If the child has a stomach ache and vomiting. The child has severe abdominal pain and vomiting

When a child has bouts of abdominal pain, which are accompanied by vomiting, any mother begins to worry, assuming the worst. Her imagination immediately draws an appendicitis attack and others. unpleasant diseases. Abdominal pain is the most common childhood complaint. And the mother begins to use the usual means to alleviate the condition of the child, stuffing him with antispasmodics, analgesics, enzyme preparations, not suspecting that serious pathologies that require urgent surgical intervention can be hidden behind ordinary pain. In most cases, it is difficult for parents to understand what causes such a painful syndrome in a child, so the best way out in this situation is to call an ambulance. Qualified specialists, having examined the child, will be able to suggest the cause of the painful condition, and further examination will help to accurately establish the diagnosis.

Main reasons

Often, almost every child experiences pain in the abdomen, but this trouble lasts no more than 1-2 hours, the cause of such pain is difficult to determine during the examination, because it is not provoked by the disease, but can be caused by a stressful situation. Such pain is called functional. But in the event that nausea and vomiting are added to the pain, then we can assume the presence of an inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. These can also be the first symptoms of appendicitis or cholecystitis, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor, because the so-called "acute abdomen" is a very dangerous condition for a child's life.

One of the main causes of pain, along with vomiting, is considered an attack acute appendicitis - inflammatory process of the appendix of the caecum, for which characteristic features is diarrhea, vomiting, fever. Babies simply complain of pain near the navel, not being able to correctly describe the location of the pain. On palpation, the pain intensifies. Initially, appendicitis is manifested by dull pain, which gradually becomes intense, moving to the left lower abdomen. The child becomes pale, he begins to vomit, which does not bring relief.

For food poisoning characterized by mild pain, which may be accompanied by a single vomiting. Vomiting usually begins a few hours after eating, if vomiting is repeated several times, then the body loses fluid and dehydration may occur. Food poisoning differs from other pathologies in that:

  • first, the child has pain in the abdomen (on the left or in the navel);
  • body temperature rises sharply (up to 38-39 degrees);
  • then in turn the appearance of diarrhea with an unpleasant odor (greenish in color, sometimes interspersed with blood and mucus, at first it is thick, then becomes watery);
  • frequent vomiting;
  • rashes may appear on the body.

Cutting pain and not too frequent vomiting may be the result constipation, especially if the little patient did not recover for several days. In some cases, constipation symptoms can be confused with intestinal obstruction, which requires urgent medical attention.

Intestinal infection characterized by vomiting, loss of appetite, high temperature, painful sensations in the abdomen and diarrhea. In this case, the baby needs to be given plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

For inguinal hernia the main symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by vomiting that occurs from time to time and the appearance of a small swelling in the groin.

Another reason is elevated acetone in a child, this condition is characterized, in addition to frequent vomiting and abdominal pain, by the release of a specific odor from the baby's mouth and urine.

A disease like cholecystitis also accompanied by severe pain and vomiting, which includes undigested food mixed with bile.

Bowel obstruction can be identified by soreness in the abdomen of a dull nature, sudden bouts of vomiting of undigested food and feces mixed with blood. An obstruction can be caused by a tumor, a hernia, or a buildup of stool. Food collects in the intestines, causing suppuration. When the intestines try to get rid of excess food, a spasm of the stomach occurs, which provokes vomiting. The attack occurs some time after eating, then the child becomes a little better, but this condition lasts until the next meal.

At peptic ulcers pain in the abdomen worries the child constantly, and after eating it becomes even stronger, blood can be seen in the vomit.

First aid

When a painful syndrome and vomiting appear in a baby, it is necessary to wash the child, rinse the mouth with clean water, lay the child in such a way that the head is raised, give him a drink in small portions.

Important! In no case should you give the baby medications, wash the stomach, make compresses, feed him.


Only a specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis, and then, in accordance with it, prescribe a course of treatment. In the event that a child has a disease that needs to be operated on, the child is immediately sent to the hospital, to the surgical department. If it turns out that the pain was provoked by poisoning with low-quality products, the patient is given various drinks: dried fruit compotes, non-carbonated mineral water, rosehip broth. If the doctor diagnoses an intestinal infection, the child is prescribed a course of treatment antibacterial drugs, sorbents, probiotics.

If all these symptoms occur, the mother should always remain calm by calling an ambulance, try to alleviate the baby's condition, but do not self-medicate.

Abdominal pain and nausea in children are common, and this is always associated with some kind of disease.

Many pains can be triggered by stress.

If pain and vomiting are accompanied by fever, then this is a clear disease that requires immediate treatment.

The child has a stomach ache and vomiting: causes and symptoms

For every parent, it is important that their child is healthy. One of the common conditions in childhood It's abdominal pain and vomiting. Usually these symptoms move in a circle, and the actions of the parents depend on how they are expressed.

The first thing every parent should do is call a doctor. But you need to have at least a small idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is happening with the baby. If he has a stomach ache, nausea and vomiting occur, then you need to carefully monitor his condition, as well as provide first aid in a timely manner.

Both symptoms, vomiting and abdominal pain, are the consequences of intoxication. This means that there is currently an infectious agent or toxin in your child's body.

The most common causes of these symptoms in children are:

1. Acute intestinal infection.

2. Viral infections.

3. Obstruction in the intestines.

4. The first symptoms of appendicitis.

5. Cholecystitis.

6. Signs of gastritis.

7. Possible manifestation peptic ulcer stomach.

Most often, the cause is of an infectious nature, but there may be a surgical pathology. Only a doctor can distinguish between them.

Now let's take a closer look at each reason.

Acute intestinal infection

Otherwise, this pathology can be called food poisoning. This can happen only when eating contaminated foods. The onset of the disease is acute. The first symptoms in a child are abdominal pain and vomiting. Painful sensations along with this will only intensify.


From the name it is clear that ARVI means a virus. The disease always begins acutely, the first manifestations are severe runny nose and cough. But with an increase in body temperature, the baby may complain that his stomach hurts a lot, nausea and vomiting will occur.

Bowel obstruction

Intestinal obstruction can be congenital, that is, it is a developmental defect, as well as acquired, for example, due to intussusception.

Symptoms of this condition in children are as follows:

The chair is completely absent or delayed;

There is bloating with severe pain;

Vomiting, after which it does not get better;

In the feces, impurities of mucus and blood are observed.


This is a surgical pathology resulting from inflammation of the process. The onset of the disease is acute, in childhood. Its main manifestations are as follows:

Severe pain in the abdomen;

While walking, the pain radiates mainly to the right side;

Body temperature rises;

Feeling pain in the lumbar region;

The chair is broken.


Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process in the gastric bladder. The cause of the infection is usually staphylococcus aureus. The development of the disease is always acute, mainly at night. The main symptom is a sharp, sharp pain that radiates to the shoulder blade and lower back. In addition, the stomach will start to hurt, vomiting will occur.


With gastritis, the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. It develops against the background of a weakened immune system. The disease occurs in children who often experience stress.

The first thing the baby will complain about is a severe pain in the abdomen.


Every parent should know that an ulcer is chronic. It develops quickly, and often gives serious complications.

The main reason for the development of an ulcer today is the Helicobacter bacterium, it makes the mucous membrane more sensitive and not protected. Moreover, you need to be afraid not even of the ulcer itself, but of the complications that arise after it.

The child has a stomach ache and vomiting: first aid

After the onset of severe abdominal pain and vomiting, it is necessary to call ambulance or call the doctor on duty. You need to tell in detail about the condition of your child, and then listen to all the recommendations of a specialist. Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to provide first aid, thanks to which the child's condition will be a little easier:

1. Give a drink of water at room temperature, but not much.

2. If abdominal pain and vomiting are accompanied by fever, give any antipyretic, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

3. Put him on the bed, put a high pillow under his head so that his head is slightly higher than the entire body. In case of sudden vomiting, the child will not choke on the vomit.

4. If the pains in the abdomen are severe and difficult to endure, give one No-shpa anesthetic tablet.

What should never be done:

1. Do not try to wash your stomach yourself.

2. After the last attack of vomiting, you can not feed the child for 5-6 hours.

3. Do not apply ice or heating pads to the stomach to relieve pain.

These are the main activities that will alleviate the condition of the baby.

The child has a stomach ache and vomiting: medications

As a result of abdominal pain, and repeated vomiting, dehydration of the body can occur, which will bring even more harm than the infection itself, which is why you need to give water, a little, but often.

Especially for such cases, each parent in the medicine cabinet should have a drug such as Regidron, it is suitable for adults and children. Following the instructions, dilute the powder in warm water, then let the child drink in small portions every 15-30 minutes. Surely many people have a question, why do you need to give this saline solution? The thing is that after repeated vomiting, the body loses a lot of salt, thanks to the intake of Regidron, the lost salt balance will quickly recover.

If a child has a severe stomach ache, then, most likely, an intestinal infection has become the cause of vomiting. After these symptoms, the following may occur - diarrhea, this is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body. A similar symptom will indicate that the infection from the stomach has begun to move into the intestines, and the body, thus, is trying in every possible way to expel it. In this case, smecta or activated charcoal will help.

After vomiting has ceased to disturb, it is necessary to restore the microflora in the stomach as soon as possible. It is best to call your pediatrician and ask what kind of drugs should be given in this case in order to destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Many doctors are inclined to believe that with pain in the abdomen, painkillers should not be given to the child before they arrive. The thing is that drugs can alleviate the serious symptoms of surgical pathology. But if it is known for sure that there is no such pathology, you can give No-shpu, as mentioned above, as well as buscopan.

Not all children take pills, and unfortunately it is impossible to force them, so you can offer to drink chamomile or mint tea.

All these measures are temporary, if the condition does not improve, then of course you need to visit a medical institution, pass necessary tests to determine the cause of pain and vomiting, and then wait for doctor's appointments.

The child has a stomach ache and vomiting: home remedies

Vomiting and abdominal pain in children can often be treated at home. Make sure that the child rests as much as possible, drinks more fluids (so that dehydration does not occur). Try for the duration of all symptoms, do not give him too solid food. It is also better not to give antibiotics and aspirin on your own, unless of course your doctor prescribes them.

If there is severe pain in the abdomen and vomiting, parents should carefully monitor the condition of their child, in case of deterioration, you need to call an ambulance.


Every child with severe abdominal pain needs constant rest. If the pain is due to gas formation, then it can be alleviated by lying on the stomach. But of course, the best position is the one in which the baby feels significant relief.


As already mentioned, solid food must be completely excluded, follow the constant drinking. If accompanied by vomiting, dehydration may occur. In no case do not let him drink carbonated drinks or very sweet.

Babies in this condition should not be given boiled milk and water, as this will cause an imbalance in the salt balance in the body. Try to get your baby to feed again as soon as possible.

solid foods

Your baby will let you know when you can give him solid food. But you need to introduce it slowly, first give cookies or toast, and only then regular food.

Many medications I just block the pain for a while. Antibiotics have a very bad effect on the stomach, so there is a strong weakening of the immune system.

To treat abdominal pain and vomiting in a child, you can use some recipes from traditional medicine. Unlike many drugs, they quickly cope with the problem without causing any harm to the body.

Potato juice and honey

Thanks to this drink, you can save your child from gastritis or ulcers that he has. Pour water into a container and grate potatoes into it, then strain everything. Add some honey to the water with potato juice. Put the resulting drink in the refrigerator for several hours so that it can brew. Let's drink to the child every day before going to bed, always on an empty stomach.

Plantain and chamomile

You can get rid of severe pain in the abdomen with the following tincture: take dry chamomile leaves and fresh plantain leaves, mix. Pour the herbs with water and put on the fire, bringing to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 30 minutes. After the broth is ready, add a few blueberries to it. Let it brew for 3-4 hours, strain and let the child drink 6-7 times a day, in small portions.

Gooseberry, honey and dandelion

Take a small amount of dandelions and pass them through a meat grinder, then add honey and mix thoroughly. Pour boiling water over everything and add gooseberries. Put on fire, bring to a boil, and cook for 10 minutes. Give the cooled remedy to the child with vomiting and severe pain in a stomach.

When children get sick, it is always very bad, many parents are ready to get sick themselves rather than look at how their child suffers. But, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it, this is how the world works, and everyone gets sick sometimes. Therefore, mothers and fathers can only alleviate the condition of their children, as well as support them with care and love.

When a child has a stomach ache and vomiting does not stop, many parents panic. To prevent this from happening and you know how to behave in such situations, you should know about the cause of abdominal pain, which is accompanied by vomiting. An important role in this case is played by timely and correctly rendered first aid.

1 Causes of abdominal pain and vomiting in a child

Knowing the cause of the pain is essential, as first aid can vary from case to case. Most often, home treatments can be dispensed with, but sometimes urgent intervention by medical professionals is necessary.

The most common causes of abdominal pain include the following:

  1. Intestinal obstruction.
  2. Intoxication of the body due to poisoning.
  3. Diseases of viral origin.
  4. An attack of appendicitis.
  5. Cholecystitis.
  6. Peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Causes of intestinal obstruction can be the following: obstruction of feces, hernia or swelling in the intestine. Because of this, food cannot move further, from which stagnation and fermentation begin in the intestines. To get rid of overfilling with food, spasms and vomiting occur in the stomach.

Poisoning can be food or chemical. If a child ate a spoiled or poor-quality product, then it develops food poisoning. Parents can watch the baby vomit and complain of stomach pain.

Chemical poisoning occurs due to the ingestion of a large amount of medicines, cleaning products, solvents, etc. into the stomach. Viral infections such as SARS, intestinal infections, flu lead to abdominal pain and vomiting.

Acute appendicitis begins with pain in the navel, which gradually moves to the lower left side of the abdomen. In this case, the child turns pale, sometimes the body temperature rises. Vomiting does not bring relief. Severe pain can lead to loss of consciousness, the condition is considered dangerous in young children who are not able to explain the localization of pain.

With cholecystitis, the body temperature rises sharply, the pain is localized in the right hypochondrium, it radiates to the arm and lumbar region. In the vomit, bile with undigested food is found. Vomiting brings no relief.

In childhood, gastritis and ulcers are rarely diagnosed, they occur in a latent form and are in the nature of periodic aching pains in the abdomen. Vomiting can occur in isolated cases when spicy, fried or fatty foods have been eaten.

2 What should alert parents?

Some causes of vomiting and abdominal pain can be eliminated at home, but if the child is sick and his stomach hurts, and the following symptoms appear, then a visit to the doctor should not be postponed:

  1. Abdominal pain that is prolonged, cramping, aching, or sharp may indicate appendicitis.
  2. The pain begins in the navel, spread to the entire abdomen and gradually moves to the right hypochondrium.
  3. When the pain radiates to the arm or leg.
  4. The kid is irritable.
  5. If the child lies on his right side and draws his legs to the tummy.
  6. All attempts to touch the stomach cause negative emotions in the child.
  7. Progression of the disease leading to nausea and vomiting.
  8. Increased body temperature.
  9. The appearance of loose stools.

3 Treatment options

When is it necessary to go to the hospital if the child has a stomachache and is sick? If he vomited and the symptoms do not go away within 2 hours, then you should call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital. The younger the child, the more difficult it is to diagnose a serious disease, such as appendicitis.

First of all, the surgeon will examine the baby, he will determine the tone of the muscle tissue by palpation of the abdomen. Most often, the child's tummy is swollen and all movements cause pain.

Ultrasound is prescribed to establish an accurate diagnosis. internal organs and blood test. If necessary, the child will be left in the hospital to observe his condition during the day.

If appendicitis is confirmed, then an operation is prescribed to remove the appendix. Currently, the method of laparoscopy is popular. The operation is performed through a small incision in the abdomen. This minimizes the development of injuries and the risk of adhesions.

After that, the doctor prescribes a special diet for the little patient and explains to the parents about the permitted physical activity after operation. Everything depends on the specific case.

Remember that you will not be able to independently diagnose the child, so self-treatment is impossible in this case, seek help from a doctor.

If a child has been diagnosed with gastritis or an ulcer, then a gastroenterologist will deal with the treatment. If it is an intestinal infection, then the doctor, if necessary, will prescribe antibiotic therapy, sorbents, probiotics and other medicines.

An important role in poisoning and infections is played by a sufficient amount of drinking. It can be:

  • saline solutions;
  • mineral water;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • dried fruit compote, etc.

4 Other therapeutic measures

If the child has a stomach ache and vomiting, first of all, he should be examined by a pediatrician. Parents can only buy in advance the following products that can alleviate the condition of the child:

  1. Antiemetic drugs such as Cerucal, Motilium, Motilac.
  2. Antimicrobial or antiviral drugs, they can be given after the cause of vomiting is determined.
  3. Sorbents such as activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel. Most often, the doctor prescribes Smecta, she envelops the stomach. So microbes and toxins cannot enter the bloodstream, intestinal motility improves, and vomiting stops.
  4. For pain in the abdomen, antispasmodics or antisecretory drugs are prescribed.

If all activities have yielded results, parents will understand this immediately. The mood of the child will improve, he will be mobile, he will ask for food.

After the cessation of pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, you should not relax. In order for the body to recover, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  1. Food in the child's diet should be sparing.
  2. Refuse for a while from salty, peppery, fried and fatty foods.
  3. Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your child's diet.
  4. Prepare light soups for the baby, chicken broth, jelly, herbal teas are allowed.
  5. It is necessary to solder the child for a few more days after the symptoms disappear. This can be Regidron at the rate of 10 g per 1 kg of a child's weight, rosehip decoctions, herbal infusions, etc.

For prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract our readers advise Monastic tea. This is a unique remedy which includes 9 medicinal herbs useful for digestion, which not only complement, but also enhance each other's actions. Monastic tea will not only eliminate all the symptoms of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs, but will also permanently get rid of the cause of its occurrence.

If the child vomited, then you can solder it with dill water. For 1 tsp seeds need 1 cup boiling water. Leave it on the steam bath for a while. Then you can drink the baby for 1 tsp. Suitable for older children too.

You can offer your child green tea, if desired, add a little sugar or honey to it. If the child has not lost his appetite, then a good remedy for vomiting is quince baked in the oven.

If vomiting is bile, prepare a peppermint infusion. For this, 2 tbsp. crushed leaves pour 200 g of boiling water. After the remedy has been infused for 2 hours, you can give it to the child to drink. 5 times a day, give him an infusion of 1 tbsp.

Salt solution can also be prepared at home: 0.5 tsp is added to 1 liter of boiled water. salt and 0.5 tsp. soda. Then add 4 tbsp there too. sugar and mix well. It is necessary to water the child in small portions each time, shaking the remedy. It is worth remembering that ethnoscience can serve as an auxiliary method in the treatment of vomiting and abdominal pain.

The main treatment is prescribed by the pediatrician or the attending physician. When a child starts vomiting and has a stomach ache, there can be many reasons. To avoid negative consequences, seek medical help in time.

Pain in the abdomen in a child, which is accompanied by episodes of nausea and vomiting, is a fairly common condition in childhood. It cannot but alert parents, since it is a clear sign of the disease. Every parent is familiar with this difficult problem firsthand.

The reasons can be extremely serious, so you need to learn how to correctly identify possible reasons and provide timely assistance before the arrival of doctors if the child has a stomachache and vomiting. It is important to carefully monitor the manifestations of the disease state and analyze them in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat exactly is happening with the baby.

How does it manifest

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the child looks restless, his skin becomes paler and cooler, he is overcome by nausea. Then there is a contraction of the muscles of the stomach and abdominal wall, as a result of which the contents of the stomach are brought out through the mouth. The pressure can be quite strong, and the mass often has an unpleasant odor and the appearance of undigested food, sometimes with impurities.

The increased frequency of bouts of abdominal pain and vomiting takes more and more strength from the baby. Their repeated repetition, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and loose stools, increases the risk of dehydration. The nature of the pain that occurs along with this is dull, sharp, cutting, aching, cramping. The severity and duration may vary. When asked to indicate a place that worries, often the child points to the navel.

Causes, symptoms and first aid

Certain symptoms when a child has a stomach ache and vomiting are characteristic of specific diseases. To understand exactly how to act, you need to try to correctly determine the cause. Only after that it will be possible to provide first aid to the baby.

The most common causes with their characteristic symptoms are the following:

  1. Food poisoning, or acute intestinal infection, is convulsive pain in the abdomen, often expressed in the left side or in the navel area. Pallor of the skin and fever are noted (t is 38-39 °). Later, diarrhea begins, which has a pungent odor, a greenish color, impurities of mucus and blood. At first, the stools are thick, but after that it becomes watery or presented with only mucus. Repeated vomiting occurs several hours after contaminated, dirty or poor-quality products enter the child's body. So the body gets rid of unusable food. Over time, the symptoms get worse. If the poisoning is of a chemical nature, then its manifestations will be determined by the type of poison that has entered the stomach and its dose. Poison refers to detergents, solvents, and other chemicals. Before the arrival of doctors, it is recommended to give the crumbs funds for rehydration;
  2. Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder is primarily reflected in the child's body with a sharp increase in body temperature. This is followed by complaints of sharp cramps in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the arm, lower back or shoulder blade. A few hours later, one-time vomiting often occurs in the form of food debris that has not had time to be digested with bile. The baby does not feel relief after it, and the fever can last for several days. The causative agent of infection in this case is staphylococcus aureus. The disease develops acutely, often at night. When calling an ambulance, it is worth clarifying the diagnosis, since cholecystitis can be extremely dangerous for the baby;
  3. Appendicitis - the diagnosis of this surgical pathology in babies is difficult, since they often do not give detailed description pain localization zones, but only point to the navel. Touching provokes even more soreness, so children avoid them in every possible way and try to take a pose with their legs tucked in. Initially, it is blunt in nature, gives to the right side and lower back. Later it intensifies and moves closer to the left lower iliac region. There is a violation of the stool, pallor, vomiting that does not improve well-being, fever (t 39 ° - only in the smallest), fainting. It is important to call an ambulance as soon as possible and place the baby in a hospital;
  4. Viral diseases (SARS, influenza, etc.) - the onset of infection is always acute. The first symptoms are cough and runny nose. But when a fever appears, the baby refuses food, complains of fatigue, discomfort in the muscles, nausea, turning into vomiting. Most often, those who attend school or kindergarten are susceptible to infection. A young body may need 2-10 days to recover;
  5. Intestinal obstruction - the first manifestation is belching and dull abdominal cramps with bloating. A few hours after eating, repeated vomiting attacks of undigested food begin, which slightly alleviates the condition. However, after the next meal, the situation repeats itself. The reason lies in the presence of a hernia, tumor, or accumulation of feces in the intestine. Its lumen is blocked, and overcooked food accumulates and begins to ferment or rot. There is a lack of stool or its delay, after which impurities of blood and mucus are found in the feces. The body tries to get rid of the excess through stomach cramps. The child should be laid on its side so that the head is higher than the body;
  6. Gastritis or stomach ulcers are rare diseases at this age that do not start suddenly and can be chronic. The mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed as a result of weakened immunity, frequent stress and the presence of Helicobacter bacteria. Pain from above in the left iliac region is felt for several months. Vomiting in a child is provoked by fatty, fried or spicy foods. It is one-time and brings relief. It is important to show the baby to the gastroenterologist and follow his recommendations;
  7. Intestinal colic - air leaves the intestines through the release of gases or the stomach through belching. The baby is restless, but there is no fever. The phenomenon occurs in newborns and babies up to a year;
  8. Cyclic vomiting syndrome - symptoms in the form of abdominal cramps and periodic vomiting, which go away without treatment;
  9. Inguinal hernia- the child vomited and the stomach hurts below, a bulge forms in the inguinal zone. Be sure to contact a pediatric surgeon;
  10. Acetonemic syndrome - the child vomits and has a stomach ache, there is a fever, exhaled air and urine have a specific smell. The help of a pediatrician and the intake of glucose preparations are required;
  11. Food intolerance - manifested by skin rashes, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. What to do: identify and exclude from the diet the product that provokes symptoms, and contact a pediatrician;
  12. Functional vomiting - accompanied by pain in the abdomen. It is psychogenic in nature and is observed in children with increased nervous excitability. It can be triggered by stress, anxiety, or coercion to do something. Symptoms disappear with the elimination of irritating factors.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons when a child has a stomach ache and vomiting. The final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. In no case do not try to self-medicate!

Emergency help

If a child has nausea and a stomach ache, vomiting begins, then parents should immediately resort to calling an ambulance or a doctor on duty. Especially if the condition worsens noticeably, dehydration begins, stool disturbances, fever is noted, or blood is present in the vomit. Each of these signs may indicate a life-threatening illness for the baby. It is necessary to try to describe in detail the patient's condition, remember all the recommendations of the specialist and strictly adhere to them.

In order to alleviate the condition of a sick baby whose stomach hurts and vomits before the arrival of doctors, you first need to properly lay it down. The upper body should be raised and the head turned to the side to avoid swallowing the vomit. In case of dehydration, it is recommended to restore the water-salt balance with rehydration products or boiled water with the addition of salt and sugar in small quantities.

Spasms in the iliac region can be stopped with antispasmodic tablets. But it is undesirable to give them before the arrival of the doctor, since they can interfere with diagnosing the disease in time. If necessary, you can give the baby antipyretics.

If there is no fever, but the child's abdominal pain does not stop along with vomiting, it is recommended to transfer him to vertical position supporting the head and shoulders. When a baby vomits, it is worth checking the absence of gastric contents in the spout. If it is clogged, you need to clean the moves with a pear or special drops.

Important: as a self-help for abdominal pain and vomiting, you can’t feed the baby for 6 hours, do a gastric lavage, apply heating pads or cold compresses to his stomach.

Summing up

After examining the baby, the doctor will determine the exact diagnosis, prescribe treatment and give recommendations on the next steps. To notice that the condition of the crumbs tends to improve, parents will be able to stop the symptoms, increase activity, return appetite and cheerful mood.

We hope that after reading this article you will know exactly what to do if your child has diarrhea and vomiting. After all, anyone can get sick.

Attacks of abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, most often cause inflammatory diseases digestive system. These symptoms can signal serious diseases such as appendicitis and cholecystitis. Therefore, it is extremely important at their first appearance not to self-medicate and consult a doctor.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to calm down and soberly assess the situation. In order to understand what to do in a particular case, you need to try to determine the cause of vomiting and abdominal pain. The most common of them:

  • food poisoning;
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcer.

Each of these diseases has characteristic symptoms. Only after determining the true cause of pain can first aid be provided.

Food poisoning

Vomiting in a child can begin a few hours after eating poor-quality or expired food.

As a rule, severe pain in the abdomen first appears, usually localized in its left side or in the navel. The body temperature rises to 38–39°, pale skin appears. After a while there is frequent and liquid stool with a pungent odor and single or repeated vomiting. The stool may be greenish in color, as well as mixed with blood and mucus. At first it is thick, but after a few bowel movements it becomes watery. Only mucus may come out. These are characteristic symptoms that can be distinguished from other diseases.


In young children, it is very difficult to diagnose appendicitis. They cannot describe in detail what and where they hurt. Most often indicate pain in the navel. It intensifies when touched, the children do not allow touching the stomach, dodge in every possible way. At first, the pain may be dull, but gradually intensifies and moves to the left lower abdomen. The skin turns pale. With severe pain, the child may faint. Body temperature rises above 39 °, vomiting begins. Most often it is single, not bringing relief.

Bowel obstruction

Obstruction can be caused by a hernia, a tumor, or a large accumulation of feces in the intestine when its lumen is completely blocked. As a result, digested food does not move through the intestines, but accumulates in it. The processes of its decay and fermentation begin. Crowded intestine tends to throw out excess food, there is a spasm of the stomach, which causes a gag reflex.

First, the child has an eructation, abdominal pains are dull in nature. Immediately or a few hours after eating, an attack of vomiting may begin. Vomit is made up of particles of undigested food. The attack is repeated several times, after which the condition is slightly relieved. After repeated eating, vomiting is repeated.


With inflammation gallbladder in children, body temperature usually rises sharply. After that, they begin to complain of severe pain in the right iliac region (right hypochondrium). After a few hours, vomiting may appear, first with the remnants of undigested food, and then with bile. More often it is single, not bringing relief. Pain and fever may persist for several days.

Gastritis and stomach ulcer

These diseases are extremely rare in children. As a rule, they do not start suddenly. For several months, the child has been experiencing pain in the upper left side of the abdomen. An attack of vomiting can begin after eating fatty, spicy or fried foods. It is single and brings relief.

A stomach ulcer is a complication after gastritis. It is hard not to notice it, since in its presence there are constantly sharp pains in the stomach area, they intensify after eating or drinking liquids. A stomach ulcer may vomit a small amount of blood.

First aid

First of all, you need to call an ambulance or a doctor on duty. It is necessary to describe in detail the condition of the child and listen to the recommendations of a specialist.

Before his arrival, it is necessary to provide first aid, which will alleviate the condition of the child.

  1. Give a small amount of water to drink.
  2. When giving an antipyretic (Ibufen or Paracetamol is suitable).
  3. Lay on a bed with a high pillow, so that the head is higher than the torso. This is necessary so that during an attack of nausea, the child does not choke on vomit.
  4. With severe pain, give 1 tablet of nosh-py to drink.

What can't be done?

  1. Try to empty your stomach yourself.
  2. Feed your baby for 6 hours after vomiting.
  3. Apply heating pads or ice to the abdomen.

Summing up

Attacks of vomiting with the appearance of pain in the abdomen can be symptoms of various serious diseases, such as appendicitis, cholecystitis, acute food poisoning, or stomach ulcers. Most often they are accompanied by fever and diarrhea. When they occur, be sure to call your doctor.

The most important thing to do when vomiting with abdominal pain in a child is to remain calm. Only a doctor can accurately determine the disease and prescribe proper treatment. It is not recommended to try to treat the child on your own.