Discomfort in the abdomen after eating. Causes of poor digestion and indigestion. Persistent stomach discomfort

Ideally, the digestion process should be fast and efficient so that we can make optimal use of the nutritional value of the food we eat. If digestion is too slow, undigested food can ferment in the digestive tract, leading to discomfort and poor absorption. nutrients. Not chewing food thoroughly enough, which happens when we eat too fast. Chewing is a very important part of the digestion process. Poor chewing of food can impair its digestion and reduce the efficiency of other digestive processes.

  • Too much food: the digestive system is designed for a certain amount of food. The more you eat, the less the digestive system's ability to process everything properly. Drinking too much liquid with meals. If you drink too much while eating, the substances (hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, bile) responsible for the digestion process are diluted. This reduces the effectiveness of their impact and disrupts the process of digestion of food.
  • Late Eating: Digestion slows down towards the end of the day, so eating late at night is often the cause of indigestion.
  • Stress: It is well known that stress impairs the digestive process.
  • Low stomach acid/insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes: Some people do not produce enough hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes to digest food efficiently.

Symptoms of Poor Digestion

  • Lack of energy: Inefficiently digested food is poorly absorbed, so much of it remains in the intestines and is not transported in the blood to the body's cells for energy production.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: Vitamins and minerals that we need to live must come from food, so if digestion and absorption are disturbed, there is a high probability of developing a deficiency of these substances. These nutritional deficiencies can have far-reaching, long-term consequences, from increased fatigue to an increased risk of heart disease and cancer.
  • Discomfort: If the digestive system is not working efficiently, undigested or partially digested food begins to ferment in the intestines. This can cause problems with gas formation - belching and flatulence, as well as bloating and discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

What is indigestion?

The term "indigestion" is commonly used to describe the feeling of discomfort in the abdomen that occurs after eating. The pain is usually felt in the middle of the upper abdomen. Other characteristic symptoms include nausea, bloating, and frequent belching. Indigestion is usually caused by gastritis (inflammation of the stomach wall) or peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum. Factors contributing to the development of indigestion include excessive or low acidity of the gastric juice, poor chewing of food, and eating too much.

Prevention of indigestion

  • Chew food thoroughly: for each serving of food in the mouth, there should be 20-30 chewing movements.
  • Eat little and often: Since large meals overload the digestive system, you should avoid eating too much food at one time.
  • Make your dishes appetizing: in anticipation delicious dish the secretion of digestive juices is enhanced, which contributes to better digestion.
  • Don't eat late at night: try not to eat after eight o'clock in the evening.
  • Do not drink with meals: quench your thirst between meals, and drink no more than one small glass of liquid with meals.
  • Do not take over-the-counter indigestion medications unless your doctor tells you to. Antacids (acid-reducing agents) can reduce the efficiency of digestion.
  • Don't eat while you're at work: make your mealtime stress-free, don't get distracted by reading or watching TV while you eat.
  • Don't eat in a hurry: give yourself enough time to eat so you can enjoy it leisurely and relax a bit after eating.

We talk about the most important thing with Igor Khalif, Professor, MD, Deputy Director of the State scientific center Coloproctology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.

Rumbling and hurting

"AiF": - Igor Lvovich, why still can not be tolerated if you want to go to the toilet? After all, nature has the ability to wait ...

THEM.: - It's for emergencies. It is not necessary to endure it, first of all, because it is a psychological stress, which, constantly repeating, can develop into a neurosis. The second reason why it is harmful to endure is toxins. The gastrointestinal tract, especially the large intestine, is inhabited by microorganisms. They live, reproduce, get rid of waste products. And they must be taken out. If they linger in the large intestine for a long time, then through the mucous membrane they begin to be absorbed into the blood - and then intoxication may occur. That is why it is so important to prevent constipation and treat them in time. Otherwise, the body poisons itself.

"AiF": - In pharmacies there is an incredible variety of constipation remedies. Will they help solve the problem?

THEM.:- Only in isolated cases. If a person cannot empty his intestines for more than three days, this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor, and not to experience different remedies. Especially if you are over 40 years old. It can be any doctor, but the best, of course, is a coloproctologist. The fact is that very serious diseases can be masked under constipation, in the first place - cancer. To date, colon cancer has become the 3rd most common cancer in our country after skin cancer and breast cancer! And what is especially sad: most often we see already advanced forms of the disease. Although on early stages cancer - especially of the colon - is completely curable. And rectal cancer is generally diagnosed with a finger.

"AiF": - And what to do if the stomach constantly rumbles and swells? Is it enough to take a pill?

THEM.: - Unpleasant sensations in the stomach - the first sign that the body is not all right. Flatulence (bloating and rumbling in the abdomen) is one of the signs possible pathology. If a hungry stomach “talks”, it means that enzymes are secreted in the intestines and it’s time to eat. If flatulence torments you constantly, perhaps there is a violation of the pancreas, a change in the intestinal microflora - that is, dysbacteriosis, a neurotic state. The so-called pills for bloating, defoamers - a good tool. But, if the problem is persistent, you need to check the intestinal microflora.

"AiF": - One of the most delicate diseases is hemorrhoids. He torments pregnant women, the elderly, and office workers. Is it possible to get rid of it forever?

THEM.: - Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the veins. It can appear to anyone. At the initial stages, the disease is treated with ointments, suppositories, tablets, hygiene measures. But in this case, the disease can return at any time. If conservative treatment no longer helps, surgery is performed to remove the veins to permanently get rid of hemorrhoids. Today, there are many methods for this, including minimally invasive (sparing), which do not require the patient to stay in the hospital. And for prevention, you need to monitor the regularity of the stool, it is better that it be daily, at least every other day, the consistency should be soft.

Cleaning and Reading

"AiF": - One of the most fashionable procedures today is getting rid of toxins or, scientifically, hydrocolonotherapy. They say that if you drive a lot of water through the intestines, the whole body is cleansed.

THEM.: - This method has proven itself, but only if hydrocolonotherapy is not carried out in baths, beauty salons, etc. The procedure is prescribed according to indications, only by a doctor after examining the patient. In this case, no more than three procedures are carried out in one course, the method should not be used constantly. For everyone else who wants to cleanse the body, I can say that in this way you wash out the beneficial intestinal microflora, which provokes the appearance of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The body is cleansed of toxins every day in the toilet, the skin does this with the help of perspiration.

THEM.: - Reading is distracting, reduces the bowel reflex, and it gradually begins to fade. As a result, there is situational constipation, you have to spend more and more time in the toilet, and to no avail.

In combination with nausea, and sometimes with dizziness, vomiting, weakness and temperature, they are caused by various disorders in the digestive organs. Symptoms may be short-lived, associated with food intake, or chronic, which appear constantly. The causes of bloating and nausea are associated with a specific pathology or caused by external stimuli. To understand the etiology of the processes and identify the cause of the disorder, it is important to analyze the combination of all signs.

Bloating and nausea can be caused by: factors and diseases:

  1. Reception of individual medicines, causing characteristic side effects. As a rule, these are iron-containing agents, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anthelmintic agents.
  2. Poisoning by improperly stored or stale food.
  3. Gastritis. It is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach, as well as.
  4. The presence of others, such as appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, as well as neoplasms and tumors.
  5. Worm invasion.
  6. Motion sickness in transport.
  7. Hunger or malnutrition.
  8. Pregnancy.

What diseases can it indicate?

Discomfort in the abdomen with manifestations of flatulence and nausea indicate the presence of certain problems in the gastrointestinal tract. It can be caused by the state of pregnancy, improper use of drugs or malnutrition, dysbacteriosis, or the presence of the following rather serious diseases:

  1. Appendicitis, which causes bloating, flatulence, nausea, and often enough severe vomiting. Along with pains of varying intensity, body temperature rises, weakness and dizziness appear. Appendicitis is treated on an emergency basis with surgical intervention.
  2. pancreatitis or cholecystitis. Pain in the stomach area, vomiting and flatulence occur during exacerbation of these diseases. They are caused by stagnation of bile and reduced secretion of pancreatic enzymes.
  3. Mechanical intestinal obstruction, causing swelling with adhesions, tumors, stenosis. At the same time, the patient's condition worsens, nausea, a feeling of fullness of the abdomen and flatulence appear, the stool does not go away. The obstruction is treated with surgery.
  4. Gastritis. Pathology is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa with increased or insufficient production of gastric juice. Gastritis manifests itself in malnutrition or the development of pathogenic microflora. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • Nausea after eating food;
  • Flatulence;
  • Heartburn (in case of high acidity of the stomach);
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Belching.

Another list of diseases include acid reflux. In this pathological condition in addition to discomfort and heaviness in the stomach area, there are the following symptoms:

  • Pain caused by bloating
  • Rumbling in the stomach and flatulence;
  • Nausea and belching;
  • Heartburn.

A small child with an accumulation of gases that provoke flatulence feels discomfort in the abdomen and colic. Most often this happens after taking medications, new products and disorders of the intestinal microflora (usually with intestinal infections). Weak system digestion is unable to seriously resist the above aggressive factors, and as a result, symptoms such as fever, dizziness, diarrhea or constipation, diathesis, and an allergic reaction appear.

When should you see a doctor?

Bloating and nausea are grounds for immediate medical attention., since the disease that caused such symptoms can be quite serious. You should seek help from a gastroenterologist or a therapist who can prescribe additional diagnostic tests, or refer the patient to a more specialized specialist - an infectious disease specialist, neurologist or oncologist.

How to get rid?

Treatment of bloating, accompanied by vomiting, is performed only after diagnosis and finding out the cause of the disorder.

Therapeutic measures include the use of medications, special diets and eating habits, as well as folk remedies well proven over a long period of time.

Various diseases and ailments provoke conditions such as heaviness and discomfort in the intestines. It is also often seen during pregnancy. It is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that cause a lot of inconvenience. In any case, with constant discomfort localized in the intestinal area, you should immediately contact a medical institution to determine the causes of this condition.

Pregnancy is a special state of the body, in which there are many inconveniences and ailments. This mainly concerns the feeling of discomfort in the intestines, stool disorders, flatulence and other symptoms characteristic of a given period of time. If before pregnancy, the woman suffered chronic diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract, then due to the weakening of the body during the bearing of a child, the diseases began to worsen and manifest themselves with similar signs.

Another reason for discomfort may be the pressure of the fetus on the organ. Every day the fetus grows and takes up more and more space in the womb, as a result of which there is a load on the intestines, and there is a feeling of inconvenience. Both factors require consulting a gynecologist and determining the possible improvement in the condition of the expectant mother.

Possible examinations

Diagnostic studies aimed at identifying the cause of malaise include the following activities:

What to do to avoid discomfort in the intestines? Only with the help medicines you can eliminate the constant discomfort of the intestines and unpleasant symptoms - pain, constipation, diarrhea, and other disorders. Each remedy is selected individually to eliminate a particular symptom, so the effect is laxative, antispasmodic or antidiarrheal. Of no small importance are preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora.

So, drugs:

  • Antidiarrheals. They are used to treat stool disorders - diarrhea, and restore the normal functioning of the intestines. Examples: "Ftalazol", "Immodium", "Lopedium".
  • Laxatives. It happens that symptoms such as discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the intestines provoke constipation. The laxative medicine has a relaxing effect on the large intestine, softens the stool and painlessly removes them after a bowel movement. Examples of laxatives: Senadexin tablets, Picolax and Guttalax drops.
  • Probiotics. Beneficial bacteria that restore the intestinal microflora and inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms. Probiotics are available over the counter without a prescription. Examples of drugs: Bifidumbacterin, Laktiale, Lineks.

Folk recipes

A mixture of aloe with honey is a good remedy for constipation.

Take 150 g of aloe leaves, crush to a mushy state and add 250 g of warmed honey. Set aside the resulting mixture for infusion. After strain and take the liquid 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. Therapeutic course - 2 weeks, repeat after a while. This healing mixture is good for constipation, helps to get rid of discomfort in the intestines and stomach.

Dill seed infusion

Take 2 tsp. dill seeds, pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist for an hour. Take 3 times a day before meals. Such an infusion is recommended to drink with increased flatulence and. In addition to dill infusion, to obtain a similar effect, you can chew raw seeds of a spicy plant after eating. They significantly improve the digestive process, eliminate bloating, stomach discomfort and heaviness in the intestines.

Collection of medicinal herbs

Mix mint grass, dandelion root, pharmacy chamomile, burdock leaves - all in equal amounts (1 tbsp each). Mix the ingredients and take from the resulting mixture 2 tbsp. l., pour 250 ml of boiling water and set aside to infuse for 8 hours. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals. Treatment will be at least 2 weeks.

Diet food

Without following the rules of dietary nutrition, the phenomenon of discomfort in the intestines and the discomfort associated with this condition cannot be eliminated. The basics of proper nutrition:

  • Eat regularly and on time.
  • Eat in small portions - better often, but little by little.
  • Introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber into the diet.
  • Maintain normal water balance, drink fluids at least 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • Reduce the consumption of carbonated drinks (sitro, kvass, beer).
  • Reduce consumption of alcoholic beverages and minimize cigarette smoking.
  • Do not abuse fried, fatty, spicy foods.


Physiotherapy useful for intestinal motility.

Sports activities - running, swimming, cycling and ordinary gymnastics - are not a healing method for curing diseases, but they benefit the whole body. Gymnastics is especially good for bowel function. Here are some exercises that help with constipation and normalize the functioning of the digestive organs:

  • Position - lying on your back. Stroke the stomach clockwise and counterclockwise (20 times in each direction).
  • In the same position, do a light massage of the abdomen (5-10 minutes).
  • The starting position is the same. Bending the legs at the knees, press to the stomach. Perform the exercise 20 times.

What should be avoided?

  • Overwork and loss of energy.
  • Nervous stress and depression.
  • Harmful food and carbonated drinks.
  • Bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
  • Absence of moderate physical activity.

The causes of discomfort in the intestines are very diverse, and each of them requires a special approach to select the right treatment. In addition to the use of drugs, of no small importance in therapy is the observance of proper nutrition, sports and moderate physical exercise. Following simple rules and medical recommendations will allow you to permanently get rid of the uncomfortable condition and stay in great shape.