Immunological blood test: if you need to check the immune armor for strength. The purpose and importance of an immunological blood test Immunological examination of blood serum

Update: December 2018

A complete immunity test is not a routine test. Due to the high cost of reagents and the need for special equipment, an immunogram can only be done in large general hospitals or private medical laboratories. Despite this, the procedure may be required for any person who has been found to have signs of immunodeficiency without any obvious cause, such as HIV, diabetes, oncological disease etc.

Most often, the implementation of an immunogram is required for children of preschool and school age, since it is during this period of life that the “debut” of a number of hereditary diseases occurs.

What is an immunogram?

This is a special blood test that allows you to evaluate the number of various immune cells, antibodies produced by them and a number of other substances that indicate the state of the body's defense systems. Depending on the purpose of the study and the capabilities of the laboratory, the number of parameters studied can vary significantly. An extended study allows you to study more than 25 different indicators - such an analysis reveals even hidden violations that cannot be detected by standard methods.

Human immunity can be divided into two parts - "slow" (humoral) and "fast" (cellular). The fast link reacts almost immediately after the pathogen (virus, fungus, bacteria, protozoa, etc.) enters the body. The task of this group of cells includes the following functions:

  1. Absorb and "digest" a malicious agent;
  2. Present or "tell" about the pathogen to other immune cells that cannot detect it on their own;
  3. Destroy the largest number of identified microbes;
  4. Fighting various tumors and autoimmune processes is another important function of the immune system, which often does not allow the body to cope with the disease on its own.

After the "fast" link has absorbed the foreign body and told the "slow" link about it, the slow process of creating and releasing antibodies into the blood starts. Antibodies are substances that destroy a specific type of pathogenic agent. They are very specific and, in most cases, help the body finally cope with the existing disease. On average, the duration of their creation is 2-3 weeks.

The immunogram indicators reflect the work of each of the protection links. It is on the basis of their changes that a conclusion is made about the absence / presence of immunodeficiencies, about the type of violation and the optimal method of therapy.

Immunity link, studied parameter Function

Cellular ("fast")

Recognition of harmful microorganisms and their destruction
T-helpers (CD4+) "Tell" about the presence of the pathogen to other cells-defenders, play a significant role in the formation of long-term immunity.
T-suppressors (CD8+) Regulation of the activity of defense systems, protect the body from the development of autoimmune reactions (when antibodies are produced against healthy tissues)
Controlling the rate of cell self-destruction

Humoral ("slow")

B cells (CD+, 19CD+)

Responsible for the production of specific antibodies. In most cases, it is thanks to this pool of cells that a complete recovery occurs.

Protect the body from reinfection the same infection over a period of time.

Immunoglobulin G Antibodies produced by B cells. When binding with a harmful microbe, they destroy its wall, as a result of which death occurs.
Immunoglobulin M
Immunoglobulin A
Immunoglobulin Responsible for the development of any allergic reactions.

natural killer (CD16+) or NK cells Provide natural anti-tumor immunity
Cells with HLA marker Reflects the activity of the immune mechanisms
Phagocytosis Recognition, engulfment and presentation of harmful agents to T-cells
Laboratory test that reflects the work of the cellular link.
NST-test Allows you to evaluate the activity of phagocytosis
Complement Prevents the formation of large immune complexes (compounds of harmful particles with antibodies). Participates in the neutralization of microbes

In some cases, the doctor may recommend supplementing the analysis with a study of the content of interleukins in the blood - these are special substances that provide the interconnection of various components of defense systems. In violation of their production, immunodeficiency states can also form.


  1. Frequent severe infectious diseases, especially in children of preschool and school age. At the moment, there is no consensus on what counts as "common" and "severe" infections. However, you should begin to suspect problems with immunity in the following situations:
    1. SARS in children of mild and moderate severity more often 5-6 times a year;
    2. In adults (except the elderly) - more than 3 times a year;
  2. The presence in the past of episodes of the following diseases: necrotic tonsillitis, erysipelas, candidal oropharyngitis, systemic herpes infection, atypical pneumonia (mycoplasmal, chlamydial, pneumocystis), any fungal diseases in children (except toenail fungus);
  3. Detection in the blood of a low level of leukocytes without any obvious reason: a previous viral infection, the presence of an autoimmune or oncological disease, secondary immunodeficiencies (HIV, diabetes mellitus, aplastic anemia, the consequences of taking certain medications, etc.). The norm of leukocytes for people from 15 years old: from 4 to 9 * 10 9 cells / liter. When examining blood in children, it is necessary to use age-specific norms.

Before examining the immunogram, it is necessary to exclude the presence of secondary immunodeficiencies, which were listed above. Detecting them is quite simple, using routine blood tests, while their cost will be much lower than the examination of the function of leukocytes and other phagocytes.

Preparation for the procedure

To obtain objective results, it is necessary to act correctly before taking blood. To do this, it is enough to be guided by the following simple rules:

  1. It is better to pass the examination in the morning, on an empty stomach. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is permissible to donate blood at any other time after the 4-hour fasting period;
  2. It is not recommended to drink alcohol, caffeine-containing drinks, energy drinks within 3 hours before the analysis. Water and weak tea can be drunk without restrictions;
  3. A few hours before the procedure, you should not smoke or be in the presence of a smoking person;
  4. Immediately before blood donation, significant physical activity (running, weight lifting, sports), contrast water procedures, hypothermia / overheating of the body;
  5. To obtain the greatest information content, it is better to carry out an immunogram for a child and an adult in a period of complete health. During an illness, the body will react to damage to its own tissues or to an infection, so it is quite difficult to draw a conclusion about the blood picture.


Deciphering an immunogram is much more difficult than analyzing a conventional blood test. This study includes a large number of indicators that not only need to be compared with existing standards, but also analyzed as a whole. However, first of all, it is necessary to know the normal values.

In different laboratories, they may differ slightly. This is due to the use of various means, diagnostic methods and reagents. As a rule, the norms of the immunogram are given on the sheet with the results of the examination. If they are absent, we suggest using the following immunogram table:

Immunogram index Norm

Cellular ("fast")

Cytotoxic T cells (CD3+, CD8+)

0.3-0.9*10 9 /l

T-helpers (CD4+)

0.45-0.86*10 9 /l

T-suppressors (CD8+)

0.26-0.53*10 9 /l

T cells with IL-2 receptor (CD25+)

0.01-0.08*10 9 /l

Apoptosis marker carriers (CD95+)

0.11-0.3*10 9 /l

Humoral ("slow")

B cells (CD20+)

0.12-0.33*10 9 /l

Immunoglobulin G 7.5-15.46, g/l
Immunoglobulin M 0.65-1.65, g/l
Immunoglobulin A 1.25-2.52, g/l
Immunoglobulin D 0-0.07, g/l

Non-specific indicators (reflect the work of both links)

Natural/natural killer (CD16+) or NK cells

0.16-0.36*10 9 /l

Cells with HLA marker

Lymphocytes: 0.17*10 9 /l

Monocytes: 0.18*10 9 /l

Phagocytic index 60-90, %
phagocytic number 6-9, units
Leukocyte migration inhibition reaction (abbreviated as RTML)

With specific antigen: 82-121%

With phytohemagglutinin (with PHA): 21-80%

With concavalin A (with ConA): 40-76%


Spontaneous: 5-12%

Activated: 10-35%

Complement 30-50, %

Click to enlarge

Principles for decoding results

The analysis of the immunogram should be carried out by a specialist with the qualification of "immunologist". In this case, the probability of obtaining the correct conclusion is extremely high. The doctor conducts a comprehensive assessment of all parameters in order to determine the presence / absence of problems in the cellular or humoral immunity. Further treatment tactics, the method of maintaining immunity and the prevention of frequent infections will depend on this.

  • In most cases, a decrease in indicators that reflect the state of the cellular or "fast" link is a sign of a problem with the activation or production of T cells.
  • An exception is the number of T-suppressors - an increase in this pool of cells will indicate a decrease in the protective functions of a person. Such results, obtained when deciphering the immunogram in children, are often a sign of primary T-cell immunodeficiency. This is a group of congenital diseases in which the body cannot “repel attacks” of hostile microorganisms in a timely manner and well enough.
  • Problems in the humoral link will be indicated by a reduced number of B-cells and immunoglobulins (except for IgE, which is responsible for the development of allergies). It should be remembered that only a simultaneous decrease in the concentration of B-lymphocytes and the antibodies produced by them (immunoglobulins) is significant.

Other indicators allow you to clarify the nature of the violations and confirm the alleged diagnosis. It must be emphasized once again that only an immunologist can interpret this complex analysis correctly.

Determination of the degree of immune disorders

There are a large number of approaches to assess the patient's condition. Some of them offer a calculation of the number of diseases, taking into account their severity per year, others are purely calculation methods. An immunogram can also be used to determine the severity of disorders in the work of the humoral and cellular link or to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment over a certain amount of time.

To do this, you need to use the following formula:

((Pathological indicator of the patient / Norm of this indicator) - 1) * 100%

The number of B-cells, Cytotoxic cells or T-helpers is most often used as the parameter under study. If the result obtained is negative, it is possible to determine the severity of the violations and the need for active drug therapy:

Reasons for false results

In addition to the innate features of immunity, there are a large number of pathologies that lead to a change in the analysis indicators. In order not to get confused, you need to understand what the immunogram actually shows. It reflects the number and condition of various groups of leukocytes and phagocytes - blood cells and internal organs responsible for protecting the body.

Traditionally, an immunogram is used to detect inherited immune disorders. Therefore, before it is carried out, the presence of the most common conditions that can also have a negative impact on the natural protection of a person should be excluded. These include:

  • Malignant tumors of any organ;
  • Autoimmune diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic scleroderma and lupus, various systemic vasculitis (including Behcet's disease, microscopic and giant cell vasculitis, periarteritis nodosa, etc.);
  • Viral diseases, including HIV, "blood" hepatitis;
  • Severe intoxication: alcohol, narcotic substances, industrial harmful substances, poisons, etc.;
  • Aplastic anemia is a group of diseases in which the growth and maturation of all blood cells is disrupted;
  • Consequences of radiation exposure.

It must also be remembered that the cause of a false increase or decrease in parameters may be improper preparation for blood donation. Only after the exclusion of all of the above conditions can we talk about the presence of primary immunodeficiency. Medical genetic testing can be used as a confirmatory test.

"Myths" about immunity

Fresh fruits and vegetables will improve the shaken immune system

Undoubtedly, these products are useful in many diseases. In particular, they are a source of plant fiber, which stimulates normal digestion. With atrophy of the gastric mucosa, they improve the secretion of digestive juices and help in the processing of food. However, the amount of vitamins obtained from fruits and vegetables is extremely small and cannot help in the treatment of immune disorders;

Identified immunodeficiency in a child can be left untreated - after puberty it will pass on its own

This opinion is very common not only among the population, but also among a certain group of doctors. Such a judgment is very dangerous - the question of the need for treatment in each individual case is decided by an immunologist. And if the risk of frequent and severe infections outweighs the risk of side effects from drugs (which are quite rare), therapy is necessary for the child;

Immunomodulators are absolutely useless in the treatment of immunodeficiencies

A few years ago, a large study was conducted, which confirmed that the use of immunomodulators reduces the duration of ARVI treatment by only 1 day or less. That is, they have a completely insignificant effect. This argument is often used by some doctors and patients, justifying their refusal to use them in primary immunodeficiencies. Does this argument bother you?

  • First, the aim of the study was to evaluate the effect on the duration of treatment, but not on prevention occurrence of infectious diseases.
  • Secondly, it was carried out healthy people who were not immunocompromised. If you study foreign literature and the results of suitable research papers, you can find the following information. Immunomodulators have relatively little efficacy, but they prevent the development of severe and frequent infections in people with primary immunodeficiencies, and also reduce the likelihood of death.

At the moment, there are other, more effective ones abroad. medicines to maintain the body's defense systems. Their price alone is many times higher, and availability in Russia is extremely limited. Therefore, immunomodulators, lysates of microorganisms, interferon preparations are one of the options for the treatment of these diseases in the Russian Federation.

HIV should be diagnosed by immunogram

Undoubtedly, with prolonged exposure to the immunodeficiency virus, the number of CD4+ cells decreases. It is by this indicator that the severity of the disease and the likelihood of developing deadly infections associated with AIDS and HIV are often assessed. However, more specific methods, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblotting, must be used to diagnose this infection.

It is based on the detection of antibodies to a specific antigen in the blood and the determination of their concentration. These can be antigens of bacteria, viruses, parasites, or the body's own (altered or unchanged) antigens. Since immunoglobulins are always specific for an antigen, their detection in the blood clearly indicates the presence of a particular antigen.

What does the analysis show?

The principle of analysis is very simple and precise - if there is an antibody, then there is also the desired antigen. But which antibodies are tested for? Here are the classes of antibodies that the assay can detect:

1. Immunoglobulin A (secretory). This type of immunoglobulin is present mainly on the mucous membranes. Its blood contains about 15% of the total amount of immunoglobulins. Its amount increases in autoimmune diseases and decreases in immunodeficiency states.

3. Immunoglobulin G. This is a protein of persistent immunity against bacterial and viral infections. Normally, they are present in a constant concentration of IgG to the antigens of the causative agents of past diseases or to those from which they were vaccinated. An increase in their number indicates a chronic inflammatory or autoimmune process. The decline is about immunodeficiency.

4. Immunoglobulin M. It has the ability to bind several antigens of the same type at once. It is released during the initial contact of the immune system with an unknown antigen, in the acute phase of inflammatory diseases, in the first days after vaccination. This group includes antigens of blood groups, Rh factor and rheumatoid factor. A decrease in their content indicates immunodeficiency of various origins (immunosuppressive therapy, radiation immunodeficiency, removal of the spleen).

Immunoglobulins of all these classes are specific, they are isolated only in the presence of a specific, “own” immunoglobulin, and their concentration increases only in the presence of this antigen. This selectivity makes immunoassay a very accurate diagnostic tool.

When is an immunoassay ordered?

There are many indications for the appointment of such an analysis; it allows you to confirm or exclude many diseases, such as:

Immunological studies and their methods are used in a number of cases. Among them may be the detection of pathologies, the determination of the state of the immune system at the moment, and many other cases. It is known that such an analysis is based on the interaction of two substances: an antigen and an antibody.

Antigens are substances that enter the body as foreign macromolecular compounds, and the task of immunology is to determine and analyze the reaction. They have the following properties: immunogenicity, antigenicity, foreignness. Bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms are contained in antibodies. All of them have common features, properties, regardless of the specification. Among them stand out: antigenicity, immunogenicity, specificity. Each property has its own function. Antigenicity, for example, is the ability to provoke an immune response. Specificity is a property that consists in the structural features of microorganisms (antigens), which allows them to differ.

Finally, immunogenicity, which provides immunity to infectious pathologies. In other words, it is the ability to develop immunity. Antibodies that interact with antigens are substances (particularly proteins) that belong to immunoglobulins. The variety of mechanisms of interaction between these two substances makes it possible to study immunological processes and reactions. Depending on the factors of influence, 2 stages are carried out between the antigen and the antibody: specific and nonspecific.

Immunological studies have found their application in various fields of medicine. This method is the diagnosis and prognosis of certain diseases. As a rule, most often this applies to rheumatic pathologies (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, etc.). Immunological blood tests are necessary to determine the state of the immune system at this stage.

The analysis is aimed at determining the intensity of immunity, that is, how strong the body's defense system is. Immunological assays have also been created and used to analyze the function and number of immune cells in the presence of an antigen. It is this analysis that helps to determine such factors as immunodeficiency (primary or secondary) or the presence of autoimmune, infectious, hematological pathologies. Immunological studies also reveal lymphoproliferative diseases. Therefore, their role in the field of medical diagnostic methods is important today.

However, such a specific analysis is prescribed in specific cases. Immunological analysis is necessary if: infectious pathologies are repeatedly repeated after a certain period of time; an infectious disease is treated for a long time, conventional methods of treatment are useless; Immunodeficiency in humans is hereditary or acquired. If: an allergy occurs that has not previously been observed; before the operation; the period after surgery is long and with complications; special medications are used that require control - then an immunological blood test should be used. The last factor (the use of special drugs, drugs) includes immunomodulators, immunosuppressants and other medicines.

What is an immunological blood test? First of all, this is the same blood test as the others. It is taken from the vein of the elbow. The results are dealt with by an immunologist, who will analyze the state of the immune system at the moment. Depending on what complaints and for what reason they decided to do such an analysis, the doctor checks the blood for pathologies. Particular attention will be paid if there are deviations from the norm of about 20%.

Deviations with the lowest indicators are determined by physical activity, emotional stress and other factors. But with an increase in the indicator, the reason is revealed. If necessary, other tests and examinations are prescribed. If a pathology is detected, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications, vitamins or remedies. traditional medicine as needed.

Main analysis indicators

Immunology has been successfully used to detect and enumerate indicators such as cells of the immune system. All protective cells of the body are divided into types and immunoglobulins. An immunological blood test allows you to determine the disease or analyze the activity of all cells. Therefore, based on the complexity of the study, the patient receives the results after some time.

To speed up the research process, it is recommended to immediately clarify the purpose for which you are taking the analysis. According to statistics, the study is mainly carried out: subpopulations of lymphocytes, immunoglobulins (IgA, IgM, IgG). In the first case, we are talking about blood white cells, which perform a number of functions. Among them: the recognition of foreign substances (cells), which include antigens, the production of antibodies that oppose them (they fight foreign cells), the regulation of the protective (immune) processes of the body, the ability to recognize and destroy foreign cells. These include cancer. As for immunoglobulins, their task is to neutralize all the infection and toxins that enter the body. As a rule, immunoglobulins are divided into several classes - A, M, G. Immunoglobulins of the first class (A) are responsible for the protective function of the mucous membranes.

If class A cells are elevated, then there are problems with the skin, digestion or respiratory tract. Remember that such immunoglobulins appear in large quantities in case of intoxication (alcoholic, toxic), kidney and liver diseases. Immunoglobulins of the second class (M) are mainly produced in large quantities at the onset of pathology. This is the body's primary reaction to any disease. If immunoglobulins are elevated, then you may have problems with the liver. Most often, elevated immunoglobulin M occurs with hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. The last class of protective cells (immunoglobulin G) is the main one. The fact is that it is these cells that protect the body from the re-penetration of viruses, infections, bacteria. There are more of them compared to cells of other classes. It is they who kill all viruses, fungi or bacteria, and also neutralize the action of toxins that have entered the body.

If you want the result to be as accurate as possible, it is advisable to follow a few rules. First, do not drink anything (except water) and do not eat for 12 hours before the test. Secondly, it is recommended to conduct research in the morning. In no case do not drink alcoholic beverages before the delivery for 12 hours. You can not smoke one hour before the immunological analysis. Be sure to sit down and calm down 15 minutes before the test (if you are nervous). you must remain calm so that emotional and physical stresses are excluded as a result of the study.

Immunological research methods

Today there are hundreds of such methods. Based on the fact that the result information is limited, one method is applied.

For example, in order to detect viruses in the human body that lead to immunodeficiency, the following methods are used: enzyme immunoassay method, immunochemiluminescent analysis, passive hemagglutination method and precipitation method. All of them are aimed at detecting viruses. There are other methods, each of which is aimed at identifying a particular disease or analyzing the immune system.

Immunity is one of the main human abilities to resist the harmful effects of external pathogens. The body is constantly attacked by various pathogenic microorganisms. In the normal state of the immune system, the negative effect does not harm health, and the harmful effects are completely suppressed due to the protective function. To determine the readiness of the body to withstand the attacks of pathogenic organisms, an analysis is prescribed for an immunogram, the decoding of which allows you to assess the correct operation of the human defense system.

An immunological blood test, you can also find the name of an immunity test, is carried out using various methods. The study of the immune status and the method of implementation depends on the studied indicators. The following methods are distinguished: enzyme immunoassay, immunochemical, immunohematological, radioimmune, immunochemiluminescent analysis and others. Each study differs in the methods used and the plasma components studied. For example, radioimmunoassay consists in fixing the results with the help of radioactivity counters.

An immunohematological blood test is prescribed to determine the blood group, the Rh factor, as well as to assess the functioning of cellular and humoral immunities.

An immunochemical blood test involves the study of the level of immunoglobulins and hormones that affect reproductive function. The doctor may also prescribe an extended immunogram, within which the following components of the defense system are examined: leukocytes, phagocytes, cells of the lymphocytic group, as well as immunoglobulins of classes A, M, G, complement components and circulating immune complexes (CIC).

There is a large list of indications, in the presence of which a blood test for immune status is performed. How to check immunity, by what method the doctor should determine, based on complaints and symptoms. Indications for donating blood for an immunogram are the following pathological disorders:

A mandatory indication for an analysis of the immune status is preparation for organ transplantation, especially in a child. Immunohematology plays an important role for donors in plasma transfusion. The doctor may also order an analysis to determine physiological changes in the defense system, for example, in pregnant women, the elderly and children.

What indicators are studied with an immunogram

To understand what an immunogram is, it is enough to consider its significance in diagnosis and the components studied in the analysis. An immunological blood test involves a comprehensive study of indicators that allow you to assess the body's ability to withstand the effects of harmful pathogens. The doctor should decipher the results, since it is necessary to consider not only the meaning of individual numbers, but also their relationship. A blood test for immunity is prescribed for both adult patients and children. In the course of the study, such indicators are studied as:

Deciphering the analysis for immunology allows the doctor to get a complete picture of the state of the defense system. If the indicators deviate from the norm, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic methods (MRI, ultrasound, CT, angiography, and others) to confirm the diagnosis. Immunological blood tests and interpretation of the results also involve a comparison of data with complaints and previously diagnosed pathologies, both in the patient himself and in his immediate family.

Permissible values ​​and reasons for deviation

The immunogram and the interpretation of its results include a cumulative assessment of several indicators at the same time, and not one specific one separately. It is thanks to the study of the complex of immunoglobulins (proteins) that it is possible to assess the state of the human defense system, as well as to detect pathological disorders. The deviation of the results of the analysis of the immunogram occurs under the following conditions:

This list presents only the most common indicators studied in the immunogram. The doctor, when referring for analysis, based on the patient's complaints and the symptoms present, chooses the level of which antibodies to be investigated. If the results are rejected, the doctor should prescribe treatment. Self-treatment can aggravate the situation.

Immunity analysis is a highly informative diagnostic method and allows you to assess the correct operation of the protective system, as well as the functioning of individual organs and systems. As a rule, the study is carried out as prescribed by the doctor if there are complaints of deterioration in well-being. If you wish, you can check the immunity yourself. If, according to the results of the analysis, a discrepancy is found with the norm, then the attending doctor prescribes a treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and strengthening the protective function.

The function of the immune system is to protect the human body from possible diseases. In order to properly assess its condition, it is necessary to conduct a special study.

Immunity testing helps in necessary measure assess the state of the immune system, both comprehensively and based on the assessment of several parameters.

Immunity - role


The intrauterine development of the baby contributes to its complete protection. At birth, children do not have a good immune system, which is why diseases and viral diseases are often observed in infancy. As the child grows older, the child's body becomes stronger. Medicines, the intervention of qualified specialists is necessary if the body's natural reaction to harmful microorganisms is not enough.

With a weakened functionality of the immune system, it is recommended to conduct an immunological study.

Cerebrospinal fluid is used as a separate biological material. Thus, this analysis procedure is performed. Evaluation occurs several characteristics, or complex. In the latter version, experts evaluate "Immunoglobulins A, M, G". If we consider each analysis separately, then their cost will be much higher than conducting a comprehensive study.

What is an immunogram

Purpose of analysis

Conduct an analysis of the immune status in certain cases. In particular, this concerns a high susceptibility to various types of diseases. It can be not only viral, but also chemical, radiation damage to the body. immune cells at this time they are seriously affected, affected in a local way.

Most often, a qualified specialist prescribes this study in the following cases:

  • with chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, or other manifestations of pathological changes;
  • pronounced immunodeficiency. The doctor, regardless of how the patient feels, what diseases accompany this disease, prescribes a study;
  • the reason for the appointment is oncological diseases, malignant and benign tumors. During the development of cancer, copious excretion antibodies. They are actively used in order to defeat cancer cells. The difficulty lies in the fact that malignant cells divide several times faster than antibodies. This is fraught with a significant weakening of the protective function of the body, its vulnerability;
  • for diseases in the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature, this procedure is prescribed;
  • the presence of diseases associated with metabolic processes. These violations include, for example, diabetes. Such patients suffer from a slow process of tissue healing, frequent inflammatory processes;
  • exhaustion of the body is the reason for which the analysis is carried out. In general, this condition of a person is observed when changing the food system, food restrictions. This applies to adherence to a strict diet, a certain course. For example, veganism, which means a complete rejection of animal products;
  • weight loss in a short time period requires this study;
  • before and after the transplantation of certain organs, immunology is carried out;
  • stressful situations have a significant impact on the normal functioning of the body. In this situation, there is a syndrome chronic fatigue, which is why experts recommend undergoing a study.

It is worth monitoring the state of your immune system. The danger lies in the fact that many pathogenic organisms do not show proper activity. All this provokes a decrease in the functional work of the immune system, the body becomes vulnerable to the onset of the disease.

Study parameters

A certain parameter indicates the direction in which the specialist follows in order to fully characterize the state of the body.

Important! An immunologist can fully decipher the analysis, identify deviations, and then prescribe a course of therapy.

There are a number of special parameters by which the state of a person is determined.

Blood from a vein

Evaluation of results

In order to diagnose a specific disease as accurately as possible, the specialist considers each individual parameter. Thus, the doctor assesses the patient's condition in time, monitors the path of the disease, and prescribes an effective course of treatment.

With the help of the level of leukocytes, a lack of one or another blood body is detected. Due to their activity, it is possible to determine the ability to absorb pathogenic organisms, to fight them.

Deciphering the results of the immunogram

With the help of the study, the functional ability of the immune system as a whole is determined.


Passing this analysis helps to determine the ability of the immune system to fight pathogenic organisms. The specialist, according to its results, evaluates each individual group of parameters. As a result of these actions, the disease is diagnosed in time, a course of treatment is prescribed.

To pass the analysis, you should give up alcohol and smoking the day before. Do not eat 12 hours before the procedure. Delivery occurs in the morning, on an empty stomach. Experts also recommend minimizing physical activity, reducing emotional stress, which also affects the final results of the study.