Vegetables that cause gas in the intestines. Foods that cause gas in the intestines: how to get rid of them?


During his life, every person at least once faced with the unpleasant problem of increased gas formation. In medical language, this phenomenon is called flatulence. This process occurs in the human intestine and is accompanied by bloating, discomfort, increased gas separation. Sometimes flatulence delivers not only inconvenience, but also pain.

Causes of flatulence

Excessive gas formation in the intestines is not a disease in itself, but may indicate problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that in any healthy person, in the process of digesting food in the intestines, under the action of bacteria, gas is released. Normally, microorganisms that are part of the intestinal microflora of an adult produce up to one liter of gas per day. Such a volume is familiar to the body, does not cause discomfort and is almost completely excreted naturally.

In case of indigestion for various reasons, the amount of gases produced by microorganisms can increase three or more times. This immediately affects the general well-being of a person and a decrease in immunity, can cause intoxication of the body, increased anxiety, and insomnia. Such problems are often faced by people with chronic diseases, such as pancreatitis.

Also, pregnant women and very young children often suffer from bloating. In babies, such problems are caused by the formation of the intestinal microflora and the enzyme formation system. In pregnant women, increased gas formation is affected by hormonal changes in the body, fetal pressure on the intestines, stress, and inattentive attitude to and. Very often, the latter reason is the main one for most healthy people who, for no reason at all, have experienced all the delights of flatulence.

How to avoid bloating

Usually a healthy person can get rid of increased gas formation by simply streamlining their own diet and diet. There are a few simple rules, following which will get rid of regular bloating.

First of all, it is necessary to observe the daily routine and, in particular, the diet: eat in small portions 4-5 times a day at about the same time, do not overeat at night. It is necessary to give up snacks and food on the run. Chew food thoroughly while eating. The fact is that the intestines are filled not only with the gases produced by our bacteria, but also with the air that we swallow while eating and drinking. And the amount of such gas in the body becomes greater if you quickly swallow food in large pieces or drink greedily in large sips. Also, excess air can enter the stomach when smoking, chewing gum, drinking drinks through a straw.

By the way, drinking water with meals also affects the increase in flatulence. In this case, the gastric juice is diluted and the food is not digested as well. It is better to drink water half an hour before meals and one hour after it.

But the main reason for the increased formation of gases in the body of a healthy person, of course, are certain products. Moreover, often flatulence is affected not only by the food itself, but also by the degree of its heat treatment, as well as the combination of food products. Moreover, a certain food leads to increased gas formation in all people, and another causes this effect due to the individual characteristics of a person. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your diet and trying to identify the food that leads to flatulence in you, and having this knowledge, limit the consumption of relevant foods., lentils, beans) in any dishes in raw and thermally processed form, and dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots), some nuts, mushrooms. Flatulence can cause products from cereals: rye and malt bread, wheat bran. Also sweet foods with refined sugar or its substitutes (sorbitol and other sweeteners), as well as eggs. From drinks, the formation of gases is most often associated with the use of milk, beer, red wine, kvass and carbonated drinks. The latter, by the way, are included in, which should be abandoned forever.

Products that reduce gas formation in the body

The list of products that cause increased gas formation can be contrasted with the list of products that reduce gas formation. Perhaps the main ones are fermented milk products, especially enriched with bifidus and lactobacilli. Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, cottage cheese, etc. extremely beneficial effect on the microflora in the human intestine, normalize digestion. All this affects the reduction of gas formation. Mint also has a beneficial effect on this side of digestion, which has antispasmodic action on the digestive tract, dill, cumin, cinnamon, lemon peel and ginger.

There are many traditional medicine recipes for bloating and flatulence. They often feature infusions and decoctions of dill seeds, herbal preparations with mint, chamomile, valerian and other means. They are usually harmless, but in some cases it is necessary to consult a specialist before using them. For example, if necessary, the treatment of flatulence in pregnant women or young children.

Feeling of heaviness, increased gas formation, bloating and distension of the abdomen, pain - these are the most common and unpleasant symptoms. The disease can annoy at any age and occur due to various factors. Meanwhile, it successfully retreats when simple nutritional recommendations are followed. A special diet for flatulence concerns not only permitted and prohibited foods, but also the frequency of food intake, its temperature indicators.

Table of contents:

Nutrition for flatulence and its tasks

Signs of flatulence from time to time appear in every person. You should not ignore them, as they may be one of the manifestations of a more serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, in the absence of proper treatment for the patient, everything can end up protracted.

The following factors can provoke the development of flatulence:

All of the above factors provoke fermentation of the contents in the intestine and start putrefactive processes in it, which result in bloating and increased gas formation. A therapeutic diet helps to prevent them.

The main goals of such a diet:

  • organization of a complete and balanced diet with all the vitamins and microelements necessary for a person;
  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • restoration of normal microflora;
  • prevention of the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestine;
  • minimizing the risk of developing inflammatory processes.

Important! In medical practice, all these tasks are met by the treatment table No. 5 according to Pevzner. Meanwhile, it is not worth blindly following his recommendations, since the individual characteristics of each organism, as well as the course of the disease, force the attending physician to adjust the nutrition of each patient.

Of great importance for the normalization of the human condition is daily consumption nutrients. According to him, every day the body should receive:

  • up to 120 g of proteins;
  • 50 g fat;
  • up to 200 g of carbohydrates, excluding simple sugars.

Also, don't overeat. Optimal the energy value diets - 1600 kcal.

How to get rid of flatulence with a diet

In order to feel the maximum effect of the diet used, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of nutritionists. They advise:

Note! The temperature of the food entering the body also affects the functioning of the intestines. The therapeutic diet for flatulence involves the use of warm foods. Due to excessively hot or cold, the production of gastric juice by the stomach and enzymes by the pancreas increases, which leads to irritation of the intestines.

The correct selection of products for one meal can also reduce the manifestations of flatulence. It is not recommended to combine salty and sweet, vegetables or fruits and milk, milk and animal proteins. Such compounds load the gastrointestinal tract, increase intestinal motility, lead to fermentation and increased gas formation.

Allowed foods for bloating

With flatulence, doctors advise including in the diet those foods that do not cause increased formation, as well as those that have carminative properties and, therefore, alleviate the patient's condition.

It is better to give preference to food that normalizes the stool due to the soft and slow passage through the intestines. However, special attention should be paid to those products that can affect its microflora, stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Important!The diet for flatulence should be maximally enriched with vitamins and microelements, including potassium, iron, calcium, as well as lipotropic substances, since they have a beneficial effect on bile and blood vessels.

Allowed use:

What foods cause bloating?

With flatulence, products that increase gas formation are undesirable.

Conventionally, they are divided into 3 groups:

Additionally, it is worth abandoning foods that need long-term digestion and, accordingly, increase fermentation. A vivid example of this is protein food of animal origin, that is, meat, which, due to connective tissue does not pass through the gastrointestinal tract for a long time.

Note! The situation with flatulence is aggravated by products that contain a lot of organic acids, essential oils, preservatives and food additives. Irritating the intestinal mucosa, they stimulate peristalsis.

Among the prohibited products:

  • fresh bread made from wheat or rye flour, pastries;
  • sinewy fatty meat and fish;
  • salted, smoked, including caviar;
  • cocoa, cooked in milk, coffee;
  • soups on strong broths due to the large amount of extractives in them;
  • pies, pasta, dumplings, dumplings and other dishes prepared with the addition of wheat flour and / or yeast;
  • sausages - they contain not only soy, but also stabilizers, flavor enhancers, harmful food additives;
  • legumes;
  • canned food, marinades, pickles;
  • dairy and sour-milk products, if there is intolerance;
  • fatty - sour cream, lard, butter, cream;
  • sauces, spices;
  • sweets: honey, jam, chocolate, ice cream;
  • fried or hard-boiled eggs;
  • nuts;
  • fruits: grapes, melons, pears, apples, peaches;
  • dried fruits (raisins), prunes in moderation;
  • cereals: millet, barley, barley;
  • sweet and unsweetened soda, beer, kvass, since the latter contain yeast;
  • mushrooms;
  • artichokes;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • cabbage, radish, onion, swede.

Important! Consulting a doctor will help you make your diet as correctly as possible with allowed and prohibited foods, depending on other symptoms of the disease - diarrhea or constipation, irritable bowel syndrome.

Failure to follow the recommendations of the doctor entails constant excessive gas formation, rumbling and pain in the stomach, digestive problems and lack of regular stools. As a result of this, over time, the normal intestinal microflora dies, and bacteria that provoke decay take its place. Worst of all, in the course of their life they release toxins that enter the bloodstream and negatively affect the liver and other organs. Following this, hypovitaminosis occurs and a person exacerbates or develops other diseases.

Sample menu for bloating

Day of the week /Meal




afternoon tea



Rice porridge, compote

Cheese sandwich, green tea

Spinach soup cooked in chicken broth, mashed potatoes, steamed fish, tea

Buckwheat porridge, carrot salad


Oatmeal, green tea

Low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream

Vegetable soup, yesterday's bread, chicken with vegetables, compote

Favorite fruits, except forbidden ones

Cabbage rolls, rice

Steam rice, egg

Pancakes with dried apricots and yogurt, green tea

Buckwheat soup with chicken broth, steamed beef with stewed vegetables

Muesli with yogurt

Baked potatoes with vegetables, compote


Oatmeal with dried fruits, kissel

Sandwich with cucumber and boiled beef, green tea

Vegetable soup, steamed fish with rice

Rusks and kefir

Salad with vegetables and boiled chicken, seasoned with sour cream


Oatmeal, egg

Baked zucchini stuffed with minced meat, tea

Buckwheat soup, potato casserole with meat, compote

Baked apples

Steamed vegetables with chicken meat, juice


Buckwheat and kissel

Cottage cheese with dried apricots

Chicken broth with vegetables, chicken fillet, compote

A handful of dried fruits, steamed with water

Stuffed peppers, green tea


Rice porridge, tea

Cheesecakes baked in the oven, a little non-acidic sour cream and tea

Good day, dear readers!

Today we will touch upon a problem that each of us has faced.

Flatulence (and, simply put, bloating) is what a person has to deal with from the cradle. The difference is only in the scale of this process, which is very natural for our body.

A healthy person normally produces 900 ml of gas per day in the stomach and intestines. But this figure can be much higher (up to 4 liters), since the process of gas formation is a reflection of the health of the digestive system, nutrition and lifestyle of an individual.

But the fact is that the formation of such a large amount of gases in the intestines can negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which cannot but be alarming.

Given the fact that a person does not have significant problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but flatulence periodically occurs, and besides, it causes terrible discomfort, then all you need to do is to reconsider your diet and eating habits. And then just adjust them.

So today's article will list foods that cause gas and bloating, as well as measures to prevent flatulence, if you do not want (and in some cases do not need to) refuse to consume them.

What foods cause gas and bloating?

To begin with, it should be noted that products that contribute to increased gas formation in the intestine contain:

  • carbohydrates, in particular fast carbohydrates (high in glucose) - are always processed in the intestines with the formation of gas;
  • coarse fiber;
  • lactose;
  • oligosaccharides (sugars that are not digested in the human body);
  • yeast.

Rice is the only carbohydrate whose starch does not form gases, but rather adsorbs them.

And the list of products that have these substances in their composition and cause gas formation and bloating includes:

Legumes(peas, beans, lentils, soybeans) are associated in people with increased gas formation. They contain coarse fiber, starch, and oligosaccharides, which are not absorbed in the human body and cause strong fermentation in the intestines.

Flatulence can disturb for quite a long time, but not have a particularly pronounced smell.

To reduce gas formation from eating legumes, you need to soak them in several hours before cooking. cold water. Thus, part of the substances that cause bloating dissolve in water, which does not need to be used further in cooking.

Milk products cause bloating 1 hour after consumption, because they contain lactose (milk sugar).

Many people have a so-called lactose intolerance (lack of the enzyme lactase in the body), which causes the formation of a huge amount of gas in the intestines.

Give up milk for a while, observing your condition. If flatulence has ceased to torment you, then the problem was precisely in that very intolerance.

Can't completely eliminate dairy products from your diet? Give preference to kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt. And from the consumption of milk in its pure form will have to be abandoned altogether.

Cabbage(white-headed, broccoli, kohlrabi, colored) contains coarse fiber (part of it is digested with the formation of gas), as well as a large amount of sulfur, which gives an unpleasant odor.

But not in all people, cabbage contributes to increased gas formation. In addition, the younger the cabbage, the less gas will be released during its digestion.

And if you use cabbage with heat treatment and in small quantities, then such a problem as bloating will not arise.

Confectionery(they are also fast carbohydrates) contain a huge amount of glucose, which is a very good nutrient medium for the human intestinal flora.

Accordingly, the consumption of sweets leads to strong gas formation and bloating, so it makes sense at all with health and figure benefits.

Sweet fruits and berries(grapes, pears, sweet varieties of apples, quince, cherries, raspberries) contain glucose, and their excessive consumption can lead not only to severe bloating, but can also cause intestinal colic. And the pain shock that they cause is fraught for a person with loss of consciousness and an increase in body temperature.

Refusing to use such a storehouse of vitamins as fruits and berries, of course, is not worth it, but eating them in kilograms is risking your health.

350-400 grams per day (divided into several doses) of useful vitamins will be just right.

And you need to eat them between main meals, and not immediately after a meal, as for dessert. In this case, fresh fruits will be in the stomach from above, warm, and the glucose contained in them will begin the fermentation process, which again will cause excess gas formation.

Protein products of animal origin(meat and eggs), if they are consumed excessively (overeating), they will remain in the intestines for a long time, which will cause decay processes and flatulence.

The release of digestive gases will have an unpleasant odor, since proteins contain sulfur.

Bakery products contain such a component as yeast, which exacerbates fermentation processes and increases gas formation in the intestines.

Sweet carbonated drinks they additionally add gases to the intestines, as they have them in their composition, which is already clear from the name. In addition, the sugar they also contain increases bloating.

Beer and kvass- yeast products that cause bloating due to an increase in fermentation processes in the intestines.

6 food habits that increase gas production in the intestines

    Quick meals and snacks on the go.

    Do not hurry!

    Chew your food well, arriving in a calm state and sitting at the table, and not during the morning running marathon to work.

    Let your food receptors fully taste the food, and make it easier for the stomach to digest it.

    Conversation while eating.

    Remember, we were told in kindergarten: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.”

    It's time to finally listen to this wise saying.

    After all, opening the mouth (to say something) during chewing, along with food, we swallow excess air, which is first in the stomach, and then in the small and large intestines.

    So, while eating, open your mouth only to put the next piece of food from your meal into it.

    Chewing gum.

    If you want to forget what flatulence is, forget about chewing gum.

    Or at least chew it silently and with your mouth closed so as not to swallow excess air, and no more than 10 minutes.

    Large amounts of liquid during meals.

    We will not mention water here, since 1 glass of clean water before, after and during a meal will do absolutely no harm.

    But the sugary and carbonated drinks mentioned above can cause bloating.

    The same applies to drinks such as tea and coffee, if sugar is added to them.

    Binge eating.

    Eating a large amount of almost any food and dish at one meal will certainly cause severe gas formation and bloating.

    The volume of one serving for normal digestion should not exceed 400 grams (ideally 300-350 grams).

    Watch not only what and how you eat, but also the amount of food consumed.

    Wrong combination of products.

    A high probability of flatulence occurs when consuming:

    • sweet confectionery after protein food;
    • fresh vegetables and fruits mixed with their boiled counterparts in one meal or fresh consumption immediately after boiled (the reverse case is allowed);
    • dairy products with any others;
    • melon and watermelon in combination with any other products;
    • eggs and fish in one meal.

If you are in a situation or in a society where you simply cannot free your intestines from gases (according to the rules of etiquette), and they ask to go out, use the following advice. Press on the point on the palm (of any hand) between the third and fourth fingers. And voila, the urge is gone!

Products that reduce gas formation in the intestines

Foods that reduce gas formation in the intestines include:

  1. Dill and fennel.

    The essential oils contained in these plants act on the body as antispasmodics and defoamers, which relieves symptoms associated with increased gas formation.

    • black pepper;
    • ginger;
    • cinnamon;
    • rosemary;
    • coriander;
    • caraway;
    • marjoram.
  2. Herbal teas.

    For example, peppermint and chamomile teas have an antispasmodic effect on the digestive tract and reduce bloating.

What else can help with bloating?

1. Exercise.

In addition to using spices in cooking, taking herbal teas and decoctions, simple physical exercises will also help you reduce bloating.

Yes, in general, any exercise stress human, and hence the work of the intestine.

The video below shows yoga asanas that will help get rid of this delicate problem.

2. Food diary.

For one to two weeks, write down what and how much you ate, and also make notes when you had signs of flatulence.

Such records will help you keep track of which foods you are experiencing increased gas formation. Accordingly, you will be able to more competently compose your diet in the future, avoiding bloating.

So analyze your body's reaction to the products that cause gas and bloating in this article. If, after adjusting your diet, flatulence does not decrease significantly, it makes sense to contact a specialist with this problem.

The human body receives the energy it needs to live with the food it consumes.

How useful food is and what exactly a person eats - all this affects the quality of life in general and the state of digestion in particular.

The well-being of the gastrointestinal tract directly depends on the amount of food received, its type and composition. The task of the digestive system is the processing of products and their absorption by the body.

Most people have heard about the principles of proper nutrition, but not everyone uses them in everyday life. Therefore, violations of the functioning of the digestive system are manifested in many. A fairly common problem is excessive gas formation and bloating.

These unpleasant symptoms often appear due to gastrointestinal pathologies and the presence of diseases such as, for example, colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis.

Flatulence and practically healthy people suffer from flatulence. The reason for this is the consumption of food that provokes it.

Foods that cause flatulence

I. Increase the formation of gases even in relatively healthy people such foods:

  • Beans, peas, beans, lentils- these legumes can be called leaders, since it is from them that flatulence most often appears. The fruits of these crops contain a significant amount of protein. It is not destroyed during heat treatment, and does not break down in the stomach. Protein breaks down only in the large intestine, forming hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. To reduce possible flatulence after eating legumes, you need to soak them for a couple of hours in cold water.
  • Cabbage(broccoli, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts) - it contains a significant amount of carbohydrates. It takes the stomach extra time to digest them, especially if you eat raw vegetables.
  • Apples, pears, peppers, radishes, cucumbers, herbs These foods are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. If you eat a lot of them in their raw form, a storm can begin in the stomach. Therefore, you should not get carried away with fruits, and vegetables should be consumed boiled or baked.
  • Fresh flour products, baked using yeast. Once in the stomach, they are digested for a long time, can cause fermentation and flatulence.
  • Drinks with gas: lemonade, cola, pepsi, mineral water. Gas bubbles freely enter the gastrointestinal tract, accumulate there. And if there are too many of them, they begin to ask for an exit. Due to a decrease in gastric motility, chronic diseases or overeating, gases cannot come out and begin to burst the stomach.
  • Chewing gum and candies- during their use, air is swallowed in excess. Its quantity is enough to increase gas formation.

II. Foods that cause gas and bloating in case of indigestion:

  • Fatty and spicy food - it is very poorly absorbed in pathologies of the pancreas, liver. Digestion is slow, accompanied by heaviness in the stomach and gas formation. Spices and spices that fill spicy dishes irritate the digestive tract and also cause flatulence.
  • Dairy and sour-milk products create stomach problems if lactase deficiency is present. Most often, flatulence occurs after a glass of whole milk. Fresh dairy products can rarely cause bloating. But yesterday's kefir or ryazhenka - easily.
  • Oatmeal porridge, buckwheat.
  • Mushrooms - they contain proteins and chitin, which create problems during digestion.

In some people, even pasta, sausages or dried fruits can cause flatulence. Each organism is individual, and, having studied its features, you can enjoy your favorite dishes and not suffer from excessive gas formation.

Food combination that causes flatulence

After eating several dishes with appetite, after a while you can feel significant discomfort. Bloating cancels out the pleasure of a hearty meal.

And the reason is that the simultaneous use of different products causes increased gas formation in the intestines. Indeed, for the digestion of each individual type of food in the digestive tract, the corresponding enzymes are used.

Their joint work is less productive, they seem to interfere with each other. In addition, food is characterized by acid-base properties. As a result, a fermentation process occurs in the stomach, followed by bloating.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid such a combination of products:

  • Cereals and sour fruits.
  • Juices and protein, salty or starchy foods.
  • Dairy products and fish or sour fruits.
  • Bean dishes and black bread.
  • Drinks with gas and any food.
  • Meat and cereals or potatoes.
  • Fruits with fresh vegetables.

Foods such as melon, watermelon and milk do not need to be paired with anything. They are used separately.

In order to have comfort in the stomach, you should try to eat the above foods separately from each other with an interval of two hours.

Justify themselves and the principles of separate nutrition. They are successfully used not only when you need to lose weight, but also in order to avoid any stomach problems. It is desirable to combine products in such a way that a moderately acidic and moderately alkaline environment is created.

Increased gas formation in children

Bloating in babies is observed already in the third week of their life.

After feeding, colic may appear, and the child reacts to pain by crying loudly and pulling the legs to the tummy. Mom immediately determines the cause of tears: the baby has accumulated gases.

Excessive gas formation in infants is caused by such reasons:

  • The baby does not grasp the chest correctly and swallows a lot of air.
  • Entering the ventricle of harmful microorganisms. They penetrate with milk if the mother had to take medication due to complications caused by difficult births.
  • Mom ate foods that provoke flatulence in adults. They cause the same problems in the baby. Therefore, nursing mothers need to follow a diet, combine products very carefully so as not to harm the baby's stomach.

But from such food you need to temporarily completely refuse:

  • Whole cow's milk.
  • Fresh cabbage.
  • Cucumbers and sweet peppers.
  • Grapes, raisins.
  • Pears.
  • Bean Dishes.
  • Soda.

When breast-feeding is over and the child begins to eat with adults, he should not buy food and cook dishes that cause gas formation. Or at least use less of them.

Children's digestive system is still overly sensitive to everything new. It may not produce enough of the enzymes needed to process such food. It would be nice to teach the child to proper nutrition, and not to sweets and chips.

The list of products that increase gas formation in older children is the same as in adults. In addition, they love what is harmful: carbonated drinks, fast food, chips and sweets. It is impossible to ban absolutely everything and always. It is enough to know the measure and keep the child's nutrition under control.

The combination of foods that causes flatulence in children is most often:

  • Dairy products and fresh pastries.
  • Sour fruits with raw vegetables.
  • Cherries, plums, apricots and dairy products.

Products can affect the human body in completely different ways. It all depends on the physiological characteristics of each individual.

There is no need to deprive yourself of pleasure and eliminate everything from the diet that can cause bloating and excessive gas formation. But there are two rules to follow:

  • There are small portions.
  • Eat dishes boiled, stewed, baked, but not fried.

The formation of gases in the intestines is the result of the vital activity of bacteria, both pathogenic and beneficial, necessary for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. People eat foods that cause gas on a daily basis. By and large, all food leads to the formation of one or another amount of gases in the intestines. But sometimes there are too many of them, and this causes discomfort and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

One of these consequences is flatulence. With flatulence, excess gases accumulate and accumulate, a pressing feeling arises, hiccups, belching and heartburn torment, and in severe cases - severe pain in the hypochondrium or in the region of the peritoneum. Flatulence can cause chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, insomnia, neurasthenia, and decreased performance. But excessive gas formation is not yet flatulence. If gases easily and naturally, just more often than usual, leave the intestines, it is enough to reduce the consumption of foods that cause gas formation in you. Each organism is individual, and therefore you need to focus not on the list, but on your own feelings.

Carminative foods for most people include:

  • peas, beans and beans. The human stomach is not able to fully digest the seeds. legumes. And for bacteria in the intestines, this is a real expanse, hence the gases. Try steaming the beans before boiling, replacing the usual beans with more tender lentils;
  • cabbage, especially white cabbage. And both in finished and raw form. Cauliflower also surprises. Too delicious to pass up? Try boiling the florets and then simmering them in butter;
  • milk, cream, fermented baked milk, cheese, kefir. But curdled milk, yogurt and ice cream cause gas formation less often. To understand which foods cause less discomfort, experiment by eating your favorite sour milk in its pure form. Unfortunately, many adults are lactose intolerant at all, and eating fermented milk products and milk inevitably leads to excessive gas formation;
  • apples, grapes, pears, tomatoes and cucumbers, onions, almost all greens and all foods high in complex carbohydrates and fiber. Blanch, stew and boil vegetables. Dress salads with butter or curdled milk. Eat fruits and drink juices only after a full meal, and not during meals, and even more so not instead of meals;
  • all flour products, and sometimes whole grains, cause gas formation in the intestines. Fresh bread, buns, biscuits, cereals. Try to eat dried bread, do not drink flour products with kvass, milk or kefir. Boil cereals well or cook soufflés and puddings instead of cereals.

In addition, in many cases, it is not individual products that lead to excessive gas formation, but their combinations. For example, kefir and fresh bread, cereals and milk, any grain products and sour fruits / vegetables. Therefore, it makes sense to change the menu without completely excluding this or that product.

Pay attention to the way of cooking: the harder it is for the body to digest the next portion, the more gas. Give up frying in favor of boiling, stewing, baking. Many products that promote gas formation in the intestines are harmful only under certain circumstances:

  • bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, if you eat them raw and without dressing;

  • mushrooms, eggs, meat and fish, if you immediately go to bed after eating;

  • spices, if you drink plenty of food;

  • any drink during meals, if there is a lot of liquid and / or the drink is cold;

  • any food is not the first freshness.

Chewing gum, kvass, beer, champagne, lemonade and other products that do not cause gas formation in themselves can also cause flatulence and its unpleasant symptoms. In this case, everything is normal with digestion, but excess gases enter the body from the outside - gas bubbles in drinks, swallowing air while chewing gum or sucking on lollipops, smoking or hastily eating. Alcoholic drinks and lemonades with a high sugar content can lead to fermentation, which will increase the production of gases.

One menu - different consequences

In most cases, it is impossible to predict how the body will react to a particular product. Normally, gases are formed in the large intestine, where food is absorbed. On the way, in the stomach, in duodenum and in small intestine, the food lump is literally taken apart by enzymes, which are almost absent in the large intestine. As a rule, all products that increase gas formation in the intestines are not sufficiently broken down and got into colon in the form of complex compounds that cannot be assimilated - hence the abundance of gases, putrefactive processes, fermentation. There are many reasons - overeating, dysbacteriosis, lack of certain enzymes, chronic illness etc.

Even easily digestible foods can become difficult to digest. For example, due to stress, poor sleep, colds, rush during breakfast. And the harder it is for the stomach to cope with food, the more likely the formation of excess gases.

But even if we discard all the negative factors, surprises are possible. While we are thinking about what foods increased gas formation, the composition of the digestive juice, the emotional state, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is changing. Therefore, the body may react to the usual boiled eggs in the morning with unexpected discomfort. If this is a one-time occurrence, there is no cause for concern. But if the situation recurs, it is wiser to consult a doctor.