Features of the development and treatment of inguinal hernia in children. Inguinal hernia in children treatment and operation Where does inguinal hernia come from in children

Inguinal hernia in boys - a phenomenon fairly common in children.

This pathology in children is most often congenital, however, in some cases, for example, with excessive physical activity, overweight, the defect is acquired.

general information

Inguinal hernia in infants - photo:

The disease is a specific protrusion that can be observed in the scrotum and groin. Most often, such a protrusion manifests itself with right side. An inguinal hernia may be bilateral.

The disease develops when the abdominal organs are not in their place, but fall into the groin area. A hernial sac is formed, the contents of which become an intestinal loop, an omentum.

The defect is most often congenital in nature, when a boy has disruption of testicular descent from the abdomen to the scrotum.

Thus, the prerequisites for the development of pathology are found even in the prenatal period, and after the birth of the baby, the manifestations of the disease progress.

In some cases, an inguinal hernia proceeds stably, without causing discomfort to the child, but, in most cases, the presence of a hernia hurt the boy negatively affects his general well-being.

Reasons for the appearance

In newborns, the cause of the development of the disease is congenital.

It is known that in the intrauterine period The boy's testicles are located in the abdominal cavity, they descend into the scrotum after the baby is born.

If this process, for some reason, is disturbed, not only, but also fragments of other abdominal organs can get into the inguinal region.

This happens as a result of anomalies of intrauterine development, for example, when there is threatened miscarriage, fetal hypoxia, other adverse factors that complicate the course of pregnancy.

In older children, an inguinal hernia may result from excessive physical activity, for example, when doing heavy sports, when lifting weights.

The risk of developing pathology increases if the child is overweight.

How to recognize?

Inguinal hernia in boys is a disease that has whole line characteristic symptoms . Among them note:

  1. Education in the groin area specific seals, protrusions.
  2. The seal has various sizes, from insignificant to very large, when several intestinal loops fall into the groin area.
  3. Education has round or oval form.
  4. The seal is easily detected by palpation, to the touch it soft.
  5. If there are no complications (pinching), small protrusions are easily reduced with slight pressure.
  6. When pressing on the seal, a characteristic gurgling sound.
  7. When the baby strains the abdominal muscles, for example, with strong crying, coughing, induration increases in size.

In some cases, when a child has a pinched hernia, symptoms of intoxication of the body, disruption of the digestive tract, appear.

In particular, this is nausea and vomiting, bloating as a result of a violation of the discharge of gases, a violation of the defecation process, a sharp temperature rise body to high values, pain in the groin area.

All this negatively affects the health of the child, his well-being. This phenomenon requires urgent hospitalization, emergency surgery.

Features of the inguinal-scrotal

Inguinal-scrotal hernia develops if there is weakness connective tissue inguinal ring, which in this case is a natural opening through which the abdominal organs fall into the scrotum.

The inguinal ring tends to shrink and expand, as a result of which the risk of hernia pinching increases significantly.

Inguinal-scrotal hernia, in the absence of complications, often has hidden symptoms, the presence of a protrusion can be noted only if the child strains the abdominal muscles. In a calm state, clinical manifestations may be absent.

What is dangerous?

The most common complication of the disease is pinching inguinal hernia.

This phenomenon is considered very dangerous for the health of the child, as it provokes a disruption in the functioning of the organs of the digestive system, contributes to the development of symptoms of intoxication of the body.

In addition, the injured organ dies over time ( necrosis), which leads to irreversible consequences.

In some cases, when an appendix falls into the hernial sac, the child develops with characteristic this disease symptoms. An inflammatory process begins, poisoning the body. The child needs emergency medical care.

Lack of competent treatment of inguinal hernia in childhood can further lead to serious problems in the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system.

In particular, the processes of urination are disturbed, it may appear infertility.


In order to determine the presence of the disease, it is necessary to show the child surgeon. To make a diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient, reveals the clinical picture of the disease.

Externally, the symptoms of an inguinal hernia resemble signs of dropsy, so when making a diagnosis, it is important to pay attention to symptoms that are characteristic only of a hernia.

An experienced specialist can easily make the correct diagnosis.

However, in some cases, to confirm laboratory methods are also required diagnostics:

  • general analysis of urine, feces;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • Ultrasound to determine the contents of the hernial sac, assess the condition of the abdominal organs.

Conservative treatments

Children under the age of five are usually prescribed conservative treatment of an inguinal hernia (an exception is the presence of infringements). Others contraindications for surgery are considered:

  • diseases of the kidneys, organs of the cardiovascular system;
  • peritonitis, sepsis, infectious diseases in acute form;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • bowel dysfunction (intestinal obstruction);
  • obesity;
  • recent other surgical interventions.

Non-surgical methods of treatment give a positive result if the size of the hernia is small and it is well reduced.

In this case, the child is assigned to use special bandage, which helps to hold the abdominal organs in their place, prevents them from falling into the groin area.

In addition, it is necessary to systematically strengthen the muscle tissue of the walls of the abdominal cavity, inguinal ring.

For this, developed a special set of physical exercises:

Exercises must be repeated 2 times a day, daily. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the child does not overstrain, perform exercises easily, and does not experience excessive stress.

In what cases is an operation needed?

Surgical treatment is considered most effective method to eliminate the defect. However, for younger children, surgery is usually not indicated.

Emergency surgery is necessary if the disease progresses rapidly and causes severe pain to the child. The presence of infringement is also an indication for urgent surgical intervention.

The operation is considered quite simple and safe for a child. Its duration usually does not exceed half an hour. On the 4-5th day, the baby is discharged from the hospital. The sutures are removed 7-10 days after the operation.


In the postoperative period (within 2 months), the child must wear special elastic swimming trunks. This helps to maintain the scrotum in a physiological position, promotes the speedy healing of wounds, and reduces the risk of relapses.

It is necessary to pay attention to the lifestyle of the child. The baby is not recommended for strong physical exertion, overly active games.

The diet should include high-calorie foods rich in protein content.

To prevent infection of the wound, the baby is prescribed a prophylactic antibiotics wide spectrum of action.


It is possible to reduce the risk of developing an inguinal hernia in a child if simple rules, such as:

  • timely treatment of severe cough, prevention of constipation, which can cause a hernia;
  • proper nutrition, intake vitamin preparations, strengthening immune system child;
  • limitation of excessive physical activity.

Inguinal hernia is a phenomenon that can not only cause discomfort to the baby, but also threaten his health in case of occurrence. complications.

The disease can be congenital (it develops even in the prenatal period), or acquired, when there are adverse factors that contribute to its appearance.

Pathology has a number of specific symptoms, in the presence of complications clinical picture becomes more extensive.

The main method of treatment is surgical However, in some cases, conservative therapy is used.

Dr. Komarovsky about hernias in children in this video:

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Inguinal hernia in children is a protrusion through the inguinal canal of the vaginal process of the peritoneum, forming a hernial sac, which includes some internal organs(hernial contents). In children, inguinal hernias are usually congenital. Acquired are extremely rare - they develop in school-age boys who have a weak abdominal wall or are engaged in weightlifting.

Inguinal hernias in children are most often congenital

Inguinal hernia in children is a widespread pathology. They are observed in 5% of full-term and 20-25% of premature babies. Often combined with other pathology:

  • spermatic cord cyst;
  • Marfan syndrome and other connective tissue diseases;
  • anomalies in the development of the spinal column;
  • spinal hernias;

Inguinal hernias in children are three times more common in boys. Presumably, this is due to the process of testicular migration to the scrotum from the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal.

Causes and risk factors

The main role in the formation of congenital inguinal hernias in children belongs to the blind pocket of the peritoneum protruding through the inguinal canal into the scrotum (the vaginal process). After the testicle descends into the scrotum, the vaginal process is obliterated, i.e. overgrown. This usually happens around the time the baby is born. If for some reason obliteration does not occur, then the inguinal canal does not close, and with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, internal organs exit through it. The hernial orifice is the outer ring of the inguinal canal, and the vaginal process of the peritoneum is a hernial sac, which can include intestinal loops, omentum, fallopian tube and ovary (in girls).

In the development of inguinal hernia in children, hereditary predisposition is of no small importance. According to statistics, approximately 12% of children with this pathology also had an inguinal hernia in one or both parents.

Acquired inguinal hernias in children, as mentioned above, are extremely rare. Factors provoking their development:

  • sharp weight loss;
  • weight lifting;
  • respiratory diseases, accompanied by a strong cough;
  • chronic constipation.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the location of the inguinal hernia in children, there are bilateral, left-sided and right-sided. In girls, bilateral hernial protrusions are observed in 50% of cases. In boys, bilateral inguinal hernias occur in 10% of cases, in 30% - left-sided, and in other cases - right-sided.

As a rule, in children, inguinal hernias pass through the internal inguinal ring and are located in the inguinal canal, that is, they are oblique. Direct inguinal hernias in pediatric practice are extremely rare. Hernial protrusion in this case passes through the defect of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall in the region of the external inguinal ring.

Inguinal hernia in children is a widespread pathology. They are observed in 5% of full-term and 20-25% of premature babies.

In boys, the hernial sac can descend into the scrotum, which leads to the formation of inguinal-scrotal hernias, which, in turn, are divided into testicular (ovarian) and funicular (cord).

Symptoms of inguinal hernia in children

The main symptom of an inguinal hernia in children is the presence of a tumor-like protrusion in the groin area. When straining, crying, screaming, coughing a child, it increases in size, decreases at rest, and sometimes completely disappears.

With an inguinal-scrotal hernia in boys, there is a deformation of the scrotum due to the lowering of the hernial sac into it. In girls, the hernial sac may descend into one of the labia, causing it to thicken.

Inguinal hernia in children is often accompanied by pain localized in the lower abdomen or groin area. Pain may radiate to the lower back or sacrum. They can cause crying and whims of children of the first year of life. At an older age, babies report to their parents about soreness in the lower abdomen.


An inguinal hernia in children is usually discovered either by the parents themselves or by a doctor during a routine examination.

Palpation reveals an elastic or soft consistency of the protrusion in the groin area. With an uncomplicated course, the hernial contents are easily reduced into the abdominal cavity. At the moment of reduction, a characteristic rumbling can be heard, which indicates the presence of an intestinal loop in the hernial sac. After the hernial protrusion is set into the abdominal cavity, the expanded external inguinal ring is palpated.

Inguinal hernias in children are three times more common in boys. Presumably, this is due to the process of testicular migration to the scrotum from the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal.

In order to clarify the diagnosis, perform:

  • ultrasound procedure organs of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, inguinal canals and scrotum;
  • irrigography;
  • cystography.

Inguinal hernia in children requires differential diagnosis with the following diseases:

  • cyst of the round ligament of the uterus (in girls);
  • cryptorchidism (in boys);
  • spermatic cord cyst (in boys);
  • hydrocele (in boys).

Treatment of inguinal hernia in children

Currently, conservative treatment of inguinal hernias in children with adhesive bandages and bandages is not carried out.

Removal of an inguinal hernia in children with an uncomplicated course is performed in a planned manner at the age of over six months. During the surgical intervention, the surgeon isolates, bandages and cuts off the hernial sac, and then performs the plastic hernial orifice with the patient's own tissues or using a special propylene mesh.

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Surgery for inguinal hernia in children can be performed by the classical open method, or using laparoscopic technologies. The latter method is more preferable, as it is accompanied by minimal soft tissue trauma, minor blood loss and a short rehabilitation period.

Removal of an inguinal hernia in boys should be performed with great care to avoid possible injury to the vas deferens and vessels of the testis (spermoid cord). Their damage further leads to testicular atrophy and/or male infertility.

The development of an incarcerated inguinal hernia in girls is an indication for emergency surgery, since there is a very high risk death of the fallopian tube or ovary. In boys of the first months of life, with the development of infringement, conservative therapy is carried out in the first few hours, aimed at self-reduction of the hernia. In this case, the following treatment regimen for inguinal hernia in children is used:

  • warm bath or heating pad;
  • intramuscular injection medicines with antispasmodic effect;
  • giving the child a position with a raised pelvis.

If the treatment does not lead to the destruction of the inguinal hernia, they resort to emergency surgery. With strangulated inguinal hernia in children, the operation has its own characteristics. First of all, the surgeon must assess the viability of the organs included in the hernial sac. Reduction into the abdominal cavity is possible only if the viability of the intestine, omentum, ovary or other elements is beyond doubt. Otherwise, they are resected.

Recurrence of inguinal hernia in children is observed in 1% of cases (most often after emergency interventions or in premature babies).

Possible consequences and complications

The main complication of inguinal hernia in children is its infringement. It develops as a result of compression of the hernial contents (ovary, omentum, intestinal loop, bladder wall) by the outer inguinal ring, which leads to ischemia of the strangulated organs.

Constipation, flatulence, severe cough can provoke the development of infringement.

The main symptoms of strangulated inguinal hernia in children are:

  • pain in the groin (small children cry, press their legs to the stomach);
  • the hernial protrusion becomes tense and sharply painful on palpation, it is impossible to set it into the abdominal cavity;
  • nausea, repeated vomiting;
  • delay in passing gases and stools.

With a delay in surgical treatment, the child develops peritonitis.

Ovarian tissue is very sensitive to ischemia, so even a short-term infringement can cause ovarian necrosis, death of eggs.

Infringement is also dangerous for the male reproductive system. So, in 5% of boys after suffering an infringement of an inguinal hernia, testicular atrophy develops in the future.


Removal of uncomplicated inguinal hernias in children is currently in most cases performed in a day hospital. The child is discharged for outpatient treatment on the day of surgery or the next morning.

Recurrence of inguinal hernia in children is observed in 1% of cases (most often after emergency interventions or in premature babies).

Complications of hernia repair are extremely rare. These include:

  • infertility;
  • high testicular fixation;
  • lymphocele;
  • testicular lymphostasis.


Prevention of the formation of inguinal hernias in children includes:

  • body weight control;
  • constipation treatment;
  • treatment of respiratory diseases accompanied by cough;
  • physical activity appropriate for age and muscle strength.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

An inguinal hernia is a protrusion of the peritoneal organs into the groin. It can be found in both children and adults. Parents should diagnose the pathology in a timely manner, since in a neglected state, pinching of organs can occur, which can lead to death. For clarity, the article will be given photos.

An inguinal hernia is a prolapse of internal organs (intestines, fallopian tube, spermatic cord) into the groin area. Visually, parents can see a slight seal, swelling. When the child is in the supine position, the hernia may decrease in size. In this case, the pathology is not always accompanied by pain.

When the prolapsed organ is in the hernial sac (connective tissue that enters the peritoneum along with part of the prolapsed organ), then its functioning is disrupted at this time. That's why the disease, even in a mild form, causes irreparable harm to the health of the child.

In males, the disease is fixed 3 times more often than in women. This is due to the peculiarities of the physiological structure and development. A hernia in the inguinal region can occur both on one side and from 2 at once. If disease is suspected, for diagnosis, you need to contact a pediatric surgeon.

Causes of inguinal hernia in children

Inguinal hernia in children can be congenital or acquired.

The likelihood of the appearance of pathology increases in the presence of the following factors:

  • prematurity. The muscles and organs of the child are not yet fully formed, which is a favorable factor in the development of the disease;

  • predisposition at the genetic level(a feature of the structure of the pelvic region, in parents, predisposing to the appearance of a hernia, can be inherited);
  • violation of the course of pregnancy by diseases of the mother, smoking and alcohol abuse. In this case, the child may experience pathologies in the development of organs and muscles. This will create favorable conditions for the appearance of a hernia.

These factors do not directly cause the development of pathology, but with a combination of congenital or acquired causes, the likelihood of developing the disease increases by 90%. Due to the structural features, the appearance of a congenital inguinal hernia in boys and girls has a different nature of the development of the disease.

Congenital hernia in boys

An inguinal hernia in a child (the photographs in this article will help parents more accurately determine the presence of a pathology) is more common under the age of 1 year and is congenital.

In boys, this process is due to the development of the organs of the reproductive system. During the formation period, the testicles of the unborn baby are in the abdomen, after the 6th month they gradually move into the scrotum. Following them, the part of the peritoneum to which they were attached is pulled away.

By the time of birth, the process is completely over. All organs are in their places, and the hole for passing the testicles into the scrotum is tightened.

In premature babies, this process is incomplete., the gap remains open or not fully closed, so they often develop an inguinal hernia from birth.

In the gap, for the passage of the testicles, part of the intestine or the spermatic cord may fall out. If these organs are pinched, a violation of digestion and the process of defecation develops, or infertility occurs (depending on which organ is affected).

Inguinal hernia in a child: a photo of the disease in boys

A congenital hernia can also be in a full-term baby if there were pathologies during pregnancy in the formation of the reproductive system, which could be caused by maternal illness, nicotine or alcohol. In this case, the muscle tissue is weak, and the organs fall into the gap along which the testicles descended.

If the hernia is not dangerous, then the boys are prescribed surgery after 6 months. By this age, the abdominal muscles are getting stronger, and the hernia can heal on its own.

Congenital hernia in girls

For a similar reason, congenital inguinal hernia occurs in girls. Initially, the uterus is located in the abdomen just above the place allotted for it, and when lowered, it also pulls the inside of the peritoneum along with it, and a kind of fold is formed. Under normal further development the wrinkle is removed.

If this does not happen, then muscle weakness develops in the groin area, this is manifested by prolapse of the fallopian tubes, ovaries or intestines. An unrepaired hernia in adulthood can result in uterine prolapse during the period of bearing a child. That's why this pathology in girls is immediately eliminated surgically.

Acquired hernia in children

A hernia of an acquired nature is much less common and occurs mainly in males. More often the disease is registered in children with a predisposition to the development of pathology.

Factors that provoke the formation of a hernia:

  • rapid weight gain or loss. The muscles in the groin become weak, and part of the organ may fall out;
  • weight is much higher than normal. In this case, excessive pressure is exerted on the lower abdomen by the organs, the muscles may not withstand a long load, and a hernia may form;

  • sudden lifting of heavy objects;
  • increased or decreased physical activity;
  • frequent and severe cough. In the process of coughing, there is a strong pressure on the internal organs, and if the muscles in the groin are weak, then pathology develops;
  • regular constipation, they make the child strain more during defecation, there is a strong pressure on the bottom of the peritoneum. With constant such exposure, a hernia can form;
  • lower abdomen injury or surgery on the area;
  • tumors benign and malignant in the groin.

Acquired hernia is already a greater danger than congenital. The child's muscles are already developed and the prolapsed organ may be pinched. In this case, surgical intervention is more often prescribed for treatment. Otherwise, the child will not be able to lead a normal life.

Types of disease

An inguinal hernia in a child (the photos presented in the article will also help parents determine the type of hernial formation) has several classifications.

The main division of the pathology is from which side the protrusion appeared (on the right, on the left or on both sides). Right-sided hernia is more common in boys. In girls, bilateral hernias predominate. These species are further classified.

By location By location By infringement
Inguinal. The protrusion is located in the groin area, does not touch the testicles (in boys). oblique. The protruding organ follows the path along which the testicles or uterus descended. Education appears next to the genitals (testicles or labia). Infringed. A dangerous condition, since the organ is pinched, further the death of tissues trapped in the hernial sac develops.

This type is divided into the following types of infringement:

  • elastic. This is a pinching of a reduced hernia during physical impact (sneezing, coughing, lifting weights);
  • fecal. Pinching develops due to overflow of fecal masses of the intestine;
  • retrograde. It is characterized by prolapse and pinching of several intestinal loops at once;
  • parietal. There is a pinching of the wall of the organ.
Inguinal-scrotal. Such a hernia is typical only for boys, since the hernial sac descends into the scrotum.

Depending on how far the hernia has descended into the scrotum, it is shared by:

  • cord. The descent occurs to the spermatic cords, approximately to the middle of the scrotum;
  • testicular. The hernial sac completely fills the scrotum.
Straight. The hernia is located just above the pubis and is formed due to the protrusion of organs through the abdominal wall. This species is only acquired. Uninjured or controlled. Pathology proceeds without any special symptoms. The prolapsed organ can be repositioned with the help of fingers or pulled away on its own in a calm state. The procedure is painless for the child.
Combined. The child immediately has both oblique and direct hernias, which are not interconnected. May appear with a slight difference in time or at the same time. Different organs can fall out.

When contacting a surgeon, the specialist first of all determines the condition of the hernia (whether it is strangulated or not), then further diagnosis and treatment are prescribed.

Symptoms and signs of pathology

In children, an inguinal hernia can be identified visually and with the help of accompanying symptoms. An external examination of the child can be done while bathing or changing clothes.

There will be swelling or enlargement of the testicles/labia in the groin area. When you click on the bulge, it disappears. The protrusion increases in size when crying, coughing or other physical exertion. May not be visualized at rest. The condition of the skin is not changed.

When the hernial sac exits or when it is repositioned, a rumbling is heard(only for bowel prolapse). The child may feel pain and discomfort, small children signal this by crying. It is also possible to disrupt the functioning of the digestive tract (with prolapse of the intestine): nausea, vomiting, retention of feces.

One of the symptoms of an inguinal hernia is nausea and vomiting.

This symptomatology is characteristic of a reduced hernia, when pinching occurs (will be discussed below), then the signs of the pathology change dramatically. Then you need to urgently call for emergency help. The sooner the surgeon examines the child and prescribes treatment, the less damage is done to the prolapsed organ.


An inguinal hernia can be diagnosed in a child at the next examination by a pediatrician or surgeon. At home, parents can only assume from the photo (available on the Internet) about the presence of a hernia. The final diagnosis can only be made by the surgeon after a complete examination.

For an accurate diagnosis, the specialist collects all the information about the child from birth (how long the birth was, whether there were pathologies in development, the behavior of the mother during the gestation period), as well as the presence of inguinal hernias in childhood from the parents. Additionally, the surgeon specifies when the protrusion was first noticed, what preceded it, and whether there was pain symptom.

An inguinal hernia in a child (photo) is diagnosed by a doctor by examining and palpating the baby

Next is inspection and palpation. The specialist assesses the general condition of the child, whether the hernia is found in a calm state and how pronounced it is during physical exertion (coughing, bending forward). By pressing on the hernial sac, the soreness and type of hernia (reduced or strangulated) is determined.

Additional diagnostics are assigned:

  • Ultrasound of the lower abdomen;
  • x-ray with a contrast agent;
  • diaphanoscopy, done on the scrotum. During the procedure, the organ is translucent with a small beam of light. In the presence of liquid, the color of the beam changes. This method excludes dropsy of the ovary.

The listed hardware examination allows to exclude diseases similar in symptoms to inguinal hernia:

  • hip hernia;
  • tumor formations in the reproductive organs;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area.

It also determines which organ is prolapsed or pinched. This is necessary for the appointment of subsequent treatment.

Conservative therapy

Inguinal hernia in children can be eliminated conservatively (by strengthening the muscles of the peritoneum) or surgical (hernial fissure is removed by surgery).

Initially, the surgeon determines whether the hernia is reducible. If she is not in a restrained state and there are contraindications for surgery (poor blood clotting, exhaustion of the body or infectious diseases), then a specialist prescribes conservative treatment.

When this type of therapy fails, and the condition of the hernia worsens, surgical treatment will be required.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of folk remedies, decoctions are used for oral use or preparation of compresses to strengthen the walls of the peritoneum.

This method is more suitable for prevention or in combination with physiotherapy procedures.

Commonly used and acclaimed recipes:

  1. When the hernia is inguinal and small in size, a copper coin can be attached to it. Usually, an adhesive plaster is used for this, then it must be borne in mind that the child's skin is very thin and can be injured when peeled off. In this case, the coin does not allow the hernial sac to pass into the gap. During the wearing of a coin, the muscles can get stronger.
  2. Compress with sauerkraut juice. It is necessary to do for 2-3 hours within 30 days. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscles.
  3. Knotweed infusion. Steam 20-25 g of herbs in 180-200 ml of boiling water. The drink should be drunk during the day (must be divided into 3 doses). The course of treatment is not more than 15 days.
  4. Every evening, wipe the hernial protrusion with 9% vinegar.
  5. Infusion of clover herb. In 200 ml of boiling water, you need to steam 15 g of grass. Divide into 3 doses and consume per day.

Folk remedy for inguinal hernia - clover infusion

This treatment should be discussed with the pediatrician, because there is a high probability allergic reactions. If the child has other pathological abnormalities, then traditional medicine can worsen the condition.


When the hernia is reducible, and there is a tendency to overgrowth of the hernial fissure, the surgeon may prescribe gymnastics and wearing a bandage for the child. Parents need to take into account all the nuances of doing physical exercises and using a bandage:

  • Bandage. If the hernia does not cause severe inconvenience to the child, then it is recommended to wear it for the period of exercise or other loads. With constant wear, the abdominal muscles can atrophy, which will further aggravate the situation.

But if the child has a regular severe cough or there is a high chance of the hernia degenerate into a strangulated one, and the operation is prohibited, then the bandage is worn constantly. In this case, it is necessary to give the body a rest once a day (the time is determined by the surgeon). It is necessary to properly adjust the bandage so that the child does not feel discomfort.

  • Physical exercise. They should not be sharp and cause strong tension in the muscles of the peritoneum. When they are performed, it is necessary that the hernia be reduced.

Types of exercises:

  • the child should lie on his back, the parents bend and unbend the baby's legs alternately. You can not put much pressure on the hernia area;
  • in the supine position, the child raises and lowers the pelvic region;
  • sitting position, legs bent. In this case, the child should touch the right elbow to the left knee and vice versa.
  • lying on his back, the child should take deep breaths with swelling of the abdomen and exhale. Over time, I begin to put a small load.

The amount of exercise is negotiated with the surgeon. Initially, it is recommended that they be carried out in the exercise therapy room, under the supervision of a specialist. Later it is already allowed at home.

If physical exercises cause pain in the area of ​​the hernia, this is urgently reported to the attending physician, the exercise is canceled.

Methods of surgical treatment

An inguinal hernia in a child (photos of surgical treatment are presented below) is often eliminated by surgery. In boys, when a protrusion is detected, conservative treatment is initially prescribed. If the hernia is not infringed and does not cause discomfort, then the operation is prescribed upon reaching the age of 5 (if the hernia is not repaired conservatively).

In girls, the pathology is eliminated only by surgery. This is justified by the fact that there is a high probability of prolapse and pinching of the ovary (in this case, the necrosis of the eggs occurs). In adulthood, a hernia threatens to prolapse of the uterus into the peritoneum. The operation in girls is performed when they reach 6 months.

Surgical intervention can be carried out in an open or closed way. The method of the operation is determined by the surgeon depending on the condition of the hernia and the age of the child.

hernia excision

Hernia repair is an open type of surgical method for repairing a hernia. It is prescribed if the protrusion big size.

Operation sequence:

  1. The child is put under anesthesia, and a 2-3 cm incision is made in the area of ​​the hernia.
  2. The surgeon assesses the condition of the prolapsed organ (in case of pinching, tissue necrosis is possible), during normal functioning, the prolapsed part is set back into the abdominal cavity. If necrosis is detected, then removal of the damaged part is required.
  3. The emptied hernial sac is removed. The gap through which the hernia prolapsed is sutured. Otherwise, the likelihood of a new protrusion is high.

6 hours before the operation, you can not feed the child, since the introduction of anesthesia may vomit. If complications after the intervention are not observed, then the mother and child are discharged on the 4th day.


Laparoscopy is a closed method of surgical intervention to eliminate a hernia. It is done with a slight protrusion of the hernial sac with contents.

The advantage of the method is a short recovery period(the patient is discharged home on the 2nd day), the absence of postoperative sutures (which can cause complications).

During the operation, 3 incisions are made in the hernia area, through which a camera with a lighting device (to visualize the process), instruments (for removing the hernia) and a tube (for air supply) are inserted.

The method of conducting is similar to the open method.(set the prolapsed organ, remove the hernial sac and sew up the gap through which the protrusion occurred).

Incarcerated hernia - an indication for emergency surgery

An inguinal hernia in a child (photos from the Internet will not help determine complications) can become strangulated at any time. This process can occur due to sneezing, a sharp rise in weight. At the same time, parents can independently notice changes that require emergency surgery.

Changes in the infringement of the inguinal hernia:

  • in the groin area there is a sharp pain, it is possible to turn blue of the fallen area;
  • the child vomits;
  • the abdominal muscles are in a tense state. The hernia itself swells and there is a local increase in temperature;
  • it is impossible to set the hernia back on its own (it is not recommended to do this because of the likelihood of rupture of the hernial sac and damage to the organ). Also, the child simply does not allow to touch it because of the pain;
  • after 5-6 hours, the pain may subside (since tissue necrosis has occurred), while the child becomes pale and lethargic.

The pinched organ stops receiving oxygen and nutrients leading to tissue necrosis. The necrosis of the ovaries (if they are in the hernial sac) occurs 2 hours after pinching, other organs, after 3 hours. That's why it is important to urgently take the child to the surgeon for emergency surgery.

Postoperative Therapy

Depending on what type of surgical intervention was, as well as on age and general condition child, the recovery period can last from 1 week to a month.

After the operation, the bandage needs to be changed. Otherwise, suppuration of the seam may occur. If redness occurs and extraneous discharge appears, it is urgent to conduct an additional examination of the child, perhaps an infection has entered the wound.

After open surgery, the sutures are removed after 7 days, if absorbable sutures were not used. When pain occurs, it is present with this type of surgical intervention, painkillers are prescribed(panadol, paracetamol, ibuprofen).

It is forbidden for the child to give food during the recovery period causing flatulence (cabbage, apples, beans) and constipation (fatty meats, smoked meats, strong tea). Use foods rich in fiber in the menu. It is also advisable to wear a bandage and do strengthening exercises (one week after the operation).

If redness is found at the site of the seam or the child behaves sluggishly, a temperature has appeared, it is necessary to apply for emergency care may develop complications.

Are relapses possible?

After surgical treatment, the reappearance of a hernia occurs in rare cases (less than 0.1%) and if the measures prescribed by the surgeon are not followed. Perhaps the development side effects if the surgery was emergency and the hernia was large. Until complete recovery, the child is registered with the surgeon.

An inguinal hernia may not cause pain for a long time and appear in a child with a slight protrusion during crying or exertion. This pathology requires surgical or conservative treatment, otherwise the likelihood of infringement is high. The photos presented in the article will allow parents to visualize what this pathology looks like.

Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia in a child - photo + video:

Inguinal hernia (in accordance with the ICD code K40) is a common problem, in most cases it is congenital in nature, but an acquired form of the disease also occurs. The mechanism of the formation of pathology is associated with the peculiarity of the intrauterine development of the child.

An inguinal hernia in boys is a pathological protrusion of parts of the internal organs located near the inguinal ring. The disease does not bother for some time, but at any time severe complications may develop that require immediate treatment.

The formation of an inguinal hernia in boys

The formation of a protrusion of the internal organs in the groin area in boys is predominantly congenital in nature and is much more common than in girls. This is explained by the fact that in boys during fetal development, the testicles are located in the peritoneum, from where they descend down during the formation of the fetus. Descending, the testicles take with them a part of the peritoneum, which subsequently forms a small pocket, it is called the vaginal process.

With normal development, it should overgrow, but sometimes, due to some features, it remains open, due to which a hernial cavity is formed, into which internal organs can fall out.

The acquired type of pathology in boys occurs due to:

  1. Intensive loads on the press area.
  2. Weakness of the muscles of the inguinal ring.
  3. Diseases accompanied by severe cough, vomiting, constipation.
  4. Abdominal trauma.

Increased pressure inside the peritoneum provokes an additional load on the muscular wall of the abdominal cavity, the inguinal opening is stretched, which can provoke the formation of a hernia.

How is a hernia

The most common hernial contents in boys in the groin area are loops of the small intestine, since this part has great mobility. In children after 3 years, the omentum may become hernial contents. Less often, the caecum, part of the bladder, protrudes.

All hernias have the same structure:

  1. Hernial orifice - an opening through which the protrusion occurs.
  2. The bag is a part of the connective tissue, fatty tissue surrounding the organs that have gone beyond the peritoneum.
  3. Hernial contents - intestinal loops, omentum and other organs.

Outwardly, the formation resembles a rounded protrusion, which is clearly visible during the tension of the muscles of the peritoneum. In newborns, a hernia is clearly visible during crying, laughing, coughing. In older boys, the pathology is visible while walking, running. At rest, the protrusion may be completely hidden or barely noticeable.

Often, a pathology such as dropsy of the spermatic cord or testicle can join the acquired type of inguinal hernia in a child, sometimes a cyst of the spermatic cord develops.

Classification of pathology

Inguinal hernia is divided into congenital and acquired types. Congenital pathology occurs in 90% of cases. Depending on the structural features, protrusions are straight, oblique, combined.


The prolapse occurs through the medial region of the inguinal ring. In this case, the inner wall of the channel is destroyed. Passing through the inguinal ring, a direct hernia is located medially from the spermatic cord. The scrotal region is not affected.


It occurs both with a congenital form of the disease, and as a result of an acquired pathology. The hernial sac passes here through the lateral fossa, the inguinal canal and exits through the opening in the ligaments of the inguinal region. The spermatic cord is located in front of the hernial sac, the inguinal ring is located under the seed outer fraction.


Another type is a combined hernia with the presence of several bags at once that are not interconnected. Here, both oblique and direct inguinal hernia can develop.

According to the place of localization, the disease is divided into bilateral and unilateral. In most cases, the protrusion is right-sided. Bilateral inguinal form is a rather rare occurrence in pediatrics. In the event of prolapse of organs into the scrotum, the hernia takes the form of an inguinal-scrotal hernia.


Clinical manifestations pathology is difficult to confuse with another disease, therefore differential diagnosis easy. Symptoms of an inguinal hernia in boys' children are, first of all, the formation of a bulge in the inguinal region, which increases with tension in the abdominal muscles. In infants, the pathology is clearly visible at the moment of laughter, crying, defecation. If the child is in horizontal position, the hernia completely or partially disappears.

Pathology may look like this:

  • pulling pain in a child;
  • rumbling of the intestines;
  • pressure in the groin area.

Less common are constipation, urination disorders, and nausea. Inguinal hernia in boys clinical symptoms which are erased, is the most common course in children.

Acute manifestations of pathology are noted due to the development of complications, such as infringement, indigestion due to intestinal obstruction.

Disease danger

An untimely appeal to a specialist can provoke a number of serious consequences, among which there are infringement, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction.

Strangulated inguinal hernia

The most common type of complications, due to which there is a compression of parts of the internal organs by the hernial ring. The main sign of tissue compression is severe pain, which often leads to pain shock. Symptoms of infringement are nausea, vomiting, a sharp deterioration in general well-being, weakness, tearfulness, loss of appetite. The main danger in children, as well as for adults, is tissue necrosis, the spread of the inflammatory process to other organs of the abdominal cavity.

The causes of compression are excessive physical exertion, as a result of which the inguinal ring expands, passing a significant part of the organ through itself, but the compressed tissues do not return back.

A feature of the treatment of infringement in childhood is that sometimes a hernia is reduced by a doctor without surgery. This is explained by the weakness of the muscles of the abdominal wall and the elasticity of the intestinal tissues of the child.


The development of appendicitis is rare. The complication occurs due to the appendix getting into the hernial sac, which entails a sharp violation of the blood circulation of tissues, an inflammatory process, intoxication of the body, and the risk of rupture of the appendix. Treatment of complications is carried out surgically on an emergency basis.


Occurs due to the formation of large sizes. Here, the hernial contents do not fall into place even at rest, which brings the patient a lot of discomfort.

Intestinal obstruction

It is extremely rare in children. Intestinal obstruction is the result of a combination of hernia with diseases of the digestive system, which are characterized by a deterioration in gastric motility. Symptoms of the complication are pain, the impossibility of passing gases, the absence of stools, nausea, and vomiting. The child becomes pale, lethargic, loses appetite.

Regardless of the type of complication, it is essential to seek medical care during the first hours of development of disturbing symptoms. Negligent attitude towards the health of the child is unacceptable.

Methods for treating an inguinal hernia in a child

The disease is diagnosed with the help of a visual examination of the child by a specialist and methods such as ultrasound, plain radiography. The success of therapy depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help.

Is treatment possible without surgery?

Conservative therapy used among babies up to the fourth year of life. The principles of treatment here are the strengthening of the muscles of the abdominal cavity with the help of therapeutic gymnastics, massage or swimming, wearing a bandage to prevent complications.

Treatment with medication is not carried out, as it does not give the desired effect. Medicines are used in the development of the inflammatory process, severe pain and some other manifestations.

Non-surgical treatment at an older age is carried out due to the presence of serious contraindications to surgical treatment.

How is surgical treatment performed?

An operation to remove a hernia is carried out for babies only when they reach six months after birth. The most commonly used hernioplasty. The procedure is easy to perform, takes no more than half an hour, is performed under anesthesia.

Hernioplasty can be done in several ways:

  1. Open - is carried out through an open access to the hernia, in which the tissues are dissected in the region of the protrusion. Hole plasty is performed by superimposing the child's tissues on top of each other or using special mesh implants.
  2. Closed (laparoscopy) - the surgeon operates with the help of punctures through which the necessary equipment is introduced into the abdominal cavity to perform medical manipulations.

The second method is considered more popular, rarely causes complications, does not leave large scars on the body.

Possible complications after surgery

Postoperative complications are rare in children. The most common cases include:

  • suppuration of the seams;
  • development of the inflammatory process of the testicle;
  • the formation of hematomas;
  • bleeding;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • divergence of seams.

Sometimes there is such a consequence as too high fixation of the testicle and the accumulation of lymphatic tissue in the membranes of the testicle.

To prevent complications, after surgery, the child should be under the close supervision of a doctor.

Rehabilitation and prognosis for the child

The children's body tolerates the operation well and in most cases the prognosis for recovery is favorable. To avoid complications, parents must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The nutrition of the baby should be complete, foods that lead to gas formation and constipation should be excluded from the diet.
  2. If the boy is on breastfeeding Mom keeps the diet.
  3. It is necessary to protect the baby from physical exertion. In the postoperative period, it is undesirable to allow prolonged crying of the child.

Older children can strengthen the walls of the peritoneum with the help of a special complex of therapeutic exercises, which the doctor will select.

Timely response to the problem proper treatment and the implementation of the doctor's recommendations during the recovery period after the operation will help to get rid of the pathology once and for all.

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, no folk conspiracies will help the child recover from pathology, especially if the baby has a bilateral inguinal hernia.

Children's inguinal hernia is a fairly common disease, which, with its increase, begins to cause discomfort and pain to the child, but it is treated quite successfully. In the vast majority of cases, the only way to get rid of it is through surgery. Very rarely, the disease can be dealt with by reduction, and for this the doctor prescribes special massages and procedures. Doctors prefer to do the operation after the age of four, and before that, the baby may be recommended to wear a bandage.

Open surgery

There are two types of operations that allow you to get rid of an inguinal hernia. The most common is open surgery. In this case, an incision is made in the groin area. Next, the doctor determines the nature of the hernia, and if it protrudes through the abdominal wall, then they try to push it back. In the event that she has already managed to descend into the groin canal, then the doctors completely remove her. The resulting weakened walls are trying to strengthen and for this they sew the edges of the muscle tissue. This method is applicable for hernias small size, which are congenital in nature, as well as when there is healthy tissue around the incision.

Sufficiently serious complications can cause infringement of the hernia. As a rule, this leads to disturbances in the work of the intestines and organs of the reproductive system.

In the event that the hernia has grown and is large, as well as in the event of a relapse, doctors have to strengthen areas of the abdominal tissues. For this, a special mesh is used, created from a synthetic material. This mesh serves as a kind of patch and helps to significantly reduce the load on weakened tissue areas, and also reduces the risk of relapses.

In the postoperative period, the child should be closely monitored. If redness and swelling are observed in the incision area, as well as blood appears, in addition, the baby becomes capricious and experiences pain, then you should immediately contact the doctors. As a rule, this type of operation is completely safe for children, and the likelihood of relapse is extremely small.

Among the risks to surgery open way refers to the body's reaction to the anesthesia used. In rare cases, nerves can be damaged, as well as loss of sensitivity in some areas of the skin. Sometimes the result of the operation is the development of testicular atrophy or damage to some arteries and veins.

Surgical treatment of hernia by laparoscopy

If a baby has a bilateral hernia, a doctor may prescribe a laparoscopy. It is carried out exclusively under general anesthesia, by making small incisions in the navel. To begin with, a certain amount of air is pumped into the abdominal cavity. This is done so that the specialist can see all the necessary organs.

Several options for the operation

Quite often, the child is discharged from the hospital on the day of the operation, and the recovery period takes an average of up to six weeks.

Through one incision, an instrument called a laparoscope is inserted, which allows the surgeon to observe the interior. All the instruments necessary for the operation are inserted through the remaining incisions. With the help of them, a specialist performs herniography and, if required, hernioplasty. After this type of operation, the recovery period is somewhat less than with open intervention. In addition, the likelihood of various complications is much lower. The only downside is the higher risk of relapse.

In general, any surgery for the treatment of inguinal hernia is considered completely safe, and possible complications occur extremely rarely. On average, surgery lasts fifteen minutes. As a rule, after the operation, the child is sent home, sometimes he may be left in the hospital for a couple of days for observation. During the recovery period, it is recommended to give the baby as many vitamins as possible and make sure that he does not touch the healing scars.

Folk methods for the treatment of inguinal hernia

For the treatment of inguinal hernia, you can use sour cabbage leaf. It should be regularly applied to the affected area. You can also use a compress of sauerkraut brine. It helps to use a solution of cold water and vinegar, which need to wash the resulting protrusion.

It is recommended to make compresses from oak infusion. To prepare it, it is necessary to grind the acorns and oak bark well, after which pour all this with red wine and insist for three weeks. You can use poultices from herb herb. The leaves of the plant are steamed and applied to the affected area.

One of the folk remedies - poultices from the herb herb

When treating an inguinal hernia, it is recommended to take infusions of various herbs that help strengthen ligaments and tissues. Cornflower flowers are suitable for this. It is necessary to take three spoons of flowers and pour boiling water over them, then insist. You can use bramble or gooseberry leaves. Meadowsweet showed good results. All these tinctures should be taken orally for a long time.

A hernia is also treated with a hot infusion of larch bark. To prepare it, you should take five tablespoons of the bark and pour half a liter of boiling water over them, then insist for a day. Then the resulting mixture is filtered and ingested several times a day for fifteen days. From this solution, you can also make compresses on a sore spot.

also in folk medicine use infusions of horsetail or immortelle. It is recommended to take a strong infusion of wormwood prepared with wine.. It is applied as a compress. You can try to make a compress of crushed garlic and rye bread or plantain.

Traditional medicine for inguinal hernia should in no case be considered as the main method of treatment.. It should be remembered that almost the only way to get rid of the disease is surgery. In any case, before making a decision, you should consult your doctor.

What is an inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia

Types and causes

congenital and acquired. What is an inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia- this is a disease in which the internal organs (intestine, omentum, etc.) protrude through the inguinal canal under the skin

Inguinal hernias are much more common than other types. Approximately 80% of all hernias are inguinal. They are much more common in men than in women. This is due to the fact that the inguinal canal in men is wider, because the spermatic cord and blood vessels that feed the testicle pass through it.

Types and causes of hernia
Inguinal hernias are of the following types:

congenital and acquired.Congenital inguinal hernia in children are formed during the descent of the testicle from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum in boys (or the ovary into the pelvis in girls) during fetal development. By the time of birth, the peritoneal opening through which they descended is overgrown. If it is not overgrown in time, then through this hole, after the testicle (ovary), internal organs can exit.

There is a weakness of the abdominal wall and ligamentous apparatus, which is caused by heredity and the unfavorable course of pregnancy. Most often they occur in premature and debilitated children (five times more often than in full-term ones). 5% of newborns have a congenital inguinal hernia. It is 7 times more common in boys than in girls. Often with a hernia in boys, cryptorchidism is combined - an undescended testicle.

Acquired inguinal hernias
The following types of hernias are also distinguished:
Oblique, straight and combined- difference in them anatomical structure and the direction of protrusion of the hernial sac.
correctable and not correctable

Infringement of inguinal hernia
two reasons:

Symptoms of a strangulated hernia:

Treatment of inguinal hernia

Prevention of inguinal hernia in men and women
2. Abdominal muscle training;
3. Normalization of weight;

Symptoms of congenital inguinal hernia in children

Symptoms of inguinal hernia in men and women

2. Uncomfortable walking

Early symptoms of an inguinal hernia

Treatment of an inguinal hernia with folk remedies without surgery - how to treat an inguinal hernia according to healthy lifestyle recipes

Exercises for healing

3. "Scissors"

How to treat an inguinal hernia with sauerkraut brine

Compresses for the treatment of folk remedies

Herbs for the treatment of inguinal hernia folk remedies and methods
Treatment with cornflower flowers.
Treatment with leaves.
Meadowsweet treatment. 1 tsp herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drink the infusion 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.
(Healthy lifestyle 2009 No. 13, p. 15)

Treatment of inguinal hernia with larch bark

Other folk methods treatment of inguinal hernia in men and women without surgery:

On this page we will talk about the treatment of inguinal hernia without surgery with the help of folk remedies according to the recipes of the newspaper "Herald Healthy Lifestyle".

What is an inguinal hernia
An inguinal hernia is a disease in which internal organs (intestines, omentum, etc.) protrude through the inguinal canal under the skin

Inguinal hernias are much more common than other types. Approximately 80% of all hernias are inguinal. They are much more common in men than in women. This is due to the fact that the inguinal canal in men is wider, because the spermatic cord and blood vessels that feed the testicle pass through it.

Types and causes
Inguinal hernias are of the following types:

congenital and acquired.Congenital inguinal hernias in children are formed during the descent of the testicle from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum in boys (or the ovary into the pelvis in girls) during fetal development. By the time of birth, the peritoneal opening through which they descended is overgrown. If it is not overgrown in time, then through this hole, after the testicle (ovary), internal organs can exit.

Cause of congenital inguinal hernia is the weakness of the abdominal wall and ligamentous apparatus, which is caused by heredity and the unfavorable course of pregnancy. Most often they occur in premature and debilitated children (five times more often than in full-term ones). 5% of newborns have a congenital inguinal hernia. It is 7 times more common in boys than in girls. Often with an inguinal hernia in boys, cryptorchidism is combined - an undescended testicle.
Unlike an umbilical hernia in children, a congenital inguinal hernia does not go away on its own. The operation is performed at the age of 6-12 months.

Acquired inguinal hernias more often develop in men and occur due to weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen, which occurs with age, with neglect exercise or due to heavy physical work. The combination of these factors is especially dangerous - with weakened muscles, it is sharp to take up hard work.

The following types of hernias are also distinguished:
Oblique, straight and combined - the difference in them is the anatomical structure and the direction of the protrusion of the hernial sac.
Inguinal hernias are also subdivided into correctable and not correctable(when the fallen internal organs are soldered to the hernial sac)

Infringement of inguinal hernia
- this is squeezing of the hernial contents in the hernial orifice. Infringement can be caused two reasons:
1) Sudden release of a large number of viscera through the hernial orifice into the hernial sac with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This can happen with physical exertion, heavy lifting, a sharp cough.
2) Overflow with fecal masses of the intestinal loop located inside the hernial sac.
Infringement of inguinal hernia in men occurs much less frequently than in women.

Symptoms of a strangulated hernia:
1. Sharp pain in the area of ​​hernial protrusion
2. Irreducibility of a previously reduced hernia
3. Vomiting, nausea, stool retention.
With these symptoms, you need to call an ambulance

Treatment of inguinal hernia
Treatment can only be surgical. But folk remedies will help stop the development of a hernia, avoid the serious consequences of this disease.

Prevention of inguinal hernia in men and women
1. Wearing a bandage during pregnancy, in old age;
2. Abdominal muscle training;
3. Normalization of weight;
4. Normalization of bowel function

Inguinal hernia - Symptoms of inguinal hernia in children and adults

Symptoms of congenital inguinal hernia in children
There is swelling in the groin area. When crying, straining the child, the swelling turns into a painless protrusion, which disappears or decreases in the supine position.
The contents of such a hernia in children are usually loops of the small intestine; in girls, the ovary and fallopian tubes are sometimes released into the inguinal canal.

Symptoms of inguinal hernia in men and women
Symptoms of a hernia depend on its size and content.
1. With a hernia in the inguinal region, a protrusion appears, which increases with straining and coughing. In men with an oblique hernia, its contents can descend into the scrotum, which causes the scrotum to increase on one side, in women - into the labia majora. Over time, the hernia will continue to grow, more and more organs will descend into it: small intestine, omentum, caecum, bladder, sigmoid colon, internal female reproductive organs. There are cases when, with an oblique inguinal hernia in men, the scrotum descended to the knees.
2. Uncomfortable walking
3. Violation of stool and urination
4. Sometimes pain can be a symptom. The pain is localized in the area of ​​​​the hernial protrusion, but can spread to the lower back or to the genitals. After physical exertion, the pain intensifies. With a hernia in women, if the fallopian tubes and the ovary get into it, the pain is especially strong, and increases during menstruation.

Early symptoms of an inguinal hernia
One of the following symptoms may indicate the appearance of an inguinal hernia:
1. A bump can sometimes appear and disappear in the groin area.
2. Bumps may appear in the groin area when coughing
3. Causeless pain in the groin, burning
4. Pain in the groin, aggravated by physical exertion, coughing.

Treatment of inguinal hernia without surgery using folk remedies according to the recipes of the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle"

Exercises for healing
The man had an inguinal hernia. The following exercises helped to improve the condition:
1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, hands behind your head, palms on the back of your head. Raise your left knee and elbow right hand reach out to him. Return to i. n. Then raise the right knee and reach it with the elbow of the left hand. And so 50 times. 2 times a day.
2. Spin the pedals while lying on your back.
3. "Scissors"
4. Lateral circular movements with each leg, while holding the hernia.

The following folk remedy helps: put a five-kopeck coin on the hernia area until 1961 and fix it with adhesive tape. Instead of a coin, you can take a copper plate (HLS 2002 No. 17, p. 19)

How to treat an inguinal hernia with sauerkraut brine
An inguinal hernia is well treated with a sour cabbage leaf - it must be constantly applied to the place where the hernia bulges. In this folk remedy, application cabbage leaf can be replaced with compresses with sauerkraut brine (HLS 2003 No. 3, p. 12)

Compresses for the treatment of folk remedies
In the treatment of a hernia, daily washing of the hernial protrusion with a cold solution of water and vinegar will help (1-2 tablespoons of 4% vinegar per 1 tablespoon of water). After vinegar washing, make a warm compress of oak infusion for 30 minutes. For infusion, grind acorns, bark, oak leaves, fill a jar with them 2/3 of the volume, pour red wine to the top, leave for 21 days.
It is advisable to alternate oak compresses with poultices from hernia grass: steam the grass and apply it to the area of ​​the inguinal hernia. These folk remedies will stop the growth of a hernia, help to avoid complications. (Healthy lifestyle 2009 No. 13, p. 15)

Herbs for the treatment of inguinal hernia folk remedies and methods
It is desirable to combine the above external treatment with the intake of herbal infusions, which have a beneficial effect on strengthening the ligaments and connective tissue in the body.
Treatment with cornflower flowers. 3 tsp pour 0.5 liters of flowers. boiling water, insist, drink the infusion during the day in 3-4 doses before meals.
Treatment with leaves. 1 st. l. flowers, pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours, drink the infusion in sips throughout the day.
Hernia treatment with gooseberry leaves. 4 tsp leaves pour 0.5 liters. boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drink half a glass 4 times a day before meals
Meadowsweet treatment. 1 tsp herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drink the infusion 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals. (Healthy lifestyle 2009 No. 13, p. 15)

Alternative treatment of inguinal hernia with larch bark
Hot infusions from young larch bark treat hernia, prostate adenoma and tumors.
5 st. l. crushed bark pour 3 cups boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos. Then strain and drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. One course of treatment - 15 days, then take a break for 7 days, and a new course. All treatment should last 2-6 months.
The hernia is treated externally with the same infusion - compresses are made from hot infusion 1-2 times a day (HLS 20010 No. 7, p. 37)

Other methods of treating inguinal hernia in men and women without surgery:
IN folk treatment also apply:
1. Infusion of immortelle or horsetail - drink 2-3 glasses a day
2. Strong infusions of wormwood on water or wine - applied in the form of compresses
3. Rub the garlic with rye bread and make a compress.

Most often, inguinal hernia in children is congenital. According to statistics, it occurs in 5% of newborns. It is believed that the bulk of the disease occurs in male infants. However, experts do not trace such dependence in children. Babies with hereditary pathology and premature babies are predisposed to the appearance of a hernia. In the absence of early diagnosis, the likelihood of prolonged treatment and serious complications is high.

Features of treatment

In many cases on initial stage it is difficult to diagnose the disease. Outwardly, the hernia does not manifest itself in any way, it does not bring anxiety to the child. Short-term pain and colic, not particularly attentive parents, are not associated with an inguinal hernia. Many surgeons believe that to cure it, even for early stage can only be achieved through surgical intervention.

Physicians resort to a non-surgical technique in such exceptional cases:

  • after operations, when repeated operations are temporarily impossible for certain reasons;
  • postoperative hernia recurrence;
  • in the presence of contraindications to the operation (diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels).

How is the treatment without surgery

To date, there are two conservative methods of treating inguinal hernia in children in the world.

1. One of them - injection - has been widely used in America since the end of the 19th century. Its essence is to close the uncovered vaginal process with a tissue growing from its walls (obliteration). The process is quite long and complicated. The patient spent about 2 months in a bandage. Then he was injected with novocaine for pain relief. This was followed by a course of sclerosing injections, which cut the inguinal region. After that, within six months it was necessary to wear a bandage again.

2. But domestic medicine found this method not only ineffective and expensive, but also ineffective. Therefore, the main method of non-surgical treatment was the wearing of a bandage. Its function is to maintain the abdominal organs and prevent it from sinking into the hernial sac. In this case, the child has the opportunity to actively move.

The bandage is worn on the naked body. At night, it is advisable to remove it and wash the hernia area with warm water. If the baby has a cold, often coughs, sneezes, then the bandage is removed for only a few hours. Although the device does not squeeze the body, you can do a light massage in and around the hernia to improve blood circulation. In the hot season, the skin must be treated with talc or powder so that there is no irritation.

3. For premature and weakened children, a hernia is first attempted to be corrected. They are given promedol, atropine, pantopon. A warm heating pad is placed on the tummy, warm baths are shown. The child's legs are fixed in an elevated position. If this fails, an operation is indicated.

Folk methods of treatment

In the arsenal of folk remedies there are infusions, lotions and compresses. For children, especially newborns, external treatment is most suitable.

A groin mass can be rubbed every day with a solution of apple cider vinegar and warm water. After that, a compress from a decoction of crushed acorns, oak bark and leaves will be effective (taken in equal parts).

Traditional healers advise tying a fern leaf to the hernia at night or putting a nettle compress. It is mixed with homemade thick sour cream and applied to the hernia area. Top cover with a leaf of cabbage or burdock and a cotton napkin. The effect can come after a month of daily procedures.

Another common compress:

  • white acacia flowers;
  • ammonia;
  • black bread;
  • minced garlic.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the hernia and the area around it.

But it is worth remembering that such treatment is not an alternative. These funds can be just an addition to traditional therapy. They do not insure against visiting a doctor and undergoing adequate treatment.