Onion hair mask against hair loss and dandruff: cooking recipes. Onion mask for hair loss

So, the composition of onions includes the following substances:

  1. Vitamin C stops the aging process, makes hair shiny, strong, elastic, healthy.
  2. Essential oils- they give the onion a specific smell and spicy taste. Essential oils launch a powerful metabolic process, due to which inactive hair follicles and the hair growth process is activated.
  3. Potassium normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, eliminating such problems as dandruff and oily hair.
  4. Sulfur activates the regenerative processes of the scalp.
  5. Niacin- restores color, prevents the appearance of gray hair and dullness.
  6. Glycosides and phytoncides fight fungus and viral infections, due to which you can forget about such a problem as seborrhea.
  7. Trace elements, organic acids Saturate the hair with a wide range of nutrients.

Read more about using various oils to accelerate hair growth:,.

In order to bring your hair to the perfect look, give it a luxurious shine and a healthy glow, you can use the following onion-based home remedies:

  • onion masks;
  • rinsing with infusion of onion peel;
  • rinsing with a decoction of burdock / nettle / chamomile / plantain leaves mixed with onion juice (10: 1);
  • rubbing fresh onion juice into the scalp.

An infusion of onion peels is made very simply: a bunch of onion peels is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are also simply made, to which onion juice is added.

Two tablespoons of burdock / nettle / chamomile or plantain leaves are brewed with a cup of boiling water and infused for 20-30 minutes. Then a tablespoon of onion juice is added to the decoction, and the solution is rubbed into the hair roots.

IMPORTANT: Onion masks will achieve amazing results, but for this you need to do them 1-2 times a week for 3 months.

Rinsing with an infusion of onion peel also strengthens the hair and energizes them with vitamins and microelements. In addition, the infusion gives blond hair a beautiful golden hue. But if you want to achieve the effect of rapid growth, then use onion hair masks.

Terms of Use

Of course, due to its rich composition, onion is one of the most effective cosmetics, but there are a number of nuances, non-compliance with which can not only negate all the beneficial properties of this plant, but also lead to serious negative consequences.

Do not abuse onion masks and do not keep the mask longer than 15 minutes, because active substances, which are part of the onion, can lead to a burn of the scalp.

Also, you can not use this vegetable when allergic reactions on him.

You can check the reaction to the onion in the following way: Cut an onion and apply some juice on your wrist. If redness appears and pain symptoms(itching, rash), then the onion mask will have to be abandoned. If there is no painful reaction, then this is your folk medicine.

Also, many are afraid of the too pungent smell of onions. In order not to cause tearing, you can place the cut onion in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

ATTENTION: Unlike most hair masks, onion gruel is not applied to the strands, but to the scalp, to the root zone. Then the head must be wrapped first with cellophane film, and then covered with a towel.

In the recipes for onion masks for hair growth, onions are the main component; an egg, honey, aloe juice, essential oils, herbal tinctures and vitamins can supplement it.

In order to make a mask for hair growth from onions at home, you must first grind the onion in a blender.

Then, if an onion is needed for the mask, and not gruel, then it is squeezed out through gauze by hand.

The simplest recipe that has come down to us since ancient times is a mixture of equal proportions of onion juice and hot water.

The juice solution is rubbed into the root zone and left for 10 minutes, then washed off.

However, the following recipes have a great effect.

From onion juice and egg yolk

Strengthens, tones, heals.

1 tablespoon of onion juice is mixed with one egg yolk. 1 tablespoon of burdock (olive or castor) oil is added to the mixture. The mask is evenly distributed over the root zone and left for 15 minutes, then washed off with lukewarm water.

IMPORTANT: The onion mask should not be washed off with hot water, because in this case the sharp onion smell will be more persistent. If the mask causes a strong burning sensation, then it is washed off immediately.

From aloe juice with honey and onions

Gives hair elasticity, elasticity, fights dandruff.

Honey and aloe are known for their healing, regenerating effect. These components are actively used in cosmetology, both for creating face creams and for hair care.

To prepare a triple effect mask, mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice, aloe juice and liquid honey. Rub into the scalp and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with either cool water or a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

From carrot, lemon and onion juice

Starts the regenerating process, accelerates hair growth.

In order to prepare this onion mask, you can use gruel, but remember that gruel is harder to wash off, so it’s better to use juice.

To prepare, mix 2 tablespoons of carrot, lemon and onion juice, add 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and apply this mixture along the entire length of the hair (especially by rubbing it thoroughly into the root zone). Cover your head with foil and wrap with a towel. The mask is kept for half an hour, then washed off.

How to get rid of the smell?

To get rid of the pungent, unpleasant onion smell after the mask, you can use several proven recipes:

  • Eliminates odor and strengthens hair at the same time decoction of medicinal herbs. Rinse off the mask with a decoction of nettle and, without fail, leave your hair to dry for about five minutes, and then rinse with plain, not hot water;
  • Helps to eliminate odors lemon juice. Just dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice in a basin of room temperature water and rinse your hair with this solution. Rinse with running water after five minutes;
  • helps a lot in such cases colorless henna. Mix 1 teaspoon of henna and mustard and pour over hot coffee (freshly brewed). A few drops of rosemary or lavender are added to the mixture. After you wash off the onion mask and wash your hair twice with shampoo, apply this fragrant mixture and hold for another 20 minutes, then rinse with warm herbal decoction. There will be no trace of an unpleasant odor.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on the topic of hair growth:

  • Tips on how to grow curls or another, restore natural color, accelerate growth.
  • The main reasons, which are responsible for their growth and which affect good growth?
  • How is the hair and even?
  • Means that can help you grow: effective, in particular brands; products and ; and various; and brands Horsepower; as well as others, in particular

Onions help make hair thick and bouncy. Choose the right mask for you, and in a month your hair will be irresistible.

Every girl dreams of luxurious long hair. But not everyone gave nature a beautiful head of hair. Many ladies cannot grow their hair all their lives - the split ends break off, the hair thins and becomes lifeless.

Hair bow is excellent tool against damage and baldness. Many girls are worried that after the course, the hair will have a specific smell.

Important: The smell is easily washed off with a regular hair cleanser, so use onion masks - the most powerful stimulant good growth hair.

How does onion stimulate hair growth?

Dry skin, the appearance of a fungus, hair loss - all this is a consequence of a lack of sulfur. It is this substance that is in onion juice. Few people only know about a balanced diet and stick to it.

Important: If a person does not eat as nutritionists advise, then there is a lack of nutrients in his body, including sulfur.

How does onion stimulate hair growth? Sulfur is a healing substance that has the ability to stimulate the movement of blood through the vessels and capillaries to reduce inflammation of the skin epidermis.

Sulfur also keeps not only hair in excellent condition, but also nails. This “beauty mineral” is important in the formation of collagen particles, a protein that gives perfect smoothness to the skin.

Important: Sulfur is not produced in our body, it must come from outside it. Therefore, you need to make "cocktails" for the hairline and epidermis at least once every 7-10 days.

Onion "cocktail" helps even with local baldness - alopecia areata. In 2003, an experiment was conducted with several dozen people. Once every 7 days, they rubbed onion extract into the upper layer of the epidermis.

Almost 73% of people who rubbed onion juice into the roots from hair loss recovered the bulb. After a while, fluff appeared and good hair began to grow.

Honey is another of the best hair growth stimulants. Therefore, it is actively used for the preparation of the mixture.

  • Take two heads of onion, peel and chop until puree
  • Add the same amount of honey, stirring until you get a smooth cocktail
  • Rub it thoroughly into the scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it like that for 15 minutes
  • After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with your regular hair shampoo.

Another effective "cocktail" for creating beautiful hair is made with the addition of olive oil. This product contains a huge amount of trace elements and minerals that are beneficial for our body.

Onion and honey for hair loss with olive oil:

  • Make a slurry of onion and mix it thoroughly with honey 1:1
  • Steam one tablespoon of olive oil and mix it with onion and honey
  • Apply the "potion" on the epidermis of the head, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with your favorite cleanser

Kefir is used by cosmetologists to treat the epidermis on the head. It relieves seborrhea, itching and hair loss. It "feeds" the hair due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins, protein and calcium.

  • Squeeze the juice of one medium onion
  • Mix it with one glass of kefir
  • Spread the resulting mixture on your head, wrap with polyethylene and a towel. Please wait 1 hour
  • Wash off with warm water. Due to kefir, the smell of onion will not be felt, but if it seems to you that it is present, then wash your hair with shampoo

The egg has a nutritional base that enriches the hair, saturates it with moisture and oxygen, making it lush and light. The constituent particles of the egg help to remove the peeling of the skin and even seborrhea.

  • Turn the onion with a blender into a semi-liquid mass
  • Add two yolks to it (squirrels should not be applied to the hair, because from the heat of the head, they will curl up and remain on the hair for a long time)
  • Mix all the components and apply to the roots and to the hair along the entire length.
  • Keep the "potion" on your head for 15 minutes and rinse with running water

The skin in contact with burning substances turns red, irritated and burning occurs. Due to this, the movement of blood through the capillaries to the hair follicles improves, and the growth process is stimulated.

  • Grate the garlic on a grater to make 2 tablespoons of a semi-liquid mass
  • Chop one onion small size. Mix onion and garlic
  • Apply to hair 1 hour before shampooing. After that, wash off with a hair cleanser and rinse with herbal decoction.

To make your hair beautiful, lush, without dandruff and itching, trichologists advise everyone to use vegetable oils in their care. With their help, you can make essences - the effect will be excellent, and the result is immediate.

  • Make a semi-liquid mass from two onions
  • Mix castor oil and burdock oil one tablespoon each
  • Mix well all the components of the "cocktail" and apply it on the hair and skin

Tip: Do this composition 2-3 times in 7-10 days, and after 30-50 days you will feel the first initial effect of the treatment. Hair will shine and radiate beauty.

Dandruff occurs in every third person. Fighting it takes a lot of time and money. But there is the easiest and most affordable way to deal with dandruff.

  • Grind the onion into a semi-liquid mass with a grater or meat grinder. You will need 2 tablespoons of this mass
  • Mix it with 1 teaspoon of alcohol
  • Thoroughly rub the resulting "mixture" into the hair and skin. Wrap your head with polyethylene and a towel for 1 hour
  • Rinse off with warm water and then wash your hair with a hair cleanser.

Such a "beauty cocktail" helps to add vitality to the hair and stop hair loss forever. This is facilitated by the natural keratin base contained in onions.

  • Squeeze out the stinging liquid from one bulb
  • Mix in a glass dish 2 tablespoons of juice, 1 tablespoon of cognac and a little honey
  • Apply the mass only on the scalp. Do not spread it on your hair, as it will dry them out. If your hair is too dry and brittle, add 1 tablespoon of castor oil to the mask.
  • Put on a shower cap and wrap your head in a cotton towel
  • After an hour, wash off the mask with warm water, and wash your hair with shampoo the next day. Repeat treatment after 3 days

The fruit of the lemon tree is almost on the first line in the list of food products valuable to humans. It contains many useful elements and vitamin C. The essential oils of this fruit, combined with a burning vegetable, will perfectly nourish the skin and improve the structure of the hair strand.

  • In a glass bowl, mix the juice of one onion and 1 tablespoon of lemon
  • Add to this mixture 1 tablespoon of burdock or other vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of honey and a little shampoo
  • Mix all the ingredients to obtain foam, and apply the mixture to the hair along the entire length
  • Warm your head with polyethylene and a towel, and wait 2 hours
  • After 1-1.5 hours, wash off the mask with water and shampoo.

Onion is the best medicine against baldness. But many people cannot make medical formulations out of it. With its smell, it strongly corrodes the mucous membrane of the eye and its smell can be eaten for a long time, which is difficult to remove.

Therefore, instead of onions, onion peel can be used in the preparation of "potions" for the skin of the head. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from it. It is tinctures that are very popular, as they can be stored for a long time, due to the alcohol content.

So, how to prepare tincture with onions for hair? Follow these steps:

  • Prepare a half-liter glass jar with a secure lid
  • Put 3-4 cloves on the bottom of the jar
  • Fill this vessel to the top with onion skins.
  • Fill with vodka to the brim and loosely close with a plastic lid
  • Put in a dark place for 10 days. During this time, the jar needs to be shaken every day - for this you need a tight lid.
  • After that, strain the tincture, and squeeze the husk. Everything - the tincture is ready

Tip: Store the tincture in the refrigerator, on the lower shelves. Before applying to the skin - warm up the "cocktail". Keep masks for no more than 1 hour. Do this 2 times a week for 2 months - this will help restore hair and consolidate a good outcome of treatment.

In home cosmetology, onion peel is used to color hair. This method is suitable for everyone except blondes. If you add a tablespoon of glycerin to the decoction of onion peel, then you get a beautiful copper sheen of hair.

Coloring and strengthening hair with onion peel is done as follows:

  • Prepare a decoction of onion peels to make a dark brown liquid (a handful of onion peels per 100 ml of water)
  • Cool it down to body temperature
  • Pour the broth over your head, wring out your hair a little
  • Put on a shower cap and wrap your hair in a towel
  • Keep this natural dye on your head for an hour. Then rinse your hair with water. To achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to stain every day for 2 weeks.

Mustard warms and improves the movement of blood through the capillaries. The nutrition of the hair follicle improves, it strengthens, rapid growth and restoration of the structural part of the hair occurs.

  • Dilute mustard powder with warm water until a slurry is obtained.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of onion juice, 1 tablespoon of aloe and the same amount of honey
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture on the head. So that the ends of the hair do not dry out, apply burdock oil to them.
  • Wrap your head for 1 hour and then wash off the mask with warm water. The effect will be noticeable after one month of use (1 time per week)

Aloe should be in every home, as it heals and helps get rid of dandruff and baldness. This plant has a pronounced healing effect. It is an ingredient in many detergents and rinse aids.

  • Gather the bottom leaves of aloe, they are the most fleshy and juicy
  • Put them in the refrigerator for a week
  • After the time has elapsed, squeeze the juice to make 2 tablespoons. Put the remaining leaves back in the refrigerator
  • Add the juice of one onion and 1 tablespoon of honey to the aloe juice. You can use onion gruel, but then the aloe must be crushed in a blender
  • Rub the mixture into your scalp. Leave the mask on for an hour, wash off with water and shampoo. After 3 days, repeat the procedure with aloe leaves that remained in the refrigerator

Almost all women who use this vegetable as the main ingredient for masks face the problem of onion smell on their hair. If the hair is dry, the smell may not disappear even after shampooing.

How to get rid of onion smell from hair? Colorless henna can help with this:

  • Dilute one tablespoon of the powder in hot water to make a slurry
  • Apply the mixture on your head and keep it on for 15 minutes
  • Then wash off the mask with water and shampoo.

The mask of kefir and mustard with the addition of any fragrant essential oil does an excellent job of removing the smell of onions on the hair:

  • Dilute henna in a small amount of water
  • Add some kefir and 5 drops of essential oil
  • Mix the mask and apply to your hair
  • Wash off with warm water and shampoo after 15 minutes.

Another effective mask:

  • Take two egg yolks and mix them with a spoonful of honey
  • Add 5 drops of tangerine oil to the mixture
  • Mix all the ingredients and apply on the head
  • Hold for 20-30 minutes, rinse your hair with water and wash with shampoo. Honey eats into the hair structure and removes odor well.

The smell after applying the onion medicine will not be too strong if you use not a semi-liquid mass, but only a liquid - juice. You can make compositions for the weekend when you do not need to go to work or during vacation. Hair will surely thank you for your care with its volume and beauty!

Video: Tested on myself: Onion Mask OR How to Grow Hair?

IN folk medicine onion juice is widely used for hair. Masks with his participation comprehensively strengthen and nourish the hair, make it stronger and softer, stop hair loss. Consider several effective recipes based on onion nectar.

Chemical composition

The therapeutic effect of onions is due to the presence of a huge amount of useful substances. Among them:

  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins of group C, K, T, PP;
  • alkaloids;
  • enzymes;
  • essential oils;
  • minerals: zinc, iodine, potassium, calcium;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • inulin polysaccharide.

Benefits for hair and skin

Onion juice is an excellent remedy for hair and skin. It cleanses the skin of harmful compounds, eliminates wrinkles, warts and acne. Calluses, cracks, eczema are also subject to him. Masks based on onion nectar relieve acne, rashes, various inflammations, and regenerate tissues.

The remedy brings great benefits to the hair, strengthening them, making them more obedient and stronger, accelerating growth. The strands acquire a well-groomed shine, silky softness and health.

Attention! To get juice, finely chop the onion, and then squeeze out the liquid from the mass using a gauze cloth.


To strengthen

In order to quickly strengthen damaged strands, an assorted mask is used, which includes:

  • lemon and onion juice (one each);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • cognac (2 tablespoons);
  • yolk of one egg;
  • castor oil (50 g);
  • essential oil of sage or ylang-ylang (10 drops).

A mixture of all components is kept on the head for 40-50 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo.

Attention! This recipe not only strengthens the strands, but at the same time eliminates dandruff and slows down the process of loss.

To accelerate growth

To restore damaged, weakened curls and stimulate their growth, you should regularly (1-2 times a week) make a mask, the main participants of which are:

  • onion, carrot and lemon juice - 50 g each;
  • castor oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • burdock oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • warm water - 50 ml.

Keep the mixture on your head for no more than 50 minutes. You will notice an improvement in the condition of your hair after 2 treatments.

Another mask for enhancing growth includes: the juice of one bulb, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac, 0.5 cups of kefir.

Attention! Onion juice is suitable for all hair types.

Classic recipe

The easiest recipe for regenerating damaged curls is rubbing onion nectar into the roots. Castor oil can be added to the composition in a ratio of 1: 1. The frequency of the procedure is three times a week. Rub the product gently, with light massage movements, then wrap your head with a towel. After 60-90 minutes, thoroughly rinse the strands with shampoo and treat with conditioner.

This simplest mask is universal: it eliminates excess greasiness, strengthens and restores strands, and prevents hair loss.

For nutrition and hydration

To prepare a nourishing mask, mix onion juice (2 tablespoons), honey (1 teaspoon) and yogurt (1 tablespoon). Apply the mixture to the roots and the entire length of the curls, cover the head with polyethylene and leave for 1 hour. Use shampoo when washing.

The mask can be used every other day for 15 days. It will completely restore the structure of the hair and provide it with useful substances.


Onion tincture on vodka or alcohol will help stop the loss and eliminate dandruff. To create it, prepare:

  • onion liquid - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • vodka (alcohol) - 2 tbsp. spoons.

The proportions can be doubled so that the funds are enough for you for 2-3 times. Mix the ingredients and leave to infuse for 4-5 hours. The finished tincture should be treated with strands half an hour before washing your hair.

Attention! For dry hair, castor oil should be added to onion juice with vodka (for 5 tablespoons of tincture - 1 tablespoon of oil).

From baldness

Mix freshly squeezed onion juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio and treat alopecia areata (baldness) with the mixture. Gently massage the mask into the scalp. You need to keep it for at least an hour. Rinse without shampoo or soap. The procedure should be carried out daily for two months. If after this period the disease does not recede, it is better to stop treatment.

Attention! When using onion juice for hair, do not forget that only regular procedures will give noticeable results.

How to "kill" onion smell

Many women are afraid to make onion masks because of its unpleasant smell. But in vain. The following tricks will help drown out a specific aroma:

  • Rinse masks off with cool water, as hot water intensifies odors.
  • Discard onion gruel, replacing them with strained juice.
  • Add a banana or lemon to the masks, and essential oil (lavender, rosemary, tea tree) or essential oil to the rinse water. lemon juice.
  • Rinse your hair after the mask with decoctions of chamomile, mint, nettle, lemon balm, burdock. By doing this, you will kill two birds with one stone: eliminate the onion smell and provide extra nutrition to your hair.
  • Add citrus juice or apple cider vinegar to the water (6 tablespoons per 2 liters of water).
  • In conditions of lack of time, you can simply dilute colorless henna with water and apply to strands for 10-15 minutes.
  • Perfectly copes with the unpleasant fragrance of kefir. To do this, hold it on your hair for 10 minutes, and then rinse.

In order to prevent and strengthen hair, it is enough to repeat the above procedures 1-2 times a week. And for treatment, you need to conduct entire courses, consisting of 30-40 sessions.

Onion juice for hair is akin to a beauty elixir. It has a multilateral therapeutic effect and solves all existing problems.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Updated: 08-11-2019

In the struggle for the density and desired length of hair, modern beauties are offered more and more new means: cosmetic companies and medicinal preparations filled the shelves of pharmacies and shops. But sometimes nothing helps our hair like the power of nature and old grandmother's recipes. Therefore, more and more girls are turning to folk herbal remedies. One of the most effective and popular ways to restore hair growth and density is to use onion masks. About what recipes for onion masks for hair growth are the most effective, how to use onion and at the same time avoid its pungent smell, what useful properties this plant has, whether there are any contraindications, read further in the article.

Operating principle

Onion is the number one plant for fans of a healthy lifestyle, it's just a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, healthy sugars, saponins, alkaloids etc. It is on its biologically active properties and a unique set of useful substances that a huge number of effective and simple recipes, including for hair growth and density.

Traditional medicine uses the irritating, stimulating and antimicrobial properties of onions. The plant in the composition of various masks can tone and dry the skin, absorb secretions and draw out harmful toxins. Masks of a different composition moisturize, nourish and soften the root areas, have a mild irritating and stimulating effect.

Attention! Treatment is carried out in courses, procedures are usually done once or twice a week for a month. The only limitation is that you need to make sure that the onion irritating composition does not get into your eyes.

Composition and useful properties

The properties of onions are due to the richest composition of substances useful for the human body:

  • phytoncides- their bactericidal properties have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair follicles;
  • healthy sugars;
  • many minerals, in particular, potassium normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • vitamins almost all groups nourish and accelerate blood circulation;
  • carotene, valuable enzymes;
  • niacin- gives a firming effect, restores the color and brightness of curls;
  • organic acids- fight split ends and prevent brittle strands;
  • essential oils- on the one hand, they give the onion compositions a pungent odor, and on the other hand, they activate all metabolic processes, ensuring the speedy entry of nutrients into the cells.

Onion masks are useful for the scalp, hair follicles of the hair roots. Improving blood flow, such masks supply root areas nutrients and oxygen, help to strengthen and improve the hair. Unlike pepper, onions work more sparingly, but no less effectively, eliminating dandruff, increasing blood circulation, and hair growth.

Many practice the alternation of onion compounds and garlic gruel, which also has a lot of useful properties.

What problems can be solved

After applying onion formulations, the structure of the strands improves significantly, the roots are strengthened, and the growth of new hairs is stimulated.

With the help of onion masks, you can treat any type of curls: oily, dry, normal. And also successfully fight dandruff, dryness, itching, excess fat, achieve a real increase in growth and density of curls.

There is not only a strengthening of the hair follicles, but also the awakening of new follicles. Procedures can be carried out regardless of the season.

Advice. Many are alarmed by the presence of a sharp unpleasant odor after using onions, but do not worry - it is quite easy to get rid of it.


If you are allergic to onions, or any components of the masks, they should be discarded. It is easy to determine the allergenicity of the onion composition - you need to apply a drop of the product on the inside of the wrist or on the skin near the ear. If itching, severe redness, irritation, swelling, any other unpleasant sensations and symptoms occur, such masks should be discarded. In other cases, you can safely use onion recipes.

There are also contraindications, for those who have damaged scalp at the moment, there are wounds, abrasions, scratches, dermatitis. Onions dry the skin, so you should not use these products for those who have too dry hair and scalp. Onion masks and formulations have no other restrictions.

Photos before and after

Rules and features of use

It is best to use onion juice for making masks., which is easy enough to get by passing the peeled and washed onion through a blender or meat grinder, and then squeezing the liquid through gauze.

  1. An onion mask is applied to the scalp, the composition is not distributed through the hair.
  2. The head is not washed before the procedure.
  3. Curls should be well combed. On the beneficial effects of combing on hair growth, we talked about earlier.
  4. After applying the healing composition to the roots, you need to create a warming effect, for this you can put on a plastic cap or wrap your head with plastic wrap, you can wrap a towel on top or use a wool cap.
  5. Withstand 15–20 minutes, with severe discomfort, severe burning, any unpleasant effects, the procedure should be stopped and the composition should be washed off immediately.
  6. Wash off the onion masks for the density of the hair with the usual shampoo suitable for the type of hair.
  7. It is not recommended to wash off the product with hot water, it is better to use warm.
  8. After washing your hair, it is better to use conditioner.
  9. To get rid of the onion smell, the curls after washing can be rinsed with a simple composition - dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a liter of water. You can also drop some of your favorite essential oil into your mouthwash.
  10. Hair spray will help remove the smell, making combing easier.

The frequency of using masks with onion juice is once every 4–5 days. The best effect gives a course of 7-10 applications.

Application Features:

  • negative reviews are mainly associated with an unpleasant odor, but it is easy to get rid of it;
  • it is easier to wash off the onion juice from the hair than the slurry from the plant;
  • it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening or on weekends, so as not to worry about possible remnants of the onion aroma and to do hair treatment as comfortably as possible;
  • after the procedure, you can perform a light massage of the scalp.

Application methods

Onions for hair growth can be used in different form: it can be juice or gruel, a decoction of the husk.

How to use:

  1. onion juice for health, growth and beauty of hair rubbed into the scalp. It is supposed to use pure juice without additives, it is rubbed into the hair roots with a light massage, it can be distributed over the hair. Wash off after 20-30 minutes with warm water with shampoo and balm.
  2. Well help to accelerate hair growth various in composition onion masks. They are used immediately after preparation, most effectively in courses.
  3. Many funds are prepared on the basis of onion peel. For example, it can be decoctions, rinses, masks. The decoction is added to shampoos, balms, rubbed into the roots without additives.

Advice. When using products with onions, avoid contact with eyes. To prevent the mixture from dripping from the scalp to the neck, you can use a roller rolled up from a small towel or napkin. It is located just below the back of the head.

The use of onion peel

Onion peel for hair treatment is no less beneficial than juice or gruel from the head of the plant itself:

  • helps in the process of cell regeneration;
  • activates the growth of curls;
  • restores damaged hair follicles;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • strengthens the roots;
  • gives density and volume;
  • contributes to the acquisition of a beautiful shade of strands. How to dye your hair with onion peel, read the recipes for effective compositions on our website.

Apply the husk as follows. You can prepare a decoction:

A simple decoction recipe

Wash a few large onions, dry, remove the husk. Boil two liters of water, cover the husk, simmer over low heat for about an hour. After the water turns red-golden, turn off the gas, leave for two or three hours, strain.

Can be added to onion peel various herbs and other plant materials (for example, oak leaves, nettles, etc.)

nettle decoction recipe

For 1 part of the husk, you need to take 2 parts of nettle, brewed in 300 ml of water. Simmer on fire for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Rub into the scalp before washing, keep for an hour or two. Beneficial features and the secrets of the effectiveness of nettle for hair growth, read our last article.

This decoction can be used for masks:

Recipe 1

Recipe 2

3 tablespoons of decoction of the husk is mixed with a spoonful of mayonnaise, a spoonful of honey, oil (burdock, olive or linseed). Apply for an hour, on the hair roots.

Recipe 3

To a spoonful of warm yogurt, add two tablespoons of decoction, a teaspoon of garlic juice, and the same amount of cocoa powder. Drop rosemary oil, rub into the roots and ends of the hair. Withstand 45 minutes.

Mask Recipes

Onion juice is used both in pure form and as part of masks. This natural remedy is a powerful activator that improves the action of many mask components.

Recipe 1

Yeast mask for hair growth with onions from hair loss and normalization fat balance scalp.

You will need:

  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • yeast;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • with dry hair burdock, castor oil.


Squeeze the juice from the onion, add the yeast, after dissolving it, evaluate the density of the mixture, add clay if necessary. For owners of dry hair, add a little oil. The mixture is applied to the hair, for 20-40 minutes.

Recipe 2

Onion mask for hair growth with lemon and carrot juices.

You will need:

  • juices: onion, carrot, lemon, a tablespoon;
  • oils: almond, burdock, a teaspoon;
  • yeast diluted in 2 tablespoons of water.


Mix all juices, add oils, then yeast, stir. Apply to the roots, wrap. Withstand 40-60 minutes.

Recipe 3

Mask for rapid growth and beauty of hair with cognac and kefir

You will need:

  • onion juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • on a tablespoon: honey, salt, cognac, kefir, burdock oil.

Note, an alternative composition if there are no such components: onion juice, kefir, a tablespoon and chicken yolk.


Mix the ingredients, apply to the roots, wrap, hold for an hour. Kefir neutralizes the smell of onions.

Recipe 4

Garlic-onion mask with cognac and yolk, to awaken new bulbs, better hair growth

You will need:

  • onion juice;
  • garlic juice;
  • cognac;
  • Burr oil;
  • just a tablespoon;
  • one yolk.


Everything is mixed, applied to the roots, for 40-45 minutes. Washes off with regular shampoo.

How to get rid of the smell

There are several ways to remove the onion smell:

  • You can make rinses with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, and table vinegar will do.
  • A good way is to add lemon juice, banana pulp, essential oils to masks for the rapid growth of curls with onions.
  • Colorless henna also helps, a teaspoon is mixed with a teaspoon of mustard, coffee is brewed and poured with a hot drink. Add a drop of lavender oil. After the onion mask, this mixture is applied to washed hair and aged for 20 minutes. After rinsing, rinse with herbal decoction. The smell disappears completely.

So, is it possible to increase hair growth with this product? Yes, you can, but do not expect miracles, onion masks are not a magic ointment, from which a thick horse mane instantly grows. Treatment and care will require time and patience, and a positive result will certainly be, provided that this remedy is individually suitable for a particular person. The information in this article will help you make the most of onions for hair growth.

Useful videos

Onion mask for hair growth.

Onion mask recipe for hair loss.

thick and beautiful hair is a reason to be proud. To feel the admiring glances of men and the envious glances of women - well, who does not dream of this? Few people think about the fact that lush hair only in rare cases comes as a gift from nature, mainly it is the fruit of long and painstaking work. IN modern world women are busy with their own development and career advancement, so it all comes down to visiting beauty salons and buying chemicals in the form of balms, shampoos and everything else. Most have the impression, and a false one, that beauty requires investments, and considerable ones. But, as practice shows, natural cosmetics can completely replace expensive hair care products, in no way inferior to them in terms of effectiveness, and sometimes even surpassing them.

Cause of hair loss

The reason for hair loss lies in many ways, but the most common factor is the lack of vitamins. This is not at all surprising. Restaurant chains of the "fast food" category are only gaining their popularity every year, people are beginning to forget what good nutrition is, and as a result, vitamin deficiency occurs.

The first thing that suffers in the body is hair. They are like an indicator by which you can determine how healthy a person leads a lifestyle. If the former beauty began to disappear somewhere, and it was replaced by dryness, brittleness and abundant loss, something must be done! Actions must be decisive, and most importantly, correct, so as not to aggravate an already not the best state of affairs. But how to choose such a tool that combines both safety and benefit? This will be discussed in this article.

Miracle remedy for beautiful hair

The best and to accelerate their growth is onions! Yes, yes, the most common onion!

Quite insignificant, as it may seem at first glance, a vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins. The components contained in it, such as folic acid, carotene, keratin, iron, many essential oils, magnesium and others, render only positive impact on the scalp and hair roots. The onion mask saved the hair from falling out in more than one hundred women and men, and this is already a lot. In addition to eliminating hair loss, onion juice contributes to the disappearance of dandruff, the appearance of a mirror shine, incredible splendor and density. Restore curls after a perm. To unpleasant side effects one can attribute the residual and long-lasting "thermonuclear" smell, it is because of it that many people try to avoid this method of treatment, even knowing about its effectiveness. But, as they say ancient wisdom, "beauty requires sacrifice", so you need to be patient if you want an almost instant result. How an onion hair mask is prepared, reviews, a recipe that will help you get rid of problems with your hair - all this will be described below.

Is there any way to avoid the smell?

It is simply impossible to answer unambiguously, it is influenced by a lot of factors. Firstly, it depends a lot on the structure of your hair, in the case of porous hair, the smell will be strong and very long, and if the structure is not broken, then even if no additional efforts are made, the fragrance will be weak in itself.

But for those and for others, some safety net in the form of essential oils will not hurt. One of the tips for reducing odor is water with vinegar (a few tablespoons of vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar, per liter of liquid). You can also add essential oils to onion juice, which, in addition to aroma, will have an additional positive effect on hair health. For example, if you want to speed up growth, add any one you like from the list: rosemary, juniper, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, cloves, fir, cinnamon. If the problem is excessive secretion of sebum, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, patchouli, eucalyptus will help to eliminate it. And geranium, tea tree, rosemary and lavender will relieve dandruff. Important addition! Never add essential oils in their pure form, first dilute them in a base oil, such as olive or sunflower, otherwise you risk getting a scalp burn. But one thing is clear for sure: the onion mask for hair loss, reviews of which are only positive, really works! Let's find out her recipe.

How to do an onion mask for hair growth and hair loss?

When treating hair, you can use several options, including pure onions, its husks and green onions.

No matter how attractive the last two options may seem due to the lack of smell, it is onions that have an instant effect. For example, hair falls out noticeably less after the first procedure. To influence the scalp, only juice is used, which can be obtained either with a juicer, or by grinding on a grater, followed by squeezing through gauze. Make sure that there are no onion particles in the juice, as it will be quite difficult to wash it out later. After that, add a few drops of essential oils and apply the mass on the scalp. Then, wrapping your head in plastic wrap and a towel, you should walk like this for about an hour. Of course, the use of onion gruel is not excluded, but, as mentioned above, it is difficult to wash it off the hair. And to enhance the effect, it is desirable to use, so to speak, combined means. For example, the use of an onion-honey mask really helps with hair loss.

Mask in the fight against hair loss №1

This method is not inferior in efficiency, and even surpasses, pepper and mustard mask. This onion mask for hair loss is simply miraculous. Reviews of the application make you forget all its imaginary disadvantages. It is necessary to mix a few tablespoons of warm water with one teaspoon of ordinary yeast and leave for about twenty minutes. Then add a few tablespoons of onion and one castor or olive oil. Spread the resulting mixture with massage movements over the entire head and length of the hair, then immerse the head in a bag and wrap it with a warm towel. Remain in this position for about an hour.

Mask against hair loss №2

A fairly simple mask, but in the "kit", in addition to the unpleasant smell of onions, there is no less fetid garlic. But what wouldn't you do for beauty, right? It is necessary to mix cognac, burdock oil, garlic, onion and egg yolk in equal proportions, turning everything into a creamy mass. Apply to the roots of the hair, carefully massaging every centimeter. The head should be kept warm for about sixty minutes.

Mask capable of full hair restoration

Throughout the time, the hair is subjected to an incredible load. The sun's rays, severe winter frosts, styling products and much more - all this affects them not in the best way. This mask will help your hair gain strength to look healthy and beautiful again. Mix onion juice with honey and apply the mass evenly on the scalp and hair. The advantage of this mask is that you do not need to cover your head with anything, and the exposure time is only half an hour. After that, you need to rinse your head with water, and use vinegar water instead of a balm, this will add shine to the curls and make it easier to comb them.

Onion mask to stimulate hair growth

As an excellent tool for accelerating growth, onion-carrot therapy is suitable. To do this, you need to combine the juice of the onion with grated carrots and lemon in the same amount, add any healthy oil, such as castor, olive or burdock. The exposure time remains the same.

An unusual version of the mask - onion-clay

This method will appeal to owners oily hair. You need to take a couple of tablespoons of onion juice and mix with black clay in the same amount. Apply the resulting slurry on the scalp, and literally wash off after half an hour. Clay promotes cleansing of dirt and improves blood circulation, which will positively affect the quality of hair.

Disadvantages. Onion mask from falling out: reviews. Will it really help?

As for its effectiveness, there is no doubt about it! From time immemorial, our grandmothers used this technique, and remember what their hair was like!

Russian women have always been associated with a long and thick braid. But as for the minuses, then in the first place, and this is not at all surprising, is the smell. Of course, there are quite a few ways that promise to get rid of an unpleasant fragrance, but you need to approach this issue with a “cold” head and understand that it will simply be impossible to completely eradicate it. So be sure to think about whether you can tolerate it. Due to the fact that most people want to see the result of their ordeals after the first application, there are a lot of disappointments if this does not happen. But you need to look at the picture more realistically. Hair deteriorates not in one day, we “kill” them for years, and it is simply unrealistic to fix everything in a few procedures.

In order to achieve a truly amazing result, the course should be approximately thirty days, as the women say. During this time, the onion mask for hair loss will make the hair noticeably longer, thicker and healthier. Reviews about her are much better from those who refused shampoo. At least try to replace your shampoo with a baby one, find one that will not be in search for a long time, but your hair will tell you "thank you".

There is another downside. Onion mask for hair loss reviews of a positive nature is more likely for owners of oily hair type. Onion juice dries out the skin, thereby preventing excessive sebum production, which may not be to the liking of girls with dry hair. But this does not matter, it is enough to choose for yourself a more gentle mask with a large presence of caring oils.

Let's sum up some

Now you have a complete understanding of how a cosmetic product.

Its advantage is that it is a priori unable to cause harm. Discomfort - yes, but it will be completely covered with shiny and healthy hair. If you are tormented by doubts from the category of “to be or not to be”, then weigh it on the scales and identify a more priority bowl. But always remember: an onion mask from hair loss will help restore the beauty of your charming head. Recipes, reviews and the result of the use of which are described in the article, so you can decide everything for yourself.

Love your hair and it will love you back!