Hair gets oily quickly: why and what to do about it. “Look at the root”, or what to do if the hair quickly becomes greasy Dry hair quickly becomes oily

Oily hair looks sloppy and brings a lot of problems to their owners. A lot of cosmetics are used to care for such a “gift of nature”, but not many people can reduce the secretion of sebum. How to wash your hair so that your hair does not get greasy? We have an answer for this question too!

How to choose a shampoo for oily type?

When choosing shampoos for this type, you should read the label very carefully. In high-quality and, by the way, not the cheapest means, you can find the following components:

  • Extracts of medicinal herbs - coltsfoot, nettle, sage, chamomile, and seaweed;
  • Vitamins - C, A, K;
  • Trace elements - sulfur and zinc;
  • Tar.

But silicone and chemical additives have absolutely no place here.

Let's look at the most popular brands of pharmacy shampoos for oily types:

  1. Vichy Dercos Technique– normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and avoids daily washing (with regular use). Its composition includes vitamin complex, caring for hair and maintaining normal acid-base balance.
  2. Carita Haute Beaute Cheveu- the best remedy for thin strands prone to high fat content. It cleans the hair well and gives it an unprecedented lightness. Renders healing effect on the scalp, relieves dandruff.
  3. Shiseido extra gentle- contains silk proteins, lecithin, amino acids, and vitamins A and C. This composition protects the color and gently cleanses the skin, which is ideal for colored oily hair.
  4. Loreal Pure Resource- removes oiliness, eliminates dandruff, protects hair from limescale and very hard water, restores the acid balance of the epidermis.
  5. Mirrolla (burdock with vitamins)- used to restore damaged oily hair. Cleanses, strengthens hair follicles, prevents split ends and smoothes hair scales.

Folk cosmetology offers a lot of different recipes with which you can solve this problem.

1. Add a couple of drops to your shampoo essential oil tea tree, lavender, sage or orange. While washing your hair, leave the foam for 2-3 minutes, then rinse it off with clean water.

2. Replace shampoos with an egg. In combination with water, it gives a powerful washing effect. Mix two yolks with 100 gr. warm water, then add a few drops of olive oil and lemon juice. Beat the mixture with a whisk and use instead of shampoo (it is better to alternate with the store).

3. Wash your hair with soapy water, known since the time of our grandmothers and mothers. Ideally, soap for such water should be homemade.

4. Use dry shampoo, which will give the sticky strands a presentation. Mustard, talc, oatmeal and starch will become an analogue of purchased dry shampoo. Rub any of these products into the epidermis of the head and remove the residue with a dry and clean towel.

5. If desired, prepare mustard shampoo: pour 5 tablespoons of mustard with two liters of water and wash your hair in this solution. Within a month, you will notice positive changes.

6. And here is the herbal shampoo recipe: mix 200 ml of beer with chamomile, calendula and oak bark (1 tablespoon each). Let the shampoo brew for half an hour, strain through a sieve and use to wash your hair.

7. Many owners of oily scalp successfully use white clay. It not only reduces the fat content of the strands, but also helps to cure seborrhea and dandruff, and also adds shine to the hair. Dilute the powder of white clay with warm water to a state of thick sour cream, apply the mass on the strands, massage and rinse.

8. Shampoo out rye bread also gives good results. Soak the crumb in warm water and put in a warm place. The mixture can be used after a few days - rub it into the epidermis, massage, wait a few minutes and rinse well.

9. Regular baking soda is a great alternative to ready-made shampoos. All you need is 200 ml of water and a tablespoon of baking soda. The concentration of the solution is most often selected empirically, these indicators are given only as an example. After preparing the shampoo from soda, moisten the hair roots with it, massage and rinse.

10. Try another very good homemade shampoo. Pour 1 tablespoon of yeast with water - the state should be mushy. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 30 minutes, then add the beaten protein. Mix the shampoo in a clean bowl, apply to the skin, massage and rinse.

Lotions and infusions for rinsing oily hair

In the fight against the increased fat content of the strands, not only shampoos, but also various infusions, rinses and lotions will help. Here are some effective recipes for you.

Recipe #1

  • Vodka or alcohol - 100 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. We mix both components.
  2. You may not even rinse.

Recipe #2

  • Chamomile - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 0.5 ml;
  • Sage - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  1. Pour boiled water over the herbs.
  2. Let the liquid cool and filter through a sieve.
  3. Rub into root area.
  4. Lotion can not be washed off.

Recipe #3

  • Alcohol - 1 part;
  • Fir oil - 1 part.


  1. We mix both components.
  2. Rub into root area.
  3. Wash off with shampoo.

Recipe #4

  • Oak bark - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 500 ml.


  1. Pour the bark with boiling water.
  2. Simmer on fire for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Let the mixture cool down.
  4. Filter through a sieve.
  5. Rub into the root zone.
  6. Lotion can not be washed off.

Recipe number 5

  • Birch leaves - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 500 ml.


  1. Pour boiling water over the leaves.
  2. We insist 30 minutes.
  3. Filter through a sieve.
  4. Rub into the root zone.
  5. Lotion can not be washed off.

Instead of birch leaves, you can use plantain, St. John's wort, linden blossom and yarrow.

Recipe number 7

  • Tansy - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 400 ml.


  1. Pour tansy with boiling water.
  2. We insist under the lid for a couple of hours.
  3. Filter through a sieve.
  4. Rub into the root zone.
  5. Lotion can not be washed off.

For rinsing greasy strands, apple cider vinegar (1 tsp per 0.5 l of water), natural apple, carrot or lemon juice, as well as aloe vera juice are perfect.

Do you have oily hair at the roots but dry ends? This super mask will help:

How to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands?

Many girls are sure that increased greasiness of hair is their lifelong cross. In fact, each of you can independently reduce the amount of sebum. To do this, it is enough to follow a few important recommendations.

Tip 1. Wash your hair every 7 days, lathering it twice. The rest of the time, process the basal part.

Tip 2: Use only cool or warm water. It is better to refuse hot - it stimulates the sebaceous glands.

Tip 3: Comb your hair with a clean comb. Regularly immerse combs and brushes in water solution ammonia (8 parts water and 2 parts ammonia). After keeping them in the liquid for 10-20 minutes, rinse the products with running water and dry them with a towel. Remember, ammonia negatively affects handles made of wood and metal, so you can’t lower them into such water.

Tip 4. Wear hats at any time of the year.

Tip 5. Take care of proper nutrition. Eliminate salty, fatty, sweet and fast food. There should be foods containing vitamins (E.A, C and B) on your table. These are eggs, bran, liver, fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, as well as dairy products.

About what vitamins are needed for beautiful and healthy hair!

Tip 6. Reconsider your attitude to life and stop being nervous over trifles.

Tip 7. Choose a line of cosmetics for an oily type. Apply balm and mask only to dry ends.

Tip 8. Minimize the amount of styling products (stylers, mousses, varnishes and foams).

Tip 9. Use a hair dryer as little as possible. Choose cool mode.

Tip 10. If the greasiness of the strands increased sharply after taking hormonal pills, discuss this issue with your doctor.

Finally, we note that the care of greasy hair should be systematic. Only in this case can we hope for a good result.

- increased greasiness of the hair, due to excessive activity of the glands of the scalp. Despite frequent shampooing, oily hair looks greasy, oily, untidy and even dirty; stick together in separate strands, do not hold styling. The problem of oily hair requires a professional approach to solving with the involvement of a specialist trichologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist. Comprehensive care for oily hair consists of the use of special shampoos and lotions, therapeutic measures (mesotherapy, darsonvalization, applying masks, serums, herbal teas, etc.).

General information

Oily hair is a type of hair characterized by increased greasiness due to the production of excess sebum by the glands of the scalp. Oily hair brings a lot of trouble and unpleasant experiences to its owners, both women and men. It is known that brunettes are more likely to have oily hair than blondes or redheads. In addition, straight hair absorbs sebum better than wavy or curly hair. Depending on its structure, hair can be thin and thick; soft and hard, as well as healthy and emaciated. In addition, according to the degree of activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp in trichology, normal, dry, oily and mixed (oily at the roots and dry at the tips) hair are distinguished. To carry out competent and effective care, you need to know your hair type, since improperly selected cosmetics can lead to a deterioration in the condition of your hair.

Causes of oily hair

Excessive sebum production is at the heart of increased oily hair. Normally, the secretion of the sebaceous glands forms a thin hydrolipidic film on the scalp, which performs a protective function and protects the hair from overdrying. The water-lipid film prevents the loss of skin moisture, the penetration of ultraviolet radiation and dirt particles, and the growth of harmful bacteria. The number and activity of the sebaceous glands are genetically programmed, so the only way out can be the correct selection of the line of products and careful daily care for oily hair. In addition, nutritional, hormonal and other factors affect the condition of the hair.

Usually oily hair becomes during puberty, in adolescence. This is due to the fact that during the period of hormonal changes in the body, the production of testosterone increases and the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to it increases. It is with these hormonal changes that the appearance of problems such as oily skin, greasy hair, teenage acne is associated. In addition, hair can become oilier as a result of stress, pregnancy, menopause, etc.

Excessive active work of the sebaceous glands is stimulated by the use of spicy and pickled foods, carbonated drinks, fatty foods, fast food, alcohol, and certain medications. Increased oily hair often contributes to improper care of the scalp (rubbing in nourishing oils and applying greasy masks), wearing hats made of synthetic materials. The condition of the hair is strongly reflected in the dysfunction of the endocrine glands, the gastrointestinal tract, and the nervous system.

Another reason for the appearance of oily hair is seborrheic dermatitis, in which there is not only an increase in sebum secretion, but also a change in its quality. This pathological condition is caused by yeast-like lipophilic fungi present on the skin and is accompanied by the presence of oily dandruff, severe itching, scalp scratching, hair loss.

Characteristics of hair types

Normal hair has a healthy, attractive appearance; they are distinguished by a glossy sheen, elasticity, silky texture. Such hair is easy to style and keeps its shape for a long time. All these qualities are preserved in normal hair for several days after washing.

A specialist trichologist will help you choose a therapeutic line for the care of oily hair, which will allow you to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and maintain a normal hydro-lipid balance of the scalp. To achieve the best effect in daily care, it is recommended to use several products of the same series - for example, a mask, shampoo, lotion for oily hair. There are different points of view regarding the acceptable frequency of washing oily hair. Some experts argue that frequent washing does not reduce, but only increases sebum secretion, while others believe that oily hair should be washed as it gets dirty. In any case, it is better to wash oily hair in the morning, because at night the sebaceous glands work most intensively. Shampoo should be applied twice, rinsing the hair well with warm (but not hot) water. It is better to dry hair prone to oiliness in a natural way without using a hair dryer.

They were an adornment of a woman, her protection and wealth. But they are not only inherited, passed down thanks to good genes, but are the result of proper and thorough care for them, a balanced diet and many other factors, the failure to comply with which leads to the fact that the hair quickly becomes oily and falls out.

Such problems cause their owners a lot of trouble, since their curls look stale, dull and dirty after a short time after washing. The hair is completely impossible to style. How to prevent this problem?

The main cause of oily hair

The first step is to figure out why the hair gets oily quickly. If we consider the structure of the hair, it is easy to see that by themselves they cannot get fat. Their appearance spoils the fat secreted by the sebaceous glands, which are located in the scalp. There are people in whom they produce some fat. It is all used to prevent the skin from drying out. And there are people who have quite active sebaceous glands, which are the cause of this problem. What can be the conclusion? In order to give the hair a beautiful and aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and limit yourself from those actions that lead to their failure.

Improper nutrition is one of the causes of the problem

One of the reasons why hair gets oily quickly is malnutrition. Those who have already encountered this problem are advised to exclude fatty and heavy meat dishes, coffee, extremely spicy foods, alcohol and sweets from their diet. If you can not completely abandon this, then you should reduce their number to a minimum until the hair is completely healed. It is advisable to include more cereals and vegetables, fish and fruits in your diet. A positive result in this can give the use of vitamins and mineral complexes.

stressful situations

Another reason why hair gets oily quickly is stressful situations. Many scientists have long proven that constant stress disrupts the work of many organs in the human body. The scalp is no exception, the sebaceous glands of which begin to work incorrectly. If you encounter such problems, it is recommended that you bring your nervous system in order with the help of sedatives. Mint or lemon balm, as well as wild strawberry leaves, can be added to tea. Before going to bed, you need to walk in the fresh air. In addition, favorable to general state human act physical exercise to which you can spend only 15 minutes a day. Helps bring the body back to normal

Antibiotic use

Hair becomes oily very quickly and with the use of antibiotics, as well as with the treatment of certain medicines. If you notice this, contact your doctor. This is necessary so that he replaces your prescribed drugs. In addition, the use of hormonal drugs has a huge impact on the body.

Frequent washing

Many women mistakenly believe that the more often they wash their hair, the more attractive they will look. It's no secret that shampoo breaks their protective barrier, which is why curls lose their attractiveness. In addition, the hair becomes more susceptible to dust and dirt. And no one likes it dirty. And we wash it and wash it, more and more often. This is another reason why hair gets oily quickly.

Therefore, it is not recommended to wash your hair daily. If they quickly get fat, you should change cosmetics, in particular shampoo and balm. In addition, it is advisable to refrain from using hairspray and hair styling products containing various harmful chemical components.

Environmental exposure and improper care

At the height of summer, notice how many women walk down the street during the day with a headdress. Units. But if you are in the heat for a long time, the scalp dries out, and to protect it, fat begins to be produced more intensively. so used to it that when you get into a cooler environment, they do not slow down their work, which leads to quickly greasy hair.

In addition, as is already known, with excessive work of the sebaceous glands of the head, the hair at the roots quickly becomes oily. If they are not touched, they can retain, although not so ideal, but an attractive appearance. But if they are constantly combed, then the fat can be smeared over all the hair, and then the latter will lose their beauty. In addition, try to dry your curls naturally and do not use a hair dryer, which also dries out the scalp, and we have already talked about the consequences of this.

How to eliminate oily hair

So, we found out the reasons why hair quickly grows oily. "What to do?" is the next question many women want answered. First, it is necessary to take into account all the recommendations that have already been mentioned. You need to buy a medicated shampoo with zinc in any pharmacy, which tidies up the scalp. A visible result will appear after 10 days of its use. Eliminate the balm rinse from the care products. If you can’t do without it, apply the product only to the ends of the hair. Next, you need to provide the scalp with an influx of oxygen. To do this, grind sea salt and rub it into wet skin. This procedure will remove dead epithelium scales.

Hair masks that eliminate their fat content

When hair gets oily quickly, what to do, usually few people know. Perhaps you are buying products that are not suitable for your body? Try turning to traditional medicine. The restoration of the sebaceous glands can contribute to certain masks.

A clay mask is considered very effective. To do this, you need to mix it with warm water, add a little lemon juice, and then apply the resulting mixture to wet hair for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

A good mask is considered mustard powder with the addition of egg yolk. It must be applied to the scalp for 20 minutes, and then washed off with a decoction of chamomile.

The healing effect is provided by a mask made from finely grated apples and a tablespoon of vinegar.

Other folk remedies

If the hair began to grow oily quickly, you can use a number of other folk recipes to fix this problem. Such remedies are prepared from medicinal herbs.

Nettle balm has a positive result on the appearance of the hair. To do this, the grass must be poured with boiling water and kept on fire for several minutes. This decoction is used after each shampooing to rinse the hair.

According to numerous reviews, it is considered effective mixed with glycerin in a ratio of 10: 1, or a lotion infused with St. John's wort, coltsfoot, yarrow and many other herbs. To prepare herbal lotion, pour 2 tablespoons of grass with 0.5 liters of boiling water, cool, add lemon juice and 50 ml of alcohol tincture of calendula.

Most importantly, do not forget that hair needs careful and proper care even before such problems arise.

It is not the hair itself that is oily, but the scalp. This is due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Fat envelops the hair: on the one hand, it protects it from damage and the negative effects of the environment, but on the other hand, due to excessive greasiness, the hair gets dirty faster.

For women who are faced with this problem, the question often arises: what to do so that the hair does not quickly grow oily? Let's try to figure it out.

What to do so that the hair does not quickly grow oily: Video advice from a beautician

Wash and shampoo for oily hair

First you need to find out the cause of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. After all, not all problems can be solved only with shampoo and proper washing. There are two main causes of excessive oily hair:

  1. Improper functioning of the endocrine system. In this case, you need to seriously take care of your health.
  2. genetic feature.

Trichologists advise washing your hair not very often, because this does not solve the problem of oily hair at all. Oily hair requires not frequent, but proper washing. Choose shampoos specifically for oily hair.

For example, natural shampoos with jojoba oil and rosemary are designed to care for oily hair. Their action lies in the fact that by regulating the sebaceous balance of the scalp, they allow your hair to remain clean and fresh for a long time.

Natural extracts do not just give an instant effect, but carefully and gently care for oily hair.

How to wash your hair properly?

  • When you start washing your hair, first apply the shampoo to the roots of the hair, and only then distribute it through all the hair.
  • Do not apply the shampoo too carefully along the length, because the foam that is distributed over the scalp will be quite enough.

Another way:

  • Apply already foamed shampoo to the hair, slightly diluted with water. Then the shampoo will be distributed evenly over the entire length.

After washing, oily hair can be washed with conditioners. For example, for blond hair, an infusion of chamomile with lemon juice 2 tbsp. l. for 2 liters of water, and for dark ones - water with the addition of vinegar 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.

10 Hair Care Mistakes: Video

Drying and styling oily hair

    Blow-dry oily hair only when absolutely necessary. In all other cases, it is much better to let the hair dry naturally. We recommend choosing a comfortable haircut that will allow the hair to keep its shape and volume longer.

    If you cannot do without a hair dryer, do not dry your very wet hair, but let it dry a little, and then style and dry it. In general, for women with oily hair, it is better to purchase a dryer with a cold drying mode.

  1. When you style your hair, try to give it volume at the roots, so it will hold its shape longer and will not touch the scalp, which means it will stay clean longer. Use curlers. Indeed, today their choice is very wide. And hair from soft curlers is damaged less than from a hair dryer.
  2. We do not recommend using hair styling products, because the hair becomes greasy and loses volume much faster.

If you want to refresh your hair a little, we recommend using natural hair sprays.

Light, natural spray at the same time will refresh the scalp, fix the hair and remove excess fluffiness.

A spray combined with a UV filter will protect your hair from the negative effects of solar radiation.

Treatment of hair with increased oil content at the roots is possible with the help of local and systemic therapy. ethnoscience offers a lot effective means, which will help get rid of the increased oiliness of the hair at the roots.

- a serious problem for those who carefully monitor their appearance. Due to the increased greasiness of the hair, the hairstyle quickly loses its shape, the strands look dirty and untidy. There are several solutions to this problem that will help maintain accuracy. appearance during the day or more.

Why does hair quickly become greasy at the roots?

The reason for the rapid appearance of a layer of fat at the roots of the hair is one - hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands. This deviation in the work of the body occurs either due to external negative effects on the scalp, or due to violations of the organs and systems of the body. A specialist will be able to find the cause of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands: a dermatologist-trichologist. But the main ones are:

  • genetic predisposition to or;
  • diseases of the endocrine system that provoked a change in the hormonal background;
  • violations of the digestive system;
  • the predominance of fatty and flour foods in the diet;
  • excess weight;
  • improper care of the scalp and hair;
  • reaction to stress.

Violation of the sebaceous glands can also be caused by natural changes in the functioning of the body, which are observed in adolescence and on initial stage menopause.

An independent search for the cause of increased oily hair at the roots may not give results. In the process of clarification, first of all it is necessary to exclude factors that provoke this condition of the scalp:

  • make sure that the cosmetics used for shampooing are suitable for the existing skin type;
  • balance your diet by eliminating or minimizing fatty foods.

Treatment of increased oily hair at the roots with medications

Treatment involves an impact on the cause of the pathology, and can only be prescribed by a doctor. There are means to symptomatic treatment, which eliminates Clinical signs hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. But after such therapy, in most cases, a relapse is inevitable. Therefore, recovery can be achieved only with a complex effect on the cause. pathological condition.

The hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, in which there is an increased production of sebum (sebum), provokes the activation of the process of reproduction of the genus malassezia.

Under these conditions, a more or less pronounced sign of seborrhea appears - dandruff. Treatment includes the following medications:

  • preparations based on corticosteroids (necessary to normalize hormonal levels): Soderm, Triamcinolone;
  • antifungal: "", "Bifonazole";
  • ointments and creams with sulfur and zinc, which have a drying effect: "", "Zinc", "Sulfur-zinc".

Treatment of increased oily hair at the roots is aimed at normalizing the work of the whole organism. Therefore, specialists often prescribe an appointment ( Hexavit, Undevit, Vitrum”) and biogenic preparations that help restore normal blood circulation in the vessels of the scalp ( Kombutek, Pyrogenal).

Treatment of increased oily hair at the roots can begin with the use of the drug "Soderm", which contains corticosteroids. It is available in the form of an ointment and lotion, which are not recommended for use simultaneously with other drugs. On the initial stage treatment, "Soderm" is applied to the surface of the scalp twice a day. Upon reaching a pronounced improvement, they switch to a single application of this medicinal product.

Folk remedies for oily hair at the roots

Traditional medicine recommends using a simple remedy made on the basis of birch tar to eliminate excessive oily hair - It not only narrows pores, but also affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Sebum becomes less, which immediately affects the condition of the hairstyle.

For those with fine, brittle hair, use with caution. tar soap, because it increases hair stiffness and dries them. It is enough to wash your hair in this way 1-2 times a week.

Due to the presence of birch tar in the composition, the soap has a rather unpleasant odor, so you need to wash it off as carefully as possible.

When washing oily hair, tar soap should be alternated with high-quality shampoos, preferably with a therapeutic effect. Any neutral baby shampoo would be an excellent choice.

Hair masks based on cosmetic clay

For those who have oily hair at the roots, hair masks, which include cosmetic clay, will help. The most effective in terms of regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, blue and green. The mask can be prepared only from clay, or include other healthy hair products: eggs, honey, garlic.

To prepare a medical cosmetic product from blue or green clay, you will need a small amount of water. It is poured in small portions into a container with powder, the mass is mixed and its creamy state is achieved. Then apply a thin layer on the scalp and leave for half an hour. It is not necessary to wear a cap to enhance the effect of the mask.

Green clay masks

Green clay has a significantly higher amount of aluminum, which ensures its high antibacterial properties. Distinctive feature This cosmetic product is that it normalizes the sebaceous glands without overdrying the skin and hair.

Mask #1

To prepare this remedy you will need:

  • 3 art. l. clay;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 st. l.
  • 1 st. l. milk with a fat content of 2.5%.

All of these components are mixed, get a fairly thick mass. It is applied to the surface of the head, trying to touch the hair as little as possible. Put on a rubber cap or wrap your head with plastic wrap. The mask is kept for 25-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

This cosmetic product is guaranteed to help with increased oily hair at the roots. But regular use of the mask is necessary: ​​at least 1 time per week.

Over time, it will be possible to notice that the hair has become much less polluted and you need to wash your hair less often.

Mask number 2

To prepare this mask you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. clay;
  • 1 st. l. apple;
  • 1 st. l. water.

This cosmetic product qualitatively cleanses the scalp, which is important with increased oily hair at the roots. The mask is prepared by mixing together all the listed ingredients. Apply to hair roots and hold for half an hour. It is recommended to use polyethylene and a terry towel to warm the head. The mask is washed off with warm water without soap or shampoo.