflammation, so the treatment of lymph nodes with drugs after a recent cold is not required. In an adult, this happens less often.


Basically, the disease is caused by these microorganisms:

  • coli;
  • pale treponema;
  • streptococcus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • causative agent of tuberculosis;
  • chlamydia.

Researchers have identified four types of the course of the disease:

  1. catarrhal. Inflammation occurs without external signs, there is pain when turning the head, chewing food, pressing.
  2. With pus. The lymph node greatly increases in size, it hurts a lot. On the spot there is a swelling, redness. Accompanied by weakness, nausea, drowsiness, fever. Inside there are processes of excretion of pus.
  3. Hemorrhagic. Redness of the affected area, the beginning of the destruction of capillaries.
  4. Chronic. The inflammatory process proceeds for one to two months without medication. It is characterized by the spread of infection into soft tissues, an increase in the node to a huge size, the beginning of the development of adenophlegmon.

According to the source of infection, the intake is distinguished:

  • from the oral and dental cavities;
  • from the nose;
  • from tonsils;
  • from external damage;
  • from the ear.


To correctly determine whether the lymph node behind the ear has become inflamed, you need to monitor the state of health:

  • Increase in general and local temperature. The body is fighting the virus, so the temperature may rise to at least 37.2 degrees, local reddening of the skin behind the ears on the right or left.
  • Headache. Throbbing or aching temporal pain.
  • Edema. On one side of the ear, a large edema forms due to stagnation of the lymph.
  • Bump formation. A hard, bean-shaped ball appears under the ear, reaching various sizes.
  • Insomnia.
  • Weakness in the body.
  • Rapid fatigue, general lethargy.
  • Frequent crying and whims in children.
  • Eruptions with purulent formations, the location of which can spread to the whole body.

If a couple of symptoms are detected, it is important to immediately consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of possible complications.

Which doctor should I contact?

To make an initial diagnosis, you need to consult with a therapist. The doctor, if necessary, will advise which narrowly focused specialist to contact:

  • otolaryngologist - if problems with the nasopharynx are detected;
  • surgeon - in complex clinical cases when surgery is required;
  • dentist - for pain in the mouth;
  • oncologist - upon detection of pathologies in a purulent substance;
  • dermatologist - in violation of the functioning of the skin.


Treatment of behind-the-ear lymphadenitis requires utmost attention, it is important to make a diagnosis. This is what the therapist does initial stage. Palpation is carried out, probing with the fingertips in the area of ​​​​the location of the lymph nodes. Unpleasant sensations in the form of pain are possible. Further, the doctor has the right to send the patient for an accurate diagnosis of the problem:

  • blood test;
  • x-ray;
  • tomography;
  • biopsy - the selection of material from the lymph node itself for analysis on oncology by piercing the skin and the node with a hollow needle with teeth.

After the above studies and analyzes, doctors determine the exact cause of inflammation, prescribe medication, physiotherapy. In the absence of results, an operation is performed to remove suppuration, the most inflamed node.

Medical therapy

Lymphadenitis is not an independent disease in most cases, therefore, for proper treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. Doctors prescribe medicines for external and internal use.

  • Immunostimulating substances. Medicines that help the immune system recover, speed up recovery by increasing the production of natural antibodies (Immunal, Echinacea).
  • Antihistamines. Substances that help to cope with pain, swelling, inflammation (Zodak, Supradin).
  • Vitamins. To increase the activity of cells, the body requires an increased intake of vitamin C. Therefore, patients are advised to drink vitamin complexes with a high content of this vitamin.
  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed to block the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and their destruction (Zacef, Spiramycin).
  • Anti-inflammatory substances. They are prescribed to lower body temperature, fight swelling and pain (Nise, Nimesil).

Levomekol helps to cope well with purulent inflammation. The ointment is applied to the affected area twice a day, after that - make a dry bandage.

Surgical intervention

If the stage of the disease is the discharge of pus, an urgent surgical intervention is required so that the infection does not have time to spread to the soft tissues. Surgeons perform the procedure in stationary conditions under local anesthesia.

The affected area is cut, purulent substances, dead tissue pieces are removed in the last stages of inflammation. A special tampon is inserted into the incision site, containing anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic drugs. It is possible to replace the tampon with a specialized device for the outflow of purulent fluid.

After surgery, patients drink anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, the purulent mass should be examined for the presence of cancer cells.


In the initial and recovery stages, patients can undergo physiotherapy. They provide lymph drainage and stimulate blood circulation.

  • Laser. Treatment of the affected area allows you to relieve pain, promotes and accelerates cell regeneration inside and out.
  • ultrasonic radiation. Therapy can help you get rid of pain, resolves blood and lymphatic clots formed during the inflammatory process.
  • Electrophoresis. This method of physiotherapy is used in combination with hydrocortisone ointment so that the substances penetrate deep into the inflammation and act on it from the inside.
  • UHF. The effect of temperature can favorably affect the inflamed node, reduce swelling, pain, and stimulate cell regeneration.

folk therapy

Together with drug treatment strengthen immunity and help to quickly cope with inflammation will help folk remedies.

Note that home treatment without the advice of a doctor and medical examinations can lead to complications that are difficult to treat.

  1. For the first recipe, you need to collect an armful of dandelions, squeeze juice from the greens - it is he who is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Moisten a bandage or cotton wool in the resulting juice, apply to the affected area for two hours. You need to repeat this procedure five times a day.
  2. One of folk recipes lymph cleansing is the use of beet juice. It is required to grate the vegetable on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice, pour into a bowl and let it brew in the refrigerator for a day. Take one hundred milliliters orally once a day.
  3. Green jade. Popular stone healing properties can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. You will need to apply behind the ear once a day and keep for two hours. For convenience, the stone must be selected in a size suitable for the tumor and tied with a sterile bandage or elastic bandage.
  4. Echinacea tinctures and syrups also perform anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory effects. To do this, you need to buy an alcoholic infusion of grass, add ten drops to a glass of water and take three teaspoons three times a day. You can also make syrup with dried echinacea root and peppermint tincture. Bring one and a half cups of water to a boil, add echinacea and cook for thirty minutes. Next, dissolve 15 ml of mint, add honey to taste. Drink three times a day, three tablespoons half an hour before meals.

It is forbidden to use folk remedies and recipes for the treatment of inflamed behind-the-ear lymph nodes at home as the main remedy. Let's just add an extra effect. Otherwise, there will be complications that can end in death.


To avoid inflammation of the lymph nodes and relapses, it is important to monitor the state of health and follow the following recommendations:

  • follow a healthy lifestyle;
  • do not use alcohol and tobacco products;
  • temper;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • timely treat colds and problems with the oral cavity;
  • drink a course of multivitamins every year;
  • avoid hypothermia.


The parotid inflamed lymph node is a great danger for each category of the population.

Inflammatory processes can spread deep into the soft tissues. The lymph node atrophies, loses its filtering, protective functions. There is a huge risk of contracting various possible brain infections. There is also a high probability of spreading pus into the blood and its infection. It can become a deadly disease.

The chronic form of the disease will periodically become inflamed and subside, but with a long absence of treatment, a deterioration in the condition of the skin, veins, and a decrease in immunity develop.

An increase in lymph nodes anywhere, even painless, always indicates hidden signs. The causes of the development of the disease in nearby organs and tissues are also not excluded. Only after a comprehensive medical examination is it possible to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment. You need to start taking action as early as possible to avoid further complications.

Behind the ear lymph nodes - lymph nodes that are located in the back of the ear (behind the lobe, shell). Their soreness often indicates pathological processes. The reaction of formations to a meeting with microorganisms is a physiological phenomenon that allows immune system work more efficiently.

Location and dimensions

Around the auricle (or near it) there are nodular lymphatic formations, as indicated below:

  • parotid (under the lobe);
  • posterior ear (behind the sink);
  • preauricular anterior (in front of the tragus).

During the study of the behind-the-ear lymph nodes, their soreness, consistency, adhesion to each other and neighboring tissues, as well as size are evaluated. As a rule, the normal diameter of formations is no more than 1 cm.

The growth of tissue formations, accompanied by an increase in their size, is called "lymphadenopathy". This is an intermediate diagnosis, which is specified after identifying the cause of the inflammatory process. With localized lymphadenopathy, anatomical regions are analyzed through which lymph passes, filtered by enlarged glands. At the same time, generalized inflammation of the immune system is excluded.

Causes of violation of the behind-the-ear lymph nodes

Most often, the glands become larger in response to the inflammation triggered by the infection and occurring in the area where they filter the lymph.

The most common causes behind the ear nonspecific lymphadenitis are:

If the malfunction of the behind-the-ear lymph nodes proceeds without suppuration, is not accompanied by pain and occurs as a result of one of the diseases listed above, and after treatment the state of the glands returns to normal, then local lymphadenopathy is diagnosed, which is the body's response to infection invasion.

A specific violation of the links of immunity behind the ear occurs as a result of the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Infection with HIV infection, while an increase in the glands is sometimes the only symptom of the pathology and is observed for a long time. In addition, the sizes of other groups of immune links change.
  2. Hereditary lipid metabolism disorders (for example, Niemann-Pick disease).
  3. Autoimmune disorders, in particular, systemic lupus erythematosus.
  4. Oncological pathologies (Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, metastases of other cancers).

The list of diseases and conditions that provoke soreness, a visual increase in behind-the-ear nodules, is quite extensive. Only the most common causes of deviations from the norm are given. Only a doctor can determine the cause of inflammation of the glands.

When to Seek a Specialist Urgently

It is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible if:

  1. The size of the lymph nodes behind the ear is 1.5 cm or more, they have a dense texture, while neighboring tissues are involved in the process, which leads to the appearance of almost immobile packages of formations. In the absence of adequate and timely treatment, a purulent process often develops, accompanied by redness of the skin, and then a breakthrough of the gland with the release of its contents to the outside and the formation of a fistula. Such clinical picture inherent in tuberculosis.
  2. The lymph nodes have acquired a dense consistency, they do not hurt when pressed, do not merge with nearby tissues, but in advanced cases they form into conglomerates. The described manifestations sometimes point to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
  3. Painful, enlarged glands gradually transform into buboes up to 5 cm in diameter. This phenomenon is inherent in the bubonic form of tularemia.

If a visual change in the size of the behind-the-ear lymph nodes is not accompanied by signs of an infectious process, then you need to consult a doctor to identify the cause of the deviations from the norm.