Local treatment of thrush in women. Consider effective treatment of candidiasis in women with drugs

To cure thrush, it is not enough to get rid of its symptoms, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the root cause of the disease. The effect can be achieved by destroying its causative agent, the fungus Candida, from which the name of the disease itself is candidiasis. Naturally, you need to see a doctor and pass a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis. Doctor's prescriptions will be effective if you follow the complex treatment of thrush.
It involves taking antifungal drugs. It must be observance of diet and hygiene, as well as the use vitamin complexes and immune stimulants to raise immunity, since often the development of thrush occurs when it is weakened.

Scientists have not yet been able to identify a single cause of thrush in women. But note the most important factors that increase the risk of developing this disease:

Often in women with thrush, inflammatory processes occur in the vagina (vaginitis and vulvovaginitis). Less commonly, the urethra, cervix, and bladder may be affected.

The most pronounced symptoms this disease:

  • itching in the vagina and on the labia;
  • cheesy and profuse discharge from the vagina of white color with a sour smell;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • burning and discomfort when urinating;
  • on examination, the gynecologist reveals redness of the walls of the vagina.

At the initial appointment, the gynecologist first of all takes a smear from the patient and sends it for analysis. The doctor chooses the necessary treatment tactics depending on the type of disease (bacterial vaginosis, isolated candidiasis, candidal balanitis and other types). If several types of fungus are detected, the course of treatment should consist of the combined use of various antifungal drugs with the mandatory inclusion, as mentioned earlier, of immunostimulants and physiotherapy.

Accurate laboratory analysis allows you to determine the body's response to the presence of Candida fungi and the sensitivity of the pathogen to drugs. This makes it possible to accurately select an antifungal drug without difficulty and avoid allergic reaction organism.

Comprehensive treatment of this disease must necessarily take place under the supervision of a physician. In order to prevent any complications and the transition of candidiasis to chronic form, you should not resort to self-medication, hoping for a quick and positive effect. It is risky and difficult to independently identify the symptoms of the disease in oneself and, moreover, to choose an effective drug.

Treatment of thrush in women

The minimum complex course of treatment lasts up to ten days, and with complex and advanced forms, it can take several months. There are now a huge number medicines and treatment methods. The main treatment for thrush in women is the use of antifungal drugs that negatively affect the vital activity of this fungus. They are divided into local and systemic.

The first of them should include special ointments, creams, suppositories and vaginal tablets that kill the fungus directly on the mucosa. They do not penetrate into the blood and do not have a negative effect on the pathogen located, for example, in the intestines or oral cavity.
The second includes tablets or capsules that you need to drink according to a special scheme. They are perfectly absorbed from the intestines into the blood, so they inhibit the growth and reproduction of the fungus not only in the vagina, but also in the intestines, mouth, skin and nails.

With a mild course of thrush, it is enough to use only topical preparations. The advantage of using them is quick deliverance from unpleasant symptoms and the absence of side effects. But most local preparations relieve symptoms, but do not cure. If the patient has a chronic form of the disease, then the use of local drugs for her will not play any role, more precisely, it will be useless. The goal of systemic treatment of thrush is an aggressive attack on the fungus, so this method is effective for a protracted, difficult-to-treat infection.

Doctors divide drugs from thrush into three groups:

Polyene antibiotics

These include Levorin, Amphotericin-B. Nystatin, Pimafucin, Natamycin are considered popular. This group of drugs acts negatively on the fungal cell membrane, which leads to its destruction and, consequently, to death.


Representatives of this group are Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Diflucan, Mikomax, Mikosist, Irunin, Flukostattsiskan. These drugs block the work of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and make it impossible for new cells to reproduce, that is, they prevent their division. Thus, the fungus stops multiplying and dies.


This group includes Terconazole, Clotrimazole, Livarol, Butoconazole, Econazole, Ketonazole, Miconazole, Candide and a number of other drugs. These drugs have the properties of the first and second groups and fight the fungus more effectively. Although there are several opposing opinions on this matter.

With a mild course of thrush, the doctor usually prescribes a single application of 150 mg of fluconazole. It is desirable to support the intake of this drug with immunostimulants and vitamin therapy to maintain and strengthen the protective functions of the body as a whole.
Itraconazole is prescribed to the patient for acute attacks of the chronic course of the disease. Also often with relapses of thrush, the antifungal drug Ketoconazole is used. Patients with recurrence may be prescribed prophylactic medications, usually fluconazole or clotrimazole.

Fungicidal (antifungal) drugs are the main, but not the only remedy for candidiasis. For effective treatment, it is best to use complex treatment, which, along with therapeutic actions, also implies prevention.

The complex therapy of this disease includes a number of important measures:

  • the most relevant measure is the restoration of a healthy vaginal microflora, but only after antifungal therapy;
  • the next measure is strengthening immune system with the help of vitamins, which include a set of all the necessary components (Duovit, Centrum, Vitrum);
  • also an important measure is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene, with which every woman is familiar from early childhood.

In the future, in order to prevent thrush during antibiotic treatment, antifungal agents should also be taken for 7-10 days.

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Most of the fair sex knows about the symptoms of thrush firsthand. I must say that this disease also does not bypass men. Meanwhile, the causative agent of thrush is a resident of our normal microflora. Why he begins to behave aggressively, and what to do about it - will tell the gynecologist Albina Romanova.

How to properly treat thrush?

Thrush(vulvovaginal candidiasis) - a fungal infection that is caused by microscopic yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (most often Candida albicans), and is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vulvar ring, vagina, urethra, perineum as a whole. These fungi are classified as conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (that is, they are part of the normal microflora of the mouth, vagina and colon of almost all healthy people), therefore, for the development of this disease, it is important not just the presence of fungi of this genus, but their reproduction in very large numbers, And this, most often, occurs with a decrease in immunity.

Doctors call thrush and candidal colpitis, and vulvovaginal mycosis, and urogenital candidiasis, and genital fungus, but the essence of this does not change, this is one and the same pathological process.

Unfortunately, thrush is a very common disease among the female population. More than 75% of women all over the planet have suffered this disease at least once in their lives, and a third of them who have received sufficient therapy fall ill again (there is a relapse of the disease).

Factors contributing to the spread of thrush

  • wearing synthetic, tight-fitting underwear (for example, the well-known "thongs") - damage to the mucous membranes in places of friction, the introduction of microflora from the anus into the vagina.
  • Use of daily sanitary napkins.
  • Unnatural sexual intercourse (anal, oral) - there is a violation of the normal microflora of the vagina, contributing to the development of thrush.
  • Diabetes mellitus - strong changes in the immune system, frequent urination, obesity (usually associated with diabetes), difficulties with personal hygiene, ulceration of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract - contribute to the development of thrush.
  • Treatment with broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs - they kill not only pathogenic microorganisms that caused the disease (for example, pneumonia), but also opportunistic microorganisms that inhabit our gastrointestinal tract and genital tract: fungal flora develops and grows very well in the “empty” place - there is a thrush.
  • Pregnancy - during pregnancy, the immune defense is reduced so that the fetal egg is not perceived by the body as a foreign body, therefore, expectant mothers are more susceptible to any infections, including candidiasis.
  • The use of high-dose oral contraceptives (containing 30 or more micrograms of ethinyl estradiol), intrauterine contraceptives (spiral), spermicides, diaphragms (for contraception) - weakening of the local protective barrier in the vagina.
  • The use of glucocorticosteroids is a factor in changing metabolism in organs and tissues, contributing to the development of thrush.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis (thrush) is not a sexually transmitted infection, despite the fact that the same strains of fungi are detected in sexual partners. Most likely, this pathology can be associated with a defect in the immune system on different levels(decrease in general or local immunity). Candidiasis is not a disease, since a healthy person has these opportunistic pathogens.

Thrush is classified into:

  1. Acute candidiasis.
  2. Recurrent (chronic) candidiasis.

Thrush manifestations:

  1. Itching and burning in the vagina and in the vulva, worse during sleep, after water procedures, after sexual intercourse, during menstruation.
  2. Beli - abundant or moderate cheesy discharge from the genital tract from white to gray-yellow, odorless.
  3. Painful intercourse.
  4. Painful (with cutting) and frequent urination.
  5. Swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the external genital organs, traces of scratching (maceration of the skin and mucous membranes).

There can be both all of the above signs of thrush, and part of them (the disease is erased, without pronounced complaints from the patient).

What is required for the diagnosis of thrush (candidiasis)?

The patient has complaints of itching, curdled discharge from the genital tract, impaired urination, symptoms of local inflammation in the vulva (edema, redness, maceration), laboratory data: microscopy of vaginal smears - detection of yeast-like fungi and pseudohyphae, vaginal pH 4 -4.5, the amino test is negative (when alkali is added to the vaginal discharge, there will be no smell of stale fish), when the discharge from the vagina is sown on the appropriate nutrient media, fungi grow (here you can evaluate their species, quantity, sensitivity to this or otherwise antibacterial drug). There are additional (and expensive) methods for confirming the diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis - immunofluorescent diagnostics ("CandidaSure"), compliment binding tests, immunological studies and express methods. They are most often based on an antigen-antibody reaction, that is, on pathogen(antigen), our immune system develops protection (antibody): the antibody binds to the antigen, neutralizing the latter. This complex (antigen-antibody) can be identified by these diagnostic methods, or only the antibody is recognized.

Treatment of thrush

It is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, self-treatment of thrush is fraught with the transition of an acute form of candidal colpitis into a chronic one, with frequent exacerbations and difficult cure.

Stages of treatment for thrush:

  1. Fight against predisposing factors(rational antibiotic therapy, maintenance and protection of the immune system, personal hygiene)
  2. Diet(carb restriction)
  3. Rejection of bad habits.
  4. Drug local treatment of thrush (choose one drug):
  • Butoconazole, 2% cream 5 g once-topically.
  • Ketoconazole, suppositories 400 mg, 1 suppository x 1 time per day for 3 or 5 days.
  • Fluconazole 150 mg orally once (Flucostat).
  • Itraconazole, by mouth 200 mg x 2 times a day for 3 days or 200 mg (Irunin) x 10 days, tablets that are inserted deep into the vagina.
  • Sertaconazole, 300 mg (1 suppository) once.
  • Clotrimazole, 100 mg (1 tablet in the vagina) for 7 days.
  • Miconazole: vaginal suppositories 100 mg (1 suppository) at night for 7 days.
  • Nystatin: vaginal tablets 100,000 IU (1 suppository) daily x 1 time, at bedtime, for 14 days.
  1. Drug treatment of chronic thrush:

- a systemic antimycotic (itraconazole 200 mg orally 2 times a day for 3 days or fluconazole 150 mg 1 time per day for 3 days) and

- local therapy with azole drugs (most often within 14 days):

Imidazole preparations:

  • ketoconazole (nizoral) - Apply 400 mg / day, for 5 days;
  • clotrimazole (kanesten) - Used in the form of vaginal tablets, 200-500 mg for 6 days;
  • miconazole - 250 mg, 4 times a day, 10-14 days.
  • bifonazole - 1% cream, 1 time per day at night, 2-4 weeks;

Triazole preparations:

  • fluconazole - 50-150 mg once a day, from 7 to 14 days;
  • itraconazole (orungal) - 200 mg 1 time / day, 7 days.

Despite the high efficiency of local treatment of thrush, many patients experience a relapse (exacerbation) after 1-3 months. This is due to the use of antibiotics, which change the normal microflora of the vagina, concomitant diabetes, taking oral contraceptives, pregnancy (the level of glycogen in the vaginal epithelium is increased - a good breeding ground for fungi), an increase in the number of infected patients with more pathogenic (and more resistant to traditional methods of treatment) species of fungi - C.pseudotropicalis, C.glabrata, C. parapsilosis .

Should the patient's spouse be treated for thrush?

Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease, and most often it is not necessary to treat a spouse. But there are situations when a man has clinical manifestations(symptoms of itching, irritation and scratching on the penis, white discharge that worsens after sexual contact) with a confirmed diagnosis of candidiasis in a woman. In this case, the treatment regimen for thrush is the same as for a woman. Only treatment is carried out not with local preparations, but for oral administration (Pimafucin, 100 mg x1 tablets 4 times a day for 10 days).

Usually a man does not have symptoms of this disease, even if the woman is sick and undergoing treatment. If symptoms of thrush occur in a man, then his body as a whole should be examined to exclude infections that significantly reduce immune surveillance (such as HIV (AIDS), hepatitis B and C, acute leukemia).

What to do to prevent a recurrence of thrush

In order to prevent a relapse (exacerbation) of the disease, it is necessary to use:

- systemic antimycotic (itraconazole 200 mg orally or fluconazole 150 mg on the first day of menstruation for 6 months, i.e. 6 courses);

- therapy with local preparations 1 time per week for 6 months (drugs that are used in suppositories for vaginal use).

Thrush treatment control

- At acute form thrush control of treatment is carried out 7 days after the end of treatment (smears and cultures are given for the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics).

- In chronic candidal colpitis, the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment is performed within 3 menstrual cycles on the 5-7th day of the cycle (as they stopped bloody issues from the genital tract after menstruation - smears and cultures for sensitivity are taken).

In special cases, for example, treatment of thrush in pregnant women, local antifungal drugs are used, such as: Natamycin 100 mg (pimafucin) 1 suppository at night for 3-6 days (the drug is approved for use in pregnant women even in the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, up to 12 weeks), or clotrimazole 1 vaginal tablet (100 mg) x 1 time per day at night for 7 days (the drug is approved for use in pregnant women only from 13 weeks of pregnancy).

If the sick patient is a child, then thrush is treated according to the following scheme: fluconazole 2 mg per 1 kilogram of the child's body weight - the entire dose is taken orally once with a small amount of water.

However, describing in detail drugs for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis (thrush), their dosage regimens and courses of treatment, it must be understood that all treatment should be controlled by a doctor. After all clinical picture(symptoms of the disease) typical of thrush are also characteristic of very many pathological processes in the vagina, for example: bacterial vaginosis, atrophic (cyanotic) colpitis, bacterial vaginitis, chronic cervicitis, leukoplakia or vulvar (vaginal) krauses, chlamydial cervicitis, adnexitis, gonorrhea, therefore, the question of treatment should only be in the doctor's office, under careful laboratory and clinical control of the patient's cure.

Be healthy!

Gynecologist Albina Romanova

is a disease of the mucous membranes and skin. This disease is caused by overgrowth of fungi. genus Candida. This fungus is constantly present in our body. If for any reason the balance of microorganisms is disturbed (this may be decreased immunity, reception antibiotics or STD), then this leads to the rapid reproduction of candida, that is, to the occurrence of thrush. Thrush in women: causes, treatment.

Treatment of candidiasis in women: drugs

For the effective treatment of thrush in women, use various drugs, among them: tablets, creams, ointments, candles, .

Thrush in women: treatment with pills

The main active ingredients that treat candidiasis are: nystatin, miconazole And ketonazole. The most popular tablet preparations for treatment and women are the following drugs.

Fluconazole: treatment of thrush in women

It is most often used to treat thrush (candidiasis) in women. It is also the most inexpensive drug, which must be used 1 time. Active substance inhibits fungal growth even in cases where the disease is running and has spread throughout the body.


This remedy is widely used in the treatment of thrush in women with drugs. It is effective in the treatment of candidiasis of the vagina, penis, and internal organs. Nystatin is also great prophylactic, which will prevent the appearance of thrush when long-term use antibiotics. Treatment with these tablets lasts from 10 to 14 days. This remedy prescribed even to children.


These tablets contain active active substance is an fluconazole. During treatment mild illness I am satisfied with a single dose. In severe forms, the reception is repeated after 3 days.


The active substance of this drug is fluconazole. They need to be accepted once.


Contains the same name active substance. This remedy is prescribed against acute or chronic form candidiasis. The course of treatment is 5 days, during which 1 tablet is taken. This drug is also prescribed children from 2 years old.

Candles for the treatment of thrush in women

In the treatment of thrush in women, suppositories are used to treat local vaginal candidiasis in women.


These candles contain benzothiophene And imidazole. You need to apply them for a week at night. A candle is inserted into the vagina. The drug is quite effective, its only drawback is the high price.


A contraindication to the use of suppositories is first trimester of pregnancy And hypersensitivity. Apply it 1 suppository for 3-5 days. The advantage is the fast effect and no allergic reactions.


This drug is used from one to two weeks, 1 suppository at night. This remedy is used to effectively treat thrush in women. with relapses And resistance to other antifungal drugs.

Contraindication is the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation.

The scheme of treatment of thrush in women with drugs

In the treatment of newly emerged thrush or with a mild stage of the disease, the following treatment regimen is prescribed:

  1. light preparations local application- suppositories, creams, tablets with clotrimazole, ketonazole and fenticonazole
  2. a single dose of fluconazole orally at a dosage of 50 mg is possible

During menstruation, local treatment is not used.

How to treat thrush folk remedies

Treatment of chronic thrush in women: drugs

Unfortunately, the treatment regimen for chronic thrush in women may be ineffective, and thrush can recur, and then become chronic. Most often this happens in patients with a weak immune system.

Treatment chronic candidiasis in women requires a serious approach. Before eliminating the consequences cure the root cause occurrence of the disease. After that, the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor is applied. The most common of them: 1-2 times a week treatment vaginal suppositories, 1-2 times a week taking antifungal drugs by mouth. Treatment may take several months.

Thrush in women during pregnancy: treatment

Pregnancy is a predisposing factor to the occurrence of candidiasis. Approximately half of pregnant women suffer from this disease. Most often it appears in the first and third trimester.

Treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women is a serious problem for gynecologists. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary not only to get rid of the disease, but also not to harm the fetus. The main treatment at this time are candles And outdoor creams. The duration of treatment at this time is up to 10 days.

Thrush in a nursing woman causes and treatment

During lactation, the Candida fungus often affects not only the genitals, but also the nipples. However, the location of the disease does not affect the treatment. When breastfeeding, you can not treat yourself need to be checked by a specialist.

Most physicians are against oral medication and recommend the use of local preparations. Most often prescribed ointments based on antibiotics. Of course, the treatment of thrush in a nursing woman with drugs that contain antibiotics is not very useful, but they help quickly stop the development of the disease and prevent it from spreading to the baby.

Dear friends, hello!

Today we will talk about thrush.

Do you often get asked this problem?

I hear your friendly "yes"!

Certainly! Going to the pharmacy is much easier than dragging yourself to the clinic, taking a coupon, waiting in the wings for a week or more ... And no one cares that “there” everything itches, itches and bakes.

And if the advice of a female doctor is “douche with soda and chamomile” or “inject a tampon soaked in kefir” (this is not a fiction), then I want to say a lot of “warm” words to him.

What kind of rubbish is this - thrush? Where does it come from? What do you need to find out from a customer who asks you for something from a thrush? How is this infection finally treated? Why sometimes it doesn't work? What to offer in the complex?

Let's figure it out?

How do mushrooms enter the body?

We have already talked about mushrooms. But it was a conversation about fungal infections and skin.

Among other pathogens of mycoses, I also mentioned yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

They are the cause of thrush.

We can acquire them in the process of life, or we can get them as a gift from our mother at birth, if she was visited by a thrush right before the birth.

In the first case, vulvovaginal candidiasis, as thrush is otherwise called, can be infected by direct contact with a sick person, including sexual contact, through a common towel with him.

In the second case, when passing through the birth canal, the fungi enter the skin of the child, settle on the oral mucosa, penetrate the body with amniotic fluid and become permanent residents of the large intestine, vaginal mucosa.

vaginal residents

However, mushrooms are not permanent and not predominant representatives of the vaginal fauna. Now I wrote this word and thought: I wonder why, when it comes to microbes, they say microflora? After all, "flora" is plants, and "fauna" is animals. Or are microorganisms more like plants?

The main inhabitants of the vagina are lactobacilli. They make up more than 90%.

Bifidobacteria and opportunistic microbes also live here in minimal quantities: gardnerella, mycoplasmas, streptococci, staphylococci, anaerobes, etc.

Lactobacilli perform a very important function: they protect the vagina from external microorganisms, restrain the excessive reproduction of "neighbors" and prevent them from going all out.

The vaginal epithelium is a multilayer construction. Like the stratum corneum of the skin epidermis, young epithelial cells are born in the lowest layer, which divide, mature, moving to the upper layers, and then desquamate.

The epithelial cells of the vagina contain glycogen. Lactobacilli break it down to form lactic acid. This maintains an acidic environment in the vagina at a level of 3.8-4.5, which protects it from pathogenic bacteria.

From this it is clear why douching with a solution of soda, which doctors love to recommend so much, cannot be used. Soda alkalizes the vagina and provokes gynecological problems.

And in general, any douching is harmful, because. wash out beneficial microbes, disrupt the ratio of good and conditionally bad bacteria. There are fewer good ones, but a holy place is never empty, so it is filled with the very conditionally pathogenic bacteria that were just waiting for this to start multiplying.

In addition, soda dries the mucous, and dry mucous is vulnerable. Therefore, the reduction of symptoms after such a method of treatment is the calm before the storm. The thrush will play out with renewed vigor, other bad kids will join the mushrooms. Bacterial vaginosis will develop.

What is the first day of the cycle?

You may have seen in the prescriptions of doctors that with recurrent thrush they are prescribed on the first day of menstruation.

Do you know why?

The epithelium of the vagina is hormone-dependent. Estrogens help his cells to accumulate glycogen and, therefore, break it down with the release of lactic acid. They also provide adhesion of lactobacilli to the cells of the vaginal epithelium.

But in the first days of the cycle, estrogen is not enough.

During this period, a large number of destroyed endometrial cells and blood cells enter the vagina, and the environment here shifts to the alkaline side (pH increases to 5.0-6.0).

Therefore, the risk of getting thrush at the beginning menstrual cycle increases.

What causes vulvovaginal candidiasis?

Why is vaginal candidiasis called "thrush"?

Because the discharge in this disease resembles sour milk.

So, the most common factors provoking the appearance of thrush:

  1. . They destroy not only harmful, but also beneficial microbes, including those in the vagina, i.e. lactobacilli. There are fewer of them, they cannot perform their protective function, and mushrooms begin to multiply intensively.
  2. . During pregnancy, vaginal candidiasis occurs 2-3 times more often.

Sometimes thrush is a marker of pregnancy, when the test still does not show anything, and the fungus is already right there!

This is due, firstly, to a physiological decrease in immunity during this period in order to reduce the activity of the immune system, which regards the fetus as a foreign body that needs to be expelled.

Secondly, hormonal changes occur, as a result of which there is too much glycogen in the cells of the vagina, and this is also bad. Lactobacilli do not have time to break it down, and it provokes the reproduction of fungi.

  1. Violation of hygiene rules. This is the use of tampons, which, at times, are in an intimate place all day, collecting all the representatives of the vaginal fauna. Here we also include excessive passion antiseptics not intended for intimate hygiene. They, like antibiotics, destroy everyone in a row, without understanding who is right and who is wrong.

Be mindful and tell customers to change tampons every 2 hours!

Some gynecologists oppose not only tampons, but also panty liners, because. they disrupt the access of oxygen to an intimate place.

  1. Pools. Chlorinated water dries the mucosa, which leads straight to vaginal dysbacteriosis.
  2. Clothing and some toilet articles. These are tight trousers, jeans that squeeze and rub in intimate places, disrupting blood circulation and reducing local protection. The same applies to strings.

About the journey of microorganisms through the thong from point K (intestines) to point B (vagina), we have already been with you once.

We add here underpants made of synthetic materials that trap heat and moisture, which is why mushrooms grow like after rain. So down with lacy sexy lingerie, long live the good old hebeshechki!

  1. Often thrush is brought from warm countries. Firstly, climate change is for the body, as a result of which it decreases. Secondly, this means increased humidity in an intimate place if you are in a wet swimsuit all day.
  2. Hypothyroidism. As you know, thyroid regulates ovarian function. With its hypofunction, hormonal disorders in the reproductive system are provided. Little estrogen - little glycogen in the epithelium of the vagina. Little glycogen, lactobacilli have nothing to break down. There is nothing to split - lactic acid is not formed in the right amount. Lactic acid is not formed - the acidic environment in the vagina is not maintained.
  3. Sweet love. It turns out that mushrooms are a terrible sweet tooth. Therefore, during the treatment of candidiasis, doctors advise to give up sweets and starchy foods. For the same reason, thrush often visits.
  4. Combined hormonal. They are on this black list because they create female body lower estrogen levels than natural.
  5. estrogen-containing hormonal preparations for HRT. Here is the other extreme: there are a lot of estrogens, the level of glycogen in the cells rises, it pulls water on itself, the mucous membrane loosens, the pH shifts to the alkaline side. In 20% of women, glucose tolerance changes.
  6. Glucocorticosteroids, immunosuppressants - i.e. drugs that reduce immunity.

How does thrush manifest itself?

It is easy to recognize a thrush.

There may be the following complaints:

  1. Itching, burning, discomfort in an intimate place, which increase in the evening.
  2. White cheesy discharge, odorless. In the people they are called "beli".
  3. Pain during sexual contact.
  4. Burning when urinating.

Thrush is also found in men, and then white patches, redness, and swelling appear on the genitals. Other complaints are the same as in women, but they are less pronounced.

To confirm the diagnosis of candidiasis, a smear is taken and cultured.

What forms of thrush exist?

There are 2 forms:

  1. Acute candidiasis. Lasts no more than 2 months.
  2. Chronic candidiasis. Lasts over 2 months.

Chronic candidiasis is divided into 2 types:

  • Recurrent - symptoms completely disappear after treatment, but exacerbations occur at least 4 times a year.
  • Persistent - symptoms are present to varying degrees constantly. After treatment, they subside somewhat.

What questions should the buyer ask?

When you are asked to give something for thrush, do not immediately offer an antimycotic. Talk to the buyer. What makes her think it's a thrush?

Questions might be:

  1. Was this diagnosis given to you by a doctor?
  2. How does the disease manifest itself? Itching, burning, pain when urinating? What kind of discharge? (interested in color, texture). White, curdled - this is thrush. If others, then the big question is what is it. Perhaps an STD, and it is pointless to recommend the same Fluconazole.
  3. Is this your first time or have you had similar symptoms before? If you already had thrush, find out how often exacerbations occur.

The treatment regimen with Fluconazole depends on the severity of symptoms, the frequency of exacerbations.

Now one of you is reading these lines and thinking:

- Yeah, the line is half a pharmacy, and I'll be interested in secretions?

In order not to embarrass the customer and not to be embarrassed yourself, it is better to go to her in the hall with the words: “Now I will go out to you, I need to clarify something”, then, taking her aside, ask her these questions, because without this your recommendations may not be entirely literate.

General scheme for the treatment of thrush

The treatment regimen depends on several factors:

  1. Acute or chronic process?
  2. Is it just milkmaid? Often fungi are combined with other representatives of opportunistic flora, so the task becomes more complicated.
  3. How severe are the symptoms?
  4. Are there comorbidities?

Comprehensive treatment of thrush includes:

  1. Systemic antimycotic.
  2. Local antimycotic.
  3. After the course of treatment - a vaginal eubiotic to restore the flora of the vagina.
  4. With chronic thrush -.

For systemic therapy, fluconazole and itraconazole are most commonly used.

The scheme of treatment of thrush with fluconazole

There are different treatment regimens with Fluconazole, but the following seems to me the most logical:

  1. Light discharge, slight itching and discomfort, or new-onset thrush:

Fluconazole 150 mg once for both men and women.

  1. Itching, burning, discomfort, profuse discharge, 1-4 episodes of thrush per year:

Female: Fluconazole 150 mg twice with an interval of 72 hours.

Man: 150 mg once.

  1. Recurrent thrush (more than 4 episodes per year):

Female: 150 mg three times with an interval of 72 hours. Then 150 mg once a week for 6 months.

Man: 150 mg once.

If Fluconazole is ineffective, see a doctor!

If the diagnosis of candidiasis is confirmed, the doctor may prescribe, for example, Itraconazole 200 mg 2 times 1 day or 200 mg 1 time per day for 3 days.


We influence mushrooms in their habitat

For local treatment, if the symptoms are definitely thrush, in my opinion, it should be a monodrug: Pimafucin, Livarol, Zalain, Clotrimazole, Ginezol 7, Ginofort.

For a woman, most often these are suppositories or vaginal capsules / tablets, for a man - a cream.

The duration of treatment for each drug is different.

The average duration of the cream in a man is 7-10 days.

As for the combined remedies (Terzhinan, Polygynax, Klion D, etc.), then using them for thrush is like cutting your finger and smearing it with iodine at the same time. With an antifungal component, we will destroy the fungus, and with others - beneficial microbes, while reducing local immunity, which in itself is the cause of thrush.

They are usually prescribed for a combined fungal-bacterial infection.

You ask: but how do you know it?

Firstly, bacterial infection is manifested by "colored" secretions (yellowish-greenish).

Secondly, unpleasant smell.

Thirdly, it can give in the stomach, worsening general well-being.

And then, most likely, Macmirror, Flagyl or a broad-spectrum antibiotic is needed inside. Plus a combined local remedy such as Terzhinan or Polygynax.

We restore the microflora

Information for thought. In the instructions for such drugs, candidiasis is on the list of contraindications, but doctors prescribe them in the complex treatment of thrush. How to understand it?

I have not found a clear explanation for this. Moreover, opinions on what environment Candida mushrooms reproduce best in are divided: some say that it is acidic (with which I disagree), others that it is alkaline. If we assume that they love an acidic environment, then how to explain their existence in the large intestine, where the environment is slightly alkaline?

And yet: why are these drugs contraindicated in candidiasis?

I believe that firstly, because of the excipients. For example, the Acylact preparation says that bacteria are cultivated with the addition of a sucrose-milk medium, and mushrooms, as you now know, love sweets.

Secondly, against the background of candidiasis, the affected cells of the vaginal epithelium contain little glycogen, so lactobacilli will not have enough nutrient substrate, and candidiasis will only worsen.

But after the end of antifungal therapy with negative smears for the fungus, these drugs will be very helpful.

And what do you think about this?

Dealing with immunity

With recurrent candidiasis, the doctor may prescribe Viferon, Genferon, Polyoxidonium in suppositories, and so on.

We care correctly

And ideally, especially with recurrent thrush, it is good to use a special intimate care product that will maintain an optimal environment in the vagina (for example, Lactacid).

For the duration of treatment:

  1. Use only cotton linen.
  2. Discard thongs and tight pants, jeans.
  3. Eliminate sweet, starchy foods from your diet.
  4. From sexual intercourse for this period you need to refrain.
  5. Both need to be treated.

Why is the treatment of thrush often ineffective?

I found 5 reasons for this:

By the way, if a woman has doubts that this is a thrush, you can offer her FrauTest Candida.

What can you do with thrush during pregnancy?

Pimafucin: suppositories, tablets. The rest is all with some reservations.

That's all I wanted to tell you today.

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With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

Thrush is one of the most common fungal diseases of the genital organs. Many women encounter it repeatedly, and those who have never had candidiasis have probably heard about it.

In medicine, the disease is called candidiasis and belongs to the category of infectious diseases.

Carriers of thrush can be not only women, but also men, but the latter have its hidden symptoms, the fair sex candidiasis causes a lot of trouble.

In order for the disease not to give complications after a while, not to develop into a chronic form and not to recur, you need to know how to treat thrush correctly and how much time and money it will take to overcome it forever.

Symptoms and Causes

The appearance of itching, white curdled discharge are the first and most unpleasant signs of candidiasis. However, such pronounced symptoms may not appear immediately, since the initial stage of the development of the infection is hidden, and its presence can only be determined through a special analysis (smear).

The further course of the disease leads to the formation of increased acidity on the mucous membranes, which irritates and injures tissues.

If you do not take measures for timely treatment, then after a while appear pain when urinating and burning, the question arises of how to get rid of thrush.

The causes of thrush may be different:

Faced with candidiasis once, it is quite difficult to get rid of it, and some women even wonder if it is possible to cure thrush completely.

This is due to the fact that when treated improperly, the likelihood of relapse is exceptionally high.

That is why in the fight against candidiasis, a competent, effective approach is important with the use of appropriate medications and taking into account recommendations on how to properly treat thrush, what drugs and how long the course of admission should last.

What pharmaceutical preparations to use?

Used to treat candidiasis medications external use (creams, ointments, sprays, gels), vaginal tablets (candles), tablets (capsules) for oral administration. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, the presence of relapses, the patient is prescribed appropriate drugs.

Medicines for external use: ointments and suppositories

Medicines for external use do not have a detrimental, systemic effect on the body, they are not absorbed into the bloodstream, but act exclusively on the focus of infection. Among the most commonly prescribed drugs are:

Medicines for oral use

Among the most effective medicines, it is worth highlighting:

In order to know exactly how to cure thrush in a particular case, it is necessary to be guided by the doctor's recommendations in compliance with the prescribed dosages and the duration of the course of treatment. In some cases, it is better to make the treatment complex, with the use of external and oral medications. Some time after the end of the course of taking the medicine, it is necessary to take a smear again in order to ensure the success of the treatment.

When choosing a drug, it should be remembered that most drugs have a number of contraindications. At the same time, Pimafucin and Zalain cause the least harm to the body. They are the best medicines for pregnant and lactating women.


On the initial stage diseases answer the question "how to get rid of thrush" can ethnoscience. Her fight against the disease is based on the use of herbs and natural antiseptics. to the most effective folk recipes relate:

Despite the fact that traditional medicine offers a lot of treatment options, none of them can be used as an independent remedy for thrush without the participation of medicines.