Can hormonal pills cure a cyst. Treatment of ovarian cysts without surgery: effective methods

The functional activity of the ovaries is under the neurohumoral influence of the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain, adrenal glands, thyroid gland. With pathology in any of these structures, the process of maturation of the egg, its readiness for fertilization, is disrupted. As a result of a hormonal imbalance, hormonal cysts form in the ovaries.

Hormonal or functional ovarian cysts are benign formations that form at the site of imperfect folliculogenesis or in the absence of regression of the corpus luteum. Over 80% of all cystic formations ovaries are functional cysts. It is most common in women of childbearing age, as well as in girls during the formation of menstruation and in women on the eve of menopause.

Hormonal ovarian cysts include follicular, luteal and polycystic ovaries. Polycystic ovaries, unlike follicular and luteal, which often go away without treatment, is a severe chronic disease that leads to persistent structural changes in the ovaries. The stroma of the ovaries in polycystic disease is almost completely replaced by cysts, which is accompanied by a violation of all processes of egg development and, ultimately, infertility occurs in a woman.

The follicular hormonal ovarian cyst is formed in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Normally, in the dominant follicle, under the action of the follicle-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, the membrane is torn and the egg is released from the ovary into the abdominal cavity - ovulation occurs. If ovulation does not occur, the egg dies, the follicle is filled with exudate. The inner shell of the follicle is lined with stratified epithelium that produces estrogen.

The luteal ovarian cyst is also hormonal and is formed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle at the site of the bursting dominant follicle. The luteinization phase is established, when a corpus luteum forms at the site of the follicle (due to the yellow pigment). It plays the role of a temporary endocrine organ that prepares a woman's body for pregnancy. If the fertilization of the egg is not carried out, after some time the corpus luteum undergoes reverse involution - it dissolves. Since one dominant follicle matures during each menstrual cycle, one cyst (follicular or luteal) forms in its place.

Causes that increase the likelihood of cyst formation

  • Irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Early onset of menarche.
  • Drug stimulation of folliculogenesis in infertility.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the appendages, uterus.
  • Operations of the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Frequent abortions.
  • Diseases of the endocrine organs (thyroid gland, adrenal glands).
  • Side effects of tamoxifen in the treatment of breast cancer.
  • metabolic syndrome.
  • Strong psycho-emotional stress.


Minor cysts of 3-5 cm do not manifest themselves in any way, they are found by chance when contacting a doctor for another reason. With an increase in size to 8 cm or more - a feeling of discomfort, fullness in the lower abdomen, pulling pains after physical exertion and sexual intimacy. With a follicular cyst, an increased level of estrogen leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual flow is accompanied by soreness, an increase in the amount of blood released, and often turns into bleeding. Follicular and luteal cysts are classified as retention, that is, self-absorbable as a result of the normalization of the hormonal background.

If the luteal cyst does not undergo involution for a long time and continues to secrete progesterone, the level of estrogens decreases. A woman in the intermenstrual period has spotting bloody issues. The cycle of menstruation is disturbed, symptoms of a “false” pregnancy often occur - lack of menstruation, weakness, nausea, urge to vomit, swelling of the mammary glands.


During gynecological examination in the area of ​​the appendages, a rounded elastic formation is determined, little mobile, painless on palpation.

Ultrasound determines the size, structure of education. For differential diagnosis ectopic pregnancy, cysts of other origin, malignant tumors, diagnostic laparoscopy is performed.

For detail, color Dopplerography is performed, which shows the absence of blood vessels in the neoplasm.


Treatment of hormonal cysts depends on clinical manifestations, accompanying inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, the size of the cystic formation.

When prescribing treatment, the attending physician takes into account the following:

  • Type of cystic formation.
  • Age of the patient (presence or absence of menstruation).
  • Risk of malignant transformation.
  • Preservation of the reproductive ability of the ovaries.
  • The likelihood of complications.

Before the appointment of hormones - a complete examination of the patient, so as not to miss ovarian cancer or other neoplasms

In the absence of symptoms against the background of a healthy ovary, observation is indicated for 3-4 menstrual cycles with ultrasound. As a rule, during this period, functional cysts resolve on their own. If the inflammatory process of the ovary is the alleged cause of the formation of a cyst, then the treatment is carried out in order to eliminate it. If an imbalance of hormones involved in the reproductive function of the ovaries is diagnosed, oral hormonal contraceptives are prescribed to normalize the woman's hormonal levels.

With inefficiency conservative therapy, relapses, surgical treatment is used to prevent complications. It is advisable to treat hormonal cysts using surgical methods in a planned manner to prevent complications. Minimally invasive operations are performed laparoscopically so that a woman retains the ability to conceive.


  • Rupture with the contents of the cyst entering the abdominal cavity - the occurrence of peritonitis.
  • Torsion of the leg - blood supply is disturbed, which leads to necrosis.
  • Malignant transformation of cystic formation.

All these complications require immediate surgical intervention. The volume of the operation is determined after the revision of the abdominal cavity during laparotomy.

Hormonal drugs are effective in treating only certain types of cystic formations - as a rule, those that appear due to hormonal imbalance. These include:

  • functional, that is, follicular and luteal ovarian cysts;
  • vesicles that appear on the ovaries and uterus with endometriosis;
  • retention cysts of the mammary glands;
  • polycystic ovaries.

The list of hormonal drugs for the treatment of cysts includes combined oral contraceptives (COCs) - estrogens plus gestagens, monopreparations of gestagens and androgens, herbal remedies with a hormone-like effect.

When medications are prescribed for treatment, this must be preceded by a complete examination, including ultrasound, hormone tests and general clinical.

Combined contraceptives for the treatment of cysts

Gynecologists most often prescribe:

  • Jess and Jess plus (often during the treatment of cysts with hormones);
  • Rigevidon;
  • Diana-35;
  • Marvelon;
  • Jeanine;
  • Qlaira;
  • Dimia.

Properly selected COC not only protects against unwanted pregnancy. It reduces the risk of neoplastic and cystic diseases of the female genital area, and can also help resolve functional ovarian cysts up to 4 cm in size. There are cases when successfully prescribed hormonal therapy removes a follicular or luteal cyst with a diameter of 8 cm without surgery.

Admission rules

Medicines for the treatment of cysts need to be taken:

  • if they are based on female sex hormones, then from the 1st day of the cycle (1st day of menstruation);
  • every day preferably at a certain time, best in the morning before breakfast;
  • when you forgot to take a pill, you need to do it as soon as you remember, and the next one in due time;
  • if there are 21 tablets in the package, they take a break for 7 days, and then start a new one;
  • if a package of COCs with 28 tablets, the drug is taken without interruption.

Features of oral contraceptives

The effect of the drug depends on the composition and amount of hormones included in each tablet. Gynecologists prescribe these drugs for the treatment and prevention of cysts, but such indications are usually not indicated in the manufacturer's instructions.

Composition and action of COCs used in the treatment of cysts
A drug Composition Action on the cyst
Jess 0.02 mg ethinylstradiol, 3 mg drospirenone Reduce the percentage of male hormones that cause PCOS in women
Jess Plus ethinylstradiol 0.02 mg, drospirenone 3 mg, calcium levomefolate 0.451 mg A vitamin supplement of levomefolate (a form of folic acid) is needed to prevent problems with subsequent pregnancy after taking the drug. It is prescribed for polycystosis, but this indication is not in the instructions.
Dimia ethinylstradiol (ES) 0.02 mg, drospirenone 3 mg Shown at menstrual disorders, including those associated with the formation of cysts.
Marvelon ES 0.03 mg, desogestrel 0.15 mg Recommended for the prevention of the growth of ovarian, uterine, and mammary gland cysts.
Rigevidon ES 0.03 mg, levonorgestrel 0.15 mg There are no direct indications, but it is recommended for violation of the cycle, characteristic symptom polycystic and large functional cysts.
Janine ES 0.03 mg, dienogest 2 mg Antiandrogenic activity - suppresses the action of male hormones, the excess of which can cause polycystic disease.
Diana-35 ethinylstradiol 0.035 mg, cyproterone acetate 2 mg Recommended for diseases dependent on male hormones. These include polycystic ovaries.
claira estradiol valerate 2 mg, dienogest 3 mg Fewer liver side effects with estradiol valerate compared with synthetic ethinylstradiol. It helps to normalize the hormonal balance, the violation of which leads to the development of functional and endometrioid cysts.

When choosing an appointment, a gynecologist should take into account that:

  • give fewer side effects hormonal preparations for cyst treatment with lower dosage active ingredients;
  • The list of contraindications for these drugs is quite long:
    • thrombosis, a tendency to thrombosis and varicose veins,
    • kidney, heart and liver failure,
    • diabetes,
    • tumors,
    • disorders of lactose metabolism,
    • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hormones give many side effects, including neurotic conditions, tearfulness, headaches, depression, chest pain, allergic rashes.

Hormonal monopreparations for the treatment of cysts of the mammary glands and ovaries

Monopreparations with gestagens or androgens are not all used as contraceptives. They affect the pituitary gland, a gland deep in the brain. The pituitary gland produces hormones that regulate the functioning of the ovaries, uterus and mammary glands. Blocking some hormones of this cerebral appendage promotes the resorption of cystic formations in the chest, ovaries and uterus.

The list of drugs most commonly prescribed for the treatment of cysts in this group includes several items.

  • Norkolut. Hormonal drug from the group of progestogens. Contains 5 mg norethisterone per tablet. It is used to treat endometrioid cysts of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Danol. Capsules with 100 or 200 mg of danazol, a pituitary hormone suppressor. The action is similar to gestagens, but this is a synthetic substance similar to one of the male hormones. Slows down the development of endometrioid cysts.
  • Bysanne. The tablet contains 2 mg of dienogest. It is used in the treatment of endometrioid neoplasms.
  • Charosetta. Dosage 0.075 mg desogestrel. Belongs to the group of contraceptives mini-pills. Sometimes prescribed for the treatment of functional ovarian cysts, but reviews of this drug are controversial.

Herbal preparations with hormone-like action

  • Mastodinon. A hormonally active drug from plant extracts of common prutnyak, stalk stalk, European cyclamen, Ignatius strychnos, multi-colored iris, tiger lily. Shown at fibrocystic mastopathy and other hormone-dependent formations in the mammary glands.
  • Cyclodinone. Based on the extract from the common prune, contains hormone-like substances that affect the hormonal balance. Reduces the content of prolactin, the excess of which leads to disruption of the cycle and the formation of cystic formations.

Please note that taking hormonal drugs should be part of complex treatment. It is advisable to supplement hormone therapy with mild sedatives such as valerian or motherwort, vitamin complexes, tinctures of eleutherococcus or ginseng with a tonic effect.

Remember that self-medication with hormones can have irreversible consequences. Only a doctor can prescribe hormonal drugs for the treatment of cysts. This also applies to herbal preparations with hormone-like action.

The ovaries are responsible for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system, synthesizing the necessary hormones, they are responsible for the process of pregnancy and many more processes, in violation of which such a complication as a cyst may appear. Next, we will tell you how to treat a cyst with medication, without resorting to emergency methods.

What is a cyst and what are the types

Every day in the ovaries of a woman there are millions of processes aimed at obtaining offspring, namely:

The maturation of follicles for the further appearance of eggs;

The release of a mature egg (the so-called ovulation) for its further fertilization;

Synthesis of hormones necessary for the growth and maturation of follicles, as well as in the event of pregnancy, for its successful maintenance;

Regulation of the menstrual cycle of a woman in general.

If one of the listed functions for some reason ceases to be performed or slows down, then the woman has a risk of getting such a complication on the ovary as a cyst.

A cyst is a neoplasm on the surface of an organ, in its structure it resembles a bubble.

It will be possible to treat an ovarian cyst with medication if the following types of cysts are found:

  1. Endometrial cyst.
  2. Follicular cyst.
  3. Yellow cyst.
  4. Polycystic ovary.

Ovarian cyst. Medical treatment without surgery

Having heard from their doctor the diagnosis of the presence of a cyst on the ovary, women immediately become discouraged. And for some reason, it immediately begins to seem that the only way to get rid of her is only to carry out an operation.

But this is absolutely not true. Many types of ovarian cysts, or rather, the most common ones, are amenable to drug treatment. But you should not expect that your doctor will prescribe a miraculous pill that will relieve you of such an ailment as an ovarian cyst in one go.

As a rule, the entire treatment regimen is based on hormone therapy, which means that it takes a long time.

Treatment of an ovarian cyst with medication can be carried out using procedures such as physiotherapy, magnetotherapy, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Also, in parallel, drugs can be prescribed to reduce pain, anti-inflammatory, and, of course, anti-stress therapy.

The results of such treatment can already be judged after 3 months.

However, it should be noted that the treatment is prescribed individually for each patient, according to the results of the tests, and there is no definite universal scheme that would be suitable for each woman.

Endometrial cyst

An endometrioid cyst is a type of cyst in which there is growth of the mucous membrane. It is also commonly called chocolate, since the contents with which it is filled are often dark brown.

As a rule, this cyst occurs on the right, since it has long been established that in women the right ovary works much more actively than the left.

Non-operable therapy is amenable. Drug treatment mainly includes therapy aimed at regulating the hormonal background in a woman:

Hormone therapy: "Diana-35", "Marvelon", "Regividon". It is recommended to take these drugs from the first day of the cycle, strictly at the same time.

For the regulation of the menstrual cycle: "Duphaston", "Norkolut".

Drugs for regulating the action of the pituitary gland: "Danol", "Danazol".

In parallel, immunostimulating drugs, such as Cycloferon, vitamins, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, are added to the above medicines.

Follicular ovarian cyst. Treatment without surgery

Perhaps this is the most harmless and safe type of cyst that can occur on the ovary. Its appearance is primarily due to the inability of the mature follicle to rupture. That is, there was no release of a mature egg into the fallopian tube. It is at this place that a similar neoplasm then appears. Pregnancy is recommended to be planned only after the problem disappears. It is used for the treatment of a disease such as a follicular ovarian cyst, treatment without surgery.

The effectiveness of this treatment is almost 95%.

As a rule, the patient is prescribed such as "Regulon", "Mersilon", "Diana-35", "Marvelon", "Regividon" or other contraceptive drugs.

As soon as the patient has the next menstruation, from the second to the fifth day it is necessary to pass ultrasound procedure to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment.

As a rule, the follicular cyst disappears with the first onset of menstruation.

Yellow body cyst

This type of cyst is formed on the ovary after it has completed its main function - covulating. In place of the released egg, a corpus luteum is formed, which, until the 18th week of pregnancy (if it occurs), will secrete the hormone progesterone. However, if the blood flow is disturbed, a cyst may appear in it.

In this case, medical treatment of ovarian cysts is prescribed. It can be removed with the help of physiotherapy, magnetotherapy, washing the vagina with special solutions, herbs.

Very often, a woman is prescribed a drug such as Duphaston. With the right dosage, treatment with only one drug will help get rid of the corpus luteum cyst. Also, a woman is recommended to have sexual rest for the entire period of treatment, in order to avoid twisting of the cyst leg.

In most cases, this cyst resolves on its own, but this requires strict observation by a gynecologist for several cycles of its condition.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This is a type of disease in which the ovaries are significantly enlarged in size. That is, a healthy woman normally matures one egg per month. Due to the increase in 1 follicle, the ovary swells. In the case of polycystic disease, several follicles are enlarged in size at once, but full-fledged ovulation does not occur, that is, a large number of cysts of various sizes are present on the ovary at once.

Diet therapy: the patient is prescribed a diet to control weight or reduce it, physical activity;

Appointed such as "Metformin".

Hormone therapy: Diane-35, Marvelon, as well as drugs that suppress the production of male hormones, such as Veroshpiron. This method of treatment is used if a woman is not planning a pregnancy.

When planning a pregnancy, drugs that stimulate ovulation are prescribed, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor, in order to avoid rupture of the ovary. Such a drug can be Clomiphene, which must be taken from days 5 to 9 of the cycle for 3-4 months.

As it has already become clear from the content of this article, it is possible to treat an ovarian cyst with medication. Reviews about this method of treatment are positive both among doctors and patients. Patients say that this method of treatment is absolutely painless and safe, despite the rather high cost of drugs.

Doctors also note that drug treatment of ovarian cysts is the most common method of therapy today. It has a lot of its advantages, in addition to absolute painlessness: the menstrual cycle is restored and, as a result, problems with the skin and hair are solved, which means the general mood of the patient as a whole.

The only disadvantage of this treatment is its duration, which can vary from 3 to 9 months.

You should not self-medicate and at the slightest suspicion or detection of symptoms, you should seek help from a gynecologist.

Article last updated 07.12.2019

Stress, poor environmental background, unstable sex life leads to the development of diseases of the reproductive system in women of childbearing age. One of the most common ailments is a cyst. It can occur in the ovary, as well as on other organs of the reproductive system. So, there is a seal on the appendage, a cyst of the Bartholin gland, etc.

Often the disease is asymptomatic, and it is possible to diagnose it by chance, during a routine examination or by ultrasound.

When capsular seals are found in the reproductive organs, a woman immediately raises the question of how to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery, and is there any effect from taking medication?

Is it possible to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery, the gynecologist must say. The attending physician conducts a series of studies and analyzes, according to the results of which it turns out whether surgical intervention is required in a particular case, or whether expectant management can be preferred, while simultaneously taking drugs to treat ovarian cysts.

An ovarian cyst in women can be different types. A situation is considered dangerous if the formation has touched both ovaries, as well as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). Treatment methods directly depend on the nature of the disease, severity, severity of symptoms, etc. Treatment of the ovary with medication should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor who can adjust therapy if necessary.

An integrated approach is important here. The patient is recommended not only to take pills for ovarian cysts, but also to drink vitamin complexes, establish nutrition, alternate the mode of activity and rest, avoid stress.

COCs and their meaning

Combined oral contraceptives, or COCs, are an excellent prophylaxis for ovarian pathologies. They are also used as a therapeutic measure for initial stage diseases. Large seals are best removed immediately, eliminating the risk of complications.

Treatment of ovarian cysts with COCs should be carried out according to certain rules: drugs should be taken according to the scheme, daily at the same time. The first day of admission is the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

The most effective oral contraceptives:

  • Marvelon;
  • "Janine";
  • "Diana-35";
  • "Klaira";
  • "Rigevidon".

Against the background of taking COCs, it is necessary to reduce the effect on the central nervous system. Lifestyle modification is an important factor for the recovery of the patient.

With an ovarian cyst, treatment without surgery involves significant financial costs, since hormonal drugs are not cheap. For one pack of tablets, you will have to pay from 400 to 1300 rubles.

Cyst and gestagens

Conservative treatment includes taking gestagens. These drugs block the pituitary gland and replace the natural hormone with an artificial counterpart. As a result of such changes, the tone of the uterus decreases, the endometrioid compaction of the ovary resolves. The dosage and course of treatment is set by a doctor who understands how to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery.

The most effective drugs in this group are:

  • "Dinazol";
  • "Danol";
  • "Cyclodynon";
  • Mastodinon and others.

What will be more effective, treatment or surgery for a neoplasm on the ovary, can only be established after a thorough medical examination. With multiple capsules, surgical intervention is indispensable, since the developing formations will put pressure on the pelvic organs, causing their dysfunction.

Birth control pills

An ovarian cyst in gynecology is not considered a dangerous disease, but if it is not treated with medication, it can cause serious complications. Applicable modern methods treatment medications aimed at stabilizing the hormonal background, because it is the imbalance of hormones that causes the appearance of formations.

Contraceptive pills help improve the state of the endocrine system and restore hormone levels in female body. Active ingredients promote self-resorption of drug capsules. A noticeable improvement in the condition is observed after taking Logest, Qlaira and Lindinet 20. An excellent contraceptive effect has "Janine". Often doctors prescribe "Jess" for ovarian cysts, it has an excellent therapeutic effect.

Other medications for ovarian cysts

What to do to eliminate a cyst on the ovary if its appearance is caused by pathogenic microflora? In this case, "Utrozhestan" or "Lindinet 20" will be powerless as long as the body is affected by foreign microorganisms. In such a situation, doctors prescribe antibiotic therapy.

"Terzhinan" is a drug of the required spectrum, which has proven itself well as a method of treating diseases of the reproductive system in women. Treatment of a Bartholin gland cyst without surgery also requires antibiotics. In parallel, you can use tampons with Vishnevsky ointment, which has an antibacterial and healing effect.

Formations are often accompanied by pathologies genitourinary system, therefore, in combination with the main drugs, diuretics, such as Veroshpiron, can be prescribed. Properly thought-out therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs is of great importance, which include:

  • "Wobenzym";
  • "Distreptaza";
  • "Metronidazole" and others.

Often gynecologists prescribe "Indomethacin", which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Together with oral preparations, other methods of treatment can be used, for example, tampons with Dimexide. The therapeutic complex necessarily includes vitamins, minerals and trace elements designed to strengthen the immune system and increase the strength of the body.

Vitamins for ovarian cysts are folic and ascorbic acid, vitamin E. If a woman has been diagnosed with an endometrioid cyst big size, it can cause pain in the lower abdomen. Such drugs as No-shpa, Diclofenac, Diclovit and others help to eliminate them.

Side effects of conservative treatment

When a woman takes hormonal drugs such as Janine, Novinet, Qlaira, while the therapeutic complex includes anti-inflammatory suppositories Distreptaza, Indomethacin, Diclofenac or Utrozhestan, this can cause a certain reaction of the body . Despite the fact that some of the drugs are based on herbal ingredients, and some are homeopathic, the treatment can lead to complications and side effects.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed during an exacerbation of the disease, when the capsule with liquid breaks. Taking drugs causes:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • lack of appetite.

To eliminate this effect, doctors prescribe these drugs in the form of suppositories. COCs are presented in the form of tablets and capsules. They cause similar manifestations, as well as pain in the mammary glands, swelling, increased sweating etc. The more powerful the drug, the more serious the side effects. Therefore, each treatment regimen is selected individually.

The effectiveness of conservative treatment - the opinions of doctors and women

To understand how to remove an ovarian cyst without surgery, as well as form your own opinion about the effectiveness drug treatment, you can study the reviews of women who have already tried tampons with Vishnevsky ointment, Janine, Wobenzym, Lindinet, Metronidazole and other drugs aimed at resorption of the capsule formation.

Anna, 37 years old

“After the birth of my second child, I was diagnosed with a neoplasm of the left ovary. The gynecologist offered to watch him, and prescribed Janine. A month later, on examination, the doctor found that the size of the seal had decreased, so he extended the course. side effects until I noticed. I hope you can do without surgery."

Svetlana, 46 years old

“I’m 46, menopause started a year ago. During the ultrasound, a hardening of the ovary was found. I immediately panicked, because in our family there is a genetic predisposition to polycystic disease. The doctor prescribed a course of hormones, as well as Qlaira and Wobenzym, douching and Vishnevsky ointment were also prescribed. Two months later, the formation resolved. I feel just great."

Elizabeth, 37 years old

“At 36, I was diagnosed. I went to the doctor when I felt discomfort, dryness in the vagina during intercourse, pain during physical activity. I was prescribed Vishnevsky's ointment for tamponing and Distreptaza suppositories. I noticed a positive effect after 10 days. The treatment is ongoing, it may be possible to avoid surgery.”

The doctor's comment will also help to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of conservative treatment of the ovaries:

Vladimir, gynecologist of the highest category

“When women are diagnosed with a seal with fluid inside, most people ask if the disease is treated with medication? Yes, there are quite effective drugs - "Janine", "Mastodinon", "Metronidazole" and others, but from work experience I can see that they are effective in small size education. Multiple cysts or large capsules need to be removed. I prefer laparoscopy. This is a painless method that eliminates the risk of complications, in addition, it is characterized by a minimal rehabilitation period.”

A cyst is called a kind of formation of a hollow type, which is filled with liquid from the inside. The disease often affects the ovaries of women. There are cysts that do not require special treatment, as they go away on their own within a few weeks. Sometimes the formation bursts or twists, creating discomfort. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary. Most women know how to treat an ovarian cyst firsthand. There are several types of formations to consider.

Follicular cyst

The bulk of all cysts are considered benign formations, in other words, they cannot be attributed to constantly growing tumors. In rare cases, they can become signs of cancer. The follicular type of cyst is considered the most common type of benign tumors. Its development occurs from the first days of the menstrual cycle until the onset of ovulation. An ovarian cyst consists of a special follicle, or corpus luteum. Such formations can have a diameter of up to 5 centimeters. During the breakthrough of the follicular cyst, the woman feels a sharp piercing pain in the pelvic area. Patients often ask doctors about how to treat a follicular ovarian cyst. The answer to this question is simple - education does not need therapy and resolves on its own, you just need to wait a couple of months.

Dermoid cyst

This variety is observed in a quarter of the female population. Dermoid cysts are classified as benign. The components of the tumor are hair and fat, sometimes doctors even extract teeth or bones. The cyst has a stalk that often twists and creates the effect of a "sharp abdomen". Treatment of education occurs only by surgery.

Paraovarian cyst

This variety is located in the appendage above the ovary. Such a cyst is formed in women of the age category from 20 to 40 years. The paraovarian formation is capable of reaching large sizes, in this situation a stalk is formed in it and the possibility of twisting appears. Since this type of ovarian cyst is treated only through surgery, the patient's rehabilitation can take a long time.

Endometrial cyst

This formation on the wall of the ovary is a sign of a disease such as endometriosis. Most often, the occurrence of an endometrioid cyst occurs in women of reproductive age. The tumor can reach from 10 to 12 centimeters. On the inside, the cyst is filled with a thick dark brown fluid. Small defects appear in the walls of the formation, and because of this, the contents of the tumor can spill out during menstruation into the abdominal cavity. Before treating an endometrioid ovarian cyst, the doctor conducts a complete diagnosis of the patient, and then the surgeon performs surgery.

Signs of the disease

If the leg of the formation does not twist, then the woman does not experience pain. Basically, an ovarian cyst can be found during ultrasound diagnostics. Of course, there are times when several symptoms occur, for example, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular, there are pain or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Patients are often tormented by vomiting and nausea, as well as bloody discharge from the genitals. Do not delay the treatment of cysts, as the disease threatens infertility. As soon as a woman feels pain during intercourse or when urinating, it is worth contacting a gynecologist.

The causes of the disease have not been identified so far, but the risk of developing ovarian cysts increases under the following conditions:

If a woman knows about the presence of a cyst in her body, but the formation did not cause her any particular inconvenience, it is recommended to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • body temperature sharply exceeded 38 degrees;
  • there was a feeling of weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • hair appeared on the face;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • weight loss.

Medical treatment and surgery

You should not engage in self-therapy, since only an experienced doctor can treat a cyst of the right ovary (and the left one too). If one of the above signs is found, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan, after which the specialist will determine the degree and type of education. According to the results, appropriate therapy will be selected. The recommendations of a specialist directly depend on the type of tumor. In the presence of a follicular cyst or a formation from the corpus luteum, the doctor will explain to the patient how to treat the ovarian cyst with medication. Most often, therapy consists in taking hormonal drugs. The main advantage of this treatment is protection against unwanted pregnancy and resorption of the cyst.

If the tumor is dermoid, paraovarian, endometrioid, or mucinous, surgery is always performed. With the help of a special apparatus, fluid is removed from the area of ​​education. During the painstaking process, the ovary is not injured, so rehabilitation occurs quickly and without consequences.

Women definitely need to visit a gynecologist several times a year in order to identify education in time. If the doctor has discovered an advanced case, the entire ovary is removed along with the tumor.

Folk remedies for ovarian cysts

In some cases, the specialist recommends the most ancient therapy used by healers. This method is relevant for a functional cyst (follicular type or consisting of a corpus luteum). Phytopreparations perfectly help to get rid of the disease that has arisen. Before treating a cyst of the left ovary (or right) folk remedies, it is necessary to carefully study the attached instructions, since there have been cases of the appearance of allergic reaction to drug components. Most often, patients are recommended one of the recipes:

  1. It is necessary to mix 100 milliliters of celandine juice with 200 grams of honey, then add 50 drops of propolis tincture. The drug is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. It is better to use the mixture before meals, a teaspoon three times a day for a month. In the course of treatment, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan in order for the gynecologist to record the results of therapy.
  2. 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed burdock juice also helps quick release from the cyst. In winter, patients use a decoction of a dry plant. Add 2 tablespoons of the mixture to a glass of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes in a dark place. You need to use the drug 50 milliliters up to 4 times a day. During the course of taking the decoction, you should definitely consult a doctor, as the cyst may become inflamed or enlarged. In both cases, surgery is required.

What medicines are used to treat ovarian cysts?

With benign formations, the doctor usually prescribes one of the following drugs: "Jess", "Regulon", "Klayra" or "Rigevidon". Price medicines varies from 250 to 900 rubles. Among them are contraceptives, which also help to strengthen the hair and nails of a woman. Such a drug includes the "Klayra" remedy. Among other things, contraceptives normalize the menstrual cycle, also reducing excessive bleeding and relieving pain. Medicines completely suppress the productivity of the ovaries and contribute to the disappearance of the tumor.

For acute pain, doctors practice prescribing the following drugs such as Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, etc. The price of drugs ranges from 30 to 100 rubles, depending on the country of manufacture.

To raise immunity, it is necessary to take vitamins (A, E, B6 and C), you should also introduce as many foods rich in useful microelements as possible into the diet, for example, carrots, seafood, fresh fruits and much more. Since an ovarian cyst is treated for three months, it is necessary to eat right all this time. If the doctor does not see improvement, surgery becomes a necessary measure.

Now you know how an ovarian cyst is treated. Conclusion: do not neglect visiting doctors.