Hair mask onion and honey recipe. Hair care at home (masks, peels, etc.)

Long, thick, silky and shiny curls are the dream of every girl. But nature does not reward every lady with such luxury, you should not despair. Any problem has a solution, and in this situation, regular proper hair care will ensure their health and help restore or acquire the density and beauty of the latter.

Today, beauty salons offer fashionable and very effective procedures to improve the condition of the hair, but their cost is not affordable to anyone. “Grandmother's methods” come to the rescue, which are cheaper, and the result from their use is in no way inferior to expensive imported funds.

Each type of hair requires care and individual selection of shampoos, masks, balms. In addition, it is worth considering the degree of damage to the hairs after dyeing, perm or other factors. Based on this, study in detail the compositions of “homemade” masks prepared on the advice of beautiful grandmothers.

The Benefits of the Ingredients

An excellent home remedy is a mask based on ingredients such as onion, honey and an egg. No matter how strange this combination looks, but each of these ingredients has many beneficial effects on the hair.

Egg- contains lecithin in its composition. More precisely, it is contained in the yolk, which is used to prepare the mixture. Lycetin is an essential component, which is a building material for hair shafts. The yolk contains vitamin complex(A, D, E, vitamin B group). Their action is aimed at strengthening the roots, eliminating brittleness and dryness.

Honey- familiar from childhood and such a favorite product for us, an indispensable element of the beauty and health of the human body. A lot has already been said about the benefits of honey. This product is unique in its composition. Honey in itself stores a golden vitamin reserve. The honey composition contains the necessary trace elements, and due to the chains of polysaccharides, it provides proper hydration and softening. Honey has antifungal and antimicrobial activity, which plays a significant role in the aspect of health.

Onion able to work miracles. Its use in the composition of hair masks is due to the following properties:

  • biotin, which is enriched with onions, the building material of the bulb and hair shaft;
  • onions contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which increases blood flow and supplies oxygen to the scalp. This property helps to accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss;
  • do not forget about moisturizing, the function of which is taken over by potassium, which abundantly fills the onion.

With regards to indications for use, the discussed mask is suitable for every girl. Natural components in rational doses do not harm. But, do not forget that there are contraindications.

The most important of them - allergic reactions to the components of the mask.

Do not apply the mask on skin with open wounds or other damage.

If you know these features of your body, then you should look for another composition for hair treatment.

A mask with onion, egg and honey is more effective and shown for hair loss, dullness and brittleness. When using the latter, you will forget about split ends.

It is recommended to use for dry, but it will not hurt girls with combination or greasy hair. It is also useful to apply a mixture with honey, egg and onion for curls damaged by chemical and physical factors.

mask recipe

The secret to making a mask with onion, honey and egg is simple.

  1. Separate one egg yolk from the white and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey. Do not forget that honey must be used at room temperature or heated in a water bath.
  2. Using a blender or on a fine grater, chop one medium-sized onion. You can use onion juice or the gruel itself to make the composition.
  3. Mix the resulting ingredients and, if desired, add 1 tablespoon of nourishing oil (peach, olive, etc.)

The mask is ready. Proper application consists in covering only the roots with the resulting vitamin composition, and not along the entire length. Hair should be dry, you can "dirty". It is worth wrapping the head with cellophane to create a “cellophane vacuum”.

After 40-60 minutes, the mask is washed off using shampoo, after which it is recommended to rinse the hair in vinegar water.

Already after the first application of the mask, which includes onion, honey and egg, a shine is noticeable.

You need to perform this procedure 2 times a week, and with regular use of the mask, you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of a long-standing beauty recipe.

The mask, the recipe of which is outlined above, has already received a large number of positive reviews from girls from all over the world. The combination of such affordable and useful ingredients as onions, honey, eggs have a stunning effect and return the natural shine to the hair, help to get a healthy look, and the owners of chic curls forget about the problem of brittleness and loss.

And remember, it doesn't matter what you use for the beauty of your hair, whether it's a homemade mask or an expensive salon procedure, you should love yourself for who you are.

The biggest downside to this product is its smell. This is especially felt in cases where the strands are dyed, permed, or they have a porous structure. There are several ways to neutralize the odor, such as using vinegar or lemon juice added to the rinse water.

Onion juice is used separately or as part of a variety of masks. If the juice is used separately, it must be diluted or used no more than once every 7-10 days, leaving only 10-15 minutes.

Benefits of honey for hair

This healing product is useful for the whole body. Almost everyone knows the feature of honey to strengthen the immune system, it is this product that doctors recommend using to combat colds and many other diseases. Honey is also used to restore the health and beauty of strands. It gives the curls a natural healthy shine, they become soft, obedient.

With this valuable product, you will restore the structure damaged by perms, dyes, regular blow-drying and constant use of flat irons.

To save beneficial features product, you should not heat it above 36-37 0 C. It is recommended to apply honey mixtures to clean, washed strands, slightly dried with a towel to eliminate excess moisture. In order for the mixture to work most effectively, it is best to cover your head with a shower cap or cellophane, and wrap it with a scarf or towel on top and leave it for the time specified in the recipe.

Honey is also used for home hair lightening. To do this, apply honey along the entire length of the strands, wrap and leave overnight or for 8 hours during the day. Of course, with this method, it will not be possible to drastically turn from a brunette into a blonde, but the strands are guaranteed to lighten by 1-2 tones. In addition, no harm will be done to the hair.

Hair mask recipes

Consider effective masks for curls with honey, onions and other ingredients. Such mixtures restore, strengthen and accelerate the growth of strands, and also help against hair loss.

Honey and onion composition

The recipe for this mask will help strengthen curls, as well as stop the process of intense hair loss. For cooking, you need an onion, 1 tbsp. l. melted honey, garlic (1 clove).

Grate onion and garlic or chop in a blender, combine with honey and apply to the roots for 35-45 minutes. When applying, rub the mixture into the roots and massage the scalp.

Mask with oil and cognac

Thanks to this recipe, the process of stimulating the hair follicles occurs, which accelerates hair growth, and the curls themselves are saturated with nutrients. In addition, this composition will help get rid of excessive oiliness of the scalp and hair.

You will need fresh onion juice - 2 tbsp. l., the same amount of kefir, honey, Burr oil, cognac and sea salt, 1 tbsp. l.; all ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair roots, the remains are distributed along the entire length of the strands. If there is no cognac at hand, vodka will become its replacement. Don't forget to wrap your head. The exposure time is about an hour.

Onion and egg

To strengthen weakened hair, prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. onion juice, you should add cognac, burdock oil, honey - 1 tbsp. l. and yolk. If desired, strengthen the composition of the mixture with garlic juice. With massaging movements, the composition is applied to the scalp and hair roots. Cover the head and leave for 45-50 minutes.

Abundance of funds and drugs with healing effect, intended for hair care, which cosmetic stores offer today, can frighten and enter a woman into a stupor. After all, choosing from the whole variety of suitable options for drugs can be quite difficult. As a result, choosing the right option becomes extremely problematic.

If it is difficult for you to make a choice, in order to turn your hair into more beautiful, well-groomed and healthy, experts recommend contacting folk recipes. They are time-tested, reliable and efficient and at the same time quite budgetary. So, for example, one of these home remedies is a hair mask with honey and onions.

The benefits of mask ingredients

The benefits of a mask made on the basis of onion juice or gruel and honey are undeniable. The combination of these two ingredients allows you to strengthen the hair, has a stimulating effect on their growth. No wonder already in ancient Egypt, onions were used as a reliable remedy for baldness. The benefits of onions are in sulfur and phosphorus, which are found in large quantities in the root crop, and it is these substances that are in the natural composition of the hair itself and contribute to the normal functioning of the hairs. In addition, onions contain vitamins that ensure the normal life cycle of the hair. Using homemade hair masks with onions can treat scalp irritation, flaking, and even seborrhea.

Honey, in turn, contains a large amount of vitamins and beneficial trace elements that have a strengthening effect on both the scalp and the hair itself along the entire length. After applying the honey-based mask, the hair becomes soft, shiny, supple and obedient. In addition, honey is able to stop hair loss, strengthening and nourishing the roots, and eliminates dandruff.

For what purpose is it used

Onion and honey masks are widely used for:

  • enhancing hair growth;
  • root strengthening;
  • giving volume and nutrition to the hair.

The result can be seen and appreciated literally after a couple of applications. If you use such a simple home remedy regularly and follow all the prescribed courses, your hairstyle will turn into a subject of special pride.

What are the recipes for masks based on honey and onions

1. For weak hair that needs urgent strengthening and restoration, the following mask will be required.


  • grated onion.

The proportions should be as follows: 4 parts onion, 1 part honey. Mix everything well so that the honey evenly disperses, and apply to your hair. Moreover, it should be applied by actively rubbing it into the scalp. The mask should be kept for 40 minutes, then wash your hair. If your hair is dry and exhausted, you can add a teaspoon of oil to the mask as an additional ingredient - better than burdock, but olive oil is also an option.

2. Hair that is classified as normal also requires additional nutrition and care in order not to lose its attractiveness.

In this case, you can use the following recipe. Take an onion and rub it on a grater to get a gruel. It should be attached lemon juice, honey and cognac - all in proportions of 1 tsp. Mix these ingredients together and apply all over the head. The optimal time for keeping the mask on the head is about an hour.

3. Universal hair mask is suitable for every type of hair.

It allows you to provide care, has a nourishing effect on the scalp and helps to add shine to the hair. To prepare it, take:

  • onion - 1 piece;
  • one egg (you only need to choose the yolk);
  • oil (it is worth choosing burdock or castor oil) - 1 teaspoon;
  • bee honey - 1 teaspoon.

The onion must be rubbed on a fine grater, then squeeze the juice out of the resulting slurry through cheesecloth. Rub the yolk with honey, add onion juice and oil. Before use, you can slightly heat the mixture in the microwave. Then, gently but quickly begin combing your hair to remove the remnants of dust, styling preparations, and also stimulate blood circulation. Apply the resulting product on your head and cover with a hat and a towel. It takes a couple of hours to keep this mask on your hair.

4. This mask will help you get rid of excess oily hair.

Take in equal proportions:

  • onion juice;
  • egg yolk.

Add a few drops to the mixture aqueous solution vitamin D. Mix the entire list of ingredients, apply the mixture to your hair and insulate them. This mask should be kept for about an hour.

5. If your hair is dry, sick and looks brittle and thin, the hair can be cured using a mask of ingredients such as honey and onion.

To prepare it, you need:

  • bee honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • any liquid soap - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil (burdock) - 1 teaspoon;
  • bulb juice.

You need to apply such a mask in the form of a compress and keep it on your hair for about 2 hours.

When preparing a mask, it should be borne in mind that the onion smells quite strongly. However, you can get rid of this unpleasant odor. It is enough to add a couple of drops of different essential oils to the mask with banana mint.

How to use and remove

You need to apply the mask on all hair, regardless of what you want to correct and adjust. True, if you want to make the roots stronger, you should additionally rub the mask into the scalp. This will become a kind of massage that will normalize blood circulation and contribute to the active nutrition of the hair follicles.

Wash off such a tool usually with warm running water. You should not choose hot, especially if eggs are used as additional ingredients in your mask. Water that is too hot can simply roll them up, and then it will be extremely difficult to comb out lumps of eggs.

There are a large number of recipes for homemade hair masks with onions and honey, where, depending on the addition of one or another ingredient, the direction of the effect of the mask changes.

The main components are honey and onions, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times. In tandem, they do an excellent job with their tasks, in general - with the improvement of hair.

However, you need to know the features of these products so that the mask is beneficial, not harmful.

In childhood, we were often told that if you eat onions, then diseases will not be terrible, and adults did not lie to us - onions are really very useful.

This rule can also be applied to hair, since it contains a large number of useful elements that have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

What are these elements:

  • The onion owes its "flavor" to the glycosides and essential oils that make up its composition. They also actively affect blood circulation, thereby improving metabolic processes at the cellular level, due to which nutrients are delivered faster to the hair follicles;
  • Tears in the eyes from cutting onions appear due to sulfur, which, when released, becomes an irritant to the mucous membranes. It also actively affects the scalp, irritating the cover and activating the growth of new hair;
  • Phytoncides fight microbes and fungal diseases. Thanks to these elements, onions become an excellent tool in the fight against dandruff, since it is a fungal disease;
  • Biotin acts as a builder: heals damaged hair;
  • Potassium regulates sebum secretion;
  • Vitamin PP is responsible for the preservation of hair pigment, prevents premature aging of the hair;
  • Vitamin C has a positive effect on the circulatory system, and also promotes the production of collagen, thereby making the hair more elastic.

Instructions for using the bow

Due to the large amount of vitamins and trace elements, onion becomes almost a panacea for all ills, as it nourishes hair follicles, makes curls more elastic, fights premature aging, hair loss and dandruff.

But for any onion mask recipe to work, you need to know some rules for its use.

Onions, due to the high concentration of irritants, can burn and injure the top layer of the scalp.

Therefore, if there are microcracks, wounds, pimples, scars from recent operations, scabs, etc., it is necessary to abandon the idea of ​​restoring hair with onions.

Hair damage in this case can only be aggravated.

Before creating and applying the mask, it is necessary to check this component for allergies: apply a small amount of the product on the wrist or elbow bend.

A slight burning sensation is allowed, if it is unbearable or spots appear, then it is absolutely impossible to use a mask with onions.

So that tears do not flow from the onion mask, the onion must be put in the freezer before mixing with other components, half an hour will be enough to “muffle” the sulfur secretions.

To prepare onion juice, you need to turn the whole onion in a meat grinder (for convenience, it can be cut into several parts). As a result, a puree is formed, which is put into gauze and squeezed.

Some recipes do not require juicing, sometimes a simple puree is enough.

An onion mask is applied to dirty hair, the resulting fat will serve as a kind of protection against excessive irritating action. The hair must be dry.

The action of the mask is directed, first of all, to the scalp, so you should not apply it along the entire length.

Moreover, when styling the hair, the mask will still touch the ends of the hair.

It is necessary to warm the head with polyethylene and a towel. Thus, the components of the mask will work better, and the release of "thawed" sulfur will become less accessible to the mucous membranes.

In order for all the components of the mask to work, 15-20 minutes of time is enough, if discomfort appears earlier, then you should not endure it, the mask must be washed off with shampoo.

The whole truth about honey

Masks with honey are used by women not only for hair, but also for the face and body. The widespread use of this product is due to its rich in vitamins and minerals composition.

Honey is able to nourish, restore, regulate, heal, strengthen. Due to which honey has the following abilities:

  • Fructose and glucose work to repair split ends and moisturize hair, respectively;
  • Riboflavin in combination with vitamin B2 regulate sebum secretion;
  • As well as in onions, it contains vitamins PP, potassium, ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • B vitamins are aimed at protecting hair from external irritants, treating dandruff and seborrhea of ​​the head, and generally strengthening curls;
  • Iron helps hair grow faster.

Thus, honey is a source of healthy hair. With it, you can treat curls, as well as use as a preventive measure.

But honey is a strong allergen, so a tolerance test must be done before use.

A small amount of honey should be applied to the elbow and follow the reaction. In case of redness, spots or itching, honey is not recommended.

For the convenience of creating a mask, liquid honey is used, if there is none, then solid honey, previously melted in a water bath, can be used.

It is impossible to make it very hot for two reasons: honey loses its beneficial properties and you can burn the skin.

Classic Recipes

Below we present the most effective and common mask recipes based on honey and onions.

Classic Onion Honey Mask

The onion and honey mask recipe is replete with its variations. First of all, a variety of recipes is aimed at solving various problems: against dandruff, hair loss, brittleness, dryness, and so on.

Also, the amount of ingredients depends on the type of hair, the sensitivity of the scalp and, most interestingly, the products that are available.

Home masks are different in that they use the products that are at hand. A classic mask with onion and honey is one that uses only these two components.

Onions and honey are taken in a ratio of 4: 1, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp. Onions can be taken in the form of puree or juice, the difference is that the puree will be harder to wash off the hair, the juice is less "flavorful".

Keep the mask according to the instructions above, since both components are active.

This mask is great for thin and weakened hair.

Mask that stimulates hair growth

The recipe for the next mask is aimed not only at stimulating the growth of curls, but also helps to strengthen them, treats them from falling out.

To prepare the medicinal mixture you will need:

  1. medium-sized onion (1 pc.);
  2. cognac (2 tablespoons);
  3. honey (1 tablespoon);
  4. oil (1 tablespoon);
  5. egg (1 yolk);
  6. lemon juice (1 tablespoon);
  7. essential oil (up to 10 drops).

Onions can be grated or passed through a meat grinder, this mask requires juice, so the resulting slurry is filtered through gauze.

It is better to heat honey with butter using a water bath, but not too much so that the yolk does not curl (it also curls, like protein, but more slowly).

It is better to take the egg out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is not cold. Essential oil can be anything: lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.

Everything is mixed and applied to the hair. The mask turns out to be liquid, you can thicken it by adding 1 tbsp to the recipe. l. cocoa.

Against hair loss

Masks, directed against hair loss, have a general strengthening effect, and also have a healing effect.

This recipe is suitable for dry hair and scalp, since it uses olive oil, if it is not available, you can use any other, for example, almond, grape seed oil, etc.

You will need: honey and oil, 1 tbsp. l. and one medium-sized onion (juice is used).

The recipe for the next mask is more “strong”, it should be used very carefully with sensitive scalp, at the slightest discomfort, the mask must be removed!

So the recipe:

  1. onion (1 pc.);
  2. castor oil (1 tablespoon);
  3. alcohol tincture of calendula (1 tablespoon);
  4. cognac (1 tbsp. l.);
  5. honey (1 tablespoon);
  6. egg (1 yolk).

All components are mixed. Remember that the egg should not be cold. To enhance the effect, you can add the pulp of one clove of garlic.

The mixture of onion and garlic scents is strong, so it's worth doing this mask a few hours before leaving the house.

To strengthen hair

The recipe for strengthening, as well as nourishing hair with onions and honey, is as follows:

  1. onion juice (2 tablespoons);
  2. honey (1 tablespoon);
  3. unrefined olive oil (1 tablespoon);
  4. mayonnaise (1 tablespoon).

Mayonnaise should not be cheap and low quality. All ingredients should be warm, but not hot, so as not to get burned.

To make hair thick and strong, this recipe will help:

  1. onion juice (2 tablespoons);
  2. honey (1 tablespoon);
  3. kefir (1 tablespoon);
  4. oil (1 tablespoon);
  5. cognac (1 tbsp. l.);
  6. sea ​​salt (1 tbsp. l.).

Such a mask with onion, honey, salt and other components affects the hair follicles, helps nutrients to act and strengthen the hair easier, faster and more actively.

What to do about onion smell?

Masks with a bow despite their healing properties, not many decide to do it. This is because the onion smell remains on the hair, everyone around it also feels it.

It is impossible to say that the smell is pleasant, therefore, many people refuse masks with onions.

Since the recipe for such a remedy was invented a long time ago, there was time to find products and ways to neutralize its smell.

Onions help make hair thick and bouncy. Choose the right mask for you, and in a month your hair will be irresistible.

Every girl dreams of luxurious long hair. But not everyone gave nature a beautiful head of hair. Many ladies cannot grow their hair all their lives - the split ends break off, the hair thins and becomes lifeless.

Hair bow is excellent tool against damage and baldness. Many girls are worried that after the course, the hair will have a specific smell.

Important: The smell is easily washed off with a regular hair cleanser, so use onion masks - the most powerful stimulant good growth hair.

How does onion stimulate hair growth?

Dry skin, the appearance of a fungus, hair loss - all this is a consequence of a lack of sulfur. It is this substance that is in onion juice. Few people only know about a balanced diet and stick to it.

Important: If a person does not eat as nutritionists advise, then there is a shortage in his body. nutrients, including sulfur.

How does onion stimulate hair growth? Sulfur is a healing substance that has the ability to stimulate the movement of blood through the vessels and capillaries to reduce inflammation of the skin epidermis.

Sulfur also keeps not only hair in excellent condition, but also nails. This “beauty mineral” is important in the formation of collagen particles, a protein that gives perfect smoothness to the skin.

Important: Sulfur is not produced in our body, it must come from outside it. Therefore, you need to make "cocktails" for the hairline and epidermis at least once every 7-10 days.

Onion "cocktail" helps even with local baldness - alopecia areata. In 2003, an experiment was conducted with several dozen people. Once every 7 days, they rubbed onion extract into the upper layer of the epidermis.

Almost 73% of people who rubbed onion juice into the roots from hair loss recovered the bulb. After a while, fluff appeared and good hair began to grow.

Honey is another of the best hair growth stimulants. Therefore, it is actively used for the preparation of the mixture.

  • Take two heads of onion, peel and chop until puree
  • Add the same amount of honey, stirring until you get a smooth cocktail
  • Rub it thoroughly into the scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it like that for 15 minutes
  • After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with your regular hair shampoo.

Another effective "cocktail" for creating beautiful hair is made with the addition of olive oil. This product contains a huge amount of trace elements and minerals that are beneficial for our body.

Onion and honey for hair loss with olive oil:

  • Make a slurry of onion and mix it thoroughly with honey 1:1
  • Steam one tablespoon of olive oil and mix it with onion and honey
  • Apply the "potion" on the epidermis of the head, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with your favorite cleanser

Kefir is used by cosmetologists to treat the epidermis on the head. It relieves seborrhea, itching and hair loss. It "feeds" the hair due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins, protein and calcium.

  • Squeeze the juice of one medium onion
  • Mix it with one glass of kefir
  • Spread the resulting mixture on your head, wrap with polyethylene and a towel. Please wait 1 hour
  • Wash off with warm water. Due to kefir, the smell of onion will not be felt, but if it seems to you that it is present, then wash your hair with shampoo

The egg has a nutritional base that enriches the hair, saturates it with moisture and oxygen, making it lush and light. The constituent particles of the egg help to remove the peeling of the skin and even seborrhea.

  • Turn the onion with a blender into a semi-liquid mass
  • Add two yolks to it (squirrels should not be applied to the hair, because from the heat of the head, they will curl up and remain on the hair for a long time)
  • Mix all the components and apply to the roots and to the hair along the entire length.
  • Keep the "potion" on your head for 15 minutes and rinse with running water

The skin in contact with burning substances turns red, irritated and burning occurs. Due to this, the movement of blood through the capillaries to the hair follicles improves, and the growth process is stimulated.

  • Grate the garlic on a grater to make 2 tablespoons of a semi-liquid mass
  • Chop one onion small size. Mix onion and garlic
  • Apply to hair 1 hour before shampooing. After that, wash off with a hair cleanser and rinse with herbal decoction.

To make your hair beautiful, lush, without dandruff and itching, trichologists advise everyone to use vegetable oils in their care. With their help, you can make essences - the effect will be excellent, and the result is immediate.

  • Make a semi-liquid mass from two onions
  • Mix castor oil and burdock oil one tablespoon each
  • Mix well all the components of the "cocktail" and apply it on the hair and skin

Tip: Do this composition 2-3 times in 7-10 days, and after 30-50 days you will feel the first initial effect of the treatment. Hair will shine and radiate beauty.

Dandruff occurs in every third person. Fighting it takes a lot of time and money. But there is the easiest and most affordable way to deal with dandruff.

  • Grind the onion into a semi-liquid mass with a grater or meat grinder. You will need 2 tablespoons of this mass
  • Mix it with 1 teaspoon of alcohol
  • Thoroughly rub the resulting "mixture" into the hair and skin. Wrap your head with polyethylene and a towel for 1 hour
  • Rinse off with warm water and then wash your hair with a hair cleanser.

Such a "beauty cocktail" helps to add vitality to the hair and stop hair loss forever. This is facilitated by the natural keratin base contained in onions.

  • Squeeze out the stinging liquid from one bulb
  • Mix in a glass dish 2 tablespoons of juice, 1 tablespoon of cognac and a little honey
  • Apply the mass only on the scalp. Do not spread it on your hair, as it will dry them out. If your hair is too dry and brittle, add 1 tablespoon of castor oil to the mask.
  • Put on a shower cap and wrap your head in a cotton towel
  • After an hour, wash off the mask with warm water, and wash your hair with shampoo the next day. Repeat treatment after 3 days

The fruit of the lemon tree is almost on the first line in the list of food products valuable to humans. It has a lot of useful elements and vitamin C. Essential oils of this fruit, in combination with a burning vegetable, will perfectly nourish the skin and improve the structure of the hair strand.

  • In a glass bowl, mix the juice of one onion and 1 tablespoon of lemon
  • Add to this mixture 1 tablespoon of burdock or other vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of honey and a little shampoo
  • Mix all the ingredients to obtain foam, and apply the mixture to the hair along the entire length
  • Warm your head with polyethylene and a towel, and wait 2 hours
  • After 1-1.5 hours, wash off the mask with water and shampoo.

Onion is the best medicine against baldness. But many people cannot make medical formulations out of it. With its smell, it strongly corrodes the mucous membrane of the eye and its smell can be eaten for a long time, which is difficult to remove.

Therefore, instead of onions, onion peel can be used in the preparation of "potions" for the skin of the head. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from it. It is tinctures that are very popular, as they can be stored for a long time, due to the alcohol content.

So, how to prepare tincture with onions for hair? Follow these steps:

  • Prepare a half-liter glass jar with a secure lid
  • Put 3-4 cloves on the bottom of the jar
  • Fill this vessel to the top with onion skins.
  • Fill with vodka to the brim and loosely close with a plastic lid
  • Put in a dark place for 10 days. During this time, the jar needs to be shaken every day - for this you need a tight lid.
  • After that, strain the tincture, and squeeze the husk. Everything - the tincture is ready

Tip: Store the tincture in the refrigerator, on the lower shelves. Before applying to the skin - warm up the "cocktail". Keep masks for no more than 1 hour. Do this 2 times a week for 2 months - this will help restore hair and consolidate a good outcome of treatment.

In home cosmetology, onion peel is used to color hair. This method is suitable for everyone except blondes. If in decoction onion peel add a tablespoon of glycerin, then you get a beautiful copper shine of hair.

Coloring and strengthening hair with onion peel is done as follows:

  • Prepare a decoction of onion peels to make a dark brown liquid (a handful of onion peels per 100 ml of water)
  • Cool it down to body temperature
  • Pour the broth over your head, wring out your hair a little
  • Put on a shower cap and wrap your hair in a towel
  • Keep this natural dye on your head for an hour. Then rinse your hair with water. To achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to stain every day for 2 weeks.

Mustard warms and improves the movement of blood through the capillaries. The nutrition of the hair follicle improves, it strengthens, rapid growth and restoration of the structural part of the hair occurs.

  • Dilute mustard powder with warm water until a slurry is obtained.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of onion juice, 1 tablespoon of aloe and the same amount of honey
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture on the head. So that the ends of the hair do not dry out, apply burdock oil to them.
  • Wrap your head for 1 hour and then wash off the mask with warm water. The effect will be noticeable after one month of use (1 time per week)

Aloe should be in every home, as it heals and helps get rid of dandruff and baldness. This plant has a pronounced medicinal effect. It is an ingredient in many detergents and rinse aids.

  • Gather the bottom leaves of aloe, they are the most fleshy and juicy
  • Put them in the refrigerator for a week
  • After the time has elapsed, squeeze the juice to make 2 tablespoons. Put the remaining leaves back in the refrigerator
  • Add the juice of one onion and 1 tablespoon of honey to the aloe juice. You can use onion gruel, but then the aloe must be crushed in a blender
  • Rub the mixture into your scalp. Leave the mask on for an hour, wash off with water and shampoo. After 3 days, repeat the procedure with aloe leaves that remained in the refrigerator

Almost all women who use this vegetable as the main ingredient for masks face the problem of onion smell on their hair. If the hair is dry, the smell may not disappear even after shampooing.

How to get rid of onion smell from hair? Colorless henna can help with this:

  • Dilute one tablespoon of the powder in hot water to make a slurry
  • Apply the mixture on your head and keep it on for 15 minutes
  • Then wash off the mask with water and shampoo.

A mask of kefir and mustard with the addition of any fragrant essential oil does an excellent job of removing the smell of onions on the hair:

  • Dilute henna in a small amount of water
  • Add some kefir and 5 drops of essential oil
  • Mix the mask and apply to your hair
  • Wash off with warm water and shampoo after 15 minutes.

Another effective mask:

  • Take two egg yolks and mix them with a spoonful of honey
  • Add 5 drops of tangerine oil to the mixture
  • Mix all the ingredients and apply on the head
  • Hold for 20-30 minutes, rinse your hair with water and wash with shampoo. Honey eats into the hair structure and removes odor well.

The smell after applying the onion medicine will not be too strong if you use not a semi-liquid mass, but only a liquid - juice. You can make compositions for the weekend when you do not need to go to work or during vacation. Hair will surely thank you for your care with its volume and beauty!

Video: Tested on myself: Onion Mask OR How to Grow Hair?