Dicinon in ophthalmology. Dicinon - indications for use and important rules for taking the medicine

The drug Dicinon has been used in domestic medicine for many years as a reliable hemostatic agent for hemorrhages (bleeding) of various nature. The main effect of this agent is hemostatic, which is provided due to its active substance- etamzilat. This tool has a pronounced effect on thromboplastin, which stimulates blood clotting (3 coagulation factor) and acts on the wall of blood vessels, strengthening it, reducing the permeability to blood elements.

When ingested, it has an effect after 3 hours when taken orally, 1 hour after injection, and 15 minutes after intravenous administration. Dicinon acts for about 6 hours, and by the end of 24 hours its activity gradually decreases. After the course of treatment and immediately its cancellation healing effect remains for about 7 days.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced in tablet form of 250 mg (100 pieces in a package) and in the form solution for injection at a dosage of 2 ml in an ampoule (50 or 10 per pack). The composition in both cases is similar: 250 mg of etamsylate.

Indications for use Dicinon

Dicynon is allowed to be used in such cases:

  • prevention of various types of bleeding;
  • stop bleeding during surgical treatment in the following areas of medicine:
  1. dentistry (tooth extraction,);
  2. otolaryngology (tonsillectomy, ear surgery);
  3. ophthalmology (, keratoplasty, cataract removal);
  4. gynecology and obstetrics (operations of various profiles);
  5. neonatology (prevention of periventricular bleeding in newborns);
  6. emergency conditions in surgery (stop, lung);
  7. neurology (stroke condition);
  8. plastic surgery;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • nosebleeds;
  • blood pathology;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • gum bleeding.

Instructions for use Dicinon and dosage of the drug

Dosage and frequency of administration depends on the form of release.

Solution for injection Dicinon

  • It is appointed through intravenous administration(only very slow!) or intramuscular injection. The dose is calculated individually: 10-20 mg per 1 kg of body weight and divided into 3 or 4 doses.
  • During surgical operations for adults, it is administered at a dosage of 250-500 mg 1 hour before the start of the operation and during its execution. Once completed, the same dose is administered 4 times in 24 hours until the risk of bleeding has disappeared.
  • Children's daily dose, according to the instructions for use of Dicinon, is calculated as follows: 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight, which is divided into 3-4 injections.

Tablets Dicinon

  • The dose for adults is 10-20 mg per 1 kg of body weight. This is a daily dosage, so it is divided into 4 doses.
  • A single dose cannot exceed 500 mg (750 mg is allowed only in certain cases and as prescribed by a doctor).
  • In the postoperative period, the drug is taken at 250 - 500 mg 4 times in 24 hours, until the risk of bleeding is minimized.
  • With menorrhagia and metrorrhagia (heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding in women), it is used at 750-1000 mg per day. Reception must begin on the 5th day of the expected menstrual cycle until the 5th day of the next menstruation.


Instructions for the use of Dicinon are categorical: you should not take the drug in such cases:

  • porphyria at the stage of exacerbation;
  • hypersensitivity to its composition;
  • thrombosis;
  • hemoblastosis;
  • thromboembolism.

Special instructions for the use of Dicinon and warnings

Dicinon is allowed to be used exclusively in outpatient and medical institutions.
This remedy should be given very carefully to patients who have a history of embolism, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
According to the instructions for use of dicynone, it is forbidden to use the drug in the form of a solution if staining appears in it.
Dicynon, in addition to oral and parenteral use, is allowed to be used topically. To do this, they are impregnated with a sterile bandage, after which they are applied to the wound surface or the wound is plugged (tooth extraction, skin graft transplantation).

pharmachologic effect

Dicynon is a drug with antihemorrhagic action. It has the following effects when ingested:

  • antihyaluronidase;
  • hemostatic;
  • improves microcirculation;
  • normalizes the permeability of the vascular wall;
  • constricts blood vessels (stimulation of the release of prostacyclin PgI2);
  • does not have hypercoagulable properties;
  • does not contribute to increased thrombosis;
  • does not cause an increase in blood pressure.

Side effects

Reception Dicinon may be accompanied by such phenomena:

  • dizziness;
  • feeling of numbness in the legs;
  • redness of the face;
  • headache;
  • feeling of heartburn after taking the pill;
  • heaviness in the stomach.

Interaction of Dicinon with other drugs

Instructions for use Dicinon indicates that this drug is pharmacologically incompatible with other medicines, that is, it cannot be administered in the same syringe with other medicines.

Interaction with alcohol

You should not combine taking Dicinon and alcohol, since the latter also has the property of increasing blood viscosity. The effect of their reception can be unpredictable.

Overdose Dicinon

Information on cases of overdose is not available.

The use of Dicinon during pregnancy and lactation

Its reception during this period is permissible if the benefit to the mother is exceeded in relation to the risk to the fetus. The drug can be prescribed in such cases:

  • detachment of the chorion of the fetal egg;
  • smearing vaginal discharge;
  • placental abruption;
  • nosebleeds.

The dosage in this case will be based on 1 tablet maximum 3 times a day. It has been scientifically proven that this drug crosses the placenta, which means it can affect the fetus.

Dicinon for newborns and children

Newborn Dicinon solution is administered at the rate of 12.5 mg (this is 0.1 ml) per 1 kg of body weight. It is important to start therapy within 2 hours after birth. Children are shown taking tablets at a dose of 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight a maximum of 4 times a day.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The agent should be stored in a dry place where the sun's rays do not enter, at temperatures up to 25 ° C. Good Dicinon 5 years.

Expert opinion of Polismed Medical Board

We have collected frequently asked questions and prepared answers to them.

How to take Dicinon during menstruation

Hello, I am 21 years old, for more than a year my periods have become almost a week and with severe blood loss. Addressed to the doctor. I was advised to take it in tablets if my period lasts more than 5 days. Tell me, can I take it earlier?

Dicinon should be taken with heavy blood loss during menstruation strictly on the recommendation of a gynecologist. Usually it is prescribed after the third day of heavy blood loss according to the instructions, but not more than 5 days, the second option - from the 5th day of menstruation, 1 tablet of 250 mg lasting up to 10 days.

How quickly does dicynone begin to act

Medical board, please tell me how quickly the action of Dicinon begins

It all depends on the form of the drug taken and its dose. If Dicinon is administered intravenously, then its action begins 10 minutes after the injection, the maximum action is reached after 2 hours, after an intramuscular injection, the action occurs after an hour and a half, reaching a maximum after 3-4 hours. When administered orally, the effect occurs after 4 hours and lasts for several hours.

How should Dicinon be taken - before or after meals

Hello, I was discharged from the hospital after bleeding and I was prescribed to drink Dicinon 1 tablet 4 times a day. How to take it correctly: before meals or after?

Dicynon is taken during meals, or after meals. You should clarify the dose and frequency of administration, as well as the duration of the course of treatment. Since the drug is not designed for long-term use and has its own contraindications and side effects.

How often can I take dicynone

Hello, Medical Board, please tell me how long you can take Dicinon and at what intervals to repeat with heavy bleeding during menstruation?

In case of heavy bleeding during menstruation, Dicinon should be used 4 times a day. But no more than 10 days. You can repeat every cycle. But if the bleeding continues and their intensity increases, then it is necessary to consult a doctor without delay to find out the cause of the bleeding and prescribe treatment.

Is it possible to use Dicinon during pregnancy

Hello, I am 16 weeks pregnant. At 10 weeks there were small bloody issues, the doctor prescribed Dicinon to me and after 3 days everything went away. Now the situation is repeating itself, can I repeat the course?

The question of repeated treatment with Dicinon should be decided by the doctor to whom you need to contact to clarify the nature of the bleeding. If there is nothing serious, then most likely Dicinon will be prescribed to you again. We do not recommend using it on your own. Doctor's prescription only. Since the reasons for the discharge may be different.

A drug to prevent and stop bleeding. Influences the first stage of the mechanism of hemostasis (interaction between endothelium and platelets). Dicinone increases platelet adhesiveness, normalizes the strength of capillary walls (reducing their permeability), inhibits the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which cause platelet disaggregation, vasodilation and increased capillary permeability.
When administered orally, the drug is almost completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, reaching peak serum concentrations 4 hours after ingestion. Approximately 72% of the dose taken is excreted in the urine unchanged within 24 hours.
After intravenous administration of the drug, the hemostatic effect is noted after 5-15 minutes, the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved within 1 hour. The effectiveness of the drug begins to decrease after 4-6 hours. 10 min and is 50 mcg / ml. Approximately 72% of the administered dose is excreted within 24 hours in the urine unchanged. Etamzilat gets through a placental barrier and gets into breast milk.

Indications for use of the drug Dicinon

Tablets, injection solution:

  • prevention and treatment of bleeding during and after surgical operations in otolaryngology, gynecology, obstetrics, urology, dentistry, ophthalmology, plastic surgery;
  • prevention and treatment of capillary bleeding various etiologies and localization: hematuria, metrorrhagia, primary menorrhagia in women with intrauterine contraceptives, epistaxis, bleeding with gingivitis.

Solution for injection:

  • in neonatology (the drug is prescribed as an angioprotector until the microcirculation is normalized).

The use of the drug Dicinon

The daily dose is: 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. In severe cases, the dose is 3 tablets 3-4 times a day. For menorrhagia, 3-4 tablets per day are prescribed, starting 5 days before the expected onset of menstruation and until the 5th day of the next menstrual cycle.
After surgery, 1-2 tablets are used every 6 hours until the risk of bleeding disappears.
Solution for injections
It is applied in / in (slowly) or in / m. The optimal dose for adults is 10-20 mg / kg of etamsylate and is administered in 3-4 doses. In most cases, the daily dose is 1-2 ampoules 3-4 times a day.
Before surgery, 1-2 ampoules are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. During operation enter in/in 1-2 ampoules; administration at the same dose can be repeated. After surgery, 1-2 ampoules are administered every 6 hours until the risk of bleeding disappears.
In neonatology, Dicinon is administered intramuscularly or intravenously at doses of 12.5 mg/kg (0.1 ml = 12.5 mg). Treatment should be initiated within the first 2 hours after birth and administered every 6 hours for 4 days up to a total dose of 200 mg/kg.
Dicynon can be applied topically (skin graft, tooth extraction) using a sterile gauze pad moistened with the drug.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Dicinon

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, acute porphyria, hemoblastosis in children. Increased blood clotting.

Side effects of Dicinon

Tablets: rarely - nausea, epigastric pain, dizziness, skin rash.
Solution for injection: headache, dizziness, facial flushing, transient skin reactions, nausea, epigastric pain, paresthesia lower extremities. Sometimes - a decrease in systolic pressure after intravenous administration of the drug. These side effects are mild and transient.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Dicinon

Other causes of bleeding must be ruled out before starting treatment.
Use the drug with caution in patients with a history of thrombosis and thromboembolism. The drug is ineffective in reducing the number of platelets.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding. The safety of the drug has not been established. Dicynon is allowed to be taken only if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. When using the drug, breastfeeding should be discontinued.
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms. Does not affect.
Tablets should be taken with meals or after meals.
It is forbidden to use the drug in case of discoloration of the solution.

Interactions of the drug Dicinon

solution for injections not compatible with sodium bicarbonate solution and sodium lactate powder. The contents of the ampoule should not be mixed with other drugs in the same syringe. If Dicinon is mixed with physiological solution, it must be used immediately.
Tablets: interactions with other drugs have not been established.

Overdose of the drug Dicinon, symptoms and treatment

No data.

Storage conditions of the drug Dicinon

Store in a dry, dark place at temperatures up to 25°C.

List of pharmacies where you can buy Dicinon:

  • St. Petersburg

Dicynon tablets- instructions for use - take orally, during or after a meal, with water.
Dicynon solution for injections in ampoules (injections)– instructions for use

  1. Enter intravenously, slowly.
  2. Introduce intramuscularly, before heating the solution to a temperature of 30-35 ° C.
  3. Locally - apply a napkin moistened with a solution to the area of ​​capillary bleeding.

Dicinon instructions for use for menstrual and uterine bleeding

With menstruation, Dicinon is prescribed:

  1. In tablets - in order to reduce intense discharge, 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
  2. In solution for injection - with severe bleeding, the starting dose is 1-2 ampoules, followed by injections of 1-2 ampoules every 4-6 hours.
  1. To prevent chronic hemorrhage - 2 tablets 3 times a day. The course starts 5 days before the end of the menstrual cycle, duration - 10 days.
  2. For the treatment of acute uterine bleeding - intramuscularly or intravenously, an introductory dose of 2 ampoules, then 1-2 ampoules every 4-6 hours, until bleeding is eliminated.

Dicinon during pregnancy - instructions for use

During early pregnancy, Dicinon is prescribed in the absence of danger to the embryo, only in tablets. In the 2nd and third trimesters it is used:

  1. To eliminate minor bleeding.
  2. With detachment of the elements of the placenta.
  3. To combat nasal hemorrhages.

Dicynon dosage

The dose of the drug depends on the pathology and indications.

  1. Therapy of chronic hemorrhages - 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
  2. Before surgery - 1-2 tablets (0.25 - 0.5 g), or 1-2 ampoules an hour before the start. With severe blood loss, repeated administration is possible.
  3. Therapy of acute hemorrhages - 3-4 ampoules or 3-4 tablets 2-3 times a day.
  4. With the destruction of retinal vessels in diabetes - 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.
  5. For children, the dose is halved.

Composition and form of release

Dicynon Tablets

  1. Active substance- etamsylate, 0.25 g.
  2. Additional substances - anhydrous citric acid, starch, povidone K25, magnesium stearate, milk sugar.

Dicynon Solution for injection

  1. The active substance is etamsylate 0.125 g per ml, 0.25 g per ampoule.
  2. Additional substances - injection water, sodium disulfite, sodium bicarbonate.

Packaging and price

Tablets- 10 white tablets in a paper blister, 10 blisters per pack. Price - 32 UAH / 87 rubles. for 10 tablets.
Injection- transparent glass ampoules, 2 ml each, 10 pieces in a blister, 5 blisters in a pack. Price - 35 UAH / 94 rubles. for 10 ampoules.

Vitamin K preparations

Pharmacological properties

Etamzilat is a powerful hemostatic agent, improving the contact between the endothelium and platelets. It reduces the permeability of capillaries and the synthesis of substances that destroy blood clots and dilate blood vessels. As a result, platelets adhere better to the vascular wall at the site of integrity violations, significantly reducing blood loss.


The tablets are completely absorbed after taking small intestine. The maximum level of the active substance in the blood is observed after 3.5-4 hours. More than 90% of the drug binds to plasma proteins.

With parenteral administration, the pharmacological effect appears after 5-30 minutes, depending on the method of application. The maximum level in the blood is observed after 40-60 minutes. Plasma proteins bind 85-90% of the drug.

Etamzilat enters the fetal circulation, there is no data on excretion with milk. The half-life in the blood is 1.5-2 hours. A day after use, 75% of the drug is excreted in the urine in its pure form.


Cases of overdose Dicinon are unknown.

Dicinon indications for use

    Dicinon is indicated in such cases:
  • Prevention and therapy of bleeding during surgical interventions.
  • The fight against bleeding from small vessels in diseases of the kidneys, uterus, nasal injuries, pathological menstruation.
  • To prevent periventricular bleeding in preterm infants.
  • With diabetes-related hemorrhages in the structures of the eye.

Dicinone contraindications

    Reception of Dicinon is contraindicated in:
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Expressed porphyria.
  • Decreased clotting time.
  • Tendency to form blood clots.
  • Osteosarcoma.

Dicynon side effects

    Taking Dicynon can cause the following side effects:
      Nervous system
    • Migraine.
    • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
    • Hypersensitivity of the skin of the legs.
      Digestive system
    • Vomit.
    • Discomfort in the stomach.
    • Heartburn.
      Other systems
    • Skin rash.
    • Drop in blood pressure.
    • Redness of the face.

special instructions

  1. Dicynone is ineffective with a lack of platelets in the blood.
  2. If a weekly course of taking Dicinon did not cause a decrease in pathological discharge during menstruation, you should consult a doctor for re-diagnosis.
  3. Use with caution in patients with unstable blood pressure.
  4. It is forbidden to use Dicinon when the solution acquires a reddish tint.
  5. In the absence of symptoms of side effects does not affect the reaction rate.


  1. Do not mix in the same container with other drugs, with the exception of solutions for intravenous administration.
  2. With simultaneous use with aminocaproic acid, the hemostatic effect of Dicinon is enhanced.
  3. Simultaneous reception with Trunksam is prohibited.
  4. Dicinone may reduce the biological effectiveness of thiamine.
  5. After adding the drug to an isotonic saline solution, it must be used up immediately.
  6. Dicinone and alcohol are incompatible - simultaneous use increases the risk of blood clots.

Terms of sale

Prescription sale.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dark place at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Shelf life 3 years from the date of production.

Dicinon reviews for menstruation and bleeding

Most of the women interviewed noted the high effectiveness of Dicinon to combat heavy bleeding during menstruation and uterine bleeding. Side effects were observed rarely, and were manifested mainly by a skin rash.

Doctors note the powerful hemostatic effect of Dicinon in the prevention and treatment of post-traumatic and postoperative bleeding. Occasionally there is a short drop blood pressure due to intravenous administration.

Kalorizator 2020 - Vitamins, instructions for medicines, proper nutrition. All information is for informational purposes only. When treating, be sure to consult a doctor.

Dicynon is a hemostatic drug, a means to prevent and stop bleeding.

The mechanism of action is due to the influence on the first stage of the hemostasis process (interaction between the endothelium and platelets). Suppresses the breakdown of mucopolysaccharides of the vascular wall (anti-hyaluronidase activity), and normalizes permeability in pathological processes. The drug acts hemostatically by increasing the rate of formation of the primary thrombus.

On this page you will find all the information about Dicinon: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Dicinon tablets. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

hemostatic drug. Thromboplastin formation activator.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released by prescription.


How much does Dicynon cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of 430 rubles.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in tablet form of 250 mg (100 pieces per pack) and as a solution for injection at a dosage of 2 ml per ampoule (50 or 10 per pack).

  • The active substance is etamsylate, 250 mg per tablet and 2 ml ampoule.

Additional substances are:

  • for injections: injection water, sodium metabisulphite, sodium bicarbonate.
  • for tablets: povidone, corn starch, citric acid, lactose, magnesium stearate.

Pharmacological effect

The active substance of Dicinon is etamsylate.

The drug has a homeostatic effect (stops or reduces bleeding), which is due to the ability of the drug to activate the formation of thromboplastin (formed on early stages folding process). The use of Dicinon allows you to increase the formation of mucopolysaccharides (protect protein fibers from injury) of a large mass in the walls of capillaries, normalize capillary permeability, increase their stability, and improve microcirculation.

Dicinone does not have the ability to increase blood clotting and cause vasoconstriction, and also does not contribute to the formation of blood clots. Dicinon begins to act 1-2 hours after oral administration and 5-15 minutes after injection. The therapeutic effect of Dicinon is observed within 4-6 hours.

Indications for use

What helps? Dicinon is used to prevent and stop parenchymal and capillary bleeding in otolaryngology during surgical treatment (tonsillectomy, i.e. removal of the tonsils, microsurgical operations on the ear, etc.).

Also, the use of the drug is indicated in such cases:

  1. In operative gynecology;
  2. With surgical interventions in ophthalmology (keratoplasty, and treatment);
  3. In dentistry during surgical interventions (removal of cysts, extraction (removal) of teeth);
  4. In emergency surgery to stop intestinal and pulmonary bleeding, in neurology - with progressive ischemic stroke;
  5. With hemorrhagic diathesis and diseases of the blood system.


  • thromboembolism,
  • acute porphyria,
  • glucose-lactose deficiency,
  • thrombosis,
  • hypersensitivity of the patient to at least one of the components of the drug, as well as to sodium sulfite,
  • hemoblastosis in children, including myeloid and lymphoblastic leukemia, osteosarcoma.

The drug is prescribed with caution if the patient has previously suffered thrombosis, as well as bleeding while taking anticoagulants.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy is permissible only in cases where the benefit of its use for the mother outweighs the risk possible complications for the fetus.

When prescribing Dicinon during lactation, breastfeeding should be temporarily stopped.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Dicinon is available in the form of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections and in the form of tablets intended for oral administration. Also possible topical application Dicinon by applying a tampon soaked in a solution to the wound. One ampoule and one tablet contain 250 mg of etamsylate.

Instructions for tablets:

  1. The optimal daily dose for adults is 10-20 mg / kg of body weight, divided into 3-4 doses. In most cases, a single dose is 250-500 mg 3-4 times / day. In exceptional cases, a single dose may be increased to 750 mg 3-4 times / day.
  2. With menorrhagia, 750-1000 mg / day is prescribed, starting from the 5th day of the expected menstruation until the 5th day of the next menstrual cycle.
  3. In the postoperative period, the drug is prescribed in a single dose of 250-500 mg every 6 hours until the risk of bleeding disappears.
  4. Children are prescribed in a daily dose of 10-15 mg / kg in 3-4 doses.

Solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections:

  1. The optimal daily dose for adults is 10-20 mg/kg divided into 3-4 IM or IV (slow) injections.
  2. Adults during surgical interventions are prophylactically administered intravenously or intramuscularly 250-500 mg 1 hour before surgery. During the operation, 250-500 mg is administered intravenously, the administration of this dose can be repeated again. After surgery, 250-500 mg is administered every 6 hours until the risk of bleeding disappears.
  3. For children, the daily dose is 10-15 mg / kg of body weight, divided into 3-4 injections.
  4. In neonatology: Dicinone is administered intramuscularly or intravenously (slowly) at a dose of 12.5 mg/kg (0.1 ml = 12.5 mg). Treatment should begin within the first 2 hours after birth.
  5. If Dicinon is mixed with saline, then it should be administered immediately.

Side effects

The use of Dicinon in some cases can cause the following side effects: heaviness in the epigastric region (upper part of the abdominal wall), heartburn, overflow of facial vessels with blood, headache, dizziness, numbness of the legs, allergic reactions, lowering blood pressure.


special instructions

  1. Other causes of bleeding should be ruled out before starting treatment.
  2. If the solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration becomes stained, it should not be used.
  3. The solution for i / m and / in the introduction is intended only for use in hospitals and clinics.
  4. Solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection can be applied topically: a sterile swab or gauze is soaked in solution and applied to the wound (for example, skin graft, tooth extraction).
  5. One Dicinon tablet contains 60.5 mg of lactose (the maximum daily dose of lactose should not exceed 5 g). Do not prescribe the drug to patients with congenital glucose intolerance, lapp lactase deficiency (lactase deficiency in some peoples of the North) or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

drug interaction

  1. The drug can be combined with aminocaproic acid and menadione sodium bisulfite.
  2. Dicynone is also incompatible with sodium bicarbonate injection and sodium lactate solution.
  3. In the form of a solution, the drug is pharmaceutically incompatible (in the same syringe) with other drugs.
  4. Administration at a dose of 10 mg/kg of body weight 1 hour before the administration of dextrans prevents their antiaggregant effect. The introduction of Dicinon after the introduction of dextrans does not have a hemostatic effect.

Dicynon is a hemostatic drug. The action of the drug is based on the formation of mucopolysaccharides with a large molecular weight in the walls of the capillaries, which increases the stability of the capillaries, improves microcirculation and increases their permeability during pathological processes.

Composition and form of release

Dicynon is available in two forms: in the form of a solution for injection and in the form of tablets. Tablets of white or almost white color with a dosage of 0.25 g or 0.05 g, located in a cell pack. There are 100 tablets in a carton box.

Clear glass ampoules of 2 ml each containing a 12.5% ​​solution of the drug, and 1 ml each containing a 5% solution. All ampoules are located in a plastic package, which is additionally placed in a cardboard box. The latter contains 20 or 50 ampoules.

Storage: List B. The instructions for use of the product say that it is recommended to keep it away from children and store it in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 0 C and normal humidity. Best before date medicinal product– 60 months After its expiration, it is not recommended to use Dicinon.

Solution composition

  • 1 ampoule contains 125 mg or 250 mg etamzilate
  • And auxiliary components which include purified water, sodium bicarbonate, sodium disulfite.

The composition of the tablets

  • 1 tablet contains 50mg or 250mg main active ingredient etamzilate
  • And auxiliary components including magnesium stearate, lactose, povidone K25, anhydrous citric acid, corn starch.

Indications for use Dicinon

The drug is designed to stop various kinds bleeding as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent. The main indications for this drug:

  • cerebral infarction,
  • bleeding as a consequence of injuries of varying severity,
  • intestinal and pulmonary bleeding,
  • uterine bleeding of a different nature, uterine fibromyoma,
  • hemorrhages in the retina,
  • bleeding associated with surgery
  • postoperative bleeding - for prevention and treatment,
  • bleeding due to hemorrhagic diathesis,
  • bleeding in diabetic angiopathy,
  • hemophthalmos,
  • other bleeding of an indeterminate nature.

What helps Dicinon, from what diseases:

  • retinal diseases,
  • hemorrhage in the vitreous body,
  • retinal hemorrhage,
  • capillary diseases of various origin and nature,
  • peripheral angiopathy in various diseases,
  • problems with menstruation in women, including their excessive abundance, irregularity or absence,
  • surgical practice,
  • abnormal bleeding from the vagina and uterus
  • intracranial hemorrhage in premature and newborn infants.


  • hypersensitivity of the patient to at least one of the components of the drug Dicinon, as well as to sodium sulfite,
  • thromboembolism,
  • acute porphyria,
  • glucose-lactose deficiency,
  • thrombosis,
  • hemoblastosis in children, including myeloid and lymphoblastic leukemia, osteosarcoma.

Dicinon is prescribed with caution if the patient has previously suffered thrombosis, as well as bleeding while taking anticoagulants.

Side effects

  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • nausea or vomiting
  • paresthesia of the legs
  • allergic reactions,
  • feeling of heat on the skin of the face after taking the remedy,
  • Decrease in systolic blood pressure,
  • heartburn,
  • heaviness in the stomach
  • local reactions when injected,
  • stomach ache.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage of tablets

The dosage and treatment regimen is set individually by the attending physician, depending on the age of the patient, his sensitivity to the drug and the nature of the disease. You can not use the medication without consulting a specialist.

Method and dosage of injections

You can administer the medication in different ways: intravenously and intramuscularly, retrobulbarno, subconjunctival and taken in the form of gauze bandages and tampons dipped in Dicinon solution.

The treatment regimen and dosage and method of administration are determined by the doctor individually after conducting an examination, identifying the cause and determining the nature of the disease.

Dicynon for bleeding

Instructions for use indicate that the standard daily dose for adults is 10-20 mg per 1 kg of body weight, divided into 4 doses. A single dose is 250-500 mg 3-4 times a day. Only in special cases, as prescribed by a doctor, it can be increased to 750 mg 3-4 times a day.

In the treatment of menorrhagia, 750-1000 mg of Dicinon is prescribed per day, starting from the 5th day of the expected and ending on the 5th day of the next menstrual cycle. In the period after surgery, 250-500 mg every 6 hours is sufficient to prevent bleeding. Children's daily dose of Decinon in tablets is 10-15 mg per kilogram of weight in 3-4 doses.

The solution for injection also has a standard dosage, but it may change according to the doctor's prescription. Usually it is 10-20 mg per kg of weight in adulthood, administered slowly intravenously or intramuscularly 3-4 times a day. Before surgery, it is enough to administer 250-500 mg one hour before the operation. It is also possible to administer the drug in the same dosage during the operation. In the postoperative period, the administration of the drug continues every 6 hours in the amount of 250-500 mg.

The children's daily dose of Dicinon injection is 10-15 mg per kg of body, divided into 3-4 injections. Also, the drug is administered slowly intramuscularly or intravenously at a dose of 12.5 mg per kg of the child's body during the first 2 hours after birth. In addition to use in the solution for injection, it can be used topically. It is enough to moisten a swab or a sterile napkin and apply it to the wound surface, whether it is a gum at the site of an extracted tooth or a skin graft. When mixed with saline, it should be administered to the patient immediately.

Dicynon for children

It is allowed to take the drug in childhood. In this case, the doctor calculates the dosage of the drug based on the weight and age of the patient, as well as his sensitivity to the drug and the nature of the disease.

During pregnancy and lactation

Instructions for use informs that taking Dicinon during pregnancy is possible, but not recommended due to the lack of a sufficient number of studies. Therefore, take it only if the risk to the fetus does not outweigh the potential benefit. It is usually taken with detachment of the placenta or chorion, in the fight against spotting. Using the tool during breastfeeding forbidden.


Data on an overdose of Dicinon is not provided, and cases have not been registered in medicine. However, at the slightest suspicion that this has happened, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Treatment is symptomatic.

special instructions

The duration of treatment with the drug in each case is determined by the attending physician individually. BUT it can be used for quite a long time. For example, the period of use of the drug in diabetic microangiopathy can be 2-3 months without a break.

Interaction with other drugs

The hemostatic effect of the drug Dicinon is also manifested in the fact that thromboplastin formation is stimulated at the site of damage to small vessels, as well as the formation of blood clotting factor III and the normalization of platelet adhesion. Moreover, the drug has no effect on prothrombin time and does not contribute to the formation of blood clots.

The effect of the drug after intravenous administration is observed after 5-15 minutes, the maximum effect is achieved one hour after its use, and the duration of action does not exceed 4-6 hours. After oral administration, the drug is absorbed almost completely. The active substance is able to penetrate the placental barrier and be excreted in breast milk.

The drug Dicinon is almost completely (more than 72%) excreted by the kidneys during the day unchanged.

Compatibility of Dicinon with other drugs

Decinon is well combined with other hemostatic drugs, except for Tranexam, since joint use can lead to the formation of blood clots. It is possible to take together with menadione sodium bisulfite and aminocaproic acid.

Mixing the product with other drugs in the same syringe is prohibited. Taking Dicinin in an amount of 10 milligrams per 1 kg of body in adulthood one hour before the administration of dextrans prevents their antiaggregatory effect. Moreover, if you enter Dicinon later than them, then there will be no hemostatic effect.

Domestic and foreign analogues

Tranexam is an analogue of Dicinon

This drug is also a hemostatic agent. It is used for various kinds of bleeding, including postoperative, during pregnancy, liver diseases and oncological diseases. This analogue has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. It has contraindications and possible side effects. The active substance is tranexamic acid.

Means analogue - Etamzilat

This drug is used for the prevention and treatment of capillary bleeding, in dental and gynecological practice, intestinal and pulmonary bleeding, after surgical interventions of varying complexity. This analogue has contraindications and after its use side effects are possible.

Dicinon analogue - Vikasol

This is a synthetic water-soluble analogue of vitamin K. The drug is used in gynecological and surgical practice for the prevention and treatment of various types of bleeding. This analogue is approved for use in childhood and during pregnancy. Side effects are possible from it, which are most pronounced with an overdose of the drug. There are contraindications. In hemophilia, the drug is ineffective, as well as in Werlhof's disease.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Dicinon in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the drug Dicinon, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.