Baths for the treatment of balanoposthitis. Balanoposthitis - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Exist infectious and non-infectious types of disease. Infectious balanitis is divided into simple, erosive and gangrenous (all forms are subject to treatment). With a simple glans penis reddens evenly, erosion appears with purulent discharge.

With an erosive form of the disease swollen white necroses are outlined, which then transform into red ulcers. Gangrenous balanitis is characterized by excessive swelling and redness of the head of the penis with painful ulcerations, fever, general malaise.

Erosive circular balanoposthitis "owes" its development to spirilla with spirochete Vincent. This is a fairly rare type of disease., which can occur both in too mild and in very severe form.

Gangrenous erosive circular balanitis characterized by the appearance of many ulcers and purulent white plaque. The patient feels chills and fever. Treatment of erosive and gangrenous balanoposthitis (balanitis) is carried out in a complex way, prescribing antibiotics (tablets) with sulfanilamide medicines, as well as antiseptic lotions.

The origin of Castel's balanitis has not been established. still. For its therapy, compresses moistened with phenol at a concentration of 1:10 or cauterization with rivanol diluted a thousand times are traditionally used.

How is balanoposthitis treated at home with folk remedies and ointments?

Traditional medicine is replete with recipes for treatment and weakening.

calendula recipe. 1 st. l. ground calendula flowers must be poured with a third glass of olive oil. Close the dishes and insist in the sun for 3 weeks. Strain and lubricate the affected areas.

The most affordable recipe. Cut off an aloe leaf, rinse with water and get rid of the thorns. Before applying to the skin surface, cut off the epidermis of the skin of the leaf. Make compresses 2 times a day.

Sage tincture. 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of the plant pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, then strain. After cooling, apply to the affected areas for 15-20 minutes.

Plantain compresses. This plant is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. A clean sheet must be applied to the penis, tied with a bandage. Change leaves after 30 minutes. It is necessary to make lotions every 4 hours.

Most effective: pour 1 tbsp. chopped young oak bark with one glass of boiling water, cook the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat, close the lid and leave for half an hour, then strain. Make baths for the copulatory organ 2-3 times a day for at least a week.

Of suitable any with antibacterial and antiseptic action, for example, the mentioned Levomekol and Miromistin.

Prevention of balanoposthitis. To prevent the occurrence or reappearance of the disease, the following rules must be observed:

  • Examined for all types of infections;
  • use condoms;
  • Monitor hormone or blood sugar levels;
  • Reduce weight;
  • Maintain personal hygiene;
  • Monitor the hygiene of the child to prevent.

What are the possible complications without treatment?

The inflammatory process increases the excitability threshold of receptors, which can lead to a decrease in the quality of sensations during intercourse and a decrease in potency. The inflammation may spread to the urethra.

Ignoring treatment leads to scarring and erosion, damage to deep-lying tissues, and difficulty urinating. A severely advanced form of the disease threatens with gangrene of the penis and inflammation lymph nodes groin area.

So, in the treatment, an integrated approach is needed, which consists in eliminating all the factors leading to the disease. Prevention requires a healthy lifestyle. In no case can't self-medicate, but you should immediately consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.

Antibiotics for balanoposthitis are a mandatory means of therapy. They quickly eliminate symptoms, relieve pain, fight the inflammatory process and prevent the development of complications. The appointment of the drug is carried out by the urologist, depending on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. The doctor determines the dose and duration of the drug.

Indications for antibiotic therapy

Before starting treatment, the specialist must find out the cause of the disease. Indications for urgent antibiotic treatment are:

  • balanitis caused by a venereal infection;
  • advanced balanitis;
  • consequence of tissue injury.

Antibacterial agents for the treatment of the disease

Any antibiotic copes with only one type of balanitis or postitis bacteria. Patients should not self-medicate. Urologist picks up medicines based on diagnostics and laboratory tests.

If a venereal infection is detected, the venereologist prescribes the medicine, in other cases the urologist recommends therapy. Antibiotics should be taken following the following rules:


There are contraindications for the treatment of balanoposthitis with antibiotics, which depend on which drug is used. New generation medicines act gently and have fewer side effects.

Contraindications for taking antibiotics are:

  • malignant tumors;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • severe course of chronic diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • thromboembolism;
  • allergic reaction on the components of the drug.

Antibacterial agents for balanoposthitis are not prescribed for viral infection or fungus, initially non-infectious balanitis and balanoposthitis.

If the treatment regimen is violated, side effects may occur:


Antibiotic therapy for balanoposthitis can adversely affect the immune system, cause the development of a fungus or other consequences. In order for the drugs to work more effectively, different medicines should be combined. Against the background of taking antibiotics, susceptibility to fungal diseases may appear. To prevent complications, take antimycotic agents Miconazole, Pimafucin.

During treatment, patients should take B and C vitamins, which improve immunity and eliminate the negative effects of antibiotics on the body. Vitamins should be drunk 1-2 months after the end of the course of antibiotics. For preventive purposes, 1-2 courses of vitamin therapy are recommended. Patients are prescribed a diet consisting of nutritious light meals that are well digested.

Fruits, boiled vegetables, greens, kefir, lean meat are useful. Do not drink alcohol, spicy, smoked and pickled dishes. You need to drink more fluids. During treatment, hygiene should be observed and sexual intercourse should be avoided. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. With the implementation of all therapeutic measures, the patient can be completely cured of balanoposthitis.

The predisposition to balanoposthitis is inherent in the very anatomy of the male genital organs. The head of the penis is covered by a movable foreskin, under which bacteria constantly accumulate. A normal amount of gram-negative microflora does not harm health.

However, when pathogenic microbes, viruses or fungi appear, the picture changes. A sharp increase in normal microflora can also cause trouble.

This situation develops against the backdrop of various diseases, external damage, allergic reactions.

Provoking factors cause an increase in smegma that accumulates under the foreskin. The delicate skin of the penis is constantly irritated, inflammation occurs.

With the defeat of the inner leaf of the foreskin, balanoposthitis begins. It can be accompanied by inflammation on the skin of the glans penis, as well as damage to the urethra.

Depending on the nature of the occurrence of balanoposthitis may be infectious or non-infectious. The first type is provoked by various pathogenic microorganisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gonococci, streptococci.

Very often, the disease occurs against the background of a sexually transmitted infection, for example, gonorrhea or chlimydia.

Balanoposthitis: treatment at home

How to treat balanoposthitis in men at home? Balanoposthitis in any form is treated, which is selected depending on the form of the disease.

At the first symptoms consult a general practitioner who will issue a referral to a urologist or venereologist. The urologist will deal with non-infectious forms of postitis.

If a venereal infection has become a provoking factor, you must first rid the patient of the pathogen, and then finish it with maintenance drugs.

We are talking about hospitalization only in case of severe venereal infections, but this rarely happens. Anaerobic, allergic, and non-venereal infectious forms are treated on an outpatient basis.

At the same time, it is not necessary to visit the clinic every day, since treatment at home is quite effective for balanoposthitis. It is enough to come to the doctor to establish the diagnosis and primary appointments, and then make control visits. This mode will help the doctor monitor the therapeutic course and, if necessary, make adjustments to it.

What drugs are needed?

How to treat balanoposthitis in men at home? The choice of treatment regimen depends on the causative agent of balanoposthitis. At acute inflammation need antibiotics in the form of capsules, tablets and ointments.

However, they cannot be used for candidal or viral fasting. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic Levomecithin, Doxycycline, Suprax, Azithromycin.

The preparations are drunk 2-3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals, each tablet is washed down with a large amount of pure non-carbonated water. The course lasts 5-7 days, it is appointed individually.

These are transparent, odorless liquids that do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

The preparations are used for washing, douching, compresses and lotions, they have practically no contraindications and go well with other medicines.

To eliminate pathogenic microflora, the area under the foreskin is treated with a small syringe. A small amount of liquid can be injected into the urethra. The course of treatment lasts up to 2 weeks, then you can take a short break.

Drug treatment of balanoposthitis in men at home should be supplemented with folk recipes. With candidal and anaerobic balanoposthitis, local baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs help well: pharmacy chamomile, yarrow, nettle, sage, calendula.

How to treat balanoposthitis at home with herbs? A handful of raw materials is brewed with 2 liters of boiling water, infused under the lid and filtered.

The penis bath lasts 10 minutes, it is better to do it before going to bed for 10-14 days in a row. This procedure soothes itching, relieves burning, treats small sores on the skin.

Scuffs and damage can be treated with warm lotions of their decoctions of herbs. A cotton swab is soaked in an infusion of chamomile, nettle or calendula, after which it is applied to the head of the penis. It is important to move the foreskin as far as possible so that the healing fluid gets into the places of the highest concentration of microorganisms.

The swab is moistened again and again in the decoction, the procedure lasts 10 minutes. After it, the skin of the penis can be lubricated with an emollient cream or antibacterial gel.

Help speed up wound healing baby cream with a little added sea ​​buckthorn oil and decoction of chamomile. The mixture is rubbed until smooth, and then rubbed into the affected areas with light circular movements.

The procedure is done 1-2 times a day after thorough washing and treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Lifestyle and proper nutrition

During the treatment of balanoposthitis at home you need to make adjustments in your lifestyle. A good night's sleep, frequent rest and stress reduction will help speed up recovery.

It is advisable to walk a lot, strengthening the body's natural defenses. Morning exercises, jogging, swimming, cycling and exercising in the gym will help strengthen the immune system.

Help improve the patient's condition balanced diet. The menu includes fresh, stewed or boiled vegetables (at least 500 g per day), fresh fruits and berries, dairy products.

Instead of fatty red meat, it is better to eat fish and lean poultry meat, solid vegetable and animal fats are replaced with unrefined oils: corn, soybean, olive, sunflower.

Costs avoid caffeinated drinks in favor of green tea, homemade fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices and pure non-carbonated water. Strengthen the immune system will help products containing iodine, melen, magnesium and zinc, especially useful for the male body.

In inflammatory processes, it is necessary proper drinking regimen. On the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of decoctions and fruit drinks with a slight diuretic effect.

For fruit drinks, you can use fresh or frozen cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, viburnum, dried or fresh rose hips. For herbal decoctions, bear ears, currant leaves, raspberries, lingonberries are suitable. The decoction is drunk half an hour after a meal or 15 minutes before it.

Very important pointcomplete abstinence from alcohol. Not only strong drinks are excluded from everyday life, but also beer, cocktails, and energy drinks.

They do not combine well with active medications, weaken the immune system and provoke obesity. It is advisable to exclude nicotine, tobacco tar and combustion products by giving up not only cigarettes, but also their electronic substitutes.

During and after treatment special attention should be paid to personal hygiene. A daily shower is required, hot baths and saunas will have to be abandoned.

Hot water and steam provoke inflammation and weaken the immune system. When washing, neutral baby soap or gels of pharmacy brands are used. Scented products for intimate hygiene must be excluded, they irritate and already damaged skin.

When do you need specialist help?

Now you know how to cure balanoposthitis at home. but if home treatment does not help, more detailed research is needed and take tests.

First, a swab is taken from under the foreskin. In case of problems with ejaculation, it makes sense to take a spermogram, with a general weakening of the body, a blood test is taken from the patient.

A comprehensive study will help to find a hidden problem and help the patient in a timely manner.

Sometimes a secondary infection occurs during treatment, which can be overlooked. If the treatment of anaerobic or infectious non-venereal postitis does not give results, it is worth re-testing with a venereologist.

Most often, the patient has gonorrhea or chlamydia. In this case, it is necessary to undergo antibiotic treatment under the supervision of a venereologist, and only after that proceed with the elimination of the main ones.
To get rid of balanoposthitis, It is not necessary to go to the hospital or visit the outpatient clinic every day. The whole process can be done at home.

How to treat balanoposthitis at home? The preparations prescribed by the doctor will help get rid of inflammation, which should be supplemented with vitamin complexes, proven folk remedies, a balanced diet and the rejection of bad habits.

Useful video

You can learn more about how to treat balanoposthitis at home from the video below:

With balanoposthitis, the penis and its head are affected. Pathology can develop regardless of age, often occurs in children (covering the head of the penis foreskin increases the risk of the disease). Boys with phimosis are more likely to get the disease.

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Reasons for the development of the disease

In men, a mixed infection may be the cause. It is not always possible to establish the exact type of pathogen. There are 2 types of disease:

  • specific(cause specific microorganisms: fungi of the species Candida ;, gardnerella, streptococci, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, trichomonads);
  • nonspecific(as a result of the activation of opportunistic pathogens located in the genitals of a man).

The causes of balanoposthitis are divided into primary(factors contributing to the development of the disease, from the penis) and secondary(nearby organs are affected).

Main Factors, in which the risk of developing balanoposthitis increases:

The cause of secondary inflammation is more often:

  • , provoking the development of inflammation;
  • inflammatory processes of the urethra.

Factors contributing to the onset of the disease:

  • foci of chronic infection;
  • multiple sexual partners;
  • beriberi or hypovitaminosis;
  • urinary retention;
  • genital trauma;
  • diseases that weaken the immune system;
  • hypothermia.

Some Features anatomical structure cause inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis:

  • the conditionally pathogenic microflora located in this area becomes pathogenic when immunity is weakened (how to strengthen immunity in adults, read the article);
  • accumulation in the preputial sac of spegma, which irritates the mucous membranes and skin;
  • thin skin easily injured during sexual intercourse.

Characteristic symptoms

The onset of balanoposthitis is acute, there is discomfort, burning and itching in the area of ​​the glans penis, redness and swelling of the foreskin. Plaque is formed on the head of the penis, sometimes - small rashes.

In the absence of treatment, a transition to chronic form (especially with concomitant diseases: syphilis, genital herpes, trichomoniasis). In chronic balanoposthitis, there is pain and burning in the affected area, the skin of the foreskin cracks, superficial ulcers or erosions form on it.

With a pronounced inflammatory process, there may be inguinal lymphadenitis. Scarring, accompanied by the appearance of inelastic connective tissue, causes, aggravating the course of the disease.

In mild cases, it is enough to wash the glans penis using antiseptics (potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, furacilin).

In more complex cases are assigned antibacterial drugs. If phimosis becomes the cause of the disease, surgical treatment (circumcision of the foreskin) is used.

The duration of treatment depends on several factors:

  • the cause of the illness;
  • the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment;
  • degree of damage;
  • stage of the disease;
  • involvement of lymph nodes and pelvic organs in the pathological process.

With the defeat of staphylococci, the disease is treated up to 10 days. If balanoposthitis is the result of a sexually transmitted disease, it may take months to heal. In the secondary form of balanoposthitis, it is required to get rid of the cause that causes the underlying disease.

How to treat folk remedies?

A simple form of balanoposthitis is treated at home (in the absence of complications). It includes the implementation of doctor's prescriptions (use of disinfectant solutions, ointments and creams) and the use of medicinal plants.

Alternative medicine recipes for the treatment of balanoposthitis:

Name Mode of application
Aloe leaves Rinse the leaves and remove the thorns. On one side of the leaf, cut off the skin and apply to the site of inflammation for 15 minutes. Repeat twice daily until recovery.
plantain leaf Rinse the leaves, rub in the hands, apply to the affected area, cover with a bandage on top, leave for 30 minutes. In the acute period, repeat the procedure every 4 hours.
Grind the chamomile, pour it with hot water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cool, put on a swab, apply to the site of inflammation.
Sage Finely chop the sage, brew with boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Filter, use for washing the genitals.
Oak bark 1 st. brew a spoonful of bark with boiling water (1 stack), heat for 20 minutes. Cool, use daily for compresses.
Baking soda Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. soda in a glass of water, use the resulting bath solution if antibiotics are not prescribed.
Burdock root Crushed root (3 tbsp.) Brew with boiling water (3 cups), hold for 30 minutes. in a water bath. Cool down. Strain, drink 100 ml daily.

In addition to external use, herbal infusions can be taken orally. Fruit drinks from lingonberries, cranberries, currants contain a lot of vitamin C, alleviate the condition.

To eliminate burning and itching Do not apply ice or cold compresses, use ice cubes made from frozen herbal infusions for wiping.

Do not use medicinal plants if an allergic reaction is observed.

Before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor (drugs are selected individually, one local treatment is not enough).

It is forbidden treat the head of the penis with alcohol(it dries the surface, can cause a chemical burn, reduce sensitivity).

Prevention measures

To prevent the development of balanoposthitis, it is recommended:

  • observe personal hygiene;
  • change clothes regularly;
  • prevent infection with sexually transmitted infections;
  • consult a doctor in a timely manner if signs of illness appear.

Alternative methods are effective with regular use. It is necessary to follow the doctor's prescriptions, when treating at home, you need to carefully read the instructions for medicines and pay attention to possible side effects.

It can become an infection (bacterial, fungal or viral), as well as poor hygiene. The inflammatory process can be provoked by improperly used medications, an allergic reaction of the body, microtraumas and other factors.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis appear in or. All options require different treatment under constant medical supervision.

Antibiotics will help relieve inflammation, destroy pathogenic microflora and prevent secondary infection. With balanitis and fasting, drugs in the form of tablets are most often used, ointments with antibiotics may be used, and injections are justified in case of exacerbations.

The course is developed individually. There are no universal medicines, each drug is designed to destroy a specific group of pathogens.

Before starting treatment, the doctor determines the nature of the disease. Indications for immediate antibiotic therapy are venereal infection at any stage, advanced non-infectious or non-venereal balanitis, complications arising from injuries.

In some cases, the use of antibiotics is not justified. They are not prescribed for:

  • viral or fungal infections;
  • the initial stages of non-infectious balanitis and balanoposthitis;
  • an allergic reaction to one or another group of drugs.

Learn about ballast in men from the video:

Photo of the disease

You can see balanoposthitis in men in the photo below, antibiotic treatment is described in the next subsection.

Treatment options: what to choose?

Each antibiotic is able to cope with only one type of causative agent of balanitis or postitis. That's why self-medication is strictly prohibited Only a doctor can choose a medicine, recommend a course and dosage. With venereal infections, the therapeutic program is conducted by a venereologist, with balanitis of a different nature, the urologist solves the problem.

The most commonly used drugs are in the form of coated tablets. Exists a set of rules to follow otherwise, the funds may lose their effectiveness.

  1. The tablets must not be chewed.
  2. Medicines should be taken 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal.
  3. It is not recommended to take before bed.
  4. Drugs should be washed down with plenty of water (at least 1 glass).
  5. Only pure non-carbonated water (bottled or boiled) is suitable for drinking. Do not take tablets with coffee, tea, milk or juice.

Levomycetin. One of the most popular remedies for balanoposthitis, antibiotic treatment with this composition works well on most pathogens (smegma microbacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gonococcus). The active substance levomecithin is rapidly absorbed into the blood, the drug reaches its maximum effectiveness 2-3 hours after ingestion.

A big advantage is the slow habituation of microorganisms, the tablets not only suppress the vital activity of the pathogenic flora, but also kill the existing one. Dosage and course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Often the drug is used at the beginning of the disease, after the end of the course, a more narrowly acting agent is connected (for example, tablets from the group of metronidazoles or penicillins).

doxylicin. Tablets of the tetracycline group. Suitable for the treatment of most types of postitis and balanitis, it is quickly absorbed by the body and does not have a noticeable effect on the digestive organs.

Suitable for the treatment of elderly and debilitated patients, has a minimum of contraindications. The course of treatment and dosage is calculated individually. It should not be taken simultaneously with antibiotics of the penicillin group, iron preparations and laxatives containing magnesium.

Azithromycin. Very effective remedy from balanoposthitis, the antibiotic is suitable for the treatment of venereal, diabetic, non-infectious balanitis and postitis. Produced in the form of capsules, contains the same name active substance from the azalide group.

The course depends on the type of infection and the condition of the patient. It is not recommended to combine with other antibiotics, treatment with the next drug can be started a few days after the end of the course.

Suprax. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Available in the form of capsules, the active substance is cefixime. Belongs to the class of cephalosporins. It is resistant to enzymes that destroy antibiotics, is well tolerated and is prescribed even for people with weakened immune systems.

It has a good effect on gonococci, salmonella, pneumococci, streptococci and E. coli, is ineffective in the treatment of most types of staphylococcus, listeria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Daily dose- 1 capsule, the duration of treatment is calculated individually.

Suprax. Antimicrobial drug in the form of coated tablets. Contains furazidan from the group of nitrofurans, which acts on hydrogen molecules in cells and destroys microorganisms.

It has a good effect on streptococci and staphylococci, relieves suppuration, reduces discomfort during urination. The course of treatment is suggested by the doctor, with an overdose, unpleasant side effects are possible.

Triderm. Preparation for external use. The composition includes the antibiotic gentamicin, hormones and antifungal components. The ointment is used for rubbing and compresses, the course is designed for 1-2 weeks.

It goes well with oral remedies, helps to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of fungal infections.

Contraindications and side effects

Like other active and potent drugs, antibiotics have a number of contraindications. The list depends on the type of medicine. The latest generation drugs act more gently and have fewer side effects.

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • severe forms of chronic diseases;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • hepatitis (including previously transferred);
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • heart failure;
  • an allergic reaction to a particular drug.

In case of an overdose or the wrong choice of course, unpleasant consequences are possible: headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, convulsions. The patient may experience a persistent disorder of the stool, which continues after discontinuation of the drug.

In some cases, there is a temporary deterioration in vision or loss of consciousness.

To restore the normal functions of the body, antibiotic treatment is accompanied by the use of other drugs, which the doctor should prescribe.

What to add to therapy?

If balanoposthitis is diagnosed in men, antibiotic treatment can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Killing pathogenic microflora, drugs suppress the patient's immunity, provoke the occurrence of fungal infections and other unpleasant consequences. The negative effect can be reduced by combination of antibiotics with other drugs.

Against the background of antibiotic treatment, susceptibility to fungal infections develops. To prevent such complications, it is recommended taking antimycotic drugs: Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Mikonozola, Candida, Pimafukorta.

It is convenient to combine oral preparations and ointments, applying them in courses of 7-10 days. External preparations with a regenerating effect can restore damaged tissues - for example,.

The use of Levomikol ointment for the treatment of balanoposthitis is shown in the video:

For local influence are actively used antiseptics in the form aqueous solutions . Most often, patients are prescribed or Chlorkexin. The preparations are used for washing, douching and lotions, the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. There are no contraindications, the funds can be used for acute or chronic prostitis and balanitis.

Small sores are cauterized Fukortsinom or other anesthetic agents for local exposure. A good replacement for an industrial drug is homemade antibacterial agents. Warm baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or infusion of pharmacy chamomile will help speed up the treatment.

The video will help you:

In the course of treatment must be included vitamin complexes . Especially important are B vitamins, as well as vitamin C. They enhance the body's defenses and neutralize the effect of antibiotics on healthy organs. Taking vitamins lasts 1-2 months, after the end of the course of treatment, prophylactic administration is possible (2-3 times during the year).

During therapy it is important to eat a balanced diet from light, nutritious, well-digestible meals. Preference is given to fresh fruits, boiled and stewed vegetables, greens, cereals, dairy products, lean meat and fish. Excluded fast food, alcohol in any form, spicy sauces and seasonings, smoked meats and pickles.

It is important to drink a lot - water, fruit drinks and compotes enhance regeneration and activate the action of antibiotics. During treatment, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse and strictly observe intimate hygiene.

Antibiotics for balanitis and balanoposthitis quickly eliminate a bacterial infection, relieve inflammation, prevent relapses.

The therapeutic course is developed by the doctor, he also recommends additional and supportive drugs. At proper treatment the patient manages to recover completely and avoid secondary infection.

For the correct treatment of balanoposthitis, see the video: