Red eye drops. Quinax - instructions for use

Diseases of the eyeball is a problem of a large number of people. However, in pharmacology, many medicines are known to improve vision. A special place is occupied eye drops Quinax, which, due to their composition, help to effectively deal with ophthalmic diseases. Their action is due to the active substance that is part of the drug.

Pharmacological action and group

Quinax refers to pharmacological group metabolics. Ophthalmic drops are used for the eyeball. Thanks to azapentacene polysulfonate, which is the active compound active substance, there is a splitting of opaque protein compounds that are formed in the lens of the eye.

Quinax drops can be safely called vitamins for the eyes, as their use will protect the organs of vision from negative external influences, which will preserve vision for many years. It is explained by the fact that the drug has an antioxidant effect.
In addition, the use of the tool will speed up the metabolic processes in the eyes.

The use of Quinax will allow you to replenish proteological enzymes. Their presence is necessary, since they are able to dissolve the protein compounds formed in the lens of the organ of vision. With age, the number of enzymes decreases. Therefore, many elderly people have cloudy spots on their eyes.

Release form and composition

Quinax is a foreign remedy that helps to cope with diseases of the eyeball. Country of origin - Belgium, Alcon company.

According to the description, the active ingredient in the product is azapentacene polysulfonate. It is he who contributes fast treatment cataracts. To enhance the effect and enrich the drops useful properties, the composition of the drug includes auxiliary components:

  1. purified water;
  2. boric acid;
  3. sodium hydroxide;
  4. thiomersal;
  5. propylparaben;
  6. hydrochloric acid;
  7. methylparaben.

The ophthalmic preparation is a purple solution placed in dropper bottles of 5, 10 or 15 ml. The medicine is sold in a cardboard box, which contains instructions for use.

To date, Quinax drops have been discontinued. They are no longer made or sold.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe ophthalmic drops to treat the following types of cataracts:

  • secondary;
  • congenital;
  • therapeutic;
  • age.

They have shown effectiveness in the presence of a person of any type of disease. However, it is most often prescribed to people over the age of 45, but sometimes it is also prescribed to young people.

It is worth noting that the drug is also effectively used to prevent the formation of cataracts.

Instructions for use

After the doctor has written a prescription to the patient, and he has purchased the remedy, he needs to read the instructions for use and study the dosage and mode of use.

For the correct use of drops, all of the following steps must be followed:
before the procedure, you need to wash your hands with soap;
sit on a chair and tilt your head back;
unscrew the cap from the bottle;
pull the lower eyelid;
drip the solution in an amount of 1-2 drops directly into the conjunctival sac or onto the eyeball;
screw on the cap;
do not strain your eyes for 15 minutes.

It is necessary to carry out 3-5 of these procedures per day.

Immediately after using the medication, visual impairment is possible, so it is not recommended to perform any actions that require visual acuity for 15-20 minutes.

The lenses must be removed before the procedure. After 20-30 minutes after the end of the procedure, they can be worn again.

Side effects and contraindications

Quinax eye drops are practically harmless. the only side effect that they may have is the formation of allergic reactions to the components of the drug. No other negative effects were observed.

Despite this, the drug has several contraindications:

  • the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the use of drops for the treatment of eye diseases in children under 12 years of age.

Timely familiarization with this list will allow in the future to prevent the formation of various pathologies that will negatively affect the condition of an already sick person.

Interactions with other drugs

The ophthalmic drug Quinax is often prescribed in complex treatment with other medicines. This is due to the fact that the drops have a positive effect with other chemical compounds.

If the doctor has prescribed to the patient not only Quinax, then he must take breaks between the use of medications. Their duration should not be less than 10-15 minutes.

Use in children

As mentioned above, the use of eye drops for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases in children is strictly prohibited, since it is not known what side effects can occur.

For pediatric therapy, specialists must prescribe drugs that are focused on the treatment of diseases at the right age.

Use in pregnancy

The use of Quinax eye drops during lactation and pregnancy is not recommended, as there is no exact data on how the drug affects the child.
In case of urgent need, the doctor may prescribe this remedy to a pregnant woman, but first he must evaluate the possible risks.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The ophthalmic preparation should be stored at room temperature, not exceeding 25 degrees. The solution should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
When buying Quinax drops, you will notice that their shelf life is three years. It is worth noting that immediately after opening them, it is reduced to one month.


Quinax is a rather expensive type of drops, so not everyone can afford to buy it. In this regard, many people are trying to pick up Russian or foreign cheap substitutes, which are full on the shelves of pharmacies. Some may coincide with Quinax in terms of the active substance, others may not.

If a person for some reason cannot purchase the drug, in most pharmacies you can find analogues:

  • Catalin;
  • optiv;
  • Taurine;
  • Oftolik;
  • Katahrom;
  • Vita-Yodurol;
  • Okoferon.

Price and reviews

On average, the price in Russia for Quinax ophthalmic drops varies from 370 to 420 rubles. However, in some regions of the country, its cost can reach 550-600 rubles. This speaks of the "cheat" of the seller.

The drug is familiar to many people who have experienced diseases of the eyeball, so it has a lot of reviews. However, not all reviews are positive. Many of them are both negative and neutral.

Many patients say that the drug helped, positive results appeared after a week.

Other users report that eye drops have not helped, if not added to problems. Among them, dryness and irritation are noted.

It cannot be said with certainty that the remedy can be prescribed to all patients with a diagnosis of cataract. When prescribing a medicine, the doctor must study the characteristics of the organism and the disease.

A cataract is a physiological condition of a person, which is associated with As you know, it causes various visual disorders and even its complete loss.

Sometimes this disease develops under the influence of external factors such as radiation or injury. This condition may also be caused by various diseases, including diabetes.

Physically, the clouding of the lens is explained by which is part of the mentioned organ.

Cataracts are responsible for almost half of all cases of blindness. Therefore, it should be treated early stages development. For this, Quinax is often used. The price of this tool, its application, indications and reviews are presented below.

Form, composition, description and packaging

In what form is the drug Quinax sold? Eye drops, reviews of which are listed below, are the only form of this remedy. They are a purple-red clear solution, which is placed in ml plastic dropper bottles.

The main component of this drug is sodium azapentacene polysulfonate. The eye drops also contain methylparaben, thiomersal, purified water and propylparaben.

Pharmacological action of the drug

What is Quinax medication (eye drops)? Reviews report that this is a good remedy for the treatment of cataracts.

The effectiveness of this drug is due to the presence of azapentacene in it (as the main active element). It activates the enzymatic proteolytic compounds of moisture in the anterior part of the eye chamber, which ultimately leads to the dissolution of the opaque substances of the lens.

According to experts, the drug "Quinax", the indications for the use of which are presented below, belongs to the class of metabolics, that is, to the means that improve metabolic processes.

This medicine provides complete protection of sulfhydryl compounds from the negative effects of oxidative reactions.

It should also be noted that the drug "Quinax" (eye drops), reviews of which are mostly positive, has an antioxidant effect.


In what cases are Quinax eye drops prescribed? The use of this drug is indicated in all forms of cataract (eg, post-traumatic, congenital, senile, complicated).

It should also be noted that in some cases this medication is recommended for use in secondary cataracts that have developed against the background of already diagnosed and existing pathological changes eye.


When should patients not be given Quinax eye drops? Reviews report that this medicine has a negative effect on the visual organs if it is used for individual hypersensitivity to azapentacene, as well as other auxiliary elements.

Method of application of the drug "Quinax"

Eye drops, reviews of which everyone can leave, must be used up to five times a day. The drug is instilled into the organ affected by cataract in the amount of 1-2 drops.

People with this diagnosis require prolonged therapy, even if the therapeutic effect manifests itself after several days of treatment.

After using the drops, the dispenser bottle is tightly closed with a special cap.

After opening the dropper, the drug can be stored for one month.

Side effects and cases of overdose

How is Quinax tolerated by patients? Reviews say that this eye medicine can cause allergic reactions to the conjunctiva in people with

In addition, against the background of the use of this tool, a deterioration in visual perception is possible. Usually this reaction disappears on its own after 25 minutes.

In general, this drug is well tolerated by patients. When it is ingested in small doses, side effects are not observed.

Cases of overdose have not been registered.

When instilling the drug in question, it is desirable to protect the mucous membrane of the eyes and the skin of the eyelids from contact with the vial.

Within ¼ hour after instillation of the drug, the patient may experience visual impairment. In this regard, during such a period, one should refrain from driving vehicles and performing hazardous types of work.

In order to prevent bacterial contamination of the drug solution in the vial, it is forbidden to touch its pipette.

Cost and analogues

How much do Quinax drops cost? The price of this tool is 340-370 rubles.

You can buy the medication in question at a pharmacy only upon presentation of a prescription from an ophthalmologist.

If necessary, this drug can be replaced by such analogues (coincidence according to indications) as Taufon, Vitafakol, Naklof, Indocid, Oftan Katahrom, Focus. This drug has no structural analogues.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers dozens of drugs that help prevent cataracts or fight its complications. Quinax is considered one of the best in this category, its popularity is not least due to the absence of contraindications. Drops are fast acting. Active ingredients The drug dissolves protein compounds in the lens, which reduce visual acuity and worsen its quality.

What you need to know about cataracts

The lens in the eye is located between the iris and the vitreous body. This is part of the optical system of the eye, so the characteristics of the lens directly affect the quality of vision. To ensure normal vision, the lens must remain transparent, but under the influence of various factors, opacities can form in it. This condition is called a cataract.

The main causes of clouding of the lens:

  • age (90% of all cases);
  • trauma;
  • exposure;
  • complications of intrauterine development;
  • endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • avitaminosis;
  • ophthalmic diseases;
  • bad ecology;
  • taking medication;
  • active smoking.

A cataract can be partial or complete. Most often, cataracts develop due to changes in the biochemical composition of the lens, which is due to age-related changes in the body. A person begins to see as if through a misted glass. With age-related cataract, opacities develop over 4-15 years. Without proper cataract treatment, a person can lose their sight.

Quinax - effective remedy from a cataract. It has an antioxidant effect and protects the lens from the effects of free radicals. This is a unique tool that, with prolonged use, can destroy opaque protein compounds in the anterior chamber of the eye.

The composition of Quinax and the release form

Quinax is presented as a solution. The drug is distributed in plastic bottles with a dispenser. By volume, the drug is 5, 10 and 15 ml. Released by prescription.

The effectiveness of Quinax eye drops is due to a balanced composition. It includes such substances:

  • sodium dihydroazapentacene polysulfonate;
  • methylparaben;
  • boric acid;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • sodium borate;
  • propylparaben;
  • thiomersal;
  • hydrochloric acid.

Properties of Quinax in cataracts

According to the characteristics of Quinax, it belongs to the metabolism. Such drugs regulate metabolic processes in the anterior chamber of the eye, including the lens. The active ingredients affect the proteolytic enzymes contained in the eye moisture. Quinax inhibits their metabolism, which contributes to the resorption of protein complexes.

In addition, Quinax drops protect sulfhydryl elements from oxidation when exposed to free radicals. With cataracts, these properties of the drug help restore the transparency of the lens and improve the quality of vision. It must be understood that premature termination of therapy reduces the effectiveness of treatment. Also, the effects of Quinax worsen with short-term use of the remedy.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for the appointment of Quinax drops is a cataract of any kind. The drug is prescribed for both congenital and lifelong clouding of the lens. The causes of clouding do not play a decisive role: Quinax is prescribed for traumatic, senile, secondary and other forms of cataract.

The tool can be prescribed to patients of different ages. The advantage of Quinax is the possibility of prescribing to children, however, the doctor must first conduct a comprehensive examination of the visual system and determine the risk side effects.

One of the main advantages of Quinax is the minimum of contraindications. It is necessary to refuse the drug in the presence of hypersensitivity. During pregnancy and lactation, Quinax is used with caution. This is due to the fact that the effect of the drug on the fetus is little studied.

Quinax instillation rules

Quinax is prescribed for a long time. Using the tool is very simple: you need to instill 1-2 drops up to 5 times a day. If the reason for prescribing the drug is another ophthalmic disease, the drops are instilled for an average of 2-4 weeks. In the treatment of cataracts in children under 12 years of age, the dosage must be observed, since children are more sensitive to the components of Quinax. Even with a slight overdose, they can have unpredictable side effects.

Since the agent is injected into the conjunctival sac, the components quickly penetrate the tissues and begin to act instantly. After instillation, discomfort may appear, so you can not immediately drive. Quinax should not be instilled over contact lenses. They need to be removed and put on again only 25 minutes after the procedure.

If you use the remedy according to the instructions and recommendations of the ophthalmologist, overdose symptoms are not observed. If there is a need to combine the drug with other drugs, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

With advanced cataracts, it is prescribed for a long period. In the course of treatment, it is periodically necessary to undergo an examination and monitor the condition of the lens. Cataract symptoms may temporarily subside and vision improve, however, you need to complete the course of treatment.

Possible side effects

Usually, no side effects are noted in the treatment of cataracts with Quinax, but if there is sensitivity to the components, burning, itching, redness, and increased lacrimation may appear. In rare cases, short-term visual impairment occurs.

After instillation of the drug, the usual slight discomfort appears, which disappears after 2-5 minutes. If the discomfort does not go away, it is necessary to stop instillation of Quinax, consult a doctor and choose an analogue of the drug.

How to replace Quinax in the treatment of cataracts

Cataract is a very common disease, so there are many drugs for its prevention and treatment. Each drug has its own contraindications and features of use, which must be considered when replacing. Some drugs cannot be combined, so an experienced ophthalmologist should prescribe cataract therapy.

Direct and indirect analogues of Quinax

  1. Catalin. The drug is prescribed for senile and diabetic cataracts, as well as for the prevention of these conditions. The therapeutic effect is achieved by improving cellular nutrition and normalizing metabolism in the lens. The package contains tablets and a special solvent for the preparation of an ophthalmic solution, which must be stored in a cool place. Ready solution is suitable for use within three weeks. The drug is instilled up to 5 times a day, sometimes even in a continuous course. Indications include individual intolerance. Possible side effects: eye irritation, lacrimation, itching, inflammation of the eyelids, local allergic reaction.
  2. Taufon. The drug is prescribed for dystrophic phenomena in the eye. Taufon components stimulate metabolic and energy processes, accelerate the healing of the cornea after injury, and normalize intraocular pressure. In addition to cataracts, Taufon is prescribed for retinal dystrophy, corneal dystrophy, and open-angle glaucoma. The drug should be instilled 3-4 times a day. With cataracts, the course of treatment is 3 months. Taufon is not prescribed for children under 18 years of age, with intolerance to taurine and pregnancy. An allergic reaction may occur after use.
  3. Taurine. The tool is based on the substance of the same name. Taurine is a derivative of cysteine, which can accumulate in tissues and normalize osmoregulation in the eyeball. In addition, Taurine can eliminate electrophysiological disturbances and accelerate tissue repair. The drug is indicated for cataracts, dystrophy of the retina and cornea, trauma, glaucoma, erosion, ophthalmic herpes and keratitis. The course of cataract treatment is 3 months, then you need to take a month break. Taurine is instilled 2-4 times a day (2-3 drops). The drug is not intended for therapy in children and patients with allergies to components. The likelihood of an allergic reaction increases with sensitivity to furosemide, sulfonylurea and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.
  4. Vitafacol. The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of cataracts, because it normalizes metabolic and energy processes in the lens masses. Active ingredients: cytochrome C, sodium succinate, adenosine, nicotinamide. Vitafacol is instilled 2 drops three times a day. When used, burning and redness may occur.
  5. Oftan Katahrom. With cataracts, it stimulates tissue repair, normalizes metabolism in the lens, protects tissues from further damage, moisturizes and eliminates the symptoms of inflammation. The drug is instilled three times a day. Oftan Katahrom is not prescribed to pregnant women and during lactation.


Quinax cannot be called a budget drug, but due to its high efficiency it is in great demand. If necessary, it can be replaced with another drug from the list. However, it must be remembered that the attending physician should choose an analogue, taking into account the symptoms, contraindications and side effects.

Price comparison (average):

  • Quinax - 400 rubles;
  • Catalin - 460 rubles;
  • Taufon - 150 rubles;
  • Taurine - 52 rubles;
  • Broksinak - 500 rubles;
  • Vitafacol - 270 rubles;
  • Oftan Katahrom - 300 rubles.

Despite the fact that cataracts are most often caused by natural processes, clouding of the lens cannot be ignored even in patients of age. When characteristic symptoms you need to contact an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination. It must be remembered that the only effective and reliable method of treating cataracts is the replacement of the lens with an intraocular lens during a surgical operation.

P N014809/01-220508


Group name:


chemical name: Sodium 5,12-dihydroazapentacene polysulfonate

Dosage form:

eye drops.

Composition of 1 ml of the drug

Active substance: dihydroazapentacene sodium polysulfonate 0.15 mg;
Excipients: boric acid 6.30 mg; sodium borate 0.30 mg; potassium chloride 7.15 mg; methyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.065 mg; propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.035 mg; thiomersal 0.002 mg; sodium hydroxide and/or concentrated hydrochloric acid to adjust the pH; purified water up to 1.0 ml.

Description: clear solution from red-pink to red-purple.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

remedy for the treatment of cataracts.

ATC code: S01XA.

pharmachologic effect

Azapentacene inhibits the action of substances of the quinoid structure, which are formed as a result of metabolic disorders of aromatic amino acids, protecting the sulfhydryl groups of soluble lens proteins from oxidation and further degradation; activates proteolytic enzymes contained in the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber of the eye.

At topical application systemic absorption is low.

Indications for use

- senile;
- traumatic;
- congenital;
- secondary.


Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. The use of Quinax for the treatment of pregnant women is possible only as prescribed by the attending physician, if the expected healing effect outweighs the risk of possible side effects. The use of the drug during breastfeeding is not recommended.

Dosage and administration

locally. 2 drops in the conjunctival sac of the eye 3-5 times a day.

Side effects

allergic reactions, redness of the conjunctiva, discomfort in the eye area, increased lacrimation, dry eyes.


When applied topically, an overdose is unlikely. If an excess amount of the drug gets into the eyes, it is recommended to rinse the eyes with warm water.

special instructions

Quinax is intended for long-term therapy. It is not recommended to interrupt treatment even in case of rapid improvement.
Patients using contact lenses should remove the lenses before using the drug and install them back no earlier than 15 minutes after instillation of the drug.
Patients in whom, after the instillation of the drug, the clarity of vision temporarily decreases, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require increased attention and reaction until it is restored.
The bottle must be closed after each use.
Do not touch the tip of the pipette to any surfaces.

Interaction with others medicines

Interaction with other drugs is currently not known.

Release form

Eye drops 0.015% 15 ml in a Droptainer™ dropper bottle made of low-density polyethylene. 1 bottle with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years.
Use within 4 weeks after opening the vial.
Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging!

Holiday conditions

On prescription.


“s.a. Alcon-Couvrere n.v. B-2870 Puurs. Belgium.
The address of Alcon Pharmaceutical LLC and the acceptance of claims:
109004, Moscow, st. Nikoloyamskaya, 54.

Quinax is a drug for the treatment of patients with cataracts. It helps to increase the transparency of the lens by resorption of opaque proteins. This becomes possible due to the activation of proteolytic enzymes in the fluid of the anterior chamber of the eye. Due to the antioxidant effect, it reduces the degree of damage to the lens by active radicals.

Composition and form of release

The solution of the drug is intended for instillation into the eyes. The concentration of the active substance (dihydroazapentacene sodium polysulfonate) in it is 0.015%, that is, 15 mg of the drug is in 1 ml.

Excipients include: sodium borate, sodium hydroxide, methylparaben, boric acid, thiomersal, hydrochloric acid, propylparaben.

The drug is available in bottles with a dispenser made of polyethylene. The volume can be 15, 10 and 5 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Quinax belongs to the group of metabolic drugs, that is, it provides regulation of metabolic processes in the anterior chamber of the eye, as well as the lens. By activating proteolytic enzymes that are found in the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye, it stimulates the breakdown of opaque proteins. As a result, the transparency of the lens increases. In addition, Quinax prevents oxidation free radicals sulfhydryl groups that make up the lens.


The drug is indicated for administration in complex therapy all types of cataracts: congenital, traumatic, senile, secondary.

Mode of application

Quinax drops are instilled into the eye (in the area of ​​the conjunctival sac) 3-5 times a day. The dose ranges from 1 to 2 drops in each eye. The drug must be used for a long period, because with short-term use it is not possible to achieve a significant effect.


Side effects

Subject to the dosage and method of application, no side effects were noted.


When applied topically, overdose was not detected.


No drug interactions were noted.

special instructions

Since there are no objective data on the use of Quinax during pregnancy and lactation, it should be abandoned during this period.

Before instillation of the drug, contact lenses must be removed. You can put them on again after half an hour.
During instillation, direct contact of the tip of the vial with the mucous membrane of the eye should be avoided in order to prevent infection.

Quinax is available by prescription. An opened vial should be used within one month only.

The price of the drug Quinax

The cost of the drug "Quinax" in pharmacies in Moscow starts from 340 rubles.

Quinax's analogs

By contacting the "Moscow Eye Clinic", you can undergo an examination using the most modern diagnostic equipment, and based on its results - receive individual recommendations from leading specialists in the treatment of identified pathologies.