Nervous breakdown in children 5 years old. Nervous breakdown: symptoms and consequences

It is generally accepted that nervous breakdowns are a negative phenomenon and cause anxiety for the state of the nervous system. Neurosis in children causes even more anxiety in their parents, because it is hard to imagine what the next tantrum of a child will actually turn into. Partly a nervous breakdown has its own positive sides: there is a release of negative emotions that have accumulated for a long time, and psychological relief occurs.

A nervous breakdown in a child resembles crying in its effect - when a person cries, he splashes out all the experiences and accumulated resentments, after which he becomes easier and calmer. This is a kind of way out of a stressful situation.

The nervous system of children is very unstable and is formed for quite a long time, so babies usually endure stress and anxiety more difficult than adults. Nervous breakdowns in them can occur quite often and manifest themselves in the form of crying, tantrums.

The symptoms of neurosis in children are almost the same as in adults: a sharp change in mood, irritability, and a severe psychological state.

Signs of the development of neurosis in a child are:

- constant feeling of fatigue and weakness;

- vulnerability and sensitivity - the child thinks that he is being treated badly, that those around him are harming him;

- touchiness and tearfulness;

- irritability - any request or advice from others causes aggression or resentment;

- the child's sleep pattern is disturbed, there are problems with digestion.

If you notice that the child has one of these symptoms, and after crying or a surge of emotions, he feels better, then you should not panic. But if your child regularly has nervous breakdowns, is this an occasion to think about the reasons for this and analyze whether you are doing everything right?

The main reasons for the development of neurosis in children are the mistakes in education that their parents make. It often happens that it is conflicts in the family that provoke nervous breakdowns in children. If you do not pay due attention to the problem on time, then later it can develop into serious psychological or even mental illness.

Neurosis does not arise by itself. It is always the result of stress, a difficult psychological situation, fear, when a child is forced to do something by force. Constant pressure from parents, too strict attitude of adults can provoke constant psychological stress. The lack of a parenting strategy and unity, when one allows everything, and the other forbids it, “knocks down the landmarks” of the child, and in one way or another he will not live up to the expectations of one of the parents.

Fright of the baby or lack of support from parents in a difficult situation can provoke a nervous breakdown.

As a treatment, patients are first advised to consult a psychologist. Many parents are hesitant to take their child to a specialist, afraid to admit that there is a problem. Such a position can only harm the child and aggravate the condition. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the doctor will help you and your baby understand the causes of a nervous breakdown and tell you how to behave so that the situation does not happen again. Sometimes a child may need the help of a psychotherapist.

Nervous breakdown is an acute condition caused by external stimuli and having signs of depression and neurosis. It is difficult for a person without a medical education to identify the symptoms and to recognize the approaching breakdown by signs. they are similar to other mental disorders.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown

  • irritability;
  • fatigue and feeling tired;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • sleep and eating disorders;
  • migraine;
  • anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • apathy;
  • thoughts of suicide.

However, attacks of an acute condition are not necessarily accompanied by a violent reaction, sometimes the deviation proceeds quietly, the patient withdraws into himself, becomes apathetic, wants nothing and does not complain.

If you notice signs of a nervous breakdown in time, the consequences will not be so severe.

Emotional Signs

  • restlessness and anxiety;
  • tearfulness and growing guilt;
  • decrease in self-esteem;
  • lack of interest in work, friends and life;
  • depression;
  • thoughts of suicide.

physical signs

  • fatigue and weakening of the body;
  • migraine;
  • lack of appetite and insomnia;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • after and during the disorder, the heart hurts;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • irregular menstrual cycle.

Cause of nervous breakdown. Photo:

behavioral signs

  • with a nervous breakdown, tantrums are possible;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • bouts of anger and violence;
  • the situation with the cardiovascular system worsens.

Diagram of a closed circuit of a nervous breakdown. Photo:

What is the cause and how does a nervous disorder manifest itself.

  • Doctors call the main reason the strongest emotional shock, for example, the death of a loved one, a break in relationships, a change of residence, loss of a job and a strong one.
  • But sometimes a strong shock can occur against the background of exhaustion, for example, from constant overstrain at work, stress, lack of sleep and depression.
  • In addition, disturbances in the production of hormones, alcoholism, drugs and heredity can lead to mental health problems.

Interesting! There is no article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on bringing an employee to a nervous breakdown at the workplace, however, if there is medical evidence, then the employer can receive material compensation for damage to mental health through the court.

The reason for the weakening of health is quite simple - it is the body's reaction to stressful situations. Difficulties at work, in the family, relationships, as well as joyful events, such as the birth of a child or a wedding, lead to overstrain, and plunge the patient into a state of complete exhaustion.

Risk factors include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • cases;
  • VSD, cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with ;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • abuse and drugs.

Stages of a nervous breakdown

A nervous breakdown does not occur suddenly, it goes through several stages before turning into a serious problem.

  1. At the first stage, the person disappears at work, his ability to work increases, he becomes optimistic, but at the same time, anxiety and anxiety in his soul only grow and lead to violations. Tremors, fever, and insomnia are possible.
  2. Vigorous activity in the first phase leads to complete physical and emotional weakening. The individual believes that he can do nothing, that all his efforts do not lead to success. He begins to get annoyed for any reason, there are difficulties with sleep, headaches, panic attacks, heart palpitations.
  3. By the third stage, the person completely loses confidence in his abilities. Self-esteem drops critically, apathy and depressive mood appear. Dizziness, pressure surges, bouts of nausea, poor appetite become a frequent occurrence. Menstruation after a nervous breakdown may not go regularly, in addition.

Nervous breakdown in men

The strong half of humanity is less likely to experience mental illness, because. have a more stable psyche and a high level of stress resistance.

If a man is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, he will not cry or refuse to work, he will only be irritable and aggressive. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on your loved ones and friends. It is noted that refusal to eat or overeating, insomnia, outbursts of anger and aggression, giving up a favorite hobby and talking about death are things that should be paid close attention.

Nervous breakdown in women

The weaker sex is most prone to mental difficulties, and it is quite simple to understand that a woman is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The girl is more whiny and touchy, there are tantrums, anxiety and anxiety are growing. Self-esteem drops, mood swings occur, even small problems become intractable.

Physical symptoms in women that indicate abnormalities include persistent headaches, dizziness, lack of sleep and appetite, decreased libido, and excessive guilt, which, as a consequence, turns into a form of paranoia.

Nervous breakdown in pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman becomes more vulnerable and vulnerable, so mental illness on maternity leave is a common thing.

  • Deviation is accompanied by frequent headaches, dizziness, anxiety and restlessness, nightmares or insomnia. A nervous breakdown that can happen to a lady during pregnancy has serious consequences not only for her, but also for her unborn baby. This will negatively affect his health.
  • Besides expectant mother you should not worry too much, because a strong shock can cause uterine tone and cause a miscarriage.
  • Stressful situations can cause eating and sleeping disorders, migraines and increased toxicosis. Also, exhaustion can lead to the fact that after childbirth the newborn will be hyperactive and hysterical.

Nervous breakdown in children and adolescents

Mental illness manifests itself at any age. According to the symptoms, deviations can be detected even in a small child.

Difficulties in the family or kindergarten can lead to the fact that the baby will have a tantrum. There are two types of its manifestation - loud and quiet.

  1. During a loud tantrum, the child screams, cries, behaves aggressively, throws things. This is good, because thus, the child gets rid of negative emotions.
  2. Silent hysteria is much worse, because. the child closes in itself, does not talk, cries quietly, bites its nails, in addition, during or after a nervous attack, a high temperature may rise.

With any manifestation of hysteria, the main thing is to notice the well-being of the child in time and help him cope with negative emotions.

Once a child goes to school, the likelihood of a relapse increases. The reasons for the occurrence of a nervous breakdown in adolescents include the lack of friends, favorite activities, frequent quarrels in the family, unbearable workload at school.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in teenagers

  • insomnia;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of appetite;
  • quarrels with peers;
  • irritability and aggressiveness.

These symptoms of a nervous breakdown, which appear in adolescents in the run-up to a seizure, have bad consequences, such as friendship with bad company, unwillingness to study, use of alcohol and drugs.

Expert opinion on the issue of a nervous breakdown in adolescents

Answered by Yanysheva Vera Alexandrovna

“Nervous breakdown in teenagers in our high-tech world. To highlight the causes of such a condition, whether such a condition depends on age, the symptoms of a nervous breakdown. Is it necessary to deal with a nervous breakdown and how can these problems be solved by protecting the child.

What do you think, What is the most important thing for a teenager? That's right, find yourself. He needs to get answers to the questions: Who am I?«, « What am I living for?«, « What is life?«, « What am I doing in this world?«.

He begins to think about the meaning of life, analyzes his life and the world around him - and does not always see the world as ideal. He sees that in our world of high technologies, much attention is paid to the material component. On each Internet resource there are grandiose offers for work and choice of profession. There are headlines all around that it is easy to become rich and successful, like this or that genius already at the age of 16 is a millionaire businessman. All this should be a call to action for a teenager, but sometimes it works quite the opposite. He sees that he does not meet the requirements of society.

A teenager looks around for moral support, and all his relatives and friends are always "busy". And even if they are free, they can devote time to their children, they sincerely do not understand what, in general, his trouble is. Parents believe that they provide their child with everything they need: they dress, feed, take them to all kinds of educational circles and ask " What else is missing?«.

Parents of children with a nervous breakdown often turn to me.It should be noted that usually in such cases psychiatrists are not assistants. They prescribe drugs that relieve symptoms and syndromes. As a rule, this only harms children: they need strength and a clean head, and after pills it doesn’t happen the way you want.

When do teenagers have a nervous breakdown?

In childhood, the child is attached to the parents. When he goes to school, teachers become more important to him. Then they lose their significance in the eyes of a teenager. Soon the significance passes to friends, the team - the same teenagers. This is a normal reaction for a crisis of puberty. It is called grouping reaction.

But even older children need warmth, support and acceptance from their own teachers, especially from their parents. And where can they get them if the adults themselves received practically no support and warmth? After all, our parents took care of us exactly the same way as we take care of our children: they dressed us, put on shoes, but forgot about our inner spiritual world.

During my practical work as a psychologist-psychotherapist, I noticed certain patterns of the psyche: children, adolescents and even young people reflect the internal state of their parents. There is such a concept: scripted behavior program. It is transmitted in a xerox manner from the older generation to the younger.

It has been proven by practice: unresolved parental problems at the psychological level are transferred to children.

The child's brain, like a computer, reads the negative thoughts of their parents and unconsciously begins to feel their inner tension, excitement, anxiety and anxiety. Frequent and prolonged unconscious internal tension in adolescents leads to nervous breakdown.

Nervous breakdown in teenagers- a frequent occurrence. It would seem that some are calm about life's problems, but this is only at first glance. Such a person usually hides his inner unbalanced state. A nervous breakdown leads to an aggressive or depressive psycho-emotional state.

The reasons that lead to a nervous breakdown and a disharmonic state include the following:

  • divorce of parents or a state close to this;
  • loss of work by mother or father;
  • financial difficulties in the family, including those arising from the payment of a mortgage or the death of a loved one who provided the family financially;
  • other negative emergencies or crises in the country and in the world.

There are reasons for the teenager himself:

  • he cannot find his place in the peer group;
  • he has low self-esteem, self-doubt;
  • he went through humiliation, resentment, rejection by peers.

In these situations, the child has excitement, anxiety, anxiety, fear for tomorrow. It is at such moments that you want protection, support. And there is no warm contact with children. This leads to feelings of uselessness, loneliness, rejection, dislike. And these negative states are “postponed” all the time.

They accumulate in the subconscious, accumulate, and when their number reaches a mass that is critical for this child, an explosion occurs. The same can happen against the background of sudden stress. It can end unfavorably both for others and for the teenager himself - up to somatic diseases and mental disorders.

The fact that the cause of a nervous breakdown is the problems of the parents, and not the teenager himself, is also evidenced by my psychotherapeutic work. I will talk about them below.

At what age should you expect a nervous breakdown?

A nervous breakdown can occur at any age. Most often this happens during the crisis of puberty: at 12-16 years old. But I met with such situations at an older age: at 19, 20, 21 years old.

How does a nervous breakdown manifest?

This condition can manifest itself in different ways. Children develop feelings of anxiety, worry, and fear. A teenager feels that he cannot understand what is happening to him, does not understand himself, his feelings, his actions. Therefore, children can withdraw into themselves: depression of the emotional sphere can be observed: irritability, aggressiveness, sleep disturbance, and appetite appear.

Nervous breakdown in a child. Photo:

For example, a previously calm child may begin to aggressive: rebel, show disrespect to elders in every possible way, or be rude. Maybe he starts to get depressed: close up, withdraw into himself, cry. Some teenagers may stop learning and stop communicating with others.

The use of alcohol and drugs can also lead to a nervous breakdown during the crisis of puberty. The child may begin to use these substances in the company of his peers to relieve the internal anxiety and unconscious tension that he is experiencing. A teenager does not understand what is happening, but when he takes a certain dose of alcohol or drugs, he relaxes and loses control. This happens through the effect of this substance on the frontal lobes of the brain, which are responsible for thinking (there is also the will and locus control: this is the first block of the brain according to Alexander Romanovich Luria).

Luria Alexander Romanovich, Soviet psychologist and neuropathologist, one of the founders of neuropsychology. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1937), Doctor of Medical Sciences (1943), Professor (1944), full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. Photo:

A few cases from my practice

One mother brought her daughter to me, a first-year university student. The girl was constantly studying, did not leave the house, sat at the computer, she had no friends. If she communicated on the Internet, then she communicated in such an anxious state, as her mother said, and the contacts were random and fleeting. Moreover, the girl hated to shop like her peers. She was absolutely satisfied with the clothes that she had.

We worked one session with this girl. Almost the entire session I heard only one thing: “Yes, everything is fine with me! I do not have problems!". I worked with her on all issues, from all sides I checked her internal state, such a massive work, but practically nothing came of it.

Her mother came next to me. We worked with her for 3 hours. Everything that mother did not like in her daughter's behavior turned out to be in herself. When my mother and I had already worked for 10 sessions, she called me and said: “You know, Vera Alexandrovna, I work, and my daughter is changing! She had a boyfriend, she fell in love with shopping. She became interested in many other life projects. According to her mother, the girl became active, interesting, began to study well and with interest at the institute. This example demonstrates that the internal state of a parent is passed to its child.

And here is an example of the transfer of a scenario program of behavior. Mom brought her daughter, who had a very high IQ. The girl entered the Physics and Mathematics Institute for three years, but each time she left the university. After the third admission and voluntary expulsion from the university, she developed suicidal tendencies.

Of course, we did psychotherapeutic work with her. But it was clear that this problem was going straight through the genus. Then I offered to work for my mother, and then for my grandmother. They had one to one repeated negative attitudes that we worked through and released. As a result, the girl and mother harmonized their psycho-emotional state, and the girl was able to continue her studies and get a job.

There was another very interesting situation. A young man was brought to me who had no desire to learn. Mom said so: “Apathy is complete. We don't know what to do." The boy was very difficult to work with. He has a phlegmatic temperament, and each word had to be dragged as "on a lasso." We worked with him for 2 sessions, and almost nothing came of it.

But what happened to mom? Fears and more fears. These mother's fears were transmitted to the child, along with the strongest mother's tension. The young man did not understand why he did not want to study, did not realize why he had apathy. Of course, what could be worked out, we did with him, but, basically, all the work went with my mother. The internal state of the mother changed - the emotional state of the young man changed.

Thus, many teenagers were brought to me whose behavior disturbed their parents. We started working with children, they could not give any arguments that they had some problems, they could not work them out, because these are the problems of their parents. We start working with one of the parents (more often with the mother), and the adult sees for himself: “But these are not my child’s problems! This is my problem." We work with the parent on this situation and the behavior of the teenager becomes stable and harmonious. And unconscious anxiety and tension leave him forever.

How to protect your child from a nervous breakdown

Do I need to deal with a nervous breakdown? Yes, but it is not necessary to fight it, but to remove the causes of this condition. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that teenagers suffer from a lack of attention, dislike, uselessness and, of course, from emotional and sensual rejection.

To protect your child from a nervous breakdown, you need to provide him with support, warmth, acceptance. In a word, love. What is love? This is when there is positive and joy in the soul.

How can these problems be solved?

The main thing is that now you need to take care of your children: remove your negative scripted behavior programs so that it is not passed on to children. This can be done in psychotherapy of the natural-psychic direction.

It is necessary to harmonize your psycho-emotional state in time and pay attention to the psycho-emotional state of your children. In addition, from birth, you need to establish a good relationship with the child. Don't wait for it to grow. When he grows up, he will no longer need you, he will need his peers. It is also important to correctly adapt the child to society so that he does not feel inferior and does not become an outcast.

Develop, love and may you and your children be healthy!

Answered by Sakharova Olga Yurievna

Relationship Expert

“From the age of 11, a teenager begins to expand social ties and perceive as a source of information not so much parents, but peers, and more often even the Internet. This stage of growing up and separation from an adult is very important for a child and it would be best if an adult competently accompanies him in this process. Not interfering, not forcibly restricting, but carefully trying to find common ground. Teenagers are looking for themselves, trying and communication on an equal footing will only strengthen their self-confidence. As opposed to distrust of parents, isolation and "freezing" in gadgets. “Mom, I want to dye my hair purple” - “If you want, why not. But if you want to hear my opinion, which suits you better, of course, I can say, but I won’t insist. If they ban, they will do it contrary to the opinion of “rodakers who teach how to live,” and the more bans, the greater the gap between generations. If you shut up the “wrong desire” with criticism, then do not give it a try, even if you make a mistake. But draw your own conclusion. Learn to trust yourself.

From 12 to 18 years old, a person experiences puberty, accompanied by a hormonal explosion, personality formation and increased internal tension. So that relationships with parents do not turn into mutual counter-actions and conflicts, it is important to learn to hear each other. And also explain to the teenager that in addition to rights, he has responsibilities: study, try to take care of himself, help around the house, take care of the younger ones, etc. When an adult soberly and calmly voices such a position, shows discipline by his example and asks from a teenager, then the latter automatically grows respect and desire to take an example from an older relative. The teenager will feel his contribution to the common cause, and there will be no time for the Internet and crises.”

Shvedovsky Evgeny Feliksovich answers

Neuropsychologist, clinical psychologist at the Center for Health and Development named after St. Luke, methodologist at the Federal Resource Center of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

« Nervous breakdown is not a disease in itself. This is some collective image of an acute affective state that arose on neurotic or depressive grounds under the influence of a strong external influence.

If we talk about adolescence, then the instability of the psyche is typical for this age. The puberty crisis, which begins on average at age 12, is one of several age-related crises. childhood, from which a teenager can go either into overcoming it - compensation, or into some kind of clinical form. There are frequent cases of juvenile schizophrenia, often associated with an unfavorable course of the pubertal crisis. Therefore, we can say that the most sensitive age for nervous breakdowns of a teenager is the age of the onset of the puberty crisis. A nervous breakdown can itself be a symptom of a disease in the form of a psychotic episode or an acute reaction to stress, which is difficult for a growing organism to cope with.Since this is not a separate disease in itself, it is difficult to name specific symptoms.

Prevention and elimination of the consequences of a nervous breakdown

Of course, everything is individual. If a child is sensitive to environmental factors (noise, large crowds, etc.) that can be stressful for him, then you should think about how to protect him from this. Of course, parents should think about this first of all, creating favorable conditions for harmonious development.

If we talk about overcoming the consequences of the body's stress reaction, then there are many methods, ranging from the simplest and most "physiological" - unconscious:

  • breathing exercises;
  • concentration on certain objects, factors;
  • withdrawal of attention from the stress agent;

- to the methods used in various psychological approaches, for example, CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) - rationalization or art therapy “draw your fear”.

As for high technologies, it should be taken rationally. PIt is clear that in our world they exist and there is no getting away from them - digitalization, virtualization, etc. And they bring both new knowledge and new problems.

Progress in the development of science, on the one hand, and an additional stress factor, on the other hand, are influential not because they exist as such, but because communication using digital gadgets, games (mainly online) and other “virtual communication” technologies are very intense. You have to come into contact with a much larger number of people. The child’s brain may not be ready for this either.”

Nervous breakdown in the elderly

The closer to old age, the more people feel their helplessness. The elderly are less mobile, become decrepit, constantly feel pain and acquire chronic diseases, therefore, are also subject to mental overstrain. In addition, for adults, the death of loved ones, retirement and maltreatment can cause primary symptoms and lead to serious consequences, for example, neuroses and.

It is important to know what to do in a situation if the elderly is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Interesting! If the whole body trembles or shakes, then this is also a sign of extreme stress and can lead to the onset of a seizure.

Nervous breakdown treatment

The cure for exhaustion depends on the severity and well-being of the patient. In some cases, medication is prescribed; in others, medication can be dispensed with.

  • At the first sign of a breakdown in the nervous system, it is best to maintain health and start taking vitamin complexes, soothing herbal preparations and adjust the daily routine.
  • If the condition worsens and the question no longer arises How do you know if you're having a nervous breakdown?, then you should take glycine and anti-stress medications, as well as make an appointment with a psychologist.
  • The last stage of a relapse requires mandatory prescription medications and referral to a doctor, such as a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Nervous breakdown treatment at home

If the individual is aware of the problem and has a desire to fix something, it is possible to cope with a nervous breakdown without medication and going to the hospital.

  • Sport. It has long been known that allows you to let off steam and negative emotions. Fitness, wrestling, or yoga will allow you to escape from worries, and after class they will not seem insoluble or dangerous. In addition, meditation and breathing practices will help to relieve symptoms and help in treatment. What's more, breathing exercises can be used even while being around people, for example, at school or in the workplace.
  • Physiotherapy and relaxation. Physiotherapy has long been known for its positive effect on the human body. And in order to get rid of the symptoms and negative consequences of a breakdown, you need to visit a massage session, sign up for pleasant spa treatments, arrange, and this method works for both women and men. After such a rest, there will be no trace of anxiety.
  • Lifestyle and diet. In order not to expose the body to unnecessary stress, it is important to carefully monitor your schedule. Refuse processing, get enough sleep, do not skip breakfast, do not abuse junk food and alcohol.
  • Herbal preparations. Tea with is considered a good sedative, normalizes sleep and reduces anxiety in case of nervous exhaustion. used to combat insomnia and anxiety. has a sedative effect. Tea with leaves relaxes and relieves irritability. John's wort tincture removes the consequences of illness and neurosis. In addition, herbs such as oregano, ginseng, eleutherococcus, fireweed and hops have proven themselves well in the fight against stress.

Help doctor

Psychotherapy is not very popular in the CIS countries, but sometimes the help of a specialist is invaluable and should not be neglected in case of a nervous breakdown. It is communication with a psychotherapist that will help prevent frustration, and if a breakdown occurs, it will tell you how to recover after it.


If the problem is deeper and at home the treatment of a nervous breakdown has not been successful, you need to put heavy artillery into battle.

  • Sedatives, such as, or are released without a doctor's prescription, and therefore, people often use these medicines on their own. However, one should be careful, although these drugs have a sedative effect, normalize sleep, but they also cause side effects and have contraindications.

Glycine-Bio. Photo:

Valoserdin. Photo:

  • Herbal sedatives, such as St. John's wort, also do not require a prescription and are effective for a nervous breakdown. They quickly calm down, but at the same time reduce concentration, slow down reactions and after them tend to sleep. Therefore, they should be used with caution if the patient drives a car.

Novo-Passit. Photo:

Negrustin. Photo:

  • Anti-stress agents, such as, or will help calm down after a nervous breakdown. They are good because they are not addictive, but they fight well with feelings of anxiety, anxiety, and protect the neural system.

Hevert Kalmvalera. Photo:

Tenoten for children. Photo:

  • Prescription drugs, for example,

    Phenazepam. Photo:

    Grandaxin. Photo:

    Pyrazidol. Photo:


    As an additional therapy, multivitamin complexes are shown, for example, and which support the body during treatment after a nervous breakdown. Besides homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements also provide support to the patient's body.

    It will be interesting! Director Pedro Almodovar made the film "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown", which tells the story of 4 women who find themselves in different situations and try to get out of them by all means. In this picture, the director dispelled many stereotypes about women.

    Gerimaks Energy. Photo:

    Consequences of a nervous breakdown

    After a nervous breakdown, a person may experience depression, various phobias and, as a result, thoughts of suicide. In addition, emotional exhaustion negatively affects the state of health in general - there are sharp jumps in pressure, migraines, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If not treated, the patient begins to abuse alcohol or use drugs in order to relax and forget about worries.


    At the first signs indicating a nervous breakdown, no tests should be done, action should be taken immediately. For example, adjust your diet, get enough sleep, walk in the fresh air, go to the cinema or spa, take herbal medicines.


    It is impossible to miss how a nervous breakdown occurs, and therefore, at the first manifestations, you need to contact a specialist and strangle the disease at its very beginning. Even though women are more likely to find themselves in this predicament, men should also pay attention to their condition and know how to recover from the disorder.

Children are more or less unpredictable even for their parents. Sometimes it seems that the baby is simply uncontrollable and hysterical. However, what was the impetus for this - a disease of the child's central nervous system, psycho-emotional disorders, or just a desire to manipulate?

Illness or personality traits?

If a child is very nervous, then this can affect the quality of life of both himself and those around him. This term usually means tearfulness, excitability, sleep problems, disobedience, irritability, hysteria. It is very difficult to make contact with nervous children, since such a baby reacts to any remark or suggestion with violent tantrums and protests. shows that most of the problems lie in the wrong education in early childhood.

Naughty and nervous children are such intertwined concepts that sometimes it can be difficult to understand the essence of the problem without the help of qualified specialists. Some of the most common causes of disobedience in children include:

Only in last place are disorders of the child's nervous system.

Children's neuroses

The psyche of a small child is very fragile and subject to influence from outside. Against the background of numerous prohibitions, stressful situations and lack of attention, neuroses can form. This is a neuropsychiatric disorder, which is characterized by the appearance of unusual psychosomatic and behavioral symptoms. Often nervous children are precisely because of the occurrence of neuroses.

The peak of the development of the pathological condition is considered to be the age of 5-6 years, when the child begins to behave inappropriately. In some cases, neuroses appear as early as 2-3 years of age.

Causes of neuroses

Psychologists distinguish such prerequisites for the development of a pathological condition:

Also, a nervous child of 2 or more years old can become due to the death of one of the relatives, getting into a car accident.

Symptoms of a mental disorder

The first signs of disorders in the work of the nervous system of the child can be considered the following manifestations:

Attentive parents will definitely notice some changes in the behavior of the baby. It can be excessive aggressiveness both towards other children and adults, irritability, hyperexcitability. All these manifestations give rise to an appeal to doctors, since letting the situation take its course can result in negative consequences in the future for both parents and the child.

Treatment of neuroses

Therapy for a pathological condition of the nervous system is selected in a complex manner. It is important to undergo a full examination with a psychologist, neurologist and other related specialists. To date, there are such methods of treatment of neuroses:

  1. Psychotherapy is aimed at solving social problems that could cause neurosis. Sessions can take place both with parents and with the child alone. The psychotherapist uses the following techniques for treatment: individual treatment, family session, art therapy, the use of hypnosis, group sessions with children to improve their socialization.
  2. Drug therapy includes phytopreparations with a calming effect, vitamin complexes, antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropic drugs. Treatment is selected on the basis of the established severity of the course of the pathological process.
  3. Folk remedies that are designed to calm nervous system child - infusions of valerian, lemon balm, motherwort.

As an additional therapy, communication with animals - dolphins, horses, dogs can be used.

Nervous tics

Unfortunately, psychological problems do not end with neuroses. Doctors note that every nervous child from 3 to 18 years old can be nervous because of tics. There is evidence that almost one in five children experienced similar phenomena. For convenience, experts have divided the types of nervous tics into 3 groups:

According to the severity, there are local (one group of muscles is involved) and mixed (nervous tics of several types at once).

Causes of nervous tics

Specialists distinguish between primary and secondary pathological conditions. The first group is associated with such factors:

  • deficiency in the body of such important trace elements as magnesium and calcium;
  • emotional upheavals - stressful situations, severe punishments from parents, fear, lack of love and affection;
  • stress on the central nervous system that occurs due to the use of large amounts of tea, coffee, energy drinks. Most often, adolescents from 12 to 18 years old suffer from this;
  • overwork on the background of large training loads, prolonged use of a computer, watching TV;
  • unfavorable heredity.

Secondary nervous tics can develop against the background of serious diseases, such as:

  • Tourette's syndrome;
  • encephalitis;
  • craniocerebral injuries of both closed (concussion) and open types;
  • a brain tumor;
  • congenital diseases of the nervous system.

Most often, nervous tics appear during the period of wakefulness of the child, while sleep can be called relatively calm.

Therapy for nervous tics

Condition requires medical care in the following cases:

  • nervous tic did not go away on its own within a month;
  • pathology causes the baby any inconvenience;
  • severe severity of symptoms or a combination of several varieties of tics.

In most cases, it is easy to treat if their causes were associated with psychosomatics. In more severe cases, the problem may remain forever.

Therapy for a nervous tic of a psychological type is prescribed similar to the treatment of neuroses. It is necessary to choose a complex of soothing medications, as well as conduct several sessions with a qualified psychotherapist. In some cases it is enough folk treatment in the form of soothing tinctures of valerian, lemon balm, motherwort or aromatherapy through baths with essential oils lavender, mint.

Treatment of secondary tics caused by injuries or diseases should be started only under the supervision of a doctor who will reveal the true diagnosis and prescribe competent therapy.

Rules of conduct for parents

Nervous children are most often precisely the fault of their own mothers and fathers. Psychologists advise that in order to get rid of problems, it is necessary not only to show the baby to a specialist, but also to reconsider your own behavior model:

In addition, it is important not to show your own negative emotions in front of children, as babies can adopt this behavior.

Daily routine and nutrition

A nervous child aged 3 or more should have a special daily rhythm. Psychologists give several important recommendations on this matter:

  • in classes that require mental activity, it is necessary to take breaks for 15 minutes every 20 minutes;
  • nutrition should be as balanced as possible to compensate for the lack of vitamins and trace elements;
  • drinks such as cocoa, coffee, strong tea should be excluded from the diet - they excite the nervous system.

It is necessary to devote a lot of time to physiotherapy, such as hardening. However, this should be done under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Age features

Treatment of a nervous child is not always necessary, as these may be developmental features:

Parents should "grow up" with their own child, take into account his characteristics and communicate with him on an equal footing from childhood. This is the only way to maintain trust and peace in the family.

A nervous child a year or later can bring a lot of trouble, so sometimes it's easier to prevent development mental disorders rather than treat them. Psychologists give several recommendations about this:

  • regardless of the situation, it is necessary to remain calm, since the nervousness of the mother is transmitted to the child, especially for young children;
  • it is important to teach a son or daughter to apologize for misconduct, but it is just as important to ask for forgiveness from a baby;
  • to raise calm offspring, you need to be patient;
  • you need to set a positive example with your own actions;
  • do not put the interests of the child above all else;
  • It is important to give your child the right to choose.

In addition, children of any age are in dire need of the care and love of their parents.


The nervousness of children is most often associated with errors in their upbringing or external factors. Such situations can be easily corrected only by adjusting your own behavior towards the baby. However, when serious mental pathologies are identified, their treatment should not be ignored, as this can turn into serious problems in the future.

What to do if the child is nervous and naughty? Today, more and more young parents are asking this question. Relying on the help of doctors, acquaintances, various Internet resources, they seek to find a solution to the problem, without paying due attention to the motives for its appearance.

But these two factors are inextricably linked, and, accordingly, should not be considered in isolation from each other. Therefore, let's try to correct this omission and find out what are the causes of increased excitability, whether it is possible to help in this situation, and how to do it.

What is a nervous child anyway? For success further development the topic must be understood that such children include not only naughty and constantly capricious kids, but also quite cute little ones in relation to others.

Therefore, the following signs should become a “red light” for parents who are afraid to miss the moment when they can still help:

  1. The child's interest becomes superficial, and attention is scattered. He starts doing something and switches to a completely different one in just a moment.
  2. He begins to talk a lot and quickly, interrupting the interlocutor, without even listening to the end. The speech of the baby acquires an increased emotional coloring, becomes crumpled and slurred.
  3. If a child is nervous and aggressive, this also affects his health. Psychological instability can lead to the appearance, enuresis, loss of appetite, insomnia and other unpleasant consequences.
  4. Fatigue is accompanied by bursts of aggression and irritability. For example, after a kindergarten / walk or when preparing for bed, a child for no apparent reason begins to cry loudly and act up.

If the reasons that the little one has become nervous are not related to his health, then, as a rule, the process can be completely reversed. The main thing is to notice the problem in time and be ready to change the lifestyle of not only the child, but also themselves.

Root causes and sources of irritability

If the child is nervous and naughty literally from the first minutes of life, then here we can confidently speak of a genetic predisposition. However, if the transformation of “good boy” into “egoza” occurs gradually, then this process is caused by completely different reasons, for example:

The desire of the child to attract attention

Here it is important not only the number of hours / minutes that you spend with him, but also their quality. If at those moments when he is looking for a friend in you, a partner for games (especially in the first years of life), a “vest” for tears (after failures or severe stress), etc., you take the position of an outside observer who only shows affection when your need for it coincides with the child, then there is no need to talk about any emotional well-being of the baby.

The formation of the child's own "I"

As a rule, age-related changes in the child's psyche occur in 4 stages:

  1. From 0 to 2 years old, when the little one gets his first and main skills (, roll over, eat).
  2. From 2 to 4 years, when he learns to do most of the actions on his own (dress, eat, go to the toilet, etc.).
  3. From 4 to 8-10 years old, when he begins to realize himself as a person who, in addition to duties, also has rights.
  4. From 9-11 years old, when he enters puberty and faces a transitional age crisis.

And if at the first stage the child is too nervous and irritable, as a rule, only because of a lack of attention, then in the future, excessive guardianship can also be added here. The suppression of attempts to show independence by eternal “lisping” or strict control causes only irritation and aggression in a child who has already outgrown the need for them.

The lack of a unified model of education in the family

Imagine the situation: dad allows you to take sweets before dinner, and mom scolds for it, the baby is scolded for swearing, but the adults themselves insert them almost through a word in their speech, the parents impose a ban on any action, but they cannot convey the baby with what exactly the ban is connected, and what are the consequences of its violation.

In such an information vacuum, children often become weak-willed and irritable. When choosing a behavior model, they are guided not own desires but what others want from them. The constant suppression of personal motives does not lead to anything good, and soon an extremely nervous and quick-tempered child appears before us.

Low level of socialization

When a child is alone in a family, all the attention of the rest of the family often literally falls on him. They play with him, entertain him, pamper him. And when such a baby abruptly falls into a diametrically opposite environment (goes into Kindergarten) and realizes that now he is not the "navel of the earth", but only one of the many "cute and beautiful children", his mental state may sway. A similar parallel can be drawn with the advent of a brother or sister.

family conflicts

It's no secret that a child absorbs the emotions of others like a sponge. Those children who grow up in an atmosphere of love, mutual respect and care, as a rule, grow up into happy and self-sufficient people. The same kids who are constantly forced to watch their parents' quarrels, live in an environment of ongoing scandals or become the object of division in a far from always simple and peaceful divorce, are forced to worry not only for themselves, but also for their parents.

Such stress has a rather strong effect on the fragile psyche, and over time, the child begins to repeat the behavioral model of adults, and then completely shows aggression and disobedience towards them.

Good to know! Neurosis is not always the cause of irritability. In some cases, they become a direct consequence of constant tantrums, vagaries of stress. Therefore, the sooner you ask yourself the question “how to calm a nervous child”, the less pressure will be put on his nervous system, and the less likely he will develop a mental disorder.

Medicine and folk remedies or how to cure without crippling

If your child is very nervous and excitable, you can be sure that with age this problem will not go away on its own, but will only get worse. But if at three years old, to solve it, you just need to become more sensitive to the emotional needs of your baby, then at 5 or 7 years old, a complete reset of relationships and the intervention of specialists may be required.

If you can’t cope with a minor “rebel” on your own, the advice of a neurologist (of course, an experienced and qualified one) will be a great help. Unlike most parents, a specialist is able to work with children in the form of a game and quickly finds out what could affect such a change in state.

He can also offer non-standard solutions to the problem. Indeed, why buy expensive and ineffective vitamins for nervous children (unless a mental disorder is a disease), when there are other levers of influence, such as:

  • art therapy;
  • bodily orientation;
  • treatment with fairy tales;
  • and a number of other procedures in which parents will be directly involved.

As for traditional medicine, then here it is possible to adopt some methods only with the permission of the attending physician.

Otherwise, you risk exacerbating the problem. After all, it’s not at all a fact that a decoction of chamomile helps your baby, just like you, to calm down, but from a relaxing bath based on herbal preparations he will not break out in a rash or, worse, get.


But why ask the question “what to do if the child has become nervous and irritable?” When it is much easier not to bring him to such a state? After all, it takes a little effort to do this, you just have to apply them constantly.

How exactly it is necessary to behave with a novice "rebel" suggests itself from the reasons for his destructive behavior.

  • become friends
  • Loosen control

If the nervousness is caused by the formation of your own "I", loosen control. Let your child do things on their own. Since he wants it so much, it means that he has already grown up. And let the first attempts be unsuccessful (who among us was not mistaken), your task here is only to provide moral support, gently point out mistakes and direct in the right direction, but nothing more.

  • find a compromise

If the whims of the baby are the result of your intra-family contradictions regarding upbringing and behavior, then finally find a compromise on these issues. There is nothing good in the fact that the child will rush about, not knowing who is right, mom or dad.

  • stop fighting

If the root of all troubles is discord in the family, find the strength in yourself to come to the final decision: either correct both (thus lowering the degree of tension), or finally leave if you don’t have the opportunity to get along.

However, do not forget that you already have a very nervous child. And so that he does not take the blame for your problems on himself, during this period it is necessary to surround him with even more warmth, bring him to a frank conversation more often and demonstrate his care (but not with material gifts, but with attention and affection).

Yes, you may have to change your behavior model for this, but is it (if you are already reading this article) mental health and the emotional balance of the baby is not worth it?

The nervous system of the child and his usual behavior are strikingly different from the same characteristics of adults. Children are very vulnerable, susceptible to changes, most often they show a huge range of emotions, and the mood of babies can change many times a day. How older child, the more adequate and multifaceted he evaluates the situations that happen to him. Sometimes serious shocks can lead to a nervous breakdown.

What is a nervous breakdown?

Oddly enough, such unpleasant situations happen not only to adults, but also to kids. An excess of emotions caused by fear, impotence, resentment and other feelings spills out and seems to signal: “I'm in danger!”, “It shouldn't be like this!”, “I can't do this!” etc.

How does a nervous breakdown manifest itself in children?

Usually the main sign of a nervous breakdown in a child is a violent tantrum. The kid can scream and cry uncontrollably, throw things, tear and beat everything that comes to hand, shout out curses and bad words. Doctors consider such symptoms to be a good manifestation of negative emotions that have accumulated inside and are advised not to stop it, but to let the child cry out, cry out, and not suppress the negative in oneself. Parents should not intervene in the situation if the child does not harm himself, but talk with him about the reasons after the tantrum, when the baby himself calms down.

Much worse are other symptoms of a nervous breakdown, when the child sobs quietly, hides in a corner, bites his nails and tears his hair. It looks like a silent tantrum, in which the baby does not say anything and does not want to make contact with adults. This situation is more complicated, because the emotions that caused the nervous breakdown still lurk in the soul of the crumbs and do not find a way out.

Why does a child have a nervous breakdown?

It is often difficult for children to adjust to changing schedules, for example when they start first grade and face new challenges. A new team, in which it is not always possible to build the right relationship, can cause negative emotions. Divorce of parents or constant scandals in the family, when the child does not know what to do and whom to protect, because he loves both parents equally. It happens that the same act of the baby causes a radically opposite reaction in adults, when one supports him, and the other can even punish him.

Often the cause of a nervous breakdown is fear, a sudden fright, a stressful situation (a dog started barking at a child on the street, he got lost, etc.).

In general, experts call the main cause of nervous breakdowns in children the wrong reaction of their parents to different situations and the behavior of the child. The cry of adults, threats, punishment, censure of the crumbs for any misconduct - these are all provocateurs of a nervous breakdown in kids in the future.

If, for example, a child, walking with his mother, notices a dog running up, he does not know how to react, but observes how his mother behaves. If she gets frightened, starts screaming or running away, she starts hysterical, then most likely the child will behave the same way. But if the mother is absolutely calm and restrained and tells the child that he has nothing to be afraid of and the dog just came to say hello to them, then it is likely that in another situation the baby will remain calm.

How to behave as an adult?

If you see that the child is ready to "explode", try to defuse the situation: hug him, smile, try to distract him or switch the crumbs' attention to something else.

When the tantrum begins, control the child so that he does not harm himself and others. Let him scream, maybe leave him alone for a while. After a breakdown, hug and talk to him, calm him down and reassure him that he has support. Try to understand the reasons and draw some conclusions together. In no case, do not force the child to apologize to others for their behavior. So you force him to re-experience stress.

If a child’s nervous breakdowns have become regular, think about the reasons and contact a psychologist for help. Don't let everything go by itself!